EXHIBIT 10 (127)

                                                     As Amended by the
                                                     Human Resources
                                                     Committee on 12/16/94
                                                     and 02/24/95

                           ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS

                                 (the "Company")

                           LONG TERM COMPENSATION PLAN

1.  Application.  These administrative regulations apply to all grants of
restricted stock and stock options under the Company's 1990 Restricted Stock

Plan and 1990 Stock Option Plan (the "Plans").

2.  Procedure for Awards

     2.1  Eligibility.  The Company will follow the eligibility requirements for
participants as set forth in the Plans.  In general, employees in grades 23-36

and general managers and specifically identified key employees in grades 19-22

are eligible to be considered for awards under the Plans.

     2.2  Recommendation Method.  The Corporate Compensation Department will
provide each Division President, the President of the Company, and Corporate

Department head with a list of employees eligible for awards.  Each Division

President, the President of the Company, and

each Corporate Department head will then be requested to recommend the award(s)

for the employee(s) within their respective areas of responsibility.  The

recommendations will then be submitted for appropriate corporate executive

review and approval, and then to the Human Resources Committee for final


     2.3  Vesting Schedules.  The term "vesting" refers to the lifting of
restrictions on restricted stock and to exercise rights regarding stock options.

Vesting schedules will be approved by the Human Resources Committee.

     2.4  Stock Price.  If an award will be based on a dollar value instead of
number of shares, then the price of the Company's common stock for the purpose

of determining the grant will normally be the average of the high and low prices

of the stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the date that the Human Resources

Committee meets and approves the award or if that is not a business day, the

preceding business day.  The Human Resources Committee may use any other method

it deems appropriate to determine stock price and award values.

     2.5  Special Awards.  The Chief Executive Officer of the Company may
recommend a special award to any employee at any time in recognition of

outstanding performance or for purposes of encouraging such performance. 

Special awards will be presented to the Human Resources Committee for approval

or shall otherwise be authorized by the Human Resources Committee.


3.  Frequency of Awards

     3.1  Regular Awards.  Regular awards will be made annually.  Awards and
their vesting schedule will be submitted to the Human Resources Committee for

approval or shall otherwise be authorized by the Human Resources Committee.

     3.2  Interim Grants for Promotions and New Employees.  The Committee
reserves discretion to make awards to any one or more employees between annual


4.  Guidelines For Award Amounts.

     4.1  Award amounts will follow Guidelines to be established by the

Committee from time to time.  These Guidelines will remain effective until

changed by the Human Resources Committee.  To promote equitable operation of the

Plans, it is contemplated that the Guidelines will be modified periodically to

reflect the current factors/assumptions that form the basis for the Guidelines.

     4.2  (a)  The Guidelines will be used to calculate Target Awards.  Maximum

and minimum share amounts may be set on each side of the Target Award.  The

value of the Target Award will be calculated using a percentage of salary.  This

percentage will vary for each grade level based on competitive factors.  

          (b)  The Guidelines will consider the following factors and



            (i)     Current value of the Company's stock.

           (ii)     Compounded growth rate assumption for the stock's value.

          (iii)     Compounded growth rate assumption for salaries.

           (iv)     Competitive environment.

          (c)  The amount of shares in a stock option award will be a multiple

of the restricted stock award in order to achieve equivalent target value at the

end of the vesting period.

     The Guidelines are intended to assist in the calculation of pro-rata

grants.  However, since the circumstances of each individual may be different

and may require special consideration, the Guidelines are not mandatory in all


5.  Award Certificates.  Participation letters or award certificates will be
issued in respect of shares awarded to a participant and shall be deposited with

the Company along with an executed stock power.  The stock power will be used to

re-transfer forfeited or cancelled stock back to the Company.

6.  Restrictions Upon Transfer of Restricted Stock.

     6.1  Restriction Period.  Restrictions will be determined for each
restricted stock award at the time the grant is made.  During the restriction

period, shares may not be sold, assigned, pledged, encumbered or used as 

collateral for a loan.  All other rights as a stockholder shall apply to

restricted stock as would apply to issued stock (i.e., dividends, voting, etc.).


     6.2  Lapse of Restrictions.  When the restrictions on shares are lifted,
the stock certificate will be released to the participant, or to his beneficiary

or estate, subject to any restrictive legend as may be required by law.

     6.3  Types of Vesting -- Performance and Longevity.  Grants of restricted
stock and stock options will normally vest based upon continued active service

(longevity).  However, the Human Resources Committee may grant awards of

restricted stock or stock options that have either 

performance vesting, longevity vesting, or both.  If performance restricted

shares or performance stock options are granted, the vesting of such shares

generally will occur only if the Company has met certain performance criteria

established by the Board of Directors for the fiscal year that is substantially

completed prior to such vesting date.

     In the event that performance criteria for a particular fiscal year are not

met, any performance restricted shares or performance stock options scheduled to

vest with respect to that year will be forfeited back into the plan; provided,
however, that the Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the Human Resources
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Committee, shall have discretion to make exceptions to the provisions concerning

forfeiture of performance restricted shares and performance stock options.  The

Board of Directors has broad discretion to set and modify such performance

criteria and, in its sole and absolute discretion, may vary the performance

standards among holders of 

performance restricted shares and/or performance stock options and may waive any

performance standards set.  When adjusting or waiving performance standards, the

Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the


Human Resources Committee, shall also have discretion to provide for vesting or

partial vesting of performance restricted shares or performance stock options

for participants who are not employed for a full performance period.

7.  Vesting on Change in Control of the Company.

     7.1  In the event of a Change in Control of the Company, as hereinafter

defined, all outstanding restricted shares and all unvested options granted

whether such shares or options were granted before or after the approval dates

of these regulations shall vest.

     7.2  Subject to Section 7.3 below, a "Change in Control" of the Company

shall be deemed to have occurred if:

          (a) any "person" (as such term is used in Section 13(d) and 14(d) of

     the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act")),

     other than a trustee or other fiduciary holding securities under an

     employee benefit plan of the Company, is or becomes the "beneficial owner"

     (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange act), directly or indirectly,

     of 25% or more of the 

     Company's then outstanding voting securities carrying the right to vote in

     elections of persons to the Board, regardless of comparative voting power

     of such voting securities, and regardless of whether or not the Board shall

     have approved such Change in Control; or


          (b) during any period of two consecutive years, individuals who at the

     beginning of such period constitute the Board and any new director (other

     than a director designated by a person who shall have entered into an

     agreement with the Company to effect a transaction described in clauses (a)

     or (c) of this Subsection) whose election by the Board or nomination for

     election by the Company's stockholders was approved by a vote of at least

     two-thirds of the directors then still in office who either were directors

     at the beginning of the period or whose election or nomination for election

     was previously so approved, cease for any reason to constitute a majority

     thereof; or

          (c) the holders of securities of the Company entitled to vote thereon

     approve (i) a merger or consolidation regardless of which entity is the

     surviving company, other than a merger or consolidation which would result

     in the voting securities of the Company outstanding immediately prior

     thereto continuing to represent (either by remaining outstanding or by

     being converted into voting securities of the surviving entity) at least

     80% of the voting securities of the Company or such surviving entity

     outstanding immediately after such merger or consolidation, or (ii) a plan

     of complete liquidation of the Company or an agreement for the sale or

     disposition by the Company of all or substantially all of the Company's

     assets.  The disposition of assets for purposes of repayment of debt shall

     not be deemed the sale of all or substantially all of the Company's assets.


     7.3  Notwithstanding the definition of a "Change in Control" of the Company

as set forth in Section 7.2 hereof, the Human Resources Committee shall have

full and final authority, which shall be exercised in its discretion, to

determine conclusively whether a Change in Control of the Company has occurred,

and the date of the occurrence of such Change in Control and any incidental

matters relating thereto, with respect to a transaction or series of

transactions which have resulted or will result in a substantial portion of the

assets or business of the Company (as determined immediately prior to the

transaction or series of transactions by the Human Resources Committee in its

sole discretion, which determination shall be final and conclusive) being held

by a corporation at least 80% of whose voting securities are held, immediately

following such transaction or series of transactions, by holders of the voting

securities of the Company (determined immediately prior to such transaction or

series of transactions).  The Human Resources Committee may exercise such

discretionary authority without regard to whether one or more of the 

transactions in such series of transactions would otherwise constitute a 

Change in Control of the Company under the definition set forth in Section 

7.2 hereof.  If the Human Resources Committee determines that a Change in 

Control of the Company has not occurred, then Section 9 of the Restricted 

Stock Plan and Section N of the Stock Option Plan, which provide for 

adjustments in restricted shares and stock options on the terms set forth 

therein, shall be applicable to such transaction or series of transactions.


8.  Forfeiture of Restricted Shares and Stock Options.

     8.1  In the event that a participant terminates active employment with the

Company or any affiliate of the Company voluntarily or involuntarily including

by reason of retirement (except in the event of death or disability as provided

herein), then (subject to any agreement with the participant) all restricted

shares and all stock options which shares or options at that time have not yet

vested shall be forfeited by the participant to the Company without payment of

any consideration by the Company.  Neither the participant, nor any successor,

heir, assign or personal representative of the participant, shall have any

further right to or interest in such restricted shares or stock options or the

certificate or certificates evidencing them.  Such forfeited shares or options

shall be available for reissuance under the Plans.

     8.2  In the event any employee holding stock options retires (leaves

employment at age 55 or older with ten or more years of service), then such

person shall have a period of two years in the event of ten or more years of

service, or three years in the event of 20 or more years of service, after the

retirement date to exercise any outstanding stock options which are vested

(exercisable) or become vested (exercisable) as of the retirement date, provided

that (1) for incentive stock options, this two or three year period will not

extend beyond the normal term of the option and (2) for non-incentive options,

the term of the option will be extended up to a maximum term of thirteen years

and one day to accommodate the two or three year


extension in cases where retirement, death or determination of disability occurs

within the three year period prior to the end of the normal term of the option. 

This provision shall apply to all options whether granted before or after the

approval dates of these regulations.

     8.3  In the event of the participant's death or disability, then (subject

to any agreement with the participant) one half of all unvested restricted

shares and one half of all unvested stock options shall vest as of the date of 

death or determination of disability and the remaining shares shall be

forfeited.  With respect to vested options upon a participant's death or

disability, the participant or his legal representative shall have the right to

exercise such options for a period of two years in the event of ten or more

years of service, or three years in the event of 20 or more years of service,

after such death or determination of disability, provided that (1) for incentive

stock options, this two or three year period will not extend beyond the normal

term of the option and (2) for non-incentive options, the term of the option

will be extended up to a maximum term of thirteen years and one day to

accommodate the two or three year extension in cases where retirement, death or

determination of disability occurs within the three year period prior to the end

of the normal term of the option.  This provision shall apply to all options

whether granted before or after the approval dates of these regulations.

     8.4  For purposes of administration, a participant shall be deemed disabled

when a determination is made (while the participant is an employee or is on

authorized sick leave) that the participant qualifies for long-term


disability insurance under the LTD policy of the Company's affiliate who is the

participant's employer.

     8.5  The Human Resources Committee shall have sole discretion to make

exceptions to the provisions in this section 8 regarding the forfeiture of

restricted shares and stock options for persons who are subject to Section 16 of

the Securities Exchange Act.  The Chief Executive Officer is hereby granted

authority to make exceptions regarding such forfeitures for all other employees

without the necessity for Committee approval.  The provisions of this Section

8.5 shall apply to all awards of stock options and restricted stock whether

granted before or after the date of these regulations.

9.  Rights to Terminate Employment.  No award shall confer upon a participant
the right to continue in the employment of the Company or its affiliates or

affect any right which the Company or its affiliates may have to terminate the

employment of a participant with or without cause.

10.  Withholding.  Whenever the Company proposes or is required to issue,
transfer, or release shares of Common Stock under the Plans or to make any

payments to a participant, the Company or its affiliates shall have the right to

withhold from any sums due to the recipient, or to require the recipient to

remit to the Company or its affiliates, any amount sufficient to satisfy any

federal, state and/or local withholding tax requirements prior to the delivery

of any stock certificates or any payments to the participant.  Whenever


payments are to be made in cash, such payments shall be net of an amount

sufficient to satisfy any federal, state and/or local withholding tax

requirements imposed with respect to such payments.  The Company shall have

flexibility to use any reasonable methods or procedures to satisfy 

withholding tax requirements including but not limited to the right to charge

reasonable interest on amounts due, to withhold amounts from any other sums due

a participant, and/or to sell a portion of vested shares in order to satisfy

withholding taxes.

11.  Discretion of Human Resources Committee and Chief Executive Officer.  These
regulations may be amended by the Human Resources Committee at any time and are

not intended to limit the discretion or rights of the Chief Executive Officer,

the Human Resources Committee, or the Board of Directors as provided under the


