Development Agreement for
                        Prod IV (Model P-4R) Radio Units

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section           Title

1.                DEFINITIONS.........................................................  1

2.                DEVELOPMENT AND ACCEPTANCE..........................................  2
                  2.1      Working Sample Development.................................  2
                  2.2      Working Sample Delivery and Testing........................  3
                  2.3      Pre-Production Model Development...........................  3
                  2.4      Revised Pre-Production Models..............................  4

3                 CONSIDERATION AND PAYMENT...........................................  4
                  3.1      Price......................................................  4

4.                DELIVERY AND TITLE..................................................  4
                  4.1      Shipping Requirements......................................  4
                  4.2      Packaging and Other Requirements...........................  4
                  4.3      Working Sample Title.......................................  4

5.                INSPECTIONS.........................................................  4

6.                SUPPLY OF DOCUMENTS ................................................  5

7.                CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION............................................  5
                  7.1      Designation of Confidential Information....................  5
                  7.2      Nondisclosure..............................................  5
                  7.3      Exceptions.................................................  5
                  7.4      Limitations................................................  6
                  7.5      Survival...................................................  6

8.                TERM, TERMINATION AND EXPIRATION....................................  6
                  8.1      Term.......................................................  6
                  8.2      Termination For Cause......................................  6
                  8.3      Termination After Acceptance of Pre-Production Model.......  6
                  8.4      Return of Confidential Information.........................  6
                  8.5      Survival...................................................  6

9.                INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION.......................................  7
                  9.1      Indemnification............................................  7
                  9.2      Insurance..................................................  7
                  9.3      LIMITATION OF LIABILITY....................................  7

10.               INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY...............................................  7
                  10.1     Pre-Existing Intellectual Property.........................  7
                  10.2     Developed Proprietary Information..........................  7
                  10.3     Use of Third Party Intellectual Property Rights............  8

11.               ARBITRATION.........................................................  8


12.               FORCE MAJEURE.......................................................  8

13.               NOTICES.............................................................  9
                  13.1     Notice Requirements........................................  9
                  13.2     Receipt....................................................  9

14.               SEVERABILITY........................................................  9

15.               SUBCONTRACTING......................................................  9

16.               LIENS.  ............................................................ 10

17.               WAIVER.............................................................. 10

18.               ASSIGNMENT.......................................................... 10

19.               AMENDMENT........................................................... 10

20.               ENTIRE AGREEMENT.................................................... 10

21.               HEADINGS............................................................ 10

22.               GOVERNING LAW....................................................... 10

23.               TAXES.  ............................................................ 11

24.               INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR.............................................. 11

25.               LABELING  .......................................................... 11

26.               PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS.  ............................................. 11


                              DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT

THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), made and entered into this 1st day
of March 1996 ("Effective Date") by and between INTERDIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS
CORPORATION, a Pennsylvania corporation having its principal place of business
at 781 Third Avenue, King of Prussia, PA 19406-1409, USA (hereinafter referred
to as "InterDigital") and KENWOOD CORPORATION, a Japanese corporation having its
principal place of business at 1-14-6, Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150, Japan
(hereinafter referred to as "Kenwood").

                               W I T N E S E T H:

WHEREAS, InterDigital has developed a specification for an RF radio unit to be
incorporated in Prod IV, a subscriber unit; and

WHEREAS, Kenwood has expertise in the development of units similar to the RF
radio unit and is desirous of, and has already expended considerable time and
materials developing a Working Sample (as hereinafter defined) of the RF radio
unit for InterDigital and is desirous of further refining such Working Sample as
may be necessary to achieve volume production at desired cost (the
"Pre-Production Model" as further defined below) and making RF changes ("Revised
Pre-Production Models", as further defined below) as may be necessary by IDC
from time to time; and

WHEREAS, InterDigital and Kenwood have executed a Memorandum of Understanding
under which, among other things, Kenwood has agreed to undertake the
above-referenced development activities and for which InterDigital had paid
Kenwood US$*; and

WHEREAS, InterDigital desires to engage Kenwood to develop the Working Sample,
Pre-Production Model, and Revised Pre-Production Models under and subject to the
terms and conditions set forth herein.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained
herein, and intending to be legally bound, the parties hereto agree as follows:


1.1      "Engineering Specifications" shall mean the drawings and
         specification documents containing the physical, mechanical,
         electrical, interface and protocol specifications of the Product
         (as Confidential Treatment has been requested for the deleted text.
         hereinafter defined) as accepted by InterDigital pursuant to this

1.2      "Intellectual Property" shall mean any and all patents, patent
         applications, trademarks, copyrights, proprietary know-how, trade
         secrets, processes, designs, discoveries, innovations, inventions or
         other tangible or intangible intellectual property rights.

- ----------
* Confidential treatment has been requested for the deleted text, which has been
  filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


1.3      "Pre-Production Model" shall mean the prototype of the printed circuit
         board for the analog circuitry, which prototype conforms to the
         Engineering Specifications and represents, from a design, layout,
         materials, and manufacturing standpoint, the exact circuit board that
         will be mass-produced by Kenwood for InterDigital.

1.4      "Product" shall mean the printed circuit board for the RF analogue
         circuitry, which is part of the subscriber unit developed by

1.5      "Revised Pre-Production Model" shall mean the prototype of the printed
         circuit board for the analog circuitry incorporating an
         InterDigital-requested frequency change, which prototype otherwise
         conforms to the Engineering Specifications and represents, from a
         design, layout, materials, and manufacturing standpoint, the exact
         circuit board that will be produced by Kenwood for InterDigital for the
         revised frequency requirements.

1.6      "Shipping Destination" shall mean InterDigital's receiving warehouse in
         King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, or such other U.S. destination as
         InterDigital may designate.

1.7      "Target Specifications" shall mean the specifications prepared by
         InterDigital and mutually agreed to by InterDigital and Kenwood for the
         development and manufacture of the Working Sample.

1.8      "Technical Material" shall mean designs, patterns, drawings, plans,
         specifications, development processes, worksheets, and any other
         information, manuals, documents, notes, letters, records, computer
         programs, molds, dies, tooling, equipment and similar property

1.9      "Work" shall mean the efforts undertaken by Kenwood to develop, ship,
         and as necessary, rework, repair or replace Working Samples, Pre-
         Production Models and Revised Pre-Production Models.

1.10     "Working Sample" shall mean the sample of the printed circuit board for
         the analog circuitry developed and manufactured in accordance with the
         Target Specifications.


2.1      Working Sample Development. Kenwood shall perform any and all work
         necessary to complete the development of the Working Sample in
         conformance with the Target Specifications. Kenwood shall periodically
         inform InterDigital as to Kenwood's progress in such development,
         including significant problems being incurred and any potential
         schedule impact. If Kenwood determines that the Target Specifications
         contain errors or have omissions, or that the Target Specifications
         could be modified to produce a more desirable product (i.e., more
         reliable, less expensive, more tolerant to environmental conditions),
         Kenwood shall promptly notify InterDigital in that regard. InterDigital
         and Kenwood shall work cooperatively to address


         any errors, omissions or enhancements regarding the Target

2.2      Working Sample Delivery and Testing. Within sixty (60) days of the
         Effective Date, Kenwood shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the
         Shipping Destination twenty (20) Working Samples together with two sets
         of draft Engineering Specifications and the engineering data.
         InterDigital shall evaluate the Working Sample and draft Engineering
         Specifications and perform, or cause to be performed, at InterDigital's
         sole cost and expense, all tests of the Working Sample as deemed
         necessary by InterDigital. To expedite completion of InterDigital's
         evaluation, Kenwood shall, at its cost, attend InterDigital's facility
         to observe and assist InterDigital's Product and PROD IV evaluation. If
         any problems arise or are observed, InterDigital and Kenwood shall work
         cooperatively to find an acceptable resolution. If the problem is
         related solely to the failure of the Product, Kenwood shall promptly
         provide corrective measures. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of
         Working Samples, InterDigital shall promptly notify Kenwood in writing
         of the test results and also, whether or not, in InterDigital's sole
         discretion, the Working Sample is acceptable; provided, however, that
         Kenwood shall not commence production until InterDigital has accepted
         the Working Sample. If the Working Sample is found unacceptable by
         InterDigital, InterDigital shall provide Kenwood with a written
         description as to the deficiencies and/or nonconformances of the
         Working Samples. Kenwood shall have thirty (30) days to provide
         InterDigital with revised and acceptable (as determined by
         InterDigital) Working Samples.

2.3      Pre-Production Model Development. If the Working Sample is found
         acceptable by InterDigital, InterDigital shall prepare Engineering
         Specifications, with comments and input from Kenwood, which comments
         and input InterDigital shall consider in good faith, and deliver such
         specifications to Kenwood. InterDigital shall retain the Working
         Sample(s) for the term of this Agreement. Kenwood shall thereafter
         promptly develop and manufacture Pre-Production Models in accordance
         with the Engineering Specifications. Kenwood shall promptly notify
         InterDigital if any changes to the Working Sample. InterDigital shall
         attend a pre-production review meeting at Kenwood's facility and
         evaluate the Pre-Production Model together with the pre-production test
         data. InterDigital shall use reasonable efforts to approve the
         Pre-Production Model at Kenwood's facilities; however, InterDigital
         reserves the right to have the Pre-Production Model shipped to
         InterDigital's facilities for further evaluation. In such event,
         Kenwood shall deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Shipping
         Destination, the Pre-Production Models as well as the applicable
         pre-production test data. Upon the receipt of the Pre- Production Model
         and the pre-production test data, InterDigital shall evaluate the
         Pre-Production Model and the related documentation. Within thirty (30)
         days of receipt of the Pre-Production Model and the pre-production test
         data, InterDigital shall accept or reject the Pre-Production Model and
         the pre-production test data. If the Pre-Production Model or
         pre-production test data is not acceptable to


         InterDigital, InterDigital shall provide Kenwood with a written
         description as to the deficiencies and/or nonconformances. Kenwood
         shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice from
         InterDigital to provide InterDigital with an acceptable (as determined
         by InterDigital) Pre-Production Model and/or pre-production test data,
         as applicable.

2.4      Revised Pre-Production Models. InterDigital may, from time to time,
         request Kenwood to develop Revised Pre-Production Models and related
         pre-production test data. Such request shall be made at least six
         months prior to InterDigital requiring mass production of such units.
         Kenwood shall engineer and produce up to two (2) different Revised
         Pre-Production Models and related documentation without additional cost
         to InterDigital, provided such units fall within the parameters set out
         in Exhibit B. For additional Revised Pre-Production Models, Kenwood may
         charge InterDigital US$* for each different Revised Pre- Production


         As full and complete consideration for the Work, InterDigital shall pay
         Kenwood the total amount of US$* and development fee for Revised
         Pre-Production Models as specified in Exhibit A.


4.1      Shipping Requirements. Kenwood shall ship, or cause other to ship, the
         Working Samples and related documentation to the Shipping Destination.
         Kenwood shall deliver all Pre-Production Models and Revised
         Pre-Production Models FCA, Japan (except that Kenwood shall also pay
         marine insurance)(Incoterms 1990). For the Pre-Production Models and
         Revised Pre-Production Models, as well as the related documentation,
         Kenwood shall arrange for shipping to the Port of Philadelphia,
         Pennsylvania, or such other destination as InterDigital may designate,
         such costs (including freight and import fees but excluding insurance)
         to be paid by InterDigital. Kenwood shall bear the risk of loss to all
         Working Samples and Pre-Production Models, Revised Pre-Production
         Models, work in progress, materials, tools and other things independent
         of title until receipt by InterDigital at the Shipping Destination.

4.2      Packaging and Other Requirements. Unless otherwise specified by
         InterDigital in writing, Kenwood shall properly pack, box, crate or
         prepare all Working Samples, Pre-Production Models and Revised Pre-
         Production Models for shipment so as to prevent damage in transit.

4.3      Working Sample, Pre-Production Model and Revised Pre-Production Model
         Title. Title to and Risk of Loss for each Working Sample, Pre-
         Production Model and Revised Pre-Production Model shall pass to
         InterDigital when each such unit has been placed on the loading dock at
         the Shipping Destination.

- ----------
* Confidential treatment has been requested for the deleted text, which has been
  filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.



         Upon reasonable advance written notice, Kenwood shall allow
         InterDigital and its authorized representatives to observe and inspect
         the Work, including materials and supplies being used, subject to
         Kenwood's then-existing confidentiality restrictions and security and
         safety requirements.


         Upon completion and acceptance of the Pre-Production Model, or upon
         InterDigital's termination of this Agreement for cause, Kenwood shall
         promptly provide to InterDigital any and all Technical Material
         required for InterDigital, or its designee, to manufacture the Pre-
         Production Model, such documentation to include:

         Design Description
         Schematic Diagrams and Block Diagrams
         Parts List (B.O.M.)
         Electronic Component Specification
         PCB Drawings

         Kenwood shall provide InterDigital with revised documentation
         stipulated in this section twenty (20) days after acceptance of a
         design change by InterDigital.


7.1      Designation of Confidential Information. All information relating to
         the Work provided by either party to the other, whether before or after
         the date hereof and whether oral or written and transactions
         contemplated in this Agreement, shall be and is hereby deemed to be
         confidential and proprietary information (hereinafter called
         "Confidential Information"). Neither party shall be obligated to
         specifically identify any information as to whether the protection of
         this Section is desired by any notice, legend, or other action.

7.2      Nondisclosure. A party receiving Confidential Information shall not,
         without the prior written consent of the party disclosing such
         information, (i) use any portion of the Confidential Information for
         any purpose other than in connection with the performance of this
         Agreement, or (ii) disclose any portion of the Confidential Information
         to any persons or entities other than the employees and consultants of
         receiving party, its subcontractor or its affiliated companies, who
         reasonably need to have access to the Confidential Information in
         connection with the performance of this Agreement; provided, however,
         that such employees and consultants shall be informed of the
         confidentiality requirements herein and shall be required to execute an
         agreement having terms consistent with those provided in this Section
         7; and provided further that the receiving


         party shall be responsible for any breach of the confidentiality
         requirements by such employee or consultants.

7.3      Exceptions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a receiving party shall not
         be liable for disclosure of Confidential Information, or part thereof,
         if the receiving party can demonstrate that such Confidential

                  (a)      was in the public domain at the time it was
                  (b)      has been known to or in the possession of the party
                           receiving it at the time of receipt;
                  (c)      is known to the receiving party from a source other
                           than the disclosing party without breach of this
                           Section by the receiving party; or
                  (d)      has been disclosed to the government of the receiving
                           party or its agent in accordance with its order.

7.4      Limitations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Section
         shall be deemed to limit or alter InterDigital's rights under Section
         10 hereto.

7.5      Survival. The provisions of this Article shall survive termination,
         cancellation or expiration of this Agreement for five (5) years from
         the date of such termination, cancellation or expiration.


8.1      Term. This Agreement shall be effective upon the Effective Date and,
         unless earlier terminated as provided herein, shall be valid and in
         force for a period of two (2) years thereafter. The parties may extend
         this Agreement by mutual written agreement.

8.2      Termination for Cause. A party may terminate this Agreement at any
         time, without liability, upon written notice to the other party, if:

         (A)      the other party becomes insolvent, or a petition of bankruptcy
                  is filed, or any similar relief is filed by or against such
                  party, or a receiver is appointed with respect to any of the
                  assets of such party, or a liquidation proceeding is commenced
                  by or against such party;

         (B)      the other party fails to correct or cure any material breach
                  of any covenant or obligation under this Agreement within
                  thirty (30) calendar days after receipt by such party of a
                  written notice from the other party specifying such breach.

8.3      Termination After Acceptance of Pre-Production Model. Notwithstanding
         any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, InterDigital may,
         without liability (except as provided in this section) and upon thirty
         days' prior written notice to Kenwood, terminate this Agreement after
         acceptance of the Pre-Production Model in the event that InterDigital
         does not have sufficient customer orders for RF units. In the event of
         such termination, InterDigital shall continue


         to pay Kenwood the scheduled payments set out in Exhibit A, but at a
         20% discount.

8.4      Return of Confidential Information. Upon the expiration or termination
         of this Agreement, each party shall return to the other party all
         Confidential Information of the other party together with all copies
         made therefrom, except to the extent such information is required by
         InterDigital to exercise its rights under Section 10.

8.5      Survival. The following provisions shall survive the termination or
         expiration of this Agreement; Article 8.5, Article 9.1, Article 10,
         Article 11, Article 14, Article 17, Article 20, Article 21 and Article
         22. In addition, any provision of this Agreement necessary for a party
         to exercise rights or obligations arising prior to expiration or
         termination shall survive such expiration or termination.


9.1      Indemnification. Either party shall, to the maximum extent permitted by
         law, indemnify and hold harmless the other party, its affiliates and
         subsidiaries and all offices, directors, employees, and agents of such
         companies (collectively, "Indemnified Parties"), from against, for and
         in respect pf any and all claims, investigations, proceedings,
         injuries, demands, liabilities, losses, expense, including without
         limitation attorney's fees, damages, judgements, or settlements arising
         out of or resulting from the performance or non- performance under this
         Agreement of either party, anyone directly or indirectly employed by
         either party or anyone else whose acts either party may be liable. The
         obligations under this paragraph shall not be constructed to negate,
         abridge or otherwise reduce any other obligations of indemnity which
         would otherwise exist as to any provisions or limits of insurance
         required by this Agreement.

9.3      Insurance. Each party shall secure and maintain insurance commensurate
         with the obligations and potential liabilities arising under this
         Agreement. Each party shall, upon the request of the other party,
         provide a description of the coverage secured, including deductibles,
         exclusions, term, and policy limits.



10.1     Pre-Existing Intellectual Property. Except as provided in Section 10.2,
         nothing contained in this Agreement will be deemed to grant to either
         party, either directly or by implication, estoppel or


         otherwise, any title, ownership, license, or any interest whatsoever
         in, of or to Intellectual Property or Technical Material of the other
         party, whether existing prior to the Effective Date or developed

10.2     Developed Proprietary Information. The Technical Material supplied or
         made specifically by Kenwood (or its contractors) under this Agreement
         and any Intellectual Property hereunder developed, produced or created
         by Kenwood (or its contractors) (collectively "Developed Information")
         shall be the joint property of InterDigital and Kenwood, subject to the
         following terms and conditions:

         (A)      InterDigital may use, sell, license, or otherwise transfer the
                  Developed Information without any accounting to Kenwood;
                  provided, however, that InterDigital shall notify Kenwood of
                  any license, sale, or other transfer of the Developed
                  Information to a third party;

         (B)      Kenwood may use the Developed Information for only the
                  manufacture of units for InterDigital;

         (C)      InterDigital shall have the right to apply for any patents on
                  Intellectual Property, in Kenwood and InterDigital's name.
                  Kenwood shall execute all documents reasonably required for
                  such applications. InterDigital shall provide Kenwood with
                  advance copies of significant patent application filings for
                  review and comment and will consider such comments in good
                  faith. InterDigital and Kenwood shall share equally the cost
                  of such patent filings; provided, however, that Kenwood may
                  elect not to have joint ownership in such patents in which
                  event Kenwood shall assign all of such patent rights to
                  InterDigital and execute all documentation required for
                  InterDigital to obtain patent protection in its name and at
                  its sole expense.

         (D)      Developed Information shall not include knowledge,
                  manufacturing, processes, designs, developed, produced, or
                  created by Kenwood (or its contractors) prior to the
                  Commencement of the Work or other than conjunction with the

10.3     Use of Third Party Intellectual Property Rights. In manufacturing the
         Working Copy or Pre-Production Model, Kenwood shall not use or rely on
         any method, process, or other tangible or intangible element requiring
         the payment of royalties without the express written consent of
         InterDigital. To the extent that InterDigital consents to Kenwood's use
         of any license or other right under any patents or patent application
         to perform the Work or develop, manufacture or supply the Working
         Copies or Pre-Production Models under this Agreement, Kenwood shall pay
         all royalties and license fees required pursuant thereto.



         Any controversy, dispute, or claim arising out of or relating to this
         Agreement, any modification or extension hereof, or any breach hereof
         (including the question whether any particular matter is arbitrable
         hereunder) which has not been settled after a meeting of the parties in
         a good faith effort to resolve their differences shall be resolved
         exclusively by arbitration under the Rules of Conciliation and
         Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by three
         arbitrators chosen in accordance with said rules unless the parties
         agree to use fewer arbitrators. The arbitration shall take place in
         Paris, France and shall be conducted in English. The award of such
         arbitration shall be final and binding on both parties.


         If either party's performance of this Agreement is interfered with by
         reason of any circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the party
         affected, including without limitation, war (whether an actual
         declaration thereof is made or not), sabotage, insurrection, rebellion,
         riot or other act of civil disobedience, act of a public enemy, failure
         or delay in transportation, failure of or delay in performance of
         InterDigital's or Kenwood's obligations under this Agreement due to act
         of any government or any agency or subdivision thereof, judicial
         action, labor dispute, fire, accident, explosion, epidemic, storm,
         flood, earthquake, or other Act of God, or shortage of labor , fuel,
         raw material, or machinery, then the party affected shall be excused
         from such performance, but only for the period of time occasioned by
         such event. A party claiming a force majeure shall notify the other
         party within ten (10) working days of such force majeure event,
         providing the type of event, the expected delay, and the efforts being
         taken to minimize such delay. If any such interference extends for more
         than Ninety (90) days, both parties shall discuss to seek for the best
         course of action.

13.      NOTICES

13.1     Notice Requirements. Any notices required to be given under this
         Agreement shall be sent by registered air mail, facsimile or hand
         delivery to the other party at the address listed below:

         To InterDigital:

         781 Third Avenue, King of Prussia
         Pennsylvania 19406-1409, USA
         Attn: William J. Merritt
         Tel: 610-878-5700
         Fax: 610-878-7844

         To Kenwood:

         1-14-6, Dogenzaka
         Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150 Japan
         Attn: Katsuhito Ohashi


         Tel: 03-5457-7158
         Fax: 03-5457-7160

13.2     Receipt. Notices given pursuant to section 13.1 shall be deemed to have
         been received Five (5) business days after sending in the case of
         registered air mail and at the time of receipt of the receiving party
         in the case of hand delivery and facsimile, unless earlier confirmed by
         the receiving party.


         In the even that, for any reason, any portion of this Agreement shall
         be determined to be illegal, unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining
         provisions of this Agreement shall, nevertheless remain in full force
         and effect and this Agreement shall be construed as if the illegal,
         unlawful or unenforceable provisions were not contained herein.


         Kenwood shall not subcontract any of the Work without the express
         written consent of InterDigital. Kenwood's use of subcontractor's shall
         not relieve Kenwood of its obligations hereunder and Kenwood shall be
         liable to InterDigital for all the acts and omissions of any
         subcontractor as if such act or omissions were made by Kenwood.

16.      LIENS.

         Kenwood shall not make nor permit to be made any attachments to the
         Working Sample, Pre-Production Models, or components thereof, of liens,
         encumbrances or claims for labor or material. Kenwood shall promptly
         remove and shall protect and hold InterDigital harmless from all such
         claims, liens and encumbrances arising from the manufacture, assembly
         and transit of the Working Sample or Pre-Production Model.

17.      WAIVER

         Any failure of either party to enforce at any time or for any period,
         any provisions of thus Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of
         such provisions or of the right of the party thereafter to enforce each
         and every provision.


         This Agreement shall not be assignable by either party without the
         prior written consent of the other party; provided, however, that
         either party may assign this Agreement to a subsidiary or affiliate of
         the assigning party by written notice to the other party.


19.      AMENDMENT

         This Agreement shall not be amended, altered, or modified except by an
         instrument in writing duly executed by the parties hereto.


         This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties hereto
         with respect to the subject matter hereof, and it supersedes all prior
         oral or written agreements, commitments, or understandings with respect
         to the matters provided for herein.

21.      HEADINGS

         Section headings contained in this Agreement are inserted for
         convenience of reference only, shall not be deemed to be a part of this
         Agreement for any purpose, and shall not in any way define or affect
         the meaning, construction, or scope of any of the provisions hereof.


         This Agreement sets forth the rights and obligations of the parties
         hereto, and any claims or disputes relating thereto, shall be governed
         by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.
         Each party irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the
         state or country of the party solely for the purposes of requiring the
         other party to submit to arbitration as required hereunder and for
         enforcing any award granted thereunder. Process may be served on either
         party by certified or registered U.S. mail or by globally recognized
         express mail service.

23.      TAXES.

         It is understand that no taxes, assessments, excises, duties,
         impositions, or licenses will be levied. Assessed or imposed on Kenwood
         by the U.S. Government on account of the Work or the Working Samples.
         If, however, any such taxes, assessments, excises, duties, imposed on
         Kenwood by the U.S. Government on account of the Work or the Working
         Samples, they shall be borne by InterDigital and all payments owing to
         Kenwood hereunder shall be net of any such taxes, levies, or charges
         required to be withheld with respect to such payments


         In making and performing this Agreement, InterDigital and Kenwood act
         and shall act at all times as independent contractors and nothing
         contained in this Agreement shall be construed or implied to create an
         agency, joint venture, partnership or employer and employee
         relationship between InterDigital and Kenwood.

25.      LABELING


         At InterDigital's request, Kenwood shall place appropriate notices or
         labels on all Working Samples, and component parts thereto, being
         manufactured for InterDigital pursuant to this Agreement to indicate
         ownership by InterDigital. To the extent reasonably possible, the
         Working Sample, and component parts thereto, shall be stored separately
         from other inventory and conspicuously marked with labels indicating
         ownership by InterDigital.


         Except as may be required by law, neither party shall issue any press
         release or make or cause to be made any public disclosure of this
         Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.

                            [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE]


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and intending to be legally bound, the undersigned parties
have duly executed this Agreement in duplicate effective on the day first
written above.

                                       INTERDIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION


/s/ Adrienne G. Juskalian               By /s/ Mark Lemmo
- -------------------------------         -----------------------------------
                                        Title General Manager

                                        KENWOOD CORPORATION


/s/ SZ                                  By /s/ Masakazu Kaneko
- --------------------------------        -----------------------------------
                                        Title General Manager
                                              Radio Communications Department
                                              Communications Equipment Division 


                                    EXHIBIT A
                              SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS

   Description             Amount                 Payment Schedule
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initial Payment            US$ *        Paid under Memorandum of Understanding. 
Development Fee 1                       This payment was for work done prior to 
                                        the date of this Agreement. This amount 
                                        shall not be returned to InterDigital   
                                        for any reason.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Development Fee 2          US$ *        Payable within 30 days of Working Sample
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Development Fee 3          US$ *        Payable within 30 days of Production
                                        Model acceptance
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quarterly Payment          US$ *        Payable in four quarterly installments
of Engineering                          commencing at the end of the month of
Fee                                     Pre-Production model acceptance unless 
                                        suspended in the event the Products
                                        delivered by Kenwood to InterDigital
                                        fail to meet mutually accepted Outgoing
                                        and Incoming Inspection Regulations and
                                        Standards stipulated in the Production 
                                        Agreement or any Kenwood-provided
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Development Fee            US$ *        Applicable from third new frequency    
for each Revised                        change. 50% payable upon acceptance of 
Pre-Production                          Pre-Production Model and 50% payable  
Model                                   upon acceptance of first production   

* Confidential treatment has been requested for the deleted text, which has been
  filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
