Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K/A1

                   Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                       of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                             For the Fiscal Year Ended
                                 December 31, 1994

                           Commission File Number  0-3704

                               NAI TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

A New York Corporation                         IRS Employer I.D. No. 11-1798773

                 1000 Woodbury Road, Woodbury, New York 11797-2530

                           Telephone No.  (516) 364-4433

            Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

           Common Stock, Par Value $0.10 Per Share

Indicate by check mark whether  the  registrant  (1)  has  filed  all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of  the  Securities  Exchange  Act
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months, and  (2)  has  been  subject  to  such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.  YES     X      NO   __

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant  to  Item
405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein,  and  will  not  be  contained,
to  the  best  of  the  registrant's  knowledge,  in   definitive   proxy   or
information statements incorporated by reference in  Part  III  of  this  Form
10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. (X)

As of March 19,  1995,  7,195,567  common  shares  were  outstanding  and  the
aggregate market value of the common shares (based  on  the  average  bid  and
asked price of these shares on  the  NASDAQ  Stock  Market  as  of  March  29,
1995) of NAI Technologies,  Inc.  held  by  non-affiliates  was  approximately
$15 million.

Documents  Incorporated  by  Reference:   Proxy  Statement  for  1995   Annual
Meeting  of Shareholders to be held  on  April 26,  1995  is  incorporated  by
reference in Part III of this Annual Report on Form 10-K.

                                  EXPLANATORY NOTE

                  This Form 10-K/A1 is being filed by NAI Technologies, Inc., a
New York corporation (the "Company"), as an amendment to  its  Form  10-K  for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994 (the "Form  10-K")  to  include  Items
6 (Selected Financial  Data),  7  (Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations), 8  (Financial  Statements  and
Supplementary Data) and 14(a) and Exhibits 10  (Amended  and  Restated  Credit
Agreement and  Registration  Rights  Agreement),  23  (Consent  of  KPMG  Peat
Marwick) and 27 (Financial Data Schedule) which  were  not  included  in  such
Form 10-K pending the finalization by the Company  of  negotiations  with  its
lending banks for the restructuring of its  credit  facilities  as  set  forth
in  the  Company's  Form  12b-25  filed  with  the  Securities  and   Exchange
Commission electronically on April 3, 1995.


Item 6.
Selected Financial Data
- ----------------------
                                    (in thousands except per share data)
                                1994       1993      1992      1991      1990
                                ----       ----      ----      ----      ----
Net Sales                     $ 54,520   $81,024   $67,315   $59,412   $42,057

Operating earnings (loss) (1) $(14,589)  $ 8,960   $ 8,407   $ 6,308   $ 4,471
Net earnings (loss) (1)       $(11,591)  $ 5,455   $ 5,051   $ 3,900   $ 3,089
Per share data:
 Net earnings (loss) (3)      $(  1.69)  $  0.80   $  0.80   $  0.63   $  0.51
 Cash dividends (2)           $    -     $   -     $   -     $   -     $    -

Total assets at year end      $ 53,720   $60,715   $43,704   $33,817   $32,964

Long-term debt                $ 13,990   $10,797   $ 7,158   $ 5,017   $ 1,817
Working capital               $ 16,665   $19,105   $17,094   $14,134   $ 7,364
Shareholders' equity          $ 20,296   $30,593   $23,911   $18,897   $14,946
Average market price per
 common share at year end (3) $ 2 11/16  $ 6 1/4   $8 3/16   $4 9/16   $2 15/16

Average common shares (3)        6,580     6,843     6,309     6,222     6,020

(1) Includes $7,321 in restructuring costs in 1994.

(2) There have been no cash dividends in the above five fiscal years.

(3) Prior year share data has been restated to reflect 4% stock dividends
    declared in February 1992, 1993 and 1994 and a three-for-two stock split
    paid in August 1993.


Item 7.
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
of Operations                                                         
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

                            Results of Operations
1994 Compared with 1993
- -----------------------

On April 8, 1994 the Company  announced  the  restructuring  of  its  Military
Systems Group.   The  major  component  of  the  restructuring  plan  was  the
consolidation of operations into one location (Codar Technology, Inc.) located
in Longmont, Colorado.  The goal of the restructuring was and continues to  be
to reduce costs and increase operating efficiencies.  In conjunction with this
decision, the Company  announced  that  it  was  closing  its  Hauppauge-based
Military Products division by September 30, 1994, and that most  of  the  work
force reductions would be completed in early July.  The work force  reductions
and the closing of the facility were completed on schedule,  but  at  year-end
the combined operation  was  performing  at  lower  than  anticipated  revenue

The Hauppauge facility consisted  of  two  buildings  totalling  approximately
86,000 square feet.  On October 5, 1994 the smaller facility totalling  20,000
square feet was sold for approximately net book value.   The  larger  facility
totalling 66,000 square feet is currently under contract to be sold.  Most  of
the Company's components business, particularly the USH and the NST  products,
were manufactured at this location.   The  decision  to  close  the  Hauppauge
facility was brought about by the  Navy's  decision  to  significantly  reduce
future purchases of  NST  and  USH  units.   Without  a  guarantee  of  future
business, the Company decided it was not cost efficient to  maintain  multiple
manufacturing sites and work forces.  Therefore, the  Company  approached  the
Navy in April to give it the opportunity to make one final purchase  prior  to
the shut-down of the production capability.  The Company subsequently received
a small order for additional USH and NST-I units.

At the beginning of 1994 the Military Products division employed approximately
190 people.  The implementation of the restructuring plan began in April 1994.
It is anticipated that Codar will add approximately 70 jobs after the business
transition is completed, thus creating a net reduction  of  approximately  120
employees.  Through December 31, 1994 Codar had added 54 employees.

During the  first  quarter  of  1994  the  Company  recorded  a  $7.3  million
restructuring charge of which $3.1 million related to a non-cash write-off  of
inventory and anticipated losses on the disposal  of  assets.   The  remaining
$4.2 million primarily consists of employee severance costs, lease termination
costs, and idle facility costs.  $3.3 million out  of  the  $4.2  million  was
disbursed  during  1994.   The  Company  anticipates  that  it  will   receive
approximately $2.3 million over the next  two  years  from  the  sale  of  the
Hauppauge real estate. The proceeds will be used to reduce the Company's  term

The following table lists the major elements of the restructuring charge which
has been budgeted and the amount remaining as of December 31, 1994:


                 Description                           Amount     Balance
                 -----------                          -------     -------
Employee severance expense                        $2,731,000    $  448,000
Idle facility costs subsequent to plant closing      590,000       248,000
Lease termination costs                              370,000       205,000
Contractual obligations                              110,000          -  
Other                                                400,000          -  
                                                  ----------    ----------
Total charges requiring cash outlays               4,201,000       901,000

Loss on disposition of assets                      2,000,000        80,000
Inventory writedown                                1,120,000         -   
                                                  ----------    ----------
Total non-cash charges                             3,120,000        80,000
                                                  ----------    ----------
Total restructuring expense                       $7,321,000    $  981,000
                                                  ==========    ==========

The transition of the Military Systems Group to Colorado placed strains on the
existing management information systems at Codar. During the second half of 1994
the Codar subsidiary reported sales at a  level  substantially  below  earlier
expectations.  The sales  shortfall  was  principally  attributable  to  parts
shortages and increased product complexity, the adverse impact of  which  will
continue for at least the first half of 1995.

The nature of the Company's business is such that year to year changes in sales
levels are predominantly due to changes in shipping volume or product mix rather
than changing sales prices. Net sales in 1994 were $54.5 million, a 33% decrease
when compared with $81.0 million for the same period in  1993.   The  decrease
occurred in both segments, with the largest decrease in the components business
which was attributable to the decline in NST business.

The following chart provides the sales breakdown by product line:

In thousands of dollars                 1994          1993        % Change
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Electronic Systems Segment
      Systems                         $16,587       $15,870           5%
      Component                        19,006        50,662         (62%)
      Service                          10,737         4,670         130%
  Total Electronic Systems Segment     46,330        71,202         (35%)

Telecommunications Segment
      Line treatment                    5,391         5,895          (9%)
      Test equipment                    2,799         3,927         (29%)
  Total Telecommunications Segment      8,190         9,822         (17%)
  TOTAL                               $54,520       $81,024         (33%)

Sales in the Electronic Systems segment  (net  of  intercompany  eliminations)
decreased 35% to $46.3 million from $71.2 million in 1993.  The sales decrease


was primarily attributable to lower component revenue, partially offset by
higher service revenue. The decrease in component revenue was principally due
to the substantial completion in 1993 of the NST contract and a decrease  in
TEMPEST printer product shipments. The increase in systems and service revenue
is primarily attributable to the inclusion of revenue from the Codar Division
which was acquired in October 1993.

In recent years the Company has reduced its dependency on  the  United  States
defense budget by expanding its non-military business operations.  However, the
Company still expects a substantial portion of 1995 sales to be directly to the
military or through prime contractors to the military.  The Company is not aware
of any programs in which it participates that are  specifically  targeted  for
termination or curtailment other than the previously discussed NST program.  The
Company's products are utilized on many different U.S. Government programs which
reduces the adverse impact of cancelling a single specific program.   However,
changes in future U.S. defense spending levels could impact the Company's future
sales volume.

Sales  in the  Telecommunications  segment  decreased  17% to  $8.2  million  as
compared to $9.8 million for the same period in 1993.  The decrease in sales was
attributable  to lower test  equipment and line  treatment  revenues  which were
adversely  affected by lower  orders due to cost  cutting  initiatives  from the
regional Bell operating companies and foreign telecommunications  companies. The
Company believes this decline is temporary and that order activity will increase
in 1995 as several new products  nearing their completion of the development and
test phases  become  available.  The Company has received  favorable  reviews on
several new line  treatment  products and in February 1995 it received its first
order in the amount of $2.0 million for a new line treatment product.

The gross margin  percentage  for 1994 was 18.8% as compared with 33.9% in 1993.
The gross margin percentage was adversely affected by an unfavorable mix of high
and  low  margin  product  deliveries,   reduced  shipping  volume,   continuing
inefficiencies as the Company  transitions its military  products  manufacturing
operations  from  Hauppauge,  New York to Longmont,  Colorado and a $2.2 million
first quarter charge  associated with cost overruns on two new printer products.
Lower margins are expected to continue at least during the first half of 1995 as
the Company continues its consolidation and repositioning efforts.

Selling expense for 1994 was $7.5 million as compared with $7.4 million in 1993.
This slight increase is attributable to the inclusion of the selling  expenses
associated with Codar Technology which was acquired in October 1993  partially
offset by savings associated with the previously mentioned  restructuring  and
lower selling expenses due to lower sales volume.

General and administrative expenses for 1994 were $6.3 million as compared with
$5.8 million in 1993.  This increase is primarily attributable to increased one-
time charges associated with the Company's previously mentioned restructuring
and the cost of running the Hauppauge facility for the first ten months of 1994
substantially below capacity. In 1995 the general administrative expenses should
be lower, as the full annual impact of the consolidation cost savings will  be

Company-sponsored  research  and  development  expenditures  in 1994  were  $3.2
million as compared with $5.0 million in 1993.  This decrease is attributable to
savings associated with the previously mentioned restructuring and the change in
mix between  Company-sponsored  research  and  development  and  customer-funded
research and development. A key component to  the  Electronic  Systems'  segment
strategy   is  to  focus  on  system  integration   business.  Although  systems
integration work by  its nature will require  significant  engineering  content,
such  costs  must  be classified as contract costs and charged to cost of  sales
as  opposed   to  Company-sponsored  research  and  development  (IR&D).  It  is
anticipated that discretionary R&D expenditures will be curtailed in 1995 as the
Company attempts to conserve cash.

The Company had an operating loss of $14.6 million in 1994  as  compared  with
operating earnings of $9.0 million in 1993.  The operating loss  is  primarily
attributable to lower sales  volume  and  margins,  the  previously  mentioned
restructuring and continuing inefficiencies as  the  Company  transitions  its
military products manufacturing operations from Hauppauge, New York to Longmont,

Interest expense, net of interest income, increased by $0.7  million  to  $1.4
million in 1994.  This increase is attributable to increased  long-term  debt,
short-term bank borrowings and an increase in the prime rate.  In October 1993
the Company increased its long-term debt by $7.5 million in conjunction with the
acquisition of Codar Technology.

The effective income tax recovery rate is below the combined statutory federal
and state rates for 1994. The Company was unable to recognize a tax benefit to
its losses greater than the amount it could carry back due to uncertainties as
to whether or not a future benefit will be realized.  Any earnings realized in
1995 will not be taxed at the statutory rate.

The  Company  had a net  loss of  $11.6  million  in 1994 as  compared  with net
earnings  of $5.5  million in 1993.  Earnings  (loss) per share were  ($1.69) as
compared with $0.80 in 1993,  based on a weighted average of 6.9 million and 6.8
million shares outstanding, respectively. The 1993 earnings per share and shares
outstanding figures have been adjusted to reflect the distribution of a 4% stock
dividend on March 14, 1994 to shareholders of record on February 25, 1994.

1993 Compared with 1992
- -----------------------

Sales for 1993 were $81.0 million, a 20% increase when compared with sales  of
$67.3 million in 1992.  The nature of the Company's business is such that year
to year changes in sales levels are predominantly due to changes  in  shipping
volume or product mix rather than changing sales prices.

Sales in the  Electronic  Systems  segment  (net of  intercompany  eliminations)
increased 15% to $71.2 million from $61.8 million in 1992. The increase in sales
was primarily attributable to the inclusion of revenue from the Company's recent
acquisitions,  Lynwood Scientific Developments,  Ltd. and Codar Technology, Inc.
Sales  from these two new  companies  along  with a modest  increase  in systems
integration  sales more than  offset  the impact of the sale of the  Electronics
Instrument product line in September 1992 and lower component sales. The


decrease in component  revenue was  principally due to a decline in shipments of
the Company's two traditional products,  the USH and the NST. Both products have
been a significant  portion of the Company's  sales over the past four years but
the contracts for both are near completion. In 1993, NST and USH sales accounted
for 37% of total revenue compared to 58% in 1992.

Although the Company's acquisitions have allowed it to reduce its dependency on
the United States defense budget, the Company still expects approximately 50% of
1994 sales to be directly to the military or through prime contractors to  the
military. The Company is not aware of any programs in which it participates that
are specifically targeted  for  termination  or  curtailment  other  than  the
previously discussed USH and NST programs.  The Company's products are utilized
on many different U.S. Government programs.   However,  changed  U.S.  defense
spending levels could impact the Company's future sales volume.

Sales in the Telecommunications segment were $9.8 million  in  1993  vs.  $5.5
million in 1992.  This increase is due to the inclusion of a full twelve months
of operations of Wilcom in 1993 as compared with five months in 1992.  Sales in
the Telecommunications segment were adversely affected by lower orders in  the
fourth quarter of 1993, due to cost cutting measures announced by several of the
regional Bell operating companies.

The gross margin percentage in 1993 increased to 33.9% from 32.4% in 1992.  The
increase in gross margin was primarily attributable to a favorable mix of high
and low margin product deliveries as well as continued improvements in operating
efficiencies.  The Company continually strives to reduce its costs and increase
its operating efficiencies.  It is probable that the Company will not be able to
sustain this gross margin percentage in 1994 due to the completion of the NST
and USH contracts which historically had a higher gross margin percentage than
the other products the Company manufactures.

Selling expenses for 1993 were $7.4 million as compared with $5.8 million  for
1992.  This increase is attributable to the recent acquisitions and the opening
of an international sales office in late 1992, partially offset by the selling
expenses eliminated as a result of the sale of the Electronics Instrument
product line in September 1992.

General and administrative expenses for 1993 were $5.8 million as compared with
$3.8 million in 1992.  This increase is primarily attributable to  the  recent
acquisitions and increased personnel and related  costs  associated  with  the
strengthening of the internal management organization.

Company sponsored research and development expenditures  for  1993  were  $5.0
million as compared with $3.7 million in 1992.   This  increase  is  primarily
attributable to the recent acquisitions and reflects the Company's intention to
continue to expand its business base internally as well as through acquisitions.

Operating earnings for 1993 increased 7% to $9.0 million as compared with $8.4
million in 1992.  The increase in operating earnings was a result of increased
sales volume and improved margins offset by increases in selling, general  and
administrative expense, research and development expense and  amortization  of
excess of cost over fair value of net assets acquired.


Interest  expense,  net of interest  income,  increased  by $0.3 million to $0.7
million  in 1993.  The  increase  in net  interest  expense is  attributable  to
increased   debt  and  reduced  short  term   investments   due  to  the  recent

The  effective  income tax rate for 1993 was slightly  lower than the  statutory
rate  due  to a  favorable  income  tax  settlement.  The  1992  effective  rate
approximated the combined statutory federal and state rates.

Net earnings for the year 1993 were $5.5 million, an 8% increase compared with
$5.1 million in 1992.  Included in net earnings was approximately $0.4 million
and $0.1 million for amortization of the excess of cost over the fair value of
net assets acquired for 1993 and 1992, respectively.  Earnings per share in 1993
were $0.80, the same as in 1992, based on a weighted average of 6.8 million and
6.3 million shares outstanding, respectively.  The 1992 and 1993 earnings  per
share and shares  outstanding  figures  have  been  adjusted  to  reflect  the
distribution of a 4% stock dividend on March 26, 1993 to shareholders of record
on February 26, 1993, three for two stock split effected on September 17, 1993
for shareholders of record on August 16, 1993 and a 4% stock dividend on March
24, 1994 to shareholders of record on February 25, 1994.

Liquidity and Capital Resources 
- -------------------------------

The  Company  reported  a net loss of $11.6  million  in 1994,  and  incurred  a
negative cash flow of $0.03 million from  operations.  Company  operations  have
historically  provided a positive cash flow.  However,  the Company is currently
experiencing  financial  difficulties.  At December 31, 1994, the Company was in
violation of certain covenants of its term loan agreements. Such violations were
subsequently waived by the applicable lending institutions.

At December 1, 1994 the  Company's  long-term secured debt totaled $16.3 million
of which current installments  were $2.2 million. This compares to $14.9 million
at December 31, 1993 of which current   installments   were  $4.2  million.  The
Company's long-term borrowings, secured by plant and equipment, bear interest at
rates ranging from 70% of prime (8.5% at December 31,  1994) to 12.43%. With the
acquisition  of Lynwood,  the Company assumed a 5 year business term loan in the
amount of $0.3 million,  with  interest at 2% above the U.K. base rate (6.25% at
December  31, 1994).

On April 7, 1995 the Company entered into a revolving  credit agreement with its
two existing primary lending institutions. Under the terms of the new agreement,
the  existing  term debt and lines of credit  were  converted  into a  revolving
credit  arrangement  in exchange for a cash payment of $100,000 and the issuance
of 250,000  shares  of  the Company's common stock.  The  new agreement requires
quarterly payments,  commencing in September  1995,  of $875,000. The agreement,
unless extended,  expires on January  15,  1996  at  which  time  the  remaining
principal balance of  $13,425,000  is due. The agreement  allows for an extended
maturity date to April 15, 1996 under certain conditions.

The repayment of the amount due will be dependent upon the Company's ability to
either obtain alternate financing or to restructure the remaining balance due.
The Company is considering several alternatives to achieve this, including the
sale of common or preferred stock, issuance of convertible  debt,  a  business


combination,  the sale of all or a portion of the Company and establishment of a
borrowing relationship with other lending institutions.  The Company has engaged
Needham & Company, Inc. as its investment advisor to assist in this process. The
ability of the Company to  accomplish  this at favorable  terms will be somewhat
dependent  upon the  Company's  operating  results  in 1995.  The  restructuring
actions taken in 1994 have  significantly  reduced the expense  structure of the
Company. However, it is not certain that the Company will be able to achieve the
revenue level necessary to return to profitability.

At the present time, the Company is a net user of cash.  The Company is taking
action to minimize its cash outlays by deferring or eliminating  discretionary
expenses and capital asset purchases.  In addition, the Company is working with
several consultants who  are  assisting  in the correction of shipment problems
that currently exist at the Military Systems Group.  The Company must increase
its shipment rate to an acceptable level within the  near  future,  or  obtain
additional financing, in order to meet its cash flow requirements during 1995.

Cash and cash equivalents totaled $1.7 million at December 31, 1994 and  1993.
Cash used in operating activities amounted to $0.03 million as compared to $1.1
million in 1994 and 1993, respectively.  In January 1995, the Company received
an initial tax refund of $4.0 million.

Cash of $0.07 million was used in investing  activities  during 1994.  The major
components  were comprised of $0.09 million for the purchase of property,  plant
and equipment  and $1.1 million in proceeds from the sale of assets.  Management
expects  total 1995  capital  expenditures  to be slightly  higher than the 1994
expenditures.  However, as previously indicated,  the Company expects to receive
approximately $2.3 million from the sale of real estate over the next two years,
which  will  be  applied  against  existing  debt  under  the  revolving  credit

During  1994,  the Company  made debt  payments of $4.8  million and payments of
notes  payable of $5.3 million and  received  proceeds  from  issuances of notes
payable of $8.6 million.

- ---------

The Company's financial statements are prepared in accordance with traditional
historical accounting systems, and therefore do  not  reflect  the  effect  of
inflation.  The impact of changing prices on the financial statements  is  not
considered to be significant.

Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data



Independent Auditors' Report                                               F-2
Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 1994 and                       F-3

Consolidated Statements of Operations - Years ended                        F-4
  December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992

Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity -                          F-5
  Years ended December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Years ended                        F-6
  December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                 F-7

Consolidated Financial Statement Schedules:

      II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts                               F-30

Schedules not listed above have been  omitted  either  because  they  are  not
applicable or the required information is shown in the consolidated  financial
statements or notes thereto.


      KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
      Certified Public Accountants
      One Jericho Plaza
      Jericho, NY 11753

                            Independent Auditors' Report

      The Stockholders and
      Board of Directors
      NAI Technologies, Inc.:

We have  audited  the  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements  of NAI
Technologies,  Inc. (formerly North Atlantic Industries,  Inc.) and subsidiaries
as  listed  in the  accompanying  index.  In  connection  with our  audit of the
consolidated financial statements,  we have also audited the financial statement
schedule  as listed in the  accompanying  index.  These  consolidated  financial
statements  and  financial  statement  schedule  are the  responsibility  of the
Company's  management.  Our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
consolidated  financial statements and financial statement schedule based on our

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial  position of NAI Technologies,
Inc. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1994 and 1993, and the results of their
operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the  three-year  period
ended  December  31,  1994 in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles. Also  in our opinion, the related financial statement schedule, when
considered  in  relation  to the basic  financial  statements  taken as a whole,
presents fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein.

As discussed in Note 10 to the accompanying  consolidated  financial statements,
the Company was not in compliance  with its bank debt  covenants at December 31,
1994.  Accordingly,  on April 12, 1995,  the Company  entered into a new secured
revolving  credit agreement with its lenders.  The new secured  revolving credit
agreement  expires in early 1996 at which time the  Company  will be required to
repay  all  outstanding   amounts  due.  The  Company  is  considering   several
alternatives to meet this requirement, including the sale of common or preferred
stock, issuance of convertible debt, a business combination,  the sale of all or
a portion of the Company or borrowing from other institutions.

As discussed in Note 1 to the  consolidated  financial  statements,  the Company
changed  its  method  of  accounting  for  income  taxes  in 1993 to  adopt  the
provisions of the Financial Accounting  Standards Board's Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes."

                              KPMG PEAT MARWICK LLP
April 13, 1995
Jericho, New York


              NAI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES                  
                   Consolidated Balance Sheets                         
                                                               December 31,
(in thousands)                                             1994          1993 
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Assets:                                                   
   Cash and cash equivalents                               $ 1,658      $ 1,717
   Accounts receivable, net                                 12,508       15,042
   Income taxes receivable                                   4,732          862
   Inventories, net                                         14,052       16,962
   Deferred tax asset                                          378          962
   Other current assets                                        871          945
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Total current assets                            34,199       36,490
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property, plant and equipment, net                           7,657       11,864
Excess of cost over fair value of net assets acquired, net  10,865       11,295
Other assets                                                   999        1,066
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Total assets                                   $53,720      $60,715
LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                              
Current Liabilities:                                              
   Notes payable                                           $   127      $ 2,774
   Current installments of long-term debt                    2,179        4,149
   Accounts payable                                          7,484        4,684
   Accrued payroll and commissions                             535        1,056
   Other accrued expenses                                    6,435        4,703
   Income taxes payable                                        774           19
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               Total current liabilities                    17,534       17,385
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Notes payable                                                6,000          -
Long-term debt                                               7,990       10,797
Other accrued expenses                                       1,522        1,318
Deferred income taxes                                          378          622
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               Total liabilities                            33,424       30,122
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commitments and contingent liabilities                            
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholders' Equity:                                             
   Capital Stock:                                                 
      Preferred stock, no par value, 2,000,000                    
        shares authorized and unissued                          -            -
      Common stock, $.10 par value, 10,000,000                    
        shares authorized; shares issued: 7,174,592               
        in 1994 and 6,770,654 (as adjusted) in 1993            717          651
   Capital in excess of par value                           14,718       12,084
   Foreign currency translation adjustment                     107          (54)
   Retained earnings                                         4,754       17,912
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Total shareholders' equity                  20,296       30,593
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $53,720      $60,715
          The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are
                      an integral part of these statements.


        NAI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES                                
        Consolidated Statements of Operations                                  
                                                   Years ended December 31, 
(in thousands except per share amounts)         1994          1993         1992 
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales                                    $54,520       $81,024      $67,315
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cost of sales                                 44,254        53,526       45,492
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross margin                                  10,266        27,498       21,823
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selling expense                                7,490         7,351        5,820
General and administrative expense             6,313         5,794        3,834
Research and development                       3,214         5,020        3,661
Restructuring expense                          7,321             -            - 
Other                                            517           373          101
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total expenses                                24,855        18,538       13,416
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating earnings (loss)                    (14,589)        8,960        8,407
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Non-operating income (expense)                                                
   Interest income                                83           121          183
   Interest expense                           (1,477)         (786)        (619)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              (1,394)         (665)        (436)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings (loss) before income taxes          (15,983)        8,295        7,971
(Recovery of) provision for income taxes      (4,392)        2,840        2,920
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net earnings (loss)                         ($11,591)       $5,455      $ 5,051
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings (loss) per common share              ($1.69)        $0.80      $  0.80
          The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are
                      an integral part of these statements.


                   NAI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES                   
               Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity              
                 For the three years ended December 31, 1994                

                                                          Capital                                                    Total
                                              Common     in excess   Deferred      Note    Translation  Retained  shareholders'
(in thousands)                                 stock      of par   compensation  receivable adjustment  earnings    equity
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Balance December 31, 1991                        $354      $7,724     ($27)        -         -         $10,846    $18,897
     Net earnings                                   -         -           -         -         -           5,051      5,051
     Common stock acquired and retired              (3)       (300)       -         -         -            -          (303)
     Forfeiture of non-qualified stock options      -          (37)      37         -         -            -            - 
     4% common stock dividend                       14       1,158        -         -         -          (1,172)        - 
     Amortization of deferred compensation                                                         
       for grants of stock options                  -          -        (10)        -         -            -           (10)
     Exercise of employee stock options,                                                           
       net of shares tendered                       19         283        -        (26)       -            -           276
  Balance December 31, 1992                        384       8,828        -        (26)       -          14,725     23,911
     Net earnings                                  -            -         -         -         -           5,455      5,455
     Common stock acquired and retired              (2)       (336)       -         -         -            -          (338)
     4% common stock dividend                       16       2,252        -         -         -          (2,268)        - 
     Three for two common stock split              214        (214)       -         -         -            -            - 
     Exercise of common stock warrants               8          (8)       -         -         -            -            - 
     Foreign currency translation adjustment       -            -         -         -        (54)          -           (54)
     Common stock issued in connection                                                             
       with the acquisition of Lynwood              20       1,100        -         -         -            -         1,120
     Tax benefit from exercise of employee                                                         
       stock options                               -           220        -         -         -            -           220
     Exercise of employee stock options and                                                        
       stock purchase plan, net of shares tendered  11         254        -         14        -            -           279
  Balance December 31, 1993                        651      12,096        -        (12)      (54)        17,912     30,593
     Net earnings (loss)                           -           -          -         -         -         (11,591)   (11,591)
     4% common stock dividend                       26       1,541        -         -         -          (1,567)        - 
     Foreign currency translation adjustment       -           -          -         -        161           -           161
     Sale of common stock                           36         964        -         -         -            -         1,000
     Tax benefit from exercise of employee                                                         
       stock options                                -           23        -         -         -            -            23
     Exercise of employee stock options and                                                        
       stock purchase plan                           4         106        -         -         -            -           110
  Balance December 31, 1994                       $717     $14,730       $-       ($12)     $107         $4,754    $20,296
        The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are
                     an integral part of these statements.


                   Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows   

                                                                                Years ended December 31,
(in thousands)                                                                1994        1993        1992 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:                                            
   Net earnings (loss)                                                     ($11,591)   $  5,455      $5,051
   Adjustments to reconcile net earnings (loss) to cash (used in) provided       
    by operating activities:                                                     
   Depreciation and amortization                                              2,435       2,508       1,667
   Loss on disposal of property, plant, & equipment                           2,298           -           -  
   Tax benefit from exercise of employee stock options                           23         220           -  
   Changes in assets and liabilities, excluding effects from acquisitions        
    and foreign currency adjustments:                                            
       Accounts receivable                                                    2,534      (1,374)      1,883
       Inventories                                                            2,910      (2,125)      2,005
       Accounts payable and other accrued expenses                            4,215      (4,885)        331
       Income taxes payable                                                  (2,775)     (1,199)       (373)
       Other, net                                                               (82)        336         (61)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash flow (used in) provided by operating activities                        (33)     (1,064)     10,503
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Flows from Investing Activities:                                            
   Payment for purchase of KMS Advanced Products                                  -           -      (1,709)
   Contingent payment on purchase of KMS Advanced Products                     (189)       (227)       (115)
   Payment for purchase of Lynwood, net of cash acquired                          -      (3,986)          -  
   Payment for purchase of Codar, net of cash acquired                            -      (4,592)          -  
   Payment for purchase of Wilcom                                                 -           -      (6,210)
   Purchase of property, plant and equipment                                   (935)     (1,484)     (1,928)
   Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                        1,053          70          26
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash used in investing activities                                           (71)    (10,219)     (9,936)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:                                            
   Issuances of notes payable                                                 8,636         250           -  
   Payments of notes payable                                                 (5,283)          -           -  
   Proceeds from long-term borrowings                                             -       7,500       5,000
   Payments of long-term debt                                                (4,777)     (2,748)     (2,228)
   Receipts on notes receivable                                                 223         433          44
   Proceeds from exercise of stock options and stock purchase plan              110         265         276
   Proceeds from sale of common stock                                         1,000           -           -  
   Purchase and retirement of common stock                                        -        (338)       (303)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities                             (91)      5,362       2,789
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Effect of foreign currency exchange rates on cash                               136         (35)          -  
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents                            (59)     (5,956)      3,356
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                1,717       7,673       4,317
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                    $ 1,658    $  1,717      $7,673
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:                                
    Cash paid for (refunded):                                                    
        Interest                                                            $ 1,462    $    771      $  622
        Income taxes                                                        $  (773)   $  3,859      $3,292
    Non-cash investing and financing activities:                                 
        Note receivable from sale of inventory and machinery and equipment        -           -      $  686
        Common stock issued in Lynwood acquisition                                -    $  1,120           -  
        Notes payable issued in Codar acquisition                                 -    $  2,524           -  


        The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are
                     an integral part of these statements.


                   December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992

Principles of Consolidation:  The  accompanying  consolidated  financial
statements include the accounts of  the  Company  and  its  wholly-owned
subsidiaries.  All significant intercompany transactions and balances have
been eliminated in consolidation.

Foreign Currency Translation:  The financial statements and transactions
of the Company's foreign subsidiary are  maintained  in  its  functional
currency.  For consolidation purposes, assets  and  liabilities  of  the
Company's U.K. subsidiary have been translated at rates of exchange at the
end of the period.  Revenues and expenses have been  translated  at  the
weighted average  rates  of  exchange  in  effect  during  each  period.
Translation gains and losses are accumulated as a separate component  of
shareholders' equity.  Gains  and  losses  resulting  from  transactions
denominated in a currency other than the entity's functional currency are
included in other operating expense in the  consolidated  statements  of
operations.  There were no significant  gains  or  losses  from  foreign
currency transactions in the years presented.

Financial Statement Reclassification:  Certain reclassifications have been
made to prior years' financial statements to conform them  to  the  1994

Cash equivalents:  The Company classifies investments that  are  readily
convertible into cash, and have original maturities of three  months  or
less, as cash equivalents.

Inventories:  Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market on a
first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis.  Work in process is stated at total cost
incurred, reduced by estimated costs of units delivered, but not in excess
of net realizable value.

Property, Plant and Equipment:  Property, plant and equipment are recorded
at historical cost.  Depreciation and amortization  have  been  computed
using the straight-line method over the estimated useful  lives  of  the
assets:  equipment and furniture and fixtures, generally -- 3 to 10 years,
and buildings -- 33 years.  Leasehold improvements are amortized over the
shorter of the estimated useful life of the improvements  or  the  lease


Excess of Cost over Fair Value of Net Assets Acquired:  The excess of cost
over fair value of net assets acquired (goodwill) is being amortized on a
straight-line basis over a period of twenty years.  The Company  reviews
the significant assumptions which underlie the twenty year  amortization
period on a quarterly basis and will shorten the amortization period  if
considered necessary.  The Company assesses the recoverability  of  this
intangible asset by determining whether the amortization of the goodwill
balance over its remaining life can be recovered through projected
undiscounted  future results.  Accumulated amortization was approximately
$1,100,000 and $480,000 at December 31, 1994 and 1993, respectively.  The
amortization expense associated with these amounts is included in  other
operating expense in the consolidated statements of earnings and amounted
to $620,000, $359,000 and $91,000 in 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.

Revenue Recognition: Sales are recorded when  title  passes  (either  at
shipment or customer acceptance).  In some limited cases, a sale may  be
recorded upon the completion of a specific contractual task such as  the
issuance of a test report.  Cost of goods sold  is  based  upon  average
estimated cost per unit.  Sales and profits on cost reimbursable contracts
are recognized as costs are incurred.  Sales and estimated profits under
long-term contracts are recorded under the percentage of completion method
of accounting using the cost  to  cost  method.   Costs  include  direct
engineering and manufacturing costs, applicable overhead costs and special
tooling and test equipment.  All  selling,  general  and  administrative
expenses are charged to operations as  incurred.   Warranty  expense  is
accrued based upon the historical relationship between sales and warranty
claims.  Estimated losses are provided for in full when identified.

Income Taxes:  Effective January 1, 1993 the Company adopted Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 109,  "Accounting  for  Income
Taxes".   This statement requires the use of  the  asset  and  liability
approach for financial accounting and reporting of income taxes.   Under
this method, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized based on
the temporary differences between the carrying  amounts  of  assets  and
liabilities for financial statement purposes and income tax purposes using
enacted rates expected to be in effect when such amounts are realized or
settled.  The Company previously accounted for income taxes in conformity
with SFAS No. 96.  The adoption of this statement did not have a material
effect on the Company's  1993  financial  statements  and  prior  years'
financial statements were not restated.

Stock Dividends:  On March 14, 1994 the Company issued 261,139 shares of
common stock in connection with a 4% stock dividend to  shareholders  of
record on February 25, 1994.  On March 26, 1993 the Company issued 252,784
shares (as adjusted for stock dividend and stock split) of common stock in
connection with a 4% stock dividend to shareholders of record on February
26, 1993.  On March 27, 1992  the  Company  issued  234,067  shares  (as
adjusted for stock  dividends  and  stock  split)  of  common  stock  in
connection with a 4% stock dividend to shareholders of record on February
28, 1992.  All references to earnings per share, stock option plan  data
and common shares have  been  adjusted  to  give  effect  to  the  stock
dividends.  The stock dividends were accounted for by transferring


approximately $1,567,000, $2,268,000 and $1,172,000, respectively, from
retained earnings to common stock and capital in excess of par value.

Stock Split:  On September 17, 1993 the Company issued 2,219,621  shares
(as adjusted for stock dividend) of common stock in  connection  with  a
three for two stock split payable in the form of a 50% stock dividend to
shareholders of record on August 16, 1993.  The stock split was accounted
for by transferring approximately $214,000 from additional paid in capital
to common stock.  All references to earnings per share, stock option plan
data and common shares  have been adjusted to give effect to  the  stock

Earnings (loss) Per Share:  Earnings (loss) per share is computed  based
upon the weighted average number  of  common  shares  and  common  share
equivalents outstanding.  Common share equivalents consist  of  dilutive
common stock options, common stock subscribed to under the Employee Stock
Purchase Plan and common stock warrants, net of assumed  buy-back.   The
computation of fully diluted earnings (loss) per share does not materially
differ from that presented in the consolidated statements of operations.
Earnings (loss) per share amounts are based on 6,850,000, 6,843,000  and
6,309,000 average shares outstanding (including common stock equivalents)
for 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.


On October 14, 1993, the Company acquired Codar Technology, Inc.  via  a
merger of a wholly-owned subsidiary with and into Codar for approximately
$6.5 million consisting of cash and  notes  payable.   Additional  costs
incurred pursuant to the transaction resulted in a final total acquisition
cost of approximately $7.6 million.  The Company increased its term loan
borrowings by $7.5 million in conjunction  with  the  acquisition.   The
excess of the total acquisition cost over the fair value of  net  assets
acquired, amounting to approximately $5.4 million, is being amortized on
a straight-line basis over 20 years.

On January 13, 1993, the Company acquired all of the outstanding  common
stock of Lynwood  Scientific  Developments  Limited  (Lynwood),  a  U.K.
company, for approximately $4 million in cash, 330,497 shares  (adjusted
for stock dividends and stock split) of common  stock  and  warrants  to
purchase 39,000 shares of common stock at a price of $8.89 per share.  The
common stock was valued  at  approximately  $1.1  million  based  on  an
appraisal by an investment company.  The cash portion  of  the  purchase
price was paid from existing cash balances.  The  excess  of  the  total
acquisition cost over the fair value of net assets acquired, amounting to
approximately $3.7 million, is being amortized on a straight-line  basis
over 20 years.


On August 7, 1992, the Company acquired certain assets and assumed certain
liabilities and obligations of the Wilcom Division of  Superior  TeleTec
Transmission Products, Inc. for approximately $6.0 million in  cash  and
assumed liabilities of approximately  $1.0  million.   Additional  costs
incurred pursuant to the transaction resulted in a total acquisition cost
of approximately $8.0 million.   The  acquisition  cost  was  funded  by
existing cash balances and $5.0 million of additional borrowings under the
Company's long-term credit agreement with its two principal banks.   The
excess of cost over fair value of  net  assets  acquired,  amounting  to
approximately $1.3 million, is being amortized on a straight-line  basis
over 20 years.

On May 6, 1992, the Company acquired  certain  assets  of  KMS  Advanced
Products, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of KMS Industries,  Inc.,  for
approximately  $1.7  million  in  cash  and   assumed   liabilities   of
approximately $0.4 million.  Additional costs pursuant to the transaction
resulted in a total acquisition cost of approximately $2.5 million.  The
Company may also be required to pay an additional $1 million based on the
cumulative net sales of the purchased business through May 1995.  Through
December 1994 the Company has paid approximately $0.5 million, based  on
sales through September 1994.  The purchase  price  was  paid  from  the
Company's cash balances.  The excess of cost over fair value of net assets
acquired, amounting to approximately $0.8 million, is being amortized on
a straight-line basis over 20 years.

Each of the acquisitions was accounted for as a purchase and the operating
results of each are included in the consolidated statements of operations
from the date of acquisition.

The following unaudited pro-forma  consolidated  results  of  operations
assume that these four acquisitions occurred  on  January  1,  1992  and
reflect the historical operations of the purchased businesses adjusted for
increased interest expense as a result of borrowings,  reduced  interest
income as a result of cash utilization and  increased  depreciation  and
amortization  net  of  applicable  income  taxes  resulting   from   the

(in thousands, except per share data)        1993            1992     
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales                                  $92,870         $110,661

Net earnings                               $ 3,894         $  4,922

Earnings per share                         $  0.57         $   0.74   

The pro-forma results of operations are not necessarily indicative of the
actual results of operations that would have occurred had the  purchases
been made at the beginning of the period, or of results which may occur in
the future.



NAI Technologies is a diversified international electronics company with
strengths in both advanced computer system design and telecommunications.
It is a leading provider of rugged computers, peripherals and integrated
systems  for  military,  government  and  commercial  applications.   In
addition, NAI Technologies holds a strong market position in transmission
enhancement products and rugged, hand-held test  equipment  for  analog,
digital and fiber-optic communications and data-interchange networks.  The
Company's diverse customer base includes  commercial  markets  requiring
rugged, mobile computer and communications systems, U.S. and foreign armed
services, intelligence agencies, the regional Bell operating companies and
major worldwide independent telephone companies.  Net sales to the  U.S.
Government for the years ended December 31, 1994,  1993  and  1992  were
$21,819,000,  $41,559,000  and  $44,615,000,  respectively.   With   the
exception of the U.S. Government, no single customer accounted for  more
than 10% of annual sales in any of the years presented.


Accounts receivable at December 31 consisted of the following:

(in thousands)                                       1994         1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Amounts receivable from United States Government    
   Amounts billed                                   $ 4,008     $ 4,700
   Unbilled contract receivables                      1,629         971
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      5,637       5,671
Amounts receivable from others
   Amounts billed                                     6,728       8,959
   Unbilled contract receivables                        276         584
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      7,004       9,543
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                     12,641      15,214

Allowance for doubtful accounts                        (133)       (172)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    $12,508     $15,042

Unbilled contract receivables represent revenue earned but not yet billed
to customers at year end.  The Company expects that substantially all such
amounts will be billed and collected within one year.  The Company has one
contract which, under its terms,  will  result  in  a  maximum  unbilled
receivable of approximately $1,400,000 in late 1996 or early 1997.  This
amount is expected to be fully collected in 1997 as the Company begins to
make deliveries under this contract.


Inventories at December 31, summarized by major classification, were  as

(in thousands)                             1994            1993        
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Raw materials and components             $ 9,698        $ 9,206

Work-in-process                            3,849          5,691

Finished goods                               662          2,065       

Unliquidated Progress Payments              (157)           -          
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         $14,052        $16,962       


Other current assets at December 31 consisted of the following:

(in thousands)                             1994            1993        
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Prepaid insurance                         $ 482          $  351

Notes receivable                             -              178

Other prepaid expenses                      389             416       
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          $ 871          $  945       


Property, plant and equipment at December 31 consisted of the following:

(in thousands)                             1994            1993       
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Land                                    $ 1,612         $ 1,813

Buildings                                 3,302           6,209

Machinery and equipment                   8,185          10,431

Furniture and fixtures                      635           1,693

Leasehold improvements                      279             390       
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         14,013          20,536
Less accumulated depreciation and
  amortization                           (6,356)        ( 8,672)      
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        $ 7,657         $11,864       



On April 8, 1994 the Company announced that as part of its transition from
the design and manufacture of computer peripherals toward both producing
and integrating computer systems, it would close its Hauppauge, New York
based Military Products Division and transfer the division's operations to
its Codar facility in Longmont, Colorado.  As a  direct  result  of  the
above, during the first quarter of 1994 the Company recorded a $9,500,000
charge, of which $7,300,000 was classified as a restructuring charge and
$2,200,000 was charged to cost of sales.  The major  components  of  the
restructuring charge relate to employee expense ($2,731,000), disposition
of assets ($2,000,000), inventory write downs on  discontinued  products
($1,120,000), idle facility costs ($590,000) and lease termination costs
($370,000).  The major components of the $2.2 million charge pertain  to
inventory write-offs related mostly to excess start-up costs  associated
with the NST-II production.  The transfer of operations to Colorado  was
substantially completed by the fourth quarter of 1994.

At December 31, 1994  there  was  a  remaining  liability  of  $981,000,
comprised principally of remaining employee severance ($448,000) which is
being paid weekly, idle facility expense ($248,000) and lease termination
costs ($205,000).


Other accrued expenses - current at December 31, 1994 consisted of  the

    (in thousands)                                  1994       1993
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Employee benefits                             $1,599     $1,664
    Restructuring                                    981        -
    Insurance payable                                305        197
    Purchase liabilities                             682        942
    Warranty                                         348        520
    Deferred revenue                                 763        288
    Other                                         $1,757      1,092
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  $6,435     $4,703       


10.   DEBT
Long term debt at December 31 consisted of the following:

(in thousands)                                1994           1993     
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Industrial Development Bond, payable in
 monthly principal installments of
 $4,775 through February 1999
 with interest at 70% of prime (8.5% at
 December 31, 1994)                        $   234        $   291

Secured term loan, payable in           
quarterly installments of $875
with interest at prime plus 1/2%.            9,175         13,375

Midland Bank PLC, secured 5 year
 business term loan, monthly principal
 installments of 'L'7,257 (approximately
 $11,000) through July 1995 with
 interest at 2% above the U.K. base rate
 (6.25% at December 31, 1994)                   80            204

Notes payable (generally secured by
 specified machinery and equipment)
 with interest at rates ranging from
 8.875% to 12.43%                              680          1,076     
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            10,169         14,946

Less current installments                    2,179          4,149     
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           $ 7,990        $10,797     

Aggregate principal payments for the five years subsequent to December 31,
1994 are as follows:

1995                           $ 2,179,000
1996                            13,662,000
1997                               215,000
1998                               107,000
1999                                 6,000


At December 31, 1994, the Company was not  in  compliance  with  certain
covenants under its secured term loan agreement.  Such  violations  were
subsequently waived by the Company's lenders.

During 1994, the Company had  secured  lines  of  credit  with  its  two
principal lending institutions amounting to $6,000,000 which bear interest
at the prime rate (8.5% at December 31, 1994).   At  December  31,  1994
borrowing under these lines amounted to $6,000,000 and are classified as
long-term notes payable in the accompanying balance sheet.  There were no
borrowings under these lines in 1993 and 1992.   The  maximum  month-end
amount outstanding under these lines during the year ended December  31,
1994 was $6,000,000.  The average short-term  borrowings  for  1994  was
$4,275,000 at a weighted average interest rate of 7.59%.  The amounts due
on the lines of credit were made part of the  revolving  loan  agreement
mentioned above.

On April 12, 1995 the Company entered into a  secured  revolving  credit
agreement with its lenders which replaced its then existing  agreements.
Under the terms of the new agreement, the existing term debt and lines of
credit which totaled $15,175,000 were converted into a revolving  credit
line in exchange for a cash payment of  $100,000  and  the  issuance  of
250,000 shares of common stock (valued at approximately $478,000).   The
agreement expires on January 15, 1996 at which time the Company can extend
the maturity to April 15, 1996, if certain conditions are met, or  repay
all outstanding amounts due.  Such payment is  expected  to  approximate
$13,425,000 ($12,500,000 at April 15, 1996) at that time.  The repayment
of the amount due will be dependent upon the Company's ability to either
obtain alternate financing or to restructure the remaining balance  due.
The Company is considering several alternates to achieve this, including
the sale of common or preferred stock, issuance of convertible  debt,  a
business combination, the sale of all or a portion of  the  Company  and
establishment of a borrowing arrangement with new lending  institutions.
The ability of the Company to accomplish this at favorable terms will be
somewhat dependent upon the Company's results of operations in 1995.  The
term loan agreement requires that the Company maintain  certain  minimum
levels of tangible net worth, current ratio and quick  ratio.   It  also
limits capital expenditures and prohibits the payment of cash dividends.

The Company's U.K. subsidiary has a credit facility (sterling overdraft)
with a U.K. bank.  The credit facility amounts to 'L'600,000 (approximately
$938,000) and bears interest at 2 1/4% above the U.K. base rate (6 1/4% at
December 31, 1994).  This facility is  renewable  in  April  1995.   The
maximum month end borrowings under the credit facility during the  years
ended December 31, 1994 and 1993 were 'L'355,000 and 'L'653,000 (approximately
$555,000 and $966,000, respectively).  The average short term borrowings
for the years ended December 31, 1994 and 1993 were 'L'89,000 and 'L'254,000
(approximately $139,000 and $376,000, respectively).  The weighted average
interest rate during the years ended December 31, 1994 and 1993 was 7.23%
and 8.52%, respectively.


Other Accrued Expenses - non-current at December  31  consisted  of  the
(in thousands)
                                            1994           1993
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Supplemental retirement plan              $  899         $  706

Deferred compensation                        623            612
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          $1,522         $1,318

The supplemental retirement plan is described in Note 14.

In 1981, the Company entered into agreements with  two  former  officers
which provide for the payments to each of $25,000 per year, adjusted for
the cumulative effects of inflation from inception of the agreement, over
a period of 15 years.  Such deferred compensation payments commenced  on
January 1, 1990.  The 1995 payment to each of the former officers will be
approximately $40,000.


The Company and its domestic subsidiaries file  a  consolidated  Federal
income tax return.  The provision for  income  taxes  consisted  of  the
following items:

(in thousands)
                                 1994           1993           1992
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Federal                 $(4,286)        $2,407         $2,486
      State                       -              362            510
      Foreign                    (446)           181            -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               (4,732)         2,950          2,996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Federal                     360           (110)           (76)
      State                       -              -              -
      Foreign                     (20)           -              -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  340           (110)           (76)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total income tax
expense                       $(4,392)        $2,840         $2,920


The tax effects of temporary differences that gave rise  to  significant
portions of the net deferred tax asset and (liability) at  December  31,
1994 and 1993 are as follows:

     (in thousands)                        1994       1993
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred tax assets:

      AMT credit carry forward          $   545      $  -
      Restructure                           333         -
      Inventories                           356        591
      Supplemental retirement               268        172
      Accrued vacation                      127        275
      Deferred compensation                 236        232
      Other                                 114       (308)
      Valuation allowance                (1,601)        -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            378        962
Deferred tax liabilities:

      Plant and equipment                  (372)      (514)
      Other                                  (6)      (108)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           (378)      (622)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        $    -       $ 340

The Company has recorded a valuation allowance to reflect the  estimated
amount of deferred tax assets which will  not  be  realized  unless  the
Company is profitable in the future.


The sources of the deferred tax provision and the related tax effect
for the years ended December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992 are as follows:

   (in thousands)                         1994       1993       1992
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AMT credit carry forward                  $(545)     $ -        $ -
Accelerated depreciation for
   tax purposes                            (142)      (77)       (68)
DISC income recognized for
   tax purposes                              -          -        (49)
Decrease (increase) in inventory
   reserves                                 235        (8)       168
Deferred compensation                        (4)        2         84
Supplemental retirement                     (96)      (79)       (54)
Accrued restructure costs                  (333)        -         -
Accrued vacation                            148       (11)       (96)
Other                                      (524)       63        (61)
Valuation allowance                       1,601         -         -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          $ 340     $(110)     $ (76)

A reconciliation of the provision for income taxes computed at the Federal
statutory rate to the reported provision for income taxes is as follows:

   (in thousands)                          1994      1993       1992
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Expected provision                  $(5,434)   $2,820     $2,710
    Increases (decreases) resulting from:
     Adjustment to prior years' income
       taxes                               (665)     (264)        -
     State income taxes, net of
 Federal benefit                             -        239        337
     Tax benefit from exercise
       of stock options                      -         -        (487)
     Non-deductible expenses                167       143         93
     Other                                  (61)      (98)       267
     Valuation allowance                  1,601       -          -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total income taxes                 $(4,392)   $2,840     $2,920

At December 31, 1994 the retained  earnings  of  the  Company's  foreign
subsidiary were negative.  No United States income tax impact pertaining
to the foreign subsidiary has been reflected in the Company's  financial



The Company has two stock option plans -- the 1991 Stock Option Plan and
the 1993 Stock Option Plan for Directors -- which together cover 773,448
shares of common stock which may be issued pursuant to the plans to  key
employees and directors.  In  addition  there  are  111,768  outstanding
options under the Company's 1982 Non-Qualified Stock Option  Plan  which
terminated in July 1992.  Subsequent to July 1992, no further grants could
be made under such plan.

The 1991 Stock Option Plan covers 617,448 shares.  Options under the 1991
Stock Option Plan are non-qualified stock options and are granted at the
option price fixed by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors
but in no event may the option price be less than the fair market value of
a share of common stock on the date of grant.  Options  under  the  1991
Stock Option Plan have such term as is fixed by the Compensation Committee
but no option may be exercised during the first year after its  date  of
grant or after the expiration of ten years from its date of grant.

The 1993 Stock Option Plan for Directors covers 156,000 shares.  Options
under the Directors' Plan are non-qualified stock options and are granted
in increments of 1,560 shares upon each non-employee director's election
or re-election to the Board of Directors.  The option price is equal  to
the fair market value of a share of common stock on the date  of  grant.
Options are granted for a term of ten years and become exercisable eleven
months after their date of grant.  In no event may an option be exercised
after the expiration of the term of such option.

Full payment of the exercise price under all stock option plans  may  be
made in cash or in shares of common stock valued at the fair market value
thereof on the date of exercise.  The Company's policy is that such shares
must have been acquired by the optionee at least six months prior to the
exercise date. In 1994, all payments were made in cash.  In 1993 and 1992,
38,345 and 65,978 shares, respectively, were received as payment for the
exercise price of options.  In 1993 and 1992, 36,288 and 53,497  shares,
respectively, were withheld from employee stock option exercises to cover
required income tax withholdings.  Such shares, with a fair market value
of $338,000 and $303,000, respectively, were retired by the Company.


The following is a summary of activity related to all stock
option plans:

                                       Number       Weighted average
                                         of           option price
                                       shares          per share
                                       ------       ----------------
Outstanding at December 31, 1991       708,856           $2.09

Granted                                313,978            5.40

Exercised                             (400,643)           1.88

Expired/cancelled                      (38,850)           2.29
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Outstanding at December 31, 1992       583,341            4.01

Granted                                237,130            8.63

Exercised                             (168,227)           3.02

Expired/cancelled                      (34,293)           4.63
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Outstanding at December 31, 1993       617,951            6.20

Granted                                498,998            5.28

Exercised                              (30,472)           2.62

Expired/cancelled                     (424,126)           7.60
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Outstanding at December 31, 1994       662,351           $4.77
At December 31, 1994, 179,358 options were exercisable and 885,216 shares
were reserved for issuance under all stock option plans.

At December 31, 1994, there were 40,560 warrants outstanding which
are exercisable at $8.55 per share.  The warrants expire January 13, 1996.


Under the 1992 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, which commenced July 1, 1992,
employees may subscribe to purchase shares of common stock at the lesser
of 85% of the market price on the first day of the purchase period or the
date purchased one year later.  Payment for the shares is  made  through
payroll deductions of up to 5% of annual base pay over a one year period.
A total of 127,047 shares has  been  reserved  for  issuance  under  the
Employee Stock Purchase Plan and as of December 31, 1994, 35,193  shares
have been issued pursuant to the plan.   A  summary  of  employee  stock
purchase transactions follows:

                                             Number of             Price
                                              Shares               Range
                                             ---------             -----
      December 31, 1991                         -                    -

      Subscriptions                           35,263              $4.45

      Purchases                                 -                    -

      Cancellations                           (4,640)              4.45
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

      December 31, 1992                       30,623              $4.45

      Subscriptions                           27,253               7.02

      Purchases                              (25,365)              4.45

      Cancellations                           (8,971)         4.45-7.02
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

      December 31, 1993                       23,540              $7.02

      Subscriptions                           31,410               3.13

      Purchases                               (9,828)              3.13

      Cancellations                          (22,202)         3.13-7.02
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

      December 31, 1994                       22,920              $3.13

In 1993, warrants to purchase 148,481 (as adjusted) shares of common stock
at an exercise price of $4.14 per share were exercised.  The Company and
the warrant holder agreed to issue 83,165 shares which represented 95% of
the appreciation on the warrants as measured by the fair market value of
the common stock at the date of exercise ($10.12 per share).

At December 31, 1994 there was an outstanding  loan  which  an  employee
received from the Company in the amount of approximately $12,000 for the
exercise of previously granted stock options.  The note bears interest at
approximately 7% and is collateralized by the stock issued and is due in
1997.  The note is presented as a reduction to shareholders' equity.



Pension Plan

The Company has a noncontributory defined benefit pension plan  covering
all eligible employees.  The plan provides for normal retirement at  age
65, or at least age 62 with 30 years  of  service,  and  optional  early

In December 1993, the Board of Directors approved an  amendment  to  the
pension plan which resulted in the freezing of all future benefits under
the plan as of January 3, 1994.   As  a  result,  in  1993  the  Company
recognized a gain of $362,000 which  substantially  offset  the  pension
expense for 1993.  Beginning in 1994, future pension expense is expected
to be minimal.

The Company's funding policy is to make annual contributions to the extent
such contributions are actuarially determined and tax deductible.  Pension
expense (income) for 1994, 1993 and  1992  was  $(5,000),  $367,000  and
$382,000, respectively.

The following table sets forth the funded status of the Company's defined
benefit pension plan at December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992:

(in thousands)                              1994      1993      1992
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Accumulated benefit obligation,
 including vested benefits of

 $2,473, $3,493 and $2,143                $(2,473)  $(3,715)  $(2,267)

Projected benefit obligation               (2,473)   (3,715)   (4,054)
Plan assets at fair value                   2,515     3,727     3,614
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Plan assets greater (less) than
 projected benefit obligation                  42        12      (440)
Unrecognized transition asset                  -         -        255
Unrecognized net (gain) loss                  (24)       -        203
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Prepaid pension asset                     $    18   $    12    $   18

Net pension expense is comprised
 of the following:
  Service cost                            $     9   $   373    $  363
  Interest cost                               208       270       291
  Return on assets                             35      (175)     (136)
  Net amortization and deferral              (257)     (101)     (136)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net pension expense                       $  (  5)  $   367    $  382

Prepaid pension costs are included in  other  non-current  assets.  The
actuarial computations assume a discount rate on benefit obligations of


7.25% in 1994, 6% in 1993 and 8% in 1992.  The expected long-term rate of
return on plan assets was 6% in 1994 and 9% in 1993 and  1992.   Pension
Plan assets are primarily invested in short and intermediate  term  cash
investments, corporate bonds and common and preferred stock.  The assumed
rate of compensation increase was 6% for  1992  and  is  not  applicable

In 1991 the Company adopted the NAI Technologies Supplemental Retirement
Plan which is a non-qualified, unfunded pension  plan  under  which  the
Company will pay supplemental pension benefits to certain officers.  The
expense related to this plan amounted to $281,000, $232,000 and $159,000
in 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.  The pension cost for this plan is
based on substantially the same actuarial methods and economic assumptions
as those used for the defined benefit pension plan.  Such benefits will be
paid from the Company's assets and not from retirement plan assets.

The following table sets forth the funded status and cost components  of
the Company's supplemental retirement plan at December 31, 1994, 1993 and

(In thousands)                              1994       1993     1992
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Accumulated benefit obligation (no
 benefits are vested at December 31,
 1994, 1993 or 1992)                     $  (899)   $  (706)   $(376)
Projected benefit obligation for service
 rendered to date                         (1,224)    (1,047)    (669)
Plan assets at fair value                    -          -        -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Projected benefit obligation in excess
 of plan assets                           (1,224)    (1,047)    (669)
Unrecognized prior service cost              360        388      269
Unrecognized net loss                         77        153      125
Adjustment required to recognize
 minimum liability                          (112)      (200)    (101)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Unfunded accrued supplementary costs    $  ( 899)  $  (706)   $(376)

Net pension expense is comprised
 of the following:
  Service cost                           $   156    $   134    $  94
  Interest cost                               84         63       43
  Net amortization and deferral               41         35       22
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net pension expense                      $   281    $   232    $ 159

The unfunded accrued supplementary costs are included in other long-term
accrued expenses.


Retirement Savings Plan

The Company has a voluntary Retirement Savings  Plan  for  all  eligible
employees which provides for basic (up to 15% of compensation)  employee
contributions.  In 1992 and 1993, it was the Company's policy to provide
a matching provision equal to 100% of the first 3% of the employee's basic
contribution.  In December 1993, the  Board  of  Directors  approved  an
amendment to the Retirement Savings Plan which  increased  the  matching
provision to 100% of the first 3% and  50%  of  the  second  3%  of  the
employee's basic contribution effective January 3, 1994.  Effective August
20, 1994, the Board of Directors suspended the matching provisions.  Plan
participants may invest in a combination of equity, fixed income and money
market funds.  The Company's 1994, 1993 and 1992 contributions under the
plan amounted to $365,143, $386,000 and $341,000, respectively.

The plan also provides for a discretionary profit sharing contribution as
determined by the Board of Directors, which is contributed to each of the
participant's individual accounts.  There was no contribution for  1994.
For the years 1993 and 1992, the Company provided $128,000 and $240,000,
respectively, for a profit sharing contribution.


Information about the Company's foreign operations and export  sales  is
provided in the following table.   Export  revenue  is  foreign  revenue
produced by identifiable assets located in the United States while foreign
revenue is generated by identifiable assets located in foreign countries.

In order to achieve an appropriate sharing of operating results  between
the Company's  subsidiaries,  transfers  between  geographic  areas  are
accounted for on the basis of a mark-up of manufacturing costs.  Operating
earnings are total sales less operating expenses.  In computing operating
earnings, none of the following items has been added or deducted:  general
corporate expenses, interest income, interest expense and income taxes.

Identifiable assets are those assets of the Company that are  identified
with the operations in each geographic area.  Corporate assets consisted
primarily of cash and cash equivalents, property, plant and equipment and
notes receivable.



                                                Years ended December 31,
(in thousands)                                  1994       1993       1992
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  United States                               $40,692     $63,661    $60,915
  Export                                        2,723       4,637      6,400
  Europe                                       11,105      12,726        -
    Total                                      54,520      81,024     67,315

  United States                                   787       1,011      2,802
  Europe                                           11           9        -
    Total                                         798       1,020      2,802

  United States                                41,479      64,672     63,717
  Export                                        2,723       4,637      6,400
  Europe                                       11,116      12,735        -
  Eliminations                                   (798)     (1,020)    (2,802)
    Total                                     $54,520     $81,024    $67,315

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  United States                              ($11,068)    $10,617    $10,482
  Europe                                       (1,232)        798        -
    Subtotal                                  (12,300)     11,415     10,482
  Corporate expenses & other                   (2,289)     (2,455)    (2,075)
    Total operating earnings (loss)           (14,589)      8,960      8,407
  Net interest expense                         (1,394)       (665)      (436)
    Earnings (loss) before income taxes      ($15,983)     $8,295     $7,971

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  United States                               $33,795     $48,226    $35,855
  Europe                                        8,761       8,038        -
    Subtotal                                   42,556      56,264     35,855
  Corporate & other *                          11,164       4,451      7,849
    Total                                     $53,720     $60,715    $43,704
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      * The increase in corporate assets is attributable to land and facility
        from a closed division which is currently listed for sale and a tax
        refund receivable.



The Company's operations are  classified  into  two  business  segments:
Electronic Systems and Telecommunications.  The Electronic Systems segment
includes Codar Technology, Inc. based in Longmont, Colorado, NAI Systems
Division, Inc. in Columbia, Maryland, and Lynwood Scientific Developments
Limited in Farnham, England.

Codar Technology designs and  manufactures  rugged  computers,  computer
peripherals and memory systems for military  and  commercial  use.   NAI
Systems Division specializes in the integration of various manufacturers'
computer software and  hardware  to  address  specific  customer  needs.
Lynwood  designs  and  manufactures  intelligent   terminals,   terminal
emulators, TEMPEST computer products and high performance work  stations
for commercial and government markets, primarily in the United Kingdom.

The Telecommunications Segment currently consists  of  Wilcom,  Inc.  in
Laconia, New Hampshire.  Wilcom designs and manufactures a full range of
analog, digital  and  fiber  optic  test  and  transmission  enhancement
equipment for the worldwide telecommunications market.

In order to achieve  an  appropriate  sharing  of  profits  between  the
segments, inter-segment sales between segments are accounted for on  the
basis of a mark-up of manufacturing costs.  Operating earnings are total
sales less operating expenses.  In computing operating earnings, none of
the following items has  been  added  or  deducted:   general  corporate
expenses, interest income, interest expense and income taxes.

Identifiable assets by segment are those assets of the Company that  are
used in the Company's operations  in  each  segment.   Corporate  assets
consist primarily of cash and  cash  equivalents,  property,  plant  and
equipment and notes receivable.



                                                 Years ended December 31,
(in thousands)                                  1994       1993       1992
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Electronic Systems                          $46,330     $71,202    $61,829
  Telecommunications                            8,190       9,822      5,486
                                              -------     -------    -------
    Total                                      54,520      81,024     67,315

  Electronic Systems                              798       1,020      2,802
                                              -------     -------    -------

    Total                                         798       1,020      2,802

  Electronic Systems                           47,128      72,222     64,631
  Telecommunications                            8,190       9,822      5,486
  Eliminations                                   (798)     (1,020)    (2,802)
                                              -------     -------    -------
    Total                                     $54,520     $81,024    $67,315
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Electronic Systems                         ($11,788)    $10,655     $9,352
  Telecommunications                             (512)        760      1,130
                                              -------     -------    -------
    Subtotal                                  (12,300)     11,415     10,482
  Corporate expenses & other                   (2,289)     (2,455)    (2,075)
                                              -------     -------    -------
    Total operating earnings (loss)           (14,589)      8,960      8,407
  Net interest expense                         (1,394)       (665)      (436)
                                              -------     -------    -------
    Earnings (loss) before income taxes      ($15,983)    $ 8,295    $ 7,971
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Electronic Systems                          $35,529     $48,198    $26,658
  Telecommunications                            7,027       8,066      9,197
                                              -------     -------    -------
    Subtotal                                   42,556      56,264     35,855
  Corporate & other *                          11,164       4,451      7,849
                                              -------     -------    -------
    Total                                     $53,720     $60,715    $43,704
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Electronic Systems                          $   716     $ 1,326    $ 1,861
  Telecommunications                              114         146         27
                                              -------     -------    -------
    Subtotal                                      830       1,472      1,888
  Corporate & other                               105          12         40
                                              -------     -------    -------
    Total                                     $   935     $ 1,484    $ 1,928
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Electronic Systems                         $ 2,078     $ 2,202    $ 1,575
   Telecommunications                             320         288         86
                                              -------     -------    -------
     Subtotal                                 $ 2,398     $ 2,490    $ 1,661
   Corporate & other                               37          18          6
                                              -------     -------    -------
     Total                                    $ 2,435     $ 2,508    $ 1,667
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

* The increase in corporate assets is attributable to land and facility from a
closed division which is currently listed for sale and a tax refund receivable.



The Company and its subsidiaries are subject to  certain  legal  actions
which arise in the normal course of business.  It is management's belief
that these actions will not have a  material  effect  on  the  Company's
consolidated financial position.

The  Company  and  its  subsidiaries  lease  office  and   manufacturing
facilities, automobiles, computers and other equipment under various
non-cancellable operating leases.

Future minimum rental commitments for leases with non-cancellable terms in
excess of one year are as follows:

(in thousands)                                       Amount
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1995                                              $ 1,763,000
1996                                                1,515,000
1997                                                1,134,000
1998                                                1,065,000
1999                                                  941,000
2000 and thereafter                                 4,837,000
Total minimum lease payments                      $11,255,000

With the acquisition of Lynwood, the Company assumed a 25 year operating
lease for office and manufacturing facilities.   Annual  future  minimum
lease payments through the year 2014, which are included  in  the  above
table, amount to approximately $316,000 per year.

Rental expense amounted to $1,170,000, $1,132,000 and $385,000 in  1994,
1993 and 1992, respectively.  There was  no  sublease  income  in  these

Most leases provide  for  additional  payments  of  real  estate  taxes,
insurance and other  operating  expenses  applicable  to  the  property,
generally over a base period level.  Total rental expense includes  such
base period expenses and the additional expense payments as part of  the
minimum lease payments.

In June 1994, a class action lawsuit was  filed  in  the  United  States
District Court for the Eastern District of New York against the  Company
and certain of its officers and directors, alleging  violations  of  the
Federal securities laws as a result of  certain  misrepresentations  and
omissions of fact in public statements issued by the Company during  the
second half of 1993, which allegedly  had  the  effect  of  artificially
inflating the trading price of the Company's shares of  stock.   At  the
present time the plaintiff is seeking unspecified   damages.  Management


believes  this  litigation  is without merit  and  intends to defend such
action vigorously.  Management also believes that a  finding of  ultimate
liability against the Company, if any, whether directly or as a result of
the indemnification of officers who are also defendants  would not have a
materially adverse effect on its financial position.


The following table sets forth quarterly financial information for 1994
and 1993:

(in thousands,             Net         Gross       Net            per
except per share data)    sales        margin      earnings      share
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


  First Quarter         $15,516       $ 1,555     $ (7,340)    $(1.08)
  Second Quarter         14,909         4,258         (374)     (0.06)
  Third Quarter          12,093         2,666         (831)     (0.12)
  Fourth Quarter         12,002         1,787       (3,046)     (0.43)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Total                 $54,520       $10,266     $(11,591)    $(1.69)

  First Quarter         $21,703       $ 7,078     $  1,570     $ 0.23
  Second Quarter         21,275         7,612        1,743       0.26
  Third Quarter          19,670         6,986        1,450       0.21
  Fourth Quarter         18,376         5,822          692       0.10
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Total                 $81,024       $27,498     $  5,455     $ 0.80


(in thousands of dollars)                                            SCHEDULE II

                             NAI TECHNOLOGIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Column A                  Column B                  Column C                Column D       Column E
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      (1)              (2)
                                  Balance at        Charged         Charged to                       Balance
                                  Beginning        to Costs       Other Accounts     Deductions       at End
         Description               of Period      and Expenses        Describe        Describe       of Period
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Allowance deducted from
  asset to which it applies

  Allowance for doubtful
Year ended December 31, 1994         $172                $11              $0             $50   (A)      $133

Year ended December 31, 1993          130                 42              99              99   (A)       172

Year ended December 31, 1992          128                 61               0              59   (A)       130

  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence reserve:
Year ended December 31, 1994        4,018              2,031               7           3,806   (B)     2,250

Year ended December 31, 1993        3,322                387           1,429    (C)    1,120   (B)     4,018

Year ended December 31, 1992        1,375                934           2,506    (D)    1,493   (B)     3,322

Note A - Uncollected receivables written off, net of recoveries.

Note B - Obsolete inventory scrapped, net of recoveries.

Note C - Included in the purchase of the Codar Technology Inc. - $563.
         Included in the purchase price of the Lynwood Scientific Dev. Ltd.-$810.
         Included in the purchase of the Tollgrade assets - $56.

Note D - Other - $3.
         Included in the purchase price of the KMS division - $519.
         Included in the purchase price of the Wilcom Inc. - $1,984.

Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) The following documents are filed as part of this report:


Independent Auditors' Report                                               F-2
Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 1994 and                       F-3

Consolidated Statements of Operations - Years ended                        F-4
  December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992

Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity -                          F-5
  Years ended December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Years ended                        F-6
  December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                 F-7

Consolidated Financial Statement Schedules:

      II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts                               F-30

Schedules not listed above have been  omitted  either  because  they  are  not
applicable or the required information is shown in the consolidated  financial
statements or notes thereto.

                           INDEX TO EXHIBITS

            Exhibit (10)

                   Amended and Restated Credit Agreement

            Exhibit (23)

                  Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick

            Exhibit (27)

                  Financial Data Schedule
                  (EDGAR filing only)


                          S I G N A T U R E S

Pursuant to the requirements of  Section  13  or  15  (d)  of  the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly  caused  this  Amendment  No.  1
to  Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K  to  be  signed  on  its  behalf   by   the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                          NAI TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                    BY:/s/    Richard    A.    Schneider
                                              Richard A. Schneider
DATE:  April 14, 1995                         Executive Vice President

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  this
Amendment No. 1 to Annual Report on Form 10-K has been  signed  below  by  the
following persons on behalf of the registrant and in  the  capacities  and  on
the date indicated.

Signature                           Title                            Date
- ---------                           -----                            ----
/s/ Robert A. Carlson         President, Chief Executive        April 14, 1995
- ------------------------        Officer and Director
(Robert A. Carlson)             (Chief Executive Officer)

/s/ Stephen Barre             Director                          April 14, 1995
- ------------------------
(Stephen Barre)

/s/ C. Shelton James          Director                          April 14, 1995
- ------------------------
(C. Shelton James)

/s/ Walter Lipkin             Director                          April 14, 1995
- ------------------------
(Walter Lipkin)

/s/ John M. May               Director                          April 14, 1995
- ------------------------
(John M. May)

                              Director                          April 14, 1995
- ------------------------
(Robert Rosenthal)

/s/ Richard A. Schneider      Executive Vice President,         April 14, 1995
- ------------------------       CFO, Treasurer, Secretary
(Richard A. Schneider)         and Director (Chief Financial
                               and Accounting Officer)


                                  STATEMENT OF DIFFERENCES
The pound sign shall be expressed as................. 'L'

                           INDEX TO EXHIBITS

            Exhibit (10)

                  Amended and Restated Credit Agreement

            Exhibit (23)

                  Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick

            Exhibit (27)

                  Financial Data Schedule
                  (EDGAR filing only)