ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1998-4A

                         Statement to Certificateholders

                          Original              Prior

                          Face                  Principal

Class                     Value                 Balance                Interest             Principal            Total


A                         650,000,000.00         276,294,553.00           622,966.87         7,738,942.47         8,361,909.34

A Certificate                          -                      -         1,383,232.01                    -         1,383,232.01

Totals                    650,000,000.00         276,294,553.00         2,006,198.88         7,738,942.47         9,745,141.35

                                                                       Current              Pass-Through

                          Realized              Deferred               Principal            Rates

Class                     Losses                Interest               Balance              Current              Next


A                                      -                      -        268,555,610.53            2.536880%            2.510000%

A Certificate                          -                      -                    -                    NA                   NA

Totals                                 -                      -        268,555,610.53

                                      Prior                                                                             Current

                                      Principal                                                                         Principal

Class                     CUSIP       Balance                Interest             Principal            Total            Balance


A                         00755WGC4   425.068543             0.958411            11.906065            12.864476      413.162478

A Certificate                           0.000000             2.128049             0.000000             2.128049        0.000000

Delinquent Loan Information:

                                                                                  90+ Days             Loans            Loans

                                      30-59                  60-89                excldg f/c,REO       in               in

                                      Days                   Days                 & Bkrptcy            Bankruptcy       REO


Trust A     Principal Balance         10,829,852.05          1,413,321.59         612,152.46           15,038,784.60   3,079,096.09

            % of Pool Balance              3.73018%              0.48680%           0.21085%                5.17989%       1.06055%

            Number of Loans                     193                    28                 15                     246             54

            % of Loans                     3.85076%              0.55866%           0.29928%                4.90822%       1.07741%





Trust A     Principal Balance         11,511,709.86

            % of Pool Balance              3.96504%

            Number of Loans                     188

            % of Loans                     3.75100%

General Mortgage Loan Information:

                                                                                           Trust A


Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                                 298,567,379.37

Prefunding                                                                                          0.00

Principal Reduction                                                                         8,236,989.61

Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                                    290,330,389.76

Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                                             5121

Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                                                5012

Current Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                                           9.486178%

Next Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                                              9.486802%

Mortgage Loan Principal Reduction Information:

                                                                                           Trust A


Scheduled Principal                                                                           568,022.96

Curtailments                                                                                  113,723.65

Prepayments                                                                                 6,475,989.30

Repurchases                                                                                         0.00

Substitutions                                                                                       0.00

Liquidation Proceeds                                                                        1,079,253.70

Other Principal                                                                                     0.00

Less: Realized Losses                                                                         624,098.89

Total Principal Reduction                                                                   8,861,088.50

Servicer Information:

                                                                                           Trust A


Accrued Servicing Fee for the Current Period                                                  124,403.07

Less: Amounts to Cover Interest Shortfalls                                                      3,112.53

Less: Delinquent Service Fees                                                                  39,253.24

Collected Servicing Fees for Current Period:                                                   82,037.30

Advanced Principal                                                                                   N/A

Advanced Interest                                                                             732,967.06

                                    Other                  Scheduled            Interest             Available      Available Funds

              Prepayment            Unscheduled            Principal            Carry                Funds Cap      Cap Carry

              Principal             Principal              Distribution         Forward              Current        Forward

Class         Distributed           Distributed            Amount               Amount               Amount         Amount


Class A        6,475,989.30           1,192,977.35         7,612,890.72           -                    -             -

                          -                      -                    -           -                    -             -

Total          6,475,989.30           1,192,977.35         7,612,890.72           -                    -             -


               Realized Loss



Class A                   -


Total                     -

                                                            Prior                                                       Current

                      Has a                Remaining        Over-              Accelerated             Extra             Over

                  Trigger Event           Pre-Funded      Collateral            Principal            Principal        Collateral

                     Occurred               Amount          Amount             Distributed          Distributed         Amount


Trust A                NO                    0.00        22,272,826.37          126,051.75              0.00         21,774,779.23

                    Specified               Over-

                      Over-               Collateral

                    Collateral              Deficit

                      Amount                Amount


Trust A               21,774,779.23          0.00


Trust A Insured Payment                                                                                                   0.00

Pool Rolling six month delinquency rate                                                                                4.88286

Pool Cumulative Realized Losses                                                                                  19,638,249.94

Book Value of REO loans                                                                                           4,077,546.22

Cumulative Number of Mortgage loans repurchased to date                                                                     11

Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Servicer This Period                                         64,208.94

Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Certificateholder This Period                                     0.00

Unremibursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances still Outstanding                                                              0.00



Current Interest Collected:                                                  1,587,920.49

Principal Collected:                                                         7,157,735.91

Insurance Proceeds Received:                                                         0.00

Net Liquidation Proceeds:                                                      455,154.81

Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Interest:                                     732,967.06

Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Principal                                             NA

Repurchase and Substitution Amounts:                                                 0.00

Trust Termination Proceeds:                                                          0.00

Investment Earnings on Note Account:                                             2,566.46

Capitalized Interest Requirement:                                                    0.00

Capitalized Interest Fund Earnings                                                   0.00

Capitalized Interest Account                                                         0.00

Investment Earnings on Pre-Funding Account                                           0.00

Unreimbursed Delq/Servicing Advances Paid Back To CertificateHolders                    -

Sum of the Above Amounts:                                                                         9,936,344.73


Servicing Fees (including PPIS):                                                85,149.83

Non Recoverable Advance                                                          9,893.28

Indenture Trustee Fees:                                                          1,741.64

Owner Trustee Fees:                                                                277.78

Insurance Premiums:                                                             29,931.91

Reimbursement of Delinquency Advances/Servicing Advances                        64,208.94

Total Reductions to Available Funds Amount:                                                         191,203.38

Total Available Funds:                                                                                               9,745,141.35

                                    EXHIBIT 1

                       ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1998-4B

                         Statement to Certificateholders

                          Original              Prior

                          Face                  Principal

Class                     Value                 Balance                Interest             Principal            Total


B                        350,000,000.00         140,488,894.22           316,803.08         2,869,239.12         3,186,042.20

B Certificate                         -                      -           798,414.97                    -           798,414.97

Totals                   350,000,000.00         140,488,894.22         1,115,218.05         2,869,239.12         3,984,457.17

                                                                       Current              Pass-Through

                          Realized              Deferred               Principal            Rates

Class                     Losses                Interest               Balance              Current              Next


B                                     -                      -        137,619,655.10            2.536880%            2.510000%

B Certificate                         -                      -                     -                   NA                   NA

Totals                                -                      -        137,619,655.10

                                               Prior                                                                    Current

                                               Principal                                                                Principal

Class                     CUSIP                Balance                Interest              Principal      Total         Balance


B                          00755WGD2           401.396841             0.905152              8.197826       9.102978   393.199015

B Certificate                                    0.000000             1.228331              0.000000       1.228331     0.000000

Delinquent Loan Information:

                                                                             90+ Days           Loans               Loans

                                       30-59                  60-89        excldg f/c,REO       in                  in

                                         Days                 Days          & Bkrptcy           Bankruptcy          REO


Trust B        Principal Balance    4,576,204.23           677,641.28        222,241.89         8,719,666.90        2,458,968.71

               % of Pool Balance        3.07586%             0.45547%          0.14938%             5.86086%            1.65278%

               Number of Loans                79                    7                 5                  128                  41

               % of Loans               3.65233%             0.32362%          0.23116%             5.91771%            1.89552%





Trust B                   Principal Balance               6,529,130.99

                          % of Pool Balance                   4.38851%

                          Number of Loans                          111

                          % of Loans                          5.13176%

General Mortgage Loan Information:

                                                                             Trust B


Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                   151,879,885.64

Subsequent Mortgage Loans Added This Period                                           0.00

Principal Reduction                                                           3,101,880.13

Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                      148,778,005.51

Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                              2,204

Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                                 2,163

Current Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                             9.487404%

Next Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                                9.486833%

Mortgage Loan Principal Reduction Information:

                                                                             Trust B


Scheduled Principal                                                             238,557.47

Curtailments                                                                     47,519.40

Prepayments                                                                   2,376,469.01

Repurchases                                                                           0.00

Substitutions                                                                         0.00

Liquidation Proceeds                                                            439,334.25

Other Principal                                                                       0.00

Less: Realized Losses                                                           228,069.13

Total Principal Reduction                                                     3,329,949.26

Servicer Information:

                                                                             Trust B


Accrued Servicing Fee for the Current Period                                     63,283.29

Less: Amounts to Cover Interest Shortfalls                                          895.06

Less: Delinquent Service Fees                                                    19,809.85

Collected Servicing Fees for Current Period:                                     42,578.38

Advanced Principal                                                                     N/A

Advanced Interest                                                               375,308.57

                                        Other                  Scheduled          Interest      Available         Available Funds

                  Prepayment            Unscheduled            Principal          Carry         Funds Cap         Cap Carry

                  Principal             Principal              Distribution       Forward       Current           Forward

Class             Distributed           Distributed            Amount             Amount        Amount            Amount


Class B          2,376,469.01             486,853.65         2,869,239.12             -             -                -

                            -                                           -             -             -                -

Total            2,376,469.01             486,853.65         2,869,239.12             -             -                -


                           Realized Loss



Class B                         -


                       Has a           Remaining        Over-              Accelerated             Extra               Over

                   Trigger Event      Pre-Funded      Collateral            Principal            Principal          Collateral

                      Occurred          Amount          Amount             Distributed          Distributed           Amount


Trust B                 NO               0.00         11,390,991.42             0.00                 0.00         11,158,350.41

                                Specified                    Over-

                                  Over-                   Collateral

                                Collateral                  Deficit

                                  Amount                    Amount


Trust B                           11,158,350.41                   0.00


Trust B Insured Payment                                                                                  0.00

Pool Rolling six month delinquency rate                                                              5.889811

Pool Cumulative Realized Losses                                                                 11,979,144.29

Book Value of REO loans                                                                          3,115,669.87

Cumulative Number of Mortgage loans repurchased to date                                                     8

Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Servicer This Period                         6,720.91

Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Certificateholder This Period                    0.00

Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Still Outstanding                                             0.00



Current Interest Collected:                                             805,669.80

Principal Collected:                                                  2,662,545.88

Insurance Proceeds Received:                                                     -

Net Liquidation Proceeds:                                               211,265.12

Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Interest:                              375,308.57

Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Principal                                      NA

Repurchase and Substitution Amounts:                                             -

Trust Termination Proceeds:                                                      -

Investment Earnings on Note Account:                                      1,050.00

Capitalized Interest Requirement:                                             0.00

Capitalized Interest Account  Earnings                                        0.00

Capitalized Interest Account                                                  0.00

Reversal of Realized Loss Amount                                                 -

Unreimbursed Delq/Servicing Advances Paid

  Back To Certificateholders                                                  0.00

Sum of the Above Amounts:                                                                  4,055,839.37


Servicing Fees (including PPIS):                                         43,473.44

Non-Recoverable Advance                                                   4,804.47

Indenture Trustee Fees:                                                     885.97

Owner Trustee Fees:                                                         277.78

Insurance Premiums:                                                      15,219.63

Reimbursement of Delinquency Advances/Servicing Advances                  6,720.91

Total Reductions to Available Funds Amount:                                                   71,382.20

Total Available Funds:                                                                                         3,984,457.17

                                    EXHIBIT 1

                       ADVANTA Mortgage Loan Trust 1998-4C

                         Statement to Certificateholders

                            Original              Prior

                            Face                  Principal

Class                       Value                 Balance                Interest              Principal            Total


C                         100,000,000.00          25,926,977.95             55,008.52           847,791.54          902,800.06

C Certificate                          -                      -              7,799.33                    -            7,799.33

Totals                    100,000,000.00          25,926,977.95             62,807.85           847,791.54          910,599.39

                                                          Current              Pass-Through

                       Realized              Deferred     Principal            Rates

Class                  Losses                Interest     Balance              Current              Next


C                       -                      -        25,079,186.41            2.386880%            2.360000%

C Certificate           -                      -                    -                   NA                   NA

Totals                  -                      -        25,079,186.41

                                         Prior                                                                          Current

                                         Principal                                                                      Principal

Class                 CUSIP              Balance            Interest          Principal            Total                Balance


C                       00755WGE0        259.269780         0.550085          8.477915             9.028000          250.791865

C Certificate                              0.000000         0.011999          0.000000             0.011999            0.000000

Delinquent Loan Information:

                                                                               90+ Days             Loans                Loans

                                           30-59              60-89            excldg f/c, REO      in                   in

                                           Days               Days             & Bkrptcy            Bankruptcy           REO


Trust C         Principal Balance          964,056.91        42,970.12             0.00         2,465,827.93        1,079,584.84

                % of Pool Balance            3.35542%         0.14956%         0.00000%             8.58237%            3.75752%

                Number of Loans                    11                1                0                   29                  12

                % of Loans                   3.11615%         0.28329%         0.00000%             8.21530%            3.39943%





Trust C         Principal Balance               2,371,333.59

                % of Pool Balance                   8.25348%

                Number of Loans                           27

                % of Loans                          7.64873%

General Mortgage Loan Information:

                                                                            Trust C


Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                   29,574,970.02

Prefunding                                                                            N/A

Principal Reduction                                                            843,639.44

Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Balance                                      28,731,330.58

Beginning Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                               364

Ending Aggregate Mortgage Loan Count                                                  353

Current Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                            9.391874%

Next Weighted Average Coupon Rate                                               9.377451%

Mortgage Loan Principal Reduction Information:

                                                                            Trust C


Scheduled Principal                                                             18,671.01

Curtailments                                                                     2,261.92

Prepayments                                                                    695,529.54

Repurchases                                                                          0.00

Substitutions                                                                        0.00

Liquidation Proceeds                                                           127,176.97

Other Principal                                                                      0.00

Less: Realized Losses                                                          125,980.97

Total Principal Reduction                                                      969,620.41

Servicer Information:

                                                                            Trust C


Accrued Servicing Fee for the Current Period                                    12,322.90

Less: Amounts to Cover Interest Shortfalls                                          19.70

Less: Delinquent Service Fees                                                    4,741.88

Collected Servicing Fees for Current Period:                                     7,561.32

Advanced Principal                                                                    N/A

Advanced Interest                                                               85,042.31

                                         Other                  Scheduled        Interest    Available            Available Funds

                   Prepayment            Unscheduled            Principal        Carry       Funds Cap            Cap Carry

                   Principal             Principal              Distribution     Forward     Current              Forward

Class              Distributed           Distributed            Amount           Amount      Amount               Amount


Class C              695,529.54             129,438.89           717,658.47          -           -                   -

                              -                      -                    -          -           -                   -


                           Realized Loss



Class C                          -


                                               Prior                                                         Current

                       Has a                   Over-              Accelerated            Amounts              Over

                   Trigger Event             Collateral            Principal          From Reserve         Collateral

                      Occurred                 Amount             Distributed             Fund               Amount


Trust C                 NO                   3,647,992.07           130,133.07                 0.00        3,652,144.17

                     Specified               Over-

                       Over-               Collateral

                     Collateral              Deficit

                       Amount                Amount


Trust C                 3,652,144.17            0.00


Trust C Insured Payment                                                                               0.00

Pool Rolling six month delinquency rate                                                          11.384289

Pool Cumulative Realized Losses                                                               3,140,468.11

Book Value of REO loans                                                                       1,388,273.29

Cumulative Number of Mortgage loans repurchased to date                                                  3

Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Servicer This Period                     20,733.20

Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Paid Back to Certificateholder This Period                 0.00

Unreimbursed Delinquent/Servicing Advances Still Outstanding                                          0.00



Current Interest Collected:                                                  141,686.13

Principal Collected:                                                         716,462.47

Insurance Proceeds Received:                                                          -

Net Liquidation Proceeds:                                                      1,196.00

Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Interest:                                    85,042.31

Delinquency Advances on Mortgage Principal                                           NA

Repurchase and Substitution Amounts:                                                  -

Trust Termination Proceeds:                                                           -

Investment Earnings on Note Account:                                             245.44

Unreimbursed Delq/Servicing Advances Paid

  Back to CertificateHolders                                                          -

Sum of the Above Amounts:                                                                         944,632.35


Servicing Fees (including PPIS):                                               7,581.02

Non-Recoverable Advance                                                        1,919.54

Indenture Trustee Fees:                                                          172.52

Owner Trustee Fees:                                                              277.78

Insurance Premiums:                                                            3,348.90

Reimbursement of Delinquency Advances/Servicing Advances                      20,733.20

Total Reductions to Available Funds Amount:                                                        34,032.96

Total Available Funds:                                                                                                910,599.39