Exhibit 1.2

                            INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT

                  This  Agreement,  dated  as of  __________,  is by  and  among
__________ (the "Insurer"), as the Insurer under the certificate guaranty surety
bond (the "Policy") to be issued in connection with the  Certificates  described
below,   Access   Financial   Lending   Corp.   (the   "Company"),    __________
("Underwriter1") and __________ ("Underwriter2", together with Underwriter1, the

         1.  Definitions.  As used in this Agreement,  the following terms shall
have the respective meanings stated below:

                  "Act" means the Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  together
         with all related rules and regulations.

                  "Agreement" means this Indemnification  Agreement by and among
         the Insurer, the Company and the Underwriters.

                  "Certificates"   means  the  Access  Financial  Mortgage  Loan
         Pass-Through Certificates,  Series 1996-2, Class A-1 Group I, Class A-2
         Group I,  Class A-3 Group I,  Class A-4 Group I,  Class A-5 Group I and
         Class  A-6 Group II,  Class B Group I,  Class B Group II,  Class RL and
         Class RU issued  pursuant to a Pooling  and  Servicing  Agreement  (the
         "Pooling and  Servicing  Agreement")  dated as of May 1, 1996 among the
         Company,  Access  Financial  Lending  Corp.,  as Master  Servicer,  and
         Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association, as Trustee.

                  "Class A  Certificates"  means the Access  Financial  Mortgage
         Loan Pass-Through Certificates, Series 1996-2, Class A-1 Group I, Class
         A-2 Group I,  Class A-3 Group I,  Class A-4 Group I, Class A-5 Group I,
         and Class A-6 Group II,  issued  pursuant to the Pooling and  Servicing

                  "Company Offering Materials" means the Registration Statement,
         the  Base  Prospectus  and the  Prospectus  Supplement  except  for the
         Underwriter Information.

                  "Company  Party"  means  the  Company,  each  of its  parents,
         subsidiaries  and affiliates,  if any, and any  shareholder,  director,
         officer,  employee,  agent or any "controlling person" (as such term is
         used in the Act) of any of the foregoing.

                  "Indemnified   Party"   means  any  party   entitled   to  any
         indemnification pursuant to Section 6 below, as the context requires.

                  "Indemnifying  Party"  means any  party  required  to  provide
         indemnification pursuant to Section 6 below, as the context requires.

                  "Insurance  Agreement" means the Insurance  Agreement dated as
         of __________ between the Insurer and the Company.

                  "Insurer  Party"  means the Insurer  and each of its  parents,
         subsidiaries  and affiliates,  if any, and any  shareholder,  director,
         officer,  employee,  agent or any "controlling person" (as such term is
         used in the Act) of any of the foregoing.

                  "Losses" means (i) any actual  out-of-pocket  loss paid by the
         party entitled to indemnification or contribution  hereunder,  and (ii)
         any  actual  out-of-pocket  costs  and  expenses  paid by  such  party,
         including  reasonable  fees and expenses of its counsel,  to the extent
         not paid,  satisfied  or  reimbursed  from funds  provided by any other
         Person  (provided  that the  foregoing  shall  not  create or imply any
         obligation to pursue recourse against any such other Person).

                  "Person"  means any  individual,  partnership,  joint venture,
         corporation,  trust or unincorporated organization or any government or
         agency or political subdivision thereof.

                  "Prospectus"  means  the  form  of  final  Prospectus,   dated
         __________ as supplemented by the Prospectus Supplement included in the
         Registration Statement on each date that the Registration Statement and
         any post-effective amendment or amendments thereto became effective.

                  "Prospectus  Supplement"  means  the form of final  Prospectus
         Supplement,  dated  __________  relating  to the  offer and sale of the
         Class A Certificates.

                  "Registration  Statement" means the registration  statement on
         Form S-3 of the Company  (Registration  No.  33-_____)  relating to the
         Certificates in the form in which it has become effective.

                  "State  Securities  Law"  means any  state,  local or  foreign
         statute,  and  any  rule  or  regulation  thereunder,   regulating  (i)
         transactions  and  dealings  in  securities,  (ii) any person or entity
         engaging in such transactions


         or advising with respect to securities or (iii) investment companies.

                  "Underwriter  Information"  means  the  information  set forth
         under the caption  "Underwriting" in the Prospectus  Supplement and any
         information  in the  Prospectus  Supplement  relating to any  potential
         market-making,  over-allotment or price stabilization activities of the

                  "Underwriter1  Party"  means  Underwriter1  and  its  parents,
         subsidiaries  and affiliates,  if any, and any  shareholder,  director,
         officer,  employee, agent or "controlling person" (as such term is used
         in the Act) of any of the foregoing.

                  "Underwriter2  Party"  means  Underwriter2  and  its  parents,
         subsidiaries  and affiliates,  if any, and any  shareholder,  director,
         officer,  employee, agent or "controlling person" (as such term is used
         in the Act) of any of the foregoing.

                  "Underwriting  Agreement" means the Underwriting  Agreement by
         and among the Company and the Underwriters, dated __________.

         2.   Representations  and  Warranties  of  the  Insurer.   The  Insurer
represents and warrants to the Underwriters and the Company as follows:

                  (a)  Organization  and  Licensing.   The  Insurer  is  a  duly
         incorporated  and  existing  __________  licensed to do business in the
         State of New York.

                  (b) Corporate  Power.  The Insurer has the corporate power and
         authority  to issue the Policy and execute and deliver  this  Agreement
         and to perform all of its obligations hereunder and thereunder.

                           (c)  Authorization;  Approvals.  The  issuance of the
         Policy and the  execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement
         have been duly authorized by all necessary  corporate  proceedings.  No
         further   approvals  or  filings  of  any  kind,   including,   without
         limitation,  any  further  approvals  of or  further  filing  with  any
         governmental agency or other governmental authority, or any approval of
         the Insurer's board of directors or stockholders, are necessary for the
         Policy and this  Agreement to constitute  the legal,  valid and binding
         obligations of the Insurer.

                  (d) No Conflicts. The execution and delivery of this Agreement
         and  consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereunder will not
         result in the breach of


         any terms or provisions of the certificate of  incorporation or by-laws
         of the Insurer,  or result in the breach of a term or provision  of, or
         conflict   with  or  constitute  a  default  under  or  result  in  the
         acceleration of any obligation  under, any material  agreement or other
         material instrument to which the Insurer or its property is subject, or
         result in the violation of any law, rule,  regulation,  order, judgment
         or decree to which the  Insurer  or any of its  property  is subject or
         result in the  creation of any lien on any of the  Insurer's  assets or
         property (other than pursuant to this Agreement).

                           (e) Enforceability. The Policy, when issued, and this
         Agreement,  will each constitute a legal,  valid and binding obligation
         of the Insurer,  enforceable  in  accordance  with its terms subject to
         applicable  laws  affecting the  enforceability  of  creditors'  rights
         generally and general principles of equity.

                           (f) Financial Information.  The balance sheets of the
         Insurer as of __________ and ___________ and the related  statements of
         income,  stockholders'  equity and cash flows for the fiscal years then
         ended, and the accompanying footnotes, together with an opinion thereon
         dated   __________  of   __________,   independent   certified   public
         accountants,  a  copy  of  which  is  attached  as  Appendix  A to  the
         Prospectus  Supplement  (the "Insurer  Financial  Statements"),  fairly
         present in all material respects the financial condition of the Insurer
         as of such  dates and for the  periods  covered by such  statements  in
         accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles  consistently
         applied,  and, since  __________,  there has been no material change in
         such  financial  condition of the Insurer  which would  materially  and
         adversely  affect  its  ability to perform  its  obligations  under the

                           (g)  Insurer  Information.  The  information  in  the
         Prospectus  Supplement  as of the date hereof  under the  caption  "The
         Certificate    Insurance   Policy   and   the   Certificate    Insurer"
         (collectively,  the "Insurer  Information")  is true and correct in all
         material  respects and does not contain any untrue  statement of a fact
         that is material to the  Insurer's  ability to perform its  obligations
         under the Policy.

                           (h)  Limitations.  Nothing in this Agreement shall be
         construed as a representation or undertaking by the Insurer  concerning
         maintenance  of the  rating  currently  assigned  to its  claims-paying
         ability   by   ____________________   or  any   other   rating   agency
         (collectively,   the  "Rating  Agencies").   The  Rating  Agencies,  in
         assigning such rating, may take into account


         facts and assumptions not described in the Prospectus or the Prospectus
         Supplement,  and the facts and assumptions  which are considered by the
         Rating  Agencies  are subject to change over time.  The Insurer has not
         attempted  to  disclose  all facts  and  assumptions  which the  Rating
         Agencies deem relevant in assigning a rating within a particular rating
         category to the Insurer's  claims-paying  ability.  Notwithstanding the
         foregoing,  the Insurer is not aware of any facts that, if disclosed to
         Moody's,  S&P or Fitch,  would be  reasonably  expected  to result in a
         downgrade of the rating of the claims-paying  ability of the Insurer by
         either of such Rating Agencies.

                           (i)  No  Litigation.  There  are no  actions,  suits,
         proceedings or investigations  pending, or to the best of the Insurer's
         knowledge,  threatened  against  it at law or in equity or before or by
         any court,  governmental  agency, board or commission or any arbitrator
         which, if decided adversely,  would materially and adversely affect its
         condition  (financial  or  otherwise)  or  operations  of it  or  would
         materially and adversely  affect its ability to perform its obligations
         under this Agreement or the Policy.

                  (j)  1933  Act   Registration.   The  Policy  is  exempt  from
         registration under the Act.

                  3.   Agreements,   Representations   and   Warranties  of  the
Underwriters. The Underwriters, severally and not jointly, represent and warrant
to and agree with the Company and the Insurer that the  statements  contained in
the Prospectus Supplement under the caption  "Underwriting"  (referred to herein
as the "Underwriter Information") are true and correct in all material respects.

                  4. [reserved]

                  5. Agreements,  Representations and Warranties of the Company.
The  Company  represents  and  warrants  to and agrees  with the Insurer and the
Underwriters as follows:

                           (a) Company  Offering  Materials.  The information in
         the Company  Offering  Materials  is true and  correct in all  material
         respects  and does not contain any untrue  statement  of a fact that is
         material  or omit to  state a fact  necessary  to make  the  statements
         therein,  in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not

                  (b)  Organization.   The  Company  is  duly  incorporated  and
         existing  under  the  laws  of the  State  of  Delaware  and is in good
         standing as a foreign  corporation  in each  jurisdiction  in which the
         nature of its business,


         or  the  properties  owned  or  leased  by it make  such  qualification

                           (c)  Corporate  Power.  The Company has the corporate
         power  and  authority  to  execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement,  the
         Underwriting  Agreement,  the  Insurance  Agreement and the Pooling and
         Servicing Agreement (together, the "Company Agreements") and to perform
         all of its obligations hereunder and thereunder.

                           (d) Authorization; Approvals. The execution, delivery
         and performance of the Company  Agreements have been duly authorized by
         all necessary corporate proceedings. No further approvals or filings of
         any kind,  including,  without limitation,  any further approvals of or
         further  filing  with any  governmental  agency  or other  governmental
         authority (other than approvals and filings relating to servicing),  or
         any approval of the Company's board of directors or  stockholders,  are
         necessary for the Company Agreements to constitute the legal, valid and
         binding obligations of the Company.

                           (e) No Conflicts.  The execution and delivery of this
         Agreement and consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereunder
         will  not  result  in the  breach  of any  terms or  provisions  of the
         certificate  of  incorporation  or  by-laws of Company or result in the
         breach of a term or  provision  of, or conflict  with or  constitute  a
         default under or result in the  acceleration  of any obligation  under,
         any  material  agreement  or other  material  instrument  to which  the
         Company or its property is subject,  or result in the  violation of any
         law, rule,  regulation,  order, judgment or decree to which the Company
         or any of its property is subject or result in the creation of any lien
         on any of the Company's assets or property (other than pursuant to this

                           (f)  Enforceability.  Each of the Company  Agreements
         will constitute a legal,  valid and binding  obligation of the Company,
         enforceable in accordance with its terms subject, as to the enforcement
         of remedies, to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,  moratorium and
         other similar laws affecting the  enforceability  of creditors'  rights
         generally  applicable  in the event of the  bankruptcy,  insolvency  or
         reorganization of the Company and to general principles of equity.

                           (g)  No  Litigation.  There  are no  actions,  suits,
         proceedings or investigations  pending, or to the best of the Company's
         knowledge,  threatened  against  it at law or in equity  or before  any
         court,  governmental  agency,  board or  commission  or any  arbitrator
         which, if


         decided adversely,  would materially and adversely affect its condition
         (financial or otherwise)  or operations of it or would  materially  and
         adversely  affect  its  ability to perform  its  obligations  under the
         Company Agreements.

                  6.       Indemnification.

                           (a) The  Insurer  hereby  agrees,  upon the terms and
         subject to the conditions of this Agreement,  to indemnify,  defend and
         hold  harmless each Company  Party,  each  Underwriter1  Party and each
         Underwriter2  Party  against  any and all Losses  incurred by them with
         respect to the offer and sale of the  Certificates  and resulting  from
         the Insurer's breach of any of its  representations  and warranties set
         forth in Section 2 of this Agreement.

                           (b) The  Underwriters,  severally  and  not  jointly,
         hereby  agree,  upon the terms and  subject to the  conditions  of this
         Agreement,  to  indemnify,  defend and hold harmless each Insurer Party
         against  any and all Losses  incurred by them which arise out of or are
         based upon (i) any untrue  statement or alleged  untrue  statement of a
         material fact in the  Underwriter  Information  or (ii) the omission or
         alleged  omission to state in the  Underwriter  Information  a material
         fact required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the statements
         therein,  in the light of the circumstances under which they were made,
         not misleading.

                           (c) The  Company  hereby  agrees,  upon the terms and
         subject to the conditions of this Agreement,  to indemnify,  defend and
         hold harmless each Insurer Party against any and all losses incurred by
         them  with  respect  to the  offer  and  sale of the  Certificates  and
         resulting from the Company's breach of any of its  representations  and
         warranties set forth in Section 5 of this Agreement.

                           (d) Upon the  incurrence  of any Losses  entitled  to
         indemnification  hereunder,  the Indemnifying Party shall reimburse the
         Indemnified Party promptly upon  establishment by the Indemnified Party
         to the Indemnifying Party of the Losses incurred.

                  7. Insurer Undertaking. The Insurer hereby agrees that, for so
long as the  Underwriters  are required under the Act to deliver a Prospectus in
connection with the sale of the Class A  Certificates,  the Insurer will furnish
to either or both of the  Underwriters  or the Company upon  written  request of
such party or parties and at the expense of such requesting party, copies of the
Insurer's most recent financial  statements (annual or interim,  as the case may
be)  prepared  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles
(subject, as to interim statements, to normal year-end


adjustments and to the absence of footnotes) within a reasonable time after they
are available.

                  8.  Notice to be Given to the  Insurer.  Except as provided in
Section 13 below with  respect to  contribution,  the  indemnification  provided
herein by the Insurer shall be the exclusive remedy of the  Underwriter1  Party,
the  Underwriter2  Party or the Company Party for the Losses  resulting from the
Insurer's breach of a representation, warranty or agreement hereunder; provided,
however,  that the Underwriter1  Party,  the  Underwriter2  Party or the Company
Party shall be  entitled to pursue any other  remedy at law or in equity for any
such breach so long as the damages  sought to be recovered  shall not exceed the
Losses incurred thereby resulting from such breach. In the event that any action
or regulatory  proceeding shall be commenced or claim asserted which may entitle
the  Underwriter1  Party,  the  Underwriter2  Party or the  Company  Party to be
indemnified  under this  Agreement,  such party shall give the Insurer notice in
writing  or by  facsimile  of such  action or claim  reasonably  promptly  after
receipt of written notice thereof.  The Insurer shall be entitled to participate
in the defense of any such action or claim in reasonable  cooperation  with, and
with the reasonable  cooperation of, the Company Party, the Underwriter1  Party,
or the Underwriter2  Party, as the case may be. The Indemnified  Party will have
the right to employ its own  counsel in any such  action in  addition to counsel
for the  Insurer,  but the  fees and  expenses  of such  counsel  will be at the
expense of such  Indemnified  Party unless (1) the  employment of counsel by the
Indemnified  Party at its expense has been authorized in writing by the Insurer,
or (2) the  Insurer  has not in fact  employed  counsel to assume the defense of
such action within a reasonable time after receiving  notice of the commencement
of the action,  or (3) the named parties to any such action  include the Insurer
on the one hand,  and,  on the  other  hand,  the  Indemnified  Party,  and such
Indemnified  Party shall have been  advised by counsel  that there may be one or
more legal  defenses  available to it which are different  from or additional to
those  available  to the  Insurer  (in which  case,  if such  Indemnified  Party
notifies the Insurer in writing that it elects to employ separate counsel at the
expense  of the  Insurer,  the  Insurer  shall not have the right to assume  the
defense of such action or proceeding on such  Indemnified  Party's  behalf),  in
each of which cases the reasonable fees and expenses of counsel (including local
counsel)  will be at the expense of the  Insurer and all such fees and  expenses
will be reimbursed promptly as they are incurred but, in connection with any one
action or  separate  but  substantially  similar or related  actions in the same
jurisdiction  arising out of the same general allegations or circumstances,  the
Insurer  shall not be liable for the fees and  expenses of more than one counsel
for all Company Parties,  and more than one counsel for all Underwriter1 Parties
and Underwriter2 Parties combined. The Underwriter1 Parties, the


Underwriter2  Parties and the Company  Parties shall  cooperate with the Insurer
Parties in resolving any event which would give rise to an indemnity  obligation
pursuant to Section 6(a) hereof in the most efficient  manner.  No settlement of
any such  claim or action  shall be  entered  into  without  the  consent of the
Company Party, the Underwriter1 Party or the Underwriter2 Party, as the case may
be, who is subject  to such  claim or  action,  on the one hand and the  Insurer
Party who is  subject  to such  claim or action  on the  other  hand,  provided,
however,  that the consent of such  Company  Party,  Underwriter1  Party or such
Underwriter2  Party,  as  applicable,  shall not be required if such  settlement
fully  discharges,  with prejudice  against the  plaintiff,  the claim or action
against  such Company  Party,  Underwriter1  Party or  Underwriter2  Party.  Any
failure by a Company Party,  Underwriter1  Party or  Underwriter2  Party, as the
case may be, to comply with the  provisions  of this Section  shall  relieve the
Insurer of liability only if such failure is materially prejudicial to any legal
pleadings,  grounds,  defenses or remedies in respect  thereof or the  Insurer's
financial liability hereunder and then only to the extent of such prejudice.

                  9.  Notice to be Given to  Underwriter1.  Except  as  provided
below in Section 13 with respect to contribution,  the indemnification  provided
herein by  Underwriter1  shall be the exclusive  remedy of any Insurer Party for
the Losses resulting from Underwriter1's breach of a representation, warranty or
agreement hereunder; provided, however, that the Insurer Party shall be entitled
to pursue any other  remedy at law or in equity  for any such  breach so long as
the damages sought to be recovered shall not exceed the Losses incurred  thereby
resulting  from  such  breach.  In the  event  that  any  action  or  regulatory
proceeding  shall be  commenced or claim  asserted  which may entitle an Insurer
Party to be indemnified under this Agreement, such party shall give Underwriter1
notice in writing or by  facsimile of such action or claim  reasonably  promptly
after  receipt of written  notice  thereof.  Underwriter1  shall be  entitled to
participate in the defense of any such action or claim in reasonable cooperation
with, and with the reasonable cooperation of, the Insurer Party. The Indemnified
Party  will have the  right to  employ  its own  counsel  in any such  action in
addition to counsel for Underwriter1,  but the fees and expenses of such counsel
will be at the expense of such  Indemnified  Party unless (1) the  employment of
counsel by the  Indemnified  Party at its expense has been authorized in writing
by Underwriter1,  or (2) Underwriter1 has not in fact employed counsel to assume
the defense of such action within a reasonable  time after  receiving  notice of
the  commencement  of the  action,  or (3) the named  parties to any such action
include  Underwriter1  on the one hand, and on the other hand,  the  Indemnified
Party, and such Indemnified  Party shall have been advised by counsel that there
may be one or more legal defenses available to it which


are different from or additional to those  available to  Underwriter1  (in which
case, if such Indemnified Party notifies  Underwriter1 in writing that it elects
to employ separate  counsel at the expense of Underwriter1,  Underwriter1  shall
not have the right to assume the  defense of such action or  proceeding  on such
Indemnified  Party's  behalf),  in each of which cases the  reasonable  fees and
expenses of counsel will be at the expense of Underwriter1 and all such fees and
expenses  will be  reimbursed  promptly as they are incurred  but, in connection
with any one action or separate but substantially  similar or related actions in
the  same  jurisdiction   arising  out  of  the  same  general   allegations  or
circumstances,  Underwriter1  shall not be liable for the fees and  expenses  of
more than one counsel for all Insurer Parties. The Insurer Party shall cooperate
with the  Underwriter1  Party in resolving any event which would give rise to an
indemnification obligation pursuant to Section 6(b) hereof in the most efficient
manner.  No settlement of any such claim or action shall be entered into without
the consent of the Insurer Party who is subject to such claim or action,  on the
one hand and  Underwriter1  Party who is  subject to such claim or action on the
other hand; provided,  however, that the consent of such Insurer Party shall not
be required if such  settlement  fully  discharges,  with prejudice  against the
plaintiff,  the claim or action  against such Insurer  Party.  Any failure by an
Insurer  Party to comply  with the  provisions  of this  Section  shall  relieve
Underwriter1 of liability only if such failure is materially  prejudicial to any
legal   pleadings,   grounds,   defenses  or  remedies  in  respect  thereof  or
Underwriter1's  liability  hereunder  and  then  only  to  the  extent  of  such

                  10.  Notice to be Given to  Underwriter2.  Except as  provided
below in Section 13 with respect to contribution,  the indemnification  provided
herein by  Underwriter2  shall be the exclusive  remedy of any Insurer Party for
the Losses resulting from Underwriter2's breach of a representation, warranty or
agreement hereunder; provided, however, that the Insurer Party shall be entitled
to pursue any other  remedy at law or in equity  for any such  breach so long as
the damages sought to be recovered shall not exceed the Losses incurred  thereby
resulting  from  such  breach.  In the  event  that  any  action  or  regulatory
proceeding  shall be  commenced or claim  asserted  which may entitle an Insurer
Party to be indemnified under this Agreement, such party shall give Underwriter2
notice in writing or by  facsimile of such action or claim  reasonably  promptly
after  receipt of written  notice  thereof.  Underwriter2  shall be  entitled to
participate in the defense of any such action or claim in reasonable cooperation
with, and with the reasonable cooperation of, the Insurer Party. The Indemnified
Party  will have the  right to  employ  its own  counsel  in any such  action in
addition to counsel for Underwriter2,  but the fees and expenses of such counsel


be at the expense of such Indemnified Party unless (1) the employment of counsel
by the  Indemnified  Party at its  expense  has been  authorized  in  writing by
Underwriter2, or (2) Underwriter2 has not in fact employed counsel to assume the
defense of such action within a reasonable  time after  receiving  notice of the
commencement of the action,  or (3) the named parties to any such action include
Underwriter2 on the one hand, and on the other hand, the Indemnified  Party, and
such Indemnified  Party shall have been advised by counsel that there may be one
or more legal defenses available to it which are different from or additional to
those  available  to  Underwriter2  (in which case,  if such  Indemnified  Party
notifies  Underwriter2 in writing that it elects to employ  separate  counsel at
the expense of Underwriter2, Underwriter2 shall not have the right to assume the
defense of such action or proceeding on such  Indemnified  Party's  behalf),  in
each of which cases the  reasonable  fees and expenses of counsel will be at the
expense  of  Underwriter2  and all such  fees and  expenses  will be  reimbursed
promptly as they are incurred but, in connection with any one action or separate
but substantially  similar or related actions in the same  jurisdiction  arising
out of the same general allegations or circumstances,  Underwriter2 shall not be
liable  for the fees and  expenses  of more  than one  counsel  for all  Insurer
Parties.  The  Insurer  Party shall  cooperate  with the  Underwriter2  Party in
resolving  any event  which  would  give rise to an  indemnification  obligation
pursuant to Section 6(b) hereof in the most efficient  manner.  No settlement of
any such  claim or action  shall be  entered  into  without  the  consent of the
Insurer  Party  who is  subject  to such  claim or  action,  on the one hand and
Underwriter2  Party who is subject  to such  claim or action on the other  hand;
provided,  however, that the consent of such Insurer Party shall not be required
if such settlement fully discharges,  with prejudice against the plaintiff,  the
claim or action against such Insurer  Party.  Any failure by an Insurer Party to
comply  with the  provisions  of this  Section  shall  relieve  Underwriter2  of
liability only if such failure is materially prejudicial to any legal pleadings,
grounds,  defenses or remedies in respect  thereof or  Underwriter2's  liability
hereunder and then only to the extent of such prejudice.

                  11.      [reserved]

                  12.  Notice to be Given to the  Company.  Except  as  provided
below in Section 13 with respect to contribution,  the indemnification  provided
herein by the Company shall be the exclusive remedy of any Insurer Party for the
Losses  resulting  from the Company's  breach of a  representation,  warranty or
agreement hereunder; provided, however, that the Insurer Party shall be entitled
to pursue any other  remedy at law or in equity  for any such  breach so long as
the damages sought to be recovered shall not exceed the Losses incurred thereby


resulting  from  such  breach.  In the  event  that  any  action  or  regulatory
proceeding  shall be  commenced or claim  asserted  which may entitle an Insurer
Party to be indemnified under this Agreement,  such party shall give the Company
notice in writing or by  facsimile of such action or claim  reasonably  promptly
after  receipt of written  notice  thereof.  The  Company  shall be  entitled to
participate in the defense of any such action or claim in reasonable cooperation
with, and with the reasonable cooperation of, the Insurer Party. The Indemnified
Party  will have the  right to  employ  its own  counsel  in any such  action in
addition to counsel for the  Company,  but the fees and expenses of such counsel
will be at the expense of such  Indemnified  Party unless (1) the  employment of
counsel by the  Indemnified  Party at its expense has been authorized in writing
by the Company,  or (2) the Company has not in fact  employed  counsel to assume
the defense of such action within a reasonable  time after  receiving  notice of
the  commencement  of the  action,  or (3) the named  parties to any such action
include the  Company on the one hand,  and on the other  hand,  the  Indemnified
Party, and such Indemnified  Party shall have been advised by counsel that there
may be one or more legal  defenses  available to it which are different  from or
additional to those available to the Company (in which case, if such Indemnified
Party notifies the Company in writing that it elects to employ separate  counsel
at the expense of the  Company,  the Company  shall not have the right to assume
the defense of such action or proceeding on such Indemnified Party's behalf), in
each of which cases the  reasonable  fees and expenses of counsel will be at the
expense  of the  Company  and all such  fees  and  expenses  will be  reimbursed
promptly as they are incurred but, in connection with any one action or separate
but substantially  similar or related actions in the same  jurisdiction  arising
out of the same general  allegations or circumstances,  the Company shall not be
liable  for the fees and  expenses  of more  than one  counsel  for all  Insurer
Parties.  The Insurer Party shall  cooperate with the Company Party in resolving
any event which  would give rise to an  indemnification  obligation  pursuant to
Section 6(d) hereof in the most  efficient  manner.  No  settlement  of any such
claim or action shall be entered into without the consent of the Insurer  Party,
who is subject to such claim or action, on the one hand and the Company Party on
the other hand; provided,  however, that the consent of such Insurer Party shall
not be required if such settlement fully discharges,  with prejudice against the
plaintiff,  the claim or action  against such Insurer  Party.  Any failure by an
Insurer  Party to comply with the  provisions  of this Section shall relieve the
Company of liability only if such failure is materially prejudicial to any legal
pleadings,  grounds,  defenses,  or remedies in respect thereof or the Company's
liability hereunder and then only to the extent of such prejudice.


                  13.      Contribution.

                           (a) To provide for just and equitable contribution if
         the  indemnification  provided  by  the  Insurer  is  determined  to be
         unavailable for any Underwriter1  Party,  Underwriter2  Party,  Company
         Party (other than  pursuant to Section 6 or 8 of this  Agreement),  the
         Insurer shall contribute to the aggregate costs of liabilities  arising
         from any  breach  of a  representation  or  warranty  set forth in this
         Agreement  on the  basis  of the  relative  fault  of all  Underwriter1
         Parties, all Underwriter2  Parties, all Company Parties and all Insurer

                           (b) To provide for just and equitable contribution if
         the  indemnification  provided  by  the  Company  is  determined  to be
         unavailable  for any Insurer Party (other than pursuant to Section 6 or
         12 of this  Agreement),  the Company shall  contribute to the aggregate
         costs of  liabilities  arising from any breach of a  representation  or
         warranty set forth in this Agreement on the basis of the relative fault
         of all  Underwriter1  Parties,  all Underwriter2  Parties,  all Company
         Parties and all Insurer Parties.

                           (c) To provide for just and equitable contribution if
         the  indemnification  provided  by  Underwriter1  is  determined  to be
         unavailable  for any Insurer Party (other than pursuant to Section 6 or
         9 of this  Agreement),  Underwriter1  shall contribute to the aggregate
         costs of liabilities  arising from (i) any untrue  statement or alleged
         untrue  statement of a material fact in the Underwriter  Information or
         (ii) the  omission  or  alleged  omission  to state in the  Underwriter
         Information a material fact required to be stated  therein or necessary
         to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under
         which they were made, not misleading on the basis of the relative fault
         of all  Underwriter1  Parties,  all Underwriter2  Parties,  all Company
         Parties  and  all  Insurer   Parties;   provided   however,   that  the
         Underwriter1  Party shall not be liable for any amount in excess of (i)
         the  excess of the sales  prices  of the  Class A  Certificates  to the
         public over the prices paid  therefor  by  Underwriter1,  over (ii) the
         aggregate amount of any damages which the  Underwriter1  Party has been
         otherwise  required to pay in respect of the same or any  substantially
         similar claim.

                           (d) To provide for just and equitable contribution if
         the  indemnification  provided  by  Underwriter2  is  determined  to be
         unavailable  for any Insurer Party (other than pursuant to Section 6 or
         10 of this Agreement), Underwriter2 shall contribute to the


         aggregate costs of liabilities arising from (i) any untrue statement or
         alleged  untrue  statement  of  a  material  fact  in  the  Underwriter
         Information  or (ii) the  omission or alleged  omission to state in the
         Underwriter  Information a material fact required to be stated  therein
         or  necessary  to make  the  statements  therein,  in the  light of the
         circumstances  under which they were made,  not misleading on the basis
         of the relative fault of all  Underwriter1  Parties,  all  Underwriter2
         Parties, all Company Parties and all Insurer Parties; provided however,
         that the  Underwriter2  Party  shall  not be liable  for any  amount in
         excess  of  (i)  the  excess  of  the  sales  prices  of  the  Class  A
         Certificates   to  the  public  over  the  prices   paid   therefor  by
         Underwriter2,  over (ii) the aggregate  amount of any damages which the
         Underwriter2 Party has been otherwise required to pay in respect of the
         same or any substantially similar claim.

                           (e) The relative fault of each Indemnifying Party, on
         the one hand, and of each  Indemnified  Party,  on the other,  shall be
         determined by reference to, among other things,  whether the breach of,
         or alleged  breach of, any of its  representations  and  warranties set
         forth in Section 2, 3, 4 or 5 of this Agreement  relates to information
         supplied by, or action within the control of, the Indemnifying Party or
         the  Indemnified  Party and the parties'  relative  intent,  knowledge,
         access to  information  and  opportunity  to correct  or  prevent  such

                           (f) The  parties  agree  that  the  Insurer  shall be
         solely  responsible  for the  Insurer  Information  and for the Insurer
         Financial Statements, that the Underwriters, severally and not jointly,
         shall be solely  responsible for the Underwriter  Information,  and the
         Company shall be responsible for the Company Offering Materials.

                           (g) No person guilty of fraudulent  misrepresentation
         (within the  meaning of Section  11(f) of the Act) shall be entitled to
         contribution  from any  person  who was not  guilty of such  fraudulent

                           (h)  The   indemnity  and   contribution   agreements
         contained in this  Agreement  shall remain  operative and in full force
         and effect, regardless of (i) any investigation made by or on behalf of
         any Underwriter1  Party,  any Underwriter2  Party, any Company Party or
         any Insurer Party,  (ii) the issuance of the Certificates or the Policy
         or (iii) any termination of this Agreement.

                           (i)      Upon the incurrence of any Losses entitled
         to contribution hereunder, the contributor shall


         reimburse   the  party   entitled   to   contribution   promptly   upon
         establishment  by the party entitled to contribution to the contributor
         of the Losses incurred.

                  It is understood and agreed that the  indemnities set forth in
this  Agreement  shall service the execution and delivery of this  Agreement and
the issuance, sale and delivery of the Class A Certificates.

                  14. Notices. All notices and other communications provided for
under this  Agreement  shall be  addressed  to the address set forth below as to
each  party or at such  other  address  as shall be  designated  by a party in a
written notice to the other party.

If to the Insurer:                          ____________________________________
                                            Attention:  _____________

If to the Company:                          Access Financial Lending Corp.
                                            400 Highway 169 South, Suite 400
                                            Post Office Box 26365
                                            St. Louis Park, MN 55426-0365

                                            Attention:  General Counsel

If to Underwriter1:                         ____________________________________

                                            Attention:  _____________

If to Underwriter2:                         ____________________________________

                                            Attention:  _____________

                  15. Governing Law, Etc. This Agreement shall be deemed to be a
contract  under the laws of the State of New York and shall be  governed  by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without regard to
its  conflicts of laws  provisions.  This  Agreement  may not be assigned by any
party  without the express  written  consent of each other party.  Amendments of
this Agreement  shall be in writing signed by each party.  This Agreement  shall
not be  effective  until  executed by each of the  Insurer,  the Company and the


                  16. Underwriting  Agreement;  Pooling and Servicing Agreement.
This  Agreement  in no way  limits  or  otherwise  affects  the  indemnification
obligations  of the  Company  under (a) the  Underwriting  Agreement  or (b) the
Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                  17. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number
of  counterparts,  each of which shall together  constitute but one and the same


                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  caused  this
Agreement  to be duly  executed  and  delivered  by  their  respective  officers
thereunto duly authorized, all as of the date first above written.



                                            ACCESS FINANCIAL LENDING CORP.






                          [Indemnification Agreement]