Exhibit 99.01

Sale  of  Group Life, transfer of Medical Business to MetraHealth and subsequent
sale of investment in MetraHealth
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

           In  December 1994 Travelers Group Inc. (the Company) sold  its  group
dental insurance business to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife),  for
$52  million,  and  on January 3, 1995, completed the sale  of  its  group  life
business and remaining non-medical group insurance business to MetLife for  $350
million.  The assets transferred included customer lists, books and records, and
furniture and equipment.  In connection with the sale,  The Travelers  Insurance
Company  (TIC) ceded 100% of its risks in the group life and related  businesses
to  MetLife  on an indemnity reinsurance basis, effective January 1,  1995.   In
connection with the reinsurance transaction, TIC transferred assets with a  fair
market  value  of approximately $1.5 billion to MetLife, equal to the  statutory
reserves and other liabilities transferred.

           On  January 3, 1995, TIC and MetLife and certain of their  affiliates
formed the MetraHealth joint venture by contributing their medical businesses to
MetraHealth,  in exchange for shares of common stock of MetraHealth.  The  total
contribution  made  by  TIC and its affiliates amounted  to  approximately  $483
million  at  carrying value on the date of contribution.  No gain was recognized
upon  the  formation of the joint venture.  Upon formation of the joint  venture
TIC  and  its  affiliates  owned  50%  of  the  outstanding  capital  stock   of
MetraHealth,  and  the other 50% was owned by MetLife and  its  affiliates.   In
March  1995,  MetraHealth  acquired HealthSpring,  Inc.,  for  common  stock  of
MetraHealth. The acquisition resulted in a reduction in the participation of the
Company and MetLife in the MetraHealth venture to 48.25% each.

          In connection with the formation of the joint venture, the transfer of
the   fee-based  medical  business  (Administrative  Services  Only)  and  other
noninsurance business to MetraHealth was completed on January 3, 1995.   As  the
medical insurance business of TIC and its affiliates comes due for renewal,  and
after  obtaining  regulatory  approvals,  the  risks  will  be  transferred   to
MetraHealth.   In  the interim, the related operating results for  this  medical
insurance  business  (run off) are being reported in the Company's  consolidated
financial statements.

            On   June  25,  1995  the  Company  agreed  to  United  Health  Care
Corporation's  (United)  proposed acquisition of MetraHealth,  which  is  48.25%
owned  by  the Company.  The terms of the transaction call for United to  pay  a
total  consideration to MetraHealth's owners of $1.65 billion, $1.15 billion  in
cash  and $0.5 billion in convertible preferred stock.  In addition, United will
pay  up  to  $350 million to these owners if certain 1995 operating results  are
achieved  and other contingency payments.  According to the terms,  the  Company
will  receive  a  total of $831 million in cash, and up to  an  additional  $169
million  if  a contingency payment for 1995 (the only year in which the  Company
will participate in such payments) is made.

Transport Life Spinoff
- ----------------------

           In  June  1995,  the   Company  announced  that   it  plans  to  make
a  pro  rata  distribution to the Company's stockholders of shares  of  Class  A
Common  Stock, $.01 par value per share, of Transport Holdings Inc.,  (Holdings)
currently a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company and which, at the time of the
distribution,  will  be  the indirect owner of the business  of  Transport  Life
Insurance Company.  The  distribution is subject  to the satisfaction of various

- -----------

          The following unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated statements of
income of the Company for the three months ended March 31, 1995, and year  ended
December 31, 1994, present consolidated operating results for the Company as  if
the  above  transactions had occurred at the beginning of each period presented.
The  accompanying  unaudited  pro  forma  condensed  consolidated  statement  of
financial  position as of March 31, 1995, gives effect to the above transactions
as  if they occurred as of March 31, 1995.  The unaudited pro forma consolidated
financial data do not purport to represent what the Company's financial position
or  results of operations actually would have been had the transactions in  fact
occurred  on the dates indicated, or to project the Company's financial position
or  results  of  operations  for  any future date  or  period.   The  pro  forma
adjustments  are  based upon available information and certain assumptions  that
the  Company  currently  believes  are reasonable  in  the  circumstances.   The

unaudited  pro  forma  consolidated financial  information  should  be  read  in
conjunction  with  the  accompanying  notes  thereto;  the  separate  historical
financial  statements of the Company as of and for the three months ended  March
31,  1995, and for the year ended December 31, 1994, which are contained in  the
Company's  Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 1995, and  in  its
Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K  for the fiscal year  ended  December  31,  1994,

           The  pro  forma  adjustments and pro forma amounts are  provided  for
informational  purposes  only,  and if each   transaction  is  consummated,  the
Company's financial statements will reflect the effects of each transaction only
from  the date such transaction occurs.  Although the final amounts will differ,
the  pro  forma  condensed  financial  information  reflects  management's  best
estimate based on currently available information.

                   Travelers Group Inc. and Subsidiaries
Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
                            As of March 31, 1995
                          (In millions of dollars)

                                                           Travelers   Less:                     before      Less:
                                                           Group Inc.  Medical     Pro forma    Transport    Transport    Pro
                                                           historical  Business    adjustments Life Spinoff  Business    forma
                                                           ----------  --------    ----------- ------------  --------- --------
Cash and cash equivalents                                $  1,249    $           $    831 (B) $ 2,080      $          $ 2,080
  Fixed maturities:
    Available for sale at market value                     25,618        (499)(A)              25,119        (572)(C)  24,547
    Held to maturity at amortized cost                         87                                  87                      87
  Equity securities, at market value                          605                                 605          (8)(C)     597
  Mortgage loans                                            5,213          (5)(A)               5,208         (11)(C)   5,197
  Real estate held for sale                                   318                                 318                     318
  Policy loans                                              1,596                               1,596         (19)(C)   1,577
  Short-term and other                                      4,769        (601)(A)               4,168         (21)(C)   4,147
                                                           ----------  --------    ----------- ------------  --------- ---------
      Total investments                                    38,206      (1,105)          0      37,101        (631)     36,470
                                                           ----------  --------    ----------- ------------  --------- ---------

Securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to 
 resell                                                    22,533                              22,533                  22,533
Brokerage receivables                                       6,709                               6,709                   6,709
Trading securities owned, at market value                   8,099                               8,099                   8,099
Net consumer finance receivables                            6,824                               6,824                   6,824
Reinsurance recoverable                                     6,698          (6)(A)               6,692         (25)(C)   6,667
Value of insurance in force and deferred policy 
 acquisition costs                                          2,194          (2)(A)               2,192        (106)(C)   2,086
Cost of acquired businesses in excess of net assets         1,966                               1,966                   1,966
Separate and variable accounts                              5,573                               5,573                   5,573
Other receivables                                           4,438                               4,438          (7)(C)   4,431
Other assets                                                7,704        (485)(A)               7,219         (16)(C)   7,203
Investment in MetraHealth                                     491        (491)(A)                   0                       0
                                                           ----------  --------    ---------   ------------  -------- --------
Total assets                                             $112,684     $(2,089)   $    831    $111,426       $ (785)   $110,641
                                                           ----------  --------    ---------   ------------  -------- --------
Investment banking and brokerage borrowings              $  2,194    $           $           $  2,194    $           $  2,194
Short-term borrowings                                       2,137                               2,137         (40)(C)   2,097
Long-term debt                                              7,475                               7,475                   7,475
Securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase   22,056                              22,056                  22,056
Brokerage payables                                          3,055                               3,055                   3,055
Trading securities sold not yet purchased, at market value  7,198                               7,198                   7,198
Contractholder funds                                       15,532        (419)(A)              15,113                  15,113
Insurance policy and claims reserves                       27,764        (447)(A)              27,317        (510)(C)  26,807
Separate and variable accounts                              5,544                               5,544                   5,544
Accounts payable and other liabilities                      9,926        (740)(A)     109 (B)   9,295         (72)(C)   9,223
                                                          ----------   --------     --------- ------------  --------- --------
  Total liabilities                                       102,881      (1,606)        109     101,384        (622)    100,762
                                                          ----------   --------     --------- ------------  --------- --------

ESOP preferred stock - series C                               235                                 235                     235
Guaranteed ESOP obligation                                    (82)                                (82)                    (82)
                                                           ----------  --------    ----------- ------------  --------- --------
                                                              153           0           0         153           0         153
                                                           ----------  --------    ----------- ------------  --------- --------
Stockholders' equity
Preferred stock                                               800                                 800                     800
Common stock                                                    4                                   4                       4
Additional paid-in capital                                  6,690                               6,690                   6,690
Retained earnings                                           4,453        (490)(A)     722 (B)   4,685        (177)(C)   4,508
Treasury stock, at cost                                    (1,481)                             (1,481)                 (1,481)
Unrealized gain (loss) on investment securities and 
 other ,net                                                  (816)          7 (A)                (809)         14 (C)    (795)
                                                          ----------  --------    ----------  ------------  --------- ---------
  Total stockholders' equity                                9,650        (483)        722       9,889        (163)      9,726
                                                          ----------  --------    ----------  ------------  --------- ---------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity               $112,684    $ (2,089)   $    831    $111,426       $(785)   $110,641
                                                          ----------  --------    ----------  ------------  --------- ---------

See Accompanying Notes

                    Travelers Group Inc. and Subsidiaries
             Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated 
                       Statement of Financial Position
                          (In millions of dollars)

Adjustments relating to the Medical Business and subsequent sale of investment
in MetraHealth.

(A)     Medical  Business column - reflects the elimination  of  the  assets,
        liabilities and equity related to the run off business of the group 
        medical businesses and the elimination of  the equity investment in 
        MetraHealth included in the Company's consolidated statements at 
        March 31, 1995.

(B)     Pro forma adjustments column - gives effect to the sale of the equity
        investment in MetraHealth and related estimated after-tax proceeds.

Adjustments relating to the Transport Life spinoff:

(C)     Transport Business column - reflects the elimination of the assets,
        liabilities and equity of the Transport Life Business included in 
        the Company's consolidated statements at March 31, 1995, which will 
        be included in the pro rata distribution to the Company's stockholders.

                         Travelers Group Inc. and Subsidiaries
           Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income 
                          For Year Ended December 31, 1994
                 (In millions of dollars, except for per share amounts)

                                          Travelers     Group Life    Less:
                                          Group Inc.    and Medical   Transport
                                          historical    Business      Business    Pro forma
                                          ----------    -----------   ---------   ---------
Insurance premiums                      $ 7,590       $ (2,428)(1)  $  (228)(3)   $ 4,934
Commissions and fees                      2,691                                     2,691
Net investment income                     3,637          (153)(1)       (46)(3)     3,438
Finance related interest and
    other charges                         1,030                                     1,030
Principal transactions                      900                                       900
Asset management fees                       795                                       795
Other income                              1,822          (799)(1)        (1)(3)     1,022
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------
    Total revenues                       18,465        (3,380)         (275)       14,810
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------

Policyholder benefits and claims          7,797        (2,492)(1)      (138)(3)     5,167
Non-insurance compensation and
    benefits                              3,241                                     3,241
Insurance underwriting, acquisition
    and operating                         2,572          (638)(1)       (97)(3)     1,837
Interest                                  1,284                                     1,284
Provision for credit losses                 152                                       152
Other operating                           1,524                                     1,524
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------
    Total expenses                       16,570        (3,130)         (235)       13,205
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------

Gain on sale of subsidiaries and
    affiliates                              254           (28)(1)                     226
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------

Income (loss) before income taxes         2,149          (278)          (40)        1,831

Provision for income taxes                  823          (107)(1)       (13)(3)       703
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------
Net income                              $ 1,326       $  (171)      $   (27)      $ 1,128
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------

Income per share of common stock
and common stock equivalents

Net income per share                    $  3.86                                   $  3.25
                                         ------                                    -------

Weighted average common shares
    outstanding and common stock
    equivalents (in millions)             322.0                                     322.0
                                         ------                                    -------

See Accompanying Notes

                         Travelers Group Inc. and Subsidiaries
           Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income 
                          For the Three Months Ended March 31, 1995
                 (In millions of dollars, except for per share amounts)

                                          Travelers     Less:         Less:
                                          Group Inc.    Medical       Transport
                                          historical    Business      Business    Pro forma
                                          ----------    -----------   ---------   ---------
Insurance premiums                      $ 1,597       $  (308)(2)   $   (56)(3)   $ 1,233
Commissions and fees                        610                                       610
Net investment income                     1,058           (15)(2)       (12)(3)     1,031
Finance related interest and
    other charges                           271                                       271
Principal transactions                      282                                       282
Asset management fees                       182                                       182
Other income                                299           (16)(2)                     283
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------
    Total revenues                        4,299          (339)          (68)        3,892
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------

Policyholder benefits and claims          1,612          (278)(2)       (38)(3)     1,296
Non-insurance compensation and
    benefits                                806                                       806
Insurance underwriting, acquisition
    and operating                           522                         (20)(3)       502
Interest                                    455                                       455
Provision for credit losses                  40                                        40
Other operating                             372           (39)(2)                     333
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------
    Total expenses                        3,807          (317)          (58)        3,432
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------

Gain on sale of subsidiaries                 31           (31)(2)                       0
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------

Income (loss) before income taxes           523           (53)          (10)          460

Provision for income taxes                  183           (18)(2)        (3)(3)       162
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------

Net income                              $   340       $   (35)      $    (7)      $   298
                                         ------         ------         -----       -------
Income per share of common stock
and common stock equivalents

Net income per share                    $  1.01                                   $  0.88
                                         ------                                    -------

Weighted average common shares
    outstanding and common stock
    equivalents (in millions)             315.5                                     315.5
                                         ------                                    -------

See Accompanying Notes

                      Travelers Group Inc. and Subsidiaries
     Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
                             (In millions of dollars)

Adjustments relating to the sale of Group Life, transfer of Medical Business to
MetraHealth and subsequent sale of investment in MetraHealth.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Year ended December 31, 1994

(1)     Group Life and Medical Business column - reflects the elimination of the
        operating results of the group life and related businesses sold to 
        MetLife, the group medical businesses (Medical) which were exchanged 
        for a 50% equity interest in The MetraHealth Companies, Inc. 
        (MetraHealth), and the $28 pre-tax gain on the sale of the group dental
        business included in the Company's consolidated statements.

Three months ended March 31, 1995

(2)     Medical  Business column - reflects the elimination of the  operating
        results for the run off of the medical insurance business (i.e., risks 
        not yet transferred), the equity earnings in MetraHealth, and the $31 
        pre-tax gain on the sale of the group life business included in the 
        Company's consolidated statements.

In accordance with practice in filings with the SEC, no effect has been given to
the use of proceeds from the sale of the Company's interest in MetraHealth,
which are estimated to be $831 million pre-tax, excluding contingent

Adjustments relating to the Transport Life spinoff:

(3)     Transport Business column - reflects the elimination of the operating
        results of the Transport Life Business included in the Company's  
        consolidated statements for the year ended December 31, 1994, and for 
        the three months ended March 31, 1995.