Exhibit (10)(i)(2)

                              SEPARATION AGREEMENT

In exchange for the mutual promises set forth below, and intending to be legally
bound, you and Hunt Corporation (the "Company") acknowledge and agree to the
following terms and conditions governing your separation from employment:

1.    Termination Date: Your employment with the Company will be terminated
      on __________.

2.    Transition: Between the date of this notification and __________ you will
      be responsible for carrying out your regular duties in an effective manner
      and executing a complete transition of your responsibilities to

3.    Severance: Beginning on _____________ you will receive severance
      pay equivalent to your _________ base compensation in effect on your
      termination date for a period of ______________. Your severance pay will
      continue until you are employed or the conclusion of your severance
      payment period, whichever comes earlier. Severance payments will occur in
      installments on the regular payroll cycle and will be subject to taxation
      and applicable deductions for continued benefit coverage during your
      severance period. Elective deductions, e.g. 401(k) contribution, will be

4.    Severance Beneficiary: Should you become deceased while you are receiving
      severance payments, your beneficiary will receive a lump sum payment
      equivalent to total payments for the remainder of the potential
      _____________ severance period. A form (Exhibit A) is provided for
      designation of your beneficiary. Please complete this form and send it to

5.    Time of Payment: Severance payments will begin ______________ if the
      Company has received a Separation Agreement signed by you in advance
      of_______________. However, severance payments, benefit coverage, and
      outplacement service will not occur until a Separation Agreement is
      executed with the Company.

6.    Vacation Pay: Payment for unused vacation in existence on your date of
      termination shall be made within 30 days of your date of termination. This
      payment is in addition to severance payments.

7.    Medical Benefits: Group health insurance shall be provided to you until
      the end of the month in which your severance pay ends, or, if earlier, the
      date on which medical coverage is obtained through another employer. Your
      normal contributions for medical coverage shall be deducted from your
      severance pay. Should you remain unemployed at the end of your severance
      period, you have the right to continue health plan benefits under the
      terms of Federal COBRA legislation. It is your responsibility to notify
      ________________ immediately if health insurance coverage is obtained
      through another organization. Detailed information regarding COBRA
      coverage will be sent to your home address at the conclusion of your
      severance pay period.

8.    Life Insurance: Your $____________ group term life insurance coverage will
      be provided until the end of your severance pay period. At that time, you
      will be given the option to convert your group term life policy to an
      individual policy. You will have 31 days from that date to make your
      individual policy coverage election. Your additional life insurance
      coverage (___________________) which is provided through the Supplemental
      Executive Benefit Plan will also remain in effect through the end of your
      severance pay period. This coverage concludes at the end of the severance
      pay period, however, it is not convertible to an individual policy.

9.    Company car: You may continue the use of your company car until
      ______________. At the conclusion of this period, you may elect to
      purchase your company car. You are to notify _______________ regarding
      your decision by______________. If you do not wish to purchase your
      company car, you must arrange to return the car to _________ or his
      designee by ____________. If you elect to purchase your car, __________
      will inform you of the purchase price and the purchase requirements. You
      are reminded that you are obligated to maintain the car in good operating
      condition, report any accidents promptly to our Insurer, and to abide by
      the limitation on authorized drivers, during this period of time.


10.   Pension Plan: You have met the _________ requirement to be vested under
      the provisions of the Hunt Corporation Pension Plan. As a terminated
      vested associate, you have a right to a future pension benefit from Hunt.
      If you wish, you may obtain an estimate of your future pension benefit by
      contacting _______________.

11.   Supplemental Executive Retirement Benefit: You have satisfied the
      ___________ service requirement for vesting under the provisions of the
      Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan.

12.   Hunt Savings Plan: Unless your balance is less than $5,000, you may
      leave your savings in the Hunt Savings Plan (401k) or you may transfer
      your savings over into another qualified tax-deferred arrangement. If you
      leave your savings in the Hunt Savings Plan, you will not be able to make
      further contributions. However, in the event that you have an outstanding
      loan from your plan accounts, you may continue to make loan payments by
      payroll deduction during your severance payment period. If you transfer
      your savings to another tax-deferred arrangement, you will be able to
      continue making contributions. You are cautioned not to have an elected
      distribution of your savings, for the purposes of transfer to a new tax
      deferred arrangement, sent to you directly. Doing so triggers a personal
      tax liability that can be properly avoided by having the distribution sent
      directly to the new qualified arrangement. __________________ will send
      you further guidance on this subject. Should you have any questions
      regarding this plan, please contact ____________________.

13.   Supplemental Executive Deferral Plan: Your Supplemental Executive
      Deferral Plan asset will be transferred to you, following your termination
      date, as soon as practical administratively. You may take the asset in the
      form of an insurance policy or a cash payment. Both forms of distribution
      are taxable as ordinary income. You should contact______________________,
      at _____________ to obtain current information regarding the value of your
      Supplemental Executive Deferral Plan account and to make your distribution
      election. _____________ will inform you regarding the personal financial
      and tax consequences of the distribution alternatives.

14.   Annual Bonus: Should a bonus be paid under the provisions of the Company's
      Annual Bonus Plan for Company performance in the Fiscal _________ period,
      you will be awarded a prorated bonus award based on your employment
      through______________. The prorated bonus award, if earned, would be paid
      after Fiscal Year results are audited and approved by the Board of

15.   Stock Options: Stock options are cancelled as of your termination date or
      on the expiration date of the stock option agreement, whichever comes

16.   Outplacement: Executive outplacement services will be provided
      ___________________________. A brochure regarding their services is
      attached. Our representative with _______________ is ___________. ________
      phone number is __________________ You may meet with _______________
      professionals in advance of your termination date to gain familiarity with
      their numerous support resources and to make arrangements for a location
      that is the most practical for you. Please call ____________ to set up an
      orientation appointment.

17.   Company Property: You are expected to return your company credit cards and
      any other Hunt property in your possession to ______________ or her
      designee prior to_______________.


18.   Confidentiality Agreement: Attached is a copy of the "Invention and
      Confidential Information Agreement" you have signed with Hunt Corporation
      as a reminder of your obligations under this Agreement.

19.   Other Covenants: In return for the provision of these severance
      arrangements, we require your agreement that you will not disparage or
      harm the reputation of Hunt Corporation; neither will you engage in acts
      which have or will have a material adverse effect on Hunt. Additionally,
      for ________________ period following your termination, you will not
      compete with Hunt as an employee of or as a consultant to divisions of
      companies in the ________________ markets that compete with Hunt's
      products in those markets. Likewise, you will not take any action to
      recruit Hunt employees for positions elsewhere.

20.   Release: Further, in exchange for the benefits described above, you
      hereby release and discharge the Company from any and all claims, damages,
      expense, or liability based on any act, event, or occurrence up to and
      including the date of this Agreement. Without limitation, this includes
      any claims arising from your employment or termination of employment,
      including any claim of employment discrimination under the Age
      Discrimination in Employment Act, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act,
      Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities
      Act, or any other federal, state or local statute, regulation, law or
      common-law claim. The above release does not waive any rights or claims
      due to occurrences that may arise after you sign this Agreement.

21.   Breach of Agreement: If you breach the terms of this Agreement in any
      respect, your entitlement to salary continuation benefits or to any
      other benefits offered shall immediately cease. A form, which designates
      by your signature that you acknowledge and accept these requirements, is
      attached. Please sign and return the form to _________________ within
      twenty-one days of the date of this notification. Please be reminded that
      Severance arrangements will not begin until the Agreement is signed and
      received by the Company. As noted, you have 21 days to consider this
      Agreement and we advise you to consult an attorney prior to signing it.
      Seven days after you sign the Agreement, it will become binding,
      irrevocable and enforceable, unless you revoke the Agreement during this
      seven-day period by written notice.



Name (please print):







                                    EXHIBIT A

                                HUNT CORPORATION
                             OFFICER SEVERANCE PLAN
                         DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY FORM

TO:               HUNT CORPORATION




           This Designation of Beneficiary Form relates only to amounts which
may become payable upon my death under the Hunt Corporation Officer Severance
Plan (the "Plan"). I hereby revoke all my prior Beneficiary designations (if
any) and hereby designate the following as my Beneficiary to receive any amount
which may become payable under the Plan upon my death:

                  NAME:                             RELATIONSHIP:


                  SOCIAL SECURITY NO:

           I understand that if on my date of death no properly designated
Beneficiary survives me, my estate will be the Beneficiary designated to receive
such amounts.

Date                                                  Signature of Employee
