GLOBAL CUSTODY AGREEMENT

     AGREEMENT, effective May 1, 1996, between THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A.
(the "Bank") and those registered investment companies listed on Schedule A
hereto (each a  Customer ) on behalf of certain of their respective series,
as listed on Schedule A (individually and collectively the  Series ).

1.   Customer Accounts.

     The Bank agrees to establish and maintain the following accounts

     (a)  A custody account in the name of the Customer on behalf of each
Series ("Custody Account") for any and all stocks, shares, bonds, debentures,
notes, mortgages or other obligations for the payment of money, bullion, coin
and any certificates, receipts, warrants or other instruments representing
rights to receive, purchase or subscribe for the same or evidencing or
representing any other rights or interests therein and other similar property
whether certificated or uncertificated as may be received by the Bank or its
Subcustodian (as defined in Section 3) for the account of the Customer
("Securities"); and

     (b)  A deposit account in the name of the Customer on behalf of each
Series ("Deposit Account") for any and all cash in any currency received by
the Bank or its Subcustodian for the account of the Customer, which cash
shall not be subject to withdrawal by draft or check.

     The Customer warrants its authority to: 1) deposit the cash and
Securities ("Assets") received in the Accounts and 2) give Instructions (as
defined in Section 11) concerning the Accounts.  Such Instructions shall
specifically indicate to which Series such Assets belong or, if such Assets
belong to more than one Series, shall allocate such Assets to the appropriate
Series.  The Bank may deliver securities of the same class in place of those
deposited in the Custody Account.

     Upon written agreement between the Bank and the Customer, additional
Accounts may be established and separately accounted for as additional
Accounts under the terms of this Agreement.

2.   Maintenance of Securities and Cash at Bank and Subcustodian Locations.

     Unless Instructions specifically require another location acceptable to
the Bank:

     (a)  Securities will be held in the country or other jurisdiction in
which the principal trading market for such Securities is located, where such
Securities are to be presented for payment or where such Securities are
acquired; and

     (b)  Cash will be credited to an account in a country or other
jurisdiction in which such cash may be legally deposited or is the legal
currency for the payment of public or private debts.

     To the extent available and permissible under applicable law and
regulation, Cash held pursuant to Instructions shall be held in interest
bearing accounts.  If interest bearing accounts are not available, such cash
may be held in non-interest bearing accounts.   The Bank is authorized to
maintain cash balances on deposit for the Customer with itself or one of its
affiliates.  Interest bearing accounts shall bear interest at such reasonable
rates of interest as may from time to time be paid on such accounts by the
Bank or its affiliates.

(iii)  For each Series that is exclusively a domestic Series, the following
additional provisions shall apply:

(x) In the event that during a given calendar month a Series has maintained
an average daily cash balance greater than zero, the Bank shall provide an
earnings credit against custody fees otherwise owing hereunder by such Series
during such calendar month in an amount equal to the product of (A) 75% of
the 90 day U.S. government Treasury bill rate as quoted in the Wall Street
Journal for the last  Business Day  (being a day on which the Bank is open
for the transaction of all its ordinary business) of such calendar month, (B)
the average daily cash balance for such month, and (C) the number of days in
such calendar month divided by 365.

(y) In the event that during a given calendar month a Series has maintained
an average daily cash balance less than or equal to zero, the Bank shall be
paid interest on such amount by such Series in an amount equal to the product
of (A) the  Overnight Fed Funds Rate  (as defined below) plus 25 basis points
for the last Business Day of such calendar month, (B) the average daily cash
balance for such month, and (C) the number of days in such calendar month
divided by 365.

(z) For purposes of (y) above, the term  Overnight Fed Funds Rate  shall mean
the weighted average of the rates on overnight Federal funds transactions
with members of the Federal Reserve System arranged by Federal funds brokers,
as published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (with the rate for the
last Business Day of a given calendar month being the rate so published on
the Business Day immediately following such Day), or, if such rate is note so
published, the average quotations, for the last Business Day of a given
calendar month, of such transactions received by the Bank from three Federal
funds brokers of recognized standing selected by the Bank.

     If the Customer wishes to have any of its Assets held in the custody of
an institution other than the established Subcustodians as defined in Section
3 (or their securities depositories), such arrangement must be authorized by
a written agreement, signed by the Bank and the Customer.

3.   Subcustodians and Securities Depositories.

     The Bank may act under this Agreement through the subcustodians listed
in Schedule B of this Agreement with which the Bank has entered into
subcustodial agreements ("Subcustodians").  The Customer authorizes the Bank
to hold Assets in the Accounts in accounts which the Bank has established
with one or more of its branches or Subcustodians.  The Bank and
Subcustodians are authorized to hold any of the Securities in their account
with any securities depository in which they participate.

     The Bank reserves the right to add new, replace or remove Subcustodians.
The Customer will be given reasonable notice by the Bank of any amendment to
Schedule B.  Upon request by the Customer, the Bank will identify the name,
address and principal place of business of any Subcustodian of the Customer's
Assets and the name and address of the governmental agency or other
regulatory authority that supervises or regulates such Subcustodian.

     Upon receipt of Instructions, the Bank shall cease using any
Subcustodian with respect to the customer, and arrange for delivery of
Securities held with such Subcustodian to another entity as designated by the
Customer; provided that, the Bank shall have no responsibility for the
performance of such other entity.

4.   Use of Subcustodian.

     (a)  The Bank will identify the Assets on its books as belonging to the

     (b)  A Subcustodian will hold such Assets together with assets belonging
to other customers of the Bank in accounts identified on such Subcustodian's
books as special custody accounts for the exclusive benefit of customers of
the Bank.

     (c)  Any Assets in the Accounts held by a Subcustodian will be subject
only to the instructions of the Bank or its agent.  Any Securities held in a
securities depository for the account of a Subcustodian will be subject only
to the instructions of such Subcustodian.

     (d)  Any agreement the Bank enters into with a Subcustodian for holding
its customer's assets shall provide that: (i) such assets will not be subject
to any right, charge, security interest, lien or claim of any kind in favor
of such Subcustodian except for safe custody or administration, (ii) the
beneficial ownership of such assets will be freely transferable without the
payment of money or value other than for safe custody or administration;
(iii) adequate records will be maintained identifying the assets held
pursuant to such agreement as belonging to the customers of the Bank; (iv)
subject to applicable law, Subcustodian shall permit independent public
accountants for Bank and customers of the Bank reasonable access to
Subcustodian s books and records as they pertain to the subcustody account in
connection with such accountants' examination of the books and records of
such account; and (v) the Bank will receive periodic reports with respect to
the safekeeping of assets in the subcustody account, including advices and/or
notifications of any transfers to or from such subcustody account.  The
foregoing shall not apply to the extent of any special agreement or
arrangement made by the Customer with any particular Subcustodian.

     (e) Upon request of the Customer, the Bank shall deliver to the Customer
annually a report stating: (i) the identity of each Subcustodian then acting
on behalf of the Bank and the name and address of the governmental agency or
other regulatory authority that supervises or regulates such Subcustodian;
(ii) the countries in which each Subcustodian is located; and (iii) as long
as Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") Rule 17f-5 under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended ("1940 Act"), requires the Customer s Board
of Directors/Trustees directly to approve its foreign custody arrangements,
such other information relating to such Subcustodians as may reasonably be
requested by the Customer to ensure compliance with Rule 17f-5.  As long as
Rule 17f-5 requires the Customer s Board of Directors/Trustees directly to
approve its foreign custody arrangements, the Bank shall also furnish
annually to the Customer information concerning such Subcustodians similar in
kind and scope as that furnished to the Customer in connection with the
initial approval hereof.  The Bank shall timely advise the Customer of any
material adverse change in the facts or circumstances upon which such
information is based where such changes would affect the eligibility of the
Subcustodian under Rule 17f-5 as soon as practicable after it becomes aware
of any such material adverse change in the normal course of its custodial

5.   Deposit Account Transactions

     (a)  The Bank or its Subcustodians will make payments from the Deposit
Account upon receipt of Instructions which include all information required
by the Bank.

     (b)  In the event that any payment to be made under this Section 5
exceeds the funds available in the Deposit Account, the Bank, in its
discretion, may advance the Customer such excess amount which shall be deemed
a loan payable on demand, bearing interest at the rate customarily charged by
the Bank on similar loans.

     (c)  If the Bank credits the Deposit Account on a payable date, or at
any time prior to actual collection and reconciliation to the Deposit
Account, with interest, dividends, redemptions or any other amount due, the
Customer will promptly return any such amount upon oral or written
notification: (i) that such amount has not been received in the ordinary
course of business or (ii) that such amount was incorrectly credited.  If the
Customer does not promptly return any amount upon such notification, the Bank
shall be entitled, upon oral or written notification to the Customer, to
reverse such credit by debiting the Deposit Account for the amount previously
credited.  The Bank or its Subcustodian shall have no duty or obligation to
institute legal proceedings, file a claim or a proof of claim in any
insolvency proceeding or take any other action with respect to the collection
of such amount, but may act for the Customer upon Instructions after
consultation with the Customer.

6.   Custody Account Transactions.

     (a)  Securities will be transferred, exchanged or delivered by the Bank
or its Subcustodian upon receipt by the Bank of Instructions which include
all information required by the Bank.  Settlement and payment for Securities
received for, and delivery of Securities out of, the Custody Account may be
made in accordance with the customary or established securities trading or
securities processing practices and procedures in the jurisdiction or market
in which the transaction occurs, including, without limitation, delivery of
Securities to a purchaser, dealer or their agents against a receipt with the
expectation of receiving later payment and free delivery.  Delivery of
Securities out of the Custody Account may also be made in any manner
specifically required by Instructions acceptable to the Bank.

     (b)  The Bank shall credit or debit the Accounts on a contractual
settlement date with cash or Securities with respect to any sale, exchange or
purchase of Securities in those countries set forth in Appendix A hereto;
provided that, the Bank may amend Appendix A from time to time in its sole
discretion and shall advise the Customer of such amendments.  Otherwise,
transactions will be credited or debited to the Accounts on the date cash or
Securities are actually received by the Bank and reconciled to the Account.

     (i)  The Bank may reverse credits or debits made to the Accounts in its
discretion if the related transaction fails to settle within a reasonable
period, determined by the Bank in its discretion, after the contractual
settlement date for the related transaction; provided that, the Bank shall
give Customer prior notification of any such reversal.  Where the foregoing
notification is oral, the Bank shall promptly provide written confirmation of
the same (which confirmation may be electronic).

     (ii) If any Securities delivered pursuant to this Section 6 are returned
by the recipient thereof, the Bank may reverse the credits and debits of the
particular transaction at any time.

7.   Actions of the Bank.

     The Bank shall follow Instructions received regarding assets held in the
Accounts.  However, until it receives Instructions to the contrary, the Bank

     (a)  Present for payment any Securities which are called, redeemed or
retired or otherwise become payable and all coupons and other income items
which call for payment upon presentation, to the extent that the Bank or
Subcustodian is actually aware of such opportunities.

     (b)  Execute in the name of the Customer such ownership and other
certificates as may be required to obtain payments in respect of Securities.

     (c)  Exchange interim receipts or temporary Securities for definitive

     (d)  Appoint brokers and agents for any transaction involving the
Securities, including, without limitation, affiliates of the Bank or any
Subcustodian, subject to applicable SEC rules and regulations under the Act.

     (e)  Issue statements to the Customer, at times mutually agreed upon,
identifying the Assets in the Accounts.

     The Bank will send the Customer an advice or notification of any
transfers of Assets to or from the Accounts.  Such statements, advices or
notifications shall indicate the identity of the entity having custody of the
Assets.  Unless the Customer advises the Bank orally and then promptly sends
the Bank a written exception or objection to any Bank statement within 180
days of receipt, the Customer shall be deemed to have approved such

     All collections of funds or other property paid or distributed in
respect of Securities in the Custody Account shall be made at the risk of the
Customer.  Subject to the standard of care in Section 12 hereof, the Bank shall
have no liability for any loss occasioned by delay in the actual receipt of
notice by the Bank or by its Subcustodians of any payment, redemption or other
transaction regarding Securities in the Custody Account in respect of which
the Bank has agreed to take any action under this Agreement.

8.   Corporate Actions; Proxies; Tax Reclaims.

     a.  Corporate Actions.  Whenever the Bank receives information
concerning the Securities which requires discretionary action by the
beneficial owner of the Securities (other than a proxy), such as subscription
rights, bonus issues, stock repurchase plans and rights offerings, or legal
notices or other material intended to be transmitted to securities holders
("Corporate Actions"), the Bank will give the Customer written notice (which
may  be electronic) of such Corporate Actions to the extent that the Bank's
central corporate actions department has actual knowledge of a Corporate
Action in time to notify its customers.

     When a rights entitlement or a fractional interest resulting from a
rights issue, stock dividend, stock split or similar Corporate Action is
received which bears an expiration date, the Bank will endeavor to obtain
Instructions from the Customer or its Authorized Person (as defined in Section
10 hereof), but if Instructions are not received in time for the Bank to take
timely action, or actual notice of such Corporate Action was received too
late to seek Instructions, the Bank is authorized to sell such rights
entitlement or fractional interest and to credit the Deposit Account with the
proceeds or take any other action it deems, in good faith, to be appropriate
in which case it shall be held harmless for any such action.

     b.  Proxy Voting.  With respect to domestic U.S. and Canadian Securities
(the latter if held in DTC), the Bank will send to the Customer or the
Authorized Person (as defined in Section 10) for a Custody Account, such proxies
(signed in blank, if issued in the name of the Bank's nominee or the nominee
of a central depository) and communications with respect to Securities in the
Custody Account as call for voting or relate to legal proceedings within a
reasonable time after sufficient copies are received by the Bank for
forwarding to its customers.  In addition, the Bank will follow coupon
payments, redemptions, exchanges or similar matters with respect to
Securities in the Custody Account and advise the Customer or the Authorized
Person for such Account of rights issued, tender offers or any other
discretionary rights with respect to such Securities, in each case, of which
the Bank has received notice from the issuer of the Securities, or as to
which notice is published in publications routinely utilized by the Bank for
this purpose.

     With respect to Securities other than the foregoing, proxy voting
services shall be provided in accordance with separate proxy voting agreement
annexed hereto a Appendix B.

     The foregoing proxy voting services may be provided by Bank, in whole or
in part, by one or more third parties appointed by the Bank (which may be
affiliates of the Bank), provided that the Bank shall be liable for the
performance of any such third parties to the same extent as the Bank would
have been if it performed such services itself..

     c. Tax Reclaims.  (i) Subject to the provisions hereof, the Bank will
apply for a reduction of withholding tax and any refund of any tax paid or
tax credits which apply in each applicable market in respect of income
payments on Securities for the benefit of the Customer which the Bank
believes may be available to such Customer. Where such reports are available,
the Bank shall periodically report to Customer concerning the making of
applications for a reduction of withholding tax and refund of any tax paid or
tax credits which apply in each applicable market in respect of income
payments on Securities for the benefit of the Customer.

     (ii)  The provision of tax reclaim services by the Bank is conditional
upon the Bank receiving from the beneficial owner of Securities (A) a
declaration of its identity and place of residence and (B) certain other
documentation (pro forma copies of which are available from the Bank).  The
Bank shall use reasonable means to advise the Customer of the declarations,
documentation and information which the Customer is to provide to the Bank in
order for the Bank to provide the tax reclaim services described herein.  The
Customer acknowledges that, if the Bank does not receive such declarations,
documentation and information, additional United Kingdom taxation will be
deducted from all income received in respect of Securities issued outside the
United Kingdom and that U.S. non-resident alien tax or U.S. backup
withholding tax will be deducted from U.S. source income.  The Customer shall
provide to the Bank such documentation and information as it may require in
connection with taxation, and warrants that, when given, this information
shall be true and correct in every respect, not misleading in any way, and
contain all material information.  The Customer undertakes to notify the Bank
immediately if any such information requires updating or amendment.

     (iii)  Subject to subsection (vii) hereof, the Bank shall not be liable
to the Customer or any third party for any tax, fines or penalties payable by
the Bank or the Customer, and shall be indemnified accordingly, whether these
result from the inaccurate completion of documents by the Customer or any
third party, or as a result of the provision to the Bank or any third party
of inaccurate or misleading information or the withholding of material
information by the Customer or any other third party, or as a result of any
delay of any revenue authority or any other matter beyond the control of the

     (iv)  The Customer confirms that the Bank is authorized to deduct from
any cash received or credited to the Cash Account any taxes or levies
required by any revenue or governmental authority for whatever reason in
respect of the Securities or Cash Accounts.

     (v)  The Bank shall perform tax reclaim services only with respect to
taxation levied by the revenue authorities of the countries notified to the
Customer from time to time and the Bank may, by notification in writing, at
its absolute discretion, supplement or amend the markets in which the tax
reclaim services are offered.  Other than as expressly provided in this sub-
clause, the Bank shall have no responsibility with regard to the Customer's
tax position or status in any jurisdiction.  Except as provided in Section
8(c)(ii) and pursuant to Instructions, the Bank shall take no action in the
servicing of the Customer s Securities which, in and of itself, creates a
taxable nexus for the Customer in any jurisdiction other than with respect to
interest, dividends and capital gains that may otherwise be subject to tax by
such jurisdiction with respect to a foreign investor not otherwise engaged in
a trade or business in such jurisdiction in a given taxable year.  Bank shall
not be liable for any tax liability caused, directly or indirectly, by
Customer's actions or status in any jurisdiction.

     (vi)  In connection with obtaining tax relief, the Customer confirms
that the Bank is authorized to disclose any information requested by any
revenue authority or any governmental body in relation to the Customer or the
Securities and/or Cash held for the Customer.  This provision does not
authorize any other voluntary disclosure to any revenue authority or any
governmental body without the prior written consent of Customer.

     (vii)  Tax reclaim services may be provided by the Bank or, in whole or
in part, by one or more third parties appointed by the Bank (which may be
affiliates of the Bank); provided that the Bank shall be liable for the
performance of any such third party to the same extent as the Bank would have
been if it performed such services itself.

9.   Nominees.

     Securities which are ordinarily held in registered form may be
registered in a nominee name of the Bank, Subcustodian or securities
depository, as the case may be.  The Bank may without notice to the Customer
cause any such Securities to cease to be registered in the name of any such
nominee and to be registered in the name of the Customer.  In the event that
any Securities registered in a nominee name are called for partial redemption
by the issuer, the Bank may allot the called portion to the respective
beneficial holders of such class of security in any manner the Bank deems to
be fair and equitable.  The Customer agrees to hold the Bank, Subcustodians,
and their respective nominees harmless from any liability arising directly or
indirectly from their status as a mere record holder of Securities in the
Custody Account.

10.  Authorized Persons.

     As used in this Agreement, the term "Authorized Person" means employees
or agents including investment managers as have been designated by written
notice from the Customer or its designated agent to act on behalf of the
Customer under this Agreement.  Such persons shall continue to be Authorized
Persons until such time as the Bank receives Instructions from the Customer
or its designated agent that any such employee or agent is no longer an
Authorized Person.

11.  Instructions.

     The term "Instructions" means instructions of any Authorized Person
received by the Bank, via telephone, telex, TWX, facsimile transmission, bank
wire or other teleprocess or electronic instruction or trade information
system acceptable to the Bank which the Bank reasonably believes in good
faith to have been given by Authorized Persons or which are transmitted with
proper testing or authentication pursuant to terms and conditions which the
Bank may specify.  Unless otherwise expressly provided, all Instructions
shall continue in full force and effect until canceled or superseded.  For
purposes hereof, reasonableness shall mean compliance with applicable

     Any Instructions delivered to the Bank by telephone (including cash
transfer instructions as described below) shall promptly thereafter be
confirmed in writing by any two Authorized Persons (which confirmation may
bear the facsimile signature of such Persons), but the Customer will hold the
Bank harmless for the failure of such Authorized Persons to send such
confirmation in writing, the failure of such confirmation to conform to the
telephone instructions received or the Bank's failure to produce such
confirmation at any subsequent time; provided that, where the Bank receives
a telephone Instruction from an Authorized Person requiring the transfer of
cash, prior to executing such Instruction the Bank will, to confirm such
Instruction, call back any one of the individuals on a list of persons
authorized to confirm such oral transfer Instructions (which Person shall be
a person other than the initiator of the transfer Instruction) and the Bank
shall not execute the Instruction until it has received such confirmation.
Either party may electronically record any Instructions given by telephone,
and any other telephone discussions with respect to the Custody Account.  The
Customer shall be responsible for safeguarding any testkeys, identification
codes or other security devices which the Bank shall make available to the
Customer or its Authorized Persons.

12.  Standard of Care; Liabilities.

     (a)  The Bank shall be responsible for the performance of only such
duties as are set forth in this Agreement or expressly contained in
Instructions which are consistent with the provisions of this Agreement as

     (i)  The Bank will use reasonable care with respect to its obligations
under this Agreement and the safekeeping of Assets.  The Bank shall be liable
to the Customer for any loss which shall occur as the result of the failure
of a Subcustodian to exercise reasonable care with respect to the safekeeping
of such Assets to the same extent that the Bank would be liable to the
Customer if the Bank were holding such Assets in New York.  In the event that
Securities are lost by reason of the failure of the Bank or its Subcustodian
to use reasonable care, the Bank shall be liable to the Customer based on the
market value of the property which is the subject of the loss on the date it
is replaced by the Bank and without reference to any special conditions or
circumstances, it being understood that for purposes of measuring damages
hereunder, the value of Securities which are sold by the Customer prior to
the replacement thereof shall be equal to the sale price thereof less the
expenses of such sale incurred by the Customer.  The Bank shall act with
reasonable promptness in making such replacements.  In no event shall the
Bank be liable for special, indirect or consequential loss or damage of any
kind whatsoever (including but not limited to lost profits), even if the Bank
has been advised of the likelihood of such loss or damage and regardless of
the form of action.  Subject to the Bank's obligations pursuant to Section 4(e)
hereof, the Bank will not be responsible for the insolvency of any
Subcustodian which is not a branch or affiliate of Bank.

     (ii) The Bank will not be responsible for any act, omission, default or
the solvency of any broker or agent which it or a Subcustodian appoints
unless such appointment was made negligently or in bad faith.

     (iii)     (a) The Bank shall be indemnified by, and without liability to
the Customer for any action taken or omitted by the Bank whether pursuant to
Instructions or otherwise pursuant to this Agreement if such act or omission
was in good faith, without negligence.  In performing its obligations under
this Agreement, the Bank may rely on the genuineness of any Customer document
which it reasonably believes in good faith to have been validly executed.
(b) The Bank shall hold Customer harmless from, and shall indemnify Customer
for, any loss, liability, claim or expense incurred by Customer (including,
but not limited to, Customer's reasonable legal fees) to the extent that such
loss, liability, claim or expense arises from the negligence or willful mis-
conduct on the part of the Bank or a Subcustodian; provided that, in no event
shall the Bank be liable for special, indirect or consequential loss or
damage of any kind whatsoever (including but not limited to lost profits),
even if the Bank has been advised of the likelihood of such loss or damage
and regardless of the form of action.  Subject to the Bank's obligations
pursuant to Section 4(e) hereof, the Bank will not be responsible for the
insolvency of any Subcustodian which is not a branch or affiliate of Bank.

     (iv) The Customer agrees to pay for and hold the Bank harmless from any
liability or loss resulting from the imposition or assessment of any taxes or
other governmental charges, and any related expenses with respect to income
from or Assets in the Accounts.

     (v)  The Bank shall be entitled to rely, and may act, upon the advice of
counsel (who may be counsel for the Customer) on all matters and shall be
without liability for any action reasonably taken or omitted pursuant to such

     (vi) The Bank need not maintain any insurance for the benefit of the

     (vii)      Without limiting the foregoing, the Bank shall not be liable
for any loss which results from:  1) the general risk of investing, or 2)
investing or holding Assets in a particular country including, but not
limited to, losses resulting from nationalization, expropriation or other
governmental actions; regulation of the banking or securities industry;
currency restrictions, devaluations or fluctuations; and market conditions
which prevent the orderly execution of securities transactions or affect the
value of Assets.

     (viii)    Neither party shall be liable to the other for any loss due to
forces beyond their control including, but not limited to strikes or work
stoppages, acts of war or terrorism, insurrection, revolution, nuclear
fusion, fission or radiation, or acts of God.

     (b)  Consistent with and without limiting the first paragraph of this
Section 12, it is specifically acknowledged that the Bank shall have no duty
or responsibility to:

     (i)  question Instructions or make any suggestions to the Customer or an
Authorized Person regarding such Instructions;

     (ii) supervise or make recommendations with respect to investments or
the retention of Securities;

     (iii)     advise the Customer or an Authorized Person regarding any
default in the payment of principal or income of any security other than a

     (iv) except as may be otherwise provided in any securities lending
agreement between the Customer and the Bank, evaluate or report to the
Customer or an Authorized Person regarding the financial condition of any
broker, agent or other party to which Securities are delivered or payments
are made pursuant to this Agreement;

     (v)  except for trades settled at DTC where the broker provides to the
Bank the trade confirmation and the Customer provides for the Bank to receive
the trade instruction, review or reconcile trade confirmations received from
brokers.  The Customer or its Authorized Persons (as defined in Section 10)
issuing Instructions shall bear any responsibility to review such
confirmations against Instructions issued to and statements issued by the

     (c)  The Customer authorizes the Bank to act, hereunder, in its capacity
as a custodian notwithstanding that the Bank or any of its divisions or
affiliates may have a material interest in a transaction, or circumstances
are such that the Bank may have a potential conflict of duty or interest
including the fact that the Bank or any of its affiliates may provide
brokerage services to other customers, act as financial advisor to the issuer
of Securities, act as a lender to the issuer of Securities, act in the same
transaction as agent for more than one customer, have a material interest in
the issue of Securities, or earn profits from any of the activities listed

13.  Fees and Expenses.

     The Customer agrees to pay the Bank for its services under this
Agreement such amount as may be agreed upon in writing ("Fee Schedule"),
together with the Bank's reasonable out-of-pocket or incidental expenses (as
further defined in the Fee Schedule), including, but not limited to, legal
fees.  The Bank shall have a lien on and is authorized to charge any Accounts
of the Customer for any amount owing to the Bank under any provision of this

14.  Miscellaneous.

     (a)  Foreign Exchange Transactions.  To facilitate the administration of
the Customer's trading and investment activity, the Bank is authorized to
enter into spot or forward foreign exchange contracts with the Customer or an
Authorized Person for the Customer and may also provide foreign exchange
through its subsidiaries, affiliates or Subcustodians.  Instructions,
including standing instructions, may be issued with respect to such contracts
but the Bank may establish rules or limitations concerning any foreign
exchange facility made available.  In all cases where the Bank, its
subsidiaries, affiliates or Subcustodians enter into a foreign exchange
contract related to Accounts, the terms and conditions of the then current
foreign exchange contract of the Bank, its subsidiary, affiliate or
Subcustodian and, to the extent not inconsistent, this Agreement shall apply
to such transaction.

     (b)  Certification of Residency, etc.  The Customer certifies that it is
a resident of the United States and agrees to notify the Bank of any changes
in residency.  The Bank may rely upon this certification or the certification
of such other facts as may be required to administer the Bank's obligations
under this Agreement.  The Customer will indemnify the Bank against all
losses, liability, claims or demands arising directly or indirectly from any
such certifications.

     (c)  Access to Records.  Applicable accounts, books and records of the
Bank shall be open to inspection and audit at all reasonable times during
normal business hours upon reasonable advance notice by Customer s
independent public accountants and by employees of Customer designated to the
Bank.  All such materials shall, to the extent applicable, be maintained and
preserved in conformity with the Act and the rules and regulations
thereunder, including without limitation, SEC Rules 31a-1 and 31a-2.  Subject
to restrictions under applicable law, the Bank shall also obtain an
undertaking to permit the Customer's independent public accountants
reasonable access to the records of any Subcustodian which has physical
possession of any Assets as may be required in connection with the
examination of the Customer's books and records.

     (d)  Governing Law; Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be
governed by the laws of the State of New York and shall not be assignable by
either party, but shall bind the successors in interest of the Customer and
the Bank.

     (e)  Entire Agreement; Applicable Riders.  Customer represents that the
Assets deposited in the Accounts are Mutual Fund assets subject to certain
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") rules and regulations.

     This Agreement consists exclusively of this document together with
Schedules A and B, Appendices 1 and 2, Exhibits I - _______ and the following
Rider(s) [Check applicable rider(s)]:

      X     MUTUAL FUND


     There are no other provisions of this Agreement, and this Agreement
supersedes any other agreements, whether written or oral, between the
parties.  Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing, executed by
both parties.

     (f)  Severability.  In the event that one or more provisions of this
Agreement are held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect on the
basis of any particular circumstances or in any jurisdiction, the validity,
legality and enforceability of such provision or provisions under other
circumstances or in other jurisdictions and of the remaining provisions will
not in any way be affected or impaired.

     (g)  Waiver.  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no failure
or delay on the part of either party in exercising any power or right under
this Agreement operates as a waiver, nor does any single or partial exercise
of any power or right preclude any other or further exercise, or the exercise
of any other power or right.  No waiver by a party of any provision of this
Agreement, or waiver of any breach or default, is effective unless in writing
and signed by the party against whom the waiver is to be enforced.

     (h)  Notices.  All notices under this Agreement shall be effective when
actually received.  Any notices or other communications which may be required
under this Agreement are to be sent to the parties at the following addresses
or such other addresses as may subsequently be given to the other party in

     Bank:     The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
               4 Chase MetroTech Center
               Brooklyn, NY  11245
               Attention:  Global Custody Division

               or telex:

     Customer: Delaware Group of Funds
               1818 Market St.
               Philadelphia, PA 19103
               att: Messrs. Bishof and O Conner
               or telex:

     (i)  Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated by the Customer or
the Bank by giving sixty (60) days written notice to the other, provided that
such notice to the Bank shall specify the names of the persons to whom the
Bank shall deliver the Assets in the Accounts.  If notice of termination is
given by the Bank, the Customer shall, within sixty (60) days following
receipt of the notice, deliver to the Bank Instructions specifying the names
of the persons to whom the Bank shall deliver the Assets.  In either case the
Bank will deliver the Assets to the persons so specified, after deducting any
amounts which the Bank determines in good faith to be owed to it under
Section 13.  If within sixty (60) days following receipt of a notice of
termination by the Bank, the Bank does not receive Instructions from the
Customer specifying the names of the persons to whom the Bank shall deliver
the Assets, the Bank, at its election, may deliver the Assets to a bank or
trust company doing business in the State of New York to be held and disposed
of pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, or to Authorized Persons, or
may continue to hold the Assets until Instructions are provided to the Bank;
provided that, where the Bank is the terminating party and the Bank had not
notified the Customer that termination was for breach of this Agreement by
the Customer, such 60 day period shall be extended for an additional period
as requested by Customer of up to 120 days.

     Termination as to One or More Series.  This Agreement may be terminated
as to one or more Series (but less than all the Series) by delivery of an
amended Schedule A deleting such Series, in which case termination as to the
deleted Series shall take effect sixty (60) days after the date of such
delivery.  The execution and delivery of an amended Schedule A which deletes
one or more Series, shall constitute a termination hereof only with respect
to such deleted Series, shall be governed by the preceding provisions of
Section 14 as to the identification of a successor custodian and the delivery
of the Assets of the Series so deleted to such successor custodian, and shall
not affect the obligations of the Bank and the Customer hereunder with
respect to the other Series set forth in Schedule A, as amended from time to

     (j) Several Obligations of the Series.  With respect to any obligations
of the Customer on behalf of the Series and their related Accounts arising
hereunder, the Custodian shall look for payment or satisfaction of any such
obligation solely to the assets and property of the Series and such Accounts
to which such obligation relates as though the Customer had separately
contracted with the Custodian by separate written instrument with respect to
each Series and its Accounts.


                              By: /s/ Michael P. Bishof
                              Title  Vice President and Treasurer

                              THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A.

                              By: /s/ Rosemary M. Stidmon
                              Title  Vice President

STATE OF Pennsylvania)
                    :  ss.
COUNTY OF Philadelphia)

On this 9th day of July, 1996, before me personally came Michael P. Bishof,
to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides
in Blue Bell, PA at 110 Spyglass Drive; that he is Vice President/Treasurer
of Delaware Group of Funds, the entity described in and which executed the
foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said entity, that the seal
affixed to said instrument is such seal, that it was so affixed by order of
said entity, and that he signed his name thereto by like order.

                              /s/ Maritza H. Cruzado
                              Maritza H. Cruzado

Sworn to before me this 9th
day of July, 1996.

                         :  ss.

     On this 24th day of May, 1996, before me personally came Rosemary
Stidmon, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she
resides in New Providence, NJ at 31 Sagamore Drive; that she is a Vice
President of THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, (National Association), the
corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that
she knows the seal of said corporation, that the seal affixed to said
instrument is such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the
Board of Directors of said corporation, and that she signed her name thereto
by like order.

Sworn to before me this 24th
day of May, 1996.

/s/ Laiyee Ng
- -------------
Laiyee Ng

Schedule A

Delaware Pooled Trust, Inc. - Global Fixed Income Portfolio
Delaware Pooled Trust, Inc. - International Equity Portfolio
Delaware Pooled Trust, Inc. - Labor Select International Equity Portfolio
Delaware Pooled Trust, Inc. - Real Estate Investment Trust Portfolio
Delaware Pooled Trust, Inc. - High Yield Portfolio
Delaware Pooled Trust, Inc. - International Fixed Income Portfolio
Delaware Pooled Trust, Inc. - Defensive Equity Utility Portfolio
Delaware Group Global & International Funds, Inc. - International Equity Fund
Delaware Group Global & International Funds, Inc. - Global Assets Fund
Delaware Group Global & International Funds, Inc. - Global Bond Fund
Delaware Group Global & International Funds, Inc. - Emerging Markets Fund
Delaware Group Premium Fund, Inc. - International Equity Series
Delaware Group Premium Fund, Inc. - Equity Income Series
Delaware Group Premium Fund, Inc. - High Yield Series
Delaware Group Premium Fund, Inc. - Capital Reserves Series
Delaware Group Premium Fund, Inc. - Money Market Series
Delaware Group Premium Fund, Inc. - Growth Series
Delaware Group Premium Fund, Inc. - Multiple Strategy Series
Delaware Group Premium Fund, Inc. - Value Series
Delaware Group Premium Fund, Inc. - Emerging Growth Series
Delaware Group Premium Fund, Inc. - Global Bond Series
Delaware Group Delchester High-Yield Bond Fund, Inc.
Delaware Group Delaware Fund, Inc. - Delaware Fund
Delaware Group Delaware Fund, Inc. - Devon Fund
Delaware Group Value Fund, Inc.
Delaware Group DelCap Fund, Inc.
Delaware Group Dividend & Income Fund, Inc.
Delaware Group Advisor Funds, Inc. - Enterprise Fund
Delaware Group Advisor Funds, Inc. - U.S. Growth Fund
Delaware Group Advisor Funds, Inc. - World Growth Fund
Delaware Group Advisor Funds, Inc. - New Pacific Fund
Delaware Group Advisor Funds, Inc. - Federal Bond Fund
Delaware Group Advisor Funds, Inc. - Corporate Income Fund

March, 1996              Schedule B

                     SUB-CUSTODIANS EMPLOYED BY



ARGENTINA The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.          The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          Arenales 707, 5th Floor                 Buenos Aires
          De Mayo 130/140
          1061Buenos Aires

AUSTRALIA The Chase Manhattan Bank                The Chase Manhattan Bank
          Australia Limited                       Australia Limited
          36th Floor                              Sydney
          World Trade Centre
          Jamison Street
          New South Wales 2000

AUSTRIA   Creditanstalt - Bankverein              Credit Lyonnais
          Schottengasse 6                         Vienna
          A - 1011, Vienna

BANGLADESH Standard Chartered Bank                 Standard Chartered Bank
          18-20 Motijheel C.A.                     Dhaka
          Box 536,

BELGIUM   Generale Bank                            Credit Lyonnais Bank
          3 Montagne Du Parc                       Brussels
          1000 Bruxelles

BOTSWANA  Barclays Bank of Botswana Limited        Barclays Bank of Botswana
          Barclays House                           Gaborone
          Khama Crescent

BRAZIL    Banco Chase Manhattan, S.A.              Banco Chase Manhattan S.A.
          Chase Manhattan Center                   Sao Paulo
          Rua Verbo Divino, 1400
          Sao Paulo, SP 04719-002

CANADA    The Royal Bank of Canada                 Royal Bank of Canada
          Royal Bank Plaza                         Toronto
          Ontario   M5J 2J5

          Canada Trust                             Royal Bank of Canada
          Canada Trust Tower                       Toronto
          BCE Place
          161 Bay at Front
          Ontario M5J 2T2

CHILE     The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.          The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          Agustinas 1235                          Santiago
          Casilla 9192

COLOMBIA  Cititrust Colombia S.A.                  Cititrust Colombia S.A.
          Sociedad Fiduciaria                      Sociedad Fiduciaria
          Carrera 9a No 99-02                      Santafe de Bogota
          Santafe de Bogota, DC

         Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka, A.S.       Komercni Banka, A.S.,
         Na Prikope 14                             Praha
         115 20 Praha 1

DENMARK  Den Danske Bank                           Den Danske Bank
         2 Holmens Kanala DK 1091                  Copenhagen

EGYPT    National Bank of Egypt                    National Bank of Egypt
         24 Sherif Street                          Cairo

EUROBONDS Cedel S.A.                               ECU:Lloyds Bank PLC
          67 Boulevard Grande Duchesse Charlotte   International Banking Division
          LUXEMBOURG                               London
          A/c The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.       For all other currencies: see
          London                                   relevant country
          A/c No. 17817

EURO CDS  First Chicago Clearing Centre            ECU:Lloyds Bank PLC
          27 Leadenhall Street                     Banking Division London
          London EC3A 1AA                          For all other currencies: see
          UNITED KINGDOM                           relevant country

FINLAND   Merita Bank KOP                          Merita Bank KOP
          Aleksis Kiven 3-5                        Helsinki
          00500 Helsinki

FRANCE    Banque Paribas                           Societe Generale
          Ref 256                                  Paris
          BP 141
          3, Rue D'Antin
          75078 Paris
          Cedex 02

GERMANY   Chase Bank A.G.                          Chase Bank A.G.
          Alexanderstrasse 59                      Frankfurt
          Postfach 90 01 09
          60441 Frankfurt/Main

GHANA     Barclays Bank of Ghana                   Barclays Bank
          Barclays House                           Accra
          High Street

GREECE    Barclays Bank Plc                        National Bank of Greece S.A.
          1 Kolokotroni Street                     Athens
          10562 Athens                             A/c Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.,
          GREECE                                   London
                                                   A/c No. 040/7/921578-68

HONG KONG The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.          The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          40/F One Exchange Square                Hong Kong
          8, Connaught Place
          Central, Hong Kong
          HONG KONG

HUNGARY   Citibank Budapest Rt.                   Citibank Budapest Rt.
          Vaci Utca 19-21                         Budapest
          1052 Budapest V

INDIA     The Hongkong and Shanghai               The Hongkong and Shanghai
          Banking Corporation Limited             Banking Corporation Limited
          52/60 Mahatma Gandhi Road               Bombay
          Bombay 400 001

          Deutsche Bank AG, Bombay Branch         Deutsche Bank
          Securities & Custody Services           Bombay
          Kodak House
          222 D.N. Road, Fort
          Bombay 400 001

INDONESIA The Hongkong and Shanghai               The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          Banking Corporation Limited             Jakarta
          World Trade Center
          J1. Jend Sudirman Kav. 29-31
          Jakarta 10023

IRELAND   Bank of Ireland                         Allied Irish Bank
          International Financial Services Centre Dublin
          1 Harbourmaster Place
          Dublin 1

ISRAEL    Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M.               Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M.
          19 Herzl Street                         Tel Aviv
          61000 Tel Aviv

ITALY     The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.          The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          Piazza Meda 1                           Milan
          20121 Milan

JAPAN     The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.          The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          1-3 Marunouchi  1-Chome                 Tokyo
          Tokyo 100

JORDAN    Arab Bank Limited                       Arab Bank Limited
          P O Box 950544-5                        Amman

KENYA     Barclays Bank of Kenya                 Barclays Bank of Kenya
          Third Floor                            Nairobi
          Queensway House

          Banque Generale du Luxembourg S.A.     Banque Generale du Luxembourg
          50 Avenue J.F. Kennedy                 S.A.
          L-2951 LUXEMBOURG                      Luxembourg

MALAYSIA  The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.         The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          Pernas International                   Kuala Lumpur
          Jalan Sultan Ismail
          50250, Kuala Lumpur

MAURITIUS Hongkong and Shanghai Banking          The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
          Corporation Ltd                        Corporation Ltd.
          Curepipe Road                          Curepipe

MEXICO    The Chase Manhattan Bank, S.A.          No correspondent Bank
(Equities)Montes Urales no. 470, 4th Floor
          Col. Lomas de Chapultepec
          11000 Mexico D.F.

(Government Banco Nacional de Mexico,             No correspondent Bank
Bonds)      Avenida Juarez No. 104 - 11 Piso
            06040 Mexico D.F.

MOROCCO   Banque Commerciale du Maroc             Banque Commerciale du Maroc
          2 Boulevard Moulay Youssef              Casablanca
          Casablanca 20000

          ABN AMRO N.V.                           Generale Bank
          Securities Centre                       Nederland N.V.
          P O Box 3200                            Rotterdam
          4800 De Breda

          National Nominees Limited               National Bank of New Zealand
          Level 2 BNZ Tower                       Wellington
          125 Queen Street
          NEW ZEALAND

NORWAY    Den Norske Bank                         Den Norske Bank
          Kirkegaten 21                           Oslo
          Oslo 1

PAKISTAN  Citibank N.A.                           Citibank N.A.
          I.I. Chundrigar Road                    Karachi
          AWT Plaza

          Deutsche Bank                           Deutsche Bank
          Unitowers                               Karachi
          I.I. Chundrigar Road

PERU      Citibank, N.A.                          Citibank N.A.
          Camino Real 457                         Lima
          CC Torre Real - 5th Floor
          San Isidro, Lima  27

          The Hongkong and Shanghai               The Hongkong and Shanghai
          Banking Corporation Limited             Banking Corporation Limited
          Hong Kong Bank Centre 3/F               Manila
          San Miguel Avenue
          Ortigas Commercial Centre
          Pasig Metro Manila

POLAND    Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A.             Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A.
          Curtis Plaza                             Warsaw
          Woloska 18
          02-675 Warsaw
          For Mutual Funds:
          Bank Handlowy W. Warsawie. S.A.         Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A.
          Custody Dept.                           Warsaw
          Capital Markets Centre
          Ul, Nowy Swiat 6/12
          00-920 Warsaw

PORTUGAL  Banco Espirito Santo & Comercial       Banco Nacional Ultra Marino
          de Lisboa                              Lisbon
          Servico de Gestaode Titulos
          R. Mouzinho da Silveira, 36 r/c
          1200 Lisbon

SHANGHAI  The Hongkong and Shanghai              Citibank
(CHINA)   Banking Corporation Limited            New York
          Shanghai Branch
          Corporate Banking Centre
          Unit 504, 5/F Shanghai Centre
          1376 Nanjing Xi Lu

SHENZHEN  The Hongkong and Shanghai             The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
(CHINA)   Banking Corporation Limited           Hong Kong
          1st Floor
          Central Plaza Hotel
          No.1 Chun Feng Lu

SINGAPORE The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.        The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          Shell Tower                           Singapore
          50 Raffles Place
          Singapore 0104

          Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka, A.S.   Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka
          Michalska 18                          Slovak Republic
          815 63 Bratislava

          Standard Bank of South Africa         Standard Bank of South Africa
          Standard Bank Chambers                South Africa
          46 Marshall Street
          Johannesburg 2001
          SOUTH AFRICA

          The Hongkong & Shanghai               The Hongkong & Shanghai
          Banking Corporation Limited           Banking Corporation Limited
          6/F Kyobo Building                    Seoul
          #1 Chongro, 1-ka Chongro-Ku,
          SOUTH KOREA

SPAIN     The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.        Banco Bilbao Vizcaya,
          Calle Peonias 2                       Madrid
          7th Floor
          La Piovera
          28042 Madrid

SRI LANKA The Hongkong & Shanghai               The Hongkong & Shangai
          Banking Corporation Limited           Banking Corporation Limited
          Unit #02-02 West Block,               Colombo
          World Trade Center
          Colombo 1,
          SRI LANKA

SWEDEN    Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken         Svenska Handelsbanken
          Kungstradgardsgatan 8                 Stockholm
          Stockholm S-106 40

          Union Bank of Switzerland             Union Bank of Switzerland
          45 Bahnhofstrasse                     Zurich
          8021 Zurich

TAIWAN    The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.        No correspondent Bank
          115 Min Sheng East Road - Sec 3,
          9th Floor
          Republic of China

THAILAND  The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.        The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          Bubhajit Building                     Bangkok
          20 North Sathorn Road
          Silom, Bangrak
          Bangkok 10500

TUNISIA   Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie Banque Internationale Arabe de
          70-72 Avenue Habib Bourguiba           Tunisie, Tunisia
          P.O. Box 520
          1080 Tunis Cedex

TURKEY    The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.         The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          Emirhan Cad. No: 145                   Istanbul
          Atakule, A Blok Kat:11

U.K.      The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.          The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          Woolgate House                          London
          Coleman Street
          London   EC2P 2HD

URUGUAY   The First National Bank of Boston       The First National Bank of Boston
          Zabala 1463                             Montevideo

U.S.A.    The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.          The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
          1 Chase Manhattan Plaza                 New York
          New York
          NY 10081

VENEZUELA Citibank N.A.                           Citibank N.A.
          Carmelitas a Altagracia                 Caracas
          Edificio Citibank
          Caracas 1010

ZAMBIA    Barclays Bank of Zambia                 Barclays Bank of Zambia
          Kafue House                             Lusaka
          Cairo Road
          P.O.Box 31936

ZIMBABWE  Barclays Bank of Zimbabwe               Barclays Bank of Zimbabwe
          Ground Floor                            Harare
          Tanganyika House
          Corner of 3rd Street & Union Avenue