CIT EC - EF 2001-A
Composition of Contract Pool
at June 30, 2002

                                              Weighted           Weighted              Average
                             Current           Average            Average              Required
  Number                    Required          Original           Remaining              Payoff
    of                       Payoff             Term                Term                Amount
Contracts                    Amount            (Range)             (Range)             (Range)
- ----------                   ------            -------             -------             -------
  10,123                  $771,910,416       58.7 months         39.2 months           $76,253
                                         (13 to 122 months)   (7 to 115 months)   ($0 to $4,682,697)

Type of Contract
at June 30, 2002

                                                                 % of
                                                                 Total                           % of
                                                  Number         Number        Required        Required
                                                    of             of           Payoff          Payoff
Type of Contract                                Contracts      Contracts        Amount          Amount
- ----------------                                ---------      ---------        ------          ------
Leases                                            3,720          36.75%      $279,374,282        36.19%
Loans and other financing arrangements            6,403          63.25        492,536,133        63.81
                                                 ------         ------       ------------       ------
   Total                                         10,123         100.00%      $771,910,416       100.00%
                                                 ======         ======       ============       ======

CIT EC - EF 2001-A
Annual Percentage Rate
at June 30, 2002

                                                           % of
                                                           Total                           % of
                                             Number        Number           Required      Required
                                               of            of              Payoff        Payoff
Annual Percentage Rate                     Contracts      Contracts          Amount        Amount
- ----------------------                     ---------      ---------          ------        ------
less than 8.001                                 146          1.44%       $ 17,805,166       2.31%
8.001- 8.500                                    389          3.84          40,973,870       5.31
8.501- 9.000                                    955          9.43         110,079,322      14.26
9.001- 9.500                                  1,308         12.92         126,352,539      16.37
9.501- 10.000                                 2,173         21.47         154,892,488      20.07
10.001- 10.500                                2,143         21.17         139,967,914      18.13
10.501- 11.000                                1,400         13.83          87,645,423      11.35
11.001- 11.500                                  524          5.18          30,559,724       3.96
11.501- 12.000                                  339          3.35          21,205,326       2.75
12.001- 12.500                                  238          2.35          13,842,861       1.79
12.501- 13.000                                  157          1.55           9,344,504       1.21
13.001- 13.500                                  121          1.20          10,512,536       1.36
13.501- 14.000                                   88          0.87           3,939,103       0.51
greater than 14.000                             142          1.40           4,789,640       0.62
                                             ------        ------        ------------     ------
   Total                                     10,123        100.00%       $771,910,416     100.00%
                                             ======        ======        ============     ======

Range of Annual Percentage Rates:            6.15% to 18.97%
Weighted Average Annual Percentage Rate:               9.89%

CIT EC - EF 2001-A
Geographical Diversity
(Based on obligor billing address)

at June 30, 2002

                                              % of
                                              Total                              % of
                                Number        Number          Required         Required
                                  of           of              Payoff           Payoff
State                         Contracts     Contracts          Amount           Amount
- -----                         ---------     ---------          ------           ------
Alabama                          202            2.00%       $ 13,826,457         1.79%
Alaska                            65            0.64           6,685,908         0.87
Arizona                          290            2.86          18,995,992         2.46
Arkansas                         139            1.37          14,020,374         1.82
California                     1,489           14.71         110,082,033        14.26
Colorado                         187            1.85          12,325,667         1.60
Connecticut                      141            1.39          11,104,300         1.44
Delaware                          38            0.38           2,547,574         0.33
District of Columbia               5            0.05             337,569         0.04
Florida                          609            6.02          45,854,429         5.94
Georgia                          346            3.42          26,171,647         3.39
Hawaii                            17            0.17           3,719,060         0.48
Idaho                            156            1.54          11,654,097         1.51
Illinois                         295            2.91          19,333,587         2.50
Indiana                          169            1.67          13,636,805         1.77
Iowa                              40            0.40           2,997,366         0.39
Kansas                           107            1.06           6,699,138         0.87
Kentucky                         101            1.00          12,365,735         1.60
Louisiana                        117            1.16           8,706,859         1.13
Maine                             72            0.71           6,151,514         0.80
Maryland                         190            1.88          15,040,791         1.95
Massachusetts                    170            1.68          15,217,220         1.97
Michigan                         314            3.10          21,392,080         2.77
Minnesota                         96            0.95           6,565,015         0.85
Mississippi                       66            0.65           5,073,526         0.66
Missouri                         116            1.15          11,844,073         1.53
Montana                           50            0.49           2,865,949         0.37
Nebraska                          33            0.33           2,928,780         0.38
Nevada                           117            1.16           9,209,996         1.19
New Hampshire                     63            0.62           5,129,684         0.66
New Jersey                       296            2.92          23,026,442         2.98
New Mexico                        54            0.53           2,806,335         0.36
New York                         636            6.28          46,494,610         6.02
North Carolina                   164            1.62          14,072,883         1.82
North Dakota                       5            0.05             477,488         0.06
Ohio                             332            3.28          21,466,220         2.78
Oklahoma                          96            0.95           7,735,786         1.00
Oregon                           262            2.59          25,110,603         3.25
Pennsylvania                     504            4.98          36,196,020         4.69
Rhode Island                      30            0.30           2,859,194         0.37
South Carolina                    86            0.85           5,813,434         0.75
South Dakota                      12            0.12             932,458         0.12
Tennessee                        125            1.23           7,588,759         0.98
Texas                            668            6.60          53,693,186         6.96
Utah                             238            2.35          15,318,739         1.98
Vermont                           44            0.43           3,600,265         0.47
Virginia                         208            2.05          15,830,348         2.05
Washington                       403            3.98          28,528,551         3.70
West Virginia                     43            0.42           7,085,480         0.92
Wisconsin                         93            0.92           8,787,614         1.14
Wyoming                           24            0.24           2,002,772         0.26
                              ------          ------        ------------       ------
   Total                      10,123          100.00%       $771,910,416       100.00%
                              ======          ======        ============       ======

CIT EC - EF 2001-A
Payment Status
at June 30, 2002

                                                          % of
                                                          Total                         % of
                                            Number       Number        Required       Required
                                              of           of           Payoff         Payoff
Days Delinquent                           Contracts     Contracts       Amount         Amount
- ---------------                           ---------     ---------       ------         ------
Current, including 1 to 30 day
   delinquent contracts                     9,312         91.99%     $711,601,614      92.19%
31-60 days delinquent                         344          3.40        27,736,441       3.59
61-90 days delinquent                         135          1.33        10,402,632       1.35
91-120 days delinquent                         93          0.92         8,960,389       1.16
Over 120 days delinquent                      239          2.36        13,209,340       1.71
                                           ------        ------      ------------     ------
   Total                                   10,123        100.00%     $771,910,416     100.00%
                                           ======        ======      ============     ======

Types of Equipment
at June 30, 2002

                                                          % of
                                                          Total                         % of
                                            Number       Number        Required       Required
                                              of           of           Payoff         Payoff
Types of Equipment                        Contracts     Contracts       Amount         Amount
- ------------------                        ---------     ---------       ------         ------
Construction                                4,775         47.17%     $355,082,862      46.00%
Manufacturing                               1,896         18.73       165,939,603      21.50
Transportation                              1,827         18.05       105,931,401      13.72
Printing                                      747          7.38        52,084,883       6.75
Other(1)                                      336          3.32        36,986,340       4.79
Commercial / Retail Fixtures                   92          0.91        13,941,064       1.81
Medical                                        53          0.52        13,666,490       1.77
Logging                                       158          1.56        13,037,262       1.69
Fitness                                       174          1.72         7,641,944       0.99
Computers                                      65          0.64         7,598,565       0.98
                                           ------        ------      ------------     ------
   Total                                   10,123        100.00%     $771,910,416     100.00%
                                           ======        ======      ============     ======

(1)  Includes $1,926,885 as the largest and $110,078 as the average Required
     Payoff Amount

CIT EC - EF 2001-A
Required Payoff Amount
at June 30, 2002

                                                          % of
                                                          Total                         % of
                                            Number       Number        Required       Required
                                              of           of           Payoff         Payoff
Required Payoff Amount                    Contracts     Contracts       Amount         Amount
- ----------------------                    ---------     ---------       ------         ------
0 - 5,000.00                                   148         1.46%     $    462,101       0.06%
5,000.01 - 10,000.00                           604         5.97         4,657,244       0.60
10,000.01 - 15,000.00                          744         7.35         9,351,505       1.21
15,000.01 - 25,000.00                        1,432        14.15        28,480,064       3.69
25,000.01 - 50,000.00                        2,676        26.43        98,394,338      12.75
50,000.01 - 100,000.00                       2,554        25.23       180,237,199      23.35
100,000.01 - 150,000.00                        919         9.08       112,197,863      14.54
150,000.01 - 250,000.00                        598         5.91       114,487,236      14.83
250,000.01 - 500,000.00                        329         3.25       109,636,275      14.20
500,000.01 - 1,000,000.00                       81         0.80        54,524,465       7.06
1,000,000.01 - 1,500,000.00                     24         0.24        28,142,004       3.65
1,500,000.01 - 2,500,000.00                     11         0.11        19,715,586       2.55
2,500,000.00- 5,000,000.00(1)                    3         0.03        11,624,535       1.51
                                            ------       ------      ------------     ------
   Total                                    10,123       100.00%     $771,910,416     100.00%
                                            ======       ======      ============     ======

(1) Includes $4,682,697 as the largest Required Payoff Amount.

Remaining Term
at June 30, 2002

                                                          % of
                                                          Total                         % of
                                            Number        Number        Required       Required
                                              of            of           Payoff         Payoff
Remaining Terms of Contract                Contracts     Contracts       Amount         Amount
- ---------------------------                ---------     ---------       ------         ------
  0-12                                         454         4.48%      $ 10,163,865        1.32%
 13-24                                       1,399        13.82         64,745,912        8.39
 25-36                                       4,364        43.11        269,189,332       34.87
 37-48                                       3,153        31.15        294,749,734       38.18
 49-60                                         560         5.53         90,130,599       11.68
 61-72                                         164         1.62         32,069,230        4.15
 73-84                                          21         0.21          6,158,796        0.80
 85-96                                           2         0.02          1,114,426        0.14
 97-108                                          5         0.05          3,109,403        0.40
 109-120                                         1         0.01            479,119        0.06
                                            ------       ------       ------------      ------
   Total                                    10,123       100.00%      $771,910,416      100.00%
                                            ======       ======       ============      ======

CIT EC - EF 2001-A
Types of Obligor
at June 30, 2002

                                                          % of
                                                          Total                         % of
                                            Number        Number        Required       Required
                                              of            of           Payoff         Payoff
Type of Obligor                            Contracts     Contracts       Amount         Amount
- ---------------                            ---------     ---------       ------         ------
Construction                                 4,222         41.71%     $280,697,229      36.36%
Manufacturing                                2,213         21.86       211,495,101      27.40
Transportation                                 843          8.33        63,892,555       8.28
Services                                       637          6.29        48,490,660       6.28
Retail & Wholesale Trade                       544          5.37        43,786,395       5.67
Printing                                       669          6.61        42,654,562       5.53
Other(1)                                       467          4.61        34,322,035       4.45
Mining, Forestry, Fishing                      211          2.08        22,670,769       2.94
Healthcare                                      58          0.57        13,429,798       1.74
Agriculture                                    259          2.56        10,471,313       1.36
                                            ------        ------      ------------     ------
   Total                                    10,123        100.00%     $771,910,416     100.00%
                                            ======        ======      ============     ======

(1)  Includes $1,197,295 as the largest required payoff amount belonging to a
     single obligor

Obligor Concentration

                                                                                        % of
                                             Number                     Required       Required
Obligors (including contracts                  of                        Payoff         Payoff
   securing vendor loans)                  Contracts                     Amount         Amount
- -----------------------------              ---------                     ------         ------
Top 5                                          25                      $22,355,677       2.90%

The industries in which the top 5 obligors conduct business are Construction,
Manufacturing, Retail and Wholesale Trade and Healthcare.

CIT EC - EF 2001-A
Scheduled Cashflows from Contracts
at June 30, 2002

                  Positive Rent Due   10,618,238.51
    Adj. RPA of Defaulted Contracts   10,076,095.44

   Collection      Scheduled        Scheduled          Collection        Scheduled       Scheduled
     Period         Interest        Principal            Period          Interest        Principal
     ------         --------        ---------            ------          ---------       ---------
     July-2002   $6,188,099.52   $17,301,166.33        February-2007    $109,211.32   $1,204,379.32
   August-2002    6,044,902.44    19,373,943.74           March-2007      99,492.33    1,171,647.51
September-2002    5,885,009.12    19,272,400.35           April-2007      89,930.37    1,061,229.12
  October-2002    5,725,681.77    19,449,511.71             May-2007      81,351.34    1,455,408.03
 November-2002    5,564,910.02    19,218,529.04            June-2007      69,259.28      958,246.39
 December-2002    5,406,168.79    19,458,994.16            July-2007      61,622.87      711,870.18
  January-2003    5,245,417.99    17,928,679.88          August-2007      55,915.98      684,347.62
 February-2003    5,096,958.69    17,737,318.43       September-2007      50,409.09      633,438.64
    March-2003    4,949,854.58    18,202,027.50         October-2007      45,339.43      638,204.91
    April-2003    4,799,102.36    18,950,403.51        November-2007      40,214.52      575,700.74
      May-2003    4,642,274.45    19,353,274.23        December-2007      35,630.24      444,591.71
     June-2003    4,482,285.35    20,224,319.78         January-2008      32,114.52      357,016.86
     July-2003    4,315,036.66    20,418,385.59        February-2008      29,293.15      343,458.83
   August-2003    4,146,272.49    19,736,503.48           March-2008      26,583.47      374,617.41
September-2003    3,982,708.33    19,693,727.77           April-2008      23,589.45      459,115.31
  October-2003    3,819,548.79    19,877,361.28             May-2008      19,967.94      221,008.33
 November-2003    3,654,858.89    19,679,881.63            June-2008      18,253.27      190,786.38
 December-2003    3,491,939.51    19,744,902.86            July-2008      16,764.23      141,534.83
  January-2004    3,328,500.65    18,321,927.99          August-2008      15,634.11      229,187.39
 February-2004    3,176,569.10    18,048,462.81       September-2008      13,871.03       98,904.06
    March-2004    3,026,827.32    18,123,346.44         October-2008      13,085.31       84,591.37
    April-2004    2,876,498.14    18,974,496.70        November-2008      12,404.62       80,407.55
      May-2004    2,719,652.48    19,924,926.63        December-2008      11,761.96       81,050.21
     June-2004    2,556,506.24    20,744,959.01         January-2009      11,114.09       60,065.40
     July-2004    2,385,361.17    18,894,975.89        February-2009      10,617.99       60,561.50
   August-2004    2,228,994.84    18,219,272.17           March-2009      10,117.73       61,061.76
September-2004    2,078,660.75    17,589,665.04           April-2009       9,613.28       83,198.89
  October-2004    1,933,374.12    17,161,900.13             May-2009       8,948.38       66,067.41
 November-2004    1,791,572.75    16,104,221.96            June-2009       8,426.23       63,103.84
 December-2004    1,659,089.47    15,851,046.59            July-2009       7,927.02       41,970.37
  January-2005    1,528,895.63    13,894,280.19          August-2009       7,581.27       42,316.12
 February-2005    1,414,379.48    13,234,250.70       September-2009       7,232.62       42,664.77
    March-2005    1,305,263.75    12,700,396.81         October-2009       6,881.05       43,016.34
    April-2005    1,200,563.35    12,463,388.61        November-2009       6,526.51       43,370.88
      May-2005    1,097,935.54    11,838,327.31        December-2009       6,169.00       43,728.39
     June-2005    1,000,408.77    11,423,823.36         January-2010       5,808.48       43,318.10
     July-2005      906,168.70    10,653,316.76        February-2010       5,451.30       43,675.28
   August-2005      818,516.45    10,222,292.94           March-2010       5,090.81       44,035.77
September-2005      734,678.83     9,033,042.57           April-2010       4,727.28       44,399.30
  October-2005      660,577.34     8,902,744.60             May-2010       4,360.69       44,765.89
 November-2005      587,497.14     7,576,465.39            June-2010       3,991.01       45,135.57
 December-2005      525,795.02     6,745,612.34            July-2010       3,618.21       45,508.37
  January-2006      471,242.79     5,628,838.29          August-2010       3,242.27       45,884.31
 February-2006      426,045.44     5,202,054.71       September-2010       2,863.15       46,263.43
    March-2006      384,424.67     6,671,930.68         October-2010       2,480.51       45,333.07
    April-2006      331,266.83     4,639,077.59        November-2010       2,114.91       45,698.67
      May-2006      294,437.86     4,298,583.40        December-2010       1,746.35       41,383.65
     June-2006      259,646.17     4,151,176.15         January-2011       1,412.87       41,717.13
     July-2006      227,001.55     2,799,845.21        February-2011       1,076.71       42,053.29
   August-2006      204,742.72     3,084,712.71           March-2011         738.80       37,596.20
September-2006      180,484.65     1,938,596.64           April-2011         438.66       15,293.64
  October-2006      164,823.13     1,783,721.89             May-2011         313.18       15,419.12
 November-2006      150,370.86     1,648,801.30            June-2011         186.68       15,545.62
 December-2006      137,092.66     2,255,461.67            July-2011          56.99        6,631.01
  January-2007      119,583.28     1,284,015.98          August-2011              -               -