
                                  TO BYLAWS OF

                              CENTER BANCORP, INC.


     Section 101.     Place of Meetings
     Section 102.     Annual Meetings
     Section 103.     Special Meetings
     Section 104.     Conduct of Shareholders' Meetings


     Section 201.     Management by Board of Directors
     Section 202.     Nomination for Directors
     Section 203.     Directors Must be Shareholders
     Section 204.     Number of Directors
     Section 205.     Classification of Directors
     Section 206.     Vacancies
     Section 207.     Resignations
     Section 208.     Compensation of Directors
     Section 209.     Regular Meetings
     Section 210.     Special Meetings
     Section 211.     Reports and Records


     Section 301.     Committees
     Section 302.     Executive Committee
     Section 303.     Audit Committee
     Section 304.     Appointment of Committee Members
     Section 305.     Organization and Proceedings


     Section 401.     Officers
     Section 402.     Chairman
     Section 403.     President
     Section 404.     Vice Presidents
     Section 405.     Secretary
     Section 406.     Treasurer
     Section 407.     Assistant Officers
     Section 408.     Compensation
     Section 409.     General Powers


     SECTION 501.     Authority to Sign Share Certificates
     SECTION 502.     Lost or Destroyed Certificates


     SECTION 601.     Fiscal Year
     SECTION 602.     Record Date
     SECTION 603.     Absentee Participation in Meetings
     SECTION 604.     Emergency Bylaws
     SECTION 605.     Severability


     SECTION 701.     Amendment or Repeal by the Board of Directors
     SECTION 702.     Recording Amendments and Repeals


     SECTION 801.     Approval and Effective Date
     SECTION 802.     Amendments or Repeals



                              CENTER BANCORP, INC.

          These Bylaws are  supplemental to the New Jersey Business  Corporation
          Act and other  applicable  provisions  of law,  as the same shall from
          time to time be in effect.


     Section 101. Place of Meetings.  All meetings of the shareholders  shall be
held at such place or  places,  within or without  the State of New  Jersey,  as
shall be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time.

     Section 102. Annual  Meetings.  The annual meeting of the  shareholders for
the  election of Directors  and the  transaction  of such other  business as may
properly come before the meeting shall be held on such day, at such hour, and at
such place, consistent with applicable law, as the Board shall from time to time
designate or as may be designated  in any notice from the Secretary  calling the
meeting.  Any Business which is a proper subject for  shareholder  action may be
transacted  at the annual  meeting,  irrespective  of whether the notice of said
meeting  contains  any  reference  thereto,  except  as  otherwise  provided  by
applicable law.

     Section 103. Special Meetings.  Special meetings of the shareholders may be
called at any time by the Board  of Directors,  the Chairman of the Board,  the
President,  or by the shareholders entitled to cast at least twenty-five percent
(25%) of the vote which all  shareholders are entitled to cast at the particular

     Section 104. Conduct of Shareholders'  Meetings.  The Chairman of the Board
shall preside at all shareholders'  meetings.  In the absence of the Chairman of
the Board,  the  President  shall  preside or, in his/her  absence,  any Officer
designated  by  the  Board  of  Directors.   The  Officer   presiding  over  the
shareholders'  meeting may establish such rules and  regulations for the conduct
of the meeting as he/she may deem to be  reasonably  necessary or desirable  for
the orderly and expeditious conduct of the meeting. Unless the Officer presiding
over the shareholders' meeting otherwise requires, shareholders need not vote by
ballot on any question.


     Section 201. Management by Board of Directors.  The business and affairs of
the  Corporation  shall be  managed  by its  Board of  Directors.  The  Board of
Directors may exercise all such powers at the Corporation and do all such lawful
acts and things as are not by statute, regulation, the Articles of Incorporation
or  these  Bylaws   directed  or  required  to  be  exercised  or  done  by  the

     Section 202.  Nomination  for  Directors.  Nominations  for directors to be
elected at an annual meeting of shareholders  must be submitted to the Secretary
of the  Corporation  in  writing  not later  than the close of  business  on the
twentieth  (20th)  day  immediately  preceding  the  date of the  meeting.  Such
notification shall contain the following  information to the extent known to the
notifying shareholder: (a) name and address of each proposed

nominee;  (b) the principal  occupation of each proposed nominee;  (c) the total
number of shares of capital stock of the Corporation that will be voted for each
proposed  nominee;   (d)  the  name  and  residence  address  of  the  notifying
shareholder;  and (e) the number of shares of capital  stock of the  Corporation
owned  by  the  notifying  shareholder.   Nominations  not  made  in  accordance
herewithin may, in his/her  discretion,  be disregarded by the Presiding Officer
of the meeting, and upon his/her instruction, the vote tellers may disregard all
votes cast for each such  nominee.  In the event the same person is nominated by
more than one shareholder,  the nomination shall be honored,  and all shares of
capital stock of the Corporation shall be counted if at least one nomination for
that person complies herewith.

     Section 203.  Directors  Must be  Shareholders.  Every  Director  must be a
shareholder of the  Corporation and shall own in his/her own right the number of
shares  (if any)  required  by law in order to  qualify  as such  Director.  Any
Director shall forthwith cease to be a Director when he/she no longer holds such
shares, which fact shall be reported to the Board of Directors by the Secretary,
whereupon  the  Board of  Directors  shall  declare  the seat of such  Directors
vacated.  Each Director,  during the full term of his directorship,  shall own a
minimum of One  Thousand and 00/ 100  ($1,000.00)  Dollars par value of stock in
the Corporation.

     Section 204.  Number of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall consist of
not less than five (5) nor more than twenty-five  (25)  shareholders,  the exact
number to be fixed and determined from


time to time by  resolution  of a majority of the full Board of  Directors or by
resolution of the shareholders at any annual or special meeting thereof.

     Section 205.  Classification  of Directors.  The Directors shall be divided
into three (3) classes, as nearly equal in number as possible, known as Class 1,
consisting of not more than eight (8) Directors; Class 2, consisting of not more
than  eight (8)  Directors;  and Class 3,  consisting  of not more than nine (9)
Directors.  The initial  Directors  of Class 1 shall serve until the third (3rd)
annual  meeting  of  shareholders.  At the third  (3rd)  annual  meeting  of the
shareholders,  the Directors of Class 1 shall be elected for a term of three (3)
years and, after  expiration of such term,  shall  thereinafter be elected every
three (3) years for three (3) year terms. The initial Directors of Class 2 shall
serve until the second (2nd) annual meeting of shareholders. At the second (2nd)
annual  meeting of the  shareholders,  the Directors of Class 2 shall be elected
for a term of three (3) years and,  after the  expiration  of such  term,  shall
thereafter  be  elected  every  three (3) years  for three (3) year  terms.  The
initial Directors of Class 3 shall serve until the first (1st) annual meeting of
shareholders.  At The first (1st) annual meeting of shareholders,  the Directors
of Class 3 shall be  elected  for a term of  three  (3)  years  and,  after  the
expiration of such term,  shall  thereafter be elected every three (3) years for
three (3) year terms.  Each Director shall serve until his/her  successor  shall
have been elected and shall qualify, even though his/her term of office as

herein provided has otherwise  expired,  except: in the event of his/her earlier
resignation, removal or disqualification.

     Section  206.  Vacancies.  Vacancies in the Board of  Directors,  including
vacancies  resulting from an increase in the number of Directors,  may be filled
by the  remaining  members  of the Board  even  though  less than a quorum.  Any
Director  elected to fill a vacancy  in the Board of  Directors  shall  become a
member of the same Class of Directors in which the vacancy  existed;  but if the
vacancy is due to an  increase  in the  number of  Directors  a majority  of the
members of the Board of Directors shall designate such directorship as belonging
to Class 1,  Class 2 or Class 3 so as to  maintain  the  three  (3)  classes  of
Directors as nearly equal in number as possible.  Each Director so elected shall
be a Director until his/her  successor is elected by the  shareholders,  who may
make such  election at the next  annual  meeting of the  shareholders  or at any
special meeting duly called for that purpose and held prior thereto.

     Section  207.  Resignations.  Any  Director  may  resign at any time.  Such
resignation  shall  be in  writing,  but the  acceptance  thereof  shall  not be
necessary to make it effective.

     Section 208.  Compensation  of directors.  No Director shall be entitled to
any salary as such;  but the Board of  Directors  may fix,  from time to time, a
reasonable  annual fee for acting as a Director and a reasonable  fee to be paid
each  Director  for  his/her  services  in  attending  meetings of the Board and
meetings of

committees  appointed by the Board. The Corporation may reimburse  Directors for
expenses  related to their duties as a member of the Board. No salaried  Officer
is entitled to compensation as a Director.

     Section 209. Regular  meetings.  Regular meetings of the Board of Directors
shall be held on such day,  at such hour,  and at such  place,  consistent  with
applicable  law,  as the Board  shall from time to time  designate  or as may be
designated  in any  notice  from the  Secretary  of the  meeting.  The  Board of
Directors shall meet for  reorganization  at the first regular meeting following
the annual meeting of  shareholders  at which the Directors are elected.  Notice
need not be given of regular  meetings of the Board of Directors  which are held
at the time and place designated by the Board of Directors. If a regular meeting
is not to be held at the time and place  designated  by the Board of  Directors,
notice of such  meeting,  which need not specify the  business to be  transacted
thereat  and  which may be either  verbal or in  writing,  shall be given by the
Secretary to each member of the Board at least twenty-four (24) hours before the
time of the meeting.

     A majority  of the members of the Board of  Directors  shall  constitute  a
quorum for the  transaction  of business.  If at the time fixed for the meeting,
including the meeting to organize the new Board  following the annual meeting of
shareholders,  a quorum is not present,  the directors in attendance may adjourn
the meeting from time to time until a quorum is obtained.

     Except as otherwise  provided  herein, a majority of directors shall decide
each matter considered. A director cannot vote by

proxy, or otherwise act by proxy at a meeting of the Board of Directors.

     Section 210. Special  Meetings.  Special meetings of the Board of Directors
may be called by the Chairman of the Board,  the  President or at the request of
three (3) or more members of the Board of  Directors.  A special  meeting of the
Board of  Directors  shall be deemed to be any  meeting  other than the  regular
meeting of the Board of Directors. Notice of the time and place of every special
meeting,  which need not specify the business to be transacted thereat and which
may be either  verbal or in  writing,  shall be given by the  Secretary  to each
member of the Board at least  twenty-four  (24)  hours  before  the time of such
meeting excepting the Organization Meeting following the election of Directors.

     Section 211.  Reports and Records.  The reports of Officers and  Committees
and the records of the  proceedings  of all  Committees  shall be filed with the
Secretary  of the  Corporation  and  presented  to the  Board of  Directors,  if
practicable,  at its next regular  meeting.  The Board of  Directors  shall keep
complete records of its proceedings in a minute book kept for that purpose. When
a  Director  shall  request  it,  the vote of each  Director  upon a  particular
question shall be recorded in the minutes.


     Section 301.  Committees.  The following two (2) Committees of the Board of
Directors  shall be  established  by the Board of  Directors  in addition to any
other  Committee  the  Board  of  Directors  may  in its  discretion  establish:
Executive, Audit.

     Section 302. Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee shall consist of
any four (4) or more  Directors.  A majority  of the  members  of the  Executive
Committee  shall  reconstitute  a quorum,  and  actions of a majority  and those
present  at a  meeting  at which a quorum is  present  shall be  actions  of the
Committee.  Meetings of the  Committee may be called at any time by the Chairman
or  Secretary  of the  committee,  and shall be called  whenever two (2) or more
members of the Committee so request in writing.  The Executive  Committee  shall
have and exercise the  authority of the Board of Directors in the  Management of
the  business of the  Corporation  between the dates of regular  meetings of the

     SECTION 303. Audit Committee. The Audit Committee shall consist of at least
four (4) Directors, none of whom shall be Officers of the Corporation.  Meetings
of the  Committee  may be called at any time by the Chairman or Secretary of the
Committee, and shall be called whenever two (2) or more members of the Committee
so request  in  writing.  A  majority  of the  members  of the  Committee  shall
constitute a quorum,  and actions of a majority of those present at a meeting at
which a quorum is present shall be actions of the Committee. The Committee shall
supervise the audit of the books of the  Corporation  and recommend for approval
by the Board the services of a reputable  Certified  Public  Accounting  firm to
examine the affairs of the Corporation.

     Section 304. Appointment of Committee Members. The Board of Directors shall
elect the members of the  Executive,  Audit  Committees  to serve until the next
annual  meeting of  shareholders.  The  Chairman of the Board shall  appoint and
shall establish a method of appointing,  subject to the approval of the Board of
Directors,  the  members  of any other  Committees  established  by the Board of
Directors,  and the Chairman of such  Committee,  to serve until the next annual
meeting of shareholders.  The Board of Directors may appoint, from time to time,
other  committees,  for such  purposes  and with  such  powers  as the Board may

     Section 305.  Organization and Proceedings.  Each Committee of the Board of
Directors shall have a chairman appointed by the Chairman of the Board. A record
of  proceedings  of all  Committees  shall  be  kept  by the  Secretary  of such
Committee and filed and presented provided in Section 211 of these Bylaws.


     Section 401. Officers.  The Officers of the Corporation shall be a Chairman
of the  Board,  President,  one (1) or more  Vice  Presidents.  a  Secretary,  a
Treasurer,  and such  other  Officers  and  Assistant  Officers  as the Board of
Directors  may from  time to time  deem  advisable.  Except  for the  President,
Secretary,  and  Treasurer,  the Board may refrain  from filling any of the said
offices at any time and from time to time. The same  individual may hold any two
(2) or more offices  except both the offices of  President  and  Treasurer.  The
following  Officers  shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the time,  in
the manner and for such

terms as the Board of Directors from time to time shall  determine:  Chairman of
the  Board,  President,   Executive  Vice  President,   Senior  Vice  President,
Administrative  Vice  President,  Secretary,  and  Treasurer.  The Chairman may,
subject to change by the Board of Directors, appoint such Officers and Assistant
Officers as he may deem advisable  provided such Officers or Assistant  Officers
have a title not higher  than Vice  President,  who shall  hold  office for such
periods as the Chairman shall determine. Any Officer may be removed at any time,
with or without  cause,  and  regardless  of the term for which such Officer was
elected,  but without  prejudice to any  contract  right of such  Officer.  Each
Officer  shall hold his office for the current  year for which he was elected or
appointed  by the Board  unless he shall  resign,  becomes  disqualified,  or be
removed at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.

     Section 402. Chairman.  The Chairman shall have general  supervision of all
of the  departments  and business of the  Corporation  and shall  prescribe  the
duties of the other  Officers and  Employees  and see to the proper  performance
thereof. The Chairman shall be responsible for having all orders and resolutions
of the Board of Directors  carried into effect.  The Chairman  shall  execute on
behalf of the  Corporation  and may  affix or cause to be  affixed a seal to all
authorized  documents and instruments  requiring such  execution,  except to the
extent that  signing and  execution  thereof  shall have been  delegated to some
other  Officer or Agent of the  Corporation  by the Board of Directors or by the

     Section 403.  President.  The Board of Directors  shall  appoint one of its
members to be President of the Association.  In the absence of the Chairman,  he
shall  preside at any meeting of the Board.  The  President  shall have  general
executive  powers,  and shall have and may exercise any and all other powers and
duties pertaining by law, regulation,  or practice,  to the office of President,
or imposed by these  Bylaws.  He shall also have and may  exercise  such further
powers and duties as from time to time may be  conferred  upon,  or assigned to,
him by the Board of Directors.  The President  shall be responsible  for overall
operations  under the direction of the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive

     Section  404.  Vice  Presidents.  The Vice  Presidents  shall  perform such
duties,  do such acts and be subject to such supervision as may be prescribed by
the  Board  of  Directors  or the  President.  In the  event of the  absence  or
disability of the President or his/her refusal to act, the Vice  Presidents,  in
the  order  of their  rank,  and  within  the  same  rank in the  order of their
authority,  shall perform the duties and have the powers and  authorities of the
President, except to the extent inconsistent with applicable law.

     Section 404.  Secretary.  The Secretary  shall act under the supervision of
the President or such other  Officers as the President may  designate.  Unless a
designation to the contrary is made at a meeting, The Secretary shall attend all
meetings of the Board of  Directors  and all  meetings of the  shareholders  and
record all of the proceedings at such meetings in a book to be kept for that

purpose, and shall perform like duties for the standing Committees when required
by these Bylaws or otherwise.  The  Secretary  shall give, or cause to be given,
notice of all the meeting of the shareholders and of the Board of Directors. The
Secretary  shall keep a seal of the  Corporation,  and,  when  authorized by the
Board of Directors or the President, cause it to be affixed to any documents and
instruments  requiring it. The Secretary  shall perform such other duties as may
be prescribed by the Board of Directors,  President,  or such other  Supervising
Officer as the President may designate.

     Section 406.  Treasurer.  The Treasurer  shall act under the supervision of
the  President  or such  other  Officer  as the  President  may  designate.  The
Treasurer shall have custody of the Corporation's funds and such other duties as
may be prescribed by the Board of Directors, President or such other Supervising
Officer as the President may designate.

     Section 407. Assistant Officers.  Unless otherwise provided by the Board of
Directors,  each  Assistant  Officer  shall  perform  such  duties  as  shall be
prescribed  by the Board of  Directors,  the  President  or the  Officer to whom
he/she is an Assistant.  In the event of the absence or disability of an Officer
or his/her  refusal to act,  his/her  Assistant  Officer shall,  in the order of
their rank, and within the same rank in the order of their  seniority,  have the
powers and authorities of such Officer.

     Section  408.  Compensation.  Unless  otherwise  provided  by the  Board of
Directors,  the salaries and  compensation of all Officers shall be fixed by and
in the manner designated by the Board.

     Section 409. General Powers.  The Officers are authorized to do and perform
such  corporate  acts as are necessary in the carrying on of the business of the
Corporation, subject always to the direction of the Board of Directors.


     Section 501. Authority to Sign Share Certificates.  Every share certificate
of the  Corporation  shall be  signed  by the  President  and by the  Treasurer.
Certificates  may be signed by a facsimile  signature of the  President  and the

     Section 502. Lost or Destroyed  Certificates.  Any person  claiming a share
certificate  to  be  lost,   destroyed  or  wrongfully  taken  shall  receive  a
replacement   certificate   if  such  person  shall  have:  (a)  requested  such
replacement  certificate  before the Corporation has notice that the shares have
been  acquired by a bonafide  purchaser;  (b) provided the  Corporation  with an
indemnity  agreement  satisfactory  in  form  and  substance  to  the  Board  of
Directors,  or the  President  or the  Treasurer;  and (c)  satisfied  any other
reasonable  requirements  (including  providing an affidavit  and a surety bond)
fixed by the Board of Directors, or the President or the Treasurer.


     Section 601. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on
the first (1st) day of January in each year and end on the  thirty-first  (31st)
day of December in each year.

     Section  602.  Record  Date.  The  Board  of  Directors  may fix  any  time
whatsoever  (whether  or not the same is more than fifty (50) days) prior to the
date of any meeting of shareholders, or the date for the payment of any dividend
or distribution,  or the date for the allotment of rights,  or the date when any
change or  conversion or exchange of shares will be made or will go into effect,
as a record date for the  determination of the  shareholders  entitled to notice
of, or to vote at, any such meetings, or entitled to receive payment of any such
dividend or  distribution,  or to receive any such  allotment  of rights,  or to
exercise  the rights in respect to any such  change,  conversion  or exchange of

     Section 603. Absentee  Participation in Meetings. One (1) or more Directors
may participate in a meeting of the Board of Directors, or of a Committee of the
Board, by means of a conference telephone or similar  communications  equipment,
by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other.

     Section 604. Emergency Bylaws. In the event of any emergency resulting from
a nuclear  attack or  similar  disaster,  aid  during  the  continuance  of such
emergency,  the following Bylaw provisions  shall be in effect,  notwithstanding
any other provisions of the Bylaws:

          (a) A meeting of the Board of  Directors or of any  Committee  thereof
     may be called by any Officer or Director  upon one (1) hour's notice to all
     persons  entitled to notice whom, in the sole judgment of the notifier,  it
     is feasible to notify;

          (b) The  Director or  Directors  in  attendance  at the meeting of the
     Board of Directors or of any Committee  thereof shall  constitute a quorum;

          (c) These Bylaws may be amended or repealed, in whole or in part, by a
     majority  vote of tie  Directors  attending  any  meeting  of the  Board of
     Directors,  provided  such  amendment or repeal shall only be effective for
     the duration of such emergency.

     Section 605.  Severability.  If any provision of these Bylaws is illegal or
unenforceable as such, such illegality or unenforceability  shall not affect any
other  provisions of these Bylaws and such other  provisions  shall  continue in
full force and effect.


     Section 701 Amendment or Repeal by the Board of Directors. These Bylaws may
be amended or repealed,  in whole or in part,  by a majority vote of members of
the Board of  Directors  at any  regular  or  special  meeting of the Board duly
convened.  Notice  need not be given of the purpose of the meeting of the Board
of Directors at which the amendment or repeal is to be considered.

     Section 702. Recording  Amendments and Repeals.  The text of all amendments
and repeals to these  Bylaws  shall be attached to the Bylaws with a notation of
the date and vote of such amendment or repeal.


     Section 801.  Approval and Effective Date.  These Bylaws have been approved
as the Bylaws of the Corporation  this 18th day of November,  1982, and shall be
effected as of said date.

     Section 802. Amendments or Repeals.

                                 Date Amended
Section Involved                 or Repealed                     Approved by
- ----------------                 -----------                     -----------