ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT





                         GRUNER + JAHR PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO.

                                    FOR THE PURCHASE OF


                                   DATED:  June 17, 1994

                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS


          ARTICLE 1
          DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

               1.1  "ABC" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
               1.2  "Affiliate" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
               1.3  "Agreement" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
               1.4  "Agreement for Computer Support Services" . . . . . . .   2
               1.5  "Ancillary Agreements"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.6  "Arrears" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.7  "Assets"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.8  "Barter"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.9  "BPA" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.10 "Business"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.11 "Buyer" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.12 "Closing" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.13 "Closing Date"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.14 "COBRA" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.15 "Code"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.16 "Contracts" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
               1.17 "Copyrights"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
               1.18 "Credit-Cancelled Copy" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
               1.19 "Credit-Suspended Copy" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
               1.20 "Employee"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
               1.21 "Employee Plans"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
               1.22 "ERISA" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.23 "Escrow Agent"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.24 "Escrow Agreement"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.25 "Escrow Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.26 "Excluded Assets" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.27 "FCI" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.28 "Financial Statements"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.29 "Fulfillment Agreement" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.30 "H-S-R Act" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.31 "Indemnified Party" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.32 "Indemnifying Party"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.33 "Inventory" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.34 "June 30 Balance Sheet" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.35 "June 30 Financials"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
               1.36 "Laws"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
               1.37 "Lease Agreement" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
               1.38 "Net Current Assets"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
               1.39 "Net Current Assets Statement"  . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
               1.40 "Non-Competition Agreement" . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
               1.41 "NYTCo."  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
               1.42 "Permitted Encumbrances"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
               1.43 "Pending Work"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
               1.44 "PI Advertisement"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
               1.45 "Publication Rights"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6

                                           - i -

               1.46 "RMMCo."  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
               1.47 "Savings Plan of Buyer" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
               1.48 "Savings Plan of Seller"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
               1.49 "Seller"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
               1.50 "Subscriber List" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
               1.51 "Trademarks"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
               1.52 "TDS" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
               1.53 "Transferred Employee"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
               1.54 "Women's Magazines" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6

          ARTICLE 2
          PURCHASE AND SALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6

               2.1  Purchase and Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
               2.2  Excluded Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
               2.3  Execution of Instruments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
               2.4  Consents to Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
               2.5  Books and Records Assistance  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11

          ARTICLE 3
          APPORTIONMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11

               3.1  Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
               3.2  No Assumption of Liabilities  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
               3.3  Allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
               3.4  Closing, Effective Date of Transactions,
                    Apportionments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13

          ARTICLE 4
          REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLER  . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

               4.1  Corporate Power and Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
               4.2  Authorization of Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
               4.3  Consents of Third Parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
               4.4  Financial Statements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
               4.5  Operation Since December 31, 1993 . . . . . . . . . . .  15
               4.6  The Assets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
               4.7  Litigation and Compliance with Law  . . . . . . . . . .  15
               4.8  Subscriber List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
               4.9  Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
               4.10 Employment and Labor Matters  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
               4.11 Employee Plans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
               4.12 Intellectual Property and Publication Rights  . . . . .  17
               4.13 Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
               4.14 Advertising Commitments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
               4.15 Subscription Commitments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
               4.16 No Finder or Broker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
               4.17 No Misleading Statements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
               4.18 Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
               4.19 Related-Party Transactions, Conflicts . . . . . . . . .  18
               4.20 Transfer of Assets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19


               4.21 Accounts Receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
               4.22 Pending Work  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
               4.23 Representations Exclusive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19

          ARTICLE 5
          REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE BUYER . . . . . . . . . . .  19

               5.1  Power and Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
               5.2  Authorization of Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
               5.3  Consents of Third Parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
               5.4  No Finder or Broker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

          ARTICLE 6
          FURTHER AGREEMENTS OF SELLER AND BUYER  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

               6.1  Access, Confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
               6.2  Operation in Ordinary Course  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
               6.3  Taxes on Bulk Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
               6.4  Other Action  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
               6.5  Regulatory and Other Authorizations . . . . . . . . . .  21
               6.6  Publicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
               6.7  Further Action  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
               6.8  Employment Matters, Employee Plans  . . . . . . . . . .  22

          ARTICLE 7
          CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO CLOSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24

               7.1  Conditions Precedent to Buyer's Obligation to Close . .  24
               7.2  Conditions Precedent to Seller's Obligation to Close  .  26

          ARTICLE 8
          TERMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27

               8.1  Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
               8.2  Effect of Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
               8.3  Further Provisions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28

          ARTICLE 9
          STATEMENT AND ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29

               9.1  June 30 Balance Sheet, Net Current Assets Statement . .  29
               9.2  Adjustments to Consideration  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
               9.3  Post Closing Collection of Receivables  . . . . . . . .  30

          ARTICLE 10
          ESCROW  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31


          ARTICLE 11
          ADDITIONAL COVENANTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31

               11.1 Expenses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
               11.2 Certain Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
               11.3 Names and Logos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
               11.4 Subscribers and Subscriber List . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
               11.5 Computer Support Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
               11.6 Bulk Sales Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
               11.7 Payments from Third Parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
               11.8 No Solicitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
               11.9 Fulfillment of Current Subscriptions  . . . . . . . . .  33
               11.10 Change of FCI's Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
               11.11 Telemarketing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
               11.12 Agreements With Respect To TDS . . . . . . . . . . . .  34

          ARTICLE 12
          INDEMNIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34

               12.1 Indemnification by Seller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
               12.2 Indemnification by Buyer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
               12.3 Indemnification Claims  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
               12.4 Claims for Reimbursement and Survival . . . . . . . . .  36
               12.5 Remedies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36

          ARTICLE 13
          GENERAL PROVISIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36

               13.1 Severability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
               13.2 Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
               13.3 No Implied Waiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
               13.4 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
               13.5 Captions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
               13.6 Choice of Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
               13.7 Binding Effect and Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
               13.8 Gender and Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
               13.9 Entire Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
               13.10  Construction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
               13.11  Third Party Beneficiaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
               13.12  Counterparts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
               13.13  Survival  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39


                        ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

            This ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as
  this "Agreement"), executed on and effective as of the 17th day of
  June, 1994, by and among THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY, a corporation
  organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York
  ("NYTCo."), THE FAMILY CIRCLE, INC., a corporation organized and
  existing under the laws of the State of Iowa ("FCI"), RETAIL
  MAGAZINES MARKETING COMPANY, INC.,  a corporation organized and
  existing under the laws of the State of New York ("RMMCo.")
  (NYTCo., FCI and RMMCo. hereinafter collectively referred to as
  "Seller"), and GRUNER + JAHR PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO., a general
  partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of
  Delaware, acting through its publishing division, Gruner + Jahr USA
  Publishing (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer"),

                          W I T N E S S E T H:
                          - - - - - - - - - -

            WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of certain assets with
  regard to the publication of certain magazines commonly referred to
  as the New York Times Women's Magazine Group (hereinafter referred
  to as the "Women's Magazines"); and

            WHEREAS, Seller is willing to sell such assets and the
  right to publish the Women's Magazines, and Buyer desires to
  purchase the same, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set

            NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual represen-
  tations, warranties, covenants and agreements hereinafter set
  forth, Seller and Buyer do hereby mutually covenant and agree as

                                ARTICLE 1

       The following terms shall, unless the context clearly requires
  otherwise, have the respective meanings set forth in this
  Article 1:

  1.1  "ABC".  The Audit Bureau of Circulations.

  1.2  "Affiliate".  Any entity (whether or not incorporated) which
  is an affiliate of Seller within the meaning of the rules and
  regulations promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933 and the
  Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.

  1.3  "Agreement".  This Asset Purchase Agreement between Seller and
  Buyer, as the same may be amended from time to time.

  1.4  "Agreement for Computer Support Services".  That certain
  Agreement for Computer Services, referred to in Section 11.5, in
  form and substance as set forth in Exhibit 11.5 hereto.

  1.5  "Ancillary Agreements".  Collectively, the Agreement for
  Computer Support Services, the Escrow Agreement, the Fulfillment
  Agreement, the Lease and the Non-Competition Agreement.

  1.6  "Arrears".  Any copy of an issue of any of the Women's
  Magazines delivered to a subscriber beyond the subscription term
  (or renewal thereof) originally ordered and paid for.  The term
  "Arrears" shall be construed without limitation to include all
  copies of issues of the Women's Magazines which are "post-expira-
  tion copies" of such issues.

  1.7  "Assets".  The assets of Seller, other than the Excluded
  Assets, used in connection with the publication of the Women's
  Magazines, and which are more fully described in Section 2.1.

  1.8  "Barter".  A contract for a trade of one product or service
  for either (a) another product or service, or (b) a credit toward
  the purchase of another product or service.

  1.9  "BPA".  The Business Publications Association.

  1.10 "Business".  The business (as currently conducted), Assets and
  goodwill of Seller in connection with the preparation, publication,
  selling and distribution of the Women's Magazines.

  1.11 "Buyer".  Gruner + Jahr Printing and Publishing Co., acting
  through its publishing division, Gruner + Jahr USA Publishing.

  1.12 "Closing".  The consummation of the transactions contemplated
  by this Agreement.

  1.13 "Closing Date".   The later of July 11, 1994, or three (3)
  days after the expiration of the waiting period imposed by the
  H-S-R Act.

  1.14 "COBRA".  The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
  of 1985, as amended.

  1.15 "Code".  The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

  1.16 "Contracts".  All the following contracts, agreements, under-
  takings and understandings relating to the Women's Magazines to
  which Seller is a party or by which it is bound:  (a) all commit-
  ments and agreements for the purchase of paper or ink; (b) all real
  estate leases, and all other rental agreements under which Seller
  is either lessor or lessee that involve annual payments or receipts
  of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) or more; (c) all loan and
  financing agreements (whether cast in such form, in the form of

                                  - 2 -

  leases, or otherwise) under which Seller is obligated to make
  annual payments of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) or more;
  (d) all other orders, leases, commitments and agreements (including
  without limitation employment, consulting, retainer, agency and
  representation agreements of any nature or description) which
  involve payments by Seller in excess of Twenty-Five Thousand
  Dollars ($25,000) in any year (including upon exercise by Seller of
  any rights to terminate such agreement other than for cause) or
  which bind Seller for more than one (1) year; (e) all license
  agreements with third parties under which Seller is either licensor
  or licensee relating to the Women's Magazines which are either
  exclusive license arrangements or have a term of one (1) year or
  more; (f) all printing, distribution, subscription fulfillment,
  subscriber or name list rental and publishing agreements with third
  parties; (g) all joint venture, partnership and similar arrange-
  ments or agreements; and (h) the existing group sales and Barter
  arrangements involving the Women's Magazines.  All Contracts are
  listed in Exhibit 1.16 attached hereto.  Seller will update said
  Exhibit 1.16 at the Closing.

  1.17 "Copyrights".  The copyrights and other rights more fully
  described in Section 2.1(e).

  1.18 "Credit-Cancelled Copy".  Any copy of an issue of any of the
  Women's Magazines with respect to which a subscription is or has
  been in effect, if either (a) the subscriber thereunder has
  requested that the subscription or billing be cancelled, or (b)
  Seller or Seller's agent has cancelled such subscription, for non-
  payment of the subscription price.

  1.19 "Credit-Suspended Copy".  Any copy of an issue of any of the
  Women's Magazines for which (a) a subscription is in effect, (b)
  the subscriber has been billed, and (c) delivery has been suspended
  by Seller because the subscriber's payment therefor has not yet
  been received.

  1.20 "Employee".  As of the relevant date referred to in Section
  4.10, 4.11 or 6.8, as the case may be, and subject to the provi-
  sions thereof, any employee of Seller who is actively employed by
  Seller in the Business, including any such employee who is on leave
  of absence (including disability) or who is on layoff.  Employee
  shall not include any employee of Seller identified on Exhibit

  1.21 "Employee Plans".  Each plan, contract, payroll practice and
  other arrangement which Seller sponsors, contributes to, partici-
  pates in on the date hereof, or has or may have any liability or
  obligation under, with respect to current or former employees of
  the Business (or their dependents or beneficiaries) and which (a)
  is an employee benefit plan (as defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA),
  (b) provides stock-based compensation, (c) provides any bonus,
  commission, profit sharing, workers' compensation, change in

                                  - 3 -

  control, severance or termination benefit, or that is a payroll
  policy, fringe benefit, deferred compensation or similar arrange-
  ment, or (d) is a collective bargaining or other labor agreement.

  1.22 "ERISA".  The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
  as amended.

  1.23 "Escrow Agent".  The United States Trust Company of New York.

  1.24 "Escrow Agreement".  That certain Escrow Agreement, referred
  to in Section 3.1(c), in form and substance as set forth in Exhibit
  3.1(c) hereto.

  1.25 "Escrow Balance".  The amount held by the Escrow Agent from
  time to time under the Escrow Agreement and not yet disbursed to

  1.26 "Excluded Assets".  The assets described in Section 2.2, which
  are not part of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

  1.27 "FCI".  The Family Circle, Inc.

  1.28 "Financial Statements".  The balance sheet prepared by Seller,
  as it relates to the Business, as at December 31, 1993, and the
  income statements with respect to each of the Women's Magazines as
  well as the Business for the period then ending.  The Financial
  Statements are attached hereto as Exhibit 1.28.

  1.29 "Fulfillment Agreement".  That certain Fulfillment Agreement,
  referred to in Section 11.9, in form and substance as set forth in
  Exhibit 11.9 hereto.

  1.30 "H-S-R Act".  The Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act
  of 1976, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

  1.31 "Indemnified Party".  The party claiming indemnification in
  accordance with Section 12.3.

  1.32 "Indemnifying Party".  Any party from whom indemnification may
  be sought in accordance with Section 12.3.

  1.33 "Inventory".  The assets more fully described in Section

  1.34 "June 30 Balance Sheet".  The balance sheet prepared by
  Seller, in accordance with Section 9.1 and relating to the
  Business, as at June 30, 1994.

  1.35 "June 30 Financials".  The June 30 Balance Sheet and the
  income statements with respect to each of the Women's Magazines as

                                  - 4 -

  well as the Business for the period from January 1, 1994, through
  and including June 30, 1994.  The June 30 Financials will be deli-
  vered to Buyer on or before August 1, 1994.

  1.36 "Laws".  All laws, rules, regulations, rulings, orders, judg-
  ments, awards, injunctions, decrees, determinations and other
  requirements of any court, administrative tribunal or governmental
  authority, whether federal, state, local or foreign.

  1.37 "Lease Agreement".  Collectively, that certain Lease Agreement
  with respect to the premises at 110 Fifth Avenue and that certain
  Occupancy Agreement with respect to the premises at 11766 Wilshire
  Boulevard, Los Angeles, referred to in Section 2.2(c), both in form
  and substance as set forth in Exhibit 2.2(c)-A and Exhibit 2.2(c)-B
                                ----------------     ----------------

  1.38 "Net Current Assets".  The difference of the current assets
  ("Accounts Receivable-Trade & Others", "Accounts Receivable-Allow-
  ances", "Inventories", "Other Current Assets") and the current
  liabilities ("Accounts Payable", "Accrued Payroll", "Other Accrued
  Expenses") of the Business, in accordance with the format set forth
  in Exhibit 1.38.

  1.39 "Net Current Assets Statement".  A statement, prepared by
  Seller, of the Net Current Assets, setting forth the amounts for
  each of the categories described in Section 1.38, as at June 30,
  1994, and to be derived from the June 30 Balance Sheet, in accor-
  dance with Section 9.1.

  1.40 "Non-Competition Agreement".  The Non-Competition Agreement of
  Seller referred to in Section 3.1(b)(ii), in form and substance as
  set forth in Exhibit 3.1(b)(ii) hereto.

  1.41 "NYTCo.".  The New York Times Company.

  1.42 "Permitted Encumbrances".  Liens for the payment of taxes
  which are not yet delinquent or the validity of which is being
  contested in good faith by appropriate actions and statutory liens
  respecting payments which are not yet delinquent or which are being
  contested in good faith by appropriate actions.

  1.43 "Pending Work".  All rights of Seller in or to any article,
  manuscript, illustration, photograph or other material already
  commissioned or received from the creator or owner thereof as of
  the Closing Date, but not yet accepted or rejected by Seller as of
  the Closing Date.

  1.44 "PI Advertisement".  An advertisement placed or committed for
  placement in an issue of any of the Women's Magazines, for which
  Seller will receive payment at a fixed or pre-arranged rate multi-
  plied by the number of responses or inquiries relating to the

                                  - 5 -

  1.45 "Publication Rights".  All rights of Seller to the prepara-
  tion, editing, publication and sale of any article, manuscript,
  illustration, photograph or other editorial and non-editorial
  material in any issue of the Women's Magazines, whether included in
  any issue of the Women's Magazines published heretofore or being
  prepared for publication as of the Closing Date, or subject to
  contracts with authors, illustrators, artists, photographers or
  other similar persons and accepted and available for publication in
  the future issues of the Women's Magazines.

  1.46 "RMMCo.".  Retail Magazines Marketing Company, Inc.

  1.47 "Savings Plan of Buyer".  A defined contribution Code Section
  401(k) savings plan similar to the defined contribution 401(k)
  savings plan maintained by Buyer immediately prior to the Closing.

  1.48 "Savings Plan of Seller".  The NYTCo. Supplemental Retirement
  and Investment Plan, a defined contribution Code Section 401(k)
  savings plan.

  1.49 "Seller".  Collectively, NYTCo., FCI and RMMCo.

  1.50 "Subscriber List".  The database of subscribers to the Women's
  Magazines who are active subscribers as of the date hereof, or
  former subscribers who were active subscribers at any time after
  January 1, 1989, which Subscriber List sets forth (i) all subscrip-
  tions to the Women's Magazines which are active at the Closing Date
  and the number of all Credit-Suspended Copies, Credit-Cancelled
  Copies and Arrears attributable to each such subscription, (ii) the
  expiration dates, by subscriber and on an annual basis, relating to
  all of such subscriptions, and (iii) the source of business.

  1.51 "Trademarks".  The trademarks and other rights more fully
  described in Section 2.1(k).

  1.52 "TDS".  Time Distribution Services, a general partnership, as
  more fully described in Section 2.1(o).

  1.53 "Transferred Employee".  Any Employee who accepts Buyer's
  offer of employment and otherwise satisfies the conditions of
  Section 6.8(a) hereof, thereby becoming an employee of Buyer.

  1.54 "Women's Magazines".  The magazines and ancillary businesses
  as more fully described in Exhibit 1.54.

                                ARTICLE 2
                            PURCHASE AND SALE

  2.1  Purchase and Sale.  Upon the terms and subject to the provi-
  sions of this Agreement, at the Closing, Seller will sell, assign,
  transfer and deliver to Buyer, and Buyer will purchase and acquire

                                  - 6 -

  from Seller all of the assets, except the Excluded Assets, relating
  to the Women's Magazines as more fully described in the following
  (the "Assets"):

       (a)  All trade and other accounts, notes and drafts receivable
  of Seller, net of reserves for bad debts, including receivables
  attributable to advertising, list rentals and relating to subscrip-
  tions (net of commissions).

       (b)  All advertising relationships.

       (c)  All orders, contracts, commitments and schedules relating
  to all advertising committed to run in issues of the Women's
  Magazines for which production is scheduled to close after June 30,
  1994.  Exhibit 2.1(c) hereto sets forth a list of all such adver-
  tising orders as of June 9, 1994.  Seller will update said Exhibit
  2.1(c) prior to the Closing Date.

       (d)  All of Seller's rights, privileges and options under any
  contracts, including the Contracts, contract rights, leases,
  licenses, orders, bids, commitments or other agreements, under-
  takings or understandings to the extent relating to the Women's
  Magazines, including without limitation all agency contracts,
  commitments to authors, illustrators, photographers, publishers and
  other creators or owners of works which are copyrighted or copy-
  rightable, and all rights and permissions inuring to the benefit of
  Seller with respect to any such works (including without limitation
  standard author's contracts, standard artist's contracts, and forms
  for licensing such rights to third parties), to the extent that
  such rights accrued to Seller in the ordinary course of its opera-
  tions and have not been fully satisfied on, or continue in effect
  or to accrue after, the Closing Date, as well as all tickets or
  rights to tickets for sports and entertainment events.

       (e)  All of Seller's rights, privileges and options under any
  United States and foreign copyrights and literary rights (including
  without limitation in each case all rights to license and distri-
  bute the same) (the "Copyrights") owned or used by Seller relating
  to Inventory or to materials of whatever nature or description
  appearing in any issue of the Women's Magazines (whether or not
  evidenced by certificates of registration), and all of Seller's
  right, title and interest with regard to the ownership, renewal,
  protection, use and exploitation of the same.  All certificates of
  registration will be delivered to Buyer at Closing.

       (f)  All of Seller's rights, privileges and options under any
  manuscripts, photographs, editorial materials, art work, files,
  illustrations, computer files, compact discs and properties of
  Seller (including without limitation paper, ink and other printing
  or publishing supplies) which are (i) properly characterized on the
  Financial Statements or the June 30 Financials as raw materials,
  work-in-progress or finished inventory of Seller (the "Inventory"),

                                  - 7 -

  (ii) owned by or in the possession of Seller on the Closing Date,
  and (iii) properly attributable to the publication of the Women's
  Magazines and the sale of issues of the Women's Magazines.  In
  addition, the inventory shall include transparencies, slides,
  paintings, standing type, cuts, plates, engravings, stencils,
  forms, labels, promotional materials and similar supplies used by
  Seller in connection with the publication of the Women's Magazines
  and the sale of issues of the Women's Magazines, as well as all but
  two (2) copies of each back issue of the Women's Magazines pub-
  lished after January 1, 1988.

       (g)  All orders for new or renewal subscriptions to the
  Women's Magazines processed by Seller or its fulfillment house on
  or after the Closing Date, and all revenues related to such orders.

       (h)  The Pending Work.

       (i)  The Publication Rights.

       (j)  The records of Seller with regard to the Assets and the
  Business, including without limitation (i) mailing lists and infor-
  mation held for use by Seller for development and maintenance of
  such mailing lists and of the Subscriber List and for promotion of
  the Business and the fulfillment of Seller's obligations with
  respect to the Business, (ii) advertising space reservations,
  advertising insertion orders, records of current and former adver-
  tisers for issues of the Women's Magazines closed after January 1,
  1989 and prospect lists for advertising in the Women's Magazines,
  (iii) list rental files, list rental orders, records of current and
  previous rentals and prospect lists for list rentals, (iv) all
  schedules, surveys, exhibits, files, records and data in Seller's
  possession or control associated with audits, examinations or
  surveys conducted by or for ABC and by or for BPA, and (v) all
  other records, files, data or information (including marketing
  information and market research data) held for use by Seller in
  connection with the publication of the Women's Magazines and the
  sale of issues of the Women's Magazines, past, current or pros-
  pective subscribers to and advertisers in the Women's Magazines,
  and the operation of the Business.

       (k)  Copies of all financial and tax books and records of
  Seller and of any other books and records that Seller is required
  by law to maintain, with regard to the Assets and the Business.

       (l)  All of Seller's rights in federal, state and foreign
  trademarks, trade names and logos (including all completed or
  pending registrations, renewals or applications for registration or
  renewal of any of them) now or previously owned, used or licensed
  by Seller in connection with the Women's Magazines, including
  without limitation the registered trademarks listed on Exhibit
  2.1(l) hereto (the "Trademarks"), together with the goodwill of the
  Business associated with the publication of the Women's Magazines

                                  - 8 -

  and with any such trademarks, trade names or logos.  All Trademark
  registrations and applications therefor will be delivered to Buyer
  at Closing.

       (m)  All of Seller's rights, privileges and options with
  respect to all software (including spreadsheets), software systems,
  databases and database systems, whether owned or licensed, which
  are used in connection with the Business and which reside on those
  personal computers, networks and desktop publishing computers
  described in Section 2.1(q), except for software developed by
  Seller, as to which Seller grants to Buyer a perpetual, non-
  exclusive license to use such software in connection with the
  Business.  All software is listed on Exhibit 2.1(m).

       (n)  The Subscriber List.

       (o)  All of Seller's rights, privileges and options under that
  certain Joint Venture Agreement dated as of October 15, 1987, as
  amended, by and between RMMCo. and TDS Ventures, Inc., including,
  without limitation, all of RMMCo.'s rights, privileges and options
  in connection with Time Distribution Services, the general partner-
  ship created by said agreement ("TDS"), including contract rights,
  leases, licenses, orders, bids, commitments or other agreements,
  undertakings or understandings relating to TDS, including without
  limitation all commitments to and from distributors, and printers,
  and all rights and permissions inuring to the benefit of RMMCo.
  and/or Seller with respect to any such products and services, to
  the extent that such rights accrued to RMMCo. and/or Seller in the
  ordinary course of their operations and have not been fully satis-
  fied on, or continue in effect or to accrue after, the Closing

       (p)  All office equipment and furnishings of the Business
  located at Seller's offices in San Francisco, California, Chicago,
  Illinois, Portland, Maine and Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

       (q)  All personal computers, computer networks, desktop
  publishing computers, and file servers located at Seller's offices
  at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York or at any of Seller's offices set
  forth in Section 2.1(p), except for the personal computers located
  at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, used by Employees listed in Exhibit
  1.20 whom Seller will continue to employ.

       (r)  Any and all other assets necessary to enable Buyer to
  continue the Business substantially as conducted by Seller imme-
  diately before the date hereof.

  2.2  Excluded Assets.  The following assets relating to the
  Business are excluded from the transactions contemplated by this
  Agreement (the "Excluded Assets"):

                                  - 9 -

       (a)  All cash, cash equivalents, securities, bank accounts,
  and insurance policies and rights thereunder.

       (b)  All assets disposed of by Seller since January 1, 1994 in
  the ordinary course of the Business through the Closing Date.

       (c)  All interests in real estate and all office equipment and
  furnishings of Seller located at any office or other facility of
  Seller, except at those offices identified in Section 2.1(p);
  provided, however, that Seller will lease to Buyer the offices,
  --------  -------
  office equipment and furnishings located at 110 Fifth Avenue, New
  York, and 11766 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, in accordance with
  the Lease Agreement and the Occupancy Agreement, both in form and
  substance as set forth in Exhibit 2.2(c)-A and Exhibit 2.2(c)-B
                            ----------------     ----------------
  hereto (collectively, the "Lease Agreement").

       (d)  All insurance policies, insurance contracts, and per-
  formance and surety bonds of or on behalf of Seller (but not
  performance and surety bonds provided by third parties with respect
  to contracts assumed by Buyer as part of the Assets), whether or
  not with private insurance carriers or state governments or
  agencies thereof, and the premiums, reserves, and deposits attri-
  butable thereto.

       (e)  Any rights in and to the assets of any pension, profit
  sharing, bonus or employee benefit plan maintained by Seller or any
  Affiliate thereof in which any Employee is eligible to participate,
  except to the extent specifically provided in Section 6.8.

       (f)  All rights of Seller to any Federal, state or local tax
  benefit, claim or refund, except to the extent attributable to the

       (g)  All corporate books and records of Seller and its subsi-
  diaries, and the financial and tax books of Seller and its subsi-
  diaries, any other books and records that Seller is required by law
  to maintain, except to the extent specifically provided in Section
  2.1(j) and (k).

       (h)  Any names and logos which include "The New York Times" or
  "NYT" in the name and/or logo.

       (i)  Any proceeds of pending litigation or counterclaims in
  litigation in which Seller is the Indemnifying Party, arising from
  activities of Seller on or before the Closing Date.

  2.3  Execution of Instruments.  Seller will deliver to Buyer at the
  Closing such bills of sale, assignments and other instruments of
  assignment and transfer consistent with the terms hereof, in such
  reasonable and appropriate forms as Buyer shall present to effec-
  tively convey and transfer, free and clear of all liens,

                                 - 10 -

  restrictions, mortgages, pledges, security interests or
  encumbrances of any nature, any of the Assets to be sold, assigned,
  transferred, or delivered hereunder.

  2.4  Consents to Assignments.  Subject to Section 7.1(c)(v), if any
  consent to the assignment of any contract or other agreement shall
  not have been obtained at or prior to the Closing, Seller will
  cooperate with Buyer, in any reasonable arrangement designed to
  provide for Buyer the benefits thereunder, including enforcing for
  the benefit of Buyer any or all rights of Seller against any such
  third party arising out of the breach thereof by any such third

  2.5  Books and Records Assistance.  Each party shall, on the
  request of the other party, make available to such other party from
  time to time on a reasonable basis records and other documents
  relating to the Assets and to periods prior to the Closing Date.
  Such records and other documents shall be held by the party in
  possession of such documents for seven (7) years after the Closing
  Date and copies shall be delivered to the other party upon such
  other party's request at any time and at such other party's out-of-
  pocket expenses.  In addition, after the Closing Date, each party
  shall, at the other party's request, make any of its employees
  available to the requesting party in connection with any litiga-
  tion, tax audit, governmental investigation or like matters relat-
  ing to the Assets or the Business, provided that the requesting
  party shall pay all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by
  the other party in making such employees available.

                                ARTICLE 3

  3.1  Consideration.

       (a)  At the execution of this Agreement, Buyer shall pay to
  Seller a deposit, by wire transfer in immediately available funds,
  equal to Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000), which shall be refund-
  able to Buyer only under the circumstances set forth in Section

       (b)  At Closing, Buyer shall pay to Seller, by wire transfer
  in immediately available funds:

              (i)     In consideration for the purchase of the
                      Assets, Two Hundred Forty-Six Million Four
                      Hundred Twenty-Six Thousand Dollars
                      ($246,426,000); plus

                                 - 11 -

             (ii)     In consideration of Seller's covenant not to
                      compete pursuant to that certain Non-Competi-
                      tion Agreement in form and substance as set
                      forth in Exhibit 3.1(b)(ii) hereto (the "Non-
                      Competition Agreement"), Forty Million Dollars

       (c)  At Closing, Buyer shall pay to the Escrow Agent Twenty-
  Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($27,500,000), to be
  held in accordance with the Escrow Agreement in form and substance
  as set forth in Exhibit 3.1(c) hereto (the "Escrow Agreement").

       (d)  Any payment to be made by Buyer to Seller at Closing
  shall be subject to any withholding requirements under applicable
  Law (for example, for purposes of sales taxes).

  3.2  No Assumption of Liabilities.  Except (a) for the current
  liabilities to the extent underlying the categories "Allowances"
  (for returns), "Accounts Payable", "Accrued Payroll" and "Other
  Accrued Expenses" on the June 30 Balance Sheet, (b) for the obli-
  gations and liabilities of the contracts assumed by Buyer as part
  of the Assets and (c) as otherwise expressly provided in this
  Agreement, Buyer shall not assume, pay, perform, discharge or bear
  any responsibility whatsoever for any cost, expense, obligation or
  liability (whether or not in any way related to the publication of
  the Women's Magazines or the sale of issues of the Women's Maga-
  zines) arising out of the properties, operations, activities or
  Employee Plans of the Seller prior to the Closing Date, and Seller
  shall retain, pay, perform, discharge and continue to bear all
  responsibility for all such obligations and liabilities.

  3.3  Allocations.  The consideration for the Assets provided herein
  (as finally determined pursuant to Article 9) shall be allocated
  among categories of the assets in accordance with fair market
  value.  The parties shall use their best efforts prior to Closing
  to reach agreement on a reasonable allocation of the consideration
  to such categories of assets.  Such agreement shall not be a condi-
  tion of the Closing.  If no agreement is reached within thirty (30)
  days after the Closing Date, Buyer shall have the right to refer
  such matter to a nationally recognized firm of independent public
  accountants agreed upon by Buyer and Seller.  The determination
  made by such firm shall be conclusive, binding on, and non-appeal-
  able by, the parties hereto.  The fees and disbursements of such
  firm of independent public accountants shall be divided and borne
  equally by Seller and Buyer.  Seller and Buyer shall each timely
  file a Form 8594 with the Internal Revenue Service in connection
  therewith.  For purposes of complying with Section 1060 of the
  Code, as amended, Seller and Buyer agree to report the transaction
  contemplated by this Agreement in a manner consistent with such

                                 - 12 -

  3.4  Closing, Effective Date of Transactions, Apportionments.

       (a)  The Closing shall take place at the offices of Walter,
  Conston, Alexander & Green, P.C., located at 90 Park Avenue, New
  York, New York 10016, on the Closing Date, or such other location,
  date and time as Buyer and Seller shall designate in writing.  At
  Closing, all deliveries and other actions shall occur simultane-
  ously and as part of a single transaction; none of the deliveries
  and other actions shall be deemed to have occurred until the
  completion of the entire Closing.

       (b)  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all
  transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be deemed and
  treated consummated and shall be given effect as though consummated
  and occurred on and as of July 1, 1994, and, as of and from July 1,
  1994, through the Closing Date, the Business shall have been deemed
  conducted by Seller on behalf of and for the account of Buyer, and
  all benefits of the Business shall inure to the Buyer as of and
  from July 1, 1994.

       (c)  From July 1, 1994, through and including the Closing
  Date, Seller shall continue to record all cash receipts relating to
  the Business and all cash disbursements directly benefiting the
  Business, in the normal manner as such cash receipts and cash
  disbursements have previously been booked and accounted for.  No
  later than two (2) weeks after the Closing Date, Seller shall
  deliver to Buyer a statement thereof, accompanied by appropriate
  supporting documentation.  Promptly thereafter, Seller shall pay to
  Buyer any amount by which the cash receipts for said period are
  greater than the cash disbursements for said period, or Buyer shall
  pay to Seller the amount by which the cash disbursements for said
  period are greater than the cash receipts for said period, as the
  case may be.  If, at any time after payment is made pursuant to
  Seller's determinations, either Seller or Buyer determines that any
  item included in said statement is inaccurate or that an additional
  item should be included therein, Buyer and Seller shall thereupon
  negotiate in good faith to resolve the matter, and an appropriate
  adjustment and payment shall be made.  If either party determines
  that no resolution can be reached, the matter shall be resolved by
  a nationally recognized public accounting firm (other than Price
  Waterhouse and Deloitte & Touche) agreed upon by Buyer and Seller.
  The determination made by said firm shall be conclusive, binding
  on, and non-appealable by, the parties hereto.  The fees and
  disbursements of said firm shall be borne one half by Seller and
  one half by Buyer.

                                 - 13 -

                                ARTICLE 4

       Seller hereby warrants and represents that:

  4.1  Corporate Power and Authority.  NYTCo. and RMMCo. are cor-
  porations duly organized, validly existing and in good standing
  under the laws of the State of New York, and FCI is a corporation
  duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
  laws of the State of Iowa.  NYTCo., FCI and RMMCo. are duly
  qualified to transact business as a foreign corporation in the
  jurisdictions set forth in Exhibit 4.1 hereto.  Seller has full,
  complete, and unencumbered capacity, power and authority to carry
  on its business as it now is being conducted, to own and transfer
  the Assets, and to execute, deliver and perform its obligations
  under this Agreement and under all instruments and documents con-
  templated hereby.  This Agreement has been duly authorized by all
  necessary corporate action on the part of Seller and has been duly
  executed and delivered by a duly authorized officer thereof.

  4.2  Authorization of Agreement.  The execution, delivery, and
  performance of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated
  hereby by Seller constitute valid and binding obligations of Seller
  enforceable against it in accordance with their terms, except as
  may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws affecting
  the enforcement of creditors' rights in general and subject to
  general principles of equity (regardless of whether such enforce-
  ability is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).

  4.3  Consents of Third Parties.  Except as identified in Exhibit
       -------------------------                           -------
  4.3, the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by
  Seller and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
  do not require any notice to, or the prior or subsequent consent or
  approval of any third party (other than filings required under the
  H-S-R Act or under federal or state securities laws), and will not:
  (a) violate any of the provisions of, or result in the acceleration
  or a default under, any document, instrument or written or unwrit-
  ten agreement, or any Laws; or (b) result in the termination of any
  contract, agreement, license, lease, permit or other document or
  instrument, creating rights of Seller or rights or duties to which
  Seller is a party or by which it is bound, which relate to the
  Assets; or (c) create the right in any other person to cause such
  violation, acceleration, default, or termination; or (d) result in
  the reversion or transfer of title in all or any of the Assets to
  any person other than Buyer; or (e) create the right in any other
  person to cause such reversion or transfer; or (f) result in the
  creation, attachment or perfection of any lien, charge, encumbrance
  or security interest upon any of the Assets other than the
  Permitted Encumbrances.

                                 - 14 -

  4.4  Financial Statements.  The Financial Statements fully, fairly
  and accurately present the financial condition of the Business as
  at December 31, 1993, and the results of operations thereof for the
  year then ended, and have been prepared in accordance with gener-
  ally accepted accounting principles consistently applied.  The June
  30 Financials shall fully, fairly and accurately present the finan-
  cial condition of the Business as at June 30, 1994, and the results
  of operations thereof for the period beginning on January 1, 1994,
  and ending on June 30, 1994, and shall have been prepared in accor-
  dance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently

  4.5  Operation Since December 31, 1993.  Except as disclosed in
  Exhibit 4.5 hereto, since December 31, 1993, Seller has: (a) ope-
  rated the Business in the ordinary course consistent with past
  practice; (b) not entered into any transaction that is material to
  the Business, taken as a whole, except in the ordinary course of
  business consistent with past practice; (c)  not sold or trans-
  ferred any assets or properties relating to the Business except in
  the ordinary course of business; (d) not subjected or agreed to
  subject any of the assets of the Business to any material mortgage,
  pledge, lien, charge, security interest or other encumbrance other
  than Permitted Encumbrances; and (e) not granted or agreed to grant
  any general increase in the rate or rates of salaries, wages,
  benefits, perquisites or other compensation to the employees,
  independent contractors or agents of Seller engaged in the
  Business, or any specific increase in such compensation to any such

  4.6  The Assets.  Except as may be disclosed on Exhibit 4.6 or any
       ----------                                 -----------
  other Exhibit hereto, Seller is the owner of the Assets, and Buyer
  will receive good and marketable title to the Assets, free and
  clear of any lien, charge, encumbrance or security interest upon
  any of the Assets.  The Inventory of the Business as reflected in
  the Financial Statements was valued at the lower of actual cost on
  a "first in, first out" basis or market, and reserves for obsolete
  and doubtful value inventory have been properly established, in
  accordance with Seller's existing accounting policies and with
  generally accepted accounting principles, consistently applied.

  4.7  Litigation and Compliance with Law.  Except as may be dis-
  closed on Exhibit 4.7 hereto, there is no action (at law or in
  equity), arbitration, suit, proceeding, claim, governmental
  proceeding or investigation, or litigation of any kind now  pen-
  ding, existing or, to the knowledge of Seller, threatened against
  Seller or the Business or other assets of Seller (whether with
  respect to the validity or enforceability of this Agreement, any
  action or transaction contemplated hereby, or otherwise) which
  could affect the Business.  The Business, Assets and business prac-
  tices of Seller with respect to the Business are not in default
  under or in violation of any applicable Laws (including any
  interpretations of any of the Laws binding upon the Seller with

                                 - 15 -

  respect to the Business) including, without limitation, Laws in
  respect of taxes, the environment, securities, health and safety,
  employment and labor and Employee Plans, except to the extent where
  any breach or violation of any Laws would not, individually or in
  the aggregate, have a material adverse effect.  Seller has received
  no notice (whether addressed to Seller, any of its officers or
  directors, or otherwise) alleging any such default or violation.
  All material permits, concessions, grants, franchises, licenses and
  other governmental authorizations and approvals necessary for the
  conduct of the Business have been duly obtained by Seller and are
  in full force and effect, and there are no proceedings pending or,
  to the knowledge of Seller, threatened which may result in the
  revocation, cancellation or suspension, or any materially adverse
  modification, of any such permits, concessions, grants, franchises,
  licenses or other governmental authorizations or approvals.

  4.8  Subscriber List.  The Subscriber List is true and complete,
  and accurately reflects the name, last known address, paid status
  and applicable expiration date of each past or current subscriber
  to any of the Women's Magazines.  The Subscriber List also shows
  the expiration dates for all active subscriptions on an annual
  basis and the source of business.  Seller has at all times during
  its conduct of the Business followed consistent practices generally
  accepted in the publishing industry as applied by ABC or by BPA, as
  the case may be.

  4.9  Contracts.  Exhibit 1.16 lists, to the best of Seller's
       ---------   ------------
  knowledge, after due investigation by Seller's Legal Department and
  on the basis of information supplied by certain of Seller's
  executives, all Contracts to which Seller is a party or by which it
  is bound.  True, complete and accurate copies of all Contracts
  listed on Exhibit 1.16 have heretofore been delivered or made
  available to Buyer.  Seller is not in default (and is not, as of
  the Closing Date, availing itself of a specified grace period prior
  to default under any of the Contracts and, to the knowledge of
  Seller, none of the respective other parties to the Contracts is in
  default thereunder (and is not, as of the Closing Date, availing
  itself of a specified grace period prior to default).

  4.10 Employment and Labor Matters.  Exhibit 4.10 sets forth, as of
       ----------------------------   ------------
  the date of this Agreement, a list of all Employees including the
  name, date of birth, date of hire, total annual compensation and
  employment status (active, on layoff, disabled, or on leave of
  absence).  Seller has not engaged in any unfair labor practice,
  unjust dismissals or employment discrimination with respect to
  current or former employees of the Business which could result in a
  material liability to Buyer, and there are no labor disputes
  existing or, to the knowledge of Seller, threatened against Seller
  with respect to current or former employees of the Business which
  could result in a material liability to Buyer.

                                 - 16 -

  4.11 Employee Plans.  Exhibit 4.11 lists all Employee Plans and
       --------------   ------------
  further identifies all independent contractors of the Business, if
  any, participating in any Employee Plan.  A true and complete copy
  or a description of the material terms of all Employee Plans has
  been delivered to Buyer.  Except as set forth in Exhibit 4.11 or as
  required by COBRA, no Employee Plan provides post-employment
  welfare benefits.  None of the Employee Plans is a "multiemployer
  plan" as defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA or a plan to which the
  provisions of Section 413(c) of the Code or Section 4063 or 4064 of
  ERISA apply.

  4.12 Intellectual Property and Publication Rights.  Except as set
  forth in Exhibit 4.12, Seller has or has acquired the full and
  unencumbered right, title and interest or license in and to, and
  the sole and exclusive right and authority to hold, use, protect
  and exploit all of the Publication Rights, Trademarks and Copy-
  rights and all other intellectual property necessary for the
  conduct of the Business as now conducted.  The use by Seller of the
  Publication Rights, Trademark, Copyright or other intellectual
  property does not conflict with, infringe upon or violate any
  trademark, service mark, trade name, logo, copyright or other
  intellectual property, or right to use the same, of any third
  party, and no proceedings have been instituted or, to the knowledge
  of Seller, threatened alleging any such infringement.  Except as
  set forth in Exhibit 4.12, to the knowledge of Seller, no third
  party infringes upon any of the Trademarks or Copyrights.  No
  interference action or other judicial or adversary proceeding
  concerning any of the Trademarks or Copyrights has been initiated
  and, to the knowledge of Seller, no such action or proceeding is
  threatened.  All copies of all issues of the Women's Magazines and
  of all copyrighted or copyrightable material therein have and have
  had proper copyright notices affixed thereto.

  4.13 Taxes.

       (a)  With respect to the operation of the Business, Seller has
  filed or will have filed on a timely basis all required tax
  returns, reports and declarations in connection with any federal,
  state or local tax required to be filed, and Seller has or will
  have timely paid all required taxes.

       (b)  Seller has paid to the proper authorities all customs,
  duties and similar or related charges required to be paid by it in
  connection with the Inventory resulting from any importation
  thereof into the United States.

       (c)  None of the Assets is subject to any lien, other than
  Permitted Encumbrances, in favor of the United States pursuant to
  Section 6321 of the Code for nonpayment of federal taxes, or any
  lien, other than Permitted Encumbrances, in favor of any state or
  locality pursuant to any comparable provision of state or local

                                 - 17 -

  law, under which transferee liability might be imposed upon Buyer
  as a buyer of such Assets pursuant to Section 6323 of the Code or
  any comparable provision of state or local law.

  4.14 Advertising Commitments.  Except as disclosed in Exhibit
       -----------------------                          -------
  2.1(c), Seller has not made any firm commitments for advertising in
  the Women's Magazines at rates which are below those published in
  the current rate cards for the Women's Magazines for which produc-
  tion is scheduled to close after June 30, 1994.  Except as dis-
  closed in Exhibit 4.14, Seller has not entered into any commitments
  for PI Advertisements or for advertising accepted on a Barter basis
  for advertising in the Women's Magazines.

  4.15 Subscription Commitments.  Except as disclosed in Exhibit
       ------------------------                          -------
  4.15, Seller has not made any commitments or entered into any
  agreements, undertakings or understandings for new or renewal
  subscriptions to the Women's Magazines at rates below those set
  forth in Exhibit 4.15.

  4.16 No Finder or Broker.  Seller has not employed or utilized the
  services of any broker, finder or similar agent or representative
  in connection with this Agreement or any transaction contemplated

  4.17 No Misleading Statements.  The representations, warranties and
  Exhibits of Seller contained in or attached to this Agreement do
  not contain any untrue statements of fact and do not omit the dis-
  closure of any fact to Buyer, with the purpose or effect of making
  any such representation, warranty or Exhibit misleading, or which
  might reasonably be expected to materially adversely affect the
  Assets or Business or financial condition and operations of the
  Business or the Buyer's enjoyment and exploitation of the same.
  Copies of any documents furnished by or on behalf of Seller are
  accurate and complete copies of the originals of such documents,
  including any amendments or modifications thereto.

  4.18 Insurance.   A list of all insurance policies covering the
  Business, and other valid insurance policies, or binders held by
  Seller on behalf of the Business policies showing the name of the
  insurer, the liabilities covered and the amount of coverage there-
  under, is set forth in Exhibit 4.18 hereto.

  4.19 Related-Party Transactions, Conflicts.  Except as disclosed in
  Exhibit 4.19, Seller does not owe any amount to, or have any con-
  tract with or commitment to, any Affiliate or any officer, direc-
  tor, or consultant of Seller or any Affiliate, in any way with
  respect to the Business.  No Affiliate, director, officer,
  employee, or shareholder of Seller has any direct or indirect
  ownership, profit participation, or other interest in business
  enterprises (a) with which Seller has had material purchases or
  sales, or (b) with which Seller otherwise conducts business, or (c)

                                 - 18 -

  with which Seller is in competition, or (d) which owns or controls
  any real or personal property used by Seller, in each case with
  respect to the Business.

  4.20 Transfer of Assets.  The Assets to be sold by Seller to Buyer
  pursuant to this Agreement are currently in the possession or con-
  trol of Seller, and shall, along with the Ancillary Agreements,  be
  sufficient to enable Buyer to continue the Business and have the
  enjoyment of the same substantially as conducted and enjoyed by
  Seller immediately before the Closing Date.  Except as disclosed in
  Exhibit 4.20, and except for the Excluded Assets, Seller shall not,
  after Closing, have retained any assets or properties or interests
  therein relating to the Assets or the Business.

  4.21 Accounts Receivable.   From and including January 1, 1994,
  through and including the Closing Date, Seller has not changed its
  normal circulation, billing, collection, operating and renewal
  procedures or policies, and has not collected, or entered into any
  formal or informal agreement or understanding or instituted any
  official or unofficial policy relating to collection of, any
  receivables by any accelerated method (including without limitation
  discounting or factoring thereof) or by any method which deviates
  from Seller's normal collection practices employed in the normal
  course of its business.

  4.22 Pending Work.  Buyer is acquiring all rights to accept or
  reject any Pending Work and, if accepted, to edit and publish the
  same in issues of the Women's Magazines to be published after the
  Closing Date.

  4.23 Representations Exclusive.  Except for the representations and
  warranties contained in this Article 4 (including the Exhibits
  thereto), neither Seller nor any other person makes any represen-
  tation or warranty, express or implied, and Seller hereby disclaims
  any such representation or warranty, whether by Seller or by any of
  its officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives or
  any other person, with respect to this Agreement or the transac-
  tions contemplated hereby.

                                ARTICLE 5

       Buyer hereby warrants and represents that:

  5.1  Power and Authority.  Buyer is a general partnership duly
  organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of
  the State of Delaware, and Buyer has full, complete, and unencum-
  bered capacity, power and authority to carry on its business as it
  now is being conducted, to own and have transferred to it the
  Assets, to carry on the Business, and to execute, deliver and
  perform its obligations under this Agreement and under all

                                 - 19 -

  instruments and documents contemplated hereby.  Buyer has duly and
  timely taken all actions required by law or its constitutive docu-
  ments in order to so execute, deliver and perform.

  5.2  Authorization of Agreement.  The execution, delivery and per-
  formance of this Agreement by Buyer have been duly authorized by
  all necessary partnership action of Buyer, and this Agreement
  constitutes the valid and binding obligation of Buyer enforceable
  against it in accordance with its terms, except as may be limited
  by bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws affecting the enforcement
  of creditors' rights in general and subject to general principles
  of equity (regardless of whether such enforceability is considered
  in a proceeding in equity or at law).

  5.3  Consents of Third Parties.  The execution, delivery and
  performance of this Agreement by Buyer and the consummation by
  Buyer of the transactions contemplated hereby do not require any
  notice to, or the prior or subsequent consent or approval of any
  third party (other than filings required under the H-S-R Act.)

  5.4  No Finder or Broker.  Buyer has not employed or utilized the
  services of any broker, finder or similar agent or representative
  in connection with this Agreement or any transaction contemplated

                                ARTICLE 6

  6.1  Access, Confidentiality.

       (a)  From the date hereof through and including the Closing
  Date, Seller shall afford to Buyer and its officers, employees,
  counsel, accountants, actuaries and other representatives reason-
  able access to all properties, books, records and other documents
  of Seller in its possession or under its control, and shall furnish
  to Buyer such information about Seller and the Assets and the
  Business and copies of documents in the possession of Seller or
  under its control as Buyer or its representatives reasonably may

       (b)  Prior to the Closing Date, Buyer shall, and shall cause
  its officers, employees,

                                 - 20 -

  counsel, accountants, and other representatives to, keep
  confidential and not divulge to third parties any such information
  regarding the Business, and to use such information only for the
  purpose of completing the transaction contemplated hereby.  In the
  event the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are not
  consummated, Buyer shall return to Seller all books, records and
  other documents of Seller relating to the Business, and Buyer
  shall, and shall cause its officers, employees, counsel,
  accountants, and other representatives to, keep confidential and
  not use or divulge to third parties any such information regarding
  the Business.

  6.2  Operation in Ordinary Course.  From the date hereof through
  and including the Closing Date, Seller shall:  (a) conduct the
  Business only in the ordinary course and in substantially the same
  manner as conducted at the date hereof; (b) use reasonable efforts
  to preserve the Business and its organization intact, and to
  preserve its favorable relations with its officers, employees,
  consultants, sales agents, representatives, customers, suppliers
  and others having business relations with it; (c) comply with all
  applicable Laws; and (d) not enter into, amend in any material
  respect, or terminate any material contract (including, without
  limitation, paper contracts or contracts with a term of longer than
  three (3) months), agreement, understanding, undertaking or commit-
  ment relating to the Assets or the Business, through and including
  June 30, 1994, without prior consultation with Buyer, and from July
  1, 1994, through and including the Closing Date, without the prior
  written consent of Buyer.

  6.3  Taxes on Bulk Sales.  Promptly following the execution and
  delivery of this Agreement, Buyer shall send a notice in the manner
  required under Section 537.2(b)(1) of the regulations pertaining to
  the Tax Law of the State of New York or any other applicable state
  or local law.  Seller shall promptly furnish Buyer with all
  required information, and shall otherwise cooperate fully with
  Buyer, so as to permit Buyer to duly and timely make the filings.

  6.4  Other Action.  Each of the parties shall use its best efforts
  to cause the fulfillment at the earliest practicable date of all of
  the conditions to its obligations to consummate the sale and
  purchase under this Agreement.

  6.5  Regulatory and Other Authorizations.  Seller and Buyer agree
  to use their respective best efforts to obtain all authorizations,
  consents, orders and approvals of federal, state, local and foreign
  regulatory bodies and officials and non-governmental third parties
  which may be or become necessary for its execution and delivery of,
  and the performance of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement,
  and will cooperate fully with each other party in promptly seeking
  to obtain all such authorizations, consents, orders and approvals.
  Without limitation, as soon as practicable, Seller and Buyer shall
  each make an appropriate filing of a Notification and Report Form
  pursuant to the H-S-R Act.  Each such filing shall request early
  termination of the waiting period imposed by the H-S-R Act.

  6.6  Publicity.  During the period from the date of this Agreement
  to the Closing Date, neither party hereto shall, nor shall permit
  its respective subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees,
  authorized agents, advisors or representatives to, issue any press
  release or otherwise make any public statements or announcement

                                 - 21 -

  concerning this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby
  without the prior written consent of the other party.  Notwith-
  standing the foregoing, neither party hereto shall be prevented at
  any time from furnishing any required information to any govern-
  mental agency or authority or from complying with its legal obliga-

  6.7  Further Action.  Seller and Buyer shall execute such documents
  and take such further actions as may be reasonably required or
  desirable to carry out the provisions hereof and the transactions
  contemplated hereby at or after the Closing to evidence the consum-
  mation of the transaction contemplated pursuant to this Agreement.
  Upon the terms and subject to the conditions hereof, Seller and
  Buyer shall take, or cause to be taken, all actions and do, or
  cause to be done, all other things necessary, proper or advisable
  to consummate and make effective as promptly as practicable the
  transactions contemplated by this Agreement and to obtain in a
  timely manner all necessary waivers, consents and approvals and to
  effect all necessary registrations and filings.

  6.8  Employment Matters, Employee Plans.

       (a)  On the Closing Date, Seller shall deliver to Buyer
  revised Exhibits 4.10 and 4.11 to reflect changes which occur after
  the date hereof, through the Closing Date.  On or prior to the
  Closing Date, Buyer shall offer employment to Employees on the date
  of this Agreement at substantially the same rate of salary, wages
  and/or commissions and, to the extent practicable, for the same job
  position as each had with Seller immediately prior to the Closing;
  provided, however, that Buyer may condition such offer of employ-
  --------  -------
  ment on (i) any such Employee continuing to be an Employee on the
  Closing Date, and (ii) Seller not having given notice to any such
  Employee prior to the Closing Date that such Employee's employment
  shall be terminated; and, further provided, that no Employee who is
                            ------- --------
  on layoff or leave of absence (including disability) on the Closing
  Date shall become a Transferred Employee, unless and until such
  Employee returns to active employment with the Business.  Buyer
  shall not offer employment to those employees identified in Exhibit
  1.20 for a period of one (1) year following the Closing Date,
  unless Buyer has been approached by any employee identified in
  Exhibit 1.20 or Seller has terminated any such employee's employ-
  ment.  Seller, at its sole expense, shall make the services of
  employees so identified in Exhibit 1.20 available to Buyer as
  reasonably requested for a period of not less than three (3) months
  following the Closing Date; provided, however, that such employees
                              --------  -------
  continue to be employed by Seller.  Buyer shall offer Transferred
  Employees coverage with immediate eligibility under (i) Savings
  Plan of Buyer, and (ii) a group medical plan covering claims
  incurred after the Closing Date without a pre-existing condition
  limitation and providing benefits and coverage to Transferred
  Employees (and their eligible dependents) on terms that are sub-
  stantially similar to such benefits, coverage and terms currently

                                 - 22 -

  provided to employees under Buyer's current medical plan.  Except
  as provided in Section 6.8(c), nothing herein shall restrict Buyer
  in the future in the exercise of its independent business judgment
  as to the terms and conditions under which such employment shall
  continue, the duration of such employment, the basis on which such
  employment is terminated or the benefits provided to Transferred

       (b)  At the time of the announcement that a sale of the
  Business is pending, Seller shall offer all full-time employees
  performing services in connection with the Business a stay-on
  bonus, payable at the Closing Date, in an amount and containing
  such terms and conditions as Seller reasonably believes will insure
  that the headcount and composition of Employees on the Closing Date
  shall materially remain the same as on the date of this Agreement.

       (c)  On or prior to the Closing Date, Buyer shall establish
  and provide Seller a copy of a severance plan substantially iden-
  tical to Seller's severance plan which is annexed hereto as Exhibit
  6.8(c) covering all Transferred Employees.  Such severance plan
  established by Buyer (i) shall be effective for a period of not
  less than two (2) years commencing on the day following the Closing
  Date, and (ii) shall credit Transferred Employees with service with
  Seller credited under Seller's severance plan on the Closing Date.
  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer's severance plan shall not
  provide for the payments of severance compensation (i) to the
  extent such compensation is not deductible under Section 280G of
  the Code, or (ii) to Employees who do not accept Buyer's offer of
  employment or who are notified of their termination of employment
  by Seller on or prior to the Closing Date to be effective following
  the Closing Date.

       (d)  Seller shall amend, if necessary, the Savings Plan of
  Seller so as to provide for the availability of a lump sum
  distribution of the accrued vested benefits of Transferred
  Employees as a result of the sale of the Business, to the extent
  permitted by and in accordance with the Code.  Buyer shall adopt or
  amend, at no cost to Seller, the Savings Plan of Buyer effective as
  soon as administratively feasible following the Closing Date, which
  shall include provisions for granting credit for service with
  Seller for eligibility and vesting purposes, and to allow for the
  acceptance of direct and regular rollover contributions in liquid
  funds.  The Savings Plan of Buyer shall not be required to include
  a Seller stock fund as an investment option nor shall any contribu-
  tions required to be made to Savings Plan of Buyer be invested in
  Seller stock.

       (e)  Buyer shall not assume any Employee Plan or liability or
  obligation under any Employee Plan, whether or not disclosed under
  this Agreement or in any Exhibit.  Buyer shall not assume and
  Seller shall retain, and Seller shall indemnify and hold Buyer
  harmless from and against, all liabilities and claims which may be

                                 - 23 -

  brought (i) by current or former employees of the Business (or
  their respective dependents and beneficiaries) in connection with
  (A) their employment with Seller or (B) any Employee Plan, includ-
  ing without limitation any liability for payment of any claim under
  any Employee Plan or that was incurred under the terms of such
  Employee Plan or that otherwise arose as a result of events or
  conditions occurring on or prior to the Closing Date, or (ii) by
  current or former independent contractors of the Business (or their
  respective dependents and beneficiaries) in connection with (A) any
  challenge to their classification as an independent contractor or
  (B) any Employee Plan, including without limitation any liability
  for payment of any claim under any Employee Plan that was incurred
  under the terms of such Employee Plan or that otherwise arose as a
  result of events or conditions occurring on or prior to the Closing

       (f)  Seller shall be responsible and retain all liability, if
  any, for, and Buyer shall have no responsibility or liability for,
  giving notification of and providing health care continuation
  coverage to current or former employees of the Business and other
  "qualified beneficiaries" within the meaning of and as required by
  COBRA, and shall indemnify and hold Buyer harmless against any
  liability arising out of Seller's failure to comply with COBRA;
  provided, however, that Buyer shall be responsible and liable for
  --------  -------
  and Seller shall have no responsibility or liability for, giving
  notification and providing COBRA continuation coverage to any
  Transferred Employee in connection with any Buyer's group medical
  plan as a result of events occuring after the Closing Date.

                                ARTICLE 7

  7.1  Conditions Precedent to Buyer's Obligation to Close.  All of
  the following shall be conditions precedent to Buyer's obligations
  to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement:

       (a)  Bring Down.  Each of the representations and warranties
  of Seller contained in this Agreement shall have been true,
  accurate, complete and not misleading in all material respects on
  the date hereof, and as of the Closing Date as though made on and
  as of the Closing Date.

       (b)  No Default.  Seller shall not be in default with respect
  to any obligation, covenant, promise, agreement or undertaking of
  Seller pursuant to this Agreement to be performed prior to the
  Closing Date.

       (c)  Deliveries.  On or before the Closing Date, Seller shall
  have delivered to Buyer the following documents, each of which
  shall be in a form reasonably satisfactory to Buyer and its counsel
  and shall be dated as of the Closing Date:

                                 - 24 -

              (i)     Officer's Certificate.  Certificates executed
  by an officer of Seller certifying as to the due authorization and
  approval of this Agreement and of the transactions contemplated

             (ii)     Certificate of Fulfillment of Conditions.  A
  certificate executed by an officer of Seller, certifying as of the
  Closing Date to the fulfillment of the conditions set forth in
  Section 7.1(a) and (b).

            (iii)     Certificate of Good Standing.  With respect to
  NYTCo. and RMMCo., a certificate of good standing of the Secretary
  of State of the State of New York, and with respect to FCI, a
  certificate of good standing of the Secretary of State of the State
  of Iowa, in each case issued no earlier than ten (10) days prior to
  the Closing Date, certifying as to the good standing of Seller and
  its prior satisfaction of all tax liabilities to the States of New
  York and Iowa, respectively.

             (iv)     Opinion of Counsel.  The favorable opinion of
  Seller's assistant general counsel, in the form of Exhibit
  7.1(c)(iv)  hereto.

              (v)     Consents of Third Parties.  All required
  consents of and filings with third parties, if any are required,
  including, without limitation (A) the consent or approval of any
  governmental or other regulatory agencies, domestic or foreign, and
  (B) any and all other consents or approvals, which aforementioned
  consents or approvals are required to be obtained and received or
  made by or on the part of Seller for the execution and delivery of
  this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contem-
  plated hereby.

             (vi)     The Ancillary Agreements, duly executed by

       (d)  Government Action.  The applicable waiting period under
  the H-S-R Act shall have expired or shall have been earlier termi-
  nated, and no injunction or other similar order shall have been
  entered prohibiting or restricting the consummation of the trans-
  actions contemplated by this Agreement.

       (e)  Review by Counsel.  All proceedings to be taken in
  connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and
  all documents incident to such transactions shall be reasonably
  satisfactory in form and substance to Buyer's general counsel.

       (f)  No Casualty.  Neither the Assets nor the Business, taken
  as a whole, shall have suffered any material and adverse effect as
  a result of fire, explosion, earthquake, flood, drought, accident,
  Act of God, force majeure, riot or activity of armed forces or of
              ----- -------
  the public enemy, requisition or taking of property, directly or

                                 - 25 -

  indirectly, by any governmental authority or any other casualty or
  similar event (whether or not covered by insurance).

       (g)  Consummation Documents.  Seller shall have delivered to
  Buyer, on or before the Closing Date, such bills of sale, endorse-
  ments, assignments, subleases and other good and sufficient
  instruments of conveyance and transfer, satisfactory in form and
  substance to Buyer and its counsel, as shall be effective to vest
  in Buyer all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the

       (h)  No Litigation.  There shall not be in effect any investi-
  gation, suit, action or other proceeding pending or threatened
  before any court of competent jurisdiction or governmental agency
  or administrative tribunal which, in the reasonable opinion of
  Buyer's general counsel, is likely to result in the restraint,
  prohibition, or the obtaining of substantial damages or other
  relief in connection with this Agreement or the consummation of the
  transactions contemplated hereby.

       (i)  Supervisory Boards Consents.  Buyer shall have obtained
  the approval to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement of
  the supervisory boards (Aufsichtsrate) of Gruner + Jahr AG & Co.,
  Hamburg, and of Bertelsmann AG, Gutersloh.

  7.2  Conditions Precedent to Seller's Obligation to Close.  All of
  the following shall be conditions precedent to Seller's obligations
  to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement:

       (a)  Bring Down.  Each of the representations and warranties
  of Buyer contained in this Agreement shall have been true,
  accurate, complete and not misleading in all material respects on
  the date hereof, and as of the Closing Date as though made on and
  as of the Closing Date.

       (b)  No Default.  Buyer shall not be in default with respect
  to any obligation, covenant, promise, agreement or undertaking of
  Buyer pursuant to this Agreement.

       (c)  Deliveries.  On or before the Closing Date, Buyer shall
  have delivered to Seller the following documents, each of which
  shall be dated as of the Closing Date:

              (i)     Partner's Certificate.  Certificates executed
  by a partner of Buyer certifying as to the due authorization and
  approval of this Agreement and of the transactions contemplated

             (ii)     Certificate of Fulfillment of Conditions.  A
  certificate executed by a partner of Buyer certifying as of the
  Closing Date to the fulfillment of the conditions set forth in
  Section 7.2(a) and (b).

                                 - 26 -

            (iii)     Opinion of Counsel.  The favorable opinion
  of Buyer's general counsel, in the form of Exhibit 7.2(c)(iii)

             (iv)     Consents of Third Parties.  All required
  consents of and filings with third parties, if any are required,
  including, without limitation, (A) the consent or approval of any
  governmental or other regulatory agencies, domestic or foreign, and
  (B) any and all other consents or approvals, which aforementioned
  consents or approvals are required to be obtained and received or
  made by or on the part of Buyer for the execution and delivery of
  this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contem-
  plated hereby.

              (v)     The Ancillary Agreements, duly executed by

       (d)  Government Action.  The applicable waiting period under
  the H-S-R Act shall have expired or shall have been earlier termi-
  nated, and no injunction or other similar order shall have been
  entered prohibiting or restricting the consummation of the transac-
  tions contemplated by this Agreement.

       (e)  Review by Counsel.  All proceedings to be taken in con-
  nection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and
  all documents incident to such transactions shall be reasonably
  satisfactory in form and substance to Seller's general counsel.

       (f)  Payment.  Buyer shall have made the payments in accor-
  dance with Section 3.1(b) and (c) hereof.

                                ARTICLE 8

  8.1  Termination.

       (a)  This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the
  Closing by the mutual consent of Seller and Buyer.

       (b)  This Agreement may be terminated by Buyer: (i) at any
  time prior to the Closing, if Seller shall have failed to comply in
  any material respect with any of its covenants or agreements con-
  tained in this Agreement and such failure or its effects shall be
  continuing, or if any one or more of the representations or warran-
  ties of Seller contained in this Agreement shall prove to have been
  materially inaccurate when made; or (ii) at the Closing, if any of
  the conditions precedent to the performance of its obligations at
  the Closing shall not have been fulfilled.

                                 - 27 -

       (c)  This Agreement may be terminated by Seller: (i) at any
  time prior to the Closing, if Buyer shall have failed to comply in
  any material respect with any of its covenants or agreements con-
  tained in this Agreement and such failure or its effects shall be
  continuing, or if any one or more of the representations or warran-
  ties of Buyer in this Agreement shall prove to have been materially
  inaccurate when made; (ii) at the Closing, if any of the conditions
  precedent to the performance of its obligations at the Closing
  shall not have been fulfilled.

       (d)  This Agreement may be terminated by either party if the
  Closing shall not have taken place by September 30, 1994, or such
  later date as Buyer and Seller have agreed in writing.

  8.2  Effect of Termination.  In the event of the termination of
  this Agreement as provided in Section 8.1:

       (a)  This Agreement will become void and of no further force
  and effect, except for the provisions of (i) Section 11.1 relating
  to certain expenses, (ii) Section 6.1(b) relating to confidentia-
  lity, (iii) Section 6.6 relating to publicity, and (iv) this
  Section 8.2.

       (b)  Nothing in this Section 8.2 shall be deemed to release
  either party from any liability for any breach by such party of the
  terms and provisions of this Agreement or any failure by such party
  to perform its obligations thereunder or hereunder.  Nothing in
  this Section 8.2 or elsewhere in this Agreement shall impair the
  right of either party to pursue all legal remedies for breach of
  contract and damages or to compel specific performance by the other
  party of its obligations hereunder.

       (c)  The deposit pursuant to Section 3.1(a) shall be for-
  feited; provided, however, that the parties hereto expressly agree
          --------  -------
  that in the event of termination of this Agreement (i) by mutual
  consent of Seller and Buyer, (ii) by Buyer, for the grounds pro-
  vided in Clause (i) of Section 8.1(b) or if the conditions pursuant
  to Section 7.1(a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), and/or (h) shall not
  have been fulfilled, or (iii) by Seller, if the conditions pursuant
  to Section 7.2(c)(iv) and (v) and (d) shall not have been ful-
  filled, said deposit shall be refunded by Seller to Buyer in full,
  in cash, no later than eight (8) days after the date the notice of
  termination shall become effective.

  8.3  Further Provisions.  Termination by any party in accordance
  with any provision of Section 8.1 shall be effective immediately
  upon the giving of written notice thereof.

                                 - 28 -

                                ARTICLE 9
                        STATEMENT AND ADJUSTMENTS

  9.1  June 30 Balance Sheet, Net Current Assets Statement.

       (a)  As of the close of business on June 30, 1994, Seller will
  take a physical count of the Inventory of Seller, wherever located,
  as of the close of business on June 30, 1994.  Such physical count
  will be observed by Buyer or Buyer's representatives.  Any remain-
  ing portion of Inventory in transit or on consignment shall be
  determined by confirmation methods consistent with prior practice
  or as may be otherwise mutually agreed by Buyer and Seller.

       (b)  On or before August 1, 1994, Seller shall deliver to
  Buyer (i) the June 30 Balance Sheet and (ii) the Net Current Assets
  Statement, each represented on behalf of Seller by its Chief
  Financial Officer to have been prepared in accordance with
  generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied,
  including without limitation the treatment of deferrals and
  accruals, as well as the principles set forth in Section 9.1(c)
  through (f), and reflecting the physical count pursuant to Section
  9.1(a), and all workpapers relating to the June 30 Balance Sheet
  and the Net Current Assets Statement.

       (c)  The accounts receivable of the Business reflected on the
  Net Current Assets Statement will (i) represent bona fide indebted-
  ness incurred by the applicable account debtors, net of reserves
  for bad debt, (ii) be subject to no prior assignment, lien or
  security interest and (iii) be subject to no set-off or deduction.
  The accounts receivable at June 30, 1994, shall not include any
  amounts attributable to Credit-Suspended Copies, Credit-Cancelled
  Copies or PI Advertisements.

       (d)  The Inventory reflected on the Net Current Assets State-
  ment will be valued at the lower of actual cost on a "first in,
  first out" basis or market, and reserves for obsolete and doubtful
  value inventory will be properly established, in accordance with
  Seller's existing accounting policies and with generally accepted
  accounting principles, applied on a basis consistent with the
  principles of accounting used in connection with the Financial
  Statements.  Subject to said reserves, such Inventory will be in
  all material respects of a quality and quantity usable in the
  ordinary course of the Business.

       (e)  The "Other Current Assets" of the Business reflected on
  the Net Current Assets Statement shall not include items that will
  not directly benefit the Business following June 30, 1994, for
  example, prepaid property taxes, prepaid real estate commissions or
  other real or personal property taxes.  The "Accounts Payable" of

                                 - 29 -

  the Business reflected on the Net Current Assets Statement shall
  not have resulted from obligations that have not directly bene-
  fitted the Business prior to June 30, 1994.  The "Accrued Payroll"
  of the Business reflected on the Net Current Assets Statement shall
  be comprised of all accrued payroll and vacation pay owed by Seller
  to current and former employees of the Business for all services
  rendered through June 30, 1994, consistent with the treatment under
  the Financial Statements.

       (f)  In the event that Buyer in good faith shall disagree with
  the Net Current Assets Statement, Buyer shall notify Seller of all
  items with which it disagrees within four (4) weeks of receipt by
  Buyer of the June 30 Balance Sheet.  Buyer and Seller shall there-
  upon negotiate in good faith to resolve any such disagreement.  If
  after an additional four (4) weeks after the initial four (4) week
  period no resolution is reached, such disagreement shall be
  resolved by a nationally recognized public accounting firm (other
  than Price Waterhouse and Deloitte & Touche) agreed upon by Buyer
  and Seller.  Said firm shall consider only those items as remain
  unresolved between Buyer and Seller.  The determination made by
  said firm shall be conclusive, binding on, and non-appealable by,
  the parties hereto.  The fees and disbursements of said firm shall
  be borne one half by Seller and one half by Buyer.

  9.2  Adjustments to Consideration.

       The consideration for the sale of the Business shall be adjus-
  ted and (a) Seller shall pay to Buyer the amount, if any, by which
  the Net Current Assets, as shown on the Net Current Assets State-
  ment (as adjusted in accordance with Section 9.1(f)), are less than
  Forty Million One Hundred and One Thousand Dollars ($40,101,000),
  or (b) Buyer shall pay to Seller the amount, if any, by which the
  Net Current Assets, as shown on the Net Current Assets Statement
  (as adjusted in accordance with Section 9.1(f)) are greater than
  Forty Million One Hundred and One Thousand Dollars ($40,101,000).

  9.3  Post Closing Collection of Receivables.

       (a)  Following Closing, Buyer shall collect the accounts
  receivable reflected on the Net Current Assets Statement (as
  adjusted in accordance with Section 9.1(f)), as they become due and
  payable.  The collected amounts shall be applied and accounted for
  by Buyer with respect to each account receivable first to interest
  and then to the principal, and among several accounts receivable of
  the same debtor, first to the one with the oldest due date, unless
  otherwise specified by the debtor.  Buyer's obligations shall be
  limited to the collection efforts generally followed by it in the
  collection of its own accounts receivable but need not include the
  use of, or the threat to use, a collection agency or the commence-
  ment of litigation.  During the time this Section 9.3 remains
  operative, Buyer will render to Seller reasonably detailed written
  collection reports respecting the accounts receivable within three

                                 - 30 -

  (3) weeks following the end of each calendar month and notify
  Seller if any account receivable has been disputed by the account

       (b)  At the date five (5) months after the Closing Date, Buyer
  shall have the option to require Seller to purchase back from Buyer
  any account receivable reflected on the Net Current Assets State-
  ment (as adjusted in accordance with Section 9.1(f)) that remains
  uncollected at that time, for the full face amount thereof and
  Buyer shall turn over to Seller all such accounts receivable.  Upon
  purchase by Seller of any such uncollected accounts receivable,
  Buyer shall have no further rights herein or thereto and Seller
  shall thereafter be solely responsible for the collection thereof.
  Seller shall only utilize ordinary collection procedures and make
  best efforts to avoid unnecessary disruptions of Buyer's Business.

       (c)  Buyer shall not incur any liability of any kind whatso-
  ever to Seller with respect to the collection of the accounts
  receivable except for Buyer's willful misconduct, and Seller shall
  indemnify Buyer with respect to any liability arising from such
  collection activities pursuant to the provisions of Article 12.

                               ARTICLE 10

       The Escrow Balance shall be held by the Escrow Agent for
  purposes of claims of Buyer on the basis of Seller's obligations
  under Sections 3.4(c), 9.2 and 9.3 and released by the Escrow Agent
  pursuant to the Escrow Agreement.  Upon exhaustion of the Escrow
  Balance, Buyer may seek payments for its claims directly from
  Seller.  The Escrow Balance shall be in place for a period, and the
  Escrow Agreement shall have a term, of the longer of five (5)
  months after the Closing Date or until the date of any resolution
  of any disagreement with respect to the June 30 Balance Sheet
  becoming effective and binding pursuant to Section 9.1(f) and until
  the adjustments to the consideration have been made pursuant to
  Section 9.2.

                               ARTICLE 11
                          ADDITIONAL COVENANTS

  11.1 Expenses.  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all
  legal and accounting costs and fees of Seller in connection with
  the execution and consummation of this Agreement shall be borne and
  paid for by Seller, and all legal, accounting and other costs and
  fees of Buyer in connection with the execution and consummation of
  this Agreement shall be borne and paid for by Buyer, and neither
  party hereto shall have any obligation or liability after the

                                 - 31 -

  Closing Date for any such costs and fees attributable to services
  rendered to the other, except as otherwise provided in this Agree-

  11.2 Certain Taxes.  Buyer shall be responsible for all sales,
  transfer, registration, recording and similar taxes and fees
  assessed or payable in connection with the transfer by Seller to
  Buyer of the Assets and the Business.  Seller shall be responsible
  for all income and/or gains taxes assessed or payable in connection
  with the transfer by Seller to Buyer of the Assets and the Busi-

  11.3 Names and Logos.

       (a)  Seller hereby agrees that it will not use, or permit the
  use by any of its Affiliates of, the names or logos of any of the
  Women's Magazines, or any name or logo which may reasonably be
  expected to be confused with the names or logos of the Women's
  Magazines, on or in connection with any other publication, asset or
  activity of Seller at any time after the Closing Date.

       (b)  Except for incidental use immediately following Closing,
  Buyer hereby agrees that it will not use, or permit the use by any
  of its Affiliates of, the names or logos of Seller, or any name or
  logo which may reasonably be expected to be confused with the names
  or logos of Seller, on or in connection with any other publication,
  asset or activity of Buyer at any time after the Closing Date.

  11.4 Subscribers and Subscriber List.  Seller hereby agrees that it
  will not make, cause or permit to be made, acquire, retain or use
  any copy of the Subscriber List, and will not utilize any infor-
  mation pertaining to subscribers of any of the Women's Magazines
  appearing on such list, at any time after the Closing Date.

  11.5 Computer Support Services.    The Business utilizes certain
  software and operating systems, including those on Seller's
  mainframe computer, which are maintained and operated by Seller
  personnel.  Following Closing, Seller agrees to provide to Buyer
  for a period of up to twelve (12) months after the Closing Date
  software maintenance and data processing services substantially
  consistent in amount and quality with such services now utilized by
  and provided to the Business, at a lump-sum charge to Buyer of One
  Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) per month, in accordance with
  the agreement in form and substance as set forth in Exhibit 11.5
  hereto (the "Agreement for Computer Support Services").

  11.6 Bulk Sales Laws.  Buyer hereby waives compliance by Seller
  with the terms and conditions of any applicable bulk sales law or
  any other law which might on failure of compliance therewith impose
  on a purchaser any liability for debts or obligations of Seller.
  Seller shall indemnify and hold harmless Buyer against any and all
  liabilities of Seller which may be asserted by third parties,

                                 - 32 -

  including any federal, state or local taxing authority, against
  Buyer as a result of such noncompliance to the extent that such
  liabilities are not assumed by Buyer pursuant to this Agreement.

  11.7 Payments from Third Parties.  In the event that, on or after
  the Closing Date, Seller shall receive any payments or other funds
  due Buyer under any of the accounts receivable included in the
  Assets, or Buyer shall receive any payments or other funds due
  Seller under any other receivables, then the party receiving such
  funds shall promptly forward such funds to the proper party in such
  manner as the receiving party shall reasonably request from time to

  11.8 No Solicitation.  Seller agrees that neither it nor any of its
  Affiliates, officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents
  or stockholders shall, directly or indirectly, solicit or initiate
  discussions or negotiations with any third party other than Buyer
  concerning the sale of the Assets or any similar transaction
  involving the Business or accept any offer or proposal with respect
  thereto.  Seller will immediately cease and cause to be terminated
  any existing activities, discussions or negotiations with any
  parties conducted heretofore with respect to any of the foregoing.
  Seller will immediately communicate to Buyer the terms of any
  proposal, discussion, negotiation or inquiry and the identity of
  the party making such proposal or inquiry which it may receive in
  respect of any such transactions.  In the event of any breach by
  Seller of its obligations under this Section 11.8, in addition to
  any remedies Buyer may have against Seller under this Agreement or
  under applicable Laws, Seller shall immediately refund to Buyer the
  deposit pursuant to Section 3.1(a).

  11.9 Fulfillment of Current Subscriptions.  Buyer agrees, as a
  representative of Seller, to discharge all of Seller's obligations
  and liabilities for the fulfillment of current subscriptions to the
  Women's Magazines, to the extent such obligations and liabilities
  remain unperformed or unfulfilled on, or by their terms continue in
  effect after the Closing Date, substantially consistent with
  Seller's past practices, at the compensation and such other terms
  and conditions provided in the agreement in form and substance as
  set forth in Exhibit 11.9 hereto (the "Fulfillment Agreement").

  11.10 Change of FCI's Name.  Seller shall take all action necessary
  or appropriate, as requested by Buyer, to assist Buyer in perfect-
  ing its interest in and to the "Family Circle" name.  Promptly
  following the Closing Date, FCI will change its name in its state
  of incorporation and all states in which it is authorized to
  transact business on the Closing Date, to a name that does not
  contain any words similar to or reasonably likely to be confused
  with any words in the "Family Circle" name or any use by Buyer
  thereof.  Seller agrees for an unlimited period not to use, and to

                                 - 33 -

  cause each of its Affiliates not to use, the name "Family Circle"
  or any other name reasonably likely to be confused with any words
  in such name.

  11.11 Telemarketing.  Seller agrees, for a period of one (1) year
  after the Closing Date, to continue to order from Buyer services
  for subscription solicitation by telephone, commonly referred to as
  "telemarketing", for its and its Affiliates' media properties, at
  the same levels and for the same compensation as heretofore main-
  tained and expended by Seller.

  11.12 Agreements With Respect To TDS.

       (a)  As soon as practicable following the execution and
  delivery of this Agreement, Seller shall use its best efforts to
  obtain the consent of Time Incorporated and TDS Ventures, Inc. to
  the assignment by Seller, and assumption by Buyer, of Seller's
  rights, privileges and options under the Joint Venture Agreement
  for TDS, as more fully described in Section 2.1(o).

       (b)  Following the Closing Date and in the event that Time
  Incorporated and TDS Ventures, Inc. shall have consented to the
  assignment and assumption provided in Section 11.12(a), Seller
  shall continue to offer to TDS the distribution of the magazines
  identified on Exhibit 11.12(b) for a period of one (1) year after
  the Closing Date, in the same manner and upon the same terms and
  conditions as heretofore distributed by TDS, and at a price to be
  determined in accordance with current practices.

       (c)  In the event that prior to the Closing Date Time
  Incorporated and/or TDS Ventures, Inc. shall not have consented to
  the assignment and assumption provided in Section 11.12(a) or to
  the amendments to the Joint Venture Agreement for TDS necessitated
  by the agreements set forth in Section 11.12(b), Seller and Buyer
  shall cooperate and agree to establish alternative distribution
  channels for all of the magazines of Seller currently distributed
  by TDS.

                               ARTICLE 12

  12.1 Indemnification by Seller.  Seller shall indemnify and hold
  harmless Buyer against and from any and all losses, liabilities,
  damages and deficiencies which Buyer may incur or suffer which
  arise out of or are based upon (a) the inaccuracy of any represen-
  tation or the breach of any warranty or covenant made by Seller
  pursuant to any provision of this Agreement, or (b) any and all
  liabilities and obligations of, or claims against, Buyer of any
  nature, whether accrued, absolute, contingent, or otherwise to the
  extent not expressly assumed by Buyer pursuant to this Agreement,
  or (c) any and all actions, suits, proceedings, demands,

                                 - 34 -

  assessments, judgments, reasonable costs and legal and other
  expenses incident to any of the foregoing or incident to any issue
  of the Women's Magazines whose editorial close is prior to the
  Closing Date.

  12.2 Indemnification by Buyer.  Buyer shall indemnify and hold
  harmless Seller against and from any and all losses, liabilities,
  damages and deficiencies which Seller may incur or suffer which
  arise out of or are based upon (a) the inaccuracy of any represen-
  tation or the breach of any warranty or covenant made by the Buyer
  pursuant to any provision of this Agreement, or (b) any and all
  liabilities and obligations of, or claims against, Seller of any
  nature, whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise to the
  extent expressly assumed by Buyer pursuant to this Agreement, or
  (c) any and all actions, suits, proceedings, demands, assessments,
  judgments, reasonable costs and legal and other expenses incident
  to any of the foregoing or incident to any issue of the Women's
  Magazines whose editorial close is after the Closing Date.

  12.3 Indemnification Claims.

       (a)  Any party from whom indemnification hereunder may be
  sought under Sections 12.1 and 12.2 ("Indemnifying Party") shall
  promptly on demand, in cash, pay the party claiming indemnification
  hereunder ("Indemnified Party") the amount so claimed; provided,
  however, that the Indemnified Party shall have first given prompt
  notice of such claim to the Indemnifying Party and have given the
  Indemnifying Party the right to defend, contest or otherwise deal
  with the cause or basis of such claim, at the expense of the
  Indemnifying Party.

       (b)  To the extent claims of third parties are concerned, the
  Indemnifying Party shall have the right to control the defense,
  settlement and prosecution of any litigation.  The Indemnified
  Party shall have the right to monitor, at its own expense and
  through counsel selected by it, the defense of any claim.  The
  Indemnifying Party shall have the right, without the consent of the
  Indemnified Party, to settle or compromise any claim or consent to
  the entry of any judgment provided that such settlement, compromise
  or consent involves a monetary payment only and includes as an
  unconditional term thereof the giving by the claimant to the
  Indemnified Party a release from all liability in respect of such
  claim.  If the Indemnifying Party fails to defend such claim, the
  Indemnified Party will (upon further notice to the Indemnifying
  Party) have the right to undertake the defense, compromise or
  settlement of such claim on behalf of and for the account and rise
  of the Indemnifying Party, subject to the right of the Indemnifying
  Party to assume the defense of such claim at any time prior to
  settlement, compromise or final determination thereof.  All parties
  agree to cooperate fully as necessary in the defense of such

                                 - 35 -

       (c)  The Indemnified Party's failure to notify the Indemnify-
  ing Party of a claim in the time required above shall not waive any
  right to indemnification, except to the extent of any damage or
  loss suffered by the Indemnifying Party by reason of the delay in
  receiving such notice.

       (d)  Indemnification under this Article 12 based upon the
  inaccuracy of any representation or the breach of any warranty in
  Article 4 and Article 5 may only be sought if the aggregate amount
  of payments otherwise due the Indemnified Party for all claims for
  such indemnification exceeds One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), and
  then indemnification shall be available to the Indemnified Party
  for all amounts claimed.

  12.4 Claims for Reimbursement and Survival.  Indemnification under
  this Article 12 shall not be barred on the basis that the amount of
  the claim for which indemnification is sought has not been ascer-
  tained, liquidated or reduced to final judgment on or before the
  date on which such claim is made, as long as the claim has been
  identified and asserted in writing by notice to the other party on
  or before such date.  All representations and warranties in Article
  4 and Article 5 shall survive the Closing until the date eighteen
  (18) months after the Closing Date, and shall then expire and be of
  no force and effect, unless notice has been given in accordance
  with the preceding sentence prior to such date.

  12.5 Remedies.  The remedies provided herein shall be exclusive and
  shall preclude the assertion by any party hereto of any other
  rights or the seeking of any remedies against the other party
  hereto.  Each of the rights and remedies of the parties hereto set
  forth in this Agreement shall be cumulative, independent of each
  other, and severally enforceable.

                               ARTICLE 13
                           GENERAL PROVISIONS

  13.1 Severability.  Each and every provision of this Agreement is
  intended to be severable.  If any provision of this Agreement shall
  be declared invalid or unenforceable by a decision or judgment of
  any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision or judgment
  shall not affect (a) the validity or enforceability of the other
  provisions of this Agreement in that or any other jurisdiction, or
  (b) the validity or enforceability of such provision, or of any
  other provision of this Agreement, in any other jurisdiction.  The
  parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith to replace the invalid
  or unenforceable provision with a provision which shall be valid
  and enforceable under such decision or judgment and which, insofar
  as possible, will achieve the economic results sought to be
  achieved by the invalid or unenforceable provision;  however, if
  such replacement provision cannot be agreed upon or enforced, then

                                 - 36 -

  this Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in all respects
  as if such invalid or unenforceable provision had never been a part
  of this Agreement.

  13.2 Amendment.  This Agreement may not be changed, modified,
  altered, amended, supplemented, cancelled, superseded, rescinded or
  terminated except by and in accordance with the terms of, a writing
  signed by both parties hereto and delivered to each of them in
  duplicate original counterparts.

  13.3 No Implied Waiver.  No consent to, or waiver, discharge or
  release of, any provision, breach, failure or default in, of or
  under this Agreement shall be valid or effective unless in writing
  and signed by the party giving such consent or waiver or granting
  such discharge or release, and no specific consent, waiver, dis-
  charge or release shall constitute or be deemed or construed as a
  consent, waiver, discharge or release with respect to any other
  provision, breach, failure or default, whether or not of similar
  nature.  Failure on the part of either party hereto to insist in
  any instance upon strict, complete and timely performance by the
  other party hereto of any term, provision, obligation or duty of or
  under this Agreement, to exercise any of its rights or privileges
  under this Agreement, to complain of any act or failure to act of
  the other, or to declare such other party in breach or default
  hereof or hereunder, irrespective of how long such failure
  continues, shall not constitute or be deemed or construed as a
  waiver by such party of any of its rights under this Agreement or

  13.4 Notices.  Any notice, request, demand or other communication
  required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in
  writing and shall be deemed to have been given and delivered as of
  the date delivered if delivered personally, by overnight carrier or
  by telefax, or three (3) business days after being mailed by regis-
  tered or certified mail (postage prepaid, return receipt requested)
  to the respective address or addresses here following:

       If to Seller:

            229 West 43rd Street
            New York, New York  10036
            Attn:  Laura J. Corwin, Secretary
            Fax:   (212) 556-1009

       with a copy to:

            229 West 43rd Street
            New York, New York  10036
            Attn:  Kenneth A. Richieri, Assistant General Counsel
            Fax:   (212) 556-4634

                                 - 37 -

       If to Buyer:

            Publishing Division
            685 Third Avenue
            New York, New York  10017
            Attn.:  John Heins, President
            Fax:    (212) 490-1214

       with a copy to:

            685 Third Avenue
            New York, New York  10017
            Attn: Yvette Miller, General Counsel
            Fax:  (212) 986-2548

  or to such other address as any of the foregoing may give to the
  others by like notice.

  13.5 Captions.   The captions at the headings of each Article and
  Section of this Agreement are for convenience of reference only,
  and are in no way intended or to be used or applied to describe,
  interpret, construe, define or limit the scope, extent, intent or
  operation of this Agreement or of any term or provision hereof.

  13.6 Choice of Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by, and the
  terms and provisions hereof and the rights and duties created
  hereby shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance
  with, the Laws of the State of New York.

  13.7 Binding Effect and Assignment.  This Agreement and the rights
  and obligations of the parties hereto shall be binding upon, and
  shall inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto and their respec-
  tive successors and permitted assigns, but this Agreement shall not
  be assignable by either party hereto without the prior written
  consent of the other party hereto; except that Buyer shall be
  permitted to assign to an Affiliate of Buyer the Assets described
  in Section 2.1(o).

  13.8 Gender and Number.  All references to, and each use of, the
  masculine gender in this Agreement shall also be deemed references
  to, and a use of, the feminine and neuter genders unless the
  context clearly requires otherwise.  All references to, and each
  use of, the singular number in this Agreement shall also be deemed
  references to, and a use of, the plural number unless the context
  clearly requires otherwise.

  13.9 Entire Agreement.  This Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements
  constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties

                                 - 38 -

  hereto with respect to the matters set forth herein and therein,
  and all prior negotiations, drafts and other writings, and under-
  standings relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and the
  Ancillary Agreements are merged herein and are superseded, nulli-
  fied and cancelled by this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements.

  13.10  Construction.  The terms and provisions of this Agreement
  and the wording used herein shall in all cases be interpreted and
  construed simply in accordance with their fair meanings and not
  strictly for or against either party hereto.

  13.11  Third Party Beneficiaries.  There are no third party bene-
  ficiaries of or in this Agreement or any of the terms or provisions
  hereof or any of the rights, privileges, duties, liabilities or
  obligations created hereby.

  13.12  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed and delivered
  in one or more counterparts, in the English language, each of which
  shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which taken together
  shall constitute one and the same instrument, and it shall not be
  necessary, in proving the existence or contents of this Agreement,
  to produce, refer to or account for (a) any particular counterpart
  in preference to any other counterpart or counterparts, or (b) more
  than one counterpart.

  13.13  Survival.  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,
  all covenants, representations and warranties made hereunder shall
  survive the Closing Date.

                                 - 39 -

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by
  the thereunto duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto
  on the day and year first above written.

                                      THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY

                                      By:  ________________________
                                           Arthur Ochs Sulzberger

           Seller                     Seller

           By:  ____________________  By:  _________________________
                Laura J. Corwin            Laura J. Corwin
                Secretary                  Secretary


           By:  _____________________   and   ____________________
                Gerd Schulte-Hillen           Axel Ganz
                General Partner               Sole Member of the Executive
                                              Committee of the Publishing

                                          - 40 -

               List of Exhibits

1.16           Contracts

1.20           Excluded Employees

1.28           Financial Statements (1993)

1.38           Format of Current Assets and Current Liabilities of the
1.54           Women's Magazines

2.1(c)         Advertising Orders

2.1(1)         Trademarks

2.1(m)         Software

2.2(c)-A       Lease Agreement

2.2(c)-B       Occupancy Agreement

3.1(b)(11)     Non-Competition Agreement

3.1(c)         Escrow Agreement

4.1            Qualifications To Do Business

4.3            Third Party Consent Requirements

4.5            Disclosures Respecting Operation Since December 31,
4.6            Encumbrances on Assets

4.7            Litigation

4.10           Employees of the Business

4.11           Employees Plans

4.12           Exceptions to Intellectual Property and Publication
4.14           PI Advertisements and Barters

4.15           Subscription Rates

4.18           Insurance Policies

4.19           Disclosures Respecting Related Party Transactions

4.20           Assets Retained by Seller

6.8(c)         Seller's Severance Plan

7.1(c)(iv)     Opinion of Seller's Counsel

7.2(c)(iii)    Opinion of Buyer's Counsel

11.5           Agreement for Computer Support Services

11.9           Fulfillment Agreement

11.12(b)       Magazines of Seller to be Continued to be Distributed
               by TDS
