Exhibit (10)(k)

                                HUNT CORPORATION
                               BRADLEY P. JOHNSON

         THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this ____ day of __________, 2002, by and
between Hunt Corporation (the "Employer") and Bradley P. Johnson (the


         WHEREAS, the Officer has rendered and will continue to render valuable
services to the Employer, and the Employer desires to provide supplemental
deferred compensation to the Officer;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Officer's continued services to
the Employer, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, agree as

         ss.1.    Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, the following
definitions shall apply:

                           (a) "Agreement" shall mean this Supplemental Deferred
                  Compensation Agreement  between the Employer and the Officer.

                           (b) "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the

                           (c) "Change in Control Agreement" shall mean the
                  Change in Control Agreement between the Officer and the

                           (d) "Employer" shall mean Hunt Corporation, a
                  Pennsylvania corporation, or any successor thereto.

                           (e) "Officer" shall mean Bradley P. Johnson, an
                  officer of the Employer.

                           (f) "Pension Plan" shall mean the Hunt Corporation
                  Pension Plan, as amended from time to time.

                           (g)  "Supplemental Plan" shall mean the Hunt
                  Corporation Supplemental Executive Benefits Plan, as amended
                  from time to time.

                           (h) "Trust Agreement" shall mean the Hunt Corporation
                  Supplemental Executive Benefits Plan Trust Agreement.

         ss.2.    Supplemental Benefit. If the Officer's employment with the
Employer terminates as a result of a Change in Control as defined in the Change
in Control Agreement prior to the date he becomes fully vested in his benefits
under the Pension Plan and the Supplemental Plan, he shall as of the date of
such termination of employment (i) be deemed to have five Years of Benefit
Service, as defined under the Supplemental Plan, for purposes of determining the
amount of his accrued benefit as of such date under Article IV of the
Supplemental Plan, and (ii) be deemed to have five Years of Vesting Service, as
defined under the Supplemental Plan, for purposes of becoming fully vested in
such accrued benefit.

         ss.3.    Withholding; Payroll Taxes. The Employer shall withhold from
payments made under this Agreement any taxes required to be withheld for
Federal, state, or local taxes.

         ss.4.    Source of Funds.

                  (a) This Agreement shall be unfunded, and, except as provided
         in subsection (b), payment of any benefits hereunder shall be made from
         the general assets of the Employer. Any assets which may be set aside,
         earmarked, or identified as being intended for the payment of benefits
         under this Agreement shall remain assets of the Employer and shall be
         subject to the claims of its general creditors. The Officer shall be a
         general and unsecured creditor of the Employer to the extent of the
         value of the amounts payable hereunder, and shall have no right, title,
         or interest in any specific asset that the Employer may set aside,
         earmark, or identify as for the payment of benefits under this
         Agreement. The Employer's obligation under this Agreement shall be
         merely that of an unfunded and unsecured promise of the Employer to pay
         money in the future.

                  (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), assets shall be set aside
         in a grantor trust under the Trust Agreement and earmarked for the
         payment of benefits under this Agreement, provided that the Officer
         shall continue to be a general and unsecured creditor of the Employer
         with respect to assets set aside in such trust.

         ss.5.    Administrator.

                  (a) This Agreement shall be administered by the Pension
         Committee appointed by the Board, except that the Officer shall not
         take part in any action or decision by the Committee under this
         Agreement. Unless this Agreement specifically provides otherwise, the
         Committee shall have sole discretion to construe and interpret the
         provisions of this Agreement and to determine all questions concerning
         benefit entitlements, including the power to construe and determine
         disputed and doubtful terms. To the maximum extent permissible under
         law, the determinations of the Committee on all such matters shall be
         final and binding upon all persons involved.

                  (b) The Committee shall keep a record of its proceedings and
         actions and shall maintain all books of account, records, and other
         data as shall be necessary for the proper administration of this
         Agreement. Such records shall contain all relevant data pertaining to
         the Officer and his rights under this Agreement. The Committee shall
         have the duty to carry into effect all rights or benefits provided
         hereunder to the extent assets of the Employer are properly available


                           (c) The Employer shall pay all expenses of
                  administering this Agreement. Such expenses shall include any
                  expenses incident to the functioning of the Committee.

                           (d) The Employer shall indemnify the members of the
                  Committee and the employees of the Employer to whom the
                  Committee delegates duties under this Agreement against any
                  and all claims, losses, damages, expenses, and liabilities
                  arising from their responsibilities in connection with this
                  Agreement, unless the same is determined to be due to gross
                  negligence or willful malfeasance. The Employer may purchase
                  insurance covering its liabilities under this subsection (d).

         ss.6.    Claims Procedure.

                           (a) If the Officer or his spouse or other beneficiary
                  (hereinafter referred to as the "Applicant," which reference
                  shall include the legal representative, if any, of the Officer
                  or spouse or other beneficiary) does not receive the timely
                  payment of the benefits to which the Applicant believes he or
                  she is entitled under the terms of this Agreement, the
                  Applicant may make a claim for benefits in the manner
                  hereinafter provided.

                           All claims for benefits under this Agreement shall be
                  made in writing and shall be signed by the Applicant. Claims
                  shall be submitted to a representative designated by the
                  Committee and hereinafter referred to as the "Claims
                  Coordinator." The Claims Coordinator may, but need not, be a
                  member of the Committee. If the Applicant does not furnish
                  sufficient information with the claim for the Claims
                  Coordinator to determine the validity of the claim, the Claims
                  Coordinator shall furnish the Applicant with forms prescribed
                  by the Committee within ten days of receipt of the initial
                  claim, indicating any additional information which is
                  necessary for the Claims Coordinator to determine the validity
                  of the claim.

                           Each claim hereunder shall be acted on and approved
                  or disapproved by the Claims Coordinator within 60 days
                  following the receipt by the Claims Coordinator of the
                  information necessary to process the claim. The written or
                  electronic notice which the Claims Coordinator shall provide
                  to the Applicant in the event of a denial of a claim for
                  benefits shall set forth in a manner calculated to be
                  understood by the Applicant:

                                    (1)      The specific reason or reasons for
                                             the denial;

                                    (2)      Specific references to pertinent
                                             provisions of this Agreement on
                                             which the denial is based;


                                    (3)      A description of any additional
                                             material or information necessary
                                             for the Applicant to perfect the
                                             claim and an explanation of why the
                                             material or information is
                                             necessary; and

                                    (4)      A description of the review
                                             procedures under this Agreement and
                                             the time limits applicable to such
                                             procedures, including a statement
                                             of the Applicant's right to bring a
                                             civil action under section 502(a)
                                             of ERISA (if applicable) following
                                             an adverse benefit determination on

                           If no action is taken by the Claims Coordinator on an
                  Applicant's claim within 60 days after receipt by the Claims
                  Coordinator, such application shall be deemed to be denied for
                  purposes of the following appeals procedure.

                           (b) An Applicant whose claim for benefits is denied
                  in whole or in part (such Applicant being hereinafter referred
                  to as the "Claimant") may appeal from such denial to the
                  Committee for a review of the decision by the entire
                  Committee. Such appeal must be made within six months after
                  the Claimant has received written notice of the denial as
                  provided above. An appeal must be submitted in writing within
                  such period and must:

                                    (1) Request a review by the entire Committee
                           of the claim for benefits under this Agreement;

                                    (2) Set forth all of the grounds upon which
                           the Claimant's request for review is based and any
                           facts in support thereof; and

                                    (3) Set forth any issues or comments which
                           the Committee deems pertinent to the appeal.

                           The Committee shall make its decision on review
                  within 60 days after receipt of the Claimant's request for
                  review, unless special circumstances require an extension of
                  the time for processing the Claimant's request for review, in
                  which case written notice of the extension and circumstances
                  shall be provided to the Claimant prior to the termination of
                  the initial 60-day period and a decision shall be rendered as
                  soon as possible but not later than 120 days after receipt of
                  the request for review; provided, however, that if the
                  Claimant fails to submit information necessary to make a
                  benefit determination on review, such period shall be tolled
                  from the date on which the extension notice is sent to the
                  Claimant until the date on which the Claimant responds to the
                  request for additional information.

                           The Committee shall make a full and fair review of
                  the appeal and any written materials submitted by the Claimant
                  or the Employer in connection therewith. The Committee may
                  require the Claimant and the Employer to submit such
                  additional facts, documents, or other evidence as the
                  Committee in its discretion deems necessary or advisable in
                  making its review. The Claimant shall be provided, upon
                  request and free of charge, reasonable access to, and copies
                  of, all documents, records, and other information relevant to
                  the Claimant's claim for benefits. The Claimant shall also
                  have the opportunity to submit written comments, documents,
                  records, and other information relating to the claim for
                  benefits, and the Committee shall take into account all such
                  information submitted without regard to whether such
                  information was submitted or considered in the initial benefit


                           On the basis of its review, the Committee shall make
                  an independent determination of the Claimant's eligibility for
                  benefits under this Agreement. The decision of the Committee
                  on any claim for benefits shall be final and conclusive upon
                  all parties thereto.

                           In the event the Committee denies an appeal, in whole
                  or in part, the Committee shall give written or electronic
                  notice of the decision to the Claimant, which notice shall set
                  forth in a manner calculated to be understood by the Claimant
                  the specific reasons for such denial and which shall make
                  specific reference to the pertinent provisions of this
                  Agreement on which the Committee decision was based. The
                  decision on review shall also include (i) a statement that the
                  Claimant is entitled to receive, upon request and free of
                  charge, reasonable access to, and copies of, all documents,
                  records, and other information relevant to the Claimant's
                  claim for benefits; and (ii) a statement describing any
                  voluntary appeal procedures offered under this Agreement, and
                  a statement of the Claimant's right to bring an action under
                  section 502(a) of ERISA (if applicable).

                           It is intended that the claims procedure under this
                  Agreement be administered in accordance with the claims
                  procedure regulations of the Department of Labor set forth in
                  29 C.F.R. ss.2560.503-1.

         ss.7.    Nonalienation of Benefits. Except as otherwise required by
applicable law, the right of the Officer or his spouse or other beneficiary to
any benefit or interest hereunder shall not be subject to encumbrance,
attachment, execution, garnishment, assignment, pledge, alienation, sale,
transfer, or anticipation, either by the voluntary or involuntary act of the
Officer or his spouse or other beneficiary or by operation of law, nor shall
such payment, right, or interest be subject to any other legal or equitable

         ss.8.    Amendment and Termination. The Board may amend or terminate
this Agreement only with the written consent of the Officer. This Agreement
shall automatically terminate on the date the Officer becomes fully vested in
his accrued benefit under the Pension Plan and under Article IV of the
Supplemental Plan.

         ss.9.    Miscellaneous.

                  (a) No Contract of Employment. Nothing contained herein shall
         be construed as conferring upon the Officer the right to continue in
         the employ of the Employer.


                  (b) Relationship to Other Benefits. The payment of benefits
         hereunder shall not affect the Officer's entitlement to payments under
         the Change in Control Agreement or the Hunt Corporation Officer
         Severance Plan, nor shall any payments made under the Change in Control
         Agreement or under the Hunt Corporation Severance Plan affect the
         Officer's entitlement to benefits hereunder.

                  (c) Costs and Expenses of Enforcement. In the event that it
         shall be necessary or desirable for the Officer to retain legal counsel
         or incur other costs and expenses in connection with the enforcement of
         any and all of his rights under this Agreement, the Employer shall pay
         (or the Officer shall be entitled to recover from the Employer, as the
         case may be) his reasonable attorneys' fees and cost and expenses in
         connection with the enforcement of his said rights, regardless of the
         final outcome, unless a court shall determine that under the
         circumstances recovery by the Officer of all or a part of any such fees
         and costs and expenses would be unjust.

                  (d) Applicable Law. The provisions of this Agreement shall be
         construed and interpreted according to the laws of the Commonwealth of
         Pennsylvania (without regard to principles of conflict of laws), to the
         extent not superseded by Federal law.

                  (e) Successors. The provisions of this Agreement shall bind
         and inure to the benefit of the Employer and its successors and
         assigns. The term "successors" as used herein shall include any
         corporate or other business entity which shall, whether by merger,
         consolidation, purchase, or otherwise, acquire all or substantially all
         of the business and assets of the Employer, and successors of any such
         corporation or other business entity.

                  (f) Headings. The headings of the sections and subsections of
         this Agreement are for reference only. In the event of a conflict
         between a heading and the contents of a section or subsection, the
         contents of the section or subsection shall control.

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Employer and the Officer have caused
this Supplemental Deferred Compensation Agreement to be duly executed this ____
day of _________, 2002.

Attest:                                      HUNT CORPORATION

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                                             Bradley P. Johnson
