EXHIBIT 4 (17)

                                                               March 16, 1995

        c/o The Promus Companies Incorporated
        1023 Cherry Road
        Memphis, TN
        38117  USA

        Attention:  William McCalmont, Treasurer

        Dear Sirs,

                          Re:  Our Swap Reference No. S07757

             The purpose of this letter agreement is to set forth the terms
        and conditions of the Swap Transaction entered into between us on the
        Trade Date specified below (the "Swap Transaction").  This letter
        agreement constitutes a "Confirmation" as referred to in the Interest
        Rate and Currency Exchange Agreement specified below.

             The definitions and provisions contained in the 1991 ISDA
        Definitions (as published by the International Swap Dealers
        Association, Inc.) are incorporated into this Confirmation.  In the
        event of any inconsistency between those definitions and provisions
        and this Confirmation, this Confirmation will govern.

        1.   The Confirmation supplements, forms part of, and is subject to,
             the Interest Rate and Currency Exchange Agreement dated as of
             October 22, 1992, as amended and supplemented from time to time
             (the "Agreement"), between THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, NEW YORK
             ("Party A") and EMBASSY SUITES, INC. ("Party B").  All provisions
             contained in the Agreement govern this Confirmation except as
             expressly modified below.

        2.   The terms of the particular Swap Transaction to which this
             Confirmation relates are as follows:

            Notional Amount:                                USD 50,000,000.00

            Trade Date:                                     16-Mar-1995

            Effective Date:                                 20-Mar-1995

            Termination Date:                               20-Mar-2000; subject to adjustment in accordance with the
                                                            Modified Following Business Day Convention.

            Fixed Amounts:

                    Fixed Rate Payer:                       EMBASSY SUITES, INC.

                    Fixed Rate Payer
                    Payment Dates:                          Adjusted in accordance with the Modified Following Business Day

      20-Jun-1995          20-Sep-1995          20-Dec-1995          20-Mar-1996
      20-Jun-1996          20-Sep-1996          20-Dec-1996          20-Mar-1997
      20-Jun-1997          20-Sep-1997          20-Dec-1997          20-Mar-1998
      20-Jun-1998          20-Sep-1998          20-Dec-1998          20-Mar-1999
      20-Jun-1999          20-Sep-1999          20-Dec-1999          20-Mar-2000

        Page 2

                    Fixed Rate:                             6.9850% (Paid Quarterly)

                    Fixed Rate Day
                    Count Fraction:                         Actual/360

            Floating Amounts:

                    Floating Rate Payer:                    THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA
                    Floating Rate Payer
                    Payment Dates:                          Adjusted in accordance with the Modified Following Business Day

      20-Jun-1995          20-Sep-1995          20-Dec-1995          20-Mar-1996
      20-Jun-1996          20-Sep-1996          20-Dec-1996          20-Mar-1997
      20-Jun-1997          20-Sep-1997          20-Dec-1997          20-Mar-1998
      20-Jun-1998          20-Sep-1998          20-Dec-1998          20-Mar-1999
      20-Jun-1999          20-Sep-1999          20-Dec-1999          20-Mar-2000

                    Floating Rate for initial
                    Calculation Period:                     6.2500% (For the period March 20, 1995 to June 20, 1995)

                    Floating Rate Option:                   USD-LIBOR-BBA

                    Floating Rate Day
                    Count Fraction:                         Actual/360

                    Designated Maturity:                    3 months

                    Spread:                                 None

                    Reset Dates:                            The first date of the relevant Calculation period.

                    Compounding:                            Inapplicable

                    Compounding Dates:                      Inapplicable

            Business Days for Payments:                     New York and London

            Calculation Agent:                              The Bank of Nova Scotia

        3.   Credit Support Documents**:

                  (i)  The Guarantee Agreement (as defined in the Master
                       Facility Agreement but excluding the guarantee of the
                       Company pursuant to Article X of the Master Facility
                       Agreement), each as amended by an Amendment and Waiver
                       (the "Amendment and Waiver") dated as of October 1,
                       1992 among Embassy Suites, Inc., The Promus Companies
                       Incorporated, the Collateral Grantors and Guarantors
                       listed on the signature pages thereof, the banks listed
                       on the signature pages thereof, The Bank of New York,
                       Bankers Trust Company, Citibank, N.A., Credit Lyonnais
                       and The Sumitomo Bank, Limited, New York Branch as
                       managing agents and the Collateral Agents listed on the
                       signature pages thereof.

                  (ii) The Amended and Restated Master Collateral Agreement,
                       as amended by the Amendment and Waiver.

        Page 3

                  (iii)     The Deed of Trust, the Mortgage and the Assignment
                            of Leases and Rents, each as amended by amendments
                            thereto dated as of or about October 1, 1992.

                  (iv) Endorsements to title insurance policies relating to
                       the properties underlying The Deed of Trust, the
                       Mortgage and the Assignment of Leases and Rents.

        4.   Account Details

        Payments to THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA:

             Account for payment in USD:        The Bank of Nova Scotia
                                                New York Agency
                                                1 Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway
                                                26th Floor, N. Y., New York
                                                ABA 0260-02532 A/C 6027-36
                                                Attn:  Capital Markets/Mer. Bkg

        Payments to EMBASSY SUITES, INC.:

             Account for payments in USD:       First Tennessee Bank, Memphis,
                                                ABA 084000026
                                                f/o Embassy Suites, Inc.
                                                Account No. 841900
                                                Attn:  Wes Oates

        5.   The parties hereto agree that this Confirmation, whether received
             in original or facsimile form, may be executed in counterparts,
             which execution may be effected by means of facsimile
             transmission, and which when taken together shall constitute a
             single and original agreement between the parties and a binding
             supplement to the Agreement.  Where execution is affected by
             means of facsimile transmission, the parties agree that the
             sender's signature as printed by the recipient's facsimile
             machine shall be deemed to be the sender's original signature.

             Please confirm that the foregoing correctly sets forth the terms
        of our agreement by executing the copy of this confirmation enclosed
        for that purpose and returning it to us.

                                           Yours sincerely,

                                           THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA

                                           By:       /s/ Mary J. Rynn
                                           Name:     Mary J. Rynn
                                           Title:    Manager

        Confirmed as of the date first written:


        By:  /s/Carol G. Champion                              
        Name:     Carol G. Champion
        Title:    Assistant Treasurer
