DATED 22nd MAY 1997

                              FRANCIS EDWARD ALLEN
                                   AND OTHERS

                                     - and -

                              ELEMENTS (UK) LIMITED

                                     - and -


                                     - and -

                                 UNIDIGITAL INC.

                            SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT
                                 BY WAY OF DEED
                         relating to the acquisition by
                              Elements (UK) Limited
                       of the entire issued share capital
                    of Libra City Corporate Printing Limited

                                   WILDE SAPTE


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

No                Clause                                                Page No.

1.       INTERPRETATION....................................................2
2.       SALE AND PURCHASE................................................10
3.       CONDITIONS PRECEDENT.............................................10
4.       CONSIDERATION....................................................11
5.       COMPLETION.......................................................15
6.       DELIVERY TO SOLICITORS...........................................19
7.       WARRANTIES.......................................................19
8.       WARRANTIES IN RELATION TO SUBSIDIARIES...........................21
9.       LIMITATION OF WARRANTORS' LIABILITY..............................21
10.      RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS............................................24
11.      POWER OF ATTORNEY................................................25
12.      GUARANTEE OF PURCHASER'S OBLIGATIONS.............................26
13.      WAIVERS..........................................................26
14.      POST-COMPLETION OPERATION........................................27
15.      COSTS AND WITHHOLDINGS...........................................27
16.      ASSIGNMENT.......................................................28
17.      ANNOUNCEMENTS....................................................28
18.      JURISDICTION.....................................................29
19.      NOTICES..........................................................29
20.      INVALIDITY.......................................................30
21.      FURTHER ASSURANCE................................................30
22.      ENTIRE AGREEMENT.................................................30
23.      COUNTERPARTS.....................................................31
SCHEDULE 1 - The Vendors..................................................32
SCHEDULE 2 Part 1 - The Company and the Subsidiaries......................33
SCHEDULE 2 Part 2 - The Subsidiaries......................................34
SCHEDULE 3 - Confirmation of no Claims....................................39
SCHEDULE 4 - The Warranties...............................................42
SCHEDULE 5 - The Property.................................................77

Agreed Form Documents......                                    Clause reference

      Deed of Tax Covenant                                       Clause 5.2.3
      Disclosure Letter                                          Clause 5.2.11
      Service Agreement(s)                                       Clause 5.2.12
      Waiver of pre-emption rights                               Clause 3.1.1
      Board minutes of the Company and Subsidiaries              Clause 5.3
      Stock Transfer Forms and any Powers of Attorney
      required to transfer the Shares                            Clause 5.2.1

         THIS DEED is made the            day of                 1997


         (1)      THE SEVERAL PERSONS whose names and addresses are set out in
                  Schedule 1 (together the "Vendors");

         (2)      ELEMENTS (UK) LIMITED a company incorporated in England and
                  Wales with registered number 02888039 and having its
                  registered office at 48 Margaret Street, London WIN 7D (the

         (3)      LIBRA CITY CORPORATE PRINTING LIMITED a company incorporated
                  in England and Wales with registered number 2339001 and having
                  its registered office at Truscott House, 32-32 East Road,
                  London N1 6AD further information about which is contained in
                  Schedule 2 (the "Company"); and

         (4)      UNIDIGITAL INC. is a Delaware corporation having its principal
                  place of business at 20 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011,
                  United State of America (the "Guarantor").


         (A)      The Vendors are together the beneficial owners of the whole of
                  the issued and allotted share capital in the Company and each
                  of the Vendors is the beneficial owner of the number of shares
                  in the Company set against his name in Schedule 1.

         (B)      The Purchaser is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Guarantor.

         (C)      The Vendors have now agreed to sell and the Purchaser has
                  agreed to buy the whole of the issued and allotted share
                  capital in the Company on the terms and conditions hereinafter



    In this Deed (including the Recitals and Schedules), unless the context
    otherwise requires or except as otherwise expressly provided:

1.1 Definitions

    "1996 Accounts" means the consolidated audited accounts of the Company and
    its Subsidiaries for the period to 31st December 1996;

    "1996 Turnover Figure" means the sum shown in the 1996 Accounts as the
    turnover as defined therein of the Company and the Subsidiaries during the
    period to which the 1996 Accounts relate, generated on sales on an arm's
    length basis to third party customers and which, for the avoidance of doubt,
    was (pound)3,964,753;

    "1997 Turnover Figure" means the sum for all turnover of the Company and its
    Subsidiaries, stated on the same basis as the 1996 Turnover Figure, for the
    period from 1st January to 31st December 1997 save that such turnover as is
    attributable to (a) sales to any company within the Unidigital Group, (b)
    sales to any new customers introduced to the Company and/or the Subsidiaries
    by any member of the Unidigital Group, or (c) sales attributable to any new
    employees of the Company and/or its Subsidiaries (other than a new
    international sales executive and new employees replacing existing employees
    of the Company and/or its Subsidiaries after Completion) shall be excluded
    for the purpose of calculating of the 1997 Turnover Figure;

    "1997 Statement" means the statement to be issued by the Accountants
    indicating the 1997 Turnover Figure;

    "Accounts" means the consolidated audited financial statements of the
    Company and the Subsidiaries including without limitation the Balance Sheet,
    an audited profit and loss account (including any notes thereto) for the
    financial year ended on the Last Accounts Date and all reports. accounts,
    consolidated accounts and other documents required by law to be included in
    or attached thereto;


    "Accountants" means Ernst & Young, Rolls House. 7 Rolls Buildings, Fetter
    Lane, London EC4A 1NH;

    "Agreed Form" means in a form approved by the Parties and initialed for
    identification by the Vendors' Solicitors and the Purchaser's Solicitors;

    "Allen Shares" means the 7,263 ordinary shares in the capital of the Company
    held by Mr. Allen;

    "Auditors" means Moore Stephens of St. Paul's House, London, EC4P 4BN;

    "Balance Sheet" means a consolidated audited balance sheet of the Company
    and the Subsidiaries as at the Last Accounts Date (including the notes

    "Baronsmead" means Baronsmead Investment Trust plc of Princes Court, 7
    Princes Street, London EC2R 8AQ;

    "Bishop Shares" means the 704 ordinary shares in the capital of the Company
    held by Mr. Bishop;

    "Business" means the business of the Company as carried on up to the
    Completion Date;

    "Business Day" means any day (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) which is
    not a public or bank holiday in England;

    "Claim" means any claim brought by the Purchaser against the Vendors (or any
    of them) pursuant to the warranties and indemnities given by the Vendors to
    the Purchaser and contained in Clause 7 and Schedule 4 to this Deed, the
    Deed of Covenant (Tax) and all other provisions of this Deed and all deeds
    and documents entered into pursuant to this Deed and "Claims" shall be
    construed accordingly;

    "Chase Shares" means the 4,569 ordinary shares in the capital of the Company
    held by Chase Nominees on behalf of Invesco;

    "Chase Nominees" means Chase Nominees Limited of Woolgate House, Coleman
    Street, London EC2P 2HD;


    "Companies Act" means the Companies Act 1985 as amended from time to time;

    "Completion" means the completion of the sale and purchase of the Shares in
    accordance with Clause 5;

    "Completion Accounts" means the Completion Balance Sheet and the unaudited
    profit and loss account of the Company for the period ending on 30th April
    1997 to be prepared by the existing management of the Company and to be
    reviewed by the Auditors and the Accountants in accordance with Clause 4.3;

    "Completion Balance Sheet" means the unaudited balance sheet (including the
    notes thereto) of the Company ant its Subsidiaries as at 30th April 1997 to
    be prepared in accordance with Clause 4 ant, if such balance sheet shall be
    adjusted pursuant to the provisions of Clause 4, means such balance sheet as
    so adjusted;

    "Completion Date" means the date hereof;

    "Conditions Precedent" means the conditions set out in Clause 3;

    "Deed of Tax Covenant" means a deed of covenant in the Agreed Form to be
    executed by the Vendors and delivered on Completion in accordance with
    Clause S.2.3;

    "Dellow Shares" means the 312 ordinary shares in the capital of the Company
    held by Mr. Dellow;

    "Disclosure Letter" means the letter of even date herewith in the Agreed
    Form expressly referring to Clause 7 and which is delivered to the Purchaser
    by or on behalf of the Vendors before the signing of this Deed;

    "Group" means a holding company and its subsidiaries as the same are defined
    in section 736 of the Companies Act 198S;

    "Intellectual Property Rights" means all patents, trade marks and service
    marks (whether registered or not), registered design rights, utility models,
    applications for any of the foregoing and the right to apply for any of the
    foregoing in any part of the world, copyright, design rights, inventions,
    confidential information, trade secrets, know-how, production data, business
    or trade names and any other


    intellectual property rights or similar rights situated in any country and
    the benefit (and burden) of any and all licenses in connection with any of
    the foregoing;

    "Invesco" means Invesco English and International Trust plc of 11 Devonshire
    Square, London EC2M 4YR;

    "Investors" means Baronsmead and Invesco;

    "Last Accounts Date" means 31st December 1996;

    "Lease" means the lease of the Property dated 24th January 1994 between ( 1)
    the Haberdashers Company (Governors of Robert Aske's Charity) and (2) Libra
    City Corporate Printing Limited;

    "Libra Group" means the Group of companies of which the Company is the
    holding company;

    "MIMDC" means Baronsmead Ventures Nominees Limited (previously MIMDC
    Nominees Limited and Invesco Ventures Nominees Limited) of Princes Court, 7
    Princes Street, London EC2R 8AQ;

    "MIMDC Shares" means the 2,538 ordinary, shares in the capital of the
    Company held by MIMDC on behalf of Baronsmead;

    "Mr. Allen" means Francis Edward Allen of The Croft High Road, Wilmington,
    Kent DA2 7EG;

    "Mr. Bishop" means Robin David Bishop of Mallard Cottage, The Street,
    Corpusty, Norfolk NR11 6QP;

    "Mr. Dellow" means Kenneth Dellow of 55 Saville Road, Chadwell Heath,
    Romford, Essex RM6 6DS;

    "Mr. Tylee" means Edward David Tylee of 5 Hotham Close, Sutton at Hore,
    Dartford, Kent DA4 9ET;


    "Net Asset Value" means the aggregate of the value of the assets of the
    Company (after the deduction of the amount of any dividend paid pursuant to
    Clause 3.4 of this Agreement including all taxes payable by the Company in
    respect thereof) and the Subsidiaries less the aggregate of the value of its
    liabilities (whether actual, contingent or deferred) as at 30th April 1997
    as calculated in accordance with Clause 4 and as shown in the Completion
    Balance Sheet;

    "Property" means the property short details of which are set out in Schedule

    "Purchaser" means Regent Communications (UK) Limited or its successors in
    title and assigns (as the case may be);

    "Purchaser's Solicitors" means Wilde Sapte of 1 Fleet Place, London EC4M

    "Relevant Percentage" means in relation to each Vendor. the following

                                 100% x  A


    A is the consideration to be paid to that Vendor as listed in Clause 4.1;

    B is the total consideration to be paid to the Vendors as listed in Clause

    "Restricted Period" means, in the case of Mr. Allen the period commencing on
    the date hereof and ending two (2) years from the date hereof and in all
    other cases the period commencing on the date hereof and ending one (1) year
    from the date hereof;

    "Review" means the review required to be given by the Auditors and the
    Accountants pursuant to Clause 4.3 and. if such review shall be adjusted
    pursuant to the provisions of Clause 4 means such review as so adjusted;

    "Service Agreements" means the service agreements in the Agreed Form to be
    executed by the Company and Mr. Bishop and Mr. Dellow together with the side
    letter to the Service Agreement between the Company and Mr. Allen dated 18th
    July 1989 in the Agreed Form to be executed by the Company and Mr. Allen,
    all of which are to be delivered on Completion in accordance with Clause 5.


    "Shares" means the Allen Shares, the Bishop Shares, the Chase Shares, the
    Dellow Shares, the MIMDC Shares and the Tylee Shares;

    "Statement" means the statement to be prepared jointly by the Accountants
    and the Auditors in accordance with Clause 4.4;

    "Subsidiaries" means the companies listed in Part 2 of Schedule 2;

    "Tax" includes all present and future taxes, charges, imposts, duties,
    levies, deductions, withholdings or fees of any kind whatsoever, or any
    amount payable on account of or as security for any of the foregoing,
    payable at the instance of or imposed by any statutory, governmental,
    international, state, federal, provincial, local or municipal authority,
    agency, body or department whatsoever or European Union institution, in each
    case whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, together with any
    penalties, additions, fines. surcharges or interest relating thereto, and
    "Taxation" and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly;

    "Taxes Act" means the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988;

    "TCGA 1992" means the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992;

    "Tylee Shares" means the 234 ordinary shares in the capital of the Company
    held by Mr. Tylee;

    "Unidigital Group" means the group of companies of which the Guarantor is
    the holding company;

    "United Kingdom" means England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as
    defined in Schedule 1 to the Interpretation Act 1978 and includes the
    territorial sea of the United Kingdom and any area designated by Order in
    Council under sub-section 1(7), Continental Shelf Act 1964;

    "VAT" means value added tax as provided for in VATA 1994 and legislation (or
    purported legislation and whether delegated or otherwise) supplemental
    thereto and any tax similar or equivalent to value added tax imposed by any
    country other than the United Kingdom and any similar or turnover tax
    replacing or introduced in addition to any of the same;


    "VATA 1994" means the Value Added Tax Act 1994;

    "Vendors" means the several persons whose names and addresses are set out in
    Schedule 1 or their respective personal representatives and estates;

    "Vendors' Solicitors" means Brough Skerrett of One Dyers Buildings, London
    EC 1 N 2S X;

    "Warranties" means the representations, warranties and understandings
    referred to in Clause 7.1 and set out in Schedule 4;

    "Warrantors" means Mr. Allen, Mr. Bishop, Mr. Dellow and Mr. Tylee.

1.2 Interpretation

1.2.1 any reference to the provisions of any statute or subordinate
      legislation or of any rule made by a local authority and having the effect
      of law shall be deemed to refer to:

 the same as in force (including any amendment or re-enactment
                  or consolidation before or after the date hereof) for the time
                  being; and

 the provisions of any earlier statute or subordinate
                  legislation or of any rule made by a local authority of which 
                  the said reference is itself an amendment or re-enactment or

1.2.2 any reference to a person being "connected with" another person means:

 any person connected with such other person (and "connected
                  with" bears the meaning set out in section 839 of the Taxes
                  Act); and/or

 any company under the control of such other person (and
                  "control" bears the meaning set out in section 840 of the
                  Taxes Act);

1.2.3 words and expressions defined in the Companies Act 1985 and/or the 
      Companies Act 1989 shall bear the same meanings herein;


1.2.4 words denoting one gender include all genders, words denoting individuals
      or persons include corporations and trusts and vice versa, words denoting
      the singular include the plural and vice versa, and words denoting the
      whole include a reference to any part thereof;

1.2.5 clause and paragraph headings are inserted for ease of reference only and
      shall not affect construction;

1.2.6 references to Recitals, Clauses, Paragraphs and Schedules are to the
      recitals, clauses, paragraphs and schedules of and to this Deed;

1.2.7 references to this Deed mean this Deed together with its Recitals and
      Schedules and reference to this Deed or any document or agreement includes
      references to such document or agreement as amended, novated,
      supplemented, varied or replaced from time to time with the agreement of
      the Parties;

1.2.8 references to a Party means a party to this Deed and shall include that
      person's permitted assigns, transferees or successors in title in
      accordance with the teens of this Deed;

1.2.9 the words "including", "include" and "in particular" shall be construed as
      being by way of illustration only and shall be construed as limiting the
      generality of any foregoing words;

1.2.10 references to any English legal term any action, remedy, method of
       judicial proceeding, legal document, legal status, court, official or any
       other legal concept shall, in respect of any jurisdiction other than
       England, be deemed to include the legal concept which most nearly
       approximates in that jurisdiction to the English legal term; and

1.2.11 any reference to an amount in pounds sterling shall include the
       equivalent in any other currency or combination of currencies.



2.1 Each of the Vendors shall sell or procure the sale with full title guarantee
    with effect from Completion the number of the Shares set out opposite his or
    her name in Schedule 1 and the Purchaser relying on the representations,
    warranties and undertakings herein contained and the covenants contained in
    Clause 10 but subject to Clause 2.2 shall buy the Shares together with all
    dividends, distributions and rights declared, paid, created or arising after
    the Completion Date or attaching thereto and free from all claims, charges,
    liens, encumbrances, options, equities, rights of pre-emption or other third
    party rights.

2.2 The Purchaser shall not be obliged to complete the purchase of any of the
    Shares unless the purchase of all the Shares is completed simultaneously in
    accordance with this Deed.

2.3 The covenants implied herein pursuant to the Law of Property (Miscellaneous
    Provisions) Act 1994 ("LP(MP)A") shall apply:

    2.3.1 as modified or extended by the express terms of the Warranties;

    2.3.2 as if the covenant set out in section 3(1) of LP(MP)A ended after the 
          word "parties"; and

    2.3.3 as if section 6(2) of LP(MP)A did not apply.

3.1 Completion of the sale and purchase of the Shares shall be conditional upon
    the following conditions having been fulfilled:

    3.1.1 the delivery to the Purchaser of the waivers in the Agreed Form by
          each of the Vendors (and by any nominee of any of the Vendors) of all
          and any rights of pre-emption to which he (or any nominee) may be
          entitled under the Articles of Association of the Company, by
          agreement, by statute or otherwise in respect of and transfer of
          Shares contemplated by this Deed;

    3.1.2 the repayment of all sums (if any) owing to the Company by (a) the
          Vendors or the directors of the Company or any of them or (b) by any


          person connected with any of the Vendors or director or any company
          directly or indirectly controlled by such persons or any of them or
          (c) any partnership in which such persons or company is a partner and
          whether or not such sums are due for repayment including but not
          limited to the repayment of all sums (if any) outstanding in respect
          of the director's loan account;

    3.1.3 the release of the Company (without payment of compensation) from any
          debenture, charge, guarantee, cross-guarantee, indemnity,
          counter-indemnity, bond, security, assurance or other contingent
          liability of whatsoever nature or other similar obligation which
          relates or could be made to relate in whole or in part to debts or
          other liabilities or obligations, whether actual or contingent and
          whether now or hereinafter incurred, of any other person; and

    3.1.4 the release of the Company ( without payment of compensation) from all
          agreements and arrangements (other than as required by the Purchaser
          and other than those entered into with the Investors in the ordinary
          course of business) between the Company on the one hand, and any
          Vendor or person connected with any of the Vendors on the other hand.

3.2 Each of the Vendors undertakes to use his reasonable endeavours to ensure
    that the Conditions Precedent are fulfilled as soon as reasonably
    practicable and, in any event, by Completion.

3.3 The Purchaser shall be entitled in its absolute discretion, by written
    notice to the Vendors, to waive any or all of the Conditions Precedent
    either in whole or in part.

3.4 The Company shall be entitled to make a pre-completion dividend of an amount
    not totalling more than (pound)70,000 provided that such dividend shall only
    be paid in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act and all other
    applicable legislation.


4.1 Subject to the remaining provisions of this Clause 4 the consideration for
    the Shares shall be as follows:


    4.1.1 in respect of the Allen Shares, the payment to Mr. Allen of an amount
          equal to the sum of (pound)807,213;

    4.1.2 in respect of the Bishop Shares, the payment to Mr. Bishop of an
          amount equal to the sum of (pound)85,635;

    4.1.3 in respect of the Chase Shares, the payment to lnvesco of an amount
          equal to the sum of (pound)555,768;

    4.1.4 in respect of the Dellow Shares, the payment to Mr. Dellow of an
          amount equal to the sum of (pound)37,951,

    4.1.5 in respect of the MIDMC Shares, the payment to Baronsmead of an amount
          equal to the sum of (pound)308,719; and

    4.1.6 in respect of the Tylee Shares, the payment to Mr. Tylee of an amount
          equal to the sum of (pound)28,464.

4.2 The Purchaser shall procure that the Accountants issue to the Purchaser and
    the Vendors the 1997 Statement, stating the 1997 Turnover Figure, by 31st
    March 1998. Thereafter:

    4.2.1 the Vendors shall have the right within one month of receipt of the
          1997 Statement to require the Auditors to consider the 1997 Statement
          and the Vendors shall notify the Purchaser's Solicitors in writing
          within such one month period if they wish to exercise their right
          contained in this Clause 4.2.1. The Purchaser shall instruct the
          Accountants to make available to the Vendors and the Auditors all
          papers, documents and other information necessary to enable the
          Auditors properly to consider the 1997 Statement.

    4.2.2 If the Auditors and the Accountants shall disagree as to the 1997
          Turnover Figure but shall be able to resolve their difference or
          dispute concerning the same prior to the appointment of an expert
          pursuant to Clause 4.2.3, then in such event the Auditors and the
          Accountants shall jointly certify the 1997 Turnover Figures.

    4.2.3 If the Auditors and the Accountants shall be unable to agree as to the
          1997 Turnover Figure, the Vendors or the Purchaser shall be entitled,
          on five (5) Business Days' notice in writing to the other of its
          intention to do so, at


          any time after one month following notification by the Vendors to the
          Purchaser's Solicitors of its wish to exercise its right contained in
          Clause 4.2.1 and before the Auditors and the Accountants shall have
          jointly certified the amounts of the 1997 Turnover Figure pursuant to
          Clause 4.2.2, to refer the matter to an independent chartered
          accountant (who shall act as expert and not as arbitrator) appointed
          for the purpose jointly by the Parties or, in the absence of agreement
          as to the appointment of such independent chartered accountant within
          ten (10) Business Days, on the application by either Party, by the
          President for the time being of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
          in England and Wales, and who shall be instructed to settle the
          differences between the Auditors and the Accountants relating to 1997
          Turnover Figure. The costs of such independent chartered accountant
          shall be borne by the Vendors and the Purchaser in such proportions as
          the said independent chartered accountant shall direct at his sole

    4.2.4 The said independent chartered accountant shall be requested to
          certify the amount of the 1997 Turnover Figure to the Parties, which
          certificate shall be final and binding on the Parties for the purposes
          of this Clause 4.2.

    4.2.5 In addition to the consideration set out in Clause 4.1, if the 1997
          Turnover Figure (as finally determined pursuant to Clauses 4.2.1 to
          4.2.4 above) is greater than (pound)3,250,000, the Purchaser will pay
          to the Vendors a further sum of up to (pound)500,000 as additional
          consideration for the Shares in accordance with the following formula:

                        (pound)500,000 x X - (pound)3,250,000
                                         (pound) 650,000


           X = the 1997 Turnover Figure

    4.2.6 Any payment to be made pursuant to this Clause 4.2 by the Purchaser to
          the Vendors shall be made within 10 Business Days of the final
          determination of the 1997 Turnover Figure to Clauses 4.2.1 to 4.2.4

4.3 The Vendors shall procure as soon as possible following Completion and in
    any event by the date that is three (3) months after the Completion Date the


    preparation by the Company of accounts of the Company as at 30th April 1997
    and for the period from the Last Accounts Date to 30th April 1997 and the
    review by the Auditors and the Accountants of such accounts which shall be
    prepared in accordance with the accounting policies, principles and
    practices on which the Accounts and the accounts of the Company and the
    Subsidiaries for each of the two immediately preceding financial years of
    the Company and the Subsidiaries were prepared (without any reevaluation of
    assets). In particular, the Completion Accounts shall include accruals for
    any holiday pay, pension or bonus entitlement and any other sums or rights
    to which any employee of the Company may be entitled as at 30th April 1997.
    For the purposes of preparing such accounts a valuation of the
    stock-in-trade held by the Company and the Subsidiaries as at Completion for
    use in the operation of its business shall be made at or immediately
    following 30th April 1997 by the Parties jointly such valuation to be agreed
    by the Parties on the basis that:

    4.3.1 the value of each item of stock and each item of work-in-progress
          shall be the lower of cost (on a first in, first out valuation) or net
          realisable value; and

    4.3.2 all redundant, obsolete, used, damaged or unsaleable stock and
          irrecoverable work-in-progress costs shall be given no value.

4.4 The Vendors shall procure that, if the Auditors and Accountants agree the
    Review and the Net Asset Value. the Auditors and the Accountants shall, as
    soon as possible following completion of the preparation of the Completion
    Accounts pursuant to Clause 4.3 and in any event by the date that is three
    (3) months after the Completion Date, jointly produce a statement

    4.4.1 the amount of the Net Asset Value after the deduction of the amount of
          any dividend (including all taxes payable by the Company in respect
          thereof) paid pursuant to Clause 3.4; and

    4.4.2 that the Completion Accounts have been prepared in accordance with
          Clause 4.3.

4.5 If the Auditors and the Accountants shall disagree as to the Net Asset Value
    but shall be able to resolve their difference or dispute concerning the same
    prior to the appointment of an expert pursuant to Clause 4.6, then in such
    event the Auditors and the Accountants shall jointly certify, the amounts of
    the Net Asset Value.


4.6 If the Auditors and the Accountants shall be unable to agree as to the Net
    Asset Value, the Vendors or the Purchaser shall be entitled, on five (5)
    Business Days' notice in writing to the other of its intention to do so, at
    any time after the expiry of the three (3) month period referred to in
    Clause 4.3 and before the Auditors and the Accountants shall have jointly
    reported the amounts of the Net Asset Value pursuant to Clause 4.5, to refer
    the matter to an independent chartered accountant (who shall act as expert
    and not as arbitrator) appointed for the purpose jointly by the Parties or,
    in the absence of agreement as to the appointment of such independent
    chartered accountant within ten (10) Business Days, on the application by
    either Party, by the President for the time being of the Institute of
    Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and who shall be instructed to
    settle the differences between the Auditors and the Accountants relating to
    Net Asset Value. The costs of such independent chartered accountant shall be
    borne by the Vendors and the Purchaser in such proportions as the said
    independent chartered accountant shall direct at his sole discretion.

4.7 The said independent chartered accountant shall be requested to certify the
    amount of the Net Asset Value to the Parties, which certificate shall be
    final and binding on the Parties for the purposes of this Clause 4.7.

4.8 On the day which falls ten (10) Business Days after the Net Asset Value has
    been finally agreed in accordance with the above provisions of Clause 4, if
    the Net Asset Value is less than (pound)823,750 the Vendors shall pay to the
    Purchaser the amount by which the Net Asset Value is less than
    (pound)823,750 which shall be treated as a reduction in the consideration.

4.9 Any payment to be made pursuant to Clause 4.2 by the Purchaser to the
    Vendors shall be effected by the payment by the Purchaser to each of the
    Vendors of that Vendor's Relevant Percentage of the total sum to be paid.

4.10 Any payment to be made pursuant to Clause 4.8 by the Vendors to the
    Purchaser shall be effected by payment to the Purchaser by each of the
    Vendors of that Vendor's Relevant Percentage of the total sum to be paid.


5.1 Completion shall take place on the date hereof at the offices of the
    Purchaser's Solicitors (or as otherwise agreed between the Parties).


5.2 At Completion the Vendors shall deliver (where appropriate as agent for the
    Company and the Subsidiaries) to the Purchaser:

    5.2.1 transfers in Agreed Form in respect of the Shares duly executed by the
          registered holders thereof in favour of the Purchaser or its nominees;

    5.2.2 certificates for the Shares (or an indemnity, in a form acceptable to
          the Purchaser, for any lost certificate in respect thereof) and any
          other documents (including any necessary waivers or consents) which
          may be required to give good title to the Shares and to enable the
          Purchaser to procure registration of the same in its name or as it may

    5.2.3 the Deed of Tax Covenant duly executed by each of the Warrantors;

    5.2.4 the Disclosure Letter duly executed by or on behalf of the Warrantors;

    5.2.5 the resignations under seal of all the directors and the secretary of
          the Company and the Subsidiaries substantially in the form set out in
          Part I of Schedule 3 and confirmation under seal by each of the
          Vendors in the form set out in Part 2 of Schedule 3 that they have no
          claims against the Company or any of the Subsidiaries;

    5.2.6 cheque books in respect of all bank accounts operated by the Company
          and the Subsidiaries together with bank balances as at the close of
          business on 21st May 1997 relating to such accounts and a
          reconciliation of such bank statements to the cash books of the
          Company and the Subsidiaries;

    5.2.7 the certificate of incorporation, certificate of incorporation on
          change of name, common seal, statutory register, minute book, share
          certificate book and all other books of the Company (all duly written
          up to date save for matters relating to the sale and purchase referred
          to herein);

    5.2.8 all title deeds and documents relating to the Property which comprises
          the Lease and copy Court Order preceding it;

    5.2.9 the resignation of the Auditors in the form set out in Part 3 of
          Schedule 3 together with a duplicate thereof;


    5.2.10 the Service Agreements duly executed by Messrs. Allen. Bishop and

    5.2.11 any power of attorney under which any document required to be
           delivered under this Clause 5 has been executed.

5.3 The Vendors shall procure that resolutions of the Board of Directors of the
    Company and each of the Subsidiaries arc passed and the Vendors shall
    deliver to the Purchaser certified copies of such board resolutions, in the
    Agreed Form, at Completion:

    5.3.1 authorising the execution of and the performance by the Company and
          each of the Subsidiaries of its obligations under each of the
          documents to be executed by it;

    5.3.2 recording acceptance of the migration from office of all the directors
          and the secretary and the auditors of the Company and each of the

    5.3.3 revoking all existing authorities in respect of all bank accounts
          operate by the Company and each of the Subsidiaries and approving the
          opening of such new bank accounts at such banks as the Purchaser shall
          nominate and the transfer of such funds to such new accounts from
          existing bank accounts of the Company and each of the Subsidiaries as
          the Purchaser shall specify;

    5.3.4 approving (subject only to proper stamping) the transfers of the
          Shares delivered hereunder and any shares in the Subsidiaries;

    5.3.5 approving (subject only to proper stamping) the placing on the
          register of members of the Company and the Subsidiaries (as the case
          may be) of the names of the transferees for registration in accordance
          with the share transfer forms referred to above and authorizing the
          issue of appropriate share certificates;

    5.3.6 recording the appointment of such persons as the directors (within the
          maximum number permitted by the articles of association of the
          relevant company), secretaries and auditors of the Company and the
          Subsidiaries as the Purchaser shall nominate;


    5.3.7 changing the situation of the registered office of the Company and the
          Subsidiaries to such place as the Purchaser may direct; and

    5.3.8 adopting a new accounting reference date of the Company and the

5.4 Provided that the Vendors comply with all their obligations under Clauses
    5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 (subject only to the Purchaser fulfilling its obligations
    under this Clause 5.4) the Purchaser shall at Completion:

    5.4.1 pay to each of the Vendors the sums set out in Clause 4.1 as
          consideration for the Shares held by that Vendor, such payment to be
          made either by way of a banker's draft in favour of or by way of
          telegraphic transfer to the client account of the Vendor's Solicitors
          and provided that such payment shall be subject to the provisions of
          Clause 4.8;

    5.4.2 deliver to the Vendors duplicates of the Deed of Tax Covenant
          executed by the Purchaser and the Company;

    5.4.3 deliver to each of Messrs. Allen, Bishop and Dellow a duplicate of
          the relevant Service Agreement duly executed by the Company.

5.5 If for any reason the provisions of Clauses 5.1 to 5.3 are not fully
    complied with the Purchaser shall be entitled (in addition and without
    prejudice to any other right or remedy available to it) to elect:

    5.5.1 to rescind this Deed without any liability on the part of the
          Purchaser; or

    5.5.2 to fix a new date for Completion in which event the provisions of
          this Clause 5.5 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, if the Vendors fail or
          are unable to perform any such obligations on such other date; or

    5.5.3 to proceed to Completion so & as practicable, the Vendors then being
          obliged to use their best endeavours to perform or procure the
          performance of any of the outstanding provisions of Clauses 5.1 and
          5.3 by such later date as is specified by the Purchaser.



     The solicitors to any Party are authorized to take delivery on behalf of
     such Party of any items hereunder and their receipt shall be a good
     discharge therefor to the Party and the solicitors to the Party making


7.1 The Warrantors hereby jointly and severally represent to, warrant to and
    undertake with the Purchaser that, save for and to the extent that any
    relevant fact, matter, event or circumstance giving rise to a claim under
    the relevant Warranty was fairly and accurately disclosed in the Disclosure
    Letter in respect thereof. or was done or omitted to be done at the written
    request of the Purchaser, each of the Warranties is as at Completion true
    and correct and not misleading and so that:

    7.1.1 each Warranty shall be, and shall be construed as. a separate
          representation, warranty and undertaking by each of the Warrantors to
          and with the Purchaser and (save as expressly provided to the
          contrary) shall not be limited or restricted by reference to or
          inference from the terms of any other Warranty or any other terms of
          this Deed the Deed of Tax Covenant and the Disclosure Letter other
          than the factual disclosure letter;

    7.1.2 each Warranty is a fundamental condition of this Deed on the basis
          of, and in reliance upon, which the Purchaser has entered into its
          obligations hereunder;

    7.1.3 to the extent that any Warranty relates to present or past matters of
          fact the Warrants shall be deemed to constitute a representation on
          the faith of, and in reliance upon, which the Purchaser has entered
          into this Deed;

    7.1.4 the rights and remedies of the Purchaser in respect of the Warranties
          and the liability of the Warrantors under the Warranties shall not be
          confined to breaches discovered before Completion, or in any way
          affected, modified or discharged by Completion.


7.2 Where any statement in the Warranties is qualified by the expression "to the
    best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Warrantors" or "so far
    as the Warrantors are aware" or any similar expression:

    7.2.1 each Warrantor shall be deemed to have knowledge of:

          (a)  anything of which any of the other Warrantors has knowledge, or
               is deemed by Clause 7.2.1 (b) to have knowledge of;

          (b)  where applicable, anything of which he ought reasonably to have
               knowledge given his responsibilities to the Company; and

          (c)  anything of which he would have had knowledge had he made due and
               careful enquiry immediately before giving the Warranties; and

    7.2.2 such expression shall be construed as a separate warranty that each
          Warrantor shall have made full and proper enquiries as to the
          accuracy, completeness and correctness of that statement.

7.3 The Investors hereby severally represent to, warrant to and undertake with
    the Purchaser that each of the Warranties contained in paragraphs 2.1 and 3
    of Part 1 of Schedule 4 so far as they relate to their own shareholding is
    as at Completion true and correct and not misleading and so that:

    7.3.1 each such Warranty shall be, and shall be construed as, a separate
          representation, warranty and undertaking by each of the Investors to
          and with the Purchaser and (save as expressly provided to the
          contrary) shall not be limited or restricted by reference to or
          inference from the terms of any other Warranty or any other terms of
          this Deed the Deed of Tax Covenant and the Disclosure Letter other
          than the factual disclosure letter;

    7.3.2 each such Warranty is a fundamental condition of this Deed on the
          basis of, and in reliance upon, which the Purchaser has entered into
          its obligations hereunder;

    7.3.3 to the extent that any such Warranty relates to present or past
          matters of fact the Warranty shall be deemed to constitute a
          representation on the faith of, and in reliance upon, which the
          Purchaser has entered into this Deed;


    7.3.4 the rights and remedies of the Purchaser in respect of such
          Warranties and the liability of the Investors under the Warranties
          shall not be confined to breaches discovered before Completion, or in
          any way affected, modified or discharged by Completion.


     In addition to and without prejudice to the Warranties referred to in
     Clauses 7.1 and 7.2 and set out in Schedule 4, the Warrantors further
     jointly and severally represent to. warrant to and undertake with the
     Purchaser in respect of each of the Subsidiaries as if Clauses 7.1 and 7.2
     and Schedule 4 had been set out herein in full for each of the Subsidiaries
     but with the substitution therein of the name of the relevant Subsidiary in
     place of the words "the Company" wherever the same appear.


9.1 The liability of the Warrantors for breach of or under any of the Warranties
    shall be limited as follows:

    9.1.1 no claim may be made against the Warrantors in respect of any such
          liability unless notice of such claim is served on the Warrantors in
          writing specifying in reasonable detail the nature of the claim as
          soon as reasonably practicable after the Purchaser becomes aware that
          circumstances giving rise to such claim have arisen and in any event
          before 31st December 1998 (or with respect to any Warranty relating to
          Tax within six years of Completion);

    9.1.2 the Warrantors shall not be liable to the extent that the amount of
          the claim or claims against them in respect of any such liability
          exceeds (or would when aggregated with the amount of all previous
          claims against any of the Warrantors in respect of any such
          liabilities exceed) the total consideration received by them pursuant
          to this Deed for the Shares;

    9.1.3 the Warrantors shall not in any event be liable to the Purchaser
          unless a claim or claims can be validly made against them exceeding in


          the sum of (pound)15,000 but, in the event such sum is exceeded, the
          Warrantors shall be liable for the entire amount thereof and not only
          for the excess; and

    9.1.4 the Purchaser shall promptly reimburse to the relevant Warrantor(s)
          an amount equal to any sum paid by such Warrantor(s) in respect of any
          such liability which is subsequently recovered by the Purchaser or the
          Company (as the case may be) from any third party.

9.2 No liability of the Warrantors in respect of any breach of or claim in
    respect of any Warranty or Indemnity shall arise to the extent the subject
    matter of the claim is taken into account in computing any payment to be
    made to the Warrantors (or any of them) pursuant to Clause 4.2 or any
    adjustment in the consideration to be paid for the Shares pursuant to Clause

9.3 If the Purchaser is entitled to make a claim against the Warrantors in
    respect of a matter by reason of the Warranties. undertakings.
    representations and obligations contained in this Deed and a claim may be
    made in respect of the same matter under the Deed of Tax Covenant, it is
    agreed that to the extent that recovery in respect of that matter may be
    obtained under this Deed a claim shall be made only under the terms of this
    Deed and not under the Deed of Tax Covenant.

9.4 The Purchaser and the Company shall not be entitled to recover the same sum
    or for the same loss more than once in respect of any claim under or breach
    of any of the Warranties or Deed of Tax Covenant and shall not otherwise
    obtain reimbursement or restitution more than once in respect of any cause
    of action giving rise to any breach of the Warranties or claim under the
    Deed of Tax Covenant.

9.5 Notwithstanding anything expressed or implied in this Deed to the contrary,
    any payment by the Warrantors pursuant to this Deed or the Deed of Tax
    Covenant shall be treated for all purposes by the Parties as a reduction in
    the consideration payable for the Shares and Clause 4 shall be modified

9.6 Each of the Warrantors shall be jointly and severally liable in the event of
    any breach of the warranties. representations, undertakings, indemnities,
    covenants, agreements and obligations of the Warrantors under this Deed
    provided that the Purchaser may release or compromise the liability of any
    of the Warrantors hereunderor grant to any of the


     Warrantors time or other indulgence without affecting the liability of any
     other of the Warrantors hereunder.

9.7  As soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of a claim or a
     matter or circumstance comes to the attention of the Purchaser for which
     the Warrantors ma' be liable under the Warranties, the Purchaser shall
     notify the Warrantors in writing and provide them with all reasonably
     available supporting documentation and evidence relating to such claim and
     shall allow the Warrantors to inspect the files and records of the Company
     relating to the same and to take copies of relevant documents. Subject to
     the Warrantors first providing the Company and the Purchaser with
     satisfactory security or indemnity in respect of all costs, losses, damages
     or claims which may thereby be incurred, the Purchaser and/or the Company
     shall take such action as the Warrantors may reasonably request to avoid,
     dispute, resist, compromise, defend or appeal against such claim including
     (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) instructing
     professional advisers nominated by the Warrantors to act in the name of or
     on behalf of the Purchaser and/or the Company but in accordance with the
     instructions of the Warrantors so that such action shall be delegated
     entirely to the Warrantors, save that the Warrantors shall not pay or
     settle or appeal any such claim against an ongoing customer of the Company
     without the prior written consent of the Purchaser (such consent not to be
     unreasonably withheld or delayed), and provided always that if following
     intimation of any such claim by the Purchaser, the Warrantors shall fail to
     pursue the defense thereof with prompt dispatch, the Purchaser shall be
     free to pay or settle same on such terms and conditions as they think fit,
     and to recover the amount of such claim and relative expenses from the

9.8  The Warrantors shall not be liable for any claim which would not have
     arisen but for an act or omission or transaction of the Company or the
     Purchaser occurring after the Completion Date, otherwise than in the
     ordinary course of business.

9.9  The Warrantors shall not be liable for any claim which would not have
     arisen but for legislation passed after Completion which is retrospective
     in effect.

9.10 The amount of any claim shall take into account any tax benefit accruing to
     the Purchaser or the Company or the amount of any relief from or deduction
     available to the Purchaser or the Company in respect of Taxation directly
     or specifically arising by virtue of the loss and damage in respect of
     which the claim is made.



10.1 Each of the Warrantors save in respect of Clauses 10.1. I to 10.1.3
     inclusive which shall relate only to Mr Allen hereby covenants with the
     Purchaser and the Company that he will not, either alone or jointly with
     others, whether as principal, agent, director, shareholder, independent
     contractor, employee or in any other capacity, whether directly or
     indirectly through any other person, firm or company and whether for his
     own benefit or that of others:

     10.1.1 for the Restricted Period within fifty (50) miles of the City of
            London be engaged in or carry on or be interested in or concerned
            in (except as the holder together with any connected persons of not
            more than three (3) per cent. in aggregate of any class of
            securities of a company which class is listed or dealt in on a
            recognized stock exchange in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) any
            business in competition with the Business unless previously agreed
            in writing between the relevant Vendor and the Purchaser;
     10.1.2 for the Restricted Period solicit for a business similar to or
            competing with the Business the custom or business of any person,
            firm or company from whom the Company has within two (2) years
            before the date received an order for goods or services and who has
            for that purpose had contact with any of the Vendors nor attempt to
            discourage any such person, firm or company from whom the Company
            has within two (2) years before Completion received an order for
            services from dealing with the Company;
     10.1.3 for the Restricted Period solicit or entice away any officer or
            employee of the Company or do any act whereby any such officer or
            employee is encouraged to leave the employ of the Company, whether
            or not such officer or employee would by reason of leaving the
            service of the Company, commit a breach of his contract of
     10.1.4 at any time after the date hereof use the names "Libra City
            Corporate Printing", "Libra City Printers", "Libra City Printers
            (International)", "Libra City (Annual Reports)", "Cityset",
            "Cityset Communications" or "Cityset Print" or any colourable
            imitation thereof or any name likely to cause confusion therewith
            in the minds of members of the public for the purposes of a
            business similar to or competing with the Business whether by using
            such name as part of a corporate name or otherwise;


     10.1.5 at any time after the date hereof make use of or disclose any
            secret or confidential information relating to the Company or to
            the Business which may have been acquired by him in his capacity as
            a shareholder, officer or employee of the Company; or

     10.1.6 at any time after the date hereof do or say anything harmful to
            the reputation of the Business or which leads or may lead any
            person, firm or company to cease to do business with the Company on
            substantially equivalent terms to those previously offered or not
            to engage in business with the Company, 
     save that nothing contained in this Clause 10.1 shall prevent any of the
     Warrantors from performing his duties under any service agreement with the
     Company for so long as such service agreement remains in force.
10.2 Each of the Vendors will provide promptly such information within his
     knowledge, possession or control as the Purchaser or the Company may
     reasonably require in relation to the Business or the activities of any
     person, firm or company competing with the Business.

10.3 Each of the covenants contained in Clause 10.1 shall be a separate covenant
     by each of the Vendors and shall be enforceable by the Purchaser and by the
     Company independently of any right to enforce any other covenant or
     obligation howsoever arising.

10.4 Each of the restrictions contained in Clause 10.1 is considered reasonable
     by the Parties for the legitimate protection of the Business and goodwill
     of the Company, but in the event that any such restriction shall be found
     to be void but would be valid if some part thereof was deleted or the
     scope, period or area of application were reduced, such restriction shall
     apply with the deletion of such words or such reduction of scope, period or
     area of application as may be required to limit such restrictions to what
     is required for the legitimate protection of such Business and goodwill.


11.1 Each of the Vendors hereby irrevocably and unconditionally appoints the
     Purchaser or any director of the Purchaser as the Purchaser shall direct as
     his attorney `with full powers of substitution in his name and on his
     behalf (and to the


     complete exclusion of any rights he may have in such regard) lawfully to
     exercise all voting and other rights and receive all benefits and
     entitlements which may now or at any time hereafter attach to the Shares
     of which he is the beneficial owner and to transfer and deal with such
     Shares and such rights, benefits and entitlements and execute such
     documents under hand or under seal and do such acts and things in
     connection with the foregoing as the Purchaser shall from time to time
     think fit in all respects as if the Purchaser were the absolute legal
     and beneficial owner thereof.

11.2 Each of the Vendors hereby undertakes to the Purchaser to ratify everything
     that the Purchaser shall lawfully do or purport to do pursuant to this
     Clause 11.


12.1 The Guarantor hereby guarantees to the Vendors the due performance by the
     Purchaser (notwithstanding any legal limitation on or incapacity of or
     other circumstances relating to the Purchaser) of the obligations on the
     part of the Purchaser in Clause 4.2 of this Deed and if the Purchaser shall
     make any default in any such obligation the Guarantor will indemnify the
     Vendors against all losses, damages, costs and expenses which may be
     incurred by the Vendors by reason of such default.

12.2 The Guarantor hereby acknowledges that it shall not be released by time or
     indulgence being given to or any arrangements or alterations of terms being
     made with the Purchasers or by any release or dealing by the Purchaser or
     by the invalidity of any such undertaking, agreement or other obligation.

12.3 The guarantee and indemnity contained in this Clause 12 shall be a
     continuing and irrevocable guarantee and indemnity provided always that the
     Guarantor shall only be obliged to pay to the Vendors up to a maximum
     aggregate amount of (pound)500,000.


13.1 Each of the Vendors hereby irrevocably waives, for the benefit of the
     Purchaser and the Company, all and any rights to which he may be entitled
     in respect of any misrepresentation, inaccuracy or omission in or from any
     information or advice supplied or given by the Company or by any present or
     former officer, employee or adviser of the Company with a


     view to (a) enabling or inducing such Vendor orVendor (as the case may
     be) to give the representations, warranties and undertakings set out or
     referred to in Clause 7 and Schedule 4 or make any statement set out in
     the Disclosure Letter; or (b) upon which such Vendor or Vendor (as the
     case may be) may have relied in agreeing to any term of this Deed or
     making any statement set out in the Disclosure Letter and each Vendor
     and/or Vendor irrevocably undertakes not to make any claim in respect of
     any such matter.

13.2 The granting by any Party of any time or indulgence in respect of any
     breach of any term of this Deed by the other(s) shall not be deemed a
     waiver of such breach. The waiver by any Party of any breach of any term of
     this Deed by the other(s) shall not prevent the subsequent enforcement of
     that term (save to the extent of the express waiver in question) and shall
     not be cleaned a waiver of any subsequent breach.

13.3 Any date or period mentioned in any Clause of this Deed may be extended by
     mutual written agreement of the Vendors and the Purchaser, but as regards
     any date or period (whether or not extended as aforesaid) time shall be of
     the essence in this Deed (unless the Vendors and Purchaser determine
     otherwise on agreeing to such extension).


     The provisions of this Deed shall continue in full force and effect and
     be binding on the Parties in accordance with its terms notwithstanding


15.1 Each Party shall bear its own costs of and incidental to the negotiation,
     making and fulfilment of this Deed and the transactions contemplated

15.2 All sums payable under this Deed shall be paid free and clear of all
     deductions or wiithholdings whatsoever save only as may be required by law.
     If any such deduction or withholding is required by law the Party making
     the payment shall be obliged to pay such sums as will after deduction or
     withholding has been made leave the same amount as the receiving Party
     would have been entitled to receive in the absence of any such requirement
     to make a deduction or withholding. If any sum payable to the Purchaser
     under this Deed shall otherwise be subject


     to Tax in the hands of the Purchaser the same obligation to make an
     increased payment shall apply n relation to such sums as if it were a
     deduction or withholding required by law.


16.1 This Deed shall be binding on and enure to the benefit of the personal
     representatives and estates of the Vendors.

16.2 The Purchaser may assign in whole or in part the benefit of any provision
     of this Deed to any member of the Purchaser's Group, but otherwise only
     with the prior written consent of the Vendors such consent not to be
     unreasonably withheld or delayed.


17.1 Subject to Clause 17.2, no announcement shall be made by any Party relating
     to the transactions referred to in this Deed and no Party shall disclose to
     any third party any information concerning the terms or subject matter

17.2 Any Party may make an announcement or disclose information which would
     otherwise be required hereunder to be treated as confidential if and to the

     17.2.1 required by the law of any relevant jurisdiction;

     17.2.2 required by any securities exchange or regulatory or governmental
     body to which such Party is subject or submits, wherever situated,
     whether or not the requirement for information has the force of law;

     17.2.3 necessary to enable such Party to obtain the full benefit of its
     rights under this Deed in accordance with the terms hereof;

     17.2.4 disclosed on a confidential basis to the professional advisers,
     auditors and bankers of any Party;

     17.2.5 the information has come into the public domain through no fault of
     that Party; or


     17.2.6 the other Parties have given prior written approval to the
     disclosure, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed,

     provided that any such information be disclosed pursuant to Clauses
     17.2.1 or 17.2.2 of this Clause shall be disclosed only after
     consultation with the other Parties.


18.1 This Deed shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English

18.2 The Parties agree that the English courts shall have non exclusive
     jurisdiction in relation to any dispute arising out of or in respect of
     this Deed and that any judgment or order of an English court made in this
     respect shall be conclusive and binding on them and may be enforced against
     them. Nothing in this Clause 17 limits the rights of the Parties to bring
     proceedings in any other court of competent jurisdiction or concurrently in
     more than one jurisdiction.

18.3 Each of the Vendors hereby irrevocably appoints the Vendors' Solicitors as
     his agent to accept service of notices and legal proceedings in connection
     with all matters arising out of this Deed and the transactions hereby


19.1 Save as specifically otherwise provided in this Deed any notice, to be
     given pursuant to this Deed shall be delivered by hand, sent by prepaid
     post sent first class (for inland mail) or airmail (for overseas mail) or
     shall be transmitted by facsimile addressed to the Party to be served in
     the case of:

     19.1.1 a company at its registered office for the time being; and

     19.1.2 an individual to the address specified in Schedule 1

     or at such other address or number in the United Kingdom as any such
     Party may from time to time notify the other Parties in writing as being
     their address for service hereunder.


19.2 Notices delivered by hand shall be deemed served at the time of delivery,
     notices sent by post shall be deemed served on the second Business Day (for
     inland mail) or the fifth Business Day (for overseas mail) after the date
     of posting and any notice sent by facsimile transmission shall be deemed
     served on the Business Day following the date of transmission.


     If any provision of this Deed is held to be invalid or unenforceable.
     such a provision shall (so far as invalid or unenforceable) be given no
     effect and shall be deemed to be excluded from this Deed, but without
     invalidating any of the remaining provisions of this Deed. The Parties
     shall use all reasonable endeavours to replace the invalid or
     unenforceable provision by a valid provision, the effect of which is as
     close as possible to the intended effect of the provision so excluded.


21.1 The Vendors shall do or procure to be done all such further acts or things,
     and execute or procure the execution of all such other documents as the
     Purchaser may from time to time reasonably require, whether on or after
     Completion, for the purpose of giving to the Purchaser the full benefit of
     all the provisions of this Deed.

21.2 The Vendors shall procure that there is made available to the Purchaser
     (subject, prior to Completion, to compliance by the Purchaser with the
     terms of any undertaking as to confidentiality which may have been given or
     entered into) at such time(s) and place(s) as the Purchaser may reasonably
     direct all information in the possession or under the control of the
     Vendors which the Purchaser may from time to time reasonably require.
     whether before or after Completion, in relation to the business and affairs
     of the Company.


22.1 This Deed and the documents referred to herein together with a letter of
     even date herewith from the Guarantor to Mr Allen and headed "CGT
     Indemnity" comprise the entire agreement between the Parties relating to
     the subject matter hereof and each of the Parties


     acknowledges that he has not entered into this Deed relying upon any
     representation. statement or agreement, whether oral or in writing made
     by any other of the Parties other than those expressly incorporated or
     referred to in this Deed or such documents.

22.2 No variation or amendment of this Deed shall be valid unless it is
     evidenced in writing, and signed by or on behalf of each of the Parties.


     This Deed may be executed in any number of counterparts each of which
     when executed shall constitute an original, but all the counterparts
     shall together constitute one and the same Deed.

     AS WITNESS this Deed has been entered into on the date first stated
