Exhibit 10 (y)


                                    SECTION 1


     1.1 Purpose. The Plan has been established by the Company (i) to attract
and retain persons eligible to participate in the Plan; (ii) motivate
participants, by means of appropriate incentives, to achieve long-range goals;
and (iii) link participants' interests with those of the Company's other
shareholders through compensation that is based on the Company's common stock,
and thereby promote the continued growth and financial success of the Company.

     1.2 Participation. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, the
Committee shall determine and designate, from time to time, from among the
Eligible Employees, those persons who will be granted one or more awards under
the Plan, and thereby become "Participants" in the Plan. Persons eligible to
participate shall be limited to those officers and key employees of the Company
who, in the opinion of the Committee, are in positions in which their decisions,
actions, and counsel significantly affect the growth and financial success of
the Company. Directors of the Company who are not otherwise officers or
employees of the Company shall not be eligible to participate in the Plan.

     1.3 Operation, Administration and Definitions. The operation and
administration of the Plan, including the Awards made under the Plan, shall be
subject to the provisions of Section 4 (relating to operation and
administration). Capitalized terms in the Plan shall be defined as set forth in
the Plan (including the definition provisions of Section 7).

                                    SECTION 2

                                OPTIONS AND SARS
     2.1 Definitions.

a)                      The grant of an "Option"  entitles  the  Participant  to
                        purchase  shares of Common  Stock at an  Exercise  Price
                        established by the Committee. Options granted under this
                        Section  2 may be  either  Incentive  Stock  Options  or
                        Non-Qualified  Options,  as determined in the discretion
                        of the  Committee.  An  "Incentive  Stock  Option" is an
                        Option  that is  intended  to satisfy  the  requirements
                        applicable to an "incentive  stock option"  described in
                        section 422A of the Code. A "Non-Qualified Option" is an
                        Option that is not  intended to be an  "incentive  stock
                        option" as that term is described in section 422A of the

b)                      A stock  appreciation  right  (an  "SAR")  entitles  the
                        Participant to receive,  in cash or Stock (as determined
                        in accordance with subsection  2.5),  value equal to all
                        or a portion of the excess of: (a) the Fair Market Value
                        of a specified  number of shares of Common  Stock at the
                        time of exercise; over (b) an Exercise Price established
                        by the Committee.

     2.2 Exercise Price. The "Exercise Price" of each Option and SAR granted
under this Section 2 shall be established by the Committee or shall be
determined by a method established by the Committee at the time the Option or
SAR is granted; except that the Exercise Price shall not be less than 100
percent of the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock as of the Pricing
Date. As used in this subparagraph the "Pricing Date" shall be the date on which
the Option or SAR is granted, except that the Committee may provide that the
Pricing Date is the date on which the recipient is hired or promoted (or similar
event), if the grant of the Option or SAR occurs not more than 90 days after the
date of such hiring, promotion or other event.

     2.3 Exercise. An Option and an SAR shall be exercisable in accordance with
such terms and conditions and during such periods as may be established by the
Committee. The Committee shall have the power to permit in its discretion an
acceleration of the previously determined exercise or vesting periods of, and
the expiration of the applicable restriction period with respect to, any Option
or SAR, under such circumstances, including a change in control of the Company,
and upon such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate.

     2.4 Expiration Date. The "Expiration Date" with respect to an Option means
the date established as the Expiration Date by the Committee at the time of the
grant; provided, however, that the Expiration Date with respect to any Option
shall not be later than the earliest to occur of:

     a)        the ten-year anniversary of the date on which the Option is
               granted (the five-year anniversary in the case of an Incentive
               Stock Option granted to an individual who owns stock possessing
               more than 10 percent of the total combined voting power of all
               classes of stock of the Company);

     b)        if the Participant's Date of Termination occurs by reason of 
               Retirement, death or disability. the one-year anniversary after 
               such Termination Date; or

     c)        if the Participant's Date of Termination occurs by reasons other
               than Retirement, death or disability, the 90-day anniversary of
               such Date of Termination.

               The existence of Retirement and the existence of and the date of
               disability shall be determined by the Committee in its sole

     2.5 Payment of Option Exercise Price. The payment of the Exercise Price of
an Option granted under this Section 2 shall be subject to the following:

     a)        Subject to the following provisions of this subsection 2.5, the
               full Exercise Price for shares of Common Stock purchased upon the
               exercise of any Option shall be paid at the time of such exercise
               (except that, in the case of an exercise arrangement approved by
               the Committee and described in paragraph 2.5 (c), payment may be
               made as soon as practical after the exercise).

     b)        The  Exercise  Price  shall be  payable  in cash or by  tendering
               shares of Common Stock (by either actual delivery of shares or by
               attestation,  with such shares  valued at Fair Market Value as of
               the  date  of  exercise),  or  in  any  combination  thereof,  as
               determined by the  Committee.  Such  determination  may include a
               restriction  on the use of any shares of Common Stock unless they
               have been held by the  Participant for at least six months before
               delivery, and have not been used for another exercise during such

     c)        The Committee may permit a Participant to elect to pay the
               Exercise Price upon the exercise of an Option by authorizing a
               third party to sell shares of Common Stock (or a sufficient
               portion of the shares) acquired upon exercise and remit to the
               Company a sufficient portion of the sale proceeds to pay the
               entire Exercise Price and any tax withholding resulting from such

     2.6 Settlement of Award. Distribution following exercise of an Option or
SAR, and shares of Common Stock distributed pursuant to such exercise, shall be
subject to such conditions, restrictions and contingencies as the Committee may
establish. Settlement of SARs may be made in shares of Common Stock (valued at
their Fair Market Value at the time of exercise), or in any combination thereof,
as determined by the Committee. The Committee, in its discretion, may impose
such conditions, restrictions and contingencies with respect to shares of Common
Stock acquired pursuant to the exercise of an Option or an SAR as the Committee
determines to be desirable.

                                    SECTION 3
                               OTHER STOCK AWARDS

     3.1 Definition. A Stock Award is a grant of shares of Common Stock or of a
right to receive shares of Common Stock (or their cash equivalent or a
combination of both) in the future.

     3.2 Restrictions on Stock Awards. Each Stock Award shall be subject to such
conditions, restrictions and contingencies as the Committee shall determine.
These may include continuous service and/or the achievement of performance
measures. At any time prior to the payment of the Stock Awards, the Committee
may adjust previously established performance targets and other terms and
conditions, including the Company's financial performance for Plan purposes, to
reflect major unforeseen events such as changes in laws, regulations or
accounting practice, mergers, acquisitions or divestitures or extraordinary,
unusual or nonrecurring items or events.

                                    SECTION 4
                          OPERATION AND ADMINISTRATION

     4.1 Effective Date. Subject to the approval of the shareholders of the
Company at the Company's 1998 annual meeting of shareholders, the Plan shall be
effective as of March 10, 1998 (the "Effective Date"); provided, however, that
any Awards made under the Plan prior to its approval by shareholders shall be
contingent on approval of the Plan by the shareholders of the Company. The Plan
shall be unlimited in duration and, in the event of Plan termination, shall
remain in effect as long as any Awards under it are outstanding; provided,
however, that, no Award may be made under the Plan more than ten years from the
Effective Date.

     4.2       Shares Subject to the Plan.  a)

     i)        Subject to the following provisions of this subsection 4.2, the
               maximum number of shares that may be delivered to Participants
               and their beneficiaries under the Plan shall not exceed 1,500,000
               shares of Common Stock. Such shares may be authorized and
               unissued shares or treasury shares.

     ii)       Any  shares  of  Common  Stock  granted  under  the Plan that are
               forfeited  because of the failure to meet an Award contingency or
               condition  shall again be available for delivery  pursuant to new
               Awards granted under the Plan. To the extent any shares of Common
               Stock covered by an Award are not  delivered to a Participant  or
               beneficiary  because the Award is forfeited  or canceled,  or the
               shares are not  delivered  because  the Award is settled in cash,
               such  shares  shall  not be deemed  to have  been  delivered  for
               purposes of  determining  the maximum  number of shares of Common
               Stock available for delivery under the Plan.

     iii)      If the Exercise Price of any stock option granted under the Plan
               is satisfied by tendering shares of Common Stock to the Company
               (by either actual delivery or by attestation), only the number of
               shares issued net of the shares of Common Stock tendered shall be
               deemed delivered for purposes of determining the maximum number
               of shares of Common Stock available for delivery under the Plan.

     iv)       Shares of Common Stock  delivered  under the Plan in  settlement,
               assumption or substitution of outstanding  awards (or obligations
               to grant  future  awards)  under  the  plans or  arrangements  of
               another  entity shall not reduce the maximum  number of shares of
               Common Stock available for delivery under the Plan, to the extent
               that such  settlement,  assumption or substitution is a result of
               the  Company  or a  Subsidiary  acquiring  another  entity (or an
               interest in another entity).

     b)        Subject to paragraph 4.2 (c), the following additional maximums 
               are imposed under the Plan.

     i)        The maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may be issued 
               by Options intended to be Incentive Stock Options shall be 

     ii)       The maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may be covered
               by Awards granted to any one individual pursuant to Section 2
               (relating to Options and SARs) shall be 200,000 shares during any
               calendar year.

     iii)      The maximum  payment  that can be made for awards  granted to any
               one  individual  pursuant to Section 3 (relating to Stock Awards)
               shall be $300,000  for any single or combined  performance  goals
               established for any performance period. If an Award granted under
               Section 3 is, at the time of grant,  denominated  in shares,  the
               value of the shares of Common Stock for determining  this maximum
               individual  payment  amount  will be the Fair  Market  Value of a
               share of Common Stock on the date of award.

c)             In the event of a  corporate  transaction  involving  the Company
               (including,   without   limitation,   any   stock   dividend   or
               distribution,  stock  split,  recapitalization,   reorganization,
               merger,   consolidation,   split-up,  spin-off,   combination  or
               exchange of shares),  the Committee may adjust Awards to preserve
               the benefits or potential  benefits of the Awards.  Action by the
               Committee may include  adjustments of: (i) the number and kind of
               shares that may be delivered  under the Plan; (ii) the number and
               kind of  shares  subject  to  outstanding  Awards;  and (iii) the
               Exercise  Price of  outstanding  Options and SARs; as well as any
               other adjustments that the Committee determines to be equitable.

     4.3 Limits on Distribution. Distribution of shares of Common Stock or other
amounts under the Plan shall be subject to the following:

a)             Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, if at any time
               the Committee shall determine that (i) the listing, registration
               or qualification of the shares of Common Stock subject or related
               thereto upon any securities exchange or under any state or
               federal law, (ii) the consent or approval of any government
               regulatory body, or (iii) an agreement by the recipient of an
               Award with respect to the disposition of shares of Common Stock,
               is necessary or desirable as a condition of, or in connection
               with the Plan or the granting of such Award or the issue or
               purchase of shares of Common Stock thereunder, the Company shall
               have no liability to deliver any shares of Common Stock under the
               Plan or make any other distribution of benefits under the Plan
               unless such listing, registration, qualification, consent,
               approval or agreement shall have been effected or obtained free
               of any conditions not acceptable to the Committee.

b)             To the extent that the Plan provides for issuance of stock
               certificates to reflect the issuance of shares of Common Stock,
               the issuance may be effected on a non-certificate basis, to the
               extent not prohibited by applicable law or the applicable rules
               of any stock exchange.

     4.4 Tax Withholding. Whenever the Company proposes or is required to issue
or transfer shares of Common Stock under the Plan, the Company shall have the
right to require the recipient to remit to the Company an amount sufficient to
satisfy any Federal, state or local withholding tax requirements prior to the
delivery of any certificate for such shares, or in the discretion of the
Committee, the Company may withhold from the shares to be delivered shares
sufficient to satisfy all or a portion of such tax withholding requirements.
Whenever under the Plan payments are to be made in cash, such payments may be
net of an amount sufficient to satisfy any Federal, state and local tax
withholding requirements.

     4.5 Dividends. An Award may provide the Participant with the right to
receive dividends with respect to Common Stock, which may be either paid
currently or credited to an account for the Participant, and may be settled in
cash or Common Stock as determined by the Committee. Any such settlements, and
any such crediting of dividends or reinvestment in shares of Common Stock, may
be subject to such conditions, restrictions and contingencies as the Committee
shall establish.

     4.6 Payments. Awards may be settled through cash payments, the delivery of
shares of Common Stock, or combination thereof as the Committee shall determine.
Any Award settlement may be subject to such conditions, restrictions and
contingencies as the Committee shall determine.

     4.7 Transferability. No Awards may be transferred by the Participant
otherwise than by will, by the laws of descent and distribution or pursuant to a
qualified domestic relations order, and during the Participant's lifetime the
Option may be exercised only by him or her; provided, however, that the
Committee, in its discretion, may allow for transferability of Non-Qualified
Options by the Participant to "Immediate Family Members."

     "Immediate Family Members" means children, grandchildren, spouse or common
     law spouse, siblings or parents of the Participant or to bona fide trusts,
     partnerships or other entities controlled by and of which the beneficiaries
     are Immediate Family Members of the Participant. Any Option grants that are
     transferable are further conditioned on the Participant and Immediate
     Family Members agreeing to abide by the Company's then current stock option
     transfer guidelines.

     4.8 Form and Time of Elections. Unless otherwise specified herein, each
election required or permitted to be made by a Participant or other person
entitled to benefits under the Plan, and any permitted modification, or
revocation thereof, shall be in writing filed with the Secretary of the Company
or other person designated by the Committee at such times, in such form, and
subject to such restrictions and limitations, not inconsistent with the terms of
the Plan, as the Committee shall require.

     4.9 Agreement with the Company. At the time of an Award to a Participant,
the Committee may require a Participant to enter into an agreement with the
Company (the "Agreement") in a form specified by the Committee, agreeing to the
terms and conditions of the Plan and to such additional terms and conditions,
not inconsistent with the Plan, as the Committee may, in its sole discretion,

     4.10 Limitation of Implied Rights.

a)             Neither a Participant  nor any other person  shall,  by reason of
               the Plan,  acquire any right in or title to any assets,  funds or
               property of the Company or any Subsidiary whatsoever,  including,
               without limitation, any specific funds, assets, or other property
               which the Company or any  Subsidiary,  in their sole  discretion,
               may set aside in  anticipation  of a liability  under the Plan. A
               Participant  shall have only a contractual  right to the stock or
               amounts, if any, payable under the Plan,  unsecured by any assets
               of the Company or any Subsidiary.  Nothing  contained in the Plan
               shall  constitute a guarantee  that the assets of such  companies
               shall be sufficient to pay any benefits to any person.

b)             Nothing in the Plan or in any agreement entered into pursuant to
               the Plan shall confer upon any Participant the right to continue
               in the employment of the Company or any Subsidiary or affect any
               right which the Company or any Subsidiary may have to terminate
               the employment of such Participant.

     4.11 Stock Forfeiture Provision. Notwithstanding any other provision of
this Plan to the contrary, the Committee may provide for the forfeiture of
Awards under the Plan and the benefits derived therefrom, in the event a
Participant engages in conduct deemed to be harmful to, or not in the best
interests of, the Company. Such forfeiture may include, without limitation, the
cancellation of unexercised Options and the forfeiture of gain realized from the
exercise thereof. Such provisions shall be included in the Option agreements
approved from time to time by the Committee. The Committee, or its duly
appointed agent, may waive any or all of the restrictions authorized under this
subsection whenever it (or its duly appointed agent) determines in its sole
discretion that such action is in the best interests of the Company.

                                    SECTION 5

     5.1 Administration. The authority to control and manage the operation and
administration of the Plan shall be vested in a committee (the "Committee") in
accordance with this Section 5.

     5.2 Selection of Committee. The Committee shall be selected by the Board,
and shall consist of two or more members of the Board. The Committee shall be
composed solely of directors who: (i) meet the requirements necessary to be
considered "non-employee directors" as that term is defined in Rule 16b-3 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In addition, no member of the Committee shall
participate in any compensation decision under the Plan who is not, at the time
of the decision, an "outside director" as that term is defined under Code
section 162(m).

     5.3 Powers of Committee. The authority to manage and control the operation
and administration of the Plan shall be vested in the Committee, subject to the

a)             Subject to the  provisions of the Plan,  the Committee  will have
               the  authority  and  discretion to select from among the Eligible
               Employees  those persons who shall receive  Awards,  to determine
               the time or times of receipt,  to  determine  the types of Awards
               and the number of shares covered by the Awards,  to establish the
               terms, conditions,  performance criteria,  restrictions and other
               provisions  of such  Awards,  and  (subject  to the  restrictions
               imposed by Section 6) to cancel or suspend Awards. In making such
               Award  determinations,  the  Committee  may take into account the
               nature of services  rendered by the individual,  the individual's
               present and potential  contribution to the Company's  success and
               such other factors as the Committee deems relevant.

b)             The Committee will have the authority and discretion to interpret
               the Plan, to establish, amend and rescind any rules and
               regulations relating to the Plan, to determine the terms and
               provisions of any agreements made pursuant to the Plan, and to
               make all other determinations that may be necessary or advisable
               for the administration of the Plan.

c)             Any interpretation of the Plan by the Committee and any decision
               made by it under the Plan is final and binding.

     5.4 Delegation by Committee. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable
law or the applicable rules of a stock exchange, the Committee may allocate all
or any portion of its responsibilities and powers to any one or more of its
members and may delegate all or any part of its responsibilities and powers to
any person or persons selected by it. Any such allocation or delegation may be
revoked by the Committee at any time.

                                    SECTION 6
                            AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION

     The Board may amend or terminate the Plan at any time, except that without
shareholder approval, the Board may not increase the maximum number of shares
which may be issued under the Plan (other than increases pursuant to Paragraph
4.2(c) hereof) or change the class of Eligible Employees. The termination or any
modification or amendment of the Plan shall not, without the consent of a
participant, affect a Participant's rights under an Award previously granted.

                                    SECTION 7
                                  DEFINED TERMS

     For purposes of the Plan, the following terms shall have the meanings set
forth below:

a)   "Award" means any award or benefit granted to any Participant under the
     Plan, including, without limitation, the grant of Options, SARs, and Stock

b)   "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

c)   "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. A reference to
     any provision of the Code shall include reference to any successor
     provision of the Code.

d)   "Common Stock" means shares of the Company's common stock, $.25 par value
     per share.

e)   "Date of Termination" means the date on which a Participant ceases to be
     employed by the Company or any Subsidiary. In the event of employment
     termination due to Retirement, the Date of Termination shall be: (i) with
     respect to a Pension Optionee, the date on which such an optionee is
     immediately eligible to collect pension benefits under any Pension Plan;
     and (ii) with respect to a Non-Pension Optionee, a date determined by the

f)   "Eligible Employee" means any employee of the Company or a Subsidiary
     providing key services to the Company or a Subsidiary.

g)   "Fair Market Value" of Common Stock on any given date shall be determined
     according to the following rules:

     i)        If the Common  Stock is at the time listed or admitted to trading
               on any stock exchange,  then the "Fair Market Value" shall be the
               mean between the highest and lowest prices of the Common Stock on
               the  date  in  question  on  the  principal  national  securities
               exchange on which it is then listed or admitted to trading. If no
               reported sale of Common Stock takes place on the date in question
               on the principal exchange,  then the reported closing asked price
               of the Common Stock on such date on the principal  exchange shall
               be determinative of "Fair Market Value."

     ii)       If the  Common  Stock is not at the time  listed or  admitted  to
               trading on a stock exchange, the "Fair Market Value" shall be the
               mean between the highest reported asked price and lowest reported
               bid  price of the  Common  Stock on the date in  question  in the
               over-the-counter  market,  as  such  prices  are  reported  in  a
               publication of general circulation  selected by the Committee and
               regularly  reporting  the  market  price of Common  Stock in such

     iii)      If the Common Stock is not listed or admitted to trading on any
               stock exchange or traded in the over-the-counter market, the
               "Fair Market Value" shall be as determined in good faith by the

h)   "Pension Plan" means an individual pension scheme or pension plan sponsored
     by the Company or a Subsidiary.

i)   "Pension Optionee" means an optionee under the Plan who is an active
     participant in any Pension Plan and a "Non-Pension Optionee" means an
     optionee under the Plan who is not an active participant in any Pension

j)   "Subsidiary" means any "subsidiary corporation" (as that term is defined in
     Code section 424(f)) with respect to the Company.

k)   "Retirement" means: (i) with respect to a Pension Optionee, termination of
     employment with the Company or a Subsidiary under the provisions of any
     Pension Plan; and (ii) with respect to a Non-Pension Optionee, termination
     of employment with the Company or a Subsidiary under the procedures
     established by the Committee.