WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

     For Quarter Ended June 30, 1996         Commission File No. 0-20333

                            NOCOPI TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

              MARYLAND                                         87-0406496
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (State or other jurisdiction of                           (IRS Employer
    incorporation or organization)                          Identification No.)

                 230 Sugartown Road, Suite 100, Wayne, PA 19087
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 610-687-2000

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant
was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                  YES X     NO
                                     ----     ----

                  Number of shares of common stock outstanding:

              Title of each class                    Shares outstanding
            -----------------------                   at August 1, 1996
            Common stock, par value                  ------------------
                $.01 per share                           14,080,654

                            NOCOPI TECHNOLOGIES, INC.


Part I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                             PAGE

        Item 1.     Financial Statements

                    Consolidated Statements of Operations                   1
                    Three Months and Six Months Ended June 30, 1996
                    and June 30, 1995

                    Consolidated Balance Sheets                             2
                    June 30, 1996 and December 31, 1995

                    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                   3
                    Six Months Ended June 30, 1996
                    and June 30, 1995

                    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements              4

         Item 2.    Management's Discussion and Analysis                  5 - 6
                    of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Part II.  OTHER INFORMATION                                               7 - 8

                    Signatures                                              9

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

   Item 1. Financial Statements

                            Nocopi Technologies, Inc.
                      Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                              Three Months ended June 30           Six Months ended June 30
                                                1996               1995             1996              1995
                                              --------           --------        ----------        ----------

 Revenues                                     $936,200           $743,100        $1,811,700        $1,396,300

 Cost of sales                                 262,300             92,700           432,500           189,400
                                              --------           --------          --------         ---------
   Gross profit                                673,900            650,400         1,379,200         1,206,900

 Operating expenses
  Research and development                     191,700            206,400           396,700           390,900
  Sales and marketing                          351,500            384,000           723,400           823,700
  General and administrative                   281,700            248,300           521,300           469,200
                                              --------           --------          --------         ---------
                                               824,900            838,700         1,641,400         1,683,800
                                              --------           --------          --------         ---------
   Loss from operations                       (151,000)          (188,300)         (262,200)         (476,900)

 Other income (expenses)
  Amortization                                  (6,400)            (6,900)          (12,700)          (15,500)
  Interest income                               28,000             44,700            65,100            74,500
  Interest and bank charges                    (17,300)           (18,900)          (34,800)          (41,500)
  Ownership interest of others
   in consolidated entity                      112,100            108,600           199,200           229,800
                                              --------           --------          --------         ---------
                                               116,400            127,500           216,800           247,300
                                              --------           --------          --------         ---------
   Net loss                                   ($34,600)          ($60,800)         ($45,400)        ($229,600)
                                              ========           ========          ========         =========

 Loss per common share*                          ($.00)             ($.00)            ($.00)            ($.02)

 Average common shares outstanding*         14,064,951         14,009,334        14,054,558        13,984,743

- ----------------------
 * Restated to reflect one-for-five reverse stock split effective July 15, 1996.

 See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                            Nocopi Technologies, Inc.
                           Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                             June 30         December 31
                                                               1996             1995
                                                          -----------        -----------

Current assets
 Cash and temporary cash investments                       $ 2,870,000       $ 2,982,100
 Accounts receivable less allowance                            586,600           667,700
 Inventory                                                      28,800            22,200
 Prepaid and other                                              97,800            93,900
                                                           -----------       -----------
  Total current assets                                       3,583,200         3,765,900

Fixed assets
 Leasehold improvements                                         56,800            55,300
 Furniture, fixtures and equipment                             416,200           381,100
                                                           -----------       -----------
                                                               473,000           436,400
 Less: accumulated depreciation                                274,100           231,600
                                                           -----------       -----------
                                                               198,900           204,800

Other assets
 Patents, net of accumulated amortization                      419,200           419,800
 Debt issue costs, net of accumulated amortization              44,200            56,900
 Other                                                          16,100            17,800
                                                           -----------       -----------
                                                               479,500           494,500
                                                           -----------       -----------
   Total assets                                            $ 4,261,600       $ 4,465,200
                                                           ===========       ===========

                Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity

Current liabilities
 Accounts payable                                          $   491,500       $   398,100
 Accrued expenses                                              142,900           258,700
 Accrued commissions                                           117,500           182,500
 Deferred revenue                                              374,600           280,100
                                                           -----------       -----------
  Total current liabilities                                  1,126,500         1,119,400

Long--term notes payable                                       950,000           950,000

Ownership interest of others in consolidated entity          1,623,900         1,823,100

Shareholders' equity
 Common stock, $.01 par value
  Authorized - 50,000,000 shares
  Issued and outstanding
   1996 - 14,080,654; 1995 - 14,044,166 shares                 140,800           140,400
 Paid-in capital                                             7,651,000         7,522,900
 Currency translation adjustment                                83,200           177,800
 Accumulated deficit                                        (7,313,800)       (7,268,400)
                                                           -----------       -----------
                                                               561,200           572,700
                                                           -----------       -----------
   Total liabilities and shareholders' equity              $ 4,261,600       $ 4,465,200
                                                           ===========       ===========

 See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                            Nocopi Technologies, Inc.
                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                                    Six Months ended June 30
                                                                     1996               1995
                                                                  -----------       -----------
Operating Activities
 Net loss                                                         ($   45,400)      ($  229,600)
 Adjustments to reconcile net loss to
  cash from operating activities
  Depreciation                                                         42,900            34,200
  Amortization                                                         39,000            41,200
  Allowance for doubtful accounts                                       7,400             4,800
  Ownership interest of others in
   consolidated entity                                               (199,200)         (229,800)
  Other                                                                                   4,700
                                                                  -----------       -----------
                                                                     (155,300)         (374,500)

Changes in working capital
 Accounts receivable                                                   69,600           153,800
 Inventory                                                             (6,600)            3,500
 Prepaid and other                                                     (5,900)             (300)
 Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                (78,600)          157,900
 Deferred revenue                                                      95,700            67,200
                                                                  -----------       -----------
                                                                       74,200           382,100
                                                                  -----------       -----------
  Cash provided (used) by operating activities                        (81,100)            7,600

Investing Activities
 Additions to fixed assets                                            (37,500)          (24,100)
 Additions to patents                                                 (24,000)          (67,100)
                                                                  -----------       -----------
  Cash used by investing activities                                   (61,500)          (91,200)

Financing Activities
 Exercise of stock options                                            128,500             6,500
                                                                  -----------       -----------
  Cash provided by financing activities                               128,500             6,500
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                               (98,000)          226,200
                                                                  -----------       -----------
  Increase (decrease) in cash and temporary cash investments         (112,100)          149,100
Cash and temporary cash investments - beginning of period           2,982,100         3,137,600
                                                                  -----------       -----------
Cash and temporary cash investments - end of period               $ 2,870,000       $ 3,286,700
                                                                  ===========       ===========

 See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                            NOCOPI TECHNOLOGIES, INC.


Note 1.           Financial Statements

                  The accompanying interim financial statements have been
                  prepared by the Company without audit. These statements
                  include all adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring
                  adjustments) which management believes necessary for a fair
                  presentation of the statements and have been prepared on a
                  consistent basis using the accounting policies described in
                  the summary of Accounting Policies included in the Company's
                  1995 Annual Report. Certain information and footnote
                  disclosures normally included in financial statements prepared
                  in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
                  have been condensed or omitted. The Notes to Financial
                  Statements included in the 1995 Annual Report should be read
                  in conjunction with the accompanying interim financial
                  statements. The interim operating results are not necessarily
                  indicative of the operating results expected for the full

Note 2.           Reverse Stock Split

                  The Company, on July 15, 1996, amended its Articles of
                  Incorporation to effect a one-for-five reverse split of its
                  common stock, to increase the par value of its common stock
                  from $.002 to $.01 and to decrease the number of shares of
                  common stock authorized under its Articles of Incorporation
                  from 90,000,000 to 50,000,000. All applicable share and per
                  share data have been adjusted for the reverse stock split.

Note 3.           Accounting Changes

                  Effective January 1, 1996, the Company adopted the provisions
                  of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 121,
                  "Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for
                  Long-Lived Assets to be Disposed" (SFAS 121). SFAS 121
                  requires that long-lived assets and certain identifiable
                  intangibles be reviewed for impairment whenever events or
                  changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of
                  the asset may not be recoverable. The adoption of SFAS 121 did
                  not have a material effect on the Company's financial

                  Effective January 1, 1996, the Company adopted the
                  disclosure-only approach of Statement of Financial Accounting
                  Standards No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation"
                  (SFAS 123). SFAS 123 encourages employers to account for stock
                  compensation awards based on their fair value on their date of
                  grant. Entities may choose not to apply the new accounting
                  method but instead, disclose in the notes to the financial
                  statements the pro forma effects on net income and earnings
                  per share as if the new method had been applied.


Item 2.
                            NOCOPI TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                      Management's Discussion and Analysis
                of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Results of Operations

         Revenues for the second quarter of 1996 were $936,200 compared to
$743,100 in the second quarter of 1995, an increase of 26%. The first half
revenues of $1,811,700 represent a 30% increase from $1,396,300 in the first
half of 1995. The increase is attributable to revenues from licensees and
end-user customers signed in the latter half of 1995 and the first half of 1996
as well as increased revenues from those signed earlier. Included in second
quarter 1996 revenues are revenues derived from initial production of pressure
sensitive security labels under a license agreement signed in late 1995. The
continuing financial losses from product counterfeiting and product diversion
experienced by domestic and international business and the ability to combat
these losses using technologies such as those offered by the Company continue to
provide the Company with opportunities to increase its revenue base.

         The Company's gross profit increased to $673,900 or 72% of revenues in
the second quarter of 1996 from $650,400 or 88% of revenues in the second
quarter of 1995. For the first six months of 1996 the gross profit was
$1,379,200 or 76% of revenues compared to $1,206,900 or 86% of revenues in the
first half of 1995. The decline in gross profit as a percentage of revenues is
attributable in part to the inclusion in the 1996 second quarter revenues of
certain manufactured products which carry higher direct costs than licensing and
royalty revenues.

         Research and development expenses of $191,700 in the second quarter of
1996 were slightly below the second quarter 1995 expenses of $206,400. The first
half 1996 research and development expenses of $396,700 approximated the
$390,900 incurred in the first half of 1995.

         Sales and marketing expenses were $351,500 in the second quarter of
1996 compared to $384,000 in the second quarter of 1995. For the first six
months of 1996 sales and marketing expenses declined to $723,400 from $823,700
in the first half of 1995. The decrease is attributable to lower staffing levels
in the U.S. as well as modified compensation arrangements with certain sales
employees and sales agents. Late in the second quarter the Company increased its
sales staff to take advantage of newly developed technologies which the Company
believes to be best handled by its sales persons as compared to licensees. The
Company also plans to increase its sales promotion activities in the second half
of the year.

         General and administrative expenses increased to $281,700 in the second
quarter of 1996 from $248,300 in the second quarter of 1995 and to $521,300 in
the first half of 1996 from $469,200 in the first half of 1995. The increases
are the result of expenses incurred by Euro-Nocopi S.A.


         Other income (expenses) include interest on the Series B 7%
Subordinated Convertible Promissory Notes issued in May 1993 and amortization of
debt issue costs related to these Notes. The decrease in interest expense and
debt amortization costs in the second quarter and first half of 1996 reflects
the conversion of some of these notes into common stock during 1995. Interest
income includes interest on funds invested in the U.S. as well as the investment
of funds remaining from those raised in the 1994 Euro-Nocopi S.A. private

         Ownership interest of others in consolidated entity represents the
proportionate share in the assets and profits or losses of Euro-Nocopi S.A.
attributable to the 82% ownership interest of the outside shareholders of that

         The consolidated net loss declined in the second quarter of 1996 to
$34,600 from $60,800 in the second quarter of 1995. For the first six months of
1996, the consolidated net loss declined to $45,400 from $229,600 in the first
half of 1995. The Company's U.S. operations, with an operating profit of $2,300
in the second quarter of 1996, recorded its fourth consecutive quarterly
operating profit.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         The Company's consolidated cash and temporary cash investment position
decreased to $2,870,000 at June 30, 1996 from $2,982,100 at December 31, 1995.
Included in the June 30, 1996 balance is $1,900,100 held by Euro-Nocopi S.A.
which is available only to fund Euro-Nocopi's operations. At December 31, 1995,
the Euro-Nocopi S.A. cash balance was $2,075,000. The decrease during the first
half is principally attributable to funds required to support Euro-Nocopi S.A.'s

         The Company's domestic cash position increased to $969,900 at June 30,
1996 from $907,100 at December 31, 1995. The increase results primarily from
receivables collections and proceeds of stock option exercises in the first half
of 1996 partially offset by payments related to the acquisition of ink
production equipment in late 1995 and incentive compensation paid for the
achievement of the 1995 U.S. business plan.

         The Company believes that it has sufficient working capital and
available credit to support its consolidated operations.

         The Company, on July 15, 1996, amended its Articles of Incorporation to
effect a one-for-five reverse split of its common stock, increased the par value
of its common stock from $.002 to $.01 and decreased the number of shares of
common stock authorized under its Articles of Incorporation from 90,000,000 to

         The Company's operations are subject to all of the risks inherent in a
developing business enterprise. The likelihood of success must be considered in
light of problems, difficulties, complications and delays frequently encountered
in connection with an emerging business and the development of new technologies.


                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.           Legal Proceedings

                  Not Applicable

Item 2.           Changes in Securities

                  Effective July 15, 1996, Registrant's Articles of
                  Incorporation were amended in order (a) to effect a
                  one-for-five reverse split of Registrant's common stock, par
                  value $.002 per share, (b) to increase the par value of
                  Registrant's common stock from $.002 per share to $.01 per
                  share, and (c) to decrease the number of shares of common
                  stock authorized under Registrant's Articles of Incorporation
                  from 90,000,000 to 50,000,000.

                  The amendment of Registrant's Articles of Incorporation did
                  not materially alter the voting and other rights of holders of
                  Registrant's common stock, or any other class of registrant's

Item 3.           Defaults Upon Senior Securities

                  Not Applicable

Item 4.           Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

                  The Registrant's 1996 Annual Meeting of Shareholders was held
                  on June 10, 1996. At such meeting, Registrant's shareholders
                  elected six (6) persons nominated by the Nominating Committee
                  of the Board to serve as directors of Registrant, approved an
                  Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation to provide for a
                  Recapitalization of the Registrant including authorizing the
                  Board of Directors, in its discretion, to effect a
                  one-for-five reverse stock split, approved the adoption of the
                  Registrant's 1996 Stock Option Plan, and ratified the
                  selection of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. as Registrant's
                  independent public accountants.


                  The following table shows the votes cast for and against each
                  person nominated to serve as a director, as well as all
                  abstentions, authority withheld and broker non-votes:

                                             or                       Broker
     Name of                              authority                    Non-
     Nominee             Votes For        withheld     Abstentions     Votes
- -----------------       ----------        ---------    -----------    ------ 

Ray B. Mundt            65,842,324        1,382,680        -0-          -0-
Norman A. Gardner       65,840,424        1,384,580        -0-          -0-
Dr. A. Gundjian         65,839,424        1,385,580        -0-          -0-
Joel A. Pinsky          65,690,624        1,534,380        -0-          -0-
William F. Drake        65,519,483        1,705,521        -0-          -0-
Edward N. Patrone       65,230,953        1,994,051        -0-          -0-

                  The voting on the proposal to approve an Amendment to the
                  Articles of Incorporation providing for a Recapitalization,
                  including authorizing the Board of Directors, in its
                  discretion, to effect a one-for-five reverse stock split was
                  as follows: 64,783,026 For; 289,519 Against; 187,950
                  Abstentions; and 1,964,509 Broker Non-Votes.

                  The voting on the proposal to approve the adoption of the
                  Registrant's 1996 Stock Option Plan was as follows: 60,271,803
                  For; 2,624,036 Against; 656,595 Abstentions; and 3,672,570
                  Broker Non-Votes.

                  The voting on the proposal to ratify the selection of Coopers
                  & Lybrand L.L.P. as Registrant's independent public
                  accountants was as follows: 67,023,499 For; 108,840 Against;
                  92,665 Abstentions; and -0- Broker Non-Votes.

Item 5.           Other Information

                  Not Applicable

Item 6.           Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

                    (a).   Exhibit 11 Computation of loss per common share.

                    (b).   No Current Reports on Form 8-K have been filed by the
                           Registrant during the quarter ended June 30, 1996.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                      NOCOPI TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

DATE:  August 12, 1996                /s/ Norman A. Gardner
                                      Norman A. Gardner
                                      President & Chief Executive Officer

DATE:  August 12, 1996                /s/ Rudolph A. Lutterschmidt
                                      Rudolph A. Lutterschmidt
                                      Vice President & Chief Financial Officer