KUNZMAN & BOLLINGER, INC. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 5100 N. BROOKLINE, SUITE 600 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73112 Telephone (405) 942-3501 Fax (405) 942-3527 July 14, 2005 ELECTRONIC FILING - ----------------- Ms. Carmen Moncada-Terry Securities and Exchange Commission Mail Stop 0405 450 Fifth Street N. W. Washington, DC 20549 RE: Atlas America Series 25-2004(B) L.P. Registration Statement on Form 10 Filed April 29, 2005 File No. 0-51272 ------------------------------------ Dear Ms. Moncada-Terry: Pursuant to your request during our telephone conference today, enclosed for your review is a revision of the second bullet point on page 2 of the Form 10 Registration Statement for the above-referenced partnership. Although not requested, I have also enclosed for your review a revision of the second bullet point on page 3 of the Form 10 Registration Statement, which I believe is consistent with respect to your comments concerning the second bullet point on page 2 as discussed above. Please direct your comments concerning the enclosure to the undersigned. Very truly yours, KUNZMAN & BOLLINGER, INC. /s/ Gerald A. Bollinger Gerald A. Bollinger Enclosure cc: Mr. Freddie Kotek Ms. Nancy McGurk Ms. Carmen Moncada-Terry THE FOLLOWING IS THE SECOND BULLET POINT ON PAGE 2 OF THE FORM 10 REGISTRATION STATEMENT --------------------------------------- o Obtain federal income tax deductions in 2004 from intangible drilling costs in an amount equal to not less than 90% of each participant's subscription price for his or her Units. However, we do not guarantee the IRS treatment of our participants' deductions for intangible drilling costs. If the IRS were to decrease the amount of the deduction, or defer part of the deduction to 2005 for wells we prepaid in 2004, for example, our participants would not be entitled to any reimbursement from us for any increase in taxes owed, penalties or interest or any other lost tax benefits. Subject to any objections by the IRS, each participant's individual tax circumstances, and the passive activity rules if the participant invested as a limited partner, these deductions for intangible drilling costs may be used to offset a portion of the participant's taxable income. For example, if a participant paid $25,000 for a Unit the investment would produce a 2004 tax deduction of not less than $22,500 per unit, 90%, against: o ordinary income, or capital gain in some situations, if the participant invested as an investor general partner; and o passive income if the participant invested as a limited partner. In the first quarter of 2005, our IRS Schedule K-1's to our participants reported a deduction for intangible drilling costs in 2004 in an amount equal to 90% of the subscription price paid by each participant. As discussed above, however, we do not guarantee the IRS treatment of our participants' deductions for intangible drilling costs. THE FOLLOWING IS THE SECOND BULLET POINT ON PAGE 3 OF THE FORM 10 REGISTRATION STATEMENT --------------------------------------- o Provide each of our participants with tax deductions, in an aggregate amount which equals the remaining 10% of the participant's initial investment, through annual depreciation deductions over a seven-year cost recovery period. However, we do not guarantee the IRS treatment of our participants' depreciation deductions for our equipment costs. If the IRS were to decrease the amount of the deductions, for example, our participants would not entitled to any reimbursement from us for any increase in taxes owed, penalties or interest or any other lost tax benefits. In addition to any objections by the IRS, the tax benefits of these depreciation deductions to our participants are subject to each participant's individual tax circumstances and the passive activity rules if the participant invested as a limited partner.