SPECIFIC POWER OF ATTORNEY

                         Hacken Investments Limited, BVI

   Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors held on February 16, 2001


                  Mr. Taras Braitchenko, Director, by phone
                  Mr. Iouri Kassatkine, Director


                  Mr. Iouri Kassatkine was, due to the physical absence of Mr.
                  Taras Braitchenko, being elected as the Chairman of the


                  There being a quorum present the Chairman declared the meeting
                  properly constituted.

Power of Attorney:

                  IT WAS RESOLVED that Mr Benno P. Hafner, Esq., residing at
                  Sonnenhof 8, CH-6004 Lucerne, Switzerland, holder of the Swiss
                  Passport No. 7603358, issued on January 14, 1991 in Lucerne,
                  Switzerland, valid up to January 30, 2001, shall be empowered
                  to represent and sign all documents necessary in connection
                  with the activities concerning the matter ADVA/Global
                  Information Group U.S.A., Inc.

                  The Attorney does not have the power to delegate his authority
                  or to grant the power hereby conferred to third parties. This
                  Power shall expire on December 31, 2000, and shall thereupon
                  be returned to the company without demand being made thereof,
                  together with any duplicates of copies thereof which may have
                  been issued.

                  This Consent shall be effective as of the date of signature.

Further business:

                  There being no further business to come before the meeting, it
                  was adjourned.

Dated and signed this 30th day of March, 2000.

The Chairman

/s/Iouri Kassatkine, Director                        SEAL
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