AMENDMENT AND AGREEMENT

                  This Amendment and Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered
into as of June 5, 2003 (the "Execution Date"), by and among Calvin Klein, Inc.,
a New York corporation with a principal place of business at 205 West 39th
Street, New York, New York 10018 ("CKI"), Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation, a
Delaware corporation with a principal place of business at 200 Madison Avenue,
New York, New York 10016 ("PVH"), Warnaco Inc., a Delaware corporation with a
principal place of business at 90 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016
("Warnaco"), Calvin Klein Jeanswear Company, a Delaware corporation with a
principal place of business at 1385 Broadway, Suite #305, New York, New York
10018 ("CKJ"), and CKJ Holdings Inc., a Delaware corporation with a principal
place of business at 1385 Broadway, New York, New York 10018 ("CKJHI").


                  WHEREAS, CKI and CKJ are parties to a certain License
Agreement dated August 4, 1994, as amended by the Settlement Agreement dated
January 22, 2001, among Warnaco, CKI and other parties (the "Settlement
Agreement"), letter agreements and other agreements (collectively referred to
herein as the "Jeanswear License").

                  WHEREAS, Warnaco and CKI are also parties to a certain
Administration Agreement, Trust Agreement and Quality Assurance Agreement, each
dated March 14, 1994, as amended (collectively the "Underwear Agreements"), and

certain Men's Accessories License Agreement, dated March 14, 1994, as amended
(the "Accessories License").

                  WHEREAS, the parties have conferred and wish to make certain
modifications to the terms and conditions of the Jeanswear License and the
Administration Agreement and the Accessories License all to and for their mutual
benefit; and they hereby memorialize and confirm the terms and conditions of
such agreement by entering into and executing this Agreement.

                  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and for good
and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged and described herein, the parties agree as set forth below. All
references to "Licensor", "Licensee", "Articles" and "Warnaco Products" and
other capitalized terms not otherwise amended, modified or defined herein shall
be deemed to have the same meaning ascribed to them under the Jeanswear License
and the Underwear Agreements.

I. The Parties hereby amend the Jeanswear License, as follows:

     1. Definitions

          (a)  The definition of "Close-Out Articles", as set forth in the
               Jeanswear License is deleted in its entirety and the following
               definition substituted in its place, in each case, effective as
               of January 1, 2004:

               "Effective as of the Annual Period commencing on January 1, 2004
               and for all Annual Periods thereafter, "Close-Out Articles" shall
               mean all Articles sold by Licensee to that certain channel of
               distribution regularly dealing in the sale of off-price products,
               including by way of illustration, TJ Maxx, Marshall's and Ross
               Stores and other like stores but not including warehouse clubs.
               Close-Out Articles shall not include sales of Articles to retail
               outlet stores owned or operated by or under the direction or
               control of Licensor or any of its Affiliates unless otherwise
               agreed by Licensor and Licensee, in which event such sales shall
               qualify for the reduced Percentage Fee applicable to Net Sales of
               Close-Out Articles."


     2. Exhibit B

          Exhibit B ("Products"), to the Jeanswear License is hereby deleted in
          its entirety and the new Exhibit B annexed hereto and made a part
          hereof shall be substituted in its place. All references to Exhibit B
          in the Jeanswear License, as amended hereby, shall be deemed to refer
          to Exhibit B annexed hereto.

     3. Licensor's Retention of Rights

          Section 1.2(a) of the Jeanswear License is hereby amended to delete
          items (iii) and (iv); and to delete the last full sentence of Section
          1.2(b). The following paragraph shall be added as a new Section

          "(c) Licensee understands, acknowledges and agrees that nothing herein
               is intended to or shall be construed as preventing or limiting
               Licensor's ability itself or through others to manufacture,
               market, advertise, distribute or sell sportswear or other lines
               of apparel at any price (excluding only five pocket jeans in any
               fabric, or apparel in denim, in each case of a jeans-type
               construction that is constructed with welt seamed double needle
               stitching) in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth
               herein under any trademarks other than (i) "CALVIN KLEIN JEANS",
               (ii) "CK/Calvin Klein Jeans", or (iii) any trademark
               incorporating the name and mark "Calvin Klein" (including any
               abbreviation or derivation thereof) together with the words
               "jeans", "jeanswear" or any other words or symbols evocative of
               or identified only with a jeanswear collection (e.g., "Calvin
               Klein Denim"). Licensee further understands, acknowledges and
               agrees that products so manufactured, marketed, distributed,
               advertised and sold by or on behalf of Licensor or others
               authorized by Licensor may be the same as, substantially similar
               to or somewhat similar to Products produced herein and such shall
               not in any way constitute a breach or default of the Jeanswear
               License, provided such sportswear or other apparel is not
               marketed, advertised or sold as jeanswear. In addition,
               notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,
               nothing herein shall limit Licensor's ability to sell within
               Licensor's designer collection stores (e.g., currently Licensor's
               Madison Avenue and Dallas stores) in the Territory jeans and
               jeanswear produced by Licensor's jeanswear licensees for Europe
               and Asia or other sources if with respect to any proposed order
               for Product for said stores, Licensee is unable or unwilling to
               provide all such Products as specified in good faith by Licensor,
               in terms of breadth of selection, nature, quantity,
               specifications, timing/delivery requirements and/or price.
               Licensor and Licensee will negotiate in good faith the terms of
               any such proposed order of Licensor. If Licensor and Licensee
               cannot reach an agreement on


               such terms within five business days of Licensee's receipt of the
               proposed order, Licensor will be free to outsource any portion of
               such order on which the parties have not reached agreement with
               no further obligation to Licensee."

     4. "Khakis" and "Khaki Articles"

          "Khaki" and "Khaki Articles" as described in the Jeanswear Agreement
          shall be deleted from the definition of Articles and all rights
          thereto shall revert to CKI. Warnaco's continuing right to produce any
          "khaki" or "khaki related item" under the Jeanswear License shall only
          be as allowed pursuant to Exhibit B. All references to "Khaki" or
          "Khaki Articles" throughout the Agreement, including, without
          limitation references to the use of any trademark containing the word
          "Khaki", shall hereby be deleted.

     5. Close-Outs

          Section 7.1 of the Jeanswear License is hereby amended effective as of
          and for the Annual Period commencing January 1, 2004 and for all
          Annual Periods thereafter to provide that the reduced Percentage Fee
          shall be applicable to Gross Sales of Close-Out Articles up to *** of
          Licensee's total Gross Sales of Articles in any Annual Period.
          Percentage Fees payable on Gross Sales by Licensee of Close-Out
          Articles in excess of *** of Licensee's total Gross Sales in any
          Agreement Year shall be computed and paid at the rate of *** of Gross
          Sales as to such incremental amounts for the first Annual Period in
          which Licensee's total Gross Sales of Close-Out Articles exceed ***,
          and increasing thereafter by *** for each consecutive subsequent
          Agreement Year in which Licensee's total Gross Sales of Close-Out
          Articles exceed ***. Solely for the purpose of calculating Licensee's
          total Gross Sales of Articles for determining the Percentage Fee on
          Close-Out Articles, Licensee shall exclude from total Gross Sales ***.
          Licensee's sales of Close-Out Articles in excess of *** of Gross Sales
          in any Annual Period shall not give rise to any right of Licensor to
          terminate the Jeanswear License, in whole or in part, but shall cause
          Licensor and Licensee to confer in good faith to adopt a corrective
          plan to address design, marketing and/or other issues contributing to
          the generation of Close-Out Articles.

     6. Central and South America

          (a)  The parties agree to amend the Jeanswear License with respect to
               the manufacture, distribution and sale of Articles in Central and
               South America (the "C/SA Amendment") to provide that the parties
               shall negotiate in good faith a store license (the "C/SA Store
               License") which shall permit Licensee to own or operate, directly
               or indirectly, and to authorize others to operate, free


               standing regular priced retail stores located anywhere in Central
               and South America, at sites mutually agreed upon by Licensor and
               Licensee, identified by one of the Licensed Marks in its Form and
               dedicated exclusively to, the sale of Articles, Warnaco Products
               and Swimwear Licensed Products (as hereinafter defined), together
               with any other products authorized by Licensor, substantially in
               accordance with the terms and conditions of CKI's and PVH's
               standard retail store licensing provisions subject to the terms
               expressly set forth in this Section 1.6. The C/SA Amendment shall
               provide in lieu of Percentage Fees on Net Sales of Articles to
               such stores, Licensee shall pay Licensor "Percentage Fees" at a
               rate of *** of the "Net Sales" (as defined in the C/SA Store
               License) at retail by such free standing retail stores as long as
               the C/SA Store License is in effect.

          (b)  The C/SA Amendment and the C/SA Store License shall also provide
               that in the event Licensee sublicenses all or any part of the
               Central and South American Territory under the C/SA Amendment or
               under the C/SA Stare License, the parties shall share all fees
               and proceeds paid to Licensee thereunder and in connection
               therewith as provided in Section 14.2 of the Jeanswear License;
               provided, however, that in the case of any sublicensing of the
               C/SA Store License, the Percentage Fee payable to Licensor shall
               be no less than *** of "Net Sales" at retail of any such
               sublicensee. Licensee agrees to use all commercially reasonable
               efforts to obtain the maximum signing fee possible in connection
               with any sublicense arrangement it proposes to enter into. This
               Agreement provides and the C/SA Amendment shall provide (i)
               confirmation that Licensor has granted a waiver of the minimum
               aggregate Net Sales requirements for calendar years 2002, 2003,
               2004 and 2005 and (ii) for the following minimum aggregate Net
               Sales (each, the "Net Sales Threshold Amount") for the indicated
               Annual Period:

               2006: *** in South America and *** in Central America.

               2007 and all Annual Periods thereafter: *** in South America and
               *** in Central America.

               All minimum aggregate Net Sales for Central and South America
               shall be adjusted by COLA (as per the Exhibit hereto entitled
               COLA Adjustment) beginning with the Annual Period commencing on
               January 1, 2008 and for all Annual Periods thereafter. From and
               after the Annual Period commencing on January 1, 2006, in the
               event Licensee fails to have aggregate Net Sales of at least the
               applicable Net Sales Threshold Amount in either South America or
               in Central America, then Licensee shall timely pay Licensor in
               accordance with the terms of Section 1.4 of


               the Jeanswear License, an amount equal to the Percentage Fee
               payable with respect to any shortfall between the actual
               aggregate Net Sales and the applicable minimum aggregate Net
               Sales Threshold Amount; provided, however, that Licensor shall
               still have the right to cause reversion of the grant of the
               license for the applicable Territory in accordance with the
               timetable set forth in Section 1.4 of the Jeanswear License,
               except that for the Annual Periods commencing January 1, 2006,
               January 1, 2007 and January 1, 2008, Licensee may avoid a
               reversion by so timely paying the shortfall.

     7. Design and Approvals

          (a)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Jeanswear
               License, including but not limited to all portions (including
               subsections) of Sections 3 (Design) and 4 (Quality) of the
               Jeanswear License, effective as of the Spring 2004 Collection,
               the design and approval processes shall be governed by the
               criteria and procedures annexed hereto in the Exhibit entitled
               "Design Process and Procedures" which shall be applicable to all

     8. Sale of Articles to Warehouse Clubs

          (a)  The provisions of the Jeanswear License set forth in Sections
               2(a) and 2(b) of the Settlement Agreement are hereby deleted and
               the following substituted in their place as an amendment to the
               Jeanswear License:

               "Effective as of and for the Annual Period commencing x January
               1, 2004 and for all Annual Periods thereafter, Licensee will
               limit its total annual Gross Sales of Articles to warehouse clubs
               in any Annual Period so that the percentage of such sales does
               not exceed (in the aggregate) *** of Gross Sales of Articles
               excluding all sales to Licensor's, its Affiliates or its
               designees outlet stores for that Annual Period. ***. Without the
               prior written approval of Licensor, Licensee shall not sell
               Articles to mass merchandisers (defined as, for example, Kmart,
               WalMart and Target), ***.

     9. Supply to Licensor's Stores

               Licensor operates, and Licensor, its Affiliates or designees will
               hereafter operate, retail outlet stores ("Licensor's Outlet
               Stores") and regular priced retail stores ("Licensor's Regular
               Priced Stores") engaged in the sale of apparel and related goods
               and accessories, as well as other products, bearing the CALVIN
               KLEIN marks (or other derivative or formative) marks. The parties
               hereto amend Section 3.3 of the Administration Agreement and
               Section 3.7 of the Jeanswear License by deleting the third


               sentence of Section 3.3 and by deleting the third through last
               sentence of Section 3.7, and agree to undertake in the Swimwear
               License (as defined below) as follows:

               Licensee agrees that it will supply and sell Articles, Warnaco
               Products and Swimwear Licensed Products (as defined below) at (i)
               *** off Licensee's regular wholesale prices for Articles, Warnaco
               Products or Swimwear Licensed Products *** for all of Licensor's
               Outlet Stores ***, and (ii) *** off Licensee's regular wholesale
               prices for such items to supply Licensor's Regular Priced Stores
               ***. Licensee shall fulfill all orders from Licensor in good
               faith within negotiated windows or Licensor shall have a
               cancellation right provided that in lieu thereof, Licensee may
               offer and Licensor may, at its option, accept certain discounts
               and/or allowances to be negotiated. Subject to the last full
               sentence of this paragraph with respect to fashion Articles,
               fashion Warnaco Products and fashion Swimwear Licensed Products,
               Licensee shall treat Licensor generally as well as any and all
               other customers to which Licensee sells any Articles, Warnaco
               Products and/or Swimwear Licensed Products as to delivery and
               fulfillment. Licensee's obligation to supply and sell such
               products to Licensor is subject only to Licensor's placement of
               orders within customary lead times and the absence of any
               continuing force majeure event. If (i) Licensee cannot sell or
               supply any Articles and/or Warnaco Products, due to a continuing
               force majeure event or other event outside of Licensee's
               reasonable control (i.e., more than thirty calendar days) or (ii)
               Licensee fails to timely deliver for four consecutive quarters a
               significant portion of the products so ordered, then during the
               pendancy of such force majeure event or after such failures to
               deliver, Licensor shall have the right, to manufacture, or have
               manufactured for it by others, and to sell, distribute and
               promote Articles and Warnaco Products through Licensor's Outlet
               Stores as to "(i)" to the extent Licensee does not or cannot
               timely supply the same, it being acknowledged that such right is
               limited to the duration of the period of such force majeure event
               (or other event outside of Licensee's reasonable control) and the
               satisfaction of orders placed by Licensor during any such period;
               ***. Licensee shall supply such Articles, Warnaco Products and
               Swimwear Licensed Products on open account; provided, however,
               that in the event Licensor fails to timely pay Licensee for
               Articles, Warnaco Products or Swimwear Licensed Products in
               accordance with the terms set forth below (except in connection
               with a bona fide dispute), then upon five (5) business days
               written notice unless paid within said five (5) day period,
               Licensee shall be permitted to offset any unpaid amounts against
               other payments due to Licensor under the applicable agreement
               (e.g., Percentage fees payable to Licensor under the Jeanswear
               License with respect to sales to outlet stores of jeanswear
               products, the fees payable to Licensor under the Administration
               Agreement with respect to sales to outlet stores of Warnaco
               Products, etc.). Licensor shall have a reciprocal right to offset
               unpaid amounts against other payments due to Licensee and its
               Affiliates. Licensor shall


               pay Licensee for such Articles, Warnaco Products and Swimwear
               Licensed Products on net thirty (30) day ROG terms. Licensor
               agrees that commencing with the Annual Period beginning on
               January 1, 2005 it shall cause the composition or mix of products
               in the Licensor Outlet Stores not to be comprised of more than
               *** Articles and *** Warnaco Products (underwear) sold by
               Licensee on an Annual Period basis. Licensee shall be obligated
               to sell such Articles, Warnaco Products and Swimwear Licensed
               Products only to or for resale in those Licensor's Outlet Stores
               located in outlet shopping centers which also contain stores
               bearing the marks of and selling products associated with at
               least two of those specified competitors identified in the
               Exhibit annexed hereto entitled Specified Competitors. Licensee
               shall not be obligated to supply fashion Articles, fashion
               Warnaco Products or fashion Swimwear Licensed products until
               eight (8) weeks after Warnaco first commences shipping such
               Articles, Warnaco Products or Swimwear Licensed Products.

               The sale of Articles, Warnaco Products and Swimwear Licensed
               Products to the Licensor and its Affiliates for resale through
               the Licensor's Outlet Stores shall not give rise to any
               obligation on Licensee's part to pay Percentage Fees or Minimum
               Advertising Expenditures under the Jeanswear License or the
               Swimwear License or Administration Fees or Advertising under the
               Underwear Agreements. However, all sales of Articles to Licensor
               shall be counted in calculating Minimum Net Sales amounts under
               the Jeanswear License.

               The parties further agree to delete the rights of "first refusal"
               with respect to Close-Out Articles set forth in Section 3.7 of
               the Jeanswear License.

     10. Approval by Licensor of Jeanswear Sub-license for Kids

               Licensee has proposed that it sub-license to Happy Kids Inc. the
               rights, benefits and obligations relating to the manufacture,
               sourcing, distribution, advertising and sale of Articles for
               children under the Jeanswear License; and Licensee has provided
               the proposed sublicense (the "Sub-license") to Licensor for its
               approval under the Jeanswear License. Licensor hereby confirms
               that it approves the Sub-license as amended to reflect Licensor's
               proposed modifications and will deliver to Licensee all written
               acknowledgements and consents as Licensor and Licensee shall deem
               reasonably necessary.

     11. Swimwear License Agreement

               Licensor and Licensee agree to negotiate in good faith, and to
               conclude and execute a mutually agreed upon license agreement
               (the "Swimwear License") on terms substantially similar to CKI's
               and/or PVH's standard terms (subject to the terms expressly set
               forth in this Section 1.11), pursuant to which Licensor will
               grant to Licensee or a designated affiliate


               of Licensee (with a guarantee from Warnaco) the exclusive right
               to manufacture, source, advertise, distribute, promote and sell
               under the CK/CALVIN KLEIN name and mark (or such other "CALVIN
               KLEIN" derivative mark as Licensor designates to replace the
               same) women's and juniors swimsuits together with, on a
               nonexclusive basis, such swimsuit cover-ups, such as pareos or
               wrap skirts, shorts and pants with elasticized waistbands and
               tops designed specifically to be worn with the swimsuits as
               seasonally approved in writing by Licensor for inclusion in the
               swimwear collection ("Swimwear Licensed Products") for sale to
               swimwear specialty retailers or swimwear departments and/or
               swimwear buyers of Licensee's accounts) throughout the world as
               of January 1, 2004, and under the "CALVIN KLEIN" name and mark
               (or such other "CALVIN KLEIN" derivative mark as Licensor
               designates to replace the same) as to "Europe" only as of January
               1, 2004 and as to the rest of the world as and when the CALVIN
               KLEIN name and mark is made available to Licensee upon expiration
               or early termination of Licensor's existing third party license
               agreement. The Swimwear License will reflect that in certain
               instances, Licensee may in the ordinary course of business and
               without reference to the Swimwear Licensed Products, produce
               certain basic swimwear products substantially similar to the
               Swimwear Licensed Products under its own labels or those of
               others. The Swimwear License shall provide for a percentage fee
               on Net Sales equal to ***. The Swimwear License will also provide
               that when Licensee assumes responsibility for "CALVIN KLEIN"
               Swimwear Licensed Products other than in Europe, Licensee will
               manufacture to Licensor's order and specifications for sale at
               Licensor's Regular Priced Stores and Licensor's Outlet Stores,
               "CALVIN KLEIN" premium quality swimsuits with a manufacturer's
               suggested retail price of $150 or more; shall require an annual
               minimum advertising expenditure to be paid by Licensee to
               Licensor equal to 3% of Net Sales for spending by Licensor, in
               its discretion, on advertising and promotion including the
               Swimwear Licensed Products (which may or may not include other
               products); and shall require Minimum Guaranteed Royalties for
               each Annual Period as reflected in the approved Business Plan
               annexed hereto; and shall require that all media and public
               relations events and activities shall be only as approved by
               Licensor and conducted through and, at Licensor's discretion,
               overseen by Licensor's advertising division, at fees commensurate
               with those being charged by Licensor to its other licensees for
               the same or similar services. The Swimwear License shall have an
               initial term of five years and one five year renewal term. The
               Swimwear License shall provide that Licensee shall have the
               right, provided that the Licensee is not then in default of any
               of the material provisions of the Swimwear License and has
               achieved Net Sales of Swimwear Licensed Products of *** in North
               America and the Caribbean and *** in the rest of the world in
               calendar year 2007, to extend the Swimwear License for the
               five-year renewal period. The Swimwear License shall further
               provide that Licensor


               and Licensee shall meet after the 2006 calendar year to negotiate
               in good faith, and agree by March 31, 2007, to minimum Net Sales
               and minimum guaranteed fee requirements for each trademark in
               each territory (North/South/Central America; Europe; Asia)
               covered under the Swimwear License for each year during the
               renewal period based on Licensee's actual sales during calendar
               year 2006 and projected growth, which shall in no event be less
               than the aggregate Net Sales thresholds referenced above. In the
               event Licensor determines to market girl's swimwear, Licensee
               shall be granted the first right and opportunity to negotiate an
               expansion of the Swimwear License to include girl's swimwear. The
               Swimwear License shall also provide for inclusion of the mark
               "CK" within the definition of Licensed Marks if Licensor decides
               to produce a separate swimsuit line under such mark upon
               submission to and approval of an acceptable business plan and
               agreement as to terms (e.g., minimum guaranteed fees, net sales
               thresholds). ***.

     12. Men's Accessories

               Notwithstanding the express terms and conditions of the
               Accessories License, Licensor and Licensee hereby agree that
               Licensor has reserved the right to use the Licensed Mark (as
               defined in the Accessories License) in connection with the sale,
               distribution and promotion of the Licensed


               Products (as defined in the Accessories License) in Licensor
               Outlet Stores and, in connection therewith, to manufacture
               Licensed Products (as defined in the Accessories License) or
               purchase Licensed Products (as defined in the Accessories
               License) from any supplier it chooses.

     13. No Other Modification to Any Other Agreement

          (a)  Except as specifically and expressly set forth herein, nothing
               herein shall be construed, in any way to modify or amend, the
               Jeanswear License and Underwear Agreements, the Accessories
               License or any other agreement between the parties hereto.

          (b)  Except as specifically and expressly set forth herein, all other
               terms and conditions of the Jeanswear License, the Underwear
               Agreements and the Accessories License, shall remain in full
               force and effect.

II.  Arbitration. Except as specifically provided in the Underwear Agreements,
     all disputes among the parties hereto, including all those arising under
     this Agreement, and all disputes arising under the terms of any of the
     licenses between the parties, shall be resolved through binding arbitration
     pursuant to the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce before a
     panel of three arbitrators, one of whom shall be appointed by CKI, one of
     whom shall be appointed by Warnaco or CKJ, as applicable, and the third of
     whom shall be appointed by the other two.

III. Releases. All the parties hereto each and all hereby release and discharge
     the other, and the other's parents, subsidiaries and affiliates, and their
     respective members, shareholders, officers, directors, employees, agents,
     licensors, licensees, customers, predecessors, successors and assigns, and
     all those in privity with any one or more of them from all claims, actions,
     causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sums of money, accounts, reckonings,
     bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, contracts, controversies, agreements,
     promises, variances, trespasses, damages, judgments, executions, claims,
     costs (including reasonable attorneys fees), and demands whatsoever, in law
     or in equity, which any party hereto ever had against the other, now has or
     hereafter can, shall or may have, for, upon, or by reason of any matter,
     cause or thing whatsoever relating to the Jeanswear License, the Underwear
     Agreements or the Accessories License from the beginning of the world to
     the day and execution and exchange of this Agreement, with the exception
     of: (i) claims arising from any breach of this Agreement from and after the
     Execution Date; (ii) monetary claims (but not termination provided each
     such monetary claim is promptly resolved to Licensor's reasonable
     satisfaction, with each party acting in good faith to resolve fairly and
     quickly) for nonpayment or underpayment of Percentage Fees or other amounts
     due under the Jeanswear License, the Underwear Agreements or the
     Accessories License for periods from and after February 12, 2003, and (iii)
     claims for indemnification under the Jeanswear License, the Underwear
     Agreements or the Accessories License.


IV.  Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement by and
     among the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, and except as
     specifically described and set forth herein, supersedes all prior
     negotiations, discussions, proposals, representations, or otherwise
     relating to the matters addressed herein. This Agreement shall not be
     amended, altered, supplemented, modified, superseded, terminated, or
     otherwise changed, and no provision may be waived, unless in writing
     executed by the parties to such further amendment and expressly stating
     that it is an amendment, alteration, supplement, modification, termination
     or waiver of specific provisions of this Agreement.

V.   Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their
     successors and assigns, parents, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, and
     all of their officers, agents, servants and employees.

VI.  Equal Participation. This Agreement was drafted with full and equal
     participation from the parties, and no provision herein may be construed
     against or in favor of any party because of the relevant bargaining
     positions, strengths or sophistication thereof or because it drafted any
     such provision.

VII. Notices. All notices, requests, consents, demands, approvals and other
     communications, including the service of process, hereunder shall be deemed
     to have been duly given, made or served if in writing and delivered
     personally or sent by overnight carrier that requires the addressee to
     acknowledge receipt thereof to the respective parties to this Agreement as
     set forth below or as later amended in writing. Informal communications
     between the parties may be properly transmitted by facsimile.

          (a)  If to CKI or PVH:

                                    Calvin Klein, Inc.
                                    205 West 39th Street
                                    New York, New York 10018
                                    Attn: Tom Murry, President
                                    Fax No.: (212) 292-9933

                                    Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation
                                    200 Madison Avenue
                                    New York, New York 10016
                                    Attn: Mark Weber, President
                                    Fax No.: (212) 381-3970

               with a copy to:

                                    Calvin Klein, Inc.
                                    205 W. 39th Street
                                    New York, New York 10018
                                    Attn: General Counsel
                                    Fax No.: (212) 764-6784


                                    Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation
                                    200 Madison Avenue
                                    New York, New York 10016
                                    Attn: General Counsel
                                    Fax No.: (212) 381-3970


          (b)  If to Warnaco, CKJ or CKJHI:

                                    Warnaco Inc.
                                    90 Park Avenue
                                    New York, New York 10016
                                    Attn: General Counsel
                                    Fax No.: (212) 503-8536

                                    Calvin Klein Jeanswear Corporation
                                    90 Park Avenue
                                    New York, New York 10016
                                    Attn: President
                                    Fax No.: (212) 503-8536

VIII. Enforceability of a Term. If any term or provision of this Agreement is
      held invalid or unenforceable by a court or tribunal of competent
      jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation
      of any other term or provision and any such invalid term or provision
      shall be modified to the extent necessary to make it valid and/or
      enforceable or severed from this Agreement if such modification is not

IX.   Execution. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and signatures
      hereon may be exchanged and transmitted by facsimile transmission, which
      counterparts and signatures shall, as between the parties, be deemed to be
      originals constituting a single agreement and shall be deemed valid and

X.    No Third Party Beneficiaries. Except as specifically set forth and
      identified herein and in the Jeanswear License and Underwear Agreements,
      there are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.

XI.   Singular and Plural Forms. The meaning assigned to each term defined
      herein shall be equally applicable to both the singular and the plural
      forms of such term. Where a word or phrase is defined herein, each of its
      other grammatical forms shall have a corresponding meaning.

XII.  Rights and Remedies. All rights and remedies that either party may have
      hereunder or by operation of law are cumulative and the pursuit of one
      right or remedy will not be deemed an election to waive or renounce any
      other right or remedy.


XIII. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
      accordance with the laws of the State of New York without reference to its
      principles of conflicts of law.

XIV.  Confidentiality. The terms of this Agreement are and shall be kept
      confidential. No party hereto shall make any press release or any other
      disclosure of this Agreement and the terms hereof, except that each party
      may disclose the same to such of its officers, directors, employees,
      representatives, agents and contractors that need to know the same in
      connection with such party's performance of this Agreement or of any of
      the Jeanswear License, Underwear Agreements, Accessories License (or the
      contemplated Swimwear License Agreement or the C/SA Store License). The
      persons to whom information is disclosed shall be informed of the
      confidential nature of the information prior to disclosure and must agree
      to maintain its confidentiality. If any party, or any officer, director,
      employee, representative, agent or contractor to whom a party discloses
      information in accordance with this Section XIV becomes legally compelled
      (including by deposition, interrogatory, request for documents, subpoena,
      civil investigative demand or similar process) to disclose any information
      regarding this Agreement, the party under compulsion will provide the
      other parties with prompt written notice of such requirement so that any
      of the other parties may seek a protective order or other appropriate
      remedy. If such protective order or other remedy is not obtained, the
      disclosing party shall disclose (or cause its applicable director,
      officer, employee, representative or agent to disclose) only the specific
      information that the disclosing party is advised by counsel is legally
      required or compelled to be disclosed, and the disclosing party agrees to
      take all reasonable steps to preserve the confidentiality of the
      information disclosed, including by obtaining an appropriate protective
      order or other reliable assurance that confidential treatment will be
      accorded to the information so disclosed. If a party determines it is
      legally necessary to make any public disclosure regarding this Agreement
      through a press release, or other means, the parties shall discuss the
      press release or other public disclosure in good faith, and the party who
      has determined that such disclosure is necessary to comply with applicable
      law or regulation, including applicable stock exchange regulations, shall
      incorporate in its public disclosure all comments reasonably requested by
      the other parties. Nothing herein shall been deemed to limit the
      confidentiality obligation of the parties under the Jeanswear License. The
      parties agree that a breach of this Section XIV or the other
      confidentiality provisions of the Jeanswear License could cause
      irreparable injury to a party and that payment of money damages alone may
      not be sufficient. The parties further agree that if a party hereto
      breaches or threatens to breach this Section XIV or such other
      confidentiality provisions, the other parties may seek injunctive and
      other equitable relief, in accordance with Section II of this Agreement
      and the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce.


XV.   Single Restated Agreement. The parties will consider in good faith the
      desirability and feasibility of commissioning a joint effort to combine
      all of the operative amendments and modifications to the Jeanswear License
      into a single restated agreement.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the
Effective Date.

                                       CALVIN KLEIN, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Mark D. Fischer
                                       Name: Mark D. Fischer
                                       Title: Vice President

                                       PHILLIPS-VAN HEUSEN CORPORATION

                                       By: /s/ Mark D. Fischer
                                       Name: Mark D. Fischer
                                       Title: Vice President

                                       WARNACO INC.

                                       By: /s/ Stanley P. Silverstein
                                       Name: Stanley P. Silverstein
                                       Title: Senior Vice President

                                       CALVIN KLEIN JEANSWEAR COMPANY

                                       By: /s/ Stanley P. Silverstein
                                       Name: Stanley P. Silverstein
                                       Title: President

                                       CKJ HOLDINGS INC.

                                       By: /s/ Stanley P. Silverstein
                                       Name: Stanley P. Silverstein
                                       Title: President


                            EXHIBIT: COLA Adjustment

All amounts subject to adjustment by COLA will be increased (or, in the case of
the Credit only, decreased, as applicable) on January 1, of each Annual Period
in the proportion that the CPI (as defined below) figure last published
immediately preceding such date bears to the CPI figure last published
immediately preceding January 1 of the prior Annual Period. "CPI" shall mean the
Consumer Price Index (All Urban) - Apparel Commodities (including footwear)
(1982/1984 = 1) published by the United States Government Bureau of Labor
Statistics or its successor.


                      EXHIBIT: Specified Competitors ([p] 6)


and other comparable competitors reasonably agreed upon in good faith by
Licensor and Licensee.


Exhibit B
- ---------

"Products" shall mean:

Women's, Men's, Children's (i.e., boys and girls), Juniors, Infants and Toddlers
jeans and jeanswear (collectively, "Jeanswear") in all sizes (excluding men's
"big and tall" and women's "plus sizes" unless, Licensor's prior written
approval is obtained) namely:

         i)       jeans;

         ii)      jeans skirts, jeans overalls, jeans short-alls, jeans
                  skirt-alls, jeans shorts, jeans jackets, jeans-coats and jeans

         iii)     casual woven shirts;

         iv)      knit tops and bottoms;

         v)       fleece shirts and pants;

         vi)      sweatshirts;

         vii)     t-shirts (as limited in subparagraph 4 below);

         viii)    baseball caps;

         ix)      ***; and

         x)       All such other items which Licensor and Licensee believe in
                  good faith fall within the "jeanswear" category (as such term
                  is and may become commonly understood in the apparel trade in
                  the United States).

The parties acknowledge and agree that the following shall apply to the
definition of Products ***:

1)       The Products described herein and collections produced hereunder shall
         always comprise and be limited to a "jeanswear" line (as such term is
         and may become commonly understood in the apparel trade in the United
         States.) All Products produced hereunder shall be of a kind, nature,
         construction, fabrication, style and appearance as are typically found
         in a jeanswear department or section of a multi-department retail store
         which has a distinctly separate sportswear department or section.

2)       Products shall only be designed, produced, distributed, marketed and
         advertised as *** and are not to be sold in *** and shall be sold in
         *** where available and always to *** buyers in Licensee's accounts.
         Products shall be sold only in the *** of those stores which maintain
         *** and if there is no *** in such store, a different *** of such store
         ***, subject to the following: (i) Licensee demonstrates that
         competitive products of the same type *** are and continue to be
         marketed in the respective *** of such store ***. Licensor further
         agrees that in the event Licensor wishes to withdraw a consent,
         previously granted, such revocation shall be effective upon *** months
         notice only to enable orders previously accepted by Licensee or in
         process to be shipped, at which time the Articles shall no longer be
         sold in such account's ***, as the case may be. Licensor's *** products
         shall be designed as a part of a *** and distributed and marketed as
         *** and not advertised by Licensor as *** and shall be sold in ***


         where available and/or to *** buyers in Licensor's accounts and/or in
         *** or other *** of accounts (***).

3)       All products produced hereunder shall include visible logo
         identification or other external label identification that is visible
         when worn in the intended fashion using the name "CALVIN KLEIN JEANS,"
         "CK/Calvin Klein Jeans" or such other mark designated by Licensor
         pursuant to Section 3 of this Agreement in the then approved Form

4)       "T-shirts" described above shall not be less than 5 1/2 ounces per
         square meter; shall not be packaged; and may only be sold to jeanswear
         buyers for jeanswear departments or jeanswear specialty stores, but not
         to underwear buyers for underwear departments or specialty stores.

5)       Any dispute or question between the parties as to whether a given
         proposed Product constitutes an item within the Product grant, shall be
         determined by Licensor in good faith based on the following criteria
         only; ***. Licensor shall notify Licensee promptly if Licensor believes
         any proposed Product falls outside of the Product definition herein and
         will discuss the same with Licensee in good faith with due
         consideration to Licensee's comments as to why Licensee believes that
         the proposed Product properly falls within the definition of Products
         before Licensor makes such determination final and requires withdrawal
         of same.

6)       From time to time, Licensor and Licensee shall jointly review the
         retail marketplace to assess the marketing of Licensee's collections
         with a view to determining *** the continuing application of the
         restrictions on selling Product to the *** or ***.





CK / Calvin Klein Five Year Plan
North America and Caribbean Islands

                                    2004        2005        2006        2007        2008
                                  --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
Business Plan
- -------------
CK/Calvin Klein                      ***         ***         ***         ***         ***
Calvin Klein                         ***         ***         ***         ***         ***
Total                                ***         ***         ***         ***         ***
*** of Plan                          ***         ***         ***         ***         ***
- -----------
CK/Calvin Klein                      ***         ***         ***         ***         ***
Calvin Klein                         ***         ***         ***         ***         ***
Total                                ***         ***         ***         ***         ***
Percentage Royalty (***)             ***         ***         ***         ***         ***
- ------------------------
CK/Calvin Klein                      ***         ***         ***         ***         ***
Calvin Klein                         ***         ***         ***         ***         ***
Total Minimum Royalty                ***         ***         ***         ***         ***
- ---------------------


CK / Calvin Klein Five Year Plan
Rest of World

                                    2005        2006        2007        2008
                                  --------    --------    --------    --------
Business Plan
- -------------
CK/Calvin Klein                      ***        ***         ***         ***
Calvin Klein                         ***        ***         ***         ***
Total                                ***        ***         ***         ***
*** of Plan                          ***        ***         ***         ***
- -----------
CK/Calvin Klein                      ***        ***         ***         ***
Calvin Klein                         ***        ***         ***         ***
Total                                ***        ***         ***         ***
Percentage Royalty (***)             ***        ***         ***         ***
- ------------------------
CK/Calvin Klein                      ***        ***         ***         ***
Calvin Klein                         ***        ***         ***         ***
Total Minimum Royalty                ***        ***         ***         ***
- ---------------------


Exhibit:  Design Process and Procedures ([p] 4)
- -------

(a)      The Jeanswear License, (including Section 3 thereto) is hereby amended
         such that the design and approval processes for Articles shall be
         governed by (x) the following criteria and procedures and (y) Exhibit
         B, in each case which shall be applicable to all Articles:

         (i)      Licensor and Licensee shall continue to cooperate with each
                  other in connection with effectuating the design and
                  production of Articles. Licensor shall exercise all reviews
                  and deliver all approvals (and disapprovals, including
                  suggestions for modifications) in good faith, in a prompt and
                  timely manner with the primary objective of ensuring that (i)
                  the design aesthetic and reputation of Licensor and the
                  Licensed Marks are preserved and reflected in such Articles,
                  (ii) the quality standards under Section 4 of the Jeanswear
                  License (none of which are modified or deleted by this
                  Amendment) are maintained and (iii) the proposed Design
                  Concepts, Articles for Adoption, Prototypes (as defined
                  below), and Articles are developed and produced within the
                  Product definition (individually and collectively, the "Design
                  Objective"). ***. Except as otherwise indicated herein, the
                  approvals required pursuant to this Agreement may reflect
                  Licensor's subjective aesthetic standards, exercised in good
                  faith. Licensor will exercise its approval rights consistent
                  with the Design Objective and not disapprove completely all
                  Articles of a certain classification (i.e., category of
                  products (e.g., pants, shirts, shorts)) which qualify as
                  Product solely to afford Licensor or licensees of Licensor
                  a competitive advantage. Licensor and Licensee shall confer
                  in good faith at all times to develop, review and consider
                  changes to or modifications in the Collection ***.
                  ***. If so requested by Licensor, Licensee shall resubmit such
                  modified item to Licensor so that Licensor can confirm
                  compliance with Licensors requests. Licensee agrees to design,
                  develop and produce the Articles at all times in accordance
                  with the Design Objective.

         (ii)     ***.

         (iii)    ***.

         (iv)     ***.

         (v)      ***.

         (vi)     ***.

         (vii)    ***.

         (viii)   ***.

         (ix)     ***.



Design Staff Exhibit

                               Calvin Klein, Inc.
                                Jeans Design Team

NAME                                         HIRE DATE                TITLE                   TERMS
***                                             ***

                                                                     DESN DIR                  ***
***                                             ***                  SR DESNR
***                                             ***                  SKTCHART
***                                             ***                  DESNASST
***                                             ***
***                                             ***                  DESN DIR
***                                             ***                  TRIM MGR
***                                             ***                  GRPHDSNG
***                                             ***                  GRPHDSNR
***                                             ***                  GRPHDSNR
***                                             ***                  GRPHDSNR
***                                             ***                  GRPHTECH
***                                             ***
***                                             ***                  DESN DIR
***                                             ***                  DESIGNER
***                                             ***                 ASSOCDSGN
***                                             ***                  DGTLART
***                                             ***                  SKTCHART
***                                             ***
***                                             ***                  DESN DIR                  ***
***                                             ***                  SR DESNR
***                                             ***                  DESIGNER
***                                             ***                 ASSOCDSGN
***                                             ***                  DGTLART
***                                             ***
***                                             ***                  TEXTDSGN
***                                             ***                  TEXTDSGN
***                                             ***                 TEXDSNAST
***                                             ***                 TEXDSNAST
***                                             ***                  DIR JEAN
***                                             ***                  CKJEANSC
