(a Pennsylvania corporation)


                       (as amended through April 23, 1998)

       Section 1.1 Registered Office:

       The Registered Office of the Corporation shall be at 781 Third Avenue,
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania until otherwise changed by the Board of Directors.

       Section 2.1 Place of Shareholders' Meetings:

       Meetings of the shareholders shall be held at the Registered Office of
the Corporation or at such other place within or without Pennsylvania as the
Board of Directors may fix.

       Section 2.2 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:

       An Annual Meeting of shareholders shall be held in every calendar year at
such time as the Board of Directors may fix. At the Annual Meeting of
shareholders, directors shall be elected to serve for the ensuing year or until
their successors shall be duly elected and qualified, and there shall be
transacted such other business as may properly be brought before the Meeting.

       A financial report of the Corporation's business as of the close of the
preceding fiscal year shall be presented at the Annual Meeting, and shall be
sent to shareholders.

       Section 2.3 Special Meetings of Shareholders:

       Special Meetings of shareholders may be called at any time by the
Chairman of the Board, the President or the Board of Directors, or shareholders
entitled to cast not less than one-fifth of the votes which all shareholders are
entitled to cast at the particular meeting. At any time, upon written request of
any person entitled to call a Special Meeting, it shall be the duty of the
Secretary to fix the date of such Special Meeting to be held not less than five
or more than sixty days after the receipt of the

request and to give due notice thereof. If the Secretary shall neglect or refuse
to fix the date of the meeting and give notice thereof, the person or persons
making the request may do so.

       Section 2.4 Notice of Shareholders' Meetings:

       At least five days' written notice shall be given of any meeting of
shareholders, unless a greater period of notice is required by law. Such notice
shall specify the place, day and hour of the meeting, and in the case of a
Special Meeting of shareholders, the general nature of the business to be

       Section 2.5 Waiver of Notice of Shareholders' Meetings:

       Whenever written notice is required to be given by law, by the Articles
or these By-Laws, a written waiver thereof signed by the person or persons
entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall
be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice. Except in the case of a
Special Meeting of shareholders, neither the business to be transacted nor the
purpose of the meeting need be specified in the Waiver of Notice of such

       Attendance of a person, either in person or by proxy, at any meeting
shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting, except where a person
attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any
business because the meeting was not lawfully called or convened.

       Section 2.6 Quorum for Shareholders' Meetings:

       The presence, in person or by proxy, of the shareholders entitled to cast
a majority of the votes which all shareholders are entitled to cast on a matter
to be voted upon at a meeting of shareholders shall constitute a quorum, and the
acts of such quorum, at a duly organized meeting of shareholders, shall
constitute the acts of all the shareholders. The shareholders present at a duly
organized meeting can continue to do business until adjournment, notwithstanding
the withdrawal of enough shareholders to leave less than a quorum.

       Section 2.7 Conduct of Shareholders' Meetings:


       Meetings of the shareholders shall be presided over by the Chairman of
the Board, or if he is not present, by the President or, if he is not present,
by a Vice-President or, if none of the Chairman of the Board or the President or
Vice-President is present, by a Chairman to be chosen at the meeting. The
Secretary of the Corporation, or in his absence, an Assistant Secretary or one
temporarily designated as such shall act as Secretary of the meeting.

       Section 2.8 Shareholders Participation by Telephone:

       One or more shareholders may participate in any meeting of shareholders
by means of conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of
which all persons participating in such meeting can hear each other.

       Section 2.9 Voting by Shareholders:

       Except as otherwise provided by law or in the Articles, every shareholder
of record shall have the right, at every shareholders' meeting, to one vote for
every share standing in his name on the books of the Corporation. Every
shareholder entitled to vote at a meeting of shareholders or to express consent
to corporate action in writing without a meeting may authorize another person or
persons to act for him by proxy.

       All voting and elections shall be taken viva voce unless a vote by ballot
shall be demanded by a shareholder before the voting or election begins, or
unless otherwise required by law or by the Articles.

       Section 2.10 Judges of Election:

       In advance of any meeting of shareholders, the Board of Directors may
appoint Judges of Election, who need not be shareholders, to act at such meeting
or any adjournment thereof. If Judges of Election be not so appointed, the
Chairman of the meeting may, and on the request of any shareholder or his proxy
shall, make such appointment at the meeting. The number of Judges shall be one
or three, and no candidate shall act as a Judge. On request of the Chairman of
the meeting or of any shareholder or his proxy, the Judges shall make a report
in writing of any challenge or question or matter determined by them and execute
a certificate of any fact found by them.


       Section 2.11 Adjournment of Meetings:

       Adjournment of any meeting may be taken, but any meeting at which
Directors are to be elected shall be adjourned only from day to day, or for such
longer periods not exceeding fifteen days each, as may be directed by the
holders of at least a majority of the shares entitled to be voted at an election
of directors, until such Directors have been elected. When a meeting is
adjourned, it shall not be necessary to give any notice of the adjourned meeting
or of the business to be transacted thereat, other than by announcement at the
meeting at which such adjournment is taken. In case of any meeting called for
the election of Directors, those who attend the second of such adjourned
meeting, although less than a quorum, shall nevertheless constitute a quorum for
the purpose of electing Directors.

       Section 3.1 Board of Directors, Number, Qualification, Elections, Term of
                   Office and Compensation:

       The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by a Board
of not less than five (5) nor more than fifteen (15) Directors, as may be fixed
from time to time by the vote of a majority of the whole Board. Directors shall
be of full age, but need not be residents of Pennsylvania or shareholders of the

       The directors, other than any who (i) may be elected by the holders of
shares of any class or series of stock entitled to elect Directors separately
pursuant to the terms of Articles Fifth of the Articles of Incorporation or any
resolution or resolutions providing for the issuance of such stock adopted by
the Board of Directors, or (ii) shall be nominated by the Board of Directors or
any appropriately empowered committee thereof to serve for a term of one year
(the "One Year Class"), shall be classified, with respect to the duration of the
term for which they severally hold office into three classes as nearly equal as
possible (each, individually a "Three Year Class", and collectively the "Three
Year Classes"). Such Three Year Class which shall be elected at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders held in 1999 for a term expiring at the Annual Meeting
of Shareholders to be held in 2002 shall be designated as "Class A"; the second
Three Year Classes to be elected at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in 2000
for a term expiring at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2003
shall be designated as "Class B"; and the third Three Year Class to be elected
at the


Annual Meeting of Shareholders held in 1998 for a term expiring at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2001 shall be designated "Class C". The
Board of Directors shall increase or decrease the number of Directors in one or
more classes as may be appropriate whenever it increases or decreases the number
of Directors pursuant to this Section 3.1, in order to ensure that the three
Three Year Classes shall be as nearly equal in number of possible. At each
Annual Meeting of Shareholders, the successors of the class of Directors whose
term expires at that meeting shall be elected to hold office for a term expiring
at that Annual Meeting of Shareholders held in the third year following the year
of their election, expect that the successors to the Directors in the One Year
Class shall be elected to hold office for a term expiring at the Annual Meeting
of Shareholders held in the next succeeding year."

       The Board of Directors shall have the authority to fix the compensation
of Directors for their services and to authorize payment for expenses of
attendance at meetings. A Director may also be a salaried officer or employee of
the Corporation.

       The Board of Directors may elect a Chairman who shall, when present,
preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and at all meetings of
shareholders. The Chairman may appoint another member of the Board to preside in
his absence.

       Section 3.2 Quorum for Directors' Meetings:

       A majority of the Directors in office shall be necessary to constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business, and the acts of a majority of the
Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the acts of
the Board of Directors. A Director who is present at a meeting shall be counted
in determining the presence of a quorum even though a contract or transaction
between the Corporation and such Director or another business in which such
Director has a financial interest is authorized at the meeting.

       Section 3.3 Directors' Consent in Lieu of Meeting:

       Any action which may be taken at a meeting of the Board of Directors or
of any Committee thereof may be taken without a meeting if a consent or consents
in writing, setting forth the


action so taken, shall be signed by all of the Directors or the members of the
Committee, as the case may be, and shall be filed with the Secretary of the
Corporation. One or more Directors may participate in a meeting of the Board of
Directors or a Committee thereof by means of a conference telephone or similar
communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in such
meeting can hear each other.

       Section 3.4 Vacancies in Board of Directors:

       Except as otherwise provided for or fixed pursuant to the Articles of
Incorporation of the Corporation, newly created directorships resulting from an
increase in the number of Directors, and any vacancies on the Board of Directors
resulting from death, resignation, disqualification, removal or other cause
shall be filled by the vote of a majority of the remaining members of the Board,
even though less than a quorum. Any person so elected shall hold office for the
remainder of the full term of the class of Directors in which the directorship
was created or the vacancy occurred and until such Director's successor shall
have been elected and qualified. No decrease in the number of Directors
constituting the Board of Directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent

       Section 3.5 Place of Meeting of Board of Directors:

       The meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such place within
Pennsylvania, or elsewhere, as a majority of the Directors may from time to time
appoint or as may be designated in the notice calling the meeting.

       Section 3.6 Organization Meeting of the Board of Directors:

       After the election of Directors by the shareholders, the newly elected
Board may meet for the purpose of organization or otherwise:

          (a) Immediately following their election, or at such time and place as
     shall be fixed by vote of the shareholders at the Annual Meeting (and in
     either such case no notice of such meeting to the newly elected Directors
     shall be necessary in order legally to constitute the meeting, provided a
     majority of the whole Board shall be present); or



          (b) At such time and place as may be fixed by consent in writing of
     all the Directors.

       Section 3.7 Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors:

       Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at such time and
place as shall be determined by a majority of the Board.

       Section 3.8 Special Meetings of the Board of Directors:

       Special Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Chairman
of the Board, President or Secretary on at least two days' notice to each
Director, either personally or by mail or by facsimile transmission, of the time
and place of such Special Meeting. At the written request of two Directors,
Special Meetings shall be called by the Chairman of the Board or President or
Secretary in like manner and on like notice.

       Section 3.9 Adjournments of Meetings of the Board of Directors:

       If a meeting of the Board of Directors is adjourned, it shall not be
necessary to give any notice of the adjourned meeting, or of the business to be
transacted at an adjourned meeting, other than by announcement at the meeting at
which such adjournment is taken.

         Section 3.10     Powers of Board of Directors:

       A. Organizational Meeting: At the first meeting of the Board of Directors
in each year (at which a quorum shall be present) held next after the Annual
Meeting of shareholders, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to elect
or appoint the officers of the Corporation.

       B. General Powers: The Board of Directors shall have all the power and
authority granted by law to Directors except as may be specifically excepted by
the Articles or by these By-Laws.

       C. Committees: The Board of Directors, by Resolution adopted by a
majority thereof, may designate an Executive Committee


and one or more other committees, each of which shall consist of at least two
Directors and such other Directors as shall be appointed by the Board of
Directors to serve as alternate members of any such Committee to replace any
absent or disqualified member at any Committee Meeting. In the event that any
member of any such Committee shall be absent from or disqualified at such
Meeting, the member or members thereof present at any such Meeting and not
disqualified from voting, whether or not he or they constitute a quorum, may
unanimously appoint another Director to act at the Meeting in the place of any
such absent or disqualified member. Any such Committee shall have and exercise
the authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the business and
affairs of the Corporation to the extent provided in the Resolution creating
such Committee.

       Section 3.11 Removal of Directors by Shareholders:

       Subject to the right of any class or series of stock entitled to elect
Directors separately, any Director may be removed from office, without assigning
any cause, but only by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least 80
percent of the combined voting power of the then outstanding shares of stock
entitled to vote generally in the election of Directors, voting together as a
single class.

       Section 3.12 The Chairman of the Board - Powers and Duties:

       The Chairman of the Board shall, when present, preside at all meetings of
the Board of Directors and at all meetings of shareholders. Unless otherwise
directed by the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board shall have full
power and authority on behalf of the Corporation to attend and act and vote at
any meeting of the shareholders of any corporation in which the corporation may
hold stock, and at any such meeting he shall possess and may exercise any and
all of the rights and powers incident to the ownership of such stock which the
Corporation, as the owner thereof, might have possessed and exercised if
present. The Board of Directors may, by resolution, from time to time confer
like powers upon any other person or persons. He shall also do and perform such
other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the Board of


       Section 4.1 Officers:

       The Officers of the Corporation shall be a Chief Executive Officer, a
President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected or
appointed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may also elect one
or more Vice-Presidents, one or more Assistant Treasurers and one or more
Assistant Secretaries. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person.

       The Board of Directors may at any time also elect or appoint such other
officers, assistant officers and agents as it shall deem necessary and as the
needs of the Corporation may require. Such other officers, assistant officers
and agents shall have such authority and shall perform such duties as from time
to time may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

       The Officers shall be elected each year at the organization meeting of
the Board of Directors, but if not so elected, they, and any assistant officers
or agents the Board of Directors shall desire to appoint, may be elected from
time to time during the year. It shall not be necessary for any officer of the
Corporation to be a Director.

       Section 4.2 The Chief Executive Officer - Powers and Duties:

       The Chief Executive Officer shall have responsibility for general
supervision and direction of the business of the Corporation, subject to the
overall supervision of the Board of Directors. Unless otherwise directed by the
Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer shall have full power and
authority on behalf of the Corporation to attend and act and vote at any meeting
of the shareholders of any corporation in which the Corporation may hold stock,
and at any such meeting he shall possess and may exercise any and all of the
rights and powers incident to the ownership of such stock which the Corporation,
as owner thereof, might have possessed and exercised if present. Further, unless
otherwise directed by the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer is
authorized to execute in the name of the Corporation contracts and other
documents requiring the signature of the Corporation. He shall also do and
perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the
Board of Directors.


       Section 4.3 The President - Powers and Duties:

       The President shall have responsibility for day-to-day supervision and
direction of the regular business and operations of the Corporation, subject to
the overall supervision of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive
Officer. Unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors, the President
shall have full power and authority on behalf of the shareholders of the
Corporation to attend and act and vote at any meeting of the shareholders of any
corporation in which the Corporation may hold stock, and at any such meeting
shall possess and may exercise any and all of the rights and powers incident to
the ownership of such stock which the Corporation, as the owner thereof, might
have possessed and exercised if present. Further, unless otherwise directed by
the Board of Directors, the President is authorized to execute in the name of
the Corporation contracts and other documents requiring the signature of the
Corporation. He shall also do and perform such other duties as from time to time
may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors.

       Section 4.4 The Vice-President - Powers and Duties:

       A Vice-President or Vice-Presidents shall be elected by the Board of
Directors, if the Board of Directors determines that such offices shall be
created. The Vice-President (or, if there are more than one, then each
Vice-President) shall have such powers and shall perform such duties as may from
time to time be assigned to him or them by the Board of Directors or by the
Chairman of the Board or by the President. Unless otherwise ordered by the Board
of Directors, the Vice-President (or Vice-Presidents in order of their numbered
designations) shall, in the case of death, resignation, absence or disability of
the President, perform the duties of that Officer, until the return of the
President, or until the disability shall have been removed or a new President
shall have been elected.

       Section 4.5 Treasurer - Powers and Duties:

       The Treasurer shall have the custody of all the funds and securities of
the Corporation which may come into his hands. When necessary or proper (unless
otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors) he shall (a) endorse for collection
on behalf of the Corporation, checks, notes and other obligations, (b) deposit
the same to the credit of the Corporation in such banks or depositaries


as the Board of Directors may designate and (c) sign all receipts and vouchers
for payments made by the Corporation. He shall, at all reasonable times, exhibit
his books and accounts to the Board of Directors of the Corporation upon the
request of any Director, and he shall also, if so directed by the Board of
Directors, annually prepare and submit to the Annual Meeting of the shareholders
a full statement of the assets and liabilities of the Corporation and of its
transactions during the preceding year, and he shall have such other powers and
shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by
the Board of Directors. He shall give such bond for the faithful performance of
his duties as may be required by the Board of Directors.

       Section 4.6 Assistant-Treasurer - Powers and Duties:

       Each Assistant-Treasurer shall have such powers and perform such duties
as may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors.

       Section 4.7 Secretary - Powers and Duties:

       Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors, the Secretary shall
keep the minutes of all meetings of the shareholders and of the Board of
Directors in proper books to be kept for such purpose, and shall attend to the
giving of all notices by the Corporation, including notices of meetings of
shareholders and of the Board of Directors. He shall have charge of the share
certificate books, transfer books, capital stock ledger and such other books and
papers as the Board of Directors may direct. He shall in general perform all the
duties incident to the office of Secretary and shall have such other powers and
perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors.

       Section 4.8 Assistant Secretary - Powers and Duties:

       Each Assistant Secretary shall have such powers and perform such duties
as may be assigned to him or them by the Board of Directors.

       Section 4.9 Removal and Vacancies:

       The Board of Directors shall have power to remove any officer from office
at any time and shall also have the power to fill any vacancies in any office
occurring from whatever reason.


Such power shall be exercised by a majority vote of the Directors in office at
the time of such removal or vacancy, although less than a quorum.

       Section 5.1 Share Certificates:

       Every shareholder of record shall be entitled to a share certificate
representing the shares owned by him, provided that the shares represented
thereby shall have been fully paid for. Such share certificate shall be signed
by the Chairman of the Board, President, or a Vice-President, and by the
Secretary or Treasurer except where such share certificate is signed by a
transfer agent or a registrar, in which case the signature of any officer of the
Corporation upon such share certificate may be a facsimile, engraved or printed.

       Section 5.2 Transfer of Share Certificates:

       The transfer of a share certificate and the shares represented thereby
shall be made on the books of the Corporation only by the registered owner
thereof or by his attorney duly authorized in writing to make such transfer, and
only upon surrender of such share certificate, which shall be canceled at the
time of transfer.

       The Corporation shall be entitled to treat the holder of record of any
share certificate or certificates and the shares represented thereby as the
holder in fact thereof, and accordingly shall not be bound to recognize any
equitable or other claim to or interest in such share certificate or
certificates and shares on the part of any other person, whether or not it shall
have express or other notice thereof, except as otherwise expressly provided by
law or by the Articles.

       Section 5.3 Lost Share Certificate:

       The holder of any certificate representing shares of stock of the
Corporation shall immediately notify the Corporation of any mutilation, loss or
destruction thereof, and the Board of Directors may, in its discretion, cause
one or more new certificates for the same number of shares in the aggregate to
be issued to such holder upon the surrender of the mutilated certificate, or in
the case of loss or destruction of the certificate, upon satisfactory proof of
such loss or destruction


and deposit of indemnity by bond or otherwise in such form and amount and with
such surety or sureties as the Board of Directors may require to indemnify the
Corporation against loss or liability by reason of the issuance of such new
certificate, but the Board may, in its discretion, refuse to issue such new
certificates save upon the order of some court having jurisdiction in such

       Section 6.1 Fiscal Year:

       The fiscal year of the Corporation shall be established by the Board of

       Section 7.1 Indemnification:

          (a) The Corporation shall indemnify and hold harmless to the fullest
     extent permitted under the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law, the
     Directors' Liability Act (the "DLA") and other applicable law, as such laws
     existed on the date this Section 7.1 was adopted by the Board Of Directors
     or, except as provided in Section 7.1(f) hereof, as such laws may
     thereafter by amended ("Pennsylvania Law"), any person who was or is a
     party or was or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending
     or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal,
     administrative or investigative, including, without limitation, an action
     by or in the right of the Corporation (collectively, for purposes of this
     Section 7.1 and Section 7.2 hereof, "Proceeding"), by reason of the fact
     that he is or was or has agreed to become a director or officer of the
     Corporation, or is or was serving or has agreed to serve at the request of
     the Corporation as a director or officer of another corporation, or if a
     director or officer of the Corporation, is or was serving or has agreed to
     serve at the request of the Corporation as an employee or agent of another
     corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, or by
     reason of any action alleged to have been taken or omitted in any such
     capacity, and may indemnify and hold harmless to the fullest extent
     permitted under Pennsylvania Law any person who was or is a party or was or
     is threatened to be made a party to such a Proceeding by reason of the fact
     that he is or was or has agreed to become an employee or agent of the
     Corporation, or, if any employee


     or agent of the Corporation, is or was serving or has agreed to serve
     at the request of the Corporation as an employee or agent of another
     corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against
     expenses, liability and loss (including, without limitation, attorneys'
     fees and disbursements, punitive and other damages, judgments, fines,
     penalties, excise taxes assessed with respect to an employee benefit plan,
     amounts paid or to be paid in settlement and costs and expenses of any
     nature) incurred by him in connection with such Proceeding and any appeal
     therefrom: provided, that such indemnification shall not be made in any
     case where the act or failure to act giving rise to the claim for
     indemnification is determined by a court in a final, binding adjudication
     to have constituted willful misconduct or recklessness.

          (b) The Corporation may indemnify and hold harmless to the fullest
     extent permitted under Pennsylvania Law any person who was or is a party or
     was or is threatened to be made a party to any Proceeding, by reason of any
     of his actions in a non-official capacity while serving as a director,
     officer, employee or agent of the Corporation, against expenses, liability
     and loss including, without limitation, attorneys's fees and disbursements,
     punitive and other damages, judgements, fines, penalties, excise taxes
     assessed with respect to an employee benefit plan, amounts paid or to be
     paid in settlement and costs and expenses of any nature incurred by him in
     connection with such Proceeding and any appeal therefrom: provided, that
     such indemnification shall not be made in any case where the act or failure
     to act giving rise to the claim for indemnification is determined by a
     court in a final, binding adjudication to have constituted willful
     misconduct or recklessness.

          (c) The termination of any Proceeding by judgment, order, settlement,
     conviction, or upon a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or its equivalent,
     shall not, of itself, create a presumption that the persons's conduct
     constituted willful misconduct or recklessness.

          (d) Expenses incurred by a director or officer in defending a
     Proceeding shall be paid by the Corporation


          in advance of the final disposition of the Proceeding, provided that,
     if Pennsylvania Law requires, the payment of such expenses shall be made
     only upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the director or
     officer to repay such amount if it shall ultimately be determined that he
     is not entitled to be indemnified by the Corporation as mandated in this
     Section 7.1 or otherwise. Expenses incurred by other employees and agents
     may be so paid to the extent provided by the Board of Directors, upon
     receipt of the foregoing undertaking by or on behalf of the employee or

          (e) The indemnification provided by this Section 7.1 shall be in
     addition to and not exclusive of any other rights to which those seeking
     indemnification may be entitled under Pennsylvania Law, or under any
     By-Law, agreement executed by the Corporation, insurance policy, fund of
     any nature established by the Corporation, vote of shareholders or
     disinterested directors or otherwise. The indemnification so provided by
     this Section 7.1 or otherwise, may be granted whether or not the
     Corporation would have the power to indemnify such person under any
     provision of Pennsylvania Law other than the DLA.

          (f) The indemnification provisions of this Section 7.1 shall
     constitute a contract between the Corporation and each of its directors,
     officers, employees and agents who are or may be entitled to
     indemnification hereunder and who serve in any such capacity at any time
     while such provisions are in effect. Any appeal or modification of the
     indemnification provisions of this Section 7.1 shall not limit any such
     person's rights to indemnification (including the advancement of expenses)
     then existing or arising out of events, acts or omissions occurring prior
     to such repeal or modification, including, without limitation, the right to
     indemnification with respect to Proceedings commenced after such repeal or
     modification based in whole or in part upon any such event, act or

          (g) The Corporation may create a fund of any nature, which may, but
     need not be, under the control of a trustee, or otherwise may secure or
     insure in any manner its indemnification obligations, whether arising under
     or pursuant to this Section 7.1 or otherwise.



          (h) The Corporation may purchase and maintain insurance to insure its
     indemnification obligations on behalf of any person who is or was or has
     agreed to become a director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation,
     or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a director,
     officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint
     venture, trust or other enterprise, against any expense, liability or loss
     asserted against him and incurred by him or on his behalf in any such
     capacity, or arising out of his status as such, whether or not the
     Corporation would have the power to indemnify him against such liability
     under the provisions of this Section 7.1 or under any provision of
     Pennsylvania Law other than the DLA.

          (i) The indemnification provided by this Section 7.1 shall continue as
     to a person who has ceased to be a director, officer, employee or agent and
     shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of
     such a person.

          (j) If Section 7.1 or any portion thereof shall be invalidated on any
     ground by any court of competent jurisdiction, then the Corporation shall
     nevertheless indemnify each director or officer, and may indemnify each
     employee or agent of the Corporation, as to expenses, liability and loss
     (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and disbursements, punitive
     and other damages, judgments, fines, penalties, excise taxes assessed with
     respect to an employee benefit plan, amounts paid or to be paid in
     settlement and costs and expenses of any nature) incurred by him in
     connection with any Proceeding, including an action by or in the right of
     the Corporation, to the fullest extent permitted by any applicable portion
     of this Section 7.1 that shall not have been invalidated and to the fullest
     extent permitted by applicable law.

          Section 7.2 Limitation on Directors' Personal Liability:

          (a) To the fullest extent permitted under the DLA, as it existed on
     the date this Section 7.2 was adopted


     or, except as provided in subsection 7.2(e), as such law may
     thereafter be amended, a director of this Corporation shall not be
     personally liable for monetary damages as a result of any action or failure
     to act unless both: (1) the director has breached or failed to perform the
     duties of his office under Section 8363 of the DLA: and (2) the breach or
     failure to perform constitutes self-dealing, willful misconduct or

          (b) The provisions of this Section 7.2 shall not apply to: (1) the
     responsibility or liability of a director pursuant to any criminal statute:
     or (2) the liability of a director for the payment of taxes pursuant to
     local, state or federal law.

          (c) The termination of any Proceeding by judgment, order, settlement,
     conviction, or upon a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or its equivalent,
     shall not, of itself, create a presumption that the director breached or
     failed to perform the duties of his office under Section 8363 of the DLA
     and that the breach or failure to perform constituted self-dealing, willful
     misconduct or recklessness.

          (d) Notwithstanding the date of adoption of this Section 7.2, the
     provisions of Section 7.2 shall apply to any action filed or breaches of
     performance of duty or any failure of performance of duty by any director
     on or after January 27, 1987.

          (e) No amendment to or repeal of this Section 7.2 or the relevant
     provisions of the DLA shall reduce the limitation on directors' personal
     liability for or with respect to any events, acts or omissions of such
     director occurring prior to such amendment or repeal, including, without
     limitation, the limitation on personal liability with respect to any
     Proceedings commenced after such repeal or modification based in whole or
     in part upon any such event, act or omission.

       Section 8.1 Amendments to By-Laws:

       The holders of all the shares outstanding and entitled to vote may, by a
majority vote, make, alter, amend or repeal any


provision of these By-Laws at any Annual or Special Meeting duly convened after
notice to the shareholder of the meeting to be held for such purpose, provided,
however, that the affirmative vote of the holders of at least 80 percent of the
combined voting power of all the then outstanding shares of stock entitled to
vote generally in the election of directors, voting together as a single class
shall be required to alter, amend or repeal Sections 3.1, 3.4, 3.11 or this
Section 8.1, or to adopt any provision inconsistent therewith.

       The Board of Directors, by a majority vote of the members thereof, may
make, alter, amend or repeal any provisions of these By-Laws at any Regular or
Special Meeting, duly convened after notice to the Directors of such purpose.
The shareholders shall have the right to change such action by a majority vote
of the shareholders entitled to vote thereon at any Annual Meeting which may be
duly convened for the purpose of changing such action, after notice to the
shareholders entitled to notice thereof, provided, however, that the vote of the
holders of at least 80 percent of the combined voting power of all of the then
outstanding shares of stock entitled to vote generally in the election of
directors, voting together as a single class, shall be required to change such
action with respect to Sections 3.1, 3.4, 3.11 or this Section 8.1.

       Section 9.1 Control-Share Acquisitions:

       Subchapter G - "Control-Share Acquisitions" of Chapter 25 of Title 15 of
the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, as existing on July 18, 1990 or as may
thereafter be amended, shall not be applicable to the Corporation.

       Section 10.1 Disgorgement by Certain Controlling Shareholders:

       Subchapter H - "Disgorgement by Certain Controlling Shareholders
Following Attempts to Acquire Control" of Chapter 25 of Title 15 of the
Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, as existing on July 18, 1990 or as may
thereafter be amended, shall not be applicable to the Corporation.
