As filed with Securities and Exchange Commission on November 28, 2000

                                                        Registration No. 2-66073


                             Washington D.C., 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14c INFORMATION


                            Reg. Section 240.14c-101

Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Check the appropriate box:

{ }   Preliminary Information Statement

{X}   Definitive Information Statement

                             NRM INVESTMENT COMPANY
                  (Name of Registrant As Specified In Charter)

                     Edward Fackenthal, Assistant Secretary
                (Name of Person Filing the Information Statement)

               Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

         No filing fee for this registered investment company is required by
reason of the EDGAR amendments and Rule 301 of Regulation S-T.

                           OF NRM INVESTEMENT COMPANY
                                December 19, 2000

         The annual meeting of shareholder of NRM Investment Company is to be
held at Philadelphia Country Club, Spring Mill Road, Gladwyne, Pennsylvania, on
December 19, 2000 at 9:00 a.m.

         Inquiries about the agenda for the meeting should be addressed to the
Company's principal executive offices at Suite 112, Building 1, Rosemont
Business Campus, 919 Conestoga Road, Rosemont, Pennsylvania 19010, or telephone

             We Are Not Asking You For a Proxy and You are Requested
                             Not To Send Us a Proxy.

         This information statement and notice of the annual meeting of the
shareholders will be mailed to shareholders of record on November 28, 2000.

                 Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
                                 And Management

         The following individuals constitute the board of directors of the
Company, its officers, as well as its largest shareholders.

         Table I shows the number of shares the directors own. Table II contains
certain biographical information about the directors.

         Note that in addition to being directors, John H. McCoy is Chairman of
the Board and President. In addition to retaining that position, he will be
nominated to the board to succeed to the office of Treasurer to fill the vacancy
created by the recent death of Thomas F. Kilcullen, Jr. Board member Francis J.
Rainer will be nominated to the board to succeed to the office of Secretary, a
position also left vacant by Mr. Kilcullen's death. George W. Connell is the
principal officer of the Company's investment advisor, Rittenhouse Trust
Company. Messrs. McCoy, Somers and Rainer have been directors of the Company
since its inception as an investment company in 1979. Mr. Connell has been a
director since December 1992.

         Information for Table I regarding the shares these individuals own was
furnished by Promistar Trust Company, Johnstown Pa., the Company's
administrator, transfer agent and provider of certain other services.

         The Company has issued one class of stock.

                                     Table I

                                                            Percentage of
Name and address               No. of Shares                  Ownership

John H. McCoy                       2,817,680                   66.0%
1010 Broadmoor Road
Bryn Mawr, PA 19101

Francis J. Rainer                     240,000                    5.6%
2 Campus Blvd.
Newtown Square, PA 19073

Joseph V. Somers                      235,057                    5.5%
1518 Mt. Pleasant Road
Villanova, PA 19085

Estate of
Thomas F. Kilcullen, Jr.              200,000                    4.7%
4 Carriage Way
Berwyn, PA 19312

George W. Connell                     153,511                    3.6%
#2 Radnor Corporate Center
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087


                                    Table II

                                                            Principal Occupation
                                 Position                   During Past
Name                             with Registrant            Five Years

John H. McCoy(1)                 Director,                  Presently retired;
                                 President                  former President of
                                                            National Rolling
                                                            Mills, Inc., a steel
                                                            rolling plant, since
                                                            August 1979. Prior
                                                            thereto, he was
                                                            President and
                                                            Director of National
                                                            Rolling Mills Co. 78
                                                            years old

Joseph V. Somers                 Director                   Presently retired;
                                                            former President of
                                                            Somers Construction
                                                            Company and Vice
                                                            President of Indus-
                                                            trial Lift Truck Co.
                                                            79 years old

Francis J. Rainer                Director                   Former President of
                                                            Rainer & Rainer
                                                            Company a Profes-
                                                            sional Corporation.
                                                            He is also a former
                                                            Vice-Chairman of the
                                                            Board Delaware
                                                            Valley Savings Bank
                                                            77 years old.

George W. Connell(2)                                        President, Director
                                                            and sole shareholder
                                                            of Rittenhouse Trust
                                                            Company, the
                                                            investment advisor;
                                                            Chief Investment
                                                            Officer of Ritten-
                                                            house Financial
                                                            Securities, a
                                                            register brokerage
                                                            dealer.64 years old.

- -------------------
(1) John H. McCoy and George W. Connell are "interested" directors as defined in
the Investment Company Act of 1940. Mr. McCoy owns 66% of the outstanding shares
of the Company,, and its chief executive officer and controls of the company.
Mr. Connell is the principal of the investment advisor for the Company and owns
3% of the Company's stock.
(2) See prior footnote.


Note: There is currently a vacancy on the Board of Directors due to the recent
death of Thomas F. Kilcullen, Jr. Mr. Kilcullen was the secretary and treasurer
of the Company. The vacancy is expected to be filled at the forthcoming annual
shareholders' meeting.

The officers and directors are not compensated by the Company except for $400
per directors' meeting attended. During the fiscal year ending August 31, 2000
there were four quarterly meetings and one special meeting. All of the directors
attended at least two of the four quarterly meetings and four attended the one
special meeting. The Company has no audit, compensation, or nomination
committees. It has no underwriter.

                           The Agenda for the Meeting


                        Announcements to the Shareholders

         The following are items of information expected to be announced to the
shareholders; no action will be required by them.

                                  Annual Report

         The Company's annual report for the year ending August 31, 2000 was
sent to shareholders of record on October 3, 2000; the Board and a
representative of the Company's investment advisor will be present to discuss
the contents of the report with the shareholders. The report was also contained
in the Registration Statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
on October 29, 2000.(3) Any shareholder wishing a copy of the annual report may
obtain the same without cost by calling counsel for the Company, collect, at
(610) 279-3370.

                      Further Employment of Officers, Etc.

         Management will recommend to the Board, and the Board, if accepted,
will announce its resolution to appoint (1) John H. McCoy, Jr. to the position

- -------------------------
(3) The Company hereby requests the Securities and Exchange Commission to treat
the report as a part of this information statement, and incorporates it herein
by reference.


of treasurer in addition to his present position as president; (2) Francis J.
Rainer to the position of secretary; (3) Edward Fackenthal to the position of
assistant secretary, and (4) current counsel, custodian, transfer agent, and
books and records administrator to their respective positions for the ensuing
year. Although the custodian and transfer agent will remain the same, it has
changed its name from Laurel Trust Company to Promistar Trust Company.


                           Action by the Shareholders

                           Tabulation of Shareholders

         There are, as of the record date, 4,287,452 outstanding shares of the
Company, held in one class by 137 shareholders. Each share is entitled to one
vote. At the meeting, the Secretary shall tabulate the number of shareholders
present at the meeting and the number of shares they represent, collectively,
and shall make a determination whether such shares are sufficient for the
transaction of business. There are not expected to be "broker non-votes" or
abstentions. Should sufficient shares be thus represented, the Chairman will
proceed with the following business:


                              Election of Directors

         The Chairman of the meeting will entertain nominations for directors
for the ensuing year. Nominations by management will be existing board members
John H. McCoy, Jr., Joseph V. Somers, Francis J. Rainer, and George W. Connell,
and new board member James Fisher. Mr. Fisher resides at 1210 Rock Creek Road,
Gladwyne, Pa., is retired as an officer of National Rolling Mills, 79 years old,
and currently owns 50,000 shares. The directors will be elected by a simple
majority vote; shareholders are not entitled to accumulate their votes.

         At the close of nominations, there will be an appointment of judge of
election, if requested by the shareholders, the appointment to be a
non-candidate appointed by the Chairman. Thereafter there will be a vote by
shareholders for directors by ballot or voice vote.



                            Reemployment of Auditors

         The board has reviewed the performance of Beard & Company, Inc.
Reading, Pennsylvania, as the Company's auditors for the fiscal year ending
August 31, 2000 and will recommend to the shareholders that the firm be
re-employed as the auditors for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2001.


                             Reemployment of Advisor

         From December 9, 1992 through July 15, 1997 Rittenhouse Financial
Services, Inc. ("RFS") served as the Company's investment advisor. On September
1, 1997 RFS was acquired by the John Nuveen Company. On October 7, 1997 the
Company's Board ratified an amendment to the advisory agreement dated September
3, 1997 assigning the investment advisory account and agreement from RFS to the
Rittenhouse Trust Company. The Rittenhouse Trust Company is qualified to act as
an investment advisor for the Company under the Investment Advisors Act and the
Investment Company Act. The assignment did not result in a change of actual
control or management of the investment advisor, in that George W. Connell was
the sole shareholder of RFS until acquired and remains the sole shareholder of
Rittenhouse Trust Company. Through its own activities and that of its related
companies, Rittenhouse Trust Company provides advisory, brokerage and other
financial services to individual and institutional clients. The offices of the
advisor are at Suite 450, No. 3 Radnor Corporate Center, Radnor, PA 19087.

         Rittenhouse Trust Company has been engaged as an advisor to the Company
to render opinions on best price and execution for trades executed in the
account. It also opines on the suitability of securities purchases and trading
activity to meet the goals and objectives of the Board and shareholders. RTC's
officers have had 19 years of experience in managing or advising clients' fixed
income assets as well as a long history of working with the Company. Their
experience of trading with a wide variety of Wall Street firms gives the Board a
broad view of trading effectiveness. Its research contacts on Wall Street, in
addition to its in-house capabilities, give the Board a unique perspective on
economics and forecasts of future rate movements.

         Based upon the foregoing, the Board, has fully satisfied itself with
the qualities of RTC. The last submission of the advisory contract to the


shareholders (with RFS) was at the 1999 annual meeting taking place on December
16, 1999. The Board again submits the advisory contract to the shareholders. The
advisor's principal, George Connell, as explained above, is a current director
and seeks nomination to be a director for the next calendar year.

         The advisor furnishes investment advice to the Board, acting as an
investment committee on a non-discretionary basis. The contract is terminable
upon notice by the Company, and upon 60 days notice by the advisor. No changes
in the contract are expected for the coming year; compensation for the advisor
for the past year and for the coming year was, and is expected to be, at the
annual rate of $10,000. No funds were paid to an affiliated broker.


                         No Change in Investment Policy

         The Board will report to the shareholders that although the Company has
the authority to invest up to one-half of its funds in securities other than
municipal bonds, for the foreseeable future, it intends to stay fully invested
in municipal bonds except for short term cash position.


         The Company will entertain any other business which is properly
presented to the shareholders.

                                                             Edward Fackenthal
                                                             Assistant Secretary