EXHIBIT (d)(5)(iii)

      AMENDMENT,  dated July 1, 2001 to the May 1, 1996 Global Custody Agreement
("Agreement"),  between those registered investment companies listed on Schedule
A to the  Agreement  (each a  "Customer"),  having  a place of  business  at One
Commerce Square, Philadelphia,  PA 19103, and The Chase Manhattan Bank ("Bank"),
having a place of business at 270 Park Ave, New York, N.Y. 10017-2070.

      It is hereby agreed as follows:

      Section 1 Except as modified  hereby,  the  Agreement  is confirmed in all
respects  Capitalized  terms  used  herein  without  definition  shall  have the
meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.

      Section 2 The  Agreement  is amended by deleting  the  Investment  Company
Rider dated  November  20, 1997  thereto and  inserting,  in lieu  thereof,  the
following Rider:

      I Add  the  following  after  the  first  sentence  of  Section  3 of  the

      At the request of  Customer,  Bank may, but need not, add to Schedule A an
      Eligible  Foreign  Custodian  where Bunk has not acted as Foreign  Custody
      Manager with respect to the selection  thereof Bank shall notify  Customer
      in the event  that it elects to add any such entity

      II Add the following language to the end of Section 3 of the Agreement:

      (i) The term  Subcustodian as used herein shall mean the following:

      (a) a "U S Bank,"  which  shall mean a U S bank as defined in rule
      I7f-5(a)(7); and

      (b) an "Eligible Foreign Custodian," which, as defined in rule 17f-5(a)(l)
      and  (5),  shall  mean  (i)  a  banking   institution  or  trust  company,
      incorporated  or  organized  under  the laws of a country  other  than the
      United States,  that is regulated as such by that country's  government or
      an agency thereof, and (ii) a majority-owned direct or indirect subsidiary
      of a U.S. Bank or bank holding company which subsidiary is incorporated or
      organized  under the Saws of a country  other  than the  United  States In
      addition,  an Eligible Foreign  Custodian shall also mean any other entity
      that  shall  have been so  qualified  by  exemptive  order,  rule or other
      appropriate action of the SEC

      (ii)  The term  "securities  depository"  as used  herein  shall  mean the
      following when referring to a securities depository located:

      (a) outside the US., an "Eligible  Securities  Depository" which, in turn,
      shall have the same meaning as in rule 17f-7(b)(l)(i)-(vi) as the same may
      be amended from time to time, or that has otherwise been made exempt by an
      SEC exemptive  order,  rule or other  appropriate SEC action,  except that
      prior to the compliance  date with rule 17f-7 for a particular  securities
      depository  the  term  "securities  depository"  shall  be as  defined  in
      (a)(l)(ii)-(iii) of the 1997 amendments to rule 17f-5

      (b) in the U S , a "securities depository" as defined in SEC rule 17f-4(a)

      (iii) For purposes of clarity,  it is understood  and agreed that the term
Subcustodian  shall not include any  securities  depository. For purposes of the
provisions of the Agreement  imposing  liability on Bank, the term  Subcustodian
shall not include any Eligible Foreign  Custodian as to which Bank has not acted
as Foreign Custody Manager.

      III Add new Section 16 to the Agreement as follows:

      16 Compliance  with  Securities and Exchange  Commission rule 17f-5 ("rule

      (a)  Customer's  board of  directors  (or  equivalent  body)  (hereinafter
"Board") hereby  delegates to Bank, and Bank hereby accepts the delegation to it
of, the obligation to perform as Customer's  "Foreign  Custody Manager" (as that
term is  defined  in rule  17f-5(a)(3)),  including  for the  purposes  of:  (i)
selecting  Eligible  Foreign  Custodians  (as  that  term  is  defined  in  rule
17f-5(a)(l),  as the  same  may be  amended  from  time to  time,  or that  have
otherwise been exempted by SEC exemptive  order,  rule or other  appropriate SEC
action) to hold Customer's  Foreign Assets,  and (ii) evaluating the contractual
arrangements  with  such  Eligible  Foreign  Custodians  (as set  forth  in rule
17f-5(c)(2)),  and (iii)  monitoring such foreign custody  arrangements  (as set
forth in rule 17f-5(c)(3)).

      (b) In connection with the foregoing, Bank shall:

      (i) provide written reports notifying Customer's Board of the placement of
      Foreign  Assets with  particular  Eligible  Foreign  Custodians and of any
      material change in the arrangements with such Eligible Foreign Custodians,
      with such reports to be provided to Customer's  Board at such times as the
      Board deems  reasonable  and  appropriate  based on the  circumstances  of
      Customer's  foreign  custody  arrangements  but until further  notice from
      Customer requesting a different  schedule,  such reports shall be provided
      not less than  quarterly  in summary  form,  with a more  detailed  report

      (ii) exercise such reasonable  care,  prudence and diligence in performing
      as Customer's  Foreign Custody  Manager as a person having  responsibility
      for the safekeeping of Foreign Assets would exercise;

      (iii) in selecting an Eligible  Foreign  Custodian,  first have determined
      that Foreign  Assets  placed and  maintained  in the  safekeeping  of such
      Eligible  Foreign  Custodian shall be subject to reasonable care, based on
      the  standards  applicable to  custodians  in the relevant  market,  after
      having  considered all factors relevant to the safekeeping of such Assets,
      including,   without   limitation,   those   factors  set  forth  in  rule

      (iv)  determine  that  the  written  contract  with the  Eligible  Foreign
      Custodian  requires  that the  Eligible  Foreign  Custodian  will  provide
      reasonable  care for Foreign  Assets based on the standards  applicable to
      custodians in the relevant market as provided in rule 17f-5(c)(2); and

      (v) have established a system to monitor the continued  appropriateness of
      maintaining Foreign Assets with particular Eligible Foreign Custodians and
      performance   of  the  governing   contractual   arrangements;   it  being
      understood,  however,  that in the event that Bank  shall have  determined
      that the existing  Eligible Foreign  Custodian in a given country would no
      longer afford  Foreign Assets  reasonable  care and that no other Eligible
      Foreign Custodian in that country would afford reasonable care, Bank shall
      promptly  so advise  Customer  and shall then act in  accordance  with the
      Instructions  of Customer with respect to the  disposition of the affected
      Foreign Assets

Subject to  (b)(i)-(v)  above,  Bank is hereby  authorized to place and maintain
Foreign Assets on behalf of Customer with Eligible Foreign  Custodians  pursuant
to a written contract deemed appropriate by Bank

      (c) Except as expressly provided herein and in Section 17 hereof, Customer
shall be solely  responsible  to assure that the  maintenance  of Foreign Assets
hereunder complies with the rules,  regulations,  interpretations  and exemptive
orders promulgated by or under the authority of the SEC.

      (d) Bank  represents  to Customer that it is a U.S.Bank as defined in rule
17f-5(a)(7).   Customer represents to Bank that: (1) the Assets being placed and
maintained in Bank's custody are subject to the Investment  Company Act of 1940,
as amended  (the "1940 Act") as the same may be amended  from time to time;  (2)
its Board (or other governing body) has determined that it is reasonable to rely
on Bank to perform as Customer's Foreign Custody Manager;  and (3) its Board (or
other  governing  body) or its  investment  adviser shall have  determined  that
Customer may maintain Foreign Assets in each country in which Customer's Foreign
Assets  shall be held  hereunder  and  determined  to accept  the risks  arising
therefrom (including,  but not limited to, a country's financial infrastructure,
prevailing custody and settlement practices,  laws applicable to the safekeeping
and  recovery  of  Foreign  Assets  held  in  custody,  and  the  likelihood  of
nationalization, currency controls and the like) (collectively ("Country


Risk"))  Nothing  contained  herein shall  require Bank to make any selection on
behalf of Customer that would entail  consideration  of Country Risk and, except
as may be provided in (e) below, to engage in any monitoring of Country Risk

      (e) Bank shall  provide to Customer such  information  relating to Country
Risk as is specified in Appendix 1-A hereto Customer hereby  acknowledges  that:
(i) such information is solely designed to inform Customer of market  conditions
and procedures and is not intended as a  recommendation  to invest or not invest
in particular  markets;  and (ii) Bank has gathered the information from sources
it  considers  reliable,   but  that  Bank  shall  have  no  responsibility  for
inaccuracies or incomplete information

      IV Add the following  language to the end of the First sentence of Section
4(d) of the Agreement:  "or, in the case of cash  deposits,  except for liens or
rights in favor of  creditors  of the  Subcustodian  arising  under  bankruptcy,
insolvency or similar laws."

      V Add a new Section 17 to the Agreement as follows:

      17 Compliance  with  Securities and Exchange  Commission rule 17f-7 ("rule

      (a) Bank shall,  for  consideration  by  Customer,  provide an analysis in
accordance  with rule  17f-7(a)(l)(i)(A)  of the custody risks  associated  with
maintaining  Customer's Foreign Assets with each Eligible Securities  Depository
used by Bank as of the date hereof  (or,  in the case of an Eligible  Securities
Depository  not  used  by Bank  as of the  date  hereof,  prior  to the  initial
placement of  Customer's  Foreign  Assets at such  Depository)  and at which any
Foreign  Assets of Customer are held or are expected to be held.  The  foregoing
analysis will be provided to Customer at Bank's Website.  In connection with the
foregoing, Customer shall notify Bank of any Eligible Securities Depositories at
which it does not choose to have its Foreign Assets held. Bank shall monitor the
custody risks associated with maintaining Customer's Foreign Assets at each such
Eligible  Securities  Depository on a continuing basis and shall promptly notify
Customer or its adviser of any material changes in such risks

      (b) Bank  shall  exercise  reasonable  care,  prudence  and  diligence  in
performing the requirements set forth in Section 17(a) above.

      (c) Based on the information available to it in the exercise of diligence,
Bank shall determine the eligibility  under rule 17f-7 of each depository before
including it on Appendix 1-B hereto and shall  promptly  advise  Customer if any
Eligible  Securities  Depository  ceases  to be  eligible  (Eligible  Securities
Depositories  used by Bank as of the date hereof are set forth in  Appendix  I-B
hereto, and as the same may be amended on notice to Customer from time to time)

      (d) Bank need not commence  performing any of the duties set forth in this
Section 17 prior to March 31,  2001,  but Bank shall  advise  Customer  if it is
prepared  to  commence   such  duties  prior  to  such  date  as  to  particular


      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed  this  Amendment as of the
date first above written

Customer                                THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK

By: /s/ David K. Downes                 By:
    ------------------------                ------------------------
Name:                                   Name:
Title:                                  Title:
Date: July 1, 2001                      Date: July 1, 2001


      (d) Bank need not commence  performing any of the duties set forth in this
Section 17 prior to March 31,  2001,  but Bank shall  advise  Customer  if it is
prepared  to  commence   such  duties  prior  to  such  date  as  to  particular


      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed  this  Amendment as of the
date first above

Customer                                THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK

By: ______________                      By: /s/ Rosemary M, Stidmon
Name:                                   Name: Rosemary M, Stidmon
Title:                                        Title: Vice President
Date: July 1, 2001                      Date: July 1, 2001


                                  Appendix 1-A

                       Information Regarding Country Risk

      1. To aid Customer in its  determinations  regarding  Country  Risk,  Bank
shall  furnish  annually and upon the initial  placing of Foreign  Assets into a
country the following information (check items applicable):

      A     Opinions of local counsel concerning:

|x|   i     Whether  applicable  foreign law would restrict the access  afforded
            Customer's  independent public accountants to books and records kept
            by an Eligible Foreign Custodian located in that country

|x|   ii    Whether applicable foreign law would restrict the Customer's ability
            to recover its assets in the event of the  bankruptcy of an Eligible
            Foreign Custodian located in that country.

|x|   iii   Whether applicable foreign law would restrict the Customer's ability
            to  recover  assets  that axe lost  while  under the  control  of an
            Eligible Foreign Custodian located in the country.

      B.    Written information concerning:

|x|   i.    The  likelihood  of  expropriation,   nationalization,  freezes,  or
            confiscation  of Customer's  assets

|x|   ii.   Whether   difficulties  in  converting   Customer's  cash  and  cash
            equivalents to U.S. dollars axe reasonably foreseeable.

      C.    A market report with respect to the following topics:

      (i)   securities   regulatory   environment,    (ii)   foreign   ownership
      restrictions,  (iii) foreign  exchange,  (iv)  securities  settlement  and
      registration,  (v) taxation,  (vi) market settlement  risk, (vii) Eligible
      Securities Depositories (including Depositor evaluation), if any

      2 Bank shall furnish the following additional information:

            Market flashes, including with respect to changes in the information
            in market reports

                                  Appendix 1-B


                                 [LOGO OMITTED]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                             SECURITIES DEPOSITORIES

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    COUNTRY                                 DEPOSITORY                                                INSTRUMENTS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Argentina          CVSA                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Caja de Valores S.A.,)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Argentina          CRYL                                                           Government Debt

                   (Central de Registration y Liquidacion de Instruments de
                   Endeudamiento Publico)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Australia          Austraclear Limited                                            Corporate Debt, Money Market, Semi-Government Debt
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Australia          CHESS                                                          Equity

                   (Clearing House Electronic Sub-register System)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Australia          RITS                                                           Government Debt

                   (Reserve Bank of Australia/Reserve Bank Information and
                   Transfer System)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Austria            OeKB                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Belgium            CIK                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (Caisse interprofessionnelle de Depots et de Virements de
                   Titres S.A.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Belgium            NBB                                                            Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (National Bank of Belgium)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brazil             CBLC                                                           Equity

                   (Companhia Brasileira de Liquidacao e Custodia)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brazil             CETIP

                   (Central de Custodia e Liquidacuo Financiera de Titulos        Corporate Debt
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brazil             SELIC                                                          Government Debt

                   (Sistema Especial de Liquidacao e Custodia)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bulgaria           BNB                                                            Government Debt

                   (Bulgaria National Bank)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bulgaria           CDAD                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (Central Depository A.D)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Canada             CDS                                                            Equity, Corporate, Government Debt

                   (The Canadian Depository for Securities Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chile              DCV                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Deposito Central de Valores S.A)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
China,             SSCCRC                                                         Equity
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This document is for information only and is designed to keep you abreast of
market conditions and procedures.  This document is intended neither to
influence your investment decisions nor to amend or supplement any agreement
governing your relations with JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan Chase has gathered the
information from a source it considers reliable, however, it cannot be
responsible for inaccuracies, incomplete information or updating of the
information furnished hereby.

JP Morgan Investor Services            2                            June 4, 2001
Network Management

                                 [LOGO OMITTED]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                             SECURITIES DEPOSITORIES

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    COUNTRY                                 DEPOSITORY                                               INSTRUMENTS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shanghai           (Shanghai Securities Central Clearing and Registration
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
China, Shenzhen    SSCC                                                           Equity

                   (Shenzhen Securities Clearing Company, Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Colombia           DCV                                                            Government Debt

                   (Deposito Central dc Valores)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Colombia           DECEVAL                                                        Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Deposito Centralizado de Valores de Colombia S.A.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Croatia            SDA                                                            Equity, Government Debt

                   (Central Depository Agency Inc. - Stredisnja depozitama
                   agencija d.d.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Croatia            MOF                                                            Short-term debt issued by the Ministry of Finance.

                   (Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Croatia            CNB                                                            Short-term debt issued by the National Bank of
                   (Croatian National Bank)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Czech Republic     SCP                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Stredisko cennych papiru - Ceska republica)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Czech Republic     CNB                                                            Government Debt

                   (Czech National Bank)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Denmark            VP                                                             Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Vaerdipapircentralen A/S)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Egypt              MCSD                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (Misr for Clearing, Settlement and Depository, S.A.E.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Estonia            ECDS                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Estonian Central Depository for Securities Limited - Eesti
                   Vaatpaberite Keskdepositoorium)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finland            APK                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Finnish Central Securities Depository Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
France             Euroclear France                                               Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Germany            Clearstream                                                    Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Clearstream Banking AG)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Greece             CSD                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (Central Securities Depository S.A.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Greece             BoG                                                            Government Debt
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This document is for information only and is designed to keep you abreast of
market conditions and procedures. This document is intended neither to influence
your investment decisions nor to amend or supplement any agreement governing
your relations with JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan Chase has gathered the
information from a source it considers reliable, however, it cannot be
responsible for inaccuracies, incomplete information or updating of the
information furnished hereby.

JP Morgan Investor Services            3                            June 4, 2001
Network Management

                                 [LOGO OMITTED]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                             SECURITIES DEPOSITORIES

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    COUNTRY                                 DEPOSITORY                                               INSTRUMENTS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   (Bank of Greece)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hong Kong          HKSCC                                                          Equity

                   (Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hong Kong          CMU                                                            Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Central Moneymarkets Unit)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hungary            KELER                                                          Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Central Clearing House and Depository (Budapest) Ltd -
                   Kozponti Elszamolohaz es Ertektar (Budapest)Rt)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
India              NSDL                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (National Securities Depository Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
India              CDSL                                                           Equity

                   (Central Depository Services (India) Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
India              RBI                                                            Government Debt

                   (Reserve Bank of India)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Indonesia          KSEI                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ireland            CREST                                                          Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (CRESTCo Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Israel             TECH                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Clearing House)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Italy              Monte Titoli S.p.A.                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ivory Coast        DC/BR                                                          Equity

                   (Le Depositaire Central / Banque de Reglement)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jamaica            JCSD                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Jamaica Central Securities Depository)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Japan              JASDEC                                                         Equity, Convertible Debt

                   (Japan Securities Depository Center)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Japan              BoJ                                                            Registered Government Debt

                   (Bank of Japan)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kazahkstan         CSD                                                            Equity

                   (Central Securities Depository CJSC)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kenya              CBCD                                                           Government Debt

                   (Central Bank Central Depository)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This document is for information only and is designed to keep you abreast of
market conditions and procedures. This document is intended neither to influence
your investment decisions nor to amend or supplement any agreement governing
your relations with JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan Chase has gathered the
information from a source it considers reliable, however, it cannot be
responsible for inaccuracies, incomplete information or updating of the
information furnished hereby.

JP Morgan Investor Services            4                            June 4, 2001
Network Management

                                 [LOGO OMITTED]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                             SECURITIES DEPOSITORIES

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    COUNTRY                                 DEPOSITORY                                               INSTRUMENTS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Latvia             LCD                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Latvian Central Depository)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lebanon            Midclear S.A.L.                                                Equity

                   (Custodian and Clearing Center of Financial Instruments for
                   Lebanon and the Middle East S.A.L.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lithuania          CSDL                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Central Securities Depository of Lithuania)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Luxembourg         CBL                                                            Equity

                   (Clearstream Banking Luxembourg S.A.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Malaysia           MCD                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (Malaysian Central Depository Sdn., Bhd.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Malaysia           BNM                                                            Government Debt

                   (Bank Negara Malaysia)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mauritius          CDS                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (Central Depository and Settlement Company Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mexico             INDEVAL                                                        Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (S.D. INDEVAL S.A. de C.V.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Morocco            Maroclear                                                      Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Netherlands        NECIGEF                                                        Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Nederlands Centraal Insituut voor Giraal Effectenverkeer
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New Zealand        NZCSD                                                          Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (New Zealand Central Securities Depository)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nigeria            CSCS                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Central Securities Clearing System Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Norway             VPS                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oman               MDSRC                                                          Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (The Muscat Depository and Securities Registration Company,
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pakistan           CDC                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pakistan           SBP                                                            Government Debt

                   (State Bank of Pakistan)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This document is for information only and is designed to keep you abreast of
market conditions and procedures. This document is intended neither to influence
your investment decisions nor to amend or supplement any agreement governing
your relations with JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan Chase has gathered the
information from a source it considers reliable, however, it cannot be
responsible for inaccuracies, incomplete information or updating of the
information furnished hereby.

JP Morgan Investor Services            5                            June 4, 2001
Network Management

                                 [LOGO OMITTED]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                             SECURITIES DEPOSITORIES

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    COUNTRY                                 DEPOSITORY                                               INSTRUMENTS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peru               CAVALI                                                         Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (CAVALIICLV S.A.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Philippines        PCD                                                            Equity

                   (Philippine Central Depository, Inc.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Philippines        ROSS                                                           Government Debt

                   (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas / Register of Scripless
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Poland             NDS                                                            Equity, Long-Term Government Debt

                   (National Depository for Securities S.A.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Poland             CRT                                                            Short-Term Government Debt

                   (Central Registry of Treasury-Bills)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Portugal           INTERBOLSA                                                     Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Sociedade Gestora de Sistemas de Liquidacao e de Sistemas
                   Centralizados de Valores Mobiliarios, S.A.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Romania            SNCDD                                                          Equity

                   (National Company for Clearing, Settlement and Depository for
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Romania            BSE                                                            Equity

                   (Bucharest Stock Exchange)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Russia             VTB                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt (Ministry
                                                                                  of Finance Bonds)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Russia             NDC                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (National Depository Centre)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Singapore          CDP                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (The Central Depository (Pte) Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Singapore          MAS                                                            Government Debt

                   (Monetary Authority of Singapore)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Slovak Republic    SCP                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Stredisko cennych papierov SR Bratislava, a.s.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Slovak Republic    NBS                                                            Government Debt

                   (National Bank of Slovakia)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Slovenia           KDD                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Centralna klirinsko depotna druzba d.d.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
South Africa       CDL                                                            Corporate Debt, Government Debt
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This document is for information only and is designed to keep you abreast of
market conditions and procedures. This document is intended neither to influence
your investment decisions nor to amend or supplement any agreement governing
your relations with JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan Chase has gathered the
information from a source it considers reliable, however, it cannot be
responsible for inaccuracies, incomplete information or updating of the
information furnished hereby.

JP Morgan Investor Services            6                            June 4, 2001
Network Management

                                 [LOGO OMITTED]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                             SECURITIES DEPOSITORIES

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    COUNTRY                                 DEPOSITORY                                               INSTRUMENTS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   (Central Depository (Pty) Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

South Africa       STRATE                                                         Equity

                   (Share Transactions Totally Electronic)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
South Korea        KSD                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Korea Securities Depository)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Spain              SCLV                                                           Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (Servicio de Compensacion y Liquidacion de Valores. S.A.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Spain              CBEO                                                           Government Debt

                   (Banco de Espana / Central Book Entry Office)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sri Lanka          CDS                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (Central Depository System (Private) Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sweden             VPC                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Vardepapperscentralen AB)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Switzerland        SIS                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (SIS SegalnterSettle AG)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Taiwan             TSCD                                                           Equity, Government Debt

                   (Taiwan Securities Central Depository Co. Ltd.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thailand           TSD                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Transnational      DCC                                                            Euro-CDs

                   (The Depository and Clearing Centre)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Transnational      Clearstream                                                    Euro-Debt           ,

                   (Clearstream Banking. S.A.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Transnational      Euroclear                                                      Euro-Debt
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tunisia            STICODEVAM                                                     Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Societe Tunisienne Interprofessionnelle pour la Compensation
                   et le Depot des Valeurs Mobilieres)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Turkey             TAKASBANK                                                      Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (IMKB Takas ve Saklama Bankasi A.S.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United Arab        DFM                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt
                   (Dubai Financial Market Clearing House)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United             CREST                                                          Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt
                   (CRESTCo Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This document is for information only and is designed to keep you abreast of
market conditions and procedures. This document is intended neither to influence
your investment decisions nor to amend or supplement any agreement governing
your relations with JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan Chase has gathered the
information from a source it considers reliable, however, it cannot be
responsible For inaccuracies, incomplete information or updating of the
information furnished hereby.

JP Morgan Investor Services            7                            June 4, 2001
Network Management

                                 [LOGO OMITTED]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                             SECURITIES DEPOSITORIES

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    COUNTRY                                 DEPOSITORY                                               INSTRUMENTS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United Kingdom     CMO                                                            Sterling & Euro CDs, Commercial Paper

                   (Central Moneymarkets Office)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United States      DTC                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt

                   (Depository Trust Company)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United States      PTC                                                            Mortgage Back Debt

                   (Participants Trust Company)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United States      FED                                                            Government Debt

                   (The Federal Reserve Book-Entry System)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Venezuela          BCV                                                            Government Debt

                   (Banco Central de Venezuela)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Venezuela          CVV                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Money Market

                   (Caja Venezolana de Valores, S.A.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vietnam            SCC                                                            Equity, Corporate Debt, Government Debt

                   (Securities Custody Centre)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Zambia             CSD                                                            Equity, Government Debt

                   (LuSE Central Shares Depository Limited)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Zambia             BoZ                                                            Government Debt

                   (Bank of Zambia)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This document is for information only and is designed to keep you abreast of
market conditions and procedures. This document is intended neither to influence
your investment decisions nor to amend or supplement any agreement governing
your relations with JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan Chase has gathered the
information from a source it considers reliable, however, it cannot be
responsible for inaccuracies, incomplete information or updating of the
information furnished hereby.

JP Morgan Investor Services            8                            June 4, 2001
Network Management

                                   SCHEDULE A

Delaware Group Adviser Funds
      Delaware New Pacific Fund
      Delaware Overseas Equity Fund
      Delaware U.S.Growth Fund

Delaware Group Equity Funds I
      Delaware Balanced Fund
      Delaware Devon Fund

Delaware Group Equity Funds II
      Delaware Decatur Equity Income Fund
      Delaware Growth and Income Fund
      Delaware Diversified Value Fund
      Delaware Social Awareness Fund

Delaware Group Equity Funds III
      Delaware American Services Fund
      Delaware Focused Growth Fund
      Delaware Research Fund
      Delaware Small Cap Growth Fund
      Delaware Technology & Innovation Fund
      Delaware Trend Fund

Delaware Group Equity Funds IV
      Delaware Growth Opportunities Fund
      Delaware Diversified Growth Fund

Delaware Group Equity Funds V
      Delaware Small Cap Value Fund
      Delaware Retirement Income Fund
      Delaware Small Cap Contrarian Fund

Delaware Group Foundation Funds
      Delaware Income Portfolio
      Delaware Balanced Portfolio
      Delaware Growth Portfolio
      Delaware S&P 500 Index Fund

Delaware Group Global and International Funds
      Delaware Emerging Markets Fund
      Delaware Global Bond Fund
      Delaware Global Equity Fund
      Delaware International Equity Fund
      Delaware International Small Cap Fund

Delaware Group Government Fund
      Delaware American Government Bond Fund

Delaware Group Income Funds
      Delaware Corporate Bond Fund
      Delaware Delchester Fund
      Delaware Extended Duration Bond Fund
      Delaware High-Yield Opportunities Fund
      Delaware Strategic Income Fund

Delaware Group Limited-Term Government Funds
      Delaware Limited-Term Government Fund

Delaware Pooled Trust
      The All-Cap Growth Equity Portfolio
      The Diversified Core Fixed Income Portfolio
      The Emerging Markets Portfolio
      The Global Equity Portfolio
      The Global Fixed Income Portfolio
      The High-Yield Bond Portfolio
      The International Equity Portfolio
      The International Fixed Income Portfolio
      The International Large-Cap Equity Portfolio
      The International Small-Cap Portfolio
      The Labor Select International Equity Portfolio
      The Large-Cap Growth Equity Portfolio
      The Real Estate Investment Trust Portfolio
      The Real Estate Investment Trust Portfolio II
      The Small-Cap Growth Equity Portfolio
      The Small-Cap Value Equity Portfolio

Delaware Group Premium Fund
      Balanced Series
      Convertible Securities Series
      Devon Series
      Emerging Markets Series
      Global Bond Series
      Growth and Income Series
      Growth Opportunities Series
      High Yield Series
      International Equity Series
      REIT Series
      Select Growth Series
      Small Cap Value Series
      Social Awareness Series
      Strategic Income Series
      Technology and Innovation Series
      Trend Series
      U.S. Growth Series