November 7, 2005

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Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549
Attn: Mr. Alan Morris, Esq.

        ON FORM SB-2, REGISTRATION NO. 333 - 126315

Dear Mr. Morris:

         I am writing to you on behalf of National Health Partners, Inc. in
regards to Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form SB-2,
Registration No. 333 - 126315, filed by the company with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on September 30, 2005. The company received comments to the
registration statement from the SEC by means of a letter faxed to the company on
October 21, 2005.

         Please find enclosed Amendment No. 2 to the Registration Statement on
Form SB-2. In addition, please find below each of the comments provided to the
company by the SEC along with the company's response to each comment. Each
comment is set forth in italics and is numbered to correspond to the numbered
paragraphs in the SEC's comment letter. The company's response to each comment
immediately follows the applicable comment.

         Please note that the company has provided additional disclosure in this
letter subsequent to its responses to each of the comments to assist you in
reviewing additional changes reflected in Amendment No. 2 to the Registration
Statement on Form SB-2.

         Please also note that the company previously submitted an application
for confidential treatment to the Office of the Secretary of the SEC
concurrently with the filing of Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on
Form SB-2 for certain of the information contained in the agreements filed as
Exhibits 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10 and 10.11 to Amendment No. 1 to the
Registration Statement on Form SB-2.

Securities and Exchange Commission
November 7, 2005
Page 2

Risk Factors, page 3
- --------------------

1.       Please add a risk factor or risk factors that highlight that the
         trading price of your common stock may not be related to the offering
         price. Also, quantify the average cost of the shares being sold by your
         selling shareholders.

         The company has added a risk factor entitled "The offering price of the
         shares of our common stock offered hereby may not bear any relation to
         the actual trading price of our common stock" that addresses each of
         these requests.

2.       Please add a risk factor that highlights the issuance of shares to
         consultants and the related risk, such as dilution.

         The company has added a risk factor entitled "We have issued a
         significant number of securities to advisors and consultants to the
         company and may issue additional securities to advisors and consultants
         to the company in the future" under "Risks Associated With Our Stock"
         that highlights the issuance of shares to consultants and the related
         risk, such as dilution.

We are an early stage company with an unproven business model ... prospects,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
page 3
- ------

3.       We note your responses to prior comments 9, 10, 15, 25 and 26. Please
         revise this section to clarify when the company or its predecessors
         began implementing the business plan and the current state of
         operational development of that plan. We note that although your
         provider contracts were signed as early as April 2001 you still have
         only limited revenues.

         The company has revised this risk factor to clarify when the company
         began implementing its current business plan and the current state of
         operational development of its plan. The company notes that it has
         added additional disclosure under "MD&A - Overview" regarding the
         implementation of its current business plan and the current state of
         operational development of its plan.

We have a history of losses and ... losses through the remainder of 2005, page 3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.       We note that you revised the disclosure about being unprofitable in the
         near term to losses through the remainder of 2005. Please tell us why
         the disclosure changed, such as whether you recently entered into
         material contracts.

         The company revised the disclosure in this risk factor due to the rapid
         growth in members and revenues it is beginning to experience through
         its agreements with Trident Marketing International, Inc. and Hispanic
         Global LLC. Please note that the company has further revised this risk
         factor to state that it currently expects net losses to continue into
         the second quarter of 2006. The company notes that it has provided
         additional disclosure under "MD&A - Overview" regarding these
         agreements and its expectations regarding future losses and

Securities and Exchange Commission
November 7, 2005
Page 3

         The company notes its response to Comment No. 63 regarding agreements
         relating to Trident and Hispanic Global that have been filed as
         exhibits to the registration statement.

5.       Please add or expand the appropriate risk factor to highlight the
         compensation you are obligated to pay to your executives. Also, expand
         your MD&A to include the amount you are obligated to pay and the source
         of funds for these obligations.

         The company has expanded the risk factor now entitled "We have
         significant contractual obligations and may need to raise additional
         funds in the future, which funds may not be available or, if available,
         may not be available on acceptable terms" to highlight its significant
         contractual obligations. Please note that the company moved the
         disclosure regarding increases in operating expenses from the
         immediately preceding risk factor to this risk factor as the company
         believes increases in operating expenses are more appropriately
         discussed in this risk factor.

         The company has added a section entitled "Contractual Obligations" to
         its MD&A to discuss its significant contractual obligations and the
         source of funds for these obligations.

Our use of independent marketing representatives ... state regulations, page 7
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6.       Please clarify whether the bullets in this risk factor relate to you or
         the marketing representatives.

         The company has clarified in each bullet to whom the particular risk
         relates. Please note that the company has replaced the word
         "distributor" with "marketing representative" so that the same term is
         consistently used throughout the document.

Disclosure Regarding Forward-Looking Statements, page 17
- --------------------------------------------------------

7.       Please revise your disclosure here and throughout the document to
         eliminate all references to the cited safe harbor, as it does not apply
         to statements made by non-reporting companies.

         The company has removed all references in the document to the safe
         harbor for forward-looking statements.

Overview, page 18
- -----------------

8.       Please refer to prior comment 5. Please revise the references
         throughout the filing to the "leading" and "largest," such as a
         "leading national healthcare organization" and "one of the largest and
         most comprehensive healthcare savings networks in the United States."

Securities and Exchange Commission
November 7, 2005
Page 4

         In the alternative, please provide us with support for the statements.
         Also, balance your disclosure concerning affiliations with "some of the
         largest ... networks in the country" to describe the lack of
         exclusivity in provider contracts.

         The company has removed all references to "leading national healthcare
         organization" and "one of the largest and most comprehensive healthcare
         savings networks in the United States." The company has removed or
         toned down other words and phrases throughout the document that may be
         deemed overly promotional in nature.

         The company has balanced its disclosure regarding the provider networks
         with which it has a business relationship by toning down the
         description of the networks and by strengthening the risk factor
         entitled "we currently rely heavily on a small number of preferred
         provider organizations, the loss of any one of which or the change in
         our relationship with any one of which could have a material adverse
         effect on our business" to highlight the lack of exclusivity in, and
         termination provisions of, the provider contracts.

Critical Accounting Policies, page 18
- -------------------------------------

9.       We note that you have revised your critical accounting policies to
         include revenue recognition as your only critical policy. In light of
         the fact that you utilize stock and stock options as consideration for
         services rendered to your company, it appears that stock-based
         compensation to employees and consultants would qualify as a
         significant accounting estimate. As appropriate for an investor to
         better understand the significant estimates and assumptions involved in
         the application of GAAP, revise your disclosure to discuss the
         significant estimates inherent in valuing stock-based compensation or
         tell us why you do not believe this disclosure is necessary. Refer to
         the interpretative MD&A guidance in our Release 33-8350.

         The company has added disclosure of its stock-based compensation
         policies to its critical accounting policies.

Comparison of Years Ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, page 21
- -------------------------------------------------------------

10.      We have reviewed your response to prior comment 10. We note that you
         are unable to determine the amount of revenues derived in each period
         from new members versus recurring revenues from old members because you
         do not have sufficient information available to accurately break out
         revenues in that manner. However, we note your disclosure that the
         number of members is minimal. We also note your disclosures on page 38
         that you pay your provider networks the greater of a flat fee or a
         monthly rate based on the number of CARExpress members utilizing the
         network. Please tell us why you cannot provide this information

         The company has added disclosure to this section regarding the amount
         of revenues derived in each period from new members versus recurring
         revenues from old members. The company notes that at the time the

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November 7, 2005
Page 5

         company previously responded to the request, it believed that it did
         not have adequate information available to accurately break out
         revenues in this manner. Upon reanalyzing its records and files, the
         company determined that it could accurately break out revenues in the
         manner requested.

11.      We have reviewed your response to prior comments 53 and 69 wherein you
         stated that you have omitted the disclosure of those shares not issued
         for cash from your liquidity and capital resources discussion. Due to
         the fact that you issued stock for services, please disclose the amount
         of shares and compensation expense recorded for each such issuance in
         your results of operations discussion for all periods presented.

         The company has added disclosure to this section regarding the number
         of shares issued for services and the compensation expense recorded for
         such issuances to the extent material to the analysis of the applicable

General and Administrative Expense, page 22
- -------------------------------------------

12.      Please refer to prior comment 9. Your response that commission totaled
         $3,065 in the six months in 2005 and none in 2004 is inconsistent with
         your prior disclosure that commissions increased by $5,540 comparing 3
         months ended 2005 with 2004. Please advise.

         The company determined that the prior disclosure that commissions
         increased by $5,540 for the 3 months ended March 31, 2005 compared to
         the 3 months ended March 31, 2004 was incorrect. The information set
         forth in our response that commissions totaled $3,065 for the 6 months
         ended 2005 and that the no commissions were paid in 2004 is correct.
         The company has not separately discussed commission expenses in general
         and administrative expenses because the amounts incurred for each
         period were immaterial.

Professional Fees, page 22
- --------------------------

13.      Please discuss in greater detail the increase of $395,727. For example,
         describe the services provided. Also, expand page 24 to clarify the
         reference to the "various business transactions" such as which

         The company has added disclosure to this section to provide a reference
         to other sections of the prospectus where additional information on the
         services and the persons performing them can be found. The company
         notes that the increase of $395,727 has been revised to $364,639 as a
         result of a reclassification of $93,912 from deferred consulting
         expense to consulting expense in 2005, which was more than offset by
         the addition of $125,000 to professional fees in 2004 that were
         incurred in connection with the issuance of 250,000 shares of common
         stock in February and March 2004 for services rendered. Please see Note
         5 under "Additional Information" below for additional information on
         the reclassification of deferred consulting expense.

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Page 6

         The company has clarified the reference to "various business
         transactions" as requested.

Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 27
- ----------------------------------------

14.      Please clarify how you used the proceeds from your private placements
         in 2004 and 2005.

         The company has added disclosure to this section describing the uses to
         which it put the proceeds from its private placements in 2004 and 2005.

Description of Business, page 31
- --------------------------------

15.      Please expand the appropriate section to discuss the material terms of
         your agreements with consultants.

         The company has added disclosure regarding the material terms of the
         agreements with its marketing consultants and advisors under
         "Description of Business - Marketing Consultants and Advisors."

Healthcare Industry, page 31
- ----------------------------

16.      Please refer to prior comment 13. Please provide us a copy of the
         authoritative source cited in this section. Mark for ease of reference
         the portions you believe support your disclosure. Also, provide us with
         support of your ability to address the entire market. Also, state your
         approximate market share for the operating periods presented. Also
         provide support for the references on page 34 to one million providers,
         and 70% of doctors and hospitals and 90% of pharmacies.

         The company has revised the disclosure in this section to remove
         references to certain of the industry data that may be deemed overly
         promotional in nature. In connection with these changes, the company
         has revised the disclosure under "Health Savings Industry." The company
         has retained some of the industry data and is concurrently sending to
         the SEC by overnight mail a copy of the authoritative sources cited in
         this section marked for ease of reference.

         The company has added disclosure to "MD&A - Overview" regarding its
         market share for the operating periods presented, and to make clear
         that, since the company is not currently large enough to pursue and
         support the entire market, the company is pursuing specific
         opportunities that it may identify through its various marketing and
         distribution channels.

         The reference to one million providers refers to the aggregate number
         of health care providers (physicians, dentists, hospitals, pharmacies,
         etc.) participating in the PPOs and other networks with which we have
         contracts, which is based on information provided to the company by the
         PPOs and other networks at the time we entered into agreements with

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Page 7

         them as updated by them from time to time. The company has removed the
         references to the percentages of doctors, hospitals and pharmacies in
         an effort to tone down any disclosure that may be deemed overly
         promotional in nature.

Overview, page 33
- -----------------

17.      Please clarify how the "underlying principles," specifically i and ii,
         as explained in bullet points 2, 3 and 4, provide benefits to targeted
         customers. Please revise to explain why you believe these "principles"
         are significant to your business model and the appeal of your product.

         The company has clarified in this section how the underlying principles
         provide benefits to its target customers and has revised the section to
         explain how these principles are significant to its business model and
         the appeal of its products.

Our CARExpress Membership Programs, page 34
- -------------------------------------------

18.      Please refer to prior comment 15 and your response. As previously
         requested, quantify the numbers of members. Otherwise, please disclose
         why you are unable to provide such disclosure.

         The company has added disclosure to this section regarding the number
         of members that it currently has, and has added more comprehensive
         disclosure to "MD&A - Overview" regarding the number of members it had
         at various benchmark dates and its member retention rates at such
         dates. The company notes that at the time the company previously
         responded to the request, it believed that it did not have adequate
         information available to accurately break out the number of members and
         member retention rates and that such information would not be helpful
         to the reader given the minimal number of members the company has had
         since its inception. Upon reanalyzing its records and files, the
         company determined that it could accurately break out the number of
         members and member retention rates as requested and that such
         information would be helpful to the reader in light of the rapid growth
         in members the company is currently experiencing. The company notes
         that a discussion of this rapid growth in members has been added under
         "MD&A - Overview."

19.      Please quantify the amount of your revenues related to each of the six

         The company generates monthly membership fees from the sale of its
         CARExpress membership programs. It sells its membership programs
         directly through various media and indirectly through: (i) independent
         marketing representatives, (ii) brokers and agents, (iii) retail chains
         and outlets, (iv) small businesses and trade associations, and (v)
         unions and associations. See "Description of Business - Marketing and
         Distribution." Please note that the company has added disclosure
         regarding the percentage of revenues generated by each of these groups
         in "MD&A - Overview" in response to Comment No. 23.

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November 7, 2005
Page 8

         Under the terms of its agreements with the PPOs or their affiliates,
         the company typically pays the PPOs or their affiliates a per member
         per month fee for access to their network that is determined based on
         the number of healthcare providers (i.e., physicians, dentists, etc.)
         participating in the network, the number of CARExpress members provided
         access to the network, and the particular products and services made
         available to the CARExpress members through the network. Please see
         "Description of Business - Suppliers."

         While the company is aware of the number of healthcare providers (i.e.,
         physicians, dentists, etc.) participating in the networks, the number
         of CARExpress members who have been provided access to the networks,
         and the type of products and services being made available to the
         CARExpress members through the networks, the company has no way of
         determining what percentage of the monthly fees it receives from
         members are derived from a particular networks.

         Members purchase a particular CARExpress membership program for the
         purpose of being able to purchase certain healthcare products and
         services at a discount. The company is able to monitor which CARExpress
         membership program has been purchased by a particular member and the
         distribution channel (independent marketing representatives, etc.)
         through which the member purchased the CARExpress membership program.
         However, the company receives no information from the members, the
         distribution channel, the networks or any other source as to whether or
         not a member has used its membership card in a particular month, what
         products or services the member purchased or which network the provider
         of the products or services belonged to. The company simply provides
         the members with access to the networks in return for a monthly
         membership fee. The company is not in any way involved with the
         member's actual purchase of products or services from the providers
         participating in the networks, and the company's revenues are not in
         any way tied to the number or dollar amount of member purchases of
         products or services from providers participating in the networks.

CARExpress Insurance Programs, page 41
- --------------------------------------

20.      Please refer to prior comment 20. Please expand the appropriate
         sections, such as regulation and risk factors, to discuss in greater
         detail the regulation of insurance products you intend to offer and the
         related risks. Also, describe the insurance products you intend to
         offer if they differ from the three products on page 42.

         The company has added disclosure to "Description of Business -
         Regulatory and Legislative Issues - Insurance Regulations" and its risk
         factors to discuss in greater detail the regulation of insurance
         products the company intends to offer in combination with its
         CARExpress membership programs and the related risks. In connection
         with this, the company separated out the disclosure relating to the
         sale of its CARExpress membership programs from the disclosure relating
         to the sale of its CARExpress membership programs in combination with
         insurance products in certain of these revised sections for
         clarification purposes. The company notes that it has removed the

Securities and Exchange Commission
November 7, 2005
Page 9

         references to "CARExpress insurance programs" to ensure that it is
         clear that the company does not intend to create and underwrite new
         insurance products, but instead to sell its CARExpress membership
         programs in combination with third-party insurance products.

         The two insurance products described in this section are the insurance
         products that the company currently intends to offer in combination
         with its CARExpress membership programs.

Sales Channels, page 43
- -----------------------

21.      Please refer to prior comment 23. Please identify the principal retail
         chains and outlets you have contracted with and state the number of
         stores which sell your products. Briefly describe the principal
         contract terms, including exclusivity. If you do not have material
         contracts in place so state. Provide similar information regarding
         unions and associations.

         The company has added disclosure under "Description of Business -
         Marketing and Distribution" identifying the principal parties with
         which it has contracted for each of the five sources discussed. The
         company does not have any agreements in place with retail chains and
         outlets, and does not have any material agreements in place with unions
         and associations, brokers and agents, and small businesses and trade
         associations. The company notes the additional disclosure under the
         subsection "Independent Marketing Representatives" and "MD&A -
         Overview" regarding independent marketing representatives generally and
         the company's agreements with Trident Marketing International, Inc. and
         Hispanic Global LLC, and, in this regard, notes its response to
         Comments No. 24 through 26 and Comment No. 63.

Suppliers, page 45
- ------------------

22.      Please expand upon the lack of exclusivity of the provider contracts to
         describe whether it may limit or impact your ability to price and sell
         memberships. If applicable, also discuss in the Risk Factors section.

         The company has added additional disclosure to this section regarding
         the general risk associated with a lack of exclusivity and to the risk
         factor entitled "We currently rely heavily on a small number of
         preferred provider organizations, the loss of any one of which or the
         change in our relationship with any one of which could have a material
         adverse effect on our business." Please also see the Company's response
         to Comment No. 8 as it relates to exclusivity. The company notes that
         it is not customary for PPOs to agree to work exclusively with a single
         healthcare savings organization and thus, the lack of exclusivity does
         not in and of itself present the company with risks warranting
         disclosure that exceeds the disclosure now present in the document.

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Page 10

Marketing and Distribution, page 47
- -----------------------------------

23.      Please refer to prior comments 3 and 26. Please discuss the amount of
         your revenues from each of the five items discussed on pages 47 and 48.

         The company has added disclosure regarding the amount of revenues
         generated from each of these five sources under "--Revenues" in "MD&A"
         for each of the periods discussed. To the extent such information was
         provided previously on an aggregate basis for only one or two of the
         five sources, such information has been broken out among each of the
         five sources, and revised to the extent such aggregate information was
         inaccurate. The company now believes such information would be helpful
         to the reader given that the company is beginning to experience rapid
         growth in the number of its members and sales of its CARExpress
         membership programs. In this regard, the company notes the additional
         disclosure in "MD&A - Overview."

Independent Marketing Representatives, page 47
- ----------------------------------------------

24.      Please clarify whether the independent marketing representatives are
         individual persons or organizations. If organizations, how many persons
         are actively marketing your product?

         The company has added disclosure to this section regarding the
         independent marketing representatives it utilizes and has clarified the
         number and nature of the independent marketing representatives that it

25.      Please clarify the disclosure about the representatives, such as who
         they are and how they go about selling your products. Please revise to
         describe the methods and circumstances the representatives utilize to
         identify prospective customers and effectuate sales. Do these persons
         sell other products and services? Do they sell competitors' products?
         Are they engaged in other unrelated business activities?

         The company has revised the disclosure in this section in response to
         each of the requests. Please also note the company's disclosure in the
         risk factor entitled "Our increasing reliance on marketing
         representatives could result in reduced revenue growth because we have
         little control over them."

26.      Please refer to prior comment 27. Please briefly discuss why there are
         five levels of marketing representatives. Also, revise the risk factors
         and page 54 to clarify whether the number of such levels may be
         affected by the marketing laws and regulations. In addition, clarify
         the reference to "override commissions" and quantify the "bonus pools"
         and "certain levels of enrollments to receive additional commissions."

         The company has revised this section to discuss the five levels of
         marketing representatives in greater detail and to clarify the
         references to "override commissions," "bonus pools" and enrollment

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Page 11

         The company has revised the disclosure under "--Marketing Laws and
         Regulations" and the risk factor entitled "Our use of independent
         marketing representatives could subject us to enforcement actions,
         penalties and negative publicity if any such representatives do not
         comply with applicable federal and state regulations" to clarify the
         effect marketing laws and regulations may have on the number of such

Customer Service Training and Support, page 49
- ----------------------------------------------

27.      Please refer to prior comment 30. Please expand the first sentence of
         the carryover paragraph at the bottom of page 49 to quantify the
         significant investment.

         The company has revised the paragraph to clarify that it intends to
         continue to invest in customer service.

Insurance Regulation, page 52
- -----------------------------

28.      Please refer to prior comment 34. Please clarify, if applicable,
         whether states have enacted legislation that may affect the manner in
         which you sell your products.

         The company has clarified the disclosure in this section as requested.

Marketing Laws and Regulation, page 54
- --------------------------------------

29.      Please refer to prior comment 35. Please discuss in greater detail the
         regulations that affect your business, such as limits on royalties. In
         addition, clarify the phrase "directly sponsored." Also, tell us why
         you deleted the second paragraph of this section, such as your review
         of the requirements and your belief about compliance.

         The company has revised this section to discuss in greater detail these
         regulations, to change the term "royalties" to "commissions" so that
         the same term is referenced throughout the entire document, and to
         clarify that the phrase "directly sponsored" relates to the process by
         which marketing representatives may recruit other marketing
         representatives to sell the company's programs. In this regard, the
         company notes the additional disclosure provided under "Marketing and
         Distribution - Independent Marketing Representatives."

         The company notes that the company is not a network marketing
         organization and that the company does not employ, and does not intend
         to employ, any marketing representatives. The company removed the
         second paragraph of this section in connection with other changes it
         has made to the document in both Amendment No. 1 and Amendment No. 2 to
         the registration statement to clarify the manner in which it utilizes
         the services of marketing representatives. The company notes that,
         since it is not a network marketing organization and does not employ
         marketing representatives, the disclosure regarding the regulations and
         risks associated with marketing representatives is included primarily
         to highlight the indirect risks to the company of utilizing the

Securities and Exchange Commission
November 7, 2005
Page 12

         services of marketing representatives and the indirect affect legal
         regulation of such representatives could have on the company, as
         opposed to the direct risks associated with being a network marketing
         organization or employing marketing representatives.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, page 54
- ------------------------------------------------------------

30.      Please refer to prior comment 36. Please revise the next to last
         sentence of this section to describe the effect to the extent
         practical. Also, we note the disclosure that the regulations are new
         conflicts with the disclosure that the Act became effective in 2003.
         Please revise.

         The company has revised the next to last sentence of this section to
         describe the effect these regulations may have on the company and to
         remove any statements that the regulations are new.

Management, page 57
- -------------------

31.      Please refer to prior comments 2 and 40. Please clarify the
         relationship, if any, between, XRAYMEDIA and you.

         No relationship exists between the company and XRAYMEDIA. The joint
         venture between the company and XRAYMEDIA cited in the press release
         referenced in previous Comment No. 2 was terminated by the company in
         April 2004.

32.      Please file as exhibits the employment agreements with Mr. Soufflas and
         Mr. Taylor. Also, discuss the business experience of Mr. Soufflas from
         October 2002 until April 2004.

         The company notes that it has not entered into written employment
         agreements with Mr. Soufflas and Mr. Taylor. Instead, the company has
         entered into unwritten employment arrangements with Mr. Soufflas and
         Mr. Taylor. The company has filed summaries of the material terms of
         the employment arrangements with Mr. Soufflas and Mr. Taylor as
         Exhibits 10.20 and 10.21, respectively, to the registration statement.
         The stock options issued to Mr. Soufflas and Mr. Taylor that are
         referenced in these summaries were previously filed as Exhibits 10.18
         and 10.19 to Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form

         Please note that company has corrected a typographical error in Mr.
         Soufflas' biographical information regarding Mr. Soufflas' employment
         at Spector Gadon & Rosen, P.C., which now correctly states that Mr.
         Soufflas was employed at Spector Gadon & Rosen, P.C. between April 2003
         and May 2004, rather than between April 2004 and May 2005. Mr. Soufflas
         was not employed between October 2002 and April 2003.

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November 7, 2005
Page 13

Board of Directors, page 58
- ---------------------------

33.      Please revise this section to clarify that you only have one director.
         Also, tell us why the other two directors recently resigned.

         The company has revised this section to clarify that it has only one

         Ronald F. Westman and Jay Rosen, the company's other two directors,
         recently resigned because the company does not have a directors and
         officers insurance policy in place. The company evaluated obtaining
         such an insurance policy, but decided not to obtain one due to the cost
         involved. Mr. Westman and Mr. Rosen did not want to serve as members of
         the board of directors without such a policy in place.

Summary Compensation Table, page 60
- -----------------------------------

34.      Please refer to prior comment 12. Please revise the table to include
         the $874,125 paid to Mr. Daniels in 2004.

         The company has revised the table as requested.

35.      Please revise footnote 3 to describe in greater detail the compensation
         in the "All Other Compensation" column. See Instruction 1 to Item
         402(b) (2)(iii)(C) of Regulation S-B.

         The company has revised footnote 3 to describe in greater detail the
         compensation in the "Other Annual Compensation" column. The company has
         also added a column entitled "Bonus ($)" to the compensation table to
         more appropriately present the bonus paid to David M. Daniels in 2004.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management, page 65
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

36.      Please update the disclosure in this section.

         The Company has updated the disclosure in this section.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, page 66
- -------------------------------------------------------

37.      Please provide the disclosure required by Item 404 of Regulation S-B.
         For example, we note the transactions with Mr. Westman in September
         2005. As another example, expand the disclosure on page 66 to discuss,
         if applicable, the agreement with your former officer. We note the
         disclosure on pages 65 and F-40.

         The company has added disclosure to this section regarding the
         transactions with Mr. Westman in September 2005.

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November 7, 2005
Page 14

         The company entered into a consulting agreement with R. Dennis Bowers,
         our former President and Chief Executive Officer, on October 5, 2005.
         The company has provided disclosure in this section regarding the terms
         of the consulting agreement and has filed a copy of the consulting
         agreement as Exhibit 10.34 to the registration statement.

         The company has also added disclosure to this section regarding the
         consulting agreement that it entered into with Jose Lozano in May 2005
         and has filed a copy of the consulting agreement as Exhibit 10.32 to
         the registration statement.

38.      Please disclose whether the terms of the transactions discussed in this
         section are as fair to you as could have been made with unaffiliated

         The company believes that the terms of the transactions discussed in
         this section are as fair to the company as could have been made with
         unaffiliated parties. The 600,000 units sold to Ronald F. Westman were
         sold to him at a price per share of common stock of $.40 (based on
         1,800,000 shares of common stock underlying the units at a purchase
         price of $720,000), which is the same price the company was receiving
         for shares of its common stock sold in the private offerings conducted
         immediately prior to and after the date of the transaction with Mr.
         Westman. The rent per square foot that the company pays for the office
         space in Sarasota, Florida is the same price per square foot that all
         other tenants in the building pay for office space in the building. The
         company believes that the compensation being paid to Mr. Bowers under
         the consulting agreement approximates the fair value of the services to
         be performed by Mr. Bowers during the term of the agreement.

The Offering, page 73
- ---------------------

39.      The number of shares registered for resale in the first full paragraph
         on page 76 conflicts with first sentence and the 50% reference in the
         carryover paragraph at the bottom of page 75. We note similar
         discrepancies regarding the number of shares registered for resale in
         the June 2005 offerings. Please revise. Also, clarify whether there is
         any penalty related to registering for resale only 650,000 shares.

         The company has added disclosure under "April 2005 Sale of Common
         Stock, Class A Warrants and Class B Warrants to Ronald F. Westman" to
         clarify that Mr. Westman requested that only 650,000 shares of the
         common stock that he purchased in this transaction be registered. The
         company has also added disclosure under "June 2005 Offering of Common
         Stock, Class A Warrants and Class B Warrants" to clarify that Mr.
         Westman purchased 20,000 units in this offering and requested that none
         of the shares of common stock subject to registration rights be
         registered. The company has added disclosure under "June 2005 Sale of
         Common Stock, Class A Warrants, Class B Warrants and Class C Warrants
         to Consultants" to clarify that certain of the consultants requested
         that we not register certain of the shares of common stock subject to
         registration rights. The company has also added disclosure in each of
         these sections to clarify that the company will not incur any penalty
         in connection with Mr. Westman's and the consultants' requests.

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40.      Please refer to prior comment 73. Please expand the disclosure on pages
         75 and 76 to discuss the cash payment on September 16, 2005.

         The company has added disclosure under "April 2005 Sale of Common
         Stock, Class A Warrants and Class B Warrants to Ronald F. Westman" to
         discuss the cash payment on September 16, 2005.

41.      Please expand the last paragraph on page 77 to describe the "consulting
         services to be rendered." Also, quantify the value of the services.

         The company has added disclosure to this paragraph discussing where in
         the document information can be found concerning the consulting
         services to be rendered and the value of the services.

Determination of Offering Price, page 78
- ----------------------------------------

42.      Please discuss the all material factors that you considered in
         determining the initial public offering price. For example, we note the
         reference to "several factors, but not limited to the following" and
         the transactions on pages 73-78.

         The company revised the disclosure in this section to describe all of
         the material factors considered by the company in determining the
         initial public offering price.

Selling Security Holders, page 79
- ---------------------------------

43.      Please refer to prior comment 48. Please confirm that you have already
         issued the options and warrants and are registering for resale the
         related common shares. Also, tell us why you are registering for resale
         shares at this time that may not be issued, such as the shares related
         to Trident.

         The company has already issued the options and warrants and is
         registering for resale the related common shares. The company has
         revised the disclosure in this section to clarify this fact.

         The company issued the option to Trident on June 24, 2005. Under the
         terms of the option, the company contractually obligated itself to file
         a registration statement with the SEC for all of the underlying shares
         within 6 months of the date of the option and to cause the registration
         statement to be declared effective as soon as reasonably practicable
         thereafter. The vesting of the option is conditioned upon the
         achievement of certain performance objectives. At this time, the
         company believes that it is very likely that Trident will achieve at
         least one of the performance objectives and that, as a result, at least
         some of the shares underlying the option will vest. Since the company

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         contractually obligated itself to register all of the shares underlying
         the option and it is still possible, though unlikely, for the option to
         vest as to all 400,000 shares on December 31, 2005 if one of the
         performance objectives is achieved, the company has registered all
         400,000 shares underlying the option so that it will not be in breach
         of the terms of the option in the event the option does vest as to all

         The terms of the option are summarized under "The Offering - June 2005
         Issuance of Option to Trident Marketing International, Inc." and "Item
         26. Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities," and a copy of the option
         has been filed as Exhibit 10.30 to the registration statement.

44.      Please refer to prior comment 49. Please disclose, if true, that the
         affiliates purchased in the ordinary course of business, and at the
         time of the purchase of the securities to be resold, the sellers had no
         agreements or understandings, directly or indirectly, with any person
         to distribute the securities. Also, revise the disclosure to clarify
         that the broker-dealer is an underwriter.

         The company has added the requested disclosure to this section
         regarding the purchases by affiliates and made the requested revisions
         to this section to clarify that the broker-dealer is an underwriter.

Annual Financial Statements, page F-1
- -------------------------------------

Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity, page F-5
- ---------------------------------------------------------

45.      We have reviewed your response to prior comment 62. Revise your
         statements of stockholders' equity to separately present the issuance
         of 1,748,250 shares of common stock to your CEO, as it does not appear
         that the stock was issued for services, but rather as a sign-on bonus.
         Furthermore, since the CEO is an employee of the company, revise the
         consolidated statements of operations to present the expense associated
         with this stock signing bonus as salary expense rather than
         professional fees and revise Note 7 and your MD&A discussion

         The company has revised the statements of stockholders' equity in its
         audited financial statements and has revised the consolidated
         statements of operations in both its audited financial statements and
         its interim financial statements as requested. The company has also
         revised Note 7 to its audited financial statements and its MD&A

Note 1. Nature of Organization, page F-8
- ----------------------------------------

a. Organization and Business Activities, page F-8
- -------------------------------------------------

46.      We have reviewed your disclosure in response to prior comment 54. The
         disclosure does not appear to address our prior comment. Please explain
         to us in more detail the structure of your relationship with marketing
         representatives. Tell us the nature and significant terms of these

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         relationships and any related agreements. Discuss whether or not these
         representatives must pay you initial or ongoing fees as a result of
         their relationship to you.

         The company has revised Note 1a to describe its relationship with
         marketing representatives in greater detail.

47.      Please note that the information concerning your organization and
         business activities is included in an audited footnote to the financial
         statements. The current disclosure appears to contain some information
         that is more appropriately presented in the description of your
         business (see page 31) and not the footnotes to your financial
         statements. Please revise or advise.

         The company has revised Note 1a. to remove much of the general
         information relating to the company and its business activities. The
         company notes that it has added disclosure regarding its relationship
         with marketing representatives in response to Comment No. 46. In that
         connection, the company has retained some of the information regarding
         its business activities to clarify that marketing representatives are
         only one of several distribution channels through which the company
         markets and sells its programs. The company also notes that it has
         retained the paragraph describing the material terms of its provider
         agreements in response to prior Comment No. 58.

g.  Revenue Recognition, page F-11
- ----------------------------------

48.      We have reviewed your response to prior comment 56. Please tell us the
         journal entries that you record when a customer's account is debited,
         resulting in deferred revenue, as previously requested. We note no
         accounts receivable.

         The company has revised Note 1g. of the audited financial statements
         and Note 1b. of the interim financial statements to describe the
         journal entries.

49.      We note that your cost of sales includes depreciation and amortization
         costs. Please tell us and revise to disclose the assets to which these
         charges are linked and how those assets contribute to the generation of

         The company has revised Note 1g. of the audited financial statements
         and Note 1b. of the interim financial statements to disclose the assets
         and how the assets contribute to the generation of revenue.

50.      We note your disclosure, "these fees are typically pre-billed and
         received, resulting in deferred revenue." Tell us and revise to
         disclose the nature of the transaction in a more detailed manner, so
         that it is apparent how the transaction is accounted for. For example,
         if you bill the membership fees to the customer at the beginning of the
         month through a debit to the account and then recognize the revenue at
         the end of the month after the services have been rendered, please
         state that fact. Tell us and revise to disclose the typical period from
         when the account is debited to when cash is received.

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         The company has revised Note 1g. of the audited financial statements
         and Note 1b. of the interim financial statements to better describe the
         transactions and the method by which the transactions are accounted
         for, as well as the typical period from when the account is debited to
         when cash is received.

51.      We have reviewed your response to prior comment 57. You state that you
         revised Note 1g. of the audited financial statements in response to our
         comment. Please tell us where you have addressed our comment in Note

         The company has further revised Note 1g. of the audited financial
         statements to discuss the refund guarantees that it offered during
         2004, and has further revised Note 1b. to the interim financial
         statements to discuss the refund guarantees and free-trial periods that
         it offered during the first 6 months of 2005. The company notes that
         the early cancellation privileges simply relate to a member's ability
         to cancel a membership for any subsequent monthly period without
         penalty. These cancellation rights are discussed in Note 1g. of the
         audited financial statements and Note 1b. of the interim financial
         statements. For clarification purposes, the company has amended its
         disclosure under "Description of Business - Marketing and Distribution"
         to remove the reference to early cancellation privileges.

         The company has relied upon the revenue recognition requirements of SAB
         101 and has reviewed SAB Topic 13.A. The company does not recognize
         revenue until all fees are fixed and determinable, meaning that during
         a period of time when a customer may cancel, no revenue is recognized.

52.      We note your disclosure on page 18 that any fees that you receive in
         connection with the sale of your membership programs that are
         non-refundable are recognized when received. We note your disclosure
         here and on page 18 that you recognize fees and revenue when services
         have been rendered. Please reconcile your disclosures and cite the
         accounting literature upon which you have relied to recognize revenue
         when payment is received up front.

         The company has revised Note 1g. of the audited financial statements
         and Note 1b. of the interim financial statements to better describe the
         manner in which it recognizes revenue from the sale of its membership
         programs. The company has revised the disclosure under "MD&A - Critical
         Accounting Policies - Revenue Recognition," to better describe the
         manner in which it recognizes revenues and to clarify the manner by
         which it accounts for non-refundable fees, which consist of one-time
         shipping and handling fees. The company notes that it did not begin
         receiving non-refundable one-time shipping and handling fees until
         after June 30, 2005.

         As noted in the company's response to Comment No. 51, the company has
         relied upon the revenue recognition requirements of SAB 101. The
         company does not recognize revenue until all fees are fixed and
         determinable, meaning that during a period of time when a customer may
         cancel, no revenue is recognized

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Note 7. Equity Transactions, page F-17
- --------------------------------------

53.      We have reviewed your response to prior comments 64 and 75. We note
         that you have determined that the warrants issued in your private
         placements of stock have no value based on the reasons provided, and
         are not subject to the requirements of EITF 00-19 since they were
         issued as part of units of stock and warrants. Please tell us how these
         warrants differ from the warrants granted to consultants for services
         rendered in the second quarter of 2005 as disclosed in Note 4 of your
         interim financial statements, to which you have assigned value. Please
         tell us how you have applied the guidance in EITF 96-18 in accounting
         for the shares and warrants issued to consultants in the second quarter
         of 2005.

         The company notes that the warrants granted as part of the private
         placement units were not granted to any person who provided any
         services or any other consideration of any type other than cash. EITF
         96-18 which is applicable to equity instruments that are issued to
         other than employees for acquiring, or in conjunction with selling,
         goods or services is the basis for the warrants granted to consultants
         for services provided or to be provided. The company notes that EITF
         96-18 requires that the company should measure the fair value of the
         equity instruments using the stock price and other measurement
         assumptions as of the earlier of either of the following: 1. The date
         at which a commitment for performance by the counterparty to earn the
         equity instruments is reached (a performance commitment); or 2. the
         date at which the performance is complete. The company notes that there
         is a benefit to the company for the services that the consultants will
         be performing and that the value of that benefit should be measured
         somehow. As the staff knows, it is inherently difficult to estimate
         volatility and other factors associated with nonpublic companies. For
         example, the company refers to SFAS 123 paragraph 20 which indicates
         that a nonpublic entity shall estimate the value of its options based
         on the factors described in the preceding paragraph, except that a
         nonpublic entity need not consider the expected volatility of its stock
         over the expected life of the option. The result of excluding
         volatility in estimating an option's value is an amount commonly termed
         minimum value. The company has tried to best reflect the fair values of
         the various instruments and the values of the services to be received.
         The company did not believe that valuing the warrants granted to the
         consultants for services at nominal or minimum values best reflected
         the value of the services received so it has valued the warrants issued
         for services with a high volatility which kicks out a full fair value
         for the value of the warrants. Conversely, the warrants issued as part
         of the units to individuals which provided no services with exercise
         prices at $1.00 per warrant and $2.00 per warrant were deemed to not
         have any value because they are out of the money, not free trading and
         not likely to be exercised. The company understands that it could use
         the same methodology for valuing the warrants associated with the units
         and then segregate the value of the warrants at their fair values,
         however that would result in no value being available for the common
         shares. Paragraph 13 of EITF 00-21 indicates that any separate unit of
         accounting which is required to be recorded at fair value under GAAP
         should be recorded at fair value with the remainder of the arrangement
         consideration allocated to the other units of accounting in accordance
         with paragraph 12 of EITF 00-21. The company believes that it would be

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         inappropriate to present a fair value of the warrants and then not a
         fair value of the shares of common stock as there would not be any
         residual fair value to allocate to the shares of common stock.
         Accordingly, the company believes that the best presentation for
         investors is to show units sold for cash with no allocation of the
         proceeds to either the individual warrants or the shares of common

54.      Please refer to prior comment 64. Your response stated that SFAS 133 is
         not applicable to the unit sales but did not provide your analysis why.
         As such, please provide us with your analysis showing why you believe
         the warrants are properly classified in equity and not as a liability.
         That is, please address your consideration of paragraphs 12-32 of EITF

         The company believes that the units, including the warrants, are
         properly classified as equity. The company considered paragraphs 12-32
         of EITF 00-19 in making its determination. Specifically, the Company
         can settle the warrants in unregistered shares. The Company is required
         to use its "reasonable best efforts" to register 50% of the shares of
         common stock underlying the warrants that comprise the units. However,
         there is no penalty if the shares of common stock underlying the
         warrants are not registered.

Interim Financial Statements
- ----------------------------

Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity, page F-25
- ----------------------------------------------------------

55.      Revise this statement for the stock signing bonus issued to your CEO as
         indicated in our comment on your annual financial statements above and
         revise to disclose that the "common stock issued for stock swap" was
         issued to a related party or refer to the Note where the related party
         is disclosed.

         The company notes that the stock signing bonus was issued to its chief
         executive officer in February 2004. The company has revised its
         financial statements for the 6 months ended June 30, 2004 to reflect
         the stock signing bonus as salary expense and to reflect an additional
         $125,000 in professional fees incurred in connection with the issuance
         of 250,000 shares of common stock issued for services in February and
         March 2004. The company notes its response to Comment No. 45.

         The company has revised the consolidated statement of stockholders'
         equity in its interim financial statements to reflect that the "common
         stock issued for stock swap" was issued to a related party.

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, page F-26
- ------------------------------------------------

56.      We have reviewed your response to prior comment 68. Revise your
         statements of cash flows and MD&A discussion to present the investment
         in certificate of deposit as an investing activity in accordance with
         SFAS 95.

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         The company has revised its statement of cash flows and MD&A to present
         the investment in the certificate of deposit as an investing activity
         in accordance with SFAS 95.

Note 4. Commitments and Contingencies, page F-28
- ------------------------------------------------

57.      Revise the column header "Accumulated Amortization" in the tables
         reflecting the stock and warrants issued to consultants to "Consulting
         Expense Recorded in the Six Months Ended June 30, 2005" or similar
         caption in order to better present the information to investors.

         The company has revised the header in the tables in this section as

Note 5. Equity Transactions, page F-32
- --------------------------------------

58.      We have reviewed your response to prior comment 70. We have the
         following comments related to your March 2005 issuance 737,750 shares
         of common stock to previous shareholders:

         - Revise your disclosure in the Note be consistent with your disclosure
         on page II-4. The disclosure in the notes to the financial statements
         states that the shares were issued to previous investors in
         consideration for the investors agreeing to amendments to their
         offering document, whereas the disclosure on page II-4 explicitly
         states that the shares were issued in exchange for each person agreeing
         to an extension of the registration date.

         - Tell us the purpose of the amendment to the private placement
         agreement. We note that you issued an amount of shares to reduce the
         per share price of stock issued to $0.40 per share and accounted for
         the issuance as a reduction in paid-in capital. However, we note your
         disclosure on page II-4 that the amendment was entered into in exchange
         for each person agreeing to an extension of the registration date,
         which may suggest that the shares were issued as a penalty for
         non-timely registration of the shares.

         - Please file the private placement amendment as an exhibit to your
         amended Form SB-2.

         The company has revised the disclosure in Note 5 relating to the
         issuance of the 737,750 shares of common stock as requested. The
         company notes that the additional shares were not issued as a penalty
         for non-timely registration of the shares as the securities purchase
         agreements did not contain any penalty provisions. The company notes
         that it has also clarified the disclosure appearing under "The
         Offering" and "Item 26. Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities."

         The purpose of the amendment was to extend the date by which the
         company would use its reasonable best efforts to file a registration
         statement with the SEC and to obtain a release from the shareholders
         from any liability for any possible breach of the securities purchase

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Page 22

         agreements arising out of the company's previous filing obligation to
         use its reasonable best efforts to file a registration statement with
         the SEC within two months of the date the private placements were
         terminated. The company has revised its interim financial statements
         and MD&A to reflect additional general and administrative expense in
         the amount of $295,100 associated with the issuance of the additional
         737,750 shares at an ascribed value of $.40 per share because of the
         additional consideration received by the company from the shareholders
         in the form of the releases described above. The company notes that the
         ascribed value of $.40 per share is the same price the company was
         receiving for shares of its common stock in the private offerings
         conducted immediately prior to and after the issuance of the 737,750

         The company has filed a Form of First Amendment to Securities Purchase
         Agreement and Release as Exhibit 10.24 to the registration statement.

59.      We have reviewed your response to prior comments 72 and 74. Revise your
         disclosure in this Note to quantify the number of warrants issued in
         exchange for the shares of Infinium Labs' stock and revise to clarify
         that the shares and warrants issued "to an investor" were in fact
         issued to Ronald F. Westman, a related party, as that term is described
         in SFAS 57, as you have disclosed on page 55.

         The company has revised the disclosure in this Note as requested.

Note 6. Stock Options, page F-35
- --------------------------------

60.      We have reviewed your response to prior comment 66. Please revise the
         notes to your interim financial statements to present the pro forma
         stock-based compensation in Note I as previously requested.

         The company has revised its interim financial statements to move the
         pro forma stock-based compensation disclosure from Note 6 to Note 1.
         The disclosure is now set forth under Note 1c.

61.      We note that you entered into an agreement on June 24, 2005 with
         Trident Marketing International, Inc. whereby Trident has the
         opportunity to earn options to purchase up to 400,000 shares of common
         stock at $0.50 per share. Based on the information disclosed in this
         Note, it does not appear that the options have been granted, i.e., the
         options will be granted based on the achievement of milestones as
         disclosed. Therefore, your disclosure "the rights to exercise are as
         follows:" appears to be inaccurate. Revise this language to read "the
         options will be granted as follows:" or a similar disclosure or tell us
         why the current presentation is appropriate. Options that are not
         granted cannot be exercised. Additionally, please reconcile your
         disclosure here with the disclosure on page II-7 which states that the
         options have been issued.

         The company issued the option to Trident on June 24, 2005. The company
         has revised the disclosure in Note 6 to more accurately describe the

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62.      Please tell us how you are accounting for the stock options pursuant to
         the Marketing Incentive Plan and cite the accounting literature upon
         which you relied.

         The Company relied on EITF 96-18 to account for the stock option issued
         pursuant to the Marketing Incentive Plan. The plan provides no penalty
         if Trident fails to achieve the net monthly revenue targets at the
         various milestone measurement dates. As a result, there is not a
         "sufficiently large disincentive for nonperformance" as discussed in
         EITF 96-18 and therefore, no performance commitment existed when the
         option was granted. The option will be measured at the then current
         value at December 31, 2005, the final milestone measurement date.

         The first milestone measurement date was September 30, 2005. Trident
         did not meet either of the net monthly revenue targets specified in the
         option at this date. The next and final milestone measurement date is
         December 31, 2005. While the company currently believes that Trident
         will meet one of the net monthly revenue targets at December 31, 2005,
         the company is unable to determine how many, if any, of the net monthly
         revenue targets Trident will meet. Accordingly, no value was ascribed
         to the 400,000 shares of common stock underlying the option for the 6
         months ended June 30, 2005.

- --------

63.      Please refer to prior comment 79. As previously requested, please fill
         the material contracts. For example, file as exhibits the warrant
         agreements and the June 2005 option agreement issued to Trident
         Marketing International as exhibits. Also, file the Marketing Incentive
         Plan agreement with Trident. As other examples we note several
         consulting agreements were entered into in connection with the June
         2005 issuance of common stock and warrants in exchange for services
         provided or to be provided.

         The company has filed the following documents as exhibits to the
         registration statement:

         (i) summaries of the terms of the company's employment arrangements
         with Alex Soufflas and David A. Taylor as Exhibits 10.20 and 10.21,
         respectively, in response to Comment No. 32;

         (ii) a form of the Class A warrants and Class B warrants issued by the
         company to the shareholders participating in its private offerings as
         Exhibits 10.22 and 10.23, respectively;

         (iii) a form of the amendment and release entered into by the company
         and each of the shareholders participating in the August 2004 Offering
         and September 2004 Offering as Exhibit 10.24 in response to Comment No.

         (iv) a form of the Class A warrants, Class B warrants and Class C
         warrants issued by the company to consultants and advisors in June 2005
         as Exhibits 10.25, 10.26 and 10.27, respectively;

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         (v) the broker agreement and marketing incentive plan entered into by
         the company and Trident and the option issued to Trident as Exhibits
         10.28, 10.29 and 10.30, respectively;

         (vi) the broker agreement entered into by the company and Hispanic
         Global, LLC as Exhibit 10.31;

         (vii) the consulting agreements entered into by the company and each of
         Jose Lozano and El CID IV relating to certain of the securities issued
         to consultants in June 2005 as Exhibits 10.32 and 10.33, respectively;

         (viii) the consulting agreement entered into by the company and R.
         Dennis Bowers in October 2005 as Exhibit 10.34.

         The company notes that it believes the agreements with Trident and
         Hispanic Global are now material contracts for the company in light of
         the substantial increase in members and revenues each of these
         companies is generating for the company. As a result, the company has
         filed all of the agreements as exhibits to the registration statement.
         The company notes the disclosure regarding Trident and Hispanic Global
         that it has added to "MD&A - Overview."

         The company also notes that, upon re-evaluating the agreements it
         entered into with its consultants and advisors, the consulting
         agreements with Jose Lozano and El CID IV may be deemed material
         contracts for the company and has thus filed each of these agreements
         as exhibits to the registration statement. The company notes its
         response to previous Comment No. 78.

Additional Information
- ----------------------

         Please note that the following additional changes are reflected in
Amendment No. 2 to the Registration Statement on Form SB-2:

1. Under "The Offering" and "Item 26. Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities,"
the company revised the description of several of the offerings to clarify the
various dates by which the company was obligated to file a registration
statement with the SEC and to clarify that the nature of the company's
obligation with respect to the registration rights granted was to use its
reasonable best efforts to file a registration statement.

2. The company has revised the last paragraph under "Liquidity and Capital
Resources" to state that it believes that its current cash resources will not be
sufficient to sustain its current operations for the next twelve (12) months and
that it will need to raise additional capital for the payment of its ongoing
costs and expenses as they are incurred and the growth of its business. The
company expects cash flows from sales of its programs through Trident and
Hispanic Global to turn positive as the recurring membership fees from its
increasing membership base exceed the costs associated with the new members it
is generating. As a result, the company expects net losses from operations to
begin to decrease during the current quarter and expects to begin generating net
profits from operations during the second quarter of 2006.

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3. The company removed the last sentence of the risk factor entitled "We intend
to attempt to raise additional funds in the future, and such additional funding
may be dilutive to stockholders or impose operational restrictions" since the
company has not issued any warrants that contain provisions providing for a
downward adjustment in the exercise price.

4. The company has revised the first two paragraphs appearing under "Note 7 -
Equity Transactions - Private Placements" of the audited financial statements
for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 to clarify the language contained
in the paragraphs.

5. The company revised "Note 4 - Commitments and Contingencies - Consulting
Agreements" of its interim financial statements to combine the two entries for
Park Financial into one entry in each of the three tables and to reclassify
deferred consulting expense for the Class A and Class B warrants to consulting
expense since Park Financial performed all of its services in full prior to June
30, 2005.

                                    * * * * *

         The company believes that it has adequately responded to the SEC's
comments. Please feel free to contact me by phone at (215) 682-7114 ext. 102 or
by fax at (215) 682-7116 if you have any questions regarding this letter or if
you have any additional comments.

                                                  Very truly yours,

                                                  /s/  Alex Soufflas

                                                  Alex Soufflas

cc: Thomas A. Jones
    Thomas Dyer
    Kate Tillan