                          5100 N. BROOKLINE, SUITE 600
                          OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73112

                            Telephone (405) 942-3501
                               Fax (405) 942-3527

                                  April 7, 2006

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Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
Mail Stop 7010
100 F. Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549

         RE:      Atlas America Public #15-2005 Program
                  Registration Statement on Form S-1
                  Post-Effective Amendment No. 2 filed April 7, 2006
                  SEC Registration No. 333-127355

Dear Mr. Schwall:

         This letter is in response to your comment letter dated March 29, 2006
concerning counsel's tax opinion for the above-referenced filing and the
undertakings in Part II of the Registration Statement. Also, all references in
this letter to the Registration Statement or portions thereof are references to
Post-Effective Amendment No. 2 dated April 7, 2006, to the Registration
Statement, which is attached to this letter for filing. For your convenience, we
first restate your comment in italics and then provide our response.

Undertakings, page 4, Part II

1.       Revise to include all undertakings required by Item 512 of Regulation
         S-K. Note the changes that resulted from Securities Act Reform, Release
         No. 34-52056, which became effective on December 1, 2005.

                  Part II of the Registration Statement has been revised to
                  include all undertakings required by Item 512 of Regulation
                  S-K, including the changes that resulted from Securities Act
                  Reform, Release No. 34-52056.

Exhibit 8


2.       Investors are entitled to rely on the disclosure in the opinion. Obtain
         a new opinion that does not suggest otherwise. We note the statements
         on page 1 and 11 suggesting that participants cannot rely on the
         opinion. At page 11, for example, the opinion states that it "cannot be
         used by any Participant in a Partnership, for the purpose of
         establishing his reasonable belief that his tax treatment of any
         partnership tax item on his individual federal income tax returns was
         more likely than not the proper treatment." Counsel may indicate the
         purpose for its opinion, but cannot limit those relying upon it.

Kunzman & Bollinger, Inc.

Mr. H. Roger Schwall
Securities and Exchange Commission
April 7, 2006
Page 2

                  All statements in the prospectus and counsel's tax opinion,
                  Exhibit 8 to the Registration Statement, that suggest that
                  participants cannot rely on counsel's tax opinion for purposes
                  of establishing their "reasonable belief" under the reasonable
                  cause exception to the reportable transaction understatement
                  penalty, including the statements on pages 1 and 11 of
                  counsel's tax opinion, have been deleted. Counsel was able to
                  delete those statements, because the participants may rely on
                  counsel's opinion that the partnerships are not, and should
                  not be in the future, reportable transactions, in which event
                  the penalty referred to in those statements would not apply to
                  the participants.

Summary Discussion of the Federal Income Tax Consequences of an Investment in a
Partnership, page 12

3.       It is unclear why counsel refers to this section as a "summary." Obtain
         a new letter that clearly identifies the components of counsel's
         opinion and that does not suggest that portions of the letter merely
         constitute summaries.

                  The title of the section of counsel's tax opinion letter
                  entitled "Summary Discussion of the Federal Income Tax
                  Consequences of an Investment in a Partnership," which begins
                  on page 12, has been re-titled "Discussion of Federal Income
                  Tax Consequences." Also, conforming changes have been made
                  throughout the Registration Statement, including the
                  prospectus and counsel's tax opinion, Exhibit 8 to the
                  Registration Statement.

         Please contact the undersigned or Wallace W. Kunzman, Jr. if you have
any questions or comments concerning this response.

                                           Very truly yours,

                                           KUNZMAN & BOLLINGER, INC.

                                           /s/ Gerald A. Bollinger
                                           Gerald A. Bollinger


cc:       Ms. Carmen Moncada-Terry
          Mr. Timothy Levenberg
          Mr. Justin Atkinson
          Mr. Jack Hollander