Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

          EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

    For the quarterly period ended         September 30, 1994                 


          EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

    For the transition period from                      to                    
                                   ---------------------  --------------------

                             Commission file number 2-1271

                     PEC Israel Economic Corporation                          
              (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                     Maine                                 13-114-3528        
    ----------------------------------------       ---------------------------
        (State or other jurisdiction                    (I.R.S. employer
      of incorporation or organization)               identification no.)

         511 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y.                     10017           
    ----------------------------------------       ---------------------------
    (Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip code)

    Registrant's telephone number, including area code      (212) 687-2400    

    Former name, former address  and former fiscal year, if changed  since last

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all
    reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
    Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter
    period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has
    been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. YES   X  
    NO     .

         As of  November 11, 1994  there were outstanding 18,758,588  shares of
    Common Stock with par value of $1.00 per share.

                                                         Page 1 of 17 pages

                                       PART 1 - FINANCIAL INFORMATION.
                                CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (Unaudited)

                                              For the Nine Months Ended:   For the Three Months Ended:
                                              --------------------------   ---------------------------
                                                   9/30/94       9/30/93       9/30/94         9/30/93
                                                   -------       -------       -------         -------
        Interest and dividends                 $ 2,753,690   $ 2,589,085   $ 1,079,749     $   864,421
        Equity in net income of Affiliated
          Companies                             21,186,831    27,690,068     9,508,131      10,570,408
        Net gain on issuance of shares by
          Affiliated Companies                   6,442,335    11,440,281        54,151         297,525
        Revenues of General Engineers Limited   10,195,026     8,303,215     3,533,735       3,151,265
        Net gain on sales of investments           355,947     2,017,638        48,356         791,750
        Change in market value of 
          marketable securities                 (1,332,022)         -          583,886            -
        Other                                      406,787       328,443        45,803         374,002
                                               -----------   -----------   -----------     -----------
                                                40,008,594    52,368,730    14,853,811      16,049,371
                                               -----------   -----------   -----------     -----------
        General and administrative               2,114,923     2,547,251       569,894         738,423
        Cost of sales and expenses of
          General Engineers Limited             10,242,866     7,887,755     3,736,136       2,909,458     
                                               -----------   -----------   -----------     -----------
                                                12,357,789    10,435,006     4,306,030       3,647,881     
                                               -----------   -----------   -----------     -----------
      Income before income taxes and cumulative
        effect of accounting changes            27,650,805    41,933,724    10,547,781      12,401,490   
      Income taxes                               2,176,325     5,993,282     1,042,867       2,052,671
                                               -----------   -----------   -----------     -----------
      Income before cumulative effect of
        accounting changes                      25,474,480    35,940,442     9,504,914      10,348,819
      Cumulative effect of changes in
        accounting for:                       
             Marketable securities               2,472,879           -             -               -   
             Income taxes                             -       (1,173,713)          -               -   
                                               -----------   -----------   -----------     -----------
      Net Income                               $27,947,359   $34,766,729   $ 9,504,914     $10,348,819                            
                                               ===========   ===========   ===========     ===========
      Earnings per common share before
        cumulative effect of changes in
        accounting                                $1.36         $1.91         $0.51           $0.55
      Cumulative effect on earnings per
        share for changes in accounting for:
             Marketable securities                  .13             -             -               -   
             Income taxes                             -          (.06)            -               -   
                                               -----------   -----------   -----------     -----------

      Earnings per common share                   $1.49         $1.85         $0.51           $0.55    
                                               ===========   ===========   ===========     ===========
      Weighted average number of shares 
        outstanding                             18,758,588    18,758,588    18,758,588      18,758,588
      Dividend per share                          None           None          None            None
      See notes to consolidated financial statements.                               Page 2 of 17 pages

                                           PEC ISRAEL ECONOMIC CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                                     CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                  September 30,   December 31,
                                                      1994            1993    
                                                  -------------   ------------

      Cash and cash equivalents                   $ 21,794,131        $ 42,665,957
      Investments                                  344,216,900         292,484,875
      Assets of General Engineers Limited            8,861,747           8,722,142
      Other assets                                   4,717,608           4,000,416
                                                  ------------        ------------

              Total assets                        $379,590,386        $347,873,390
                                                  ============        ============
      Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity

        Liabilities of General 
          Engineers Limited                       $  5,669,154        $  5,484,976
        Deferred income taxes                       32,365,641          30,214,359
        Other liabilities                            5,550,148           4,937,184
                                                  ------------        ------------
           Total liabilities                        43,584,943          40,636,519
                                                  ------------        ------------

      Shareholders' equity:
        Common stock, $1.00 par value               31,952,180          18,758,588
        Additional paid-in capital                  99,275,536          99,257,071
        Retained earnings                          228,746,631         200,799,272
        Unrealized gain on marketable securities     2,203,240                -
        Cumulative translation adjustment          (12,978,552)        (11,578,060)
                                                  ------------        ------------
                                                   349,199,035         307,236,871

        Treasury stock                             (13,193,592)           -   
                                                  ------------        ------------
           Total shareholders' equity              336,005,443         307,236,871
                                                  ------------        ------------

              Total liabilities and 
             shareholders' equity                 $379,590,386        $347,873,390
                                                  ============        ============

      See notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                                                           Page 3 of 17 pages

                                                          PEC ISRAEL ECONOMIC CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
                                                             FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1994

                                             Additional                Unrealized Gain    Cumulative 
                                Common       Paid-in       Retained    on Marketable      Translation
                                Stock        Capital       Earnings    Securities         Adjustment 
                               -----------  -----------  ------------  ----------------   ------------

Balance, January 1, 1994      $18,758,588   $99,257,071  $200,799,272     $   ---        $(11,578,060)

Adoption of SFAS 115
      for available-for-
      sale equity securities,
      net of tax                                                            3,790,603

Issuance of 13,193,592
      new common shares
      in exchange for
      13,193,592 common
      shares                   13,193,592

Change in market value
      for available-for-
      sale equity securities,
      net of tax                                                           (1,587,363)

Paid-in capital of
      Affiliated Companies                       18,465

Change in cumulative                                                                                                         
      translation adjustment                                                               (1,400,492)

Net income                                                 27,947,359
                              -----------   -----------  ------------     ----------     --------------

Balance, September 30, 1994   $31,952,180   $99,275,536  $228,746,631     $2,203,240     $(12,978,552)
                              ===========   ===========  ============     ==========     =============

                                  Stock                  Total
                                 ------------         -------------

Balance, January 1, 1994           $   ---            $307,236,871

Adoption of SFAS 115
    for available-for-
    sale equity securities,
    net of tax                                           3,790,603

Issuance of 13,193,592
     new common shares
     in exchange for
     13,193,592 common
     shares                       (13,193,592)             ---

Change in market value
     for available-for-
     sale equity securities,
     net of tax                                         (1,587,363)

Paid-in capital of
     Affiliated Companies                                   18,465

Change in cumulative
     translation adjustment                             (1,400,492)

Net income                                              27,947,359
                                  -----------          ----------- 

Balance, September 30, 1994      $(13,193,592)        $336,005,443
                                 ============         ============

See notes to consolidated financial statements.                                                           
                                                                                         Page 4 of 17 pages

                                CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                          For the Nine Months Ended:
                                                             9/30/94       9/30/93*
                                                             -------       --------
      Cash Flows from Operating Activities:

      Net income                                         $ 27,947,359  $ 34,766,729
      Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
        used in operating activities:
             Equity in net income of
               Affiliated Companies                       (21,186,831)  (27,690,068)            
             Cumulative effect of changes in 
               accounting for: 
                    Marketable securities                  (2,472,879)         -  
                    Income taxes                                 -        1,173,713
             Purchase of marketable securities            (14,546,985)  (17,177,161)
             Proceeds from sale of marketable
               securities                                   3,427,345     6,230,026          
             Change in market value of marketable
               securities                                   1,332,022          -             
             Net gain on sales of investments                (355,947)   (2,017,638)
             Income of consolidated subsidiaries             (321,512)     (637,587)            
             Loss on investment in partnerships               233,010       317,115
             Amortization of premiums     
               on receivables                                 158,067        87,294
             Net gain on issuance of shares by
               Affiliated Companies                        (6,442,335)  (11,440,281)
             Dividends from Affiliated Companies            3,421,682     4,581,465
             Increase in other assets                        (951,713)   (4,517,752)
             Increase in deferred income taxes                840,672     5,378,310
             Increase in other liabilities                    305,776       792,376
                Write-off of deferred charges                    -          110,457
                                                            ------------   -----------
               Net cash used in operating
                 activities                                (8,612,269)  (10,043,002)
                                                         ------------   -----------

      Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
        Collection of U.S. Government and municipal bonds  10,495,506     2,567,578
        Collection of capital notes and loans receivable         -        3,923,761 
        Purchase of notes and bonds receivable             (5,771,009)  (15,974,405)  
        Proceeds from sale of investments                   2,399,735     1,383,279 
        Purchase of investments                           (19,383,789)  (16,432,258)
                                                         ------------   -----------

               Net cash used in investing
                 activities                               (12,259,557)  (24,532,045)
                                                         ------------   -----------
      Decrease in cash and cash equivalents               (20,871,826)  (34,575,047)
      Cash and cash equivalents, beginning
        of period                                          42,665,957    66,040,089
                                                         ------------   -----------

      Cash and cash equivalents, end of period           $ 21,794,131  $ 31,465,042
                                                         ============  ============ 
      Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Flow
      Cash paid during period for income taxes           $  1,045,124  $  1,336,507
      Non-cash Investing Activities:
        Sale of shares of an affiliate for
        shares of an unrelated company                           -     $    801,823

      See notes to consolidated financial statements.
      *Reclassified.                                             Page 5 of 17 pages


                        Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

               1.   The December 31, 1993 balance sheet presented herein
                    was derived from the audited December 31, 1993
                    consolidated financial statements of the Company and

               2.   These financial statements have been prepared in
                    accordance with generally accepted accounting
                    principles for interim financial information and with
                    the instructions to Form 10-Q and Rule 10-01 of
                    Regulation S-X.  The financial statements should be
                    read in conjunction with the audited consolidated
                    financial statements of the Company and Subsidiaries
                    for the year ended December 31, 1993 for a description
                    of the significant accounting policies, which have
                    continued without change, except as described in Note 3
                    below, and other footnote information.

               3.   Effective on January 1, 1994, the Company adopted
                    Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 115
                    "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity
                    Securities" ("SFAS 115").  Under SFAS 115, marketable
                    debt and equity securities, other than equity
                    securities accounted for under the equity method, are
                    reported at fair value, with unrealized gains and
                    losses from those securities which are classified as
                    "trading securities" included in net income and
                    unrealized gains and losses from those securities which
                    are classified as "available-for-sale securities"
                    reported as a separate component of shareholders'
                    equity.  Debt securities classified as "held to
                    maturity" are reported at amortized cost.  The
                    cumulative effect of adopting SFAS 115 as of January 1,
                    1994 for securities classified as "trading securities"
                    was an increase in net income of $2,472,879, net of
                    taxes, or $.13 per share, which increase is reported
                    separately in the accompanying statements of income. 
                    The effect, net of taxes, of adopting SFAS 115 for
                    securities classified as "available-for-sale
                    securities" was an increase in shareholders' equity of
                    $3,790,603 as of January 1, 1994.  As a result of
                    decreases in the market value of "available-for-sale
                    securities" since January 1, 1994, the unrealized gain,
                    net of taxes, from those securities that was included
                    in shareholders' equity as of September 30, 1994 was

                                                        Page 6 of 17 pages

                4.  On March 24, 1994, pursuant to a plan of
                    reorganization, PEC Holdings Limited ("PECH"), a Maine
                    corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of IDB
                    Development Corporation Ltd. ("IDB Development"), which
                    owned 13,193,592 shares of the Company's common stock,
                    transferred those shares of the Company's common stock
                    to the Company (which holds them as treasury shares) in
                    exchange for an identical number of newly issued shares
                    of common stock.  Immediately after the exchange,
                    pursuant to such plan of reorganization, PECH was
                    dissolved and distributed to IDB Development the newly
                    issued shares of the Company's common stock received in
                    the exchange, resulting in the Company becoming a
                    direct subsidiary of IDB Development.  As a result of
                    the foregoing exchange, the Company has 31,952,180
                    issued shares of common stock, par value $1.00 per
                    share, of which 18,758,588 shares are outstanding and
                    13,193,592 shares are treasury shares.  The issuance of
                    the new shares was accounted for at par value because
                    the transaction was among related parties and there was
                    no change in relative ownership interests among

               5.   All adjustments (recurring in nature) which are, in the
                    opinion of management, necessary for a fair presen-
                    tation of the results of the interim periods have been
                    included.  The results of the interim periods are not
                    necessarily indicative of the results for the full

                                                       Page 7 of 17 pages



          Three Months Ended September 30, 1994 Compared to Three Months
          Ended September 30, 1993

               Consolidated net income for the three months ended September
          30, 1994 was $9.5 million compared to $10.3 million for the three
          months ended September 30, 1993.  The reduction in consolidated
          net income resulted primarily from decreases in equity in net
          income of Affiliated Companies and in net gain on sales of
          investments and from a loss before income taxes of approximately
          $200,000 incurred by General Engineers in the third quarter of
          1994 compared to income before income taxes of approximately
          $240,000 earned by General Engineers in the corresponding 1993
          quarter.  The reduction attributable to these factors was
          partially offset by an increase in the market value of marketable
          securities classified as "trading securities".

               Equity in net income of Affiliated Companies for the third
          quarter of 1994 was $9.5 million compared to $10.6 million for
          the corresponding 1993 period.   In the third quarter of 1993,
          PEC had approximately $1.7 million of equity in the net income of
          C.I.D.L. Inc. ("CIDL"), an Affiliated Company of PEC until PEC
          sold its equity interest in CIDL on November 1, 1993 (such equity
          in net income resulting from CIDL's sale of its sole asset during
          the third quarter of 1993).  The reduction in equity in net
          income of Affiliated Companies for the third quarter of 1994
          reflected this decrease of $1.7 million in respect of CIDL and
          losses in respect of some of PEC's Affiliated Companies,
          principally CellCom Israel Ltd. ("CellCom"), DEP Technology
          Holdings Ltd. ("DEP") (the holding company for PEC's interest in
          RDC) and RTS Telecommunications Services Ltd.  This reduction was
          partially offset by PEC's increased equity in net income of
          certain Affiliated Companies, particularly Property & Building
          and Super-Sol.

               PEC's net gain on sales of investments for the three months
          ended September 30, 1994 was approximately $48,000 compared to a
          net gain of approximately $790,000 for the three months ended
          September 30, 1993.  The net gain on sales of investments for the
          third quarter of 1994 resulted principally from the sale of
          marketable securities of U.S. companies while the net gain on
          sales of investments for the corresponding 1993 quarter resulted
          primarily from PEC's sale of 30% of the shares of Tefron. 

                                                  Page 8 of 17 pages

               As discussed in Note 3 to the financial statements for the 
          three months and nine months ended September 30, 1994, effective on
          January 1, 1994, PEC adopted Statement of Financial Accounting
          Standards No. 115 "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and
          Equity Securities" ("SFAS 115"), which requires PEC to report debt and
          equity securities owned by PEC, other than equity securities accounted
          for under the equity method, at fair value with unrealized gains and
          losses from those securities which are classified as "trading
          securities" included in net income and unrealized gains and losses
          from those securities which are classified as "available-for-sale
          securities" reported as a separate component of shareholders'
          equity.  In the third quarter of 1994, PEC experienced an increase
          of approximately $584,000 in the market value of "trading securities".

               PEC realized a net gain on issuance of shares by Affiliated
          Companies of approximately $54,000 in the third quarter of 1994
          compared to a net gain of approximately $300,000 in the third quarter
          of 1993.  PEC's net gain on issuance of shares by Affiliated Companies
          in the third quarter of 1994 resulted from the issuance of shares by
          Logal pursuant to the exercise of options while the net gain on
          issuance of shares by Affiliated Companies in the third quarter of
          1993 resulted from the issuance of shares by Tambour and Gilat
          Communication pursuant to the exercise of options.

               The increase of approximately $215,000 in PEC's interest and
          dividend income for the three months ended September 30, 1994 as
          compared with the corresponding 1993 quarter resulted primarily from
          an increase of approximately $170,000 in the dividend accrued on PEC's
          nonvoting preferred stock of IDBNY.  Although the amount of PEC's
          liquid assets decreased in the third quarter of 1994 compared to the
          corresponding 1993 quarter (approximately $62.1 million at the
          beginning of, and $50.4 million at the end of, the third quarter of
          1994 compared to approximately $75.7 million at the beginning of, and
          $70.7 million at the end of, the third quarter of 1993), PEC's
          interest and dividend income for the third quarter of 1994, excluding
          its dividend income with respect to its nonvoting preferred stock of
          IDBNY, was approximately equal to such income for the corresponding
          1993 quarter primarily because of higher interest rates.  See
          "Liquidity and Capital Resources".  The amount of liquid assets was
          reduced principally because of the net purchase of securities of new
          and existing Affiliated Companies and the securities of other Israeli

               The decrease in other income for the three months ended September
          30, 1994 as compared to the three months ended September 30, 1993
          reflected principally the receipt of less 

                                                  Page 9 of 17 pages

          fees for management services.

               General and administrative expenses for the third quarter of 1994
          decreased compared to the corresponding 1993 quarter principally due
          to a reduced provision for employee pension expenses.

               PEC's provision for income taxes decreased for the three months
          ended September 30, 1994 compared with the corresponding 1993 quarter
          primarily because of the decrease in income before income taxes for
          the three months ended September 30, 1994 compared to the
          corresponding 1993 quarter.  PEC does not provide deferred income
          taxes with respect to undistributed earnings of, and gains on
          issuances of shares by, Majority-Owned Affiliated Companies.  The
          provision for income taxes as a percentage of income before income
          taxes decreased in the third quarter of 1994 compared with the
          corresponding 1993 quarter principally because of an increase in the
          third quarter of 1994 in the proportion of income from undistributed
          earnings of Majority-Owned Affiliated Companies to net income and
          because of an increase of approximately $900,000 in the provision for
          income taxes in the third quarter of 1993 as a result of the increase
          in August 1993 in the U.S. federal corporate income tax rate from 34%
          to 35% for taxable income greater than $10 million.  The provision for
          income taxes in the third quarter of 1993 reflected a capital loss for
          tax purposes that PEC realized upon its sale of 30% of the shares of
          Tefron in September 1993, which reduced PEC's provision for income
          taxes in that quarter by approximately $1.7 million.

          Nine Months Ended September 30, 1994 Compared to Nine Months ended
          September 30, 1993.

               Consolidated net income for the nine months ended September 30,
          1994 was $27.9 million compared to $34.8 million for the nine months
          ended September 30, 1993.  The reduction in consolidated net income
          resulted primarily from decreases in equity in net income of
          Affiliated Companies, in net gain on issuance of shares by Affiliated
          Companies and in net gain on sales of investments and from a loss
          before income taxes of approximately $50,000 incurred by General
          Engineers during the first nine months of 1994 compared to income of
          approximately $415,000 earned by General Engineers in the
          corresponding 1993 period.  The reduction attributable to these
          factors was partially offset by the effect of PEC's adoption of SFAS
          115 effective January 1, 1994 (which increased consolidated net income
          in the first nine months of 1994 by a cumulative effect adjustment of
          approximately $2.5 million, net of taxes, offset in part by a
          reduction in revenues in the first nine months of 1994 of
          approximately $1.3 

                                                  Page 10 of 17 pages

          million for changes in market value of marketable securities).   PEC's
          adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 
          No. 109 "Accounting for Income Taxes" effective January 1, 1993
          reduced consolidated net income in the first nine months of 1993 by a
          cumulative effect adjustment of approximately $1.2 million.

               Equity in net income of Affiliated Companies for the nine months
          ended September 30, 1994 was $21.2 million compared to $27.7 million
          for the nine months ended September 30, 1993.  The reduction in net
          income of Affiliated Companies for the first nine months of 1994
          reflected PEC's reduced equity in net income in respect of some of
          PEC's Affiliated Companies, principally Tefron (for which PEC
          eliminated approximately $2.0 million of reserves in the first nine
          months of 1993, resulting in an increase in equity in net income of
          Affiliated Companies in that period by that amount), CIDL (an
          Affiliated Company until PEC sold its equity interest in CIDL on
          November 1, 1993, which company sold its sole asset in August 1993,
          resulting in PEC recognizing approximately $1.7 million in equity in
          net income of Affiliated Companies for this transaction in the first
          nine months of 1993), Scitex and El-Yam.  This reduction also
          reflected losses in respect of some of PEC's Affiliated Companies,
          particularly DEP and CellCom.  The reduction attributable to these
          factors was partially offset by PEC's increased equity in net income
          in respect of certain other Affiliated Companies, particularly
          Property & Building, DIC and PEC Cable TV Ltd. (the holding company
          for PEC's interest in Tevel) and Tambour. 

               PEC realized a net gain on issuance of shares by Affiliated
          Companies of approximately $6.4 million for the first nine months of
          1994 compared to approximately $11.4 million for the first nine months
          of 1993.  Approximately $5.9 million of PEC's net gain on issuance of
          shares by Affiliated Companies for the first nine months of 1994
          resulted from the exercise in February 1994 of all the then
          outstanding one year options to purchase ordinary shares of Tambour
          and approximately $528,000 of such net gain resulted from Lego's
          initial public offering in Israel in January 1994.  The net gain on
          issuance of shares by Affiliated Companies for the first nine months
          of 1993 resulted principally from Tambour's sale in February 1993 of
          ordinary shares and one and two year options to purchase ordinary
          shares in an initial public offering in Israel and the subsequent
          exercise of some of those options and from Gilat Satellite's sale in
          April 1993 of ordinary shares in an initial public offering in the
          United States.  

               The net gain on sales of investments for the nine months ended
          September 30, 1994 of approximately $355,000 resulted from PEC's sale
          of a small portion of the shares of Maxima and its 

                                                 Page 11 of 17 pages

          sale of marketable securities of U.S. companies.  The net gain
          attributable to these factors was partially offset by losses on the
          sale of marketable bonds of the U.S. Government and of a U.S. 
          Government sponsored corporation.  PEC's net gain on sales of
          investments for the nine months ended September 30, 1993 of
          approximately $2.0 million resulted from PEC's sale of 30% of the
          shares of Tefron, PEC's sale of marketable securities of U.S.
          companies and PEC's sale of a small portion of the shares of Maxima. 
          The increase in other income for the first nine months of 1994
          reflected principally a reduced loss with respect to PEC's interest in
          a limited partnership compared with the first nine months of 1993.

               PEC's interest and dividend income increased in the first nine
          months of 1994 by approximately $160,000 compared to the first nine
          months of 1993 because of an increase of approximately $190,000 in the
          dividend accrued on PEC's nonvoting preferred stock of IDBNY in the
          first nine months of 1994 compared with the corresponding 1993 period.
          Although the amount of liquid assets decreased in the first nine
          months of 1994 compared to the first nine months of 1993
          (approximately $75 million at the beginning of, and approximately
          $50.4 million at the end of, the first nine months of 1994 compared to
          approximately $87 million at the beginning of, and approximately $70.7
          million at the end of, the first nine months of 1993), PEC's interest
          and dividend income for the nine months ended September 30, 1994,
          excluding PEC's dividend income from its nonvoting preferred stock
          of IDBNY, was approximately equal to such income for the nine months
          ended September 30, 1993 primarily because of higher interest rates.
          See "Liquidity and Capital Resources".  The amount of liquid assets
          was reduced principally because of the net purchase of securities of
          new and existing Affiliated Companies and securities of other Israeli

               General and administrative expenses for the first nine months of
          1994 decreased compared to the first nine months of 1993 due in part
          to the write-off of deferred American Stock Exchange listing fees for
          PEC's common stock during the first nine months of 1993 and to reduced
          provisions for employee pension expenses.

               PEC's provision for income taxes decreased for the first nine
          months of 1994 compared with the first nine months of 1993 primarily
          because of the decrease in income before income taxes for the first
          nine months of 1994 compared with the first nine months of 1993.  The
          provision for income taxes as a percentage of income before income
          taxes decreased in the first nine months of 1994 compared with the
          corresponding 1993 period principally because of an increase in the
          first nine months of 1994 in the 

                                                  Page 12 of 17 pages

          proportion of income from undistributed earnings of, and gains on
          issuances of shares by, Majority-Owned Affiliated Companies to net
          income and because of an increase of approximately $900,000 in the
          provision for income taxes in the first nine months of 1993 as a
          result of the increase in August 1993 in the U.S. federal corporate
          income tax rate from 34% to 35% for taxable income greater than $10
          million.  The provision for income taxes in the first nine months of
          1993 reflected a capital loss for tax purposes that PEC realized upon
          its sale of 30% of the shares of Tefron in September 1993, which
          reduced PEC's provision for income taxes in that period by
          approximately $1.7 million.  


               As discussed above and in Note 3 to the financial statements for
          the three months and nine months ended September 30, 1994, PEC adopted
          SFAS 115 effective on January 1, 1994.  The effect of adopting SFAS
          115 for securities classified as "available-for-sale securities" was
          to increase shareholders' equity, net of taxes, by approximately
          $3.8 million as of January 1, 1994.  As a result of decreases in the
          market value of "available-for-sale securities" since January 1, 1994,
          the unrealized gain, net of taxes, from those securities that was
          included in shareholders' equity as of September 30, 1994 was
          approximately $2.2 million.  


               As of September 30, 1994, PEC's liquid assets (consisting of
          cash, money market funds, short-term bank deposits, marketable
          securities of U.S. companies, marketable bonds and a limited
          partnership interest which PEC may cause to be redeemed upon 15 days
          to 45 days prior notice) totaled approximately $50.4 million.

               For the nine months ended September 30, 1994, PEC received cash
          dividends and interest totaling $6.2 million (including $3.4 million
          of cash dividends received from Affiliated Companies) which
          substantially exceeded PEC's general and administrative 
          expenses.  During the nine months ended September 30, 1994, PEC
          received a total of $16.3 million of other funds of which $5.8 million
          was generated from the sale of securities and $10.5 million was
          generated from the collection of U.S. Government and municipal bonds. 
          During the same period, PEC purchased equity securities of several
          Affiliated Companies for approximately $19.4 million (of which $9.6
          million was purchased in the third quarter of 1994), purchased
          marketable securities of U.S. companies for approximately $14.5
          million and purchased capital                                         

                                                  Page 13 of 17 pages

          notes of Affiliated Companies for approximately $5.8 million (of which
          approximately $3.8 million was purchased in the third quarter of
          1994).  Almost all of the capital notes purchased during the third
          quarter were issued by CellCom. 

               The securities of Affiliated Companies that were purchased in the
          third quarter of 1994 consist primarily of an additional 0.3% equity
          interest in Elron that was purchased on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
          (the "TASE") for approximately $600,000 (increasing PEC's equity
          interest in Elron to 12.27%), additional shares of Elron that were
          purchased for approximately $2.7 million pursuant to Elron's rights
          offering to shareholders whose shares were registered in Israel (which
          purchase did not change the percentage of PEC's equity interest in
          Elron), an additional 6.6% equity interest in Liraz Systems Ltd.
          ("Liraz") and options to acquire an additional 6.5% equity interest in
          Liraz, which equity interest and options were purchased in market
          transactions on the TASE and pursuant to an agreement for
          approximately $1.9 million (increasing PEC's equity interest in Liraz
          to 7.4%), an additional 0.7% equity interest in "Delek" - The Israel
          Fuel Corporation Ltd. ("Delek") that was purchased in market
          transactions on the TASE for approximately $1.8 million (increasing
          PEC's equity interest in Delek to 2.0%), an additional 0.1% equity
          interest in Scitex that was purchased in the over-the-counter market
          in the United States for approximately $525,000 (increasing PEC's
          equity interest in Scitex to 6.1%) and an additional 2.51% equity
          interest in Gilat Communication that was purchased pursuant to the
          exercise of options for approximately $415,000 (increasing PEC's
          equity interest in Gilat Communication to 12.54%).  In addition,
          during the third quarter of 1994, in response to a capital call from
          The Renaissance Fund LDC ("Renaissance"), PEC made a capital
          contribution to Renaissance of approximately $915,000, increasing the
          amount PEC has contributed to Renaissance to $2.2 million and leaving
          a balance of approximately $2.8 million that PEC is obligated to
          contribute to Renaissance.

               On November 1, 1994, PEC purchased an additional 4.0% equity
          interest in Nice pursuant to the exercise of options for approximately
          $1.3 million (increasing PEC's equity interest in Nice to 10%).

               Elron is currently offering its shareholders whose shares  are
          registered in the United States rights to purchase both ordinary
          shares of Elron and warrants which are exercisable for ordinary shares
          of Elron.  The rights are exercisable until November 29, 1994.  PEC
          intends to exercise all rights offered to it for Elron shares owned
          by PEC and registered in the United States for an aggregate purchase
          price of approximately $825,000.  

                                                  Page 14 of 17

          In addition, Elron has granted to PEC and DIC an option to acquire and
          exercise all rights which are not exercised by November 29, 1994,
          one-third of such rights to be acquired by PEC and two-thirds by
          DIC.  The maximum exercise price for PEC under this option is
          approximately $445,000.

                                                 Page 15 of 17 pages

                             PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

          Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

          Exhibit 27     Financial Data Schedule, which is page 17 of
                         this report.


               Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
          of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed
          on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        PEC ISRAEL ECONOMIC CORPORATION

                                        /S/James I. Edelson            
                                        James I. Edelson
                                        Executive Vice President

                                        /S/William Gold                
                                        William Gold
                                        Treasurer, Principal Financial
                                        Officer and Principal Accounting

          Date:  November 14, 1994

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