IGAL BRIGHTMAN & CO. LETTERHEAD INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' CONSENT ----------------------------- We consent to the incorporation by reference in Registration Statement No. 33-51023 on Form S-3 and Registration No. 33-55137 on Form S-8 of our report dated February 15, 1995 relating to AM-HAL Ltd., appearing in this Annual Report on Form 10-K of AMPAL American Israel Corporation for the year ended December 31, 1994. Igal Brightman & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) Tel-Aviv, Israel March 29, 1995 CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023 and No.33-55137. New York, New York March 29, 1995 Arthur Andersen LLP COHEN, EYAL, YEHOSHUA & CO. LETTERHEAD CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants of Ampal Enterprises, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our reports included in this Form 10K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 55137. Cohen, Eyal, Yehoshua & Co. March 29, 1995 Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) FAHN, KANNE & CO. LETTERHEAD CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS --------------------------------------------------- As the independent public accountants of Ampal Financial Services Ltd., we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in FORM 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33- 51023 and No. 33-55137. Fahn, Kanne & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) Tel-Aviv, Israel March 29, 1995 Shlomo Ziv & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) 6 Kaufman St. P.O.B. 50322 Tel-Aviv 61500, Gibor House Tel. 03-51796111 Fax. 03-5179418 Haita 31018. 2 Hanamal St. P.O.B. 1886 Tel. 04-575025/6 Fax. 04-679461 Summit International Associates Inc. March 29, 1995 Arthur Andersen & Co. 1345 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10105 U.S.A. Gentlemen, Re: Ampal Holdings (1991) Ltd. Consent of independent public accountants As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. Sincerely, Shlomo Ziv & Co. certified Public Accountants (Isr.) HAFT & HAFT & CO. LETTERHEAD CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants of Ampal (Israel) Ltd., we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 55137. H.H.S.L. Haft & Haft & Co. March 29, 1995 Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) FAHN, KANNE & CO. LETTERHEAD CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS --------------------------------------------------- As the independent public accountants of Ampal Industries (Israel) Ltd., we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in FORM 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33- 51023 and No. 33-55137. Fahn, Kanne & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) Tel-Aviv, Israel March 29, 1995 COHEN, EYAL, YEHOSHUA & CO. LETTERHEAD CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants of Ampal Properties Ltd., we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 55137. Cohen, Eyal, Yehoshua & Co. March 29, 1995 Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) RONEL STETTNER & CO. LETTERHEAD CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the registration statement (File No. 33-51023 and No. 33- 55137) of our report on the financial statements of Bay Heart Limited dated February 14, 1995, and of our report to the special purpose financial statements of Bay Heart Limited dated February 15, 1995 included in Ampal American Israel Corporation's FORM 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 and to all references to our firm included in this registration statement. Truly yours, RONEL, STETTNER & CO. Certified Public Accountants (Israel) March 29, 1995 CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS As independent public accountants of Carmel Container Systems Ltd. we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10-k, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. KOST, LEVARY AND FORER Certified Pubic Accountants (Israel) Tel-Aviv, Israel March 29, 1995 PORAT & CO. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) March 29, 1994 Arthur Andersen & Co. 1345 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10105 Gentlemen, Re: Consent of Independent Public Accountants of Country Club Kfar-Saba Ltd. As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. Porat & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) 28 Hayezira at. Ramat-Gan 52521 FAX: 03-7527673: Tel: 03-7527657, 7527651, 7527646: 52521 COHEN, EYAL, YEHOSHUA & CO. LETTERHEAD CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants of Davidson Atai Publishers Ltd., we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 55137. Cohen, Eyal, Yehoshua & Co. March 29, 1995 Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) CR. R. VILLARMARZO Y ASOC. LETTERHEAD CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- We consent to the incorporation by reference in Ampal-American Israel Corporations previously filed Registration Statements No. 33-51023 and No. 33-55137 of our report dated January 25, 1995 with respect to the Financial Statements of Hapoalim (Mayo) Casa Bancaria S.A. not separately presented in Ampal-American Israel Corporation Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994. Montevideo, March 29, 1995 CR. R. VILLARMARZO Y ASOC. Ernst & Young International Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) Tel Aviv 51006 33 Yavatz Street P.O. Box 509 Tel: (03)517 4444 Telecopier: (972) 3 517 4440 Halfa 31001 5 Palyam Street P.O. Box 210 Tel: (04) 670 338 Telecopier: (972) 4 670 319 Jerusalem 91001 33 Jaffa Road P.O. Box 212 Tel: (02) 253-291 Telecopier: (972) 2 253 292 Somekh Chaikin CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants of Granite Hacarmal Investments Limited, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report dated February 21, 1995, included in Form 10-K of Ampal American Israel Corporation, previously filed in Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. Certified Public Accountants (ISRAEL) Halfa, March 29, 1995 A Member of the Price Waterhouse Worldwide Organization MORRIS BRANKIN & CO. LETTERHEAD CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants of Bank Hapoalim (Cayman) Ltd., we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. Morris Brankin & Co. -------------------- March 29, 1995 Chaikin, Cohen, Rubin 40 Yitshak Sadeh st., Tel-Aviv 67212 Tel: 03-5373980 Fax: 972-3-537387 Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants of Imagenet LTD, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. Chaikin, Cohen, Rubin Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) Tel Aviv, Israel, March 29, 1995 CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants of MIVNAT HOLDING LIMITED, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. KOST, LEVARY and FORER Certified Public Accountants (Israel) Tel-Aviv, Israel March 29, 1995 HAGGAI WALLENSTEIN & Co. C.P.A. (Isr.) CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants of Moriah Hotels Ltd., we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. HAGGAI WALLENSTEIN & CO. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) Tel-Aviv, Israel March 29, 1995 8 Eliash St. Jerusalem 94586 Tel. 02-244787. 243518 Fax. 02-241368 IZCHACK SHTALBERG C.P.A. (Isr.) 8 94586 02-244787 243518 02-241368 20 Heh Eyar St. Tel Aviv 62998 Tel. 03-6966181-2-3 Fax. 03-6957454 HAGGAI WALLENSTEIN C.P.A. (Isr.) DANNI LEVIN C.P.A. (Isr.) ELANA DREIHER C.P.A. (Isr.) OFFER ORLICKY C.P.A. (Isr.) IDDO WALLENSTEIN C.P.A. (Isr.) MOSHE ATTIAS C.P.A. (Isr.) 20 62998 03-6966181-2-3 03-6957454 KESSLEMAN & KESSLEMAN LETTERHEAD COOPERS & LYBRAND CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report, dated March 15, 1995, on the consolidated financial statements of Ophir Holding Ltd., for the year ended December 31, 1994, included in Ampal-American Israel Corporation's Form 10-K, into the Ampal- American Israel Corporation's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. Signature --------- Tel-Aviv, Israel March 29, 1995 BRAUDE & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (ISRAEL) INCORPORATING GOREN, BEN YAKAKOV & CO. J:\LETER-95\MER\ARTHUR REF Ref: 4021 29 March 1995 Arthur Andersen Certified Public Accountants 1345 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10105 U.S.A. Dear Sirs, Re: Consent of Independent Public Accountants ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report on the financial statements of Orlite Engineering Company Ltd. for the year ended December 31, 1994, dated February 16, 1995, included in this Form 10-K. Into the Ampal American-Israel Corporation's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. Best Regards, JERUSALEM 91002, 33 JAFFA ROAD, P.O.B. 347, TEL. (02) 252421 TEL AVIV 68125, 29 HAMERED ST. P.O.B. 60180, TEL. (03) 5140808 HAIFA 31338, 65 ATZMAUT ORAD, P.O.B. 33958, TEL. (04) 554224 FAX: HAIFA 04~523052 JERUSALEM 02~246890 , TEL AVIV 03-5101918 [Logo] Shlomo Ziv & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) 6 Kaufman St. P.O.B. 50322 Tel-Aviv 61300, Gibor House Tel. 03-5179611 Fax. 03-5179418 Haifa 31018, 2 Hanamal St. P.O.B. 1336 Tel. 04-675025/6 Fax. 04-679461 March 29, 1995 Arthur Anderson & Co. 1345 Avenue of the Americas New York, N.Y. 10105 U.S.A. Gentlemen, Re: Paradise Mattresses (1992) Ltd. Consent of independent public accountants ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report included in this Form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. Sincerely, Shlomo Ziv & Co. certified Public Accountants (Isr.) REUVENI, HARTUV, TEPPER & CO. LETTERHEAD CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statement of our report on the financial statements of Pri Haemek (Canned and Frozen Food) 88 Ltd. dated March 14, 1995 included in Ampal American Israel Corporation's FORM 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 into Ampal American Israel Corporation's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023 and No. 33-55237 and to all references to our firm included in such registration statement . March 29, 1995 Reuveni, Hartuv Tepper & Co. ---------------------------- Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) [Logo] DOV KAHANA & CO. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) 54 Bezalel St. Ramat-Gan P.O. Box 3532, Ramat-Gan 52134 Tel. 5759581 Fax. 5759584 Dov Kahana, C.P.A. (Isr.) Joseph Benaltabet, C.P.A. (Isr.) Michael Levy, C.P.A. (Isr.) CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report on the financial statements of Red Sea Marineland Holding (1973) Ltd. dated March 13, 1995 included in this Form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. Dov Kahana & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) Ramat-Gan, March 29, 1995 21146 [Logo] DOV KAHANA & CO. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) 54 Bezalel St. Ramat-Gan P.O. Box 3532, Ramat-Gan 52134 Tel. 5759581 Fax. 5759584 Dov Kahana, C.P.A. (Isr.) Joseph Benaltabet, C.P.A. (Isr.) Michael Levy, C.P.A. (Isr.) CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report on the financial statements of Red Sea Under Water Observatory Ltd. dated March 13, 1995 included in this Form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137. Dov Kahana & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) Ramat-Gan, March 29, 1995 21146 REUVENI, HARTUV, TEPPER & CO. LETTERHEAD CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statement of our report on the financial statements of the Snow and Cool Palace (Limited Partnership) dated March 1, 1995 included in Ampal American Israel Corporation's FORM 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994 into Ampal American Israel Corporation's previously filed Registration Statement Files No. 33-51023 and No. 33-55237 and to all references to our firm included in such registration statement . March 29, 1995 Reuveni, Hartuv Tepper & Co. ---------------------------- Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) [Logo] Almagor & Co.-CPA (ISR) Abba Hillel Rd. P.O. Box 3600, Zip 52134 Ramat-Gan, Israel Tel. 972-3-5760606 Fax. 972-3-5754671 CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ----------------------------------------- As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our report on the consolidated financial statements of Teledata Communication Ltd. dated February 20, 1995 included in this Form 10-K, into the previously filed Registration Statement File No. 33-51023, and No. 33-55137 of Ampal American Israel Corporation. Almagor & Co. Certified Public Accountants March 29, 1995 [Logo] Igal Brightman & Co. 3 Daniel Frisch Street Tel Aviv 64731, Israel P.O.B. 16593, Tel Aviv 61184 Tel. 972(3) 892-4111 Fax. 972(3) 856-0130 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' CONSENT ----------------------------- We consent to the incorporation by reference in Registration Statement No. 33-51023 on Form S-3 and Registration No. 33-55137 on Form S-8 of our report dated March 20, 1995 relating to Trinet Investments in High-Tech Ltd., appearing in this Annual Report on Form 10-K of AMPAL American Israel Corporation for the year ended December 31, 1994. Igal Brightman & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) Tel-Aviv, Israel March 29, 1995 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu International I. Brightman, M. Bar-Levav, C. Schwartzbard, D. Valiano, A. Inbar, B(D) Ratowitz, Z. Feldman, S. Gotnall, R. Benvenisu, E. Hendler Office in Jerusalem: New Clal Center, 42 Agrippas Street Jerusalem 94301, Israel Tel. 972(2) 235157 Fax. 972(2) 233628 [Logo] Igal Brightman & Co. 3 Daniel Frisch Street Tel Aviv 64731, Israel P.O.B. 16593, Tel Aviv 61184 Tel. 972(3) 892-4111 Fax. 972(3) 856-0130 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' CONSENT ----------------------------- We consent to the incorporation by reference in Registration Statement No. 33-51023 on Form S-3 and Registration No. 33-55137 on Form S-8 of our report dated March 20, 1995 relating to Trinet Venture Capital Ltd., appearing in this Annual Report on Form 10-K of AMPAL American Israel Corporation for the year ended December 31, 1994. Igal Brightman & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) Tel-Aviv, Israel March 29, 1995 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu International I. Brightman, M. Bar-Levav, C. Schwartzbard, D. Valiano, A. Inbar, B(D) Ratowitz, Z. Feldman, S. Gotnall, R. Benvenisu, E. Hendler Office in Jerusalem: New Clal Center, 42 Agrippas Street Jerusalem 94301, Israel Tel. 972(2) 235157 Fax. 972(2) 233628