

                          NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF 


       Please take notice that the Annual Meeting of Holders of Certificates 
   of Beneficial Interest ("shareholders") of Pennsylvania Real Estate 
   Investment Trust (the "Trust") will be held in Conference Room A, on the 
   22nd Floor, Philadelphia Saving Fund Building, 12 South 12th Street, 
   Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Thursday, December 15, 1994 at 11:00 A.M. 
   Eastern Standard Time, for the following purposes: 

           (1) To elect three (3) Class C Trustees for a term of three years 
       or until their successors shall have been elected and shall have 

           (2) To elect one (1) Class A Trustee for a term of one year or 
       until his successor shall have been elected and shall have qualified; 

           (3) To consider and act upon a proposal to approve the adoption of 
       the amendments to and restatement of the Trust's 1990 Incentive and 
       Non Qualified Stock Option Plan, increasing the number of shares 
       available for option from 200,000 to 400,000 and expanding and 
       clarifying other provisions, as set forth in Exhibit A; 

           (4) To consider and act upon a proposal to approve the adoption of 
       the Trust's 1993 Jonathan B. Weller Non Qualified Stock Option Plan, 
       as set forth in Exhibit B; 

           (5) To review the operations and financial statements of the Trust 
       for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1994; and 

           (6) To transact such other business as properly may be brought 
       before the meeting or any adjournment thereof. 

       The above matters are set forth in the proxy statement attached to 
   this notice to which your attention is directed. 

       The Trustees have fixed November 4, 1994 as the record date for 
   determining the shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the 
   meeting. Only shareholders of record on the transfer books of the Trust at 
   the close of business on that day are entitled to notice of and to vote at 
   the meeting. When your proxy is returned properly signed, the shares 
   represented will be voted according to your directions. If your proxy is 
   signed and returned without specifying a vote on the proposal, it will be 
   voted according to the recommendation of the Board of Trustees on the 
   proposal. The Trustees of the Trust are not aware of any proposal to be 
   acted upon at the meeting except that mentioned above. However, if any 
   other matters properly come before the meeting or any adjournments 
   thereof, it is the intention of the proxies named in the enclosed proxy to 
   vote thereon in accordance with their best judgment. 

       A proxy statement, form of proxy and a postage-paid return envelope 
   are enclosed. 


                                         By Order of the Trustees 

                                         JEFFREY A. LINN 
   Fort Washington, Pa. 
   November 16, 1994 


       The prompt return of your signed proxy will be helpful in reducing 
   expenses incident to following up on this solicitation of proxies.


                            455 Pennsylvania Avenue 

                                   Suite 135 

                      Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034 



                        TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 15, 1994 

       The following statement is being submitted to Holders of Certificates 
   of Beneficial Interest of the Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust 
   (the "Trust") on or about November 16, 1994 in connection with the 
   solicitation of proxies on behalf of the Board of Trustees for use at the 
   Annual Meeting of Holders of Certificates of Beneficial Interest 
   ("shareholders") of the Trust to be held on Thursday, December 15, 1994, 
   at 11:00 A.M., Eastern Standard Time, in Conference Room A, 22nd Floor, 
   Philadelphia Saving Fund Building, 12 South 12 Street, Philadelphia, 
   Pennsylvania, in pursuance of the accompanying Notice of the Annual 
   Meeting. A proxy for this meeting is enclosed. 

       The record date of shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting was 
   set as the close of business on November 4, 1994. The transfer books have 
   not been and will not be closed. At that date, the Trust had 8,669,848 
   Certificates of Beneficial Interest ("shares") outstanding and entitled 
   to vote. Each share entitles the holder to one vote. 

       If the enclosed proxy is executed and returned, it may nevertheless be 
   revoked at any time before it has been exercised, either by filing with 
   the Secretary of the Trust an instrument revoking it or by filing a duly 
   executed proxy bearing a later date. The proxy shall be deemed revoked if 
   a shareholder is present at the meeting and votes in person. Any 
   shareholder may choose to vote in person or by his own proxy or by ballot 
   at the meeting. 

       The election of three (3) Class C Trustees, the election of Jonathan 
   B. Weller as a Class A Trustee, the approval of the adoption of the 
   Amendments to and restatement of the Trust's 1990 Incentive and Non 
   Qualified Stock Option Plan and the approval of the adoption of the 
   Trust's 1993 Jonathan B. Weller Non Qualified Stock Option Plan are the 
   only matters requiring a vote by the shareholders which the Board of 
   Trustees of the Trust intends to present to the shareholders at the Annual 

       The Annual Meeting of shareholders has been called for the purposes 
   set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting accompanying this Proxy 
   Statement. The Proxy Committee consists of Messrs. Sylvan M. Cohen, Lee H. 
   Javitch and Jeffrey P. Orleans. Shares represented by proxy in the 
   accompanying form, unless previously revoked, will be voted at the Annual 
   Meeting if the proxy is returned to the Trust properly executed and in 
   sufficient time to permit the necessary examination and tabulation of the 
   proxy before the vote is taken. The form of proxy provides a means for 
   shareholders to withhold their vote for any or all of the nominees for the 
   Board of Trustees, if they choose to do so and to vote for, against or to 
   abstain from voting on the other two proposals. Shareholders are urged to 
   indicate the way they wish to vote by marking the proxy as provided. Where 
   a choice has been specified in the proxy, the shares represented by the 
   proxy will be voted in accordance with such specification. If no 
   specification is indicated, the shares will be voted FOR (i) the election 
   of the three nominees for Class C Trustees as set forth in this Proxy 
   Statement (or such substitute nominees as may be nominated by the Board of 
   Trustees in the event that the initial nominees to be Class C become 
   unavailable) (ii) the nominee, Jonathan B. Weller, for Class A Trustee as 
   set forth in this Proxy Statement (or such substitute nominee as may be 
   nominated by the Board of Trustees of the Trust in the event that Mr. 
   Weller becomes unavailable); (iii) the approval of the adoption of the 
   amendments to and restatement of the Trust's 1990 

   Incentive and Non Qualified Stock Option Plan; (iv) the approval of the 
   adoption of the Trust's 1993 Jonathan B. Weller Non Qualified Stock Option 
   Plan and in the proxies discretion (1) upon all other matters requiring a 
   vote of shareholders which may properly come before the meeting and of 
   which the Trustees were not aware a reasonable time before the 
   solicitation of the proxy; and (2) upon matters incident to the conduct of 
   the meeting. 

       The Trust will bear the cost of preparing and mailing the Notice and 
   Proxy Statement, the enclosed form of proxy and the Annual Report, as well 
   as any additional material relating to the meeting which may be furnished 
   to shareholders. Solicitation will be made on a part-time basis by 
   Trustees, officers and regular employees of the Trust who will receive no 
   compensation therefor other than their regular salary, but will be 
   reimbursed for actual expenses in connection therewith. Solicitation may 
   be made principally by written communication, although there may be 
   solicitation by telephone, telegraph or personal visits. Arrangements will 
   be made with brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees and 
   fiduciaries for proxy material to be sent to their principals and the 
   Trust will reimburse such persons for their expenses in so doing. 

                              ELECTION OF TRUSTEES 

       Three individuals are to be elected Class C Trustees for a term of 
   three years or until their successors are elected and qualified and one 
   individual is to be elected a Class A Trustee for a term of one year or 
   until his successor is elected and qualified. The persons named in the 
   accompanying proxy as the proxies have advised the Board of Trustees that 
   it is their intention to vote shares covered by valid proxies in favor of 
   the election of the three persons listed as the nominees for Class C 
   Trustees and the one person listed as the nominee for Class A Trustee 
   unless otherwise instructed by the shareholders. Each Class C Trustee 
   elected at this Annual Meeting is to hold office for the term expiring at 
   the 1997 Annual Meeting of shareholders or until his successor is elected 
   and qualified. The Class A Trustee elected at this Annual Meeting is to 
   hold office for the term expiring at the 1995 Annual Meeting of 
   shareholders or until his successor is elected and qualified. 

       The nominees for the Office of Class C Trustees are presently serving 
   as Class C Trustees and were elected to said office at the Annual Meeting 
   of shareholders in 1991. The nominee for the Office of Class A Trustee is 
   presently serving as a Class A Trustee, having been elected to said office 
   by the Board of Trustees on February 7, 1994. 

       Should any of the persons named herein become unable to or decline to 
   serve, the proxies named in the accompanying proxy shall have 
   discretionary authority to vote for a substitute or substitutes. However, 
   the Board of Trustees knows of no reason to anticipate that this will 

       The Board of Trustees held five (5) meetings in the fiscal year ended 
   August 31, 1994. Each Trustee, with the exception of Messrs. Lee H. 
   Javitch and Samuel J. Korman, attended at least 75% of the total of such 
   meetings and meetings of the committees of which they were members during 
   fiscal 1994. The Trust maintains standing audit, executive compensation 
   and human resources, and property committees. 

                       NOMINEES FOR THE OFFICE OF TRUSTEE 

       The names of the three (3) nominees for the office of Class C Trustee, 
   the one (1) nominee for the office of Class A Trustee, and the five (5) 
   Trustees continuing in office, their respective terms and expiration 
   dates, their principal occupations, the names and principal businesses of 
   the organizations (other than the Trust) in which such occupations are 
   carried on, directorships in entities having publicly traded securities, 
   their period of service as a Trustee of the Trust, the number of shares of 
   the Trust directly or indirectly beneficially 


   owned as of October 1, 1994 by each of them, respectively, and the percent 
   of shares beneficially owned, are as follows: 

                                         Principal                               Shares 
                                        Occupation                  First        Owned        Percent 
                                            and                    Became      October 1,        of 
        Name          Age              Affiliations               a Trustee     1994 (1)     Shares (2) 
        ----          ---             --------------             -----------   ----------    ----------  
 Nominees for the
   Office of Trustee 

   Class C; Term Expires in 1997 
   William R. Dimeling      53      Partner of Dimeling, Schreiber          1982         4,187(3)          + 
                                    and Park, a private investment 
                                    partnership. Mr. Dimeling is a 
                                    member of the Trust's Property 
                                    and Executive Compensation and 
                                    Human Resources Committees. 
   Jack Farber              61      Chairman, President and Chief           1971         9,925(3)          + 
                                    Executive Officer of CSS 
                                    Industries, Inc., a diversified 
                                    holding company. Directorships 
                                    include: CSS Industries, Inc. and 
                                    Hunt Manufacturing Company. Mr. 
                                    Farber serves as Chairman of the 
                                    Trust's Audit and Executive 
                                    Compensation and Human Resources 
   Robert G.  Rogers       63       Executive Vice President of the         1986        15,875(4)          + 

   Class A; Term Expires in 1995 
   Jonathan B.             47      President and Chief Operating          2/7/94        10,000             + 
     Weller                        Officer of the Trust; former, 
                                   1988-1993, Executive Vice 
                                   President and Director of Eastdil 
                                   Realty, Inc., a real estate 
                                   investment banking firm, 
                                   responsible for its real estate 
                                   investment management activities. 
                                   Mr. Weller is a member of the 
                                   Property Committee. 

   Trustees whose 
   Terms Continue 

   Class A; Term Expires in 1995 
   Sylvan M. Cohen         80     Chairman and Chief Executive              1960       665,300(5)      7.65% 
                                  Officer of the Trust; partner of 
                                  Cohen, Shapiro, Polisher, 
                                  Shiekman and Cohen, attorneys. 
                                  Directorships include: FPA 
                                  Corporation, EQK 1 and Arbor 
                                  Property Trust. Mr. Cohen serves 
                                  as Chairman of the Trust's 
                                  Property Committee. 
   Lee H. Javitch          63     Private Investor; former Chairman         1985         5,500(3)          + 
                                  and Chief Executive Officer of 
                                  Giant Food Stores, Inc., 
                                  Carlisle, Pennsylvania 
                                  Directorships include: Dauphin 
                                  Deposit Corp. Mr. Javitch is a 
                                  member of the Trust's Audit and 
                                  Executive Compensation and Human 
                                  Resources Committees. 

   Class B; Term Expires in 1996 
   Robert Freedman         65     Partner of Cohen, Shapiro,                1988        43,727(3)(6)       + 
                                  Polisher, Shiekman and Cohen, 
   Samuel J. Korman        85     Partner of Hyman Korman Company,          1966       402,668(7)      4.63% 
                                  an owner of real estate 
   Jeffrey P. Orleans      48     Chief Executive Officer of                1986        44,543(3)(8)       +
                                  Orleans Construction Corporation; 
                                  and President of A.P. Orleans, 
                                  Inc., Philadelphia area 
                                  residential real estate 
                                  developers; Chairman of the Board 
                                  and Chief Executive Officer for 
                                  more than 5 years of FPA 
                                  Corporation, a publicly held 
                                  corporation which designs, 
                                  develops and operates planned 
                                  residential communities. 
                                  Directorships include: FPA 
                                  Corporation. Mr. Orleans is a 
                                  member of the Trust's Audit and 
                                  Property Committees. 

   + Less than one percent 

   (1) Includes the shares beneficially owned by the Trustee's wife, children 
       living in the same home, the shares the Trustee or his wife has or 
       shares the power to vote and/or the power to dispose or direct their 
       disposition and the shares that a Trustee had the right to acquire on 
       or within 60 days of October 1, 1994. Beneficial interest in the 
       shares owned by a Trustee's wife or children having the same home and 
       trusts, estates or foundations referred to in the notes below is 
       disclaimed by each of the respective Trustees unless otherwise 

   (2) The percentage of shares are based upon the 8,669,848 shares 
       outstanding on October 1, 1994 plus 26,875 shares, the number of 
       shares that the Trustees and officers of the Trust had the right to 
       acquire on October 1, 1994 or within 60 days thereof. 

   (3) Includes 2,500 shares that Messrs Lee H. Javitch, Robert Freedman, 
       Jeffrey P. Orleans, William R. Dimeling and Jack Farber each have the 
       right to acquire pursuant to options granted to each of them under the 
       Trust's Option Plan for Non-Employee Trustees. 

   (4) Includes 9,500 shares that Mr. Rogers has the right to acquire 
       pursuant to options granted in January 1991 and December 1992 under 
       the Trust's Incentive and Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan. 

   (5) Includes 186,558 shares owned by Mr. Cohen's wife; 37,056 shares owned 
       by two trusts of which Mr. Cohen's wife is a co-trustee; 252 shares 
       owned by a corporation of which Mr. Cohen owns 50% of the outstanding 
       shares and the remaining 50% are owned by Jeffrey P. Orleans, a 
       Trustee of the Trust; 50,028 shares owned in the aggregate by several 
       trusts of which Mr. Cohen is a trustee or a co-trustee. 

   (6) Includes 37,056 shares owned by two trusts of which Mr. Freedman is a 

   (7) Includes 7,500 shares owned by Mr. Korman's wife; 141,903 shares owned 
       in the aggregate by several trusts of which Mr. Korman is a 
       co-trustee; 87,570 shares owned by a family foundation of which Mr. 
       Korman is a co-trustee; and 1,750 shares that Mr. Korman has the right 
       to acquire pursuant to options granted to Mr. Korman under the Trust's 
       Option Plan for Non-Employee Trustees. Leonard I. Korman, a nephew of 
       Mr. Korman, beneficially owns 519,011 shares (see page 14 herein); 
       included in the 519,011 shares are (i) the 87,570 shares owned by the 
       family foundation of which Messrs. Samuel J. Korman and Leonard I. 
       Korman are 2 of the 5 co-trustees and (ii) 89,103 shares owned in the 
       aggregate by several trusts of which Messrs. Samuel J. Korman and 
       Leonard I. Korman are 2 of the co-trustees. 

   (8) Includes 450 shares owned by Mr. Orleans' wife; 490 shares for which 
       Mr. Orleans is custodian for his daughter under the Pennsylvania 
       Uniform Gifts to Minor Act; 101 shares, owned by an estate of which 
       Mr. Orleans is a successor Executor and a beneficiary; and 252 shares 
       owned by a corporation, 50% of whose shares are owned by Mr. Orleans 
       and the remaining 50% are owned by Sylvan M. Cohen, a Trustee and 
       President of the Trust. 


   Executive Compensation 

       The following table sets forth certain information concerning the 
   compensation paid by the Trust during the fiscal years ended August 31, 
   1994, 1993 and 1992 to the Trust's Chief Executive Officer and each of the 
   Trust's other most highly compensated executive officers whose 
   compensation exceeded $100,000 for the periods indicated. 

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE 

                                                                                    Long Term 
                               Annual Compensation                                    Awards 
                      -------------------------------------                       ---------------
                                                                                                        All Other 
    Name and Principal                                                  Other Annual                   Compensation 
         Position                   Year       Salary ($)  Bonus ($)  Compensation ($)    Options (#)   ($) (1) (2) 
 -----------------------           ------      ---------   ---------  -----------------   -----------  ------------ 
   Sylvan M. Cohen                   1994     316,023         0               0(1)           40,000       9,070 
     Chairman and Chief              1993     298,068         0               0              25,000         
     Executive Officer               1992     294,245         0               0              25,000 
     and Trustee 

   Jonathan B. Weller                1994     157,596(3)      0               0             100,000(4) 
     President and Chief
       Operating Officer
       and Trustee 

   Robert G. Rogers                  1994     174,933         0               0              15,000 
     Executive Vice                  1993     165,360         0               0              12,500 
     President and   
       Trustee                       1992     163,281         0               0              12,500 

   Dante J. Massimini                1994     106,303         0               0              15,000 
     Vice-President-Finance          1993     99,3200         0               0               7,500 
     and Treasurer                   1992      98,039         0               0               7,500

   (1)  Annual premium payments on life insurance on the life of Mr. Cohen 
        for which Mr. Cohen designates the beneficiaries, which policies are 
        designed to comply with Section 79 of the Code. 

   (2) In accordance with the SEC provisions, amounts of All Other 
       Compensation are excluded for the Trust's 1992 and 1993 Fiscal Years. 

   (3) Mr. Weller was not an employee of the Trust prior to February 1, 1994. 

   (4) Granted to Mr. Weller on February 1, 1994 under the Trust's 1993 
       Jonathan B. Weller Non Qualified Stock Option Plan, subject to 
       approval of the adoption of the plan by the shareholders. Should the 
       shareholders not approve the plan, the grant of the options will be 
       null and void. 

    Employment Agreements 

       The Trust entered into an Employment Agreement with Mr. Cohen on July 
   16, 1982, which was amended and restated on March 14, 1985 and further 
   amended as of January 1, 1990. The 1990 Amendment of the Employment 
   Agreement extended the term of the employment to December 31, 1994 and 
   then from year to year unless terminated by written notice. The Employment 
   Agreement also provides Mr. Cohen with a basic compensation of $278,250 
   per year, but states that the Board of Trustees may, in its sole 
   discretion, increase the basic compensation payable to Mr. Cohen at any 
   time or times during the term of the Employment Agreement or its 
   extension. Mr. Cohen's present salary is $325,000 per year. In the event 
   of the termination of Mr. Cohen's employment by reason of his disability 


   expiration of the initial or any extended term of the Employment 
   Agreement, the Trust will pay fifty percent (50%) of his highest annual 
   basic compensation during the period of his employment with the Trust to 
   Mr. Cohen for the balance of his life. Should Mr. Cohen be survived by his 
   widow, the Trust shall pay to her a rate equal to (A) twenty-five percent 
   (25%) of the rate of Mr. Cohen's highest annual basic compensation during 
   the term of his employment under the Employment Agreement or (B) if higher 
   than the rate set forth in (A) above, fifty percent (50%) of the rate of 
   the adjusted payments made to Mr. Cohen at the time of his death. 
   Post-employment payments made to Mr. Cohen and his widow are to be 
   adjusted annually, pursuant to a formula based upon the Consumer Price 
   Index - All Urban Consumers - U.S. City Average - All Items. All payments 
   cease following the death of the survivor of Mr. Cohen and his wife. The 
   Trust further agreed to continue to pay the premiums on the $150,000 life 
   insurance policies designed to comply with Section 79 of the Code that it 
   currently maintains on the life of Mr. Cohen for the balance of Mr. 
   Cohen's life. In fiscal 1994, the Trust was not required to accrue any 
   amount for the costs associated with the termination of employment 
   provisions contained in Mr. Cohen's Employment Agreement. To date, the 
   aggregate accrual is approximately $1,045,000. Mr. Cohen is not a 
   participant in the Trust's pension plan. 

       The Trust entered into an Employment Agreement with Mr. Weller on 
   December 14, 1993. The employment period is for a term of three years; 
   provided, however, that commencing one year after the start of his 
   employment, February 1, 1994, and on each annual anniversary of such date, 
   unless the agreement is previously terminated, the employment period shall 
   be automatically extended so as to terminate three years from the said 
   February 1st. The Employment Agreement provides for an annual base salary 
   of $275,000 but provides, that in the event that the base salary is 
   raised, the raised salary shall become the base salary for purposes of the 
   Employment Agreement. Pursuant to the Employment Agreement, Mr. Weller was 
   granted subject to shareholder approval, a non qualified stock option to 
   acquire 100,000 shares with a purchase price of $24.625 per share, equal 
   to the opening price of the Trust's shares on the American Stock Exchange 
   on December 14, 1993. In accordance with the Employment Agreement, Mr. 
   Weller invested $250,000 in shares of the Trust. 

       As of October 1, 1985 the Trust entered into Employment Agreements 
   with Messrs. Rogers and Massimini. The Employment Agreements with Messrs. 
   Rogers and Massimini were amended and restated as of October 1, 1990. The 
   term of each of the Amended Employment Agreement is five (5) years and 
   then from year to year unless terminated by written notice. Mr. Rogers' 
   Employment Agreement was further amended as of July 12, 1993 extending the 
   term of employment to September 30, 1996 and then from year to year unless 
   terminated by written notice. The Agreements provide Mr. Rogers with a 
   basic compensation of $154,300 and Mr. Massimini with a basic compensation 
   of $94,400. The Board of Trustees may, in its sole discretion, increase 
   the basic compensation of Messrs. Rogers and Massimini. The present annual 
   salary for Messrs. Rogers and Massimini is $180,000 and $110,000, 


   Stock Options 

       The following table sets forth certain information with respect to 
   stock options granted to officers named in the Summary Compensation Table 
   during the fiscal year ended August 31, 1994: 

                      Stock Options Granted in Fiscal 1994 

                              Individual Grants   
                          ------------------------                             Potential Realizable 
                                       % of Total                                Value at Assumed 
                                         Options                               Annual Rates of Stock 
                                        Granted to                             Price Appreciation for 
                           Options      Employees    Grant                        Option Term (1)
                           Granted      in Fiscal    Price     Expiration    ------------------------
      Name                  (#)           Year       ($/SH)      Date           ($)5%         ($)10% 
      -----                --------     ---------   -------   ----------     --------       ---------           
   Sylvan M. Cohen         40,000(2)      21.6%      23.625    12/15/ 03       594,305      1,506,087 
   Jonathan B. Weller     100,000(3)      54.1%      24.625    12/13/ 03     1,548,653      3,924,591 
   Robert G. Rogers        15,000(4)       8.1%      23.625    12/15/ 03       222,868        564,782 
   Dante J. Massimini      15,000(5)       8.1%      23.625    12/15/ 03       222,868        564,782

   (1) Assumes share price appreciates over a ten-year term at rates of 5% 
       and 10% compounded annually. The assumed annual rate of share 
       appreciation are specified by the Securities and Exchange Commission 
       and are not intended to forecast possible future appreciation of the 
       Trust's share price. For example, in order for Messrs. Cohen, Rogers 
       and Massimini to realize the potential value set forth in the 5% and 
       10% column in the above table, the price per share would have to be 
       approximately $38.483 and $61.277, respectively, at the expiration of 
       the option. In order for Mr. Weller to realize the potential value set 
       forth in the 5% and 10% column in the above table, the price per share 
       would have to be approximately $40.112 and $63.871, respectively, at 
       the expiration of the option. 

   (2) The option is exercisable in nine (9) annual installments commencing 
       January 1, 1995 as follows: 4,623 shares January 1, 1995; 4,622 shares 
       January 1, 1996; 4,623 shares January 1, 1997; 4,622 shares January 1, 
       1998; 4,623 shares January 1, 1999; 4,622 shares January 1, 2000; 
       3,801 shares January 1, 2001; and 4,232 shares each January 1, 2002 
       and January 1, 2003. 

   (3) The option is exercisable in four (4) equal installments of 25,000 
       shares each, the first installment is exercisable six (6) months after 
       the shareholders' approval of the adoption of the Trust's 1993 
       Jonathan B. Weller Non Qualified Stock Option Plan; the second, third 
       and fourth installments become exercisable on December 14, 1995, 
       December 14, 1996 and December 14, 1997, respectively. 

   (4) The option is exercisable in six (6) installments commencing January 
       1, 1996 as follows: 958 shares each January 1, 1996 and January 1, 
       1997; 4,232 shares each January 1, 1998 and January 1, 1999; and 2,310 
       shares each January 1, 2000 and January 1, 2001. 

   (5) The option is exercisable in five (5) installments commencing January 
       1, 1995 as follows: 1,345 shares January 1, 1995; 2,615 shares each 
       January 1, 1996 and January 1, 1997; 4,232 shares January 1, 1998 and 
       4,193 shares January 1, 1999. 


   The following table sets forth certain information as to each exercise of 
   stock options during the fiscal year ended August 31, 1994 by the persons 
   named in the Summary Compensation table and the fiscal year-end value of 
   unexercised options: 

        Aggregate Option Exercises in Fiscal Year Ended August 31, 1994 
                       and Fiscal Year-End Option Values 

                                                                                              Value ($) of 
                                                                Number of                     Unexercised 
                                                               Unexercised                    In-The-Money 
                         Shares                                 Options at                     Options at 
                        Acquired                                 Year-End                     Year-End (1) 
                           on         Value ($)      -------------------------------     ------------------------------
     Name               Exercise      Realized       Exercisable       Unexercisable     Exercisable     Unexercisable 
  -----------------     ---------     --------       ------------      -------------     ------------    ------------- 
   Sylvan M. Cohen       11,250        96,406               0              71,250               0            113,281 
   Robert G. Rogers       3,000        28,875           9,500              27,500          54,016             48,047 
   Dante J. Massimini     2,625        22,969           1,875              22,500           5,156             28,828

   (1) Closing price of a share at August 31, 1994 ($23.125) minus the 
       exercise price of the in-the-money options ($16.00 and $20.375); the 
       1993 options are not in-the-money. 

    Stock Options 

       A. Incentive and Non Qualified Stock Option Plan 

       The Trust in 1990 reserved an aggregate of 200,000 shares for purchase 
   under its 1990 Incentive Stock Option Plan ("Plan"). On December 14, 
   1993, the Board of Trustees amended the Plan to increase the aggregate 
   number of shares under the Plan to 400,000, to change the name of the Plan 
   and to expand and clarify certain other provisions - see Exhibit A, 
   proposed Amended and Restated Incentive and Non Qualified Stock Option 
   Plan, pages A-1 to A-8, herein. The Plan provided that a committee of the 
   Board may grant options to those employees determined by it to be key 
   employees; i.e. those employees who have a direct and significant impact 
   on the performance of the Trust. The Committee has the authority to 
   determine not only to whom but also the number of incentive or non 
   qualifying options that may be granted and the time or times at which the 
   options may be granted. The Plan was intended to comply with the 
   requirements of Section 422A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as 
   amended, relating to incentive stock options. 

       On December 14, 1993 the Executive Compensation and Human Resources 
   Committee consisting of Messrs. Farber, Dimeling and Javitch, granted to 
   Messrs. Cohen, Rogers and Massimini stock options, incentive and/or non 
   qualified, to purchase 40,000, 15,000 and 15,000 shares, respectively. The 
   price per share for the options granted is $23.625, the closing prices of 
   a share on the American Stock Exchange on the date of grant. See footnotes 
   (2), (4) and (5) to the table, "Stock Options Granted in Fiscal 1994" 
   for the dates that the granted options become exercisable, page 7 herein. 
   The options terminate ten years from the date of grant and are not 
   transferable other then by will or by the laws of descent and 

       B. Option Plan for Non-Employee Trustees 

       The Trust has reserved an aggregate of 100,000 shares for purchase 
   under its Option Plan for Non-Employee Trustees ("Trustees' Options). The 
   Trustees' Option Plan provides that options to purchase 1,000 shares 
   shall, except for the first grant, be granted automatically to each 
   non-employee Trustee on the last trading day in each January from 1991 
   through 1997. The grant in fiscal 1994 was made on January 31, 1994 at an 
   option price of $24.75 per share. The Trustees' Options are non-statutory 
   options, under Section 422A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as 
   amended, are non- transferable except by will or the laws of descent and 
   distribution; and are exercisable in four equal installments of 250 shares 
   each, commencing on the first anniversary of the date of grant and 
   annually thereafter, except for the first options granted on December 20, 
   1990 which first became exercisable on January 31, 1991 and annually 


       The following tabulation shows as to the persons named therein, the 
   following information with respect to Trustees Options: (i) the number of 
   shares subject to outstanding Trustees Options granted in the period 
   December 20, 1990 through August 31, 1994, (ii) the average per share 
   option price, (iii) the number of shares acquired by exercise of an option 
   in fiscal 1994, (iv) average per share exercise price and (v) the net 
   value per share (market values less exercise price) during the period 
   September 1, 1993 to August 31, 1994 upon the exercise of Trustees' 
   Options granted since December 20, 1990. 

                   Number of          Number of Shares                          Average       Net Value 
                 Shares Subject      Subject to Option          Average Per     Number of     Per Share        Realized 
                 To Outstanding         Exercise at                Share         Shares       Exercise      (Market Value 
      Name          Options           August 31, 1993          Option Price     Purchased       Price     Less Exercise Price) 
   ----------    --------------     -------------------      ----------------  ------------   ---------   ---------------------
   W. R. Dimeling    5,000                  2,500                 $20.70             -             -                - 
   J. Farber         5,000                  2,500                  20.70             -             -                -    
   R. Freedman       5,000                  2,500                  20.70             -             -                - 
   S. J. Korman      4,250                  1,750                  20.70             -             -                - 
   L. H. Javitch     5,000                  2,500                  20.70             -             -                - 
   J. P. Orleans     5,000                  2,500                  20.70             -             -                -

   Benefit Plans 

    Retirement Benefits 

       The Trust maintains a defined benefit form of pension plan for its 
   employees. Mr. Cohen has elected not to participate in the plan and Mr. 
   Weller did not qualify as of August 31, 1994 to be a participant of the 
   plan. The plan is funded by Trust contributions based on actuarial data 
   developed for the participants as a group. The aggregate contributions to 
   the pension plan for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1994 (including 
   accruals) amounted to $178,385. The aggregate contributions amounted to 
   approximately 24% of the total remuneration of all presently employed plan 
   participants. The following table sets forth certain information with 
   respect to estimated annual retirement benefits of Messrs. Rogers and 
   Massimini calculated on the assumption that they will retire at age 65 and 
   will receive remuneration until such date at the rate currently in effect 
   and the amount of the fiscal 1994 contribution that may be attributed to 
   their benefits. 

                                  Fiscal 1994       Annual Retirement 
             Name                Contribution       Estimated Benefit 
        ----------------         -------------      -----------------    
       Robert G. Rogers             $92,520             $100,572 
       Dante J. Massimini            34,670               63,276 

   Compensation of Directors 

       Trustees who are not also employees of the Trustee are entitled to 
   receive an annual fee of $5,000 plus a fee of $1,000 for attendance at 
   each of the Trustees' meetings; and $750 for attendance at Audit Committee 
   meetings, at Executive Compensation and Human Resources Committee 
   meetings, and at Property Committee meetings; and other fees for special 
   services performed for the Trust. Messrs. Cohen, Weller and Rogers, who 
   receive a salary from the Trust, are not paid the annual fee or fees for 
   attendance at Trustees' Meetings nor does Messrs. Cohen and Weller receive 
   a fee for attendance at the Property Committee Meetings. 


       The Trust's executive officers compensation is the responsibility of 
   the entire Board of Trustees acting upon the recommendation of the 
   Executive Compensation and Human Resources Committee (the "Committee"). 
   The Committee is also responsible for administering the policies which 
   govern the Trust's Incentive Stock Option Plan. The Committee consists of 
   three independent, non-employee Trustees of the Trust. 


       It is the Board of Trustees belief that the Trust's investment goal is 
   to invest in assets that provide the opportunity for cash flow growth and 
   capital appreciation in real terms. Accordingly, the Board of Trustees 
   believes that the Trust's overall performance in any year should be based 
   on the Trust's performance in all aspects of the Trust's business during 
   that year, including development, management, acquisition and capital 
   formation, as well as financial accomplishments. 

       The members of the Committee believe that the Trust's success is 
   largely due to the efforts of its employees and, in particular, the 
   leadership exercised by its officers. Therefore the Committee believes it 
   is important to: 

       * Adopt compensation programs that enhance the Trust's ability to 
         attract and retain qualified officers while providing the financial 
         motivation necessary to achieve continued high levels of Trust 

       * Provide equity-based incentives for executives to ensure that they 
         are motivated over the long term to respond to the Trust's 
         challenges and opportunities as owners rather than only employees. 

       * Provide a mix of cash and stock-based compensation programs that are 
         competitive with a select group of real estate investment trusts 
         that the members of the Committee believe are comparable to the 

       Each executive officer's salary, including that of the Chief Executive 
   Officer and that of the Chief Operating Officer, is based upon his 
   employment contract and the competitive market for the executive officer's 
   services, considering the executive's specific responsibilities, 
   experience and overall performance. The Committee reviews each executive 
   officer's salary and adjusts the salary to account for inflation, any 
   change in the executive's responsibilities and any change in the 
   competitive marketplace. The Committee believes that the Trust's overall 
   performance is best measured by the enhancement of long-term shareholder 
   value. The Committee further believes that, as a result of the nature of 
   the Trust's business, funds from operations is a better measurement of the 
   Trust's performance as opposed to its reported net income. This standard 
   has been adopted by the National Association of Real Estate Investment 
   Trusts. The Committee recommended the 1994 compensation levels of the 
   Trust's executive officers to the Board of Trustees. 

       The Committee also periodically awards discretionary incentive stock 
   options to executive officers. These awards are based upon the performance 
   of the individual executive, the Trust's financial results and the 
   executive officer's accomplishments in his area of responsibility. The 
   Committee believes that stock option awards are an important element in 
   the Trust's compensation structure as such awards promote alignment of the 
   interests of the employees with the interests of the shareholders. 

                         Executive Compensation and Human Resources Committee 

                                               Jack Farber, Chairman
                                               William R. Dimeling
                                               Lee H. Javitch 



       At a meeting held on December 14, 1993, the Trust's Board of Trustees 
   amended and restated, subject to the approval of the shareholders, the 
   Trust's 1990 Incentive Stock Option Plan. The amendments increase the 
   aggregate number of shares subject to option to 400,000 and expand and 
   clarify certain of the provisions of the Plan, including the right of the 
   Committee administering the Plan to grant non incentive options. The 
   amendments, among other things, permit grantees of an option whose 
   employment is terminated due to becoming disabled or retirement at the age 
   set by the Trust for retirement to exercise their options within nine (9) 
   months; provide for immediate vesting of all previously granted options 
   under the Plan upon a "change of control"; and change the name of the 
   Plan to reflect that non qualified grants may be made under the Plan. The 
   Trustees believe that the adoption of the amendments strengthen the 
   Trust's ability to induce persons of outstanding ability and potential, 
   upon whom the financial success and growth of the Trust depends, to join 
   and remain with the Trust. The complete text of the amended and restated 
   Plan is set forth in Exhibit A of this proxy statement and the statements 
   contained herein are qualified in the entirety by reference to the Plan. 

       The Plan as approved by the shareholders in 1990 provided that the 
   aggregate number of shares that may be subject to stock options under the 
   Plan is 200,000. The Plan expires the earlier of (1) the year 2000, (2) 
   the date when all shares reserved for issuance under the Plan shall have 
   been acquired through exercise of options or (3) when the Board may 
   determine. The Plan further states that the Committee that administers the 
   Plan, the Executive Compensation and Human Resources Committee, may grant 
   options to the employees it determines to be "key employees"; the terms 
   of the options granted, including the exercise price, provided the price 
   shall be no less than the "fair market value" of the shares; and that 
   the Committee may amend the Plan to correct any defect or supply any 
   omission or reconcile any inconsistency in the manner and to the extent it 
   deems desirable, except (i) as otherwise provided in the Plan, (ii) to 
   increase the total number of shares subject to the Plan; (iii) extend the 
   expiration date of the Plan; (iv) decrease the price at which granted 
   options may be exercised or (v) materially modify the requirements as to 
   eligibility for participation in the Plan. 

       The amended and restated Plan retains the provision that the exercise 
   price of an option shall be no less than the "fair market value" of the 
   shares, whether the grant is of an incentive stock option or a non 
   qualified stock option, the expiration date of the Plan, the amendment 
   provisions and most of the operative provisions. The Trust has granted to 
   its employees from the date of the Plan's adoption through December 14, 
   1993 options to purchase 185,000 shares. As of November 1, 1994 options 
   for 31,125 shares have been exercised. Presently only 15,000 shares remain 
   available for option grant under the Plan. The Board of Trustees believes 
   that this amount is insufficient to attract and retain persons of 
   outstanding ability. It is the further belief of the Board of Trustees 
   that the amendments improve the Plan for both the Trust and its qualified 

       The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding 
   shares is required for the approval of the amended and restated Plan. 

       The Board of the Trust recommends a vote FOR the proposal to adopt and 
   to implement the Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust Amended 
   Incentive and Non Qualified Stock Option Plan. 


       At a meeting held on December 14, 1993 the Trust's Board of Trustees 
   adopted, subject to approval of the shareholders, the Pennsylvania Real 
   Estate Investment Trust 1993 Jonathan B. Weller Non Qualified Stock Option 
   Plan (the "Weller Plan"). The adoption of the Weller Plan was in 
   conjunction with the approval of the Employment Agreement between the 
   Trust and Mr. Weller. 

       The Employment Agreement provides, among other things, that Mr. Weller 
   be granted a non-qualified stock option to acquire 100,000 shares of the 
   Trust's shares of beneficial interest with a purchase price equal to the 
   opening price of a Trust's share on the American Stock Exchange on the 
   date of the agreement. The opening price for a share on December 14, 1993 
   was $24.625. The option is to have a term of ten (10) years and shall vest 
   and become exercisable with respect to 25,000 shares after one year, with 
   respect to an additional 25,000 shares after two (2) years, an additional 
   25,000 shares after three (3) years and as to the final 25,000 shares 
   after four (4) years, subject to earlier vesting upon certain conditions. 
   The Trust agreed to submit a stock option plan containing these provisions 
   to its shareholders for approval at its next shareholder meeting. 

       The Weller Plan is in accordance with the Employment Agreement and 
   sets forth the terms and conditions for the granting and exercise of the 
   options. The grant of the options will not result in taxable income to Mr. 
   Weller or a tax deduction for the Trust. The exercise of an option by Mr. 
   Weller will result in taxable ordinary income to him and a corresponding 
   deduction for the Trust, in each case equal to the difference between the 
   fair market value of the shares on the date the option was granted 
   ($24.625) and their fair market value on the date the option is exercised. 

       The Board believes that the engagement of Mr. Weller upon the terms 
   and conditions of the Employment Agreement is in the best interests of the 
   Trust and that the Weller Plan provides a further incentive to Mr. Weller. 
   The complete text of the Proposed Weller Plan is set forth in Exhibit B of 
   this proxy statement and the summary statements contained herein are 
   qualified in their entirety by reference to the Weller Plan. 

       If the Weller Plan is not approved by the shareholders, it will not be 
   implemented and the options granted to Mr. Weller will be null and void. 

       Approval of the Weller Plan requires the affirmative vote by the 
   holders of a majority of the outstanding shares. 

       The Board of Trustees recommends a vote FOR the proposal to adopt and 
   to implement the Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust 1993 Jonathan 
   B. Weller Non Qualified Stock Option Plan. 

                            STOCK PRICE PERFORMANCE 

       The graph below compares the Trust's performance to the S&P 500 and 
   the index of all equity real estate investment trusts excluding health 
   care real estate investment trusts assuming a $100 investment on August 
   31, 1989 as prepared by the National Association of Real Estate Investment 
   Trusts ("NAREIT"). Equity real estate investment trusts are defined as 
   those which derive more than 75% of their income from equity investments 
   in real estate assets. All stock price performance includes the 
   reinvestment of dividends.

                             (August 31, 1989=100)

   |                                                                        S
   |                                                      E                 TE 
   |                                       S              T
   |                          S
   |                                       TE
   |             S            T
   |                          E           
   |             E
   |             T
   |             |             |             |             |                |
 1989          1990          1991          1992          1993             1994

T = Trust              E = Equity w/o Health Care                  S = S&P 500

                           1989     1990     1991     1992     1993     1994
                           ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----
Trust                       100     78.91    96.38   107.13   133.16   138.44
Equity w/o Health Care      100     80.26    90.12   105.73   139.17   141.18
S&P 500                     100     95.02   120.58   130.15   149.85   158.09


                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 

       Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the 
   Trust's officers, trustees and persons who beneficially own more than ten 
   percent of the registered class of the Trust's equity securities 
   (collectively the "Reporting Persons") to file reports of ownership and 
   changes in ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission and to 
   furnish the Trust with copies of these reports. 

       Based on the Trust's review of the copies of these reports received by 
   it, and written representations received from the Reporting Persons, the 
   Trust believes that all filings required to be made by Reporting Persons 
   for the period September 1, 1993 through August 31, 1994 were made on a 
   timely basis. 

                           PRINCIPAL SECURITY HOLDERS 

       The following table sets forth the voting securities owned 
   beneficially by each person known to the Trust who owned more than 5% of 
   the Trust's shares as of October 1, 1994: 

                                                                   Amount and 
                                                                    Nature of         Percent of 
                                         Name and Address          Beneficial        Outstanding 
           Title of Class              of Beneficial Owner          Ownership           Shares   
           --------------            -----------------------      ------------      ------------                                
   Certificates of Beneficial        Sylvan M. Cohen                 665,300             7.65% 
    Interest                         12 S. 12th Street 
                                     Philadelphia, PA 19107 

   Certificates of Beneficial        Leonard I. Korman               519,011             5.97% 
    Interest                         Two Neshaminy Interplex 
                                     Trevose, PA 19047

   (1) Mr. Cohen owns 391,406 shares directly; a corporation of which Mr. 
       Cohen is a 50% shareholder owns 252 shares; Mr. Cohen's wife owns 
       186,558 shares directly and she is a co-trustee of two trusts that own 
       a total of 37,056 shares; and Mr. Cohen is a trustee or co-trustee of 
       several trusts that own in the aggregate 50,028 shares. Mr. Cohen is 
       not a beneficiary of any of the trusts of which he serves as a 

   (2) Mr. Leonard Korman owns 219,869 shares directly; Mr. Korman's wife 
       owns 420 shares and is the income beneficiary of a trust that owns 
       6,000 shares and is a co-trustee, together with Mr. Korman and a third 
       party, of two trusts that own a total of 29,824 shares; Mr. Korman is 
       a co-trustee for a family foundation that owns 87,570 shares; and is a 
       co-trustee of several trusts that own in the aggregate 205,152 shares, 
       including the 29,824 shares mentioned above. Mr. Korman disclaims 
       beneficial interest in any of the shares owned by trusts of which he 
       serves as a fiduciary, except for 31,585 shares owned by a trust of 
       which Mr. Korman is a co-trustee and one of three beneficiaries. 
       Samuel J. Korman, an uncle of Leonard I. Korman, is a Trustee of the 
       Trust, and the beneficial owner of 402,668 shares (See pages 3 and 4 
       herein); included in the 402,668 shares are (i) 87,570 shares owned by 
       a family foundation of which Messrs. Leonard I. Korman and Samuel J. 
       Korman are 2 of the 5 co-trustees and (ii) 89,103 shares owned in the 
       aggregate by several trusts of which Messrs. Leonard I. Korman and 
       Samuel J. Korman are two of the co-trustees. 

       The following table sets forth the voting securities owned 
   beneficially, directly or indirectly, by all Trustees and officers as a 
   group (11 persons) as of October 1, 1994: 

                                                             Amount of                       Percent 
             Title of Class                            Beneficial Ownership                  of Class 
            ---------------                            --------------------                 ---------
   Certificates of Beneficial Interest                      1,174,664 (1)                     13.51%

   (1) For information respecting the beneficial ownership of the shares by 
       each individual Trustee and certain of his relations and affiliates, 
       see the table and notes under the heading "Nominees for the Office of 
       Trustee and Trustees Continuing in Office" on pages 3-4. 

                          TRANSACTIONS WITH MANAGEMENT 

       During fiscal 1994 the Trust paid or accrued fees and costs to the law 
   firm of Cohen, Shapiro, Polisher, Shiekman and Cohen, general counsel for 
   the Trust, for legal services rendered to the Trust, its subsidiaries and 
   its affiliates, including partnerships and other ventures in which the 
   Trust is involved. Sylvan M. Cohen, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and 
   a Trustee of the Trust, and Robert Freedman, a Trustee, are partners of 
   the said law firm. The law firm has performed legal services for the Trust 
   since the Trust's inception and it is contemplated that it will perform 
   similar services in the current fiscal year. 



                            COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD 

       The Board of Trustees has established committees to assist it in the 
   discharge of its responsibilities. These committees and their principal 
   responsibilities are described below: 

       The Audit Committee. The Audit Committee is composed of three 
   Trustees, presently of Messrs. Farber, Javitch and Orleans, who are not 
   officers of the Trust. Each member of the Audit Committee receives $750 
   for each meeting of this Committee that he attends. The Audit Committee, 
   which held one meeting in fiscal 1994, has the responsibility to recommend 
   to the Board of Trustees the firm of independent public accountants to be 
   appointed as auditors of the Trust; to review the proposed non-audit 
   services of the accountants and to consider the effect of such services 
   upon their independence; to meet with representatives of the accountants 
   to review the scope and procedures to be used with respect to their annual 
   audit; to meet with the representatives of the accountants to review the 
   results of the audit and to discuss any recommendations or suggestions 
   which the accountants may wish to make concerning the adequacy of the 
   Trust's accounting controls and procedures; to meet with the Trust's 
   officers to review the internal auditing procedures and policies; and to 
   make reports and recommendations to the Board with respect to such 

       The Property Committee. The Property Committee is composed of four 
   Trustees, consisting of Messrs. Cohen, Weller, Dimeling and Orleans. 
   Messrs. Dimeling and Orleans each receive a fee of $750 for each meeting 
   of this Committee that he attends; Mr. Cohen, Chairman and Chief Executive 
   Officer of the Trust, and Mr. Weller, President and Chief Operating 
   Officer of the Trust, do not receive any fee for serving on this 
   Committee. The Property Committee, which held one meeting in fiscal 1994, 
   reviews and analyzes the Trust's portfolio of investments and its related 
   operating results and possible acquisitions and dispositions of real 
   estate and related investments. Periodically it is also given the 
   responsibility of completing negotiations, within specific guidelines, in 
   transactions involving the Trust's investments. 

       The Executive Compensation and Human Resources Committee. The 
   Executive Compensation and Human Resources Committee is composed of three 
   Trustees, consisting of Messrs. Farber, Dimeling and Javitch. Each member 
   of this Committee receives $750 for each meeting that he attends. The 
   Executive Compensation and Human Resources Committee, which held one 
   meeting in fiscal 1994, reviews the salaries of the executive officers of 
   the Trust and recommends to the Board of Trustees the salaries to be paid 
   to individual executive officers of the Trust. In addition, it is 
   responsible for administering the policies which govern the Trust's Stock 
   Option Plan and for granting option awards to executive officers. See 
   "Report of Executive Compensation and Human Resources Committee on 
   Executive Compensation" on pages 9-10. 

       The Trust does not have a separate Nominating Committee with 
   responsibility for determining nominees for membership on the Board. This 
   is considered the continuing responsibility of the entire Board. 


       A copy of the Trust's Form 10-K Annual Report for the fiscal year 
   ended August 31, 1994 will be filed with the Securities and Exchange 
   Commission and will be available without charge on written request to: 
   Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust, 455 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 
   135, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034, Attention: Robert G. Rogers, 
   Executive Vice President. 

                                 OTHER MATTERS 

       Reports will be presented at the Annual Meeting, including the letter 
   from Sylvan M. Cohen, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and Jonathan 
   B. Weller, President and Chief Operating Officer, to the shareholders; the 
   financial statements of the Trust as of August 31, 1994; and the report of 
   Arthur Andersen LLP - all of which were incorporated in the Annual Report 
   that is being mailed to shareholders together with the proxy materials. 


       The Trust has selected Arthur Andersen LLP to be its principal 
   accountants for the current fiscal year. The accounting firm has been the 
   principal accountants of the Trust for more than thirty years. 
   Representatives of Arthur Andersen LLP are expected to be present at the 
   Annual Meeting and to be available to respond to appropriate questions. 
   The representatives of Arthur Andersen & Co. will be given an opportunity 
   to make a statement, if they so desire. 

       The Board of Trustees does not intend to present any matter or matters 
   for action by the shareholders at the meeting other than those set forth 
   herein. The enclosed proxy confers discretionary authority upon the person 
   or persons named therein and entitled to vote the shares represented 
   thereby to vote such shares in accordance with their best judgment with 
   respect to any shareholder proposal omitted from the proxy statement and 
   form of proxy pursuant to Rule 14a-8 of the Securities Exchange Act of 
   1934, as amended, and matters incident to the conduct of the meeting. The 
   Board of Trustees does not know of any other matter which is to be 
   presented for action at the meeting, but the enclosed proxy confers the 
   same discretionary authority with respect to any such other matter. 

                            SHAREHOLDERS' PROPOSALS 

       Proposals of Holders of Certificates of Beneficial Interest to be 
   presented at the 1994 Annual Meeting must be received by the Board of 
   Trustees for inclusion in the Proxy Statement and proxy relating to that 
   meeting on or before July 19, 1995.

                                             By Order of the Board of 

                                             Jeffrey A. Linn 

   November 16, 1994 



           This Proxy is Solicited on behalf of the Board of Trustees 

                       for the Annual Meeting of Holders 
                     of Certificates of Beneficial Interest 
                               December 15, 1994 

       The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints SYLVAN M. COHEN, LEE 
   H. JAVITCH and JEFFREY P. ORLEANS and each or any of them, as proxies of 
   the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to vote and act with 
   respect to all Certificates of Beneficial Interest of Pennsylvania Real 
   Estate Investment Trust (the "Shares") which the undersigned would be 
   entitled to vote, as fully as the undersigned could vote and act if 
   personally present at the Annual Meeting of Holders of Certificates of 
   ("PREIT") to be held on Thursday, December 15, 1994, at 11:00 A.M. 
   Eastern Standard Time and at any and all adjournments thereof, upon all 
   matters as may properly come before the meeting. 

       The Shares represented by this proxy when properly executed will be 
   voted: (1) as specified on the matter listed on the reverse side of this 
   form; (2) in accordance with the Trustees' recommendations where a choice 
   is not specified; and (3) in accordance with the judgment of the proxies 
   on any other matters that may properly come before the meeting. 

           (Continued and to be MARKED, SIGNED and DATED on the Reverse Side) 


   1. Election of Three (3) 
      Class C Trustees:

   all nominees
   except as marked


   Nominees: William R. Dimeling, Jack Farber and 
   Robert G. Rogers 

   (INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any 
   individual nominee, strike a line through  the 
   nominee's name above.)

   2. Election of Jonathan B. Weller
      as a Class A Trustee 



   3. Proposal to approve the adoption of the 
      Amendments and Restatement of PREIT's 1990 
      Incentive and  Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan;
      Management recommends a vote FOR the proposal.


   4. Proposal to Approve the Adoption of PREIT's 1993 
      Jonathan B. Weller Non-Qualified Stock Option 
      Plan. Management recommends a vote FOR the proposal.


   5. In their discretion on such other matters as may 
      properly come before the meeting.
     The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the Annual Report, 
   the Notice of Annual Meeting of Holders of Certificates of 
   Beneficial Interest and the Proxy Statement dated November 
   16, 1994 and revokes all former proxies. 

   Signature(s)----------------------------- Dated:------------- , 1994

   Please mark, date, sign exactly as name appears on this Proxy and mail in
   enclosed envelope. When signing as Corporate Officer, Executor,
   Administrator, Trustee or Guardian please give full title. For joint
   accounts, each joint owner should sign. (Please note any change in your 
   address alongside the address as it appears on this Proxy.) 



                                   EXHIBIT A 


       1. Purpose. The purpose of the Amended Incentive and Non Qualified 
   Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") is to provide an incentive to selected 
   officers and key employees of Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust 
   (the "Trust") to acquire a proprietary interest in the Trust, to 
   continue as its officers and employees and to increase their efforts on 
   behalf of the Trust. 

       2. The Plan. The Plan shall consist of options to acquire shares of 
   beneficial interest, par value $1.00 per share, of the Trust (the 
   "Shares"). An option intended to qualify as incentive stock option and 
   identified as an Incentive Stock Option in the Agreement by which it is 
   evidenced shall be an Incentive Option ("Incentive Option") within the 
   meaning of Section 422A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended 
   (the "Code"). An option or a portion thereof that does not qualify under 
   Section 422 or any other section of the Code shall be a non qualified 
   option ("NQSO") and may be identified in the Agreement by which it is 
   evidenced as a NQSO. Incentive Options and NQSO's are collectively 
   referred to herein as "Options". 

       3. Administration. 

           (a) The Plan shall be administered by a Committee (the 
       "Committee") of the Board of Trustees of the Trust (the "Board"). 
       The Committee shall consist of three (3) or more members of the Board 
       who are not eligible to participate in the Plan while serving on the 
       Committee and shall not have been, at any time within one (1) year 
       prior to appointment to the Committee, eligible for selection as a 
       person to whom an option under the Plan may be granted pursuant to the 
       Plan or any other Plan of the Trust and shall be a "disinterested 
       person" within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the 
       Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or any successor rule or regulation. 

           (b) The Committee may exercise such power and authority as may be 
       necessary for the Committee to carry out its functions as described in 
       the Plan. It shall have plenary authority in its discretion, subject 
       only to the express provisions of the Plan and of Code section 422A: 

               (i) to determine which of the eligible persons shall be 
           granted options ("Grantees") and the number and terms of the 
           Options to be granted to each. In making any determination, the 
           Committee shall consider the position and responsibilities of the 
           proposed Grantee being considered, the nature and value to the 
           Trust of his services and accomplishments, his present and 
           potential contribution to the success of the Trust and such other 
           factors as the Committee may deem relevant; 

               (ii) to determine the dates of grant of Options; 

               (iii) to prescribe the form of the instruments evidencing any 
           Options granted under the Plan; 

               (iv) to determine whether the Option is an Incentive Option or 
           an NQSO; 

               (v) to interpret the Plan and determine the terms and 
           provisions of the agreements evidencing the Options and to make 
           all other determinations necessary for Plan administration; 

               (vi) to adopt, amend and rescind rules and regulations for the 
           administration of the Plan and for its own acts and proceedings; 

               (vii) to decide all questions and settle all controversies and 
           disputes of general applicability which may arise in connection 
           with the Plan; and 

               (viii) to amend the terms of the Plan as provided in Section 


       All decisions, determinations and interpretations with respect to the 
   foregoing matters shall be made by the Committee and shall be final and 
   binding upon all persons. Acts of a majority of the members of the 
   Committee present at any meeting at which a quorum is present or acts 
   approved in writing by a majority of the Committee shall be deemed to be 
   acts of the Committee. 

       No member of the Board or the Committee shall be liable for any action 
   or determination made in good faith by the Board or the Committee with 
   respect to the Plan or any grant of an Option under it. 

       4. Effectiveness and Termination of Plan. This Plan shall become 
   effective as of the date of adoption thereof by the Board, subject to 
   approval of this Plan by the shareholders of the Trust. Any Option 
   outstanding under this Plan at the time of termination of the Plan shall 
   remain in effect in accordance with its terms and conditions and those of 
   the Plan. This Plan shall terminate on the earliest of: 

           (a) the tenth anniversary of the effective date as determined 
       under this Section 4; or 

           (b) the date when all Shares reserved for issuance under the Plan 
       shall have been acquired through exercise of Options granted under the 
       Plan; or 

           (c) such earlier date as the Board may determine. 

       5. Shares Subject to the Plan. The aggregate number of Shares which 
   may be subject to Options granted under the Plan shall be four hundred 
   thousand (400,000) or the number and kinds of Shares or other securities 
   which shall be substituted for the Shares or to which such Shares shall be 
   changed as provided in Section 8. The Shares deliverable upon the exercise 
   of an Option under the Plan may be made available from unissued Shares not 
   reserved for any other purpose or Shares reacquired by the Trust. All or 
   any Shares subjected under this Plan to an Option which, for any reason, 
   terminates unexercised as to such Shares, may again be subjected to an 
   Option under the Plan. 

       6. Option Agreement. Each Grantee shall enter into a written agreement 
   with the Trust, which shall contain such provisions, consistent with the 
   Plan, as may be established at any time or from time to time by the 
   Committee. No Grantee shall have the right in any Option unless, and 
   until, a written option agreement is entered into with the Corporation. 

       7. Grant, Terms and Conditions of Options. Options may be granted by 
   the Committee at any time and from time to time prior to the termination 
   of the Plan. Except as hereinafter provided, Options granted pursuant to 
   the Plan shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: 

           (a) Grantees. The Grantees shall be such officers or key employees 
       of the Trust as determined by the Committee. No person shall be 
       eligible for the grant of an Incentive Option who owns, or would own 
       immediately before the grant of such Incentive Option, directly or 
       indirectly, Shares possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total 
       combined voting power of all classes of Shares of the Trust ("10% 
       Shareholder"). This sentence of Section 7(a) shall not apply if, at 
       the time such Incentive Option is granted, the Incentive Option price 
       is at least one hundred ten percent (110%) of fair market value and 
       the Incentive Option is not, by its terms, exercisable after the 
       expiration of five (5) years from the date of grant. 

           (b) Purchase Price. The purchase price of Shares upon exercise of 
       an Option shall be no less than the fair market value of the Shares, 
       without regard to any restriction, on the date of grant of an Option; 
       provided, however, if an Incentive Option is granted to a person 
       owning Shares of the Trust possessing more than 10% of the total 
       combined voting power of all classes of Shares of the Trust as defined 
       in Code Section 422A the purchase price shall be no less than 110% of 
       the fair market value of the Shares, without regard to any 
       restriction, on the date of grant of an Incentive Option to such 



       The fair market value of the Shares on the date of grant shall be: (i) 
       if the Shares are listed on a national securities exchange, the 
       closing price of the Shares on such date; provided, however, if on 
       such date the Shares were traded on more than one national securities 
       exchange, then the closing price on the exchange on which the greatest 
       volume of Shares were traded on such day; (ii) if the Shares are not 
       listed on a national securities exchange and are traded 
       over-the-counter, the last sale price of the Shares on such date as 
       reported by NASDAQ or, if not reported by NASDAQ, the average of the 
       closing bid and asked prices for the Shares on such date; and (iii) if 
       the Shares are neither listed on a national securities exchange nor 
       traded in the over-the-counter market, such value as the Committee 
       shall in good faith determine. If the Shares are listed on a national 
       securities exchange or are traded over-the-counter but are not traded 
       on the date of grant, then the price shall be determined by the 
       Committee by applying the principles contained in Proposed Treasury 
       Regulation section 1.422A-2(e) and treasury Regulation section 
       20.2031-2 or successor provisions thereto. The fair market value of 
       the Shares shall be determined by, and in accordance with, procedures 
       to be established by the Committee, whose determination shall be 

           (c) Payment for Shares. The purchase price for Shares upon 
       exercise of an Option shall be paid in full in United States dollars 
       in cash or by check at the time of purchase; provided, however, that 
       at the discretion of the Committee, the purchase price may be paid 
       with (i) Shares of the Trust already owned by, and in possession of, 
       the Grantee or (ii) any combination of United States dollars or Shares 
       of the Trust. Shares of the Trust used to satisfy the exercise price 
       of an Option shall be valued as of the date of exercise at their fair 
       market value determined in accordance with the rules set forth in 
       Section 7(b) hereof. The purchase price shall not be subject to 
       adjustment, except as provided in Section 8 hereof. 

           (d) Limitation. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to 
       the contrary, the aggregate fair market value (determined at the time 
       an Option is granted) of Shares for which Incentive Options are 
       exercisable for the first time under the terms of the Plan by a 
       Grantee during any calendar year (under all plans of the Trust defined 
       in Code Section 425) is limited to $100,000. In the event that the 
       aggregate fair market value of Shares with respect to such Incentive 
       Option exceeds $100,000, the Incentive Options granted hereunder to 
       such Grantee shall, to the extent and in the order required by 
       regulations promulgated under the Code, automatically be deemed to be 
       NQSO, but all other terms and provisions of such Incentive Options 
       shall remain unchanged. Moreover, the Committee may grant an Option 
       that provides that the aggregate fair market value of Shares for which 
       Options are exercisable for the first time in a given year exceeds 
       $100,000, by specifically providing in the grant the portion of the 
       Option that is an Incentive Option and the portion of the Option that 
       is a NQSO. 

           (e) Duration and Exercise of Options. Options may be exercisable 
       for terms of up to but not exceeding ten years from the date the 
       particular Option is granted; provided, however, the Incentive Options 
       granted to a 10% Shareholder may be exercisable for a term of up to 
       but not exceeding five years from the date the particular Incentive 
       Option is granted. Subject to the foregoing, Options shall be 
       exercisable at such time and in such amounts (up to the full amount 
       thereof) as may be determined separately in each instance by the 
       Committee at the time of the grant. If an Option granted under the 
       Plan is exercisable in installments, the Committee shall determine 
       what events, if any, will make it subject to acceleration. During his 
       or her lifetime, only the Grantee may exercise an Option. 

           (f) Termination of Employment. Upon the termination of Grantee's 
       employment, his rights to exercise an Option held by such Grantee 
       shall be only as follows: 

               (i) Retirement or Disability. If the Grantee's employment is 
           terminated because he or she has attained the age which the Trust 
           may from time to time establish as the retirement age for any 
           class of its employees or, with the approval of the 



           Committee, because of permanent disability as defined in Code 
           Section 22(e)(3), he or she may, within nine months following such 
           termination, exercise the Option with respect to all or any part 
           of the Shares subject thereto. The Option shall become fully 
           vested and immediately exercisable to the extent not previously 
           exercised for the full amount or any part thereof, including a 
           partial exercise from time to time within the nine-month period. 
           However, if he or she dies before the end of the nine-month period 
           after the termination of his or her employment due to retirement 
           or disability, his or her estate (as defined below in Section 
           7(f)(ii) hereof) shall have the right, subject to the procedures 
           set forth below, to exercise such Option within one year following 
           such termination. 

               (ii) Death. If a Grantee's employment is terminated by death, 
           the Option shall become fully vested and immediately exercisable 
           to the extent not previously exercised for the full amount or any 
           part thereof and his or her estate shall have the right for a 
           period of one year following the date of such death to exercise 
           the Option including a partial exercise from time to time within 
           the twelve-month period. A Grantee's "estate" shall mean his or 
           her legal representative upon his or her death or any person who 
           acquires the right to exercise an Option by reason of the 
           Grantee's death. The Committee may in its discretion require the 
           estate of a Grantee to supply the Committee with written notice of 
           the Grantee's death and a copy of the will or such other evidences 
           as the Committee deems necessary to establish the validity of the 
           transfer of an Option. The Committee may also require that the 
           estate of a Grantee agrees to be bound by all of the terms and 
           conditions of the Plan. 

               (iii) Change of Control. Notwithstanding any provision in this 
           Plan to the contrary, upon the occurrence of a "Change of 
           Control" (as defined below), each Option granted under the Plan 
           and outstanding at such time shall become fully vested and 
           immediately exercisable to the extent not previously exercised and 
           shall remain exercisable until its expiration, termination or 
           cancellation pursuant to the terms of the Plan. "Change of 
           Control shall mean: 

                               I. The acquisition by an individual, entity or 
               group (within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of 
               the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the 
               "Exchange Act")) (a "Person") of beneficial ownership 
               (within the meaning of Rule 13d)-3 promulgated under the 
               Exchange Act) of 30% or more of the combined voting power of 
               the then outstanding voting securities of the Trust entitled 
               to vote generally in the election of trustees (the 
               "Outstanding Shares"); provided, however, that for purposes 
               of this subsection (a), the following acquisitions shall not 
               constitute a Change of Control: (i) any acquisition directly 
               from the Trust, (ii) any acquisition by the Trust, (iii) any 
               acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust) 
               sponsored or maintained by the Trust or any corporation 
               controlled by the Trust, (iv) any acquisition by any 
               corporation pursuant to a transaction which complies with 
               clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of subsection (III) below, or (v) 
               any acquisition by any Person entitled to file Form 13G under 
               the Exchange Act with respect to such acquisition; or 

                               II. individuals who, as of the date hereof, 
               constitute the Board (the "Incumbent Board") cease for any 
               reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; 
               provided, however, that any individual becoming a trustee 
               subsequent to the date hereof whose election, or nomination 
               for election by the Trust's shareholders, was approved by a 
               vote of at least a majority of the trustees then comprising 
               the Incumbent Board shall be considered as though such 
               individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as a 
               result to the election or removal of trustees or other actual 
               or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on 
               behalf of a Person other than the Board; or 

                               III. approval by the shareholders of the Trust 
               of a reorganization, merger or consolidation or sale or other 
               disposition of all or substantially all of the as-



               sets of the Trust (a "Business Combination"), in each case, 
               unless, following such Business Combination, (i) all or 
               substantially all of the individuals and entities who were the 
               beneficial owners of the Outstanding Shares immediately prior 
               to such Business Combination beneficially own, directly or 
               indirectly, more than 60% of, respectively, the then 
               outstanding shares of stock and the combined voting power of 
               the then outstanding voting securities entitled to vote 
               generally in the election of trustees, as the case may be, of 
               the corporation resulting from such Business Combination 
               (including, without limitation, a corporation which as a 
               result of such transaction owns the Trust or all or 
               substantially all of the Trust's assets either directly or 
               through one more subsidiaries) in substantially the same 
               proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to such 
               Business Combination of the Outstanding shares, (ii) no Person 
               (excluding any employee benefit plan (or related trust) of the 
               Trust or such corporation resulting from such Business 
               Combination) beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, 30% or 
               more of, respectively, the then outstanding shares of stock of 
               the corporation resulting from such Business Combination or 
               the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting 
               securities of such corporation except to the extent that such 
               ownership existed prior to the Business Combination and (iii) 
               at least a majority of the members of the board of trustees or 
               directors of the entity resulting from such Business 
               Combination were members of the Incumbent Board at the time of 
               the execution of the initial agreement, or of the action of 
               the Board, providing for such Business Combination; or 

                               IV. approval by the shareholders of the Trust 
               of a complete liquidation or dissolution of the Trust. 

               (iv) Cause and Competition. If the employment of a Grantee is 
           terminated for "Cause" (as defined below) or the Grantee 
           terminates his or her employment and commences working for a 
           "Competitor" (as defined below), his or her right under any then 
           outstanding Option shall terminate at the time of such termination 
           of employment. In addition, any Shares issued upon exercise of 
           Options may be subject to forfeiture pursuant to Section 7(f)(v) 
           if the Grantee becomes employed or otherwise associated with a 
           Competitor within two months of exercise. As used in this 
           subsection (iv) of this Section 7(f), in the case of any Grantee 
           not subject to a written employment agreement, "Cause" shall 
           mean any willful or intentional act having the effect of injuring 
           the reputation, business or business relationships of the Trust or 
           any repeated or continuous failure, neglect or refusal to perform 
           in a satisfactory manner duties assigned to such Grantee. In the 
           case of a Grantee subject to a written employment agreement, 
           "Cause" shall mean any action giving the Trust the right to 
           terminate such person's employment agreement for Cause. 
           "Competitor" shall mean any person or entity other than the 
           Trust engaged in a business competitive (in good faith judgment of 
           the Committee) with that of the Trust. 

               (v) Other Reasons. In the case of a Grantee whose employment 
           is terminated for any reason other than those provided above under 
           "Retirement or Disability," "Death," "Change of Control" or 
           "Cause and Competition," the Grantee may, within the three-month 
           period following such termination, exercise the Option to the 
           extent that the right to exercise had accrued prior to such 
           termination. However, if he or she dies prior to the end of the 
           three-month period after termination of his or her employment, his 
           or her estate (as defined above in Section 7(f)(ii) hereof) shall 
           have the right, subject to the procedures set forth above, to 
           exercise such Option within one year following such termination; 
           provided, however, that the Trust by which the Grantee is 
           employed, may retain the Shares issuable upon exercise of such 
           Option pursuant to this subsection (v) for a period of two months 
           from exercise and, if the Grantee becomes employed or otherwise 
           associated with, or enters into an agreement to become employed or 
           otherwise associated with, a Competitor prior to 



           or during such two-month period, either as a director, trustee, 
           officer, employee, agent, representative or otherwise, then the 
           Trust may retain and cancel such shares, refund any purchase price 
           paid by the Grantee to the Trust, and thereafter all rights of 
           such Grantee in the Option and the Shares issuable upon exercise 
           of the Option shall immediately cease. 

           (g) Transferability of Option. No Options shall be transferable 
       unless transferred by will or the laws of descent and distribution. 

           (h) Modification, Extension and Renewal of Options.  Subject to 
       the terms and conditions and within the limitations of the Plan, the 
       Committee may modify, extend or renew outstanding Options granted 
       under the Plan, including amending the terms of an Option at any time 
       to include provisions that have the effect of changing an Incentive 
       Option to a NQSO, or accept the surrender of outstanding Options (to 
       the extent not theretofore exercised) and authorize the granting of 
       new Options in substitution therefor (to the extent not theretofore 
       exercised). Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, no modification of 
       an Option shall, without the consent of the Grantee, impair any rights 
       or alter any obligations under any Option theretofore granted under 
       the Plan nor shall any modification be made which shall adversely 
       affect the status of an Incentive Option under Code section 422A. 

           (i) Other Terms and Conditions. Options may contain such other 
       provisions not inconsistent with any of the foregoing terms as the 
       Committee shall deem appropriate. 

       8. Adjustment for Changes in the Shares. 

           (a) In the event the Shares, as presently constituted, shall be 
       changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind or shares of 
       stock or other securities of the Trust or of another trust or 
       corporation (whether by reason of merger, consolidation, 
       recapitalization, reclassification, split, reverse split, combination 
       of shares or otherwise), then there shall be substituted for or added 
       to each Share theretofore appropriated or thereafter subject or which 
       may become subject to an Option under this Plan, the number and kind 
       of Shares or other securities into which each outstanding Share shall 
       be so changed, or for which each such Share shall be exchanged, or to 
       which each such Share shall be entitled, as the case may be. 
       Outstanding Options shall also be appropriately amended as to price 
       and other terms as may be necessary to reflect the foregoing events. 
       In the event there shall be any other change in the number or kind of 
       the outstanding Shares, or of any share or other securities into which 
       such Shares shall have been changed, or for which it shall have been 
       exchanged, then, if the Committee or Board shall, in its sole 
       discretion, determine that such change equitably requires an 
       adjustment in any Option theretofore granted or which may be granted 
       under the Plan, such adjustments shall be made in accordance with such 

           (b) Fractional Shares resulting from any adjustment in Options 
       pursuant to this Section 8 may be settled in cash or otherwise as the 
       Committee or Board shall determine. Notice of any adjustment shall be 
       given by the Trust to each holder of an Option which shall have been 
       so adjusted and such adjustment (whether or not such notice is given) 
       shall be effective and binding for all purposes of the Plan. 

           (c) Notwithstanding Section 8(a) hereof, the Committee or Board 
       shall have the power, in the event of the disposition of all or 
       substantially all of the assets of the Trust, or the dissolution of 
       the Trust, or the merger or consolidation of the Trust with or into 
       any other real estate investment trust, corporation, or the merger or 
       consolidation of any other real estate investment trust or corporation 
       into the Trust, or the making of a tender offer to purchase all or a 
       substantial portion of the Shares of the Trust, to amend all 
       outstanding Options (upon such conditions as it shall deem 
       appropriate) to (i) permit the exercise of all such Options prior to 
       the effectiveness of any such transaction and to terminate such 
       Options as of such effectiveness, or (ii) require the forfeiture of 
       all Op- 



       tions, provided the Trust pays to the Grantee the excess of the fair 
       market value of the Shares in which the Grantee's rights have not 
       become vested at such date over the purchase price, as provided for in 
       Section 7(b) hereof, or (iv) make such other provisions as the 
       Committee or Board shall deem equitable. 

       9. Amendment of the Plan. The Committee may amend the Plan, may 
   correct any defect or supply any omissions or reconcile any inconsistency 
   in the Plan or in any Option in the manner and to the extent it shall deem 
   desirable to carry the Plan into effect without action on the part of the 
   shareholders of the Trust; provided, however that, except as provided in 
   Section 8 hereof and this Section 9, without prior approval by the 
   shareholders of the Trust: (i) the total number of Shares subject to the 
   Plan shall not be increased; (ii) no Option shall be exercisable more than 
   ten years after the date it is granted; (iii) the expiration date of the 
   Plan shall not be extended; (iv) transfer the administration of the Plan 
   to any person who is not a "disinterested person" as defined in Rule 
   16b-3 promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, 
   and as amended from time to time; and (v) no amendment shall be of any 
   force and effect which shall decrease the price at which Options may be 
   granted, permit the grant of any Option to purchase Shares subject to such 
   Option, increase the number of Shares to be received on exercise of an 
   Option, or materially modify the requirements as to eligibility for 
   participation in the Plan. 

       10. Interpretation and Construction. The interpretation and 
   construction of any provisions of the Plan by the Committee shall be 
   final, binding and conclusive for all purposes. 

       11. Application of Funds. The proceeds received by the Trust from the 
   sale of Shares pursuant to this Plan will be used for general Trust 

       12. No Obligation to Exercise Option. The granting of an Option shall 
   impose no obligation upon the Grantee to exercise the Option. 

       13. Plan Not a Contract of Employment. The Plan is not a contract of 
   employment, and the terms of employment of any Grantee shall not be 
   affected in any way by the Plan or related instruments except as 
   specifically provided herein. The establishment of the Plan shall not be 
   construed as conferring any legal rights upon any Grantee for a 
   continuance of employment, nor shall it interfere with the right of the 
   Trust to discharge any Grantee and to treat him without regard to the 
   effect which such treatment might have upon him as a Grantee. 

       14. Expenses of the Plan. All of the expenses of administering the 
   Plan shall be paid by the Trust. 

       15. Compliance with Applicable Law. Notwithstanding anything herein to 
   the contrary, the Trust shall not be obligated to cause to be issued or 
   delivered any certificates for Shares to be delivered pursuant to the 
   exercise of an Option unless and until the Trust is advised by its counsel 
   that the issuance and delivery of such certificates is in compliance with 
   all applicable laws, regulations or governmental authority and the 
   requirements of any exchange upon which Shares are traded. The Trust shall 
   in no event be obligated to register any securities pursuant to the 
   Securities Act of 1933 (as now in effect or as hereafter amended) or to 
   take any other action in order to cause the issuance and delivery of such 
   certificates to comply with any such law, regulations or requirement. The 
   Committee may require, as a condition of the issuance and delivery of such 
   certificates and in order to ensure compliance with such laws, regulations 
   and requirements, such representations as the Committee, in its sole 
   discretion, deems necessary or desirable. Each Option shall be subject to 
   the further requirement that if at any time the Board shall determine in 
   its discretion that the listing or qualification of the Shares subject to 
   such Option, under any securities exchange or association requirements or 
   under any applicable law, or the consent or approval of any governmental 
   regulatory body, is necessary as a condition of, or in connection with, 
   the granting of such Option or the issue of Shares thereunder, such Option 
   may not be exercised in whole or in part unless such listing, 
   qualification, consent or approval shall have been effected or obtained 
   free of any conditions not acceptable to the Board. 



       16. Governing Law. Except to the extent preempted by federal law, this 
   Plan shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, 
   the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 

   Date of Adoption 
   By the Board: September 17, 1990. 

   Date of Approval 
   By the Shareholders: December 19, 1990. 

   Date of Adoption of Amended Plan 
   By the Board: December 14, 1993. 

   Date of Approval of the Amended Plan 
   By the Shareholders: December  , 1994


                                   EXHIBIT B



       1. Purpose. The purpose of the 1993 Jonathan B. Weller Non Qualified 
   Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") is to attract, retain, motivate and 
   provide to Jonathan B. Weller, who as a key officer and employee of 
   Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust (the "Trust") will be largely 
   responsible for the management, growth and protection of the business of 
   the Trust, with incentives and rewards to encourage him to continue as an 
   officer and employee and to increase his efforts on behalf of the Trust. 

       2. The Plan. The Plan shall mean this Non Qualified Stock Option Plan 
   and shall consist of options to acquire shares of beneficial interest, par 
   value $1.00 per share, ("Options") of the Trust (the "Shares"), as 
   amended from time to time. 

       3. Administration. 

           (a) The Plan shall be administered by a Committee (the 
       "Committee") of the Board of Trustees of the Trust (the "Board"). 
       The Committee shall consist of three (3) or more members of the Board 
       who are not eligible to participate in the Plan while serving on the 
       Committee and shall not have been eligible for selection as a person 
       to whom an Option under the Plan may be granted pursuant to the Plan 
       and shall be a "disinterested person" within the meaning of Rule 
       16b-3 promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or any 
       successor rule or regulation. 

           (b) The Committee may exercise such power and authority as may be 
       necessary for the Committee to carry out its functions as described in 
       the Plan. It shall have plenary authority in its discretion, subject 
       only to the express provisions of the Plan: 

               (i) to consider the position and responsibilities of Mr. 
           Weller, the nature and value to the Trust of his services and 
           accomplishments, his present and potential contribution to the 
           success of the Trust and such other factors as the Committee may 
           deem relevant; 

               (ii) to prescribe the form of the instruments evidencing any 
           Options granted under the Plan; 

               (iii) to interpret and construe any provision of the Plan and 
           determine the terms and provisions of the agreements evidencing 
           the Options and to make all other determinations necessary for 
           Plan administration; 

               (iv) to adopt, amend and rescind rules and regulations for the 
           administration of the Plan and for its own acts and proceedings; 

               (v) to decide all questions and settle all controversies and 
           disputes of general applicability which may arise in connection 
           with the Plan; and 

               (vi) to amend the terms of the Plan as provided in Section 9. 

       All decisions, determinations and interpretations with respect to the 
   foregoing matters shall be made by the Committee and shall be final and 
   binding upon all persons. Acts of a majority of the members of the 
   Committee present at any meeting at which a quorum is present or acts 
   approved in writing by a majority of the Committee shall be deemed to be 
   acts of the Committee. 

       The Committee may, in its absolute discretion, accelerate the date on 
   which any Option granted under the Plan becomes exercisable or, subject to 
   Section 7(d) hereof, extend the term of any Option granted under the Plan. 

       No member of the Board or the Committee shall be liable for any 
   action, omission or determination made in good faith by the Board or the 
   Committee with respect to the Plan or any grant of an Option under it, and 
   the Trust shall indemnify and hold harmless each 


   member of the Committee and each other Trustee or employee of the Trust to 
   whom any duty or power relating to the administration or interpretation of 
   the Plan has been delegated against any cost or expense (including counsel 
   fees) or liability (including any sum paid in settlement of a claim with 
   approval of the Committee) arising out of any action, omission or 
   determination relating to the Plan, unless, in either case, such action, 
   omission or determination was taken or made by such member, Trustee or 
   employee in bad faith and without reasonable belief that it was in the 
   best interests of the Trust. 

       4. Effectiveness and Termination of Plan. This Plan shall become 
   effective as of the date of adoption thereof by the Board, subject to 
   approval of this Plan by the shareholders of the Trust. Any Option 
   outstanding under this Plan at the time of termination of the Plan shall 
   remain in effect in accordance with its terms and conditions and those of 
   the Plan. This Plan shall terminate on the earliest of: 

           (a) the tenth anniversary of the effective date as determined 
       under this Section 4; or 

           (b) the date when all Shares reserved for issuance under the Plan 
       shall have been acquired through exercise of Options granted under the 
       Plan; or 

           (c) such earlier date as the Board may determine. 

       5. Shares Subject to the Plan. The aggregate number of Shares which 
   may be subject to Options granted under the Plan shall be one hundred 
   thousand (100,000) or the number and kinds of Shares or other securities 
   which shall be substituted for the Shares or to which such Shares shall be 
   changed as provided in Section 8. The Shares deliverable upon the exercise 
   of an option under the Plan may be made available from unissued Shares not 
   reserved for any other purpose or Shares reacquired by the Trust. All or 
   any Shares subjected under this Plan to an Option which, for any reason, 
   terminates unexercised as to such shares, may again be subjected to an 
   Option under the Plan. 

       6. Option Agreement. Mr. Weller shall enter into a written agreement 
   with the Trust, which shall contain such provisions, consistent with the 
   Plan, as may be established at any time or from time to time by the 

       7. Grant, Terms and Conditions of Stock Options. Options may be 
   granted by the Committee to Mr. Weller at any time and from time to time 
   prior to the termination of the Plan. Except as hereinafter provided, 
   Options granted pursuant to the Plan shall be subject to the following 
   terms and conditions: 

           (a) Grantee. The Grantee shall be Mr. Jonathan B. Weller, who is 
       an officer and employee of the Trust, and who is to be largely 
       responsible for the management, growth and protection of the business 
       of the Trust. 

           (b) Purchase Price. The purchase price of Shares upon exercise of 
       an Option granted under the Plan shall be the fair market value of the 
       Shares, without regard to restriction, on the date on which such 
       Option is granted. 

           (c) Payment for Shares. The purchase price for Shares upon 
       exercise of an Option shall be paid in full in United States dollars 
       in cash or by check at the time of purchase; provided, however, that 
       at the discretion of the Committee, the purchase price may be paid 
       with (i) Shares of the Trust already owned by, and in possession of, 
       Mr. Weller or (ii) any combination of United States dollars or Shares 
       of the Trust. Shares of the Trust used to satisfy the exercise price 
       of an Option shall be valued as of the date of exercise at their fair 
       market value determined by the Committee. The purchase price shall not 
       be subject to adjustment, except as provided in Section 8 hereof. 

           (d) Duration and Exercise of Options. Options may be exercisable 
       for terms of up to but not exceeding ten years from the date the 
       particular Option is granted. Subject to the foregoing, Options shall 
       be exercisable at such time and in such amounts (up to the 



       full amount thereof) as may be determined separately in each instance 
       by the Committee at the time of the grant. If an Option granted under 
       the Plan is exercisable in installments, the Committee shall determine 
       what events, if any, will make it subject to acceleration. During Mr. 
       Weller's lifetime, only he may exercise an Option. 

           (e) Termination of Employment. Upon the termination of Mr. 
       Weller's employment, his rights to exercise an Option held by him 
       shall be as follows: 

               (i) Disability. If Mr. Weller's employment is terminated 
           because of permanent disability as defined in Code Section 
           22(e)(3), the Option shall become fully vested and immediately 
           exercisable to the extent not previously exercised and he may, 
           within nine months following such termination, exercise the Option 
           with respect to all or any part of the Shares subject thereto. 
           However, if he dies before the end of the nine month period after 
           the termination of his employment, his estate (as defined below in 
           Section 7(f)(ii) hereof) shall have the right, subject to the 
           procedures set forth below, to exercise such Option. 

               (ii) Death. If Mr. Weller's employment is terminated by death 
           the Option shall become fully vested and immediately exercisable 
           to the extent not previously exercised, and his estate shall have 
           the right for a period of nine months following the date of such 
           death to exercise the Option. Mr. Weller's "estate" shall mean 
           his legal representative upon his death or any person who acquires 
           the right to exercise an Option by reason of Mr. Weller's death. 
           The Committee may in its discretion require the estate of Mr. 
           Weller to supply the Committee with written notice of Mr. Weller's 
           death and a copy of the will or such other evidences as the 
           Committee deems necessary to establish the validity of the 
           transfer of an Option. The Committee may also require that the 
           estate of Mr. Weller agrees to be bound by all of the terms and 
           conditions of the Plan. 

               (iii) With Good Reason or Without "Cause". If Mr. Weller's 
           employment is terminated by him "With Good Reason" (as defined 
           below) or by the Trust without "Cause" (as defined in subsection 
           (iv) below) the Option shall fully vest and become immediately 
           exercisable to the extent not previously exercised and he may, 
           within six months following such termination, exercise the Option 
           with respect to all or any part of the Shares subject thereto. As 
           used in this subsection (iii) of this Section 7(e), "With Good 
           Reason" shall mean: 

                               (I) the assignment to Mr. Weller of any duties 
               inconsistent with his position, authority, duties or 
               responsibilities as contemplated by his employment agreement, 
               or any action by the Trust which results in a diminution in 
               such position, authority, duties or responsibilities, 
               excluding for this purpose an isolated, insubstantial and 
               inadvertent action promptly after receipt of notice thereof 
               given by Mr. Weller; 

                               (II) any breach by the Trust of Mr. Weller's 
               employment agreement other than an isolated, insubstantial and 
               inadvertent failure not occurring in bad faith and which is 
               remedied by the Trust promptly after receipt of notice thereof 
               given by Mr. Weller; 

                               (III) the Trust requiring Mr. Weller to be 
               based at any office or location more than 45 miles from the 
               Trust's headquarters as of the date hereof; 

                               (IV) delivery by the Trust to Mr. Weller of a 
               notice that his employment agreement is not being renewed. 

               (iv) Cause. If the employment of Mr. Weller is terminated for 
           "Cause" (as defined below) or Mr. Weller terminates his 
           employment without Good Reason his right under any then 
           outstanding Option shall terminate at the time of such termination 
           of employment. As used in this subsection (iv) of this Section 
           7(e) "Cause" shall mean 



           (I) the willful and continued failure of Mr. Weller to perform 
           substantially Mr. Weller's duties with the Trust (other than any 
           such failure resulting from Mr. Weller's Disability), after a 
           written demand for substantial performance is delivered to Mr. 
           Weller by the Board or the Chief Executive Officer of the Trust 
           which specifically identifies the manner in which the Board or 
           Chief Executive Officer believes that the Trust has not 
           substantially performed Mr. Weller's duties, or (II) the willful 
           engaging by Mr. Weller in illegal conduct or misconduct which is 
           materially and demonstrably injurious to the Trust. 

               (v) Change of Control. Upon the occurrence of a "Change of 
           Control" (as defined below), each Option granted under the Plan 
           and outstanding at such time shall become fully vested and 
           immediately exercisable to the extent not previously exercised and 
           shall remain exercisable until its expiration, termination or 
           cancellation pursuant to the terms of this Plan. "Change of 
           Control shall mean: 

                               (I) The acquisition by any individual, entity 
               or group (within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) 
               of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the 
               "Exchange Act")) (a "Person") of beneficial ownership 
               (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the 
               Exchange Act) of 30% or more of the combined voting power of 
               the then outstanding voting securities of the Trust entitled 
               to vote generally in the election of trustees (the 
               "Outstanding Shares"); provided, however, that for purposes 
               of this subsection (a), the following acquisitions shall not 
               constitute a Change of Control: (i) any acquisition directly 
               from the Trust, (i) any acquisition by the Trust, (iii) any 
               acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust) 
               sponsored or maintained by the Trust or any corporation 
               controlled by the Trust, (iv) any acquisition by any 
               corporation pursuant to a transaction which complies with 
               clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of subsection (III) below, or (v) 
               any acquisition by any Person entitled to file Form 13G under 
               the Exchange Act with respect to such acquisition; or 

                               (II) individuals who, as of the date hereof, 
               constitute the Board (the "Incumbent Board") cease for any 
               reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; 
               provided, however, that any individual becoming a trustee 
               subsequent to the date hereof whose election or nomination for 
               election by the Trust's shareholders was approved by a vote of 
               at least a majority of the trustees then comprising the 
               Incumbent Board shall be considered as though such individual 
               were a member of the Incumbent Board, but excluding, for this 
               purpose, any such individual whose initial assumption of 
               office occurs as a result of an actual or threatened election 
               contest with respect to the election or removal of trustees or 
               other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents 
               by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board; or 

                               (III) approval by the shareholders of the 
               Trust of a reorganization, merger or consolidation or sale or 
               other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of 
               the Trust (a "Business Combination"), in each case, unless, 
               following such Business Combination, (i) all or substantially 
               all of the individuals and entities who were the beneficial 
               owners of the Outstanding Shares immediately prior to such 
               Business Combination beneficially own, directly or indirectly, 
               more than 60% of, respectively, the then outstanding shares of 
               stock and the combined voting power of the then outstanding 
               voting securities entitled to vote generally in the election 
               of trustees, as the case may be, of the corporation resulting 
               from such Business Combination (including, without limitation, 
               a corporation which as a result of such transaction owns the 
               Trust or all or substantially all of the Trust's assets either 
               directly or through one or more subsidiaries) in substantially 
               the same proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to 
               such Business Combination of the Outstanding Shares, (ii) no 
               Person (excluding any employee benefit plan (or related trust) 
               of the Trust or such corporation 



               resulting from such Business Combination) beneficially owns, 
               directly or indirectly, 30% or more of, respectively, the then 
               outstanding shares of stock of the corporation resulting from 
               such Business Combination or the combined voting power of the 
               then outstanding voting securities of such corporation except 
               to the extent that such ownership existed prior to he Business 
               Combination and (iii) at least a majority of the members of 
               the board of trustees or directors of the entity resulting 
               from such Business Combination were members of the Incumbent 
               Board at the time of the execution of the initial agreement, 
               or of the action of the Board, providing for such Business 
               Combination; or 

                               (IV) approval by the shareholders of the Trust 
               of a complete liquidation or dissolution of the Trust.

               (vi) Other Reasons. In the case of termination of Mr. Weller's 
           employment for any reason other than those provided above under 
           "Disability", "Death", "With Good Reason" or Without 
           "Cause", or "Cause" he may, within the six month period 
           following such termination, exercise the Option to the extent that 
           the right to exercise had accrued prior to such termination. 
           However, if he dies prior to the end of the three-month period 
           after termination of his employment, his estate (as defined above 
           in Section 7(e)(ii) hereof) shall have the right, subject to the 
           procedures set forth above, to exercise such Option within nine 
           months following the date of death. 

           (f) Transferability of Option. No Options shall be transferable 
       unless transferred by will or the laws of descent and distribution. 

           (g) Modification, Extension and Renewal of Options. Subject to the 
       terms and conditions and within the limitations of the Plan, the 
       Committee may modify, accelerate, extend or renew outstanding Options 
       granted under the Plan, including amending the terms of an Option at 
       any time or accept the surrender of outstanding Options (to the extent 
       not theretofore exercised) and authorize the granting of new Options 
       in substitution therefor (to the extent not theretofore exercised). 
       Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, no modification of an Option 
       shall, without the consent of Mr. Weller, impair any rights or alter 
       any obligations under any Option theretofore granted under the Plan. 

           (h) Other Terms and Conditions. Options may contain such other 
       provisions not inconsistent with any of the foregoing terms as the 
       Committee shall deem appropriate. 

       8. Adjustment for Changes in the Shares. 

           (a) In the event the Shares, as presently constituted, shall be 
       changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind sf shares of 
       stock or other securities of the Trust or of another trust or 
       corporation (whether by reason of merger, consolidation, 
       recapitalization, reclassification, split, reverse split, combination 
       of shares or otherwise), then there shall be substituted for or added 
       to each Share theretofore appropriated or thereafter subject or which 
       may become subject to an Option under this Plan, the number and kind 
       of Shares or other securities into which each outstanding Share shall 
       be so changed, or for which each such Share shall be exchange, or to 
       which each such Share shall be entitled, as the case may be. 
       Outstanding Options shall also be appropriately amended as to price 
       and other terms as may be necessary to reflect the foregoing events. 
       In the event there shall be any other change in the number or kind of 
       the outstanding Shares, or of any share or other securities into which 
       such Shares shall have been changed, or for which it shall have been 
       exchanged, then, if the Board shall, in its sole discretion, determine 
       that such change equitably requires an adjustment in any Option 
       theretofore granted or which may be granted under the Plan, such 
       adjustments shall be made in accordance with such determination. 

           (b) Fractional Shares resulting from any adjustment in Options 
       pursuant to this Section 8 may be settled in cash or otherwise as the 
       Committee or Board shall deter- 



       mine. Notice of any adjustment shall be given by the Trust to Mr. 
       Weller and such adjustment (whether or not such notice is given) shall 
       be effective and binding for all purposes of the Plan. 

           (c) Notwithstanding Section 8(a) hereof, the Board or the 
       Committee shall have the power, in the event of the disposition of all 
       or substantially all of the assets of the Trust, or the dissolution of 
       the Trust, or the merger or consolidation of the Trust with or into 
       any other real estate investment trust, corporation, or the merger or 
       consolidation of any other real estate investment trust or corporation 
       into the Trust, or the making of a tender offer to purchase all or a 
       substantial portion of the Shares of the Trust, to amend all 
       outstanding Options (upon such conditions as it shall deem 
       appropriate) to (i) permit the exercise of all such Options prior to 
       the effectiveness of any such transaction and to terminate such 
       Options as of such effectiveness, or (ii) require the forfeiture of 
       all Options, provided the Trust pays to Mr. Weller the excess of the 
       fair market value of the Shares in which Mr. Weller's rights have not 
       become vested at such date over the purchase price, as provided for in 
       Section 7(b) hereof, or (iii) make such other provisions as the Board 
       or Committee shall deem equitable. 

       9. Amendment of the Plan. The Committee may amend the Plan, may 
   correct any defect or supply any omissions or reconcile any inconsistency 
   in the Plan or in any Option in the manner and to the extent it shall deem 
   desirable to carry the Plan into effect without action on the part of the 
   shareholders of the Trust; provided, however that, except as provided in 
   Section 8 hereof and this Section 9, without prior approval by the 
   shareholders of the Trust: (i) the total number of Shares subject to the 
   Plan shall not be increased; (ii) no Option shall be exercisable more than 
   ten years after the date it is granted; (iii) the expiration date of the 
   Plan shall not be extended; (iv) transfer the administration of the Plan 
   to any person who is not a "disinterested person" as defined in Rule 
   16b-3 promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, 
   and as amended from time to time; and (v) no amendment shall be of any 
   force and effect which shall decrease the price at which Options may be 
   granted, permit the grant of any Option to purchase Shares subject to such 
   Option, increase the number of Shares to be received on exercise of an 
   Option, or materially modify the requirements as to eligibility for 
   participation in the Plan. 

       10. Interpretation and Construction. The interpretation and 
   construction of any provision of the Plan by the Committee shall be final, 
   binding and conclusive for all purposes. 

       11. Application of Funds. The proceeds received by the Trust from the 
   sale of Shares pursuant to this Plan will be used for general Trust 

       12. No Obligation to Exercise Option. The granting of an Option shall 
   impose no obligation upon Mr. Weller to exercise the Option. 

       13. Plan Not a Contract of Employment. The Plan is not a contract of 
   employment, and the terms of employment of Mr. Weller shall not be 
   affected in any way by the Plan or related instruments except as 
   specifically provided herein. The establishment of the Plan shall not be 
   construed as conferring any legal rights upon Mr. Weller for a continuance 
   of employment nor shall it interfere with the right of the Trust to 
   discharge Mr. Weller and to treat him without regard to the effect which 
   such treatment might have upon him as a grantee of an Option. 

       14. Expenses of the Plan. All of the expenses of administering the 
   Plan shall be paid by the Trust. 

       15. Compliance with Applicable Law. Notwithstanding anything herein to 
   the contrary, the Trust shall not be obligated to cause to be issued or 
   delivered any certificates for Shares to be delivered pursuant to the 
   exercise of an Option unless and until the Trust is advised by its counsel 
   that the issuance and delivery of such certificates is in compliance with 
   all applicable laws, regulations or governmental authority and the 
   requirements of any exchange upon which Shares are traded. The Trust shall 
   in no event be obligated to register any se- 



   curities pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933 (as now in effect or as 
   hereafter amended) or to take any other action in order to cause the 
   issuance and delivery of such certificates to comply with any such law, 
   regulations or certificates and in order to ensure compliance with such 
   laws, regulations or requirement. The Committee may require, as a 
   condition of the issuance and delivery of such certificates and in order 
   to ensure compliance with such laws, regulations and requirements, such 
   representations as the Committee, in its sole discretion, deems necessary 
   or desirable. Each Option shall be subject to the further requirement that 
   if at any time the Board shall determine in its discretion that the 
   listing or qualification of the Shares subject to such Option, under any 
   securities exchange or association requirements or under any applicable 
   law, or the consent or approval of any governmental regulatory body, is 
   necessary as a condition of, or in connection with, the granting of such 
   Option or the issue of Shares thereunder, such Option may not be exercised 
   in whole or in part unless such listing, qualification, consent or 
   approval shall have been effected or obtained free of any conditions not 
   acceptable to the Board. 

       16. Governing Law. Except to the extent preempted by federal law, this 
   Plan shall be construed an enforced in accordance with, and governed by, 
   the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 

   Date of Adoption 
   By the Board: December 14, 1993 

   Date of Approval 
   By the Shareholders: December  , 1994.