                          5100 N. BROOKLINE, SUITE 600
                          OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73112
                            Telephone (405) 942-3501
                               Fax (405) 942-3527

                                  June 17, 2005

- -----------------

Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
Mail Stop 0405
450 Fifth Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20549

         RE:   Atlas America Series 25-2004 (A) L.P.
               Atlas America Series 25-2004 (B) L.P.
               Registration Statements on Forms 10
               Filed April 29, 2005
               File Nos. 0-51271 and 0-51272, respectively

Dear Mr. Schwall:

         This letter is in response to your comment letter dated June 6, 2005
for the above-referenced filings. For your convenience, we first restate your
comment in italics and then provide our response. Also, comments in our
responses relating to revisions in an amended registration statement are
intended to apply to the respective amended registration statements for both
Atlas America Series 25-2004(A) L.P. (which we sometimes refer to in our
responses as "Series 25(A)") and Atlas America Series 25-2004(B) L.P. (which we
sometimes refer to in our responses as "Series 25(B)"), unless otherwise noted.
Also, we sometimes refer to Series 25(A) and/or Series 25(B) in our responses as
a "partnership" or the "partnerships," as the context requires.

- -------

1.       Please be advised that both Form 10 registration statements will
         automatically become effective 60 days from the date of the first
         filing. Upon effectiveness, you will become subject to the reporting
         requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In the event that
         it appears that you will not be able to respond by the 60th day, you
         may wish to consider withdrawing your registration statement and
         refiling when you have prepared a response to our comments.

                  We acknowledge the comment concerning the effective dates of
                  both Form 10 registration statements, however, under the
                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934 there is no procedure for us
                  to withdraw the registration statements.

2.       Where comments in one section or documents also relate to disclosure in
         another section or document, please make parallel changes to all
         affected disclosure. This will eliminate the need for us to repeat
         similar comments.

                  We acknowledge your comment and we have made parallel changes
                  to all affected disclosure which relate to your comments.


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 2

3.       We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 10, 2005. We note that
         you have not filed this letter as correspondence on EDGAR. Please
         ensure that you file the May 10, 2005 letter and, unless the subject of
         a Rule 83 or confidential treatment request, all other future written
         communications, as correspondence on EDGAR.

                  Pursuant to your comment, our letter dated May 10, 2005 was
                  filed on June 6, 2005 with the SEC as correspondence on EDGAR,
                  in a separate filing for Series 25(A) and in a separate filing
                  for Series 25(B). Also, subject to the exceptions set forth in
                  your comment, all other future written communications from us
                  concerning this matter will be filed as correspondence on

Item 1. Business
- ----------------

4.       Please provide us with an organizational chart depicting the Atlas
         Resources, Inc. entities and affiliated entities with respective unit
         ownership delineated.

                  Each amended registration statement has been revised to
                  include two organizational charts which depict Atlas
                  Resources, Inc. and its affiliated entities, with the
                  respective ownership delineated. We have included two
                  organizational charts because Resource America, Inc., the
                  indirect parent company of Atlas Resources, and certain other
                  affiliated entities of Atlas Resources, are currently in the
                  process of a corporate spin-off, two mergers and other
                  corporate actions, as previously disclosed in Item 5.
                  "Directors and Executive Officers - Managing General Partner,"
                  and as disclosed in a new subsection in Item 5, which has the
                  subheading "Organizational Charts," in the amended
                  registration statements. Upon the conclusion of these
                  corporate transactions, there will be material changes in the
                  organizational chart as illustrated in the charts included in
                  the amended registration statements. The corporate
                  transactions which are disclosed in the amended registration
                  statements are described below.

                  In 2004 Resource America conducted a public offering of a
                  portion of its common stock in Atlas America, Inc., which is
                  another indirect parent company of Atlas Resources, Inc. After
                  the conclusion of the offering, Resource America continued to
                  own approximately 80.2% of Atlas America's common stock.
                  Resource America has advised Atlas Resources that it intends
                  to distribute all of its remaining shares of common stock in
                  Atlas America to its common stockholders on or before June 30,
                  2005. In addition, Resource America has advised Atlas
                  Resources that the following corporate transactions, among
                  others, will occur before the distribution of the Atlas
                  America stock is made by Resource America:

                  o   Atlas Energy Group, Inc., the driller and operator in Ohio
                      and a wholly-owned subsidiary of AIC, Inc., will be
                      acquired by merger by Atlas America. Atlas Energy Group
                      will then cease to exist and its subsidiary AED
                      Investments, Inc. will become a direct wholly-owned
                      subsidiary of Atlas America, and Atlas America will assume
                      Atlas Energy Group's business as driller and operator in
                      Ohio; and


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 3

                  o   Atlas Energy Holdings, Inc., a holding company which is
                      wholly-owned by Resource America, will be merged into
                      Resource America and Atlas Energy Holdings will cease to

                  Thus, the first organizational chart included in the amended
                  registration statements currently applies. The second
                  organizational chart will apply after the spin-off, mergers
                  and other corporate actions discussed above have occurred,
                  which Resource America has advised Atlas Resources will be on
                  or before June 30, 2005.

5.       Please disclose the price at which each unit was originally sold.

                  The registration statements have been revised in the first
                  paragraph under Item 1 "Business - General," to disclose the
                  price at which each unit was originally sold. The units were
                  offered at $25,000 per unit, however, the terms of the
                  offering, which were disclosed to all potential investors in
                  Series 25(A) and Series 25(B), permitted registered investment
                  advisors and their clients, and selling agents and their
                  registered representatives and principals, to pay a discounted
                  price of $23,000 per unit, and the managing general partner,
                  its officers, directors and affiliates, and investors who
                  bought units through the officers and directors of the
                  managing general partner to pay a discounted price of $21,625
                  per unit. The discounted unit prices for those groups of
                  investors reflected certain offering fees and sales
                  commissions which were not paid for the sale of those units.

6.       Revise to describe in greater detail the investment objectives to which
         you refer. For example, what is the likelihood that investors will
         receive the $2,500 distribution? Likewise, is the $22,500 deduction to
         which you refer guaranteed for each investor?

                  We have revised the disclosure of investment objectives in
                  Item 1 "Business," in both amended registration statements to
                  describe them in greater detail. In particular, we addressed
                  the likelihood that the investors will receive the aggregate
                  annual distributions of $2,500 per unit, and disclosed that
                  each participant is guaranteed a deduction for intangible
                  drilling costs in an amount equal to not less than 90% of the
                  subscription price he paid for his units, subject to certain
                  conditions, as discussed below.

                  Also, we added a new risk factor to Item 1 "Business - Risk
                  Factors - Risks Relating to Our Business," as the seventh risk
                  factor, which has the subheading "Our Total Cash Distributions
                  During Our First Five Years May be Less Than $2,500 Per Unit
                  Per Year." This new risk factor discloses in greater detail
                  that the minimum aggregate annual distributions of $2,500 per
                  unit during the first five years described with respect to the
                  managing general partner's subordination obligation is not a
                  guarantee and could be less than that amount.

                  In Item 1 "Business - General," both registration statements
                  set forth obtaining a 2004 tax deduction for intangible
                  drilling costs of approximately $22,500 per unit, 90%, for
                  each unit purchased for $25,000, as one of the investment
                  objectives. In this regard, a deduction of $22,500 per unit
                  for intangible drilling costs was not guaranteed to each
                  investor, because the units were sold at different prices as
                  discussed in our response to Comment 5. Instead, the
                  allocation provisions of the partnership agreements, which


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 4

                  were filed as Exhibits 4.2 to the respective registration
                  statements, have the same effect, as a practical matter, of a
                  guarantee that each investor's deduction for intangible
                  drilling costs will not be less than 90% of the subscription
                  price paid by each participant for his units. These allocation
                  provisions are set forth in Section 5.01(a) and its
                  subsections of the partnership agreements, and they generally
                  provide that:

                  o   not more than 10% of the amount paid by an investor for
                      his units can be used by the partnership to pay the
                      equipment costs of its wells; and

                  o   all of the remaining amount paid by the investor for his
                      units (i.e., 90%) must be used by the partnership to pay
                      the intangible drilling costs of its wells.

                  Thus, the effect of these allocation provisions is that each
                  investor is guaranteed a deduction for intangible drilling
                  costs in an amount equal to not less than 90% of the amount
                  the investor paid for his units. We have revised the
                  investment objective accordingly in each amended registration
                  statement. Theoretically, it is possible that the investors'
                  share of a partnership's equipment costs could be less than
                  10% of the partnership's subscription proceeds. In that event,
                  however, the investors' deduction would be more than 90%, but
                  the deduction could never be less than 90%.

                  We also revised this investment objective to clarify that
                  although the 90% deduction for intangible drilling costs is
                  guaranteed, the IRS' treatment of the deduction is not
                  guaranteed by either Series 25(A) or Series 25(B). We
                  disclosed that if the IRS were to reduce the amount of the
                  deduction for intangible drilling costs or defer part of the
                  deduction to 2005 for wells that were prepaid in 2004, the
                  investors would have no right to reimbursement from Series
                  25(A) or Series 25(B), as the case may be, for any increase in
                  taxes, penalties or interest owed by the investors. Also,
                  parallel disclosure was made concerning the additional
                  aggregate 10% depreciation deductions.

7.       You note in the registration statement for Atlas America Series 25-2004
         (A) L.P. that UGI Energy Services, Inc. and Colonial Energy, Inc.
         accounted for 57% and 24% respectively, of the company's total revenues
         in 2004. Did any other customer account for in excess of 10% of your
         revenues? Please disclose.

                  We have revised the registration statement to disclose in Item
                  1 "Business - General - Major Customers," that no other
                  customer accounted for more than 10% of Series 25(A)'s total
                  revenues for the period ended December 31, 2004. This
                  information has been confirmed to us by Atlas Resources, Inc.,
                  the managing general partner of Series 25(A).

8.       Likewise, you note in the registration statement for Atlas America
         Series 25-2004 (B) L.P. that UGI Energy Services, Inc., First Energy
         Solutions Corporation, and American Energy Refining accounted for 35%,
         18% and 17%, respectively, of the company's total revenues in 2004. Did
         any other customer account for in excess of 10% of your revenues?
         Please disclose.

                  We have revised the registration statement to disclose in Item
                  1 "Business - General - Major Customers," that no other
                  customer accounted for more than 10% of Series 25(B)'s total
                  revenues for the period ended December 31, 2004. This
                  information has been confirmed to us by Atlas Resources, Inc.,
                  the managing general partner of Series 25(B).


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 5

Risk Factors
- ------------

9.       Many of the subheadings merely state a fact about your business without
         fully describing the risks associated with that fact. For example, we
         note "Natural Gas And Oil Prices Are Volatile And Uncertain," "Drilling
         Wells Is Highly Speculative," and "Estimates of Proved Reserves are
         Uncertain." Please revise each of your subheadings to ensure that it
         discloses the specific risk or risks that you are discussing in the
         text. Rather than stating that a factor could "adversely affect" your
         business, the subheading should indicate what the adverse effects may
         be, such as reduced income or revenues or loss of customers.

                  The risk factor subheadings in the amended registration
                  statements have been revised to fully disclose and describe
                  the specific risks associated with the facts stated in the
                  subheading and the risk or risks discussed in the text, and to
                  indicate what the adverse effects may be. As noted in Comment
                  11 concerning bundling separate risk factors, and in
                  accordance with our response to Comment 2 to make parallel
                  revisions, we have broken-out the previous risk factor with
                  the subheading "Government Regulation of the Oil and Natural
                  Gas Industry is Stringent," into two separate risk factors
                  which are set forth as risk factors (5) and (6), below. In
                  this regard, set forth below are the risk factor subheadings
                  in the registration statements filed on April 29, 2005, and
                  the revised subheading for that risk factor which is included
                  in the amended registration statements. Also set forth below
                  are the subheadings of the new risk factors which are
                  discussed above and elsewhere in this letter, and are
                  designated "New Risk Factor:" in bold.

                  (1)   "Natural Gas and Oil Prices are Volatile and Uncertain,"
                        has been revised to "Natural Gas and Oil Prices are
                        Volatile and a Substantial Decrease in Prices,
                        Particularly Natural Gas Prices, Would Decrease Our
                        Revenues, Our Cash Distributions and the Value of Our
                        Properties and Could Reduce Our Managing General
                        Partner's Ability to Loan Us Funds and Meet Its Ongoing
                        Obligations to Indemnify Our Investor General Partners
                        and Purchase Units Under Our Presentment Feature";

                  (2)   "Drilling Wells is Highly Speculative," has been revised
                        to "Drilling Wells is Highly Speculative and We Could
                        Drill Some Wells Which Are Nonproductive or Which Are
                        Productive, But Fail to Return the Costs of Drilling and
                        Operating Them, and the Drilling of Some of Our Wells
                        Could Be Curtailed, Delayed or Cancelled If Unexpected
                        Events Occur";

                  (3)   NEW RISK FACTOR: "Our Managing General Partner's
                        Management Obligations to Us Are Not Exclusive, and if
                        It Does Not Devote the Necessary Time to Our Management,
                        There Could Be Delays in Providing Timely Reports and
                        Distributions to Our Participants, and Our Managing
                        General Partner, Serving As Operator of Our Wells, May
                        Not Supervise the Wells Closely Enough";


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 6

                  (4)   "Estimates of Proved Reserves are Uncertain," has been
                        revised to "Current Conditions May Change and Reduce Our
                        Proved Reserves, Which Could Reduce Our Revenues";

                  (5)   "Government Regulation of the Oil and Natural Gas
                        Industry is Stringent," has been revised to "Government
                        Regulation of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry is
                        Stringent, and Could Cause Us to Incur Substantial
                        Unanticipated Costs for Regulatory Compliance,
                        Environmental Remediation of Our Well Sites (Which May
                        Not Be Fully Insured) and Penalties, and Our Drilling
                        Operations May Be Delayed or Limited";

                  (6)   NEW RISK FACTOR: "Our Natural Gas and Oil Activities Are
                        Subject to Drilling and Operating Hazards Which Could
                        Result in Substantial Losses to Us";

                  (7)   NEW RISK FACTOR: "Our Total Cash Distributions During
                        Our First Five Years May be Less than $2,500 Per Unit
                        Per Year";

                  (8)   "Increases in Drilling and Operating Costs," has been
                        revised to "Increases in Drilling and Operating Costs
                        Could Decrease Our Net Revenues from Our Wells";

                  (9)   NEW RISK FACTOR: "Our Limited Operating History Creates
                        Greater Uncertainty Regarding Our Ability to Operate

                  In response to Comment 11, as discussed below, "Adverse Events
                  in Marketing Our Natural Gas Could Reduce Our Distributions"
                  has been broken up into three separate risk factors and the
                  subheading has been revised accordingly as set forth in (10),
                  (11) and (12) below:

                  (10)  "Competition May Reduce Our Revenues from the Sale of
                        Our Natural Gas";

                  (11)  "We Sell Our Natural Gas to a Limited Number of
                        Purchasers Without Guaranteed Prices, and if the Prices
                        Paid by the Purchasers Decrease, Our Revenues Also Will
                        Decrease, and if a Purchaser Stops Buying Some or All of
                        Our Natural Gas, the Sale of Our Natural Gas Could be
                        Delayed Until We Find Another Purchaser and the
                        Substitute Purchaser We Find May Pay a Lower Price,
                        Which Would Reduce Our Revenues";

                  (12)  "We Could Incur Delays in Payment, or Substantial Losses
                        if Payment is Not Made, for Natural Gas We Previously
                        Delivered to the Purchaser, Which Could Delay or Reduce
                        Our Revenues and Cash Distributions";

                  (13)  "Participation with Third-Parties in Drilling Wells May
                        Require Us to Pay Additional Costs," has been revised to
                        "If the Third-Parties Which Are Participating in
                        Drilling Some of Our Wells Fail to Pay Their Share of
                        the Well Costs, We Would Have to Pay Those Costs in
                        Order to Get the Wells Drilled, and If We Are Not
                        Reimbursed the Increased Costs Would Reduce Our Cash
                        Flow and Possibly Could Reduce the Number of Wells We
                        Can Drill";


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 7

                  (14)  "We Expect to Incur Costs in Connection with Exchange
                        Act Compliance and We May Become Subject to Liability
                        for Any Failure to Comply," has been revised to "We
                        Expect to Incur Costs in Connection with Exchange Act
                        Compliance and We May Become Subject to Liability for
                        Any Failure to Comply, Which Will Reduce Our Cash
                        Available for Distribution";

                  (15)  "Illiquidity of Our Oil and Gas Properties," has been
                        revised to "We Intend to Produce Natural Gas and/or Oil
                        from Our Wells Until They Are Depleted, Regardless of
                        Any Changes in Current Conditions, Which Could Result in
                        Lower Returns to Our Participants as Compared With Other
                        Types of Investments Which Can Adapt to Future Changes
                        Affecting Their Portfolios"; and

                  (16)  NEW RISK FACTOR: "Since Our Managing General Partner is
                        Not Contractually Obligated to Loan Funds to Us, We
                        Could Have to Curtail Operations or Sell Properties if
                        We Need Additional Funds and Our Managing General
                        Partner Does Not Make the Loan."

10.      Include a risk factor that addresses your limited operating history.

                  A new risk factor has been included as the ninth risk factor
                  in Item 1 "Business - Risk Factors - Risks Relating to Our
                  Business," of the amended registration statements, which
                  addresses the limited operating histories of Series 25(A) and
                  Series 25(B), respectively. The subheading of this new risk
                  factor is "Our Limited Operating History Creates Greater
                  Uncertainty Regarding Our Ability to Operate Profitably."

Adverse Events in Marketing Our Natural Gas Could Reduce Our Distributions
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

11.      It appears that you have bundled a number of separate risks under this
         risk factor heading. Please separately discuss the risks associated
         with competition, your limited number of customers and the credit risks
         associated with natural gas purchasers under appropriate risk factor
         headings. Where you discuss your substantial dependence on a limited
         number of customers, you must include the name of any such customer
         that accounts for in excess of 10% of your revenues.

                  We have revised the amended registration statements to
                  separately discuss under appropriate risk factor headings the
                  risks associated with competition, the limited number of
                  customers and the credit risks associated with natural gas
                  purchasers. Also, where we discuss the substantial dependence
                  of Series 25(A) or Series 25(B) on a limited number of
                  customers, we have revised the amended registration statements
                  to include the name of any such customer that accounts for in
                  excess of 10% of the revenues of Series 25(A) or Series 25(B),
                  respectively. The subheadings of the three new risk factors
                  which replace the former risk factor in the amended
                  registration statements are set forth below:

                  o   "Competition May Reduce Our Revenues from the Sale of Our
                      Natural Gas";

                  o   "We Sell Our Natural Gas to a Limited Number of Purchasers
                      Without Guaranteed Prices, and if the Prices Paid by the
                      Purchasers Decrease, Our Revenues Also Will Decrease, and
                      if a Purchaser Stops Buying Some or All of Our Natural
                      Gas, the Sale of Our Natural Gas Could be Delayed Until We
                      Find Another Purchaser and the Substitute Purchaser We
                      Find May Pay a Lower Price, Which Would Reduce Our
                      Revenues"; and


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 8

                  o   "We Could Incur Delays in Payment, or Substantial Losses
                      if Payment is Not Made, for Natural Gas We Previously
                      Delivered to the Purchaser, Which Could Delay or Reduce
                      Our Revenues and Cash Distributions."

12.      Consider including a risk factor discussing the company's lack of
         employees and its reliance on the managing general partner for the
         management of its operations. We note that the managing general partner
         performs its management duties through its officers and directors and
         that these individuals divide their time between the company and
         affiliates of the company. Accordingly, discuss how this time
         allocation affects the company's operations.

                  We have revised the amended registration statements to
                  include, as the third risk factor, a new risk factor which
                  discusses how the allocation of the managing general partner's
                  time affects Series 25(A) and Series 25(B), respectively. The
                  subheading of this new risk factor is "Our Managing General
                  Partner's Management Obligations to Us Are Not Exclusive, and
                  if It Does Not Devote the Necessary Time to Our Management,
                  There Could Be Delays in Providing Timely Reports and
                  Distributions to Our Participants, and Our Managing General
                  Partner, Serving As Operator of Our Wells, May Not Supervise
                  the Wells Closely Enough."

13.      Please disclose how long you believe you can continue operations with
         the cash you currently have.

                  We have revised our discussion in the amended registration
                  statements to discuss in greater detail the cash requirements
                  of Series 25(A) and Series 25(B), respectively, for their next
                  12 months of operations. See the fifth paragraph in Item 2
                  "Financial Information - Liquidity and Capital Resources" for
                  Series 25(A) and the third paragraph for Series 25(B).

14.      We note your statement that the company will borrow funds from the
         managing general partner if it incurs a shortfall in funding its
         ongoing expenses. You state, however, that the managing general partner
         is not contractually obligated to make any loans to the company and
         that the company will not borrow from third parties. Please discuss in
         a risk factor how this non-commitment by either the managing general
         partner or third parties to extend any loans to the company might
         affect the company's operations.

                  We have revised the amended registration statements to
                  include, as the sixteenth risk factor, a new risk factor which
                  discusses how this non-commitment by either the managing
                  general partner or third parties to extend any loans to Series
                  25(A) or Series 25(B) might affect their operations. The
                  subheading of this risk factor is "Since Our Managing General
                  Partner Is Not Contractually Obligated to Loan Funds to Us, We
                  Could Have to Curtail Operations or Sell Properties if We Need
                  Additional Funds and Our Managing General Partner Does Not
                  Make the Loan."


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 9

Item 4.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

15.      The table in the registration statement for Atlas America Series
         25-2004(B) appears to suggest that none of the identified individuals
         holds any of the partnership securities. Please confirm. We may have
         further comments.

                  Atlas Resources believes that the table in Item 4 "Security
                  Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management" clearly
                  shows that none of the identified individuals owns any of the
                  units in Series 25(B). Also, Atlas Resources, Inc., the
                  managing general partner of Series 25(B), has authorized us to
                  confirm to you, on its behalf, that none of the individuals
                  identified in that table in the amended registration statement
                  purchased, or currently holds, any units which have been
                  issued by Series 25(B).

Item 7.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions
- -------------------------------------------------------

16.      Please include as exhibits all contracts and agreements giving rise to
         the related party transactions discussed in this section.

                  All of the related party transactions discussed in Item 7
                  "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions" in the
                  respective registration statements arise from, and are
                  governed by, the Amended and Restated Certificate and
                  Agreement of Limited Partnership for Atlas America Series
                  25-2004(A) L.P. and the Amended and Restated Certificate and
                  Agreement of Limited Partnership for Atlas America Series
                  25-2004(B) L.P. (the "partnership agreements"), which were
                  filed as Exhibit 4.2 to the Form 10 for Series 25(A) and to
                  the Form 10 for Series 25(B), respectively, both of which were
                  filed on April 29, 2005.

                  In addition to the partnership agreements referred to above,
                  the Drilling and Operating Agreement for Atlas America Series
                  25-2004(A) L.P. and the Drilling and Operating Agreement for
                  Atlas America Series 25-2004(B) L.P., which were filed as
                  Exhibit 10.1 to the Form 10 for Series 25(A) and to the Form
                  10 for Series 25(B), respectively, both of which were filed on
                  April 29, 2005, also gave rise to the related party
                  transactions described under the following subheadings in Item

                  o   "- Drilling Contracts"; and

                  o   "- Per Well Charges."

                  Also, we are including as Exhibit 1.1 to the amended
                  registration statements for Series 25(A) and Series 25(B), the
                  Atlas America Series 25-2004 Program Dealer-Manager Agreement
                  for Anthem Securities, Inc., which served as Anthem's
                  Dealer-Manager Agreement for both Series 25(A) and Series
                  25(B). In addition to the partnership agreements referred to
                  above, Anthem's Dealer-Manager Agreement for Atlas America
                  Series 25-2004 Program also gave rise to the related party
                  transactions described under the subheading "Dealer-Manager
                  Fees" in Item 7.


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 10

Item 10.  Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities
- -------------------------------------------------

17.      We note your letter of May 10, 2005. Please tell how many potential
         investors were contacted and how you were able to do so without
         conducting a general solicitation. We note that units were sold to 635

                  In response to your first question concerning the number of
                  offerees, Anthem Securities, Inc., an affiliate of Atlas
                  Resources and a broker/dealer member firm of the National
                  Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the "NASD"), which
                  acted as dealer-manager of both offerings, has advised us that
                  a total of 936 offerees in Series 25(A) and a total of 1,895
                  offerees in Series 25(B) were reported to it by the persons
                  who directly offered and sold partnership units in the

                  Anthem and another NASD member broker/dealer firm, which is
                  not affiliated with Atlas Resources, served as dealer-managers
                  of both offerings, and are sometimes referred to together in
                  the singular by us as the "dealer-manager." The dealer-manager
                  formed a selling group consisting of other NASD member
                  broker/dealer firms (the "selling agents") to offer and sell
                  units in the offerings. Each selling agent executed a selling
                  agent agreement, the form of which is attached as Exhibit "B"
                  to the dealer-manager agreement for Anthem, which covered both
                  Series 25(A) and Series 25(B) and is included as Exhibit 1.1
                  to each of the amended registration statements. Also, one
                  registered investment advisor signed a selected investment
                  advisor agreement. The form of the selected investment advisor
                  agreement is included as Exhibit 1.2 to each of the amended
                  registration statements. Although each partnership sold one
                  unit to a client of the registered investment advisor, no
                  commissions or other compensation for those sales were paid by
                  Anthem, Atlas Resources or the partnerships. The
                  dealer-manager agreement, selling agent agreement and selected
                  investment advisor agreement are sometimes referred to
                  together by us as the "selling agreements." Anthem, however,
                  acted only as dealer-manager, not as a selling agent, and it
                  did not directly offer or sell any units to offerees or
                  investors, respectively, in Series 25(A) or Series 25(B).

                  Your second question asked for an explanation of how the
                  potential investors were contacted without conducting a
                  general solicitation, noting that there were 635 investors. In
                  this regard, we would like to clarify that Atlas Resources has
                  advised us that there are 635 investors in Series 25(A) and
                  634 investors in Series 25(B).

                  Both Series 25(A) and Series 25(B) were offered under the
                  exemption provided by Rule 506 of Regulation D. We believe,
                  based on the SEC interpretive letters and no-action letters
                  which have addressed the issue of general solicitation under
                  Rule 502(c) of Regulation D, that a solicitation in a Rule 506
                  offering is not a prohibited general solicitation merely
                  because there is a relatively large number of offerees as
                  compared with offerings which rely solely on the exemption
                  provided under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as
                  amended. For example, the SEC staff had no objection to a
                  proposed offering of partnership interests by the general
                  partner of a new partnership to 330 previous investors in the
                  general partner's prior partnership offerings.
                  Woodtrails-Seattle, Ltd., SEC Interpretive Letter (available
                  August 9, 1982). Nor did the staff comment on the number of
                  proposed offerees where a company proposed to offer securities
                  to 600 persons who were existing clients of an officer of the
                  company who was an insurance broker. Mineral Lands Research &
                  Marketing Corp. (dated December 4, 1985).


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 11

                  Instead of looking at the number of offerees or investors,
                  neither of which is limited by Rule 506 of Regulation D, the
                  staff responses in the interpretive letters cited above, and
                  many others, have focused on whether there was a pre-existing
                  substantive relationship between the issuer (or its agents)
                  and the prospective offerees. With regard to a "pre-existing"
                  relationship, the staff determined that "sufficient time" had
                  elapsed between the establishment of the relationship and an
                  offer, and that Rule 502(c) would not be violated, where the
                  relationship was established before the broker/dealer began
                  participating in a Regulation D offering. E.F. Hutton & Co.
                  (available December 3, 1985). The staff's response in E.F.
                  Hutton & Co. also stated that a substantive relationship would
                  be established if the broker/dealer had sufficient information
                  to evaluate the prospective offeree's sophistication and
                  financial circumstances. This description of a pre-existing
                  substantive relationship is consistent with the staff's
                  descriptions of a pre-existing substantive relationship in
                  Woodtrails-Seattle and Mineral Lands, cited above. Based on
                  the foregoing, Atlas Resources believes that a solicitation of
                  an offeree is permitted under Rule 502(c) if the issuer (or
                  its agent) has a pre-existing substantive relationship with
                  the offeree, regardless of the number of offerees, assuming
                  the other requirements of Rule 502(c) are satisfied (e.g., no
                  general advertising).

                  Series 25(A), Series 25(B) and Atlas Resources, as each
                  partnership's managing general partner, relied on the
                  dealer-manager agreements, the selling agent agreements and
                  the selected investment advisor agreements to ensure that the
                  offering of units in both Series 25(A) and Series 25(B) was
                  not made by means of a general solicitation. These selling
                  agreements imposed legal obligations on the selling agents to:

                  o   conduct the offerings in accordance with Regulation D;

                  o   comply with the prohibition of general solicitation and
                      general advertising set forth in Rule 502(c) of Regulation
                      D (in fact, Rule 502(c) was repeated essentially verbatim
                      in the agreements as set forth below); and

                  o   distribute only the offering materials which had been
                      approved by the managing general partner and were provided
                      to them by the dealer-manager or the managing general

                  For example, the selling agent agreement contained the
                  following representations and warranties of the selling
                  agents, among others, to the dealer-manager:

                      "1.(e) Pursuant to your appointment as a Selling Agent,
                      you shall comply with all the provisions of Regulation D,
                      insofar as Regulation D applies to your activities under
                      this Agreement. Further, you shall not engage in any
                      activity which would cause the offer and/or sale of the
                      Units not to comply with Regulation D, the Act, the Act of
                      1934, the applicable rules and regulations of the
                      Securities and Exchange Commission, which is referred to
                      as the "Commission," the applicable state securities


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 12

                      laws and regulations, this Agreement, and the NASD Conduct
                      Rules including Rules 2420, 2730, 2740, and 2750, and
                      specifically you agree as set forth below.


                      (ii) Units shall not be offered and/or sold by you by
                           means of any form of general solicitation or general
                           advertising, including, but not limited to, the

                           (1)  any advertisement, article, notice, or other
                                communication published in any newspaper,
                                magazine, or similar media or broadcast over
                                television or radio;

                           (2)  any seminar or meeting whose attendees have been
                                invited by any general solicitation or general
                                advertising; or

                           (3)  any letter, circular, notice or other written
                                communication constituting a form of general
                                solicitation or general advertising."


                      (v)  In connection with any offer or sale of the Units,
                           you agree to the following:


                           (4)  not to provide any written information,
                                statements, or sales materials other than the
                                Private Placement Memorandum, the Sales
                                Literature, and any supplements or amendments to
                                the Private Placement Memorandum unless approved
                                in writing by the Managing General Partner."

                  Also, both Series 25(A) and Series 25(B) were offered and
                  closed in 2004. Prior to those offerings, Anthem had developed
                  business relationships with many broker/dealer firms, and it
                  has advised us that 44 broker/dealer firms participated as
                  selling agents in offering Series 25(A) and 68 broker/dealer
                  firms participated as selling agents in offering Series 25(B).
                  These participating broker/dealer firms varied in size. Some
                  of these selling agents had only a few registered
                  representatives, while others had hundreds or even thousands
                  of registered representatives. In addition, some of the
                  broker/dealers were licensed as broker/dealers in only a few
                  states, but many of them were licensed in all 50 states.


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 13

                  The end result, however, was that hundreds of registered
                  representatives participated in offering units in both Series
                  25(A) and Series 25(B) under the selling agent agreements
                  their respective broker/dealer firms signed with the
                  dealer-manager. In doing so, those registered representatives
                  brought with them their customers with whom they had
                  established a pre-existing substantive relationship as that
                  term has been described by the SEC in its interpretive letters
                  and no-action letters as described above. This, in turn,
                  created a relatively large pool of thousands of qualified
                  potential offerees as discussed below, however, based on the
                  number of the offerees reported to Anthem by the selling
                  agents and the limited manner in which the offerings could be
                  conducted as described in the selling agreements, Atlas
                  Resources does not believe that the registered representatives
                  contacted all of these qualified potential offerees.

                  As discussed above, Atlas Resources believes that each
                  registered representative could properly offer an investment
                  in Series 25(A) or Series 25(B) to each of his or her
                  customers with whom the registered representative had a
                  pre-existing substantive relationship. Of course, the
                  determination as to whether a selling agent had sufficient
                  information concerning its customers' financial condition and
                  sophistication to form the type of relationship required under
                  the SEC staff's interpretive letters and no-action letters,
                  before it could properly offer units in Series 25(A) and/or
                  Series 25(B) to its customers, was a decision that had to be
                  made by each selling agent on a customer-by-customer basis.
                  Thus, Anthem, as dealer-manager, and Atlas Resources, as
                  managing general partner, relied on the selling agreements and
                  the selling agents' duty to comply with their applicable
                  regulatory obligations (e.g., NASD Conduct Rules), to properly
                  determine which of their customers could be offered
                  investments in Series 25(A) and Series 25(B). Also, the
                  selling agent agreements required the selling agents to report
                  the number of their respective offerees of units in Series
                  25(A) and Series 25(B) to Anthem as set forth above.

                  In addition, Atlas Resources, as managing general partner,
                  made its own determination with respect to whether to accept
                  or reject, as an investor, each offeree who subscribed for
                  units in Series 25(A), Series 25(B) or both, including its
                  determination, at the time of sale, that it had a reasonable
                  belief as to whether or not each subscriber was an accredited
                  investor under Rule 501(a) of Regulation D.

Engineering Comments
- --------------------

Risks Relating to Our Business
- ------------------------------

Estimates of Proved Reserves Are Uncertain
- ------------------------------------------

18.      Proved reserves are those volumes that engineering and geological data
         support as being reasonably certain of being produced under existing
         conditions. Although existing conditions such as prices and costs may
         change in the future, under current conditions, if you are not
         reasonably certain of recovering the estimates you state are proved,
         they do not meet the definition of proved reserves as found in Rule
         4-10(a) of Regulation S-X. Please reword this so as not to imply that
         you are uncertain of recovering your proved reserve estimates under
         current conditions.


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 14

                  This risk factor is the fourth risk factor in the amended
                  registration statements and its subheading has been changed to
                  "Current Conditions May Change and Reduce Our Proved Reserves,
                  Which Could Reduce Our Revenues." In addition, this risk
                  factor has been reworded in the amended registration
                  statements to affirmatively state that the managing general
                  partner is reasonably certain that Series 25(A) and Series
                  25(B) will produce their respective proved reserves under
                  current conditions.

- ----------

         Drilling Activities

19.      We note your disclosure in the registration statement for Atlas America
         Series 25-2004(B) L.P. that all of your wells were drilled during 2004,
         except approximately 106.40 wells. However, the table indicates that
         you had 47 gross productive development wells and 4 gross dry
         development wells at year-end. Please clarify your document as to the
         number of wells owned.

                  We have revised the amended registration statements to clarify
                  the disclosure of the number of wells owned by Series 25(A)
                  and Series 25(B), respectively, at December 31, 2004, in Item
                  3 "Properties - Drilling Activity." For example, the statement
                  as to the number of wells drilled by the partnership as of
                  December 31, 2004, in the paragraph preceding the table, has
                  been cross-referenced to the table in both registration

Natural Gas and Oil Producing Activities
- ----------------------------------------

20.      The bottom line of the reserve table contains a dollar sign ($). As
         these columns are in units of MCF of natural gas and barrels of oil
         please remove the dollar sign.

                  The dollar signs have been removed from the bottom lines of
                  the reserve table under the subheading "Natural Gas and Oil
                  Producing Activities" in Note 9 of "Notes to Financial
                  Statements" in Item 15 "Financial Statements," in the amended
                  registration statements for both Series 25(A) and Series

21.      Please include the Standardized Measure of Estimated Future Net Cash
         Flows calculation as prescribed by FASB 69.

                  In a telephone conversation on June 10, 2005, Mr. James Murphy
                  advised us that Comment 21 is waived. In this telephone
                  conversation, we discussed an SEC Interpretive Response with
                  Mr. Murphy which included in its statement of facts that the
                  need for disclosure of reserve value information may not be
                  significant to investors in limited partnerships which have
                  buy-out provisions where the general partner agrees to
                  purchase partnership interests that are offered for sale based
                  on a specified valuation formula. We also discussed that the
                  staff concluded in this interpretive response that certain
                  reserve value information and supplemental information
                  specified in FASB 69 generally may be omitted from Forms 10-K
                  filed by a limited partnership if reserve value information is
                  available to the investors pursuant to the partnership
                  agreement, with the exception, however, of mergers or exchange
                  offers. We further discussed that the partnership agreements
                  for both Series 25(A) and Series 25(B) contain similar buy-out
                  provisions in Section 6.04 and its subsections (i.e., the
                  presentment feature), and the partnerships generally are


Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
June 17, 2005
Page 15

                  analogous to the type of limited partnership described in the
                  interpretive response's statement of facts regarding limited
                  partnership Form 10-K's. Finally, we discussed that the units
                  in Series 25(A) and Series 25(B) are not listed and have no
                  public market. The presentment feature is set forth in Section
                  6.04 and its subsections of the partnership agreements for
                  both Series 25(A) and Series 25(B), and is described in the
                  amended registration statements in Item 11 "Description of
                  Registrant's Securities to be Registered - Presentment

         Also, pursuant to your request, a signed letter from Atlas Resources,
Inc. which contains all of the representations you requested in your comment
letter is enclosed with this letter.

         In addition to the revisions to the registration statements described
above, we also made certain updating and conforming revisions. Please contact
the undersigned or Gerald A. Bollinger if you have any questions or comments
concerning this response.

                                                   Very truly yours,

                                                   KUNZMAN & BOLLINGER, INC.

                                                   /s/ Wallace W. Kunzman, Jr.

                                                   Wallace W. Kunzman, Jr.

cc:  Mr. Freddie Kotek
     Ms. Nancy McGurk
     Ms. Carmen Moncada-Terry