Washington, D.C.   20549 
                                     FORM 10-Q 
                   QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 or 15 (d) 
                      OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 
                For the quarterly period ended September 30, 1994 
                        Commission file number 1-9554 
                        	VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC.
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) 
          Delaware                                  	04-2980402
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (State or other jurisdiction of                (I.R.S. Employer 
     incorporation or organization)               Identification No.) 
    1515 Broadway, New York, N.Y.                	   10036
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                 (Zip code) 
Registrant's telephone number, including area code	(212) 258-6000
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all 
reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such 
shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), 
and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 
days. Yes  X .  No___. 
Number of shares of Common Stock Outstanding at October 31, 1994: 
	Common Stock, par value $.10 per share - 100 


                       PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION 
Item 1. Financial Statements. 
- - -------------------------------------
(Unaudited; all amounts, are in millions) 

                                                       Three months ended
                                                          September 30,
	                                                 1994	    1993
                                                         ----       ----
Revenues......................................         $558.1      $506.9

   Operating..................................          229.0       212.5
   Selling, general and administrative........          170.9       144.6
   Depreciation and amortization..............           42.2        39.5
                                                        -----       -----
      Total expenses..........................          442.1       396.6
                                                       ------      ------

Earnings from operations......................          116.0       110.3

Other income (expense):
   Interest expense, net......................          (27.6)      (35.2)
   Other items, net...........................            (.3)       (3.6)
                                                        ------      ------

Earnings before income taxes..................           88.1        71.5
   Benefit (provision) for income taxes.......           16.8       (37.0)
   Equity in loss of affiliated companies,
     net of tax...............................           (1.3)       (2.8)
                                                        ------      ------

Net earnings before extraordinary 
   item, net of tax...........................          103.6        31.7
   Extraordinary loss, net of tax (See note 4)             --        (8.9)
                                                        ------      ------

Net earnings..................................         $103.6       $22.8
                                                        ------      ------
                                                        ------      ------

                  See notes to consolidated financial statements. 


- - -------------------------------------
(Unaudited; all amounts, are in millions) 

                                                       Nine months ended
                                                          September 30,
	                                                 1994	    1993
                                                         ----       ----
Revenues......................................         $1,583.2    $1,473.2

   Operating..................................            985.5       642.8
   Selling, general and administrative........            535.1       408.5
   Depreciation and amortization..............            123.9       111.6
                                                        -------     -------
      Total expenses..........................          1,644.5     1,162.9
                                                        -------     -------

Earnings (loss) from operations...............            (61.3)      310.3

Other income (expense):
   Interest expense,..........................            (98.7)     (114.3)
   Other items, net (See Note 7)..............            263.9        63.3 
                                                        -------     -------

Earnings before income taxes..................            103.9       259.3
   Provision for income taxes.................            (96.8)     (110.0)
   Equity in loss of affiliated companies,
     net of tax...............................             (2.4)       (2.9)
                                                        -------     -------
Net earnings before extraordinary 
   item and cumulative effect of change in 
   accounting ................................              4.7       146.4

   Extraordinary loss, net of tax (See Note 4)            (11.9)       (8.9)
   Cumulative effect of change in accounting
    principle (See Note 6)....................               --        10.4
                                                        -------     -------

Net earnings (loss)...........................          $  (7.2)     $147.9
                                                        -------     -------
                                                        -------     -------

                  See notes to consolidated financial statements. 


- - ---------------------------
(Unaudited; all amounts are in millions) 

                                                              September 30,     December 31,
                                                                   1994             1993
                                                              -------------     ------------
- - ------
Current Assets: 

    Cash and cash equivalents............................      $   49.4          $  74.0

    Receivables, less allowances of 
	$36.2 (1994) and $33.9 (1993)....................         372.6            351.7

    Programming rights, deferred program costs and 
	distribution fees advanced and committed.........         369.7            356.5

    Other current assets.................................         112.2             95.7
                                                                -------          -------
     Total current assets................................         903.9            877.9
                                                                -------          -------

 Property and equipment, at cost.........................       1,026.3            900.9

    Less accumulated depreciation........................         406.5            347.2
                                                                -------          -------

      Net property and equipment.........................         619.8            553.7
                                                                -------          -------

 Programming rights, deferred program costs and 
   distribution fees advanced and committed..............         579.2            789.5

 Receivable from Viacom Inc.(Parent Company).............            --            203.9

 Intangibles, at amortized cost..........................       2,070.8          2,128.9

 Other assets............................................         192.1            219.6
                                                               --------        ---------
                                                               $4,365.8         $4,773.5
                                                               --------        ---------
                                                               --------        ---------

                     See notes to consolidated financial statements. 


- - ---------------------------
(Unaudited; all amounts, except share and per share amounts, are in millions) 
                                                September 30,     December 31,
                                                      1994             1993
                                                -------------     ------------

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity

Current Liabilities:
    Accounts payable.........................  $   69.3          $  96.6
    Accrued interest.........................      11.6             20.5
    Deferred income, current.................      51.2             50.9
    Other accrued expenses...................     241.6            229.5
    Income taxes.............................     245.6            140.5
    Participants share and residuals
     payable.................................     123.8            139.1
    Program rights, current..................     192.7            198.0
    Current portion of long-term debt........      10.5             18.6
                                               --------         --------
       Total current liabilities                  946.3            893.7
                                               --------         --------

Long-term debt...............................     842.8          2,411.8
Program rights, non-current..................     115.9             86.8
Other liabilities............................     176.8            195.9
Payable to Viacom Inc. (Parent Company)......   1,103.9               --

Commitments and contingencies (See Note 5)

Shareholders' Equity:

     Common Stock, par value $.10 per share;
	100 shares authorized, issued and 
	outstanding.........................         --               --
     Additional paid-in capital.............      912.3            912.3
     Retained earnings......................      265.8            273.0
     Cumulative translation adjustment......        2.0               --
                                               --------         --------
                                                1,180.1          1,185.3
                                               --------         --------
                                               $4,365.8         $4,773.5
                                               --------         --------
                                               --------         --------

                 See notes to consolidated financial statements. 


- - -------------------------------------
(Unaudited; all amounts are in millions)

                                                       Nine months ended
                                                          September 30,
	                                                 1994	    1993
                                                         ----       ----

Net cash flow from operating activities:
  Net earnings (loss)..............................   $  (7.2)   $  147.9
  Adjustment to reconcile net earnings to net  
   cash flow from operating activities:
   Merger-related charges..........................     332.1          --
   Depreciation and amortization...................     123.9       111.6
   Gain on the sale of Lifetime, net of tax........    (164.4)         --
   Gain on the sale of the cable system, net of 
    tax............................................        --       (45.8)
   Gain on the sale of an investment held at 
    cost, net of tax...............................        --       (17.4)
   Extraordinary loss, net of tax..................      11.9         8.9
   Cumulative effect of change in accounting 
    principle......................................        --       (10.4)
   Increase in receivables.........................     (21.0)      (52.3)
   Decrease in accounts payable and
    accrued expenses...............................     (51.7)      (44.5)
   Increase in programming assets and 
    related liabilities, net.......................    (110.4)     (138.5)
   Increase in income taxes payable and deferred
    income taxes, net..............................      15.5        69.5
   Decrease in deferred income.....................      (9.0)       (3.3)
   Decrease in unbilled receivables................      13.8         1.8
   Other, net......................................     (14.6)       (5.1)
                                                      --------   ---------
      Net cash flow from operating activities......     118.9        22.4
                                                      --------   ---------
Investing Activities:
   Capital expenditures............................    (126.4)      (84.6)
   Investments in and advances to affiliated 
    companies......................................     (23.9)      (16.6)
   Proceeds from sale of partnership interest in
    Lifetime.......................................     317.6          --
   Proceeds from sale of the Wisconsin cable system        --        73.7
   Proceeds from sale of investment held at cost...        --        18.1
   Proceeds from sale of transponders..............        --        51.0
   Acquisitions....................................        --       (41.2)
   Deposits on transponders........................      (1.1)      (46.7)
   Other, net......................................        .2          .9
                                                      --------   ---------
      Net cash flow from investing activities......     166.4       (45.4)
                                                      --------   ---------

Financing Activities:
   Short-term borrowings (repayments) from banks,
    net............................................  (1,604.1)      381.8
   Increase in payable to (receivable from) Viacom 
    Inc............................................   1,297.7       (34.1)
   Redemption of notes.............................        --      (298.0)
   Premium on redemption of notes..................        --       (10.0)
   Other, net......................................      (3.5)       (2.3)
                                                      --------   ---------
      Net cash flow from financing activities......    (309.9)       37.4
                                                      --------   ---------

   Net increase (decrease)in cash and cash 
    equivalents....................................     (24.6)       14.4
   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the
    period.........................................      74.0        48.4
                                                      --------   ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period.........   $  49.4    $   62.8
                                                      --------   ---------
                                                      --------   ---------

               See notes to consolidated financial statements. 

Viacom International Inc. ("Viacom International") is a wholly owned 
subsidiary of Viacom Inc.  Viacom International is a diversified 
entertainment company with operations in three principal segments: (i) 
Networks, (ii) Entertainment and (iii) Cable Television and Broadcasting. 
The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements of 
Viacom International have been prepared pursuant to the rules of the 
Securities and Exchange Commission.  These financial statements should be 
read in conjunction with the more detailed financial statements and notes 
thereto included in Viacom International's most recent annual report on 
Form 10-K. 
The financial statements reflect, in the opinion of management, all normal 
recurring adjustments necessary to present fairly the financial position 
and results of operations of Viacom International.  In order to maintain 
consistency and comparability between periods presented, certain 
previously reported amounts have been reclassified to conform with the 
current presentation. 
On March 11, 1994, Viacom Inc. acquired a majority of the Paramount 
Communications Inc. ("Paramount") common stock outstanding, at a price of 
$107 per share in cash.  On July 7, 1994, Paramount became a wholly owned 
subsidiary of Viacom Inc. (the "Paramount Merger") at the effective time of 
a merger between Paramount and a subsidiary of Viacom Inc.  
On September 29, 1994, Blockbuster Entertainment Corporation 
("Blockbuster") was merged with and into Viacom Inc., (the "Blockbuster 
The results of operations and financial position of Paramount and 
Blockbuster are not reflected in the financial statements herein. Such 
information for Paramount and the balance sheet for Blockbuster are 
reflected in the consolidated financial statements of Viacom Inc. 
Comparisons of operating results are affected by the merger and 
consolidation of certain operations of Viacom International and Paramount 
under one management structure.  Earnings (loss) from operations for the 
nine months ended September 30, 1994 include certain merger-related 
charges  reflecting the integration of Viacom International's pre-merger 
businesses with similar Paramount units, and related management and 
strategic changes principally related to the merger with Paramount.  The 
amounts of merger-related charges are $73.4 million for Networks, $224.0
million for Entertainment and $17.3 million for Cable Television and 



Merger-related charges principally relate to adjustments of programming 
assets based upon new management strategies and additional programming 
sources resulting from the merger with Paramount.  In addition, a merger-
related charge of $17.4 million included in Corporate expenses reflects 
the combination of the Viacom International and Paramount staffs. 
Total debt, which includes short-term and long-term debt, consists of 
the following: 
		                          September 30,    December 31, 
		                             1994               1993
                                          ------------     ------------
		                              (Millions of dollars) 

Notes payable to banks................      $311.0           $1,915.1
9.125% Senior Subordinated Notes due 
  1999................................       150.0              150.0
8.75%  Senior Subordinated Reset Notes 
  due 2001............................       100.0              100.0
10.25% Senior Subordinated Notes due 
  2001................................       200.0              200.0
Obligations under capital leases......        92.3               65.3
                                            -------           -------

                                             853.3            2,430.4
Less current portion..................        10.5               18.6
                                            -------           -------
                                            $842.8           $2,411.8
                                            -------           -------
                                            -------           -------

Viacom Inc., the parent company, will be the sole source of additional 
financing of working and permanent capital needs of Viacom International. 
On July 1, 1994, Viacom Inc., entered into a $6.489 billion credit 
agreement (the "Viacom Credit Agreement") and Viacom International and 
certain of its subsidiaries (the "Subsidiary Obligors") entered into a 
$311 million credit agreement (the "Viacom International Credit 
Agreement", together with the Viacom Credit Agreement, collectively the 
"Credit Agreements") each with certain banks, the proceeds of which were 
used to refinance the previously existing bank debt of Viacom Inc., 
Viacom International and Paramount.  On September 29, 1994, Viacom Inc., 
entered into an aggregate $1.8 billion credit agreement (the "$1.8 
billion Credit Agreement") with certain banks, the proceeds of which 
were used to refinance the previously existing bank debt of Blockbuster. 
Each of the Viacom Inc. Credit Agreement and the $1.8 billion Credit 
Agreement is guaranteed by Viacom International and Paramount.  In 
addition, the Viacom International Credit Facility is guaranteed by Viacom 
Inc. and Paramount.  Viacom International's public debt securities, that 
is, its 8.75% Senior Subordinated Notes, 9.125% Senior Subordinated Notes 
and 10.25% Senior Subordinated Notes, are each guaranteed by Viacom Inc.   
The following is a summary description of the credit facilities.  The 
description does not purport to be complete and should be read in 
conjunction with each of the credit facilities agreements. 
The Viacom Credit Agreement is comprised of (i) a $2.5 billion senior 
unsecured 2-1/2 year revolving short-term loan (the "Short-Term Loan") 
maturing December 31, 1996, (ii) a $1.8 billion senior unsecured 8-year 



reducing revolving loan (the "Revolving Loan") maturing July 1, 2002 and 
(iii) a $2.189 billion 8 year term loan maturing July 1, 2002 (the "Term 
Loan).  The Viacom International Credit Agreement is comprised of a $311 
million 8-year term loan to Viacom International and certain of its 
subsidiaries maturing July 1, 2002. The $1.8 billion Credit Agreement is 
comprised of a $1.8 billion reducing revolving loan to Viacom Inc. 
maturing July 1, 2002. 
The interest rate on all loans made under each of the credit facilities 
is based upon Citibank, N.A.'s base rate, the Federal Funds Rate or the 
London Interbank Offered Rate and is affected by Viacom Inc.'s credit 
Viacom International is required to repay the principal outstanding under 
the Viacom International Credit Agreement in quarterly payments of 3% for 
the period commencing July 1, 1997 through October 1, 1997, 4% for the 
period January 1, 1998 through October 1, 1999, 5% for the period January 
1, 2000 through October 1, 2000, and 6% for the period January 1, 2001 
through July 1, 2002. 
In the event that a Subsidiary Obligor ceases to be a wholly owned 
subsidiary of Viacom Inc. or Viacom International, the loans of such 
Subsidiary Obligor shall be due and payable on the date on which such 
subsidiary ceases to be a wholly owned subsidiary.  If such event occurs 
prior to December 31, 1996 or the repayment in full of all Short-Term 
Loans, Viacom Inc. may elect to convert any outstanding portion of the 
Short-Term Loan into additional Term Loans in an amount equal to the 
principal amount of such Subsidiary Obligor's loan. 
The credit facilities contain certain covenants which, among other things, 
require that Viacom Inc. maintain certain financial ratios and impose on 
Viacom Inc. and its subsidiaries certain limitations on substantial asset 
sales and mergers in which Viacom Inc. is not the surviving entity, except 
for the merger of Viacom Inc. into Viacom International with Viacom 
International as the surviving company.  The Viacom International Credit 
Agreement also contains covenants which impose limitations on the 
incurrence of borrowed money. 
The credit facilities contain certain customary events of default and 
provides that it is an event of default if National Amusements, Inc. 
("NAI") fails to own at least 51% of the outstanding voting stock of 
Viacom Inc. 
The credit facilities do not require compensating balances. 
Extraordinary Losses 
The proceeds from the Credit Agreement were used to refinance the 
previously existing bank debt of Viacom Inc., Viacom International and 
Paramount.  Viacom International recognized an extraordinary loss from 
the extinguishment of debt of $11.9 million, net of a tax benefit of 
$7.0 million in the second quarter of 1994. 



On July 15, 1993, Viacom International redeemed all of the $298 million 
principal amount outstanding of the 11.80% Senior Subordinated Notes at a 
redemption price equal to 103.37% of the principal amount plus accrued 
interest to July 15,1993.  Viacom International recognized an after-tax 
extraordinary loss from the early extinguishment of such debt of $8.9 
million, net of a tax benefit of $6.1 million on the transaction.  Viacom 
International borrowed the funds necessary for the redemption under its 
bank credit facilities existing during the period. 
Those commitments of Viacom International for program license fees which 
are not reflected in the balance sheet as of September 30, 1994, which 
are estimated to aggregate approximately $1.9 billion, principally 
reflect commitments under Showtime Networks Inc.'s ("SNI's") exclusive 
arrangements with several motion picture companies.  This estimate is 
based upon a number of factors.  A majority of such fees are payable 
within the next seven years, as part of normal programming expenditures 
of SNI.  These commitments are contingent upon delivery of motion 
pictures, which are not yet available for premium television exhibition 
and, in many cases, have not yet been produced. 

The provision for income taxes represents federal, state and foreign income 
taxes on earnings before income taxes. 
The annual effective tax rates of 49% for 1993 and 4% for 1994 continue to 
be affected by amortization of acquisition costs which are not deductible 
for tax purposes. 
Due to the unusual and non-recurring nature of the gain on the sale of the 
one-third partnership interest in Lifetime Television ("Lifetime") and the 
Wisconsin cable system, their full income tax effect is reflected in the 
second quarter 1994 and first quarter 1993 tax provision, respectively, and 
is excluded from the estimated annual effective tax rate. 
During the first quarter of 1993, Viacom International adopted Statement of 
Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes" 
("SFAS 109"), on a prospective basis and recognized a cumulative benefit 
from a change in accounting principle of $10.4 million. 


On April 4, 1994, Viacom International sold its one-third partnership 
interest in Lifetime for approximately $317.6 million, which resulted 
in a pre-tax gain of approximately $267.4 million in the second quarter 
of 1994.  Proceeds from the sale were used to reduce outstanding debt 
of Viacom International. 
As part of the settlement of the Time Warner antitrust lawsuit, Viacom 
International sold the stock of Viacom Cablevision of Wisconsin, Inc. 
to Warner Communications Inc. ("Warner").  This transaction was 
effective on January 1, 1993.  As consideration for the stock, Warner 
paid the sum of $46 million, $20 million of which was received during 
1992, plus repayment of debt in the amount of $49 million, resulting in 
a pre-tax gain of approximately $55 million reflected in "Other items, 
net" in the first quarter of 1993.  Also reflected in this line item 
for the nine months ended September 30, 1993, is a pre-tax gain of 
$17.4 million in the aggregate from sales of a portion of an investment 
held at cost and an increase of $9.1 million to previously established 
non-operating litigation reserves. 

                                                       Nine months ended
                                                          September 30,
	                                                 1994	    1993
                                                         ----       ----
                                                      (Millions of dollars) 
Cash payments for interest, net of amounts 
   capitalized..................................        $110.1      $136.8
Cash payments for income taxes..................          44.4        30.5

Non-cash financing and investing activity:
Equipment acquired under capital leases.........         $26.5       $44.4

Item 2.	Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of 
	Operations and Financial Condition. 
Management's discussion and analysis of the results of operations and 
financial condition of Viacom International should be read in conjunction 
with the Consolidated Financial Statements and related Notes.  
Comparisons of results of operations are affected by the merger and 
consolidation of certain operating units of Viacom International and 
Paramount under one management structure, therefore this discussion 
should also be read in conjunction with Viacom Inc.'s Management's 
Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Condition. 



The following tables set forth revenues, depreciation and 
amortization, earnings (loss) from operations, equity in pre-tax 
losses of affiliated companies, and earnings from operations plus 
equity in pre-tax losses by business segment for the three months and 
nine months ended September 30, 1994 and September 30, 1993: 

                                                                  Equity in
                                Depreciation     Earnings from    losses of     Operations
                                     &            operations      affiliated    plus equity
                    Revenues    amortization     (as reported)    companies       losses
                    --------    ------------     --------------   ----------    -----------
                                   (Millions of dollars) 

Third quarter 1994
- - ------------------
Networks..........   $373.1         $13.6            $97.7          $(1.9)         $95.8
Entertainment.....     42.9           2.5             10.9           (0.2)          10.7
Cable Television
 & Broadcasting...    148.4          24.7             31.0             --           31.0
Corporate.........       --           1.3            (23.6)            --          (23.6)
Intercompany......     (6.3)           --               --             --             --
                     ------         -----            ------        -------         ------
Totals............   $558.1         $42.1           $116.0          $(2.1)        $113.9
                     ------         -----            ------        -------         ------
                     ------         -----            ------        -------         ------

Third quarter 1993
- - ------------------
Networks..........   $318.3         $11.8            $82.7          $(4.3)         $78.4
Entertainment.....     47.0           2.9              3.4             --            3.4
Cable Television
 & Broadcasting...    147.5          23.9             36.4             --           36.4
Corporate.........       --           0.9            (12.2)            --          (12.2)
Intercompany......     (5.9)           --               --             --             --
                     ------         -----            ------        -------         ------
Totals............   $506.9         $39.5           $110.3          $(4.3)        $106.0
                     ------         -----            ------        -------         ------
                     ------         -----            ------        -------         ------

Nine months ended 
September 30, 1994
- - ------------------

Networks.......... $1,029.7         $38.7           $168.2          $(3.2)        $165.0
Entertainment.....    127.5           7.6           (220.6)          (0.6)        (221.2)
Cable Television
 & Broadcasting...    443.7          74.1             80.5             --           80.5
Corporate.........       --           3.5            (89.4)            --          (89.4)
Intercompany......    (17.7)           --               --             --             --
                    -------         -----            ------        -------         ------
Totals............ $1,583.2        $123.9           $(61.3)         $(3.8)        $(65.1)
                    -------         -----            ------        -------         ------
                    -------         -----            ------        -------         ------

Nine months ended 
September 30, 1993 
- - ------------------

Networks..........   $829.8         $32.2           $204.3          $(3.4)        $200.9
Entertainment.....    152.2           6.4             28.8           (1.0)          27.8
Cable Television
 & Broadcasting...    445.6          70.2            118.8             --          118.8
Corporate.........       --           2.8            (41.6)            --          (41.6)
Intercompany......    (17.4)           --               --             --             --
                    -------         -----            ------        -------         ------
Totals............ $1,473.2        $111.6           $310.3          $(4.4)        $305.9 
                    -------         -----            ------        -------         ------
                    -------         -----            ------        -------         ------



Results of Operations 
Revenues increased 10%, or $51.2 million, to $558.1 million, and 7%, 
or $110.0 million to $1,583.2 million for the third quarter and nine 
months ended September 30, 1994, respectively, compared with the same 
prior-year periods.  Earnings from operations increased 5%, or $5.6 
million, to $115.9 million, and decreased $371.6 million, to a loss 
from operations of $61.3 million for the quarter and nine months ended 
September 30, 1994, respectively, compared with the same prior-year 
On March 11, 1994, Viacom Inc. acquired a majority of the Paramount 
common stock outstanding, at a price of $107 per share in cash.  On 
July 7, 1994, Paramount became a wholly owned subsidiary of Viacom Inc. 
(the "Paramount Merger") at the effective time of a merger between 
Paramount and a subsidiary of Viacom Inc.  
Earnings (loss) from operations for the nine months ended September 
30, 1994 include certain merger-related charges, reflecting the 
integration of Viacom International's  pre-merger businesses with 
similar Paramount units, and related management and strategic changes 
principally related to the merger with Paramount.  The amounts of 
merger-related charges are $73.4 million for Networks, $224.0 million 
for Entertainment and $17.3 million for Cable Television and 
Broadcasting.  These merger-related charges principally relate to 
adjustments of programming assets based upon new management strategies 
and additional programming sources resulting from the merger with 
Paramount.  In addition, a merger-related charge of $17.4 million has 
been taken in Corporate expenses reflecting the combination of the 
Viacom International and Paramount staffs. 
The following is a comparative discussion of revenues and earnings 
from operations, exclusive of these merger-related charges, for each 
operating segment. 
Networks (Basic cable and premium television networks) 
MTV Networks  
MTV Networks ("MTVN") revenues increased 17%, to $217.5 million from 
$185.4 million, and 22%, to $589.4 million from $482.9 million for the 
quarter and nine months ended September 30, 1994, respectively, 
compared with the same prior-year periods.  The increased revenues are 
principally due to (1) an aggregate increase of $26.5 million and 
$78.4 million for the quarter and nine month periods, respectively, in 
advertising sales at each of the services and (2) an aggregate 
increase of $10.8 million and $24.5 million for the quarter and nine 
month periods, respectively, in affiliate fees at each of the 
services.  The increase in advertising sales and affiliate fees are 
principally due to rate increases. 
MTVN's earnings from operations increased 15%, to $87.0 million from 
$75.9 million, and 18%, to $210.6 million from $178.7 million for the 
quarter and nine months ended September 30, 1994, respectively, 



compared with the same prior-year periods. The current periods reflect 
the increased revenues, partially offset by increased costs of 
operating the networks, including losses from MTV Latino, Nickelodeon 
Magazine, VH-1 U.K. and MTV Asia aggregating $5.0 million for the nine 
month period. 
Showtime Networks Inc. 
Revenues of Showtime Networks Inc. ("SNI") increased 17%, to $155.6 
million from $132.9 million, and 7%, to $440.3 million from $409.9 
million for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 1994, 
respectively, compared with the same prior-year periods.  The net 
revenue increases are due to 1) additional royalty income of $14.8 
million resulting from the settlement of an audit; 2) for the quarter, 
subscription revenues from cable sales of Showtime and The Movie 
Channel, increased $4.2 million principally due to a 4% increase in 
the subscriber base, but for the nine months decreased $1.4 million 
due to a 5% decrease in average rates partially offset by a 5% 
increase in the subscriber base; and 3) subscription revenues of the 
back-yard dish business increased $3.7 million and $13.7 million, for 
the quarter and nine month periods, respectively, primarily due to 
increases of 18% and 28% in the back-yard dish subscriber base, which 
was principally attributable to the use of upgraded scrambling 
technology, and a 2% and 1% increase in average rates, for the quarter 
and nine month periods, respectively.  SNI's premium movie services, 
Showtime, The Movie Channel and FLIX, served approximately 12.8 
million subscribers as of September 30, 1994 and approximately 11.6 
million subscribers as of September 30, 1993. 
SNI's earnings from operations increased 56%, to $10.7 million from 
$6.8 million, and 21%, to $31.0 million from $25.7 million for the 
quarter and nine months ended September 30, 1994, as compared with 
the same prior-year periods, reflecting the increased revenues 
partially offset by increased costs. 
Entertainment (Television production and distribution  
and Interactive Media) 
Viacom Entertainment revenues decreased 9%, to $42.9 million from 
$47.0 million, and 16%, to $127.5 million from $152.2 million for the 
quarter and nine months ended September 30, 1994, respectively, 
compared with the same prior-year periods.  The revenue variance is 
principally due to decreased syndication revenues on network produced 
products, revenues from Viacom Interactive Media, and for the nine 
month period, decreased syndication revenues associated with The Cosby 

Viacom Entertainment reported earnings from operations of $10.9 
million compared to $3.4 million, and $3.4 million compared to $28.8 
million for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 1994, 
respectively, compared with the same prior-year periods, reflecting 
reduced overhead costs, partially offset by losses from Viacom 
Interactive Media, and for the nine month period, the effect of the 
decreased syndication revenue associated with The Cosby Show. 


Cable Television and Broadcasting (Cable television systems and 
Television and Radio stations) 
Cable Television  
Cable Television revenues decreased 3%, to $100.4 million from $103.7 
million, and 4% to $304.6 million from $315.7 million for the quarter 
and nine months ended September 30, 1994, respectively, compared with 
the same prior-year periods.  The decrease in revenues is primarily 
attributable to decreases in the basic revenue of $5.8 million and 
$17.7 million in the quarter and nine month periods.  The quarter 
results reflect an 11% decrease in average rates for basic services, 
partially offset by a 4% increase in basic customers, and the nine 
month results reflect a 10% decrease in average rates for basic 
services, partially offset by a 3% increase in basic customers.  Total 
revenue per basic customer per month decreased 7% to $29.90 in 1994 
from $31.96, and 6% to $30.44 from $32.50 for the quarter and nine 
months ended September 30, 1994, respectively, compared with the same 
prior-year periods.  The revenue variances reflect the full effect of 
the 1992 Cable Act rate regulations, released by the FCC, which became 
effective on September 1, 1993, and additional rate regulations, 
released in March 1994 which became effective May 15, 1994.   
Earnings from operations decreased 33%, to $17.2 million from $25.9 
million, and 33%, to $59.8 million from $89.4 million for the quarter 
and nine months ended September 30, 1994, respectively, compared with 
the same prior-year periods, reflecting the decreased revenues and 
increased operating, general and administrative expenses. 
Viacom Cable served approximately 1,127,000 basic customers subscribing 
to approximately 900,000 premium units as of September 30, 1994.  Basic 
customers and premium units increased 4% and 20%, respectively, since 
September 30, 1993.  Viacom Cable added 9,400 incremental basic 
customers in third quarter of 1994, approximately 216% over the amount 
added in the third quarter of 1993. 
Television Stations 
Television stations revenues increased 15%, to $24.0 million from 
$20.8 million, and 10%, to $71.6 million from $64.9 million for the 
quarter and nine months ended September 30, 1994, respectively, 
compared with the same prior-year periods, reflecting increased local 
and national advertising revenues for the Viacom stations. 
Earnings from operations increased 33% to $5.4 million from $4.1 
million, and increased 33% to $17.6 million from $13.2 million for the 
quarter and nine months ended September 30, 1994, respectively, 
compared with the same prior-year periods. 
Radio Stations 
Radio revenues increased 4%, to $24.0 million from $22.9 million, and 
4%, to $67.4 million from $65.0 million for the quarter and nine months 



ended September 30, 1994, respectively, compared with the same prior-
year periods, primarily reflecting increased local advertising 
Earnings from operations increased 33%, to $9.7 million from $7.3 
million, and 23%, to $23.3 million from $19.0 million, reflecting the 
increased revenues, partially offset by increased selling and general 
and administrative expenses. 
Other income and expense information 
Net interest expense decreased 21% to $27.7 million from $35.2 
million, and 14% to $98.7 million from $114.3 million for the quarter 
and nine months ended September 30, 1994, respectively, compared with 
the same prior-year periods, reflecting the effect the refinancing of 
previously existing bank debt by Viacom Inc., the redemption of 11.80% 
Senior Subordinated Debt, partially offset by increased expense 
related to interest rate swap agreements. 
For the nine months ended September 30, 1994, "Other items, net" 
reflects the sale of Viacom International's one-third partnership 
interest in Lifetime Television ("Lifetime") for approximately $317.6 
million, which resulted in a pre-tax gain of approximately $267.4 
million in the second quarter of 1994.  Proceeds from the sale were 
used to reduce outstanding debt of Viacom International. 
For the nine months ended September 30, 1993, "Other items, net," 
reflects the pre-tax gain of approximately $55 million on the sale of 
the stock of the Wisconsin cable system, an adjustment to previously 
established non-operating litigation reserves and the net gain on the 
sale of a portion of an investment held at cost. 
The provision for income taxes represents federal, state and foreign 
income taxes on earnings before income taxes. 
The annual effective tax rates of 49% for 1993 and 4% for 1994 continue 
to be affected by amortization of acquisition costs which are not 
deductible for tax purposes. 
Due to the unusual and non-recurring nature of the gain on the sale of 
the one-third partnership interest in Lifetime and the Wisconsin cable 
system, their full income tax effect is reflected in the second 
quarter 1994 and first quarter 1993 tax provision, respectively, and 
is excluded from the estimated annual effective tax rate. 
During the first quarter of 1993, Viacom International adopted 
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for 
Income Taxes" on a prospective basis and recognized a cumulative 
benefit from a change in accounting principle of $10.4 million. 
"Equity in losses of affiliated companies, net of tax" decreased 54% 
to $1.3 million from $2.8 million and, 17%, to $2.4 from $2.9 million 
for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 1994, 
respectively, compared with the same prior-year periods primarily 
reflecting improved operating results of Comedy Central and 



Nickelodeon U.K., partially offset by the absence of Lifetime's 
earnings, effective April 1, 1994, due to the sale of the one-third 
partnership interest. 
During the nine months ended September 30, 1994, Viacom International 
recognized an extraordinary loss from the extinguishment of debt of 
$11.9 million, net of a tax benefit of $7.0 million (see "Capital 
On July 15, 1993, Viacom International redeemed all of the $298 
million principal amount outstanding of the 11.80% Senior Subordinated 
Notes (the "11.80% Notes") at a redemption price equal to 103.37% of 
the principal amount plus accrued interest to July 15,1993.  Viacom 
International recognized an after-tax extraordinary loss from the 
early extinguishment of such debt of $8.9 million, net of a tax 
benefit of $6.1 million on the transaction.  Viacom International 
borrowed the funds necessary for the redemption under its bank credit 
facilities existing during the period. 
Effective January 1, 1994, Viacom International adopted Financial 
Accounting Standards No. 112, "Employers Accounting for Postemployment 
Benefits," which did not have a material effect on Viacom 
International's financial position or results of operations. 
Liquidity and Capital Resources 

Viacom International finances and expects to continue to finance its 
operations including cash requirements of its joint ventures through 
internally generated cash flow, and capital contributions from its 
parent company, Viacom Inc. 
Viacom Inc. expects to fund its anticipated operating, investing and 
financing cash requirements, with internally generated funds and with 
various external sources of funds, including additional financings and 
the sale of non-strategic assets as such opportunities may arise, such 
as the expected sale of the operations of Madison Square Garden.
On July 1, 1994, Viacom Inc., entered into an aggregate $6.489 billion 
credit agreement (the "Viacom Credit Agreement") and Viacom International 
and certain of its subsidiaries (the "Subsidiary Obligors") entered into 
a $311 million credit agreement (the "Viacom International Credit 
Agreement," collectively with the Viacom Credit Agreement the "Credit 
Agreement") each with certain banks.  The proceeds of which were used to 
refinance bank debt of Viacom Inc., Viacom International and Paramount. 
On September 29, 1994, Viacom Inc., entered into an aggregate $1.8 
billion credit agreement (the "$1.8 billion Credit Agreement") with 
certain banks, the proceeds of which were used to refinance the 
previously existing bank debt of Blockbuster. ("See Capital Structure.") 



Each of the Viacom Inc. Credit Agreement and the $1.8 billion Credit 
Agreement is guaranteed by Viacom International and Paramount.  In 
addition, the Viacom International Credit Facility is guaranteed by 
Viacom Inc. and Paramount.  Viacom International's public debt 
securities, that is, its 8.75% Senior Subordinated Notes, 9.125% 
Senior Subordinated Notes and 10.25% Senior Subordinated Notes, are 
each guaranteed by Viacom Inc. 
Viacom International's current scheduled maturities of long-term debt 
through December 31, 1998 are $19 million (1997) and $50 million 
On May 15, 1995 and May 15, 1998, unless a notice of redemption of the 
8.75% Senior Subordinated Reset Notes ("8.75% Reset Notes")on such 
date has been given by Viacom International, the interest rate on the 
8.75% Reset Notes will, if necessary, be adjusted from the rate then 
in effect to a rate to be determined on the basis of market rates in 
effect on May 5, 1995 and on May 5, 1998, respectively, as the rate 
the 8.75% Reset Notes should bear in order to have a market value of 
101% of principal amount immediately after the resetting of the rate. 
Viacom International was in compliance with all covenants and had 
satisfied all financial ratios and tests as of September 30, 1994 
under its credit facility and Viacom International expects to remain 
in compliance with such ratios as may be applicable from time to time 
during 1994. 

Debt, including the current portion, as a percentage of total 
capitalization of Viacom International was 42% at September 30, 1994 
and 67% December 31, 1993. 
The indebtedness under Viacom International's and Viacom Inc.'s credit 
facilities bears interest at floating rates, causing Viacom 
International and Viacom Inc. to be sensitive to changes in prevailing 
interest rates.  As of September 30, 1994, Viacom International had 
obtained interest rate protection agreements with respect to $2.6 
billion of indebtedness of Viacom International and Viacom Inc.  The 
interest rate protection agreements will mature during 1994 through 
Net cash flow from operating activities was $118.9 million for the 
nine months ended September 30, 1994 versus $22.4 million for the nine 
months ended September 30, 1993 due to increased earnings from 
operations prior to merger-related charges.  Net cash flows from 
investing activities of $166.4 million for the nine months ended 
September 30, 1994, principally reflect proceeds from the sales of the 
one-third partnership interest in Lifetime, partially offset by 
capital expenditures and additional investments in affiliated 
companies.  Net cash expenditures for investing activities of $45.4 
million for the nine months ended September 30, 1993 principally 
reflect capital expenditures, the acquisition of ICOM Simulations, 
Inc., the additional investment in StarSight Telecast, Inc. and 
advances to Comedy Central, partially offset by proceeds from the sale 
of the Wisconsin cable system and an investment held at cost.  
Financing activities principally reflect borrowings and repayments of 
debt under the credit facilities during each period presented, in 



1994, amounts received from Viacom Inc. to refinance the previously 
existing credit facilities, and in 1993, the redemption of the 11.80% 
Those commitments of Viacom International for program license fees 
which are not reflected in the balance sheet as of September 30, 
1994, which are estimated to aggregate approximately $1.9 billion, 
principally reflect commitments under SNI's exclusive arrangements 
with several motion picture companies.  This estimate is based upon 
a number of factors.  A majority of such fees are payable within the 
next seven years, as part of normal programming expenditures of SNI.  
These commitments are contingent upon delivery of motion pictures, 
which are not yet available for premium television exhibition and, 
in many cases, have not yet been produced. 
Viacom Inc. filed a shelf registration statement with the 
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") registering $3 billion 
of debt securities and Preferred Stock.  Any debt issued would be 
guaranteed by Viacom International and Paramount.  Effectiveness 
of the shelf registration is still pending with the SEC. 
Capital Structure 
The following table sets forth the capitalization of Viacom 
International and subsidiaries as of September 30, 1994 and 
December 31, 1993: 

                                       September 30,   December 31,
                                           1994            1993
                                       ------------    -----------
                                          (Millions of dollars)

Current portion of long-term debt.....   $  10.5         $   18.6
                                       ------------    ------------
Long-term debt:
   Notes payable to banks (a)..........  $ 311.0         $1,900.0
    9.125% Senior Subordinated Notes 
     due 1999..........................    150.0            150.0
    8.75% Senior Subordinated Reset 
     Notes due 2001....................    100.0            100.0
   10.25% Senior Subordinated Notes 
     due 2001..........................    200.0            200.0
   Obligations under capital leases....     81.8             61.8
                                       ------------    ------------
	Total long-term debt...........  $ 842.8	 $2,411.8
                                       ------------    ------------
                                       ------------    ------------

Shareholders' equity of Viacom International:
   Common stock and additional paid-in
    capital (b)........................  $ 912.3         $ 912.3
    Retained earnings (accumulated 
    deficit)...........................    265.8           273.0
    Cumulative translation adjustment..      2.0              --
                                       ------------    ------------
        Total shareholders' equity..... $1,180.1        $1,185.3
                                       ------------    ------------
                                       ------------    ------------



	a) On July 1, 1994, Viacom Inc., entered into a $6.489 
billion credit agreement (the "Viacom Credit Agreement") and Viacom 
International and certain of its subsidiaries (the "Subsidiary 
Obligors") entered into a $311 million credit agreement (the "Viacom 
International Credit Agreement", together with the Viacom Credit 
Agreement, collectively the "Credit Agreements") each with certain 
banks, the proceeds of which were used to refinance the previously 
existing bank debt of Viacom Inc., Viacom International and Paramount.  
On September 29, 1994, Viacom Inc., entered into an aggregate $1.8 
billion credit agreement (the $1.8 billion Credit Agreement") with 
certain banks, the proceeds of which were used to refinance the 
previously existing bank debt of Blockbuster. See Note 4 to Notes to 
Consolidated Financial Statements for a summary description of the 
credit facilities. 
	b) On September 30, 1994, there were 100 outstanding shares of 
Common Stock (100 shares authorized), all of which were owned by 
Viacom Inc. 
As of September 30, 1994, NAI owns approximately 61% of the 
outstanding shares of Viacom Inc. Class A Common Stock and 26% of 
Class A and Class B Common Stock on a combined basis. 


Item 6.    Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K. 
(a)	Exhibits. 
	10.1  Employment Agreement, dated as of August 1, 1994, 
between Viacom Inc. and Frank J. Biondi, Jr. (filed herewith), and
Agreement under the Viacom Inc. 1994 Long-Term Management 
Incentive Plan, dated as of August 18, 1994, between Viacom Inc. 
and Frank J. Biondi, Jr. (filed herewith). 
	27.1  Financial Data Schedule. 
(b)	Reports on Form 8-K for Viacom International Inc. 
	Current Report on Form 8-K, dated July 22, 1994, relating 
to the aggregate $6.489 billion credit agreement, entered into 
by Viacom Inc. on July 1, 1994 and the respective guarantees of 
Paramount Communications Inc. ("Paramount") and Viacom 
International Inc. ("Viacom International") thereto; and to the 
$311 million credit agreement entered into by Viacom 
International and certain of its subsidiaries on July 1, 1994 
and the respective guarantees of Paramount and Viacom Inc. 


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on 
its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. 
                                            VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC. 
Date  November 14, 1994                      /s/Frank J. Biondi, Jr.
      -----------------                   ----------------------------
                                                Frank J. Biondi, Jr. 
                                                Chief Executive Officer 
Date  November 14, 1994                      /s/George S. Smith, Jr.
      -----------------                   ----------------------------
                                                George S. Smith, Jr. 
                                                Senior Vice President, 
                                                Chief Financial Officer 


                              EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit                       Description
- - -------                       -----------

10.1               Employment Agreement, dated as of August 1, 1994, 
                   between Viacom Inc.  and Frank J. Biondi, Jr., 
                   and Agreement under the Viacom Inc. 1994 
                   Long-Term Management Incentive Plan, dated as of August 
                   18, 1994, between Viacom Inc. and Frank J. Biondi, Jr. 
27.1               Financial Data Schedule.