EXHIBIT 10.16 CONTRACT OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE BRICK & PIPE INDUSTRIES LTD ACN 004 028 559 78 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD, BURWOOD CONTRACT OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PURCHASER Cooling-off period Section 31 Sale of Land Act 1962 If none of the exceptions listed below applies to you, you may end this contract within 3 clear business days of the day you sign the contract. To end this contract within this time, you must either give the vendor or the vendor's agent written notice that you are ending the contract or leave the notice at the address of the vendor or the vendor's agent. If you end the contract in this way, you are entitled to a refund of all the money you paid EXCEPT for $100 or 0.2% of the purchase price (whichever is more). EXCEPTIONS -- The 3-day cooling-off period does not apply if -- - The price of the property (including chattels) exceeds $250,000 - You bought the property at or within 3 clear business days before or after a publicly advertised auction - You received independent advice from a solicitor before signing the contract - The property is used mainly for industrial commercial purposes - The property is more than 20 hectares in size and is used mainly for farming - You previously signed a similar contract for the same property - You are an estate agent or a corporate body The conditions of this contract are contained in the attached -- Particulars of Sale, and Schedule, and General Conditions, and Special Conditions (if any). The vendor sells and the purchaser buys both the property and the chattels for the price and upon the conditions set out in this contract. The Vendor's Statement required by section 32(1) of the Sale of Land Act 1962 is attached to, and included in, this contract. Where the signature of any party to this contract is secured by an agent, the parties acknowledge being give a copy of this contract by the agent at the time of signing. - - ---------------------------------------------------------- Vendor Brick & Pipe Industries Ltd. ACN 004 028 559 - - ---------------------------------------------------------- Purchaser GENERAL CONDITIONS ("GC") Encumbrances 1.1 The purchase buys the property and the chattels subject to the encumbrances shown in Item 1 of the Schedule. 1.2 If the purchaser is taking over an existing mortgage-- (a) the purchaser assumes liability for the mortgage (b) the price is satisfied to the extent of any mortgage money owing at the settlement date, and (c) the vendor must treat any payment made by the purchaser under the mortgage as a payment made to the vendor under this contract. Loss or Damage Before Settlement 2.1 The vendor carries the risk of loss or damage to the property and the chattels until settlement date, and 2.2 The vendor must deliver the property and the chattels to the purchaser at settlement date in their present condition (fair wear and tear excepted). 2.3 If any chattel is not in its present condition (fair wear and tear excepted) at settlement, the purchaser is only entitled to compensation from the vendor. (3 and 4 omitted by consent of participants) Nominee 5 If the contract says that the property is sold to a named purchaser "and or nominee" (or similar words), the named purchaser may, at least 14 days before settlement date, nominate a substitute or additional purchaser, but the named purchaser remains personally liable for the due performance of all the purchaser's obligations under this contract. Payment 6.1 The purchaser must pay all money (except the deposit) to the vendor, the vendor's solicitor or at the direction of the vendor. 6.2 The purchaser must pay the deposit-- (a) to the vendor's estate agent or, if there is no estate agent, to the vendor's solicitor, or (b) if the vendor directs, into a special purpose banking account specified by the vendor in the joint names of the purchaser and the vendor. 6.3 If the land sold is a lot on an unregistered plan of subdivision then the deposit-- (a) must not exceed 10% of the price, and (b) must be paid-- (i) to the vendor's solicitor or estate agent to be held by the solicitor or estate agent on trust for the purchaser, or (ii) if the vendor directs, into a special purpose banking account in Victoria specified by the vendor until the registration of the plan. Breach 7 A party who breaches this contract must pay to the other party on demand -- (a) compensation for any reasonably foreseeable loss to the other party resulting from the breach, and (b) any interest due under this contract as a result of the breach. Time 8 If the time for performing any action expires on a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday, then time is extended until the next business day. 2 General Conditions in Legislation 9.1 The general conditions in Table A of the Seventh Schedule of the Transfer of Land Act of 1958 apply if the land is under the operation of that Act. 9.2 The general conditions in the Third Schedule of the Property Law 1958 apply if the land is not under the operation of the Transfer of Land Act 1958. 9.3 General Condition 9 in Table A or in the Third Schedule applies as if its second last sentence ended with the additional words, "as a resident Australian beneficial owner of the land". Conflict Between Conditions 10 In case of a conflict between the conditions the order of priority is-- (a) any special conditions in this contract (b) general conditions in this contract (c) general conditions in legislation Conditions 11 These conditions prevail over the conditions in any earlier contract and any requisitions and answers properly made and given under that contract are deemed to be requisitions and answers properly made and given under the contract. Service 12 Any document served by post is deemed to be served on the next business day after posting unless proved otherwise. Transfer of Settlement 13.1 The purchaser must provide the instrument of transfer required by General Condition 12 of Table A, or the assurance required by the Third Schedule (as the case may be), to the vendor or the vendor's solicitor at least 10 days prior to the settlement date. 13.2 The vendor must pay the bank fees on all bank cheques exceeding 3 that are required by the vendor for settlement. Law Institute of Victoria Property Law Dispute Resolution Committee Guidelines -- DELETED CONTRACT OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE PARTICULARS OF SALE VENDOR'S AGENT: GRAY & JOHNSON 30 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000 Tel: 654 3022 Fax: 654 2001 Ref: Colin Roebuck VENDOR'S SOLICITOR: MARSHALLS & DENT Level 12, 459 Little Collins Street Melbourne 3000 DX 213 Tel: 9670 500 Fax: 642 0409 Ref: David Hart PURCHASER'S COLTMANS SOLICITOR: 15th Floor, 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000 DX 519 Tel: 9615 2222 Ref: Des Dodds VENDOR: BRICK & PIPE INDUSTRIES LTD ACN 004 028 559 of 78 Middleborough Road, Burwood 3125 PURCHASER: BURGUNDY TWO PTY LTD ACN 071 195 429 AND/OR NOMINEE CARE OF ALLEN ALLEN & HEMSLEY, LEVEL 17, CHIPLEY TOWER, CHIPLEY SQUARE, SIDNEY NSW 2000 LAND: Title(s) * and Plan(s) and being: Lot 12 on Plan of Subdivision No 918, part of Crown Section 98, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 1965 Folio 916; Part of Crown Section 98, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 1830 Folio 839; Lots 14, 15 and 16 on Plan of Subdivision No 918, part of Crown Allotment 89, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 2445 Folio 985; Lot 37 and part of Lots 9, 10 and 11 on Plan of Subdivision No 918, being part of Crown Section 98, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate 6343 Folio 543; Part of Crown Section 98, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 1775 Folio 957; Part of Crown Section 98, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 4539 735; and Lot 1 on Plan of Subdivision No 38588, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 8194 Folio 270. PROPERTY: the land together with any improvements know as ADDRESS: 78 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD, BURWOOD CHATTELS: Nil, subject to the provisions of Special Condition 11 hereof. PRICE: $5,250,000 DEPOSIT: $525,000 being 10% of the Price of which 1% is payable on the signing hereof and 9% upon approval by the Board referred to in Special Condition 20 INSTALLMENT: $787,500 being 15% of the Price payable on or before the 20th day of December, 1995 RESIDUE: $3,937,500 PAYMENT OF RESIDUE: On or before the expiration of twelve months from the Settlement Date. SETTLEMENT DATE: is the date upon which vacant possession of the Property, subject to Special Condition 16 hereof, shall be provided, namely, upon acceptance of title and payment of the Deposit and Installment in full PURCHASER'S FINANCE: Not applicable. DAY OF SALE: is the date of this Contract, namely, the 9th day of October, 1995. SCHEDULE ITEM (1) (GC1) Encumbrances to be assumed by the Purchaser:-- As to the whole of the land-- (1) All registered easements, covenants or other similar restrictions, and the covenants, reservations and exceptions referred to and/or contained in the Crown Grant and the encumbrances and restrictions, if any, referred to in the attached Vendor's Statement. (2) Sewers/drains, if any, laid outside registered easements. (3) Leases - N/A (4) Mortgage Nos. -- N/A (include Schedule 1 particulars as specified in section 6(2) of the Sale of Land Act 1962). (5) Extractive Industry License No 59-1 (as amended) a copy of which is attached, subject to the terms of Special Condition 15 hereof. (6) E.P.A. Licenses Numbered HS00456/9 and MW 532/2, copies of which are attached. (7) Right of occupation of part of the property reserved to the Vendor by Special Condition 16 hereof. As to the land in Certificate of Title Volume 4539 Folio 735 (8) Creation of Easement No C360556, a copy of which is attached. (9) Creation of Easement No C509052, a copy of which is attached. As to the land in Certificate of Title Volume 6343 Folio 543 and (10) deleted ITEM (2) (GC4) DELETED SPECIAL CONDITIONS As attached:-- SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. If there shall be more than one Purchaser the agreements and obligations of the Purchaser under this Contract and the Conditions thereof shall bind them and any two or more of them jointly and each of them severally. 2. (Deleted by consent of participants). 3. The Purchaser admits that the land as offered for sale and inspected by him is identical with that described in the title particulars given above. He shall not make any requisition or claim any compensation for any alleged misdescription of the land or deficiency in its area or measurements or call upon the Vendor to amend title or to bear all or any part of the cost of doing so. Condition 3 of the said Table "A" and of the said Third Schedule shall not apply to this Contract. 4. The Purchaser buys subject to any restrictions imposed by and to the provisions of the Nunawading Planning Scheme, the Planning and Environment Act 1987, the Housing Contracts Guarantee Act 1987, the Building Control Act 1981, the Local Government act 1958 and any other Town Planning Schemes or Acts and all regulations, by-laws, restrictions and controls governing, regulations, controlling or affecting in any way the use or development of the land sold. 5. The Purchaser acknowledges that the land hereby sold has been or may have been quarried, filled, or otherwise raised, levelled or packed. The Purchaser shall make no requisition nor claim any compensation from nor raise any set-off against the Vendor in respect thereof and the Purchaser hereby indemnifies the Vendor against any claim made by any person in respect of such quarrying, filling, raising, leveling or packing and shall hold the Vendor harmless in respect thereof. 6.(a)Any deposit monies as defined by Section 23 of the Sale of Land Ac 1962 paid or payable hereunder to the Vendor's Agent or Solicitors shall be held by such Agent or Solicitors as stakeholder pursuant to Section 24 of the said Act. (b)The Vendor and the Purchaser hereby authorise and instruct the Vendor's Solicitor named herein to invest any deposit moneys paid to the Vendor's Solicitor hereunder - 2 - in an interest bearing trust account with the National Australia Bank and to pay any interest accruing to that account to the Vendor or Purchaser (as the case may be) who is ultimately entitled to the deposit moneys. 7. Notwithstanding anything herein contained or any rule of law to the contrary, the property shall remain at the risk of the Vendor until the Purchaser becomes entitled to possession of the property. 8. In the interpretation of this Contract Condition 4 of the said Table "A" and of the said Third Schedule shall be read and construed and shall take effect as if the words "on demand made by" were deleted therefrom and replaced with the word "to". 9. If the Purchaser shall make default in any of the terms and conditions hereof and the Vendor shall serve on the Purchaser any notice pursuant to the provisions of this Contract relating to such default then the Purchaser shall not be deemed to have cured such default until the Purchaser pays the Vendor's Solicitors' reasonable costs of and incidental to such default and notice. 10. It is hereby agreed and declared that there are no conditions, warranties or other terms affecting the sale other than those embodied herein and the Purchaser shall not be entitled to rely on any representation alleged to have been made by the Vendor or their Agent such as are not made conditions of this Contract. 11. The Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that it buys the Property with the intention that all buildings, structures and improvements, chattels, fixtures and fittings, plant, equipment and stock which reside on the Property at the expiration of three (3) months from the Settlement Date are to be demolished and/or removed by the Purchaser at the Purchaser's expense following the expiration of three (3) months from the Settlement Date (subject to any right of the Vendor granted pursuant to Special Conditions 16) PROVIDED HOWEVER, that the Purchaser further acknowledges and agrees that nothing herein contained shall prohibit or restrict the Vendor from removing from the Property any building, structure, improvement, chattel, fixture fitting, plant equipment and/or stock prior to the expiration of three (3) months from the Settlement Date or where relevant prior to the expiration of the period of occupation granted to the Vendor pursuant to Special Condition 16 AND that in so removing any such item from the Property the Vendor shall not be liable for any damage caused to or for the repair of or reinstatement of any of the buildings, structures, or improvements which are to remain on the Property on the Settlement Date. - 3 - The Purchaser covenants and agrees with the Vendor as follows:-- (a) that the Purchaser buys the property in its current condition and subject to any defect in the land or contamination of the property, whether disclosed in the report or not; and (b) that the Purchaser shall from the Day of sale accept responsibility for all statutory obligations, works, costs, expenses and claims, whether involving remediation of the property or otherwise, arising from any contamination of on or in the property and the Purchaser hereby indemnifies the Vendor against any liability, cost, expense or claim for which the Vendor might otherwise be liable or incur or receive in relation to contamination on the property or any remediation of the property; (c) that no representations, warranties, or indemnities of any kind have been made or given by the Vendor concerning the risks of or any possible harm or detriment which may be caused to any beneficial use of the Property by contamination and the Purchaser further agrees not to make any requisition or claim against the Vendor whatsoever arising by reason of or in consequence of or in respect of any contamination or any harm or detriment which may be caused to any beneficial use of the land. 13. In the event of any part of this Contract being or becoming void or unenforceable or being illegal then that part shall be severed from this Contract to the intent that all parts that shall not be or become void or unenforceable or illegal shall remain in full force and effect and be unaffected by such severance. 14. (Deleted by consent of paricipants). - 4 - 15.(a) The Purchaser acknowledges that the Property is currently subject to the provisions of Extractive Industry Licence 59-1, as amended, ("the Licence") and that pursuant to Condition 24 of the Licence the Licensee is bound to reclaim the land (by one of the option specified in the Vendor's Working Proposal and Working Plan) (copies of the Licence, Working Proposal and Working Plan are attached). (b) The Purchaser further acknowledges and agrees that it shall prior to the Settlement Date provide all details and do all things as are necessary for the Vendor to comply with the provisions of the Licence in particular Condition 24.2 thereof and the Purchaser shall indemnify the Vendor in respect of all loss, expenses or costs which the Vendor may incur in complying with the terms of the Licence, including (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) the Security of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00) referred to in Condition 25 of the Licence which shall, if the same has not been released beforehand, be paid by the Purchaser to the Vendor on the Settlement Date. The Vendor acknowledges and agrees that it shall account to the Purchaser for any amount which it might subsequently receive upon release of the Security. 16. This sale is subject to and conditional upon the right being reserved by the Vendor and granted by the Purchaser for the Vendor (and any of its employees, agents and invitees) to remain in occupation of and to have the use of (including all buildings, structures, improvements, chattels, fixtures, fittings, plant and equipment thereon) those parts of the Property being:-- Firstly the land more particularly described in Certificate of Title Volume 1965 Folio 916 which land is shown hatched on the Plan attached, and Secondly the land more particularly described in Certificate of Title Volume 1830 Folio 839 which land is shown cross hatched on the Plan attached. ("the licensed land") upon the following terms and conditions:-- (a) the right hereby granted confers no right of exclusive occupation of the licensed land upon the Vendor and the Purchaser may from time to time exercise all its rights as Purchaser / owner including (but without in any way limiting the generality of this provision) the right to use, possess or enjoy the whole or any part of the licensed land save only in so far as such rights of the Purchaser interfere with the rights of the Vendor hereby granted in which case the rights of the Vendor shall prevail and the Purchaser shall indemnify the Vendor in relation to any damages, costs or expenses which the Vendor may incur as a result of the Purchaser's use, possession or enjoyment of the licensed land; - 5 - (b) the Vendor shall have the right to occupy and use the licensed land for a period of twelve (12) months from the Settlement Date PROVIDED HOWEVER that the Vendor shall have the right to vacate the licensed land at such earlier date as it may determine; (c) the right to occupy and use the licensed land is granted in consideration of the sale by the Vendor to the Purchaser of the Property and such right is granted free of any obligation by the Vendor to pay any rent, occupation fee or license fee; (d) the Vendor shall not be liable to pay any rates or land tax in respect of the licensed land but shall be responsible for any electricity, gas or water consumption charges which are applied in respect of the licensed land during the period/s of occupation. 17. If any provision of this Contract remains to be performed or is capable of having effect after the date of final payment this Contract shall remain in full and effect notwithstanding completion of the sale and purchase of the land and that provision shall not merge in the Instrument of Transfer of the land. 18. The Purchaser hereby acknowledges the Vendor's notification that between the date that this Property was advertised for Sale by Tender and the Day of Sale the Vendor may have removed from the Property up to 60,000 cubic metres (approximately) of clay material (including brick clay stockpiled on the Property). 19. The Purchaser acknowledges that prior to signing this Contract or any agreement or document in respect of the sale hereby made which is legally binding upon or intended legally to bind the Purchaser the Purchaser had been given by the Vendor's Agent -- (a) A Statement in writing signed by the Vendor containing the matters specified in Section 32(2) of the Sale of Land (Amendment) Act 1982 in the form of the copy Statement annexed hereto, and (b) a copy of this Contract in compliance with Section 53 of the Estate Agents Act 1980. - 6 - 20. This Contract is conditional upon and subject to written approval being given by the Board of Directors of Reading Corporation of Penn Square, 1 Penn Square West, 30 South 15th Street, Suite 1300, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, within 30 days of the date hereof. 21. The Vendor and Purchaser agree that all information and documentation in any way relating to and/or associated with the negotiations and the subject matter of this Contract are confidential between themselves their respective legal representative accountants agents and lending institutions and further agree not to divulge the same to any third party save as may be consented to in writing. 22. This Contract is subject to the Purchaser (being a corporation, business or trust in which there is a substantial foreign interest within the meaning of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975) obtaining the approval of the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia to its entering into this Contract and of the Reserve Bank of Australia in relation to any funding. The Purchaser will make immediate application for such approval and use its best endeavors and comply with all requests necessary to obtain such approval. 23. The Purchaser agrees that within 7 days from the date on which it receives approval of the Board referred to in Special Condition 20 hereof it will pay the balance of deposit and lodge an amount equal to 15 per cent of the purchase price in a bank account to be agreed between the Vendor and Purchaser in joint names of the Vendor and Purchaser in order to secure the Purchaser's obligations to pay the Installment on the 20th day of December 1995. In the event of default by the Purchaser in paying the Installment such amount together with interest accrued thereon will be released to the Vendor. In the event that the Installment is paid in accordance with the terms of this Contract such amount and interest will be released to the Purchaser. 24. The vendor warrants that there are no breaches of the Extractive Industry Licence No. 59-1 (as amended) or EPA Licenses No. HS00456-9 and MW53-2 referred to in the Schedule. 25. Omitted 26. The Vendor will sign any planning or development application that may be required by the Purchaser to assist with any development proposal. Page relating Plan referred to in Special Condition 16 of the Contract of Sale Omitted. GUARANTEE AND INDEMNITY TO: (hereinafter called "the Vendor") IN CONSIDERATION of the Vendor agreeing at the request of (hereinafter called "the Guarantors") to enter into a Contract of Sale with the within named Purchaser (hereinafter called "the Purchaser") the Guarantors DO HEREBY JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY GUARANTEE to the Vendor the due and punctual payment by the Purchaser to the Vendor of all the purchase moneys interest and other moneys payable by the Purchaser to the Vendor under or pursuant to the within Contract or Sale (hereinafter called "the moneys hereby secured") and ALSO the due performance and observance by the Purchaser of all and singular the covenants provisions and stipulations contained or implied in the within named Contract of Sale and on the part of the Purchaser to be performed and observed and DO HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE that this Guarantee is given upon and subject to and with the benefit of the following conditions: 1. THE Vendor shall have the fullest liberty without affecting this Guarantee to postpone for any time and from time to time to exercise of all or any of the powers rights authorities and discretions conferred by the within Contract of Sale and to exercise the same at any time and in any manner and either to enforce or forebear to enforce the agreements for payments by the Purchaser of the moneys hereby secured or any other remedies or securities available to the Vendor AND the Guarantors shall not be released by any exercise by the Vendor of his liberty with reference to the matter aforesaid or any of them or by any time being given to the Purchaser or by any other thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have the effect of so releasing the Guarantors. 2. THIS Guarantee shall be a continuing guarantee and shall not be considered as wholly or partially discharged by the payment at any time hereafter of any part of the moneys hereby secured or by any settlement of account intervening payment of by any other matter or thing whatsoever. 3. THIS Guarantee shall bind the respective successors of the Guarantors and shall not be determined by the death of either of the Guarantors and shall bind their respective legal personal representatives. 4. THIS Guarantee shall not be affected or prejudiced by any variation or modification of the terms of the within Contract of Sale. - 2 - 5. THIS Guarantee shall not affect or be affected by any or any further security now or hereafter held or taken by the Vendor or by any loss by the Vendor of any such collateral or other security or by the Vendor failing or neglecting to recover by the realisation of any collateral or other security or otherwise any of the moneys at any time owing by the Purchaser to the Vendor or by any laches or mistakes on the part of the Vendor. 6. UNTIL the Vendor shall have received all moneys hereby secured neither of the Guarantors shall be entitled on any grounds whatsoever to claim the benefit of any security for the time being held by the Vendor or either directly or indirectly to claim or receive the benefit of any dividend or payment out of the winding up of the Purchaser and in the event of the Purchaser going into liquidation or assigning its assets for the benefit of its creditors or making a deed of arrangement or composition in satisfaction of its debts or a scheme of arrangement of its affairs then neither of the Guarantors shall be entitled to prove or claim in the liquidation of the Purchaser in competition with the Vendor so as to diminish any dividend or payment which but for such proof the Vendor would be entitled to receive out of such winding up and the receipt of any dividend or other payment which the Vendor may receive from such winding up shall not prejudice the right of the Vendor to recover from the Guarantors to the full amount of this Guarantee the moneys hereby acquired. 7. ANY demand or notice to be made upon the Guarantors or any of them by or on behalf of the Vendor hereunder shall be deemed to be duly made if the same be in writing and signed by the Vendor or by any of the principals for the time being of Marshalls & Dent Level 12 459 Little Collings Street Melbourne or by other person duly authorised by the Vendor to make such demand on behalf of the Vendor and the same may be left at or sent through the post in a pre-paid letter addressed to the Guarantors concerned at their address last known by the Vendor. Any such demand or notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been duly delivered or served at the expiration of forty-eight hours from the time of its posting notwithstanding that it may subsequently be returned through the Post Office unclaimed. 8. THIS Guarantee shall enure for the benefit of the Vendor and its successors and transferees. 9. FOR the consideration aforesaid and as a separate severable and additional covenant the Guarantors HEREBY JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY AGREE to indemnify and at all times hereafter to keep indemnified the Vendor from and against all claims, actions, proceedings, liabilities, obligations, damages, loss, harm, charges, costs, expenses duties, taxes or other outgoings of whatever nature which the Vendor may incur by reason of any default on the part of the Purchaser in relation to the within Contract of Sale. 10. IF any payment made to the Vendor by or on behalf of the Purchaser shall subsequently be avoid or set aside by reason of any statutory provision or otherwise, such payment shall not be deemed to have prejudiced or otherwise affected this Guarantee or the Vendor's rights to recover - 3 - such payment from the Guarantors pursuant hereto with the intent that the Vendor shall with respect to its right to recover pursuant to this Guarantee the moneys hereby secured, to be restored to the same position in which it would have been had such payment not been made. DATED the day of 1995. SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED by ) ) the said ) ) in presence of: ) SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED by ) ) the said ) ) in presence of: VENDORS STATEMENT TO THE PURCHASER PURSUANT TO SECTION 32 OF THE SALE OF LAND ACT AND ADDITIONAL VENDORS STATEMENT BRICK & PIPE INDUSTRIES LTD ACN 004 028 559 78 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD, BURWOOD BLUE FORM VENDORS STATEMENT TO THE PURCHASER OF REAL ESTATE PURSUANT TO SECTION 32 OF THE SALE OF LAND ACT 1962 ("the Act) VENDOR: BRICK & PIPE INDUSTRIES LTD ACN 004 028 559 PROPERTY: 78 MIDDLEBOROUGH ROAD BURWOOD, being:-- Lot 12 on Plan of Subdivision no 918, part of Crown Section 98, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 1965 Folio 916; Part of Crown Section 98, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 1830 Folio 839; Lots 14, 15 and 16 on Plan of Subdivision No 918, part of Crown Allotment 98, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 2445 Folio 985; Lot 37 and part of Lots 9, 10 and 11 on Plan of Subdivision No 918, being part of Crown Section 98, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 6343 Folio 543; Part of Crown Section 98, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 1775 Folio 975; Part of Crown Section 98, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate Title Volume 4539 Folio 735; and Lot 1 on Plan of Subdivision No 38588, Parish of Nunawading and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 8194 Folio 270. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PURCHASER The use to which you propose to put the Property may be prohibited by planning or building controls applying to the locality or may require the consent or permit of the municipal council or other responsible authority. It is in your interest to undertake a proper investigation of permitted land use before you commit yourself to buy. You should check with the appropriate authorities as to the availability (and cost) of providing essential services not connected to the Property. Details must be attached where necessary, if insufficient space is available. In this Statement, "certificate" means a certificate (or a copy) issued by the relevant authority. - 2 - 1. RESTRICTIONS - Information concerning any easement, covenant or other similar restriction affecting the Property (registered or unregistered) 1.1 Description - (a) As set out in the attached copies of title documents As to the whole of the land - (b) All registered easements, covenants or other similar restrictions and the covenants, conditions, exclusions, reservations and exceptions referred to and/or contained in the Crown Grant and the encumbrances and restrictions, if any, referred to in this Vendor's Statement. (c) Sewers/drains, if any, laid outside registered easements. (d) Extractive Industry Licence No 59-1 (as amended) a copy of which is attached, subject to the terms of Special Condition 15 of the Contract of Sale. (e) E.P.A. Licenses Numbered HS000456/9 and MW 532/2, copies of which are attached. (f) Right of occupation of part of the property reserved to the Vendor by Special Condition 16 hereof. As to the land in Certificate of Title Volume 4539 Folio 735 (g) Creation of Easement No C360556, a copy of which is attached. (h) Creation of Easement No C50952, a copy of which is attached. (i) As to part of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 6343 Folio 543 The Residential Tenancy, on a month to month basis (no written agreement) of John Davies of 14 Eley Road, Burwood at $80.00 per week, paid fortnightly. 1.2 Particulars of any existing failure to comply with their terms are as follows -- The Vendor is not aware of any existing failure to comply with the terms of any easement, covenant or other similar restriction. Utilities providing services to the property have the right to enter, inspect, repair, service, maintain, install and remove their installations and facilities. 2. PLANNING- Information concerning any planning instrument *Is contained in the attached certificate and - 3 - *is as follows -- 2.1 Name (1) Nunawading Planning Scheme 2.2 The responsible authority is -- (1) Minister for Planning 2.3 Zoning and/or Reservation -- (1) is included in an EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIAL ZONE and abuts on a ROAD - EXISTING MAIN and a ROAD - EXISTING SECONDARY 3. OUTGOINGS & STATUTORY CHARGES - Information concerning any rates, taxes, charges or other similar outgoings (including any Body Corporate charges) AND any interest payable on any part of them -- 3.1 *As contained in the attached certificate/s; *Their amounts are as follows -- Authority Amount Year Interest (if any) (1) City of Whitehorse $49,468.00 94/95 (which includes State Deficit Levy of $100.00) (2) Yarra Valley Water Ltd $29,218.00 94/95 Trade Waste Charge $ 353.00 94/95 (3) State Revenue $201,390.00 single holding 1995 Office ($278,375.64 Grouped Assessment) Any amounts (including any proposed Body Corporate levy) for which the Purchaser may become liable in consequence of the purchase of the Property, are as follows-- Subject to adjustment of rates, taxes, charges or other similar outgoings as provided in Condition 9 of Table A of the Transfer of Land Act 1958 only rates, taxes, charges or other similar outgoings assessed levied or imposed subsequent to the date of sale of the property herein referred to and the improvements therein. 3.2 Their total does not exceed $280,432.00 3.3 The amount owing under any other registered or unregistered statutory charge that secures an amount due under any other legislation is -- $Nil. - 4 - 4. SERVICES -- Information concerning the supply of the following services -- Service Connected Name of Authority(if Service is connected) 4.1 Electricity Yes United Energy Ltd 4.2 Gas Yes G. & F. C. of Vic 4.3 Water Yes Yarra Valley Water Ltd 4.4 Sewerage Yes Yarra Valley Water Ltd 4.5 Telephone Yes Telecom 5. BUILDING APPROVALS -- Particulars of any building approval granted during the past seven years under the Building Control Act 1981 (required only where the Property includes a residence) -- Not applicable. 6. NOTICES -- Particulars of any notice, order, declaration, report or recommendation of a public authority or government department or approved proposal affecting the Property of which the Vendor might reasonably be expected to have knowledge including any -- 6.1 affecting the Body Corporate and any liabilities (whether contingent, proposed or otherwise) where the Property is in a subdivision containing a Body Corporate, including any relating to the undertaking of any repairs to the Property -- Not applicable. 6.2 quarantine or stock order imposed under the Stock Diseases Act 1968 (whether or not the quarantine or order is still in force) -- Not applicable. 6.3 notice pursuant to section 6 of the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 -- not applicable. 6.4 Extractive Industry Licence No 59-1 (as amended), a copy of which is attached. 6.5 Yarra Valley Water Trade Waste Agreement, a copy of which is attached. are contained in the attached certificate/s and/or statement/s The Vendor has no means of knowing all decisions of public authorities and government departments affecting the property unless communicated to the Vendor. - 5 - 7. TITLE -- Attached are copies of the following document/s concerning the Title -- 7.1 the Certificate of Title: Volume 1965 Folio 916 Volume 1830 Folio 839 Volume 2445 Folio 985 Volume 6343 Folio 543 Volume 1775 Folio 957 Volume 4539 Folio 735 Volume 8194 Folio 270 7.2 Plan of Subdivision No 918. 7.3 Plan of Subdivision No 38588. 7.4 Creation of Easement No C360556. DATE OF THIS STATEMENT 30/6/95 Signature/s of the Vendor /s/ Louis Nucifora For and on behalf of Brick & Pipe Industries Ltd ACN 004 028 559 The Purchaser acknowledges being given a duplicate of this statement signed by the Vendor before the Purchaser signed any Contract. DATE OF THIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 21/9/1995 Signature/s of the Purchaser /s/ John Altson PLEASE NOTE THAT WHERE THE PROPERTY IS TO BE SOLD ON TERMS PURSUANT TO SECTION 32(2)(f) OF THE ACT AND/OR SOLD SUBJECT TO A MORTGAGE THAT IS NOT TO BE DISCHARGED BY THE DATE OF POSSESSION (OR RECEIPT OF THE RENTS AND PROFITS) OF THE PROPERTY PURSUANT TO SECTION 32(2)(a) -- then the Vendor must provide an additional statement containing the particulars specified in Schedules 1 and 2 of the Act. (Exhibits to this filing have been omitted on the basis that they are immaterial to the nature of the agreement; copies are available upon request to the Company).