Exhibit 99.1

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

          Exhibit 99.1--Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements

                            January 31, 1996 and 1995

                         Report of Independent Auditors

Board of Directors and Shareholders
CUC International Inc.

We have audited the accompanying supplemental consolidated balance sheets of  
CUC International Inc. ("CUC") as of January 31, 1996 and 1995, and the  
related supplemental consolidated statements of income, shareholders'  equity, 
and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended January 31, 1996.
The supplemental consolidated financial statements give retroactive  effect to 
the mergers of CUC and Davidson & Associates, Inc. ("Davidson") on  July 24, 
1996, CUC and  Sierra On-Line, Inc. ("Sierra") on July 24, 1996 and CUC and 
Ideon Group, Inc.  ("Ideon") on August 7, 1996, which have been accounted for 
using the pooling of interests method as described in the notes to the 
supplemental consolidated  financial statements.  These supplemental financial 
statements are the  responsibility of the management of CUC.  Our responsibility
is to express an  opinion on these supplemental financial statements based on 
our audits.  We did not audit the financial statements of Advance Ross 
Corporation ("Advance Ross"), a wholly-owned subsidiary, as of December 31, 1994
and for the years ended  December 31, 1994 and 1993, Davidson as of December 31,
1995 and 1994 and  for each of the three years in the period ended in December 
31, 1995, Sierra as of March 31, 1996 and 1995 and for each of the three years
in the period ended March 31, 1996 and Ideon as of December 31, 1995 and 
October 31, 1994, and for the year ended December 31, 1995 and for the years 
ended October 31, 1994  and 1993.  Effective January 1, 1995, Ideon changed its 
fiscal year end from  October 31 to December 31 (the "Ideon Transition 
Period").  We also did not  audit the statement of operations for the Ideon 
Transition Period which includes  a loss of $49.9 million included as a charge 
to retained earnings in 1996 supplemental consolidated financial statements.  
These financial statements reflect total assets constituting 31.5% for 1996 and 
41.9% for 1995 of the related supplemental consolidated financial statements 
totals and reflect total revenues constituting 27.6%, 28.2% and 26.9% of the 
related supplemental consolidated financial statements totals for the years
ended January 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively, and were audited by other 
auditors whose reports have been furnished to us, and our opinion, insofar as 
it relates to Advance Ross, Davidson, Sierra and Ideon for the periods 
indicated above, is based solely on the reports of other auditors.  

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to 
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free 
of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, 
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  
An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial 
statement presentation.  We believe that our audits and the reports of other 
auditors provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.  

In our opinion, based upon our audits and the reports of other auditors 
referred to above, the supplemental financial statements referred to above 
present fairly, in all material resects, the consolidated financial position 
of CUC at January 31, 1996 and 1995, and the consolidated results of their 
operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
January 31, 1996 after giving retroactive effect to the mergers of Davidson, 
Sierra, and Ideon, as described in the notes to the supplemental consolidated 
financial statements, in conformity with generally accepted accounting 

                                                              ERNST & YOUNG LLP

Stamford, Connecticut
September 12, 1996


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders
Advance Ross Corporation
Chicago, Illinois

We have audited the consolidated balance sheet of Advance Ross Corporation and
subsidiaries as of December 31, 1994, and the related consolidated statements of
income, changes in shareholders' equity, and cash flows for the years ended
December 31, 1994 and 1993. These financial statements are the responsibility of
the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of Advance Ross Corporation and
subsidiaries at December 31, 1994, and the results of their operations and their
cash flows for the years ended December 31, 1994 and 1993, in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles.


Chicago, Illinois
March 13, 1995


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders
of SafeCard Services, Inc.

In our opinion, the consolidated balance sheet (not included herein) presents
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of SafeCard Services, 
Inc. and its subsidiaries at October 31, 1994, in conformity with generally 
accepted accounting principles. These financial statements are the 
responsibility of the Company's management; our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our 
audits of these statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material 
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

As discussed in Note 14 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company's
former Executive Management Consultant has asserted certain claims against the
Company. The ultimate outcome of these claims cannot presently be determined.

As discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company
adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for
Income Taxes" in November 1993.

Tampa, Florida
December 5, 1994

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

                    Supplemental Consolidated Balance Sheets

                          (Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                                                                        January 31
                                                                                                  1996             1995
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                                                    $   333,036      $   281,019
   Marketable securities                                                                             97,164          101,108
   Receivables, less allowances of $39,051 and $23,964                                              463,492          306,908
   Prepaid membership materials                                                                      39,061           33,268
   Prepaid expenses, deferred income taxes, and other                                               158,523           94,716
Total current assets                                                                              1,091,276          817,019

Marketable securities                                                                                13,328          127,363
Membership solicitations in process                                                                  60,713           45,636
Deferred membership acquisition costs                                                               404,655          411,113
Contract renewal rights, net                                                                         38,845           45,207
Excess of cost over net assets acquired, net                                                        293,961          204,484
Properties, net                                                                                     113,353           75,364
Deferred income taxes and other                                                                      52,065           45,936
Total assets                                                                                     $2,068,196       $1,772,122

Liabilities and shareholders' equity 
   Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities                             $   296,048      $   244,809
   Federal and state income taxes                                                                    35,957           48,214
Total current liabilities                                                                           332,005          293,023

Deferred membership income                                                                          682,823          584,155
Convertible debt (net of unamortized original issue discount of $586 and $1,066)                     23,389           34,634
Zero coupon convertible notes (net of unamortized original issue discount of $588 and
   $2,507)                                                                                           14,410           15,046
Other                                                                                                13,046           19,181

Commitments and contingencies (Note I)

Shareholders' equity:
   Common stock--par value $.01 per share; authorized 400 million shares; issued 257,207,225
     shares and 249,348,821 shares                                                                    2,572            2,493
   Additional paid-in capital                                                                       429,934          318,764
   Retained earnings                                                                                602,678          520,934
   Treasury stock, at cost, 3,410,631 shares and 2,757,894 shares                                   (30,998)         (10,505)
   Unearned ESOP                                                                                          -           (1,758)
   Unrealized gain (loss) on marketable securities                                                      593             (748)
   Foreign currency translation adjustment                                                           (2,256)          (3,097)
Total shareholders' equity                                                                        1,002,523          826,083
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                                       $2,068,196       $1,772,122

See accompanying notes.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

                 Supplemental Consolidated Statements of Income

         (Dollar amounts in thousands, except per common share amounts)

                                                                                         Year ended January 31,
                                                                                 1996            1995             1994
   Membership, service fees and other                                         $1,629,829      $1,363,561       $1,143,191
   Software                                                                      305,403         191,050          135,473
Total revenue                                                                  1,935,232       1,554,611        1,278,664

   Operating                                                                     593,508         474,126          368,825
   Marketing                                                                     737,440         618,330          514,634
   General and administrative                                                    281,628         223,010          195,041
   Costs related to products abandoned and restructuring                          97,029           7,900                -
   Gain on sale of ImagiNation Network                                                 -         (19,739)               -
   Equity in loss from ImagiNation Network                                             -           1,990            5,066
   Interest income, net                                                           (9,685)         (7,937)          (3,221)
Total expenses                                                                 1,699,920       1,297,680        1,080,345

Income before income taxes                                                       235,312         256,931          198,319
Provision for income taxes                                                        90,337          94,874           73,614

Income before cumulative effect of accounting change for income taxes            144,975         162,057          124,705
Cumulative effect of change in accounting for income taxes                             -           2,000                -
Net income                                                                    $  144,975      $  164,057       $  124,705

Income before cumulative effect of accounting change                          $      .55      $      .64       $      .51
Cumulative effect of accounting change                                                               .01
Net income per common share                                                   $      .55      $      .65       $      .51

See accompanying notes.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

          Supplemental Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity

         (Dollar amounts in thousands, except per common share amounts)

                                               Common Stock      
                                         ------------------------    Additional                               
                                             Shares       Par         Paid-in    Retained    Treasury     Unearned   
                                             Issued       Value       Capital    Earnings      Stock        ESOP    
Balance at January 31, 1993               154,939,880     $1,549     $152,893    $260,316    $ (9,745)   $(11,667)  
Three-for-two stock split                  77,469,448        775                     (775)              
As restated                               232,409,328      2,324      152,893     259,541      (9,745)    (11,667)  
Exercise of stock options ($.36 to                                                 
   $32.96)                                  2,911,124         29       14,976
Issuance of stock under stock purchase                                                                  
   plan ($12.67 to $17.92)                     71,031          1        1,363                                       
Cancellation of stock under restricted                                             
   stock plan                                (113,063)        (1)        (240)
Stock issued in conversion of notes         3,897,290         39       18,316                                       
Tax benefit arising from exercise of                                                                    
   stock options and vesting of                                                                               
   restricted stock                                                    23,342
Amortization of restricted stock                                          871
Amortization of ESOP obligation                                                                             4,507    
Equity distributions                                                                1,943
Cash dividends                                                                     (7,586)
ImagiNation Network liquidation                                                                                
   preference                                                           3,977
Proceeds from issuance of common stock      3,723,000         37       25,545                                       
Purchase of treasury stock                 (1,368,513)       (14)     (41,685)                                      
Foreign currency translation adjustment                                                                             
Net income                                                                        124,705                           
Balance at January 31, 1994               241,530,197      2,415      199,358     378,603      (9,745)     (7,160)   
Exercise of stock options ($.36 to                                    
   $32.96)                                  4,222,946         42       47,352     (10,140)
Exercise of stock options ($1.52 to                                                                     
   $8.11) by payment of cash and common                                                                 
   stock  (37,500 shares)                     187,500          2        1,165                    (760)               
Issuance of stock under stock purchase                                                                  
   plan ($17.40 to $21.07)                     48,984                   1,011                                       
Stock issued in conversion of notes         2,989,104         30       22,665                                       
Tax benefit arising from exercise of                                                                    
   stock options and vesting of                                                                              
   restricted stock                                                    42,216
Stock issued in connection with                                                      
   acquisition                                379,851          4        5,134
Amortization of restricted stock                                          303                                       
Amortization of ESOP obligation                                                                             2,331    
Cash dividends                                                                     (7,519)                          
Charge to reflect change in Getko and                                                                   
   NAOG fiscal years                                                               (4,067)                  3,071    
Net unrealized loss on marketable                                                                                   
Purchase of treasury stock                     (9,761)                   (440)                                      
Foreign currency translation adjustment                                                                             
Net income                                                                        164,057                           
Balance at January 31, 1995                249,348,821     2,493      318,764     520,934    (10,505)     (1,758)   
Exercise of stock options ($0.01 to                                                
   $52.61)                                   4,630,254        46       34,486
Exercise of stock options ($1.52 to                                                                     
   $18.00) by payment of cash and                                                                       
   common stock (445,899 shares)             1,658,334        17       13,076                (13,090)               
Payment of withholding taxes on options                                                                 
   by payment of common stock (206,838                                                                       
   shares)                                                                                    (7,403)
Issuance of stock under stock purchase                                                                  
   plan ($23.31 to $32.63)                     63,647          1        1,789                                       
Stock issued in conversion of notes         1,413,817         14       13,648                                       
Stock issued for bonuses and incentives       223,299          2        4,105                                       
Tax benefit arising from exercise of                                                                    
   stock options                                                       51,357                                       
Stock issued in connection with                                                   
   acquisition                                264,084          3        1,089
Amortization of ESOP obligation                                         1,242                              1,758    
Equity distributions                                                      175     (5,033)
Cash dividends                                                                    (8,159)                          
Charge to reflect change in Advance                                                                     
   Ross and Ideon fiscal years                                                   (50,039)                          
Net unrealized gain on marketable                                                                                   
Purchase of treasury stock                   (395,031)        (4)      (9,797)                                      
Foreign currency translation adjustment                                                                             
Net income                                                                        144,975                           
Balance at January 31, 1996               257,207,225     $2,572     $429,934    $602,678   $(30,998)   $      0 

                                             Gain       Foreign                
                                          (Loss) on    Currency       Total     
                                          Marketable  Translation  Shareholders'
                                           Securities  Adjustment     Equity

Balance at January 31, 1993                             $(3,885)   $  389,461
Three-for-two stock split                
As restated                                              (3,885)      389,461

Exercise of stock options ($.36 to                                     
   $32.96)                                                             15,005
Issuance of stock under stock purchase
   plan ($12.67 to $17.92)                                              1,364
Cancellation of stock under restricted                                   
   stock plan                                                            (241)
Stock issued in conversion of notes                                    18,355
Tax benefit arising from exercise of
   stock options and vesting of                                        
   restricted stock                                                    23,342
Amortization of restricted stock plan                                     871
Amortization of ESOP obligation                                         4,507
Equity distributions                                                    1,943
Cash dividends                                                         (7,586)
ImagiNation Network liquidation                                         
   preference                                                           3,977
Proceeds from issuance of common stock                                 25,582
Purchase of treasury stock                                            (41,699)
Foreign currency translation adjustment                  (1,405)       (1,405)
Net income                                                            124,705
Balance at January 31, 1994                              (5,290)      558,181

Exercise of stock options ($.36 to                                     
   $32.96)                                                             37,254
Exercise of stock options ($1.52 to
   $8.11) by payment of cash and common
   stock (37,500 shares)                                                  407
Issuance of stock under stock purchase
   plan ($17.40 to $21.07)                                              1,011
Stock issued in conversion of notes                                    22,695
Tax benefit arising from exercise of
   stock options and vesting of                                        
   restricted stock                                                    42,216
Stock issued in connection with                                         
   acquisition                                                          5,138
Amortization of restricted stock plan                                     303
Amortization of ESOP obligation                                         2,331
Cash dividends                                                         (7,519)
Charge to reflect change in Getko and
   NAOG fiscal years                                                     (996)
Net unrealized loss on marketable            
   securities                                $(748)                      (748)
Purchase of treasury stock                                               (440)
Foreign currency translation adjustment                   2,193         2,193
Net income                                                            164,057
Balance at January 31, 1995                   (748)      (3,097)      826,083

Exercise of stock options ($0.01 to
   $52.61)                                                             34,532
Exercise of stock options ($1.52 to
   $18.00) by payment of cash and
   common stock (445,899 shares)                                            3
Payment of withholding taxes on options
   by payment of common stock (206,838                                 
   shares)                                                             (7,403)
Issuance of stock under stock purchase
   plan ($23.31 to $32.63)                                              1,790
Stock issued in conversion of notes                                    13,662
Stock issued for bonuses and incentives                                 4,107
Tax benefit arising from exercise of
   stock options                                                       51,357
Stock issued in connection with                                         
   acquisition                                                          1,092
Amortization of ESOP obligation                                         3,000
Equity distributions                                                   (4,858)
Cash dividends                                                         (8,159)
Charge to reflect change in Advance
   Ross and Ideon fiscal years                                        (50,039)
Net unrealized gain on marketable            
   securities                                1,341                      1,341
Purchase of treasury stock                                             (9,801)
Foreign currency translation adjustment                     841           841
Net income                                                            144,975
Balance at January 31, 1996                  $ 593      $(2,256)   $1,002,523

See accompanying notes.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

               Supplemental Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                          (Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                                                          Year ended January 31,
                                                                                    1996           1995           1994
Operating activities
Net income                                                                       $ 144,975      $ 164,057       $ 124,705
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating
     Membership acquisition costs                                                 (605,058)      (508,807)       (457,252)
     Amortization of membership acquisition costs                                  556,548        467,019         409,455
     Deferred membership income                                                     76,285         61,941          71,242
     Membership solicitations in process                                           (15,077)        (2,693)         (2,889)
     Amortization of prepaid commissions                                                 -              -             472
     Amortization of contract renewal rights and excess cost                        24,349         27,058          25,354
     Gain on sale of The ImagiNation Network                                             -        (19,739)              -
     Equity loss from The ImagiNation Network                                            -          1,990           5,066
     Write-off of purchased in-process research and development                          -          3,587               -
     Cumulative effect of change in accounting for income taxes                          -         (2,000)              -
     Deferred income taxes                                                         (32,068)        12,487          (9,337)
     Amortization of original issue discount on convertible notes and
       restricted stock                                                              1,646          1,965           3,854
     Loss on impairment of assets                                                    7,569              -               -
     Depreciation                                                                   25,387         16,405          14,957
     Effect of change in amortization periods for Ideon membership
       acquisition costs                                                            65,500              -               -
     Net loss during change in Ideon fiscal year-end                               (49,944)             -               -

     Change in working capital items, net of acquisitions:
        Increase in receivables                                                   (152,392)       (51,638)        (35,560)
        Increase in prepaid membership materials                                    (5,562)        (5,844)         (6,350)
        Increase in prepaid expenses and other current assets                      (36,130)       (20,755)        (13,595)
        Net increase in accounts payable and accrued expenses and federal and
          state income taxes payable                                                57,891         40,245          43,296
        Increase in product abandonment and related liabilities                     20,796              -               -
     Other, net                                                                    (30,499)        (8,512)         (8,644)
Net cash provided by operating activities                                           54,216        176,766         164,774

Investing activities
Proceeds from sale of The ImagiNation Network                                            -         19,739               -
(Loan to) repayments from The ImagiNation Network, net                                   -         (2,895)          1,646
Proceeds from sales of marketable securities                                       255,916        136,977         138,195
Purchases of marketable securities                                                (138,198)      (161,585)       (140,487)
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired                                                 (75,142)       (63,437)        (17,526)
Acquisitions of properties                                                         (63,148)       (39,561)        (14,329)
Net cash used in investing activities                                              (20,572)      (110,762)        (32,501)

Financing activities
Issuance of common stock                                                            35,269         40,321          41,467
Proceeds from convertible debt offering, net                                             -         48,250               -
Payments for purchase of treasury shares                                            (9,801)          (483)        (41,699)
Payment of dividend notes to shareholders                                                -              -         (10,458)
Borrowings (repayments) of long-term obligations, net                                1,064        (16,416)        (25,766)
Dividends paid                                                                      (8,159)        (7,519)         (7,586)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                                 18,373         64,153         (44,042)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                           52,017        130,157          88,231
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                   281,019        150,862          62,631
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                       $ 333,036      $ 281,019       $ 150,862

See accompanying notes.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

             Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements

Note A--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Principles of Consolidation

The supplemental consolidated financial statements include the accounts of CUC
International Inc., its wholly-owned subsidiaries and its joint ventures 
(collectively, the "Company"). The Company operates in two business segments: 
membership services and software. Membership services are distributed to 
consumers through various channels which include financial institutions, 
credit unions, charities, other cardholder based organizations and retail 
establishments. The software segment develops, publishes and distributes 
educational and entertainment software for home and school use. These 
supplemental consolidated financial statements give retroactive effect to the 
mergers of Davidson & Associates, Inc. ("Davidson") (on July 24, 1996), 
Sierra On-Line, Inc. ("Sierra") (on July 24, 1996) and Ideon Group, Inc. 
("Ideon") (on August 7, 1996) with wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company, 
which have been accounted for using the pooling-of-interests method. These 
supplemental consolidated financial statements will become the Company's 
primary historical financial statements upon issuance of financial statements 
that include the date of consummation of all of the above-described mergers. 
All significant intercompany transactions have been eliminated in 
consolidation.  All periods presented reflect the Company's reclassifications 
of deferred membership acquisition costs (previously classified as an offset 
to deferred membership income) and membership solicitations in process 
(previously classified as a current asset) to noncurrent assets.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the amounts reported in the supplemental financial statements and
accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

The software segment of the Company is subject to certain business risks which
could effect future operations and financial performance. The risks include
changing computer environments, rapid technological change, development of new
products, concentrations in manufacturing facilities, competitive pricing and
reliance on distribution channels.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

The Company considers highly liquid investment instruments with terms of three
months or less at the time of acquisition to be cash equivalents.

Marketable Securities

Marketable securities consist principally of corporate bonds, tax-free municipal
obligations, U.S. Treasury notes and commercial paper. All securities are
classified as available-for-sale and are reported at fair value with net
unrealized holding gains and losses, net of tax effect, reported in
stockholders' equity until realized. Marketable securities (see Note C) are 
valued based upon quoted market prices or investment adviser estimates and 
those securities not maturing within one year are classified as non-current 
assets. Declines in the market value of available-for-sale securities deemed 
to be other than temporary result in charges to current earnings and 
establishment of a new cost basis.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note A--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Concentration of Credit Risks

The estimated fair value of amounts reported in the consolidated financial
statements has been determined by using available market information and
appropriate valuation methodologies. All current assets (with the exception 
of marketable securities) and current liabilities are carried at cost, which 
approximates fair value, because of their short-term nature.  The fair values 
of the convertible debt and zero coupon convertible notes at January 31, 1996 
were $42.6 million and $84 million, respectively, based on the quoted market 

Financial instruments which potentially subject the Company to concentration of
credit risk consist primarily of accounts receivable. This risk is limited in
the membership services segment due to the large number of entities representing
the Company's membership base. These entities include major banks, financial
institutions and large oil companies and retailers which are primarily located
throughout the United States. Software accounts receivable include amounts
principally from geographically dispersed dealers, distributors, retail chains
and superstores in the software industry, as well as schools and school
districts. The Company performs periodic credit evaluations of its software
customers and maintains reserves which estimate the potential for future product
returns. Such reserves have been included in allowances for accounts receivable.

Software Research and Development Costs and Costs of Software Revenue

Under the criteria set forth in SFAS No. 86, "Accounting for the Costs of
Computer Software to be Sold, Leased or Otherwise Marketed," capitalization of
software development costs begins upon the establishment of technological
feasibility of the product. Costs meeting this criteria are insignificant and,
therefore, research and development costs related to designing, developing and
testing new software products are charged to operating expenses as incurred.
Purchased in-process research and development costs are charged to expense on 
the date acquired if it has no alternative future use and technological 
feasibility is not established. Software research and development costs 
aggregated $55.6 million, $36.3 million and $22.3 million for the years ended 
January 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively. Costs of software revenue 
include material costs, manufacturing labor and overhead and royalties paid 
to developers and affiliated label publishers. Costs of software revenue are 
included in operating expenses and aggregated $117.1 million, $73.3 million 
and $53.4 million for the years ended January 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, 

Membership Acquisition Costs and Deferred Membership Income

In accordance with the provisions of Statement of Position 93-7, "Reporting on
Advertising Costs," membership acquisition costs are deferred and charged to
operations as membership fees are recognized. These costs, which relate directly
to membership solicitations (direct response advertising costs), principally
include: postage, printing, kits, mailings, publications (including coupon
books) and telemarketing costs. Substantially all of these costs are incurred
for services performed by outside sources. Such costs are amortized on a
straight-line basis as revenues are realized over the average membership period.
The membership acquisition costs incurred applicable to obtaining a new member,
for memberships other than coupon book memberships, generally approximate the
initial membership fee. Initial membership fees for coupon book memberships
generally exceed the membership acquisition costs incurred applicable to
obtaining a new member. However, if membership acquisition costs were to exceed
the membership fee, an appropriate adjustment would be made for any significant

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note A--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Amortization of membership acquisition costs, including deferred renewal costs,
which consist principally of charges from sponsoring institutions and
publications, amounted to $556.5 million, $467 million and $409.5 million for
the years ended January 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively. All advertising 
costs other than direct response advertising costs are expensed in the period
incurred. Such amounts were $172.3 million, $133.8 million and $92 million for
the years ended January 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.

Membership fees are generally billed through financial institutions and other
cardholder based institutions and are recorded as deferred membership income
upon acceptance of membership, net of estimated cancellations, and pro-rated
over the membership period.

Deferred membership income is classified as non-current in the supplemental
consolidated balance sheet items since working capital will not be required as
the deferred income is recognized over future periods.

Provisions for membership cancellations were $37 million and $36.6 million at
January 31, 1996 and 1995, respectively. Such amounts are included in accrued
expenses. In addition, accrued expenses include commissions payable of $21.6
million and $23.2 million at January 31, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

Membership Solicitations In Process

These costs consist of initial membership acquisition costs pertaining to
membership solicitation programs that were in process at year-end. Accordingly,
no membership fees had been received or recognized at year-end. The costs are
generally accumulated over a two or three month solicitation period and are
transferred to membership acquisition costs when the membership begins.

Software Revenue Recognition

The Company recognizes revenue in accordance with the provisions of Statement of
Position No. 91-1, "Software Revenue Recognition." Revenue from software sales
is recognized upon shipment, provided no significant vendor obligations remain
and collection of the resulting receivable is deemed probable. Other
insignificant vendor obligations consisting primarily of costs associated with
telephone support to customers after delivery of software are accrued. The
Company's agreements with certain distributors and retailers permit them to
exchange products or provide price protection under certain circumstances. The
Company provides an allowance for estimated exchanges and price protection.

Contract Renewal Rights

Contract renewal rights represent the value assigned to acquired contracts and
are being amortized over 2 to 16 years using the straight-line method. As of
January 31, 1996 and 1995, accumulated amortization amounted to $51.5 million
and $45.9 million, respectively.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note A--Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Excess of Cost Over Net Assets Acquired

The excess of cost over net assets acquired is being amortized over 5 to 30
years using the straight-line method. As of January 31, 1996 and 1995,
accumulated amortization amounted to $49.1 million and $33.2 million,
respectively. The carrying value of the excess of cost over net assets acquired
will be reviewed by management if the facts and circumstances suggest that the
value may be impaired. If this review indicates that the carrying amounts will
not be recoverable, as determined based on the undiscounted cash flows of the
entities acquired over the remaining amortization period, management will reduce
the carrying amount by the estimated shortfall of cash flows.

Net Income Per Common Share

Net income per common share of the Company's common stock, par value $.01 per
share ("Common Stock"), has been computed using the weighted average number of
common and dilutive common equivalent shares outstanding (after giving effect to
the acquisitions of Getko Group Inc. ("Getko"), North American Outdoor Group,
Inc. ("NAOG"), Advance Ross Corporation ("Advance Ross"), Davidson, Sierra and
Ideon (see Note B)). The weighted average number of common and dilutive common
equivalent shares was 261.5 million, 252.8 million and 243.9 million for the
years ended January 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively. Fully diluted
earnings per share did not differ significantly from primary earnings per share
in any year.

Impairment of Long-Lived Assets

In 1995, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No. 121, 
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived 
Assets to Be Disposed Of." The Company will adopt SFAS No. 121 in fiscal 
1997, and the impact, if any, is not expected to be material.

Stock Based Compensation

The Company accounts for stock option grants in accordance with Accounting
Principles Board Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees."
Under the Company's current plans, options may be granted at not less than the
fair market value on the date of grant and therefore no compensation expense is
recognized for the stock options granted. In fiscal 1997, the Company intends to
adopt the disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based

Note B--Mergers and Acquisitions

Pooling-of-Interests Business Combinations

During July 1996 the Company acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
Davidson for a purchase price of approximately $1 billion, which was satisfied
by the issuance of approximately 30.1 million shares of Common Stock. Also
during July 1996 the Company acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
Sierra for a purchase price of approximately $858 million, which was satisfied
by the issuance of approximately 25.6 million shares of Common Stock. Davidson
and Sierra develop, publish and distribute educational and entertainment
software for home and school use. During August 1996 the Company acquired all of
the outstanding capital stock of Ideon, principally a provider of credit card
enhancement services, for a purchase price of approximately $393 million, which
was satisfied by the issuance of approximately 11 million shares of Common

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note B--Mergers and Acquisitions (continued)

The mergers with Davidson, Sierra, and Ideon (the "Fiscal 1997 Pooled Entities")
have been accounted for in accordance with the pooling-of-interests method of
accounting and, accordingly, the accompanying supplemental consolidated
financial statements have been retroactively adjusted as if the Fiscal 1997
Pooled Entities and the Company had operated as one since inception. These
supplemental consolidated financial statements will become the primary
historical consolidated financial statements upon issuance of financial
statements that include the dates of consummation of all of the mergers with the
Fiscal 1997 Pooled Entities.

The following represents revenues and net income of the Company and the Fiscal
1997 Pooled Entities prior to restatement.

                                              Year ended January 31,
                                      1996            1995             1994
    The Company                    $1,401,551      $1,182,896      $  984,801
    Fiscal 1997 Pooled Entities       533,681         371,715         293,863
                                   $1,935,232      $1,554,611      $1,278,664

Net Income (Loss):
    The Company                    $  164,669      $  124,566      $   94,151
    Fiscal 1997 Pooled Entities       (19,694)         39,491          30,554
                                   $  144,975      $  164,057      $  124,705

Davidson, Sierra and Ideon previously used the fiscal years ended December 31,
March 31 and December 31, respectively for their financial reporting. The Fiscal
1997 Pooled Entities will be conformed to the Company's January 31 fiscal
year-end in fiscal 1997. Effective January 1, 1995, Ideon changed its fiscal
year end from October 31 to December 31 (the "Ideon Transition Period"). The
Ideon Transition Period has been excluded from the accompanying supplemental
consolidated statements of income. Ideon's revenues and net loss for the Ideon
Transition Period were $34.7 million and $(49.9) million, respectively. This
excluded period has been adjusted by a $49.9 million charge to retained earnings
at January 31, 1996. The net loss for the Ideon Transition Period was
principally the result of a $65.5 million one-time, non-cash, pretax charge
recorded in connection with a change in accounting for deferred membership
acquisition costs. Prior to the change, membership acquisition costs were
generally amortized up to ten years for single year membership periods and up to
twelve years for multi-year membership periods. These amortization periods
represented the estimated life of the member. At December 31, 1994, the
amortization periods were shortened to one year and three years for single and
multi-year membership periods, respectively (initial membership period without
regard for anticipated renewals).

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note B--Mergers and Acquisitions (continued)

All costs related to the mergers with the Fiscal 1997 Pooled Entities have not
been reflected in the Company's financial statements but will be reflected in
the consolidated statements of income during the periods the respective mergers
are completed. Such costs are non-recurring and those associated with the
Company's mergers with Davidson and Sierra are comprised primarily of merger and
integration costs and are expected to approximate $28.6 million ($25.1 million
or $.10 per common share after-tax effect) in the aggregate. Such costs
associated with the Company's merger with Ideon (the "Ideon Merger") include
integration and transaction costs as well as costs relating to certain
outstanding litigation matters (see Note I) giving consideration to the
Company's intended approach to these matters, which are estimated by the 
Company's management to approximate $125.0 million ($80.0 million after tax 
effect). Most of the reserve is related to these outstanding litigation matters.
In determining such portion, the Company estimated the cost of settling these 
litigation matters. In estimating such cost, the Company considered potential 
liabilities related to these matters and the estimated cost of prosecuting and 
defending them (including out-of-pocket costs, such as attorneys' fees, and the
cost to the Company of having its management involved in numerous complex 
litigation matters). The Company is unable at this time to determine the 
estimated timing of the future cash outflows with respect to this liability. 
Although the Company has attempted to estimate the amounts that will be required
to settle these litigation matters, there can be no assurance that the actual 
aggregate amount of such settlements will not exceed the amount of the reserve
to be accrued. The reserve for these matters will be expensed in the 
consolidated statement of income subsequent to the closing of the Ideon Merger,
and any subsequent payments related to these matters will reduce the amount of 
the reserve. The Company considered litigation-related costs and liabilities, 
as well as integration and transaction costs, in determining the agreed upon 
exchange ratio in respect of the Ideon Merger.

In determining the amount of the reserve related to the Company's proposed
integration and consolidation efforts, the Company estimated the significant
severance costs to be accrued upon the consummation of the Ideon Merger and
costs relating to the expected obligations for certain third-party contracts
(e.g., existing leases and vendor agreements) to which Ideon is a party and
which are neither terminable at will nor automatically terminated upon a
change-in-control of Ideon. The Company expects to incur significant integration
costs because Ideon's credit card registration and enhancement services are
substantially similar to the Company's credit card registration and enhancement
services. All of the business activities related to the operations performed by
Ideon's Jacksonville, Florida office were transferred to the Company's 
Comp-U-Card Division in Stamford, Connecticut upon the consummation of the 
Ideon Merger. The Company also expects that there will be additional 
consolidation affecting other parts of Ideon's business that are substantially
the same as the Company's existing businesses. The Company does not expect any
loss in revenue as a result of these integration and consolidation efforts.

During June 1995, the Company acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
Getko for a purchase price of approximately $100 million, which was satisfied by
the issuance of approximately 3.7 million shares of Common Stock. Getko
distributes complimentary welcoming packages to new homeowners throughout the
United States and Canada.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note B--Mergers and Acquisitions (continued)

During September 1995, the Company acquired all of the outstanding capital stock
of NAOG for a purchase price of approximately $52 million, which was satisfied
by the issuance of approximately 1.5 million shares of Common Stock. NAOG owns
one of the largest for-profit hunting and general interest fishing membership
organizations in the United States, and also owns a handyman membership

During January 1996, the Company acquired all of the outstanding capital stock
of Advance Ross for a purchase price of approximately $183 million, which was
satisfied by the issuance of 5.9 million shares of Common Stock. Advance Ross
processes value-added tax refunds to travelers in over 20 European countries.

The acquisitions of Getko, NAOG and Advance Ross (collectively, the "Fiscal 1996
Pooled Entities") were accounted for in accordance with the pooling-of-interests
method of accounting. Therefore, the Company's financial statements have been
restated for all prior periods to include these entities. Further, all common
share and per common share data have been restated for prior periods and certain
reclassifications have been made to the historical financial statements to
conform to the Company's presentation.

The following represents revenues and net income of the Company and the Fiscal
1996 Pooled Entities for the two years and the last complete interim periods
preceding the mergers, not giving effect to the Fiscal 1997 Pooled Entities.

                                Nine Months Ended       Year ended January 31,  
                                October 31, 1995        1995            1994
                                -----------------   ----------------------------
  The Company                      $  949,886        $1,044,669       $879,324
  Fiscal 1996 Pooled Entities          87,130           138,227        105,477
                                -----------------   ----------------------------
                                   $1,037,016        $1,182,896       $984,801
                                =================   ============================
Net Income:                                          
  The Company                      $  113,656        $  117,591       $ 87,371
  Fiscal 1996 Pooled Entities           7,103             6,975          6,780
                                -----------------   ----------------------------
                                   $  120,759        $  124,566       $ 94,151
                                =================   ============================
Getko, NAOG and Advance Ross previously used the fiscal years ended November 30,
December 31 and December 31, respectively for their financial reporting. To
conform to the Company's January 31 fiscal year end, Getko's operating results
for December 1993 and January 1994 and NAOG's operating results for January 1994
have been excluded from the year ended January 31, 1995 operating results in the
accompanying financial statements. The excluded periods have been adjusted by a
$4.1 million charge to retained earnings at January 31, 1995. In addition,
Advance Ross' operating results for January 1995 have been excluded from the
year ended January 31, 1996 operating results in the accompanying financial
statements. This excluded period has been adjusted by a $95,000 charge to
retained earnings at January 31, 1996.

In connection with the Advance Ross acquisition, the Company charged $5.2
million ($4.2 million or $.02 per common share after-tax effect) to fiscal 1996
operations for merger costs. These costs are nonrecurring and are comprised
primarily of transaction costs and other professional fees. Costs incurred in
connection with the acquisitions of Getko and NAOG were not significant to the
Company's results of operations.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note B--Mergers and Acquisitions (continued)

During fiscal 1996, Davidson acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
Maverick Software, Inc. ("Maverick") and The Cute Company, which subsequently
changed its name to FUNNYBONE Interactive ("FUNNYBONE"), by issuing an aggregate
of .6 million shares of Davidson's common stock (.5 million equivalent shares of
Common Stock). During fiscal 1995, Davidson acquired all of the outstanding
shares of Chaos Studios, Inc., which subsequently changed its name to Blizzard
Entertainment ("Blizzard"), by issuing .6 million shares of Davidson's common
stock (.5 million equivalent shares of Common Stock).

During fiscal 1996, Sierra acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of The
Pixellite Group ("Pixellite"), Software Inspiration Limited ("Inspiration") and
Papyrus Design Group, Inc. ("Papyrus") by issuing an aggregate of 2.1 million
shares of Sierra's common stock (2.6 million equivalent shares of Common Stock).

The acquisitions of Maverick, FUNNYBONE, Blizzard, Pixellite, Inspiration and
Payrus were accounted for in accordance with the pooling-of-interests method of
accounting. Therefore, the Company's financial statements, including all common
and per common share data, have been restated to include these entities.

During fiscal 1996, Sierra acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
Arion Software, Inc. ("Arion") and Green Thumb Software, Inc. ("Green Thumb") by
issuing an aggregate of 147,958 shares of Sierra's common stock (181,249
equivalent shares of Common Stock). The acquisitions of Arion and Green Thumb
were accounted for in accordance with the pooling-of-interests method of
accounting. However, the Company's financial statements have not been restated
for the Arion and Green Thumb mergers as these companies did not significantly
impact the Company's operations.

Purchase Business Combinations

During February 1995, the Company acquired all of the outstanding capital stock
of Welcome Wagon International, Inc. ("Welcome Wagon") and substantially all of
the assets of a related entity, Gifts International, Inc., for $19.5 million in
cash. Welcome Wagon provides discounts for local merchants through direct visits
by its representatives to households. In connection with this acquisition, the
Company received current assets of $4.8 million and noncurrent assets of $3.6
million and assumed current liabilities of $4.7 million. The excess of cost over
the fair value of net assets acquired ($15.8 million) is included in the excess
of cost over net assets acquired.

During March 1995, the Company acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
the parent of its European licensee, CUC Europe Limited, for $13 million. The
purchase price was satisfied by the payment of $12 million in cash and the
issuance of 42,147 shares of Common Stock. In connection with this acquisition,
the Company received current assets of $4.5 million and noncurrent assets of
$9.6 million and assumed current liabilities of $6.2 million and noncurrent
liabilities of $3.3 million. The excess of cost over the fair value of net
assets acquired ($8.4 million) is included in the excess of cost over net assets
acquired. In addition, during March 1995, the Company paid $2.4 million in cash
to acquire its European license. This amount has been included in the excess of
cost over net assets acquired.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note B--Mergers and Acquisitions (continued)

During March 1995, the Company acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
Credit Card Sentinel (U.K.) Limited ("CCS") for $22.5 million in cash. CCS is a
leading provider of credit card enhancement services, which are generally
marketed through European financial institutions. In connection with this
acquisition, the Company received current assets of $7.5 million and noncurrent
assets of $2.3 million and assumed current liabilities of $6.6 million and
noncurrent liabilities of $10.5 million. The excess of cost over the fair value
of net assets acquired ($29.8 million) is included in the excess of cost over
net assets acquired.

During fiscal 1996, the Company acquired several small privately-held discount
coupon book publishing companies, certain assets from insurance marketers and
franchisees and certain marketing and future renewal rights for an aggregate
cost of $4.2 million. The cost of these acquisitions has been included in the
excess of cost over net assets acquired ($3.7 million) and contract renewal
rights ($.5 million). In addition, during fiscal 1996 the Company acquired
certain assets from three timeshare-related businesses for an aggregate cost of
$5.2 million and paid $3.7 million to satisfy contingent payment requirements in
connection with previous acquisitions. These amounts have been included in the
excess of cost over net assets acquired.

During fiscal 1996, Ideon acquired substantially all of the assets and
liabilities of National Leisure Group, Inc., a provider of vacation travel
packages to credit card companies, retailers and wholesale clubs in the United
States, for $15 million in cash and an agreement to issue shares of common stock
with a value of $1.4 million on the third anniversary of the acquisition. In
connection with this acquisition, Ideon received assets of $5.6 million and
assumed liabilities of $7.2 million. The excess of cost over the fair value of
net assets acquired of $18.3 million is included in the excess of cost over net
assets acquired.

Also during fiscal 1995, Ideon acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
Wright Express Corporation ("Wright Express"), a provider of transaction and 
information processing services, for $35.5 million in cash. The excess of cost 
over the fair value of net assets acquired of $28.9 million is included in the 
excess of cost over net assets acquired.

During January 1995, the Company acquired all of the outstanding capital stock
of Essex Corporation and subsidiaries ("Essex") for $27.5 million. The purchase
price was satisfied by the payment of $25.9 million in cash and the issuance of
75,000 shares of Common Stock. The former shareholders of Essex may receive
additional payments over the next two years, not to exceed $57.5 million in the
aggregate, based on the achievement of certain objectives. The Company's
management believes that payments to such shareholders aggregating in excess of
$30 million would be extremely remote. Essex is a third-party marketer of
financial products for banks, primarily marketing annuities through financial
institutions. In connection with this acquisition, the Company received current
assets of $8.1 million and noncurrent assets of $1.4 million and assumed current
liabilities of $7 million. The excess of cost over the fair value of net assets
acquired ($25 million) was included in the excess of cost over net assets

During fiscal 1995, the Company acquired certain assets from three insurance
marketers for an aggregate cost of $4.1 million. The cost of these acquisitions
has been included in the excess of cost over net assets acquired ($3.9 million)
and contract renewal rights ($.2 million). In addition, during fiscal 1995 the
Company acquired a privately-held discount coupon book publishing company for $1
million and paid $.9 million to satisfy contingent payment requirements in
connection with previous acquisitions. These amounts have been included in the
excess of cost over net assets acquired.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note B--Mergers and Acquisitions (continued)

During fiscal 1995, Davidson acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
Learningways, Inc. ("Learningways") for $4.2 million. The purchase price was
satisfied by the payment of $.7 million in cash and the issuance of 358,648
shares of Davidson's common stock (304,851 equivalent shares of Common Stock).
In connection with the acquisition, certain in-process research and development
costs for technology in process of approximately $3.9 million were expensed in
fiscal 1995. The excess of cost over the fair value of net assets acquired is
included in the excess of cost over net assets acquired.

During fiscal 1994, the Company acquired a privately owned insurance marketer
for $6 million. The cost of this acquisition has been included in contract
renewal rights. In addition, during fiscal 1994 the Company acquired a marketer
of accidental death and dismemberment insurance and a company which markets
other insurance products for an aggregate cost of approximately $2.6 million.
The cost of these acquisitions has been included in the excess of cost over net
assets acquired ($1.4 million) and contract renewal rights ($1.2 million),
respectively. During fiscal 1994, an additional $5.8 million was paid to satisfy
contingent payment requirements in connection with previous acquisitions. This
amount was included in the excess of cost over net assets acquired.

During fiscal 1994, Sierra acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
Coktel Vision S.A. ("Coktel"), a French software company, for $5.3 million in
cash. In connection with this acquisition, $1.1 million was attributed to
in-process research and development and accordingly was charged to expense at
the date of acquisition. Amounts allocated to software development costs and the
excess of cost over net assets acquired were $1.4 million and $2.4 million,
respectively. Former Coktel shareholders earned contingent purchase payments of
$1.6 million and $1.3 million for the years ended January 31, 1995 and 1994,
respectively. During fiscal 1996, Sierra amended the Coktel agreement whereby it
issued 150,000 shares of Sierra's common stock (183,750 equivalent shares of
Common Stock) in satisfaction of any further incentive payments. As a result of
this amendment, an additional $4.1 million has been included in the excess of
cost over net assets acquired.

The preceding acquisitions were accounted for in accordance with the purchase
method of accounting and, accordingly, the results of operations have been
included in the consolidated results of operations from the respective dates of
acquisition. The results of operations for the periods prior to the respective
dates of acquisition were not significant to the Company's operations.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note C--Marketable Securities

The Company's marketable securities, including aggregate fair value and cost
were as follows as of January 31 (in thousands):
                                               Fair Value            Cost
   U.S. Government obligations                 $  22,886          $  22,896
   Corporate debt securities                      27,438             27,521
   Tax-exempt municipal bonds                     54,081             53,724
   Commercial paper                                5,832              5,832
   Other                                             255                255
                                                $110,492           $110,228

   U.S. Government obligations                 $  10,394          $  10,357
   Corporate debt securities                      23,050             22,996
   Tax-exempt municipal bonds                    177,898            178,747
   Commercial paper                               17,129             17,067
                                                $228,471           $229,167

Maturities of the Company's investment portfolio as of January 31, 1996 were as

                                                   Value             Cost
Within one year                                $  97,164          $  97,003
One to five years                                  9,282              9,187
More than five years                               4,046              4,038
                                                $110,492           $110,228
Note D--Properties                       

Property acquired is recorded at cost. Depreciation of properties is provided
for using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the
assets. The following is a summary of properties as of January 31 (in
                                                   1996              1995

      Computer equipment                       $  70,077          $  50,500
      Telephone equipment                         34,113             22,274
      Furniture and other equipment               74,290             52,771
      Buildings                                   23,309             11,197
      Leasehold improvements                      16,798             13,606
      Less accumulated depreciation             (105,234)           (74,984)
      Properties, net                          $ 113,353           $ 75,364

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note E-- Credit Facilities and Convertible Notes

During the second quarter of fiscal 1995, the Company renegotiated its revolving
credit facility provided by General Electric Capital Corporation ("GECC"). The
Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, which was entered into as of June 30,
1994 (the "GECC Credit Agreement"), amended and restated an agreement that the
Company and GECC initially entered into in 1989 and which was scheduled to 
expire June 1, 1997. The GECC Credit Agreement provided for a $100 million 
revolving credit facility with interest at LIBOR plus 2 1/4% (7 11/16% at 
January 31, 1996) on that portion of the outstanding balance which was less 
than or equal to $50 million and LIBOR plus 2 1/2% (7 15/16% at January 31, 
1996) on the remaining outstanding balance. In addition, the GECC Credit 
Agreement required the Company to maintain certain financial ratios and 
other restrictive covenants, including restrictions that preclude the payment 
of cash dividends on shares of Common Stock. The Company has terminated the 
GECC Credit Agreement effective March 19, 1996 and entered into a credit 
agreement during March 1996 with certain banks signatory thereto; The Chase 
Manhattan Bank, N.A., Bank of Montreal, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of 
New York and The Sakura Bank, Limited, as Co-Agents; nd The Chase Manhattan 
Bank, N.A. as Administrative Agent (the "New Credit Agreement").

The New Credit Agreement provides for a $500 million revolving credit facility
with a variety of different types of loans available thereunder. Interest is
payable, depending on the type of loan utilized by the Company, at a variety of
rates based on the federal funds rate, LIBOR, the prime rate or rates quoted by
participating banks based on an auction process provided for in the New Credit
Agreement. In addition, the New Credit Agreement requires the Company to
maintain certain financial ratios and contains other restrictive covenants
including, without limitation, financial covenants and restrictions on certain
corporate transactions, and also contains various events of default provisions
including, without limitation, defaults arising from certain changes in control
of the Company.

The zero coupon convertible notes issued in connection with the Company's fiscal
1990 recapitalization were recorded at their fair value on the date of issuance
and were issued in $100 principal amounts and multiples thereof. Each $100
principal amount is convertible into 15.1875 shares of Common Stock. These zero
coupon convertible notes are redeemable at any time at the option of the
Company, in whole or in part, at 90.6% of principal amount, increasing ratably
to 100% on June 6, 1996, the maturity date of such notes.  Virtually all of the
zero coupon convertible notes were converted into Common Stock by June 6, 1996.

Cash payments for interest made by the Company to all its obligations amounted
to $5.1 million, $4.6 million and $.3 million for the years 
ended January 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.


In 1994, Ideon assumed a revolving loan agreement in connection with its
acquisition of Wright Express.  The agreement, as originally structured, 
provided for maximum borrowings equal to the lesser of $17.5 million or an 
amount based on a percentage of eligible accounts receivable as defined 
therein.  In November 1994, the revolving credit agreement was amended
increasing the available line to $27.5 million and Ideon was added as a
guarantor under the amended agreement. Interest on the outstanding borrowings
was, at Wright Express' option, either the bank's prime rate minus 0.5% or LIBOR
plus 0.625%. Borrowings are secured by substantially all assets of Wright
Express. At January 31, 1996, Ideon had $15.4 million outstanding under the
revolving line of credit with interest rates ranging from 6.31% to 7.25%. Such
amount is included in other current liabilities.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note E--Revolving Credit Facilities and Convertible Notes (continued)


In fiscal 1996, Sierra entered into an unsecured bank line of credit that
provides for borrowing of up to $10 million, expiring August 31, 1996. Any
borrowings under this line of credit would be collateralized by substantially
all of Sierra's assets and incur interest at either the bank's prime rate or
IBOR plus 150 basis points, at Sierra's choice. The line contains covenants
requiring Sierra to maintain certain financial ratios and minimum balances in
cash and cash equivalents. Sierra is in compliance with all covenants under this
line of credit as of January 31, 1996. There have been no borrowing by Sierra
under this line of credit to date. This line of credit expired August 31, 1996.

On April 12, 1994, Sierra issued $50 million in principal amount of 6 1/2%
convertible subordinated notes due April 1, 2001 (the "Notes"). Interest on the
Notes is payable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1 of each year. Each
$11.43 principal amount is convertible into one share of Common Stock, subject
to adjustment under certain conditions. The Notes are redeemable after April 2,
1997, at the option of the Company, at specified redemption prices. The Notes
will be subordinated to all existing and future Senior Indebtedness (as defined
in the Indenture governing the Notes) of the Company. Issuance costs have been 
netted against the principal convertible debt balance are being amortized on a
straight-line basis over seven years. During fiscal 1996 and 1995, Sierra paid
$0.9 million and $1.0 million, included in interest expense, to induce
conversion of $11.7 million and $14.3 million of Notes into 837,500 shares and
1,021,421 shares of Sierra common stock (1,025,938 equivalent shares and
1,251,241 equivalent shares of Common Stock), respectively.

Note F--Shareholders' Equity

During fiscal 1990, the Company made an administrative change to its incentive
stock option plans which had the effect of converting all options granted under
such plans to nonqualified options. Under these plans, options to purchase up to
11,029,922 shares of Common Stock may be granted at not less than the fair
market value on the date of grant. Options granted under these plans are
generally exercisable at 20% to 25% per year commencing one year from the date
of grant.

The Company also has nonqualified option plans for certain employees. Under
these plans, including options to purchase 8,250,000 shares of Common Stock
added to these plans during fiscal 1996, nonqualified options to purchase up to
29,495,177 shares of Common Stock may be granted at not less than the fair
market value on the date of grant. Options granted under these plans are
generally exercisable at 20% to 25% per year commencing one year from the date
of grant.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note F--Shareholders' Equity (continued)

During October 1987, the Board of Directors adopted a plan ("1987 Plan") which,
as amended by votes of the Company's shareholders, authorizes the issuance of 
options for upock. The 1987 Plan grants the Board of Directors the discretion to
designate these options as incentive stock options or nonqualified stock
options. Options granted under the 1987 Plan are generally exercisable at 20% to
25% per year commencing one year from the date of grant. During fiscal 1996, the
Company's shareholders approved an amendment of the 1987 Plan to increase the
number of shares of Common Stock authorized for issuance under the 1987 Plan to
23,718,750 shares of Common Stock.

During June 1991, the Company's shareholders approved the 1990 Directors Stock 
Option Plan authorizing the issuance of options to the Company's non-employee 
directors to purchase up to 759,375 shares of Common Stock at not less than the
fair market value on the date of grant. In addition, during June 1993, the 
Company's shareholders approved the 1992 Directors Stock Option Plan, which 
provides that options to acquire an aggregate of up to 450,000 shares of 
Common Stock may be granted to non-employee Directors. As of January 31, 1996,
nonqualified options to purchase 669,375 shares of Common Stock have been 
granted under these two plans. Options granted under these plans are generally 
exercisable at 20% to 25% per year commencing one year from the date of grant.

In addition, during fiscal 1996, the Company's shareholders approved the 1994
Directors Stock Option Plan ("the 1994 Directors Plan"). The 1994 Directors Plan
provides that options to acquire an aggregate of up to 225,000 shares of Common
Stock may be granted to non-employee directors of the Company in office on each
of November 23, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997. Options granted under the 1994
Directors Plan are generally exercisable in full on the date of grant. As of
January 31, 1996, options to purchase 97,500 shares of Common Stock have been
granted under the plan.

The Company had reserved an aggregate of 2,550,000 shares of Common Stock for
issuance under three Davidson stock option plans: Davidson & Associates, Inc.
1992 Incentive Stock Option Plan, Davidson & Associates, Inc. 1992 Nonstatutory
Stock Option Plan and Davidson & Associates, Inc. 1992 Stock Purchase Plan
(collectively, the "Davidson Plans"). The Davidson Plans provided for the grant
of options to purchase Common Stock to officers, directors and consultants or
independent contractors of Davidson, or of any subsidiary of Davidson. Only
Davidson employees may be granted options under the Davidson & Associates, Inc.
1992 Incentive Stock Option Plan. The exercise price of the Davidson incentive
stock options was not less than the fair market value of Common Stock on
the date of grant. The exercise price of the options under the other two
Davidson plans were at the discretion of Davidson's Board of Directors.  
These plans provided that the options were exercisable based upon vesting 
schedules, as determined by Davidson's Board of Directors and were 
exercisable no later than nine years from the date of grant. Options issued 
under the plans generally vest ratably over a five-year period.  The Davidson 
Plans were terminated in connection with the Davidson merger and the options 
outstanding under the Davidson Plans  were assumed under existing plans of 
the Company.

The Company has reserved 7,558,250 shares of Common Stock for issuance under
Sierra's 1995 Stock Option and Award Plan and Sierra's 1987 Stock Option Plan
for officers, employees, directors, vendors, consultants and independent
contractors of Sierra. Options granted under these plans may be either incentive
stock options or nonqualified stock options and are granted at the fair market
value of Common Stock at the date of grant. Options vest and expire under the
terms established at the date of grant. The Company also has 267,731 shares of
Common Stock reserved for issuance under an option plan acquired through
Sierra's merger with Papyrus.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note F--Shareholders' Equity (continued)

The Company had reserved 1,212,517 shares of Common Stock for issuance under 
six Ideon stock option arrangements:  Outside Directors' Options, 1991 
Employee Stock Option Plan, 1992 Employee Stock Option Plan, 1994 Long-Term 
Stock-Based Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Option Plan and Directors Stock 
Plan (collectively, the "Ideon Plans") for officers, employees and directors 
of Ideon. The stock option exercise prices of the Ideon Plans were generally 
based on the fair market price of Common Stock on the date of grant. The Ideon 
Plans provided that the options were exercisable upon vesting schedules from 
one to four years and certain portions vest based on certain stock price 
hurdles.  The Ideon Plans and the options outstanding thereunder were either 
terminated or assumed under existing plans of the Company.

As of January 31, 1996 and 1995, options to purchase 8,128,710 and 7,073,693
shares of Common Stock, respectively, were exercisable.

Changes in outstanding options were as follows:

    Outstanding January 31, 1994                             26,938,598 
         Options granted                                     10,101,612
         Options exercised                                   (4,410,446)
         Options cancelled                                     (670,319)

    Outstanding January 31, 1995                             31,959,445
         Options granted                                      4,795,912
         Options exercised                                   (6,288,588)
         Options cancelled                                   (1,222,722)

    Outstanding January 31, 1996                             29,244,047

Outstanding options at January 31, 1996 have exercise prices ranging from $.07
to $52.61.

The Company has an employee stock purchase plan for which 750,000 shares of
Common Stock are authorized. This plan enables employees to purchase the
Company's Common Stock at 90% of the fair market value on the fifteenth day
following the last day of each calendar quarter. The remaining 10% is charged 
to compensation expense. Employees may not purchase in excess of 25% of their
year-to-date earnings.

The following summarizes shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance as of
January 31, 1996:

      Convertible debt                                       2,097,813 
      Zero coupon convertible notes                          2,278,088
      Restricted stock plan                                    913,832
      Stock options granted                                 29,244,047
      Options not yet granted                               15,848,835
      Stock purchase plan                                      647,192

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note F--Shareholders' Equity (continued)

In July 1989, Getko established an Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP") for
substantially all of its employees by purchasing 40,300 shares of its
convertible preferred stock which was financed by a $15 million bank loan
guaranteed by Getko. Compensation expense resulting from the ESOP amounted to
$1.8 million, $5.4 million and $4.5 million for the years ended January 31,
1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively. During fiscal 1996, the remaining loan amount
was repaid with the proceeds from the sale of unallocated ESOP shares and the
remaining ESOP shares were distributed to participants.

During fiscal 1991, the Board of Directors authorized the repurchase of up to
10.125 million shares of Common Stock and during fiscal 1995 the Board of
Directors reauthorized such repurchase. As of January 31, 1996, 2,475,552 shares
of Common Stock had been repurchased at an aggregate cost of $8.7 million, of
which $8.6 million relates to fiscal 1991 repurchases.

During each of the years ended January 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, cash dividends 
per common share paid to Ideon's common stockholders were $.02 per share of 
Common Stock.

The Company's authorized capital stock also includes one million shares of 
preferred stock, $.01 par value. No shares of preferred stock have been issued.

Note G--Income Taxes

The components of income before income taxes for the years ended January 31 are
as follows (in thousands):

                              1996              1995             1994

Domestic                    $210,211          $238,219         $187,413
Foreign                       25,101            18,712           10,906
                            $235,312          $256,931         $198,319

Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary differences
between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting
purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes. Significant components of
the Company's deferred tax assets and liabilities as of January 31 are as
follows (in thousands):
                                                       1996         1995
Deferred tax assets:
   Deferred membership income
     and acquisition costs, net                      $18,421     $ (3,156)
   Other accrued liabilities                          10,836         (532)
   Recapitalization expenses                           1,181          862
   Compensatory stock options                            972        2,456
   Net operating loss carryforwards                    1,347        7,883
   Relocation expenses                                 3,439        3,749
   Valuation allowance                                     -        3,230
   All other                                           9,060        7,740
Total deferred tax assets                             45,256       22,232

Deferred tax liabilities:
   Insurance retention refund                         19,546       13,229
   Depreciation                                        7,195        2,015
   All other                                           6,569        5,093
Total deferred tax liabilities                        33,310       20,337
Net deferred tax assets                              $11,946     $  1,895

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note G--Income Taxes (continued)

The provision (benefit) for income taxes consists of the following for the years
ended January 31 (in thousands):
                                       1996          1995         1994    
   Federal                            $72,665       $83,333      $72,408
   State                                9,820        10,351        7,399
   Foreign                              7,606         5,178        2,691
                                       90,091        98,862       82,498
   Federal                                493        (5,544)      (6,888)
   State                                 (447)          791       (1,980)
   Foreign                                200           765          (16)
                                          246        (3,988)      (8,884)
Total provision                       $90,337       $94,874      $73,614

A reconciliation of the provision for income taxes at the Federal statutory rate
to the Company's consolidated tax provision follows for the years ended January
31 (in thousands):

                                       1996           1995          1994

Income tax at statutory rate (35%)    $81,778        $89,926       $69,215
State income taxes, 
  net of Federal benefit                7,334          6,769         5,248
Foreign taxes differential                825          1,352          (363)
Tax exempt interest                         -         (2,613)       (3,061)
Amortization of excess costs            4,627          2,237         2,327
Technology under development                -          1,381             -
Nonconsolidated losses                       -           (849)        1,565
Change in valuation allowance          (1,215)             -             -
Other, net                             (3,012)        (3,329)       (1,317)
                                      $90,337        $94,874       $73,614

Income tax payments amounted to $56.3 million, $55.3 million and $49.7 million
for the years ended January 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note H--Transactions with Related Parties


Until his resignation as Chief Executive Office and a director of SafeCard
Services, Incorporated ("SafeCard"), a subsidiary of Ideon, on December 19,
1992, Steven J. Halmos, SafeCard's co-founder, provided his services to SafeCard
through High Plains Capital Corporation ("HPCC"), a company owned by himself and
his brother, Peter Halmos, SafeCard's other co-founder. After that date, Steven
J. Halmos, acting in the capacity of an Advisor on Marketing and Operational
Strategy, provided services directly to SafeCard pursuant to a written agreement
(as amended and restated as of April 1, 1993, the "Steven J. Halmos Agreement").
On May 26, 1994, SafeCard reached a settlement with Steven J. Halmos to
terminate the Steven J. Halmos Agreement and various other agreements between
SafeCard and Mr. Halmos that provided for payments to Mr. Halmos of $2 million a
year through March 31, 1998. The settlement, which arose in connection with
Ideon's management restructuring in April 1994 and a resulting decision to cease
using Mr. Halmos' services, resulted in a $4.4 million cash payment to Mr.
Halmos and charge to fiscal 1995 earnings. Subsequent to his termination Mr.
Halmos exercised options to purchase 3.9 million shares of Ideon's common stock
(approximately 1.5 million equivalent shares of Common Stock). Shareholders'
equity increased $37.8 million resulting from the exercise of such options and
the related tax benefit.

In September 1994, Ideon acquired Wright Express. Ideon's former Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer, Paul G. Kahn, was a director of Wright Express
prior to its acquisition by Ideon. During negotiations between Ideon and Wright
Express, Mr. Kahn did not attend any meetings or participate in any discussions
of the Board of Directors of Wright Express and abstained from voting on the
acquisition by Ideon's Board of Directors.

SafeCard markets its CreditLine product pursuant to an agreement (as amended,
the "CreditLine Agreement") with CreditLine Corporation ("CLC"), a corporation
owned by Steven J. Halmos and Peter Halmos, and their families. The CreditLine 
Agreement grants SafeCard an exclusive license to market CreditLine through 
certain credit card issuers (including all issuers with which SafeCard has 
contractual relationships) and provides that profits and losses, if any, are 
shared equally between CLC and SafeCard. The CreditLine Agreement is the subject
of litigation as described in Note I.


In July 1996, the Company acquired Sierra. The Company's Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer, Walter A. Forbes, was a director of Sierra prior to its
acquisition by the Company (the "Sierra Merger"). During negotiations between
the Company and Sierra, Mr. Forbes did not participate in any meetings or
deliberations of Sierra's Board of Directors with respect to the Sierra Merger
and abstained from the vote of the Board of Directors of the Company to approve
the Sierra Merger agreement.

Note I--Commitments and Contingencies

Rental expense under operating leases amounted to $37.6 million, $27.7 million
and $24 million for the years ended January 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994,
respectively. These leases provide for normal escalation charges in addition to
the base rental. At January 31, 1996, the minimum rental commitments under
non-cancelable operating leases with initial or remaining terms of more than one
year aggregated $153.8 million ($33.9 million for 1997, $29.7 million for 1998,
$24.1 million for 1999, $19 million for 2000, $15.2 million for 2001 and $31.9
million thereafter).

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note I--Commitments and Contingencies (continued)

The Company has a Savings Incentive Plan ("Savings Plan") for all eligible
employees which qualifies as a 401(k) plan. Effective July 1, 1994,
Entertainment's Employee Stock Ownership Plan was merged into the Savings Plan.
The Savings Plan provides that a participant may contribute up to 15% of his or
her annual salary, subject to limitations, while the Company will contribute up
to $61 per pay period for the first $92 contributed by a participant. Davidson's
401(k) plan covers eligible employees who elect to participate and Davidson has
the discretion to make contributions to this plan, which vest based on length of
service. The Company's contributions to the Savings Plan and Davidson's
contributions to its 401(k) plan for fiscal 1996, 1995 and 1994 aggregated $4.1
million, $3.2 million and $2.2 million, respectively.


At January 31, 1996, Ideon was defending or prosecuting claims in thirteen
complex lawsuits, twelve of which involved Peter Halmos, former Chairman of the
Board and Executive Management Consultant to SafeCard, and various parties
related to him as adversaries. Peter Halmos is also a plaintiff in three other
lawsuits, one against a former officer, one against a director of Ideon and one
against SafeCard's outside counsel, in which neither SafeCard nor Ideon have
been named as defendant. The thirteen cases in which Ideon or its subsidiaries
is a party are as follows:

A suit initiated by Peter Halmos, related entities, and Myron Cherry (a former
lawyer for SafeCard) in April 1993 in Cook County Circuit Court in Illinois
against SafeCard and one of Ideon's directors, purporting to state claims
aggregating in excess of $100 million, principally relating to alleged rights to
"incentive compensation," stock options or their equivalent, indemnification,
wrongful termination and defamation. On February 7, 1995, the court dismissed
with prejudice Peter Halmos' claims regarding alleged rights to "incentive
compensation," stock options or their equivalent, wrongful termination and
defamation. Mr. Halmos has appealed this ruling. SafeCard has filed an answer to
the remaining indemnification claims. Its obligation to file an answer to the
claims of Myron Cherry have been stayed pending settlement discussions. On
December 28, 1995, the court stayed Halmos' indemnification claims pending
resolution of a declatory judgment action filed by Ideon in Delaware Chancery

A suit which seeks monetary damages and certain equitable relief filed by
SafeCard in August 1993 in Laramie County Circuit Court in Wyoming against Peter
Halmos and related entities alleging that Peter Halmos dominated and controlled
SafeCard, breached his fiduciary duties to SafeCard, and misappropriated
material non-public information to make $48 million in profits on sales of
SafeCard stock. In March 1994, Mr. Halmos and related entities filed a
counterclaim in which claims were made of conspiracy in restraint to trade,
monopolization and attempted monopolization, unfair competition and restraint of
trade, breach of contract for indemnity and intentional infliction of emotional
distress. SafeCard's motion to sever the conspiracy, monopolization and
restraint of trade claims was granted in May 1994. The claims for the
conspiracy, monopolization, restraint of trade and unfair competition were
dismissed without prejudice in June 1994. On April 12, 1995, the trial court
granted the motion of Mr. Halmos and certain related entities to amend their
counterclaims. The amended counterclaims include claims for indemnification for
legal expenses incurred in the action and a claim that SafeCard's contract with
CreditLine should be rescinded. On April 19, 1995, the trial court granted Mr.
Halmos' motion for summary judgment that certain of SafeCard's claims against
him were barred by the statute of limitation. On March 14, 1996, the Wyoming
Supreme Court reversed the trial court's ruling that certain of SafeCard's
claims were barred by the statute of limitations.  Pursuant to the Court's 
order of July 31, 1996, the action has been abated to permit the parties to
engage in settlement negotiations.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note I--Commitments and Contingencies (continued)

A suit seeking monetary damages by Peter Halmos, purportedly in his name and in
the name of CreditLine Corporation and Continuity Marketing Corporation against
SafeCard, one of its officers and three of Ideon's directors in United States
District Court in the Southern District of Florida, in September 1994 purporting
to state various tort claims, state and federal antitrust claims and claims of
copyright infringement. The claims principally relate to the allegation by Peter
Halmos and his companies that SafeCard has taken action to prevent him from
being a successful competitor. All discovery in the case has been stayed pending
a ruling on a motion to dismiss filed by SafeCard, its officer and Ideon's
directors. On August 16, 1995, the United States Magistrate Judge filed a Report
and Recommendation that the case be dismissed. The parties have filed various
beliefs and memoranda in response to this Report. On January 4, 1996, the
Magistrate recommended ruling that the statute of limitations was tolled during
pendency of the case in federal court and the plaintiffs' state law claims were
thus not time-barred. Defendants have filed an objection to this recommendation.

A suit seeking monetary damages by Peter Halmos, as trustee for the Peter A.
Halmos revocable trust dated January 24, 1990 and the Halmos Foundation, Inc.
individually and certain other named parties on behalf of themselves and all
others similarly situated against SafeCard, one of its officers, one of its
former officers and three of Ideon's directors in the United States District
Court for the Southern District of Florida in December 1994. This litigation
involves claims by a putative class of sellers of SafeCard Stock for the period
January 11, 1993 through December 8, 1994 for alleged violations of the federal
and states securities laws in connection with alleged improprieties in
SafeCards' investor relations program. The complaint also includes individual
claims made by Peter Halmos in connection with the sale of stock by two trusts
controlled by him. SafeCard and the individual defendants have filed a motion to
dismiss. There has been limited discovery on class certification and
identification of "John Doe" defendant issues. Ideon filed its opposition to the
pending motion for class certification on December 11, 1995. Plaintiffs' reply
was filed March 19, 1996.  On September 9, 1996, the Court entered an order 
abating the action until December 9, 1996 to permit the parties to engage in 
settlement negotiations.

A suit seeking monetary damages and injunctive relief by LifeFax, Inc. and
Continuity Marketing Corporation, companies affiliated with Peter Halmos, in the
State Circuit Court in Palm Beach County, Florida in April 1995 against Ideon,
Family Protection Network, Inc., SafeCard, one of Ideon's directors and Ideon's
Chief Executive Officer purporting to state various statutory and tort claims.
The claims principally relate to the allegation by these companies that
SafeCard's Early Warnings Service and Family Protection Network were conceived
and commercialized by, among others, Peter Halmos and have been improperly
copied. An amended complaint filed on June 14, 1995 seeking monetary damages
adds to the prior claims certain claims by Nicholas Rubino that principally
relate to the allegation that SafeCard's Pet Registration Product was conceived
by Mr. Rubino and has been improperly copied. The Company has filed an 
appropriate answser.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note I--Commitments and Contingencies (continued)

A suit seeking monetary damages and declaratory relief by Peter Halmos,
individually and as trustee for the Peter A. Halmos revocable trust dated
January 24, 1990 and by James B. Chambers, individually and on behalf of himself
and all others similarly situated against Ideon, SafeCard, each of the members
of Ideon's Board of Directors, three non-board member officers of Ideon, Ideon's
previous outside auditor and one of Ideon's outside counsel in the United States
District Court for the Southern District of Florida in June 1995. The litigation
involves claims by a putative class of purchasers of Ideon stock between 
December 14, 1994 and May 25, 1995 and on behalf of a separate class of all 
record holders of SafeCard stock as of April 27, 1995. The putative class claims
are for alleged violations of the federal securities laws, for alleged breach of
fiduciary duty and alleged negligence in connection with certain matters voted 
on at the Annual Meeting of SafeCard stockholders held on April 27, 1995. 
Ideon and the individual defendants have filed a motion to dismiss these claims.
There has been limited discovery on class certification issues. Ideon filed its 
opposition to the pending motion for class certification on December 11, 1995. 
Plaintiffs' reply was filed March 19, 1996.  On September 9, 1996, the Court 
entered an order abating the action until December 9, 1996 to permit the 
parties to engage in settlement negotiations.

A purported shareholder derivative action initiated by Michael P. Pisano, on
behalf of himself and other stockholders of SafeCard and Ideon against SafeCard,
Ideon, two of their officers, and Ideon's directors in United States District
Court, Southern District of Florida. This litigation involves claims that the
officers and directors of SafeCard have improperly refused to accede Peter
Halmos' litigation and indemnification demands against Ideon. Ideon and the
individual defendants have filed motions to dismiss the first amended complaint.
On September 29, 1995, Pisano filed a second amended complaint which made
additional allegations of waste and mismanagement against Ideon's officers and
directors in connection with the Family Protection Network and PGA Tour Partner
products. On December 26, 1995, Ideon filed motions to dismiss the Second
Amended Complaint.  On June 4 and June 19, 1996, orders were entered 
dismissing plaintiff's claims with prejudice for failure to join an 
indispensable party, Peter Halmos.  On June 27, 1996, plaintiff filed a 
notice of appeal.

A suit seeking monetary damages filed by Peter Halmos against SafeCard, one of
its directors, its former general counsel, and its legal counsel in the Circuit
Court, Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, in and for Palm Beach County, Florida on
August 10, 1995. This litigation involves claims by Peter Halmos for breach of
fiduciary duty and constructive fraud, fraud, and negligent misrepresentation
and is based on allegations arising out of the resolution of a shareholder class
action lawsuit in 1991 and SafeCard's subsequent filing of an action against
Halmos and his related companies in Wyoming in 1993.  Plaintiff filed an 
amended complaint on June 26, 1996 and on July 11, 1996 the Company moved to 
dismiss plaintiff's amended complaint or in the alternative to stay the action.

A declaratory judgment action by Ideon and its directors against Peter Halmos in
Delaware Chancery Court, New Castle County. This action seeks a declaration
regarding Ideon's advance indemnification obligations, if any, to Peter Halmos
in connection with his many lawsuits. Halmos filed a motion to dismiss on
jurisdictional grounds on November 17, 1995. Ideon filed a brief in opposition
and an amended complaint on February 14, 1996. On April 22, 1996, Halmos filed
an answer and amended counterclaims in which High Plains Capital Corporation
("High Plains") and Halmos Trading & Investment Company ("Halmos Trading") were
added as additional parties. The amended counterclaims seek advancement and/or
indemnification for Halmos, High Plains and Halmos Trading for certain
litigations and an IRS investigation. The amended counterclaims also seek
recovery against individual defendant directors based on allegations they
willfully and unjustly denied Halmos indemnification and/or advancement.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note I--Commitments and Contingencies (continued)

A suit by High Plains against Ideon, SafeCard, two of its directors and The
Dilenschneider Group, Inc. in Circuit Court in Palm Beach County, Florida. This
litigation involves claims by High Plains for certain incentive compensation
arising out of Halmos' affiliation with SafeCard. The complaint includes claims
for breach of written agreements regarding additional services and expenses, an
alternative claim for quantum meruit based on written agreement and a count for
tortious interference with advantageous business relationship. Ideon filed a
motion for final summary judgment.  Discovery has been stayed pending a ruling 
on this motion.

A suit filed by High Plains against Ideon and SafeCard in Circuit Court in
Broward County, Florida. This litigation involves claims by High Plains for
alleged breach of oral contract, alleged violation of Florida's Uniform Trade
Secrets Act, alleged misappropriation of trade secrets and for declaration that
certain alleged trade secrets are property of High Plains. Ideon filed motions
to dismiss and to transfer on December 15, 1995.

A suit by Peter Halmos, purportedly in the name of Halmos Trading, seeking
monetary damages and specific performance against SafeCard, one of its former
officers and one of Ideon's directors in Circuit Court in Broward County,
Florida, making a variety of claims related to the contested lease of SafeCard's
former Ft. Lauderdale headquarters. SafeCard had vacated the building, ceased
making payments related to such lease and had filed counterclaims. On March 25,
1996, the parties entered into a Settlement Agreement under which Ideon made a
payment of $3.8 million to settle all claims currently pending or previously
brought in this lawsuit.

A suit by Lois Hekker on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated
seeking monetary damages against Ideon and its former Chief Executive Officer in
the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida on July 28,
1995. The litigation involves claims by a putative class of purchasers of Ideon
stock for the period April 25, 1995 through May 25, 1995 for alleged violation
of the federal securities laws in connection with statements made about Ideon's
business and financial performance. Defendants filed a motion to dismiss on
October 2, 1995. On January 3, 1996, the court stayed all merits discovery
pending rulings on the motion to dismiss and on the plaintiff's motion for class
certification.  On August 19, 1996, the court denied the Company's motion to 
dismiss.  The Company's answer is currently scheduled to be filed on September
23, 1996.

A suit by First Capital Partners, Thomas F. Frist III and Patricia F. Elcan 
against Ideon and two of its employees in the United States District Court for 
the Southern District of New York.  The litigation involves claims against 
Ideon, its former CEO and its Vice President of Investor Relations for alleged 
material misrepresentations and omissions in connection with announcements 
relating to Ideon's expected earnings per share in 1995 and its new product 
sales, which included the PGA Tour Card Program, Family Protection Network and 
Collections of the Vatican Museums.  On July 15, 1996, Ideon filed a motion to 

As noted in Note B, the Company will establish a reserve upon the Ideon merger
related, in part, to these litigation matters.  The Company is also involved 
in certain other claims and litigation arising from the ordinary course of 
business, which are not considered material to the operations of the Company.

Note J--Cost Related to Products Abandoned and Restructuring - Ideon

Included in costs related to products abandoned and restructuring in the
Supplemental Consolidated Statement of Income for the year ended January 31,
1996, are special charges totaling $43.8 million, net of recoveries, related to
the abandonment of certain new product developmental efforts and the related
impairment of certain assets and the restructuring of the SafeCard division of
Ideon and the Ideon corporate infrastructure as discussed below. The original
charge of $45 million was composed of accrued liabilities of $36.2 million and
asset impairments of $8.8 million. In December 1995 Ideon recovered $1.2 million
of a $3.9 million deposit included in the above charges.  Also included in costs
related to products abandoned and restructuring are marketing and operational 
costs incurred for products abandoned of $53.2 million.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note J--Cost Related to Products Abandoned and Restructuring - Ideon

The components of the product abandonment and related liabilities as of January
31, 1996 are as follows (in thousands):

                                       Fiscal 1996                    Balance at
                                        Provisions      Activity       1/31/96

Severance and other employee costs       $14,960        $  8,950      $  6,010
Costs to terminate equipment
  and facilities leases                    9,593           2,656         6,937
Liability for contract impairments         8,400           1,000         7,400
Other costs                                3,295           2,846           449
                                         $36,248         $15,452       $20,796

The balance of the product abandonment and related liabilities at January 31,
1996 is included in accrued expenses and represents Ideon's best estimate of the
amounts expected to be incurred with respect to its product abandonment and
restructuring efforts. The amounts that will ultimately be paid could differ
from the amounts included in the product abandonment and related liabilities
estimate. Ideon anticipates completion of the majority of the actions related to
the product abandonment and restructuring during fiscal 1997.

During fiscal 1996, the following costs related to products abandoned and
restructuring were incurred. In early 1995, Ideon launched an expanded PGA TOUR
Partners program that provided various benefits to members. Consumer response
rates after the launch were significantly less than Ideon management's
expectations, the product as configured was deemed not economically viable and a
charge of $18 million was incurred associated with the abandonment of the
product marketing including employee severance payments (approximately 130
employees), costs to terminate equipment and facilities leases, costs for
contract impairments and write-downs taken for asset impairments. In September
1995, after a period of product redesign and test marketing, Ideon discontinued
its PGA TOUR Partners credit card servicing role and recorded a charge of $3.6
million for costs associated with the abandonment of this role, including
employee severance payments (approximately 60 employees), costs to terminate
equipment and facilities leases and the recognition of certain commitments. In
April 1995, Ideon launched a nationwide child registration and missing child
search program. Consumer response rates after the launch were significantly less
than Ideon management's expectations and a charge of $9 million was incurred to
cover severance payments (approximately 100 employees), costs to terminate
equipment and facilities leases and write-down taken for asset impairments. As a
result of the discontinuance of these products, Ideon undertook an overall
restructuring of its operations and incurred charges of $7.2 million to 
terminate operating leases and write-down assets to realizable value, 
$3 million for restructuring its SafeCard division and $4.2 million for 
restructuring its corporate infrastructure.

During fiscal 1995, costs related to products abandoned and restructuring were
incurred when Ideon reorganized its operations and named a new senior management
team, resulting in $7.9 million of charges for various severance agreements and
a lease termination.

Note K--Sale of The ImagiNation Network - Sierra

The operating activities of The ImagiNation Network, Inc. ("INN") were
consolidated with those of Sierra through July 26, 1993. On July 27, 1993,
Sierra sold 42% of INN's voting stock and reduced its ownership interest to 58%
and reduced its voting control such that Sierra recorded its liquidation
preference in excess of recorded book value as shareholders' equity.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note K--Sale of The ImagiNation Network - Sierra (continued)

In December 1994, Sierra sold its remaining equity interest in INN to AT&T and
recorded a gain of $19.7 million. Sierra also entered into a multi-year
publishing agreement with AT&T for Sierra to provide content for INN. 
The publishing agreement provides for AT&T to fund up to $4 million of 
Sierra's development expenditures under an existing publishing agreement and 
up to $23 million of Sierra's development expenditures, subject to certain
limitations, through non-refundable royalty advances. The non-refundable 
royalty advances are reflected net of research and development expense. 
Non-refundable royalty advances from AT&T for the years ended January 31, 
1996 and 1995 were $3.8 million and $1.6 million, respectively.

Note L--Business Segments

Business segment data consists of the following at or for the years ended
January 31 (in thousands):

                                      1996            1995            1994
   Membership services             $1,629,829      $1,363,561      $1,143,191
   Software                           305,403         191,050         135,473
                                   $1,935,232      $1,554,611      $1,278,664
Operating Profit:
   Membership services             $  184,699      $  218,145      $  194,002
   Software                            40,928          30,849           1,096
                                   $  225,627      $  248,994      $  195,098
Identifiable Assets:
   Membership services             $1,803,577      $1,566,186      $1,274,693
   Software                           264,619         205,936         113,500
                                   $2,068,196      $1,772,122      $1,388,193
Capital Expenditures:
   Membership services             $   53,048      $   29,809      $    9,631
   Software                            10,100           9,752           4,698
                                   $   63,148      $   39,561      $   14,329
Depreciation and Amortization:
   Membership services             $   40,358      $   27,683      $   26,901
   Software                             9,378          15,780          13,410
                                   $   49,736      $   43,463      $   40,311

Note M--Subsequent Events

During February 1996, Ideon acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
United Bank Services ("UBS") for $18.3 million. UBS is a provider of value-added
products and services through a diverse group of financial institutions. In
connection with this acquisition, Ideon recorded $14.7 million in the excess of
cost over net assets acquired and $4.4 million in contract renewal rights. The
UBS purchase agreement provides that the former shareholders of UBS are 
eligible to receive additional payments over the next three years, not to exceed
$22 million in the aggregate, based on the achievement of certain objectives. 
This acquisition was accounted for in accordance with the purchase method of 
accounting and, accordingly, its results of operations will be included in the 
consolidated results of operations from the date of acquisition.

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note M--Subsequent Events (continued)

During March 1996, Davidson acquired all of the outstanding capital stock of
Condor, Inc. (subsequently renamed "Blizzard North"), a developer of
entertainment software. This acquisition was accounted for in accordance with
the pooling-of-interests method of accounting. However, the Company's financial
statements have not been restated for the Blizzard North merger as it did not
impact the Company's operations significantly.

In February 1996, Wright Express entered into a new revolving credit facility
agreement replacing its previous revolving line of credit. The new credit
facility has an available line of $75 million of which $50 million may be used
to finance working capital requirements and for general corporate purposes and
$25 million may be used for acquisition financing. The new credit facility
expires December 1, 1998. Interest on the outstanding borrowings is computed, at
the option of Wright Express, under various methods including the bank's prime
rate or LIBOR plus 0.75%. Borrowings are secured by substantially all assets of
Wright Express.

The Company's fiscal 1990 recapitalization included establishment of a
restricted stock plan designed to compensate and retain key employees of the
Company. During July 1996, 910,000 restricted shares of Common Stock were 
granted with a fair value on the date of grant of $30.5 million, which amount 
was deducted from shareholders'equity and is being amortized over the vesting 

Note N--Quarterly Results of Operations (unaudited)

(Dollar amounts in thousands, except per common share amounts)

The quarterly results of operations have been restated to reflect the
poolings-of-interests transactions with the Fiscal 1997 Pooled Entities 
discussed in Note B.

                                    First      Second       Third      Fourth
Restated:                          Quarter     Quarter     Quarter     Quarter
- ---------                         ----------------------------------------------

Fiscal 1996
   Total revenues                  $430,659    $466,048    $492,556    $545,969
   Income (loss) before            
     income taxes                    62,270      (1,756)     71,989     102,809
   Net income (loss)                 38,304      (2,368)     43,399      65,640
   Net income (loss)               
     per common share                   .15        (.01)        .16         .25

Fiscal 1995
   Total revenues                  $340,230    $375,305    $413,228    $425,848
   Income before income taxes        51,303      51,440      91,988      62,200
   Net income                        33,191      30,122      61,389      39,355
   Net income per common share          .13         .12         .24         .15

                     CUC International Inc. and Subsidiaries

       Notes to Supplemental Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

Note N--Quarterly Results of Operations (unaudited) (continued)

The fourth quarter of fiscal 1996 includes $5.2 million ($4.2 million or $.02
per common share after-tax effect) of merger costs incurred in connection with
the acquisition of Advance Ross. The first, second, third and fourth quarters of
fiscal 1996 include $8.1 million, $73.1 million, $16.4 million and ($.6
million), respectively, of Ideon's costs related to products abandoned and

                                   First      Second       Third       Fourth
Prior to restatement:             Quarter     Quarter     Quarter      Quarter
- ---------------------            -----------------------------------------------

Fiscal 1996
   Total revenues                 $325,114    $347,759    $364,143     $377,948
   Income before income taxes       59,047      67,029      71,821       68,446
   Net income                       36,046      41,692      43,021       42,615
   Net income per common share         .19         .21         .22          .22

Fiscal 1995
   Total revenues                 $270,303    $288,143    $304,249     $320,201
   Income before income taxes       45,876      48,922      53,342       53,645
   Net income                       27,969      29,948      33,211       33,438
   Net income per common share         .15         .16         .17          .18