May 4, 1995
Ms. Pamela E. Flynn
Senior Vice President
NationsBanc Leasing Corp.
767 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 1015300083
Dear Pam:
     As  discussed, in  accordance with  Article 4.1(a)  of the  Equipment Lease
Agreement dated as of June 25,  1992 between NationsBanc Leasing Corporation  of
Georgia  and First Brands  Corporation, First Brands hereby  notifies you of its
intent to exercise the 'Early Purchase Option.'
     As also discussed, we would like  to defer payment under this option  until
July  5, 1995. The payment  to be made on that  date would include interest from
June 25th.
     Please confirm  receipt of  this  notice, the  payment due  and  applicable
interest at your earliest convenience.
                                                    /s/ R. J. MOSBACK
                                                     (R. J. MOSBACK)
cc: D. A. DeSantis
    J. B. Ipe

                                 P. O. BOX 4431
                             ATLANTA, GA 30302-4431
                                TEL 404 270-8400
                                                                   June 23, 1995
R. J. Mosback
Assistant Treasurer
First Brands
83 Wooster Heights Road
Danbury, CT 06813-1911
Dear Mr. Mosback:
     The  payoff amount, per your request, for the 1992 Production Line Gladlock
Plastic Bag  Equipment (Customer  number  2500200, unit  number 0641416)  is  as

Remaining Principal Balance.................................................   $ 9,786,203.07
Outstanding Invoice due 7/1/95..............................................       405,592.44
Interest @ 7.95% from 7/1 - 7/5.............................................        10,805.60
Payoff Amount...............................................................   $10,202,601.11

     Funds may be wired to:

Bank.................................................   NationsBank of Georgia
ABA #................................................   062-0000-52
Deposit Acct #.......................................   043-91-132
Acct Name............................................   NationsBanc Leasing Corporation
Attn. ...............................................   Azzam Hoossainy

     Upon  receipt  of  the  $10,202,601.11,  we  will  complete  the  necessary
documentation releasing our interest in the Collateral.
     If you need further assistance, I can be reached at (404) 270-8410.
                                                    /s/ JOANNE A. DICKS
                                                    (JOANNE A. DICKS)
                                                (ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT)
                    A subsidiary of NationsBank Corporation