ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE
                        PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS
                             (VICTORIA) INCORPORATED

                              BURGUNDY TWO PTY LTD
                                (ACN 071 195 429)

                         CONTRACT OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE

                         IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PURCHASERS

               Cooling-off period Section 31 Sale of Land Act 1962

If none of the exceptions listed below applies to you, you may end this contract
within 3 clear business days of the day you sign the contract.

To end this contract within this time, you must either give the vendor or the
vendor's agent written notice that you are ending the contract or leave the
notice at the address of the vendor or the vendor's agent.

If you end the contract in this way, you are entitled to a refund of all the
money you paid EXCEPT for $100 or 0.2% of the purchase price (whichever is

EXCEPTIONS -- The 3-day cooling-off period does not apply if --

         -        The price of the property (including chattels) exceeds
         -        You bought the property at or within 3 clear business
                  days before or after a publicly advertised auction
         -        You received independent advice from a solicitor before
                  signing the contract
         -        The property is used mainly for industrial commercial
         -        The property is more than 20 hectares in size and is
                  used mainly for farming
         -        You previously signed a similar contract for the same
         -        You are an estate agent or a corporate body

The conditions of this contract are contained in the attached --

                  Particulars of Sale,                          and
                  Schedule,                                     and
                  General Conditions,                           and
                  Special Conditions (if any).

The vendor sells and the purchaser buys both the property and the chattels for
the price and upon the conditions set out in this contract.

The Vendor's Statement required by section 32(1) of the Sale of Land Act 1962 is
attached to, and included in, this contract.

Where the signature of any party to this contract is secured by an agent, the
parties acknowledge being give a copy of this contract by the agent at the time
of signing.



                            GENERAL CONDITIONS ("GC")


1.1      The purchaser buys the property and the chattels subject to
         the encumbrances shown in Item 1 of the Schedule.
1.2      If the purchaser is taking over an existing mortgage--
         (a)      the purchaser assumes liability for the mortgage
         (b)      the price is satisfied to the extent of any mortgage
                  money owing at the settlement date, and
         (c)      the vendor must treat any payment made by the purchaser
                  under the mortgage as a payment made to the vendor
                  under this contract.

Loss or Damage Before Settlement

2.1      The vendor carries the risk of loss or damage to the
         property and the chattels until settlement date, and
2.2      The vendor must deliver the property and the chattels to the
         purchaser at settlement date in their present condition (fair
         wear and tear excepted).
2.3      If any chattel is not in its present condition (fair wear and tear
         excepted) at settlement, the purchaser is only entitled to compensation
         from the vendor.

3        If a lender is nominated in the Particulars of Sale this contract is
         subject to the lender approving the loan on the security of the
         property by the approval date or any later approval date allowed by the
         vendor. The purchaser may end the contract if the loan is not approved
         by the approval date only if the purchaser --

         (a)      has made immediate application for the loans
         (b)      has done everything reasonably required to obtain
                  approval of the loan
         (c)      serves written notice ending the contract on the vendor
                  on or before 2 business days after the approval date,
         (d)      is not in default under any other conditions of this
                  contact when the notice is given
         All moneys must be immediately refunded to the purchaser if the
         contract is ended.

Terms Contract
4        If this is a "terms contract" as defined in section 2(1) of
         the Sale of Land Act 1962, then --
         (a)      the vendor must arrange the discharge of any mortgage
                  affecting the land by the settlement date
         (b)      all money payable under the contract must be paid to a
                  duly qualified legal practitioner or a licensed estate
                  agent to be applied towards discharging the mortgage
         (c)      the purchaser must pay interest to the vendor from the
                  settlement date upon the balance outstanding at the

                  rate, on the days, and with the adjustments set out in
                  Item 2 of the Schedule
         (d)      the vendor must apply installments under this contract first
                  to pay interest and then to reduce the balance owing.

5        If the contract says that the property is sold to a named purchaser
         "and or nominee" (or similar words), the named purchaser may, at least
         14 days before settlement date, nominate a substitute or additional
         purchaser, but the named purchaser remains personally liable for the
         due performance of all the purchaser's obligations under this contract.

6.1      The purchaser must pay all money (except the deposit) to the
         vendor, the vendor's solicitor or at the direction of the
6.2      The purchaser must pay the deposit--
         (a)      to the vendor's estate agent or, if there is no estate
                  agent, to the vendor's solicitor, or
         (b)      if the vendor directs, into a special purpose banking
                  account specified by the vendor in the joint names of
                  the purchaser and the vendor.
6.3      If the land sold is a lot on an unregistered plan of
         subdivision then the deposit--
         (a)      must not exceed 10% of the price, and
         (b)      must be paid--
                  (i)      to the vendor's solicitor or estate agent to be
                           held by the solicitor or estate agent on trust for
                           the purchaser, or
                  (ii)     if the vendor directs, into a special purpose banking
                           account in Victoria specified by the vendor until the
                           registration of the plan.

7        A party who breaches this contract must pay to the other
         party on demand --
         (a)      compensation for any reasonably foreseeable loss to the
                  other party resulting from the breach, and
         (b)      any interest due under this contract as a result of the

8        If the time for performing any action expires on a Saturday, Sunday or
         bank holiday, then time is extended until the next business day.

General Conditions in Legislation
9.1      The general conditions in Table A of the Seventh Schedule of the
         Transfer of Land Act of 1958 apply if the land is under the operation
         of that Act.
9.2      The general conditions in the Third Schedule of the Property
         Law 1958 apply if the land is not under the operation of the

         Transfer of Land Act 1958.
9.3      General Condition 9 in Table A or in the Third Schedule applies as if
         its second last sentence ended with the additional words, "as a
         resident Australian beneficial owner of the land".

Conflict Between Conditions
10       In case of a conflict between the conditions the order of
         priority is--
         (a)      any special conditions in this contract
         (b)      general conditions in this contract
         (c)      general conditions in legislation

11       These conditions prevail over the conditions in any earlier contract
         and any requisitions and answers properly made and given under that
         contract are deemed to be requisitions and answers properly made and
         given under the contract.

12       Any document served by post is deemed to be served on the next business
         day after posting unless proved otherwise.

Transfer of Settlement
13.1     The purchaser must provide the instrument of transfer required by
         General Condition 12 of Table A, or the assurance required by the Third
         Schedule (as the case may be), to the vendor or the vendor's solicitor
         at least 10 days prior to the settlement date.
13.2     The vendor must pay the bank fees on all bank cheques exceeding 3 that
         are required by the vendor for settlement.

            Law Institute of Victoria Property Law Dispute Resolution
                              Committee Guidelines

1        The Committee has been established to decide disputes relating to
         property law matters. Where one party does not have a solicitor
         representing them, the dispute cannot be heard until that party
         instructs a solicitor.

2        An agreed Statement of Fact must be signed by all parties
         and referring solicitors and must include:

         2.1      A clear and concise statement of all the relevant agreed facts
                  upon which the dispute is based. The Committee is unable to
                  make any decision unless the facts are agreed between the
         2.2      A copy of all relevant documents.
         2.3      The issues, based on the agreed facts, to be decided by

         2.4      Applications for disputes to be decided by the Committee shall
                  include and agreement by the referring Solicitors and the
                  parties to be bound by the Committee's decision on any
                  question of law or practice.

3        Applications in the appropriate form must be lodged with the
         Secretary of the Property Law Dispute Resolution Committee
         of the Law Institute of Victoria.  The form is set out in
         the Conveyancing diary or may be obtained from the Property
         Law Section of the Institute.

4        An administration fee of $50.00 for each referring solicitor must be
         paid to the Institute when the application is lodged.

5        The Committee's decision will be based upon the material contained in
         the Statement of Facts only. In making its decision the Committee shall
         act as an expert panel and not as an arbitrator.

6        The Committee reserves the right--
         (1)      to call for further and better particulars in order to
                  make a decision
         (ii)     to refuse to decide any dispute, in which case any fees
                  will be refunded in full.

7        The Committee's written decision will be sent to the referring
         solicitors within seven days of the dispute being decided.

                         CONTRACT OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE


(VICTORIA) INCORPORATED is affixed in accordance with its rules in the presence

    /s/ Onn Ben-David
Onn Ben-David   (Vice President)

    /s/ James T. Smith
James T. Smith   (Treasurer)

   /s/ Peter J. Barter
Peter J. Barter  (Director)

THE COMMON SEAL of BURGUNDY TWO PTY LTD was hereunto affixed in accordance with
its articles of association in the presence of:

- - --------------------------------

- - --------------------------------

                               PARTICULARS OF SALE

VENDOR'S SOLICITOR:              Corrs Chambers Westgarth
                                 of Bourke Place, 600 Bourke Street,
                                 DX 336 Tel: 9672-3000 Ref: Peter Drake

PURCHASER'S SOLICITOR:           Coltmans
                                 of 15th Floor, 575 Bourke Street,
                                 DX 510 Tel: 9615-2222  Ref: Des Dodds

                                 OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (VICTORIA)
                                 of 3 Burwood Highway, Burwood East

                                 (ACN 071 195 429)
                                 of Level 17, The Chifley Tower
                                 2 Chifley Square, Sydney,
                                 New South Wales

LAND:                            Lot 2 on Plan of Subdivision no PS347288N
                                 being part of the land described in
                                 the attached copy certificates of
                                 title volume 9347 folios 628 and 629
                                 and being

PROPERTY:                        the land together with any improvements
                                 know as

ADDRESS:                         Part of 3 Burwood Highway, Burwood East

CHATTELS:                        NIL

PRICE:                          $3,465,000.00

DEPOSIT:                         An amount equal to ten percent (10%) of
                                 the Price payable in full on the Day of

INSTALLMENT:                     $787,500      being 15% of the Price
                                               payable on or before the
                                               20th day of December,

RESIDUE:                          An amount equal to ninety per centum
                                  (90%)of the Price.

PAYMENT OF RESIDUE:               In full on the date which is the later
                                  (a) 14 days after the Vendor advises

                                       the Purchaser of the registration
                                       of the Plan of Subdivision; and
                                  (b)  the date which is the earlier of:
                                       (i)      14 days after the Purchaser
                                                obtains the Planning Permit in
                                                accordance with special
                                                condition 8; and
                                       (ii)     150 days after the Day of

SETTLEMENT DATE:                  is the date upon which vacant possession
                                  of the Property shall be given, namely
                                  upon acceptance of title and payment of
                                  the whole Price.

(General condition 3)

DAY OF SALE:                      is the date of this Contract, namely,
                                  9th November, 1995


ITEM (1) (GC1)                    (1)      All restrictions disclosed in the
                                           Vendor's Statement.

                                  (2)      To the extent that they
                                           affect the Property, the
                                           registered easements to the
                                           City of Nunawading and
                                           melbourne & Metropolitan
                                           Board of Works created by
                                           Instrument B707893 and
                                           C685307 respectively,
                                           copies of which are
                                           attached in the Vendor's

                                  (3)      All easements created or to be
                                           created as specified on the Plan of

                                  (4)      Any other easements and
                                           other restrictions which a
                                           responsible authority
                                           requires to be included on
                                           the Plan of Subdivision as
                                           a condition of approval of
                                           the Plan of Subdivision.

ITEM (2) (GC4)                    NOT APPLICABLE

                               SPECIAL CONDITIONS

1.       Interpretation

In this Contract, unless the context otherwise requires:

2.       (a) Definitions:

         "Annexure" or "Schedule" means an annexure or schedule to
         this Contract;

         "Carpark Plan" means that copy of the Plan of Subdivision which is
         attached to this Contract and headed "Carpark Plan";

         "Contract" means this Contract of Sale of Real Estate and, unless the
         context otherwise requires, includes the Annexures and Schedules to
         this Contract and the Vendor's Statement;

         "Planning Permit" means any planning permit which must be obtained from
         the City of Whitehorse for the use and development of the Property as a
         cinema complex with associated entertainment and restaurant facilities;

         "Plan of Subdivision" means plan of subdivision no PS347288N, a copy of
         which is attached to this Contract, as amended from time to time in
         accordance with this Contract;

         "Purchaser" means the party named as the Purchaser and includes the
         Purchaser's successors, assigns and tranferees.

         "RSPCA Land" means lot 1 on the Plan of Subdivision;

         "Special Condition" means a special conation of the

         "Vendor" means the party named as the Vendor and includes
         the Vendor's successors, assigns and transferees;

         "Vendor's Statement" means the Vendor's Statement to the Purchaser of
         Real Estate pursuant to section 32 of the Sale of Land Act 1962 a copy
         of which is annexed to and forms part of this Contract;

         (b) Construction:

         words importing the singular include the plural and vice

         words importing any gender include the other genders;

         references to a person includes a corporation and bodies

         references to a person include the legal personal
         representatives, successors and assigns of that person;

         headings shall be ignored in construing this Contract;

         an obligation of two or more parties shall bind them jointly
         and each of them severally;

         references in this Contract to Table A are references to Table A of the
         Seventh Schedule to the Transfer of Land Act 1958 and references to the
         Third Schedule are references to the Third Schedule of the Property Law
         Act 1958; references to a person or body which has ceased to exist or
         has been reconstituted, amalgamated, reconstructed or merged, or the
         functions of which have become exercisable by any other person or body
         in its place, shall be taken to refer to the person or body established
         or constituted in its place or by which its functions have become

         any party may, at its election, by written notice waive any and all of
         the conditions to which its obligations under this Contract are subject
         or conditions which are expressed for the benefit of that party and any
         waiver may be made subject to any conditions the party making the
         waiver stipulates in the notice and shall operate from the date of the
         notice unless otherwise specified;

         this Contract may not be amended, modified or supplemented except in
         writing executed by persons duly authorised by each of the parties or
         by a waiver in accordance with this Contract;

         a reference in these Special Conditions to an Act of Parliment includes
         a reference to that Act as amended, replace or consolidated for the
         time being and all regulations made thereunder.

2        Condition of Property

The Purchaser acknowledges that:

(a)      any improvements on the Property may be subject to or
         require compliance with the Victoria Building Regulations,
         municipal by-laws, relevant statutes and any regulations
         thereunder or any repealed laws under which the improvements
         were constructed.  Any failure to comply with any one or
         more of those laws shall not and shall be deemed not to
         constitute a defect int he Vendor's title and the Purchaser
         shall not make any requisition or claim any compensation
         from the Vendor on that ground; and

(b)      the Purchaser has purchased the Property as a result of the
         Purchaser's own inspection or inquiries and in its present
         condition and state of repair and subject to all faults and

         defects both latent or patent and except to any extent expressly
         provided in this Contract the Vendor has not and no person on the
         Vendor's behalf has made any warranty or representation in relation to
         those matters.

3        Acknowledgements

The purchaser acknowledges that prior to the payment of any part of the Deposit
or the execution of this Contract or any other contract agreement or document
whatever in relation to the purchase of the Property, the Purchaser received
from the Vendor:

(a)      the Vendor's Statement executed by the Vendor, and

(b)      a copy of this Contract.

4        Stamp Duty Indemnity

The purchaser shall keep the Vendor indemnified at all times against all
liabilities, claims proceedings and penalties whatever under the Stamp Act 1958
relating to this Contract, any substitute Contract of Sale and the instrument of
transfer or conveyance of the Property or any one or more of them.

5        Entire Understanding

(a)      This Contract embodies the entire understanding and
         agreement between the parties as to the subject matter of
         this Contract.

(b)      All previous negotiations, understandings, representations, warranties,
         memoranda or commitments in relation to, or in any way affecting, the
         subject matter of this Contract are merged in and superseded by this
         contract and are of no force or effect whatever and no party is liable
         to any other party in respect of those matters.

(c)      No oral explanation or information provided by any party to

         (i)   affects the meaning or interpretation of this
               Contract, or

         (ii)  constitutes any collateral agreement, warranty or
               understanding between any of the parties.

6        Interest Payable on Default

If the Purchaser defaults in payment of any money under this

Contract the Purchaser shall pay to the Vendor interest at the rate of 16% per
annum computed on the money overdue during the period of default without
limiting any other rights of the Vendor. Condition 4 of Table A and Condition 4
of the Third Schedule do not apply to this Contract.

7        Substituted Contract

(a)      General Condition 5 does not apply to this Contract. If the Purchaser
         is not in default under this Contract the Purchaser may prior to 14
         days before the Settlement Date require the Vendor to enter into a
         substituted Contract with a nominee of the Purchaser in accordance with
         this Special Condition but the Purchaser shall remain liable to perform
         and observe the covenants and conditions of this Contract.

(b)      The cancellation and substitution can only be effected by
         the Purchaser delivering to the Vendor:

         (i)        a substituted Contract which is to be identical to
                    this Contract save for:

                    (A)      the deletion of the Special Condition;

                    (B)      the name of the substituted purchaser as

                    (C)      the insertion of the following Special

                             *(a)     The Purchaser acknowledges that the
                                      Purchaser has accepted title to Property
                                      and waives the right to deliver
                                      requisitions on title or make any
                                      objections to title.

                             (b)      The parties agree that for the purposes of
                                      Condition 15 of Table A and Third Schedule
                                      the Day of Sale shall be [here insert the
                                      Day of Sale in this Contract] and not the
                                      Day of Sale of this Contract.

                    (D)      the adjustments of dates (if necessary) for the
                             payment of moneys to coincide with this

                    (E)      if required by the Vendor, the Day of Sale under
                             the substituted Contract coinciding with the Day of
                             Sale under this Contract; and

                    (F)      execution by the substituted purchaser, which
                             substituted Contract shall be prepared at the
                             cost of the Purchaser;

         (ii)       (A)      an authority from the Purchaser addressed to
                             the person firm or corporation then holding the
                             Deposit ("stakeholder") authorising the stake-
                             holder to hold the Deposit and any other moneys
                             payable under this Contract as the Deposit and
                             other moneys payable under the substituted
                             Contract; or

                    (B)      an acknowledgement by the substituted purchaser
                             that any authority given by the Purchaser to
                             enable release of the Deposit is binding on the
                             substituted purchaser;

         (iii)      a duly executed guarantee and indemnity in a form acceptable
                    to the Vendor's Solicitors by the Purchaser (and all the
                    directors of the substituted purchaser) of all the
                    obligations of the substituted purchaser under the
                    substituted Contract;

         (iv)       an acknowledgement by the Purchaser that the
                    Purchaser has delivered the original Vendor's
                    Statement to the substituted purchaser, together with
                    an indemnity by the Purchaser in favor of the Vendor
                    from and against all costs actions and damages which
                    the Vendor may sustain as a result of any failure by
                    the Purchaser to deliver the original Vendor's
                    Statement to the substituted purchaser;

         (v)        an acknowledgement by the substituted purchaser that
                    the original Vendor's Statement has been received
                    fromthe Purchaser; and

         (vi)       the part of this Contract which has been executed by
                    the Vendor.

(c)      On delivery to the Vendor of the items referred to in paragraph (b) the
         Vendor shall execute one part of the substituted Contract and on
         delivery of that substituted Contract to the substituted purchaser this
         Contract shall be and be deemed cancelled.

(d)      For the purposes of any books of account of the Vendor the substituted
         sale shall if required by the Vendor be deemed to have been made on the
         date of this Contract and in that event a condition to that effect
         shall be inserted in the substituted Contract.

8        Subject to grant of Planning Permit

(a)      The Purchaser must at its expense:

         (i)        prepare with all due diligence an application to the
                    responsible authority for a Planning Permit

         (ii)       produce the Application (including all plans and
                    supporting materials) to the Vendor for approval as
                    soon as reasonably possible after the Day of Sale;

         (iii)      lodge the Application with the responsible authority within
                    50 days after the Day of Sale (provided that it has first
                    been approved by the Vendor in writing);

         (iv)       not amend or withdraw the Application (but provided
                    that the Purchaser shall be entitled to make
                    amendments to the Application which do not materially
                    alter the nature of the development for which the
                    Application is made; the Purchaser shall give the
                    Vendor written notices of any such amendments as soon
                    as reasonably possible after those amendments are

         (v)        keep the Vendor regularly advised of the progress of
                    Application; and

         (vi)       pursue the Application with due diligence and do everything
                    necessary to obtain a Planning Permit (including the
                    exercising of all rights of appeal and review) by the date
                    which is 140 days after the Day of Sale ("Approval Date").

(b)      Subject to the Vendor being satisfied that the Application
         is for a Planning Permit for a cinema complex with
         associated entertainment and restaurant facilities and not
         for any other purpose, the Vendor shall not unreasonably
         withhold or delay approval of the Application and shall
         execute all documents and provide all consents which are
         reasonably required by the Purchaser in relation to the

(c)      The Purchaser shall pay all fees, costs and charges and shall bear all
         expenses associated with the Application and with the satisfaction of
         the conditions of any planning permit which is granted.

(d)      If a Planning Permit is not obtained by the Approval Date,
         the Purchaser (if the Purchaser is not in default under this
         Contract) may determine this Contract by giving notice in
         writing to the Vendor at any time before the earlier of the
         date being 150 days from the Day of Sale and the date that
         the Planning Permit is granted, whereupon the Deposit
         together with accrued interest shall be returned to the

(e)      If the Purchaser does not give written notice in accordance with
         special condition 8(d) by the date specified in special condition 8(d)
         then notwithstanding that the Planning Permit has not been granted this
         Contract shall continue in full force and effect as if this special
         condition 8 was not


(f)      (i)        The Purchaser does not rely on any statement made by
                    the Vendor or anyone on the Vendor's behalf in
                    respect to the application.

         (ii)       The Vendor gives no warranty nor does the Purchaser rely on
                    any statement made by the Vendor nor anyone on the Vendor's
                    behalf about the use to which the Property may be put.

         (iii)      The Purchaser acquires the Property subject to any
                    prohibition or restriction on its use, development or
                    enjoyment under any act, ordinance, regulation or by-law and
                    subject to the conditions of any planning permit or
                    instrument applicable to the Property and must obtain at its
                    own expense any necessary consent of any authority to any
                    use of Property.

(g)      This special condition 8 is for the benefit of the

9        Use of Land

(a)      The Purchaser acknowledges that it is essential to the
         vendor that the Purchaser develop the Property as a cinema
         complex with associated entertainment and restaurant
         facilities ("Cinema Complex") and that the Vendor would not
         have entered into this Contract except on the basis of the
         Purchaser's agreement that the Purchaser would use its best
         endeavors to ensure that a development of that kind would be
         carried out.

(b)      If the Purchaser settles on the Settlement date notwithstanding that
         the Purchaser has not obtained a Planning Permit, the Purchaser shall
         continue to use its best endeavors to obtain a Planning Permit
         including exercising all reasonable rights of appeal and review.

(c)      The Purchaser shall commence the development of Cinema Complex as soon
         as reasonably possible after obtaining a Planning Permit and shall use
         its best endeavours to complete that development within two years after
         the Planning Permit is obtained.

(d)      Whether or not the Purchaser obtains a Planning Permit, for so long as
         the Purchaser or any related company of the Purchaser is the owner or
         occupier of the Property the Purchaser shall not permit the Property to
         be used or developed for any noxious use or any use which is likely to
         significantly interfere with the operations of the Vendor on the RSPCA

(e)      During the period of 18 months after the Day of Sale, the
         Purchaser shall not sell, agree to sell, lease or otherwise
         deal with the Property in any manner whatsoever (other than
         by the granting of any mortgage reasonably required to
         secure provision of fiance for the development of the
         Property) without procuring the person acquiring an interest
         in the Property from the Purchaser ("Acquiring Party") to
         covenant with the Vendor that the Acquiring Party shall not
         permit the Property to be used or developed for any noxious
         use or any use which is likely to significantly interfere
         with the operations of the Vendor on the RSPCa Land and that
         the Acquiring Party will procure the same covenant from any
         person acquiring an interest in the Property from the
         Acquiring Party during the period of eighteen (18)months
         after the Day of Sale in this Contract.

10       Foreign Investment

(a)      This special condition applies to this Contract if the Purchaser is or
         includes a person to whom the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act
         1975 ("Act") applies in relation to the Property, but not otherwise.

(b)      The Purchaser must:

         (i)        at its own expense prepare with all due diligence a notice
                    under section 26A of the Act and all additional material
                    required by the Foreign Acquisition and Takeovers (Notices)
                    Regulations ("Notice") stating the Processors intention to
                    acquire the Property;

         (ii)       furnish the Notice to the Treasurer of the

                    Commonwealth of Australia ("Treasurer") within 14
                    days after the Day of Sale (if not already

         (iii)      confirm to the Vendor within 3 days after furnishing
                    the Notice to the Treasurer that the Notice has been
                    so furnished;

         (iv)       not withdraw, delay or cancel the Notice without the
                    written consent of the Vendor; and

         (v)        pursue the satisfaction of this special condition with due
                    diligence and do everything reasonably necessary to cause
                    this special condition to cease to apply to this Contract.

(c)      This Contract is conditional on either:

         (i)        the Treasurer giving an advice that the Commonwealth
                    Government does not object to the Purchaser entering into
                    this Contract, being an advice that is not subject to
                    conditions which the Purchaser in its reasonable opinion
                    considers unacceptable ("Advice"), or

         (ii)       a period of 120 days expiring after the day on which the
                    Notice was received by the Treasurer without and order being
                    made by the Treasurer prohibiting the acquisition of the
                    Property of the Purchaser,

whichever first occurs. On satisfaction of either of the conditions referred to
above, this Contract will cease to be subject to this sepcial condition.

(d)      Each party must pormptly provide information in relations to
         the Property which is reasonably required to obtain the
         Advice or to avoid an order prohibiting the acquisition of
         the Property.  The Purchaser must promptly provide to the
         Vendor's solicitors a copy of all written correspondence
         with the Treasurer or the Department of Treasury and also a
         copy of accurate notes relating to non-written
         communications with such persons or authorities.

(e)      The Purchaser must immediately notify the Vendor's
         solicitors as soon as the Advice has been obtained or an
         order made by the Treasurer.

(f)      If the Treasurer makes an order prohibiting the proposed acquisition of
         the Property by the Purchaser within 120 days after the day on which
         the Notice was received by the Treasurer, either the Vendor or the
         Purchaser may at any time thereafter avoid this Contract by giving
         written notice to the other. In that event the Deposit shall be
         refunded by the Vendor to the Purchaser and this Contract shall come

         to an end. The Purchaser shall not be entitled to exercise that right
         of avoidance if the making of an order by the Treasurer is due to or
         arises from the Purchaser's failure to comply with this special
         condition or if the Purchaser is otherwise in default under this

(g)      The Purchaser shall not be entitled to avoid this Contract under this
         special condition without first giving the Vendor a reasonable
         opportunity to procure the Treasurer's approval of the acquisition.

(h)      This special condition is for the benefit of the Purchaser
         and the Vendor.

11       Subdivision

(a)      The Vendor shall use its best endeavours to procure the registration of
         the Plan of Subdivision. The Purchaser shall co-operate with the Vendor
         to achieve the registration of the Plan of Subdivision including
         without limitation by signing any consents or approvals and providing
         any information which the Vendor reasonably requires.

(b)      The Vendor may make amendments to Plan of Subdivision.  The
         Vendor must obtain the consent of the Purchaser to material
         amendments, but no consent shall be required to amendments
         which are of a minor nature and which are required by the
         City of Whitehorse or the Registrar of Titles or because of
         the need to have regard to the location of buildings and
         other fixtures and services which are on the Property or the
         RSPCA Land.  Also, no consent shall be required to the
         removal in part of easement "E2" on the Plan of Subdivision
         to the extent that easement encumbers the RSPcA Land so long
         as the remaining width of the easement is not less than 15
         metres (including 2.5 metres on lot 2).

(c)      Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
         Contract, under no circumstances shall the Vendor be obliged
         to make or accept any amendment to the plan of Subdivision
         which involves the removal or alteration of the carriageway
         easement marked "E2" on lot 2 of the Plan of Subdivision,
         notwithstanding that such an amendment may be necessary to
         enable the certification or registration of the Plan of

(d)      The Vendor and the Purchaser shall share equally the costs
         of the surveyor and the prescribed fees payable to the City
         of Whitehorse and to the Registrar of Titles for the
         certification and registration of the Plan of Subdivision.
         The Purchaser shall pay and hereby indemnifies the Vendor in
         respect of all costs, fees, charges and expenses which are
         incurred or required to be paid as a result of any
         requirement imposed by any authority as a condition of the
         certification of registration of the Plan of Subdivision or

         in any planning permit in relation to the Plan of Subdivision including
         without limitation the provision of any services to the Property or the
         RSPCA Land or the payment of a public open space contribution,
         development contribution or like fee.

12       Contract subject to registration of the Plan of Subdivision

(a)      This contract is conditional upon the Plan of Subdivision being
         registered by the Registrar of Titles within 95 days after the Day of

(b)      The Deposit and all other moneys payable by the Purchaser shall be paid
         to Corrs Chambers Westgarth for the Vendor to be held in an interest
         bearing trust account or an interest bearing trust account term deposit
         with the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited until the Plan
         of Subdivision has been so registered.

(c)      If the Plan of Subdivision is no so registered within 195
         days after the Day of Sale, the Purchaser or the Vendor may,
         at any time after expiration of that period of 195 days but
         before the Plan of Subdivision is so registered, by notice
         in writing to the other rescind this Contract in which event
         the Purchaser shall be entitled to the immediate return of
         the Deposit (including any interest from time to time
         accruing in respect of such account); otherwise such
         interest shall accrue for the benefit of and be paid to the

(d)      General Condition 6.3 does not apply.

13       Car Park

(a)      The Purchaser shall as soon as reasonably possible after
         being requested by the Vendor to do so carry out all
         necessary works on the land coloured red on the Carpark Plan
         ("Cinema Carpark") to construct a paved access road with
         ancillary carparking and shall complete those works by not
         later than six months after the date of the request.  The
         Purchaser's Application for a Planning Permit shall include
         an application for any planning approval which is necessary
         for the construction of this access road with ancillary car
         parking.  The Vendor shall not make a request in accordance
         this special condition 13(a) until after the Settlement
         Date, but after such a request has been made the Purchaser
         shall obtain any permits necessary for the construction of
         the Cinema Carpark and shall construct the Cinema Carpark
         notwithstanding that the Purchaser may not have obtained a
         Planning Permit.

(b)      The Purchaser shall maintain the access road and ancillary carparking
         referred to in special condition 13(a) in good condition at all times.

(c)      The Purchaser shall as soon as reasonably possible after
         being requested by the Vendor to do so construct a paved
         carparking area on the land coloured blue on the Carpark
         Plan ("RSPCA Carpark") and shall complete construction by
         not later than six months after the date of that request.
         The Vendor shall not make a request in accordance with this
         special condition 13(c) until after the Settlement Date and
         until after the Vendor has obtained all permits necessary
         for the construction of the RSPCA Carpark.  After completion
         of construction the Vendor shall be responsible for the
         maintenance of the RSPCA Carpark.

(d)      (i)        The Purchaser shall permit the Vendor and its employees
                    and invitees to have access to Cinema Carpark at all times
                    for the purpose of parking vehicles. Nothing in this special
                    condition 13(d)(i) shall limit the Vendor's right of
                    carriageway over the Cinema Carpark.

         (ii)       The Vendor shall permit the Purchaser and its
                    employees and invitees to have access to the RSPCA
                    Carpark daily after 6:00 p.m. for the purposes of
                    parking vehicles.

(e)      (i)        The exercise by the Vendor and its employees and
                    invitees of their rights under special condition
                    13(d)(i) shall be at the risk of the Vendor entirely
                    and the Vendor indemnifies and shall keep the
                    Purchaser indemnified from and against all claims,
                    demands, actions, costs, losses, damages and expenses
                    which the Purchaser may incur or for which the
                    Purchaser may become liable as a result of or arising
                    from the exercise by the Vendor or its employees or
                    invitees of the rights granted by the special
                    condition 13(d)(i).

         (ii)       The exercise by the Purchaser and its employees and
                    invitees of their rights under special condition
                    13(d)(ii) shall be at the risk of the Purchaser
                    entirely and the Purchaser indemnifies and shall keep
                    the Vendor indemnified from and against all claims,
                    demands, actions, costs, losses, damages and expenses
                    which the Vendor may incur or for which the Vendor
                    may become liable as a result of or arising from the
                    exercise by the Purchaser or its employees or
                    invitees of the rights granted by special condition

         (iii)      The Vendor and the Purchaser shall each maintain public
                    liability insurance for an amount of not less than five
                    million dollars ($5,000,000.00) in respect of any single
                    accident or event which shall include coverage in relation
                    to the use by the Vendor of the Cinema Carpark and the use
                    by the Purchaser of the

                    RSPCA Carpark respectively.

(f)      If after the Day of Sale the Vendor or the Purchase sells,
         transfers, grants any lease in respect of or otherwise
         disposes of or deals with in any manner whatsoever the land
         on which the RSPCA Carpark and the Cinema Carpark
         respectively are located the party so dealing with the land
         ("Disposing Party") shall procure the purchaser, transferee,
         lessees, mortgagee or other person acquiring this interest
         in that land ("Acquiring Party") to covenant with the other
         party to this Contract ("Remaining Party") acknowledging the
         rights of the Remaining Party as specified in this special
         condition 13 and the Remaining Party acknowledging that the
         Acquiring Party shall have the benefit of the rights
         specified in this special condition 13.

14.      Disclosure of Works

Pursuant to section 9AB(1) of the Sale of Land Act 1962, the Vendor discloses
that the Vendor proposes to carry out works on the RSPCA Land which may affect
the natural surface level of the RSPCA Land being the development referred to in
special condition 19.

15.      Identity

The Purchaser admits that the Land as offered for sale and inspected by the
Purchaser is identical with the relevant lot or lots on the Plan of Subdivision.
The Purchaser shall not make any requisition or claim any compensation or
purport to rescind this Contrac or to avoid any of its obligations under this
Contract by reason of:

(a)      any alleged misdescription on the Plan of Subdivision;

(b)      any deficiency in the area or measurements of the Property

(c)      any amendment to the Plan of Subdivision:

         (i)        which does not materially affect the Property and is
                    erquired by the Registrar of Titles or requested by
                    the Vendor; or

         (ii)       which restricts or limits the use of the Property and

                    (A)      results from any recommendation of a public
                             authority or government department; or

                    (B)      is in respect of the final location of an
                             easement shown on the Plan of Subdivision

Condition 3 of Table A shall not apply to this Contract.

16       Adjustment on Area Basis

If there are no separate assessments of rates or land tax for the Property then
the Property shall be deemed to contribute that percentage of the total rates
and land tax as the area of the Property bears to the whole of the area assessed
and adjustments shall be calculated accordingly.

17       Back Rates

As between the Vendor and the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall be responsible for
the payment of all back rates (whenever assessed) in respect of the Property
under section 174 of the Local Government Act 1989 and under any other relevant
Act and all special land tax (whenever assessed) in respect of the Property
under section 10 of the Land Tax Act 1958 which are assessed as a consequence of
the sale of the Property under this Contract and the Purchaser shall indemnify
the Vendor against any payment which the Vendor may be required to make in
respect of back rates or in respect of special land tax.

18        Expenses

In addition to the other payments required by the Purchaser under this Contract,
the Purchaser shall pay the Vendor on the Day of Sale an amount of $5,000.00 to
reimburse the Vendor for its expenses associated with the preparation of this

19       Development of RSPCA Land

The Purchaser agrees that it shall not object to the use and development of the
RSPCA Land and any other adjoining land owned by the vendor for an
administration centre and animal welfare centre or to the construction of other
facilities required to be constructed or relocated as a consequence of those
development or as a consequence of sale of the Property. The Purchaser
acknowledges that the Vendor may wish to re-zone the RSPCA Land and adjoning
land to enable its use and development as aforesaid and the Purchaser shall not
object to any such re-zoning. The Purchaser shall sign any consents and other
documents that the Vendor shall reasonably require in relation to the use and
development of the RSPCA Land for these purposes.

20       Old Burwood Road Reserve

(a)      In this special condition the term "Old Burwood Road Reserve" means the
         land coloured red on the plan annexed to this contract headed "Road
         Reserve Plan".

(b)      The Purchaser shall on behalf of itself and the Vendor and in
         consultation with the Vendor approach the relevant State Government
         Departments as soon as resonably possible after the Day of Sale and use
         its best endeavours to obtain:

         (i)        the transfer to the Purchaser and the Vendor respectively of
                    those portions of the Old Burwood Road Reserve which are
                    adjacent to the Property and the RSPCA Land respectively for
                    prices which are agreed by the Purchaser and the Vendor
                    respectively; and

         (ii)       in the interim, a lease from the Crown to the Purchaser and
                    the Vendor respectively of those parts of the Old Burwood
                    Road Reserve which are adjacent to the Property and the
                    RSPCA Land respectively,

         but provided that prior to the Settlement Date any transfer or lease
         shall be solely to the Vendor and the Vendor's rights shall be
         transferred or assigned to the Purchaser on settlement insofar as they
         relate to that part of the Old Burwood Road Reserve adjacent to the

(c)      As soon as reasonably possible after the Purchaser has acquired that
         part of the Old Burwood Road Reserve which is adjacent to the Property,
         the Purchaser shall grant the Vendor an easement of carriageway which
         extends the easement of carriageway shown on the Plan of Subdivision in
         a direct line through the Old Burwood Road Reserve to its northern

(d)      The Vendor shall be entitled to negotiate on its own behalf with the
         relevant State Government Departments to obtain a transfer or a lease
         as specified in special condition 20(b).

(e)      The Purchaser shall procure any person or persons acquiring the
         Property or the land behind the Property known as "the Brick and Pipe
         land" from the Purchaser prior to the completion of the transfers
         contemplated by special condition 20(b) to covenant with the Vendor on
         the same terms as this special condition including this special
         condition 20(e).

21       Right of First Refusal

(a)      During the period of eighteen (18) months from the Day of Sale the
         Vendor shall not sell or agree to sell the RSPCS Land to any person
         other than the Purchaser unless:

         (i)        the Vendor has first offered in writing to sell the RSPCA
                    Land to the Purchaser at a price not greater than the price
                    at which the RSPCA Land is actually sold or agreed to be
                    sold and on terms as to payment and otherwise not less
                    favourable to the Purchaser than the terms on which the
                    RSPCA Land is actually sold or agreed to be sold; and

         (ii)       the Purchaser has not accepted the offer referred to

                    in special condition 21(a)(i) within ten (10) days after
                    receipt of that offer from the Vendor by the Purchaser.

(b)      Special condition 21(a) shall not apply:

         (i)        in the event of the Vendor selling the RSPCA Land at any
                    normally advertised public auction sale or within a period
                    of two (2) months thereafter or by public tender; or

         (ii)       where the purchaser of the RSPCA Land is an entity with
                    similar purposes to the purposes of the Vendor and the sale
                    occurs as a result of the reorganization of the Vendor or of
                    the activities conducted under the auspices of RSPCA
                    Australia Incorporated.

(c)      Nothing in this special condition 21 shall be construed as prohibiting
         the Vendor from selling the RSPCA Land to any person conditionally on
         the Purchaser's rejection of non-acceptance of an offer of sale of the
         RSPCA Land made in accordance with this special condition 21.

22       Non-Merger of Obligations on Completion

To the extent that this Contract includes obligations which continue to arise
after the Settlement Date, this Contract remains in full force and effect
irrespective of settlement. The provisions of this Contract do not merge with
any conveyance, transfer or assignment or registration of any of these.

23       Governing Law and Jurisdiction

(a)      This Contract is governed by, and must be construed in
         accordance with, the laws of the State of Victoria.

(b)      The parties irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive
         jurisdiction of the State of Victoria and any courts which have
         jurisdiction to hear appeals from any of those courts. The parties
         waive any rights to object to any proceedings being brought in those

Exhibits to the Document have been excluded from this filing; they are available
upon request to the Company.