The Board of Directors
First Brands Corporation
     We  consent to the use of our audit  report dated August 9, 1994 (except as
to Note  19, which  is as  of August  26, 1994)  on the  consolidated  financial
statements and schedules of First Brands Corporation and subsidiaries as of June
30,  1994 and June 30, 1993  and for each of the  years in the three year period
ended June  30,  1994  incorporated  herein by  reference  in  the  Registration
Statement on Form S-8 of First Brands Corporation pertaining to the First Brands
Corporation  1994  Performance  Stock  Option  and  Incentive  Plan  and  to the
reference to our firm under the heading 'Experts' in the prospectus.
     Our audit report refers to First  Brands Corporation's change in method  of
accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions by adopting Statement
of   Financial  Accounting   Standards  No.  106,   'Employer's  Accounting  for
Postretirement Benefits  Other  than  Pensions'.  Further,  we  acknowledge  our
awareness of the use therein of our review report dated November 1, 1994 related
to our review of interim financial information.
     Pursuant  to  Rule 436(c)  under the  Securities Act  of 1933,  such review
report is  not  considered  a  part of  a  registration  statement  prepared  or
certified  by an accountant or  a report prepared or  certified by an accountant
within the meaning of sections 7 and 11 of the Act.
                                          /s/ KPMG PEAT MARWICK LLP
New York, New York
November 11, 1994