EXCHANGE COMMISSION.
                               OMITTED PORTIONS.]

                            NETWORK LEASING AGREEMENT

         This NETWORK LEASING AGREEMENT is made as of the 18th day of December,
between National Benefit Builders, Inc. (NBBI), Inc a New Jersey corporation
("NBBI"); located at 248 Columbia Turnpike, Florham Park, NJ 07932 and
International Health Partners, Inc. ("LESSEE") located at 120 Gibraltar Road,
Suite 107, Horsham, PA and provides as follows:


         NBBI is a service and marketing organization engaged in the business of
providing certain products and services (hereinafter collectively referred to as
("Network(s)") to groups and consumers.

         LESSEE, an independent contractor as to NBBI, markets programs and
services to utility companies, insurance companies, businesses, financial
institutions, marketing companies associations and individuals, which become
Clients of LESSEE ("Clients"). LESSEE desires to make certain NBBI Networks,
more particularly described in Schedule A, available to certain Clients of
LESSEE. Client's customers and employees who are eligible to access the Networks
are hereinafter referred to as "Member(s)".

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual
promises and covenants hereinafter contained, NBBI and LESSEE, each intending to
be legally bound hereby agree as follows:


                  NBBI agrees to render the services specified in this Agreement
regardless of whether the Networks are supplied by NBBI, an affiliate, or other
service company represented by NBBI. To this end, NBBI shall:

                  (A)      Provide the Networks in the United States of America
                           where permitted by local, state and federal laws.

                  (B)      Provide LESSEE with updated information regarding the
                           Networks in a timely manner whenever such information
                           is made available to NBBI. NBBI shall not be
                           responsible for providing such updated material
                           directly to Members or Clients. LESSEE shall use such
                           information only to print materials concerning
                           Networks for dissemination to Members or for an
                           Internet based search.

                  (C)      Ensure that service for all aspects applicable to the
                           Networks is provided to the LESSEE during the term of
                           this Agreement commonly referred to as Level 2


                  LESSEE shall:

                  (A)      Be responsible for notifying any Member in the event
                           the LESSEE or LESSEE's Client wishes to terminate the
                           Networks described herein for that Member.


                  (B)      Forward or cause to be forwarded immediately to NBBI
                           notice of complaints or correspondence arising
                           pursuant to any of the Networks described herein and
                           which are received by LESSEE.

                  (C)      Assume responsibility for administration of any
                           inquiry that may occur in relation to the Networks as
                           may be applicable to this Agreement and which is
                           under the control and administration of LESSEE.

                  (D)      Render customer service and general program
                           administration for complaints, notifications, updates
                           and other Member inquiries commonly referred to as
                           level 1 service.

                  (E)      Promptly after enrollment of any new Members for the
                           Membership Services described herein, LESSEE shall
                           send to NBBI the appropriate documentation as
                           determined by NBBI as defined in Schedule (C). An
                           example of the file format that NBBI accepts is set
                           forth in Schedule (C).

                  (F)      Provide or require its Clients to provide its Members
                           identification cards that display a mark or logo
                           identifying the Networks and prominently displays the
                           phrase "THIS IS NOT INSURANCE".

                  (G)      LESSEE shall be responsible for complying with all
                           laws, rules and regulations applicable to the
                           marketing and use of the Networks.


                  (A)      LESSEE shall use only those materials referencing the
                           Networks approved in writing by NBBI, which approval
                           shall not be unreasonably withheld, when describing
                           or making any reference to the Networks contained in
                           this Agreement.

                  (B)      NBBI shall use its best efforts to respond to all
                           proposed printed materials within seven (7) business
                           days of NBBI's receipt of such materials.

                  (C)      After making copy corrections, LESSEE shall promptly
                           forward to NBBI the final copy to be printed, for
                           NBBI's final approval.

                  (D)      LESSEE shall insure that any name/phrase/symbol that
                           LESSEE elects or chooses to refer to the Networks is
                           approved by proper local, state and federal

         IV.      COMPENSATION

                  (A)      LESSEE shall pay to NBBI a monthly fee as set forth
                           in Schedule B attached hereto ("Access Fee"). The
                           Access Fee shall include coverage for the Member and
                           such Member's dependents, persons who reside in such
                           Member's household or others who are included within
                           the Member's plan as determined by NBBI. Such
                           payments shall be made by LESSEE to NBBI on or before
                           the fifteenth (15th) day of each month following the
                           month in which a Member is eligible for network
                           services, and shall be based on the total number of
                           new and renewal Members eligible as of the last day
                           of the previous month. No retroactive adjustments
                           shall be permitted with respect to any Members. Any
                           past due Access Fees shall be subject to a monthly
                           late payment fee equal to the greater of (i) 1.5% of
                           the past due amount or (ii)


                           $50.00, provided that in no event shall such fee
                           exceed the maximum amount permitted under applicable

                  (B)      NBBI shall have the right to increase the per
                           membership unit fee on any renewal fee at the end of
                           the first Agreement term, or any time thereafter,
                           with not less than ninety (90) days notice to LESSEE
                           prior to the effective date of such increase. Such
                           increase shall be in effect for a period of at least
                           one (1) year from the effective date.

         V.       AUDIT

                  NBBI shall have the right for an independent third party
                  auditor to review the books and records of LESSEE for the
                  purpose of auditing the payments made or required to be made
                  to NBBI by LESSEE under this agreement. NBBI may exercise such
                  right of audit during normal business hours, upon reasonable
                  notice to LESSEE. LESSEE shall cooperate with NBBI's auditor
                  in the performance of any audit. NBBI shall be responsible for
                  the cost of the audit unless the audit reveals a discrepancy
                  of more than ten percent (10%) in the amount of fees owing
                  NBBI, in which case LESSEE shall be responsible for the cost
                  of such audit.


                  (A)      The initial term of this Agreement shall begin on the
                           1st day of March, 2004 (the "Commencement" date) and
                           continue for two (2) years or until terminated sooner
                           as provided herein (the "Initial Term"). Provided
                           NBBI or LESSEE, respectively, is not in default under
                           this Agreement, the Initial Term shall be
                           automatically renewed for additional terms of one (1)
                           year each, unless either party gives written notice
                           of its intention to terminate the Agreement at least
                           sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the then
                           current term. Except as otherwise provided herein,
                           all the terms of this Agreement shall remain in full
                           force and effect during such renewal term(s).

                  (B)      Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving
                           the other party at least sixty (60) days written
                           notice prior to the expiration of the current term of
                           this Agreement. This Agreement may only be amended
                           from time to time by a writing signed by authorized
                           officers of both parties.

                  (C)      If either party shall fail to perform any of its
                           obligations hereunder, of if any warranty made by
                           either party is breached, and such status shall
                           continue to exist for thirty (30) days after the
                           other party has given written notice thereof, then
                           such other party may declare this Agreement

                  (D)      Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time
                           without advance written notice upon the occurrence of
                           a bankruptcy event. A bankruptcy event occurs if:

                           (i)      the other party suspends or goes out of
                                    business, substantially reduces business
                                    operations, becomes insolvent or unable to
                                    meet its debts as they mature, calls a
                                    meeting of its creditors, sends notice of a
                                    proposed bulk sale of all or a substantial
                                    part of its business, makes any general
                                    assignment for the benefit of its creditors,
                                    or commits an act of bankruptcy; or


                           (ii)     any petition is filed by the other party
                                    initiating a bankruptcy, arrangement,
                                    reorganization, or other proceeding under
                                    any provision of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code or
                                    similar law or such a proceeding is filed
                                    against such party and is not removed or
                                    discharged within sixty (60) days after the
                                    filing thereof; or

                           (iii)    a receiver or trustee is appointed for the
                                    other party or for any or all of its

                  (E)      The termination or modification of any Network shall
                           not affect nor prohibit the enforcement of this
                           Agreement as it applies to any remaining Networks.

                  (F)      All obligations of LESSEE or NBBI incurred under this
                           Agreement as of the date of termination shall survive
                           such termination and shall not affect the rights of
                           the LESSEE or NBBI, as the case may be, in the
                           performance of this Agreement.


                  Each party shall hold harmless and indemnify the other party
                  against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, expenses,
                  damages, judgments and liabilities, including reasonable
                  attorney's fees and court costs, arising in connection with
                  this Agreement and/or the services to be provided hereunder
                  due to the other's negligence, breach of this Agreement or
                  failure to perform in accordance with the provisions of this
                  Agreement. The indemnity contained in this paragraph shall
                  survive the termination of this Agreement.

         VIII.    ASSIGNMENT

                  The rights and obligations of the assigning party under this
                  Agreement shall not be assigned to any other individual, firm,
                  corporation, association or other entity without the prior
                  written approval of the non-assigning party which consent
                  shall not be unreasonably withheld.


                  LESSEE hereby acknowledges that its relationship with NBBI is
                  that of an independent contractor and not that of an employee,
                  agent, joint venture or partner. With respect to the
                  performances covered by this Agreement, NBBI and LESSEE agree
                  that LESSEE, its employees, agents, sales representatives and
                  Clients shall not be treated as an employee for any purpose.

         X.       AUTHORITY OF LESSEE

                  LESSEE acknowledges that this Agreement does not constitute
                  LESSEE as an agent or legal representative of NBBI for any
                  purpose other than those express purposes contained in this
                  Agreement. Other than expressly provided herein, LESSEE is not
                  granted any right or authority to assume or create any
                  obligation or responsibility express or implied, on behalf of
                  or in the name of NBBI or to bind NBBI in any manner.



                  (A)      The parties each acknowledge and agree that all
                           information revealed, obtained, or developed in the
                           course of or in connection with the performance of
                           this Agreement, which is designated in writing as
                           confidential or proprietary information, shall be
                           considered as confidential or proprietary information
                           which shall not be disclosed by either party to any
                           third party without the prior written consent of the
                           other party. Each party also agrees that any
                           dissemination of the aforementioned information shall
                           be restricted to a "need to know basis" within its
                           own business entity for the purpose of performance

                  (B)      Each party further agrees to maintain and cause its
                           employees, agents, representatives and officers to
                           keep confidential the nature of each party's
                           obligations hereunder and not to disclose any
                           confidential or proprietary information with respect
                           thereto to any third party or entity. The foregoing
                           obligations of the parties shall not apply to any
                           information that is or becomes known in the public
                           domain other than as a consequence of a breach by one
                           of the parties of its obligations hereunder, is
                           independently developed by a party or is rightly
                           obtained by a party from third parties.


                  (A)      In performing its obligations pursuant to this
                           Agreement, each party may have access to and receive
                           disclosure from the other of certain proprietary and
                           confidential information, including, but not limited
                           to, financial records, technological developments,
                           marketing strategies, Member lists, Participating
                           Provider lists, employee lists, and other information
                           considered by the disclosing party to be confidential
                           and proprietary (herein collectively referred to as
                           "Confidential Information"). For purposes of this
                           Section, the financial terms of this Agreement are
                           Confidential Information of each party. Confidential
                           Information does not include: (i) information learned
                           from a third party entitled to disclose it and who is
                           not in violation of a contractual, legal or fiduciary
                           obligation to either party, (ii) information which is
                           or becomes known publicly through no fault of either
                           party or, (iii) information already known by either
                           party prior to disclosure from the other party, as
                           shown by the receiving party's records.

                  (B)      Each party will receive Confidential Information in
                           confidence, will use it solely for the purpose of and
                           as necessary to fulfill its obligations under this
                           Agreement and will not reveal it to any third party,
                           other than a corporate affiliate, without the express
                           written consent of the other party. Each party will
                           take appropriate measures to prevent its agents,
                           employees and subcontractors from using or disclosing
                           any Confidential Information, except as is expressly
                           permitted under this Agreement.

                  (C)      Injunctive Relief. NBBI hereby consents and agrees
                           that for any violation of any of the provisions of
                           this section of the Agreement, a restraining order
                           and/or an injunction may issue against it or its
                           Agents, employees, and independent contractors in
                           addition to any other rights that LESSEE may have. In
                           the event that LESSEE is successful on the verdict in
                           any suit or proceeding brought or instituted by
                           LESSEE to enforce any of the provisions of this
                           Agreement or on account of any damages sustained by
                           LESSEE by reason of violation by NBBI of any of the
                           terms and/or provisions of this Agreement to be
                           performed by NBBI, NBBI agrees to pay to LESSEE
                           reasonable attorneys' fees. Similarly, NBBI may
                           recover its


                           reasonable attorneys' fees if it successfully defends
                           any lawsuit brought by LESSEE or if NBBI brings and
                           is successful on the verdict in any lawsuit it brings
                           against LESSEE.

                           LESSEE hereby consents and agrees that for any
                           violation of any of the provisions of this section of
                           this Agreement, a restraining order and/or an
                           injunction may issue against it or its Agents,
                           employees, Clients, and independent contractors in
                           addition to any other rights that NBBI may have. In
                           the event that NBBI is successful on the verdict in
                           any suit or proceeding brought or instituted by NBBI
                           to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement or
                           on account of any damages sustained by NBBI by reason
                           of the violation of LESSEE of any of the terms and/or
                           provisions of this Agreement to be performed by
                           LESSEE, LESSEE agrees to pay to NBBI reasonable
                           attorneys' fees. Similarly, LESSEE may recover its
                           reasonable attorneys' fees if it successfully defends
                           any lawsuit brought by NBBI or if LESSEE brings and
                           is successful on the verdict in any lawsuit it brings
                           against NBBI.

         XIII.    NOTICES

                  (A)      All notices under this Agreement shall be in writing
                           and shall be sufficiently given and served upon the
                           other party if given personally or mailed by
                           certified mail to the following addresses:

                           IF TO NBBI:                             IF TO THE LESSEE:
                           Barry Forester                          Dr. Dennis Bowers
                           National Benefit Builders, Inc.         Int'l Health Partners, Inc.
                           248 Columbia Turnpike                   120 Gibraltar Road, Suite 107
                           Florham Park, NJ  07932                 Horsham, PA 19044

                  (B)      Any notice mailed by certified mail or registered
                           mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid to
                           the above addresses shall be effective forty eight
                           (48) hours after deposit in the United States mail,
                           duly addressed and with postage prepaid. Such
                           addresses may be changed from time to time upon
                           written notice to the other party.


                  Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement at LESSEE's
                  or NBBI's option, NBBI shall continue to honor Members
                  membership and provide the negotiated prices to LESSEE for
                  Members holding such membership after any expiration or
                  termination of the Agreement (unless such termination is for a
                  material breach, in which case, continuance shall be at the
                  option of the terminating party) until the expiration date of
                  the Members current contract period up to one year for those
                  Members covered prior to the termination date. All accounts of
                  this Agreement shall continue in effect with respect to those
                  Members for whom NBBI's services shall continue under this


                  LESSEE acknowledges that during the term of this Agreement and
                  for a period of twelve (12) months after termination of this
                  Agreement for any reason, that it shall not provide the
                  Networks that have been obtained by any means, through any
                  source other than from NBBI to its Clients and Members.



                  (A)      Section headings contained herein are for reference
                           purposes only and shall not in any way affect the
                           meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

                  (B)      This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each
                           of which shall be deemed to be an original, all of
                           which together shall constitute one and the same

                  (C)      Whenever the singular number is used in this
                           Agreement and when required by the context, the same
                           shall include the feminine and neuter genders, and
                           the word "person" shall include corporations, firms
                           or associations.

                  (D)      Both parties shall fully comply with all applicable
                           federal, state and local laws, ordinances and
                           regulations, as they may be applicable to this

                  (E)      References herein to LESSEE and NBBI shall be deemed
                           to include its employees, agents, sales
                           representatives and sales force.

                  (F)      This Agreement sets forth the entire Agreement and
                           understanding of the parties with respect to the
                           matters covered hereby and supersedes all prior
                           agreements, arrangements and understanding relating
                           to such matters.

                  (G)      No representation, promise, inducement or statement
                           of intention has been made by NBBI or LESSEE that is
                           not embodied in this Agreement.

                  (H)      This Agreement may be amended, modified, superseded
                           or canceled, and any of the terms, provisions and
                           conditions may be waived, only by a written
                           instrument executed by NBBI and LESSEE. Failure of
                           either party at any time or times to require
                           performance of any provision herein shall not be
                           construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of
                           such provision by such party.

                  (I)      If any provision of this Agreement shall at any time
                           be deemed to be invalid or illegal by the entry of a
                           final judgment from a court of competent
                           jurisdiction, which judgment is not subject to
                           appeal, then, in that event, this Agreement shall
                           continue in full force and effect with respect to the
                           remaining provisions of this Agreement as if the
                           invalidated provision had not been contained herein.

                  (J)      This Agreement has been negotiated and entered into
                           by each party with the independent advice of counsel
                           and shall not be construed against one party or the
                           other based on which party drafted any portion of
                           this Agreement.

                  (K)      NBBI shall not be responsible for delays in
                           performance due to strikes, riots, acts of God,
                           shortages of labor or materials, war, governmental
                           laws, regulations, restrictions, transportation
                           conditions, products/service suppliers or any other
                           causes whatsoever that are beyond the reasonable
                           control of NBBI.

                  (L)      NBBI and LESSEE are performing the services hereunder
                           as independent contractors and no joint venture,
                           partnership, employment, agency or any other
                           relationship is created by this Agreement. Neither
                           NBBI nor LESSEE is authorized to represent the other
                           for purpose, except as specifically provided in this


                  (M)      The parties hereby agree that this Agreement shall be
                           interpreted, construed and enforced exclusively
                           according to the laws of the State of New Jersey.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
by their respective duly authorized officers the day and year first written

                                           NATIONAL BENEFIT BUILDERS, INC.

                                           Printed Name:  Kevin Faherty

                                           By: /s/ Kevin Faherty
                                           Title:  President

                                           Date:  1/4/04

                                           LESSEE  Int'l Health Partners, Inc.

                                           Printed Name: Dr. R. D. Bowers

                                           By: /s/ R. D. Bowers
                                           Title: CEO
                                           Date: 12/18/03


                          SCHEDULE A - MEMBER SERVICES

         NBBI shall make available to LESSEE the following Networks:

                  CIGNA Dental Network Access

                           A discounted dental network containing approximately
                           50,000 providers nationally, who have agreed to
                           provide their services at pre-determined, discounted
                           rates in consideration for a co-payment of 100% from
                           their patients.


                          SCHEDULE B (REVISED 12/29/03)

                              NETWORK ACCESS FEES*

Total Number of                             Monthly Access Fee
Members Per Month                           CIGNA Dental Network Access Network

Up to 10,000                                [**]
10,001 - 25,000                             [**]
25,001- 50,000                              [**]
50,001 - 100,000                            [**]
100,001 - 250,000                           [**]
250,001 - 500,000                           [**]
over 500,000                                [**]


In the event that LESSEE enrolls a total of 3,000 members after this contract is
in effect for ninety (90) days, NBBI shall issue a credit for the difference
between the actual amount billed and the amount that would have been billed had
the minimum monthly payment not been invoked for that period.




                                Omitted Schedule

         The following schedule to the Network Leasing Agreement has been

           Schedule                              Schedule Description
           --------                              --------------------
             C                                 Eligibility File Format

         The Company agrees to furnish supplementally a copy of the foregoing
omitted schedule to the Securities and Exchange Commission upon request.