Cass Commercial Corporation 1999 Annual Report

        Strengthening Our Foundation

        [CASS LOGO]



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       Cass Commercial Corporation 1999 Annual Report
          Strengthening Our Foundation



                                                1999 Annual Report         1


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     As indicated by the headings in this year's Annual Report, 1999 was a year
     of transitioning for the Cass organization. While a financial price was
     paid for this, in many ways, 1999 may be remembered as one of the most
     crucial years in our history. This is due primarily to the many
     significant events that occurred and will have a major impact on the
     company's future results.

     Financially, 1999 was a disappointing year for the company. Net income was
     $6,198,000 representing a decrease of 16.3% from corresponding 1998
     results. This represented a 14.8% decrease in diluted earnings per share
     from $1.89 to $1.61 in the same corresponding period.
         Total assets for the company were $500,845,000 representing a 0.6%
     decrease from the same levels of the previous year.

     II. 1999 HIGHLIGHTS
     There were two key areas where Cass achieved significant growth in its
     business segments.
         Total loans for the organization were $278,343,000 compared to
     $224,888,000 at year-end 1998. This represented a 23.8% increase from
     previous levels. This loan growth occurred in both our church and business
     divisions. Our church and related ministry efforts provided an increase of
     $31,168,000 during this year. This represents our continued expansion to
     this very important community and a movement of our lending activities to
     churches in other parts of the country. Business loans increased
     $22,287,000 representing another strong showing. This resulted from
     continued expansion of our business relationships and from the
     consolidation of other financial institutions in the St. Louis region. We
     are extremely pleased with the level of loan growth achieved during 1999.
         This growth did not adversely affect the outstanding asset quality
     ratios of the organization. Loan losses for the year were only 0.09% of
     outstanding loans. Additionally, nonaccrual assets were only 0.06% of
     total loans as of year-end. The company's loan loss reserve was a healthy
     1.54% to total loans outstanding at year-end.
         The company's financial strength is further reflected by the level of
     its tangible net worth. The company's leverage ratio was 11.53%, far
     above the standards required by regulatory institutions.

                        1999 was a year of
                            transitioning for the
                          Cass organization.

2         Cass Commercial Corporation


                           We are extremely pleased with
                        the level of loan growth
                                 achieved during 1999.

    There were also several significant accomplishments that occurred during
the year. Initially, the company's sizeable investment in Y2K preparation was
obviously a success. Both Cass Commercial Bank and Cass Information Systems,
Inc. utilized large amounts of time and resources in preparing for the
millennium change. In addition to program changes, equipment purchases and
systems replacements, a significant amount of time was spent in system
testing and contingency planning. We were not surprised that the smooth
transition into the new year occurred because we had properly and adequately
    Also, our investment in Internet freight processing systems continued
during 1999. A large amount of effort was utilized for our e-Cass systems for
freight processing. We are very encouraged by the response of the marketplace
to these systems and by the impact they are having on the freight payment
processing market.
    Our utility processing services experienced a doubling of growth during
1999. Our desire to establish a presence in this marketplace was achieved.
At year-end, we were processing an annualized volume of some $1.3 billion per
year. This response has been helpful in assessing the future potential of the
utility processing market and our ability to grow this business.

While the utility processing business grew at a rapid pace, the growth did
not come without its corresponding setbacks. Because of the rapid growth,
we were unable to leverage our freight processing resources to the extent
initially envisioned. As a result, a much larger investment in staff and
processing support had to be made in order to accommodate the fast pace of
growth. This had a negative consequence on the profits of the company. It is
estimated that the before tax loss from this operation exceeded $1 million
for the year. While we are hopeful that positive financial returns will
emanate, nevertheless, this did have an adverse impact on our income results
for 1999. We are currently evaluating the additional investment which must be
made in this operation and its long-term financial benefit to Cass.
    Interest rate levels also played a role in the profit picture for 1999.
Until the middle of November, interest rates were significantly lower than
for the corresponding levels in 1998. Due to the company's asset sensitivity,
this also had a negative impact on earnings. While much of this was overcome
by loan growth, nevertheless, earnings results were negatively impacted.
    As profits from our freight processing business decreased for the year,
overall volume also did not increase significantly. This was due primarily
to two factors: a growth in the competition for EDI (Electronic Data
Interchange) processing of parcel and air shipments, and a delay in the
decisions of new companies to begin utilizing outsourced services. New and
emerging competition initially

                                                1999 Annual Report         3


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     attacked the market for parcel and air EDI shipments. Corporations using
     this type of transportation were targeted. As a result, Cass lost
     significant volume in the early part of the year to this competition. Due
     to modified system changes and more competitive pricing, we were able to
     negate any further loss and anticipate growth in this business in the
     future. However, it did have a negative effect on our fee income in 1999.
         Additionally, as a result of Y2K systems changes and the lack of
     resources for technology integration, many companies delayed decisions to
     utilize outsourced services, such as Cass, until the end of the year or
     shortly thereafter. While Cass' sales pipeline remained extremely high
     throughout the year and continues to be at record levels, the number of
     new customers did not materialize as quickly as expected. We have begun
     to see a change as more customers have started to make the decision to
     utilize Cass' services. It is our anticipation that significant growth in
     new business will once again occur and the freight processing market will
     grow faster than previously. However, the growth was much slower in 1999.

     We are extremely encouraged with the growth potential in all of our
     business divisions.
         Our freight processing business will be off to a great start in 2000.
     With a strong sales pipeline and Y2K concerns behind us, we anticipate a
     new challenge of expansion and resource procurement to handle the new
     business. We are well positioned for this with our multiple processing
     centers in Boston, Massachusetts; Columbus, Ohio; and St. Louis,
         The utility processing market appears poised for continued growth.
     Our challenge will be to convert this volume into profitable processing.
     This will require new system processing improvements, production
     facilities focused only on utility processing and better processing
     efficiency enhancements for this business to perform better in the
     future. While we are encouraged by the fact that companies have become
     aware of the need to obtain information to allow them to seize
     opportunities to reduce utility costs, we are concerned about the
     increasing investment required to sustain this business and the
     lengthening time it may take to produce the desired level of
         Our church business division continues to grow significantly. At
     year-end, over $65,956,000 in loans were outstanding to churches and
     church related organizations. This business has been so successful that
     Cass has begun to develop relationships with organizations across the
     United States. Our reception has been encouraging, and we are optimistic
     about the future growth of this business division.

4         Cass Commercial Corporation


             It is our desire to have the organization's
         past performance and strong
                    growth opportunities reflected
             in the value of its underlying securities.

    Our business division also continues to expand. This core banking
division is known as one of the leading providers of loans to privately
held companies in the St. Louis area. With continuing consolidation in
the financial services arena, we expect this growth to continue. The
relationships established by Cass over the years, along with our experience
and track record with these clients, continues to support our ability to be
a strong financial partner for these businesses.
    We feel an improved interest rate environment and continued growth in our
business divisions should provide a return to the strong consistent earnings
trend characteristic of the organization since its inception in 1906. While
we are disappointed with last year's results and the impact on the company's
stock price, nevertheless, it is our feeling that the core markets and
opportunities for the company remain strong and that the future will be
a positive one for Cass Commercial Corporation.

1999 was a year of great stress for the staff of our organization. Not only
did we have to overcome the interest rate issues faced at the beginning of
the year, we also had to ensure that our systems were Y2K compliant and try
to grow our businesses at the same time. The performance of our staff under
such conditions was outstanding. They remain our most valuable asset, and we
are thankful for their commitment, support and productivity during this time
of transition.
    We are also grateful for our shareholder community, which despite a loss
in the value of their holdings, nevertheless, has been very supportive of our
objectives and strategy. Cass was not alone in this regard, as the market did
not treat most financial institutions very politely in 1999. Nevertheless, it
is our desire to have the organization's past performance and strong growth
opportunities reflected in the underlying value of its securities. We want
to deeply thank our shareholders for their encouragement and long-term
commitment to the organization.
    Finally, we cannot end this report without our recognition of the role
that God has played in 1999. It is very misleading to associate God's
blessings only with improved net earnings. That would be a great mistake!
We have seen His blessings and His grace, perhaps more clearly in 1999 than
ever. Without such, we could never have handled all the major activities and
changes that occurred. We are so thankful for His watchfulness and guidance.

/s/ Lawrence A. Collett

Lawrence A. Collett
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

                                                1999 Annual Report         5


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     Cass' oldest line of business, providing commercial banking services to
     privately held companies, recorded a strong year in 1999. Net loans grew
     by $22 million, representing a solid growth of 12%. As of December 31,
     1999, loans outstanding to privately held businesses totaled $212
     million, representing 76% of Cass' total loan portfolio. Credit quality
     remains excellent as demonstrated by the ratio of non-performing loans to
     total loans, representing only 0.09%. This compares very favorably to the
     industry average of 0.58% for peer banks.
         Total average deposit balances were up for the year by $14 million,
     representing an increase of 8%. Fee income from depository and treasury
     management products grew by $188,000 or 16%.
         We are pleased to report that 72.5% of the increases in business
     volumes are the result of new clients, with the remainder representing
     growth from existing clients. Approximately 46% of these new clients came
     to us from larger banks going through mergers, with 54% coming from other
     traditional middle market competitors. We believe this demonstrates how
     Cass Commercial Bank is meeting a real need in the St. Louis middle
     market business community and differentiating itself across a broad
     spectrum of banking competition.

     Focus - Cass remains committed to our core strategy of focusing on
     commercial middle market banking services. We believe this is more than
     just a choice of business activity preference and constitutes a sound
     marketing strategy. This strategy allows all of our bankers and executive
     management to develop an in-depth understanding of the preferences of
     private business owners, which benefits our clients and is an attraction
     to our prospects. In 1999 we introduced two direct contact campaigns to
     communicate our understanding of this niche and to build awareness with
     our target audience. Through these programs along with the traditional
     calling by our bankers, we have presented a clear and consistent formula
     of combining excellence in service quality with new technology in the
     delivery of our banking services.
         Service - Our service quality is extremely high due largely to our
     structure of utilizing banking teams to surround our clients. Team members
     with strong functional expertise work together serving the same group of
     clients on a repetitive basis. This structure ensures quick response,
     relationship continuity, strong functional specialization, and quality
     assurance by the team leadership. This personal attention is particularly
     important to our clients and prospects, as larger banks have continued to
     reduce the level of available local service support.
         Unique services offered by Cass include our Cass Client Circle
     discussion groups. These are groups of clients, which meet quarterly to
     share business management ideas and general knowledge resources,
     facilitated by Cass personnel.

6         Cass Commercial Corporation


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                             This year's direct mail campaign reiterated our
                           commitment to providing excellence in service and
                                 maintaining dependable fiscal conservatism.


We have received excellent feedback from the clients participating in these
voluntary groups, and will continue to expand the program. We also provide
information resources to our clients through our Cass Breakfast Series. This
provides expert speakers addressing pertinent business topics on a quarterly
basis in a breakfast seminar format.
    Technology - In 1999 Cass invested substantially in our backroom
operations. We are adding new state-of-the-art tools using digital
technology, which allows us to provide several new banking products. One
example is Positive Account Reconciliation, which enables our clients to
minimize check fraud by reconciling their bank accounts on a daily basis.
It gives the client the ability to make pay/return decisions on the day
checks are presented, greatly reducing the risk of check fraud.
    Additionally, Cass now offers compact disc based check images. This
offers our clients a more convenient and secure method of storing and
retrieving check images. With this banking product, our clients receive a
compact disc in conjunction with their monthly bank statement. Our clients
find that this significantly reduces both their reconciliation time and check
storage space needed. Finally, with this service, images of checks can be
retrieved via our new Internet access systems. Additional capabilities are
being planned for these systems, including enhanced information reporting and
the ability to complete more transaction types online.
    Providing St. Louis privately owned companies with thoughtful and sincere
personal service has been a hallmark of Cass since 1906. As we enter the 21st
century, our objective is to maintain that level of service. We are further
committed to combining this commitment to service excellence with
technological innovation. We believe this combination has made and will
continue to make us extremely attractive to the markets we serve.

                                                   1999 Annual Report         7


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     1999 was another year of outstanding growth for the church business
     division of Cass Commercial Corporation.
         Our church & ministry relationships reached their highest level in
     1999 with more than one hundred and fifty customers with loan
     outstandings exceeding $65 million, a 90% increase over 1998. Our church
     & ministry depository, cash management and investment relationships are
     also larger than any prior year.
         Additionally, our church & ministry new business pipeline including
     church refinancing, church expansion and new construction projects is
     currently stronger than we have ever experienced.
         As our church & ministry relationships continue to increase in number,
     they also continue to diversify among small, medium and large-sized
     churches, representing an even wider variety of denominations and
         We also continued to widen the scope of our church & ministry
     activities, seeking to further establish Cass Commercial Bank as a
     nationwide church & ministry lender. We have church & ministry
     relationships in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado
     and California.
         We have found that lending to churches has indeed been solid business.
     To date, every one of our church customers has managed its financial
     responsibilities in an appropriate manner, and we have experienced no
     defaults or foreclosures.
         Cass' approach to providing financial services to churches and
     ministries is to work as if we are a member of the finance committee. We
     invest our time to partner with a church, helping analyze its overall
     financial capabilities, including reviewing various project affordability
     models, and evaluating expansion and new construction alternatives.
         Cass' underwriting approach has been created to reflect the uniqueness
     of churches and their approach to fiscal stewardship. We have developed
     a financial analysis system that is specifically geared toward evaluating
     a church's overall


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     Cass' commitment to working with churches & ministries nationwide is an
  important part of our culture as an organization. We believe this work has
      both philosophical and practical benefits to the community as a whole.

8         Cass Commercial Corporation



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Our church & ministry division provides building refinancing, expansion and
new construction loans for churches and ministries nationwide.

financial condition and how it compares with other churches. Further, we
focus in depth on historical and projected cash flow, revenue growth rate and
the ability to manage various debt alternatives.
    One of our guiding principles is to recommend a financial plan that is
affordable and reasonable allowing a church to achieve its objectives in a
prudent and rational manner.
    Another dimension of our comprehensive relationship with a church &
ministry is our counselor approach to a church's depository needs, both short
and longer term. As we work closely with each church in understanding its
fiscal philosophy and operating approach, we also initiate a comprehensive
analysis comparing various operating, savings and investment alternatives to
determine the best fit for our customer.
    We approach every church with a "team" of experienced bankers. This team
includes officers from lending, depository, cash management, customer
service, and executive management, and it provides relationship continuity
and consistency for our church & ministry customers.
    Our church business vision further describes the underlying reasons why
Cass is involved with churches and ministries above and beyond our business
objectives ... first, to produce results that will provide Kingdom value;
second, to integrate an eternal perspective into the organization; and third,
to improve our communities.
    Cass seeks to accomplish this mission by providing funds to churches &
ministry-related organizations, by using funds deposited by these
organizations to assist similar institutions, by our corporate contributions,
and by our involvement with the church community.
    These are some of the key reasons why Cass is involved in churches and
ministries. These reasons are philosophical, foundational, and practical ...
and these are an important part of our Cass culture.
    At Cass, this work is far more than just a business activity. It extends
to all aspects of our lives, not just work. We are indeed thrilled that God
has provided us the opportunity to serve this important part of our

                                                   1999 Annual Report         9


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     Our business is providing freight bill payment, audit, cost accounting
     and transportation information services to many of the nation's largest
     manufacturing, chemical, food and personal products companies. We continue
     to develop our strategy of focusing on processing automation and
     Internet-based information delivery systems that create an electronic
     commerce model unmatched in the industry.
         In 1999 we began the most significant transformation of our business
     since the development of on-line processing in the early 1980s. There are
     three components to our strategy:
         Processing Automation
         Processing System Enhancement
         Information Delivery on the Internet

     Electronic invoice receipt has been a major part of Cass Information
     System's (CIS) processing model for many years. We are expanding our
     electronic processing using traditional Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
     protocols but recognize that our market will require flexibility and
     information that has heretofore been unavailable to CIS's customers. In
     1999 we began reengineering our electronic processing system to prepare
     us for accelerated expansion and new data transfer protocols such as XML.
     In addition, the explosive growth in electronic commerce has created a
     demand for information that will help e-commerce companies select the
     most cost effective routing of its packages. Cass is devoting a separate
     processing and information database to respond to this market.
         More of our customers have or will be developing more sophisticated
     purchasing and order entry systems that can feed the freight bill payment
     process. CIS receives payment authorization files from most of its large
     customers today. As more companies adopt integrated business systems, the
     opportunities for increased automation such as transaction rating and
     automatic carrier payment will become more prevalent.
         Last year we experienced our largest increase in automated (ACH)
     carrier payments. We believe that in the next few years the traditional
     method of paying by check will become outmoded. With the support of Cass


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We believe that increased automation in the future, coupled with the growing
demand for Internet-based information delivery systems, will provide numerous
opportunities for Cass to expand its business.

10        Cass Commercial Corporation


Bank, CIS is aggressively working with the carrier community to convert to
the more efficient and less costly method of electronic payment.
    In the first quarter of 2000, CIS will allow its customers access to
freight bill exceptions for review and approval. Freight bill images will be
available by accessing our Internet system where customers will see an image
of the paper document or an electronic transaction to review and approve for
payment. The costly and inefficient receipt of documents and telephone
approvals will be eliminated.

While our industry migrates from paper to electronic processing, Cass will
continue its record of excellence for paying paper invoices. Over the years,
CIS has perfected its processing system to ensure data integrity and on-time,
daily processing. In 1999 we began the development of a system that will take
advantage of the latest technology and provide more operating efficiency and
flexibility without disrupting our core payment application.
    The freight bill authorization and Internet system provide our
constituencies with more timely and extensive information about processing
transactions, allowing our support staff to focus on enhancing the delivery
of transportation and accounting information.

Several years ago Cass developed its first Internet application: payment
inquiry for our customers and their carriers. Last year over 3.5 million
inquiries were made over the Internet. In June of 1999, our standard payment
report displays were placed on the Internet. In October, the carriers our
customers patronize could access their receivables records and the billing
requirements of our customers.
    Scheduled for the first or early second quarter of 2000, Cass will launch
the linchpin of its Internet information delivery system. The fourth phase is
a comprehensive database of transportation and accounting information. The
system will use an OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) design that displays
key metrics used to manage a company's transportation network. These
components can be analyzed by using data mining features. Our objective is to
develop Internet-based information systems that display data in ways that
exceed traditional methods and help our customers manage their supply chain
    Since introducing our business model to companies, we are experiencing
tremendous growth opportunities. We believe that our focus will solidify Cass
as the leader in our market and will allow us to expand our business as we
enter a new century.


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Our objective is to develop Internet-based information systems that display
data in ways which help our customers better manage their supply chain

                                                   1999 Annual Report        11


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     1999 was the second year of existence for the Utility Payments Division of
     Cass Information Systems. The new division experienced sizable growth in
     1999 by marketing the two main values of our outsourced utility payables
     product: transaction cost reduction by leveraging Cass' economies of
     scale; and expanded energy information to provide an energy information
     data warehouse.
         The clear trend in 1999 was the market's recognition of the
     ever-increasing value of information contained in utility bills. With the
     Cass Utility Payable solution, our customers get comprehensive energy and
     payment information from every bill - information that proves invaluable
     in auditing the bills and developing an energy consumption profile.
     Whether our customers use in-house resources or take advantage of our
     energy services partners, they are seeing returns on investment
     attributable to detection of overcharges, rate analysis and negotiation,
     competitive commodity bids and decreased processing costs.
         It is worth noting that energy deregulation, while already a primary
     driver in the market, is still in its infancy. Although only a handful of
     states have fully opened competitive markets, dozens more have initiatives
         We are helping some of the nation's largest retail, commercial and
     industrial corporations find savings. Cass increased the number of store
     locations we support in this market to over 30,000. The types of invoices
     that Cass pays include electric, gas, water, sewer, telephone, trash and
     other facility-related repetitive payables.

            DOLLAR VALUE/2000 EST              INVOICES PROCESSED/2000 EST
                 [GRAPHIC]                              [GRAPHIC]

12        Cass Commercial Corporation


                 The clear trend in 1999
                     was the market's recognition
            of the ever-increasing value of
                  information contained in utility bills.

    On an annualized basis at the end of 1999, Cass Information Systems was
processing 1.5 million invoices with over a billion dollars in invoice value.
Going into 2000, we have committed business scheduled for implementation that
will add $200 million in invoice value and 250,000 additional invoices per
    Much of 1999 was spent developing systems and infrastructure necessary to
enable Cass to compete aggressively in this marketplace. During the year, an
expanded Sales & Marketing structure was designed and implemented. Cass
markets its products with a direct sales force, with a Web site tuned to
attract inquiries based on expected key words, and through a combination of
direct mail and telemarketing follow-up. Cass sells its services directly to
end-user companies and in conjunction with affiliations with some of the
industry's largest providers of Energy Information and Utility Auditing
    During 1999, the scope of our data capture was expanded in order to
accommodate a broader base of energy service types. In November, we brought
the first customers on-line for in-house imaging, a move that will bring
significant cost savings and, more importantly, provide better service to our
    For 2000, we will continue to focus on process improvement. Significant
improvements are needed and will require that we invest in new technologies
and systems to support continued growth.
    We anticipate continued growth in our utility processing services. As
this market expands, we expect both client demand and processing volume to
also increase. It is our feeling that the difficulties associated with rapid
growth and system enhancements must be overcome to allow us to be better
positioned to profitably sustain this growth into the future.

                                                   1999 Annual Report        13


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                                                                                                         DECEMBER 31
          (In Thousands of Dollars, Except Share and per Share Data)                               1999              1998
          Cash and due from banks                                                                $ 18,497          $ 22,558
          Federal funds sold and other short-term investments                                     105,720           156,827
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
             Cash and cash equivalents                                                            124,217           179,385
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
          Investment in debt and equity securities:
             Held-to-maturity, fair value of $25,381 and $57,191
               at December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively                                         25,554            56,605
             Available-for-sale, at fair value                                                     57,442            27,369
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
                Total investment in debt and equity securities                                     82,996            83,974
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
          Loans                                                                                   278,343           224,888
             Less: Allowance for loan losses                                                        4,282             4,428
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
                Loans, net                                                                        274,061           220,460
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
          Premises and equipment, net                                                               9,181             9,249
          Accrued interest receivable                                                               2,764             2,764
          Other assets                                                                              7,626             8,080
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
                Total assets                                                                     $500,845          $503,912
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
             Noninterest-bearing                                                                 $ 91,672          $ 82,911
             Interest-bearing                                                                      97,064           108,071
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
                Total deposits                                                                    188,736           190,982
          Accounts and drafts payable                                                             249,894           250,518
          Short-term borrowings                                                                       208               323
          Other liabilities                                                                         5,444             4,685
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
                Total liabilities                                                                 444,282           446,508
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
          Preferred stock, par value $.50 per share; 2,000,000 shares
             authorized and no shares issued                                                           --                --
          Common stock, par value $.50 per share; 20,000,000 shares
             authorized and 4,000,000 shares issued                                                 2,000             2,000
          Surplus                                                                                   5,087             4,796
          Retained earnings                                                                        54,814            51,505
          Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)                                              (417)              387
          Common shares in treasury, at cost (277,149 and 132,123 shares
             at December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively)                                          (4,770)           (1,213)
          Unamortized stock bonus awards                                                             (151)              (71)
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
                Total shareholders' equity                                                         56,563            57,404
                                                                                              -------------      ------------
                Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                       $500,845          $503,912
                                                                                              -------------      ------------

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

     14        Cass Commercial Corporation


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                                                                                               YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31
          (In Thousands of Dollars, Except Share and per Share Data)                     1999           1998           1997
          Interest and fees on loans                                                   $20,371        $17,579        $16,951
          Interest and dividends on debt and equity securities:
             Taxable                                                                     4,659          6,538          9,074
             Exempt from federal income taxes                                               63             69             77
          Interest on federal funds sold and other short-term investments                5,782          5,858          3,181
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
             Total interest income                                                      30,875         30,044         29,283
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
          Interest on deposits                                                           4,357          4,271          4,181
          Interest on short-term borrowings                                                  9             10             67
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
             Total interest expense                                                      4,366          4,281          4,248
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
             Net interest income                                                        26,509         25,763         25,035
          Provision for loan losses                                                         --             --            300
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
             Net interest income after provision for loan losses                        26,509         25,763         24,735
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
          Information services revenue:
             Freight and utility payment and processing revenue                         18,226         18,809         17,863
             Freight rating services revenue                                             1,800          2,146          2,107
          Service charges on deposit accounts                                              680            642            524
          Gain on sale of debt securities                                                   --            285            216
          Other                                                                            738            565          1,103
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
             Total noninterest income                                                   21,444         22,447         21,813
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
          Salaries and employee benefits                                                25,974         24,995         24,093
          Occupancy expense                                                              1,780          1,698          1,619
          Equipment expense                                                              2,714          2,649          2,654
          Other                                                                          7,876          7,283          7,545
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
             Total noninterest expense                                                  38,344         36,625         35,911
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
             Income before income tax expense                                            9,609         11,585         10,637
          Income tax expense                                                             3,411          4,177          3,626
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
             Net income                                                                $ 6,198        $ 7,408        $ 7,011
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
             Basic                                                                     $  1.63        $  1.92        $  1.82
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
             Diluted                                                                   $  1.61        $  1.89        $  1.79
                                                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------
             Basic                                                                   3,791,250      3,862,393      3,858,548
             Effect of stock options and awards                                         57,182         67,281         59,000
             Diluted                                                                 3,848,432      3,929,674      3,917,548

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                              1999 Annual Report            15


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                               YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31
          (In Thousands of Dollars)                                                    1999           1998            1997
          Net income                                                                 $  6,198       $  7,408        $  7,011
          Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
             operating activities:
                Depreciation and amortization                                           2,433          2,359           2,470
                Amortization of stock bonus awards                                         68             50             110
                Provision for loan losses                                                  --             --             300
                Deferred income tax expense (benefit)                                    (492)           131             271
                Increase in accrued interest receivable                                    --            373             229
                Gain on sale of debt securities                                            --           (285)           (216)
                Increase (decrease) in pension liability                                  834           (203)           (219)
                Other operating activities, net                                         1,401         (1,219)         (1,665)
                                                                                   ------------   -----------     -----------
                   Net cash provided by operating activities                           10,442          8,614           8,291
                                                                                   -----------    -----------     -----------
          Proceeds from sales of debt securities available-for-sale                        --          6,409          14,235
          Proceeds from prepayments and maturities of debt securities:
             Held-to-maturity                                                          30,819         32,974          28,076
             Available-for-sale                                                         1,690          2,905           1,178
          Purchases of debt and equity securities available-for-sale                  (33,091)            --          (9,835)
          Net decrease (increase) in loans                                            (53,601)       (28,466)          1,085
          Purchases of premises and equipment, net                                     (1,923)        (1,250)         (3,901)
                                                                                   -----------    -----------     -----------
                Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                   (56,106)        12,572          30,838
                                                                                   -----------    -----------     -----------
          Net increase (decrease) in noninterest-bearing demand,
             interest-bearing demand and savings deposits                                (918)        25,945         (10,878)
          Net decrease in time deposits                                                (1,328)          (820)           (770)
          Net increase (decrease) in accounts and drafts payable, net                    (624)        36,763           9,065
          Net decrease in short-term borrowings                                          (115)           (83)         (2,070)
          Proceeds from exercise of stock options                                          81             52              --
          Cash dividends paid                                                          (2,889)        (2,782)         (2,508)
          Purchase of common shares for treasury                                       (3,711)            --              --
                                                                                   -----------    -----------     -----------
                Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                    (9,504)        59,075          (7,161)
                                                                                   -----------    -----------     -----------
                Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                  (55,168)        80,261          31,968
          Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                              179,385         99,124          67,156
                                                                                   -----------    -----------     -----------
          Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                   $124,217       $179,385        $ 99,124
                                                                                   -----------    -----------     -----------
             Interest paid                                                           $  4,375       $  4,314        $  4,301
             Income taxes paid                                                          3,536          3,712           2,785

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

     16          Cass Commercial Corporation


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                             Compre-               Unamortized
                                                                             hensive                  Stock               Compre-
          (In Thousands of Dollars,          Common                Retained   Income     Treasury     Bonus               hensive
            Except per Share Data)           Stock     Surplus     Earnings   (Loss)      Stock       Awards    Total     Income
          Balance, December 31, 1996         $2,000     $4,740      $42,376    $ 105     $(1,284)    $(156)    $47,781
             Comprehensive income for 1996                                                                                $6,654
             Net income                          --         --        7,011       --          --        --       7,011     7,011
             Cash dividends ($.65 per share)     --         --       (2,508)      --          --        --      (2,508)
             Other comprehensive income:
                Net unrealized gain on debt
                   and equity securities
                   net of tax                                                                                                402
                Adjustment for gain on sale
                   of debt and equity
                   securities, available-for-
                   sale, net of tax                                                                                         (143)
             Total other comprehensive
                income                            --         --           --      259          --        --         259       259
             Amortization of Stock Bonus
                Plan awards                      --         --           --       --          --       110         110
                                             -------    -------     --------   ------    --------    ------    --------   -------
          Balance, December 31, 1997          2,000      4,740       46,879      364      (1,284)      (46)     52,653
             Comprehensive income for 1997                                                                                 7,270
             Net income                          --         --        7,408       --          --        --       7,408     7,408
             Cash dividends ($.72 per share)     --         --       (2,782)      --          --        --      (2,782)
             Other comprehensive income:
                Net unrealized gain on debt
                   and equity securities
                   net of tax                                                                                                211
                Adjustment for gain on sale
                   of debt and equity
                   securities, available-for-
                   sale, net of tax                                                                                         (188)
              Total other comprehensive
                 income                          --         --           --       23          --        --          23        23
              Issuance of 3,000 common
                 shares pursuant to
                 Stock Bonus Plan                --         48           --       --          27       (75)         --
              Amortization of Stock Bonus
                 Plan awards                     --         --           --       --          --        50          50
              Exercise of Stock Options          --          8           --       --          44        --          52
                                             -------    -------     --------   ------    --------    ------    --------   -------
          Balance, December 31, 1998          2,000      4,796       51,505      387      (1,213)      (71)     57,404
             Comprehensive income for 1998                                                                                 7,431
             Net income                          --         --        6,198       --          --        --       6,198     6,198
             Cash dividends ($.76 per share)     --         --       (2,889)      --          --        --      (2,889)
             Purchase of 160,000
                common shares for Treasury       --         --           --       --      (3,711)       --      (3,711)
             Other comprehensive
                income (loss):
                Net unrealized loss on debt
                   and equity securities
                   net of tax                    --         --           --     (804)         --        --        (804)     (804)
             Issuance of 5,900 common
                shares pursuant to
                Stock Bonus Plan                 --         87           --       --          61      (148)         --
             Amortization of Stock Bonus
                Plan awards                      --         --           --       --          --        68          68
             Exercise of Stock Options           --        (12)          --       --          93        --          81
             Tax benefit on stock awards         --        216           --       --          --        --         216
                                             -------    -------     --------   ------    --------    ------    --------   -------
          Balance, December 31, 1999         $2,000     $5,087      $54,814    $(417)    $(4,770)    $(151)    $56,563
                                             -------    -------     --------   ------    --------    ------    --------
             Comprehensive income for 1999                                                                                $5,394

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                             1999 Annual Report              17


     DECEMBER 31, 1999 AND 1998
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          Note 1
          Cass Commercial Corporation (the Company) provides a full range of
          banking services to individual, corporate and institutional customers
          through its wholly owned subsidiary bank, Cass Commercial Bank (the
          Bank). The Bank is subject to competition from other financial and
          nonfinancial institutions throughout the metropolitan St. Louis,
          Missouri, area. Additionally, the Company and the Bank are subject to
          the regulations of certain federal and state agencies and undergo
          periodic examinations by those regulatory agencies.
             The Company also provides information services through its wholly
          owned subsidiary, Cass Information Systems, Inc. (CIS). These
          services include processing and payment of freight and utility
          charges, preparation of transportation management reports, auditing
          of freight charges and rating of freight shipments. CIS is subject to
          competition from other commercial concerns providing similar services
          to companies throughout the United States and Canada. The
          consolidated balance sheet caption, "Accounts and Drafts Payable,"
          consists of obligations related to bill payment services which are
          performed for customers.
             The accounting and reporting policies of the Company and its
          subsidiaries conform to generally accepted accounting principles. The
          following is a description of the more significant of those policies:
             Basis of Presentation The consolidated financial statements
          include the accounts of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries
          after elimination of intercompany transactions.
             In preparing the consolidated financial statements, Company
          management is required to make estimates and assumptions which
          significantly affect the reported amounts in the consolidated
          financial statements. A significant estimate which is particularly
          susceptible to change in a short period of time is the determination
          of the allowance for loan losses.
             Investment in Debt and Equity Securities At the time of purchase,
          debt securities are classified into one of two categories:
          available-for-sale or held-to-maturity. Held-to-maturity securities
          are those securities which the Company has the ability and intent to
          hold until maturity. All equity securities, and debt securities not
          classified as held-to-maturity, are classified as available-for-sale.
             Available-for-sale securities are recorded at fair value.
          Held-to-maturity securities are recorded at amortized cost, adjusted
          for the amortization of premiums or discounts. Unrealized gains and
          losses, net of the related tax effect, on available-for-sale
          securities are excluded from earnings and reported as accumulated
          other comprehensive income. Gains and losses on the sale of
          available-for-sale securities are determined using the specific
          identification method.
             A decline in the fair value of any available-for-sale or
          held-to-maturity security below cost that is deemed other than
          temporary is charged to earnings and results in the establishment of
          a new cost basis for the security.
             The Bank is required to maintain an investment in the capital
          stock of the Federal Reserve Bank. The stock is recorded at cost,
          which represents redemption value.
             Interest on Loans Interest on loans is recognized based upon the
          principal amounts outstanding. It is the Company's policy to
          discontinue the accrual of interest when there is reasonable doubt as
          to the collectibility of principal or interest. Subsequent payments
          received on such loans are applied to principal if there is any doubt
          as to the collectibility of such principal; otherwise, these receipts
          are recorded as interest income. The accrual of interest on a loan is
          resumed when the loan is current as to payment of both principal and
          interest and/or the borrower demonstrates the ability to pay and
          remain current.

18          Cass Commercial Corporation


   Allowance for Loan Losses The allowance for loan losses is increased by
provisions charged to expense and reduced by net charge-offs. The provisions
charged to expense are based on economic conditions, past losses, collection
experience, risk characteristics of the portfolio and such other factors which,
in management's judgment, deserve current recognition.
   Management believes the allowance for loan losses is adequate to absorb
losses in the loan portfolio. While management uses all available information
to recognize losses on loans, future additions to the allowance may be
necessary based on changes in economic conditions. Additionally, various
regulatory agencies, as an integral part of their examination process,
periodically review the Company's allowance for loan losses. Such agencies
may require the Company to increase the allowance for loan losses based on
their judgments and interpretations about information available to them at
the time of their examination.
   Information Services Revenue Revenue from freight and utility related
services is recognized when fees are billed to customers, generally monthly.
   Premises and Equipment Premises and equipment are stated at cost less
accumulated depreciation and amortization. Depreciation is computed over the
estimated useful lives of the assets, or the respective lease terms for
leasehold improvements, using straight-line and accelerated methods.
Estimated useful lives are 31-1/2 to 39 years for buildings, 8 to 10 years for
leasehold improvements and 3 to 10 years for furniture, fixtures and
equipment. Maintenance and repairs are charged to expense as incurred.
   Intangible Assets Cost in excess of fair value of net assets acquired and
fair value in excess of cost of net assets acquired have resulted from
business acquisitions which were accounted for using the purchase method.
   Cost in excess of fair value of net assets acquired and fair value in
excess of cost of net assets acquired are amortized on a straight-line basis
over 3 to 15 years.
   Assets and liabilities acquired in business acquisitions accounted for by
the purchase method were recorded at their fair value at the date of
acquisition. The premiums and discounts related to the fair value adjustments
are amortized using the level-yield method.
   Management reviews goodwill periodically for impairment.
   Lines of Credit At December 31, 1999, the Bank has $14,820,000 of unsecured
federal funds lines of credit in place with unaffiliated financial
institutions. Additionally, at December 31, 1999, the Bank has a line of
credit of $50,000,000 under securities sold under repurchase agreements with
an unaffiliated financial institution.
   Income Taxes Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the
estimated future tax consequences attributable to differences between the
financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and
their respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured
using enacted tax rates in effect for the year in which those temporary
differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred
tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in income
in the period that includes the enactment date.
   Cash Flows For purposes of the consolidated statements of cash flows, the
Company considers due from banks, federal funds sold and other short-term
investments to be cash equivalents.
   Reclassifications Certain amounts in the 1998 and 1997 consolidated
financial statements have been reclassified to conform with the 1999
presentation. Such reclassifications have no effect on previously reported
net income.

Note 2
The Company and the Bank are subject to various regulatory capital
requirements administered by the federal banking agencies. Failure to meet
minimum capital requirements can result in certain mandatory, and possibly
additional discretionary, actions by regulators that, if undertaken, could
have a direct material effect on the Company's consolidated financial
statements. Under capital adequacy guidelines, the Company and the Bank must
meet specific capital guidelines that involve quantitative measures of
assets, liabilities and certain off-balance-sheet items as calculated under
regulatory accounting practices. The Company and the Bank's capital amounts
and classifications are also subject to qualitative judgments by the
regulators about components, risk weightings and other factors.

                                                   1999 Annual Report        19


   Quantitative measures established by regulators to ensure capital adequacy
require the Company and the Bank to maintain minimum amounts and ratios of
total and Tier I capital to risk-weighted assets, and of Tier I capital to
average assets. Management believes as of December 31, 1999, the Company and
the Bank meet all capital adequacy requirements to which they are subject.
   The Bank is also subject to the regulatory framework for prompt corrective
action. The most recent notification from the regulatory agencies, dated
November 30, 1999, categorized the Bank as well capitalized. To be
categorized as well capitalized, the Bank must maintain minimum total
risk-based, Tier I risk-based, and Tier I leverage ratios as set forth in the
table below. There are no conditions or events since that notification that
management believes have changed the Bank's category.
   Subsidiary dividends are the principal source of funds for payment of
dividends by the Company to its shareholders. The Bank is subject to
regulations which require the maintenance of minimum capital levels. At
December 31, 1999, unappropriated retained earnings of $12,438,000 were
available at the Bank for the declaration of dividends to the Company without
prior approval from regulatory authorities.
   Restricted funds on deposit used to meet regulatory reserve requirements
amounted to approximately $4,522,000 and $3,763,000 at December 31, 1999 and
1998, respectively.

The Company and the Bank's actual and required capital amounts and ratios
as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, are as follows:

                                                                                                       TO BE WELL
                                                                                                   CAPITALIZED UNDER
                                                                            CAPITAL                PROMPT CORRECTIVE
                                                 ACTUAL                   REQUIREMENTS             ACTION PROVISIONS
(Dollars In Thousands)                      Amount       Ratio         Amount       Ratio          Amount     Ratio
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
At December 31, 1999
Total capital (to risk-weighted assets):
   Cass Commercial Corporation              $60,736      18.23%        $26,654       8.00%        $   N/A      N/A%
   Cass Commercial Bank                      28,014      16.39          13,676       8.00          17,095    10.00
Tier I capital (to risk-weighted assets):
   Cass Commercial Corporation              $56,570      16.98%        $13,327       4.00%        $   N/A      N/A%
   Cass Commercial Bank                      25,873      15.14           6,838       4.00          10,257     6.00
Tier I capital (to average assets):
   Cass Commercial Corporation              $56,570      11.53%        $14,717       3.00%        $   N/A      N/A%
   Cass Commercial Bank                      25,873      11.54           6,725       3.00          11,208     5.00

At December 31, 1998
Total capital (to risk-weighted assets):
   Cass Commercial Corporation              $60,073      21.14%        $22,732       8.00%        $   N/A      N/A%
   Cass Commercial Bank                      27,526      15.12          14,568       8.00          18,211    10.00
Tier I capital (to risk-weighted assets):
   Cass Commercial Corporation              $56,510      19.89%        $11,366       4.00%        $   N/A      N/A%
   Cass Commercial Bank                      25,246      13.86           7,284       4.00          10,926     6.00
Tier I capital (to average assets):
    Cass Commercial Corporation             $56,510      12.05%        $14,073       3.00%        $   N/A      N/A%
    Cass Commercial Bank                     25,246      12.04           6,291       3.00          10,485     5.00

20          Cass Commercial Corporation


Note 3
Debt and equity securities have been classified in the consolidated balance
sheets according to management's intent.
   The amortized cost and fair values of debt securities classified as
held-to-maturity at December 31, 1999 and 1998, are as follows:

                                           Gross       Gross
                            Amortized   Unrealized  Unrealized     Fair
(In Thousands)                 Cost        Gains      Losses      Value
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. Government
   Treasury securities       $14,146      $   15      $  (7)     $14,154
Obligations of
   U.S. Government
   and agencies               10,155          --       (186)       9,969
States and political
   subdivisions                1,253          19        (14)       1,258
                             -------      ------      ------     -------
                             $25,554      $   34      $(207)     $25,381
                             -------      ------      ------     -------

                                           Gross       Gross
                            Amortized   Unrealized  Unrealized     Fair
(In Thousands)                 Cost        Gains      Losses      Value
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. Government
   Treasury securities       $38,369      $  484      $  --      $38,853
Obligations of
   U.S. Government
   and agencies               16,958          72        (28)      17,002
States and political
   subdivisions                1,278          60         (2)       1,336
                             -------      ------      ------     -------
                             $56,605      $  616       $(30)     $57,191
                             -------      ------      ------     -------

   The amortized cost and fair value of debt securities classified as
held-to-maturity at December 31, 1999, by contractual maturity, are as
follows. Expected maturities may differ from contractual maturities because
borrowers have the right to prepay obligations with or without prepayment

                                         Amortized              Fair
(In Thousands)                             Cost                Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Due in 1 year or less                    $17,088             $17,030
Due after 1 year through 5 years           3,979               3,929
Due after 5 years through 10 years         4,487               4,422
                                         -------             -------
                                         $25,554             $25,381
                                         -------             -------

   The amortized cost and fair values of debt and equity securities
classified as available-for-sale at December 31, 1999 and 1998, are summarized
as follows:

                                           Gross       Gross
                            Amortized   Unrealized  Unrealized     Fair
(In Thousands)                 Cost        Gains      Losses      Value
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. Government
   Treasury securities       $28,107       $  37      $ (17)     $28,127
Obligations of
   U.S. Government
   and agencies               29,765          11       (662)      29,114
                             -------       -----      ------     -------
Total debt securities         57,872          48       (679)      57,241
Stock of the Federal
   Reserve Bank                  201          --         --          201
                             -------       -----      ------     -------
                             $58,073       $  48      $(679)     $57,442
                             -------       -----      ------     -------

                                           Gross       Gross
                            Amortized   Unrealized  Unrealized     Fair
(In Thousands)                 Cost        Gains      Losses      Value
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. Government
   Treasury securities       $20,055       $ 552      $  --      $20,607
Obligations of
   U.S. Government
   and agencies                6,527          51        (17)       6,561
                             -------       -----      ------     -------
Total debt securities         26,582         603        (17)      27,168
Stock of the Federal
   Reserve Bank                  201          --         --          201
                             -------       -----      ------     -------
                             $26,783       $ 603      $ (17)     $27,369
                             -------       -----      ------     -------

   The amortized cost and fair value of debt securities classified as
available-for-sale at December 31, 1999, by contractual maturity, are shown
in the following table. Expected maturities may differ from contractual
maturities because borrowers have the right to prepay obligations with or
without prepayment penalties.

                                                   1999 Annual Report        21


                                               Amortized          Fair
(In Thousands)                                   Cost             Value
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Due in 1 year or less                          $12,118           $12,128
Due after 1 year through 5 years                41,104            40,521
Due after 5 years through 10 years               1,446             1,439
Due after 10 years                               3,204             3,153
                                               -------           -------
                                               $57,872           $57,241
                                               -------           -------

   The amortized cost of debt securities pledged to secure public deposits,
securities sold under agreements to repurchase and for other purposes was
approximately $55,899,000 and $49,813,000 at December 31, 1999 and 1998,
   There were no sales of debt and equity securities classified as
available-for-sale in 1999. In 1998 and 1997, proceeds from the sale of debt
securities classified as available-for-sale were $6,409,000 and $14,235,000,
respectively, with gross gains realized on those sales of $285,000 and
$216,000, respectively.

Note 4
A summary of loan categories at December 31, 1999 and 1998, is as follows:

(In Thousands)                                  1999              1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commercial and industrial                     $106,444          $ 95,663
Real estate:
   Mortgage                                    129,482           101,468
   Construction                                 29,633            16,547
Industrial revenue bonds                         7,265             5,951
Installment                                      1,541             2,458
Other                                            3,978             2,801
                                              --------          --------
                                              $278,343          $224,888
                                              --------          --------

   The Company originates commercial, industrial, real estate and installment
loans to businesses, churches and consumers throughout the metropolitan St.
Louis area. The Company also originates church and church-related loans
outside the metropolitan St. Louis area. The Company does not have any
particular concentration of credit in any one economic sector; however, a
substantial portion of the commercial and industrial loans are extended to
privately held commercial companies in this market area, and are generally
secured by the assets of the business. The Company also has a substantial
portion of real estate loans that are extended to churches, in this market
area and throughout the United States, which are secured by mortgages.
   Loan transactions involving executive officers and directors of the
Company and its subsidiaries and loans to associates of executive officers and
directors for the year ended December 31, 1999, are summarized below. Such
loans were made in the normal course of business on substantially the same
terms, including interest rates and collateral, as those prevailing at the
same time for comparable transactions with other persons, and did not involve
more than the normal risk of collectibility.

(In Thousands)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Aggregate balance, January 1, 1999                  $ 3,418
New loans                                                59
Payments                                             (2,247)
Aggregate balance, December 31, 1999                $ 1,230

   A summary of the activity in the allowance for loan losses for 1999, 1998
and 1997 is as follows:

(In Thousands)                             1999        1998        1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, January 1                       $4,428      $4,484      $4,396
Provision charged to expense                 --          --         300
Loans charged off                          (256)       (365)       (412)
Recoveries of loans previously
   charged off                              110         309         200
                                         -------     -------     -------
Net loan charge-offs                       (146)        (56)       (212)
                                         -------     -------     -------
Balance, December 31                     $4,282      $4,428      $4,484
                                         -------     -------     -------

   A summary of impaired loans at December 31, 1999 and 1998, is as follows:

(In Thousands)                                    1999              1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nonaccrual loans                                  $170              $477
Impaired loans continuing
   to accrue interest                              173               273
                                                  ----              ----
Total impaired loans                              $343              $750
                                                  ----              ----

   The allowance for loan losses on impaired loans was $175,000 and $397,000
at December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively. Impaired loans with no related
allowance for loan losses totaled $168,000 and $309,000 at December 31, 1999
and 1998, respectively. The average balance of impaired loans during 1999 and
1998 was $517,000 and $972,000, respectively.

22          Cass Commercial Corporation


   A summary of interest income on impaired loans for 1999, 1998 and 1997 is
as follows:

                                   Nonaccrual      to Accrue
(In Thousands)                        Loans         Interest        Total
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income recognized                     $  1          $  --           $  1
Interest income if interest
   had accrued                          44              1             45

                                   Nonaccrual      to Accrue
(In Thousands)                        Loans         Interest        Total
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income recognized                     $ 17          $  25           $ 42
Interest income if
   interest had accrued                 78             26            104

                                   Nonaccrual      to Accrue
(In Thousands)                        Loans         Interest        Total
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income recognized                     $  1          $  45           $ 46
Interest income if
   interest had accrued                 27             53             80

Note 5
A summary of premises and equipment at December 31, 1999 and 1998, is as

(In Thousands)                                  1999               1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Land                                           $   367           $   367
Buildings                                        6,341             6,250
Leasehold improvements                           1,264             1,268
Furniture, fixtures and equipment               19,392            17,558
                                               -------           -------
                                                27,364            25,443
Less accumulated depreciation
  and amortization                              18,183            16,194
                                               -------           -------
                                               $ 9,181           $ 9,249
                                               -------           -------

   Depreciation charged to expense in 1999, 1998 and 1997 amounted to
$1,993,000, $1,953,000 and $1,932,000, respectively.
   The Company's subsidiaries lease various premises and equipment under
operating lease agreements which expire at various dates through 2007. The
following is a schedule, by year, of future minimum rental payments required
under operating leases that have initial or remaining noncancelable lease
terms in excess of one year as of December 31, 1999:

(In Thousands)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2000                                                              $  704
2001                                                                 385
2002                                                                 342
2003                                                                 345
2004                                                                 259
2005 and thereafter                                                  275

   Rental expense for 1999, 1998 and 1997 was $1,271,000, $1,161,000 and
$1,205,000, respectively.

Note 6
Interest-bearing deposits consist of the following at December 31, 1999 and

(In Thousands)                                   1999             1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOW and Money Market
   Demand Accounts                             $43,092          $ 37,699
Savings deposits                                47,498            62,569
Time deposits:
   Less than $100                                3,863             4,369
   $100 and more                                 2,611             3,434
                                               -------          --------
                                               $97,064          $108,071
                                               -------          --------

   Interest on deposits consists of the following for 1999, 1998 and 1997:

(In Thousands)                       1999           1998           1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOW and Money Market
   Demand Accounts                  $1,431         $1,198         $1,130
Savings deposits                     2,539          2,624          2,562
Time deposits:
   Less than $100                      207            227            267
   $100 and more                       180            222            222
                                    ------         ------         ------
                                    $4,357         $4,271         $4,181
                                    ------         ------         ------

                                                   1999 Annual Report        23


   The scheduled maturities of certificates of deposit at December 31, 1999
and 1998, are summarized as follows:

                                     1999                     1998
                                         Percent                   Percent
(Dollars In Thousands)        Amount     of Total      Amount     of Total
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Due within:
   One year                   $5,014       77.4%      $6,863       88.0%
   Two years                     938       14.5          921       11.8
   Three years                   382        5.9           19         .2
   Four years                     --         --           --         --
   Five years                    140        2.2           --         --
                              ------      ------      ------      ------
                              $6,474      100.0%      $7,803      100.0%
                              ------      ------      ------      ------

Note 7
The Company has a noncontributory defined benefit pension plan which covers
substantially all of its employees. The Company's subsidiaries accrue and
make contributions designed to fund normal service costs on a current basis
using the projected unit credit with service proration method to amortize
prior service costs arising from improvements in pension benefits and
qualifying service prior to the establishment of the plan over a period of
approximately 30 years.
   The pension cost for 1999, 1998 and 1997 was $784,000, $517,000 and
$538,000, respectively, and included the following components:

(In Thousands)                        1999          1998            1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service cost - benefits earned
   during the year                   $ 929          $ 763          $ 706
Interest cost on projected
   benefit obligations                 747            617            544
Expected return on plan assets        (899)          (765)          (622)
Net amortization and deferral           (7)           (98)           (90)
                                     ------         ------         ------
Net periodic pension cost            $ 784          $ 517          $ 538
                                     ------         ------         ------

   A summary of the activity in the defined benefit pension plan's benefit
obligation, assets, funded status and amounts recognized in the Company's
consolidated balance sheets at December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, is as

(In Thousands)                       1999           1998           1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Benefit obligation:
   Balance, January 1             $10,771        $ 7,976        $ 7,322
   Service cost                       929            763            706
   Interest cost                      747            617            544
   Actuarial loss (gain)           (1,733)         1,548            503
   Benefits paid                     (152)          (133)          (105)
                                  --------       --------       --------
   Balance, December 31           $10,562        $10,771        $ 7,976
                                  --------       --------       --------
Plan assets:
   Fair value, January 1          $10,886        $ 9,232        $ 7,487
   Actual return                    1,017            953          1,076
   Employer contribution              207            834            774
   Benefits paid                     (152)          (133)          (105)
                                  --------       --------       --------
   Fair value, December 31        $11,958        $10,886        $ 9,232
                                  --------       --------       --------

Funded status:
   Unfunded projected
      benefits obligation         $ 1,396        $   115        $   262
    Unrecognized prior
      service cost                    134            141            148
   Unrecognized net gains          (3,241)        (1,390)        (1,861)
                                  --------       --------       --------
   Accrued pension cost           $(1,711)       $(1,134)       $(1,451)
                                  --------       --------       --------

   The weighted average discount rate and the rate of increase in future
compensation levels used in determining the actuarial present value of the
projected benefit obligation were 7.75% and 4.00% in 1999, 6.75% and 4.00% in
1998 and 7.25% and 4.00% in 1997. The expected long-term rate of return on
assets was 8.00% in 1999, 1998 and 1997.
   In addition to the above funded benefit plan, in 1998 the Company developed
an unfunded supplemental executive retirement plan which covers key
executives of the Company. This is a noncontributory plan in which the
Company's subsidiaries make accruals designed to fund normal service costs on
a current basis using the same method and criteria as its defined benefit

24          Cass Commercial Corporation


   The pension cost for 1999 and 1998 for the supplemental executive
retirement plan was $257,000 and $143,000, respectively, and included the
following components:

(In Thousands)                                    1999              1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service cost - benefits earned
  during the year                                 $ 38              $ 25
Interest cost on projected
  benefit obligation                               113                59
Net amortization and deferral                      106                59
                                                  ----              ----
Net periodic pension costs                        $257              $143
                                                  ----              ----

   A summary of the activity in the supplemental executive retirement plan's
benefit obligation, funded status and amounts recognized in the Company's
consolidated balance sheets at December 31, 1999 and 1998, is as follows:

(In Thousands)                                   1999              1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Benefit obligation:
   Balance, January 1                         $   972             $ 822
   Service cost                                    38                25
   Interest cost                                  113                59
   Actuarial loss (gain)                          443                66
                                              --------            ------
   Balance, December 31                       $ 1,566             $ 972
                                              --------            ------
Funded Status:
   Unfunded projected benefits obligation     $(1,566)            $(972)
   Unrecognized prior service cost                704               763
   Unrecognized actuarial loss                    462                66
                                              --------            ------
   Accrued pension cost                          (400)             (143)
   Minimum liability adjustment                  (581)             (451)
                                              --------            ------
   Accrued pension cost                       $  (981)            $(594)
                                              --------            ------

   The weighted average discount rate and the rate of increase in future
compensation levels used in determining the actuarial present value of the
projected benefit obligation were 7.75% and 4.00% in 1999, and 6.75% and
5.00% in 1998.
   The Company maintains a noncontributory profit sharing plan which covers
substantially all of its employees. Employer contributions are calculated
based upon formulas which relate to current operating results and other
factors. Profit sharing expense recognized in the consolidated statements of
income in 1999, 1998 and 1997 was $1,413,000, $1,679,000 and $1,564,000,
   The Company sponsors a defined contribution 401(k) plan to provide
additional retirement benefits to substantially all employees. Contributions
under the 401(k) plan for 1999, 1998 and 1997 were $234,000, $199,000 and
$220,000, respectively.
   The Company maintains a restricted stock bonus plan which provides for the
issuance of up to 100,000 shares of the Company's common stock. During 1999,
1998 and 1995, the Company awarded 5,900, 3,000 and 32,000 shares of common
stock, respectively. The fair value of such shares has been recorded in the
consolidated financial statements through the establishment of a contra
shareholders' equity account which is amortized over the three-year vesting
period. Amortization of the restricted stock bonus awards totaled $68,000,
$50,000 and $110,000 for 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.
   The Company also maintains a performance-based stock option plan which
provides for the granting of options to acquire up to 400,000 shares of
Company common stock. Options vest over a period not to exceed seven years,
but the vesting period can be less based on the Company's attainment of
certain financial operating performance criteria.
   The following table summarizes stock options outstanding as of December
31, 1999:

                                                           Weighted Average
           Exercise                Options                     Remaining
            Price                Outstanding               Contractual Life
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            $10.32                  85,440                    3.47 years
             20.36                   6,000                    4.00
             23.00                   3,500                    6.00
             24.63                   2,000                    6.00
             25.25                  61,350                    6.00
             25.45                   8,500                    4.00

   Changes in options outstanding were as follows:

                                               Shares              Price
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1996                  120,000             $10.32
Granted                                        14,500              23.34
Forfeited                                     (16,000)             10.32
Balance at December 31, 1997                  118,500              11.91
Exercised                                      (7,200)             10.32
Forfeited                                      (1,400)             10.32
Balance at December 31, 1998                  109,900              12.04
Granted                                        67,100              25.11
Exercised                                      (9,960)             10.32
Forfeited                                        (250)             10.32
Balance at December 31, 1999                  166,790              17.38

                                                  1999 Annual Report         25


    At December 31, 1999, 41,756 shares were exercisable with a weighted
average exercise price of $10.32.
    The Company accounts for stock-based compensation under the stock option
plan in accordance with Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25,
"Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees" (APB 25), and accordingly,
recognizes no compensation expense as the exercise price of the Company's
employee stock options equals the market price of the underlying stock on the
date of grant. The Company elected not to adopt the recognition provisions of
the Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation" (SFAS 123). An
entity that continues to apply APB 25 shall disclose certain pro forma
information as if the fair value-based accounting method in SFAS 123 had been
used to account for stock-based compensation costs. The pro forma effects
were calculated and are immaterial to the results of operations of the

Note 8
Details of other noninterest expense for 1999, 1998 and 1997 are as follows:

(In Thousands)                                1999        1998        1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Postage, printing and supplies               $2,261      $2,161      $2,129
Advertising and business
    development                               1,509       1,392       1,437
Professional fees                             1,064       1,056       1,320
Outside service fees                            655         383         353
Data processing services                        570         590         652
Telecommunications                              612         531         518
Other                                         1,205       1,170       1,136
                                             ------      ------      ------
Total other noninterest expense              $7,876      $7,283      $7,545
                                             ------      ------      ------

Note 9
The components of income tax expense for 1999, 1998 and 1997 are as follows:

(In Thousands)                                1999        1998        1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Federal                                  $3,560      $3,654      $3,114
    State                                       343         392         241
Deferred                                       (492)        131         271
                                             ------      ------      ------
                                             $3,411      $4,177      $3,626
                                             ------      ------      ------

    A reconciliation of expected income tax expense, computed by applying the
effective federal statutory rate of 34% for 1999, 1998 and 1997 to income
before income tax expense, to reported income tax expense is as follows:

(In Thousands)                                1999        1998        1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expected income tax expense                  $3,267      $3,939      $3,617
(Reductions) increases
  resulting from:
    Tax-exempt interest                        (136)        (79)        (78)
    State taxes,
      net of federal benefit                    226         259         159
    Amortization of intangibles                  --          --         (98)
    Other, net                                   54          58          26
                                             ------      ------      ------
Income tax expense                           $3,411      $4,177      $3,626
                                             ------      ------      ------

    The tax effects of temporary differences which give rise to significant
portions of the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities at December
31, 1999 and 1998, are presented below:

(In Thousands)                                      1999              1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred tax assets:
    Unrealized loss on investment
      in debt and equity securities
      available-for-sale                          $  215            $   --
    Allowance for loan losses                        898               920
    Accrued pension cost                             590               390
    Premises and equipment                            39                13
    Other                                            292               188
                                                  -------           -------
       Total deferred tax assets                   2,034             1,511
                                                  -------           -------
Deferred tax liabilities:
    Unrealized gain on investment
      in debt and equity securities
      available-for-sale                              --              (199)
    Discount accretion                               (57)             (165)
    Other                                           (143)             (219)
                                                  -------           -------
       Total deferred tax liabilities               (200)             (583)
                                                  -------           -------
Net deferred tax asset                            $1,834            $  928
                                                  -------           -------

    A valuation allowance would be provided on deferred tax assets when it is
more likely than not that some portion of the assets will not be realized.
The Company has not established a valuation allowance at December 31, 1999 or
1998, due to management's belief that all criteria for recognition have been
met, including the existence of a history of taxes paid sufficient to support
the realization of deferred tax assets.

26        Cass Commercial Corporation


Note 10
The Company's subsidiaries are involved in various pending legal actions and
proceedings in which claims for damages are asserted. Management, after
discussion with legal counsel, believes the ultimate resolution of these
legal actions and proceedings will not have a material effect upon the
Company's consolidated financial position or results of operations.

Note 11
The Company is party to financial instruments with off-balance-sheet risk in
the normal course of business to meet the financing needs of its customers.
These financial instruments include commitments to extend credit, commercial
letters of credit and standby letters of credit. The Company's exposure to
credit loss in the event of nonperformance by the other party to the
financial instrument for commitments to extend credit, commercial letters of
credit and standby letters of credit is represented by the contractual
amounts of those instruments.
    Commitments to extend credit are agreements to lend to a customer as long
as there is no violation of any condition established in the contract.
Commercial and standby letters of credit are conditional commitments issued
by the Company to guarantee the performance of a customer to a third party.
These off-balance-sheet financial instruments generally have fixed expiration
dates or other termination clauses and may require payment of a fee. Since
some of the financial instruments may expire without being drawn upon, the
total amounts do not necessarily represent future cash requirements.
Commitments to extend credit and letters of credit are subject to the same
underwriting standards as those financial instruments included on the
consolidated balance sheets. The Company evaluates each customer's
credit-worthiness on a case-by-case basis. The amount of collateral obtained,
if deemed necessary upon extension of the credit, is based on management's
credit evaluation of the borrower. Collateral held varies, but is generally
accounts receivable, inventory, residential or income-producing commercial
property or equipment.
    Conditional commitments to extend credit, commercial letters of credit
and standby letters of credit totaled approximately $24,438,000, $99,000 and
$4,756,000, respectively, at December 31, 1999.
    Following is a summary of the carrying amounts and fair values of the
Company's financial instruments at December 31, 1999 and 1998:

                                                 Carrying             Fair
(In Thousands)                                    Amount             Value
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance sheet assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                    $124,217          $124,217
    Investment in debt
       and equity securities                       82,996            82,823
    Loans, net                                    274,061           270,712
    Accrued interest receivable                     2,764             2,764
                                                 --------          --------
                                                 $480,038          $480,516
                                                 --------          --------
Balance sheet liabilities:
    Deposits                                     $188,736          $189,052
    Accounts and drafts payable                   249,894           249,894
    Short-term borrowings                             208               208
    Accrued interest payable                           51                51
                                                 --------          --------
                                                 $438,889          $439,205
                                                 --------          --------

                                                 Carrying             Fair
(In Thousands)                                    Amount             Value
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance sheet assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                    $179,385          $179,385
    Investment in debt and
       equity securities                           83,974            84,560
    Loans, net                                    220,460           222,877
    Accrued interest receivable                     2,764             2,764
                                                 --------          --------
                                                 $486,583          $489,586
                                                 --------          --------
Balance sheet liabilities:
    Deposits                                     $190,982          $191,035
    Accounts and drafts payable                   250,518           250,518
    Short-term borrowings                             323               323
    Accrued interest payable                           60                60
                                                 --------          --------
                                                 $441,883          $441,936
                                                 --------          --------

                                                   1999 Annual Report        27


    The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair
value of each class of financial instrument for which it is practicable to
estimate that value:
    Cash and Other Short-term Instruments   For cash and cash equivalents,
accrued interest receivable, accounts and drafts payable, short-term
borrowings and accrued interest payable, the carrying amount is a reasonable
estimate of fair value because of the demand nature or short maturities of
these instruments.
    Investment in Debt and Equity Securities   Fair values are based on
quoted market prices or dealer quotes.
    Loans   The fair value of loans is estimated by discounting the future
cash flows using the current rates at which similar loans would be made to
borrowers with similar credit ratings and for the same remaining maturities.
    Deposits   The fair value of demand deposits, savings deposits and
certain money market deposits is the amount payable on demand at the
reporting date. The fair value of fixed-maturity certificates of deposit is
estimated using the rates currently offered for deposits of similar remaining
maturities. The fair value estimates above do not include the benefit that
results from the low-cost funding provided by the deposit liabilities
compared to the cost of borrowing funds in the market nor the benefit derived
from the customer relationship inherent in existing deposits.
    Commitments to Extend Credit and Standby Letters of Credit   The fair
value of commitments to extend credit and standby letters of credit are
estimated using the fees currently charged to enter into similar agreements,
taking into account the remaining terms of the agreements, the likelihood of
the counterparties drawing on such financial instruments and the present
credit-worthiness of such counterparties. The Company believes such
commitments have been made at terms which are competitive in the markets in
which it operates; however, no premium or discount is offered thereon and,
accordingly, the Company has not assigned a value to such instruments for
purposes of this disclosure.
    Limitations   Fair value estimates are based on existing on- and
off-balance-sheet financial instruments without attempting to estimate the
value of anticipated future business and the value of assets and liabilities
that are not considered financial instruments. Other significant assets or
liabilities that are not considered financial assets or liabilities include
premises and equipment and the benefit that results from the low-cost funding
provided by the deposit liabilities compared to the cost of borrowing funds
in the market (core deposit intangible). In addition, tax ramifications
related to the realization of the unrealized gains and losses can have a
significant effect on fair value estimates and have not been considered in
any of the estimates.
    Because no market exists for a significant portion of the Company's
financial instruments, fair value estimates are based on management's
judgments regarding future expected loss experience, current economic
conditions, risk characteristics of various financial instruments and other
factors. These estimates are subjective in nature and involve uncertainties
and matters of significant judgment and, therefore, cannot be determined with
precision. Changes in assumptions could significantly affect the estimates.

28        Cass Commercial Corporation


Note 12
The services provided by the Company are classified into two industry
segments: Information Services and Banking Services which are more fully
discussed in Note One. The Company maintains separate financial statements
for each of these segments which identify each segment's assets and net
income. Revenue from the Banking Services segment is derived primarily from
net interest revenue, which includes both interest income and interest
expense, and revenue from the Information Services segment is derived
primarily from interest income and fees from its freight and utility payment,
rating and processing services. Total net revenue is comprised of total net
interest income and total noninterest income, less provision for loan losses.
    Summarized information about the Company's operations in each industry as
of and for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, is as follows:

                                                TOTAL INTEREST INCOME
(In Thousands)                              1999        1998        1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Information Services                      $ 15,808    $ 15,306    $ 15,353
Banking Services                            15,215      14,910      14,087
Eliminations                                  (148)       (172)       (157)
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------
Total                                     $ 30,875    $ 30,044    $ 29,283
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------

                                                  TOTAL NET REVENUE
(In Thousands)                              1999        1998        1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Information Services                      $ 36,082    $ 36,878    $ 35,918
Banking Services                            12,187      11,779      10,987
Eliminations                                  (316)       (447)       (357)
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------
Total                                     $ 47,953    $ 48,210    $ 46,548
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------

                                                INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE
                                                     INCOME TAX
(In Thousands)                              1999        1998        1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Information Services                      $  4,585    $  6,694    $  6,352
Banking Services                             5,156       5,014       4,464
Corporate Items                               (132)       (123)       (179)
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------
Total                                     $  9,609    $ 11,585    $ 10,637
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------

                                                  TOTAL INCOME TAX
                                                  EXPENSE (BENEFIT)
(In Thousands)                              1999        1998        1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Information Services                      $  1,570    $  2,403    $  2,157
Banking Services                             1,886       1,815       1,530
Corporate Items                                (45)        (41)        (61)
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------
Total                                     $  3,411    $  4,177    $  3,626
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------

                                                 IDENTIFIABLE ASSETS
(In Thousands)                              1999        1998        1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Information Services                      $284,412    $285,397    $246,488
Banking Services                           214,971     228,032     209,485
Corporate Items                             56,702      57,809      52,882
Eliminations                               (55,240)    (67,326)    (70,528)
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------
Total                                     $500,845    $503,912    $438,327
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------

                                                  DEPRECIATION AND
                                                AMORTIZATION EXPENSE
(In Thousands)                              1999        1998        1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Information Services                      $  2,102    $  2,056    $  2,024
Banking Services                               301         283         420
Corporate Items                                 30          20          26
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------
Total                                     $  2,433    $  2,359    $  2,470
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------

                                                CAPITAL EXPENDITURES
(In Thousands)                              1999        1998        1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Information Services                      $  1,425    $    907    $  3,427
Banking Services                               454         294         468
Corporate Items                                 60          49           6
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------
Total                                     $  1,938    $  1,250    $  3,901
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------

                                                   1999 Annual Report        29


Note 13
Following are the condensed balance sheets of the Company (parent company
only) as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the related condensed schedules
of income and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended
December 31, 1999.

                                                       BALANCE SHEETS
                                                        DECEMBER 31
(In Thousands)                                      1999             1998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Cash                                          $   280           $   694
    Investment in Cass Commercial Bank             25,883            25,364
    Investment in Cass Information
       Systems, Inc.                               30,027            31,207
    Other assets                                      512               544
                                                  -------           -------
Total assets                                      $56,702           $57,809
                                                  -------           -------
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity:
    Total liabilities                             $   139           $   405
    Total shareholders' equity                     56,563            57,404
                                                  -------           -------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity        $56,702           $57,809
                                                  -------           -------

                                                 CONDENSED SCHEDULES
                                                      OF INCOME
                                                     DECEMBER 31
(In Thousands)                               1999        1998        1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Dividends received from
       subsidiaries                         $6,142      $2,880      $2,680
    Management fees from
       subsidiaries                          1,473       1,328       1,282
                                            -------     -------     -------
       Total income                          7,615       4,208       3,962
                                            -------     -------     -------
    Salaries and employee benefits           1,252       1,092       1,130
    Other expenses                             352         359         331
                                            -------     -------     -------
       Total expenses                        1,604       1,451       1,461
                                            -------     -------     -------
Income before income taxes and
    equity in undistributed income
    of subsidiaries                          6,011       2,757       2,501
Income tax benefit                             (45)        (41)        (61)
                                            -------     -------     -------
                                             6,056       2,798       2,562
Equity in undistributed
    income of subsidiaries                     142       4,610       4,449
                                            -------     -------     -------
Net income                                  $6,198      $7,408      $7,011
                                            -------     -------     -------

                                                 CONDENSED SCHEDULES
                                                    OF CASH FLOWS
                                                     DECEMBER 31
(In Thousands)                               1999        1998        1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from operating
    Net income                              $6,198      $7,408      $7,011
    Adjustments to reconcile net
       income to net cash provided
       by operating activities:
       Net income of subsidiaries
         exclusive of
         management fees                    (7,758)     (8,818)     (8,411)
       Dividends from subsidiaries           6,142       2,880       2,680
       Management fees from
         subsidiaries                        1,473       1,328       1,282
       Amortization of stock
         bonus plan                             68          50         110
       Other, net                               63         157         177
                                            -------     -------     -------
         Net cash provided by
           operating activities              6,186       3,005       2,849
                                            -------     -------     -------
Cash flows from financing
       Cash dividends paid                  (2,889)     (2,782)     (2,508)
       Purchase of common shares
         for treasury                       (3,711)         --          --
                                            -------     -------     -------
         Net cash used in
           financing activities             (6,600)     (2,782)     (2,508)
                                            -------     -------     -------
    Net increase (decrease) in
       cash and cash equivalents              (414)        223         341
Cash and cash equivalents
    at beginning of year                       694         471         130
                                            -------     -------     -------
Cash and cash equivalents
    at end of year                          $  280      $  694      $  471
                                            -------     -------     -------

30        Cass Commercial Corporation


Independent Auditors' Report

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Cass
Commercial Corporation and subsidiaries (the Company) as of December 31, 1999
and 1998, and the related consolidated statements of income, cash flows and
shareholders' equity and comprehensive income for each of the years in the
three-year period ended December 31, 1999. These consolidated financial
statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial
statements based on our audits.
    We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.
    In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Cass
Commercial Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, and
the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the years in
the three-year period ended December 31, 1999, in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.


St. Louis, Missouri
February 11, 2000

                                                   1999 Annual Report        31


- -------------------------------------------
         Cass Commercial Corporation,
         Cass Commercial Bank and
         Cass Information Systems, Inc.

     Lawrence A. Collett
         Chairman of the Board, Chief
         Executive Officer,
         Cass Commercial Corporation

     John J. Vallina
         President, Cass Commercial

     Robert J. Bodine
         Chairman Emeritus, Bodine
         Aluminum, Inc.

     Bryan S. Chapell
         President, Covenant
         Theological Seminary

     Thomas J. Fucoloro

     Harry J. Krieg
         Chairman Emeritus

     Howard A. Kuehner

     Jake Nania

     Irving A. Shepard
         President, Venture
         Consultants, Inc.

     A.J. Signorelli
         Founder, Andrews Educational
         & Research Center
         and Hope Educational &
         Research Center

     Bruce E. Woodruff
         Attorney; of counsel to
         Armstrong Teasdale LLP

         Cass Commercial Corporation

     Lawrence A. Collett
         Chairman of the Board,
         Chief Executive Officer

     Eric H. Brunngraber
         Vice President, Secretary
         & Chief Financial Officer

     William C. Bouchein
         Vice President, Treasurer

     Wayne D. Muskopf
         Vice President, Human

     Barbara J. Netherton

     Karen L. Lowry
         Human Resources Officer

     Cass Commercial Corporation
     13001 Hollenberg Drive
     Bridgeton, Missouri 63044
     (314) 506-5500

     The common stock of Cass
     Commercial Corporation is
     listed on the over-the-counter
     market and quoted on the
     NASDAQ National Market
     System under the symbol
     "CASS." The stock generally
     appears as "CassCo" or
     "CassCommrcl" in the newspa-
     per stock tables.

     The annual meeting of share-
     holders of Cass Commercial
     Corporation will be held at the
     corporate headquarters on
     April 17, 2000, at 11:00 a.m.

     Shareholders with inquiries
     regarding stock accounts,
     dividends, change of ownership
     or address, lost certificates
     or consolidation of accounts
     should contact:

     ChaseMellon Shareholder
        Services, L.L.C.
     Overpeck Centre
     85 Challenger Road
     Ridgefield Park, New Jersey
     (888) 213-0965

     10 South Broadway
     Suite 900
     St. Louis, Missouri 63102

     Analysts and others seeking
     financial information about
     Cass Commercial Corporation
     should contact:

     Cass Commercial Corporation
     Investor Relations Department
     13001 Hollenberg Drive
     Bridgeton, Missouri 63044
     (314) 506-5500

     For additional copies of this
     annual report and Form 10K
     and other financial information,
     please contact the Investor
     Relations Department at the
     address and phone number

32        Cass Commercial Corporation


- -------------------------------------------

     Cass Commercial Bank

     Lawrence A. Collett
         Chairman of the Board, Chief
         Executive Officer

     John J. Vallina

     Eric H. Brunngraber
         Vice President, Secretary
         & Chief Financial Officer

     Ray E. McCormick
         Vice President

     Douglas J. Hoffman
         Vice President, Treasurer

     Patsy J. Moffitt
         Assistant Vice President

     Dana L. Pannett
         Assistance Vice President,

     Dorothy M. Smith
         Assistant Vice President

     Nancy Elliott
         Assistant Vice President

     Sandra L. Hatchett
         Assistant Vice President

     Karen McGrew
         Operations Officer

     Emory A. Jackson
         Vice President

     Michelle L. Gottlieb
         Assistant Vice President,
         Credit Administration

     Roberta L. Harrington
         Assistant Vice President,
         Loan Administration

     Kenneth A. Witbrodt, Jr.
         Executive Vice President

     Mark A. Benten
         Vice President, Team Leader

     Edward L. Campbell, Jr.
         Vice President

     David A. Lucks
         Vice President

     Jeanne M. Scannell
         Vice President

     Robert J. Garagiola
         Vice President, Team Leader

     H. Ely Britton
         Senior Vice President

     Thomas Dickson
         Vice President

     Donald P. Doherty
         Vice President

     John J. Scherer
         Vice President, Team Leader

     Robert C. Hockney
         Vice President

     Rebeckah L. Kenney
         Vice President

     Francis J. Sommer
         Vice President

     Alex D. Fennoy
         Assistant Vice President

     Theodore F. Winters
         Senior Vice President

     Dorothy M. Jones
         Assistant Vice President

     Albert Buck
         Vice President

     Chris R. Dimond
         Vice President, Team Leader

     Cass Information Systems, Inc.

     Lawrence A. Collett
         Chairman of the Board,
         Chief Executive Officer

     Eric H. Brunngraber
         Vice President, Secretary
         & Chief Financial Officer


     John F. Pickering
         President, Chief
         Operating Officer

     Gus A. Nelson
         Senior Vice President

     Terrence J. Cowee
         Senior Vice President,
         Marketing & Sales

     Jeffrey J. Thurston
         Vice President, Information

     Robert V. Delaney
         Vice President

     Mark A. Campbell
         Vice President, General
         Manager, St. Louis Facility

     Jeffrey A. Nini
         Vice President, General
         Manager, Columbus Facility

     Anthony J. Rubico
         Vice President, General
         Manager, Boston Facility

     Kim A. Acsay
     Steven W. Aylward
     Donna W. Bartley
     James P. Crowley
     Gunars A. Dunskis
     James M. Dwyer
     Sheila D. Foston
     Joe A. Getz
     Emilia Girvids
     Gail M. Hart
     Barry L. Kitson
     Vickie L. Maloney
     Nancy L. Moon
     Carol A. Reynolds
     JoAnn Ross
     Thomas G. Schaper
     Jerry A. Young
     Kevin B. Weston
     David L. Zike

     Richard E. Dekostic
     Stephen W. Johnson
     Gregg R. Klein
     Louis V. Nowak
     Thomas M. Zygmunt


     Harry M. Murray
         Executive Vice President

     John D. McKissack
     Susan P. Millman

     Gary B. Langfitt
         Vice President
     Mary A. Shaw
     Phyllis J. Higgins
     Edward F. Clark

                                                   1999 Annual Report        33



ISAIAH 28:16


Cass Commercial Corporation
13001 Hollenberg Drive
Bridgeton, Missouri 63044