Exhibit 10(o)

December 1, 2003

Mr. Ralph Horn
First Tennessee Bank
4385 Poplar OCC 2nd Floor
Memphis, TN 38117

Dear Ralph,

This letter describes the components of the special separation package approved
by the Human Resources Committee of First Tennessee National Corporation (the
"Company"). This letter also contains a Non-Solicitation and Non-Compete

I.       Employee Benefits

         Pension and Supplemental Retirement

         Based on an election of the 50% Joint & Survivor Annuity Option for
         your early retirement benefit under the FTNC Pension Plan, you will
         receive approximately $6984 each month beginning in January 2004.

         In addition to the monthly pension benefit, you will receive a
         supplemental retirement payment of approximately $477,468 per year
         which will be paid in bi-weekly payments of approximately $18,364
         beginning in January 2004. These payments are also based on the 50%
         Joint & Survivor Annuity Option. The total monthly payments from FTNC
         Pension and supplemental retirement will be approximately $46,773*.

         All of these payments will be eligible for any cost of living increases
         that may be provided in the future to retirees through the FTNC Pension

         *These numbers are estimates. These amounts will be finalized after
         your retirement date December 31, 2003. However, please note the
         pension payment and supplemental payment combined will equal $561,276
         per year.

         Deferred Compensation

         Your account in the Directors and Executives Deferral Plan will
         continue to accrue interest at the Applicable Rate. The first payment
         will be made on or about the January 31st following your 65th birthday
         (i.e. January 31, 2007). The monthly payment, based on the current
         Applicable Rate, will be $40,842.50 per month ($490,110 annually) for a
         period of 180 months (or 15 years). A summary of your total projected
         benefits under the Deferral Plan will be provided to you.

         Restricted Stock

         There are currently 49,258 shares of restricted FTNC stock in your
         TARSAP account. Subject to remittance to the Company of all applicable
         withholding taxes, the Committee has approved that the Company release
         the restrictions on these shares that are currently not vested. These
         restrictions will be released on January 2, 2004.

         Medical Insurance

         You may continue your medical coverage, as an early retiree, provided
         you make the necessary premium payments. At your death, your spouse
         will have free coverage for two years and at the end of the two years,
         she can continue coverage by paying the necessary premiums unless she
         remarries or becomes covered by another group medical plan. As is the
         case with all of our retirees, First Tennessee reserves the right to
         change premiums, make plan revisions or terminate the plan at any time.

         Executive Survivor Life Insurance

         At your death, a survivor's income benefit will be paid under the
         Company's Survivor Benefits Plan to your beneficiary. The benefit will
         be equal to two times your final year's base salary (exclusive of
         incentive or bonus compensation). This taxable survivor's benefit,
         based on your estimated final salary, will be $1,840,852. In the event
         of a Change in Control, your benefit under the Plan cannot be reduced.

         Group Life Insurance and Voluntary Group Life

         You have $50,000 of group term life insurance that will cease as of
         December 31, 2003. You have no voluntary group life insurance.

         You may convert your group term life insurance coverage to a whole life
         insurance policy within 31 days of your coverage ending. Please contact
         us if you would like a conversion form.

         Stock Options

         All outstanding options will continue to vest as scheduled upon your
         retirement. Unexercised management options will expire three years
         after date of retirement and unexercised deferral options will expire
         five years after date of retirement.

         Office Space

         You will be provided office space beginning January 2004 at a mutually
         agreed upon location until you reach age 75.

         Administrative Support

         You will be offered administrative support paid for by the Company
         until age 75.

         Financial Counseling

         You may use financial planning and tax preparation services at your
         discretion, paid for by FTN. This benefit will be available to you
         until age 75.

These benefits extensions are in addition to other benefits to which you would
otherwise be entitled upon your Early Retirement.

II.      Release and Waiver
         In consideration for the benefits described in paragraph I above, and
         other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which you
         acknowledge by your signature in the space provided below, you do, for
         yourself, your heirs, personal representatives, agents and assigns,
         fully, absolutely, and unconditionally release, acquit and forever
         discharge First Tennessee National Corporation, and any and all of
         their predecessors, successors, assigns, subsidiaries, parents,
         affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, employees and
         agents, attorneys and representatives, both past, present, or future,
         from any and all claims, losses, demands, liabilities, causes of
         action, fees (including attorney's fees), compensation, back pay and/or
         front pay, employment or re-employment and any other benefits,
         obligation or liability of any kind, known or unknown, whether
         heretofore asserted or unasserted, including but not limited to all
         causes of action arising out of or in any way related to your
         employment by the Bank, or your termination, whether arising out of or
         related to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended
         ("Title VII"); the amendments to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
         1991; The Federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and the AGE
         Tennessee Human Rights Commission Act, Tennessee Code Annotated section
         4-21-101 et seq., and Tennessee Code Annotated 8-50-103 (Employment of
         the Handicapped), or any other federal or state, local, city statute,
         code, ordinance, rule, regulation, or common law governing, controlling
         or otherwise dealing with employment, employment discrimination or
         equal employment opportunity, unemployment compensation, employment
         termination, or otherwise all causes of action occurring from the
         beginning of time to the date of this Agreement.

III.     Acknowledgment of Compliance
         Because this Agreement includes a release and waiver as to claims under
         the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT, your signature below
         acknowledges that it complies with the Older Workers Benefit Protection
         Act ("OWBPA") of 1990

         and further acknowledges that you confirm, understand and agree to the
         terms and conditions of this Agreement; that these terms are written
         in lay persons terms, and that you have been fully advised of your
         right to seek the advice and assistance of consultants, including an
         attorney, as well as tax advisors to review this Agreement.

         Your signature below also acknowledges that you understand that you
         have twenty-one (21) full days to consider whether to sign this
         Agreement. By signing this Agreement on the date shown below, you
         voluntarily elect to forego waiting twenty-one (21) full days to sign
         this Agreement. You agree that any change, material or immaterial, to
         the terms of this Agreement does not restart the running of the
         twenty-one (21) day period.

IV.      Right of Revocation
         Your signature also acknowledges that, in Compliance with the OWBPA
         mentioned above, you have been fully advised by the Company of your
         right to revoke and nullify this release and Agreement, which right
         must be exercised if at all, within seven (7) days of the date of your
         signature. Any revocation of this must be in writing, addressed to the
         Company, attention William J. Schwindt, and the Company must be
         notified within the foregoing seven-day period. This Agreement will not
         become effective or enforceable until the expiration of the seven-day
         period. In no event shall payment be made by the Company on or before
         the effective date.

V.       Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure
         In order to protect the legitimate interests of the Company, and its
         subsidiaries, you agree that you will not disclose to others, whether
         directly or indirectly, any proprietary information relating to the
         Company's business plans or other confidential business information
         and/or trade secrets of the Company which you received or to which you
         were given access during your employment with the Company.

         This obligation of confidentiality and non-disclosure shall also apply
         to the content and substance of this letter, except, of course, it may
         be disclosed to any attorney, financial or tax consultant from whom you
         seek advice. If the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement are
         violated by you, then you will be responsible for all costs and
         enforcement costs including, but not limited to, attorney's fees.

         Nothing in this Agreement, including the remedy provisions for breach,
         limit in any way your right to challenge the validity of this Agreement
         in a legal proceeding under OWPBA with respect to claims under the

VI.      Non-Solicitation and Non-Compete

         A.   Non-Solicitation / Non-Hire - For a period of three (3) years
              following the termination of your employment, and for such
              additional period beyond the three years that you continue to
              receive compensation from the Company, you agree that you will
              not, either on your own behalf or on behalf of any other person
              or entity, directly or indirectly, hire, solicit, or encourage to
              leave the employment of the

              Company any person who is then an employee of the Company or who
              was an employee of the Company within six months of the date of
              such hiring, soliciting, or encouragement to leave the Company.

         B.   Non-Compete - For a period of three (3) years following the
              termination of your employment, and for such additional period
              beyond the three years that you continue to receive compensation
              from the Company, you agree not to compete with the Company or any
              and all of its subsidiaries, parents or affiliates, by accepting
              employment from or having any other relationship (including,
              without limitation, through owning, managing, operating,
              controlling or consulting) with a financial services business, or
              any affiliate thereof, which is in competition with the Company
              and has a business location within fifty (50) miles of Memphis or
              any of its affiliated banking offices in Tennessee, unless you
              have received the prior written consent of the Employee Services
              Division Manager.

              You acknowledge and agree that the restrictions set forth in
              paragraphs V & VI hereof are reasonable and necessary for the
              protection of the Company business and goodwill. You further agree
              that if you breach or threaten to breach any of your obligations
              in sections V and VI of this Agreement, the Company, in addition
              to any other remedies available to it under the law, may obtain
              specific performance and/or injunctive relief against you to
              prevent such continued or threatened breach. You also acknowledge
              and agree that the Company shall be reimbursed by you for all
              attorney's fees and costs incurred by it in enforcing any of its
              rights or remedies under sections V and VI of this Agreement.

VII.     Return of Documents
         By your signature, you acknowledge and confirm that you have returned
         to the Company any and all documents belonging to it, as well as any
         other property which belongs to it, and that no such documents or
         materials or property have been retained by you.

VIII.    Binding Effect
         Upon your signing this Agreement, and after the expiration of seven (7)
         days, it will become effective and is binding upon you and the Company
         and its respective successors, assigns, heirs and personal
         representatives, as is discussed in paragraph II above.

IX.      Severability
         A finding that any provision of this Agreement is void or unenforceable
         shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions
         of this Agreement.

X.       Drafting
         This Agreement is a product of negotiations between the parties and in
         construing the provisions of this Agreement, no inference or
         presumption shall be drawn against either party on the basis of which
         party or their attorneys drafted this Agreement.

XI.      Captions
         The captions to the various paragraphs of this Agreement are for
         convenience only and are not part of this Agreement.

XII.     Sole Agreement
         By your signature, you also confirm that the only consideration for
         your signing this Agreement are the terms set forth within it, and that
         no other promise or agreement of any kind has been made to you by the
         Company or anyone acting by, for, or on its behalf.


This Agreement is signed in duplicate originals at First Tennessee National
Corporation Memphis, Tennessee.

The benefits which have been approved by the Human Resources Committee are, of
course, conditioned on your acceptance of the terms of this letter, expressed by
your signature in the space provided below.


/s/ Sarah L. Meyerrose
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Sarah L. Meyerrose
EVP Corporate & Employee Services


/s/ Ralph Horn                               12/10/03
- -----------------------------------          ------------------------
Ralph Horn                                   Date

Witnessed by:

/s/ Debbie Golladay                          12/10/03
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