
                    EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT, dated as of October 13, 1994,
             by and between The Continental Corporation, a  New York
             corporation (the "Company"), and Richard M. Haverland ("Ex-

                                 W I T N E S S E T H:
                                 - - - - - - - - - -

                     WHEREAS, the Company has entered into the Securi-
             ties Purchase Agreement (the "Securities Purchase Agree-
             ment") between the Company and TCC-PS Limited Partnership
             (the "Partnership"), dated as of the date hereof, pursuant
             to which the Partnership will purchase the number of shares
             of the Company's Preferred Stock specified therein; and

                    WHEREAS, in connection with the execution of the
             Securities Purchase Agreement and the consummation of the
             transactions contemplated thereby, the Company desires to
             secure the services of Executive and to enter into an agree-
             ment embodying the terms of such employment (the "Agree-
             ment"); and

                    WHEREAS, Executive desires to accept such employment
             and enter into such Agreement;

                    NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual cov-
             enants herein contained, the Company and Executive hereby
             agree as follows:

               1.   Employment.

                    a.   Agreement to Employ.  Upon the terms and sub-
             ject to the conditions of this Agreement, the Company hereby
             employs Executive and Executive hereby accepts employment by
             the Company.

                    b.   Term of Employment.  Except as provided in
             Paragraph 6(a), the Company shall employ Executive for the
             period commencing on the date hereof (the "Commencement
             Date") and ending on the fifth anniversary of the Commence-
             ment Date.  The period during which Executive is employed
             pursuant to this Agreement shall be referred to as the "Em-
             ployment Period".


               2.   Position and Duties.

                    From the Commencement Date to the date of the clos-
             ing of the transactions contemplated by the Securities Pur-
             chase Agreement, Executive shall serve as the Vice Chairman
             of the Company.  Thereafter during the Employment Period,
             Executive shall serve as the Chairman of the Board of Direc-
             tors of the Company (the "Board") and Chief Executive Offi-
             cer of the Company and in such other position or positions
             with the Company and its subsidiaries, consistent with his
             positions as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the
             Company, as the Board shall from time to time specify. 
             During the Employment Period, Executive shall have the
             duties, responsibilities and obligations customarily as-
             signed to individuals serving in the position or positions
             in which Executive serves hereunder.  Executive shall devote
             substantially all his business time to the services required
             of him hereunder, except for vacation time and reasonable
             periods of absence due to sickness, personal injury or other
             disability, and shall perform such services in a manner
             consonant with the duties of his position.  Subject to the
             provisions of Paragraph 7(a), nothing herein shall preclude
             Executive from (i) serving on the boards of directors of a
             reasonable number of other corporations or the boards of a
             reasonable number of trade associations and/or charitable
             organizations, (ii) engaging in charitable activities and
             community affairs, and (iii) managing his personal invest-
             ments and affairs, provided that such activities do not
             materially interfere with the proper performance of his
             duties and responsibilities as the Company's Chairman and
             Chief Executive Officer.  

               3.   Compensation.

                    a.   Base Salary.  During the Employment Period, the
             Company shall pay Executive a base salary at the annual rate
             of no less than $1,000,000.  The base salary shall be re-
             viewed no less frequently than annually for increase in the
             discretion of the Board beginning with the base salary for
             1997.  The amount of annual base salary currently payable
             under this Paragraph 3(a) shall be reduced, however, to the
             extent Executive elects to defer such salary under the terms
             of any deferred compensation or savings plan or arrangement
             maintained or established by the Company or any of its sub-
             sidiaries.  Executive's annual base salary payable hereun-
             der, including any increased annual base salary, without
             reduction for any amounts deferred as described above, is
             referred to herein as "Base Salary".  The Company shall pay
             Executive the portion of his Base Salary not deferred not
             less frequently than in equal monthly installments.



                    b.   Incentive Compensation.  During the term of the
             Employment Period, Executive shall participate in the Com-
             pany's existing and future annual and long term incentive
             compensation programs at a level commensurate with his posi-
             tion at the Company and consistent with the Company's then
             current policies and practices, provided that (i) Executive
                                             --------       -
             will receive a minimum guaranteed annual incentive bonus
             equal to $800,000 for each of calendar years 1994 and 1995
             and (ii) thereafter, Executive's target annual incentive
             bonus shall be at least $800,000, each such bonus to be paid
             no later than March 31 of the calendar year following the
             calendar year for which such bonus is payable hereunder,
             subject, in each such case, to Executive's continued employ-
             ment with the Company through December 31 of the calendar
             year for which such bonus is payable, except as otherwise
             provided in Paragraph 6.  The annual incentive compensation
             payable currently under this Paragraph 3(b) shall be re-
             duced, however, to the extent Executive elects to defer such
             annual incentive compensation under the terms of the Annual
             Management Incentive Plan of the Company.

                    c.  Eligibility for Equity Awards.  Notwithstanding
             any provision of this Agreement or of any compensation or
             benefit plan, policy, program or agreement of the Company,
             Executive shall not be entitled to receive any stock option,
             performance share, performance unit or other equity based
             award in or for calendar years 1994 or 1995 except to the
             extent specifically provided in Paragraph 4 of this Agree-
             ment.  After 1995, Executive shall be entitled to partici-
             pate in any stock option, performance share, performance
             unit or other equity based award on the same basis as other
             senior level executives at the Company.

                    d.   Sign On Bonus.  In order to compensate Execu-
             tive for compensation that he will be required to forgo by
             accepting employment with the Company and to induce him to
             accept such employment, the Company shall pay Executive
             $93,750 in cash as soon as practicable, but not later than
             ten business days after the Commencement Date.

               4.   Stock Option Grant.  

                    a.  Grant.  On the Commencement Date, the Company
             shall grant to Executive an option (the "Option") to pur-
             chase 1,000,000 shares of Common Stock (the "Option
             Shares"), pursuant to the terms of the Company's Long Term
             Incentive Plan (the "LTIP").



                    b.  Exercise Price.  The per share exercise price
             for the first 500,000 Option Shares (the "First Tranche")
             shall be $13.4375 per share.  The per share exercise price
             for the next 250,000 Option Shares (the "Second Tranche")
             shall be $15.25 per share.  The per share exercise price for
             the remaining Option Shares (the "Third Tranche") shall be
             $17.25 per share.

                    c.  Exercisability.  (i) The First Tranche shall
             become exercisable in full on the six month anniversary of
             the Commencement Date.  The Second Tranche shall become
             exercisable in two equal installments on the first and
             second anniversaries of the Commencement Date and the Third
             Tranche shall become exercisable in two equal installments
             on the second and third anniversaries of the Commencement

                    (ii)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph
             (i), each of the First, Second and Third Tranches shall be-
             come fully exercisable at such earlier time as is generally
             provided under the terms of the LTIP.

                    (iii)  Subject to shareholder approval of the amend-
             ment to the LTIP described in Paragraph 4(c)(iv) below, fol-
             lowing the termination of Executive's employment prior to
             the fifth anniversary of the Commencement Date by reason of
             Executive's death, a Termination due to Disability (as de-
             fined in Paragraph 6(d)), a Termination Without Cause (as
             defined in Paragraph 6(d)) or a Termination for Good Reason
             (as defined in Paragraph 6(d)), the Option shall remain
             exercisable, to the extent the Option is exercisable at the
             time of such termination or thereafter becomes exercisable
             as provided in Paragraph 6(b)(iv), until the later of the
             fifth anniversary of the Commencement Date or the date the
             Option would otherwise cease to be exercisable following
             such termination under the generally applicable terms of the

                    (iv) The Company shall amend the LTIP, subject to
             approval of such amendment by the Company's shareholders at
             or before the Company's next annual meeting of shareholders,
             to permit the Option to contain the terms relating to the
             period of post-termination exercisability described in Para-
             graph 4(c)(iii) above.  The Company shall take all steps
             necessary or appropriate to present the foregoing amendment
             to the LTIP to the Company's shareholders for approval at or
             before such next annual meeting.



                    d.  Option Agreement.   The remaining terms and con-
             ditions of the Option, to the extent consistent with this
             Paragraph 4, shall be as provided in the LTIP and the agree-
             ment relating to such grant, which shall provide Executive
             with the same rights as are generally made available to
             senior executive officers of the Company under the Company's
             standard compensation practices.

               5.   Benefits, Perquisites and Expenses.

                    a.  Benefits.  During the Employment Period, Execu-
             tive shall be eligible to participate in (i) each welfare
             benefit plan sponsored or maintained by the Company for its
             senior executive officers, including, without limitation,
             each group life, hospitalization, medical, dental, health,
             accident or disability insurance or similar plan or program
             of the Company, and (ii) each pension, profit sharing, re-
             tirement, deferred compensation or savings plan sponsored or
             maintained by the Company for its senior executive officers,
             in each case, whether now existing or established hereafter,
             in accordance with the generally applicable provisions
             thereof.  To the extent there is a period of employment re-
             quired as a condition for full benefit coverage under any
             employee benefit program, other than a pension, profit shar-
             ing, retirement, deferred compensation or savings plan that
             is qualified under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, Execu-
             tive shall be deemed to have met such requirement.  Without
             Executive's prior written consent, the Company shall not
             terminate or reduce any benefit enjoyed by Executive under
             any of such plans unless the Company furnishes Executive
             with a benefit that is substantially equivalent.

                    b.   Perquisites.  During the Employment Period,
             Executive shall be entitled to receive such perquisites as
             are generally provided to other senior executive officers of
             the Company in accordance with the then current policies and
             practices of the Company.

                    c.   Business Expenses.  During the Employment Per-
             iod, the Company shall pay or reimburse Executive for all
             reasonable expenses incurred or paid by Executive in the
             performance of Executive's duties hereunder, upon presenta-
             tion of expense statements or vouchers and such other infor-
             mation as the Company may require and in accordance with the
             generally applicable policies and procedures of the Company.



                    d.   Company Car.  During the Employment Period, the
             Company shall provide Executive with the use of an automo-
             bile and chauffeur commensurate with his status and position
             and shall pay all costs of maintenance thereof and insurance
             thereon, but shall not be responsible for any other expenses
             which are not reimbursable in accordance with the Company's
             usual polices regarding business expenses.

                    e.   Company Apartment.  During the Employment Per-
             iod, in addition to the period of exclusive use described in
             Paragraph 5(f)(ii) below, the Company shall make available
             to Executive for his use the Company's apartment located in
             Manhattan (the "Apartment") on substantially the same basis
             as the Apartment was made available to the Company's chief
             executive officer in office immediately prior to Executive.

                    f.   Relocation Arrangements.

                         (i)  Relocation Expenses.  The Company shall
             directly pay or reimburse Executive for reasonable moving,
             house-search, travel, lodging and similar expenses incurred
             by him in relocating Executive and his household effects to
             the New York Metropolitan area, and the reasonable fees and
             expenses associated with the purchase or lease by Executive
             of a residence in the New York Metropolitan area and the
             sale of his present residence.  Without limiting the fore-
             going, Executive shall be afforded the arrangements provided
             under the Company's relocation policy but without reference
             to the $400,000 limit with respect to his present residence
             or his new residence.  In addition, such payments or reim-
             bursements shall be on a "tax grossed-up basis" so that
             Executive will not be "out-of-pocket" on an after-tax basis
             with respect to any such payment or reimbursement, it being
             understood that there shall be no tax gross up with respect
             to amounts that are deductible by Executive as a moving

                         (ii) Temporary Accommodations.  Until the ear-
             lier of (x) the date Executive's primary residence in the
             New York Metropolitan area is, in the reasonable judgment of
             Executive, ready for occupancy and (y) the first anniversary
             of the Commencement Date, the Company shall make the Apart-
             ment available to the Executive, for his sole and exclusive



                    g.   Retirement Benefits.  The Company shall pay
             Executive an additional monthly retirement benefit pursuant
             to the terms of this Agreement which shall be equal to the
             excess of (i) the monthly retirement benefit which would be
             payable to Executive under the terms of the Supplemental
             Retirement Plan of the Company (the "SERP"), as in effect on
             the date hereof, assuming that Executive were credited with
             10.5 years of service in addition to his actual years of
             service with the Company over (ii) the monthly retirement
             benefit which is actually payable to Executive under the
             SERP.   In determining the amount of any offset as provided
             in the preceding sentence, such amount shall be calculated
             assuming the same frequency of payment, the same form of
             annuity and the same commencement date of payment as the
             benefits to be paid under this Paragraph 5(g).  The
             retirement benefit payable to or in respect of Executive
             pursuant to this Paragraph 5(g) shall be fully vested at all
             times, without regard to when or the manner in which
             Executive's employment with the Company terminates, and
             shall commence to be paid at the same time as Executive's
             retirement benefit under the SERP, but in no event later
             than the later to occur of (x) the termination of
             Executive's employment and (y) his attainment of age 60.  If
             under the SERP as currently in effect, there would be an
             actuarial reduction if the retirement benefits commenced on
             the date provided in the preceding sentence, Executive may
             elect to defer commencement of such benefits until the date
             as of which retirement benefits may commence without
             actuarial reduction.  The retirement benefit payable to or
             in respect of Executive pursuant to this Paragraph 5(g)
             shall be paid in the form of a straight life annuity for his
             lifetime or in such other alternative form of benefit
             permitted under the terms of the SERP as currently in effect
             as Executive may elect in accordance with the election
             provisions applicable under the SERP.  The Company shall (i)
             establish a grantor trust, subject to the claims of its
             creditors, as soon as practicable after the Commencement
             Date and (ii) contribute to such trust the amounts necessary
             to satisfy its obligations to Executive under this Paragraph
             5(g) (which amount shall be determined using the same
             actuarial assumptions that it uses for purposes of financial
             accounting in accordance with FAS 87) over the period
             between the Commencement Date and the last day of the month
             in which Executive attains age 60.

                    h.   Profit Sharing Account.  If Executive forfeits
             all or any portion of the profit sharing account (the
             "Profit Sharing Account") accrued on his behalf pursuant to
             the terms of the profit sharing plans of the Prior Employer 



             (the "Prior Employer Profit Sharing Plan") by reason of
             Executive's termination of employment with the Prior Employ-
             er to accept employment hereunder, the Company shall estab-
             lish on its books a notional account on Executive's behalf
             (the "Deferred Compensation Account") to which the Company
             will credit an amount equal to the amount so forfeited. 
             Executive shall advise the Company of the amount, if any,
             that is so forfeited.  Interest shall be credited annually
             to amounts credited to the Deferred Compensation Account, at
             a rate equal to the long-term Applicable Federal Rate, com-
             pounded annually, in effect on the Commencement Date, as
             determined pursuant to section 1274(d) of the Internal Rev-
             enue Code of 1986, as amended.  Such interest shall be cred-
             ited to the Deferred Compensation Account for the period
             commencing on the date an amount is forfeited under the
             Prior Employer Profit Sharing Plan and ending on the day
             immediately preceding the day amounts credited to the De-
             ferred Compensation Account are paid to Executive pursuant
             to this Paragraph 5(h).  The entire amount credited to the
             Deferred Compensation Account shall be fully vested at all
             times and shall become payable to Executive on the first
             business day of the calendar year following the calendar
             year in which Executive's employment with the Company termi-
             nates for any reason.

                    i.   Indemnification.  (x)  The Company agrees that
             if Executive is made a party, or is threatened to be made a
             party, to any action, suit or proceeding, whether civil,
             criminal, administrative or investigative (a "Proceeding"),
             by reason of the fact that he is or was a director, officer
             or employee of the Company or is or was serving at the re-
             quest of the Company as a director, officer, member, employ-
             ee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint ven-
             ture, trust or other enterprise, including service with
             respect to employee benefit plans, whether or not the basis
             of such Proceeding is Executive's alleged action in an offi-
             cial capacity while serving as a director, officer, member,
             employee or agent, Executive shall be indemnified and held
             harmless by the Company to the fullest extent legally per-
             mitted or authorized by the Company's certificate of incor-
             poration or bylaws or resolutions of the Board or, if
             greater, by the laws of the State of New York, against all
             cost, expense, liability and loss (including, without limi-
             tation, attorney's fees, judgments, fines, ERISA excise
             taxes or penalties and amounts paid or to be paid in
             settlement) reasonably incurred or suffered by Executive in
             connection therewith, and such indemnification shall con-
             tinue as to Executive even if he has ceased to be a direc-
             tor, officer, member, employee or agent of the Company or
             other entity and shall inure to the benefit of Executive's 



             heirs, executors and administrators.  The Company shall
             advance to Executive all reasonable costs and expenses
             incurred by him in connection with a Proceeding within 20
             days after receipt by the Company of a written request for
             such advance.  Such request shall include an undertaking by
             Executive to repay the amount of such advance, plus interest
             at the short term "Applicable Federal Rate", as then in
             effect, under Section 1274(d) of the Internal Revenue Code
             of 1986, as amended, if it shall ultimately be determined
             that he is not entitled to be indemnified against such costs
             and expenses.

                    (y)  Neither the failure of the Company (including
             its board of directors, independent legal counsel or stock-
             holders) to have made a determination prior to the commence-
             ment of any Proceeding concerning payment of amounts claimed
             by Executive under Paragraph 5(i)(x) above that indemnifica-
             tion of Executive is proper because he has met the appli-
             cable standard of conduct, nor a determination by the Com-
             pany (including the Board, independent legal counsel or
             stockholders) that Executive has not met such applicable
             standard of conduct, shall create a presumption that Exe-
             cutive has not met the applicable standard of conduct.

                    (z)  The Company agrees to continue and maintain a
             directors' and officers' liability insurance policy covering
             Executive to the extent the Company provides such coverage
             for its other executive officers.

               6.   Termination of Employment.  

                    a.   Early Termination of the Employment Period. 
             Notwithstanding Paragraph 1(b), the Employment Period shall
             end upon the earliest to occur of (i) a termination of Exec-
             utive's employment on account of Executive's death, (ii) a
             Termination due to Disability, (iii) a Termination for
             Cause, (iv) a Termination Without Cause, (v) a Termination
                     --                                -
             for Good Reason or (vi) a Voluntary Termination.

                    b.   Benefits Payable Upon Termination.  (i)  Fol-
             lowing the end of the Employment Period pursuant to Para-
             graph 6(a), Executive (or, in the event of his death, his
             surviving spouse, if any, or his estate or other benefici-
             ary) shall be paid the type or types of compensation, bene-
             fits and other payments determined to be payable in accor-
             dance with the following table at the times established 



             pursuant to Paragraph 6(c) or as provided in Paragraphs
             6(b)(ii) and (iii):
                                Earned     Vested   Severance   Additional
                             Compensation Benefits   Benefits     Payment 
                             ------------ --------  ---------   ----------

           Termination due                             Not
             to Death          Payable     Payable   Payable     Payable

           Termination due                             Not
             to Disability     Payable     Payable   Payable     Payable
           Termination for                             Not         Not
             Cause             Payable     Payable   Payable     Payable

             Without Cause     Payable     Payable   Payable     Payable
           Termination for  
             Good Reason       Payable     Payable   Payable     Payable

           Voluntary                                   Not         Not
            Termination        Payable     Payable   Payable     Payable

                   (ii)  In the event of a Termination due to Disabil-
             ity, a Termination Without Cause or a Termination for Good
             Reason, Executive shall be entitled to continued participa-
             tion in all medical, dental, hospitalization and life in-
             surance coverage and in other employee benefit plans or
             programs in which he was participating on the date of the
             termination of his employment until the earlier of (A) 24
             months following termination of his employment and (B) the
             date, or dates, he receives equivalent coverage and benefits
             under the plans and programs of a subsequent employer (such
             coverages and benefits to be determined on a coverage-by-
             coverage, or benefit-by-benefit basis); provided that if
             Executive is precluded from continuing his participation in
             any employee plan or program as provided in this Paragraph
             6(b)(ii), he shall be provided with the economic equivalent
             of the benefits provided under the plan or program in which
             he is unable to participate.  In the case of any welfare
             benefit plan, the economic equivalent of any benefit fore-
             gone shall be (x) deemed to be the lowest cost that would be
             incurred by Executive in obtaining such benefit himself on
             an individual basis and (y) shall be provided on a "tax
             grossed-up basis" to the extent the economic equivalent is
             taxable to Executive, but provision of the benefit to Execu-
             tive while an employee was not taxable.

                  (iii)  In the event of a termination of Executive's
             employment for any reason, Executive or his estate or other
             beneficiary shall be entitled to (A) any retirement benefit



             that is due pursuant to Paragraph 5(g), (B) any other
             amounts accruing or owed to Executive but not yet paid under
             Paragraph 5 and (C) the Vested Benefits.

                   (iv)  In the event of (A) a Termination Without Cause
             or a Termination for Good Reason occurring more than six
             months after the Commencement Date, the Option shall immed-
             iately become exercisable to the extent it would have become
             exercisable pursuant to Paragraph 4(c) during the 24 months
             following termination of Executive's employment and (B) a
             termination of Executive's employment due to death or a
             Termination due to Disability, the next installment of the
             Option that would have become exercisable pursuant to Para-
             graph 4(c) shall immediately become exercisable.

                    (v)  The Normal Severance Benefits payable to Exe-
             cutive (or, in the event of his death after the date the
             Employment Period ends, his surviving spouse, if any, or his
             estate or other beneficiary) in the event the Employment
             Period ends pursuant to Paragraph 6(a) by reason of a Ter-
             mination Without Cause or a Termination for Good Reason
             shall consist of the following components:

                    (A)  the Basic Payment,

                    (B)  if the Employment Period ends at any time dur-
                         ing calendar year 1994 or 1995, the Earned
                         Guaranteed Bonus,

                    (C)  if the Employment Period ends after calendar
                         year 1995, a pro-rated amount equal to the
                         product of (i) Executive's target bonus for the
                         calendar year in which the Employment Period
                         ends, multiplied by (ii) a fraction, the numer-
                         ator of which is equal to the number of days in
                         the calendar year in which the Employment
                         Period ends pursuant to Paragraph 6(a) which
                         have elapsed as of the date of such end of the
                         Employment Period and the denominator of which
                         is 365, and

                    (D)  if the Employment Period ends on or before the
                         last day of the eighteenth full calendar month
                         commencing on or after the Commencement Date
                         (the "Supplemental Payment Period"), the Sup-
                         plemental Payment.

             In addition, if, in the case of a Termination Without Cause
             or a Termination for Good Reason, the Option is cancelled or
             expires by its terms, in either case, not later than the 



             last day of the three month period following the last day of
             the Employment Period (the "Option Period"), the Additional
             Payment shall be payable to Executive (or, in the event of
             his death, his surviving spouse, if any, or his estate or
             other beneficiary).

                    Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, in the
             event that the aggregate value of the severance compensation
             and benefits payable to Executive under the terms of The
             Executive Severance Plan of the Company (the "Executive
             Severance Plan") is greater than the aggregate value of the
             Normal Severance Benefits, then, in lieu of any payments
             under this Paragraph 6, Executive shall receive the seve-
             rance compensation and benefits payable to him under the
             terms of the Executive Severance Plan.  If Executive re-
             ceives payment of the Normal Severance Benefits described in
             this Paragraph 6 (other than under the Executive Severance
             Plan, as described in the immediately preceding sentence),
             Executive shall not be entitled to any severance benefits or
             compensation under the terms of the Executive Severance Plan
             or any other severance plan of the Company.

                   (vi)  The Additional Payment shall be payable to
             Executive (or, in the event of his death, his surviving
             spouse, if any, or his estate or other beneficiary) in the
             event the Employment Period ends by reason of Executive's
             death or a Termination due to Disability, provided that, if
             the Option shall remain exercisable by its terms until the
             fifth anniversary of the Commencement Date, then, notwith-
             standing any provision hereof to the contrary, no Additional
             Payment will be payable pursuant to this Agreement by reason
             of Executive's death or a Termination due to Disability.

                  (vii)  For purposes of this Paragraph 6(b) and Para-
             graph 6(c), capitalized terms have the following meanings.

                    "Additional Payment" means the sum of the amounts,
             determined separately with respect to each Option Share
             subject to the Exercisable Option, equal to the excess of
             (A) over (B), where

                    (A)  is equal to (1) the Fair Market Value of an
                         Option Share on the earlier of (x) the fifth
                         anniversary of the Commencement Date or (y) if
                         applicable, the Designated Date (as defined
                         below), reduced by (2) the exercise price for
                         such Option Share, and

                    (B)  is equal to the greater of (1)(x) the Fair Mar-
                                                     -  -
                         ket Value of such Option Share on the date the



                         Employment Period ends, reduced by (y) the ex-
                         ercise price for such Option Share, and (2)

             provided that, if the Employment Period ends by reason of a
             Termination Without Cause or a Termination for Good Reason
             during the Supplemental Payment Period, the amount of the
             Additional Payment shall be reduced (but not below zero) by
             the amount of the Supplemental Payment.  Notwithstanding
             anything else contained herein to the contrary, if Executive
             (or Executive's surviving spouse, estate and/or other
             beneficiaries, as the case may be) surrenders the
             Exercisable Option to the Company within 10 business days
             after the date his employment terminates, the Company shall
             grant him (or Executive's surviving spouse, estate and/or
             other beneficiaries, as the case may be) the right to
             designate the date (the "Designated Date") as of which the
             Fair Market Value of an Option Share for purposes for
             subclause (A) above is determined by delivering to the
             Company a written notice of such designation on or prior to
             the date designated in such notice; provided that, if a
             Termination Without Cause or a Termination for Good Reason 
             occurs six months or less after the Commencement Date
             Executive shall be deemed to have surrendered the
             Exercisable Option as of the date of his termination of

                    "Basic Payment" means an amount equal to two times
             the sum of (a) the annual Base Salary payable to Executive
             immediately prior to the end of the Employment Period (or in
             the event a reduction in Base Salary is the basis for a Ter-
             mination for Good Reason, then the Base Salary in effect
             immediately prior to such reduction) and (b) (x) if the
                                                       -   -
             Employment Period ends prior to January 1, 1996, $800,000 or
             (y) if the Employment Period ends after December 31, 1995,
             the annual incentive compensation Executive would have been
             entitled to receive under Paragraph 3(b) for the calendar
             year in which the Employment Period ends pursuant to Para-
             graph 6(a) had he remained employed by the Company for the
             entire calendar year and assuming that all targets for such
             calendar year had been met.

                    "Earned Compensation" means the sum of (a) any Base
             Salary earned, but unpaid, for services rendered to the
             Company on or prior to the date on which the Employment
             Period ends pursuant to Paragraph 6(a) and (b) any annual
             incentive compensation payable for services rendered in the
             calendar year preceding the calendar year in which the Em-
             ployment Period ends that has not been paid on or prior to
             the date the Employment Period ends (other than (x) Base 



             Salary deferred pursuant to Executive's election, as pro-
             vided in Paragraph 3(a) and (y) annual incentive compensa-
             tion deferred pursuant to Executive's election, as provided
             in Paragraph 3(b)).

                    "Earned Guaranteed Bonus" means a pro-rated amount
             equal to the product of (i) $800,000, multiplied by (ii) a
                                      -                           --
             fraction, the numerator of which is equal to the number of
             days in the calendar year in which the Employment Period
             ends pursuant to Paragraph 6(a) which have elapsed as of the
             date of such end of the Employment Period and the denomina-
             tor of which is 365.

                    "Exercisable Option" means the portion of the Option
             that is exercisable as of the date the Employment Period
             ends pursuant to Paragraph 6(a) or becomes exercisable pur-
             suant to Paragraph 6(b)(iv).  For the purpose of this defi-
             nition of "Exercisable Option," in the event of a Termina-
             tion Without Cause or a Termination for Good Reason occur-
             ring six months or less after the Commencement Date, the Op-
             tion shall nevertheless be deemed to become exercisable as
             provided in Paragraph 6(b)(iv).

                    "Fair Market Value" means, on any date, the average
             of the highest and the lowest sales prices for a share of
             Common Stock, as reported on the New York Stock Exchange
             Composite Tape for such date, or, if there were no sales on
             such date, on the next preceding date on which there were

                    "Normal Severance Benefits" means the component
             amounts described in Paragraphs 6(b)(v), which shall be
             payable subject to the terms and conditions set forth there-

                    "Option Period" has the meaning set forth in Para-
             graph 6(b)(v).

                    "Separate Account" means a separate account under
             the grantor trust established pursuant to Paragraph 5(g) to
             which the contribution, if any, made pursuant to Paragraph
             6(c) with respect to the Supplemental Payment shall be

                    "Supplemental Payment" means an amount equal to the
             excess, if any, of 

                    (a)  (1) $6,000,000 plus 
                     -    -



                         (2)  in the event of a contribution to the
                              Separate Account, the amount (which may be
                              a negative number) equal to the remainder

                              (A)  the fair market value of the assets
                                   in the Separate Account at the date
                                   the Supplemental Payment is due minus

                              (B)  the amount actually contributed to
                                   the Separate Account in respect of
                                   the Supplemental Payment pursuant to
                                   Paragraph 6(c), over

                    (b)  the aggregate amount realized by Executive
                         (and, in the event of Executive's death prior
                         to payment of the Supplemental Payment, by
                         Executive's surviving spouse, estate and/or
                         other beneficiaries, as the case may be) upon
                         the exercise of all or a portion of the Option.

             For this purpose, the "aggregate amount realized" shall be
             the excess of (x) the fair market value of the shares pur-
             chased upon exercise of the Option on the date of exercise
             over (y) the exercise price of such shares.

                    "Supplemental Payment Period" has the meaning set
             forth in Paragraph 6(b)(v)(C).

                    "Vested Benefits" means amounts which are vested or
             which Executive is otherwise entitled to receive under the
             terms of or in accordance with any plan, policy, practice or
             program of, or any contract or agreement with, the Company
             or any of its subsidiaries, at or subsequent to the date of
             his termination without regard to the performance by Execu-
             tive of further services or the resolution of a contingency,
             provided that (i) Executive shall be entitled to receive
             amounts under the Executive Severance Plan only if such
             amounts are paid in lieu of all Normal Severance Benefits
             otherwise payable to Executive under this Paragraph 6 and
             (ii) Executive shall not be entitled to any benefits under
             any other severance plan, policy or arrangement of the Com-
             pany or any of its subsidiaries.

                    c.   Timing of Payments.  Earned Compensation and
             the portion of any Normal Severance Benefits consisting of
             the Earned Guaranteed Bonus or the pro rata bonus described
             in Paragraph 6(b)(v)(C) and the Basic Payment shall be paid
             in a single lump sum as soon as practicable, but in no event



             more than 15 days, following the end of the Employment Peri-

                    The portion, if any, of the Normal Severance Bene-
             fits consisting of the Supplemental Payment shall be paid in
             a single lump sum, at whichever of the following times is

                    (i)  subject to the cancellation or expiration of
                         the Option on or before the last day of the
                         Option Period, on the 95th day following the
                         end of the Employment Period or 

                    (ii) on the earlier of

                         (x)  the earlier of

                              (A)  the Designated Date or

                              (B)  the fifth anniversary of the
                                   Commencement Date and

                         (y)  the fifteenth day following the date
                              Executive (and, in the event of
                              Executive's death prior to the payment of
                              the Supplemental Payment, Executive's
                              surviving spouse, estate and/or other
                              beneficiaries, as the case may be) exer-
                              cises the Exercisable Option in full.

             If the Option would, by its terms, continue to be
             outstanding following the last day of the Option Period,
             Executive may elect to receive the Supplemental Payment at
             the time described in clause (i) of the immediately preced-
             ing sentence by agreeing, in writing, to the cancellation of
             the Exercisable Option no later than the last day of the
             Option Period.  

                    Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the
             contrary, if the Supplemental Payment is not paid to
             Executive by the 95th day following the end of the Employ-
             ment Period, the Company shall contribute the amount of the
             Supplemental Payment into the Separate Account and shall
             cause the terms of such trust to permit the investment of
             the amounts held in the Separate Account to be managed by an
             investment manager or other investment professional
             designated by Executive and reasonably acceptable to the
             Company; provided that as a condition to the Company's obli-
             gation to make contributions to the Separate Account in
             respect of the Supplemental Payment, Executive agrees that, 



             if (x) at the time the Supplemental Payment would otherwise
             be due, no amount is due Executive with respect to the
             Supplemental Payment and (y) the amount actually contributed
             to the Separate Account exceeds the fair market value of the
             assets in the Separate Account at the time the Supplemental
             Payment would otherwise be due, Executive shall pay to the
             Company an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (i) over
             (ii), where:

                    (i)  is the excess of 

                         (A)  the amount actually contributed to the
                              Separate Account over 

                         (B)  the fair market value of the assets in the
                              Separate Account at the time the
                              Supplemental Payment would otherwise be
                              due; and

                    (ii) is the excess of 

                         (A)  $6,000,000 over 

                         (B)  the aggregate amount realized by Executive
                              (and, in the event of Executive's death
                              prior to payment of the Supplemental Pay-
                              ment, by Executive's surviving spouse,
                              estate and/or other beneficiaries, as the
                              case may be) upon the exercise of all or a
                              portion of the Option.

                    The Additional Payment shall be paid in a single
             lump sum on the earlier of (x) the Designated Date, if
             applicable, and (y) the fifth anniversary of the
             Commencement Date.

                    Vested Benefits shall be payable in accordance with
             the terms of the plan, policy, practice, program, contract
             or agreement under which such benefits have accrued. 

                    d.   Additional Definitions.  For purposes of Para-
             graphs 4 and 6, the following additional capitalized terms
             have the following meanings:

                    "Termination for Cause" means a termination of Exec-
             utive's employment by the Company due to (i) Executive's
             conviction of a felony or the entering by Executive of a
             plea of nolo contendere to a felony charge, (ii) Executive's
             gross neglect, willful malfeasance or willful gross miscon-
             duct in connection with his employment hereunder which has 



             had a material adverse effect on the business of the Company
             and its subsidiaries, unless Executive reasonably believed
             in good faith that such act or nonact was in or not opposed
             to the best interests of the Company, (iii) a substantial
             and continual refusal by Executive in breach of this Agree-
             ment to perform the duties, responsibilities or obligations
             assigned to Executive pursuant to the terms hereof, provided
             that such duties, responsibilities or obligations are con-
             sistent with his positions as Chairman and Chief Executive
             Officer and are otherwise lawful and appropriate or (iv) any
             other material breach by Executive of any material provision
             of this Agreement.  A Termination for Cause shall not take
             effect unless the following provisions are complied with. 
             Executive shall be given written notice by the Board of the
             intention to terminate him for Cause, such notice (A) to
             state in detail the particular act or acts or failure or
             failures to act that constitute the grounds on which the
             proposed Termination for Cause is based and (B) to be given
             within six months of the Board learning of such act or acts
             or failure or failures to act.  Executive shall have 15 days
             after the date that such written notice has been given to
             Executive in which to cure such conduct, to the extent such
             cure is possible.  If he fails to cure such conduct, Execu-
             tive shall then be entitled to a hearing before the Board. 
             Such hearing shall be held within 30 days of such notice to
             Executive.  If a majority of the members of the Board
             (excluding Executive) do not confirm that the Company had
             grounds for a "Cause" termination, Executive shall have the
             option to treat his employment as not having terminated or
             as having been terminated pursuant to a Termination Without

                    "Termination due to Disability" means a termination
             of Executive's employment by the Company because Executive
             has been incapable of substantially fulfilling the posi-
             tions, duties, responsibilities and obligations set forth in
             this Agreement because of physical, mental or emotional
             incapacity resulting from injury, sickness or disease for a
             period of more than six consecutive months in any twelve
             month period.  Any question as to the existence, extent or
             potentiality of Executive's disability upon which Executive
             and the Company cannot agree shall be determined by a quali-
             fied, independent physician jointly selected by the Company
             and Executive.  If the Company and Executive cannot agree on
             the physician to make the determination, then the Company
             and Executive shall each select a physician and those physi-
             cians shall jointly select a third physician, who shall make
             the determination.  The determination of any such physician
             shall be final and conclusive for all purposes of this
             Agreement.  Executive or his legal representative or any



             member of his immediate family shall have the right to pre-
             sent to such physician such information and arguments as to
             Executive's disability as he, she or they deem appropriate,
             including the opinion of Executive's personal physician.

                    "Termination for Good Reason" means a termination of
             Executive's employment by Executive within six months fol-
             lowing (i) a reduction in Executive's annual Base Salary or
             incentive compensation opportunity or the termination or
             reduction of any material employee benefit or perquisite
             enjoyed by him without the substitution of another compar-
             able benefit or perquisite or another benefit or perquisite
             of comparable value, (ii) the failure to elect or reelect
             Executive to any of the positions described in Section 2
             above or removal of him from any such position, (iii) a
             material reduction in Executive's duties and responsibili-
             ties or the assignment to Executive of duties and responsi-
             bilities which are materially inconsistent with his duties
             or which materially impair Executive's ability to function
             as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company,
             (iv) a material breach of any material provision of this
             Agreement by the Company, (v) the failure of the Company and
             the Partnership to consummate the transactions contemplated
             by the Securities Purchase Agreement on or prior to March
             31, 1995 or the termination or abandonment by the Company
             and the Partnership of the Securities Purchase Agreement
             prior to March 31, 1995, (vi) if any of the documents filed
             by the Company with the SEC since January 1, 1993 and prior
             to the Commencement Date or to be filed with the SEC with
             respect to calendar year 1994, (x) failed or fails to comply
             in all material respects with the applicable requirements of
             the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or (y)
             contained or contains any untrue statements of a material
             fact or omitted or omits to state any material fact
             necessary in order to make the statements made therein, in
             the light of the circumstances under which they were made,
             not misleading, or (vii) the occurrence of an event that
             would permit participants in the Executive Severance Plan to
             terminate employment with the Company and receive payment of
             severance compensation and benefits under the terms of the
             Executive Severance Plan, assuming for this purpose that the
             level of ownership by any person or group of the Company's
             common stock necessary to constitute a Change of Control is
             25% (instead of 30%) but excluding from the definition of a
             Change of Control the acquisition by the Partnership (or any
             group of which the Partnership is a member) of securities in
             excess of that level of ownership.  Notwithstanding the
             foregoing, a termination shall not be treated as a Term-
             ination for Good Reason (i) if Executive shall have
             consented in writing to the occurrence of the event giving 



             rise to the claim of Termination for Good Reason (other than
             an event described in clause (vii) of this definition) or
             (ii) unless Executive shall have delivered a written notice
             to the Board within six months of his having actual knowl-
             edge of the occurrence of one of such events stating that he
             intends to terminate his employment for Good Reason and
             specifying the factual basis for such termination, and such
             event, if capable of being cured, shall not have been cured
             within 30 days of the receipt of such notice.

                    "Termination Without Cause" means any termination of
             Executive's employment by the Company other than (i) a Ter-
             mination due to Disability or (ii) a Termination for Cause.

                       "Voluntary Termination" means any termination of
             Executive's employment on his own initiative (other than a
             termination due to death, a Termination due to Disability or
             a Termination for Good Reason) after the second anniversary
             of the Commencement Date and upon 60 days' advance written
             notice to the Company of such termination.

                       e.     Payment Following a Change in Control.  In
             the event that, in the case of a Termination Without Cause
             or a Termination for Good Reason, the aggregate of all pay-
             ments or benefits made or provided to the Executive under
             this Paragraph 6 and under all other plans and programs of
             the Company (the "Aggregate Payment") is determined to con-
             stitute a Parachute Payment, as such term is defined in
             Section 28OG(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Company
             shall pay to the Executive, prior to the time any excise tax
             imposed by Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code ("Ex-
             cise Tax") is payable with respect to such Aggregate Pay-
             ment, an additional amount which, after the imposition of
             all income and excise taxes thereon, is equal to the Excise
             Tax on the Aggregate Payment.  The determination of whether
             the Aggregate Payment constitutes a Parachute Payment and,
             if so, the amount to be paid to the Executive and the time
             of payment pursuant to this Paragraph 6(e) shall be made by
             an independent auditor (the "Auditor") jointly selected by
             the Company and the Executive and paid by the Company.  The
             Auditor shall be a nationally recognized United States pub-
             lic accounting firm which has not, during the two years
             preceding the date of its selection, acted in any way on
             behalf of (x) the Company or any affiliate thereof or (y)
                        -                                           -
             Executive.  If the Executive and the Company cannot agree on
             the firm to serve as the Auditor, then the Executive and the
             Company shall each select one accounting firm and those two
             firms shall jointly select the accounting firm to serve as
             the Auditor.



                    f.  Full Discharge of Company Obligations.  The
             amounts payable to Executive pursuant to this Paragraph 6
             following termination of his employment (including amounts
             payable with respect to Vested Benefits) shall be in full
             and complete satisfaction of Executive's rights under this
             Agreement and any other claims he may have in respect of his
             employment by the Company or any of its subsidiaries other
             than claims for common law torts or under other contracts
             between Executive and the Company or its subsidiaries.  Such
             amounts shall constitute liquidated damages with respect to
             any and all such rights and claims and, upon Executive's
             receipt of such amounts, the Company shall be released and
             discharged from any and all liability to Executive in con-
             nection with this Agreement or otherwise in connection with
             Executive's employment with the Company and its subsidiar-

                    g.  No Mitigation; No Offset.  In the event of any
             termination of employment under this Paragraph 6, Executive
             shall be under no obligation to seek other employment and
             there shall be no offset against amounts due Executive under
             this Agreement on account of any remuneration attributable
             to any subsequent employment that he may obtain except as
             specifically provided in this Paragraph 6.

               7.   Noncompetition and Confidentiality.

                    a.  Noncompetition.  During the Employment Period
             and, in the case of a Voluntary Termination, the Additional
             Period, Executive shall not become associated with any enti-
             ty, whether as a principal, partner, employee, consultant or
             shareholder (other than as a holder of not in excess of 1%
             of the outstanding voting shares of any publicly traded com-
             pany), that is actively engaged in any geographic area in
             any business which is in competition with a business con-
             ducted by the Company at the time of the alleged competition
             and, in the case of the Additional Period, at the date of
             the Voluntary Termination.  For the purpose of this Para-
             graph 7, the "Additional Period" shall mean a period of 12
             months following the Voluntary Termination.  Notwithstanding
             anything else contained herein to the contrary, in the event
             that Executive voluntarily terminates his employment in a
             termination which is not a Voluntary Termination (or a
             Termination for Good Reason or a Termination for
             Disability), the covenant contained in this Paragraph 7(a)
             shall only continue in effect until the earlier of (i) the
             end of the Employment Period or (ii) the later of (A) the
                                              --                -
             third anniversary of the Commencement Date or (B) the date
             as of which the Additional Period would have ended had such
             termination been a Voluntary Termination.



                    b.  Confidentiality.  Without the prior written con-
             sent of the Company, except (i) in the course of carrying
             out his duties hereunder or (ii) to the extent required by
             an order of a court having competent jurisdiction or under
             subpoena from an appropriate government agency, Executive
             shall not disclose any trade secrets, customer lists, draw-
             ings, designs, information regarding product development,
             marketing plans, sales plans, manufacturing plans, manage-
             ment organization information (including data and other
             information relating to members of the Board of Directors
             and management), operating policies or manuals, business
             plans, financial records, packaging design or other finan-
             cial, commercial, business or technical information relating
             to the Company or any of its subsidiaries or information
             designated as confidential or proprietary that the Company
             or any of its subsidiaries may receive belonging to suppli-
             ers, customers or others who do business with the Company or
             any of its subsidiaries (collectively, "Confidential Infor-
             mation") to any third person unless such Confidential Infor-
             mation has been previously disclosed to the public by the
             Company or has otherwise become available to the public
             (other than by reason of Executive's breach of this Para-
             graph 7(b)).

                    c.  Company Property.  Promptly following Execu-
             tive's termination of employment, Executive shall return to
             the Company all property of the Company, and all copies
             thereof in Executive's possession or under his control, ex-
             cept that Executive may retain his personal notes, diaries,
             Rolodexes, calendars and correspondence.

                    d.  Non-Solicitation of Employees.  During the Em-
             ployment Period and during the one year period following any
             termination of Executive's employment, Executive shall not,
             except in the course of carrying out his duties hereunder, 
             directly or indirectly induce any employee of the Company or
             any of its subsidiaries to terminate employment with such
             entity, and shall not directly or indirectly, either indi-
             vidually or as owner, agent, employee, consultant or other-
             wise, knowingly employ or offer employment to any person who
             is or was employed by the Company or a subsidiary thereof
             unless such person shall have ceased to be employed by such
             entity for a period of at least 6 months.

                    e.   Injunctive Relief with Respect to Covenants. 
             Executive acknowledges and agrees that the covenants and
             obligations of Executive with respect to noncompetition,
             nonsolicitation, confidentiality and Company property relate
             to special, unique and extraordinary matters and that a
             violation of any of the terms of such covenants and obliga-



             tions may cause the Company irreparable injury for which
             adequate remedies are not available at law.  Therefore,
             Executive agrees that the Company shall be entitled to seek
             an injunction, restraining order or such other equitable
             relief restraining Executive from committing any violation
             of the covenants and obligations contained in this Paragraph
             7.  These injunctive remedies are cumulative and are in
             addition to any other rights and remedies the Company may
             have at law or in equity.

               8.   Miscellaneous.

                    a.  Survival.  Paragraphs 4 (relating to the stock
             option grant), 5(g) (relating to Executive's additional
             retirement benefits), 5(h) (relating to Executive's profit
             sharing account), 5(i) (relating to the Company's obligation
             to indemnify Executive), 6 (relating to early termination),
             7 (relating to noncompetition, nonsolicitation and confiden-
             tiality) and 8(o) (relating to governing law) shall survive
             the termination hereof, whether such termination shall be by
             expiration of the Employment Period or an early termination
             pursuant to Paragraph 6 hereof.

                    b.  Binding Effect.  This Agreement shall be binding
             on, and shall inure to the benefit of, the Company and any
             person or entity that succeeds to the interest of the Com-
             pany (regardless of whether such succession does or does not
             occur by operation of law) by reason of a merger, consolida-
             tion or reorganization involving the Company or a sale of
             all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, pro-
             vided that the assignee or transferee is the successor to
             all or substantially all of the assets of the Company and
             such assignee or transferee assumes the liabilities, obli-
             gations and duties of the Company, as contained in this
             Agreement, either contractually or as a matter of law.  The
             Company further agrees that, in the event of a sale of as-
             sets as described in the preceding sentence, it shall use
             its reasonable best efforts to cause such assignee or trans-
             feree to expressly assume the liabilities, obligations and
             duties of the Company hereunder.  This Agreement shall also
             enure to the benefit of Executive's heirs, executors, admin-
             istrators and legal representatives and beneficiaries as
             provided in Paragraph 8(d).

                    c.  Assignment.  Except as provided under Paragraph
             8(b), neither this Agreement nor any of the rights or obli-
             gations hereunder shall be assigned or delegated by any
             party hereto without the prior written consent of the other



                    d.  Beneficiaries/References.  Executive shall be
             entitled, to the extent permitted under any applicable law
             and the terms of any applicable plan, to select and change a
             beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive any compensation or
             benefit payable hereunder following Executive's death by
             giving the Company written notice thereof.  In the event of
             Executive's death or a judicial determination of his
             incompetence, reference in this Agreement to Executive shall
             be deemed, where appropriate, to refer to his beneficiary,
             estate or other legal representative.

                    e.  Resolution of Disputes.  Any disputes arising
             under or in connection with this Agreement shall, at the
             election of Executive or the Company, be resolved by binding
             arbitration, to be held in New York City in accordance with
             the rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Asso-
             ciation.  Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitra-
             tor(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction
             thereof.  Costs of the arbitration shall be borne by the
             Company.  Unless the arbitrator determines that Executive
             did not have a reasonable basis for asserting his position
             with respect to the dispute in question, the Company shall
             also reimburse Executive for his reasonable attorneys' fees
             incurred with respect to any arbitration.  Pending the reso-
             lution of any arbitration or court proceeding, the Company
             shall continue payment of all amounts due Executive under
             this Agreement and all benefits to which Executive is
             entitled at the time the dispute arises (other than the
             amounts which are the subject of such dispute).

                    f.  Entire Agreement.  This Agreement constitutes
             the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect
             to the matters referred to herein.  No amendment to this
             Agreement shall be binding between the parties unless it is
             in writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement
             is sought.  There are no promises, representations, induce-
             ments or statements between the parties other than those
             that are expressly contained herein.  Executive acknowledges
             that he is entering into this Agreement of his own free will
             and accord, and with no duress, that he has been represented
             and fully advised by competent counsel in entering into this
             Agreement, that he has read this Agreement and that he
             understands it and its legal consequences.

                    g.   Representations.  Executive represents that his
             employment hereunder and compliance by him with the terms
             and conditions of this Agreement will not conflict with or
             result in the breach of any agreement to which he is a party
             or by which he may be bound.  The Company is a corporation
             duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under 



             the laws of the State of New York.  The Company has the full
             corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this
             Agreement.  The Company has taken all action required by
             law, the Certificate of Incorporation, its By-Laws or other-
             wise required to be taken by it to authorize the execution,
             delivery and performance by it of this Agreement.  This
             Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of the Company,
             enforceable against the Company in accordance with its
             terms.  The Company further represents that Executive's
             employment hereunder and compliance by the Company with the
             terms and conditions of this Agreement will not conflict
             with or result in the breach of any agreement to which the
             Company is a party or by which it may be bound.

                    h.  Severability; Reformation.  In the event that
             one or more of the provisions of this Agreement shall become
             invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the valid-
             ity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions
             contained herein shall not be affected thereby.  In the
             event any of Paragraph 7(a), (b) or (d) is not enforceable
             in accordance with its terms, Executive and the Company
             agree that such Paragraph shall be reformed to make such
             Paragraph enforceable in a manner which provides the Company
             the maximum rights permitted at law.
                    i.  Waiver.  Waiver by any party hereto of any
             breach or default by the other party of any of the terms of
             this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of any other
             breach or default, whether similar to or different from the
             breach or default waived.  No waiver of any provision of
             this Agreement shall be implied from any course of dealing
             between the parties hereto or from any failure by either
             party hereto to assert its or his rights hereunder on any
             occasion or series of occasions.  

                    j.  Notices.  Any notice required or desired to be
             delivered under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall
             be delivered personally, by courier service, by registered
             mail, return receipt requested, or by telecopy and shall be
             effective upon actual receipt when delivered or sent by
             telecopy and upon mailing when sent by registered mail, and
             shall be addressed as follows (or to such other address as
             the party entitled to notice shall hereafter designate in
             accordance with the terms hereof): 



                    If to the Company:

                         The Continental Corporation
                         180 Maiden Lane
                         New York, New York 10038
                         Attention:  Secretary
                         Telecopy No.:  (212) 440-3857

                    with a copy to:

                         Debevoise & Plimpton
                         875 Third Avenue
                         New York, New York 10022
                         Attention:  Lawrence K. Cagney, Esq.
                         Telecopy No.:  (212) 909-6836

                    If to Executive: 

                         Richard M. Haverland
                         c/o The Continental Corporation
                         180 Maiden Lane
                         New York, New York 10038
                         Attention:  Secretary
                         Telecopy No.:  (212) 440-3857

                    with a copy to:

                         Law Offices of Joseph E. Bachelder
                         780 Third Avenue
                         New York, New York
                         Attention:  Joseph E. Bachelder, Esq.
                         Telecopy No.:  (212) 319-3070

                    k.   Amendments.  This Agreement may not be altered,
             modified or amended except by a written instrument signed by
             each of the parties hereto.  

                    l.  Headings.  Headings to paragraphs in this Agree-
             ment are for the convenience of the parties only and are not
             intended to be part of or to affect the meaning or interpre-
             tation hereof.  

                    m.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in
             counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but
             all of which together shall constitute one and the same

                    n.  Withholding.  Any payments provided for herein
             shall be reduced by any amounts required to be withheld by
             the Company from time to time under applicable federal,



             state or local income or employment tax laws or similar
             statutes or other provisions of law then in effect.

                    o.   Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be gov-
             erned by the laws of the State of New York, without refer-
             ence to principles of conflicts or choice of law under which
             the law of any other jurisdiction would apply.

                    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this
             Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer and
             Executive has hereunto set his hand as of the day and year
             first above written.

                                      THE CONTINENTAL CORPORATION

             /s/ Lawrence K. Cagney   By:  /s/ John P. Mascotte    
             -----------------------       ------------------------
                                           John P. Mascotte
                                           Chairman and Chief Executive


             /s/ Leonard Epstein           /s/ Richard M. Haverland
             ----------------------        ----------------------------
                                           Richard M. Haverland
