SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, DC 20549 Form 8-K Current Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Date of Report: December 9, 1996 CAPITA EQUIPMENT RECEIVABLES TRUST 1996-1 A New York Commission File I.R.S. Employer Corporation No. 333-08645 No. 13-7097632 c/o AT&T Capital Corporation 44 Whippany Road, Morristown, New Jersey 07962-1983 Telephone Number (201) 397-3000 Item 5. Other Events CAPITA EQUIPMENT RECEIVABLES TRUST 1996-1 MONTHLY SERVICING REPORT DETERMINATION DATE: 12/9/96 PAYMENT DATE: 12/16/96 COLLECTION PERIOD: 11/30/96 I. INFORMATION REGARDING THE CONTRACTS 1. CONTRACT POOL PRINCIPAL BALANCE a. Beginning of Collection Period $3,004,463,028.17 b. End of Collection Period $2,893,304,616.17 c. Reduction for Collection Period $ 111,158,412.00 2. DELINQUENT SCHEDULED PAYMENTS a. Beginning of Collection Period $ 33,116,672.34 b. End of Collection Period $ 44,632,283.10 3. LIQUIDATED CONTRACTS a. Number of Liquidated Contracts with respect to Collection Period 137 ----- b. Required Payoff Amounts of Liquidated Contracts $ 637,422.49 c. Total Reserve for Liquidation Expenses $ 0.00 d. Total Liquidation Proceeds Received(1) $ 14,062.49 e. Liquidation Proceeds Allocated to Owner Trust $ 13,010.54 f. Liquidation Proceeds Allocated to Depositor $ 1,051.95 g. Current Realized Losses $ 624,411.95 4. PREPAID CONTRACTS a. Number of Prepaid Contracts with respect to Collection Period 1,175 ---- b. Required Payoff Amounts of Prepaid Contracts $ 14,851,824.41 c. Current scheduled payments received $ 560,005.10 d. Remaining balance on Prepaid Contracts $ 14,291,819.31 5. PURCHASED CONTRACTS (BY TCC) a. Number of Contracts Purchased by TCC with respect to Collection Period 29 ---- b. Required Payoff Amounts of Purchased Contracts $ 295,238.33 c. Current scheduled payments received $ 6,020.26 d. Remaining balance on Prepaid Contracts $ 289,218.07 (1) Net of any addition to reserve for liquidation expenses. 6. DELINQUENCY STATUS OF CONTRACTS (END OF COLLECTION PERIOD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % OF AGGREGATE NUMBER OF % OF AGGREGATE REQUIRED REQUIRED PAYOFF CONTRACTS CONTRACTS PAYOFF AMOUNTS AMOUNTS ----------------- ------------------ ------------------------- --------------------- a. Current 255,858 94.85% $ 2,879,353,047.22 95.34% b. 31-60 days 9,758 3.62% 105,442,056.75 3.49% c. 61-90 days 2,866 1.06% 25,060,146.34 0.83% d. 91-120 days 1,227 0.45% 10,124,154.75 0.34% e. 120+ days 29 0.01% 145,375.07 0.00% f. Total 269,738 100.00% $ 3,020,124,780.13 100.00% CAPITA EQUIPMENT RECEIVABLES TRUST 1996-1 MONTHLY SERVICING REPORT DETERMINATION DATE: 12/9/96 PAYMENT DATE: 12/16/96 COLLECTION PERIOD: 11/30/96 7. HISTORICAL LOSS EXPERIENCE WITH RESPECT TO CONTRACTS --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- 3 COLLECTION 6 COLLECTION NOV-96 PERIODS ENDING PERIODS CUMULATIVE COLLECTION NOV-96 ENDING SINCE PERIOD NOV-96 CUT-OFF DATE --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- a. Number of Liquidated Contacts 137 201 201 201 b. Number of Liquidated 0.049% 0.072% 0.072% 0.072% Contracts as a Percentage of Initial Contracts c. Required Payoff Amounts of $ 637,422.49 $ 940,888.99 $ 940,888.99 $ 940,888.99 Liquidated Contracts d. Liquidation Proceeds Allocated $ 13,010.54 $ 13,509.53 $ 13,509.53 $ 13,509.53 to Owner Trust e. Aggregate Current Realized $ 624,411.95 $ 927,379.46 $ 927,379.46 $ 927,379.46 Losses f. Aggregate Current Realized 0.020% 0.029% 0.029% 0.029% Losses as a Percentage of Cut-off Date Contract Pool Principal Balance 8. HISTORICAL DELINQUENCY EXPERIENCE WITH RESPECT TO CONTRACTS - - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED PAYOFF % OF PAYOFF % OF PAYOFF % OF PAYOFF % OF AMOUNTS OF AGGREGATE AMOUNTS OF AGGREGATE AMOUNTS OF AGGREGATE AMOUNTS OF AGGREGATE CONTRACTS REQUIRED CONTRACTS REQUIRED CONTRACTS REQUIRED CONTRACTS REQUIRED COLLECTION 31-60 DAYS PAYOFF 61-90 DAYS PAYOFF 91-120 DAYS PAYOFF 120+ DAYS PAYOFF PERIODS PAST DUE AMOUNTS PAST DUE AMOUNTS PAST DUE AMOUNTS PAST DUE AMOUNTS - - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/30/96 $105,442,056.75 3.49% $25,060,146.34 0.83% $10,124,154.75 0.34% $145,375.07 0.00% 10/31/96 $ 90,568,685.26 2.90% $19,875,223.07 0.64% $ 307,511.07 0.01% $307,511.07 0.01% CAPITA EQUIPMENT RECEIVABLES TRUST 1996-1 MONTHLY SERVICING REPORT DETERMINATION DATE: 12/9/96 PAYMENT DATE: 12/16/96 COLLECTION PERIOD: 11/30/96 II. INFORMATION REGARDING THE SECURITIES 1. SUMMARY OF BALANCE INFORMATION - - - - ------------------------- ---------------- --------------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- PRINCIPAL BALANCE CLASS FACTOR PRINCIPAL CLASS FACTOR COUPON AS OF DECEMBER 15, AS OF BALANCE AS OF AS OF NOVEMBER 15 RATE 1996 DECEMBER 15, NOVEMBER 15, 1996 CLASS PAYMENT DATE 1996 1996 PAYMENT DATE PAYMENT DATE PAYMENT DATE - - - - ------------------------- ---------------- --------------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- a. Class A-1 Notes 5.60% $ 868,844,748.48 0.772306 $ 980,751,600.94 0.87177920 b. Class A-2 Notes 5.95% $ 695,000,000.00 1.000000 $ 695,000,000.00 1.00000000 c. Class A-3 Notes 6.11% $ 659,000,000.00 1.000000 $ 659,000,000.00 1.00000000 d. Class A-4 Notes 6.28% $ 400,220,000.00 1.000000 $ 400,220,000.00 1.00000000 e. Class B Notes 6.57% $ 178,500,000.00 1.000000 $ 178,500,000.00 1.00000000 f. Equity Certificates 6.75% $ 121,479,062.08 0.952707 $ 124,113,512.03 0.97336809 g. Total N.A. $ 2,923,043,810.56 0.917687 $3,037,585,112.97 0.95364723 2. MONTHLY PRINCIPAL AMOUNT a. Principal Balance of Notes and Equity Certificates (End of Collection Period) $3,037,585,112.98 b. Contract Pool Principal Balance (End of Collection Period) $2,893,304,616.17 c. Monthly Principal Amount $ 144,280,496.81 3. GROSS COLLECTIONS a. Scheduled Payments Received $ 117,821,254.76 b. Liquidation Proceeds Allocated to Owner Trust $ 13,010.54 c. Required Payoff Amounts of Prepaid Contracts $ 14,291,819.31 d. Required Payoff Amounts of Purchased Contracts $ 289,218.07 e. Proceeds of Clean-up Call $ - f. Investment Earnings on Collection Account and Note Distribution Account 368,883.09 g. Extension Fees Allocated to Owner Trust $ 34,967.12 h. Total Gross Collections (sum of (a) through (g)) $ 132,819,152.89 4. DETERMINATION OF AVAILABLE FUNDS a. Total Gross Collections $ 132,819,152.89 b. Withdrawal from Cash Collateral Account $ - c. Total Available Funds $ 132,819,152.89 CAPITA EQUIPMENT RECEIVABLES TRUST 1996-1 MONTHLY SERVICING REPORT DETERMINATION DATE: 12/9/96 PAYMENT DATE: 12/16/96 COLLECTION PERIOD: 11/30/96 5. APPLICATION OF AVAILABLE FUNDS --------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ITEM AMOUNT REMAINING AVAILABLE FUNDS --------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- a. Total Available Funds $ 132,819,152.89 b. Servicing Fee $3,129,648.99 129,689,503.90 c. Interest on Notes: i) Class A-1 Notes 4,576,840.80 125,112,663.10 ii) Class A-2 Notes 3,446,041.67 121,666,621.43 iii) Class A-3 Notes 3,355,408.33 118,311,213.10 iv) Class A-4 Notes 2,094,484.67 116,216,728.43 v) Class B Notes 977,287.50 115,239,440.93 d. Interest on Equity 698,138.50 114,541,302.43 Certificates e. Principal of Notes and Equity Certificates: i) Class A-1 Notes 111,906,852.47 2,634,449.96 ii) Class A-2 Notes - 2,634,449.96 iii) Class A-3 Notes - 2,634,449.96 i) Class A-4 Notes - 2,634,449.96 v) Class B Notes - 2,634,449.96 vi) Equity Certificates 2,634,449.96 - f. Deposit to Cash - - Collateral Account G. Amount to be applied in - - accordance with CCA Loan Agreement H. Balance, if any, to Equity - - Certificates CAPITA EQUIPMENT RECEIVABLES TRUST 1996-1 MONTHLY SERVICING REPORT DETERMINATION DATE: 12/9/96 PAYMENT DATE: 12/16/96 COLLECTION PERIOD: 11/30/96 III. INFORMATION REGARDING THE CASH COLLATERAL ACCOUNT 1. BALANCE RECONCILIATION --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- DECEMBER 1996 ITEM PAYMENT DATE --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- a. Available Cash Collateral Amount (Beginning) $ 207,040,000 b. Deposits to Cash Collateral Account 0 c. Withdrawals from Cash Collateral Account 0 d. Releases of Cash Collateral Account Surplus 0 (Excess, if any of (a) plus (b) minus (c) over (f)) e. Available Cash Collateral Amount (End) $ 207,040,000 (Sum of (a) plus (b) minus (c) minus (d)) f. Requisite Cash Collateral Amount $ 207,040,000 g. Cash Collateral Account Shortfall 0 (Excess, if any, of (f) over (e)) 2. CALCULATION OF REQUISITE CASH COLLATERAL AMOUNT a. For Payment Dates from, and including, the November 1996 Payment Date to, and including, the October 1997 Payment Date 1) Initial Cash Collateral Amount $ 207,040,000 b. For Payment Dates from, and including, the November 1997 Payment Date until the Final Payment Date, the sum of 1) 8% of the Contract Pool Principal Balance 2) The Aggregate Principal Balance of the Notes and the Equity Certificate Balance less the Contract Pool Principal Balance $ 3) Total $ c. Floor equal to the lesser of 1) 2% of Cut-Off Date Contract Pool Principal Balance ($63,704,600); and 2) the Aggregate Principal Balance of the Notes and the Equity Certificate Balance $ 63,704,600 d. Requisite Cash Collateral Amount $ 207,040,000 3. CALCULATION OF CASH COLLATERAL ACCOUNT WITHDRAWALS a. Interest Shortfalls $ b. Principal Deficiency Amount $ c. Principal Payable at Stated Maturity Date of $ Class of Notes or Equity Certificates d. Total Cash Collateral Account Withdrawals $ CAPITA EQUIPMENT RECEIVABLES TRUST 1996-1 MONTHLY SERVICING REPORT DETERMINATION DATE: 12/9/96 PAYMENT DATE: 12/16/96 COLLECTION PERIOD: 11/30/96 IV. INFORMATION REGARDING DISTRIBUTIONS ON SECURITIES - - - - ------------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- ------------- ---------------- -------------- DISTRIBUTION CLASS A-1 CLASS A-2 CLASS A-3 CLASS A-4 CLASS B EQUITY AMOUNTS NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES CERTIFICATES - - - - ------------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- ------------- ---------------- -------------- 1. Interest Due $ 4,576,840.80 $3,446,041.67 $3,355,408.33 $2,094,484.67 $ 977,287.57 $ 698,138.51 2. Interest Paid $ 4,576,840.80 $3,446,041.67 $3,355,408.33 $2,094,484.67 $ 977,287.57 $ 698,138.51 3. Interest Shortfall $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ((1) minus (2)) 4. Principal Paid $111,906,852.47 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ 2,634,449.96 5. Total Distribution $116,483,693.26 $3,446,041.67 $3,355,408.33 $2,094,484.67 $ 977,287.57 $ 3,332,588.46 Amount ((2) plus (4)) CAPITA EQUIPMENT RECEIVABLES TRUST 1996-1 MONTHLY SERVICING REPORT DETERMINATION DATE: 12/9/96 PAYMENT DATE: 12/16/96 COLLECTION PERIOD: 11/30/96 V. INFORMATION REGARDING OTHER POOL CHARACTERISTICS - - - - ---------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- AS OF END OF NOV-96 AS OF END OF OCT-96 ITEM COLLECTION PERIOD COLLECTION PERIOD - - - - ---------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------- 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT CHARACTERISTICS a. Original Number of Contracts 280,634 b. Cut-Off Date Contract Pool Principal $3,185,229,329 Balance c. Original Weighted Average Remaining 38.6 months Term d. Weighted Average Original Term 56.1 months 2 CURRENT CONTRACT CHARACTERISTICS a. Number of Contracts 269,738 275,537 b. Average Contract $10,726.35 $10,904.03 Principal Balance c. Weighted Average Remaining Term 37.2 37.8 Servicer Certificate The undersigned, on behalf of AT&T Capital Corporation, in its capacity as servicer (the "Servicer") under the Transfer and Servicing Agreement, dated as of October 1, 1996 (the "Transfer and Servicing Agreement"), among Capita Equipment Receivables Trust 1996-1, Antigua Funding Corporation, The Chase Manhattan Bank, as trustee under the Indenture, and AT&T Capital Corporation, in its individual capacity and as Servicer, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I am a Responsible Officer of the Servicer and, pursuant to Section 3.9 of the Transfer and Servicing Agreement, I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY the following report with respect to the Payment Date occurring on DECEMBER 16, 1996. This Certificate shall constitute the Servicer's Certificate as required by Section 3.9 of the Transfer and Servicing Agreement with respect to the above Payment Date. Any term capitalized but not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Transfer and Servicing Agreement. GLENN A. VOTEK - - - - ----------------------------- GLENN A. VOTEK VICE PRESIDENT & TREASURER SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. AT&T CAPITAL CORPORATION Ramon Oliu, Jr. ------------------------------ By: Ramon Oliu, Jr. Vice President and Controller December 26, 1996