Exhibit 13.01

                                      The Travelers Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                 FIVE-YEAR SUMMARY OF SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
                            (In millions of dollars, except per share amounts)

                                            1994        1993         1992          1991         1990  
                                          --------    --------    --------      --------     --------
Year Ended December 31, (1)
Total revenues (2)                        $ 18,465    $  6,797      $ 5,125     $  6,608     $ 6,194

After-tax gains from sale
   of subsidiaries and affiliates         $     88    $      8      $   135     $     43     $    10

Income before cumulative effect of
  changes in accounting principles        $  1,326    $    951      $   756     $    479     $   373

Net Income (3)                            $  1,326    $    916      $   728     $    479     $   373

Return on average common equity (4)          15.6%       18.4%        20.6%        15.7%       13.7%

December 31,  (1)
Total assets                              $115,297    $101,290      $24,151     $ 21,561     $19,689
Long-term debt                            $  7,075    $  6,991      $ 3,951     $  4,327     $ 3,456
Stockholders' equity (5)                  $  8,640       9,326      $ 4,229     $  3,280     $ 2,859

Per common share data:
Income before cumulative effect of
  changes in accounting principles        $   3.86    $   3.88      $  3.34     $   2.14     $  1.64
Net income                                $   3.86    $   3.74      $  3.22     $   2.14     $  1.64
Dividends per common share                $  0.575    $  0.490      $ 0.363     $  0.225     $ 0.180
Book value per common share               $  24.77    $  26.06      $ 17.70     $  15.10     $ 13.20

Other data:
Average number of common shares 
  and equivalents (millions)                 322.0       237.8        222.8        226.5       231.8
Year-end common shares 
  outstanding (millions)                     316.5       327.1        222.0        217.2       216.5
Number of full-time employees               52,000      60,000       16,000       15,800      23,600

          (1)   The Travelers Inc. (the Company) was formerly Primerica
                Corporation.   Results of operations prior to 1994
                exclude the amounts of The Travelers Insurance Group
                Inc. except that results for 1993 include the Company's
                equity in earnings  relating to the 27%  interest
                purchased in December 1992.  Results of operations
                include amounts related to the Shearson Businesses from
                July 31, 1993, the date of acquisition.  Data relating
                to financial position for the years prior to 1993
                exclude amounts for The Travelers Insurance Group Inc.
                and the Shearson Businesses.  (see Note 1 of Notes to
                Consolidated Financial Statements).

          (2)   Revenues for 1991 and 1990 include those of Fingerhut
                Companies, Inc. (Fingerhut), which had been carried as a
                consolidated subsidiary  (see Note 3  of Notes to
                Consolidated Financial Statements).

          (3)   See Note 2 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                for  information  regarding  changes in  accounting
                principles in 1993 and 1992.

          (4)   The return on average common stockholders' equity is
                calculated using income before cumulative effect of
                changes in accounting principles.

          (5)   Stockholders' equity at December 31, 1994 reflects $1.3
                billion of net unrealized losses on investment
                securities pursuant to the adoption of FAS No. 115 in
                1994 (See Note 2 of Notes to Consolidated Financial

                                      The Travelers Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                            and RESULTS of OPERATIONS

           Consolidated Results of Operations
                                                                                             Year Ended December 31,
             (In millions, except per share amounts)                                           1994         1993       1992
             Revenues                                                                       $18,465       $6,797     $5,125
                                                                                             ======        =====      =====
             Income before cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles            $ 1,326         $951       $756
                                                                                             ======          ===        ===
             Net income                                                                     $ 1,326         $916       $728
                                                                                             ======          ===        ===
             Earnings per share 
               Income before cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles            $3.86        $3.88      $3.34
                                                                                               ====         ====       ====
               Net income                                                                     $3.86        $3.74      $3.22
                                                                                               ====         ====       ====
             Weighted average number of common shares outstanding and
               common stock equivalents (millions)                                            322.0        237.8      222.8
                                                                                              =====        =====      =====

       The Travelers Merger
       On December 31, 1993, Primerica Corporation (Primerica) acquired the
       approximately 73% it did not already own of The Travelers Corporation
       (old Travelers), one of the largest multi-line insurance companies in
       the United States.  The acquisition was effected by means of a merger
       of old Travelers into Primerica and, concurrently with the merger,
       Primerica changed its name to The Travelers Inc. which, together with
       its subsidiaries, is hereinafter referred to as the Company.  The old
       Travelers businesses acquired are hereinafter referred to as old
       Travelers or The Travelers Insurance Group.  The acquisition has been
       accounted for as a purchase, and accordingly, the results of operations
       for periods prior to December 31, 1993 do not include those of old
       Travelers other than for the equity in earnings for 1993 related to the
       27% previously owned.  (See Note 1 of Notes to Consolidated Financial

       The Shearson Acquisition
       On July 31, 1993, the Company acquired the domestic retail brokerage
       and asset management businesses (the Shearson Businesses) of Shearson
       Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., an American Express Company (American
       Express) subsidiary.  The businesses acquired were combined with the
       operations of Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co. Incorporated, and the
       combined firm has been named Smith Barney Inc. which is a subsidiary of
       Smith Barney Holdings Inc. (Smith Barney).  The acquisition was
       accounted for under the purchase method of accounting, and the
       consolidated financial statements include the results of the Shearson
       Businesses from the date of acquisition.  (See Note 1 of Notes to
       Consolidated Financial Statements.) 

       Results of Operations

       Results of operations for 1994 reflect the full year impact of both the
       Travelers Merger and the Shearson Acquisition.  Results of operations
       for 1993 include earnings from the Shearson Businesses for five months
       and reflect the equity in the earnings relating to the Company's 27%
       interest in old Travelers.  Included in income before cumulative effect
       of changes in accounting principles for the years ended December 31,
       1994, 1993 and 1992 are net after-tax gains of $5 million, $52 million
       and $163 million, respectively, as follows:

       -    $39 million gain on the sale of American Capital Management &
            Research Inc. to Van Kampen Merritt Companies in December for $430
       -    $21 million gain on the sale of Smith Barney's interest in HG Asia
            Holdings Ltd. for $55 million;
       -    $19 million gain on the sale of Bankers and Shippers Insurance
            Company, a subsidiary of The Travelers Indemnity Company, to
            Integon Corporation in October for $142 million;
       -    $9 million gain on the sale of the group dental insurance business
            of The Travelers Insurance Company (TIC) to Metropolitan Life
            Insurance Company (in conjunction with the sale of the group life
            business completed in January 1995) for $52 million; and 
       -    $83 million of reported investment portfolio losses.

       -    a $65 million provision for one-time expenses related to the
            acquisition of the Shearson Businesses;  
       -    $8 million gain on the sale of stock of subsidiaries and
            affiliates; and
       -    $109 million of reported investment portfolio gains.

       -    $116 million gain on the sale of stock of subsidiaries and
            affiliates; and
       -    reported investment portfolio gains of $47 million, including $19
            million from the sale of the common stock investment in Musicland
            Stores Corporation (Musicland).

       Excluding these items, income before cumulative effect of changes in
       accounting principles for 1994 increased $422 million to $1.321
       billion, or 47%, over 1993, reflecting primarily an earnings increase
       at Consumer Finance due to an increase in receivables outstanding, an
       increase in Primerica Financial Services' earnings as a result of
       improvements in life sales and persistency as well as increases in
       $.M.A.R.T. and S.A.F.E. Loans; and the inclusion of the earnings from
       the additional 73% investment in The Travelers Insurance Group. 

       On the same basis, income before cumulative effect of changes in
       accounting principles for 1993 increased by $306 million, or 52%, over
       1992, reflecting primarily increased operating earnings from the
       combined Smith Barney unit, earnings from the 27% investment in old
       Travelers and improved performance at Consumer Finance Services.

       The most significant factors in 1992's earnings growth over 1991 were
       increases in the contributions of Smith Barney and Consumer Finance
       Services as well as reduced corporate treasury expense from lower debt
       and interest rate levels.

       Included in net income for 1993 is an after-tax charge of $18 million
       resulting from the adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting
       Standards (FAS) No. 112, "Employers' Accounting for Postemployment
       Benefits," and an after-tax charge of $17 million resulting from the
       adoption of FAS No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement
       Benefits Other Than Pensions."  Included in net income for 1992 is an
       after-tax charge of $28 million resulting from the adoption of FAS No.
       109, "Accounting for Income Taxes."

       The following discussion presents in more detail each segment's
       operating performance and net income before the effects of changes in
       accounting principles, which were not material to any of the business

       Investment Services

                                                                            Year Ended December 31,
                                                               1994                    1993                   1992
                                                                      Net                     Net                   Net
              (millions)                                 Revenues    Income      Revenues   Income     Revenues    Income
              Smith Barney (1)                          $5,534       $390       $3,371      $306      $1,677       $157

              Mutual funds and asset management               
                and other                                  156         32          153        30         145         34
              Total Investment Services                 $5,690       $422       $3,524      $336      $1,822       $191

       (1)  Net income for 1994 includes a $21 after-tax gain from the sale of
            the interest in HG Asia and net income for 1993 includes a $65
            after-tax provision for merger-related costs. 


       The Company's Investment Services segment includes Smith Barney -
       investment banking and securities brokerage; a limited partnership
       interest in RCM Capital Management (RCM) - asset management; and
       American Capital Management & Research, Inc. (American Capital) -
       mutual funds, through its date of sale in December 1994. 

       Smith Barney

       A difficult operating environment in the securities markets combined
       with the effect of increased expenses related to the acquisition of the
       Shearson Businesses contributed to a slight decline in Smith Barney's
       earnings when compared to 1993, excluding the $21 million gain in 1994
       and the $65 million provision in 1993 referenced above.  

       Smith Barney Revenues
                                            Year Ended December 31, 
              (millions)              1994         1993         1992
              Commissions           $1,964       $1,252         $509
              Investment banking       680          667          433
              Principal trading        900          549          298
              Asset management fees    725          319           73
              Interest income, net*    314          207          101
              Other income             181          100           35
              Net revenues*         $4,764       $3,094       $1,449

       *  Net of interest expense of $770, $277 and $228 in 1994, 1993 and
       1992, respectively.  Revenues included in the consolidated statement of
       income are before deductions for interest expense.

       The securities industry experienced a widespread slowdown in activity,
       revenues and profitability in 1994 compared to 1993.  While Smith
       Barney was significantly affected by this industry-wide slowdown, the
       inclusion of the Shearson Businesses for the full year in 1994 versus
       five months in 1993 resulted in substantial increases in revenues from
       commissions, principal trading, asset management fees and net interest
       income.  Investment banking revenues rose slightly over 1993, in the
       face of a poor environment for stock and bond issuances and lower new
       issue volume in the securities markets generally during 1994,
       reflecting the increased commitment of the firm to this area.      

       Expenses also increased substantially due to the inclusion of the
       Shearson Businesses for the full year 1994. Employee compensation and
       benefits were $2.953 billion in 1994 and $1.810 billion in 1993,
       reflecting additional production-related financial consultant
       compensation, as well as increased staffing levels resulting from the
       acquisition of the Shearson Businesses.  Communications, occupancy and
       equipment expenses in 1994 were $574 million as compared to $323
       million in 1993, reflecting higher office rental and related expenses
       resulting from the acquisition of the Shearson Businesses.  Excluding
       interest and the provision in 1993 for merger-related costs, total
       expenses increased to $4.118 billion in 1994 from $2.448 in 1993.  In
       addition to the general staffing and occupancy costs resulting from the
       acquisition, Smith Barney has made major investments in the systems,
       infrastructure, research, trading and investment banking resources and
       staffing needed to service a much greater number of financial
       consultants.  The investment spending in research, capital markets and
       investment banking has essentially leveled off during 1994 while the
       upgrade of systems and infrastructure is continuing at a reduced pace.

       Smith Barney's return on equity declined from 26.7% for 1993, excluding
       the $65 million merger-related provision, to 16.4% for 1994 excluding
       the $21 million gain on HG Asia, on a higher equity base, and is still
       among the highest of its industry peer group.


       Mutual Funds and Asset Management

       Performance in this segment was essentially flat year-over-year. 
       American Capital's mutual fund sales (at net asset value) were $2.698
       billion in 1994, $3.061 billion in 1993 and $2.212 billion in 1992.

       Assets Under Management (excluding American Capital)

                                                      At December 31,
               (billions)                             1994     1993   
               Smith Barney                          $ 74.1    $ 74.8

               RCM Capital Management                  22.4      24.5

               Travelers Life and Annuities (1)        19.2      21.7
               Total Assets Under Management         $115.7    $121.0

       (1)  Part of the Life Insurance Services segment.

       Outlook - Smith Barney's business is significantly affected by the
       levels of activity in the securities markets, which in turn are
       affected by the level and trend of interest rates, the general state of
       the economy and the national and worldwide political environments,
       among other factors.  Continuance of the increasing interest rate
       environment could have further adverse impact on Smith Barney's
       businesses, including commissions (which are linked in part to the
       economic attractiveness of securities relative to time deposits) and
       investment banking (which is affected by the relative benefit to
       corporations and public entities of issuing public debt and/or equity
       versus other avenues for raising capital).  Such effects, however,
       could be at least partially offset by a strengthening U.S. economy that
       would include growth in the business sector -- accompanied by an
       increase in the demand for capital -- and an increase in the capacity
       of individuals to invest.  A decline in interest rates from present
       levels could favorably impact Smith Barney's business.  Smith Barney
       will continue to concentrate on building its asset management business,
       which tends to provide a more predictable and steady income stream than
       its other businesses.  Notwithstanding the investment spending referred
       to above, which is now essentially completed, Smith Barney is
       maintaining tight expense controls that management believes will help
       the firm weather periodic downturns in market conditions. 

       Asset Quality - Total Investment Services' assets at December 31, 1994
       were approximately $45.6 billion, consisting primarily of highly liquid
       marketable securities and collateralized receivables.  About 56% of
       these assets were related to collateralized financing transactions
       where U.S. Government and mortgage-backed securities are bought,
       borrowed, sold and lent in generally offsetting amounts.  Another 15%
       represented inventories of securities primarily needed to meet customer
       demand.  A significant portion of the remainder of the assets
       represented receivables from brokers, dealers and customers that relate
       to securities transactions in the process of being settled.  The
       carrying values of the majority of Smith Barney's securities
       inventories are adjusted daily to reflect current prices.  See Notes 2,
       6, 7 and 8 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for a further
       description of these assets.  See Note 19 of Notes to Consolidated
       Financial Statements for a description of Smith Barney's activities in
       derivative financial instruments which are used primarily to facilitate
       customer transactions.

       At December 31, 1994 there were no "bridge" loans at Smith Barney and
       exposure to high-yield positions was not material.  Smith Barney's
       assets to equity ratio at December 31, 1994 was 19.7 to 1, which
       management believes is a conservative leverage level for a securities
       broker and one that allows for future growth. 

       Smith Barney's assets are financed through a number of sources
       including long and short-term credit facilities, the financing
       transactions described above and payables to brokers, dealers and


       Consumer Finance Services

                                                                         Year Ended December 31,
                                                          1994                    1993                     1992
                                                                 Net                      Net                      Net
               (millions)                         Revenues     Income     Revenues      Income      Revenues     Income
               Consumer Finance Services(1)        $1,239       $227       $1,193         $232       $1,158       $198

       (1)  Net income includes $23 and $4 of reported investment portfolio
       gains in 1993 and 1992, respectively. 

       Consumer Finance earnings before reported investment portfolio gains
       increased 8% in 1994 over the prior year.  The increase primarily
       reflects an 11% increase in average receivables outstanding and an
       improvement in net interest margins.  The increase in net income and
       revenues in 1993 compared to 1992 reflects a 3% increase in average
       receivables outstanding and a significant decline in loan losses.  

       Receivables increased in 1994 by $543 million to end the year at $6.885
       billion.  The increase occurred across-the-board and was highlighted by
       a 15% increase in personal loans.  Sixty branch offices were added,
       bringing the total to 828 at year end.

       Consumer Finance borrows from the corporate treasury operations of
       Commercial Credit Company (CCC), a major holding company subsidiary of
       the Company that raises funds externally.  For fixed rate loan products
       Consumer Finance is charged agreed-upon rates that have generally been
       set within a narrow range and approximated 8% in 1992 and 1993 and 7.2%
       in 1994.  For variable rate loan products Consumer Finance is charged
       rates based on prevailing short term rates.  CCC's actual cost of funds
       may be higher or lower than rates charged to Consumer Finance, with the
       difference reflected in Corporate and Other.  

       The average yield on receivables outstanding decreased to 15.41% in
       1994 from 15.83% in the prior year and 16.31% in 1992, due to lower
       yields on fixed rate second mortgages and the adjustable rate real
       estate-secured loan product introduced at the end of 1992.  Decreased
       cost of funds has resulted in an improvement in net interest margins to
       8.76% in 1994 from 8.44% in 1993 and 8.66% in 1992.

       The allowance for losses as a percentage of net receivables was 2.64%
       at year-end 1994 and 1993 compared to 2.91% at year-end 1992 reflecting
       the improved credit quality of the loan portfolio.  

                                                 As of, and for, the
                                               Year Ended December 31, 
                                               1994      1993     1992
       Allowance for losses as % of net
         consumer finance receivables at
         year end                              2.64%    2.64%     2.91%
       Charge-off rate for the year            2.08%    2.36%     2.84%
       60 + days past due on a contractual
       basis as % of gross consumer finance
       receivables at year end                 1.88%    2.21%     2.55%

       Subsidiaries of the Company provide credit life, health and property
       insurance to Consumer Finance customers.  Premiums earned were $115
       million in 1994, $88 million in 1993 and $90 million in 1992.  The
       increase in 1994 premiums is the result of the increase in receivables
       and expanded availability of certain products in additional states,  as
       well as the reinsurance by the Company in 1994 of business previously
       insured by non-affiliated companies.


       Outlook - Consumer Finance is affected by the interest rate environment
       and general economic conditions.  In a rising interest rate
       environment, net real estate loan liquidations may decline compared to
       the last two years, when potential customers refinanced their first
       mortgages instead of turning to the second mortgage market, or proceeds
       from the refinancing of first mortgages were used to pay off existing
       second mortgages.  Lower loan liquidations would benefit the level of
       receivables outstanding.  In addition, a rising interest rate
       environment could also reduce the downward pressure experienced during
       the last several years on the interest rates charged on new real
       estate-secured receivables, as well as credit cards, which are
       substantially based on the prime rate.  However, significantly higher
       rates could result in an increase in the interest rates charged to
       Consumer Finance on the funds it borrows from CCC to reflect the
       Company's overall higher cost of funds.   

       Asset Quality - Consumer Finance assets totaled approximately $7.7
       billion at December 31, 1994, of which $6.7 billion, or 87%,
       represented the net consumer finance receivables (after accrued
       interest and the allowance for credit losses).  These receivables were
       predominantly residential real estate-secured loans and personal loans. 
       Receivable quality depends on the likelihood of repayment.  The Company
       seeks to reduce its risks by focusing on individual lending, making a
       greater number of smaller loans than would be practical in commercial
       markets, and maintaining disciplined control over the underwriting
       process.  The Company has a geographically diverse portfolio as
       described in Note 9 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.  The
       Company believes that its loss reserves on the consumer finance
       receivables are appropriate given current circumstances.

       Of the remaining Consumer Finance assets, approximately $555 million
       were investments of insurance subsidiaries, including $463 million of
       fixed-income securities and $61 million of short-term investments with
       a weighted average quality rating of Aa2.

       Life Insurance Services

                                                                              Year Ended December 31,
                                                                 1994                   1993                    1992
                                                                        Net                    Net                     Net
            (millions)                                   Revenues     Income     Revenues     Income     Revenues    Income
            Primerica Financial Services(1)                  $1,290       $210      $1,266       $223       $1,158      $197

            Travelers Life and Annuities(2)                   2,198        211         319         42          347        36

            Managed Care and Employee Benefits(3)             3,522        169           -          -            -         -
            Total Insurance Services                         $7,010       $590      $1,585       $265       $1,505      $233

       (1)  Net income includes $7, $45 and $10 of reported investment
            portfolio gains in 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.
       (2)  Net income includes $1, $17 and $6 of reported investment
            portfolio gains in 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.
       (3)  Net income includes $9 gain from the sale of the group dental
            insurance business in 1994.

       The Life Insurance Services segment includes the results of Primerica
       Financial Services (PFS) for all periods presented and, for 1994 only,
       the results of the Travelers Life and Annuities and the Managed Care
       and Employee Benefits segments of old Travelers which were acquired on
       December 31, 1993.  The 1993 and 1992 amounts reflected for Travelers
       Life and Annuities represent the businesses of Primerica now included
       in this segment.  Certain 1993 production statistics related to old
       Travelers' businesses are included for comparison purposes only and are
       not reflected in 1993 revenues or operating results.

       Primerica Financial Services
       Before reported portfolio gains and a 1993 after-tax charge of $11
       million for the cumulative effect of a tax rate increase through
       December 31, 1992, PFS's 1994 earnings increased 7% over the prior
       year. The increase was a 


       result of improved life insurance sales and persistency (i.e. the
       percentage of policies that continue in force) as well as increases in
       sales of other financial products, primarily mutual funds and the loan
       products of the Consumer Finance segment.

       Sales of individual term life insurance continued an upward trend in
       1994.  PFS issued 299,400 policies totaling $57.4 billion in face
       amount during 1994, an increase from 260,300 policies totaling $49.3
       billion in face amount in 1993 and 252,500 policies totaling $47.3
       billion in face amount in 1992.  The increase in face amount issued has
       contributed to an increase in insurance in force, which was $335
       billion at December 31, 1994, compared to $317 billion at December 31,

       PFS continued to experience growth in sales of other financial
       products, primarily mutual funds through a joint venture with American
       Capital, and the $.M.A.R.T. (second mortgage loans) and S.A.F.E.
       (personal loans) products of Consumer Finance.  Sales of mutual funds
       were $1.32 billion in 1994 compared to $1.27 billion in 1993 and $1.07
       billion in 1992.  PFS has traditionally offered mutual funds to
       customers as a way to invest the savings obtained through the purchase
       of relatively low-cost term life insurance as compared to traditional
       whole life insurance.  $.M.A.R.T. and S.A.F.E. loan receivables, which
       are reflected in the assets of Consumer Finance, were $1.107 billion at
       December 31, 1994 compared to $765 million at December 31, 1993 and
       $487 million at December 31, 1992.  

       Travelers Life and Annuities
       Travelers Life and Annuities consists of annuity, life and health
       products marketed under the Travelers name (the Financial Services
       individual business and the Asset Management & Pension Services group
       annuity business of old Travelers) and the individual accident and
       health operations of Transport Life Insurance Company.  Among the range
       of individual products are fixed and variable annuities; term,
       universal and whole life insurance; and accident and health coverages. 
       These products are primarily marketed through 450 core independent
       agents, The Copeland Companies (Copeland), a wholly owned subsidiary of
       The Travelers Insurance Group Inc. (Travelers Insurance), and Smith
       Barney financial consultants.

       During 1994, $9.2 billion of face amount of individual life insurance
       was issued bringing total life insurance in force to $49 billion. 
       Individual life insurance net premiums and deposits totaled $287
       million in 1994 compared to $279 million in 1993.  

       Individual annuity production was strong during 1994 compared to 1993
       primarily reflecting increased sales of variable annuities.  In late
       June a variable annuity product was introduced for distribution by
       Smith Barney financial consultants and is expected to contribute to
       annuity production in future periods.  Sales of this product amounted
       to $158 million in 1994. Net written premiums and deposits for
       individual annuities during 1994 totaled $1.309 billion compared to
       $1.023 billion in 1993 bringing total policyholder account balances and
       benefit reserves to $10.9 billion at the end of 1994.  Annuity sales
       activity has been helped by the ratings upgrades that accompanied the
       merger of Primerica and old Travelers.  

       In the group annuity business, net written premiums and deposits for
       1994 were $1.284 billion and were down significantly from $2.092
       billion in 1993.  The decline reflects the Company's more selective
       approach to issuance of guaranteed investment contracts and a decision
       in the third quarter of 1993 to no longer market index funds and was
       partially offset by a non-recurring transfer in-house of old Travelers
       pension plan assets amounting to $512 million which were previously
       managed externally.  Policyholder account balances and benefit reserves
       totaled $12.2 billion at year-end 1994 down from $13.6 billion at
       year-end 1993.  

       Net written premiums for individual accident and health products,
       primarily long-term care and supplementary products, totaled $334
       million in 1994, about even with the 1993 period.


       Managed Care and Employee Benefits
       Managed Care and Employee Benefits consists of the old Travelers
       businesses that market group accident and health and life insurance,
       managed health care programs, and administrative services associated
       with employee benefit plans to customers ranging from large
       multinational corporations to small local employers.  

       As discussed in Note 3 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements,
       the group life and related businesses have been sold to Metropolitan
       Life Insurance Company and in January 1995, the group medical component
       was exchanged for a 50% interest in The MetraHealth Companies, Inc.

       Total group life insurance in force amounted to $144.1 billion at
       year-end 1994, down from $149.9 billion at year- end 1993.  Face amount
       of group life insurance issued during 1994 was $11.4 billion versus
       $13.6 billion in 1993.  Net written premiums, deposits and equivalents
       totaled $592 million for 1994 compared to $665 million in 1993. 
       In the group health business, net written premiums, deposits and
       equivalents were $9.2 billion in 1994 compared to $9.7 billion in 1993. 
       Equivalents represent benefits under administration, which together
       with deposits are estimates of premiums that fee-based customers would
       have been charged under a fully insured arrangement and do not
       represent actual revenues.  Total lives covered by medical plans
       declined to 5.0 million at December 31, 1994 from 5.9 million at
       year-end 1993, although participation in the managed care component
       rose 21%.  These declines reflect the Company's emphasis on increasing
       margins to improve profitability; improvements in underwriting designed
       to reduce financial risk rather than emphasize growth; and
       uncertainties during the period relating to proposed healthcare

       Property & Casualty Insurance Services

                                                                              Year Ended December 31,
            (millions)                                          1994                    1993                    1992
                                                                         Net                    Net                      Net
                                                          Revenues     Income     Revenues    Income     Revenues     Income
            Commercial (1)                                  $3,058       $146         $315       $45         $316        $54

              Minority Interest - Gulf                           -          -            -      (22)            -          -

            Personal (2)                                     1,480        103            -         -            -          -
            Total Property & Casualty Insurance
              Services                                      $4,538       $249         $315       $23         $316        $54

       (1)  Net income includes $73 of reported investment portfolio losses
            in 1994 and $15 and $6 of reported investment portfolio gains in
            1993 and 1992, respectively, and $19 in 1992 from the sale of
            Musicland common stock.
       (2)  Net income in 1994 includes $18 of reported investment portfolio
            losses and a $19 gain from the sale of Bankers and Shippers
            Insurance Company.

       The Property & Casualty Insurance Services segment consists of the
       business lines of old Travelers as well as Gulf Insurance Group (Gulf). 
       Segment operating results for 1993 include only the 50% of Gulf then
       owned by old Primerica and 1992 includes Gulf only.  Certain 1993
       production statistics related to old Travelers' businesses are included
       for comparison purposes only and are not reflected in 1993 revenues or
       operating results.

       Commercial Lines
       Commercial Lines net written premiums for 1994 totaled $2.391 billion
       compared to $2.499 billion in 1993.  Equivalents for 1994 totaled
       $2.978 billion compared to $2.757 billion in 1993.  Equivalents, which
       are associated largely with national accounts, represent estimates of
       premiums that customers would have been charged under a fully insured
       arrangement and do not represent revenues.  


       A significant component of Commercial Lines is the National Accounts
       division (National), which provides insurance coverages and services,
       primarily workers' compensation, to large corporations.  National
       premium volume of $437 million in 1994 declined $141 million or 24%
       from 1993.  National equivalents of $1.996 billion for the year ended
       December 31, 1994 were $64 million above the same period of 1993.  For
       the year ended December 31, 1994 new business, including both premiums
       and equivalents, was $325 million compared to $407 million in 1993. 
       Renewed business, including both premiums and equivalents, was $1.997
       billion in 1994 compared to $1.983 billion in 1993,  reflecting efforts
       to help customers control their loss costs, which has helped build a
       better than 88% customer retention ratio.  The shift to fee-based
       service products from insurance products continued in 1994.  

       Premiums assumed from industry assigned pools of $129 million for the
       year ended December 31, 1994 were $24 million less than the 1993
       levels.  Equivalents associated with Travelers acting as a servicing
       carrier of these industry involuntary pools totaled $648 million in
       1994, a decrease of $15 million from 1993.  The decrease in premiums
       and equivalents relative to the prior year is due to the depopulation
       of involuntary workers' compensation pools and the formation of
       alternative involuntary workers' compensation funding mechanisms in
       which Travelers has no obligation to participate.

       Commercial Lines Agency Marketing (Agency) business serves small and
       mid-sized businesses through brokers and approximately 2,500
       independent agents.  Agency net written premiums of $1.526 billion for
       the year ended December 31, 1994 were $30 million below 1993 premium
       levels.  Agency equivalents grew to $334 million, $172 million above
       1993 levels.  New business volume in the old Travelers mid-size
       segment, which is a strategic point of business emphasis, was up $80
       million or 26% from the same period in 1993; while the old Travelers
       small business segment increased by $18 million, or 19%.  The retention
       for this mid-size business is slightly higher than 1993 levels while
       this small business ratio declined by 2% reflecting soft market
       conditions and tighter underwriting.  Agency  continues to focus on the
       retention of existing business and maximization of product pricing
       while maintaining its selective underwriting policy.

       Specialty Lines premiums of $299 million for the year ended December
       31, 1994 were $87 million higher than for the year ended December 31,
       1993.  This increase is primarily attributable to an increase in
       property, primary liability and specialty auto writings, and assumed

       Catastrophe losses, net of tax and reinsurance, were $30 million and
       $21 million for the years ended December 31, 1994 and 1993,
       respectively.  The increase in catastrophe losses was due to winter
       storms in the first quarter of 1994.  
       The 1994 full year combined ratio was 124.7% and includes reserve
       increases for environmental claims and a reduction of ceded reinsurance
       balances amounting to $225 million that were charged against income on
       a statutory basis (but not for GAAP reporting due to purchase
       accounting adjustments related to the acquisition of old Travelers). 
       The 1993 full year combined ratio of old Travelers and Gulf combined
       was 125.3% and includes $325 million of special reserve strengthening
       for environmental and asbestos-related claims recorded by old Travelers
       in the third quarter of 1993.  The combined ratios excluding such
       special charges were 114.2% for 1994 and 111.2% for old Travelers and
       Gulf combined for 1993.  The 1994 ratio also includes the impact of
       winter storm losses in Agency in the first quarter of 1994, partly
       offset by favorable loss development in certain workers' compensation
       lines and residual markets.  In addition, the combined ratio has been,
       and will continue to be, affected by the shift to fee-for-service
       products, which reduces premiums and losses while expenses remain in
       insurance results.  

       Personal Lines
       Net written premiums for 1994 were $1.433 billion compared to $1.361
       billion in 1993.  Included in 1994 are after-tax catastrophe losses of
       $26 million net of reinsurance compared to $13 million in 1993.  The
       combined ratio for Personal Lines for the full year 1994 was 100.4%
       compared to 104.4% in 1993.  This improvement is primarily attributable
       to improved underwriting results due to lower operating expenses,
       favorable loss reserve development in 1994 on prior years' business in
       the automobile line of business and a favorable resolution in 1994 of
       the New Jersey Market Transition Facility deficit. 


       On October 18, 1994, The Travelers Indemnity Company, a subsidiary of
       The Travelers Insurance Group Inc., consummated the sale of its
       subsidiary, Bankers and Shippers Insurance Company (B&S), to Integon
       Corporation for $142 million in cash, and recognized an after-tax gain
       of $19 million on the sale.  B&S primarily writes non- standard
       personal automobile insurance.

       Outlook - PFS  
       Over the last few years, programs were begun that are designed to
       increase the number of producing agents, customer contacts and,
       ultimately, increase production levels.  Enhanced customer service and
       increased customer contacts have contributed to improved sales and
       persistency (i.e., the percentage of policies that continue in force). 
       Insurance in force has begun to grow and the number of producing agents
       has stabilized.  A continuation of these trends could positively impact
       future operations.   PFS continues to expand cross-selling with other
       Company subsidiaries of products such as loans and mutual funds.

       Outlook - Travelers Life and Annuities
       The insurance industry is extremely competitive on both price and
       service and no single issuer is dominant.  Consolidations are occurring
       in the life insurance industry and other financial services
       organizations are becoming involved in the sale and/or distribution of
       life insurance products. This increases the pressure on the Company to
       remain current as to market trends.  Also, the annuities business is
       interest sensitive and swings in interest rates could impact sales and
       retention of in force policies.

       On January 18, 1995, the U.S. Supreme Court in Nationsbank of North
       Carolina, NA. et. al. v. Variable Annuity Life Insurance Co., et. al.
       ruled unanimously that national banks may sell annuities.  At this
       time, it is not clear what impact, if any, this will have on the
       Company's annuity sales.  Currently, the Company's methods of
       distribution of annuities are primarily through Copeland, independent
       insurance agents and financial consultants of Smith Barney.

       Outlook - MetraHealth 
       Upon formation of MetraHealth, the joint venture created by the
       combination of the medical businesses of TIC and its affiliates and
       Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife), the Company owned 50% of
       Metrahealth's common stock.  The Company's interest in MetraHealth will
       be accounted for on the equity method.  See Note 3 of Notes to
       Consolidated Financial Statements.

       MetraHealth will provide group health insurance, health maintenance
       organizations, managed care and ancillary services throughout the
       United States, in Puerto Rico and in the U.S. Virgin Islands.  The
       range of services provided by these products includes programs to
       maintain health and wellness, as well as to promote patient education
       and to manage health care through networks of providers of
       medical/surgical, mental health and pharmaceutical services. 
       MetraHealth network products rely on contractual arrangements between
       it and providers of health care to deliver services to covered
       individuals at negotiated reimbursement levels as well as to
       participate in utilization and quality management programs.

       As of December 31, 1994, the businesses acquired by MetraHealth
       included health maintenance organizations in 29 network areas, with
       approximately 400,000 members; point-of-service operations in 72
       network areas, with approximately 1.7 million members; and preferred
       provider organizations in 90 network areas, with approximately 2.8
       million members.  Covered lives using the managed care networks and
       covered by indemnity products, in the aggregate at December 31, 1994,
       were approximately 11.3 million.  MetraHealth expects some decline in
       covered lives during 1995.

       In March 1995, MetraHealth acquired HealthSpring, Inc. for common stock
       of Metrahealth.  HealthSpring builds and manages primary care physician
       practices and serves approximately 32,000 patients through seven sites
       in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois.  This acquisition resulted in a
       reduction in the participation of the Company and MetLife in the
       MetraHealth venture to 48.25% each.


       Outlook - Property & Casualty
       A variety of factors continue to affect the property-casualty market
       including inflation in the cost of medical care and litigation and
       losses from involuntary markets. 

       In most lines, pricing did not improve during the past year.  For
       Agency, the duration of the current downturn in the underwriting cycle
       continues to pressure the pricing of guaranteed cost products.  In the
       small account market, which primarily buys guaranteed cost products,
       price increases have not exceeded loss cost inflation for several
       years.  The focus is to retain existing profitable business and obtain
       new accounts where the Company can maintain its selective underwriting
       policy.  The Company continues to adhere to strict guidelines to
       maintain high quality underwriting, which could affect future premium
       levels.  National business is less affected by pricing; however, the
       pricing of large account business continues to be very competitive. 
       Customer retention levels remained high in 1994 as a result of
       Travelers Indemnity's continued delivery of quality service, primarily
       claims management focused on loss cost reduction.  

       In Personal Lines, increasing loss costs in 1994 resulted in pressure
       on current underwriting margins.  Personal Lines management strategy
       includes underwriting more state-specific business, a reduction of
       exposure to catastrophe losses and control of operating expenses to
       improve competitiveness and profitability.

       In an effort to reduce its exposure to catastrophic hurricane losses,
       Travelers Insurance has stopped writing new homeowners policies in
       coastal areas of New York and Connecticut, and in certain counties in
       South Florida, reduced agent commissions on homeowners insurance in
       certain markets, and purchased higher amounts of catastrophe

       Environmental Claims
       As a result of various state and federal regulatory efforts aimed at
       environmental remediation (particularly "Superfund"), the insurance
       industry has been, and continues to be, involved in extensive
       litigation involving policy coverage and liability issues.  The
       possible reauthorization of Superfund in 1995 may have some effect on
       the resolution of these issues, but it is not possible at the present
       time to determine what the potential impact, if any, will be.  In
       addition to the regulatory pressures, certain court decisions have
       expanded insurance coverage beyond the original intent of the insurer
       and insured, frequently involving policies that were issued prior to
       the mid-1970s.  The results of court decisions affecting the industry's
       coverage positions continue to be inconsistent.  Accordingly, the
       ultimate responsibility and liability for environmental remediation
       costs remain uncertain.

       Travelers Insurance is part of the industry segment affected by these
       issues and continues to receive claims alleging liability exposures
       arising out of insureds' alleged disposition of toxic substances.  The
       review of environmental claims includes an assessment of the probable
       liability, available coverage, judicial interpretations and historic
       value of similar claims.  In addition, the unique facts presented in
       each claim are evaluated individually and collectively.  Due
       consideration is given to the many variables presented in each claim,
       such as: the nature of the alleged activities of the insured at each
       site; the allegations of environmental damage at each site; the number
       of sites; the total number of potentially responsible parties at each
       site; the nature of environmental harm and the corresponding remedy at
       a site; the nature of government enforcement activities at each site;
       the ownership and general use of each site; the willingness and ability
       of other potentially responsible parties to contribute to the cost of
       the required remediation at each site; the overall nature of the
       insurance relationship between Travelers Insurance and the insured; the
       identification of other insurers; the potential coverage available, if
       any; the number of years of coverage, if any; the obligation to provide
       a defense to insureds, if any, and the applicable law in each
       jurisdiction.  Analysis of these and other factors on a case-by-case
       basis results in the ultimate reserve assessment.    

       The following table displays activity for environmental losses and loss
       expenses and reserves for 1994.  Approximately 14% of the net
       environmental loss reserve (i.e. approximately $65 million) is case
       reserve for resolved claims.  Travelers Insurance does not post
       individual case reserves for environmental claims in which there is a
       coverage dispute until the dispute is resolved.  Until then, the
       estimated amounts for disputed coverage claims are carried in a bulk
       reserve, together with unreported environmental losses.


       Environmental Losses
       (millions)                                1994 

       Beginning reserves:
             Direct                              $504*
             Ceded                                (13)
               Net                                491 

       Incurred losses and loss expenses:
             Direct                                54 
             Ceded                                 (5)
       Losses paid:      
             Direct                                76 
             Ceded                                 (7)

       Ending reserves:
             Direct                               482 
             Ceded                                (11)
               Net                              $ 471 

       * Includes $155 relating to the purchase accounting allocation for the
         acquisition of old Travelers.  Amounts prior to 1994 relate to Gulf
         only and are not material.

       The industry does not have a standard method of calculating claim
       activity for environmental losses.  Generally, for environmental
       claims, Travelers Insurance establishes a claim file for each insured
       on a per site, per claimant basis,  if there is more than one claimant,
       e.g. a federal and a state agency.  This method will result in two
       claims being set up for a policyholder at that one site.  Travelers
       Insurance adheres to its method of calculating claim activity on all
       environmental-related claims, whether such claims are tendered on
       primary, excess or umbrella policies.  

       As of December 31, 1994, Travelers Insurance had approximately 8,200
       pending environmental-related claims and had resolved over 17,200 such
       claims since 1986.  Approximately 70% of the pending claims in
       inventory represent  Federal or state EPA-type claims tendered by
       approximately 725 insureds.  The balance represents bodily injury
       claims alleging injury due to the discharge of insureds' waste or

       To date, Travelers Insurance generally has been successful in its
       coverage litigation and continues to reduce its potential exposure
       through favorable settlements with certain insureds.  These settlement
       agreements with certain insureds are based on the variables presented
       in each piece of coverage litigation.  Generally the settlement dollars
       paid in disputed coverage claims are a percentage of the total coverage
       sought by such insureds.  In addition, with respect to many of the
       environmental claims there is a "buy-back" of future environmental
       liability risks by Travelers Insurance, together with appropriate
       indemnities and hold harmless provisions to protect Travelers

       Asbestos Claims
       In the area of asbestos, the industry has suffered from judicial
       interpretations that have attempted to maximize insurance availability
       from both a coverage and liability standpoint far beyond the intent of
       the contracting parties.  These policies generally were issued prior to
       the 1980s.  Originally the cases involved mainly plant workers and
       traditional asbestos manufacturers and distributors.  However, in the
       mid-1980s, a new group of plaintiffs, whose exposure to asbestos was
       less direct and whose injuries were often speculative, began to file
       lawsuits in increasing numbers against the traditional defendants as
       well as peripheral defendants who had produced products that may have
       contained small amounts of some form of encapsulated asbestos.  These
       claims continue to arise and on an individual basis generally involve
       smaller companies with smaller limits of potential coverage.   


       Also, there has emerged a group of non-product claims by plaintiffs,
       mostly independent labor union workers, against companies, alleging
       exposure to asbestos while working at these companies' premises.  In
       addition, various insurers, including Travelers Insurance, remain
       defendants in a widely publicized action brought in Philadelphia
       regarding potential consolidation and resolution of future asbestos
       bodily injury claims.  The cumulative effect of these judicial actions
       on Travelers Insurance and its insureds currently is uncertain.

       Also, various classes of asbestos defendants, e.g. major product
       manufacturers, peripheral and regional product defendants as well as
       premises owners, are tendering asbestos-related claims to the industry. 
       Since each insured presents different liability and coverage issues,
       Travelers Insurance evaluates those issues on an insured-by-insured

       Travelers Insurance's evaluations have not resulted in any meaningful
       average asbestos defense or indemnity payment.  The varying defense and
       indemnity payments made by Travelers Insurance on behalf of its
       insureds have also precluded the Company from deriving any meaningful
       data by which it can predict whether its defense and indemnity payments
       for asbestos claims (on average or in the aggregate) will remain the
       same or change in the future.

       The following table displays activity for asbestos losses and loss
       expenses and reserves for 1994.  Approximately 85% of the net asbestos
       reserves at December 31, 1994 represented incurred but not reported

       Asbestos Losses
       (millions)                                1994 

       Beginning reserves:
             Direct                             $775  
             Ceded                              (381)*
               Net                               394  

       Incurred losses and loss expenses:
             Direct                               67  
             Ceded                               (16) 
       Losses paid:      
             Direct                              140  
             Ceded                               (78) 

       Ending reserves:
             Direct                              702  
             Ceded                              (319) 
               Net                              $383  

       * After reflecting a reduction of $70 relating to the purchase
         accounting allocation for the acquisition of old Travelers.  Amounts
         prior to 1994 relate to Gulf only and are not material .

       The largest reinsurer of Travelers Insurance asbestos risks is Lloyd's
       of London (Lloyds).  Lloyds is currently undergoing restructuring to
       seek to obtain additional capital and to segregate claims for years
       before 1986.  The ultimate effect of this restructuring on reinsurance
       recoverable from Lloyds is not yet known.  The Company does not believe
       that any uncollectible amounts of reinsurance recoverables would be
       material to its results of operations, financial condition or

       In relation to these asbestos and environmental-related claims,
       Travelers Insurance carries on a continuing review of its overall
       position, its reserving techniques and reinsurance recoverable.  In
       each of these areas of exposure, Travelers Insurance has endeavored to
       litigate individual cases and settle claims on favorable terms.  Given


       vagaries of court coverage decisions, plaintiffs' expanded theories of
       liability, the risks inherent in major litigation and other
       uncertainties, it is not presently possible to quantify the ultimate
       exposure or range of exposure represented by these claims to the
       Company's financial condition, results of operations or liquidity.  The
       Company believes that it is reasonably possible that the outcome of the
       uncertainties regarding environmental and asbestos claims could result
       in a liability exceeding the reserves by an amount that would be
       material to operating results in a future period.  However, it is not
       likely these claims will have a material adverse affect on the
       Company's financial condition or liquidity.

       Outlook - Industry
       Changes in the general interest rate environment affect the return
       received by the insurance subsidiaries on newly invested and reinvested
       funds.  While a rising interest rate environment enhances the returns
       available, it reduces the market value of existing fixed maturity
       investments and the availability of gains on disposition.

       As required by various state laws and regulations, the Company's
       insurance subsidiaries are required to participate in state-
       administered guarantee associations established for the benefit of the
       policyholders of insolvent insurance companies.  Management believes
       that such payments will not have a material impact on the Company's
       results of operations, financial condition or liquidity. 

       Certain social, economic and political issues have led to an increased
       number of legislative and regulatory proposals aimed at addressing the
       cost and availability of certain types of insurance.   While most of
       these provisions have failed to become law, these initiatives may
       continue as legislators and regulators try to respond to public
       availability and affordability concerns and the resulting laws, if any,
       could adversely affect the Company's ability to write business with
       appropriate returns. 

       The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) adopted
       risk-based capital (RBC) requirements for life insurance companies in
       1992, effective with reporting for 1993, and for property-casualty
       companies in December 1993, effective with reporting for 1994.  The RBC
       requirements are to be used as early warning tools by the NAIC and
       states to identify companies that merit further regulatory action.  The
       formulas have not been designed to differentiate among adequately
       capitalized companies which operate with levels of capital higher than
       RBC requirements.  Therefore, it is inappropriate and ineffective to
       use the formulas to rate or to rank such companies.  At December 31,
       1994 and 1993, all of the Company's life and property-casualty
       companies had adjusted capital in excess of amounts requiring any
       regulatory action.

       Asset Quality -  The investment portfolio of the insurance services
       segment which includes both Life and Property & Casualty totaled
       approximately $38.5 billion, representing 63% of total insurance
       services' assets of approximately $61 billion.  Because the primary
       purpose of the investment portfolio is to fund future policyholder
       benefits and claims payments, management employs a conservative
       investment philosophy.  The investment portfolio supports both the life
       and property-casualty insurance operations.  The insurance segment's
       fixed maturity portfolio totaled $27 billion, comprised of $21 billion
       of publicly traded fixed maturities and $6 billion of private fixed
       maturities.  The weighted average quality ratings of the segment's
       publicly traded fixed maturity portfolio and private fixed maturity
       portfolio at December 31, 1994 were Aa3 and Baa1, respectively. 
       Included in the fixed maturity portfolio was approximately $1.4 billion
       of below investment grade securities.  Investments in venture capital
       investments, highly leveraged transactions and specialized lendings
       were not material in the aggregate.   

       The Insurance Services segment makes significant investments in
       collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs).   Such  CMOs typically have
       high credit quality, offer good liquidity, and provide a significant
       advantage in yield and total return compared to treasury securities. 
       The investment strategy of the Insurance Services segment is to
       purchase CMO tranches that are most protected against prepayment risk,
       typically planned amortization class (PAC) tranches.  Prepayment
       protected tranches are preferred because they provide stable cash flows
       in a variety of scenarios.  The segment does invest in other types of
       CMO tranches if a careful assessment indicates a favorable risk/return
       tradeoff; however, it does not purchase residual interests in CMOs.


       At December 31, 1994, the segment held CMOs with a market value of $2.9
       billion.  Approximately 89% of CMO holdings are fully collateralized by
       GNMA, FNMA or FHLMC securities, and the balance are fully
       collateralized by portfolios of individual mortgage loans.  In
       addition, the segment held $1.9 billion of GNMA, FNMA or FHLMC
       mortgage-backed securities at December 31, 1994.  Virtually all of
       these securities are rated AAA.

       The segment also held $1.0 billion of securities that are backed
       primarily by credit card or car loan receivables at December 31, 1994. 

       At December 31, 1994, real estate and mortgage loan investments totaled
       $5.8 billion.  Most of these investments are included in the investment
       portfolio of The Travelers Insurance Group.  The Company is continuing
       its strategy to dispose of these real estate assets and some of the
       mortgage loans and to reinvest the proceeds to obtain current market

       At December 31, mortgage loan and real estate portfolios consisted of
       the following:

         (millions)                                1994       1993
                                                   ----       ----

         Current mortgage loans                  $4,905     $6,096
         Underperforming mortgage loans             511      1,269
                                                  -----      -----
           Total mortgage loans                   5,416      7,365
                                                  -----      -----

           Real estate held for sale                418      1,049
                                                  -----      -----
         Total mortgage loans and real estate    $5,834     $8,414
                                                  =====      =====

       Included in underperforming mortgage loans above are $270 million of
       mortgages restructured at below market terms, of which $265 million are
       current under the new terms.  The new terms typically defer a portion
       of contract interest payments to varying future periods.  The accrual
       of interest is suspended on all restructured loans, and interest income
       is reported only as payment is received.  Of the total real estate held
       for sale $383 million is under- performing.

       For further information relating to investments, see Note 5 of Notes to
       Consolidated Financial Statements.

       Corporate and Other

                                                                           Year Ended December 31,
                                                        1994                      1993                      1992
                                                              Net                       Net                       Net
                                                             Income                    Income                     Income
            (millions)                         Revenues     (Expense)     Revenues    (Expense)    Revenues     (Expense)
            Net expenses(1)                                   $(201)                     $(65)                     $(62)

            Equity in income of old
              Travelers in 1993 and
              Fingerhut in 1992                                   -                       152                        26

            Net gain on sale of stock of
              subsidiaries and affiliates                        39                         8                       116
            Total Corporate and Other            $(12)        $(162)        $180          $95        $324          $ 80

       (1)  Includes $3 and $2 of reported investment portfolio gains in 1993
       and 1992, respectively.


       Corporate and Other consists of corporate staff and treasury
       operations, certain corporate income and expenses that have not been
       allocated to the operating subsidiaries and certain intersegment

       The increase in net expenses in 1994 is primarily attributable to the
       assumption of old Travelers corporate debt and certain corporate
       expenses, the full year impact of financing the Shearson Acquisition
       and a rise in commercial paper borrowing costs of approximately 117
       basis points.

       The increase in net expenses in 1993 resulted from lower income from
       miscellaneous investments and interest expense on borrowings to finance
       the acquisition of the Shearson Businesses, offset by lower interest

       The equity in income of old Travelers in 1993 includes $13 million from
       the Company's share of its realized portfolio gains and a tax benefit
       of $11 million for the cumulative effect of a tax rate increase through
       December 31, 1992.

       Liquidity and Capital Resources

       The Travelers Inc. (the Parent) services its obligations primarily with
       dividends and other advances that it receives from subsidiaries.  The
       subsidiaries' dividend paying ability is limited by certain covenant
       restrictions in credit agreements and/or by regulatory requirements. 
       The Parent believes it will have sufficient funds to meet current and
       future commitments.  Each of the Company's major operating subsidiaries
       finances its operations on a stand-alone basis consistent with its
       capitalization and ratings.

       The Parent
       The Parent issues commercial paper directly to investors and maintains
       unused credit availability under committed revolving credit agreements
       at least equal to the amount of commercial paper outstanding.  During
       1994 the Parent, CCC and TIC entered into an agreement with a syndicate
       of banks to provide $1.5 billion of revolving credit, to be allocated
       to any of the Parent, CCC or TIC.  The participation of TIC in this
       agreement is limited to $300 million.  The revolving credit facility
       consists of a 364-day revolving credit facility in the amount of $300
       million and a 5-year revolving credit facility in the amount of $1.2
       billion.  At December 31, 1994, $650 million was allocated to CCC and
       $200 million to TIC.  Under this facility the Company is required to
       maintain a certain level of consolidated stockholders' equity (as
       defined in the agreement).  At December 31, 1994, the Company exceeded
       this requirement by approximately $2.7 billion.

       As of December 31, 1994, the Parent had unused credit availability of
       $650 million consisting of $520 million under the 5-year revolving
       credit facility and $130 million under the 364-day revolving credit
       facility.  The Parent may borrow under its revolving credit facilities
       at various interest rate options and compensates the banks for the
       facilities through commitment fees.

       As of March 3, 1995, the Parent had $800 million available for debt
       offerings under its shelf registration statements.

       Commercial Credit Company (CCC)
       CCC also issues commercial paper directly to investors and maintains
       unused credit availability under committed revolving credit agreements
       at least equal to the amount of commercial paper outstanding.  As of
       December 31, 1994, CCC had unused credit availability of $3.01 billion
       consisting of $2.280 billion under 5-year revolving credit facilities
       and $730 million under 364-day revolving credit facilities.  CCC may
       borrow under its revolving credit facilities at various interest rate
       options and compensates the banks for the facilities through commitment


       During 1994 and through March 3, 1995, CCC completed the following debt
       offerings leaving $950 million available for debt offerings under its
       shelf registration statement:

           -  7 7/8% Notes due July 15, 2004            $200 million
           -  8 1/4% Notes due November 1, 2001         $300 million
           -  7 7/8% Notes due February 1, 2025         $200 million
           -  7 3/4% Notes due March 1, 2005            $200 million

       CCC is limited by covenants in its revolving credit agreements as to
       the amount of dividends and advances that may be made to the Parent or
       its affiliated companies.  At December 31, 1994, CCC would have been
       able to remit $270  million to the Parent under its most restrictive
       covenants or regulatory requirements.

       Smith Barney Holdings Inc. (Smith Barney)
       Smith Barney funds its day to day operations through the use of
       commercial paper, collateralized and uncollateralized bank borrowings
       (both committed and uncommitted), internally generated funds,
       repurchase transactions, and securities lending arrangements.  The
       volume of Smith Barney's borrowings generally fluctuates in response to
       changes in the amount of reverse repurchase transactions outstanding,
       the level of securities inventories, customer balances and securities
       borrowing transactions.  In May of 1994, Smith Barney renegotiated its
       three-year revolving credit agreement (the "Agreement") with a bank
       syndicate.  The amendment to the Agreement extended the term by one
       year until May 1997 and increased the amount of the facility from $625
       million to $1 billion.  As of December 31, 1994, $400 million was
       borrowed under the Agreement.  In addition, in May 1994, Smith Barney
       entered into a $750 million, 364-day revolving credit agreement with a
       bank syndicate.  As of December 31, 1994, there were no borrowings
       outstanding under this facility.  Smith Barney also has substantial
       borrowing arrangements consisting of facilities that it has been
       advised are available, but where no contractual lending obligation

       Smith Barney, through its subsidiary Smith Barney Inc., issues
       commercial paper directly to investors.  As a policy, Smith Barney
       maintains sufficient borrowing power of unencumbered securities to
       cover unsecured borrowings and unsecured letters of credit.  In
       addition, Smith Barney monitors its leverage and capital ratios on a
       daily basis.

       During 1994 and through March 3, 1995 Smith Barney completed the
       following debt offerings leaving $600 million available for debt
       offerings under its shelf registration statement:

           -  5 1/2% Notes due January 15, 1999   . . . $200 million
           -  6% Notes due March 15, 1997   . . . . . . $200 million
           -  7 7/8% Notes due October 1, 1999  . . . . $150 million
           -  7.4% Notes due November 17, 1996
               (Medium-Term Notes)  . . . . . . . . . . $ 50 million
           -  7.98% Notes due March 1, 2000   . . . . . $200 million

       Smith Barney is limited by covenants in its revolving credit facility
       as to the amount of dividends that may be paid to the Parent.  At
       December 31, 1994, Smith Barney would have been able to remit
       approximately $500 million to the Parent under its most restrictive

       The Travelers Insurance Group
       At December 31, 1994, The Travelers Insurance Group had $23.3 billion
       of life and annuity product deposit funds and reserves.  Of that total,
       $11.6 billion are not subject to discretionary withdrawal based on
       contract terms.  The remaining $11.7 billion are for life and annuity
       products that are subject to discretionary withdrawal by the
       contractholder.  Included in the amount subject to discretionary
       withdrawal are $1.9 billion of liabilities that are surrenderable with
       market value adjustments.  An additional $5.7 billion of the life
       insurance and individual annuity liabilities are subject to
       discretionary withdrawals, with an average surrender charge of 5.5%. 
       Another $1.4 billion of liabilities are surrenderable at book value
       over 5 to 10 years.  In the payout phase, these funds are credited at
       significantly reduced interest rates.  The remaining $2.6 billion of
       liabilities are surrenderable without charge.  Approximately 30% of
       these relate to individual life products.  These risks would have to be
       underwritten again if transferred to another carrier, which is
       considered a significant deterrent against withdrawal by long-term


       policyholders.  Insurance liabilities surrendered or withdrawn from The
       Travelers Insurance Group are reduced by outstanding policy loans and
       related accrued interest prior to payout.

       Scheduled maturities of guaranteed investment contracts (GICs) in 1995,
       1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 are $1.4 billion, $1.0 billion, $279 million,
       $256 million and $200 million, respectively.  At December 31, 1994, the
       interest rates credited on GICs had a weighted average rate of 5.96%.

       The Travelers Insurance Company (TIC), a direct subsidiary of The
       Travelers Insurance Group Inc., issues commercial paper to investors
       and maintains unused committed, revolving credit facilities at least
       equal to the amount of commercial paper outstanding.  As of December
       31, 1994, TIC has unused credit availability of $200 million consisting
       of $160 million under the 5-year revolving credit facility and $40
       million under the 364-day revolving credit facility.

       Under Connecticut law the statutory capital and surplus of The
       Travelers Insurance Group, which amounted to $4.2 billion at December
       31, 1994, is not available in 1995 for dividends to its Parent without
       prior approval of the Connecticut Insurance Department.

       Deferred Income Taxes  
       The Company has a net deferred tax asset which relates to temporary
       differences that are expected to reverse as net ordinary deductions,
       except for a deferred tax asset of $723 million which relates to the
       unrealized loss on fixed maturity investments.  Management has the
       intent and the ability not to realize the unrealized loss except to the
       extent of offsetting capital gains.  The Company will have to generate
       approximately $4.6 billion of taxable income, before the reversal of
       the temporary differences, primarily over the next 10 to 15 years, to
       realize the remainder of the deferred tax asset, exclusive of the
       unrealized loss on fixed maturity investments.  Management expects to 
       realize the remainder of the deferred tax asset based upon its
       expectation of future taxable income, after the reversal of these
       deductible temporary differences, of at least $1 billion annually. 

       Accounting Standards Not Yet Adopted

       FAS 114 and FAS 118
       Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 114, "Accounting by
       Creditors for Impairment of a Loan," and Statement of Financial
       Accounting Standards No. 118, "Accounting by Creditors for Impairment
       of a Loan - Income Recognition and Disclosures," describe how impaired
       loans should be measured when determining the amount of a loan loss
       accrual.  These Statements also amend existing guidance on the
       measurement of restructured loans in a troubled debt restructuring
       involving a modification of terms.  The adoption of these Statements
       effective January 1, 1995 will not have a material effect on the
       Company's results of operations or financial position.


                          The Travelers Inc. and Subsidiaries
                           Consolidated Statement of Income
                  (In millions of dollars, except per share amounts)

        Year Ended December 31,                1994     1993      1992       
        Insurance premiums                   $7,590   $1,480    $1,694
        Commissions and fees                  2,691    1,957       973
        Interest and dividends                3,637      718       605
        Finance related interest and
         other charges                        1,030      954       953
        Principal transactions                  900      549       298
        Asset management fees                   795      385       131
        Equity in income of old Travelers         -      164         -
        Other income                          1,822      590       471       
          Total revenues                     18,465    6,797     5,125       
        Policyholder benefits and claims      7,797      833       907
        Non-insurance compensation and
         benefits                             3,241    2,057     1,069
        Insurance underwriting,
         acquisition and operating            2,572      506       674
        Interest                              1,284      707       674
        Provision for credit losses             152      134       165
        Other operating                       1,524    1,050       636       
           Total expenses                    16,570    5,287     4,125       
        Gain on sale of subsidiaries
         and affiliates                         254       13       188
        Income before income taxes,
         minority interest and
         cumulative effect of changes
         in accounting principles             2,149    1,523     1,188
        Provision for income taxes              823      550       432       
        Income before minority
         interest and cumulative
         effect of changes in
         accounting principles                1,326      973       756
        Minority interest, net of
         income taxes                             -      (22)        - 
        Cumulative effect of changes
         in accounting principles,
         net of income taxes                      -      (35)      (28)
        Net income                           $1,326   $  916    $  728

        Net income per share of common
         stock and common stock
        Before cumulative effect of
         changes in accounting principles    $   3.86 $   3.88  $   3.34
        Cumulative effect of changes in
         accounting principles                   -       (0.14)    (0.12)
        Net income per share of common
         stock and common stock
         equivalents                         $   3.86 $   3.74  $   3.22    
        Weighted average number of
         common shares outstanding
         and common stock equivalents
         (in millions)                         322.0    237.8     222.8 

        See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                                  The Travelers Inc. and Subsidiaries
                                             Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
                                                       (In millions of dollars)

        December 31,                                                                            1994                   1993 
        Cash and cash equivalents
          (including $816 and $914 segregated under federal and
           other brokerage regulations)                                                    $   1,227              $   1,526 
           Fixed maturities:
             Available for sale, at market value in 1994 and amortized cost in 1993           27,192                 28,109 
             Held to maturity, at amortized cost                                                  96                    177 
           Equity securities, at market value                                                    510                    555 
           Mortgage loans                                                                      5,416                  7,365 
           Real estate held for sale                                                             418                  1,049 
           Policy loans                                                                        1,581                  1,367 
           Short-term and other                                                                3,907                  3,577 
           Total investments                                                                  39,120                 42,199 
        Securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell                           25,655                 13,353 
        Brokerage receivables                                                                  8,238                  8,167 
        Trading securities owned, at market value                                              6,945                  5,863 
        Net consumer finance receivables                                                       6,746                  6,216 
        Reinsurance recoverables                                                               5,026                  4,929 
        Value of insurance in force and deferred policy acquisition costs                      2,163                  1,996 
        Cost of acquired businesses in excess of net assets                                    2,045                  2,162 
        Separate and variable accounts                                                         5,162                  4,665 
        Other receivables                                                                      4,018                  4,624 
        Other assets                                                                           8,952                  5,590 
        Total assets                                                                        $115,297               $101,290 
        Investment banking and brokerage borrowings                                        $   4,374              $   3,454 
        Short-term borrowings                                                                  2,480                  2,535 
        Long-term debt                                                                         7,075                  6,991 
        Securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase                              21,620                 10,144 
        Brokerage payables                                                                     7,807                  7,012 
        Trading securities sold not yet purchased, at market value                             4,345                  3,835 
        Contractholder funds                                                                  16,392                 17,980 
        Insurance policy and claims reserves                                                  27,084                 26,806 
        Separate and variable accounts                                                         5,127                  4,642 
        Accounts payable and other liabilities                                                10,215                  8,455 
          Total liabilities                                                                  106,519                 91,854 
        ESOP Preferred stock - Series C                                                          235                    235 
        Guaranteed ESOP obligation                                                              (97)                   (125)
                                                                                                 138                    110 
        Stockholders' equity
        Preferred stock ($1.00 par value; authorized shares: 30 million),
         at aggregate liquidation value                                                          800                    800 
        Common stock ($.01 par value; authorized shares: 500 million
          issued shares: 1994 - 368,195,609 and 1993 - 368,287,709)                                4                      4 
        Additional paid-in capital                                                             6,655                  6,566 
        Retained earnings                                                                      4,199                  3,140 
        Treasury stock, at cost (1994 - 51,684,618 shares and 1993 - 41,155,405 shares)      (1,553)                 (1,121)
        Unrealized gain (loss) on investment securities and other, net                       (1,465)                    (63)
          Total stockholders' equity                                                           8,640                  9,326 
        Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                                          $115,297               $101,290 

        See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                          The Travelers Inc. and Subsidiaries
                               Consolidated Statement of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
                                               (In millions of dollars)

                                                                    Amounts                    Shares (in thousands)
                                                            ------------------------       -----------------------------
Year Ended December 31,                                      1994     1993      1992          1994       1993     1992
                                                            ------------------------       -----------------------------
Preferred Stock at aggregate liquidation value
Balance, beginning of year                                $  800   $  300    $    -         11,200      1,200        -
Issuance of preferred stock                                           500       300                    10,000    1,200
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------        -----------------------------
Balance, end of year                                         800      800       300         11,200     11,200    1,200
===================================================================================        =============================
Common Stock and Additional Paid-In Capital
Balance, beginning of year                                 6,570    2,150     2,128        368,287    253,524  253,524
Issuance of common stock                                              329                              10,333
Travelers Merger: 
  Common stock issued to third party stockholders                   3,265                              85,911
  Common stock issued to subsidiaries of the Company                  595                              18,519
  Premium related to preferred stock, options and other                67 
Conversion of debentures                                               17        11 
Issuance of common stock warrants                                      25 
Cost of issuance of preferred stock                                             (10)
Issuance of shares pursuant to employee benefit plans         85      122        21 
Other                                                          4                               (91)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------        -----------------------------
Balance, end of year                                       6,659    6,570     2,150        368,196    368,287  253,524
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------        -----------------------------
Retained Earnings
Balance, beginning of year                                 3,140    2,363     1,720 
Net income                                                 1,326      916       728 
Common dividends                                            (181)    (113)      (78)
Preferred dividends                                          (86)     (26)       (7)
Balance, end of year                                       4,199    3,140     2,363 
Treasury Stock (at cost)
Balance, beginning of year                                (1,121)    (540)     (538)       (41,155)   (31,572) (36,278)
Conversion of debentures                                               81        65                     4,104    4,356
Issuance of shares pursuant to employee benefit
 plans, net of shares tendered for payment of option
 exercise price and withholding taxes                        111      (10)       54          5,318      6,175    6,583
Treasury stock acquired                                     (543)     (58)     (122)       (15,876)    (1,478)  (6,307)
Common stock issued to subsidiaries of the Company                   (595)                            (18,519)
Other                                                                   1         1             28        135       74
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------        -----------------------------
Balance, end of year                                      (1,553)  (1,121)     (540)       (51,685)   (41,155) (31,572)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      ------------------------------
Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investment Securities
 and Other
Balance, beginning of year                                   (63)     (44)      (30)
Net change in unrealized gains and losses on
  investment securities                                   (1,349)      22         7 
Net issuance of restricted stock                            (190)    (103)      (64)
Restricted stock amortization                                136       64        48 
Translation adjustments, net                                   1       (2)       (5)
Balance, end of year                                      (1,465)     (63)      (44)
Total common stockholders' equity and common
 shares outstanding                                       $7,840   $8,526    $3,929        316,511    327,132  221,952 
===================================================================================       =============================
Total stockholders' equity                                $8,640   $9,326    $4,229 

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                         The Travelers Inc. and Subsidiaries 
                                         Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
                                               (In millions of dollars)
Year Ended December 31,                                                                        1994      1993    1992
Cash Flows From Operating Activities
Income before income taxes, minority interest and cumulative effect of
 changes in accounting principles                                                           $2,149   $ 1,523  $1,188 
Adjustments to reconcile income before income taxes, minority interest
 and cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles to net cash
 provided by (used in) operating activities: 
    Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs and value of insurance in force          818       286     423 
    Additions to deferred policy acquisition costs                                          (1,005)     (369)   (574)
    Depreciation and amortization                                                              349       125      97 
    Provision for credit losses                                                                152       134     165 
    Undistributed equity earnings                                                                -      (116)       -
    Changes in:
      Trading securities, net                                                                 (572)   (1,082)   (156)
      Securities borrowed, loaned and repurchase agreements, net                              (826)   (1,591)     62 
      Brokerage receivables net of brokerage payables                                          724       863    (252)
      Insurance policy and claims reserves                                                     278       251      29 
    Other, net                                                                              (1,171)      522    (190)
Net cash provided by operations                                                                896       546     792 
Income taxes paid                                                                             (378)     (403)   (332)
  Net cash provided by operating activities                                                    518       143     460
Cash Flows From Investing Activities
Consumer loans originated or purchased                                                      (2,789)   (2,673) (2,067)
Consumer loans repaid or sold                                                                2,094     2,108   2,020 
Purchases of fixed maturities and equity securities                                         (9,231)   (2,794) (2,014)
Proceeds from sales of investments and real estate:
  Fixed maturities available for sale and equity securities                                  4,219     2,485   1,658 
  Mortgage loans                                                                               415         5       8 
  Real estate and real estate joint ventures                                                   955         -      -  
Proceeds from maturities of investments:
  Fixed maturities                                                                           3,576       231     312 
  Mortgage loans                                                                             1,372         6       3 
Other investments, primarily short-term, net                                                  (598)    (631)     (18)
Payment for purchase of the Shearson Businesses                                                (69)   (1,296)      - 
Payment for net clearing assets transferred                                                      -      (536)      - 
Cash acquired in connection with The Travelers Merger                                            -        59       - 
Business acquisitions                                                                            -         -    (550)
Business divestments                                                                           679       120     571 
Other, net                                                                                    (284)     (274)    (90)
  Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                                          339    (3,190)   (167)
Cash Flows From Financing Activities                                                               
Issuance of preferred stock - series A                                                           -         -     290 
Dividends paid                                                                                (267)     (139)    (85)
Issuance of common stock                                                                         -       329       - 
Treasury stock acquired                                                                       (543)      (58)   (122)
Issuance of long-term debt                                                                   1,150     2,733     674 
Payments and redemptions of long-term debt                                                  (1,033)     (448)   (972)
Net change in short-term borrowings (including investment banking and brokerage borrowings)    865     1,934      17 
Contractholder fund deposits                                                                 2,205         -       - 
Contractholder fund withdrawals                                                             (3,529)        -       - 
Other, net                                                                                      (4)      (50)   (138)
  Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                                       (1,156)    4,301    (336)
Change in cash and cash equivalents                                                           (299)    1,254     (43)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                             1,526       272     315 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                                  $1,227   $ 1,526  $  272 
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
Cash paid during the period for interest                                                    $1,227   $   674  $  669 
Value of assets exchanged for shares of old Travelers                                       $    -   $     -  $  173 

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                         The Travelers Inc. and Subsidiaries
                     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

       1. Business Acquisitions

          The Travelers Acquisition
          In December 1992, Primerica Corporation (Primerica), the
          predecessor to The Travelers Inc., acquired approximately 27% of
          the common stock of The Travelers Corporation (old Travelers) (the
          Acquisition).  During 1993 this investment was accounted for on the
          equity method. 

          The Travelers Merger
          On December 31, 1993, Primerica acquired the approximately 73% of
          old Travelers common stock it did not already own (the Merger). 
          Old Travelers was merged into Primerica, and concurrently,
          Primerica changed its name to The Travelers Inc. which, together
          with its subsidiaries, is hereinafter referred to as the Company. 
          The old Travelers businesses acquired are hereinafter referred to
          as old Travelers or The Travelers Insurance Group.  As
          consideration for the Merger, the Company issued .80423 shares of
          its common stock for each old Travelers common share then
          outstanding.  The total purchase price of $3.398 billion is
          comprised of $3.265 billion, representing the fair value of the
          approximately 86 million newly issued common shares, plus the
          premium over book value related to the two issues of old Travelers
          preference stock exchanged in the Merger (see Note 14) and certain
          other acquisition costs.  

          The assets and liabilities of old Travelers are reflected in the
          Consolidated Statement of Financial Position at December 31, 1993
          on a fully consolidated basis at management's then best estimate of
          their fair values.  Evaluation and appraisal of assets and
          liabilities, including investments, the value of insurance in
          force, reinsurance recoverable, other insurance assets and
          liabilities and related deferred income tax was completed during
          1994.  The excess of the purchase price over the estimated fair
          value of net assets was $917 million and is being amortized over 40

          The Acquisition and the Merger are being accounted for as a step
          acquisition.  The step acquisition method of purchase accounting
          requires that the old Travelers' assets and liabilities be recorded
          at the fair values determined at each acquisition date (i.e., 27%
          of values at December 31, 1992 as carried forward and 73% of values
          at December 31, 1993).  The merger has been accounted for as a
          purchase, and accordingly, the results of operations for periods
          prior to December 31, 1993 do not include those of old Travelers
          other than for the equity in earnings relating to the 27%
          previously owned.  

          The Shearson Acquisition
          On July 31, 1993, the Company acquired the domestic retail
          brokerage and asset management businesses (the Shearson Businesses)
          of Shearson Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LBI), a subsidiary of
          American Express Company (American Express), for approximately $2.1
          billion, representing $1.6 billion for the net assets acquired plus
          approximately $500 million of cash required to be segregated for
          customers under commodities regulations.   The businesses acquired
          were combined with the operations of Smith Barney, Harris Upham &
          Co.  Incorporated, and the combined firm has been named Smith
          Barney Inc. which is a subsidiary of Smith  Barney Holdings Inc.
          (Smith Barney).  The acquisition was accounted for under the
          purchase method of accounting, and the consolidated financial
          statements include the results of the Shearson Businesses from the
          date of acquisition.  Payment for the net assets consisted of
          approximately $900 million in cash, $125 million in the form of
          convertible preferred stock of the Company, $25 million in the form
          of warrants to purchase common stock of the Company and the balance
          in notes to LBI.  In addition, Smith Barney has agreed to pay
          American Express additional amounts that are contingent upon the
          new unit's performance, consisting of up to $50 million per year
          for three years based on Smith Barney's revenues and 10% of Smith
          Barney's after tax profits in excess of $250 million per year over
          a five year period.  Additional consideration paid during 1994
          amounted to $69 million and Smith Barney expects to pay
          approximately $50 million in the first quarter of 1995.  The
          contingent consideration will be accounted for prospectively, as 


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

          additional purchase price, which will result in amortization over
          periods of up to 20 years.  Evaluation and appraisal of assets and
          liabilities, including the value of identifiable intangible assets
          and liabilities assumed, was completed during 1994.  As a result of
          the acquisition of the Shearson Businesses, the Company recorded a
          provision in the third quarter of 1993 of $65 million after-tax
          relating primarily to the elimination of duplicate facilities,
          severance and other personnel-related costs.  

          In conjunction with the acquisition of the Shearson Businesses,
          Smith Barney entered into a securities clearing agreement with LBI
          (the Clearing Agreement) effective August 2, 1993, pursuant to
          which Smith Barney has agreed to carry and clear, on a fully
          disclosed basis, all customer accounts introduced by LBI and, on a
          correspondent basis, LBI's proprietary accounts.  LBI transferred
          at cost approximately $8.6 billion of assets and $7.787 billion of
          liabilities to Smith Barney in connection with the Clearing
          Agreement.  Payment for these net assets of $813 million consisted
          of approximately $536 million in cash and the remainder in notes to
          LBI.  The Clearing Agreement is terminating in early 1995, and
          assets and liabilities related to the Clearing Agreement are being
          transferred to LBI in exchange for cash equal to the net assets. 
          At December 31, 1994, $11.855 billion of assets and $10.428 billion
          of liabilities related to the Clearing Agreement are included in
          the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position.

          Supplemental Information to the Consolidated Statement of Cash
          Flows Relating to Acquisitions

          Noncash investing and financing transactions relating to the above
          transactions that are not reflected in the Consolidated Statement
          of Cash Flows for the year ended December 31, 1993 are listed

             (millions)                          Travelers  Shearson
                                                 ---------  --------- 
             Fair value of assets acquired,      $40,922     $4,811 
             excluding cash acquired             
             Liabilities assumed                 (37,642)    (2,779)
             Issuance of notes                         -       (586)
             Equity securities issued             (3,339)      (150)
                                                 -------     ------

             Cash payment (acquired)              $  (59)    $1,296
                                                 =======     ======

       2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

          Changes in Accounting Principles  

          FAS 115.  Effective January 1, 1994, the Company adopted Statement
          of Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) No. 115, "Accounting for
          Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities," which addresses
          accounting and reporting for investments in equity securities that
          have a readily determinable fair value and for all debt securities. 
          Debt securities that the Company has the positive intent and
          ability to hold to maturity have been classified as "held to
          maturity" and have been reported at amortized cost.  Investment
          securities that are not classified as "held to maturity" have been
          classified as "available for sale" and are reported at fair value,
          with unrealized gains and losses, net of income taxes, charged or
          credited directly to stockholders' equity.  Previously, securities
          classified as available for sale were carried at the lower of
          aggregate cost or market value.  Initial adoption of this standard
          resulted in a net increase of $214 million (net of taxes) to net
          unrealized gains on investment securities which is included in
          stockholders' equity.

          FAS 106.  In 1993, the Company adopted FAS No. 106, "Employers'
          Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions" (FAS
          106).  As required, the Company changed its method of accounting
          for retiree benefit plans effective January 1, 1993, to accrue for
          the Company's share of the costs of postretirement benefits over
          the service period rendered by employees.  Previously these
          benefits were charged to expense when paid.  The Company elected to
          recognize immediately the liability for


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

          postretirement benefits as the cumulative effect of a change in
          accounting principle.  This resulted in a noncash after-tax charge
          to net income of $17 million ($25 million pre-tax) or $0.07 per
          share.  See Note 17 for additional information relating to FAS 106.

          FAS 112.  In 1993, the Company adopted FAS No. 112, "Employers'
          Accounting for Postemployment Benefits" (FAS 112), with retroactive
          application to January 1, 1993.  FAS 112 establishes accounting
          standards for employers who provide benefits to former or inactive
          employees after employment, but before retirement.  For the Company
          these benefits are principally disability-related benefits and
          severance.  The statement requires employers to recognize the cost
          of the obligation to provide these benefits on an accrual basis,
          and employers must implement FAS 112 by recognizing a cumulative
          effect of a change in accounting principle.  This resulted in a
          noncash after-tax charge to net income of $18 million ($29 million
          pre-tax) or $0.07 per share.  

          FAS 113.  In the first quarter of 1993, the Company adopted FAS No.
          113, "Accounting and Reporting for Reinsurance of Short-Duration
          and Long-Duration Contracts".  FAS 113 requires the reporting of
          reinsurance receivables and prepaid reinsurance premiums as assets
          and precludes the immediate recognition of gains for all
          reinsurance contracts unless the liability to the policyholder has
          been extinguished.  Adoption of FAS 113 did not have an impact on
          the Company's earnings; however, assets and liabilities increased
          by like amounts.  See Note 12 for additional reinsurance

          Interpretations 39 and 41.  Effective January 1, 1994, the Company
          adopted Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation No. 39,
          "Offsetting of Amounts Related to Certain Contracts"
          (Interpretation 39).  The general principle of Interpretation 39
          states that amounts due from and due to another party may not be
          offset in the balance sheet unless a right of setoff exists and the
          parties intend to exercise the right of setoff.  In December 1994,
          the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Interpretation No.
          41 "Offsetting of Amounts Related to Certain Repurchase and Reverse
          Repurchase Agreements" (Interpretation 41).  This Interpretation
          modifies Interpretation 39 to permit offsetting in the statement of
          financial position of payables and receivables that represent
          repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements that meet
          certain conditions.   Implementation of Interpretations 39 and 41
          did not have a material impact on the Company's financial position.

          Accounting Policies

          Principles of Consolidation.  The consolidated financial statements
          include the accounts of The Travelers Inc. and its subsidiaries. 
          Results of operations prior to 1994 exclude the amounts of The
          Travelers Insurance Group except that results for 1993 include the
          Company's equity in earnings related to the 27% purchase. 
          Unconsolidated entities in which the Company has at least a 20%
          interest are accounted for on the equity method.  The minority
          interest in 1993 represents the old Travelers' interest in Gulf
          Insurance Company (Gulf).  Significant intercompany transactions
          and balances have been eliminated.

          Certain reclassifications have been made to prior years' financial
          statements to conform to the current year's presentation.  

          Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, cash and securities
          segregated under federal and brokerage regulations and short-term
          highly liquid investments with maturities of three months or less
          when purchased, other than those held for sale in the ordinary
          course of business.  These short-term investments are carried at
          cost plus accrued interest, which approximates market value.

          Investments are owned principally by the insurance subsidiaries. 
          Fixed maturities include bonds, notes and redeemable preferred
          stocks.  Equity securities include common and non-redeemable
          preferred stocks.  Fixed maturities classified as "held to
          maturity" represent securities that the Company has both the
          ability and the


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

          intent to hold until maturity and are carried at amortized cost. 
          Fixed maturity securities classified as "available for sale" and
          equity securities are carried at market values that are based
          primarily on quoted market prices.  The difference between
          amortized cost and market values of such securities net of
          applicable income taxes is reflected as a component of
          stockholders' equity.   Real estate held for sale is carried at the
          lower of cost or fair value.  Fair values are established by
          appraisers, both internal and external, using discounted cash flow
          analyses and other acceptable techniques.  Mortgage loans are
          carried at amortized cost.  Policy loans are carried at unpaid
          balances which do not exceed the net cash surrender value of the
          related insurance policies.  Short-term investments are carried at
          cost, which approximates market.  Realized gains and losses on
          sales of investments and unrealized losses considered to be other
          than temporary, determined on a specific identification basis, are
          included in other income.  

          Accrual of income is suspended on fixed maturities or mortgage
          loans that are in default, or on which it is likely that future
          interest payments will not be made as scheduled.  Interest income
          on investments in default is recognized only as payment is

          The cost of acquired businesses in excess of net assets is being
          amortized on a straight-line basis principally over a 40-year

          Income taxes have been provided for in accordance with the
          provisions of FAS No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes" (FAS 109),
          which was adopted effective January 1, 1992.  The Company and its
          wholly owned domestic non-life insurance subsidiaries file a
          consolidated federal income tax return.  All but one of the life
          insurance subsidiaries are included in their own consolidated
          federal income tax return.  Deferred income taxes result from
          temporary differences between the tax basis of assets and
          liabilities and their recorded amounts for financial reporting

          Income taxes are not provided for on the Company's life insurance
          subsidiaries' retained earnings designated as "policyholders'
          surplus" because such taxes will become payable only to the extent
          such retained earnings are distributed as a dividend or exceed
          limits prescribed by federal law.  Distributions are not
          contemplated from this portion of the life insurance companies'
          retained earnings, which aggregated $971 million (subject to a tax
          effect of $340 million) at December 31, 1994.

          Earnings per common share is computed after recognition of
          preferred stock dividend requirements and is based on the weighted
          average number of shares outstanding during the period after
          consideration of the dilutive effect of common stock warrants and
          stock options and the incremental shares assumed issued under the
          Capital Accumulation Plan and other restricted stock plans.  Fully
          diluted earnings per common share, assuming conversion of all
          outstanding convertible notes and debentures, the maximum dilutive
          effect of common stock equivalents and conversion of the 5.5%
          convertible preferred stock, has not been presented because the
          effects are not material.  The fully diluted earnings per common
          share computation for the years ended December 31, 1994, 1993 and
          1992 would entail adding the number of shares issuable on
          conversion of the other debentures (zero and 2 million and 4
          million shares, respectively), the additional common stock
          equivalents (2 million, zero and 1 million shares respectively) and
          the assumed conversion of the 5.5% convertible preferred stock (3
          million, 2 million, and zero shares, respectively) to the number of
          shares included in the earnings per common share calculation
          (resulting in a total of 327 million, and 242 million and 228
          million shares, respectively) and eliminating the after-tax
          interest expense related to the conversion of other debentures
          (zero, $3 million and $7 million, respectively) and the elimination
          of the 5.5% convertible preferred stock dividends ($7 million, $3
          million, and zero, respectively). 

          Financial Instruments - Disclosures.  Included in the Notes to
          Consolidated Financial Statements are various disclosures relating
          to financial instruments having off-balance sheet risk.  These
          disclosures indicate the magnitude of the Company's involvement in
          such activities, and reflect the instruments at their face,
          contract or notional amounts.  The Notes to Consolidated Financial
          Statements also include various disclosures


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

          relating to the methods and assumptions used to estimate fair value
          of each material type of financial instrument.  The carrying value
          of short-term financial instruments approximates fair value because
          of the relatively short period of time between the origination of
          the instruments and their expected realization.  The carrying value
          of receivables and payables arising in the ordinary course of
          business approximates fair market value.  The fair value
          assumptions were based upon subjective estimates of market
          conditions and perceived risks of the financial instruments at a
          certain point in time.  Disclosed fair values for financial
          instruments do not reflect any premium or discount that could
          result from offering for sale at one time the Company's entire
          holdings of a particular financial instrument.  Potential taxes and
          other expenses that would be incurred in an actual sale or
          settlement are not reflected in amounts disclosed. 

          Derivative Financial Instruments.   Information concerning
          derivative financial instruments and the accounting policies
          related thereto is included in Note 19 of Notes to Consolidated
          Financial Statements.  

          Accounting Standards Not Yet Adopted  

          FAS 114 and FAS 118.  FAS No. 114, "Accounting by Creditors for
          Impairment of a Loan," and FAS No. 118, "Accounting by Creditors
          for Impairment of a Loan - Income Recognition and Disclosures,"
          describe how impaired loans should be measured when determining the
          amount of a loan loss accrual.  These Statements also amend
          existing guidance on the measurement of restructured loans in a
          troubled debt restructuring involving a modification of terms.  The
          adoption of these statements, effective January 1, 1995, will not
          have a material effect on results of operations or financial


          Commissions related to security transactions, underwriting revenues
          and related expenses are recognized in income on the trade date.

          Management and investment advisory fees are recorded as income for
          the period in which the services are performed.  

          Securities borrowed and securities loaned are recorded at the
          amount of cash collateral advanced or received.  With respect to
          securities loaned, the Company receives collateral in the form of
          cash or financial instruments in an amount in excess of the market
          value of securities loaned.  The Company monitors the market value
          of securities borrowed and loaned on a daily basis with additional
          collateral obtained as necessary.  

          Repurchase and resale agreements are treated as collateralized
          financing transactions and are carried at the amounts at which the
          securities will be subsequently reacquired or resold, including
          accrued interest, as specified in the respective agreements.  The
          Company's policy is to take possession of securities purchased
          under agreements to resell.  The market value of securities to be
          repurchased and resold is monitored, and additional collateral is
          requested where appropriate to protect against credit exposure.   

          Trading securities are carried at market value.  Included in income
          are realized and unrealized gains and losses on trading securities
          and proprietary futures, forward and option contracts.

          Other assets include the value of management advisory contracts,
          which is being amortized on the straight-line method over periods
          ranging from twelve to thirty years.  


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)


          Premiums from long-duration contracts, principally life insurance,
          are earned when due.  Premiums from short-duration insurance
          contracts are earned over the related contract period.  Short-
          duration contracts include primarily property and casualty, credit
          life and accident and health policies, including estimated ultimate
          premiums on retrospectively rated and reporting-form policies. 
          Benefits and expenses are associated with premiums by means of the
          provision for future policy benefits, unearned premiums and the
          deferral and amortization of policy acquisition costs.

          Value of insurance in force represents the actuarially determined
          present value of anticipated profits to be realized from life and
          accident and health business on insurance in force at the date of
          the Company's acquisition of its insurance subsidiaries using the
          same assumptions that were used for computing related liabilities
          where appropriate.  The value of insurance in force acquired prior
          to December 31, 1993 is amortized over the premium paying periods
          in relation to anticipated premiums.  The value of insurance in
          force relating to The Travelers Insurance Group merger was the
          actuarially determined present value of the projected future
          profits discounted at interest rates ranging from 14% to 18% for
          the business acquired.  The value of the business in force is
          amortized over the contract period using current interest crediting
          rates to accrete interest and using amortization methods based on
          the specified products.  Traditional life insurance is amortized
          over the period of anticipated premiums; universal life in relation
          to estimated gross profits; and  annuity contracts employing a
          level yield method.  The value of insurance in force is reviewed
          periodically for recoverability to determine if any adjustment is

          Deferred policy acquisition costs for the life business represent
          the costs of acquiring new business, principally commissions,
          certain underwriting and agency expenses and the cost of issuing
          policies.  Deferred policy acquisition costs for traditional life
          business are amortized over the premium-paying periods of the
          related policies, in proportion to the ratio of the annual premium
          revenue to the total anticipated premium revenue.  Deferred policy
          acquisition costs of other business lines are generally amortized
          over the life of the insurance contract or at a constant rate based
          upon the present value of estimated gross profits expected to be
          realized.  For certain property and casualty lines, acquisition
          costs, such as commissions, premium taxes and certain other
          underwriting and agency expenses, have been deferred to the extent
          recoverable from future earned premiums and are amortized ratably
          over the terms of the related policies.  Deferred policy
          acquisition costs are reviewed to determine if they are recoverable
          from future income, including investment income, and, if not
          recoverable, are charged to expense.

          Separate and variable accounts primarily represent funds for which
          investment income and investment gains and losses accrue directly
          to, and investment risk is borne by, the contractholders.  Each
          account has specific investment objectives.  The assets of each
          account are legally segregated and are not subject to claims that
          arise out of any other business of the Company.  The assets of
          these accounts are carried at market value.  Certain other separate
          accounts provide guaranteed levels of return or benefits, and the
          assets of these accounts are carried at amortized cost.  At
          December 31, 1993, the balances of all separate accounts are
          recorded at the values assigned at the acquisition dates.  Amounts
          assessed to the contractholders for management services are
          included in revenues.  Deposits, net investment income and realized
          investment gains and losses for these accounts are excluded from
          revenues, and related liability increases are excluded from
          benefits and expenses.

          Other receivables include receivables related to retrospectively
          rated policies on property-casualty business, net of allowance for
          estimated uncollectible amounts.

          Insurance policy and claims reserves represent liabilities for
          future insurance policy benefits.  Insurance reserves for
          traditional life insurance, annuities, and accident and health
          policies have been computed based upon mortality, morbidity,
          persistency and interest assumptions applicable to these coverages,
          which range


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

          from 2.5% to 12%, including adverse deviation.  These assumptions
          consider company experience and industry standards and may be
          revised if it is determined that future experience will differ
          substantially from that previously assumed.  Property-casualty
          reserves include (1) unearned premiums representing the unexpired
          portion of policy premiums, and (2) estimated provisions for both
          reported and unreported claims incurred and related expenses.  The
          reserves are regularly adjusted based on experience.  Included in
          the insurance policy and claims reserves in the Consolidated
          Statement of Financial Position at December 31, 1994 and 1993 are
          $793 million and $803 million, respectively, of property-casualty
          loss reserves related to workers' compensation that have been
          discounted using an interest rate of 5%.

          In determining benefit and loss reserves, the Company carries on a
          continuing review of its overall position, its reserving techniques
          and reinsurance.  Reserves for property-casualty insurance losses
          represent the estimated ultimate unpaid cost of all incurred
          property and casualty claims.  Since the reserves are based on
          estimates, the ultimate liability may be more or less than such
          reserves.  The effects of changes in such estimated reserves are
          included in the results of operations in the period in which the
          estimates are changed.

          Contractholder funds represent receipts from the issuance of
          universal life, pension investment and certain individual annuity
          contracts.  Such receipts are considered deposits on investment
          contracts that do not have substantial mortality or morbidity risk. 
          Account balances are increased by interest credited and reduced by
          withdrawals, mortality charges and administrative expenses charged
          to the contractholders.  Calculations of contractholder account
          balances for investment contracts reflect lapse, withdrawal and
          interest rate assumptions (ranging from 3.4% to 8%) based on
          contract provisions, the Company's experience and industry
          standards.  Contractholder funds also include other funds that
          policyholders leave on deposit with the Company.  

          Permitted Statutory Accounting Practices.  The Travelers Insurance
          Group Inc. and its subsidiaries, domiciled principally in
          Connecticut and Massachusetts, prepare statutory financial
          statements in accordance with the accounting practices prescribed
          or permitted by the insurance departments of those states. 
          Prescribed statutory accounting practices include a variety of
          publications of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners
          as well as state laws, regulations, and general administrative
          rules.  Permitted statutory accounting practices encompass all
          accounting practices not so prescribed.  The impact of any
          permitted accounting practices on statutory surplus is not


          Finance related interest and other charges are recognized as income
          using the constant yield method.  Allowances for losses are
          established by direct charges to income in amounts sufficient to
          maintain the allowance at a level management determines to be
          adequate to cover losses in the portfolio.  The allowance
          fluctuates based upon continual review of the loan portfolio and
          current economic conditions.  For financial reporting purposes,
          finance receivables are considered delinquent when they are more
          than 60 days contractually past due.  Income stops accruing on
          finance receivables when they are 90 days contractually past due. 
          If payments are made on a finance receivable that is not accruing
          income, and the receivable is no longer 90 days contractually past
          due, the accrual of income resumes.  Finance receivables are
          charged against  the allowance for losses when considered
          uncollectible.  Personal loans are considered uncollectible when
          payments are six months contractually past due and six months past
          due on a recency of payment basis.  Loans that are twelve months
          contractually past due regardless of recency of payment are charged
          off.  Recoveries on losses previously charged to the allowance are
          credited to the allowance at the time of recovery.  Consideration
          of whether to proceed with foreclosure on loans secured by real
          estate begins when a loan is 60 days past due on a contractual
          basis.  Real estate credit losses are recognized when the title to
          the property is obtained.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

          Fees received and direct costs incurred for the origination of
          loans are deferred and amortized over the contractual lives of the
          loans as part of interest income.  The remaining unamortized
          balances are reflected in interest income at the time that the
          loans are paid in full, renewed or charged off.

       3. Sales of Subsidiaries and Affiliates

          During 1994, gains on sale of subsidiaries and affiliates totaled
          $254 million pre-tax and consisted of the sale in December of
          American Capital Management & Research Inc. (American Capital)
          ($162 million), the sale in November of Smith Barney's investment
          in HG Asia Holdings Ltd. ($34 million), the sale in October of
          Bankers and Shippers Insurance Company ($30 million), and the sale
          in December of the group dental insurance business of The Travelers
          Insurance Company (TIC) ($28 million). 

          During 1992, gains on sale of stock of subsidiaries and affiliates
          totaled $188 million pre-tax and consisted principally of the sale
          of Margaretten & Company, Inc. ($83 million) and the sale of a
          substantial portion of the Company's investment in Fingerhut
          Companies, Inc. (Fingerhut) ($87 million pre-tax).  Fingerhut's
          results of operations were included with those of the Company on a
          consolidated basis through December 31, 1991.  During 1992 the
          remaining investment in Fingerhut was accounted for as an equity
          investment, with the  Company's share of earnings reflected in
          "Other Income."  In 1993 the Company sold its remaining interest in

          On January 3, 1995, the Company completed the sale of its group
          life and related businesses to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
          (MetLife), and completed the formation of The MetraHealth
          Companies, Inc. (MetraHealth), a joint venture of the medical
          businesses of TIC and MetLife.

          The Company sold its group life business as well as related non-
          medical group insurance businesses to MetLife for $350 million. 
          The assets transferred included customer lists, books and records,
          and furniture and equipment.  In connection with the sale, TIC
          ceded 100% of its risks in the group life and related businesses to
          MetLife on an indemnity reinsurance basis, effective January 1,
          1995.  In connection with the reinsurance transaction, TIC
          transferred assets with a fair market value of approximately $1.5
          billion to MetLife, equal to the statutory reserves and other
          liabilities transferred.  

          On January 3, 1995, TIC and MetLife, and certain of their
          affiliates formed the MetraHealth joint venture by contributing
          their medical businesses to MetraHealth, in exchange for shares of
          common stock of MetraHealth.  The assets transferred included cash,
          fixed assets, customer lists, books and records, certain trademarks
          and other assets used exclusively or primarily in the medical
          businesses.  TIC also contributed all of the capital stock of its
          wholly owned subsidiary, The Travelers Employee Benefits Company,
          to MetraHealth.  The total contribution amounted to $448 million at
          carrying value on the date of contribution.  No gain was recognized
          upon the formation of the joint venture.  Upon formation of the
          joint venture TIC and its affiliates owned 50% of the outstanding
          capital stock of MetraHealth, and the other 50% was owned by
          MetLife and its affiliates.   

          In connection with the formation of the joint venture, the transfer
          of the fee based medical business (Administrative Services Only)
          and other noninsurance business to MetraHealth was completed on
          January 3, 1995.  As the medical insurance business of The
          Travelers Insurance Group comes due for renewal, and after
          obtaining regulatory approvals, the risks will be transferred to
          MetraHealth.  In the interim the related operating results for this
          medical insurance business will be reported by The Travelers
          Insurance Group. 

          All of the businesses sold to MetLife or contributed to MetraHealth
          were included in the Company's Managed Care and Employee Benefits
          Operations (MCEBO).  Revenues and net income from MCEBO for the
          year ended 1994 amounted to $3.522 billion and $169 million,
          respectively.  Beginning in 1995 the


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

          Company's results will reflect the medical insurance business not
          yet transferred, plus its equity interest in the earnings of

       4. Business Segment Information

          The Company is a diversified financial services company engaged in
          investment services, life and property and casualty insurance
          services and consumer finance.  Data relating to results of
          operations prior to 1994 exclude the amounts of old Travelers
          except that Corporate and Other results for 1993 include the equity
          earnings relating to the 27% purchase of old Travelers in December
          1992 (see Note 1).  Data relating to identifiable assets in 1992
          exclude amounts for old Travelers.  The following table presents
          certain information regarding these industry segments:

                   (millions)                                              1994                1993             1992
                                                                           ----                ----             ----
                   Investment Services                                   $5,690              $3,524           $1,822
                   Life Insurance Services                                7,010               1,585            1,505
                   Property & Casualty Insurance Services                 4,538                 315              316
                   Consumer Finance Services                              1,239               1,193            1,158    
                   Corporate and Other                                     (12)                 180              324
                                                                         ------               -----            -----
                                                                        $18,465              $6,797           $5,125
                                                                         ======               =====            =====
                   Income before income taxes, minority
                    interest and cumulative effect of
                    changes in accounting principles
                   Investment Services                                  $   732              $  592           $  321
                   Life Insurance Services                                  926                 428              356
                   Property & Casualty Insurance Services                   307                  65               80
                   Consumer Finance Services                                356                 360              305
                   Corporate and Other                                    (172)                  78              126 
                                                                          -----               -----            -----
                                                                        $ 2,149              $1,523           $1,188
                                                                          =====               =====            =====

                   Income before cumulative effect of changes
                    in accounting principles
                   Investment Services                                  $   422              $  336           $  191
                   Life Insurance Services                                  590                 265              233
                   Property & Casualty Insurance Services
                     (after minority interest of $22 in 1993)               249                  23               54
                   Consumer Finance Services                                227                 232              198
                   Corporate and Other                                    (162)                  95               80
                                                                         ------               -----            -----
                                                                         $1,326              $  951           $  756
                                                                         ======               =====            =====

                   Identifiable assets
                   Investment Services                                $  45,618            $ 31,864          $10,439
                   Life Insurance Services                               38,473              40,300            4,727
                   Property & Casualty Insurance Services                22,663              20,515              885
                   Consumer Finance Services                              7,729               7,155            6,495
                   Corporate and Other                                      814               1,456            1,605
                                                                       --------            --------           ------
                                                                       $115,297            $101,290          $24,151
                                                                        =======             =======           ======


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

          The Investment Services segment consists of investment banking,
          securities brokerage, asset management and other financial services
          provided through Smith Barney and its subsidiaries, investment
          management services provided by RCM Capital Management and mutual
          fund management and distribution services provided through American
          Capital (sold in December 1994, see Note 3).  

          The Life Insurance Services segment includes individual and group
          life insurance, accident and health insurance, annuities and
          investment products, which are offered primarily through The
          Travelers Insurance Company and Primerica Financial Services (PFS).

          The Property & Casualty Insurance Services segment provides
          property-casualty insurance, including workers' compensation,
          liability, automobile, property and multiple-peril to businesses
          and other institutions and automobile and homeowners insurance to
          individuals.  Property-casualty insurance policies are issued
          primarily by The Travelers Indemnity Company and its subsidiary and
          affiliated property-casualty insurance companies, which now include
          Gulf Insurance Company. 

          The Consumer Finance Services segment includes consumer lending
          (including secured and unsecured personal loans, real estate-
          secured loans and consumer financing) and credit cards.  Also
          included in this segment are credit-related insurance services
          provided through American Health and Life Insurance Company (AHL).

          Corporate and Other consists of corporate staff and treasury
          operations, certain corporate income and expenses that have not
          been allocated to the operating subsidiaries, including gains and
          losses from the sale of stock of subsidiaries and affiliates, the
          Company's approximately 27% interest in old Travelers during 1993
          and the results of Fingerhut for 1992.   

          Cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles, and capital
          expenditures for property, plant and equipment and related
          depreciation expense are not material to any of the business
          segments.  Intersegment sales and international operations are not

          For gains and special charges included in each segment, see
          Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
          Results of Operations.

       5.   Investments 

          Fair values of investments in fixed maturities are based on quoted
          market prices or dealer quotes or, if these  are not available,
          discounted expected cash flows using market rates commensurate with
          the credit quality and maturity of the investment.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

       The amortized cost and estimated market values of investments in fixed
       maturities were as follows:

                                      Available for Sale                               Held to Maturity
                         ---------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------
                          Amortized    Gross Unrealized      Market         Amortized   Gross Unrealized   Market
                                     ---------------------                            ---------------------
December 31, 1994           Cost       Gains      Losses     Value            Cost       Gains    Losses   Value
-----------------        ---------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------

 obligations of U.S.
 Government agencies        $ 5,227         $ 3    $(401)    $ 4,829              $84       $12      $ -    $  96

U.S. Treasury
 and obligations of
 U.S. Government
 and agencies                 4,652           4     (426)      4,230                -         -        -        -

Obligations of states
 and political
 subdivisions                 4,093           5     (369)      3,729                6         -        -        6

Debt securities issued
 by foreign governments         562           1      (32)        531                -         -        -        -

Corporate securities         14,724          22     (873)     13,873                6         -        -        6
                         ---------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------
   Totals                   $29,258         $35   $(2,101)   $27,192              $96       $12      $ -     $108
                         =============================================    =============================================

                                      Available for Sale                               Held to Maturity
                         ---------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------
                          Amortized    Gross Unrealized      Market         Amortized   Gross Unrealized   Market
                                     ---------------------                            ---------------------
December 31, 1993           Cost       Gains      Losses     Value            Cost       Gains    Losses   Value
-----------------        ---------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------


 obligations of U.S.
 Government agencies        $ 5,754        $ 26   $(27)    $ 5,753            $118        $22      $ -   $  140

U.S. Treasury
 and obligations of
 U.S. Government
 and agencies                 4,556          82    (11)      4,627              20          -        -       20
Obligations of states
 and political
 subdivisions                 3,062          38     (1)      3,099               7          1        -        8

Debt securities issued
by foreign governments          535           8       -        543               6          -        -        6

Corporate securities         14,202         249    (35)     14,416              26          1        -       27
                         ---------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------
   Totals                   $28,109        $403   $(74)    $28,438            $177        $24       $-     $201
                         =============================================    =============================================


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

       The amortized cost and estimated market value at December 31, 1994 by
       contractual maturity are shown below.  Actual maturities will differ from
       contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to call or
       prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties.

       (millions)                              Amortized  Market 
                                                   Cost    Value 
                                                -------- --------
       Due in one year or less                   $ 1,508  $ 1,484
       Due after one year through five years       6,977    6,643
       Due after five years through ten years      8,342    7,758
       Due after ten years                         7,216    6,490
                                                  ------   ------
                                                  24,043   22,375
       Mortgage-backed securities                  5,311    4,925
                                                  ------   ------
                                                 $29,354  $27,300
                                                  ======   ======

       Realized gains and losses on fixed maturities for the years ended
       December 31, were as follows:

       (millions)                         1994      1993     1992
                                          ----      ----     ----

       Realized gains
         Pre-tax                          $ 52      $168     $ 61
                                           ---       ---      ---
         After-tax                        $ 34      $109     $ 40
                                           ---       ---      ---
       Realized losses
         Pre-tax                          $201      $  2     $  1
                                           ---       ---      ---
         After-tax                        $131      $  1    $   -
                                           ---       ---     ----

       Net realized gains on equity securities and other investments, after-tax,
       amounted to $18 million, $14 million and $25 million for the years ended
       December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.  Net unrealized gains
       (losses) on equity securities at December 31, 1994 and 1993 were $(6)
       million and $42 million, respectively.

       The Company had industry concentrations of corporate bonds and fixed
       income securities at December 31 as follows: 

       (millions)                                   1994     1993
                                                  ------   ------

       Finance                                    $2,040   $2,234
       Banking*                                   $1,718   $1,607
       Electric utilities                         $1,676   $1,850

       * Includes $547 million in 1994 and $515 million in 1993 of primarily
       short-term investments and cash equivalents issued by foreign banks.

       At December 31, significant concentrations of mortgage loans and real
       estate were for properties located in highly populated areas in the
       states listed below:

                                 Mortgage Loans             Real Estate
                           -------------------------  -------------------------
       (millions)              1994      1993           1994     1993
                               ----      ----           ----     ----

       California            $1,246    $1,471           $ 11    $  33
       New York              $  589    $  836           $129    $  90
       Texas                 $  395    $  600           $ 79    $ 192
       Florida               $  435    $  583           $ 15    $ 111
       Illinois              $  375    $  517           $ 48    $  88


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

       Other mortgage loan and real estate investments are dispersed throughout
       the United States, with no combined holdings in any other state exceeding
       $400 million.

       Aggregate annual maturities on mortgage loans are as follows:


           Past maturity                        $  219
           1995                                    734
           1996                                    508
           1997                                    590
           1998                                    671
           1999                                    640
           Thereafter                            2,054

    6.  Securities Borrowed, Loaned and Subject to Repurchase Agreements

        Securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell, at their
        respective carrying values, consisted of the following at December 31:

                (millions)                     1994          1993
                                            -------       -------

                Resale agreements (by
                    Brokers and dealers     $ 3,703       $ 2,340
                    Commercial banks,    
                      foreign banks
                      and savings and loans   2,799           555
                    Other                     1,804         1,386
                                            -------       -------
                    Total resale agreements   8,306         4,281
                    Deposits paid for   
                     securities borrowed     17,349         9,072
                                            -------       -------
                                            $25,655       $13,353
                                            =======       =======


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        Securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase, at their
        respective carrying values, consisted of the following at December 31:

               (millions)                        1994         1993
                                             --------      ------- 

               Repurchase agreements (by
                   Brokers and dealers       $ 4,910       $ 1,904
                   Commercial banks, foreign
                     banks and
                     savings and loans         2,852         1,600
                   Municipalities              3,023           301
                   Corporations                1,145           517
                   Other                       2,692           953
                                              ------        ------
                 Total repurchase agreements  14,622         5,275
               Deposits received for
                 securities loaned             6,998         4,869
                                              ------        ------
                                             $21,620       $10,144
                                              ======        ======

        The resale and repurchase agreements represent collateralized financing
        transactions used to generate net interest income and facilitate trading
        activity.  These instruments are short-term in nature (usually 30 days
        or less) and are collateralized principally by U.S. Government and
        mortgage-backed securities.  The carrying amounts of these instruments
        approximate fair value because of the relatively short period of time
        between the origination of the instruments and their expected

    7.  Brokerage Receivables and Brokerage Payables

        The Company has receivables and payables for financial instruments
        purchased from and sold to brokers and dealers and customers.  The
        Company is exposed to risk of loss from the inability of brokers and
        dealers or customers to pay for purchases or to deliver the financial
        instrument sold, in which case the Company would have to sell or
        purchase the financial instruments at prevailing market prices.    

        The Company seeks to protect itself from the risks associated with
        customer activities by requiring customers to maintain margin collateral
        in compliance with regulatory and internal guidelines.  Margin levels
        are monitored daily, and customers deposit additional collateral as
        required.  Where customers cannot meet collateral requirements, the
        Company will liquidate sufficient underlying financial instruments to
        bring the customer into compliance with the required margin level.

        Exposure to credit risk is impacted by market volatility, which may
        impair the ability of clients to satisfy their obligations to the
        Company.  Credit limits are established and closely monitored for
        customers and brokers and dealers engaged in forward and futures and
        other transactions deemed to be credit-sensitive.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        Brokerage receivables and brokerage payables, which arise in the normal
        course of business, consisted of the following at December 31: 

             (millions)                                             1994             1993
                                                                    ----            -----
             Receivables from brokers and dealers                 $  736           $1,063
             Receivables from customers                            7,502            7,104
                                                                   -----            -----
               Total brokerage receivables                        $8,238           $8,167
                                                                   =====            =====

             Payables to brokers and dealers                      $1,159           $1,841
             Payables to customers                                 6,648            5,171
                                                                   -----            -----
               Total brokerage payables                           $7,807           $7,012
                                                                   =====            =====

        Included in payables to brokers and dealers as of December 31, 1994 and
        1993 is approximately $338 million and $966 million, respectively, of
        payables due LBI in connection with LBI's proprietary transactions.

    8.  Trading Securities

        Trading securities at market value consisted of the following at
        December 31:

                                                                   1994                                 1993
                                                    ----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
                                                                         Securities                           Securities
                                                                            Sold                                 Sold
                                                       Securities          Not Yet          Securities          Not Yet
              (millions)                                  Owned           Purchased           Owned            Purchased
                                                    --------------    ----------------    -------------    -----------------
              Obligations of U.S. Government and
                agencies                                   $3,670             $3,658            $2,233             $3,258

              State and municipal obligations                 978                 16               839                 42

              Corporate debt and collateralized 
                mortgage obligations                        1,688                424             2,214                198

              Corporate convertibles, equities                                                        
                and other securities                          609                247               577                337
                                                            -----              -----             -----              -----

                                                           $6,945             $4,345            $5,863             $3,835
                                                            =====              =====             =====              =====

        Carrying values are based on quoted market prices or dealer quotes.  If
        a quoted market price is not available, fair value is estimated using
        quoted market prices for similar securities.  Securities sold not yet
        purchased must be acquired in the marketplace at prevailing prices. 
        Accordingly, these transactions may result in market risk since the
        ultimate purchase price may exceed the amount recognized in the
        financial statements.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

    9.  Consumer Finance Receivables

        Consumer finance receivables, net of unearned finance charges of $674
        million and $613 million at December 31, 1994 and 1993, respectively,
        consisted of the following:

        (millions)                                 1994     1993 
                                                   ----    -----

        Real estate-secured loans                $2,845   $2,706 
        Personal loans                            2,875    2,495 
        Credit cards                                712      697 
        Sales finance and other                     453      444 
                                                  -----   ------
        Consumer finance receivables              6,885    6,342 
        Accrued interest receivable                  43       42 
        Allowance for credit losses                (182)    (168) 
                                                  -----   ------
        Net consumer finance receivables         $6,746   $6,216 
                                                  =====   ======

       An analysis of the allowance for credit losses on consumer finance
       receivables at December 31, was as follows:

          (millions)                               1994      1993   1992
                                                   ----     -----   ----

          Balance, January 1                       $168   $  169  $  167
          Provision for credit losses               152      134     165
          Amounts written off                      (163)    (163)   (184)
          Recovery of amounts previously written off 25       23      21
          Allowance on receivables purchased          -        5       -
                                                  -----   ------  ------
          Balance, December 31                   $  182   $  168  $  169
                                                  =====    =====   =====
          Net outstandings                       $6,885   $6,342  $5,788
                                                  =====    =====   =====
          Ratio of allowance for credit losses 
            to net outstandings                   2.64%    2.64%   2.91%
                                                  ====     ====    ====

        Contractual maturities of receivables before deducting unearned finance
        charges and excluding accrued interest were as follows:

                                          Outstanding                                                       Due
            (millions)                    December 31,       Due         Due        Due         Due        After
                                              1994          1995        1996       1997        1998         1998
                                          -----------     ------      ------     ------      ------       ------
            Real estate-secured loans       $2,908        $  185      $  191    $   200      $  206       $2,126
            Personal loans                   3,400         1,046         931        717         414          292
            Credit cards                       711            62          57         52          47          493
            Sales finance and other            540           245         133         67          36           59
                                             -----         -----       -----      -----       -----        -----
                Total                       $7,559        $1,538      $1,312     $1,036      $  703       $2,970
                                             =====         =====       =====      =====       =====        =====
            Percentage                        100%           20%         18%        14%          9%          39%
                                             =====         =====       =====      =====       =====        =====

        Contractual terms average 12 years on real estate-secured loans and 4
        years on personal loans.  Experience has shown that a substantial amount
        of the receivables will be renewed or repaid prior to contractual
        maturity dates.  Accordingly, the foregoing tabulation should not be
        regarded as a forecast of future cash collections.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        The Company has a geographically diverse consumer finance loan
        portfolio.  At December 31, the distribution by state was as follows:

                                                    1994     1993
                                                    ----   ------
        Ohio                                         13%      13%
        North Carolina                               10%      10%
        South Carolina                                7%       7%
        Pennsylvania                                  6%       6%
        Maryland                                      5%       6%
        California                                    5%       5%
        Texas                                         5%       5%
        All other states*                            49%      48%
                                                    ----     ----
          Total                                     100%     100%
                                                    ====     ====

        * None of the remaining states individually accounts for more than 4% 
          of total consumer finance receivables.

        The estimated fair value of the consumer finance receivables portfolio
        depends on the methodology selected to value such portfolio (i.e., exit
        value versus entry value).  Exit value represents a valuation of the
        portfolio based upon sales of comparable portfolios which takes into
        account the value of customer relationships and the current level of
        funding costs.  Under the exit value methodology, the estimated fair
        value of the receivables portfolio at December 31, 1994 is approximately
        $618 million above the recorded carrying value.  Entry value is
        determined by comparing the portfolio yields to the yield at which new
        loans are being originated.  Under the entry value methodology, the
        estimated fair value of the receivables portfolio at December 31, 1994
        is approximately equal to the aggregate carrying value due to the
        increase in variable rate receivables whose rates are periodically reset
        and the fact that the average yield on fixed rate receivables is
        approximately equal to that on new fixed rate loans made at year end
        1994.  Fair values included in Note 20 are based on the exit value

    10. Debt

        Investment banking and brokerage borrowings consisted of the following
        at December 31: 

        (millions)                                1994      1993
                                                  ----      ----
        Commercial paper                        $2,455    $1,401
        Secured borrowings                         185       105
        Unsecured borrowings                     1,141       693
        Notes to LBI                               593     1,255
                                                 -----     -----
                                                $4,374    $3,454
                                                 =====     =====
        Weighted average interest rate 
         at end of period, excluding 
         non-interest bearing balances           5.8%      3.3%
                                                 =====     ====

        Investment banking and brokerage borrowings are short-term and include
        commercial paper, secured and unsecured bank loans used to finance Smith
        Barney's operations, including the securities settlement process, and
        notes issued to LBI inconnection with the Shearson Businesses acquired.
        The secured and unsecured bank loans bear interest at fluctuating rates
        based primarily on the federal funds interest rate.  Notes payable to
        LBI at December 31, 1994 represent a non-interest bearing note (the
        Clearing Note) outstanding in connection with LBI's activities under the
        Clearing Agreement.  The Clearing Note, which matures upon termination
        of the Clearing Agreement (see Note 1), fluctuates daily based on LBI's
        borrowing activities.  Notes payable to LBI at December 31, 1993 also
        included a $586 million variable rate note which was issued as partial
        payment for the businesses acquired and was repaid in January 1994.  In
        1993, Smith Barney put in place a commercial paper program that consists
        of both discounted and interest


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        bearing paper and is currently authorized up to $2.5 billion.  Smith
        Barney also has substantial borrowing arrangements consisting of
        facilities that it has been advised are available, but where no
        contractual lending obligation exists.

        At December 31, 1994 and 1993, the market value of the securities
        pledged as collateral for short-term brokerage borrowings was $229
        million and $124 million, respectively, including $163 million of
        customer margin securities at December 31, 1994. 

        At December 31, short-term borrowings consisted of commercial paper
        outstanding with weighted average interest rates as follows:  

            (millions)                                              1994                          1993 
                                                         --------------------------   ----------------------------
                                                         Outstanding  Interest Rate    Outstanding   Interest Rate
                                                         -----------  -------------    -----------   -------------
            The Travelers Inc.                              $  101        5.83%           $329           3.43%
            Commercial Credit Company                        2,305        5.89%          2,206           3.34%
            The Travelers Insurance Company                     74        6.02%              -
                                                             -----                       -----
                                                            $2,480                      $2,535
                                                             =====                       =====

        The Travelers Inc. (the Parent), Commercial Credit Company (CCC) and The
        Travelers Insurance Company (TIC) issue commercial paper directly to
        investors.  Each maintains unused credit availability under its
        respective bank lines of credit at least equal to the amount of its
        outstanding commercial paper.  Each may borrow under its revolving
        credit facilities at various interest rate options and compensates the
        banks for the facilities through commitment fees.  

        In 1994 the Parent, CCC and TIC entered into an agreement with a
        syndicate of banks to provide $1.5 billion of revolving credit, to be
        allocated to any of the Parent, CCC or TIC.  The participation of TIC in
        this agreement is limited to $300 million.  The revolving credit
        facility consists of a 364-day revolving credit facility in the amount
        of $300 million and a 5-year revolving credit facility in the amount of
        $1.2 billion.  At December 31, 1994, $650 million was allocated to the
        Parent, $650 million was allocated to CCC and $200 million was allocated
        to TIC.  Under this facility the Company is required to maintain a
        certain level of consolidated stockholders' equity (as defined in the
        agreement).  At December 31, 1994, the Company exceeded this requirement
        by approximately $2.7 billion.

        At December 31, 1994, CCC also had committed and available revolving
        credit facilities on a stand alone basis of $2.360 billion, of which
        $600 million expires in 1995 and $1.760 billion expires in 1999.

        CCC is limited by covenants in its revolving credit agreements as to the
        amount of dividends and advances that may be made to the Parent or its
        affiliated companies.  At December 31, 1994, CCC would have been able to
        remit $270 million to the Parent under its most restrictive covenants or
        regulatory requirements.

        The carrying value of short-term borrowings approximates fair value.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        Long-term debt, including its current portion, and final maturity dates
        were as follows at December 31:

        (millions)                                   1994        1993
                                                     ----        ----
        The Travelers Inc.  
        8.6% Notes due 1994                       $     -     $     93
        8 3/8% Notes due 1996                          100         100
        7 5/8% Notes due 1997                          185         185
        5 3/4% Notes due 1998                          250         250
        7 3/4% Notes due 1999                          100         100
        6 1/8% Notes due 2000                          200         200
        9 1/2% Senior Notes due 2002                   300         300
        8 5/8% Debentures due 2007                     100         100
        Other indebtedness, 5 7/8% - 8 7/8% 
          due 1996 - 2007                               13          13
        ESOP note guarantee                             97         125
        Debt premium (discount), net                    32          38
                                                     -----       -----
                                                     1,377       1,504
                                                     -----       -----

        Commercial Credit Company 
        8.29% to 12.85% Medium-Term Notes 
          due 1994-1995                                 10          55
        8% Notes due 1994                                -         100
        12.7% Notes due 1994                             -          15
        6.95% Notes due 1994                             -         200
        8.45% Notes due 1994                             -         100
        9 7/8% Notes due 1995                          150         150
        9.2% Notes due 1995                            100         100
        6.25% Notes due 1995                           100         100
        7.7% Notes due 1995                            150         150
        8.1% Notes due 1995                            150         150
        8 3/8% Notes due 1995                          150         150
        6.375% Notes due 1996                          200         200
        7.375% Notes due 1996                          150         150
        8% Notes due 1996                              100         100
        6.75% Notes due 1997                           200         200
        8 1/8% Notes due 1997                          150         150
        5.70% Notes due 1998                           100         100
        5 1/2% Notes due 1998                          100         100
        8 1/2% Notes due 1998                          100         100
        6.70% Notes due 1999                           150         150
        10% Notes due 1999                             100         100
        9.6% Notes due 1999                            100         100
        6.00% Notes due 2000                           100         100
        5 3/4% Notes due 2000                          200         200
        6 1/8% Notes due 2000                          100         100
        6.00% Notes due 2000                           150         150
        8.25% Notes due 2001                           300           -
        5.9% Notes due 2003                            200         200


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        7.875% Notes due 2004                          200           -
        10% Notes due 2008                             150         150
        10% Debentures due 2009                        100         100
        8.7% Debentures due 2009                       150         150
        8.7% Debentures due 2010                       100         100
                                                     -----       -----
                                                     4,010       3,970
                                                     -----       -----
        Smith Barney
        Revolving credit facility                      400         825
        7.4% Medium-Term Notes due 1996                 50           -
        5 3/8% Notes due 1996                          150         150
        6.0% Notes due 1997                            200           -
        5 5/8% Notes due 1998                          150         150
        5 1/2% Notes due 1999                          200           -
        7 7/8% Notes due 1999                          150           -
        6 5/8% Notes due 2000                          150         150
        Capital Note with LBI due 1995                 150         100
                                                     -----       -----
                                                     1,600       1,375
                                                     -----       -----
        The Travelers Insurance Group
        12% GNMA/FNMA - collateralized obligations      88         132
        Other indebtedness                               -          10
                                                     -----       -----
                                                        88         142
                                                     -----       -----
                                                    $7,075      $6,991
                                                     =====       =====

        The Company has guaranteed the loan obligation of its Employee Stock
        Ownership Plan (ESOP) (see Note 14).  The minimum principal payments on
        the ESOP loan obligation to be made in 1995, 1996 and 1997 are $30
        million, $32 million and $35 million, respectively.

        Debt discount or premium is being amortized to interest expense using
        the effective interest method over the remaining maturities of the
        related debt obligations.

        In May 1994, Smith Barney renegotiated its three-year revolving credit
        agreement (the "Agreement") with a bank syndicate.  The amendment to the
        Agreement extended the term by one year until May 1997 and increased the
        amount of the facility from $625 million to $1.0 billion.  As of
        December 31, 1994, $400 million was borrowed under the Agreement.  In
        addition, in May 1994, Smith Barney entered into a $750 million, 364-day
        revolving credit agreement with a bank syndicate.  As of December 31,
        1994, there were no borrowings outstanding under this new facility.

        Smith Barney is limited by covenants in its revolving credit facility as
        to the amount of dividends that may be paid to the Parent.  At December
        31, 1994, Smith Barney would have been able to remit approximately $500
        million to the Parent under its most restrictive covenants.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        Aggregate annual maturities for the next five years on long-term debt
        obligations excluding principal payments on the ESOP loan obligation and
        the 12% GNMA/FNMA collateralized obligations, are as follows:


                     1995        $960
                     1996        $750
                     1997      $1,135
                     1998        $700
                     1999        $800

        The fair value of the Company's long-term debt is estimated based on the
        quoted market price for the same or similar issues or on current rates
        offered to the Company for debt of the same remaining maturities.  At
        December 31, 1994 the carrying value and the fair value of the Company's
        long-term debt were: 

        (millions)                              Carrying     Fair
                                                  Value     Value
                                                --------   ------
        The Travelers Inc.                        $1,377   $1,314
        Commercial Credit                          4,010    3,926
        Smith Barney                               1,600    1,531
        The Travelers Insurance Group                 88       96
                                                   -----    -----
                                                  $7,075   $6,867
                                                   =====    =====

    11. Insurance Policy and Claims Reserves

        Insurance policy and claims reserves consisted of the following at
        December 31:

        (millions)                                  1994     1993
                                                    ----     ----

        Benefit and loss reserves:
          Property-casualty                      $13,872   $13,805
          Accident and health                      1,029       857
          Life and annuity                         8,603     8,490
        Unearned premiums                          2,276     2,307
        Policy and contract claims                 1,304     1,347
                                                  ------    ------
                                                 $27,084   $26,806
                                                  ======    ======


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        The table below is a reconciliation of beginning and ending property-
        casualty reserve balances for loss and loss adjustment expenses (LAE)
        for the years ended December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992.  Loss provisions
        and payments for 1993 and 1992 reflect only the activity of Gulf
        Insurance Company.

            (millions)                                                              1994           1993           1992 
                                                                                    ----           ----           ----
            Losses and LAE at beginning of year                                  $13,805        $   313        $   296 
                Less reinsurance recoverables on unpaid losses                     3,615             85             74 
                                                                                  ------        -------        -------
            Net balance at beginning of year                                      10,190            228            222 
                                                                                  ------        -------        -------
            Provision for losses and LAE for claims arising in the
              current year                                                         3,201            185            185 
            Estimated losses and LAE for claims arising
              in prior years                                                        (248)                           (6)
            Increase for purchase of old Travelers                                                9,938                
                                                                                --------         ------       --------
                    Total increases                                                2,953         10,123            179 
                                                                                  ------         ------         ------
            Losses and LAE payments for claims arising in:
                Current year                                                         989             67             80 
                Prior years                                                        1,903             94             93 
                                                                                  ------        -------        -------
                    Total payments                                                 2,892            161            173 
                                                                                  ------        -------        -------
            Net balances at end of year                                           10,251         10,190            228 
                Plus reinsurance recoverables on unpaid losses                     3,621          3,615             85 
                                                                                  ------         ------        -------
            Losses and LAE at end of year                                        $13,872        $13,805       $    313 
                                                                                  ------         ------        -------

        In 1994, estimated losses and LAE for claims arising in prior years
        includes favorable loss development in Personal Lines automobile and
        homeowners coverage of $100 million, offset by unfavorable development
        of $100 million for Commercial Lines asbestos and environmental claims
        from 1985 and prior.  In addition, in 1994 Commercial Lines experienced
        favorable prior year loss development in workers' compensation, other
        liability and commercial automobile product lines in its National
        business for post-1985 accident years.  This favorable development
        amounted to $261 million, however, since the business to which it
        relates is subject to retrospective rating premium adjustments, the net
        impact on results of operations is minimal. 

        The increase for purchase of old Travelers includes a purchase
        accounting adjustment of $225 million.  The adjustment reflects
        appellate court decisions that resolved issues concerning obligations of
        insurers for environmental claims under liability policies in certain
        jurisdictions, and the measurement of amounts recoverable for asbestos
        claims from reinsurers based upon commutation of reinsurers' liabilities
        at a discount.  The $225 million was included in other liabilities at
        December 31, 1993. 

        The property-casualty loss and LAE reserves include $854 million and
        $885 million for asbestos and environmental related claims net of
        reinsurance at December 31, 1994 and 1993, respectively.  Travelers
        Insurance carries on a continuing review of its overall position, its
        reserving techniques and reinsurance recoverable.  However, the industry
        does not have a standard method of calculating claim activity for
        environmental and asbestos losses.  In each of these areas of exposure,
        Travelers Insurance has endeavored to litigate individual cases and
        settle claims on favorable terms.  Given the vagaries of court coverage
        decisions, plaintiffs' expanded theories of liability, the risks
        inherent in major litigation and other uncertainties, it is not
        presently possible to quantify the ultimate exposure or range of
        exposure represented by these claims to the Company's financial
        condition, results of operations or liquidity.  The Company believes
        that it is reasonably possible that the outcome of the uncertainties
        regarding environmental and asbestos claims


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        could result in a liability exceeding the reserves by an amount that
        would be material to operating results in a future period.  However, it
        is not likely these claims will have a material adverse effect on the
        Company's financial condition or liquidity.

    12. Reinsurance    

        The Company's insurance operations cede insurance in order to limit
        losses, minimize exposure on large risks, provide additional capacity
        for future growth, and effect business sharing arrangements.  Life
        reinsurance is accomplished through various plans of reinsurance,
        primarily coinsurance, modified coinsurance and yearly renewable term. 
        Property-casualty reinsurance is placed on both a quota-share and excess
        basis.  The property-casualty insurance subsidiaries also participate as
        a servicing carrier for, and a member of, several pools and
        associations.  Reinsurance ceded arrangements do not discharge the
        insurance subsidiaries or the Company as the primary insurer. 
        Reinsurance amounts included in the Consolidated Statement of Income

                                                           Ceded to
        (millions)                              Gross        Other        Net
                                                Amount     Companies     Amount
                                                ------     ---------     ------
        Year ended December 31, 1994
           Life insurance                      $1,878        $(295)      $1,583
           Accident and health insurance        2,591         (107)       2,484
           Property-casualty insurance          5,052       (1,529)       3,523
                                                -----       ------        -----
                                               $9,521      $(1,931)      $7,590
                                                =====       ======        =====

        Claims                                 $8,126      $(1,357)      $6,769
                                                =====       ======        =====

        Year ended December 31, 1993
           Life insurance                      $1,178        $(284)     $   894
           Accident and health insurance          385          (56)         329
           Property-casualty insurance            434         (177)         257
                                                -----         ----        -----
                                               $1,997        $(517)      $1,480
                                                =====         ====        =====

        Claims                                 $1,096        $(287)      $  809
                                                =====         ====       ======


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

                                                   Ceded to
                                           Gross     Other       Net
        (millions)                        Amount  Companies    Amount
                                          ------  ---------    ------

        Year ended December 31, 1992
           Life insurance                 $1,221     $(312)    $  909
           Accident and health insurance     443       (39)       404
           Property-casualty insurance       562      (181)       381
                                           -----      ----      -----
                                          $2,226     $(532)    $1,694
                                           =====      ====      =====

        Claims                            $1,056     $(271)    $  785
                                           =====      ====      =====
        Reinsurance recoverables at December 31 include amounts recoverable on
        unpaid losses, paid losses and unearned premiums and were as follows: 

        (millions)                                1994       1993
                                                  ----       ----

        Reinsurance Recoverables
         Life business                          $  758     $  739
         Property and Casualty business:
           Pools and associations                2,524      2,585
           Other reinsurance                     1,744      1,605
                                                 -----      -----
             Total                              $5,026     $4,929
                                                 =====      =====

    13.  Income Taxes

        The provision for income taxes (before minority interest) for the years
        ended December 31 was as follows:

        (millions)                       1994     1993      1992 
                                         ----     ----      ----

         Federal                         $378     $406      $350 
         Foreign                           22        3         5 
         State                             80       75        53 
                                          ---      ---       ---
                                          480      484       408 
                                          ---      ---       ---
         Federal                          334       64        26 
         Foreign                            1       (2)       (2)
         State                              8        4         - 
                                         ----      ---       ---
                                          343       66        24 
                                         ----      ---       ---
         Total                           $823     $550      $432 
                                          ===      ===       ===


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        Deferred income taxes at December 31 related to the following:

            (millions)                                                             1994            1993
                                                                                   ----            ----
            Deferred tax assets:
              Differences in  computing policy reserves                          $1,288          $1,353
              Deferred compensation                                                 214             145
              Employee benefits                                                     213             221
              Investments                                                         1,074             432
              Other deferred tax assets                                             765           1,015
                                                                                  -----           -----
            Gross deferred tax assets                                             3,554           3,166 
                                                                                  -----           -----
            Valuation allowance                                                     100             100 
                                                                                  -----           -----
            Deferred tax assets after valuation allowance                         3,454           3,066
                                                                                  -----           -----
            Deferred tax liabilities:
              Deferred policy acquisition costs and
                value of insurance in force                                       (608)           (576)
              Investment management contracts                                     (244)           (277)
              Other deferred tax liabilities                                      (273)           (355)
                                                                                -------         -------
            Gross deferred tax liabilities                                      (1,125)         (1,208)
                                                                                -------         -------
            Net deferred tax asset                                             $  2,329        $  1,858
                                                                                =======         =======

        The reconciliation of the federal statutory income tax rate to the
        Company's effective income tax rate for the year ended December 31 was
        as follows:

                                                    1994    1993     1992
                                                    ----    ----     ----
        Federal statutory rate                     35.0%    35.0%    34.0%
        Limited taxability of investment income    (3.5)    (1.6)     (.8)
        State and foreign income taxes      
          (net of federal income tax benefit)       2.7      3.4      2.9
        Sale of subsidiaries                        2.9        -      (.3)
        Equity in income of old Travelers             -     (2.2)      -
        Other, net                                  1.2      1.5       .5
                                                   ----     ----     ----
        Effective income tax rate                  38.3%    36.1%    36.3%
                                                   ====     ====     ====

        Tax benefits allocated directly to stockholders' equity for the years
        ended December 31, 1994 and 1993 were $35 million and $79 million,

        As a result of the acquisition of old Travelers, a valuation allowance
        of $100 million was established in 1993 to reduce the net deferred tax
        asset on investment losses to the amount that, based upon available
        evidence, is more likely than not to be realized.  The $100 million
        valuation allowance is sufficient to cover any capital losses on
        investments that may exceed the capital gains able to be generated in
        the life insurance group's consolidated federal income tax return based
        upon management's best estimate of the character of the reversing
        temporary differences.  Reversal of the valuation allowance is
        contingent upon the recognition of future capital gains or a change in
        circumstances which causes


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        the recognition of the benefits to become more likely than not.  The
        initial recognition of any benefit produced by the reversal of the
        valuation allowance will be recognized by reducing goodwill.

        The net deferred tax asset, after the valuation allowance of $100
        million, relates to temporary differences that are  expected to reverse
        as net ordinary deductions, except for a deferred tax asset of $723
        million which relates to the unrealized loss on fixed maturity
        investments.  Management has the intent and the ability not to realize
        the unrealized loss except to the extent of offsetting capital gains. 
        The Company will have to generate approximately $4.6 billion of taxable
        income, before the reversal of the temporary differences, primarily over
        the next 10-15 years, to realize the remainder of the deferred tax
        asset, exclusive of the unrealized loss on fixed maturity investments. 
        Management expects to realize the remainder of the deferred tax asset
        based upon its expectation of future taxable income, after the reversal
        of these deductible temporary differences, of at least $1 billion
        annually.  The Company has reported pre-tax financial statement income
        exceeding $1.6 billion, on average, over the last three years and has
        incurred taxable income of approximately $1 billion, on average, over
        the same period of time.  At December 31, 1994, the Company has no
        ordinary or capital loss carryforwards.

    14. Preferred Stock and Stockholders' Equity

        Preferred Stock
        The following table sets forth the Company's preferred stock outstanding
        at December 31, 1994 and 1993:

                                    Number   Preference   Carrying
                                  of Shares  Per Share      Value 
                                  ---------  ----------   --------
        Series A                  1,200,000     $250        $300  
        Series B                  2,500,000      $50         125  
        Series D                  7,500,000      $50         375  
                                 ----------                  ---
                                 11,200,000                 $800  
                                 ==========                  ===

        Series C                  4,406,431   $53.25        $235  
                                 ==========                  ===

        Series A
        In July 1992 the Company sold in a public offering 12.0 million
        depositary shares, each representing 1/10th of a share of 8.125%
        Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series A (Series A Preferred), at an
        offering price of $25 per depositary share.  The Series A Preferred has
        cumulative dividends payable quarterly commencing September 1, 1992 and
        a liquidation preference equivalent to $25 per depositary share plus
        accrued and accumulated unpaid dividends.  On or after July 28, 1997,
        the Company may, at its option, redeem the Series A Preferred, in whole
        or in part, at any time at a redemption price of $25 per depositary
        share plus dividends accrued and unpaid to the redemption date.

        Series B
        In connection with the Shearson Acquisition the Company issued to
        American Express 2.5 million shares of 5.5% Convertible Preferred Stock,
        Series B (Series B Preferred) of the Company.  Each Series B Preferred
        share has cumulative dividends payable quarterly and a liquidation
        preference of $50 per share and is convertible at any time at the option
        of the holder at a conversion price of $36.75 per common share.  The
        Series B Preferred is not redeemable prior to July 30, 1996.  On or
        after July 30, 1996, the Series B Preferred is redeemable at the
        Company's option, at a price of $51.925 per share if redeemed prior to
        July 29, 1997, and at decreasing prices thereafter to $50 per share


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        from and after July 30, 2003, plus accrued and unpaid dividends, if any,
        to the redemption date.  In addition, the Company issued to American
        Express warrants to purchase 3,749,466 shares of common stock of the
        Company at an exercise price of $39 per common share, exercisable until
        July 31, 1998.  Both the Series B Preferred and the warrant are publicly

        Series C
        In connection with the acquisition of old Travelers, the Company
        converted the old Travelers $4.53 Series A ESOP Convertible Preference
        Stock which was issued to prefund old Travelers' matching obligations
        under its Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) into $4.53 Series C
        Convertible Preferred Stock ("Series C Preferred") of the Company with a
        stated value and a liquidation preference of $53.25 per share.  The
        Series C Preferred is convertible into one share of The Travelers Inc.
        Common Stock for each $66.21 of stated value of Series C Preferred,
        subject to antidilution adjustments in certain circumstances.  Dividends
        on the Series C Preferred are cumulative and accrue in the amount of
        $4.53 per annum per share.  The Series C Preferred is redeemable at the
        option of the Company on or after January 1, 1998 (or earlier at the
        option of the holder in the event of a change in control, as defined, of
        the Company) at a redemption price of $53.25 per share plus accrued and
        unpaid dividends thereon to the date fixed for redemption.  

        Series D
        Also in connection with the Company's acquisition of old Travelers, 7.5
        million shares of 9 1/4% Series B Preference Stock of old Travelers were
        converted into 7.5 million shares of 9 1/4% Series D Preferred Stock
        ("Series D Preferred") of the Company with a stated value and
        liquidation preference of $50 per share.  The Series D Preferred is held
        in the form of depositary shares, with two depositary shares
        representing each preferred share.  Annual dividends of $4.625 per share
        ($2.3125 per depository share) are payable quarterly.  Dividends are
        cumulative from the date of issue.  The Series D Preferred is not
        redeemable prior to July 1, 1997.  On and after July 1, 1997, the Series
        D Preferred is redeemable at the Company's option at a price of $50 per
        share (equivalent to $25 per depositary share), plus accrued and unpaid
        dividends, if any, to the redemption date.  In the event that dividends
        on the series D Preferred are in arrears in an amount equal to at least
        six full quarterly dividends, holders of the stock would have the right
        to elect two additional directors to the Board of Directors of the

        Stockholders' Equity
        The combined insurance subsidiaries' statutory capital and surplus at
        December 31, 1994 and 1993 was $4.342 billion and $4.340 billion,
        respectively, and is subject to certain restrictions imposed by state
        insurance departments as to the transfer of funds and payment of
        dividends.  The combined insurance subsidiaries' (including The
        Travelers Insurance Group for 1994 only) net income, determined in
        accordance with statutory accounting practices, for the years ended
        December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992 was $228 million, $204 million and $199
        million, respectively. 

        Under Connecticut law, the statutory capital and surplus of The
        Travelers Insurance Group Inc., which amounted to $4.218 billion at
        December 31, 1994 is not available in 1995 for dividends to its Parent
        without prior approval of the Connecticut Insurance Department.

        The Company's broker-dealer subsidiaries are subject to The Uniform Net
        Capital Rule of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  At December 31,
        1994, the aggregate net capital of such broker-dealer subsidiaries was
        $1.313 billion, exceeding the net capital requirement by $1.119 billion.

        See Note 10 for additional restrictions on stockholders' equity.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        In April 1993, the Company sold 9,333,333 shares of newly issued common
        stock.  The offering was made exclusively to foreign investors, and
        shares were not offered in the United States or to United States
        persons, in accordance with Regulation S under the Securities Act of
        1933.  Therefore the shares have not been registered under such act.  In
        June 1993, the Company sold 1,000,000 shares of newly issued common
        stock to a senior executive of the Company.  In total these transactions
        generated net proceeds of $329 million.

        At December 31, 1994, 10,694,740 shares of authorized common stock were
        reserved for convertible securities and warrants. 

    15. Incentive Plans

        The Company's 1986 Stock Option Plan provides for the granting to
        officers and key employees of the Company and its participating
        subsidiaries of non-qualifiedstock options and incentive stock options. 
        Options generally are granted at the fair market value at the time of
        grant for a period not in excess of ten years.  They vest over five
        years, or in full upon a change of control of the Company, and are
        generally exercisable only if the optionee is employed by the Company. 
        The plan also permits an employee exercising an option to be granted new
        options (reload options) in an amount equal to the number of common
        shares used to satisfy the exercise price and the withholding taxes due
        upon exercise.  The maximum number of shares that may be granted under
        this plan is 73,008,140, of which 35,000,000 were reserved for the
        granting of reload options; at December 31, 1994, 26,265,245 shares were
        available for grant, of which 15,011,009 were available for reload
        option grants.  The Company also has other option plans.

        Information with respect to stock options granted under the Company's
        various option plans is as follows:

                                        Number of        Price   
                                         Shares        Per Share 
                                       ----------  --------------
        Balance, at January 1, 1992    21,181,108    $ 6.07-32.03
          Granted                      11,924,090     18.50-24.94
          Expired or canceled            (518,956)     9.74-21.88
          Exercised                   (13,279,940)     6.07-21.49
                                      -----------     -----------
        Balance, at December 31, 1992  19,306,302    $ 7.82-32.03
                                      -----------     -----------
          Granted                       9,593,308     24.19-49.50
          Converted upon the Merger     4,011,726     15.54-62.02
          Expired or canceled            (679,064)     9.74-44.63
          Exercised                    (9,898,567)     8.00-37.41
                                      -----------     -----------
        Balance, at December 31, 1993  22,333,705    $ 7.82-62.02
                                      -----------     -----------
          Granted                       6,132,850     31.00-42.88
          Expired or canceled          (1,387,428)     9.74-62.02
          Exercised                    (2,905,346)     7.81-40.13
                                      -----------     -----------
        Balance at December 31, 1994   24,173,781    $ 9.74-62.02
                                      -----------     -----------
        Currently exercisable, 
         December 31, 1994              8,449,283    $ 9.74-62.02
                                      ===========     ===========


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        At the time of the Merger, 7,193,486 options to purchase old Travelers
        common stock were outstanding.  Of this amount, 2,205,204 options were
        forfeited or redeemed for cash, and the remaining 4,988,282 options, at
        a weighted average price of $33.92, were converted into options to
        receive 4,011,726 shares of the Company's common stock, at a weighted
        average price of $42.18.

        The Company, through its Capital Accumulation Plan (the Plan) and other
        restricted stock programs, has issued a total of 15,464,592 shares of
        the Company's common stock in the form of restricted stock to
        participating officers and other key employees.  The restricted stock
        generally vests after a two-year period.  The Nominations and
        Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors that administers the
        Plan has determined that the restricted period for awards made with
        respect to the 1994 Plan year will generally be three years.  Except
        under limited circumstances, during this period the stock cannot be sold
        or transferred by the participant, who is required to render service to
        the Company during the restriction period.  At the discretion of the
        Committee, participants may elect to receive part of their awards in
        restricted stock and part in stock options.  Unearned compensation
        expense associated with the restricted stock grants represents the
        market value of the Company's common stock at the date of grant and is
        recognized as a charge to income ratably over the vesting period.

    16. Pension Plans   

        The Company and its subsidiaries have noncontributory defined benefit
        pension plans covering the majority of their U.S. employees.  Benefits
        for the Company's principal plans are based on an account balance
        formula. Under this formula, each employee's accrued benefit can be
        expressed as an account that is credited with amounts based upon the
        employee's pay, length of service and a specified interest rate, all
        subject to a minimum benefit level.  These plans are funded in
        accordance with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and
        the Internal Revenue Code.  Certain non-U.S. employees of the Company
        are covered by noncontributory defined benefit plans.  These plans are
        funded based upon local laws.

        The following is a summary of the components of pension expense included
        in the Consolidated Statement of Income for the Company's significant
        defined benefit plans for the years ended December 31:

        (millions)                         1994      1993       1992  
                                           ----      ----       ----

        Service cost                       $105       $34        $17 
        Interest cost                       173        36         26 
        Actual return on plan assets        (66)      (59)       (28)
        Net amortization and deferral      (161)       11        (10)
                                           ----       ---        ---
        Net periodic pension cost           $51       $22        $ 5 
                                           ====       ===        ===


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        The following table sets forth the funded status of the Company's
        significant defined benefit plans at December 31:

        (millions)                                   1994       1993 
                                                     ----       ----

        Actuarial present value of benefit obligation:
          Vested benefits                          $2,091     $2,223 
          Non-vested benefits                          49         40 
                                                   ------     ------
          Accumulated benefit obligation            2,140      2,263 
          Effect of future salary increases            46         79 
                                                    -----      -----
          Projected benefit obligation              2,186      2,342 
        Plan assets at fair value                   2,335      2,434 
                                                    -----      -----
        Plan assets in excess of projected 
         benefit obligation                           149         92 
        Unrecognized transition asset                  (3)        (3) 
        Unrecognized prior service cost (benefit)       2        (36)
        Unrecognized net (gain) loss                 (145)         2 
                                                    -----     ------
        Prepaid pension cost  
          recognized in the Statement of 
           Financial Position                      $    3     $   55 
                                                     ====      =====

        Actuarial Assumptions:                  
          Weighted average discount rate             8.75%       7.5%
          Weighted average rate of compensation 
           increase                                   4.5%       4.5%
          Expected long-term rate of return on
            plan assets                               9.5%      9.75%

        Plan assets associated with the plans of old Travelers are held
        primarily in various separate accounts and the general account of The
        Travelers Insurance Company, a subsidiary of the Company, and certain
        investment trusts.  These accounts invest in stocks, bonds, mortgage
        loans and real estate.  Plan assets for the Company's other significant
        pension plans are invested primarily in U.S. Government securities,
        corporate bonds and stocks.

    17. Postretirement Benefits

        The Company provides postretirement health care, life insurance and
        survival income benefits to certain eligible retirees.  These benefits
        relate primarily to former unionized employees of predecessor companies,
        certain employees of SmithBarney and former employees of old Travelers. 
        Other retirees are generally responsible for most or all of the cost of
        these benefits (while retaining the benefits of group coverage and

        As required by FAS 106, the Company changed its method of accounting for
        retiree benefit plans effective January 1, 1993, to accrue the Company's
        share of the costs of postretirement benefits over the service period
        rendered by an employee.  Previously these benefits were charged to
        expense when paid.

        The Company elected to recognize immediately the liability for
        postretirement benefits as the cumulative effect of a change in
        accounting principle.  This change resulted in a noncash after-tax
        charge to net income of $17 million in 1993.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        The Company generally funds its share of the cost of postretirement
        benefits on a pay-as-you-go basis.  However, the Company has made
        contributions to a survivor income plan, the assets of which are
        currently invested in a major insurance company's general investment

        Payments and net periodic postretirement benefit cost for 1993 were not
        material.  The following is a summary of the components of net periodic
        postretirement benefit cost for the year ended December 31, 1994:


        Service cost                                             $  3
        Interest cost                                              33
        Actual return on plan assets                                -
        Net amortization and deferral                               -
        Net periodic postretirement benefit cost                 $ 36

        The following table sets forth the funded status of the Company's
        postretirement benefit plans at December 31:

                                                           1994      1993 
                                                           ----      ----
        Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation    
             Retirees                                      $363      $418 
             Other fully eligible plan participants          32        33 
             Other active plan participants                  18        53 
                                                            ---      ----
                                                            413       504 
        Plan assets at fair value                             4         3 
                                                            ---     -----
        Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation 
         in excess of plan assets                           409       501 
        Unrecognized net gain (loss)                         79       (18)
        Unrecognized prior service cost                      (5)       (6)
                                                            ---       ---
        Accrued postretirement benefit liability           $483      $477 
                                                            ===       ===

        For measurement purposes, the annual rate of increase in the per capita
        cost of covered health care benefits ranged from 16% in 1995, decreasing
        gradually to 5.5% by the year 2003 and remaining at that level
        thereafter.  The health care cost trend rate assumption affects the
        amounts reported.  To illustrate, increasing the assumed health care
        cost trend rates by one percentage point in each year would increase the
        accumulated postretirement benefit obligation as of December 31, 1994 by
        approximately $14 million.  The impact on net periodic postretirement
        benefit cost of such an increase would not be material.

        The weighted average discount rates used in determining the accumulated
        postretirement benefit obligation were 8.75% and 7.5% at December 31,
        1994 and 1993, respectively.  For certain plans associated with Smith
        Barney and old Travelers, the weighted average assumed rate of
        compensation increase was approximately 3.5% for both 1994 and 1993. 
        For other plans, no assumptions have been made for rate of compensation
        increases, since active employees are responsible for the full cost of
        these benefits upon retirement.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

    18. Lease Commitments 

        Rental expense (principally for offices and computer equipment) was $403
        million, $182 million and $114 million for the years ended December 31,
        1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.

        At December 31, 1994, future minimum annual rentals under noncancellable
        operating leases were as follows:

                   1995        $  323
                   1996           277
                   1997           221
                   1998           155
                   1999           127
                  Thereafter      138

        Future sublease rental income of approximately $31 million will
        partially offset these commitments.

        The Company and certain of Smith Barney's subsidiaries together have an
        option to purchase the buildings presently leased for Smith Barney's
        executive offices and New York City operations at the expiration of the
        lease term.  

    19. Derivative Financial Instruments

        The Company uses derivative financial instruments in the normal course
        of business for end user and, in the case of Smith Barney, trading
        purposes.  Derivatives are financial instruments, which include
        forwards, futures, options and swaps, whose value is based upon an
        underlying asset, index or reference rate.  A derivative contract may be
        traded on an exchange or over-the-counter (OTC).  Exchange-traded
        derivatives are standardized and include futures and certain option
        contracts listed on exchanges.  OTC derivative contracts are
        individually negotiated between contracting parties and include
        forwards, swaps, and certain options including interest rate caps,
        floors and swaptions.  Derivatives are subject to various risks similar
        to those related to the underlying financial instruments, including
        market, credit and liquidity risk.  The risks of derivatives should not
        be viewed in isolation but rather should be considered on an aggregate
        basis along with risks related to the Company's non-derivative trading
        and other activities.  The Company manages derivative and non-derivative
        risks on an aggregate basis as part of its firm-wide risk management

        Forwards represent commitments to exchange currencies or to purchase or
        sell other financial instruments at specified prices on specified future
        dates.  Futures contracts are similar to forwards, however, major
        exchanges act as intermediaries and require daily cash settlement and
        collateral deposits.  As a writer of certain option contracts, Smith
        Barney receives a fee to become obligated to buy or sell financial
        instruments at a specified price for a period of time at the holder's
        option.  As a writer of interest rate options, Smith Barney receives a
        fee to become obligated to pay the holder at specified future dates the
        amount, if any, by which specified market interest rates exceed or fall
        below specified reference rates applied to a notional amount.  In the
        case of swaptions, Smith Barney is obligated to enter into an interest
        rate swap at specified terms or cancel an existing swap, at the holder's
        option.  Purchased options give Smith Barney the right, but not the
        obligation, to buy or sell financial instruments at a specified price
        for a period of time.  Interest rate swaps require the exchange of
        periodic cash payments based on a notional principal amount and


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        agreed-upon fixed or floating rates.  Generally, no cash is exchanged at
        the outset of the contract and no principal payments are made by either

        Market Risk.  Market risk is the potential for changes in the value of
        derivative financial instruments due to market changes, including
        interest and foreign exchange rate movements and fluctuations in
        commodity or security prices.  Market risk is directly impacted by the
        volatility and liquidity in the markets in which the related underlying
        assets are traded.  

        Credit Risk.  Credit risk is the possibility that a loss may occur due
        to the failure of a counterparty to perform according to the terms of a
        contract.  At any point in time, the credit risk for derivative
        contracts is limited to the unrealized gains for each counterparty to
        the extent not offset under any master netting agreements or collateral
        arrangements.  There is no credit risk associated with written options
        as the counterparty pays a cash premium up front. Credit risk is reduced
        to the extent that an exchange or clearing organization acts as a
        counterparty to the transaction.  For significant transactions, the
        Company's credit review process includes an evaluation of the
        counterparty's creditworthiness, periodic review of credit standing and
        obtaining collateral and various credit enhancements in certain
        circumstances.  Smith Barney establishes credit limits for its trading
        derivative counterparties by product type, taking into account the
        perceived risk associated with each product.  The usage and resultant
        exposure from these credit limits are then monitored regularly by

        Liquidity Risk.  Liquidity risk is the possibility that the Company may
        not be able to rapidly adjust the size of its derivative positions in
        times of high volatility and financial stress at a reasonable cost.  The
        liquidity of derivative products is highly related to the liquidity of
        the underlying cash instrument.  As with non-derivative financial
        instruments, the Company's valuation policies for derivatives include
        consideration of liquidity factors.

        Trading Activity
        All derivatives used for trading purposes relate to Smith Barney, and
        are primarily used to facilitate customer transactions.  Smith Barney
        also uses derivatives to limit its net exposure to loss from market risk
        related to derivative and non-derivative inventory positions.  On a
        limited basis, Smith Barney also began structuring derivative
        instruments in 1994, primarily OTC foreign currency options and interest
        rate options and swaps, as part of its proprietary trading activities. 
        The level of this activity may expand in the future.  To the extent that
        activities are related to servicing customer business, the objective is
        to minimize market risk as much as possible.   

        Smith Barney's derivative contracts are generally short-term, with a
        weighted average maturity of approximately three months at December 31,
        1994 and 1993.  The notional or contractual amounts of these instruments
        do not represent the exposure to possible loss or future cash payments,
        but rather reflect the extent of the Company's involvement in these
        instruments.  At December 31, 1994 and 1993, Smith Barney had
        outstanding trading derivatives with notional values as follows: 


         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

                                                            Contract or Notional Amount             Contract or Notional Amount

        (millions)                                                         1994                                   1993
                                                            -----------------------------           ----------------------------
                                                                   Purchase          Sell                 Purchase          Sell
                                                                   --------          ----                 --------          ----
        "To be announced" mortgage-backed                                  
          securities                                                $15,016       $15,747                   $7,402        $7,499
        Forward and futures contracts:
          Foreign currency forwards                                   5,136         6,076                    4,237         4,110
          Foreign currency futures                                      865             6                      701           854
          Financial futures                                              50         2,661                      100           750
          Precious metals and other commodities                         339           357                      417           389
                                                                     ------        ------                   ------        ------
                                                                    $21,406       $24,847                  $12,857       $13,602
                                                                     ======        ======                   ======        ======

        (millions)                                                Purchased       Written                Purchased       Written
                                                                  ---------       -------                ---------       -------
          Foreign currency                                           $1,353        $1,340                  $     -        $    -
          Financial futures                                              50         2,150                        -             -
          Interest rate caps, floors and
            swaptions                                                     -           725                        -             -
          Other securities and commodities                               34            22                      127            74
                                                                      -----         -----                   ------         ----- 
                                                                     $1,437        $4,237                  $   127        $   74
                                                                      =====         =====                   ======         =====

        (millions)                                                      Open Contracts                         Open Contracts
                                                                        --------------                         --------------
        Interest rate swaps
                                                                                  $135                                $  -
                                                                                   ===                                 ===

        "To be Announced" Mortgage-Backed Securities.  Smith Barney trades
        mortgage-backed "to be announced" mortgage pools ("TBAs") to facilitate
        customer transactions and as hedges of proprietary inventory positions. 
        At December 31, 1994, over $13.2 billion each of purchase and sale
        positions represent offsetting purchases and sales of the same security,
        and over 95% of the contract values were for settlement within 60 days. 
        Net revenue from TBAs in 1994 was a loss of $10 million. 

        Foreign Currency Contracts.  In its role as a market intermediary, Smith
        Barney acts as a principal in foreign currency  forward and options
        contracts, primarily to facilitate customer transactions.  These
        transactions expose the firm to foreign exchange rate risk, which is
        generally hedged by entering into foreign currency forward, futures and


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        contracts with inverse market risk profiles.  At December 31, 1994,
        approximately 87% of the contract values of foreign currency derivative
        instruments were for settlement within 90 days, and related primarily to
        major European currencies and the Japanese yen.  Written foreign
        currency options consist of $733 million and $607 million of put and
        call contracts, respectively, at December 31, 1994.  Net revenues from
        foreign currency contracts in aggregate were $19 million in 1994.  

        Financial Futures and Options on Financial Futures Contracts.  Smith
        Barney trades financial futures contracts and options on financial
        futures, primarily to hedge other proprietary inventory positions. 
        Written financial futures options consist of $1.075 billion of put
        contracts and $1.075 billion of call contracts written on the same
        underlying futures contracts.  Net revenues from these transactions were
        $9 million in 1994.  

        Precious Metals Contracts.  Forward precious metals contracts are
        entered into to facilitate customer transactions, and are transacted in
        the "Loco London" Bullion Market, which is used globally for hedging and
        trading purposes.  Smith Barney may use precious metals futures as
        hedges of its forward inventory to reduce market risk.  Net revenues
        from precious metals contracts were $2 million in 1994. 

        Interest Rate Products. Smith Barney enters into interest rate swaps,
        caps, floors and swaptions as part of its proprietary trading strategy,
        which it hedges with financialfutures and options on financial futures. 
        Net revenues from interest rate swap products were $3 million in 1994.

        Trading derivative instruments are carried at market value, primarily
        based on quoted market prices, with changes in market value reported in
        principal transactions revenues in the Statement of Income.  The trading
        gains and losses on these derivative financial instruments, should not
        be viewed on an individual basis, but rather as a component of the
        Company's overall trading results, as these instruments are frequently
        hedges of, or hedged by, other on-or off-balance-sheet financial

        The fair value of Smith Barney's trading derivative instruments as
        recorded in the Statement of Financial Position at December 31, 1994 and
        the average fair value for the year based on month end balances are
        presented below.  


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

                                                                 Ending Fair Value                 Average Fair Value
                                                               ------------------------           -----------------------
            (millions)                                         Assets       Liabilities           Assets      Liabilities
                                                               ------       -----------           ------      -----------
            "To be announced" mortgage-backed
              securities                                          $29           $28                $54            $54
            Forward and futures contracts:
              Foreign currency forwards                            92            98                 87             92
              Foreign currency futures                              2             3                  4              3
              Financial futures                                     7             2                  3              2
              Precious metals and other commodities                 1             2                  3              3
              Foreign currency                                      5             8                  7              8
              Financial futures                                     2             6                  1              1
              Interest rate caps, floors and swaptions              -             5                  -              5
              Other securities and commodities                      1             1                  3              5
            Interest rate swaps                                     1             -                  1              -
                                                                  ---           ---                ---            ---
                                                                 $140          $153               $163           $173
                                                                  ===           ===                ===            ===

        End User Activity
        In the normal course of business the Company also employs certain
        derivative financialinstruments as an end user to manage various risks. 
        At December 31, 1994 the notional and fair values of end user
        derivatives were as follows.  Fair values were determined by reference
        to quoted market prices or, for interest rate swaps, estimated based
        upon the payments either party would have to make to terminate the swap.

                                                                      Notional Value                    Fair Value
                                                                 ----------------------           -----------------------
              (millions)                                              Open Contracts                Asset     Liability
                                                                      --------------                -----     ---------
              Interest rate swaps:
                Pay a fixed rate, receive a floating rate                 $712
                Pay a floating rate, receive a fixed rate                   70
                                                                          $782                     $ 43       $ 6
                                                                           ===                      ===       ===

                                                                   Purchase        Sell    
                                                                   --------        ----
              Foreign currency forwards                               $47          $183             15          7
              Financial futures                                        13             -              -          -
                                                                     ----         -----            ---        ---
                                                                      $60          $183           $ 15       $  7
                                                                      ===          ====            ===        ===


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        Certain of the Company's subsidiaries employ swap contracts to manage
        interest rate risk related to variable rate obligations, limiting the
        Company s net exposure to interest rate movements to an acceptable
        level. Under these swaps the Company has fixed $590 million of its short
        term or variable rate obligations at an average rate of 5.94%.  The
        swaps are accounted for as hedges of the related liabilities and
        unrealized gains and losses are not recorded in the Statement of
        Financial Position.  Periodic receipts or payments are accrued as
        adjustments to expense.  In addition, Travelers Insurance Group utilizes
        swaps to manage the differing interest rate risk profiles of its
        insurance liabilities and related fixed income investment portfolio. 
        These swaps are marked to market and recorded as other assets with
        changes in value recorded as an adjustment to stockholders' equity where
        unrealized gains and losses on the related debt securities are recorded.

        Travelers Insurance Group employs forwards to hedge its exposure to
        foreign exchange rate risk related to the net investment in foreign
        branches and foreign currency denominated investments.  These forwards
        are marked to market and recorded as other assets or liabilities in the
        Statement of Financial Position.  Changes in value related to forwards
        hedging the net investment in foreign subsidiaries are recorded as an
        adjustment to stockholders' equity where related translation adjustments
        are recorded.  Changes in value related to forwards hedging foreign
        investments in U.S. portfolios, amounting to a net loss of $3 million in
        1994, are recorded as other income where the related translation
        adjustments to the underlying investments are recorded.
        Travelers Insurance Group hedges expected cash flows related to certain
        customer deposits and investment maturities, redemptions and sales
        against adverse changes in market interest rates with financial futures
        contracts.  These contracts are marked to market and recorded as other
        assets or liabilities in the Statement of Financial Position.  Realized
        gains or losses are recorded as an adjustment to the cost basis of the
        related asset when acquired.  

    20. Fair Value of Financial Instruments

        The following table summarizes the fair value and carrying amount of the
        Company's financial instruments at December 31, 1994 and 1993. 
        Contractholder funds amounts exclude certain insurance contracts not
        covered by FAS 107 "Disclosure About Fair Value of Financial
        Instruments."  The fair value assumptions were based upon subjective 
        estimates of market conditions and perceived risks of the financial
        instruments at a certain point in time as disclosed further in various
        Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.  Disclosed fair values
        for financial instruments do not reflect any premium or discount that
        could result from offering for sale at one time the Company's entire
        holdings of a particular financial instrument.  Potential taxes and
        other expenses that would be incurred in an actual sale or settlement
        are not reflected in amounts disclosed.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

                                                                      1994                                       1993
                                                         ------------------------------          -----------------------------
            (millions)                                   Carrying Amount     Fair Value          Carrying Amount    Fair Value
                                                         ---------------     ----------          ---------------    ----------
              Investments                                     $39,120           $39,092                $42,199         $42,223
              Securities borrowed or purchased
                under agreements to resell                     25,655            25,655                 13,353          13,353
              Trading securities owned                          6,945             6,945                  5,863           5,863
              Net consumer finance receivables                  6,746             7,364                  6,216           6,831
              Separate accounts 
                with guaranteed returns                         1,483             1,379                  1,508           1,593
                Trading                                           142               142                     95              95
                End user                                           15                58                      7               7
              Long-term debt                                    7,075             6,867                  6,991           7,324
              Securities loaned or sold under
                agreements to repurchase                       21,620            21,620                 10,144          10,144
              Trading securities sold 
                not yet purchased                               4,345             4,345                  3,835           3,835
              Contractholder funds:
                With defined maturities                         4,219             4,047                  5,022           5,046
                Without defined maturities                      9,159             8,875                 12,894          12,733
              Separate accounts   
                with guaranteed returns                         1,465             1,331                  1,506           1,674
                Trading                                           153               153                     98              98
                End User                                            8                13                      2              20

    21. Commitments

        Financial Guarantees 
        At December 31, 1994 and 1993 The Travelers Insurance Group had
        outstanding financial guarantees of $2.236 billion and $3.016 billion,
        respectively, of which $2.086 billion and $2.598 billion, respectively,
        represented its participation in the Municipal Bond Insurance
        Association's guarantee of municipal bond obligations.  The bonds
        guaranteed are generally rated A or above and The Travelers Insurance
        Group's participation has been reinsured.


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

        Credit Cards
        The Company provides bank and private label credit card services through
        CCC and its subsidiaries.  These services are provided to individuals
        and to affinity groups nationwide.  At December 31, 1994 and 1993 total
        credit lines available to credit cardholders were $5.423 billion and
        $4.263 billion, of which $820 million and $790 million were utilized,

        Other Commitments
        At December 31, 1994, and 1993 Smith Barney had borrowed securities
        having a market value of $1.505 billion and $1.225 billion,
        respectively, against which it had pledged securities having a market
        value of $1.589 billion and $1.279 billion, respectively.  In addition,
        Smith Barney had obtained letters of credit aggregating $192 million and
        $154 million at December 31, 1994 and 1993, respectively, of which $147
        million and $116 million, respectively, was used to satisfy various
        collateral and deposit requirements principally with clearing
        organizations.  Smith Barney also trades certain fixed income securities
        on a "when issued" basis.  At December 31, 1994 Smith Barney had
        commitments to purchase $309 million and to sell $1.122 billion of
        certain fixed income securities when issued.  At December 31, 1993,
        Smith Barney had commitments to sell $9 million of such securities when

        Smith Barney and its broker-dealer subsidiary have each provided a
        portion of a residual value guarantee in connection with the lease of
        the buildings occupied by Smith Barney's executive offices and New York
        operations.  The amount of the guarantee is dependent upon the final
        build-out costs with a maximum of $625 million.

        The Travelers Insurance Group makes unfunded commitments to partnerships
        and transfers receivables to third parties with recourse from time to
        time.  The off-balance sheet risks of these financial instruments were
        not considered significant at December 31, 1994 or 1993.

    22. Contingencies

        A subsidiary of The Travelers Insurance Group is in litigation with
        certain underwriters at Lloyds of London (Lloyd's) in New York state
        court to enforce reinsurance contracts with respect to recoveries for
        certain asbestos claims.  The dispute involves the  ability of old
        Travelers to aggregate asbestos products claims with asbestos premises
        claims under a market agreement between Lloyd's and old Travelers or
        under the applicable reinsurance treaties.  In January 1994 the court
        stayed litigation of this matter in favor of arbitration of the contract
        issues raised by old Travelers.

        With respect to environmental and asbestos claims, see Note 11. 

        In the ordinary course of business the Company and/or its subsidiaries
        are defendants or co-defendants in various litigation matters, other
        than environmental and asbestos claims.  Although there can be no
        assurances, the Company believes, based on information currently
        available, that the ultimate resolution of these legal proceedings would
        not be likely to have a material adverse effect on its results of
        operations, financial condition or liquidity.


     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

23.  Quarterly Financial Data (unaudited)

  (in millions except per share amounts)           First     Second      Third     Fourth      Total
   Total revenues                                $4,769     $4,601     $4,714     $4,381    $18,465
   Total expenses                                 4,231      4,111      4,212      4,016     16,570
   Gain on sales of stock of
     subsidiaries and affiliates                      -          -          -        254        254
                                                  -----      -----      -----      -----      -----
   Income before income taxes, and minority 
     interest and cumulative effect of changes 
     in accounting principles                       538        490        502        619      2,149
   Provision for income taxes                       198        170        170        285        823
   Minority interest, net of income taxes             -          -          -          -          -
                                                  -----      -----      -----      -----      -----
   Net income before cumulative effect of changes
     in accounting principles                       340        320        332        334      1,326
   Cumulative effect of changes in
     accounting principles                            -          -          -          -          -
                                                  -----      -----      -----      -----      -----
   Net income                                    $  340     $  320     $  332     $  334     $1,326
                                                  =====      =====      =====      =====      =====
   Earnings per share of common stock:
     Net income before cumulative effect
      of changes in accounting principles        $   0.98   $   0.93    $  0.97   $   0.99   $   3.86
     Cumulative effect of changes in
       accounting principles                          -.        -.          -.        -.         -.   
                                                   -------   -------     -------   -------    -------
     Net income                                   $   0.98  $   0.93    $   0.97  $   0.99   $   3.86
                                                   =======   =======     =======   =======    =======
   Common stock price
    High                                          $ 42.875  $ 36.375    $ 36.875  $ 35.000    $42.875
    Low                                           $ 34.500  $ 32.000    $ 31.000  $ 31.000    $31.000
    Close                                         $ 35.250  $ 32.250    $ 32.875  $ 32.375    $32.375

   Dividends per share of common stock            $   .125  $   .150    $   .150  $   .150    $  .575

  (in millions except per share amounts)           First     Second      Third     Fourth      Total
   Total revenues                                $1,302     $1,284     $2,016     $2,195     $6,797
   Total expenses                                   974        987      1,576      1,750      5,287
   Gain on sales of stock of
     subsidiaries and affiliates                      6          -          7          -         13
                                                  -----      -----      -----      -----      -----
   Income before income taxes, and minority 
     interest and cumulative effect of changes 
     in accounting principle                        334        297        447        445      1,523
   Provision for income taxes                       119        106        182        143        550
   Minority interest, net of income taxes           (8)        (4)        (6)        (4)       (22)
                                                  -----      -----      -----      -----      -----
   Net income before cumulative effect of changes
     in accounting principles                       207        187        259        298        951
   Cumulative effect of changes in
     accounting principles                      
                                                   (35)          -          -          -       (35)
                                                  -----      -----      -----      -----      -----
   Net income                                    $  172     $  187     $  259     $  298     $  916
                                                  =====      =====      =====      =====      =====
   Earnings per share of common stock:
     Net income before cumulative effect
      of changes in accounting principles        $    0.89  $   0.76    $   1.03  $   1.19   $   3.88 
     Cumulative effect of changes in
       accounting principles                         (0.15)     -.          -.        -.        (0.14)
                                                   -------   -------     -------   -------    -------
     Net income                                   $   0.74  $   0.76    $   1.03  $   1.19   $   3.74
                                                   =======   =======     =======   =======    =======
   Common stock price
    High                                          $ 37.313  $ 39.469    $ 49.500  $ 48.625    $49.500
    Low                                           $ 24.313  $ 31.219    $ 37.594  $ 38.000    $24.313
    Close                                         $ 34.594  $ 39.469    $ 47.750  $ 38.875    $38.875

   Dividends per share of common stock            $   .120  $   .120    $   .125  $   .125    $  .490

Fourth quarter 1994 gain on sales of stock of subsidiaries and affiliates amounted to $88 million after-tax.  Fourth quarter 
1994 results also include $88 million of after-tax portfolio losses.

Results of operations prior to 1994 exclude the amounts of The Travelers Insurance Group Inc. except that results for 1993 
include the Company's equity in earnings relating to the 27% interest purchased in December 1992.  Results of operations 
include amounts related to the Shearson Business from July 31, 1993, the date of acquisition. 

Due to changes in the number of average shares outstanding, quarterly earnings per share of common stock do not add to the 
totals for the years.  


                        Independent Auditors' Report

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
The Travelers Inc.:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated statements of financial
position of The Travelers Inc. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1994 and
1993, and the related consolidated statements of income, changes in
stockholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the years in the three-
year period ended December 31, 1994.  These consolidated financial
statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles
used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating
the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that our audits
provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The
Travelers Inc. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1994 and 1993, and the
results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the years in
the three-year period ended December 31, 1994 in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.

As discussed in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements, the
Company changed its method of accounting for certain investments in debt
and equity securities in 1994.  Also, as discussed in Note 2 to the
consolidated financial statements, the Company changed its methods of
accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions and accounting
for postemployment benefits in 1993, and its method of accounting for
income taxes in 1992.

/s/ KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

New York, New York
January 17, 1995