EXHIBIT 10.5(d)

                             DEFER RECEIPT OF SHARES

Fill in all of the following blanks with respect to your election to exchange
shares of restricted stock for restricted stock units ("RSU's") (as defined
below) and thereby defer receipt of shares under the 1992 Restricted Stock
Incentive Plan, as amended. Please print. Complete a separate Agreement for each
amount of shares covered by a performance period that is subject to accelerated
vesting for which you elect to defer.

Date: ________________

Performance Period Ending: ____________________

                                         To be completed by Personnel Division:
                                         Effective Date: ___________________

Number of Restricted Shares Covered by this
Deferral Election:  ______________ (See Paragraph 8 below.)

Date of Distribution:_______________________________________________________
                             (See Paragraph 6 below for instructions.)

Beneficiary designation:_____________________________________________________
                                 (See Paragraphs 13 and 14 below.)

Dividend equivalents:________________________________________________________
                           (Insert "Pay Now" [See Paragraph 16 below]
                               or "Defer" [See Paragraph 11 below].)

         This Agreement is made and entered into as of the date stated above by
and between the individual named above (the "Participant") and First Tennessee
National Corporation (the "Corporation").


         WHEREAS, the Corporation has established a deferral program (the
"Program") for certain employees of the Corporation and its subsidiaries who are
participants in the Corporation's 1992 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan, as
amended (the "Plan"), pursuant to which the grantee of an award under the Plan
who meets the eligibility requirements of the Program and who complies with the
terms and conditions of the Program is permitted to elect to exchange shares of
restricted stock for restricted stock units and thereby defer receipt of shares
and defer recognition of income for federal income tax purposes; and

         WHEREAS, Participant desires to make a deferral election under the

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises made herein,
Participant and the Corporation do agree as follows:

         1. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Program described below,
            Participant hereby irrevocably elects to exchange the number of
            shares of restricted stock identified above for


            restricted stock units ("RSU's") and hereby defer receipt of
            shares for the period of time specified, and the Corporation
            agrees to deliver to Participant at the time specified the shares
            whose receipt has been deferred (adjusted to reflect any stock
            splits and stock dividends as described below) and an amount of
            cash equivalent to the dividends that would have been paid after
            the Effective Date (defined below) and prior to the Date of
            Distribution (defined below) had Participant not made a deferral
            election and continued to own the shares during the period
            specified plus interest on such dividend equivalents at a 10-year
            Treasury rate of interest, all as described below.

         2. Participant must meet one of the following requirements: (a)
            Participant must have received an award under Section 5 of the Plan,
            at least some of the restrictions on which had not lapsed as of
            December 15, 1998 or (b) Participant must have received an award
            under Section 5 of the Plan after December 15, 1998 and
            Participant's restricted stock agreement ("Restricted Stock
            Agreement") provides that Participant may elect to defer under the
            Plan with respect to such award.

         3. The Effective Date of this Agreement must occur before restrictions
            are scheduled to lapse on the Restricted Shares specified above and
            must be at least any minimum number of days before restrictions are
            scheduled to lapse that is required by the Committee.

         4. Participants must tender certificates for the shares of restricted
            stock with respect to which this Agreement is being entered into at
            the time the Agreement is tendered, if the shares are not held in
            book-entry format by the Corporation's transfer agent. Participant
            agrees to execute any form that may be required by the transfer
            agent with respect to book-entry or certificated shares.

         5. The Effective Date of the deferral election is the close of business
            on the business day on which the Manager of the Personnel Division,
            or her designee, receives the deferral election and, if the shares
            of restricted stock are not held in book-entry format, certificates
            for the shares of restricted stock with any properly completed and
            executed stock powers that may be requested by the Personnel

         6. Participant must select a deferral period, at the end of which
            shares whose receipt has been deferred and earnings thereon will be
            paid to Participant, subject to Paragraph 13 herein. The payment
            date is referred to herein as the "Date of Distribution."
            Participant may specify any future date, not to exceed actual
            retirement plus five years, as the Date of Distribution.
            Alternatively, Participant may specify payment to be made "on
            retirement" or "on retirement plus __ years and __ months." Under
            this alternative, the payment date may not exceed actual retirement
            plus five years. For all purposes hereof, the term "retirement"
            includes any retirement, whether it is a normal or an early
            retirement. If the Date of Distribution is not a business day,
            payment will be made on the next day that is a business day.

         7. Until the accelerated lapse date approved by the Committee, or if
            accelerated performance criteria are not met, until the date
            specified in the participant's Restricted Stock Agreement as the
            date on which restrictions on the Restricted Shares will lapse,
            RSU's will remain subject to forfeiture in the same manner as
            Restricted Shares would have remained subject to forfeiture under
            the provisions of the Plan and related Restricted Stock Agreement,
            except as is provided below in the event of death, disability,
            retirement, other termination of employment, or Change in Control.
            In other words, RSU's will be subject to restrictions identical to
            the restrictions on Restricted Shares, and restrictions on RSU's
            will lapse, if at


            all, at the same time that restrictions on Restricted Shares
            would have lapsed had Participant not made a deferral election.
            If accelerated performance criteria have been met, then RSU's
            will be fully vested and not subject to forfeiture.

         8. Participant's deferral election must be for 100% percent of the
            shares of restricted stock with respect to which restrictions are
            scheduled to lapse if performance criteria are met for a performance
            period (generally 1/3 of the shares originally awarded). Participant
            may make a separate election for each of the three different
            accelerated performance criteria performance periods applicable to
            an award under the Plan, but any election must be for 100 percent of
            the shares with respect to which restrictions may lapse if
            performance criteria are met.

         9. Upon the Effective Date, a deferral account will be established by
            the Corporation, consisting of a subaccount reflecting RSU's and,
            unless Participant has elected to receive earnings attributable to
            RSU's currently, and not on a deferred basis, pursuant to Paragraph
            16, a subaccount representing cash equal to the earnings credited to
            the account with respect to dividend equivalents and interest
            thereon. Participant's RSU subaccount will be credited with RSU's,
            based on the number of shares of restricted stock covered by this
            deferral election, with each RSU being equivalent to one share of
            the Corporation's common stock. Additional RSU's will be credited to
            participant's RSU subaccount at the time of payment of any stock
            split or stock dividend on the Corporation's common stock, in
            accordance with Paragraph 10 herein.

        10. Any stock split and stock dividend that is declared with respect to
            the Corporation's common stock having a payment date that occurs on
            or after the Effective Date and before the deferral period has
            terminated will result in a corresponding stock split or stock
            dividend being made with respect to the RSU's in Participant's
            deferral account with the result that Participant will be issued
            that number of shares of the Corporation's common stock at the
            termination of the deferral period that Participant would have owned
            had he or she received shares of restricted stock, without
            restriction, at the time of the lapsing of restrictions on the
            restricted stock had Participant not entered into this Agreement and
            had Participant then maintained ownership of such common stock
            through the payment date of the stock dividend or stock split.

        11. Earnings will be credited to Participant's cash subaccount and
            accrued on the RSU's as follows: on each date on which the
            Corporation pays a dividend on its shares of common stock, an amount
            equal to such dividend will be credited to Participant's account
            with respect to each RSU. Then, as of January 1st of each year, an
            additional amount will be credited to Participant's account to
            reflect earnings on the dividend equivalents from the time they were
            credited to the account for the prior plan year. The rate of
            earnings credited for the year will be the rate disclosed under the
            caption "Annualized Ten Year Treasury Rate" in the Federal Reserve
            Statistical Release in January of the year following the year with
            respect to which earnings are to be credited, and the amount will be
            computed by multiplying the dividend equivalent by the rate by a
            factor representing the fraction of the year (e.g., 100% for a
            January 1st dividend equivalent, 75% for an April 1st dividend
            equivalent, 50% for a July 1st dividend equivalent, and 25% for a
            October 1 dividend equivalent) remaining after the dividend
            equivalent was credited to Participant's account. Interest will
            compound as follows: for any cash credited to the account that
            existed on the first day of the prior plan year (excluding any
            dividend equivalent that is credited to the account on such day),
            earnings will be credited in an amount equal to the amount of such
            cash multiplied by the applicable ten year treasury rate factor. For
            the portion of the year in which a distribution from the deferral


            account is made to Participant, earnings will be credited on any
            cash credited to the account during such year from the time such
            cash is credited through the date of distribution at the rate
            employed for the previous year.

        12. Payment from Participant's deferral account will be made in a
            single lump sum, computed as follows: with respect to Participant's
            RSU subaccount, one share of the Corporation's common stock will be
            paid to Participant for each RSU credited to such subaccount, and
            with respect to Participant's cash subaccount, cash in the amount
            credited to the subaccount will be paid to Participant.

        13. Payment from Participant's deferral account will be made to
            Participant (or, in the event of Participant's death, his or her
            beneficiary) only at the following times: (1) if restrictions on the
            RSU's have already lapsed at the time payment is scheduled to be
            made, then on the earliest to occur of the following dates: the date
            selected by Participant, the date of a Change in Control as defined
            in the Plan, or a date selected by the Corporation following
            Participant's death, disability, or termination of employment for
            any reason other than normal or early retirement that is no later
            than the last day of the month following the month in which there
            occurs the death, disability, or termination of employment of
            Participant for any reason other than normal or early retirement, or
            (2) if restrictions on the RSU's have not lapsed at the time payment
            is otherwise scheduled to be made and subject to the last two
            sentences of this Paragraph 13, then on the earliest to occur of the
            following dates: (i) the later of the date selected by Participant
            or the date restrictions on the RSU's lapse, if the shares have not
            been forfeited before such lapse date, (ii) the date of a Change in
            Control as defined in the Plan, or (iii) a date selected by the
            Corporation following Participant's death, or if the Committee
            approves, the participant's retirement or disability that is no
            later than the last day of the month following the month in which
            there occurs the death or, if the Committee has approved, the
            disability or retirement of Participant. The RSU's and any right to
            receive Restricted Shares without restrictions will be forfeited by
            Participant if there occurs a termination of the participant's
            employment prior to the lapsing of restrictions on RSU's or if
            Participant becomes disabled or retires prior to a lapsing of
            restrictions on RSU's and the Committee has not acted to approve
            payment to Participant in the event of disability or retirement.
            Notwithstanding a forfeiture of RSU's, the balance in Participant's
            cash subaccount within Participant's deferral account will be paid
            to Participant immediately following the occurrence of such a

        14. For any and all purposes of this Agreement and the Plan,
            Participant designates the person specified above as his/her
            beneficiary under the Plan.

        15. The Human Resources Committee is authorized to interpret and
            administer the Program and the terms and provisions of this

        16. Participant is permitted to elect to receive earnings attributable
            to Participant's RSU subaccount currently, and not on a deferred
            basis, by indicating such an election on Participant's irrevocable
            deferred agreement. If such an election is made, Participant will
            receive in cash on each date on which the Corporation pays a
            dividend on its shares of common stock an amount equal to such
            dividend with respect to each RSU in Participant's RSU account. Such
            payment will be made in lieu of crediting any amount to
            Participant's cash subaccount pursuant to Paragraph 11 and
            Participant's cash subaccount will be deemed to be "zero" for all
            purposes of the Plan and this Agreement.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Participant has executed and the Corporation has
caused its duly authorized officer to execute this Agreement, each as of the day
and year first above written.


By:__________________________________                 _________________________
    Executive Vice President,                         Participant
    Division Manager Personnel,
    or other authorized signatory

Risk Statement:

If the fair market value of Corporation common stock drops below the fair market
value on the Effective Date and does not recover before the end of the deferral
period, a portion of the value of such shares will be lost. Thereafter, the
value of such shares may increase or decrease further.

If Participant's employment terminates for a reason other than death, or if the
Committee approves, disability or retirement, before the restrictions on the
RSU's lapse, the right to receive shares at the end of the deferral period will
be forfeited by Participant and canceled by the Corporation.
