[LOGO]        WRC Media, Inc.
              512 Seventh Avenue
              23rd Floor
              New York, NY  10018

CONTACT: Richard Nota
         WRC Media Inc.

For Immediate Release


      The leading supplementary education publisher will provide web-based
                           education for K-12 schools

May 10, 2001 - WRC Media announced today that it has completed the acquisition
of two companies - Lindy Enterprises and ChildU, Inc.

Martin E. Kenney, Chief Executive Officer, stated, "These acquisitions will put
WRC at the forefront of internet-delivered curriculum and assessment providers.
They also provide us with the opportunity to extend our existing product
offerings. The acquisition of Lindy Enterprises should accelerate our top line
revenue growth, as well as provide us with enhanced development capability for
electronically delivered assessment products.

"ChildU, with CompassLearning'TM', will give us the capability to provide a
comprehensive product suite of both LAN-based and internet-delivered software.
It will provide multiple price point entry into the marketplace, and create new
selling opportunities and expand our on-line development capabilities to
expedite the migration of all of our content assets to the web."

Lindy Enterprises develops curriculum-based skills assessment and test
preparation products that correlate to national and state curriculum. American
Guidance Service, Inc. (AGS), which is currently the fastest growing and highest
margin segment of WRC Media, will focus on top-line growth of Lindy Enterprises
through a national marketing campaign and product innovation. AGS will gain
increased development capability for electronically-delivered assessment


ChildU, Inc. will offer The Learning Odyssey, a K-12 comprehensive educational
curriculum delivered entirely on-line. The company currently has a complete
grades 4-6 curriculum offering, and will be rolling out grades 1-3 and grades
7-8 curriculum later this year. The acquisition will create a powerful platform
for the delivery of WRC Media's Internet-based products and services.
CompassLearning'TM' Inc., with this acquisition, will offer a comprehensive
product suite of both LAN-based and Internet-delivered software, which is being
demanded by customers. They will create opportunities for multi-price point
entry, which is important for development of new business. The company will also
obtain an on-line development capability to expedite the completion of all
web-enabled products.

                                 * * * * * * * *

WRC Media Inc. (www.wrcmedia.com), a publishing and media company, creates and
distributes innovative quality supplementary educational materials for use in
schools, libraries, and the home. According to Educational Marketer, WRC Media
was the nation's largest supplementary materials publisher for 1999. WRC Media
Inc has four principal operating subsidiaries.

CompassLearning'TM' Inc. is the leader in research-driven, standards-based
digital learning solutions that provide choices to help teachers manage student
performance, personalize learning, and connect communities of learners. With
over 7,000 hours of curriculum and instruction, more than 20,000 schools use
CompassLearning'TM' solutions.

Weekly Reader Corporation publishes Weekly Reader periodicals serving over 7
million school children. It also publishes other branded periodicals and
instructional materials, including Teen Newsweek, published for middle and high
school students.

World Almanac Education Group, Inc. publishes the World Almanac and World
Almanac for Kids, Facts On File news periodicals and Internet services, Gareth
Stevens books and the Funk & Wagnalls encyclopedia. The company distributes high
quality books to schools and libraries through its Library Services division.

American Guidance Service, Inc. is a leader in producing highly reliable and
valid behavior, ability, achievement, and speech-language assessments, and
publishes a variety of high-interest, low-reading-level textbooks for middle and
high school students.


Information in this press release contains forward-looking statements, including
statements regarding our expectations, beliefs, intentions or strategies that
involve a number of risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Should any of the
risks or uncertainties develop into actual events, or our assumptions prove to
be inaccurate, actual outcomes and results could differ materially from what is
expressed in such forward-looking statements and these developments or
inaccuracies could materially and adversely affect our business, financial
condition and results of operations. Risks and uncertainties relating to WRC
Media's and its subsidiaries' businesses are set forth in the documents and
reports filed from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
