Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Vanguard 
Real Estate Fund I, A Sales-Commission-Free Income Properties Fund (the 
"Fund"), will be held in the Majestic Building, Room 118A, Vanguard Financial 
Center, 100 Vanguard Boulevard, Malvern, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, April 18, 
1995, at 10:30 A.M., Eastern Time, for the following purposes: 

          I. To elect a Board of Trustees to hold office until the Annual
             Meeting of Shareholders in 1996, and until their respective
             successors are duly elected and qualified.

         II. To consider and vote upon the ratification of the selection of
             Price Waterhouse LLP, certified public accountants, as independent
             auditors of the Fund for 1995.

        III. To consider and act upon any other matters which may properly come
             before the meeting.

                                      By Order of the Board of Trustees
                                      Raymond J. Klapinsky, Secretary

March 13, 1995 

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT 
                      NO MATTER HOW MANY SHARES YOU OWN 

Please indicate your voting instructions on the enclosed Proxy Card, date and 
sign it, and return it in the envelope provided, which is addressed for your 
convenience and needs no postage if mailed in the United States. In order to 
avoid the additional expense to the Fund of further solicitation, we ask your 
cooperation in mailing your proxy promptly. 
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------





                        ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                APRIL 18, 1995
                               PROXY STATEMENT 

   The enclosed proxy is solicited by and on behalf of the Board of Trustees 
of Vanguard Real Estate Fund I, A Sales-Commission-Free Income Properties 
Fund (the "Fund"). All costs of solicitation (including printing and mailing 
this Proxy Statement, meeting notice and form of proxy, as well as any 
necessary supplementary solicitations) will be paid by the Fund. In addition 
to the solicitation of proxies by mail, officers and employees of the Fund's 
Sponsor may solicit in person or by telephone. Persons holding shares as 
nominees will, upon request, be reimbursed for their reasonable expenses in 
sending soliciting material to their principals. 

   Holders of record at the close of business on March 9, 1995, are entitled 
to vote at the meeting or at any adjourned session. Each share is entitled to 
one vote. As of the record date, there were issued and outstanding 
approximately 11,434,145 shares of beneficial interest ("Shares") of the 

   Shares represented by a properly executed proxy will be voted in 
accordance with the instructions thereon, or, if no specification is made, 
the persons named as proxies will vote such shares for management's slate of 
trustees and in favor of the proposals recommended by the Board of Trustees. 
Proxies may be revoked at any time before they are exercised by the 
subsequent execution and submission of a revised proxy, by written notice of 
revocation to the Secretary of the Fund, or by voting in person at the 
meeting. The mailing address of the Fund is c/o Vanguard Financial Center, 
P.O. Box 2600, Valley Forge, PA 19482. 

   Shareholders who need directions to the location of the Annual Meeting 
should call 1-800-662-7447 between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., 
Eastern time. 

   A copy of the Annual Report of the Fund for the fiscal year ended December 
31, 1994, including financial statements, has been mailed to each shareholder 
of the Fund entitled to vote at the meeting. This Proxy Statement is expected 
to be mailed to shareholders on or about March 13, 1995. 



                           I. ELECTION OF TRUSTEES 

The Fund's Board of Trustees has nominated the five persons listed below for 
election as Trustees, each to hold office until the next annual meeting of 
shareholders and until his successor is elected and qualified. If any such 
nominee is not available for election at the time of the meeting, the persons 
named as proxies will vote for such substitute nominee as the Board may 
recommend unless the number of Trustees serving on the Board is reduced. All 
of the nominees have served as Trustees of the Fund since the Fund's 
inception and were elected by shareholders. Each nominee has consented to 
being named in this Proxy Statement and to serve as a Trustee if elected. 
Each of the nominees also serves as a Trustee of Vanguard Real Estate Fund 
II, A Sales-Commission-Free Income Properties Fund ("VREF-II"). 

                                                                                            Share Holdings 
                                                                                                 as of 
                                                                                             March 9, 1995 
                                          Principal Occupation,           Year First  ------------------------- 
                                         Business Experience and           Became a                 Percent of 
          Name              Age            Other Directorships             Trustee       Number       Class 
- -----------------------  ------- ------------------------------------- -------------- ---------- --------------
John C. Bogle...........    65   Chairman and Chief Executive Officer       1986         5,000         .04% 
                                 of the Fund, VREF-II, The Vanguard 
                                 Group, Inc. and each of the 
                                 investment companies in The Vanguard 
                                 Group; Director of The Mead 
                                 Corporation and General Accident 
                                 Group of Insurance Companies.       

J. Mahlon Buck, Jr.(1)..    69   Chairman and President of TDH Capital      1986         5,000         .04 
                                 Corporation; Director of Alco 
                                 Standard Corporation.                 

William S. Cashel,               Private investor; formerly Vice            1986          None        None 
 Jr.(l) ................   74    Chairman of American Telephone and 
                                 Telegraph Company.                    

David C. Melnicoff(l) ..   75    Adjunct Professor of Finance School        1986          None        None  
                                 of Business, Temple University; 
                                 Director of General Accident Group of 
                                 Insurance Companies; Trustee of 
                                 Cortland Trust; formerly Executive 
                                 Vice President of Meritor Financial 
J. Lawrence Wilson .....   59    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer       1986         5,000         .04%
                                 of Rohm & Haas Company; Director of 
                                 Cummins Engine Company; Trustee of 
                                 Vanderbilt University and the Culver 
                                 Educational Foundation. Director 
                                 (Trustee) of The Vanguard Group, Inc. 
                                 and each of the investment companies 
                                 in The Vanguard Group.                 

- ------ 
(1) Unaffiliated Trustee. 




During the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994, the Fund's Board of Trustees 
held three meetings. 

The Board has an Audit Committee, which is comprised of Messrs. Buck, Cashel 
and Melnicoff. During the fiscal year the Committee held one meeting. The 
Committee is responsible principally for: (1) selecting the Fund's 
independent accountants, and reviewing their fees; (2) meeting with the 
Fund's independent accountants for the purpose of reviewing the adequacy of 
the Fund's internal accounting controls; and (3) reviewing and monitoring, in 
consultation with management and the Fund's independent accountants, the 
Fund's continuing qualification under the Internal Revenue Code as a "real 
estate investment trust" and compliance with the real estate investment trust 
provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. 


In addition to Mr. Bogle, who is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the 
Fund, the officers of the Fund are as follows: 

         Name             Age                      Office 
- -----------------------  -----   -------------------------------------------
John J. Brennan .......   40     President (since 1989); Vice President 
                                 (1986-1989); President of VREF-II; Director 
                                 (Trustee) and President of The Vanguard 
                                 Group, Inc. and each of the investment 
                                 companies in The Vanguard Group.
Ralph K. Packard ......   50     Vice President and Controller (since 1988); 
                                 Vice President and Controller of VREF-II; 
                                 Senior Vice President and Chief Financial
                                 Officer of The Vanguard Group, Inc.
Richard F. Hyland .....   57     Treasurer (since 1986); Treasurer of 
                                 VREF-II, The Vanguard Group, Inc. and each 
                                 of the investment companies in The Vanguard 
Raymond J. Klapinsky...   56     Secretary (since 1989); Secretary of 
                                 VREF-II; Senior Vice President (Legal) and 
                                 Secretary of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; 
                                 Secretary of each of the investment 
                                 companies in The Vanguard Group. 


The Fund pays each Trustee, who is not also an officer, an annual fee of 
$4,000, plus $1,000 for each meeting attended. The Fund also reimburses the 
Trustees for travel and other expenses incurred in attending Board meetings. 
Officers of the Fund receive no remuneration for their services. 



                              COMPENSATION TABLE 

                                              Pension or       Estimated          Total 
                                              Retirement         Annual        Compensation 
                              Aggregate    Benefits Accrued     Benefits           From 
                             Compensation     As Part of          Upon         All Vanguard 
    Names of Trustees         From Fund     Fund Expenses      Retirement         Funds 
- -----------------------    -------------- ----------------   ------------     -------------- 
John C. Bogle* ..........     $   --           $ --             $    --          $    -- 
J. Mahlon Buck, Jr.......     $8,000           $ N/A            $ N/A            $16,000 
William S. Cashel, Jr....     $8,000           $ N/A            $ N/A            $16,000 
David C. Melnicoff  .....     $8,000           $ N/A            $ N/A            $16,000 
J. Lawrence Wilson** ....     $7,000           $ N/A            $ 15,000         $65,000 

 * As an "Interested Trustee," Mr. Bogle receives no compensation for his 
   service as a Trustee.
** Mr. Wilson is also a director (trustee) of each of the over 30 funds 
   comprising the Vanguard Group of Investment Companies. 

                       II. RATIFICATION OF SELECTION OF 
                           INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS 

The Trustees have selected Price Waterhouse LLP as independent accountants of 
the Fund to serve for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1995. Price 
Waterhouse LLP has served the Fund in this capacity since the Fund's 
inception. The audit services expected to be provided by Price Waterhouse LLP 
for the current fiscal year include work in connection with the expression of 
an opinion on the Annual Financial Statements of the Fund and review of the 
Fund's Annual Report to Shareholders. 

A representative of Price Waterhouse LLP will be present at the meeting if 
requested by a shareholder (either in writing or by telephone) in advance of 
the meeting. Such requests should be directed to the Secretary of the Fund. 

An affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of the Fund represented at 
the meeting is required to ratify this appointment. 



The Vanguard Group, Inc., headquartered in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, is the 
sponsor of the Fund (the "Sponsor"). John C. Bogle, Chairman and Chief 
Executive Officer of the Fund, and John J. Brennan, Ralph K. Packard, Richard 
F. Hyland and Raymond J. Klapinsky, the principal executive officers of the 
Fund, are also officers of the Sponsor. The Sponsor is wholly-owned by over 
thirty mutual funds comprising The Vanguard Group of Investment Companies 
("The Vanguard Group"). Through the Sponsor, each of the mutual funds in The 
Vanguard Group obtains at cost virtually all of its corporate management, 
administrative and distribution services. The Sponsor, a registered 



investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, also provides
investment advisory services on an at-cost basis to several of the mutual funds
in The Vanguard Group, including Vanguard Money Market Reserves. On February 27,
1995, the Fund had approximately $4,043,545 invested in shares of the Prime
Portfolio of Vanguard Money Market Reserves. The Sponsor employs a supporting
staff of professional management and administrative personnel to provide the
requisite services to the mutual fund members of The Vanguard Group, and the
Sponsor also furnishes each of those funds with office space, furnishings and
equipment. At March 9, 1995, total net assets of the mutual funds comprising The
Vanguard Group exceeded $130 billion.


The Fund, with the approval of the Trustees, including all of the 
unaffiliated Trustees, has entered into a contract with the Sponsor (the 
"Services Agreement"), under which the Sponsor is obligated to provide 
administrative services for the Fund and to conduct the Fund's day-to-day 
affairs. The Trustees have continuing exclusive authority over the management 
of the Fund, the conduct of its affairs and the management and disposition of 
the Fund's property. Subject to their duty of overall supervision, however, 
the Trustees have delegated to the Sponsor the power and duty to (i) perform 
necessary administrative functions in the management of the Fund; (ii) 
maintain bank accounts, and arrange for fidelity bonds with respect to 
fraudulent and negligent acts, errors and omissions, in amounts specified by 
the Trustees, covering all of the personnel handling funds and other assets 
of the Fund, with the Fund named as an insured party; (iii) maintain 
financial records of the Fund deemed appropriate or requested by the 
Trustees; (iv) maintain necessary shareholder records; (v) prepare and 
distribute communications to Shareholders; (vi) advise the Fund with respect 
to its temporary investments; (vii) review real estate investments selected 
by the Fund's investment adviser to assure that such investments comply with 
the Fund's investment policies and guidelines; and (viii) provide to the Fund 
office space and equipment and executive and office personnel. 

The Services Agreement continues until December 31, 1995. The Services 
Agreement may be renewed annually by the Fund, subject to a determination 
pursuant to the Declaration of Trust by a majority of the unaffiliated 
Trustees that the Sponsor's performance has been satisfactory. The Services 
Agreement may be terminated for any reason upon 60 days' written notice by a 
majority of the Trustees or by a majority of the unaffiliated Trustees, and 
upon 60 days' written notice by the Sponsor. 


Subject to certain limitations, the Services Agreement provides that the Fund 
will pay the Sponsor (i) an annual administrative fee equal to .45% of the 
average fair market value of the Fund's real estate investments and adjusted 



temporary investments (which exclude investments in Vanguard Money Market
Reserves--Prime Portfolio) for such year for the portion of such average fair
market value less than or equal to $50.0 million and .35% of the average fair
market value of the Fund's real estate investments and adjusted temporary
investments (which exclude investments in Vanguard Money Market Reserves--Prime
Portfolio) for such year for the portion of such average fair market value
exceeding $50.0 million, payable quarterly; and (ii) a subordinated incentive
fee equal to 5% of any "excess net proceeds." Unless Shareholders have received
an amount per Share equal to their original capital investment plus a cumulative
average simple annual return on their adjusted capital investment of 10%, a
subordinated incentive fee will not be payable. "Excess net proceeds" is that
amount by which cumulative net proceeds from sale or repayment from all of the
Fund's real estate investments available for distribution (before deducting such
subordinated incentive fee) exceed an amount equal to Shareholders' aggregate
original capital investment plus any deficiency in a cumulative average annual
simple return to Shareholders of 10% on their aggregate adjusted capital
investment. The subordinated incentive fee, if any, shall be paid concurrently
with the payment to Shareholders of the distribution to which such fee relates.
Cash held by the Fund for investment, working capital, dividends and other
purposes may be temporarily invested in a money market mutual fund affiliated
with the Sponsor.

During the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994, the Fund paid an annual 
administrative fee of approximately $269,000 to the Sponsor. 

The amount of the annual administrative fee otherwise payable to the Sponsor 
in any fiscal year is subject to downward adjustment in the event certain 
limitations on total operating expenses of the Fund are exceeded. 





Aldrich, Eastman & Waltch, Inc., headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, is 
the investment adviser to the Fund (the "Adviser"). The Adviser is a 
registered investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and 
advises clients in connection with the creation and management of real estate 
investment portfolios. The Adviser also serves as investment adviser to 
VREF-II. At December 31, 1994, the Adviser had approximately $4.4 billion of 
client capital invested in real estate or real estate related trusts. 

The principal officers of the Adviser are Peter C. Aldrich, Executive 
Director; Thomas G. Eastman, Executive Director; and Joseph F. Azrack, 
Executive Director. 

On March 20, 1991, the Adviser entered into an agreement with United Asset 
Management Corporation ("UAM"), One International Place, Boston, 
Massachusetts 02110, under which UAM acquired a minority (less than 15%) 
interest in a new limited partnership (Aldrich Eastman & Waltch a Delaware 
Limited Partnership) formed by the Adviser. UAM is a holding company 
incorporated in Delaware in December 1980 for the purpose of acquiring firms 
engaged primarily in institutional investment management. The Adviser has 
informed the Fund that it will continue to act independently of UAM and that 
UAM will not exercise control over the operations of the Adviser. 
Accordingly, the day-to-day investment operations of the Fund will continue 
to be managed by the Adviser using the same personnel and investment 
philosophy, Aldrich, Eastman & Waltch, L.P. has entered into a sub-advisory 
agreement with the Adviser with the approval of the Fund. 


The Fund, with the approval of the Trustees, including all the unaffiliated 
Trustees, has entered into a contract with the Adviser (the "Advisory 
Agreement"), under which the Adviser is obligated to present an investment 
program to the Fund and use its best efforts to obtain investments suitable 
to such program. Although the Trustees have continuing exclusive authority 
over the management of the Fund, the conduct of its affairs and the 
management and disposition of the Fund's assets, the Trustees have delegated 
to the Adviser the power and duty to (i) locate and analyze real estate 
investment opportunities; (ii) structure the terms and conditions of purchase 
transactions; (iii) make real estate investments, subject to the Fund's 
investment objectives and policies; (iv) dispose, refinance and make other 
changes in assets or capital structure of the Fund's real estate investments; 
(v) oversee outside property managers and other independent third parties 
(e.g., appraisers, engineers, etc.); and (vi) undertake accounting and other 
record-keeping functions at the property level. 



The Advisory Agreement continues until December 31, 1995. The Advisory 
Agreement may be renewed annually by the Fund, subject to a determination 
pursuant to the Fund's Declaration of Trust by a majority of the unaffiliated 
Trustees that the Adviser's performance has been satisfactory. The Advisory 
Agreement may be terminated for any reason upon 60 days' written notice by a 
majority of the Trustees or by a majority of the unaffiliated Trustees, and 
upon 60 days' written notice by the Adviser. 


Subject to certain limitations, the Advisory Agreement provides that the Fund 
will pay the Adviser (i) an Adviser's acquisition fee equal to (a) 2% of the 
purchase price of the Fund's real estate investments not constituting junior 
mortgage loans or (b) 5% of the purchase price of real estate investments 
consisting of junior mortgage loans (such amount not to exceed 2% of the fair 
market value of the underlying property); (ii) an annual advisory fee equal 
to .50% of the average fair market value of the Fund's real estate 
investments, payable quarterly; (iii) an investment financing fee equal to 
.65% of any financing or refinancing proceeds received from third parties by 
the Fund with respect to any real estate investment, provided that such 
proceeds were not obtained in connection with, or are not directly related 
to, the initial acquisition by the Fund of such real estate investment; (iv) 
a disposition fee equal to 2% of the net proceeds from sale or repayment 
received by the Fund with respect to each real estate investment; and (v) a 
subordinated incentive fee equal to 10% of any "excess net proceeds." Unless 
Shareholders have received an amount per Share equal to their original 
capital investment plus a cumulative average simple annual return on their 
adjusted capital investment of 10%, a subordinated incentive fee will not be 
payable. "Excess net proceeds" is defined under the caption "Certain 
Transactions with the Sponsor--Compensation to the Sponsor." The subordinated 
incentive fee, if any, shall be paid concurrently with the payment to 
Shareholders of the distribution to which such fee relates. 

During the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994, the Fund paid advisory fees 
totaling approximately $305,000 to the Adviser. 

The amount of the annual advisory fee otherwise payable to the Adviser in any 
fiscal year is subject to downward adjustment in the event certain 
limitations on total operating expenses of the Fund are exceeded. 



                            ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 


No person is known to the Board of Trustees and the management of the Fund to 
beneficially own (as that term is defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934) more than 5% of the Shares. On March 9, 1995, the officers and Trustees 
of the Fund in the aggregate (9 persons) owned or controlled 16,500 Shares 


The Fund's Annual Report to Shareholders for the year ended December 31, 
1994, has been mailed to shareholders entitled to vote at this Annual 


The next Annual Meeting of Shareholders is scheduled to be held in April 
1996. Shareholder proposals for inclusion in the Fund's Proxy Statement for 
the 1996 Annual Meeting must be received by the Secretary of the Fund at its 
principal executive offices no later than January 1, 1996. 

                                                       Raymond J. Klapinsky
                                                       March 13, 1995



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