VPC CORPORATION ("VPC")
                             OPTEL, INC. ("OPTEL")

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                                   TERM SHEET

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A. Articles

1.   VPC and Le Groupe Videotron Ltee (*Le Groupe Videotron*) shall use their
     reasonable best efforts to cause OpTel to modify its charter prior to CDPQ
     acquiring any shares of OpTel from Vanguard and VPC undertakes to vote in
     favor of such modifications:

     (a) so as to provide holders of Class B Common Stock with pre-emptive
         rights. Any shares to be issued by OpTel (except if made under a stock
         option plan for directors, officers and employees of OpTel or under VPC
         convertible notes) shall be first offered by OpTel to VPC and CDPQ in
         proportion to the number of shares held by them, on a fully diluted
         basis; and

     (b) so that any restrictions relating to the voting rights attached to the
         Class B Common Stock in the event of the acquisition and resale of such
         shares be removed from the Charter;

2.   In the event that in the course of a public offering of equity securities
     of OpTel, strategic investment in OpTel, amalgamation or merger VPC
     determines that it would be preferable that the shares held by it in OpTel
     cease to carry multiple voting rights, CDPQ shall collaborate and
     participate in any modification requested by VPC as long as CDPQ and VPC
     are treated in the same manner.

3.   In the event that in the course of a public offering of equity securities
     of OpTel, strategic investment in OpTel, amalgamation or merger VPC
     determines that it would be preferable that OpTel modify its charter in
     order to cease providing the holders of Class B Common Stock with
     pre-emptive rights, CDPQ shall collaborate and participate in any
     modification requested by VPC as long as CDPQ and VPC are treated in the
     same manner.

4.   CDPQ acknowledges that OpTel has given a mandate to a broker in order to
     provide OpTel with a stategic investor, which shall not be an affiliate of
     VPC, which may subscribe for OpTel's stock and, subject to (i) Section
     B(10) hereof; (ii) the fact that the subscription price payable by such
     strategic investor shall not be less then the price per share (US$82.18)
     paid by CDPQ for the acquisition of OpTel's shares from Vanguard (the "CDPQ
     Price"); and (iii) VPC's election not to exercise its pre-emptive rights
     available by reason of such shares issuance by OpTel, CDPQ agrees that it
     will not exercise its pre-emptive rights available by reason of such shares
     issuance by OpTel.

5.   CDPQ agrees that VPC may, at any time on or after September 1, 1997 but
     before September 30, 1997, convert such portion of its convertible notes
     including interest theron in OpTel necessary to provide VPC with 80% of the
     voting rights in OpTel, at a price per share equal to the CDPQ Price in
     order to provide VPC the option to consider OpTel on a tax consolidated
     basis with its own operation. In the event VPC makes use of OpTel's tax
     losses and credits and carry-overs and carry-backs of tax losses and
     credits (collectively "tax Items") for any fiscal year subsequent to
     August 31, 1997, VPC hereby undertakes to fully compensate OpTel, at the
     end of each fiscal year (commencing August 31, 1998) at the net present
     value (as provided in the example in Schedule C hereto) of the Tax Items
     for any Tax Items OpTel would have benefited from had the conversion not
     taken place, less interest amounts on the portion of the convertible notes
     converted and which would have accrued on such notes until, the earlier of,
     their maturity had the conversion not taken place or the conversion date of
     all other outstanding convertible notes.

B.   Shareholders' Agreement

     The Shareholders' Agreement among VPC and CDPQ relating to OpTel shall be
designed primarily to protect the rights of the Shareholders and to provide
liquidity. To this effect, the Shareholders' Agreement will include provisions
relating to:

1.   Reciprocal rights of first offer to be exercised within a period of 30
     days; if such right of first offer is not exercised during said period of
     thirty days the vendor shall have a period of 120 days to seek and accept
     another offer and shall have the right to sell its shares to a third party
     at the same price as offered to the other Shareholder (less 10% or at a
     higher price) but subject to the same terms and conditions; failing such
     disposition within the period for 120 days allotted the vendor shall not so
     dispose of his shares without re-offering them to the other Shareholder; in
     the event OpTel becomes public, and its shares are listed on a recognized
     Stock Exchange (which shall include NASDAQ) (a "Stock Exchange") each of
     VPC and CDPQ shall lose the benefit of this provision;

2.   As long as CDPQ is a holder of at least 5% of the voting rights in OpTel,
     CDPQ shall have the right to designate a number of directors on the Board
     of Directors of OpTel or any subsidiary and any committee thereof which
     shall be proportional to its voting interest in OpTel, calculated on a
     fully diluted basis, with a minimum of one representative as long as it is
     a holder of at least such above percentage. Each Shareholder of OpTel shall
     agree to vote its shares in order to elect on the Board of Directors of
     OpTel and any committee

     thereof the members designated by CDPQ and VPC as mentioned herein above
     and cause OpTel to elect on the Board of Directors of any subsidiary and
     any committee thereof the members designated by CDPQ and VPC. Such right to
     nominate a Board representative under paragraph 2 shall not be in addition
     to the right provided for in the Consolidated Agreement among Caisse de
     depot et placement du Quebec, Andre Chagnon and Sojecci dated as of May 10,
     1995 (the "Consolidated Agreement").

3.   Acts and decisions concerning the conduct of the business and internal
     affairs of OpTel relating to the matters mentioned in Schedule A hereto
     shall not be undertaken or decided, as the case may be, unless the subject
     to be dealt with was specifically mentioned and described in a notice
     previously sent to CDPQ, and only to the extent that such matter is
     approved by CDPQ in writing. To the exception of the US $10,000,000 and US
     $40,000,000 limitations in Schedule A (subject to paragraph (c) thereof) no
     provision of Shedule A shall be construed to impose a limitation upon OpTel
     which is not already covered by the Indenture (to the exception of
     paragraphs (a) and (b) in Schedule A). In the event OpTel becomes public,
     and its shares are listed on a Stock Exchange, CDPQ shall lose the benefit
     of said provision. The right contained in this paragraph, insofar and
     solely as OpTel and its subsidiaries are concerned, amends and supersedes
     Section 3 contained in the Consolidated Agreement.

4.   (a) Prior to an Initial Public Offering of voting and equity shares of
         OpTel whereby such shares would be listed upon a Stock Exchange (an
         "IPO"), if VPC elects to sell all of its shares and its Covertible
         Notes, which taken together or seperately represent a controlling
         interest in OpTel, for cash or readily marketable securities (on the
         condition that such securities are listed on a recognized Stock
         Exchange and issued by a corporation with a market capitalization of at
         least U.S. $1 billion and that such securities which would be issued to
         CDPQ were it to join in the sale represent 5% or less of the float of
         such cororation), VPC may require CDPQ to join in such sale in the same
         proportion that the number of shares held by CDPQ bears to the total
         number of OpTel shares then owned by VPC and CDPQ, calculated on a
         fully-diluted basis, and otherwise at the same price per share and on
         the same terms and conditions, provided that in order for this
         provision to apply, CDPQ must receive an amount at least equal to the
         aggregate price it paid to Vanguard for the OpTel shares it acquired
         from Vanguard.

     (b) If VPC elects to sell 10% or more of the OpTel shares owned by it
         and/or its Convertible Notes (representing in the aggregate at least
         10% of OpTel's shares), otherwise than in a public offering, CDPQ shall
         have the right to join in such sale in the same proportion that the
         number of shares held by CDPQ bears to the total number of shares then
         owned by VPC and CDPQ, calculated on a fully-diluted basis, and
         otherwise at the same price per share and on the same terms and

     (c) Without limiting the rights of CDPQ under Sections 4(a) and 4(b) above,
         if VPC elects to sell 50% or more of the OpTel shares owned by it
         and/or its Convertible Notes (representing in the aggregate at least
         10% of OpTel's shares) otherwise than

         in a public offering, CDPQ shall have the right to join in such sale to
         the extent of all of the shares then owned by it, calculated on a
         fully-diluted basis, at the same price per share and on the same terms
         and conditions.

     (d) If prior to the IPO VPC shall cease to be an affiliate of Le Groupe
         Videotron, then CDPQ shall have the option for a period of 15 days
         after such change in control to sell all or any part of its OpTel
         shares to the person then controlling VPC, at a price and on terms no
         less favourable to CDPQ than those enjoyed by VPC in the transaction
         that resulted in the change of control, adjusted as if the transaction
         would have been made at the level of OpTel, (for greater certainty
         including any control premiums) said adjustment to be determined
         independently by two investment banks chosen by each of Le Groupe
         Videotron and CDPQ respectively in a manner similar to the method
         provided in Section 5 hereinafter.

5.   VPC shall enter into an agreement (the "Agreement") (the obligations to be
     set out therein to be guaranteed solidarily by Le Groupe Videotron) (which
     may form part of the Shareholders' Agreement) which shall provide that if
     upon the fifth anniversary of the transaction among Vanguard and CDPQ the
     shares of OpTel are not registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as
     amended, and that if no reputable underwriter has undertaken to underwrite
     a registered offering of the shares of OpTel, CDPQ shall have the right to
     sell all of its shares in OpTel to VPC at fair market value as determined
     independently by two investment banks chosen by each of VPC and CDPQ,
     respectively. Said Agreement will provide for an evaluation method whereby
     should there be a discrepancy between the reports of the two investment
     banks of 20% or less, the fair market value will be the average of the two
     and should the discrepancy be more than 20%, the two investment banks shall
     appoint a third, who shall be instructed to select within 30 days of its
     engagement, one of the two fair market values previously determined by the
     two originally seleced investment banks (without modification). The fair
     market value selected by such third reputable investment bank shall be
     final. The expenses of all reputable investments banks performing duties
     hereunder shall be borne equally by VPC and CDPQ. VPC shall have the option
     to pay for the transaction with cash or with Le Groupe Videotron freely
     tradeable shares duly listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and/or Montreal
     Exchange (or any other Exchange acceptable to CDPQ) at a price per share
     equal to the weighted average closing market price on such Exchange for the
     last twenty (20) days in respect of which trading was done for a total
     amount equal to the purchase price. CDPQ will receive the demand and
     piggy-back registration rights more fully described in Schedule B hereto.
     In the event OpTel becomes a public company, CDPQ may participate in such
     public offering to the extent VPC is offered the opportunity to participate
     in such public offering; in the event that VPC wishes to participate, both
     of them shall participate on the same basis (share for share).

6.   Arbitration of disputes which may arise in connection with the
     Shareholders' Agreement, upon terms and conditions to be agreed upon among
     the Shareholders.

7.   VPC and Le Groupe Videotron shall use their reasonable best efforts to
     cause OpTel to meet the following ongoing reporting requirements up and
     until OpTel proceeds with an IPO:

     (a) OpTel will submit its audited consolidated financial statements, and/or
         the individual audited, financial statements of each of its
         subsidiaries (to the extent subsidiary financials are prepared and/or
         audited in the normal course) within one hundred and twenty (120) days
         following the end of each fiscal year.

     (b) OpTel will submit its consolidated quarterly financial statements,
         including a balance sheet and statement of changes in financial
         position, and (to the extent they are regularly prepared) the
         individual quarterly financial statement of each of its subsidiaries,
         within forty-five (45) days following the end of each quarter.

     (c) The Board of Directors of OpTel shall meet at least quarterly.

     (d) VPC and Le Groupe Videotron shall use their reasonable best efforts to
         cause OpTel to provide CDPQ with a copy of any document sent (i) to any
         member of the Board of Directors, in their capacity as director, and
         (ii) to any member of a Committee of the Board of Directors, in their
         capacity as member of a committee.

8.   VPC and Le Groupe Videotron covenant that they will use their reasonable
     best efforts to cause OpTel not to enter into any transactions with
     Affiliates that are "Affiliate Transactions" (as defined in the Indenture
     dated as of February 14, 1997 between OpTel and U.S. Trust Company of
     Texas, N.A., as Trustee and as Escrow Agent ("Indenture")) except in
     accordance with and as permitted by the Indenture.

9.   VPC covenants that it will confer any rights or privileges upon CDPQ as are
     confirmed upon any new shareholder of OpTel if such rights or privileges
     (strictly in relation to the rights prescribed in sections B(1), B(4)(b) to
     B(4)(d) are more advantageous, (as determined by CDPQ at its sole
     discretion, acting reasonably), than those granted to CDPQ under such

10.  VPC shall represent and warrant that OpTel has no contractual restrictions
     to carry on its affairs and business other than what would be considered
     customary and in the ordinary course of business and under the Indenture
     and that it may freely engage in the business of acquiring, developing and
     operating cable television systems and telecommunications services in the
     United States. CDPQ acknowledges that an affiliate of VPC holds an interest
     in Wireless Holdings, Inc. and Videotron (Bay Area) Inc. and VPC holds an
     interest in County Cable Corp.

11.  Prior to CDPQ acquiring any shares of OpTel Vanguard will renounce to its
     right to receive a management fee of US$ 350,000 annually; in relation to
     the management fee of US$ 350,000 paid to Le Groupe Videotron and/or VPC,
     the latters agree, effective upon the purchase by CDPQ of the Vanguard
     shares, that their right to receive the management fee

     from OpTel shall terminate, Le Groupe Videotron and VPC shall provide a
     list of the services rendered by each of them to OpTel and its subsidiaries
     and the cost associated therewith which cost shall be fair and reasonable.

12.  The Shareholders' Agreement will remain in full force until such time as
     CDPQ is no longer a Shareholder of OpTel.

13.  This Term Sheet is an agreement in principle. It is executed in couterparts
     and such couterparts shall together constitute a single instrument. It is
     the intention of the parties that the terms hereof will be incorporated in
     formal documentation, with appropriate modification and detail, as promptly
     and as practicable after the date hereof. This Term Sheet will lapse if not
     replaced by a definite agreement within 60 days from the date hereof.

Signed as of this 13th day of May 1997.


Per: _________________________                    Per: _________________________

Per: _________________________


Per: _________________________

Per: _________________________

OPTEL INC.                                        CAISSE DE DEPOT ET PLACEMENT
                                                  DU QUEBEC

Per: _________________________
                                                  Per: _________________________
                                                  Per: _________________________

OpTel has signed this Term Sheet only to affirm its concurrence with the
provisions of Section A(1) and Schedule B and Caisse de Depot et Placement du
Quebec only to affirm its concurrence with the provisions of Sections B(2) and

                                   SCHEDULE A

(a) Any modification, amendment or deletion to the articles (charter) or by-laws
    of OpTel or any direct or indirect subsidiary.

(b) Any subdivision, consolidation, conversion, reclassification or modification
    of any kind to the authorized or outstanding share capital of OpTel or any
    direct or indirect subsidiary thereof.

(c) Except for the contemplated acquisition of Phonoscope and other acquisitions
    which in the aggregate do not exceed US $25,000,000, the acquisition by
    OpTel or any subsidiary thereof of shares, partnership interests, titles or
    indebtedness or other securities of any partnership, company, corporation or
    all or substantially all of the assets thereof or of any business for a
    consideration in excess of U.S.$ 10,000,000 per transaction or in excess of
    U.S.$ 40,000,000 in the aggregate per fiscal year.

(d) Merge or amalgamate OpTel or any subsidiary thereof with any other person,
    company, corporation or partnership or otherwise associate itself or any
    subsidiary (if said association results in an acquisition or transfer or
    assets of causes important changes in the affaires of OpTel) with any other
    person, partnership, company or corporation if the result of such
    transaction is in excess of U.S.$ 10,000,000 or in excess of
    U.S.$ 40,000,000 in the aggregate in the same fiscal fiscal year.

(e) Dispose of or transfer any shares it may hold in the share capital of any
    other company or all or substantially all of the assets of OpTel or of any
    subsidiary thereof or of a business thereof if for a consideration in excess
    of U.S.$ 10,000,000 per transaction or in excess of U.S.$ 40,000,000 in the
    aggregate per fiscal year.

(f) Subject to the Indenture not being reimbursed, the concurrence by OpTel or a
    Restricted Subsidiary (as defined in the Indenture) of any indebtedness
    which is not permitted to be incurred under the Indenture as in effect on
    the date hereof.

(g) As soon as the Indenture is reimbursed, the grant by OpTel or any subsidiary
    thereof of loans (excluding loans made to their employees as authorized
    under the Indenture summarized in OpTel's Offering Memorandum dated February
    7, 1997), guarantees, the guarantees, the guaranteeing of any debt or
    obligation of a third party, or any borrowing except for Permitted
    Indebtedness (as defined in the Indenture) if, in either case, after giving
    pro forma effect to such occurrence (including the application of the net
    proceeds therefrom), the ratio of (x) Total Consolidated Indebtedness (as of
    the date of occurrence) to (y) Annualized Pro Forma Consolidated Operating
    Cash Flow (based upon the two most recent fiscal quarters for which
    consolidated financial statements of OpTel are available preceding the date
    of such occurrence) would be more than (i) 8.0 to 1.0 if such occurrence is
    prior to August 31, 2000 or (ii) 7.0 to 1.0 if such occurrence is on or
    after August 31, 2000 and prior to August 31, 2002 or (iii) 6.0 to 1.0 if
    such occurrence is on or after August 31, 2002.

                                   SCHEDULE B

                         REGISTRATION RIGHTS AGREEMENT

1. Demand Rights

   1.1 effective 9 months after the IPO Date

   1.2 applies to all Registrable Securities then owned by CDPQ

   1.3 a first demand right at the expense of OpTel and one subsequent demand
       right at the expense of CDPQ

   1.4 OpTel will pay all Registration Expenses, subject to 1.3

   1.5 selection of underwriters shall be by OpTel

   1.6 if a demand registration is made, VPC has option within ten (10) days of
       receipt of the said demand to buy shares from CDPQ at the average trading
       price within the five (5) trading days following the receipt of the said

2. Piggy-back Rights - have 3 times to exercise these rights provided
   registration becomes effective

   2.1 Post-IPO Offerings

       (a) OpTel must give CDPQ prompt written notice of OpTel's intention to
           register securities

       (b) exercise of right must be for at least 20% of Registrable Securities
           then owed by CDPQ

       (c) OpTel will pay all Registration Expenses

   2.2 IPO

       (a) if OpTel proposes an IPO, will give prompt written notice to CDPQ
           ("IPO Notice")

       (b) CDPQ shall be entitled to include Registrable Securities, to the
           extent, if any, that the investment banker for OpTel shall advise
           OpTel in writing that, in its opinion, the offering contemplated by
           OpTel would not be adversely affected

           (as to price and quantity) by the inclusion of Registrable Securities
           (the quantity, if any, of Registrable Securities that may be included
           per underwriter, the "IPO Permitted Registrable Securities"). IPO
           Notice shall specify the quantity of IPO Permitted Registrable
           Securities, if then known. 

       (c) exercise of right must be for at least 20% of Registrable Securities
           then owned by CDPQ (or # of IPO Permitted Registrable Securities, if

       (d) OpTel will pay all Registration Expenses

   2.3 Appointment in Incidental Registrations (piggy-back)

       (a) if a reduction in amount to be sold; OpTel includes all of its
           securities, and reduces Registrable Securities PRO RATA with ALL
           other holders who were going to sell (other than VPC) based on total
           amount of securities held by such persons.

       (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, CDPQ shall have priority over OpTel
           with respect to the inclusion of Registrable Securities in the
           registration for purposes of the exercise of any "greenshoe" or over
           allotment option w/respect to the offering, but only to the extent,
           that Registrable Securities were excluded from the firm portion of
           the offering and, in the case of an IPO, such excluded Registrable
           Securities were IPO Permitted Registrable Securities.

Definition of "Registrable Securities" means the shares of Class A Stock issued
or issuable upon conversion of the shares of Class B Stock delivered to CDPQ
pursuant to the Purchase Agreement and any securities later acquired from OpTel

REGISTRATION EXPENSES - includes reasonable expenses of counsel selected by CDPQ
to represent CDPQ's interest, but excludes underwriting discounts.

                                   SCHEDULE C