


                        ATLAS AMERICA SERIES 26-2005 L.P.

                              DATED AUGUST 25, 2005


SECTION                                                                                                        PAGE
1.    Assignment of Well Locations; Representations and Indemnification Associated with the
      Assignment of the Lease; Designation of Additional Well Locations;
      Outside Activities Are Not Restricted.......................................................................1

2.    Drilling of Wells; Timing; Depth; Interest of Developer; Right to Substitute Well Locations.................2

3.    Operator - Responsibilities in General; Covenants; Term.....................................................3

4.    Operator's Charges for Drilling and Completing Wells; Payment; Completion Determination;
      Dry Hole Determination; Excess Funds and Cost Overruns - Intangible Drilling Costs; Excess
      Funds and Cost Overruns - Tangible Costs....................................................................4

5.    Title Examination of Well Locations; Developer's Acceptance and Liability; Additional Well Locations........7

6.    Operations Subsequent to Completion of the Wells; Fee Adjustments;
      Extraordinary Costs;
      Pipelines; Price Determinations; Plugging and Abandonment...................................................7

7.    Billing and Payment Procedure with Respect to Operation of Wells; Disbursements;  Separate Account for
      Sale Proceeds; Records and Reports; Additional Information..................................................9

8.    Operator's Lien; Right to Collect From Oil or Gas Purchaser................................................11

9.    Successors and Assigns; Transfers; Appointment of Agent....................................................11

10.   Operator's Insurance; Subcontractors' Insurance; Operator's Liability......................................12

11.   Internal Revenue Code Election; Relationship of Parties; Right to Take Production in Kind..................13

12.   Effect of Force Majeure; Definition of Force Majeure; Limitation...........................................14

13.   Term.......................................................................................................14

14.   Governing Law; Invalidity..................................................................................14

15.   Integration; Written Amendment.............................................................................15

16.   Waiver of Default or Breach................................................................................15

17.   Notices....................................................................................................15

18.   Interpretation.............................................................................................15

19.   Counterparts...............................................................................................15

      Signature Page.............................................................................................16

      Exhibit A                          Description of Leases and Initial Well Locations
      Exhibits A-l through A-9           Maps of Initial Well Locations
      Exhibit B                          Form of Assignment
      Exhibit C                          Form of Addendum



THIS AGREEMENT made this 25th day of August 2005, by and between ATLAS
RESOURCES, INC., a Pennsylvania corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Atlas"
or "Operator"),


ATLAS AMERICA SERIES 26-2005 L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, (hereinafter
referred to as the "Developer").

                                WITNESSETH THAT:

WHEREAS, the Operator, by virtue of the Oil and Gas Leases (the "Leases")
described on Exhibit A attached to and made a part of this Agreement, has
certain rights to develop the nine (9.0) initial well locations (the "Initial
Well Locations") identified on the maps attached to and made a part of this
Agreement as Exhibits A-l through A-9;

WHEREAS, the Developer, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
desires to acquire certain of the Operator's rights to develop the Initial Well
Locations and to provide for the development on the terms and conditions set
forth in this Agreement of additional well locations ("Additional Well
Locations") which the parties may from time to time designate; and

WHEREAS, the Operator is in the oil and gas exploration and development
business, and the Developer desires that Operator, as its independent
contractor, perform certain services in connection with its efforts to develop
the aforesaid Initial and Additional Well Locations (collectively the "Well
Locations") and to operate the wells completed on the Well Locations, on the
terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and
subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto,
intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:


      (a)      ASSIGNMENT OF WELL LOCATIONS. The Operator shall execute an
               assignment of an undivided percentage of Working Interest in the
               Well Location acreage for each well to the Developer as shown on
               Exhibit A attached hereto, which assignment shall be limited to a
               depth from the surface to the deepest depth penetrated at the
               cessation of drilling operations.

               The assignment shall be substantially in the form of Exhibit B
               attached to and made a part of this Agreement. The amount of
               acreage included in each Initial Well Location and the
               configuration of the Initial Well Location are indicated on the
               maps attached as Exhibits A-l through A-9. The amount of acreage
               included in each Additional Well Location and the configuration
               of the Additional Well Location shall be indicated on the maps to
               be attached as exhibits to the applicable addendum to this
               Agreement as provided in sub-section (c) below.

               ASSIGNMENT OF THE LEASE. The Operator represents and warrants to
               the Developer that:

               (i)         the Operator is the lawful owner of the Lease and
                           rights and interest under the Lease and of the
                           personal property on the Lease or used in connection
                           with the Lease;

               (ii)        the Operator has good right and authority to sell and
                           convey the rights, interest, and property;

               (iii)       the rights, interest, and property are free and clear
                           from all liens and encumbrances; and

               (iv)        all rentals and royalties due and payable under the
                           Lease have been duly paid.

               These representations and warranties shall also be included in
               each recorded assignment of the acreage included in each Initial
               Well Location and Additional Well Location designated pursuant to
               sub-section (c) below, substantially in the manner set forth in
               Exhibit B.


               The Operator agrees to indemnify, protect and hold the Developer
               and its successors and assigns harmless from and against all
               costs (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees),
               liabilities, claims, penalties, losses, suits, actions, causes of
               action, judgments or decrees resulting from the breach of any of
               the above representations and warranties. It is understood and
               agreed that, except as specifically set forth above, the Operator
               makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, as to
               its title or the title of the lessors in and to the lands or oil
               and gas interests covered by said Leases.

      (c)      DESIGNATION OF ADDITIONAL WELL LOCATIONS. If the parties hereto
               desire to designate Additional Well Locations to be developed in
               accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, then
               the parties shall execute an addendum substantially in the form
               of Exhibit C attached to and made a part of this Agreement
               (Exhibit "C") specifying:

               (i)         the undivided percentage of Working Interest and the
                           Oil and Gas Leases to be included as Leases under
                           this Agreement;

               (ii)        the amount and configuration of acreage included in
                           each Additional Well Location on maps attached as
                           exhibits to the addendum; and

               (iii)       their agreement that the Additional Well Locations
                           shall be developed in accordance with the terms and
                           conditions of this Agreement.

      (d)      OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES ARE NOT RESTRICTED. It is understood and
               agreed that the assignment of rights under the Leases and the oil
               and gas development activities contemplated by this Agreement
               relate only to the Initial Well Locations and the Additional Well
               Locations. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be
               interpreted to restrict in any manner the right of each of the
               parties to conduct without the participation of the other party
               any additional activities relating to exploration, development,
               drilling, production, or delivery of oil and gas on lands
               adjacent to or in the immediate vicinity of the Well Locations or


      (a)      DRILLING OF WELLS. Operator, as Developer's independent
               contractor, agrees to drill, complete (or plug) and operate nine
               (9) oil and gas wells on the nine (9) Initial Well Locations in
               accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
               Developer, as a minimum commitment, agrees to participate in and
               pay the Operator's charges for drilling and completing the wells
               and any extra costs pursuant to Section 4 in proportion to the
               share of the Working Interest owned by the Developer in the wells
               with respect to all initial wells. It is understood and agreed
               that, subject to sub-section (e) below, Developer does not
               reserve the right to decline participation in the drilling of any
               of the initial wells to be drilled under this Agreement.

      (b)      TIMING. Operator shall begin drilling the first well within
               thirty (30) days after the date of this Agreement, and shall
               begin drilling each of the other initial wells for which payment
               is made pursuant to Section 4(b) of this Agreement before the
               close of the 90th day after the close of the calendar year in
               which this Agreement is entered into by Operator and the
               Developer. Subject to the foregoing time limits, Operator shall
               determine the timing of and the order of drilling the Initial
               Well Locations.

      (c)      DEPTH. All of the wells to be drilled under this Agreement shall

               (i)         drilled and completed (or plugged) in accordance with
                           the generally accepted and customary oil and gas
                           field practices and techniques then prevailing in the
                           geographical area of the Well Locations; and

               (ii)        drilled to a depth sufficient to test thoroughly the
                           objective formation or the deepest assigned depth,
                           whichever is less.

      (d)      INTEREST OF DEVELOPER. Except as otherwise provided in this
               Agreement, all costs, expenses, and liabilities incurred in
               connection with the drilling and other operations and activities
               contemplated by this Agreement shall be borne and paid, and all
               wells, gathering lines of up to approximately 2,500 feet on the
               Well Location in connection with a natural gas well, equipment,
               materials, and facilities acquired, constructed or installed
               under this Agreement shall be owned, by the Developer in
               proportion to the share of the Working Interest owned by the
               Developer in the wells. Subject to the payment of lessor's
               royalties and other royalties and overriding royalties, if any,
               production of oil and gas from the wells to be drilled under this
               Agreement shall be owned by the Developer in proportion to the
               share of the Working Interest owned by the Developer in the


      (e)      RIGHT TO SUBSTITUTE WELL LOCATIONS. Notwithstanding the
               provisions of sub-section (a) above, if the Operator or Developer
               determines in good faith, with respect to any Well Location,
               before operations begin under this Agreement on the Well
               Location, that it would not be in the best interest of the
               parties to drill a well on the Well Location, then the party
               making the determination shall notify the other party of its
               determination and its basis for its determination and, unless
               otherwise instructed by Developer, the well shall not be drilled.
               This determination may be based on:

               (i)         the production or failure of production of any other
                           wells which may have been recently drilled in the
                           immediate area of the Well Location;

               (ii)        newly discovered title defects; or

               (iii)       any other evidence with respect to the Well Location
                           as may be obtained.

               If the well is not drilled, then Operator shall promptly propose
               a new well location (including all information for the Well
               Location as Developer may reasonably request) to be substituted
               for the original Well Location. Developer shall then have seven
               (7) business days to either reject or accept the proposed new
               well location. If the new well location is rejected, then
               Operator shall promptly propose another substitute well location
               pursuant to the provisions of this sub-section.

               Once the Developer accepts a substitute well location or does not
               reject it within said seven (7) day period, this Agreement shall
               terminate as to the original Well Location and the substitute
               well location shall become subject to the terms and conditions of
               this Agreement.


      (a)      OPERATOR - RESPONSIBILITIES IN GENERAL. Atlas shall be the
               Operator of the wells and Well Locations subject to this
               Agreement and, as the Developer's independent contractor, shall,
               in addition to its other obligations under this Agreement do the

               (i)         arrange for drilling and completing the wells and, if
                           a gas well, installing the necessary gas gathering
                           line systems and connection facilities;

               (ii)        make the technical decisions required in drilling,
                           testing, completing, and operating the wells;

               (iii)       manage and conduct all field operations in connection
                           with the drilling, testing, completing, equipping,
                           operating, and producing the wells;

               (iv)        maintain all wells, equipment, gathering lines if a
                           gas well, and facilities in good working order during
                           their useful lives; and

               (v)         perform the necessary administrative and accounting

               In performing the work contemplated by this Agreement, Operator
               is an independent contractor with authority to control and direct
               the performance of the details of the work.

      (b)      COVENANTS. Operator covenants and agrees that under this

               (i)         it shall perform and carry on (or cause to be
                           performed and carried on) its duties and obligations
                           in a good, prudent, diligent, and workmanlike manner
                           using technically sound, acceptable oil and gas field
                           practices then prevailing in the geographical area of
                           the Well Locations;

               (ii)        all drilling and other operations conducted by, for
                           and under the control of Operator shall conform in
                           all respects to federal, state and local laws,
                           statutes, ordinances, regulations, and requirements;

               (iii)       unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Developer,
                           all work performed pursuant to a written estimate
                           shall conform to the technical specifications set
                           forth in the written estimate and all equipment and
                           materials installed or incorporated in the wells and
                           facilities shall be new or used and of good quality;


               (iv)        in the course of conducting operations, it shall
                           comply with all terms and conditions, other than any
                           minimum drilling commitments, of the Leases (and any
                           related assignments, amendments, subleases,
                           modifications and supplements);

               (v)         it shall keep the Well Locations and all wells,
                           equipment and facilities located on the Well
                           Locations free and clear of all labor, materials and
                           other liens or encumbrances arising out of

               (vi)        it shall file all reports and obtain all permits and
                           bonds required to be filed with or obtained from any
                           governmental authority or agency in connection with
                           the drilling or other operations and activities; and

               (vii)       it will provide competent and experienced personnel
                           to supervise drilling, completing (or plugging), and
                           operating the wells and use the services of competent
                           and experienced service companies to provide any
                           third party services necessary or appropriate in
                           order to perform its duties.

      (c)      TERM. Atlas shall serve as Operator under this Agreement until
               the earliest of:

               (i)         the termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section

               (ii)        the termination of Atlas as Operator by the Developer
                           at any time in the Developer's discretion, with or
                           without cause on sixty (60) days' advance written
                           notice to the Operator; or

               (iii)       the resignation of Atlas as Operator under this
                           Agreement which may occur on ninety (90) days'
                           written notice to the Developer at any time after
                           five (5) years from the date of this Agreement, it
                           being expressly understood and agreed that Atlas
                           shall have no right to resign as Operator before the
                           expiration of the five-year period.

               Any successor Operator shall be selected by the Developer.
               Nothing contained in this sub-section shall relieve or release
               Atlas or the Developer from any liability or obligation under
               this Agreement which accrued or occurred before Atlas' removal or
               resignation as Operator under this Agreement. On any change in
               Operator under this provision, the then present Operator shall
               deliver to the successor Operator possession of all records,
               equipment, materials and appurtenances used or obtained for use
               in connection with operations under this Agreement and owned by
               the Developer.


               and gas well which is drilled and completed under this Agreement
               shall be drilled and completed on a Cost plus an unaccountable,
               fixed payment reimbursement of $15,000 per well for the share of
               Operator's general and administrative overhead charged by
               Developer to its Participants plus 15% basis. "Cost," when used
               with respect to services, shall mean the reasonable, necessary,
               and actual expenses incurred by Operator on behalf of Developer
               in providing the services under this Agreement, determined in
               accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. As used
               elsewhere, "Cost" shall mean the price paid by Operator in an
               arm's-length transaction.

               The estimated price for each of the wells shall be set forth in
               an Authority for Expenditure ("AFE") which shall be attached to
               this Agreement as an Exhibit, and shall cover all ordinary costs
               which may be incurred in drilling and completing each well. This
               includes without limitation, site preparation, permits and bonds,
               roadways, surface damages, power at the site, water, Operator's
               overhead and profit, rights-of-way, drilling rigs, equipment and
               materials, costs of title examinations, logging, cementing,
               fracturing, casing, meters (other than utility purchase meters),
               connection facilities, salt water collection tanks, separators,
               siphon string, rabbit, tubing, an average of 2,500 feet of
               gathering line per well in connection with a gas well, and
               geological and engineering services.


      (b)      PAYMENT. The Developer shall pay to Operator, in proportion to
               the share of the Working Interest owned by the Developer in the
               wells, one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated Intangible
               Drilling Costs and Tangible Costs as those terms are defined
               below, for drilling and completing all initial wells on execution
               of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, Atlas' payments for its share
               of the estimated Tangible Costs as that term is defined below of
               drilling and completing all initial wells as the Managing General
               Partner of the Developer shall be paid within five (5) business
               days of notice from Operator that the costs have been incurred.
               The Developer's payment shall be nonrefundable in all events in
               order to enable Operator to do the following:

               (i)         commence site preparation for the initial wells;

               (ii)        obtain suitable subcontractors for drilling and
                           completing the wells at currently prevailing prices;

               (iii)       insure the availability of equipment and materials.

               For purposes of this Agreement, "Intangible Drilling Costs" shall
               mean those expenditures associated with property acquisition and
               the drilling and completion of oil and gas wells that under
               present law are generally accepted as fully deductible currently
               for federal income tax purposes. This includes:

               (i)         all expenditures made with respect to any well before
                           the establishment of production in commercial
                           quantities for wages, fuel, repairs, hauling,
                           supplies and other costs and expenses incident to and
                           necessary for the drilling of the well and the
                           preparation of the well for the production of oil or
                           gas, that are currently deductible pursuant to
                           Section 263(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
                           as amended, (the "Code"), and Treasury Reg. Section
                           1.612-4, which are generally termed "intangible
                           drilling and development costs";

               (ii)        the expense of plugging and abandoning any well
                           before a completion attempt; and

               (iii)       the costs (other than Tangible Costs and Lease costs)
                           to re-enter and deepen an existing well, complete the
                           well to deeper formations or reservoirs, or plug and
                           abandon the well if it is nonproductive from the
                           targeted deeper formations or reservoirs.

               "Tangible Costs" shall mean those costs associated with property
               acquisition and the drilling and completion of oil and gas wells
               which are generally accepted as capital expenditures pursuant to
               the provisions of the Code. This includes:

               (i)         all costs of equipment, parts and items of hardware
                           used in drilling and completing a well;

               (ii)        the costs (other than Intangible Drilling Costs and
                           Lease costs) to re-enter and deepen an existing well,
                           complete the well to deeper formations or reservoirs,
                           or plug and abandon the well if it is nonproductive
                           from the targeted deeper formations or reservoirs;

               (iii)       those items necessary to deliver acceptable oil and
                           gas production to purchasers to the extent installed
                           downstream from the wellhead of any well and which
                           are required to be capitalized under the Code and its

               With respect to each additional well drilled on the Additional
               Well Locations, if any, Developer shall pay Operator, in
               proportion to the share of the Working Interest owned by the
               Developer in the wells, one hundred percent (100%) of the
               estimated Intangible Drilling Costs and Tangible Costs for the
               well on execution of the applicable addendum pursuant to Section
               l(c) above. Notwithstanding, Atlas' payments for its share of the
               estimated Tangible Costs of drilling and completing all
               additional wells as the Managing General Partner of the Developer
               shall be paid within five (5) business days of notice from
               Operator that the costs have been incurred. The Developer's
               payment shall be nonrefundable in all events in order to enable
               Operator to do the following:

               (i)         commence site preparation;

               (ii)        obtain suitable subcontractors for drilling and
                           completing the wells at currently prevailing prices;

               (iii)       insure the availability of equipment and materials.


               Developer shall pay, in proportion to the share of the Working
               Interest owned by the Developer in the wells, any extra costs
               incurred for each well pursuant to sub-section (a) above within
               ten (10) business days of its receipt of Operator's statement for
               the extra costs.

      (c)      COMPLETION DETERMINATION. Operator shall determine whether or not
               to run the production casing for an attempted completion or to
               plug and abandon any well drilled under this Agreement. However,
               a well shall be completed only if Operator has made a good faith
               determination that there is a reasonable possibility of obtaining
               commercial quantities of oil and/or gas.

      (d)      DRY HOLE DETERMINATION. If Operator determines at any time during
               the drilling or attempted completion of any well under this
               Agreement, in accordance with the generally accepted and
               customary oil and gas field practices and techniques then
               prevailing in the geographic area of the Well Location that the
               well should not be completed, then it shall promptly and properly
               plug and abandon the well.

               estimated Intangible Drilling Costs, which are the Intangible
               Drilling Costs set forth on the AFE, paid by Developer with
               respect to any well which exceed Operator's price specified in
               sub-section (a) above for the Intangible Drilling Costs of the
               well shall be retained by Operator and shall be applied to:

               (i)         the Intangible Drilling Costs for an additional well
                           or wells to be drilled on the Additional Well
                           Locations; or

               (ii)        any cost overruns owed by the Developer to Operator
                           for Intangible Drilling Costs on one or more of the
                           other wells on the Well Locations;

               in proportion to the share of the Working Interest owned by the
               Developer in the wells.

               Conversely, if Operator's price specified in sub-section (a)
               above for the Intangible Drilling Costs of any well exceeds the
               estimated Intangible Drilling Costs, which are the Intangible
               Drilling Costs set forth on the AFE, paid by Developer for the
               well, then:

               (i)         Developer shall pay the additional price to Operator
                           within five (5) business days after notice from
                           Operator that the additional amount is due and owing;

               (ii)        Developer and Operator may agree to delete or reduce
                           Developer's Working Interest in one or more wells
                           which have not yet been completed to provide funds to
                           pay the additional amounts to Operator. If doing so
                           results in any excess prepaid Intangible Drilling
                           Costs, then these funds shall be applied to:

                           (a)      the Intangible Drilling Costs for an
                                    additional well or wells to be drilled on
                                    the Additional Well Locations; or

                           (b)      any cost overruns owed by Developer to
                                    Operator for Intangible Drilling Costs on
                                    one or more of the other wells on the Well

                           in proportion to the share of the Working Interest
                           owned by the Developer in the wells.

               The Exhibits to this Agreement with respect to the affected wells
               shall be amended as appropriate.

               Tangible Costs, which are the Tangible Costs set forth on the
               AFE, paid by Developer with respect to any well which exceed
               Operator's price specified in sub-section (a) above for the
               Tangible Costs of the well shall be retained by Operator and
               shall be applied to:

               (i)         the Intangible Drilling Costs or Tangible Costs for
                           an additional well or wells to be drilled on the
                           Additional Well Locations; or


               (ii)        any cost overruns owed by Developer to Operator for
                           Intangible Drilling Costs or Tangible Costs on one or
                           more of the other wells on the Well Locations;

               in proportion to the share of the Working Interest owned by the
               Developer in the wells.

               Conversely, if Operator's price specified in sub-section (a)
               above for the Tangible Costs of any well exceeds the estimated
               Tangible Costs, which are the Tangible Costs set forth on the
               AFE, paid by Developer for the well, then:

               (i)         Developer shall pay the additional price to Operator
                           within ten (10) business days after notice from
                           Operator that the additional price is due and owing;

               (ii)        Developer and Operator may agree to delete or reduce
                           Developer's Working Interest in one or more wells
                           which have not yet been completed to provide funds to
                           pay the additional price to Operator. If doing so
                           results in any excess prepaid Tangible Costs, then
                           these funds shall be applied to:

                           (a)      the Intangible Drilling Costs or Tangible
                                    Costs for an additional well or wells to be
                                    drilled on the Additional Well Locations; or

                           (b)      any cost overruns owed by Developer to
                                    Operator for Intangible Drilling Costs or
                                    Tangible Costs on one or more of the other
                                    wells on the Well Locations;

                           in proportion to the share of the Working Interest
                           owed by the Developer in the wells.

               The Exhibits to this Agreement with respect to the affected wells
               shall be amended as appropriate.


               LIABILITY. The Developer acknowledges that Operator has furnished
               Developer with the title opinions identified on Exhibit A, and
               other documents and information which Developer or its counsel
               has requested in order to determine the adequacy of the title to
               the Initial Well Locations and leased premises subject to this
               Agreement. The Developer accepts the title to the Initial Well
               Locations and leased premises and acknowledges and agrees that,
               except for any loss, expense, cost, or liability caused by the
               breach of any of the warranties and representations made by the
               Operator in Section l(b), any loss, expense, cost or liability
               whatsoever caused by or related to any defect or failure of the
               title shall be the sole responsibility of and shall be borne
               entirely by the Developer.

      (b)      ADDITIONAL WELL LOCATIONS. Before beginning drilling of any well
               on any Additional Well Location, Operator shall conduct, or cause
               to be conducted, a title examination of the Additional Well
               Location, in order to obtain appropriate abstracts, opinions and
               certificates and other information necessary to determine the
               adequacy of title to both the applicable Lease and the fee title
               of the lessor to the premises covered by the Lease. The results
               of the title examination and such other information as is
               necessary to determine the adequacy of title for drilling
               purposes shall be submitted to the Developer for its review and
               acceptance. No drilling on the Additional Well Locations shall
               begin until the title has been accepted in writing by the
               Developer. After any title has been accepted by the Developer,
               any loss, expense, cost, or liability whatsoever, caused by or
               related to any defect or failure of the title shall be the sole
               responsibility of and shall be borne entirely by the Developer,
               unless such loss, expense, cost, or liability was caused by the
               breach of any of the warranties and representations made by the
               Operator in Section l(b).


               the month in which a well drilled under this Agreement begins to
               produce, Operator shall be entitled to an operating fee of $285
               per month for each well being operated under this Agreement,
               proportionately reduced to the extent the Developer owns less
               than 100% of the Working Interest in the wells. This fee shall be
               in lieu of any direct charges by Operator for its services or the
               provision by Operator of its equipment for normal superintendence
               and maintenance of the wells and related pipelines and


               If a third-party serves as the actual operator of the well, then
               this fee shall be $25 above the actual third-party operator's
               monthly charges. The $25 will be retained by Operator each month
               for reviewing the costs and expenses charged by the third-party
               operator and monitoring the third-party operator's accounting and
               production records for the well on behalf of the Developer.

               The operating fees shall cover all normal, regularly recurring
               operating expenses for the production, delivery and sale of
               natural gas, including without limitation:

               (i)         well tending, routine maintenance and adjustment;

               (ii)        reading meters, recording production, pumping,
                           maintaining appropriate books and records;

               (iii)       preparing reports to the Developer and government
                           agencies; and

               (iv)        collecting and disbursing revenues.

               The operating fees shall not cover costs and expenses related to
               the following:

               (i)         the production and sale of oil;

               (ii)        the collection and disposal of salt water or other
                           liquids produced by the wells;

               (iii)       the rebuilding of access roads; and

               (iv)        the purchase of equipment, materials or third party

               which, subject to the provisions of sub-section (c) of this
               Section 6, shall be paid by the Developer in proportion to the
               share of the Working Interest owned by the Developer in the

               Any well which is temporarily abandoned or shut-in continuously
               for the entire month shall not be considered a producing well for
               purposes of determining the number of wells in the month subject
               to the operating fee.

      (b)      FEE ADJUSTMENTS. The monthly operating fee set forth in
               sub-section (a) above may in the following manner be adjusted
               annually as of the first day of January (the "Adjustment Date")
               each year beginning January l, 2006. Such adjustment, if any,
               shall not exceed the percentage increase in the average weekly
               earnings of "Crude Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas
               Liquids" workers, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor,
               Bureau of Labor Statistics, and shown in Employment and Earnings
               Publication, Monthly Establishment Data, Hours and Earning
               Statistical Table C-2, Index Average Weekly Earnings of "Crude
               Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids" workers, SIC
               Code #131-2, or any successor index thereto, since January l,
               2004, in the case of the first adjustment, and since the previous
               Adjustment Date, in the case of each subsequent adjustment.

      (c)      EXTRAORDINARY COSTS. Without the prior written consent of the
               Developer, pursuant to a written estimate submitted by Operator,
               Operator shall not undertake any single project or incur any
               extraordinary cost with respect to any well being produced under
               this Agreement reasonably estimated to result in an expenditure
               of more than $5,000, unless the project or extraordinary cost is
               necessary for the following:

               (i)         to safeguard persons or property; or

               (ii)        to protect the well or related facilities in the
                           event of a sudden emergency.

               In no event, however, shall the Developer be required to pay for
               any project or extraordinary cost arising from the negligence or
               misconduct of Operator, its agents, servants, employees,
               contractors, licensees, or invitees.


               All extraordinary costs incurred and the cost of projects
               undertaken with respect to a well being produced shall be billed
               at the invoice cost of third-party services performed or
               materials purchased together with a reasonable charge by Operator
               for services performed directly by it, in proportion to the share
               of the Working Interest owned by the Developer in the wells.
               Operator shall have the right to require the Developer to pay in
               advance of undertaking any project all or a portion of the
               estimated costs of the project in proportion to the share of the
               Working Interest owned by the Developer in the wells.

      (d)      PIPELINES. Developer shall have no interest in the pipeline
               gathering system, which gathering system shall remain the sole
               property of Operator or its Affiliates and shall be maintained at
               their sole cost and expense.

      (e)      PRICE DETERMINATIONS. Notwithstanding anything herein to the
               contrary, the Developer shall pay all costs in proportion to the
               share of the Working Interest owned by the Developer in the wells
               with respect to obtaining price determinations under and
               otherwise complying with the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 and
               the implementing state regulations. This responsibility shall
               include, without limitation, preparing, filing, and executing all
               applications, affidavits, interim collection notices, reports and
               other documents necessary or appropriate to obtain price
               certification, to effect sales of natural gas, or otherwise to
               comply with the Act and the implementing state regulations.

               Operator agrees to furnish the information and render the
               assistance as the Developer may reasonably request in order to
               comply with the Act and the implementing state regulations
               without charge for services performed by its employees.

      (f)      PLUGGING AND ABANDONMENT. The Developer shall have the right to
               direct Operator to plug and abandon any well that has been
               completed under this Agreement as a producer. In addition,
               Operator shall not plug and abandon any well that has been
               drilled and completed as a producer before obtaining the written
               consent of the Developer. However, if the Operator in accordance
               with the generally accepted and customary oil and gas field
               practices and techniques then prevailing in the geographic area
               of the well location, determines that any well should be plugged
               and abandoned and makes a written request to the Developer for
               authority to plug and abandon the well and the Developer fails to
               respond in writing to the request within forty-five (45) days
               following the date of the request, then the Developer shall be
               deemed to have consented to the plugging and abandonment of the

               All costs and expenses related to plugging and abandoning the
               wells which have been drilled and completed as producing wells
               shall be borne and paid by the Developer in proportion to the
               share of the Working Interest owned by the Developer in the
               wells. Also, at any time after one (1) year from the date each
               well drilled and completed is placed into production, Operator
               shall have the right to deduct each month from the proceeds of
               the sale of the production from the well up to $200, in
               proportion to the share of the Working Interest owned by the
               Developer in the wells, for the purpose of establishing a fund to
               cover the estimated costs of plugging and abandoning the well.
               All of these funds shall be deposited in a separate interest
               bearing escrow account for the account of the Developer, and the
               total amount so retained and deposited shall not exceed
               Operator's reasonable estimate of Developer's share of the costs
               of plugging and abandoning the well.


               Operator shall promptly and timely pay and discharge on behalf of
               the Developer, in proportion to the share of the Working Interest
               owned by the Developer in the wells, the following:

               (i)         all expenses and liabilities payable and incurred by
                           reason of its operation of the wells in accordance
                           with this Agreement, such as severance taxes,
                           royalties, overriding royalties, operating fees, and
                           pipeline gathering charges; and

               (ii)        any third-party invoices rendered to Operator with
                           respect to costs and expenses incurred in connection
                           with the operation of the wells.

               Operator, however, shall not be required to pay and discharge any
               of the above costs and expenses which are being contested in good
               faith by Operator.


               Operator shall:

               (i)         deduct the foregoing costs and expenses from the
                           Developer's share of the proceeds of the oil and/or
                           gas sold from the wells; and

               (ii)        keep an accurate record of the Developer's account,
                           showing expenses incurred and charges and credits
                           made and received with respect to each well.

               If the proceeds are insufficient to pay the costs and expenses,
               then Operator shall promptly and timely pay and discharge the
               costs and expenses, in proportion to the share of the Working
               Interest owned by the Developer in the wells, and prepare and
               submit an invoice to the Developer each month for the costs and
               expenses. The invoice shall be accompanied by the form of
               statement specified in sub-section (b) below, and shall be paid
               by the Developer within ten (10) business days of its receipt.

      (b)      DISBURSEMENTS. Operator shall disburse to the Developer, on a
               monthly basis, the Developer's share of the proceeds received
               from the sale of oil and/or gas sold from the wells operated
               under this Agreement, less:

               (i)         the amounts charged to the Developer under
                           sub-section (a); and

               (ii)        the amount, if any, withheld by Operator for future
                           plugging costs pursuant to sub-section (f) of Section

               Each disbursement made and/or invoice submitted pursuant to
               sub-section (a) above shall be accompanied by a statement
               itemizing with respect to each well:

               (i)         the total production of oil and/or gas since the date
                           of the last disbursement or invoice billing period,
                           as the case may be, and the Developer's share of the

               (ii)        the total proceeds received from any sale of the
                           production, and the Developer's share of the

               (iii)       the costs and expenses deducted from the proceeds
                           and/or being billed to the Developer pursuant to
                           sub-section (a) above;

               (iv)        the amount withheld for future plugging costs; and

               (v)         any other information as Developer may reasonably
                           request, including without limitation copies of all
                           third-party invoices listed on the statement for the

      (c)      SEPARATE ACCOUNT FOR SALE PROCEEDS. Operator agrees to deposit
               all proceeds from the sale of oil and/or gas sold from the wells
               operated under this Agreement in a separate checking account
               maintained by Operator. This account shall be used solely for the
               purpose of collecting and disbursing funds constituting proceeds
               from the sale of production under this Agreement.

      (d)      RECORDS AND REPORTS. In addition to the statements required under
               sub-section (b) above, Operator, within seventy-five (75) days
               after the completion of each well drilled, shall furnish the
               Developer with a detailed statement itemizing with respect to the
               well the total costs and charges under Section 4(a) and the
               Developer's share of the costs and charges, and any information
               as is necessary to enable the Developer:

               (i)         to allocate any extra costs incurred with respect to
                           the well between Tangible Costs and Intangible
                           Drilling Costs; and

               (ii)        to determine the amount of investment tax credit or
                           marginal well production tax credit, if applicable.

      (e)      ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Operator shall promptly furnish the
               Developer with any additional information as it may reasonably
               request, including without limitation geological, technical, and
               financial information, in the form as may reasonably be
               requested, pertaining to any phase of the operations and
               activities governed by this Agreement. The Developer and its
               authorized employees, agents and consultants, including
               independent accountants shall, at Developer's sole cost and


               (i)         on at least ten (10) days' written notice have access
                           during normal business hours to all of Operator's
                           records pertaining to operations, including without
                           limitation, the right to audit the books of account
                           of Operator relating to all receipts, costs, charges,
                           expenses and disbursements under this Agreement,
                           including information regarding the separate account
                           required under sub-section (c); and

               (ii)        have access, at its sole risk, to any wells drilled
                           by Operator under this Agreement at all times to
                           inspect and observe any machinery, equipment and


      (a)      OPERATOR'S LIEN. To secure the payment of all sums due from
               Developer to Operator under the provisions of this Agreement the
               Developer grants Operator a first and preferred lien on and
               security interest in the following:

               (i)         the Developer's interest in the Leases covered by
                           this Agreement;

               (ii)        the Developer's interest in oil and gas produced
                           under this Agreement and its proceeds from the sale
                           of the oil and gas; and

               (iii)       the Developer's interest in materials and equipment
                           under this Agreement.

      (b)      RIGHT TO COLLECT FROM OIL OR GAS PURCHASER. If the Developer
               fails to timely pay any amount owing under this Agreement by it
               to the Operator, then Operator, without prejudice to other
               existing remedies, may collect and retain from any purchaser or
               purchasers of oil or gas the Developer's share of the proceeds
               from the sale of the oil and gas until the amount owed by the
               Developer, plus twelve percent (12%) interest on a per annum
               basis, and any additional costs (including without limitation
               actual attorneys' fees and costs) resulting from the delinquency,
               has been paid. Each purchaser of oil or gas shall be entitled to
               rely on Operator's written statement concerning the amount of any


      (a)      SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall be binding on and
               inure to the benefit of the undersigned parties and their
               respective successors and permitted assigns. However, without the
               prior written consent of the Developer, the Operator may not
               assign, transfer, pledge, mortgage, hypothecate, sell or
               otherwise dispose of any of its interest in this Agreement, or
               any of the rights or obligations under this Agreement.
               Notwithstanding, this consent shall not be required in connection

               (i)         the assignment of work to be performed for Operator
                           by subcontractors, it being understood and agreed,
                           however, that any assignment to Operator's
                           subcontractors shall not in any manner relieve or
                           release Operator from any of its obligations and
                           responsibilities under this Agreement;

               (ii)        any lien, assignment, security interest, pledge or
                           mortgage arising under Operator's present or future
                           financing arrangements; or

               (iii)       the liquidation, merger, consolidation, or other
                           corporate reorganization or sale of substantially all
                           of the assets of Operator.

               Further, in order to maintain uniformity of ownership in the
               wells, production, equipment, and leasehold interests covered by
               this Agreement, and notwithstanding any other provisions to the
               contrary, the Developer shall not, without the prior written
               consent of Operator, sell, assign, transfer, encumber, mortgage
               or otherwise dispose of any of its interest in the wells,
               production, equipment or leasehold interests covered by this
               Agreement unless the disposition encompasses either:

               (i)         the entire interest of the Developer in all wells,
                           production, equipment and leasehold interests subject
                           to this Agreement; or

               (ii)        an equal undivided interest in all such wells,
                           production, equipment, and leasehold interests.


      (b)      TRANSFERS. Subject to the provisions of sub-section (a) above,
               any sale, encumbrance, transfer or other disposition made by the
               Developer of its interests in the wells, production, equipment,
               and/or leasehold interests covered by this Agreement shall be

               (i)         expressly subject to this Agreement;

               (ii)        without prejudice to the rights of the Operator; and

               (iii)       in accordance with and subject to the provisions of
                           the Lease.

      (c)      APPOINTMENT OF AGENT. If at any time the interest of the
               Developer is divided among or owned by co-owners, Operator may,
               at its discretion, require the co-owners to appoint a single
               trustee or agent with full authority to do the following:

               (i)         receive notices, reports and distributions of the
                           proceeds from production;

               (ii)        approve expenditures;

               (iii)       receive billings for and approve and pay all costs,
                           expenses and liabilities incurred under this

               (iv)        exercise any rights granted to the co-owners under
                           this Agreement;

               (v)         grant any approvals or authorizations required or
                           contemplated by this Agreement;

               (vi)        sign, execute, certify, acknowledge, file and/or
                           record any agreements, contracts, instruments,
                           reports, or documents whatsoever in connection with
                           this Agreement or the activities contemplated by this
                           Agreement; and

               (vii)       deal generally with, and with power to bind, the
                           co-owners with respect to all activities and
                           operations contemplated by this Agreement.

               However, all the co-owners shall continue to have the right to
               enter into and execute all contracts or agreements for their
               respective shares of the oil and gas produced from the wells
               drilled under this Agreement in accordance with sub-section (c)
               of Section 11.


      (a)      OPERATOR'S INSURANCE. Operator shall obtain and maintain at its
               own expense so long as it is Operator under this Agreement all
               required Workmen's Compensation Insurance and comprehensive
               general public liability insurance in amounts and coverage not
               less than $1,000,000 per person per occurrence for personal
               injury or death and $1,000,000 for property damage per
               occurrence, which shall include coverage for blow-outs and total
               liability coverage of not less than $10,000,000.

               Subject to the above limits, the Operator's general public
               liability insurance shall be in all respects comparable to that
               generally maintained in the industry with respect to services of
               the type to be rendered and activities of the type to be
               conducted under this Agreement. Operator's general public
               liability insurance shall, if permitted by Operator's insurance

               (i)         name the Developer as an additional insured party;

               (ii)        provide that at least thirty (30) days' prior notice
                           of cancellation and any other adverse material change
                           in the policy shall be given to the Developer.

               However, the Developer shall reimburse Operator for the
               additional cost, if any, of including it as an additional insured
               party under the Operator's insurance.


               Current copies of all policies or certificates of the Operator's
               insurance coverage shall be delivered to the Developer on
               request. It is understood and agreed that Operator's insurance
               coverage may not adequately protect the interests of the
               Developer and that the Developer shall carry at its expense the
               excess or additional general public liability, property damage,
               and other insurance, if any, as the Developer deems appropriate.

      (b)      SUBCONTRACTORS' INSURANCE. Operator shall require all of its
               subcontractors to carry all required Workmen's Compensation
               Insurance and to maintain such other insurance, if any, as
               Operator in its discretion may require.

      (c)      OPERATOR'S LIABILITY. Operator's liability to the Developer as
               Operator under this Agreement shall be limited to, and Operator
               shall indemnify the Developer and hold it harmless from, claims,
               penalties, liabilities, obligations, charges, losses, costs,
               damages, or expenses (including but not limited to reasonable
               attorneys' fees) relating to, caused by or arising out of:

               (i)         the noncompliance with or violation by Operator, its
                           employees, agents, or subcontractors of any local,
                           state or federal law, statute, regulation, or

               (ii)        the negligence or misconduct of Operator, its
                           employees, agents or subcontractors; or

               (iii)       the breach of or failure to comply with any
                           provisions of this Agreement.


      (a)      INTERNAL REVENUE CODE ELECTION. With respect to this Agreement,
               each of the parties elects under Section 761(a) of the Internal
               Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to be excluded from the
               provisions of Subchapter K of Chapter 1 of Subtitle A of the
               Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. If the income tax laws
               of the state or states in which the property covered by this
               Agreement is located contain, or may subsequently contain, a
               similar election, each of the parties agrees that the election
               shall be exercised.

               Beginning with the first taxable year of operations under this
               Agreement, each party agrees that the deemed election provided by
               Section 1.761-2(b)(2)(ii) of the Regulations under the Internal
               Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, will apply; and no party will
               file an application under Section 1.761-2 (b)(3)(i) and (ii) of
               the Regulations to revoke the election. Each party agrees to
               execute the documents and make the filings with the appropriate
               governmental authorities as may be necessary to effect the

      (b)      RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. It is not the intention of the parties
               to create, nor shall this Agreement be construed as creating, a
               mining or other partnership or association or to render the
               parties liable as partners or joint venturers for any purpose.
               Operator shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and
               shall perform its obligations as set forth in this Agreement or
               as otherwise directed by the Developer.

      (c)      RIGHT TO TAKE PRODUCTION IN KIND. Subject to the provisions of
               Section 8 above, the Developer shall have the exclusive right to
               sell or dispose of its proportionate share of all oil and gas
               produced from the wells to be drilled under this Agreement,
               exclusive of production:

               (i)         that may be used in development and producing

               (ii)        unavoidably lost; and

               (iii)       used to fulfill any free gas obligations under the
                           terms of the applicable Lease or Leases.

               Operator shall not have any right to sell or otherwise dispose of
               the oil and gas. The Developer shall have the exclusive right to
               execute all contracts relating to the sale or disposition of its
               proportionate share of the production from the wells drilled
               under this Agreement.

               Developer shall have no interest in any gas supply agreements of
               Operator, except the right to receive Developer's share of the
               proceeds received from the sale of any gas or oil from wells
               developed under this Agreement. The Developer agrees to designate
               Operator or Operator's designated bank agent as the Developer's
               collection agent in any contracts. On request, Operator shall
               assist Developer in arranging the sale or disposition of
               Developer's oil and gas under this Agreement and shall promptly
               provide the Developer with all relevant information which comes
               to Operator's attention regarding opportunities for sale of


               If Developer fails to take in kind or separately dispose of its
               proportionate share of the oil and gas produced under this
               Agreement, then Operator shall have the right, subject to the
               revocation at will by the Developer, but not the obligation, to
               purchase the oil and gas or sell it to others at any time and
               from time to time, for the account of the Developer at the best
               price obtainable in the area for the production. Notwithstanding,
               Operator shall have no liability to Developer should Operator
               fail to market the production.

               Any purchase or sale by Operator shall be subject always to the
               right of the Developer to exercise at any time its right to take
               in-kind, or separately dispose of, its share of oil and gas not
               previously delivered to a purchaser. Any purchase or sale by
               Operator of any other party's share of oil and gas shall be only
               for reasonable periods of time as are consistent with the minimum
               needs of the oil and gas industry under the particular
               circumstances, but in no event for a period in excess of one (1)


      (a)      EFFECT OF FORCE MAJEURE. If Operator is rendered unable, wholly
               or in part, by force majeure (as defined below) to carry out any
               of its obligations under this Agreement, including but not
               limited to beginning the drilling of one or more wells by the
               applicable times set forth in Section 2(b) or in any Addendum to
               this Agreement, the obligations of the Operator, so far as it is
               affected by the force majeure, shall be suspended during but no
               longer than, the continuance of the force majeure. The Operator
               shall give to the Developer prompt written notice of the force
               majeure with reasonably full particulars concerning it. Operator
               shall use all reasonable diligence to remove the force majeure as
               quickly as possible to the extent the same is within reasonable

      (b)      DEFINITION OF FORCE MAJEURE. The term "force majeure" shall mean
               an act of God, strike, lockout, or other industrial disturbance,
               act of the public enemy, war, blockade, public riot, lightning,
               fire, storm, flood, explosion, governmental restraint,
               unavailability of drilling rigs, equipment or materials, plant
               shut-downs, curtailments by purchasers and any other causes
               whether of the kind specifically enumerated above or otherwise,
               which directly preclude Operator's performance under this
               Agreement and is not reasonably within the control of the
               Operator including but not limited to, the inability of Operator
               to begin the drilling of the wells subject to this Agreement by
               the applicable times set forth in Section 2(b) or in any Addendum
               to this Agreement due to decisions of third-party operators to
               delay drilling the wells, poor weather conditions, inability to
               obtain drilling permits, access right to the drilling site or
               title problems.

      (c)      LIMITATION. The requirement that any force majeure shall be
               remedied with all reasonable dispatch shall not require the
               settlement of strikes, lockouts, or other labor difficulty
               affecting the Operator, contrary to its wishes. The method of
               handling these difficulties shall be entirely within the
               discretion of the Operator.

13.   TERM.

      This Agreement shall become effective when executed by Operator and the
      Developer. Except as provided in sub-section (c) of Section 3, this
      Agreement shall continue and remain in full force and effect for the
      productive lives of the wells being operated under this Agreement.


      (a)      GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by, construed and
               interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of

      (b)      INVALIDITY. The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular
               provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions
               of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed in all
               respects as if the invalid or unenforceable provision were



      (a)      INTEGRATION. This Agreement, including the Exhibits to this
               Agreement, constitutes and represents the entire understanding
               and agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter
               of this Agreement and supersedes all prior negotiations,
               understandings, agreements, and representations relating to the
               subject matter of this Agreement.

      (b)      WRITTEN AMENDMENT. No change, waiver, modification, or amendment
               of this Agreement shall be binding or of any effect unless in
               writing duly signed by the party against which the change,
               waiver, modification, or amendment is sought to be enforced.


      No waiver by any party to any default of or breach by any other party
      under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of any future default or
      breach, whether of like or different character or nature.

17.   NOTICES.

      Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, all notices, statements,
      requests, or demands which are required or contemplated by this Agreement
      shall be in writing and shall be hand-delivered or sent by registered or
      certified mail, postage prepaid, to the following addresses until changed
      by certified or registered letter so addressed to the other party:

               (i)         If to the Operator, to:

                           Atlas Resources, Inc.
                           311 Rouser Road
                           Moon Township, Pennsylvania 15108
                           Attention: President

               (ii)        If to Developer, to:

                           Atlas America Series 26-2005 L.P.
                           c/o Atlas Resources, Inc.
                           311 Rouser Road
                           Moon Township, Pennsylvania 15108

      Notices which are served by registered or certified mail on the parties in
      the manner provided in this Section shall be deemed sufficiently served or
      given for all purposes under this Agreement at the time the notice is
      mailed in any post office or branch post office regularly maintained by
      the United States Postal Service or any successor. All payments shall be
      hand-delivered or sent by United States mail, postage prepaid to the
      addresses set forth above until changed by certified or registered letter
      so addressed to the other party.


      The titles of the Sections in this Agreement are for convenience of
      reference only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction
      of any of the terms and provisions of this Agreement. As used in this
      Agreement, the plural shall include the singular and the singular shall
      include the plural whenever appropriate.


      The parties may execute this Agreement in any number of separate
      counterparts, each of which, when executed and delivered by the parties,
      shall have the force and effect of an original; but all such counterparts
      shall be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this
Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                                ATLAS RESOURCES, INC.

                                By:   /s/ Frank P. Carolas
                                Frank P. Carolas, Executive Vice President

                                ATLAS AMERICA SERIES 26-2005 L.P.

                                By its Managing General Partner:
                                ATLAS RESOURCES, INC.

                                By:   /s/ Frank P. Carolas
                                      Frank P. Carolas, Executive Vice President



               [To be completed as information becomes available]


   (a)  Oil and Gas Lease from ______________________________________ dated
        _____________________ and recorded in Deed Book Volume __________,
        Page __________ in the Recorder's Office of County, ____________,
        covering approximately _________ acres in ____________________________
        Township, ___________________ County,  __________________________.

   (b)  The portion of the leasehold estate constituting the
        ____________________________________________ No. __________ Well
        Location is described on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A-l.

   (c)  Title Opinion of _________________________________, ____________________
        ________________, ________________________________________, ____________
        ____________________________, dated ___________________, 200___.

   (d)  The Developer's interest in the leasehold estate constituting this
        Well Location is an undivided % Working Interest to those oil and gas
        rights from the surface to the bottom of the __________________
        Formation, subject to the landowner's royalty interest and overriding
        royalty interests.

                                    Exhibit A
                                    (Page 1)

                                                                 Well Name, Twp.
                                                                   County, State


STATE OF _______________________________

COUNTY OF _____________________________


         THAT the undersigned _____________ (hereinafter called "Assignor"), for
and in consideration of One Dollar and other valuable consideration ($1.00 ovc),
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby sell, assign, transfer
and set over unto _______________ (hereinafter called "Assignee"), an undivided
_____________________________ in, and to, the oil and gas lease described as

together with the rights incident thereto and the personal property thereto,
appurtenant thereto, or used, or obtained, in connection therewith.

         And for the same consideration, the assignor covenants with the said
assignee his or its heirs, successors, or assigns that assignor is the lawful
owner of said lease and rights and interest thereunder and of the personal
property thereon or used in connection therewith; that the undersigned has good
right and authority to sell and convey the same, and that said rights, interest
and property are free and clear from all liens and encumbrances, and that all
rentals and royalties due and payable thereunder have been duly paid.

         In Witness Whereof, the undersigned owner ______ and assignor ______
ha___ signed and sealed this instrument the ______ day of _______________,

Signed and acknowledged in the presence of      ________________________________

_____________________________________________   ________________________________

_____________________________________________   ________________________________

                                    Exhibit B
                                    (Page 1)

                          ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY INDIVIDUAL

STATE OF ____________________________________

                                     BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, in and for said
COUNTY OF ___________________________________

         County and State, on this day personally appeared ___________ who
acknowledged to me that ____ he ____ did sign the foregoing instrument and that
the same is _____________ free act and deed.

         In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal, at
_____________________________, this ______ day of _______________, A.D., 200___.

                                                   Notary Public

                           CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT

STATE OF ____________________________________

                                     BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, in and for said
COUNTY OF ___________________________________

         County and State, on this day personally appeared ___________ known to
me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing
instrument and acknowledged that the same was the act of the said
______________________________________________, a corporation, and that he
executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and
consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated.

         In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal, at
_____________________________, this ______ day of _______________, A.D., 200___.

                                                   Notary Public

This instrument prepared by:

Atlas Resources, Inc.
311 Rouser Road
P.O. Box 611 Moon Township, PA 15108

                                    Exhibit B
                                    (Page 2)

                             ADDENDUM NO. __________

                        DATED ___________________, 200___

THIS ADDENDUM NO. __________ made and entered into this ______ day of
________________, 200___, by and between ATLAS RESOURCES, INC., a Pennsylvania
corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Operator"),


ATLAS AMERICA SERIES 26-2005 L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, (hereinafter
referred to as the Developer).

                                WITNESSETH THAT:

WHEREAS, Operator and the Developer have entered into a Drilling and Operating
Agreement dated ___________________, 200___, (the "Agreement"), which relates to
the drilling and operating of ________________ (______) wells on the
________________ (______) Initial Well Locations identified on the maps attached
as Exhibits A-l through A-______ to the Agreement, and provides for the
development on the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement of Additional
Well Locations as the parties may from time to time designate; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section l(c) of the Agreement, Operator and Developer
presently desire to designate ________________ Additional Well Locations
described below to be developed in accordance with the terms and conditions of
the Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this
Addendum and intending to be legally bound, the parties agree as follows:

 1. Pursuant to Section l(c) of the Agreement, the Developer hereby authorizes
Operator to drill, complete (or plug) and operate, on the terms and conditions
set forth in the Agreement and this Addendum No.__________, ________________
additional wells on the ________________ Additional Well Locations described on
Exhibit A to this Addendum and on the maps attached to this Addendum as Exhibits
A-______ through A-______.

 2. Operator, as Developer's independent contractor, agrees to drill, complete
(or plug) and operate the additional wells on the Additional Well Locations in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement and further agrees to
begin drilling the first additional well within thirty (30) days after the date
of this Addendum and to begin drilling all the additional wells before the close
of the 90th day after the close of the calendar year in which this Addendum is
entered into by Operator and the Developer.

 3. Developer acknowledges that:

    (a) Operator has furnished Developer with the title opinions identified on
        Exhibit A to this Addendum; and

    (b) such other documents and information which Developer or its counsel has
        requested in order to determine the adequacy of the title to the above
        Additional Well Locations.

The Developer accepts the title to the Additional Well Locations and leased
premises in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 of the Agreement.

 4. The drilling and operation of the additional wells on the Additional Well
Locations shall be in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions
set forth in the Agreement as supplemented by this Addendum No. __________ and
except as previously supplemented, all terms and conditions of the Agreement
shall remain in full force and effect as originally written.

 5. This Addendum No. __________ shall be legally binding on, and shall inure to
the benefit of, the parties and their respective successors and permitted

                                    Exhibit C
                                    (Page 1)

WITNESS the due execution of this Addendum on the day and year first above

                                             ATLAS RESOURCES, INC.

                                             By ________________________________

                                             ATLAS AMERICA SERIES 26-2005 L.P.

                                             By its Managing General Partner:

                                             ATLAS RESOURCES, INC.

                                             By ________________________________

                                    Exhibit C
                                    (Page 2)

                                                           EXHIBIT A
                                    DRILLING AND OPERATING AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 25, 2005
                                               ATLAS AMERICA SERIES 26-2005 L.P.

WELL                                           STATE                 COUNTY                           TOWNSHIP
- ------------------------------------------ --------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------
EGLINTON #1                                      PA                 CRAWFORD                           VERNON

SMITH #11                                        PA                 CRAWFORD                          HAYFIELD

DILLAMAN #3                                      PA                 CRAWFORD                          HAYFIELD

SKUFKA #2                                        PA                  FAYETTE                           PERRY

TRIPLETT #6                                      PA                  FAYETTE                         NICHOLSON

CHRISTOPHER #4                                   PA                  FAYETTE                           GERMAN

BR-1029                                          TN                   SCOTT                     FORK MOUNTAIN FIELD

BR-1030                                          TN                   SCOTT                     FORK MOUNTAIN FIELD

BR-1032                                          TN                   SCOTT                     FORK MOUNTAIN FIELD