Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-CSR


Investment Company Act file number: 811-8246

Exact name of registrant as specified in charter:
Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

Address of principal executive offices:

2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Name and address of agent for service:

Richelle S. Maestro, Esq.
2005 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (800) 523-1918

Date of fiscal year end: November 30

Date of reporting period: November 30, 2003

Item 1.  Reports to Stockholders

                                          A member of Lincoln Financial Group(R)


Annual Report 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          DELAWARE INVESTMENTS GLOBAL
                          DIVIDEND AND INCOME FUND, INC.



- ------------------------------------------------------------------
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT REVIEW                                     1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
PERFORMANCE SUMMARY                                             3
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

   Statement of Net Assets                                      5

   Statement of Operations                                     11

   Statements of Changes in Net Assets                         12

   Statement of Cash Flows                                     12

   Financial Highlights                                        13

   Notes to Financial Statements                               14
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS                                 17
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
BOARD OF DIRECTORS/OFFICERS                                    18
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

Funds are not FDIC insured and are not guaranteed. It is possible to lose the
principal amount invested.

Mutual fund advisory services provided by Delaware Management Company, a series
of Delaware Management Business Trust and Delaware International Advisers Ltd.,
which are both registered investment advisors.

(C) 2004 Delaware Distributors, L.P.

Portfolio             Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.
  MANAGEMENT REVIEW   December 10, 2003

Fund Managers

Damon J. Andres
Senior Portfolio Manager
Delaware Management Company

Nancy M. Crouse
Senior Portfolio Manager
Delaware Management Company

Timothy L. Rabe
Senior Portfolio Manager
Fixed Income
Delaware Management Company

Joanna Bates
Senior Portfolio Manager
Foreign Fixed Income
Delaware Investment Advisers, Ltd.

Clive A. Gillmore
Senior Portfolio Manager
Foreign Equities
Delaware Investment Advisers, Ltd.

Christopher A. Moth
Senior Portfolio Manager
Foreign Fixed Income
Delaware Investment Advisers, Ltd.

Q: How did the Fund perform for the 12-month period ended November 30, 2003?
A: Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc. gained +32.63% (at
net asset value with distributions reinvested) for the fiscal year. In
comparison, its benchmark, the Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500 Index, gained +15.08%
for the same time period. The Fund's peer group, as measured by the Lipper
Closed-End Income and Preferred Stock Funds Average, rose +23.93% for the fiscal

Q: How would you describe your domestic equity outlook at the beginning of the
fiscal year?
A: Our outlook for common stocks was generally optimistic. We believed the
economic recovery would likely gather steam in 2003, to the benefit of corporate
profitability. We also experienced an environment marked by attractive stock
valuations, which favors our value-oriented style of investing.

Q: How would you describe your equity investment strategy during the fiscal
A: We favored market sectors such as financials. We viewed J.P. Morgan Chase as
a sound holding, given its strong balance sheet and a dividend yield that we
believed was both robust and durable. We also leaned our security weightings
toward economically sensitive companies, such as Weyerhaeuser. The producer of
wood-related products also generated an attractive income stream and was well
positioned, in our opinion, to benefit from the economy's improvement.

Q: Did any common stocks within the Fund underperform relative to your
A: Some of our healthcare positions turned in performances that we believe did
not reflect the quality of their underlying companies. We credit this
circumstance, in part, to investor uncertainty regarding proposed changes in
Medicare legislation, as well as concerns regarding patent expirations.

Q: What caused the solid performance of high-yield bonds during the 12-month
A: A primary cause for the high-yield bond market rebound was the Federal
Reserve's push to add liquidity to the economy. By lowering short-term interest
rates, the Fed was attempting to provide incentive for greater bank lending,
which in turn puts more money to work in the economy and tends to foster
economic expansion. When the prospects for a stronger economy became apparent,
investors directed their assets toward securities that particularly benefit from
such an environment, including high-yield corporate bonds -- and high-yield bond
mutual funds. High-yield bonds also benefited from generally improving
operational conditions throughout the business community. Companies issuing
high-yield bonds tended to extend their debt and experienced declining default
rates, from as high as double-digit levels to roughly the five-to-six percent
range of late.

Q: How did you manage the Fund's high-yield bond allocation during the fiscal
A: We saw no reason to alter the manner in which we strategically managed the
portfolio during the 12-month period. We continued to focus on the lower-rated
securities within this asset class, given the availability of attractive yields,
as well as the general prospect for rising bond prices. Compared to our
high-yield benchmark, the Citigroup High Yield Cash Pay Index, we tended to hold
a greater weighting in utility bonds, due in part to the presence of "fallen
angels" -- high-grade bonds that were downgraded to high-yield status. Given
Delaware's strong commitment to fundamental research capabilities, we believe we
could identify attractive candidates for acquisition among such bonds.


Q: Please describe some high-yield securities that impacted Fund performance
during the 12-month period.
A: High-yield issues that provided sound performance for the Fund included
Charter Communications. While our overall return was strong, we held some
underperforming securities, too. One was DiGiorgio Foods, which declined in
value after losing one of its larger customers.

Q: How did real estate investment trusts (REITs) impact Fund performance during
the fiscal year?
A: As an asset class, REITs turned in a strong performance. Specifically, the
Fund benefitted from its exposure to the retail sector, which included regional
malls and shopping centers. The Fund also gained a measure of performance versus
our REIT benchmark by being less heavily weighted in the multi-family sector,
where apartment vacancies rose during the 12-month period. Conversely, the Fund
lost performance with its overweighting in the travel sector, a position we
developed in anticipation of speedy economic recovery but which suffered from
industry volatility. Performance was also impeded somewhat from an overweighting
in the office sector. Like the multi-family sector, this area of the REIT market
suffered from falling occupancy rates.

Q: What role did convertible securities play for the
12-month period?
A: As a percentage of net assets, convertible securities represent a smaller
portion of your Fund. However, we believe they play a beneficial role in adding
diversification to the portfolio, and generate both income and capital
appreciation potential. Our approach to managing the portfolio's convertible
securities did not change over the 12-month period. Our research focused on
identifying companies selling at attractive valuations that feature strong cash
flows and balance sheets. Convertible securities' performance within the Fund
was in line with the broad equity market, yet with less volatility and a greater
income stream.

Q: What was the environment for international stock investing during the fiscal
A: Non-domestic equities largely rose in unison with their U.S. counterparts,
owing to investors' generally optimisism on global economic renewal and its
positive impact on corporate earnings moving forward. During the period, we
focused on well-managed, larger-size companies that we believed were undervalued
in terms of dividends and growth potential. We gained a measure of added
performance during the period as a result of the declining U.S. dollar, which
helped lift most major foreign currencies. Q: What was the international equity
portfolio's general composition for the 12-month period? A: Regionally, we
favored overweighted positions in Australia and New Zealand, while electing to
be less heavily weighted in Japan. The Japanese market rebounded somewhat during
the fiscal year, owing in part to increased private spending versus the wasteful
public works programs of prior years. We remain cautious of the island nation,
however, due to lingering attempts at reflation and structural reform. In
Europe, we held an overweighted exposure in the U.K., which has benefited from
internal expansion and its separation from the European Union (EU). That body
came under scrutiny late in the period as its largest member, Germany, suspended
the very initiative it advocated years earlier -- to have member states curb
fiscal deficits to prescribed limits. France has followed suit, leaving open the
prospect for EU states to run higher-than-anticipated deficits. This would place
upward pressure on interest rates, which in turn may limit future stock price

Q: How did the Fund's exposure to international fixed income contribute to
fiscal-year performance?
A: Non-U.S. bonds performed reasonably well during the 12-month period, owing in
part to generally declining interest rates. Non-government debt further
benefited from improving business conditions around the globe, driven by
continued economic strengthening. While in some cases government spending
initiatives contributed to the expansion, stepped-up business expenditures
appeared to do the trick, as was the case for Japan during the second half of
the Fund's fiscal year.



Fund Basics                                      Fund Performance
As of November 30, 2003                          Average Annual Total Returns
- ----------------------------------------------   Through November 30, 2003     Lifetime    Five Years     One Year
Fund Objectives:                                 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The Fund seeks to achieve high current income.   At Market Price                 +8.50%      +5.91%        +25.92%
Capital appreciation is a secondary objective.   At Net Asset Value              +9.35%      +6.29%        +32.63%
- ----------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Fund Net Assets:
$71.69 million                                   Returns reflect reinvestment of all distributions. Shares of the Fund were
- ----------------------------------------------   initially offered with a sales charge of 6.0%. Performance since inception does
Number of Holdings:                              not include the sales charge or any brokerage commissions for purchases made
297                                              since inception. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
- ----------------------------------------------
Fund Start Date:                                 The performance table and graphs on the following page do not reflect the
March 4, 1994                                    deduction of taxes the shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or
- ----------------------------------------------   redemptions of Fund shares.
Your Fund Managers:
Damon J. Andres earned a bachelor's degree in    Joanna Bates is a graduate of London
business administration with an emphasis in      University, and is an associate of the
finance and accounting from the University of    Institute of Investment Management and
Richmond. Prior to joining Delaware              Research. She joined Delaware Investment's
Investments in 1994, Mr. Andres performed        Fixed Income team in 1997, before which she
investment-consulting services with Cambridge    was Associate Director, Fixed Interest at Hill
Associates, Inc. in Arlington, Virginia. Mr.     Samuel Investment Management. She has also
Andres is a CFA charterholder.                   worked for Fidelity International and Save &
                                                 Prosper as a fund manager and analyst for
Nancy M. Crouse has a bachelor's degree from     global bond markets.
Lafayette College and an MBA from the
University of Pittsburgh. She is the consumer    Clive A. Gillmore is a graduate of the
growth and consumer staples team leader, a       University of Warwick. Mr. Gillmore joined
member of the portfolio review team and a        Delaware Investments in 1990 after serving in
co-manager of open- and closed-end mutual        the investment management field for eight
funds. Ms. Crouse began her career in finance    years. He previously was Senior Portfolio
at Philadelphia National Bank. Before joining    Manager at Hill Samuel Investment Management.
Delaware Investments in 1993, she served as
Vice President at CoreStates Investment          Christopher A. Moth is an actuarial graduate
Advisers, where she performed securities         from The City University in London, and was
analysis and managed balanced portfolios. Ms.    later awarded the Certificate in Finance &
Crouse is a CFA charterholder and a member of    Investment from the London Institute of
the Philadelphia Society of Financial            Actuaries. Mr. Moth joined Delaware
Analysts.                                        Investments in 1992, after working for the GRE
                                                 insurance company where he was responsible for
Timothy L. Rabe is Senior Vice-President/        quantitative models and projections.
Senior Portfolio Manager of Delaware's           -----------------------------------------------
high-yield funds. Mr. Rabe received a            NYSE Symbol:
bachelor's degree in finance from the            DGF
University of Illinois. Prior to joining
Delaware Investments in 2000, Mr. Rabe was a
high-yield portfolio manager for Conseco
Capital Management. Before that, he worked as
a tax analyst for The Northern Trust Company.
Mr. Rabe is a CFA charterholder.


Market Price vs. Net Asset Value
November 30, 2002 through November 30, 2003

- -- Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc. @ NAV
- -- Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc. @ Market Price

Delaware Investments Global Dividend & Income Fund Inc. - Peformance of $10,000
investment chart

                   Delaware Investments
                    Global Dividend &          Delaware Investments
                   Income Fund, Inc. -           Global Dividend &
                      Market Price            Income Fund, Inc. - NAV

   11/30/2002              $10.40                      $9.94
   12/31/2002              $10.38                     $10.00
    1/31/2003              $10.39                      $9.89
    2/28/2003              $10.27                      $9.81
    3/31/2003              $10.30                      $9.84
    4/30/2003              $11.31                     $10.64
    5/31/2003              $11.95                     $11.22
    6/30/2003              $12.30                     $11.28
    7/31/2003              $12.19                     $11.28
    8/31/2003              $11.47                     $11.16
    9/30/2003              $11.30                     $11.43
   10/31/2003              $11.82                     $11.73
   11/30/2003              $11.90                     $11.98

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

Performance of a $10,000 Investment
March 4, 1994 (Fund's inception) to November 30, 2003

- -- Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc. @ NAV
- -- Lipper Closed-End Income and Preferred Stock Funds Average (28 funds)
   @ Market Price
- -- Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc. @ Market Price
- -- Lipper Closed-End Income and Preferred Stock Funds Average (28 funds)
   @ NVA

                      Delaware                 Delaware                                                     Lipper Closed-end
                 Investments Global       Investments Global               Lipper Closed-end                Income & Preferred
                  Dividend & Income       Dividend & Income                Income & Preferred               stock funds avg @
                  Fund, Inc. @ NAV     Fund, Inc. @ Market Price         stock funds avg @ (NAV)             (Market Price)
      03/04/94        $10,000                 $10,000                          $10,000                           $10,000
      11/30/94        $ 9,889                 $ 8,285                          $ 9,543                           $ 9,096
      11/30/95        $11,776                 $10,749                          $12,103                           $11,738
      11/30/96        $14,614                 $13,696                          $13,652                           $13,603
      11/30/97        $17,234                 $16,296                          $15,860                           $15,730
      11/30/98        $17,611                 $16,630                          $17,020                           $17,113
      11/30/99        $17,511                 $13,803                          $16,219                           $14,667
      11/30/00        $16,804                 $13,843                          $17,303                           $15,863
      11/30/01        $17,965                 $18,621                          $18,615                           $20,079
      11/30/02        $18,015                 $17,599                          $17,429                           $19,238
      11/30/03        $23,394                 $22,161                          $19,729                           $23,842

Chart assumes $10,000 invested on March 4, 1994, and reflects the reinvestment
of all distributions at market value. Performance of the Fund and the Lipper
peer group at market value are based on market performance during the period.
Performance of the Fund and the Lipper peer group at net asset value are based
on the fluctuations in net asset value during the period. The chart also assumes
$10,000 invested in the Lipper Closed-End Income and Preferred Stock Funds
Average at Market Price and at Net Asset Value at that month's end, March 31,
1994. After March 31, 1994, returns plotted were as of the last day of each
month shown. Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc. was
initially offered with a sales charge of 6.0%. Performance since inception does
not include fees, the initial sales charge or any brokerage commissions for
purchases made since inception. Investments in the Fund are not available at net
asset value. The Lipper Closed-End Income and Preferred Stock Funds Average
represents the average return of closed-end income and preferred stock mutual
funds tracked by Lipper (Source: Lipper Inc.). You cannot invest directly in an
index. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.


Statement             Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.
  OF NET ASSETS       November 30, 2003

                                                        Number of     Market
                                                         Shares    Value (U.S.$)
Common Stock - 69.16%
Aerospace & Defense - 0.56%
  Raytheon                                                14,500     $   401,795
Automobiles & Automotive Parts - 0.97%
  General Motors                                          10,200         436,356
  GKN                                                     56,000         257,152
Banking, Finance & Insurance - 14.82%
  Aviva                                                   62,582         501,025
  Banco Santander Central Hispano                         39,771         413,329
  Bank of America                                          8,300         626,069
  Friedman Billings Ramsey Group                          25,940         553,819
  HBOS                                                    54,179         680,212
  ING Groep NV                                            27,494         588,943
  IntesaBci                                              116,992         440,348
  JP Morgan Chase                                         10,900         385,424
  Keycorp                                                 17,600         489,104
  Lloyds TSB Group                                        87,256         616,776
  Mellon Financial                                        20,700         596,160
  Morgan Stanley                                          15,800         873,424
  National Australia Bank                                 25,655         536,870
  Overseas Chinese Banking                                41,000         283,013
  Societe Generale Class A                                 7,479         598,867
  Sovereign Bancorp                                       69,361       1,571,720
  Wells Fargo                                             15,100         865,683
Building & Materials - 1.33%
  Compagnie de Saint Gobain                               12,800         572,614
  Wharf Holdings                                         153,000         382,190
Business Services - 0.58%
+++Fieldstone Investments 144A                            25,000         412,500
Chemicals - 3.44%
  Air Products & Chemicals                                11,000         527,340
  Bayer                                                   22,875         615,585
  Dow Chemical                                            25,500         957,525
++Orica                                                   39,363         366,862
Computers & Technology - 0.78%
  Pitney Bowes                                            14,100         560,475
Consumer Products - 1.32%
  Kimberly-Clark                                          10,000         542,200
  Procter & Gamble                                         4,200         404,208
Electronics & Electrical Equipment - 1.43%
  Emerson Electric                                        10,000         610,400
  Hong Kong Electric                                     103,000         412,462
Energy - 4.96%
  BP Amoco                                                51,154         356,968
  ChevronTexaco                                            8,300         623,329
  ConocoPhillips                                           9,821         557,244
  Kerr-McGee                                              11,600         487,084
++Petro Geo Services ADR                                     398          14,721

                                                        Number of     Market
                                                         Shares    Value (U.S.$)
Common Stock (continued)
Energy (continued)
  Royal Dutch Petroleum                                   13,709      $  615,907
  Sasol                                                   27,194         344,738
  Total Fina Elf                                           3,440         555,852
Food, Beverage & Tobacco - 4.38%
  Foster's Group                                         178,521         568,382
  General Mills                                           14,300         643,643
 *Heinz (H.J.)                                            15,600         563,160
  Kellogg                                                 14,500         518,665
++Mitchells & Butlers                                     41,125         164,975
  PepsiCo                                                 14,200         683,304
Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals - 5.25%
  Abbott Laboratories                                     12,500         552,500
  Biomet                                                  15,900         568,743
  Bristol-Myers Squibb                                    22,200         584,971
  Eisai Limited                                           11,900         301,520
  GlaxoSmithKline                                         24,406         551,127
++Medco Health Solutions                                   1,254          45,683
  Merck & Co.                                             10,400         422,240
  Takeda Chemical Industries                               7,900         302,958
  Wyeth                                                   11,000         433,400
Industrial Machinery - 1.47%
  Brambles Industries                                     71,495         214,874
  Caterpillar                                             11,000         836,550
Investment Companies - 0.87%
 *Gladstone Capital                                       29,200         625,756
Leisure, Lodging & Entertainment - 0.53%
  Intercontinental Hotels                                 41,125         379,991
Metals & Mining - 0.63%
  Rio Tinto                                               18,880         452,318
Paper & Forest Products - 2.10%
  Amcor                                                   78,646         470,062
  International Paper                                     16,400         610,244
  Weyerhaeuser                                             7,500         427,500
Real Estate - 12.79%
  AMB Property                                            18,300         575,718
  Apartment Investment & Management                       14,500         493,725
  Camden Property Trust                                   10,000         420,400
  Duke Realty                                             26,000         800,800
  General Growth Properties                               24,370       1,964,221
  Liberty Property Trust                                  21,042         796,019
  Pan Pacific Retail Properties                           17,600         817,520
  Prentiss Properties Trust                               21,308         676,529
  Ramco-Gershenson Properties                             31,300         815,365
  Reckson Associates Realty                               28,100         674,400
  Simon Property Group                                     8,000         379,600
  Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide                     17,000         585,990
  Sun Communities                                          4,400         165,132


Statement             Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

                                                        Number of     Market
                                                         Shares    Value (U.S.$)
Common Stock (continued)
Retail - 2.31%
  Boots                                                   44,819      $  548,438
  Coles Myer                                              91,055         490,202
  GUS                                                     43,481         567,026
++*Kmart Holdings                                          1,553          47,289
Telecommunications - 3.59%
  BellSouth                                               12,000         312,360
  Telecom Corporation of New Zealand                     189,000         628,008
  Telefonica                                              45,877         593,923
  Telstra                                                172,136         614,069
  Verizon Communications                                  13,054         427,780
Transportation & Shipping - 1.22%
  Union Pacific                                           10,000         636,800
  West Japan Railway                                          63         238,724
Utilities - 3.83%
  BG Group                                               113,689         534,769
  Dominion Resources                                       8,900         536,403
  Electrabel                                               1,376         404,106
  Hong Kong & China Gas                                  104,000         156,007
  Iberdrola                                               29,226         504,128
  RWE                                                     19,081         613,666
Total Common Stock (cost $41,807,883)                                 49,577,976
Convertible Preferred Stock - 1.77%
Aerospace & Defense - 0.55%
  Northrop Grumman 7.25%                                   3,850         394,279
Banking, Finance & Insurance - 0.55%
  Chubb 7.00%                                              4,000         110,000
  Travelers Property Casualty 4.50%                       12,000         285,720
Environmental Services - 0.39%
  Allied Waste Industries 6.25%                            4,000         282,560
Transportation & Shipping - 0.28%
 +Union Pacific Capital Trust
    TIDES 144A 6.25%                                       3,926         199,735
Total Convertible Preferred Stock
  (cost $1,181,300)                                                    1,272,294
Preferred Stock - 2.40%
Cable, Media & Publishing - 0.12%
 *CSC Holdings 11.75%                                        800          84,600
Metals & Mining - 0.01%
++Weirton Steel                                            8,550           7,439
Real Estate - 1.72%
  Equity Inns Series B 8.75%                              10,000         266,500
  LaSalle Hotel Properties 10.25%                         23,500         652,161

                                                        Number of     Market
                                                         Shares    Value (U.S.$)
Preferred Stock (continued)
Real Estate (continued)
  Ramco-Gershenson Properties 9.50%                       11,500     $   316,538
Utilities - 0.55%
  Public Service Enterprise Group 10.25%                   6,800         394,400
Total Preferred Stock (cost $1,594,609)                                1,721,638
Convertible Bonds - 3.19%
Computers & Technology - 0.39%
 +Mercury Interactive 144A 4.75% 7/1/07          USD     275,000         277,063
Consumer Products - 0.08%
  Eastman Kodak 3.375% 10/15/33                  USD      50,000          54,250
Leisure, Lodging & Entertainment - 0.20%
 +Regal Entertainment
    144A 3.75% 5/15/08                           USD     130,000         146,575
Miscellaneous - 0.16%
 +Tyco International Group
    144A 2.75% 1/15/18                           USD     100,000         116,500
Real Estate - 0.48%
  Meristar Hospitality 9.50% 4/1/10              USD     300,000         347,625
Retail - 1.02%
 +Gap 144A 5.75% 3/15/09                         USD     500,000         733,125
Telecommunications - 0.48%
 +Nextel Partners 144A 1.50% 11/15/08            USD     200,000         342,750
Transportation & Shipping - 0.08%
 +Expressjet Holdings 144A 4.25% 8/1/23          USD      50,000          57,375
Utilities - 0.30%
 +Centerpoint Energy 144A 3.75% 5/15/23          USD     200,000         213,250
Total Convertible Bonds (cost $1,804,663)                              2,288,513
Bonds - 42.64%
Aerospace & Defense - 0.13%
 +Armor Holdings 144A 8.25% 8/15/13              USD      90,000          96,300
Agency Obligations - 1.62%
  Fannie Mae Global 2.125% 10/9/07               JPY 120,000,000       1,164,840
Automobiles & Automotive Parts - 0.48%
 +Advanced Accessory Systems
    144A 10.75% 6/15/11                          USD      40,000          43,400
  General Motors 8.375% 7/15/33                  USD      65,000          71,013
 +Metaldyne 144A 10.00% 11/1/13                  USD      50,000          48,250


Statement             Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

                                                       Principal      Market
                                                         Amount    Value (U.S.$)
Bonds (continued)
Automobiles & Automotive Parts (continued)
+*UIS 144A 9.375% 6/15/13                        USD       170,000     $ 181,900
[CHECK MARK]Venture Holdings Trust 12.00% 6/1/09 USD        95,000           475
Banking, Finance & Insurance - 2.49%
 +Crum & Forster 144A 10.375% 6/15/13            USD        60,000        65,700
 +Eircom Funding 144A 8.25% 8/15/13              USD        40,000        43,600
 +Farmers Exchange Capital
    144A 7.20% 7/15/48                           USD        70,000        61,289
  Finova Group 7.50% 11/15/09                    USD        40,000        22,400
  Oesterreich Kontrollbank
    1.80% 3/22/10                                JPY   150,000,000     1,457,418
 +Poster Financial Group
    144A 8.75% 12/1/11                           USD        60,000        61,725
  Qwest Capital Funding 5.875% 8/3/04            USD        45,000        45,225
  TIG Holdings 8.125% 4/15/05                    USD        35,000        35,744
Building & Materials - 0.74%
 +Beazer Homes USA
    144A 6.50% 11/15/13                          USD        20,000        20,000
  DR Horton 9.75% 9/15/10                        USD        45,000        53,213
 +Lone Star Industries
    144A 8.85% 6/15/05                           USD        60,000        62,925
  Schuler Homes 10.50% 7/15/11                   USD       115,000       132,106
  Standard Pacific 9.25% 4/15/12                 USD        75,000        83,625
 *Technical Olympic USA
    10.375% 7/1/12                               USD       105,000       117,075
  WCI Communities 10.625% 2/15/11                USD        55,000        61,875
Business Services - 0.08%
  Brickman Group 11.75% 12/15/09                 USD        50,000        57,750
Cable, Media & Publishing - 2.01%
  Charter Communications
    10.75% 10/1/09                               USD       320,000       275,200
 *CSC Holdings 10.50% 5/15/16                    USD       150,000       166,500
 +Hollinger 144A 11.875% 3/1/11                  USD        40,000        44,000
  Insight Communications
    12.25% 2/15/10                               USD       215,000       171,731
  Insight Midwest 10.50% 11/1/10                 USD        10,000        10,950
 *Lodgenet Entertainment
    9.50% 6/15/13                                USD       115,000       125,638
 *Mediacom Broadband 11.00% 7/15/13              USD       120,000       129,300
 *PanAmSat 8.50% 2/1/12                          USD        85,000        92,863
  PEI Holdings 11.00% 3/15/10                    USD        45,000        52,481
  Rogers Cablesystems 10.00% 3/15/05             USD       100,000       109,000
 +Sheridan Acquisition 144A
    10.25% 8/15/11                               USD        65,000        68,900
    10.875% 6/15/09                              USD        45,000        46,350
    13.50% 12/7/09                               USD        25,000        23,500
  XM Satellite Radio 12.00% 6/15/10              USD       110,000       123,200
Chemicals - 0.78%
 *Huntsman International
    9.875% 3/1/09                                USD        50,000        53,875
    10.125% 7/1/09                               USD        70,000        70,175
+*Johnsondiversey 144A 10.67% 5/15/13            USD        85,000        64,813
  Lyondell Chemical 9.625% 5/1/07                USD        60,000        62,100

                                                       Principal      Market
                                                         Amount    Value (U.S.$)
Bonds (continued)
Chemicals (continued)
+*Rhodia SA 144A 8.875% 6/1/11                   USD       155,000      $137,950
   *6.72% 10/15/37                               USD       200,000       155,000
    11.25% 7/15/09                               USD        15,000        13,575
Computers & Technology - 0.59%
 *Amkor Technologies 7.75% 5/15/13               USD        40,000        43,000
 *ChipPac International 12.75% 8/1/09            USD        30,000        33,450
  Cooperative Computing
    10.50% 6/15/11                               USD        45,000        49,050
  Lone Star Technologies 9.00% 6/1/11            USD        30,000        29,250
  Northern Telecom Capital
    7.875% 6/15/26                               USD       185,000       182,225
 +Stratus Technologies
    144A 10.375% 12/1/08                         USD        85,000        87,550
Consumer Products - 0.58%
 *American Greetings 11.75% 7/15/08              USD       110,000       128,150
 +Hines Nurseries 144A 10.25% 10/1/11            USD        40,000        43,500
  Jafra Cosmetics 10.75% 5/15/11                 USD        75,000        80,625
 *Remington Arms 10.50% 2/1/11                   USD        50,000        52,250
  Salton 10.75% 12/15/05                         USD       105,000       108,150
Consumer Services - 0.22%
 *Alderwoods Group 12.25% 1/2/09                 USD       100,000       112,500
  Corrections Corporation of America
   *7.50% 5/1/11                                 USD        10,000        10,525
   +144A 7.50% 5/1/11                            USD        30,000        31,575
Energy - 0.89%
 *Bluewater Finance 10.25% 2/15/12               USD        60,000        61,350
  Citgo Petroleum 11.375% 2/1/11                 USD        90,000       104,400
+*Dynegy Holdings
    144A 10.125% 7/15/13                         USD       150,000       166,124
  Hanover Equipment Trust
    8.50% 9/1/08                                 USD        55,000        56,375
 +Hilcorp Energy/Finance
    144A 10.50% 9/1/10                           USD        45,000        49,275
 +Massey Energy
    144A 6.625% 11/15/10                         USD        60,000        60,900
  Petro Gas Services
    8.00% 11/5/06                                USD         7,032         7,173
    10.00% 11/5/10                               USD        50,982        53,786
 *Sonat 7.625% 7/15/11                           USD        35,000        30,450
  Transcontinental Gas Pipeline
    6.25% 1/15/08                                USD        45,000        46,688
Environmental Services - 0.25%
  Casella Waste 9.75% 2/1/13                     USD        45,000        50,625
  IESI 10.25% 6/15/12                            USD       115,000       125,350
Food, Beverage & Tobacco - 1.03%
  B&G Foods 9.625% 8/1/07                        USD       145,000       150,074
 +Commonwealth Brands
    144A 10.625% 9/1/08                          USD       125,000       135,625
 *DiGiorgio Foods 10.00% 6/15/07                 USD        95,000        90,013
 +Le-Natures 144A 9.00% 6/15/13                  USD        60,000        62,400


Statement             Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

                                                       Principal      Market
                                                         Amount    Value (U.S.$)
Bonds (continued)
Food, Beverage & Tobacco (continued)
 +National Beef Packing
    144A 10.50% 8/1/11                           USD       100,000   $   110,000
+*Pinnacle Foods 144A 8.25% 12/1/13              USD       110,000       113,300
 +Seminis Vegtable
    144A 10.25% 10/1/13                          USD        70,000        74,638
Foreign Government - 22.78%
  Belgium Government
    5.75% 9/28/10                                EUR     1,200,000     1,576,496
  Canadian Government
    0.70% 3/20/06                                JPY   150,000,000     1,387,362
  Deutschland Republic
    5.00% 7/4/11                                 EUR     1,550,000     1,948,390
    6.25% 1/4/24                                 EUR       350,000       488,164
    6.50% 10/14/05                               EUR       200,000       255,163
  France Government Bond O.A.T
    4.00% 10/25/09                               EUR       260,000       312,191
    4.00% 4/25/13                                EUR       900,000     1,043,774
    5.50% 4/25/10                                EUR     1,000,000     1,294,875
  Hellenic Republic 8.60% 3/26/08                EUR       200,000       285,950
  Poland Government
    5.00% 10/24/13                               PLZ     5,100,000     1,095,469
    5.75% 6/24/08                                PLZ       700,000       166,619
    8.50% 2/12/05                                PLZ     1,200,000       313,647
  Queensland Treasury
    6.00% 7/14/09                                AUD     1,050,000       753,089
    6.00% 8/14/13                                AUD       600,000       432,448
  Republic of Austria 4.00% 7/15/09              EUR       450,000       541,705
  Republic of Italy 3.75% 6/8/05                 JPY   150,000,000     1,445,522
  Republic of Peru 8.75% 11/21/33                USD        65,000        64,448
  Sweden Government
    5.00% 1/28/09                                SEK     7,000,000       949,063
    5.50% 10/8/12                                SEK     5,000,000       690,518
    6.75% 5/5/14                                 SEK     1,650,000       249,106
  United Mexican States Global
    7.375% 3/13/08                               EUR       800,000     1,047,185
Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals - 0.25%
 *Alliance Imaging 10.375% 4/15/11               USD        65,000        67,763
  Team Health 12.00% 3/15/09                     USD       100,000       108,750
Industrial Machinery - 0.09%
 *Foster Wheeler 6.75% 11/15/05                  USD       105,000        63,000
Leisure, Lodging & Entertainment - 0.61%
 +Gaylord Entertainment
    144A 8.00% 11/15/13                          USD        55,000        57,475
 +Hard Rock Hotel 144A 8.875% 6/1/13             USD        60,000        63,600
  Herbst Gaming 10.75% 9/1/08                    USD        65,000        73,125
 +Host Marriott 144A 7.125% 11/1/13              USD        25,000        24,875
 +Imax 144A 9.625% 12/1/10                       USD        60,000        62,400
  Royal Caribbean Cruises
    6.875% 12/1/13                               USD        35,000        35,088
    7.50% 10/15/27                               USD       125,000       119,843
Metals & Mining - 0.28%
 *AK Steel 7.75% 6/15/12                         USD        70,000        47,600
  United States Steel 10.75% 8/1/08              USD        50,000        55,875

                                                       Principal      Market
                                                         Amount    Value (U.S.$)
Bonds (continued)
Metals & Mining (continued)
#*Weirton Steel 10.00% 4/1/08                    USD       522,500      $ 99,275
Packaging & Containers - 0.44%
  AEP Industries 9.875% 11/15/07                 USD        50,000        50,000
  Portola Packaging 10.75% 10/1/05               USD        25,000        24,875
  Radnor Holdings 11.00% 3/15/10                 USD        60,000        55,050
 +Silgan Holdings 144A 6.75% 11/15/13            USD       110,000       110,550
 +Tekni-Plex 144A 8.75% 11/15/13                 USD        70,000        71,925
Paper & Forest Products - 0.95%
  Ainsworth Lumber
    12.50% 7/15/07                               USD        95,000       110,675
    13.875% 7/15/07                              USD        20,000        23,100
  Consolidated Container
    10.125% 7/15/09                              USD        90,000        54,450
  Georgia Pacific
    8.125% 6/15/23                               USD        70,000        69,125
    8.625% 4/30/25                               USD        55,000        56,100
    9.875% 11/1/21                               USD        45,000        46,800
 +Millar Western 144A 7.75% 11/15/13             USD       125,000       127,655
  Pacifica Papers 10.00% 3/15/09                 USD        35,000        37,188
  Smurfit Capital 7.50% 11/20/25                 USD       125,000       120,000
  Tembec Industries 8.625% 6/30/09               USD        35,000        34,913
Real Estate - 0.11%
  Tanger Properties 9.125% 2/15/08               USD        70,000        76,825
Restaurants - 0.19%
  Avado Brands 9.75% 6/1/06                      USD        45,000        19,575
 *Denny's 12.75% 9/30/07                         USD        50,000        51,750
 +O'Charleys 144A 9.00% 11/1/13                  USD        65,000        65,488
Retail - 0.39%
 *J Crew 10.375% 10/15/07                        USD       100,000       103,750
 *Office Depot 10.00% 7/15/08                    USD       100,000       120,000
  Petco Animal Supplies 10.75% 11/1/11           USD        45,000        53,325
Telecommunications - 1.31%
 +Alaska Communications Systems
    144A 9.875% 8/15/11                          USD        75,000        79,125
 +American Tower 144A 7.25% 12/1/11              USD        60,000        60,450
 +Centennial Cellular Operating
    144A 10.125% 6/15/13                         USD        95,000       100,700
 +Cincinnati Bell 144A
    7.25% 7/15/13                                USD        45,000        47,025
    8.375% 1/15/14                               USD        25,000        26,313
  Crown Castle International
   *10.75% 8/1/11                                USD        40,000        45,000
   +144A 7.50% 12/1/13                           USD        50,000        49,750
 +Level 3 Finance 144A 10.75% 10/15/11           USD        75,000        78,750
+*MetroPCS 144A 10.75% 10/1/11                   USD        80,000        78,400
  Nextel Partners 12.50% 11/15/09                USD        30,000        34,800
+*Qwest Services 144A 13.50% 12/15/10            USD        65,000        76,781
  Time Warner Telecommunications
    9.75% 7/15/08                                USD       215,000       218,225
  Western Wireless 9.25% 7/15/13                 USD        40,000        41,800


Statement             Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

                                                       Principal      Market
                                                         Amount    Value (U.S.$)
Bonds (continued)
Textiles, Apparel & Furniture - 0.14%
 +Warnaco 144A 8.875% 6/15/13                    USD     100,000     $   102,000
Transportation & Shipping - 0.85%
  Hornbeck Offshore Services
    10.625% 8/1/08                               USD      50,000          55,125
  Kansas City Southern Railway
    9.50% 10/1/08                                USD      85,000          95,731
  Ocean Rig Norway 10.25% 6/1/08                 USD      65,000          59,475
 +OMI 144A 7.625% 12/1/13                        USD      60,000          60,600
 *Overseas Shipholding Group
    8.25% 3/15/13                                USD      95,000         101,769
 +Seabulk International
    144A 9.50% 8/15/13                           USD     100,000         104,750
  Stena AB 9.625% 12/1/12                        USD     120,000         134,400
Utilities - 2.36%
 +Allegheny Energy Supply
    Statutory Trust 2001 144A
    Series A 10.25% 11/15/07                     USD      75,000          78,000
  Aquila 7.95% 2/1/11                            USD      60,000          64,200
  Avista 9.75% 6/1/08                            USD     100,000         117,499
    8.25% 8/15/05                                USD      40,000          37,600
   *10.50% 5/15/06                               USD     110,000         102,850
   +144A 8.75% 7/15/13                           USD     120,000         111,300
  Cogentrix Energy 8.75% 10/15/08                USD      85,000          86,169
  Edison Mission 9.875% 4/15/11                  USD      40,000          40,600
  El Paso Natural Gas
    7.625% 8/1/10                                USD      65,000          65,650
   *7.875% 6/15/12                               USD      60,000          53,100
  Elwood Energy 8.159% 7/5/26                    USD      33,090          33,627
 +Gemstone Investor
    144A 7.71% 10/31/04                          USD      45,000          45,280
  Homer City Fund 8.137% 10/1/19                 USD      40,000          42,350
  Illinois Power 7.50% 6/15/09                   USD     100,000         109,000
  Midland Funding II 11.75% 7/23/05              USD      27,493          29,830
  Midwest Generation 8.30% 7/2/09                USD     100,000         102,000
[CHECK MARK]Mirant Americas Generation
    7.625% 5/1/06                                USD      80,000          68,000
 +MSW Energy Holdings/Finance II
    144A 7.375% 9/1/10                           USD      60,000          62,100
  Orion Power Holdings 12.00% 5/1/10             USD      65,000          76,050
  PSEG Energy Holdings 7.75% 4/16/07             USD      50,000          51,813
 +Reliant Resource 144A 9.50% 7/15/13            USD      50,000          50,750
  Southern Natural Gas 8.875% 3/15/10            USD      35,000          38,763
  Tennessee Gas Pipeline
    8.375% 6/15/32                               USD      70,000          73,325
 +USGen New England
    144A 7.459% 1/2/15                           USD      50,000          22,185
 *Williams Companies 8.125% 3/15/12              USD     120,000         130,199
Total Bonds
  (cost $28,201,241)                                                  30,571,476

                                                       Principal      Market
                                                         Amount    Value (U.S.$)
Municipal Bonds - 0.07%
  New Jersey Economic Development
    Authority Continental Airlines Project
    6.25% 9/15/29                                USD      60,000      $   51,068
Total Municipal Bonds (cost $50,884)                                      51,068
                                                        Number of
Warrants - 0.06%
+++American Tower 144A                                        35           4,497
+++Solutia 144A                                              130           2,405
 ++XM Satellite Radio                                         20          36,000
Total Warrants (cost $17,994)                                             42,902
Short-Term Securities - 10.16%
**U.S. Treasury Bills 0.905% 1/8/04              USD   7,290,000       7,283,257
Total Short-Term Securities
  (cost $7,283,257)                                                    7,283,257

Total Market Value of Securities Before
  Securities Lending Collateral - 129.45%
  (cost $81,941,831)                                                  92,809,124
Securities Lending Collateral*** - 5.02%
Short-Term Investments
  ABN AMRO Bank Chicago
    1.06% 6/07/04                                        136,585         136,577
  ABN AMRO Bank Tokyo
    1.10% 1/13/04                                         39,025          39,025
  Allied Irish Dublin 1.12% 1/20/04                      156,098         156,101
  Credit Suisse First Boston
    1.60% 12/13/04                                       156,101         156,101
  Deutsche Bank Financial
    1.071% 1/16/04                                       156,126         156,156
  FHLMC 1.12% 1/15/04                                     88,144          88,372
  FNMA 1.035% 1/29/04                                    975,666         975,616
  General Electric Capital
    1.13% 10/04/04                                        58,589          58,689
  Goldman Sachs Group LP
    1.193% 12/15/03                                      136,589         136,588
  HBOS Treasury Services PLC
    1.09%12/12/03                                        156,099         156,101
  Keybank NA 1.146% 1/26/04                               78,063          78,089
  Marsh & McLennan 1.291% 6/15/04                        100,382         103,239
  Merrill Lynch Mortgage Capital
    1.163% 12/08/03                                      156,101         156,101
  Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
    1.10% 12/01/03                                       653,013         653,012
    1.22% 12/28/04                                        38,962          39,025
    1.30% 3/19/04                                         97,500          97,563
  Swiss Re Financial 1.103% 1/15/04                       97,424          97,292
  Wachovia Bank NA 1.127% 11/15/04                       156,104         156,239
  Wilmington Trust 1.11% 1/22/04                         156,097         156,101
Total Securities Lending Collateral
  (cost $3,595,987)                                                    3,595,987


Statement             Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

Total Market Value of Securities - 134.47%
  (cost $85,537,818)                                                $96,405,111
Obligation to Return Securities
  Lending Collateral - (5.02%)***                                    (3,595,987)
Borrowing under Line of Credit - (29.29%)                           (21,000,000)
Liabilities Net of Receivables and
  Other Assets - (0.16%)                                               (116,215)
Net Assets Applicable to 5,985,582
  Shares Outstanding; Equivalent
  to $11.98 per share - 100.00%                                     $71,692,909

Components of Net Assets at November 30, 2003:
Common stock, $0.01 par value, 500,000,000
  shares authorized to the Fund                                     $75,178,870
Treasury stock, 665,065 shares at cost                               (8,599,291)
Undistributed net investment income (a)                                  31,885
Accumulated net realized loss on investments                         (5,771,372)
Net unrealized appreciation of investments
  and foreign currencies                                             10,852,817
Total net assets                                                    $71,692,909

(a) Undistributed net investment income includes net realized gains (losses) on
    foreign currencies. Net realized gains (losses) on foreign currencies are
    taxable as net investment income in accordance with provisions of the
    Internal Revenue Code.

 ++Non-income producing security for the year ended November 30, 2003.
[CHECK MARK]Non-income producing security. Security is currently in default.
  +Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of
   1933. See Note 9 in "Notes to Financial Statements."
  #Step coupon bond.
  *Fully or partially on loan.
 **U.S. Treasury bills are traded on a discount basis; the interest rate shown
   is the effective yield at the time of purchase by the Fund.
***See Note 8 in "Notes to Financial Statements."
   Includes $3,546,993 of securities loaned.
+++Principal amount is stated in the currency in which each bond is denominated.

Summary of Abbreviations:
ADR - American Depositary Receipts
AUD - Australian Dollar
EUR - European Monetary Unit
FHLMC - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
FNMA - Federal National Mortgage Association
JPY - Japanese Yen
PLZ - Polish Zloty
SEK - Swedish Krona
TIDES - Term Income Deferred Equity Securities
USD - U.S. Dollar


Statement             Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.
  OF OPERATIONS       Year Ended November 30, 2003

Investment Income:
  Interest                                             $2,707,512
  Dividends                                             1,978,884
  Securities lending income                                14,351
  Foreign tax withheld                                    (64,031)  $ 4,636,716
                                                       ----------   -----------

  Management fees                                         599,107
  Accounting and administration expenses                  100,000
  Professional fees                                        66,901
  Reports to shareholders                                  50,880
  Custodian fees                                           41,870
  NYSE fees                                                25,123
  Transfer agent fees and expenses                         18,554
  Directors' fees                                           8,520
  Other                                                    17,105
  Total operating expenses (before interest expense)                    928,060
  Interest expense                                                      391,704
  Total operating expenses (after interest expense)                   1,319,764
  Less expenses paid indirectly                                          (1,549)
  Total expenses                                                      1,318,215
Net Investment Income                                                 3,318,501

Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments
  and Foreign Currencies:
  Net realized gain (loss) on:
    Investments                                                        (522,616)
    Foreign currencies                                                1,979,966
  Net realized gain                                                   1,457,350
  Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of
    investments and foreign currencies                               13,881,480
Net Realized and Unrealized Gain on Investments and
  Foreign Currencies                                                 15,338,830

Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations                $18,657,331

See accompanying notes


Statements            Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

                                                                                                            Year Ended
                                                                                                   11/30/03           11/30/02
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets from Operations:
  Net investment income                                                                          $ 3,318,501         $ 2,981,703
  Net realized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currencies                                   1,457,350          (4,643,149)
  Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments and foreign currencies        13,881,480           3,106,527
                                                                                                 -----------         -----------
  Net increase in net assets resulting from operations                                            18,657,331           1,445,081
                                                                                                 -----------         -----------

Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders from:
  Net investment income                                                                           (5,492,967)         (2,182,468)
  Return of capital                                                                                 (994,113)         (6,609,672)
                                                                                                 -----------         -----------
                                                                                                  (6,487,080)         (8,792,140)
                                                                                                 -----------         -----------
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets                                                             12,170,251          (7,347,059)

Net Assets:
  Beginning of year                                                                               59,522,658          66,869,717
                                                                                                 -----------         -----------
  End of year                                                                                    $71,692,909         $59,522,658
                                                                                                 ===========         ===========

See accompanying notes

Statement             Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.
  OF CASH FLOWS       Year Ended November 30, 2003

Net Cash (Including Foreign Currency) Provided by Operating Activities:
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations                                                                $ 18,657,331
  Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets from operations to cash provided by operating activities:
    Amortization of premium and discount on investments                                                                 (222,241)
    Net proceeds from investment transactions                                                                          2,145,995
    Net realized loss on investment transactions                                                                         522,616
    Net realized gain on foreign currencies                                                                           (1,979,966)
    Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation of investments and foreign currencies                         (13,881,480)
    Decrease in receivable for investments sold                                                                          593,282
    Decrease in interest and dividends receivable                                                                        113,934
    Decrease in payable for investments purchased                                                                       (190,054)
    Increase in distribution payable                                                                                     478,282
    Decrease in interest payable                                                                                          (6,328)
    Increase in accrued expenses and other liabilities                                                                    16,411
  Total adjustments                                                                                                  (12,409,549)
Net cash provided by operating activities                                                                              6,247,782

Cash flows used for financing activities:
  Cash dividends and distributions paid                                                                               (6,487,080)
Net cash used for financing activities                                                                                (6,487,080)
Effect of exchange rates on cash                                                                                         125,795
Net decrease in cash                                                                                                    (113,503)
Cash at beginning of year                                                                                                 88,253
Cash (overdraft) at end of year                                                                                     $    (25,250)

Cash paid for interest                                                                                              $    398,032

See accompanying notes



Selected data for each share of the Fund outstanding
throughout each period were as follows:

                                                                      Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                              Year Ended
                                                                      11/30/03   11/30/02(3)   11/30/01    11/30/00     11/30/99
Net asset value, beginning of period                                   $ 9.940     $11.170      $11.770     $13.920      $15.700

Income (loss) from investment operations:
Net investment income(4)                                                 0.554       0.499        0.620       0.700        0.930
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on
  investments and foreign currencies                                     2.570      (0.260)       0.280      (1.350)      (1.070)
                                                                       -------     -------      -------     -------      -------
Total from investment operations                                         3.124       0.239        0.900      (0.650)      (0.140)
                                                                       -------     -------      -------     -------      -------

Less dividends and distributions from:
Net investment income                                                   (0.918)     (0.365)      (0.195)     (0.530)      (0.860)
Net realized gain on investments                                            --          --       (0.084)     (0.470)      (0.780)
Return of capital                                                       (0.166)     (1.104)      (1.221)     (0.500)          --
                                                                       -------     -------      -------     -------      -------
Total dividends and distributions                                       (1.084)     (1.469)      (1.500)     (1.500)      (1.640)
                                                                       -------     -------      -------     -------      -------

Net asset value, end of period                                         $11.980     $ 9.940      $11.170     $11.770      $13.920
                                                                       =======     =======      =======     =======      =======

Market value, end of period                                            $11.900     $10.400      $12.400     $10.380      $11.750
                                                                       =======     =======      =======     =======      =======

Total return based on:(1)
Market value                                                            25.92%      (5.49%)      34.52%       0.29%      (17.00%)
Net asset value                                                         32.63%       0.28%        6.91%      (4.04%)      (0.57%)

Ratios and supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (000 omitted)                                $71,693     $59,523      $66,870     $70,420      $92,601
Ratio of expenses to average net assets                                  2.04%       2.26%        3.31%       3.45%        2.69%
Ratio of expenses to adjusted average
  net assets (before interest expense)(2)                                1.08%       1.06%        1.10%       1.04%        1.00%
Ratio of interest expense to adjusted average net assets(2)              0.46%       0.64%        1.35%       1.62%        1.15%
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets                     5.14%       4.69%        5.18%       5.34%        6.14%
Ratio of net investment income to adjusted average net assets(2)         3.88%       3.53%        3.84%       4.11%        4.92%
Portfolio turnover                                                         99%         69%          47%         43%          58%

Leverage Analysis:
Debt outstanding at end of period (000 omitted)                        $21,000     $21,000      $25,000     $25,000      $25,000
Average daily balance of debt outstanding (000 omitted)                $21,000     $21,603      $25,000     $25,000      $25,000
Average daily balance of shares outstanding (000 omitted)                5,986       5,986        5,986       6,389        6,651
Average debt per share                                                   $3.51       $3.61        $4.18       $3.91        $3.76
Asset coverage per $1,000 of debt outstanding at end of period          $4,414      $3,834       $3,675      $3,817       $4,704

(1) Total investment return is calculated assuming a purchase of common stock on
    the opening of the first day and a sale on the closing of the last day of
    each period reported. Dividends and distributions, if any, are assumed for
    the purpose of this calculation, to be reinvested at prices obtained under
    the Fund's dividend reinvestment plan. Generally, total investment return
    based on net asset value will be higher than total investment return based
    on market value in periods where there is an increase in the discount or
    decrease in the premium of the market value to the net asset value from the
    beginning to the end of such periods. Conversely, total investment return
    based on net asset value will be lower than total investment return based on
    market value in periods where there is a decrease in the discount or an
    increase in the premium of the market value to the net asset value from the
    beginning to the end of such periods.

(2) Adjusted average net assets excludes debt outstanding.

(3) As required, effective December 1, 2001, the Fund adopted the provisions of
    the AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide for Investment Companies that requires
    amortization of all premium and discounts on debt securities. The effect of
    this change for the year ended November 30, 2002 was a decrease in net
    investment income per shares of $0.024, an increase in net realized and
    unrealized gain (loss) per share of $0.024, a decrease in the ratio of net
    investment income to average net assets of 0.23%, and a decrease in the
    ratio of net investment income to adjusted net assets of 0.17%. Per share
    data and ratios for periods prior to December 1, 2001 have not been restated
    to reflect this change in accounting.

(4) The average shares outstanding method has been applied for per share

See accompanying notes.


Notes                                   Delaware Investments Global Dividend and
  TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS               Income Fund, Inc.
                                        November 30, 2003

Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc. (the "Fund") is
organized as a Maryland corporation and is a diversified closed-end management
investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. The
Fund's shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DGF.

The investment objective of the Fund is to seek high current income. Capital
appreciation is a secondary objective.

1. Significant Accounting Policies
The following accounting policies are in accordance with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States and are consistently followed by the

Security Valuation - All equity securities are valued at the last quoted sales
price as of time of the regular close of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on
the valuation date. Securities traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. (NASDAQ)
are valued in accordance with the NASDAQ Official Closing Price, which may not
be the last sales price. If on a particular day an equity security does not
trade, then the mean between the bid and asked prices will be used. Securities
listed on a foreign exchange are normally valued at the last quoted sales price
before the Fund is valued. If on a particular day a security does not trade,
then the mean between the bid and the asked prices will normally be used. U.S.
government and agency securities are valued at the mean between the bid and
asked prices. Long-term debt securities are valued by an independent pricing
service and such prices are believed to reflect the fair value of such
securities. Short-term debt securities having less than 60 days to maturity are
valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value. Other securities and
assets for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at fair
value as determined in good faith by or under the direction of the Fund's Board
of Directors. In determining whether market quotations are readily available or
fair valuation will be used, various factors will be taken into consideration,
such as market closures, or with respect to foreign securities, aftermarket
trading or significant events after local market trading (e.g., government
actions or pronouncements, trading volume or volatility on markets, exchanges
among dealers, or news events).

Federal Income Taxes - The Fund intends to continue to qualify for federal
income tax purposes as a regulated investment company and make the requisite
distributions to shareholders. Accordingly, no provision for federal income
taxes has been made in the financial statements.

Distributions - The Fund has a managed distribution policy. Under the policy,
the Fund declares and pays monthly distributions and is managed with a goal of
generating as much of the distribution as possible from ordinary income (net
investment income and short-term capital gains). The balance of the distribution
then comes from long-term capital gains and, if necessary, a return of capital.
Effective September 1, 2003, the current annualized rate is $0.96 per share. The
Fund continues to evaluate its monthly distribution in light of ongoing economic
and market conditions and may change the amount of the monthly distributions in
the future.

Foreign Currency Transactions - Transactions denominated in foreign currencies
are recorded at the prevailing exchange rates on the valuation date. The values
of all assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated
into U.S. dollars at the exchange rate of such currencies against the U.S.
dollar daily. Transaction gains or losses resulting from changes in exchange
rates during the reporting period or upon settlement of the foreign currency
transaction are reported in operations for the current period. The Fund isolates
that portion of realized gains and losses on investments in debt securities
which are due to changes in foreign exchange rates from that which are due to
changes in market prices of debt securities. For foreign equity securities,
these changes are included in realized gains (losses) on investments. The Fund
reports certain foreign currency related transactions as components of realized
gains (losses) for financial reporting purposes, where such components are
treated as ordinary income (loss) for federal income tax purposes.

Use of Estimates - The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported
amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results
could differ from those estimates.

Other - Expenses common to all funds within the Delaware Investments Family of
Funds are allocated amongst the funds on the basis of average net assets.
Security transactions are recorded on the date the securities are purchased or
sold (trade date). Costs used in calculating realized gains and losses on the
sale of investment securities are those of the specific securities sold.
Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date and interest income is
recorded on the accrual basis. Discounts and premiums are amortized to interest
income over the lives of the respective securities. Foreign dividends are also
recorded on the ex-dividend date or as soon after the ex-dividend date that the
Fund is aware of such dividends, net of all non-rebatable tax withholdings.
Withholding taxes on foreign dividends have been provided for in accordance with
the Fund's understanding of the applicable country's tax rules and rates.
Distributions received from Real Estate Investment Trusts are recorded as
dividend income on ex-dividend date, subject to reclassification upon notice of
the character of such distributions by the issuer.

Certain expenses of the Fund are paid through commission arrangements with
brokers. The amount of these expenses was approximately $1,549 for the year
ended November 30, 2003. In addition, the Fund may receive earnings credits from
its custodian when positive cash balances are maintained, which are used to
offset custody fees. There were no earnings credits for the year ended November
30, 2003. The expenses paid under the above arrangements are included in their
respective expense captions on the Statement of Operations with the
corresponding expense offset shown as "expenses paid indirectly."

2. Investment Management, Administration Agreements and Other Transactions with
In accordance with the terms of its investment management agreement, the Fund
pays Delaware Management Company (DMC), a series of Delaware Management Business
Trust and the investment manager, an annual fee of 0.70%, which is calculated
daily based on the adjusted average weekly net assets.

DMC has entered into a sub-advisory agreement with Delaware International
Advisers Ltd. (DIAL), an affiliate of DMC, related to the foreign securities
portion of the Fund. For the services provided, DMC pays DIAL a monthly fee
which is equal to 40% of the of the fee paid to DMC under the terms of the
investment management agreement. The Fund does not pay any fees directly to

The Fund has engaged Delaware Service Company, Inc. (DSC), an affiliate of DMC
and DIAL, to provide accounting and administration services. The Fund pays DSC a
monthly fee computed at the annual rate of 0.05% of the Fund's adjusted average
weekly net assets, subject to an annual minimum of $100,000.

For purposes of the calculation of investment management fees and administration
fees, adjusted average weekly net assets does not include the line of credit

At November 30, 2003, the Fund had liabilities payable to affiliates as follows:

Investment management fee payable to DMC                   $13,735
Accounting, administration and
  other expenses payable to DSC                              9,316
Other expenses payable to DMC and affiliates*               27,679

*DMC, as part of its administrative services, pays Fund operating expenses on
 behalf of the Fund and is reimbursed on a periodic basis. Such expenses include
 items such as printing of shareholder reports, professional fees, stock
 exchange fees, custodian fees and directors fees.

Certain officers of DMC, DIAL and DSC are officers and/or directors of the Fund.
These officers and directors are paid no compensation by the Fund.


Notes                 Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

3. Investments
For the year ended November 30, 2003, the Fund made purchases of $81,548,560 and
sales of $89,622,589 of investment securities other than U.S. government
securities and short-term investments.

At November 30, 2003, the cost for federal income taxes purposes was
$81,911,191. At November 30, 2003, the net unrealized appreciation was
$10,897,933 of which $14,453,167 related to unrealized appreciation of
investments and $3,555,234 related to unrealized depreciation of investments.

4. Dividend and Distribution Information
Income and long-term capital gain distributions are determined in accordance
with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States. The tax character of dividends and
distributions paid during the years ended November 30, 2003 and 2002 were as

                                                          2003         2002
Ordinary Income                                        $5,492,967   $2,182,468
Return of capital                                         994,113    6,609,672
                                                       ----------   ----------
Total                                                  $6,487,080   $8,792,140
                                                       ==========   ==========

As of November 30, 2003, the components of net assets on a tax basis were as

Shares of beneficial interest                                      $66,579,579
Capital loss carryforwards                                          (5,802,012)
Unrealized appreciation on
  investments and foreign currencies                                10,915,342
Net assets                                                         $71,692,909

For federal income tax purposes, capital loss carryforwards may be carried
forward and applied against future capital gains. Such capital loss
carryforwards expire as follows: $1,093,240 expires in 2009, $3,986,959 expires
in 2010 and $721,813 expires in 2011.

5. Capital Stock
The Fund did not have any transactions in common shares during the year ended
November 30, 2003.

Shares issuable under the Fund's dividend reinvestment plan are purchased by the
Fund's transfer agent, Mellon Investor Services, LLC, in the open market.

6. Line of Credit
The Fund has entered into a Line of Credit Agreement with J.P. Morgan Chase for
$25,000,000 that expires on January 23, 2004. The Fund intends on renewing the
Agreement for another year. At November 30, 2003, the par value of loans
outstanding was $21,000,000 at a variable interest rate of 1.65%. During the
year, the average daily balance of loans outstanding was $21,000,000 at a
weighted average interest rate of approximately 1.84%. The maximum amount of
loans outstanding at any time during the year was $21,000,000. Interest on
borrowings is based on market rates in effect at the time of borrowing. The
commitment fee is computed at the rate of 0.15% per annum on the unused balance.
For the year ended November 30, 2003, the Fund was charged a commitment fee of
$6,000 which is included in "custodian fees" on the Statement of Operations.
The loan is collateralized by the Fund's portfolio.

7. Foreign Exchange Contracts
The Fund may enter into forward foreign currency exchange contracts as a way of
managing foreign exchange rate risk. The Fund may enter into these contracts to
fix the U.S. dollar value of a security that it has agreed to buy or sell for
the period between the date the trade was entered into and the date the security
is delivered and paid for. The Fund may also use these contracts to hedge the
U.S. dollar value of securities it already owns that are denominated in foreign

Forward foreign currency exchange contracts are valued at the mean
between the bid and asked prices of the contracts and are marked-to-market

Interpolated values are derived when the settlement date of the contract
is an interim date for which quotations are not available. The change in market
value is recorded as an unrealized gain or loss. When the contract is closed, a
realized gain or loss is recorded equal to the difference between the value of
the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed.

The use of forward foreign currency exchange contracts does not eliminate
fluctuations in the underlying prices of the securities, but does establish a
rate of exchange that can be achieved in the future. Although forward foreign
currency exchange contracts limit the risk of loss due to a decline in the value
of the hedged currency, they also limit any potential gain that might result
should the value of the currency increase. In addition, the Fund could be
exposed to risks if the counterparties to the contracts are unable to meet the
terms of their contracts.

The following foreign currency exchange contracts were outstanding at November
30, 2003:

                                                 Settlement      Unrealized
Contracts to Deliver       In Exchange for       Date            Depreciation
- --------------------       ---------------       ----------      ------------
1,448,000                   US $2,446,345         1/30/04         ($31,885)
British Pounds

8. Securities Lending
The Fund, along with other funds in the Delaware Investments Family of Funds,
may lend its securities pursuant to a security lending agreement (Lending
Agreement) with J.P. Morgan Chase. Initial security loans made pursuant to the
Lending Agreement are required to be secured by U.S. Treasury obligations and/or
cash collateral not less than 102% of the market value of the securities issued
in the United States and 105% of the market value of securities issued outside
the United States. With respect to each loan, if the aggregate market value of
the collateral held on any business day is less than the aggregate market value
of the securities which are the subject of such loan, the borrower will be
notified to provide additional collateral not less than the applicable
collateral requirements. Cash collateral received is invested in fixed-income
securities, with a weighted average maturity not to exceed 90 days, rated in one
of the top two tiers by Standard & Poor's Ratings Group or Moody's Investors
Service, Inc. or repurchase agreements collateralized by such securities.
However, in the event of default or bankruptcy by the lending agent, realization
and/or retention of the collateral may be subject to legal proceedings. In the
event the borrower fails to return loaned securities and the collateral received
is insufficient to cover the value of the loaned securities and provided such
collateral shortfall is not the result of investment losses, the lending agent
has agreed to pay the amount of the shortfall to the Fund, or at the discretion
of the lending agent, replace the loaned securities. The Fund continues to
record dividends on the securities loaned and is subject to change in fair value
of the securities loaned that may occur during the term of the loan. The Fund
has the right under the Lending Agreement to recover the securities from the
borrower on demand. The security lending agent and the borrower retain a portion
of the earnings from the collateral investments. The Fund records security
lending income net of such allocation.

At November 30, 2003, the market value of securities on loan was $3,546,993, for
which cash collateral was received and invested in accordance with the Lending
Agreement. Such investments are presented on the Statement of Net Assets under
the caption "Securities Lending Collateral."

9. Credit and Market Risks
Some countries in which the Fund may invest require governmental approval for
the repatriation of investment income, capital or the proceeds of sales of
securities by foreign investors. In addition, if there is deterioration in a
country's balance of payments or for other reasons, a country may impose
temporary restrictions on foreign capital remittances abroad.

The securities exchanges of certain foreign markets are substantially smaller,
less liquid and more volatile than the major securities markets in the United
States. Consequently, acquisition and disposition of securities by the Fund may
be inhibited. In addition, a significant portion of the aggregate


Notes                 Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

9. Credit and Market Risks (continued)
market value of equity securities listed on the major securities exchanges in
emerging markets are held by a smaller number of investors. This may limit the
number of shares available for acquisition or disposition by the Fund.

The Fund invests in high-yield fixed income securities, which carry ratings of
BB or lower by Standard & Poor's Ratings Group and/or Ba or lower by Moody's
Investors Service, Inc. Investments in these higher yielding securities are
generally accompanied by a greater degree of credit risk than higher rated
securities. Additionally, lower rated securities may be more susceptible to
adverse economic and competitive industry conditions than investment grade

The Fund may invest up to 10% of its total assets in illiquid securities, which
may include securities with contractual restrictions on resale, securities
exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and other securities which may not be readily marketable. The relative
illiquidity of these securities may impair the Fund from disposing of them in a
timely manner and at a fair price when it is necessary or desirable to do so.

The Fund invests in real estate investment trusts (REITs) and is subject to some
of the risks associated with that industry. If the Fund holds real estate
directly as a result of defaults or receives rental income directly from real
estate holdings, its tax status as a regulated investment company may be
jeopardized. There were no direct holdings during the year ended November 30,
2003. The Fund's REIT holdings are also affected by interest rate changes,
particularly if the REITs it holds use floating rate debt to finance their
ongoing operations.

10. Geographic Disclosure
As of November 30, 2003, the Fund's geographic diversification (based on the
issuer of each security's domicile) of its investments portfolio before
securities lending collateral was as follows:

Country                           Market Value                     of Net Assets
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United States                     $55,471,143                          59.77%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Japan                               6,298,345                           6.79%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Britain                             5,825,651                           6.28%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
France                              4,378,173                           4.72%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Australia                           4,231,983                           4.56%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Germany                             3,920,968                           4.22%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Belgium                             1,980,603                           2.13%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sweden                              1,888,686                           2.04%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Poland                              1,575,735                           1.70%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Spain                               1,511,379                           1.63%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Netherlands                         1,204,851                           1.30%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mexico                              1,047,185                           1.13%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hong Kong                             950,659                           1.02%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New Zealand                           628,009                           0.68%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Austria                               541,705                           0.58%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Italy                                 440,348                           0.47%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
South Africa                          344,738                           0.37%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Greece                                285,950                           0.31%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Singapore                             283,013                           0.30%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                             $92,809,124                         100.00%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Like any investment in securities, the value of the Fund may be subject to risk
or loss from market, currency, economic and political factors which may occur in
the countries where the Fund is invested.

11. Tax Information (Unaudited)
The information set forth below is for the Fund's fiscal year as required by
federal laws. Shareholders, however, must report distributions on a calendar
year basis for income tax purposes, which may include distributions for portions
of two fiscal years of a fund. Accordingly, the information needed by
shareholders for income tax purposes will be sent to them in January of each
year. Please consult your tax advisor for proper treatment of this information.

For the fiscal year ended November 30, 2003, the Fund designates distributions
paid during the year as follows:

    (A)                 (B)
 Long-Term            Ordinary         (C)
Capital Gains          Income        Return of        Total         (D)
Distributions       Distributions     Capital      Distribution   Qualifying
 (Tax Basis)        (Tax Basis)     (Tax Basis)    (Tax Basis)   Dividends(1)
- -------------       -------------    ----------    ------------  ------------
    --                   85%           15%             100%          5%

(A) (B) and (C) are based on a percentage of the Fund's total distributions.

(D) is based on a percentage of ordinary income of the Fund.

(1) Qualifying dividends represent dividends which qualify for the corporate
    dividends received deductions.

For the fiscal year ended November 30, 2003 certain dividends may be subject to
a maximum tax rate of 15%, as provided for by the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief
Reconciliation Act of 2003. The Fund intends to designate $961,420 to be taxed
at a maximum rate of 15%. Complete information will be computed and reported in
conjunction with your 2003 Form 1099-DIV.

12. Proxy Results (Unaudited)
The Fund held its Annual Meeting of Shareholders on August 14, 2003. At the
Annual Meeting, the Fund's shareholders elected nine Directors. The results of
the voting at the meeting were as follows:

                              Shares            Shares            Shares
Nominee                      Voted For       Voted Against      Voted Abstain
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jude T. Driscoll             5,278,424          73,178               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David K. Downes              5,279,392          72,210               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Walter P. Babich             5,273,322          78,280               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John H. Durham               5,276,873          74,729               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John A. Fry                  5,278,727          72,875               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anthony D. Knerr             5,279,199          72,403               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ann R. Leven                 5,277,993          73,609               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thomas F. Madison            5,278,199          73,403               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Janet L. Yeomans             5,278,937          72,665               --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



To the Shareholders and Board of Directors
Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying statement of net assets of Delaware Investments
Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc. (the "Fund") as of November 30, 2003, and
the related statements of operations and cash flows for the year then ended, the
statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then
ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period
then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the
responsibility of the Fund's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and
financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements and financial highlights. Our procedures included
confirmation of securities owned as of November 30, 2003, by correspondence with
the custodian and brokers or by other appropriate auditing procedures where
replies from brokers were not received.

An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to
above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of
Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc. at November 30, 2003,
the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended, the
changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended,
and its financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then
ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United

Ernst & Young LLP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
January 16, 2004


Delaware Investments Family of Funds

A mutual fund is governed by a Board of Directors which has oversight
responsibility for the management of a fund's business affairs. Directors
establish procedures and oversee and review the performance of the investment
manager, the distributor and others that perform services for the fund. The
independent fund Directors, in particular, are advocates for shareholder
interests. The following is a list of the Directors/Officers and certain
background and related information.

                                                                                                    Number of           Other
                                                                             Principal          Portfolios in Fund   Directorships
   Name,                      Position(s)                                   Occupation(s)        Complex Overseen      Held by
  Address                      Held with          Length of Time               During               by Director        Director
and Birthdate                   Fund(s)               Served                Past 5 Years            or Officer        or Officer
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Jude T. Driscoll(2)         Chairman and          3 Years -           Since August 2000,             83             None
   2005 Market Street           Director(4)      Executive Officer   Mr. Driscoll has served in
    Philadelphia, PA                                                various executive capacities
       19103                                      Director since        at different times at
                                                   May 15, 2003        Delaware Investments(1)
   March 10, 1963
                                                                       Senior Vice President and
                                                                   Director of Fixed-Income Process -
                                                                       Conseco Capital Management
                                                                       (June 1998 - August 2000)

                                                                          Managing Director -
                                                                     NationsBanc Capital Markets
                                                                     (February 1996 - June 1998)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Walter P. Babich              Director            15 Years              Board Chairman -           101             None
   2005 Market Street                                              Citadel Construction Corporation
   Philadelphia, PA                                                        (1989 - Present)

   October 1, 1927

   John H. Durham                Director            24 Years(3)           Private Investor            101       Trustee - Abington
  2005 Market Street                                                                                              Memorial Hospital
  Philadelphia, PA

   August 7, 1937                                                                                               President/Director -
                                                                                                                 22 WR Corporation

   John A. Fry                   Director(4)          2 Years                 President -               83             None
 2005 Market Street                                                    Franklin & Marshall College
 Philadelphia, PA                                                        (June 2002 - Present)
                                                                        Executive Vice President -
                                                                        University of Pennsylvania
   May 28, 1960                                                          (April 1995 - June 2002)

  Anthony D. Knerr               Director            10 Years        Founder/Managing Director -      101             None
 2005 Market Street                                                   Anthony Knerr & Associates
  Philadelphia, PA                                                      (Strategic Consulting)
       19103                                                               (1990 - Present)

December 7, 1938


                                                                                                    Number of           Other
                                                                             Principal          Portfolios in Fund   Directorships
   Name,                      Position(s)                                   Occupation(s)        Complex Overseen      Held by
  Address                      Held with          Length of Time               During               by Director        Director
and Birthdate                   Fund(s)               Served                Past 5 Years            or Officer        or Officer
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Ann R. Leven                  Director             14 Years     Treasurer/Chief Fiscal Officer -     101        Director - Andy
 2005 Market Street                                                     National Gallery of Art                   Warhol Foundation
 Philadelphia, PA                                                           (1994 - 1999)
      19103                                                                                                          Director -
                                                                                                                   Systemax Inc.
   November 1, 1940

   Thomas F. Madison             Director             9 Years               President/Chief             101          Director -
   2005 Market Street                                                     Executive Officer -                   CenterPoint Energy
   Philadelphia, PA                                                        MLM Partners, Inc.
        19103                                                          (Small Business Investing                 Director - Digital
                                                                            and Consulting)                         River Inc.
                                                                        (January 1993 - Present)
   February 25, 1936                                                                                             Director - Rimage

                                                                                                                 Director - Valmont
                                                                                                                   Industries, Inc.

   Janet L. Yeomans              Director             4 Years           Vice President/Mergers &        101            None
   2005 Market Street                                                 Acquisitions - 3M Corporation
   Philadelphia, PA                                                     (January 2003 - Present)
                                                                          Ms. Yeomans has held
   July 31, 1948                                                           various management
                                                                       positions at 3M Corporation
                                                                               since 1983.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Joseph H. Hastings          Executive           Executive        Mr. Hastings has served in         101            None
    2005 Market Street       Vice President      Vice President     various executive capacities
     Philadelphia, PA              and                 and            at different times at
         19103               Chief Financial     Chief Financial      Delaware Investments.
                                 Officer          Officer since
                                                  August 21, 2003

   December 19, 1999

   Richelle S. Maestro     Senior Vice President,   Chief Legal      Ms. Maestro has served in          101            None
   2005 Market Street       Chief Legal Officer    Officer since    various executive capacities
    Philadelphia, PA          and Secretary        March 17, 2003     at different times at
       19103                                                          Delaware Investments.

   November 26, 1957

   Michael P. Bishof        Senior Vice President     7 Years          Mr. Bishof has served in         101            None
   2005 Market Street           and Treasurer                        various executive capacities
    Philadelphia, PA                                                    at different times at
       19103                                                             Delaware Investments.

   August 18, 1962

(1) Delaware Investments is the marketing name for Delaware Management Holdings,
    Inc. and its subsidiaries, including the Registrant's investment advisor.
(2) Mr. Driscoll is considered to be an "Interested Director" because he is an
    executive officer of the Fund's manager.
(3) Mr. Durham served as a Director Emeritus from 1995 through 1998.
(4) Mr. Driscoll and Mr. Fry are not Trustees of the portfolios of Voyageur
    Insured Funds, Voyageur Intermediate Tax Free Funds, Voyageur Investment
    Trust, Voyageur Mutual Funds, Voyageur Mutual Funds II, Voyageur Mutual
    Funds III and Voyageur Tax Free Funds.


Delaware                                                DDF
Investments(SM)                                         List
- --------------------------------------                  NYSE
A member of Lincoln Financial Group(R)       THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE

This annual report is for the information of Delaware Investments Global
Dividend and Income Fund, Inc. shareholders. The figures in this report
represent past results which are not a guarantee of future results. The return
and principal value of an investment in the Fund will fluctuate so that shares,
when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 23(c) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940 that the Fund may, from time to time, purchase shares of its
Common Stock on the open market at market prices.

Board of Directors                      Affiliated Officers                     Contact Information
Jude T. Driscoll                        Joseph H. Hastings                      Investment Manager
Chairman                                Executive Vice President and            Delaware Management Company
Delaware Investments Family of Funds    Chief Financial Officer                 Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia, PA                        Delaware Investments Family of Funds
                                        Philadelphia, PA                        International Affiliate
Walter P. Babich                                                                Delaware International Advisers Ltd.
Board Chairman                          Richelle S. Maestro                     London, England
Citadel Construction Corporation        Senior Vice President,
King of Prussia, PA                     Chief Legal Officer and Secretary       Principal Office of the Fund
                                        Delaware Investments Family of Funds    2005 Market Street
John H. Durham                          Philadelphia, PA                        Philadelphia, PA 19103
Private Investor
Gwynedd Valley, PA                      Michael P. Bishof                       Independent Auditors
                                        Senior Vice President and Treasurer     Ernst & Young LLP
John A. Fry                             Delaware Investments Family of Funds    2001 Market Street
President                               Philadelphia, PA                        Philadelphia, PA 19103
Franklin & Marshall College
Lancaster, PA                                                                   Registrant and Stock Transfer Agent
                                                                                Mellon Investor Services, LLC
Anthony D. Knerr                                                                Overpeck Centre
Managing Director                                                               85 Challenger Road
Anthony Knerr & Associates                                                      Ridgefield, NJ 07660
New York, NY                                                                    800 851-9677

Ann R. Leven+                                                                   For Securities Dealers and Financial
Former Treasurer/Chief Fiscal Officer                                           Institutions Representatives Only
National Gallery of Art                                                         800 362-7500
Washington, DC
                                                                                Web site
Thomas F. Madison+                                                              www.delawareinvestments.com
President and Chief Executive Officer
MLM Partners, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN

Janet L. Yeomans+
Vice President/Mergers & Acquisitions                                             ----------------------------------------
3M Corporation                                                                    Your Reinvestment Options
St. Paul, MN                                                                      Delaware Investments Global Dividend and
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Income Fund, Inc. offers an automatic
A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how  dividend reinvestment program. If you
to vote proxies (if any) relating to portfolio securities is available without    would like to reinvest dividends, and
charge (i) upon request, by calling 800-523-1918; (ii) on the Fund's website at   shares are registered in your name,
http://www.delawareinvestments.com; and (iii) on the Commission's website at      contact Mellon Investor Services, LLC at
http://www.sec.gov.; and beginning no later than August 31, 2004, information     800 851-9677. You will be asked to put
(if any) regarding how the Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities    your request in writing. If you have
during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 is available without charge  shares registered in "street" name,
(i) through the Fund's website at http://www.delawareinvestments.com; and (ii)    contact the broker/dealer holding the
on the Commission's website at http://www.sec.gov.                                shares or your financial advisor.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------

+Audit Committee Member

(8457)                                                        Printed in the USA
AR-DGF [11/03] IVES 1/04                                         J9520 EXP: 1/05

Item 2.  Code of Ethics

         The registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the
registrant's principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal
accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions,
regardless of whether these individuals are employed by the registrant or a
third party. A copy of the registrant's Code of Business Ethics has been posted
on Delaware Investments' internet website at www.delawareinvestments.com. Any
amendments to the Code of Business Ethics, and information on any waiver from
its provisions granted by the registrant, will also be posted on this website
within five business days of such amendment or waiver and will remain on the
website for at least 12 months.

Item 3.  Audit Committee Financial Expert

         The registrant's Board of Trustees/Directors has determined that each
member of the registrant's Audit Committee is an audit committee financial
expert, as defined below. For purposes of this item, an "audit committee
financial expert" is a person who has the following attributes:

         a. An understanding of generally accepted accounting principles and
financial statements;

         b. The ability to assess the general application of such principles in
connection with the accounting for estimates, accruals, and reserves;

         c. Experience preparing, auditing, analyzing, or evaluating financial
statements that present a breadth and level of complexity of accounting issues
that are generally comparable to the breadth and complexity of issues that can
reasonably be expected to be raised by the registrant's financial statements, or
experience actively supervising one or more persons engaged in such activities;

         d. An understanding of internal controls and procedures for financial
reporting; and

         e. An understanding of audit committee functions.

An "audit committee financial expert" shall have acquired such attributes

         a. Education and experience as a principal financial officer, principal
accounting officer, controller, public accountant, or auditor or experience in
one or more positions that involve the performance of similar functions;

         b. Experience actively supervising a principal financial officer,
principal accounting officer, controller, public accountant, auditor, or person
performing similar functions;

         c. Experience overseeing or assessing the performance of companies or
public accountants with respect to the preparation, auditing, or evaluation of
financial statements; or

         d. Other relevant experience.

         The registrant's Board of Trustees/Directors has also determined that
each member of the registrant's Audit Committee is independent. In order to be
"independent" for purposes of this item, the Audit Committee member may not: (i)
other than in his or her capacity as a member of the Board of Trustees/Directors
or any committee thereof, accept directly or indirectly any consulting, advisory
or other compensatory fee from the issuer; or (ii) be an "interested person" of
the registrant as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of

         The names of the audit committee financial experts on the registrant's
Audit Committee are set forth below:

         Ann R. Leven
         Thomas F. Madison
         Janet L. Yeomans(1)

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services

         Required only for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2003.

         Not applicable.

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants

         The registrant has a separately-designated standing Audit Committee
established in accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934. The members of the registrant's Audit Committee are Ann R. Leven,
Thomas F. Madison and Janet L. Yeomans.

(1) The instructions to Form N-CSR require disclosure on the relevant experience
of persons who qualify as audit committee financial experts based on "other
relevant experience." The Board of Trustees/Directors has determined that Ms.
Yeomans qualifies as an audit committee financial expert by virtue of her
education and experience as the Treasurer of a large global corporation.

Item 6.  [Reserved]

Item 7.  Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End
         Management Investment Companies

         The registrant has formally delegated to its investment adviser(s)
(including any sub-adviser) (the "Adviser") the ability to make all proxy voting
decisions in relation to portfolio securities held by the registrant. If and
when proxies need to be voted on behalf of the registrant, the Adviser will vote
such proxies pursuant to its Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures (the
"Procedures"). The Adviser has established a Proxy Voting Committee (the
"Committee") which is responsible for overseeing the Adviser's proxy voting
process for the registrant. One of the main responsibilities of the Committee is
to review and approve the Procedures to ensure that the Procedures are designed
to allow the Adviser to vote proxies in a manner consistent with the goal of
voting in the best interests of the registrant.

         In order to facilitate the actual process of voting proxies, the
Adviser has contracted with Institutional Shareholder Services ("ISS") to
analyze proxy statements on behalf of the registrant and other Adviser clients
and vote proxies generally in accordance with the Procedures. The Committee is
responsible for overseeing ISS's proxy voting activities. If a proxy has been
voted for the registrant, ISS will create a record of the vote. Beginning no
later than August 31, 2004, information (if any) regarding how the registrant
voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month
period ended June 30 is available without charge (i) through the registrant's
website at http://www.delawareinvestments.com; and (ii) on the Commission's
website at http://www.sec.gov.

         The Procedures contain a general guideline that recommendations of
company management on an issue (particularly routine issues) should be given a
fair amount of weight in determining how proxy issues should be voted. However,
the Adviser will normally vote against management's position when it runs
counter to its specific Proxy Voting Guidelines (the "Guidelines"), and the
Adviser will also vote against management's recommendation when it believes that
such position is not in the best interests of the registrant.

         As stated above, the Procedures also list specific Guidelines on how to
vote proxies on behalf of the registrant. Some examples of the Guidelines are as
follows: (i) generally vote for shareholder proposals asking that a majority or
more of directors be independent; (ii) generally vote against proposals to
require a supermajority shareholder vote; (iii) votes on mergers and
acquisitions should be considered on a case-by-case basis, determining whether
the transaction enhances shareholder value; (iv) generally vote against
proposals to create a new class of common stock with superior voting rights; (v)
generally vote re-incorporation proposals on a case-by-case basis; (vi) votes
with respect to management compensation plans are determined on a case-by-case
basis; and (vii) generally vote for reports on the level of greenhouse gas
emissions from a company's operations and products.

         Because the registrant has delegated proxy voting to the Adviser, the
registrant is not expected to encounter any conflict of interest issues
regarding proxy voting and therefore does not have procedures regarding this
matter. However, the Adviser does have a section in its Procedures that
addresses the possibility of conflicts of interest. Most proxies which the
Adviser receives on behalf of the registrant are voted by ISS in accordance with
the Procedures. Because almost all registrant proxies are voted by ISS pursuant
to the pre-determined Procedures, it normally will not be necessary for the
Adviser to make an actual determination of how to vote a particular proxy,
thereby largely eliminating conflicts of interest for the Adviser during the
proxy voting process. In the very limited instances where the Adviser is
considering voting a proxy contrary to ISS's recommendation, the Committee will
first assess the issue to see if there is any possible conflict of interest
involving the Adviser or affiliated persons of the Adviser. If a member of the
Committee has actual knowledge of a conflict of interest, the Committee will
normally use another independent third party to do additional research on the
particular proxy issue in order to make a recommendation to the Committee on how
to vote the proxy in the best interests of the registrant. The Committee will
then review the proxy voting materials and recommendation provided by ISS and
the independent third party to determine how to vote the issue in a manner which
the Committee believes is consistent with the Procedures and in the best
interests of the registrant.

Item 8.  [Reserved]

Item 9.  Controls and Procedures

         The registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial
officer have evaluated the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures
within 90 days of the filing of this report and have concluded that they are
effective in providing reasonable assurance that the information required to be
disclosed by the registrant in its reports or statements filed under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is recorded, processed, summarized and reported
within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

         There were no significant changes in the registrant's internal control
over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's last fiscal
half-year (the registrant's second fiscal half-year in the case of an annual
report) that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially
affect, the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

Item 10. Exhibits

(a)      (1) Code of Ethics

         Not applicable.

         (2) Certifications of Principal Executive Officer and Principal
             Financial Officer pursuant to Rule 30a-2 under the Investment
             Company Act of 1940 are attached hereto as Exhibit 99.CERT.

(b) Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are
furnished herewith as Exhibit 99.906CERT.


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and
the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report
to be signed on its behalf, by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Name of Registrant:  Delaware Investments Global Dividend and Income Fund, Inc.

- -------------------------------
By:    Jude T. Driscoll
Title: Chairman
Date:  2/2/04

         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and
the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the
following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.

- -------------------------------
By:    Jude T. Driscoll
Title: Chairman
Date:  2/2/04

- -------------------------------
By:    Joseph H. Hastings
Title: Chief Financial Officer
Date:  2/2/04