EXHIBIT 10(26)

                                 [HARRAH'S LOGO]

                          ANNUAL MANAGEMENT BONUS PLAN



     As a member of management, you can have a major impact on the overall
     performance of your property and of Harrah's Entertainment, Inc. (the
     Company).  The Harrah's Entertainment, Inc.  Annual Management Bonus Plan
     (the Plan) is designed to reward you for meeting your personal performance
     objectives in years when your Operating Unit meets its performance
     objectives.  The Plan has uniform bonus calculation procedures with
     specific objectives for each Operating Unit as well as overall objectives
     for the company.  This means that although there is one plan, covering all
     properties, divisions, and corporate, your specific bonus award is tied to
     your individual performance, your Operating Unit's performance, and to the
     performance of the entire company.

     The purposes of the Plan are to reward you for superior work and motivate
     you toward delivering better customer service and achieving better business
     results, to tie your goals and interests into those of the company and its
     stockholders, and to attract and retain top managers.

     This document describes eligibility, personal performance objectives that
     are directly tied to the performance planning and evaluation process,
     Operating Unit performance objectives, assignment of bonus points, the
     bonus pool, the payment of bonus awards, and administrative matters.

Personal Eligibility

     To be eligible, you must be a full-time employee of an Operating Unit in a
     salary grade 20 or above.  An Operating Unit is a business unit identified
     for participation in the Plan by the President and Chief Executive Officer
     and currently comprises Harrah's Corporate, various Operating Divisions,
     and each Harrah's Casino and Riverboat.  You may not be a participant in
     any other bonus plan of the Company or its subsidiaries.  You must have
     been employed in an eligible position before October 1 of the Plan year,
     have at least a "Successful" performance rating, and be actively working at
     the time bonuses are distributed to receive your bonus award.


     If an eligible employee is promoted during the year, pro-rata bonus awards
     are calculated based on their earnings, individual performance and grade in
     each position.

     If, however, an employee is promoted from a grade 5-19 into a grade 20 or
     above, the promotion must have taken place on or before October 1 for the
     employee to be eligible for a prorated payment under this plan.

     In cases of promotions and/or transfers between Operating Units, pro-rata
     bonus awards for eligible participants are calculated based on their
     earnings, individual performance, operating unit bonus points and grade in
     each Operating Unit.  The calculation of prorata bonus awards is generally
     made following completion of the plan year.


Individual Performance Objectives

     At the beginning of each year, you and your supervisor will develop
     specific performance objectives for you to achieve.  These objectives
     should be recorded on your performance appraisal document under the
     appropriate performance standard.  One hundred bonus points are then
     assigned by your supervisor to these personal bonus objectives.  Your
     objectives and bonus points will be approved and retained by your
     supervisor.  The objectives should be easy to quantify and verify. 
     Performance objectives should be modified during the year if business
     conditions dictate.  Objectives that have been revised will also be
     retained by your supervisor.

Operating Unit Performance Objectives

     Operating Unit bonus objectives are established for each Plan year.  These
     will generally consist of a combination of measurements related to the
     objectives of the Company and each of its Operating Units on items such as
     operating income, pre-tax earnings, return on sales and customer
     satisfaction ratings.  The objectives may change annually to support the
     business mission of the company.  The objectives are assigned target
     points.  The objectives and assigned target points are recommended by the
     Chairman of the Board and the President and Chief Executive Officer to the
     Human Resources Committee of the Board of Directors for approval.  Total
     target points for each Operating Unit is 100.  Additional stretch points
     may be awarded according to specific parameters set each year.

Meeting Operating Unit Objectives
Assignment of Bonus Points

     At the end of each Plan year, bonus points will be assigned to each
     Operating Unit based upon achievement of Plan objectives.  The Operating
     Unit bonus points will be combined with the points earned by the Company. 
     The final point total will be used to create the Operating Unit's bonus
     pool.  Commencing with the plan year 1996, an Operating Unit may qualify
     for a limited bonus of 25% of the amount achieved by using bonus points
     earned by the Company (Harrah's brand performance) even if the Operating
     Unit is not eligible for a bonus based on its own performance.

Meeting Operating Unit Objectives
The Bonus Pool

     A payout pool for each Operating Unit will be established according to the
     unit's combined bonus point total.  The bonus pool is calculated by
     multiplying all eligible participants' eligible earnings by the appropriate
     bonus percentage as shown on the Bonus Matrix.  The appropriate bonus
     percentage is determined by both the participants' salary grades and bonus
     points earned by the Operating Unit.

     For example, at 100 bonus points for the Operating Unit, the bonus for pool
     calculations for a grade 23 is 15 percent of eligible earnings.

     An Operating Unit's total bonus pool is calculated by summing all
     appropriate bonus percentages of the Operating Unit's eligible


Meeting Individual Objectives

     Shortly after the end of the Plan year, you will meet with your supervisor
     to compare your individual performance against the performance standards on
     the appraisal document and with your previously established objectives. 
     The assessment determines how many of your personal 100 assigned objective
     points have been met.

     The supervisor will then recommend a bonus award for you and other eligible
     employees reporting to him or her, in relation to the individual
     performance bonus points earned.  The supervisor must keep in mind that the
     total bonus pool must not be exceeded.  When an Operating Unit's
     performance rises above the "100" point target, the available bonus dollars
     contributed to the pool will increase; this is called "stretch bonus." 
     However, even when an Operating Unit is in stretch, individual awards
     should not automatically rise above the "100" point line.  Only those
     eligible participants whose performance contributed to the achievement of
     stretch bonus should be considered for stretch awards.  Calculation is up
     to the discretion of your supervisor and the Operating Unit's senior
     managers.  The maximum individual award is found on the 150 point line of
     the Stretch Bonus matrix (see page 7). 

     When Operating Unit performance falls short of objectives, the Bonus Pool
     will be accordingly reduced.  Individual awards should be scaled back to
     reflect the available pool dollars.  For example, at 90 bonus points for
     the Operating Unit, the bonus for pool calculations for a grade 23 is 14
     percent of eligible earnings.

Approval and Payment of Annual Bonus Plan Awards

     Each supervisor will submit bonus award recommendations to the Memphis
     Compensation department with two levels of approval unless the next level
     of supervision is a Corporate Senior Vice President or a Division
     President.  In these cases, no further approvals are required.  The Memphis
     Compensation department will accumulate overall bonus recommendations and
     submit them for appropriate approvals.  The Chairman of the Board and the
     President and Chief Executive Officer review and approve bonus
     recommendations and recommend Operating Unit bonus points to the Human
     Resources Committee.  The Human Resources Committee approves total bonus
     points achieved for performance against Operating Unit objectives and the
     individual bonus awards of the Chairman of the Board and the President and
     Chief Executive Officer.  Bonus awards are generally distributed to
     employees by March 15 of the year following the Plan year dependent on the
     eligibility of both the Operating Unit and the employee.  Bonus awards may
     be distributed earlier with the approval of the Chairman of the Board, the
     President and Chief Executive Officer and the Human Resources Committee.



     The Human Resources Committee may approve a discretionary pro-rata bonus if
     active employment was terminated during the Plan year by death, disability,
     or retirement (age 55 with 10 or more years of service).

     Employees who have been on Leave of Absence are eligible to participate in
     the Plan if their Operating Unit qualifies.  Employees who are on Leave of
     Absence at the time of bonus payments are eligible to receive their award,
     if any, when they return to active employment.  If they do not return to
     active employment, their payment is forfeited.

     The eligible earnings used in bonus calculations excludes imputed income
     and previous bonuses.

     Eligibility for this Plan does not provide anyone a right to continued

Administrative Matters

     The Plan is completely discretionary.  No legal rights or obligations are
     created by the Plan.  Accordingly, the Company may terminate the Plan or
     amend its provisions at any time, and no interest is created that can be
     assigned, encumbered, or transferred by an employee.  No rights in any
     specific funds or assets will exist by reason of this Plan.

     The Memphis Compensation department administers the Plan and has full power
     to adopt and enforce administrative rules and procedures to make
     administrative interpretations.  The Human Resources Committee has full
     power to decide substantive issues, to make amendments to the Plan and to
     terminate the Plan.  The Human Resources Committee may adjust any
     objectives or bonus points if it determines such adjustment is necessary or

     No member of the Memphis Compensation department, the Human Resources
     Committee, or other persons involved in administering this Plan or making
     decisions concerning bonuses will have any personal liability to any


                              EXAMPLES 1 THROUGH 4

Assume:                                              Calculation
- ---------------------------------------------      ---------------

EXAMPLE 1: Grade 21 employee

   Eligible earnings                                   $59,000

   Combination of Operating unit and               (10%) = $ 5,900
   Company earns 100 bonus points

   Employee earns 100 points - Actual Award        (10%) = $ 5,900

EXAMPLE 2: Grade 23 employee

   Eligible earnings                                   $69,000
   Combination of Operating unit and               (14%) = $9,660
   Company earns 95 bonus points

   Employee earns 80 points  - Actual Award        (12%) = $ 8,280


Grade 26 employee promoted/transfers into a Grade 27 position in a different
operating unit during the plan year.  Bonus is prorated based on earnings,
individual performance and grade for each operating unit.

Step 1: Grade 26 employee - Operating Unit #1

   Eligible pro-rata earnings                         $48,000

   Combination of Operating unit and              (28%) = $13,440
   Company earns 110 bonus points
   Employee earns 115 points - pro-rata #1        (29%) = $13,920

Step 2: Grade 27 employee - Operating Unit #2

   Eligible pro-rata earnings                         $55,000

   Combination of Operating unit and              (30%) = $16,500
   Company earns 100 bonus points

   Employee earns 100 points - pro-rata #2        (30%) = $16,500

Step 3: Actual Award

   Pro-rata #1 + pro-rata #2                          $30,420


                            1995 TARGET BONUS MATRIX
                             ANNUAL MANAGEMENT PLAN

                                    1995 Salary Grade
       Bonus    ---------------------------------------------------------
       Points   29     28    27    26    25    24    23    22    21    20
       ------  ----   ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----

        100     40%    35%   30%   25%   22%   20%   15%   10%   10%   10%
         99     36     32    28    24    22    20    15    10    10    10
         98     33     30    26    24    22    20    15    10    10    10
         97     30     28    25    23    21    19    15    10    10    10
         96     29     27    25    23    21    19    14    10    10    10
         95     29     27    25    23    21    19    14    10    10    10
         94     28     26    24    22    21    19    14    9     9     9
         93     28     26    24    22    20    19    14    9     9     9
         92     28     26    24    22    20    18    14    9     9     9
         91     27     25    24    22    20    18    14    9     9     9
         90     27     25    23    21    20    18    14    9     9     9
         89     27     25    23    21    20    18    13    9     9     9
         88     26     25    23    21    19    18    13    9     9     9
         87     26     24    23    21    19    17    13    9     9     9
         86     26     24    22    20    19    17    13    9     9     9
         85     26     24    22    20    19    17    13    9     9     9
         84     25     24    22    20    18    17    13    8     8     8
         83     25     23    22    20    18    17    12    8     8     8
         82     25     23    21    19    18    16    12    8     8     8
         81     24     23    21    19    18    16    12    8     8     8
         80     24     22    21    19    18    16    12    8     8     8
         79     24     22    21    19    17    16    12    8     8     8
         78     23     22    20    18    17    16    12    8     8     8
         77     23     22    20    18    17    15    12    8     8     8
         76     23     21    20    18    17    15    11    8     8     8
         75     23     21    20    18    17    15    11    8     8     8
         74     22     21    19    18    16    15    11    7     7     7
         73     22     20    19    17    16    15    11    7     7     7
         72     22     20    19    17    16    14    11    7     7     7
         71     21     20    18    17    16    14    11    7     7     7
         70     21     20    18    17    15    14    11    7     7     7
         69     21     19    18    16    15    14    10    7     7     7
         68     20     19    18    16    15    14    10    7     7     7
         67     20     19    17    16    15    13    10    7     7     7
         66     20     18    17    16    15    13    10    7     7     7
         65     20     18    17    16    14    13    10    7     7     7
         64     19     18    17    15    14    13    10    6     6     6
         63     19     18    16    15    14    13    9     6     6     6
         62     19     17    16    15    14    12    9     6     6     6
         61     18     17    16    15    13    12    9     6     6     6
         60     18     17    16    14    13    12    9     6     6     6
         59     18     17    15    14    13    12    9     6     6     6
         58     17     16    15    14    13    12    9     6     6     6
         57     17     16    15    14    13    11    9     6     6     6
         56     17     16    15    13    12    11    8     6     6     6
         55     17     15    14    13    12    11    8     6     6     6
         54     16     15    14    13    12    11    8     5     5     5
         53     16     15    14    13    12    11    8     5     5     5
         52     16     15    14    12    11    10    8     5     5     5
         51     15     14    13    12    11    10    8     5     5     5
         50     15     14    13    12    11    10    8     5     5     5


                            1995 STRETCH BONUS MATRIX
                             ANNUAL MANAGEMENT PLAN

                                    1995 Salary Grade
       Bonus   -----------------------------------------------------------
       Points   29     28    27    26    25    24    23    22    21    20
       ------  ----   ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----

        150     60%    53%   45%   38%   33%   30%   23%   15%   15%   15%
        149     59     52    44    37    33    30    22    15    15    15
        148     58     51    44    37    33    30    22    15    15    15
        147     57     51    43    36    32    29    22    15    15    15
        146     57     50    43    36    32    29    22    15    15    15
        145     56     50    43    36    32    29    22    15    15    15
        144     56     50    43    36    32    29    22    14    14    14
        143     55     49    42    35    31    29    21    14    14    14
        142     55     49    42    35    31    28    21    14    14    14
        141     55     49    42    35    31    28    21    14    14    14
        140     54     48    41    35    31    28    21    14    14    14
        139     54     48    41    35    31    28    21    14    14    14
        138     53     47    40    34    30    28    21    14    14    14
        137     53     47    40    34    30    27    21    14    14    14
        136     53     47    40    34    30    27    20    14    14    14
        135     53     47    40    34    30    27    20    14    14    14
        134     53     46    39    33    29    27    20    13    13    13
        133     52     46    39    33    29    27    20    13    13    13
        132     52     46    39    33    29    26    20    13    13    13
        131     52     45    39    33    29    26    20    13    13    13
        130     51     45    39    33    29    26    20    13    13    13
        129     51     45    39    32    28    26    19    13    13    13
        128     50     44    38    32    28    26    19    13    13    13
        127     50     44    38    32    28    25    19    13    13    13
        126     50     44    38    32    28    25    19    13    13    13
        125     49     44    38    32    28    25    19    13    13    13
        124     49     43    37    31    27    25    19    12    12    12
        123     48     43    37    31    27    25    18    12    12    12
        122     48     43    37    31    27    24    18    12    12    12
        121     47     42    37    31    27    24    18    12    12    12
        120     47     42    37    31    26    24    18    12    12    12
        119     47     42    36    30    26    24    18    12    12    12
        118     46     41    36    30    26    24    18    12    12    12
        117     46     41    36    30    26    23    18    12    12    12
        116     46     41    36    30    26    23    17    12    12    12
        115     45     40    35    29    25    23    17    12    12    12
        114     45     40    35    29    25    23    17    11    11    11
        113     44     39    34    29    25    23    17    11    11    11
        112     44     39    34    29    25    22    17    11    11    11
        111     44     39    33    28    24    22    17    11    11    11
        110     43     38    33    28    24    22    17    11    11    11
        109     43     38    33    28    24    22    16    11    11    11
        108     43     38    33    28    24    22    16    11    11    11
        107     43     38    33    28    24    21    16    11    11    11
        106     42     37    32    27    23    21    16    11    11    11
        105     42     37    32    27    23    21    16    11    11    11
        104     41     36    31    26    23    21    16    10    10    10
        103     41     36    31    26    23    21    15    10    10    10
        102     40     35    30    25    22    20    15    10    10    10
        101     40     35    30    25    22    20    15    10    10    10


                             ANNUAL MANAGEMENT PLAN

                                    1995 Salary Grade
               Bonus    ----------------------------------------
               Points    36    35    34    33    32    31    30
               ------   ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----

                100      60%   60%   55%   50%   50%   50%   45%
                 99      56    56    52    47    47    46    43
                 98      52    52    49    44    44    43    41
                 97      48    48    46    42    42    40    39
                 96      46    46    44    40    38    37    36
                 95      44    44    42    38    36    34    33
                 94      43    43    41    38    36    34    32
                 93      43    43    41    37    35    33    32
                 92      42    42    40    37    35    33    31
                 91      42    42    40    36    35    33    31
                 90      41    41    40    36    34    32    31
                 89      41    41    39    36    34    32    30
                 88      40    40    39    35    33    32    30
                 87      40    40    38    35    33    31    30
                 86      40    40    38    34    33    31    29
                 85      39    39    37    34    32    31    29
                 84      39    39    37    34    32    30    29
                 83      38    38    37    33    32    30    28
                 82      38    38    36    33    31    30    28
                 81      37    37    36    32    31    29    28
                 80      37    37    35    32    30    29    27
                 79      36    36    35    32    30    28    27
                 78      36    36    34    31    30    28    27
                 77      35    35    34    31    29    28    26
                 76      35    35    33    30    29    27    26
                 75      35    35    33    30    29    27    26
                 74      34    34    33    30    28    27    25
                 73      34    34    32    29    28    26    25
                 72      33    33    32    29    27    26    24
                 71      33    33    31    28    27    26    24
                 70      32    32    31    28    27    25    24
                 69      32    32    30    28    26    25    23
                 68      31    31    30    27    26    24    23
                 67      31    31    29    27    25    24    23
                 66      30    30    29    26    25    24    22
                 65      30    30    29    26    25    23    22
                 64      29    29    28    26    24    23    22
                 63      29    29    28    25    24    23    21
                 62      29    29    27    25    24    22    21
                 61      28    28    27    24    23    22    21
                 60      28    28    26    24    23    22    20
                 59      27    27    26    24    22    21    20
                 58      27    27    26    23    22    21    19
                 57      26    26    25    23    22    21    19
                 56      26    26    25    22    21    20    19
                 55      25    25    24    22    21    20    19
                 54      25    25    24    22    21    19    18
                 53      24    24    23    21    20    19    18
                 52      24    24    23    21    20    19    18
                 51      23    23    22    20    19    18    17
                 50      23    23    22    20    19    18    17


                             ANNUAL MANAGEMENT PLAN

                                    1995 Salary Grade
               Bonus    ----------------------------------------
               Points    36    35    34    33    32    31    30
               ------   ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----

                150     120%  120%  110%  100%  100%  100%   90%
                149     119   119   109    99    99    99    89
                148     118   118   108    98    98    98    88
                147     117   117   107    97    97    97    87
                146     116   116   106    96    96    96    86
                145     114   114   104    95    95    95    85
                144     113   113   103    94    94    94    84
                143     112   112   102    93    93    93    83
                142     111   111   101    92    92    92    82
                141     110   110   100    91    91    91    81
                140     108   108    99    90    90    90    81
                139     107   107    97    89    89    89    80
                138     106   106    96    88    88    88    79
                137     105   105    95    87    87    87    78
                136     104   104    94    86    86    86    77
                135     102   102    93    85    85    85    76
                134     101   101    92    84    84    84    75
                133     100   100    91    83    83    83    74
                132     99     99    90    82    82    82    73
                131     98     98    89    81    81    81    72
                130     96     96    88    80    80    80    72
                129     95     95    86    79    79    79    71
                128     94     94    85    78    78    78    70
                127     93     93    84    77    77    77    69
                126     92     92    83    76    76    76    68
                125     90     90    82    75    75    75    67
                124     89     89    81    74    74    74    66
                123     88     88    80    73    73    73    65
                122     87     87    79    72    72    72    64
                121     86     86    78    71    71    71    63
                120     84     84    77    70    70    70    63
                119     83     83    75    69    69    69    62
                118     82     82    74    68    68    68    61
                117     81     81    73    67    67    67    60
                116     80     80    72    66    66    66    59
                115     78     78    71    65    65    65    58
                114     77     77    70    64    64    64    57
                113     76     76    69    63    63    63    56
                112     75     75    68    62    62    62    55
                111     74     74    67    61    61    61    54
                110     72     72    66    60    60    60    54
                109     71     71    64    59    59    59    53
                108     70     70    63    58    58    58    52
                107     69     69    62    57    57    57    51
                106     68     68    61    56    56    56    50
                105     66     66    60    55    55    55    49
                104     65     65    59    54    54    54    48
                103     64     64    58    53    53    53    47
                102     63     63    57    52    52    52    46
                101     62     62    56    51    51    51    46
