ADVANCEPCS, L.P.
                              CONSUMER CARD PROGRAM

         THIS AGREEMENT (the "AGREEMENT") is made as of July 1, 2001 (the
("CUSTOMER") and AdvancePCS, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, together with
its affiliates ("ADVANCEPCS"), for the purpose of delineating the terms and
conditions under which AdvancePCS will provide certain managed pharmaceutical
benefit services to Customer.


         As used in this Agreement, the following terms and phrases, when
         capitalized, shall have the meanings set forth below.

         1.1.     "ADVANCEPCS" shall mean the corporation AdvancePCS and any
                  subsidiaries or affiliates thereof.

         1.2.     "BASE SERVICES" means those Services described in Exhibit
                  A--Sections 1, 3A, 4 and such other services listed in Exhibit
                  A hereto which are selected by Customer pursuant to the
                  implementation documents (collectively the "SERVICES").

         1.3.     "BENEFITS" means the prescription drug discounts for which
                  Members are eligible pursuant to the Plan.

         1.4.     "CHANGE IN LAW" means any change in any Law, or change in the
                  judicial or administrative interpretation of, or adoption of,
                  any Law occurring after the Implementation Date or the date
                  this Agreement is executed, whichever is earlier.

         1.5.     "CLAIMS" shall mean claims processed by AdvancePCS in
                  connection with the Plan.

         1.6.     "IMPLEMENTATION DATE" means the date on which AdvancePCS
                  begins processing Claims under this Agreement.

         1.7.     "LAW" means any federal, state, local or other constitution,
                  charter, act, statute, law, ordinance, code, rule, regulation,
                  order, specified standards or objective criteria contained in
                  any applicable permit or approval, or other legislative or
                  administrative action of the United States of America, or any
                  state or any agency, department, authority, political
                  subdivision or other instrumentality of either thereof or a
                  decree or judgment or order of a court.

         1.8.     "MEMBER" means an individual who has been designated by
                  Customer in writing (or by electronic, tape or other means
                  approved by AdvancePCS) to AdvancePCS as eligible for Benefits
                  under the terms of the Plan.

         1.9.     "NETWORK PROVIDER" means a provider that has agreed to provide
                  certain pharmacy services to Members in accordance with the
                  terms of its agreement with AdvancePCS.

                                     Page 1

         1.10.    "PLAN" means the processing parameters and other information
                  concerning Customer's prescription discount plan, as disclosed
                  by Customer to AdvancePCS pursuant to Section 4.1 hereof,
                  which will be used by AdvancePCS to process Claims under this

         1.11.    "RECORDS" means any records the parties have regarding the
                  Claims Information in connection with this Agreement.

         1.12.    "SERVICES" shall have the meaning used in Section 2.2.

         1.13.    "SYSTEM" means AdvancePCS' proprietary remote electronic
                  claims adjudication process.


         2.1.     GENERAL. AdvancePCS shall provide Services to Customer under
                  this Agreement under AdvancePCS' "Consumer Card Program" (the
                  "Program"), a pharmaceutical benefit management program
                  pursuant to which a Member pays one hundred percent (100%) of
                  the applicable Network prescription price at the point of

         2.2.     SERVICES. AdvancePCS shall provide to Customer the Base
                  Services and such other Services listed in Exhibit A hereto
                  which are selected by Customer (collectively, "SERVICES").

         2.3.     ADDITIONAL SERVICES. If (i) Customer requests AdvancePCS to
                  provide services other than the Services, including but not
                  limited to special research projects, reports not included in
                  Services, additional identification cards or other tasks to be
                  specifically performed for or on behalf of Customer, (ii) to
                  initially implement the Plan or to implement changes to the
                  Plan AdvancePCS is required to make system changes, or (iii)
                  AdvancePCS incurs costs or charges necessitated by the acts or
                  omissions of Customer, then, in any event, Customer shall pay
                  to AdvancePCS an additional charge to be mutually agreed upon
                  by the parties in writing before such services ("Additional
                  Services") are provided.

         2.4.     COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Customer acknowledges that AdvancePCS
                  shall have no responsibility to advise Customer regarding
                  Customer's compliance with any applicable federal, state or
                  local law, including, without limitation, the Employee
                  Retirement Income Security Act ("ERISA") and the Americans
                  With Disabilities Act ("ADA"). Upon Customer's request and at
                  its expense, AdvancePCS shall cooperate and take reasonable
                  steps to comply with any Laws applicable to the creation or
                  maintenance of a pharmacy network, including any willing
                  provider Laws. Customer shall furnish AdvancePCS, in a timely
                  manner, all information necessary for such cooperation and
                  compliance efforts.


         3.1.     FEES. As consideration for the Services (including, but not
                  limited to, Formulary Services), Customer shall pay to
                  AdvancePCS or shall require Member to pay to AdvancePCS the
                  applicable fees for such Services specified in Exhibit B. [**]


                                     Page 2

[**] AdvancePCS shall invoice Customer for any fees (for services other than
Base Services) monthly, and payment shall be due within twenty (20) days of
Customer's receipt of the invoice. Customer agrees to make any necessary
disclosures to, and obtain any necessary authorization from, Members as required
by Law to properly authorize payment to AdvancePCS.

         3.2.     LATE PAYMENTS. If at any time Customer shall fail to pay
                  AdvancePCS on or prior to the due date any amount owing to
                  AdvancePCS hereunder, Customer shall pay to AdvancePCS an
                  amount (the "FINANCE CHARGES") equal to interest on such
                  overdue amount(s) at the Periodic Rate; provided, however,
                  that if the Periodic Rate exceeds the maximum legal rate
                  permitted by Law, the Periodic Rate shall be reduced to the
                  maximum amount permitted by Law.

         3.3.     CERTAIN REMEDIES. Notwithstanding Section 9, if at any time
                  Customer shall fail to pay AdvancePCS on or prior to the due
                  date any amount owing to AdvancePCS hereunder, AdvancePCS
                  shall have the right, upon written notice to Customer via
                  facsimile to the facsimile number provided in the Agreement,
                  to (1) suspend performance of any and all of AdvancePCS'
                  obligations under or in connection with this Agreement,
                  including AdvancePCS' obligation to process Claims, (2)
                  immediately advise Network Providers that the AdvancePCS
                  prescription adjudication system is not available in
                  connection with the Plan, (3) apply all or any portion of any
                  security posted by Customer with AdvancePCS to Customer's
                  delinquent account and (4) set off against any amounts
                  otherwise payable to Customer under this Agreement any amounts
                  due from Customer under this Agreement. Customer shall be
                  responsible for all costs of collection and agrees to
                  reimburse AdvancePCS for such costs and expenses, including
                  reasonable attorneys' fees. Nothing in this Agreement shall
                  limit, and the parties agree that in addition to the rights
                  specified in this Section, AdvancePCS shall retain, any and
                  all rights AdvancePCS may have at law, equity or under this

         3.4.     SECURITY. If at any time and from time to time during the term
                  of this Agreement AdvancePCS shall determine, based on Claims
                  volume, payment record and/or Customer's latest financial
                  information, that there are reasonable grounds for insecurity
                  on the part of AdvancePCS as to the ability of Customer to
                  meet its financial commitments hereunder as they become due,
                  AdvancePCS shall have the right to require Customer to provide
                  security in such amount and form and at such time as
                  AdvancePCS deems necessary. Customer shall provide such
                  security within ten (10) days of AdvancePCS' request. Customer
                  agrees to furnish audited financial statements to AdvancePCS
                  from time to time upon AdvancePCS' request. Such financial
                  statements shall be kept confidential by AdvancePCS and used
                  solely for internal review purposes to determine credit


         4.1.     PLAN INFORMATION; MEMBER ELIGIBILITY. Throughout the term of
                  this Agreement, Customer, at Customer's expense, shall provide
                  to AdvancePCS any and all information concerning Customer's
                  Plan and Members needed by AdvancePCS to perform the Services
                  or any Additional Services, including, without limitation,
                  processing parameters


                                     Page 3

and Member enrollment and eligibility updates. All such information shall be
complete and accurate and shall be provided in a format and media approved by

         4.2.     CONFIRMATION REPORTS. From time to time, AdvancePCS may
                  provide Customer with reports confirming (i) all or some
                  portion of the Plan information submitted to AdvancePCS, (ii)
                  Member enrollment or eligibility data, (iii) Claims or billing
                  activity during a specific period, and/or (iv) any action or
                  actions taken by AdvancePCS in performing Services or
                  Additional Services hereunder. Customer shall review such
                  report and notify AdvancePCS in writing of any errors or
                  objections within twenty (20) days of receipt of the report.
                  Until Customer notifies AdvancePCS of any errors or
                  objections, AdvancePCS shall be entitled to rely on the
                  information contained in the report. If Customer does not
                  notify AdvancePCS of any errors or objections within such
                  twenty (20) day period, the information contained in the
                  report shall be deemed accurate, complete and acceptable to

         4.3.     DRUG CLASSIFICATION/PRICING. Customer agrees to accept the
                  drug average wholesale price source(s) selected by AdvancePCS
                  for purposes of pricing and classifying (e.g., legend vs.
                  over-the-counter, brand vs. generic) drugs in connection with
                  this Agreement.

         4.4.     MEMBER AUTHORIZATIONS. Customer represents to AdvancePCS that
                  it has or shall obtain any Member authorizations required by
                  Law, if any, for AdvancePCS to perform the Services or any
                  Additional Services under this Agreement or under any
                  Implementation Document.

         4.5.     MARKETING MATERIALS. Customer agrees to use only AdvancePCS'
                  approved marketing brochures and other advertising materials
                  (in any medium) that has been approved by AdvancePCS. Customer
                  agrees to pay a reasonable charge, as established by
                  AdvancePCS, for such materials that are provided by
                  AdvancePCS. AdvancePCS may terminate this Agreement
                  immediately as provided in Section 8.2.6 in the event Customer
                  fails to comply with the provisions of this Section 4.5.

         4.6.     COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Customer agrees to comply with all Laws
                  applicable to its Program, including without limitation
                  insurance licensing, antitrust, consumer protection, and any
                  other Laws that may apply. AdvancePCS shall have no
                  responsibility for determining the applicability or effect of
                  any such Laws.

         4.7.     MINIMUM MEMBERSHIP. Customer agrees that at all times during
                  the term of this Agreement, there shall be a minimum of ten
                  thousand (10,000) Members in Customer's Program. If, as of the
                  effective date of this Agreement, there are less than ten
                  thousand (10,000) Members in Customer's Programs, Customer
                  shall have a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from
                  the effective date to reach the minimum membership as
                  described herein. If, after this Agreement has been in effect
                  for one hundred and twenty (120) days, Customer has not
                  reached the required ten thousand (10,000) minimum number of
                  Members, AdvancePCS may elect to terminate this Agreement
                  pursuant to Section 8.2.7.

         4.8.     OTHER OBLIGATIONS OF CUSTOMER. In addition to the obligations
                  of Customer specified in this Agreement, Customer shall
                  satisfy any and all obligations in any exhibits, schedules and
                  attachments hereto or in any Implementation Document.

                                     Page 4

         4.9.     INDEMNITY. Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless
                  AdvancePCS for, from and against any and all costs, losses or
                  damages AdvancePCS may incur as a result of (i) Customer's
                  failure to perform any of its obligations under this
                  Agreement, (ii) the late receipt of information or the receipt
                  of any inaccurate or incomplete information provided by
                  Customer under Section 4.2, or (iii) any claim by an employee
                  or former employee of Customer or any of its affiliates under
                  any federal, state or local law that protects the rights of
                  such employees or their beneficiaries, including, without
                  limitation, ERISA and the ADA.


         5.1.     USE OF PRESCRIPTION INFORMATION. Subject to the provisions of
                  Section 6 regarding AdvancePCS' proprietary rights, each party
                  shall be entitled to use the information provided to
                  AdvancePCS by Network Providers and Members in connection with
                  Claims ("CLAIMS INFORMATION") in any manner such party deems
                  appropriate; provided, however, that each party shall maintain
                  the confidentiality of such information (including the
                  identity of any Member) to the extent required by applicable
                  Law, and shall refrain from any use of such information for
                  improper employment or other purposes. Each party shall be
                  solely responsible for its own use of the Claims Information,
                  and shall indemnify and hold harmless the other party for,
                  from and against any and all costs, losses and damages
                  incurred by such other party as a result of such use.

         5.2.     THIRD PARTY RECORDS REQUEST. If a Member or a Member's agent
                  or designee shall request to review or duplicate any Records,
                  AdvancePCS shall refer such Member to Customer. If AdvancePCS
                  receives a court order, subpoena or governmental request for
                  Records, AdvancePCS may comply with such order, subpoena or
                  request and, if such order, subpoena or request relates to
                  Records of Customer or any Member and not to AdvancePCS'
                  business generally, Customer shall reimburse AdvancePCS for
                  all costs incurred in connection therewith.


         6.1.     PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. Customer acknowledges that in
                  connection with providing Services under this Agreement,
                  AdvancePCS may disclose to Customer certain proprietary or
                  confidential technical and business information, databases,
                  trade secrets, and innovations belonging to AdvancePCS
                  (collectively, "ADVANCEPCS INFORMATION"), the value of which
                  might be lost if the proprietary nature or confidentiality of
                  such AdvancePCS Information is not maintained. Customer hereby
                  agrees to the following provisions:

                  6.1.1.   AdvancePCS reserves all rights to the AdvancePCS
                           Information, including the proprietary and novel
                           features contained therein. Customer will not
                           disclose any of the AdvancePCS Information nor will
                           Customer use any of the AdvancePCS Information to
                           benefit itself or others except to the extent
                           expressly authorized hereunder.

                  6.1.2.   Customer will treat all such AdvancePCS Information
                           as confidential, will disclose such AdvancePCS
                           Information only to those employees of Customer who
                           have a need to know in order to accomplish the

                                     Page 5

                           permitted hereunder and who themselves agree not to
                           disclose it to anyone; will not (except to the extent
                           expressly authorized hereunder) disclose it to anyone
                           outside of Customer; and will not copy or reproduce
                           any written materials or tangible items provided by
                           AdvancePCS unless expressly authorized in writing to
                           do so by AdvancePCS. Customer will take reasonable
                           measures, including, without limitation, all measures
                           it employs with respect to information of its own
                           that it regards as confidential and proprietary, to
                           preserve and protect the confidentiality or
                           proprietary nature of said AdvancePCS Information and
                           to prevent it from falling into the public domain or
                           into the possession of persons not bound to maintain
                           its confidentiality.

                  6.1.3.   All written materials, computer programs, manuals and
                           other tangible items disclosed or provided to
                           Customer in any medium are and will remain the
                           property of AdvancePCS. Customer will return all such
                           materials, and all copies thereof, to AdvancePCS when
                           AdvancePCS so requests.

                  6.1.4.   Customer shall not be liable for any disclosure or
                           use of any AdvancePCS Information disclosed or
                           communicated by Customer if such AdvancePCS
                           Information is publicly available or later becomes
                           publicly available other than through a breach of
                           this Agreement, or if such AdvancePCS Information is
                           shown by written documentation to be known to
                           Customer on the date of execution of this Agreement.
                           Nothing contained in this Agreement shall prevent
                           Customer from disclosing AdvancePCS Information
                           pursuant to any bona fide subpoena provided that
                           Customer shall give AdvancePCS immediate written
                           notice of any such subpoena so that AdvancePCS may
                           make such objections or otherwise intervene in the
                           appropriate governmental proceedings as it deems

         6.2.     FORMULARY. Customer acknowledges that the Formulary contains
                  AdvancePCS proprietary information and agrees that AdvancePCS
                  owns all rights to the Formulary, including but not limited
                  to, rights associated with publication, trade secrets,
                  copyrights, trademarks and patents, and any rights that
                  Customer may have in the Formulary are hereby assigned to
                  AdvancePCS. Accordingly, distributed copies of the Formulary
                  remain the property of AdvancePCS and may be used only for the
                  purposes and transactions contemplated by this Agreement. No
                  copies shall be distributed or disclosed except as reasonably
                  necessary for performance of this Agreement and, in
                  particular, no copy shall be distributed or disclosed to any
                  competitor of AdvancePCS.

         6.3.     SECTION 6 REMEDIES. Customer acknowledges that any
                  unauthorized disclosure or use of AdvancePCS Information would
                  cause AdvancePCS immediate and irreparable injury or loss.
                  Accordingly, should Customer fail to comply with this Section
                  6, AdvancePCS shall be entitled to specific performance
                  including immediate issuance of a temporary restraining order
                  or preliminary injunction enforcing this Agreement, and to
                  judgment for damages (including attorneys' fees) caused by the
                  breach and to any other remedies provided by applicable law.

                                     Page 6


         7.1.     WARRANTY. Customer acknowledges that this Agreement is not a
                  contract for the sale of goods. AdvancePCS shall perform the
                  services to be provided hereunder in a good and workmanlike
                  manner. AdvancePCS does not warrant that the services will be
                  uninterrupted or error-free. EXCEPT AS WARRANTED IN THIS

         7.2.     FORCE MAJEURE. AdvancePCS shall be excused from performance
                  hereunder for any period and to the extent that AdvancePCS is
                  prevented from performing any services, in whole or in part,
                  as a result of causes beyond AdvancePCS' reasonable control,
                  including, acts of God, war, civil disturbance, court order,
                  governmental intervention, Change in Law, nonperformance by
                  Customer or any third party, failures or fluctuations in
                  electrical power, heat, light, air conditioning or
                  telecommunications equipment, and any such nonperformance by
                  AdvancePCS shall not be a default or a ground for termination
                  hereunder by Customer.

         7.3.     CHANGE IN LAW. If there occurs any Change in Law which
                  materially alters the rights or obligations of either party
                  under this Agreement, the parties shall equitably adjust the
                  terms of this Agreement to take into account such Change in
                  Law. If the parties are unable to agree upon an equitable
                  adjustment within sixty (60) days after either party notifies
                  the other of such a Change in Law, this Agreement shall

         7.4.     LIMITATIONS. In no event shall AdvancePCS or any of its
                  affiliates, directors, employees, agents, successors or
                  assigns be liable to Customer under or in connection with this
                  Agreement (or any third party claiming rights under or in
                  connection with this Agreement) (i) for the acts or omissions
                  of any providers which, or any pharmacists or provider who,
                  performs any services in connection with this Agreement, or
                  (ii) for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential
                  damages, even if AdvancePCS is informed of their possibility.
                  Furthermore, AdvancePCS shall have no liability for any claim
                  which is asserted by Customer or any third party more than
                  ninety (90) days after Customer or such third party is or
                  reasonably should have been aware of such claim; provided,
                  however, that if Customer has chosen not to receive those
                  reports described in Section 4.2 and/or Exhibit A, AdvancePCS
                  shall have no liability whatsoever for any claim which
                  Customer would have been reasonably aware of if Customer were
                  receiving such reports.

         7.5.     FORMULARY SERVICES.

                  7.5.1.   As used herein and in Exhibit A, (i) "MANUFACTURERS"
                           shall mean a pharmaceutical company which has entered
                           into an agreement with AdvancePCS or an affiliate or
                           agent of AdvancePCS to offer discounts for
                           pharmaceutical products in connection with
                           AdvancePCS' Formulary Services and (ii) "REBATES"
                           shall mean, for any period, all rebates,
                           reimbursements or other discounts received under a
                           Manufacturer's discount program with respect to

                                     Page 7

                           pharmaceutical products dispensed to a Member under
                           the Plan during such period.

                  7.5.2.   Neither party shall be responsible to the other
                           party, its affiliates, directors, employees, agents,
                           successors and permitted assigns for, and each hereby
                           waives, releases and forever discharges the other
                           party from, any and all claims, demands, losses,
                           attorneys' fees, costs, expenses and liabilities of
                           any nature whatsoever, whether or not now existing,
                           known or unknown, suspected or claimed, arising from
                           and Customer agrees that it will require all Members
                           to waive, release, and forever discharge AdvancePCS
                           from any and all claims, demands, losses, attorneys'
                           fees, costs, expenses and liabilities of any nature
                           whatsoever, whether or not now existing, known or
                           unknown, suspected or claimed, arising from:

                   any failure by any Manufacturer to pay any

                   any breach of an agreement related to the
                                     transactions contemplated by or otherwise
                                     relating to this Agreement by any
                                     Manufacturer; or

                   any negligence or misconduct of any

                  7.5.3.   Customer acknowledges that "Rebate" shall not include
                           any fees or other compensation paid by a Manufacturer
                           to AdvancePCS for its own account, including without
                           limitation administrative fees not exceeding three
                           percent (3%) of the cost of the pharmaceutical
                           products dispensed to Members, or fees for services
                           rendered or property provided to a Manufacturer (to
                           the extent permitted by this Agreement and applicable
                           Law), which fees shall be retained by AdvancePCS.

                  7.5.4.   In addition to those rights to terminate this
                           Agreement specified in Section 8.2, either party
                           shall have the right to terminate Formulary Services
                           and those provisions of this Agreement relating
                           thereto upon written notice to the other party if,
                           after the date of this Agreement, there occurs (i)
                           any Change in Law which materially affects
                           AdvancePCS' ability to perform such Formulary
                           Services or (ii) a substantial change in drug
                           industry practice regarding Rebates which causes the
                           Rebates available under this Agreement for any year,
                           after AdvancePCS exercises diligent efforts to obtain
                           such Rebates, to be less than 80% of the actual
                           Rebates paid or payable for the initial year in which
                           this Agreement is in effect. Such termination shall
                           not operate to terminate this Agreement, and all
                           other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in
                           full force and effect.

                  7.5.5.   To the extent that ERISA or any other Law requires
                           any disclosure to or consent from Members regarding
                           Rebates or other discounts on pharmaceutical
                           products, customer acknowledges that it has the sole
                           responsibility for such disclosures to its Members,
                           irrespective of whether it retains or allows
                           AdvancePCS or others to retain all or a portion of
                           such Rebates or discounts.

                                     Page 8


         8.1.     TERM. This Agreement shall be in effect subject to the
                  remaining provisions of this Section 8.

         8.2.     TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated as follows:

                  8.2.1.   By either party, with or without cause, on sixty (60)
                           days' prior written notice to the other, given at any

                  8.2.2.   By either party if the other party shall default in
                           its performance of this Agreement. The terminating
                           party shall provide the other party thirty (30) days'
                           prior written notice, specifying the nature of the
                           default. Such notice shall not be effective and this
                           Agreement shall not terminate if the other party
                           shall cure that default within the thirty (30) day

                  8.2.3.   Notwithstanding subsection 8.2.2, by AdvancePCS, on
                           two (2) days' prior written notice to Customer, if
                           Customer shall fail at any time (i) to make any
                           payment required pursuant to this Agreement by the
                           due date, unless Customer shall cure that default
                           within the two-day period, or (ii) to provide or
                           maintain security as required by Section 3.4;

                  8.2.4.   By either party immediately on written notice to the
                           other, if the other party shall make an assignment
                           for the benefit of creditors, file a petition in
                           bankruptcy (whether voluntary or involuntary), is
                           adjudicated insolvent or bankrupt, a receiver or
                           trustee is appointed with respect to a substantial
                           part of its property or a proceeding is commenced
                           against it which will substantially impair its
                           ability to perform hereunder;

                  8.2.5.   If any court, governmental or regulatory agency shall
                           issue to Customer an order or finding of impairment
                           or insolvency or an order to cease and desist from
                           writing business, written notice thereof shall be
                           given to AdvancePCS by Customer within two (2)
                           business days thereafter and upon receipt of such
                           notice AdvancePCS shall have the option to terminate
                           this Agreement immediately; or

                  8.2.6.   By AdvancePCS, immediately on written notice to
                           Customer, if (i) Customer fails to comply with the
                           provisions of Section 4.5 of this Agreement, or (ii)
                           AdvancePCS determines, in its sole discretion, that
                           Customer's Program may not fully comply with all
                           applicable Laws.

                  8.2.7.   By AdvancePCS, within sixty (60) day's prior written
                           notice to Customer if Customer fails to meet its
                           minimum number of Members, pursuant to Section 4.7 of
                           this Agreement

         8.3.     EFFECT OF TERMINATION. In the event of a termination

                  8.3.1.   In addition to any and all rights and remedies
                           AdvancePCS may have at law, equity, or hereunder,
                           AdvancePCS shall have the right to notify its Network
                           Providers that the claims adjudication system is no
                           longer available in connection with the Plan; and

                                     Page 9

                  8.3.2.   Sections 5, 6 and 7 of this Agreement, and
                           obligations arising under this Agreement prior to the
                           effective date of termination, shall survive

9.       NOTICES

         All notices pertaining to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall
         be delivered in person, sent by certified mail, delivered by air
         courier, or transmitted by facsimile and confirmed in writing (sent by
         air courier or certified mail) to a party at the address or facsimile
         number shown in this Agreement, or such other address or facsimile
         number as a party may notify the other party from time to time in
         accordance with the provisions of this Section. Notices may also be
         transmitted electronically between the parties, provided that proper
         arrangements are made in advance to facilitate such communications and
         provide for their security and verification. All notices shall be
         effective upon receipt.

         Notices to AdvancePCS shall be addressed as follows:

                  11350 McCormack Road
                  Executive Plaza II, Suite 1000
                  Hunt Valley, MD 21031
                  Attn: Executive Vice President, Client Management
                  Fax No.: (410) 785-2595

         With a copy to the General Counsel at AdvancePCS, 9501 East Shea
         Boulevard, Scottsdale, AZ 85260-6719 address and the following Fax No.:
         (480) 314-8231.

         Notices to Customer shall be addressed as follows:

                  International Health Partners, Inc.
                  120 Gibraltar Road, Suite 107
                  Horsham, PA 19044
                  Attn: R. Dennis Bowers, Ph.D.
                  Fax No.: (215) 682-7116


         10.1.    INTERPRETATION; AMENDMENT; COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement,
                  including the exhibits, schedules and attachments, together
                  with the Implementation Documents, constitutes the entire
                  understanding of the parties with respect to the Services and
                  supersedes any and all prior agreements, writings and
                  understandings. This Agreement is the result of negotiations
                  between the parties and, accordingly, shall not be construed
                  for or against either party regardless of which party drafted
                  this Agreement or any portion thereof. The Article and Section
                  headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of
                  reference only, and shall not affect the meaning or
                  interpretation of any provision hereof. Except as otherwise
                  stated in this Agreement, this Agreement may only be amended
                  by a writing properly executed by duly authorized
                  representatives of both parties. This Agreement may be
                  executed in several counterparts, all of which taken together
                  shall constitute a single agreement between the parties.

                                    Page 10

         10.2.    BINDING EFFECT; ASSIGNMENT. The Agreement shall be binding on
                  the parties and their respective successors and permitted
                  assigns. Neither party may assign this Agreement, in whole or
                  in part, without the prior written consent of the other (which
                  consent shall not be unreasonably withheld); provided,
                  however, AdvancePCS may assign this Agreement, in whole or in
                  part, to any entity that controls, is controlled by, or is
                  under common control with AdvancePCS.

         10.3.    INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR; THIRD PARTIES. The parties to this
                  Agreement are to be considered independent contractors, and
                  they shall have no other legal relationship under or in
                  connection with this Agreement. No term or provision of this
                  Agreement is for the benefit of any person who is not a party
                  hereto (including, without limitation, any Member or broker),
                  and no such party shall have any right or cause of action

         10.4.    WAIVERS. Any failure by a party to comply with any covenant,
                  agreement or condition herein or in any other agreements or
                  instruments executed and delivered hereunder may be waived in
                  writing by the party in whose favor such obligation or
                  condition runs; provided, however, that failure to insist upon
                  strict compliance with any such covenant, agreement or
                  condition shall not operate as a waiver of, or estoppel with
                  respect to, any subsequent or other failure.

         10.5.    SEVERABILITY. In the event any term or provision of this
                  Agreement is declared to be invalid or illegal for any reason,
                  this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the
                  same shall be interpreted as though such invalid and illegal
                  provision were not a part thereof. The remaining provisions
                  shall be construed to preserve the intent and purpose of this
                  Agreement and the parties shall negotiate in good faith to
                  modify the provisions held to be invalid or illegal to
                  preserve each party's anticipated benefits thereunder.

         10.6.    ENFORCEMENT COSTS. If either party institutes an action or
                  proceeding to enforce any rights arising under this Agreement,
                  the party prevailing in such action or proceeding shall be
                  paid all reasonable attorneys' fees and costs to enforce such
                  rights by the other party, such fees and costs to be set by
                  the court, not by a jury, and to be included in the judgment
                  entered in such proceeding.

         10.7.    GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and
                  construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona,
                  without regard to applicable conflict of law rules.

                      [This space intentionally left blank]

                                    Page 11

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
by their respective duly authorized officers or agents as of the date first
above written.

PARTNERS, INC.                            By: AdvancePCS Health Systems, L.L.C.,
                                          its General Partner

By:    /s/  D. Bowers                     By:    /s/ David George
       ------------------------------            ---------------------------
       R. Dennis Bowers, Ph. D.                  David A. George

Title: President & CEO                    Title: President
       ------------------------------            ---------------------------

Date:  8/22/01                            Date:  9/12/01
       ------------------------------            ---------------------------

                                    Page 12

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                                                         DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES

         Below is a listing of services provided under the base administrative
fee or available for an additional fee. The services are subject to change from
time to time, at AdvancePCS' discretion, as provided in the Agreement.
Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meanings used in the


         A.       NETWORK PROVIDERS. Members will have access to Network
                  Providers that (i) have executed Network Provider Agreements
                  required by AdvancePCS (as amended from time to time by
                  AdvancePCS), and (ii) have agreed to perform pharmacy services
                  for Members in accordance with the provider pricing schedule
                  and the Plan. Network Providers may choose not to perform
                  provider services for Members under this Agreement; however,
                  no Network Provider may serve only some Members or provide
                  only certain drugs (unless such Network Provider does not
                  provide such drugs to any persons). AdvancePCS may provide
                  Network Providers with Plan information in such format and
                  media as AdvancePCS deems appropriate for the purpose of
                  assisting such Network Providers in providing Benefits to

                  provide assistance to Network Providers through the pharmacy
                  help desk and AdvancePCS' voice response unit during those
                  hours of operation established by AdvancePCS from time to


         AdvancePCS shall make available to Members a toll free customer service
         number during those hours of operation established by AdvancePCS from
         time to time. Staff will be available to answer Members' questions on
         Plan eligibility, Plan guidelines, and status of an identification card


         A.       IDENTIFICATION CARDS. AdvancePCS will design one
                  identification card layout and provide Customer with a proof
                  of final design layout. Customer shall provide AdvancePCS with
                  camera-ready artwork for the logo or logos that Customer wants
                  to appear on the identification card. All identification cards
                  shall include the AdvancePCS name and logo. For each Member,
                  AdvancePCS will generate standard AdvancePCS cards in such
                  final design.

         B.       ELIGIBILITY FILE. Based upon the information provided by
                  Customer to AdvancePCS pursuant to Section 4.1, AdvancePCS
                  shall maintain an eligibility file identifying current Members
                  and certain other information regarding such Members.


         A.       SUBMISSION OF CLAIMS. AdvancePCS will adjudicate Claims
                  submitted by Network Providers to AdvancePCS and process such
                  Claims in accordance with this Section 4A as follows:

                                     Page 13

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                                                         DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES

                  -        AdvancePCS shall enter into its prescription
                           processing system those portions of the Plan
                           information as are necessary for AdvancePCS to
                           perform automated Claims processing services in
                           accordance with this Agreement (collectively,
                           "PROCESSING PARAMETERS").

                  -        AdvancePCS will instruct Network Providers to
                           transmit certain prescription, eligibility, and Plan
                           information to AdvancePCS when the Member presents a
                           Plan identification card, and if the system is
                           unavailable, as soon as possible after the system
                           becomes available.

                  -        AdvancePCS will instruct the Network Provider to
                           collect one hundred percent (100%) of the applicable
                           network prescription price from the Member.


         A.       DUR SERVICES. AdvancePCS will provide its prospective DUR
                  services, in which Network Providers are provided with
                  educational materials and programs regarding topics such as
                  appropriate drug therapy duration, appropriate "dispense as
                  written" frequencies, optimal generic prescribing, appropriate
                  prescribing of selected drug groups, Formulary compliance
                  issues, and such other topics as may be identified through
                  AdvancePCS' Retrospective DUR Program. AdvancePCS will provide
                  its automated concurrent DUR services for POS transactions.
                  These services include, but are not limited to edits relating
                  to drug-drug interactions; therapeutic duplications;
                  insufficient drug doses; excessive drug doses; drug-age
                  conflicts; drug-pregnancy advisories; drug-disease
                  contraindications; late refills; and controlled substance

                  Clinical and quality of care issues detected by the other DUR
                  edits do not result in Claim denial, but result in
                  transmission of a warning or alert message transmitted at the
                  time of dispensing to the pharmacist as part of the Claim
                  response from AdvancePCS. Network Providers are directed to
                  review the alert messages as they are received and to use
                  their professional judgment as to whether action is required.

         B.       LIMITATIONS. The information generated in connection with DUR
                  services is intended as an economical supplement to, and not a
                  substitute for, the knowledge, expertise, skill, and judgment
                  of physicians, pharmacists, or other health care providers in
                  patient care. Providers are individually responsible for
                  acting or not acting upon information generated and
                  transmitted through the DUR services, and for performing
                  services in each jurisdiction consistent with the scope of
                  their licenses. AdvancePCS shall not, and is not required by
                  this Agreement to deny Claims or require physician, pharmacist
                  or patient compliance with any norm or suggested drug regimen,
                  or in any way substitute AdvancePCS' judgment for the
                  professional judgment or responsibility of the physician or

                  AdvancePCS' DUR services are highly automated, without any
                  individual review in most circumstances. Any focused
                  professional review would also be based upon automated
                  analysis of Members' profiles. Therefore, the DUR services are
                  necessarily limited by the amount of patient information
                  available to AdvancePCS. Meaningful patient information which
                  may not be available to AdvancePCS includes, but is not

                                    Page 14

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                                                         DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES

                  limited to, patient diagnoses, utilization of drugs obtained
                  without utilizing the System or otherwise not included in the
                  patients' profile or Claim data. AdvancePCS shall have no
                  obligation to acquire information concerning any patient
                  beyond the information that is included in Customer's
                  eligibility records or the Claim data submitted by Network
                  Providers in connection with the Plan.

                  AdvancePCS shall update DUR databases on a reasonable basis to
                  reflect changes in available standards for pharmaceutical
                  prescribing; provided, however, no database will contain all
                  currently available information on accepted medical practice
                  or prescribing practices.


         A.       MAC LIST. AdvancePCS will use one or more of its proprietary
                  maximum allowable cost pricing schedules ("MAC Lists") to
                  establish an upper limit price for certain multiple-source
                  drugs dispensed under the Plan without regard to the specific
                  Manufacturer whose product is dispensed. The MAC List shall
                  include generic drugs based on their common substitution,
                  bioequivalency rating, and general availability. Customer
                  agrees to accept anyone of AdvancePCS' MAC lists, as amended
                  from time to time in AdvancePCS' discretion, for purposes of
                  pricing and classifying (e.g. brand vs. generic) drugs in
                  connection with this Agreement. Customer acknowledges that
                  certain of AdvancePCS' national provider networks may utilize
                  one or more of AdvancePCS' MAC Lists.


         A.       STANDARD MANAGEMENT REPORTS. AdvancePCS will provide Customer
                  with AdvancePCS' standard management reports in connection
                  with the Services provided hereunder, which reports may change
                  from time to time at AdvancePCS' discretion. Customer may
                  elect to receive some or all of the standard management
                  reports made available by AdvancePCS.


         A.       ESTABLISHMENT OF FORMULARY. AdvancePCS shall work with
                  Customer to effect the adoption, distribution and
                  implementation of a drug formulary based on the AdvancePCS
                  formulary (the "Formulary"). AdvancePCS and Customer will use
                  diligent efforts to ensure the prompt adoption and
                  distribution of the Formulary. Charges for AdvancePCS'
                  production and distribution or shipping of Formulary are set
                  forth in Exhibit A.

                           GUIDELINES ("NATIONAL FORMULARY"). For customers
                           adopting AdvancePCS' National Formulary as the
                           Formulary, AdvancePCS shall distribute each edition
                           of the Formulary and updates to its providers.

                  -        CUSTOM FORMULARY. For customers utilizing a custom
                           formulary, AdvancePCS will ship the custom
                           formularies to Customer. Customer will use diligent,
                           good faith efforts to ensure the prompt distribution
                           of the formulary and updates to its

                                    Page 15

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                                                         DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES

                           chosen providers. The cost of postage and
                           distribution of the Formulary and any subsequent
                           updates thereto or reports hereunder, to Customer's
                           chosen providers, will be borne by Customer. If
                           Customer fails to distribute such formulary updates
                           in a timely manner, Customer shall be liable to
                           AdvancePCS for any loss of Rebates and shall hold
                           AdvancePCS harmless for, from and against the same.

         B.       UPDATING OF FORMULARY. AdvancePCS will work with Customer to
                  provide for the annual review, updating, and distribution of
                  the Formulary, to address changes to the Formulary made
                  desirable by changes in the pharmaceutical industry, new
                  legislation and regulations, the experience of Customer and
                  its providers with the Formulary, current medical literature
                  and new recommendations developed by AdvancePCS based on its
                  research and experience.

         C.       REBATE RELATED UTILIZATION REVIEW. To obtain Rebates from
                  Manufacturers, AdvancePCS will perform on behalf of Customer,
                  AdvancePCS' Quantum Plus Retrospective DUR program as
                  described in Section 5C.

                  In addition to the Quantum Plus Retrospective DUR Program,
                  AdvancePCS may propose other interventions from time to time
                  which are designed to increase Rebates and/or reduce the costs
                  of Benefits under this Agreement. Customer may decline to
                  allow such interventions, but in such event AdvancePCS shall
                  not be responsible for any loss of economic benefit which
                  results from the failure to implement the proposed

         D.       REBATE CONTRACTS. AdvancePCS will attempt to contract with
                  certain Manufacturers for Rebate programs. Customer
                  acknowledges that whether and to what extent Manufacturers are
                  willing to provide Rebates to Customers will depend upon the
                  Plan design adopted by Customer, and other aspects of
                  Customer's Plan, as well as AdvancePCS receiving sufficient
                  information regarding each Claim submitted to Manufacturers
                  for Rebates.

         E.       OTHER REBATE ARRANGEMENTS. With respect to Members covered
                  under this Agreement, Customer will not participate in any
                  other formulary or similar discount during the term of the
                  Agreement and shall not itself create any formulary during the
                  term of the Agreement. Also, with respect to such Members,
                  Customer agrees not to enter into any direct or indirect
                  contracts with Manufacturers for discounts during the term of
                  the Agreement or any extension thereof. Nothing in this
                  section shall prohibit Customer from entering into
                  arrangements with other pharmaceutical management companies
                  offering formulary services after the term of the Agreement.

         F.       REBATES.

                  -        [**]


                                    Page 16

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                                                         DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES


         Upon request from Customer, AdvancePCS shall perform the following
         services for the fees set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto.

         A.       CARD REISSUANCE. AdvancePCS shall reissue cards for Members
                  upon request. If cards are reissued to an entire group within
                  a 24-month period, Customer shall pay the fee set forth in
                  Exhibit B.

         B.       CAT/BAT TAPES. AdvancePCS will provide Customer with detailed
                  Claim and/or administrative billing information through
                  AdvancePCS' standard claims activity tape ("CAT") and/or
                  billing activity tape ("BAT").

         C.       CUSTOMER-SPECIFIC PROGRAMMING. If Customer shall request
                  services or changes to services that require customized
                  programming or systems work, AdvancePCS shall attempt to
                  estimate to Customer the time and cost for completion of such
                  work. If Customer authorizes AdvancePCS to perform such work,
                  Customer shall pay AdvancePCS the cost of performing such work
                  at the programming rate set forth on Exhibit B.

                                    Page 17

                                                                       EXHIBIT B
                                                             ADMINISTRATIVE FEES


As consideration for the services selected by Customer pursuant to the
Implementation Documents and described in Exhibit A, Customer shall pay to
AdvancePCS the fees set forth below:

Base Services - Per Processed POS Claim                             [**]

Services                                                            Fee

AdvancePCS' Rebate Percentage                                       [**]
Card issuance (bulk shipped to Customer)                            [**]/Card
Carrier/Group Rebate Reports on Tape                                [**]/Each
Case-Set Up                                                         [**]/Group
Customer Specific Programming                                       [**]/Hour
CAT/BAT Tapes                                                       [**]/Each

Retail Network Rates:
Brand:     AWP-[**] + [**] dispensing fee
Generic:   AWP-[**] + [**] dispensing fee, MAC + [**] dispensing fee or
           Usual & Customary (U&C)

Tiered Transaction Fees reimbursed to Customer (when a dispensing fee is
1 - 50,000 annual Claims                            =        [**]/Claim
50,001 - 500,000 annual Claims                      =        [**]/Claim
500,001 - 1.0 million annual Claims                 =        [**]/Claim
over 1.0 million annual Claims                      =        [**]/Claim

Note: Charges not identified above will be quoted upon request.

Periodic Rate: Invoices are assessed finance charges at the rate of 1.5% per
month on the amounts not paid within terms of the Agreement.

All prices are contingent upon Customer's current Plan design, full adoption of
AdvancePCS' Performance Drug List, Member pricing, formulary management and
intervention programs, as well as representations made by Customer regarding
Member enrollment and utilization of pharmacy services.

Customer shall in all events be responsible for any postage costs or other
mailing and handling-related costs incurred by AdvancePCS in connection with the
provision of Services or Additional Services.


                                    Page 18

                              ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT
                              (INQUIRY AND UPDATE)

This Addendum dated as of this 16 day of August, 2001 (the "ADDENDUM") is
entered into by and between International Health Partners, Inc. ("CUSTOMER") and
AdvancePCS Health, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, as an indirect wholly
owned subsidiary of AdvancePCS, a Delaware corporation, together with its
affiliates ("ADVANCEPCS").


WHEREAS, AdvancePCS and Customer have entered into that certain Agreement, as
amended from time to time, under which AdvancePCS is providing prescription
benefit management services to Customer (the "Benefit Agreement"); and

WHEREAS. AdvancePCS and Customer desire to amend the Benefit Agreement to allow
AdvancePCS to issue log-on identification numbers ("Log-On IDs") that will
permit Customer to make on-line inquiries, and to update portions of Customer's
group eligibility, benefit design, coverage, and related data information and,
if applicable, to directly input member claims information ("Direct Claims")
into AdvancePCS' information system directly from Customer's location on-line,
as outlined in Exhibit A, attached hereto.


NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which are hereby acknowledged, AdvancePCS and Customer agree as follows:

1.       AdvancePCS shall make available to Customer the on-line services set
         forth in Exhibit A (the "Services") only for those blocks of business
         specifically requested by Customer. AdvancePCS will assign an initial
         password for each Log-On ID. Within seven (7) calendar days after the
         initial password has been set, Customer must change the password.
         Thereafter, Customer is responsible for changing the password to a
         unique alpha/numeric scheme every thirty (30) days. If the password is
         not changed within the initial seven (7) day time period, on the eighth
         (8th) calendar day, AdvancePCS will suspend the corresponding Log-On

2.       Customer may change the Log-On ID list by making an appropriate written
         or electronic mail request to AdvancePCS. AdvancePCS requires an
         additional charge for the assignment of more than 25 Log-On IDs.

3.       AdvancePCS may modify the Services from time to time at its discretion.
         AdvancePCS may terminate this Addendum and discontinue Services:

         a.       Upon seven (7) calendar days' prior notice to Customer; or

         b.       Immediately in the event Customer's use of the Services is
                  consistently or materially inaccurate or otherwise adversely
                  affects the proper functioning or maintenance of AdvancePCS'
                  information database or if the Customer otherwise breaches the
                  terms of this Addendum or the Benefit Agreement. AdvancePCS
                  shall provide the Services in a good and workmanlike manner,
                  but does not warrant that the Services will be free of



4.       The Services will be available to Customer during those hours of
         operation as established by AdvancePCS from time to time.

5.       AdvancePCS will notify Customer when a password expires. If a Log-On ID
         is not used for sixty (60) consecutive days, AdvancePCS will suspend
         the Log-On ID. AdvancePCS will delete from its system any Log-On ID not
         used for one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days.

6.       Customer will comply with all rules AdvancePCS may establish from time
         to time in connection with the Services. Customer is responsible for
         all telephone charges or other telecommunication charges incurred by
         Customer with respect to its use of the Services.

7.       Customer is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of any
         information entered into AdvancePCS' information database by Customer
         including, but not limited to, Direct Claims, plan design changes,
         eligibility edits, claim edits, and benefit number or design changes.
         AdvancePCS may rely on Customer's input information without further
         corroboration or inquiry. Customer agrees to indemnify AdvancePCS for,
         from, and against any and all claims, losses, or expenses that may be
         charged against AdvancePCS that arise, or are alleged to arise, as the
         result of: (i) AdvancePCS' reliance on Customer input information; (ii)
         Customer's use of the Services; (iii) Customer's failure to perform or
         properly perform a Direct Claim Processing Requirement (as defined in
         Section 8); or (iv) a breach of the representations and warranties
         contained in Section 11.

8.       Customer may, upon the prior written consent of AdvancePCS, be
         authorized to input Direct Claims into AdvancePCS' information
         database. If authorized, Customer is responsible for each of the
         following related tasks with respect to a Direct Claim: (i) receiving
         the claim form reflecting the Direct Claim (the "Direct Claim Form")
         from the member; (ii) returning to members any claim requests submitted
         on ineligible forms; (iii) preparing Direct Claim Forms for
         microfilming; (iv) microfilming Direct Claim Forms; (v) assigning
         document numbers to Direct Claim Forms; (vi) batching the Direct Claim
         Forms; (vii) keying the Direct Claim Forms into AdvancePCS' information
         database; (viii) resolving Direct Claims; (ix) conducting research
         necessary on any Direct Claim; (x) retaining any and all documents that
         evidence the Direct Claims, including the Direct Claim Forms, for such
         period of time as AdvancePCS is required under the Agreement to retain
         such or similar documents; and (xi) such other matters as AdvancePCS
         and Customer may mutually agree upon from time to time (the foregoing
         clauses (i) through (xi) are collectively called the "Direct Claim
         Processing Requirements"). AdvancePCS will be responsible for mailing
         checks, explanation of benefits, and denials to plan members related to
         Direct Claims after such time as Customer has completed the appropriate
         Direct Claim Processing Requirements. AdvancePCS shall charge an
         Administrative Fee (as defined in the Benefit Agreement) for each
         Direct Claim that Customer processes. If Customer fails to perform or
         incorrectly or inadequately performs a Direct Claim Processing
         Requirement, AdvancePCS may, in its sole discretion but without any
         obligation, perform the Direct Claim Processing Requirement. AdvancePCS
         will charge Customer a fee for each Direct Claim Processing Requirement
         that AdvancePCS performs.


9.       AdvancePCS has the right to use, reproduce, and adapt all information
         obtained pursuant to this Addendum, subject to any restrictions imposed
         by applicable law.

10.      In connection with the Services, Customer may have access to
         information regarding AdvancePCS' business or its customers and to
         other proprietary or confidential technical and business information,
         databases, trade secrets, and innovations (collectively, the
         "AdvancePCS Information"), the value of which might be lost if the
         proprietary nature or confidentiality of the AdvancePCS Information is
         not maintained. AdvancePCS reserves all rights to the AdvancePCS
         Information, including the proprietary and novel features contained
         therein. Customer agrees: (i) to treat al1 AdvancePCS Information with
         confidentiality and to not disclose any AdvancePCS Information to any
         third party or to any of its employees without a job-related need; and
         (ii) to refrain from using any AdvancePCS Information for any purpose
         other than the purpose described in Section 1 of this document.
         Customer will take reasonable measures, inc1uding, but not limited to,
         all measures it employs with respect to information of its own that it
         regards as confidential and proprietary, to preserve and protect the
         confidentiality or proprietary nature of the AdvancePCS Information and
         to prevent it from falling into the public domain or into the
         possession of persons not bound to maintain its confidentiality. In
         addition to the foregoing, Customer further agrees that the
         compilations of information contained in the systems to which the
         Log-On ID will provide access, including the AdvancePCS Claims
         adjudication system, all print-outs and copies therefrom, and any prior
         and future versions thereof by any name, and in all other databases
         developed by AdvancePCS or its designees in connection with performing
         drug benefit and utilization review services are the property of
         AdvancePCS and may be protected by copyright owned by AdvancePCS. The
         databases may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any third party,
         in whole or in part, without prior written permission from AdvancePCS.
         Customer acknowledges that any unauthorized disclosure or use of
         AdvancePCS Information would cause AdvancePCS immediate and irreparable
         injury or loss. Accordingly, should Customer fai1 to comply with this
         Section 10, AdvancePCS will be entitled to specific performance,
         including immediate issuance of a temporary restraining order or
         preliminary injunction enforcing this Addendum, and to a judgment for
         damages (including attorneys' fees) caused by the breach, together with
         any other remedies provided under applicable law.

11.      Customer represents and warrants to AdvancePCS that: (i) it has
         lawfully obtained any and all information that it inputs into
         AdvancePCS' information database; and (ii) prior to receiving,
         reviewing, or using any information provided through AdvancePCS'
         information database pursuant to the Services, Customer shall have
         received appropriate authorizations from the members if required by
         applicable law.

12.      Except as specifically amended hereby, all provisions of the Benefit
         Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Except as expressly
         provided herein, all capitalized terms used in this Addendum shall have
         the meaning set forth in the Benefit Agreement.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Addendum to be duly
executed as of the date first set forth above.

                                       ADVANCEPCS HEALTH, L.P.
                                       By: AdvancePCS Health Systems, L.L.C.,
                                       its General Partner

/s/ D. Bowers                          /s/ David George
- ------------------------------         -------------------------------
R. Dennis Bowers, Ph.D.                David A. George

President & CEO                        President
- ------------------------------         -------------------------------
Title                                  Title

8/22/01                                9-12-01
- ------------------------------         -------------------------------
Date                                   Date
