Rom Tech, Inc.
                          Computation of Loss Per Share

                                                                     Three months ended          Nine months ended
                                                                          March 31,                  March 31,
                                                                  --------------------------  ------------------------
                                                                      1996         1995          1996          1995
                                                                      ----         ----          ----          ----
Net loss                                                           ($392,472)    ($6,384)     ($706,214)    ($212,936)
                                                                    --------      ------       --------      --------

Common and common equivalent shares outstanding:
  Weighted average common shares outstanding
    represented by the shares received by the stockholders
    of AOMC in connection with the reverse acquisition, 
    and recorded as arecapitalization of the previously 
    outstanding common stock of AOMC. Such shares have been 
    retroactively restated to reflect the effectof the     
    recapitalization for all periods presented.                    1,575,000   1,575,000      1,575,000     1,575,000

 Weighted average common shares outstanding of the Company 
    at the time of the Merger and shares issued in connection 
    with the IPO and the exercise of warrants.                     3,373,803                  2,061,657

 Additional shares assumed to be outstanding resulting from 
    the exercise of the warrants received by the stockholders 
    of AOMC in connection with thereverse acquisition (computed
    using the treasury stock method).                                            354,166                      354,166

                                                                 -----------  ----------    -----------   -----------
                                                                   4,948,803   1,929,166      3,636,657     1,929,166
                                                                 -----------  ----------    -----------   -----------  

Net loss per common and common equivalent share                       ($0.08)     ($0.00)        ($0.19)       ($0.11)
                                                                       -----       -----          -----         -----