EL CONQUISTADOR PARTNERSHIP L.P.


                                   NUMBER SIX
                                DEED OF MORTGAGE

         In the City of San Juan,  Commonwealth  of Puerto  Rico,  this Fifth of
May, Nineteen hundred ninety two.

                                    BEFORE ME
                               EUGENIO OTERO SILVA

         Notary Public and Attorney-at-Law in and for the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, with offices in the nineteenth floor of the Popular Center Building,  Hato
Rey Ward of the City of San Juan, and residence in said City.


partnership  organized  and  existing  under the laws of the State of  Delaware,
United States of America,  with a place of business at One hundred  eighty seven
East Isla Verde Road, in the  Municipality of Carolina,  Puerto Rico,  whose tax
identification  number is 06-1288145,  hereinafter  referred to as  "MORTGAGOR",
herein represented by its General Partners: WKA EL CON ASSOCIATES, a partnership
organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, United States of
America,  whose  tax  identification  number  is  06-1288143,  in  turn,  herein
represented by its Authorized  Signatory,  Mister Hugh Alanson Andrews Wotochek,
also known as Hugh Alanson Andrews and as Hugh A. Andrews, of legal age, married
to Madame Sandra Andrews Naples,  an executive and resident of San Juan,  Puerto
Rico,  whose social security  number is ###-##-####,  who states that he is duly
authorized  to  represent  said  partnership  and  binds  himself  to show  such
authority  whenever  and  wherever  properly  required  to do  so;  and  KUMAGAI
CARIBBEAN,  INC., a  corporation  organized  and existing  under the laws of the
State of Texas,  United States of America,  whose tax  identification  number is
75-2303665,  in turn, herein represented by its Vice President Toru Fujita Ueda,
also known as Toru Fujita, of legal age, married to Madame Yasuko Tajima Koyama,
a business executive, and resident



of San Juan,  Puerto Rico,  whose social  security  number is  ###-##-####,  who
states  that he is duly  authorized  to  represent  said  corporation  and binds
himself to show such authority  whenever and wherever  properly  requested to do
so; and

RICO, a corporate  governmental  instrumentality  of the  Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico  created by and  existing  pursuant to Law Number  Seventeen  of the Twenty
third of September, Nineteen hundred forty eight, as amended, with its principal
office in San Juan, Puerto Rico, whose tax identification  number is 66-0348572,
hereinafter  referred to as the  "MORTGAGEE",  herein  represented by its Senior
Vice President, Mister Hiram Melendez Carrucini, of legal age, married to Madame
Josefina Cordova Catala,  a banker and resident of San Juan,  Puerto Rico, whose
social security number is ###-##-####,  who states that he is duly authorized to
represent said institution and binds himself to show such authority whenever and
wherever properly required to do so.

         I, the Notary,  do hereby  certify and give faith that I am  personally
acquainted with the persons  appearing  herein and from their  statements and my
belief, I also attest as to their legal age, civil status, profession, residence
and social security number.  The appearing persons assure me of their, and in my
judgment they do have the, legal authority, capacity and personal qualifications
necessary  to  execute  this  Deed,  and,  for such  purpose,  they  freely  and

                                    SET FORTH

         FIRST: THE PROPERTY: MORTGAGOR states and warrants to MORTGAGEE that it
is the sole owner with  valid,  good and  marketable  fee  simple  title  [pleno
dominio] of the real estate property described as follows:

         "RUSTIC: Parcel of land located at the Cabezas Ward of the Municipality
of Fajardo,  Puerto  Rico,  with  a survey area of two hundred fifty six cuerdas
with  one  thousand  four  hundred  seventy  four  ten-thousandths   of  another



more or less,  equivalent  to two hundred  fifty acres with seven  thousand  one
hundred seventy three ten-thousandths of another (250.7173),  as determined by a
survey  prepared by  Engineer  Manuel Ray based on various  surveys  prepared by
surveyors  Alex Hornedo  Robles and David  Lebron,  and an area of record of two
hundred  sixty seven  cuerdas with five  thousand  eight hundred and ninety ten-
thousandths of another  (267.5890) more or less,  bounded on the North, by State
Road Nine hundred eighty seven (987), by a housing lot subdivision  belonging to
various  owners,  by land  property  of Justino  Diaz  Santini and his wife Jean
Robertson,  by land  property of Las Croabas  Development  Corporation,  by land
comprising the Marina Lanais  Condominium  and by the Marina access road; on the
South,  by land formerly  owned by Fajardo  Development  Corporation,  currently
owned  by  Kumagai  Caribbean,  Inc.,  by  land  comprising  the  marina  Lanais
Condominium,  and by the Maritime  Zone of the Atlantic  Ocean;  on the East, by
land owned by Ramon Soto,  by land property of Justino Diaz Santini and his wife
Jean  Robertson,  by land comprising the Marina Lanais  Condominium,  and by the
Maritime Zone of the Atlantic  Ocean; on the West, by land owned by Justino Diaz
Santini and his wife Jean  Robertson,  by housing lot  subdivision,  property of
various  owners,  by land owned by Kumagai  Caribbean,  Inc.,  formerly  Fajardo
Development Corp. and by State Road Number Nine hundred eighty seven (987).

         "Said parcel contains, among others, the following structures:  Cliftop
Building,  consisting  of a four story  building,  which  contain  approximately
eighty eight hotel rooms and facilities;  Administration Building, consisting of
a three level concrete building which includes a casino area, kitchen facilities
and meeting  rooms;  Sea Wing Building,  consisting of an irregular  shaped five
story concrete  building with  approximately  two hundred thirty hotel rooms and
facilities;  Lanais Building,  consisting of spiral shaped,  four level concrete
building with swimming pool  surrounded by two  structures  forming a semicircle
which contains approximately one hundred hotel rooms and facilities; Health SPA



& GYM,  consisting  of a three level  concrete  building  with a solarium on the
uppermost  level,  which has two swimming  pools;  Hotel Villas,  comprising two
single level buildings formerly used as transient guest apartments and executive
dwellings;  Marina Sea Shore,  comprising a concrete structure,  piers,  docking
facilities,   fueling  facilities,   navigational  aids,  breakwater  and  other
facilities  for sea  vessels,  with an ocean  opening  towards  the East;  Sewer
Treatment  installations  for the  treatment  and  disposal of sanitary  sewage;
structure originally containing the kitchen facilities of El Conquistador Hotel;
and Ocean Beach Pool, consisting of a saltwater artificial lagoon."

         SECOND:  TITLE:

         MORTGAGOR  states and  warrants to  MORTGAGEE  that it created the real
estate  property  described   hereinbefore,   hereinafter  referred  to  as  the
"Property",  pursuant  to Deed  Number  Six,  of  Consolidation  of  Properties,
authorized  by Notary  Public  Silvestre  M. Miranda on the Seventh of February,
Nineteen   hundred   ninety  two,   presented  for   registration   and  pending
consideration  by the  Honorable  Registrar at entry  seventy five [75],  volume
forty [40], of the Daily Log of the Registry of Property of Puerto Rico, Section
of Fajardo.

         MORTGAGOR  states  that  the  registration  of the  aforesaid  Deed  of
Consolidation  of Properties is dependent upon the registration of several other
instruments  pending  consideration  by the  Honorable  Registrar  and expressly
warrants to MORTGAGEE that all said instruments  shall be registered  forthwith,
free and clear of any faults.

         THIRD:  LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES:  MORTGAGOR states that according to the
Registry of Property, the Property is subject by its origin to:

         A. Easements in favor of the Puerto Rico Electric  Power  Authority and
of the Aqueduct and Sewer Authority of Puerto Rico,  maritime  terrestrial  zone
easement, and right of way easement.



         B. Restrictive  covenants  granted pursuant to Deed Number Forty eight,
of Sale,  authorized  by Notary  Public Jose R.  Jimenez del Valle on the Twenty
third of November, Nineteen hundred eighty eight.

         MORTGAGOR   expressly  warrants  to  MORTGAGEE  that  said  restrictive
covenants  were  cancelled  pursuant to Deed Number Three,  authorized by Notary
Public  Silvestre M. Miranda on the Twenty eighth of January,  Nineteen  hundred
ninety  one,  presented  for  registration  and  pending  consideration  by  the
Honorable  Registrar at entry five hundred eighty two, volume thirty nine of the
daily log of the aforementioned Section.

         C.  Mortgage  securing the payment of a Mortgage  Note in the principal
amount of One Hundred Forty Five Thousand  Dollars  ($145,000)  with interest at
the rate of eight percent per annum,  payable to United Federal Savings and Loan
Association of Puerto Rico, or its order, granted pursuant to Deed Number Ninety
eight,  authorized by Notary  Public  Alfredo  Olivero  Irizarry on the Sixth of
March, Nineteen hundred seventy three, recorded at page fifty, overleaf,  volume
two hundred five of Fajardo, second entry of Property Number Seven thousand four
hundred twenty.

         MORTGAGOR  expressly  warrants to MORTGAGEE that the aforesaid mortgage
was  cancelled  pursuant to Deed Number Sixty two,  authorized  by Notary Public
Juan Antonio Aquino Barrera on the Twenty eight of May,  Nineteen hundred ninety
two,  presented  for  registration  and pending  consideration  by the Honorable
Registrar at entry two hundred  seventy seven,  volume forty three, of the Daily
Log of the aforementioned Section.

         MORTGAGOR further states that the Property is subject by itself to:

         A.  Mortgage  securing  the  payment  of  three  Mortgage  Notes in the
aggregate  amount of One Hundred Forty Six Million Six Hundred  Twelve  Thousand
Dollars  ($146,612,000)  with interest at a variable rate,  payable on demand to
the Puerto Rico Industrial,  Medical,  Educational and  Environmental  Pollution
Control Facilities Financing Authority, or its order, subscribed by



MORTGAGOR on the Seventh of February,  Nineteen hundred ninety one before Notary
Public Leonor M. Aguilar  Guerrero,  Note Series A - in the principal  amount of
One Hundred Twenty Million Dollars - under Affidavit Ninety eight, Note Series B
- - in the principal  amount of Six Million Six Hundred Twelve  Thousand  Dollars,
under  Affidavit  Ninety nine,  and Note Series C - in the  principal  amount of
Twenty Million Dollars - under Affidavit One hundred,  granted  pursuant to Deed
Number One, of Mortgage, authorized by the aforenamed Notary on the same date of
said  Notes,  presented  for  registration  and  pending  consideration  by  the
Honorable  Registrar at entry seventy six, volume forty, of the Daily Log of the
aforementioned Section.

         B.  Mortgage  securing the payment of a Mortgage  Note in the principal
amount of Twenty Five Million Dollars  ($25,000,000) with interest at a variable
rate,  payable on demand to the Government  Development Bank for Puerto Rico, or
its order, subscribed by MORTGAGOR on the Seventh of February,  Nineteen hundred
ninety one before Notary Public Ramon Moran  Loubriel,  Affidavit  Four thousand
six hundred  fifty  five,  granted  pursuant  to Deed  Number Two, of  Mortgage,
authorized by the aforenamed Notary on the same date of said note, presented for
registration  and pending  consideration  by the  Honorable  Registrar  at entry
seventy eight, volume forty, of the Daily Log of the aforementioned Section.

         MORTGAGOR  warrants to MORTGAGEE that the Property is free and clear of
any other liens and encumbrances,  including any leaseholds,  and that it is its
sole possessor.

         FOURTH:  THE MORTGAGE NOTE:  MORTGAGOR states and acknowledges  that it
has subscribed,  issued and delivered in pledge to MORTGAGEE on this same date a
mortgage note, the literal text of which is as follows:

                                 "MORTGAGE NOTE

         "PRINCIPAL AMOUNT:  $6,000,000.00



         "DUE DATE:  ON DEMAND

a partnership  organized  and existing  under the laws of the State of Delaware,
United States of America,  whose tax identification  number is 06-1288145,  duly
authorized to do business within the  Commonwealth  of Puerto Rico,  promises to
pay to  Government  Development  Bank for Puerto  Rico,  or its order,  in legal
tender of the United States of America,  at holder's address,  the principal sum
of SIX MILLION  DOLLARS  ($6,000,000),  with interest on the unpaid balance from
this date and until its payment in full, at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per

         "In the event the interest  rate  hereunder  exceeds the interest  rate
that may be lawfully  charged to the  undersigned,  such  interest rate shall be
automatically  reduced to the maximum interest rate that may be lawfully charged
to the  undersigned,  and, in the event it is determined  that there has been an
excess charge under this Note,  the holder  thereof shall  promptly  refund such
excess, without any other penalty.

         "The undersigned's  liability for the principal amount and any interest
accrued under this Mortgage Note, as well as that of its partners, is limited to
the real estate  property  securing its payment  pursuant to the Deed  mentioned

         "The  undersigned  does hereby  expressly waive  presentment,  protest,
demand, and notice of dishonor, default or non payment.

         "In the event the holder of this  Mortgage Note resorts to any court or
initiates mortgage foreclosure proceedings, regardless of its nature, to collect
in full or in part its principal  amount or any interest  accrued  thereon,  the
undersigned  shall pay to said  holder a sum equal to five  percent  (5%) of its
unpaid  principal  balance plus any interest accrued thereon as of the date such
action is filed,  for the  attorneys'  fees,  costs  and  expenses  which may be



by such holder,  which amount shall immediately  become liquid,  due and payable
upon the filing of the petition or complaint.

         "The  payment of this  Mortgage  Note has been  secured with a mortgage
constituted  pursuant to Deed Number Six, of Mortgage,  authorized  on this same
date by the attesting Notary.

         "At San Juan, Puerto Rico, this 5th of May, 1992.
         (signed) "Hugh A. Andrews
         "By:  "Hugh A. Andrews - Authorized Signatory
         (Signed) "Toru Fujita Ueda
         "By:  Toru Fujita Ueda - Vice President
         "Affidavit No. 2749

         "Acknowledged  and subscribed to before me by Mr. Hugh Alanson  Andrews
Wotochek,  also known as Hugh Alanson  Andrews and as Hugh A. Andrews,  of legal
age,  married to Ms.  Sandra  Andrews  Naples,  an executive and resident of San
Juan, Puerto Rico, whose social security number is ###-##-####, personally known
to me, in his capacity as Authorized Signatory of WKA EL CON ASSOCIATES,  and by
Mr. Toru Fujita Ueda,  also known as Toru Fujita,  of legal age,  married to Ms.
Yasuko Tajima Koyama,  a business  executive,  and resident of San Juan,  Puerto
Rico,  whose  social  security  number is  ###-##-####,  in his capacity as Vice
President of Kumagai Caribbean,  Inc., such entities, in turn, in their capacity
as General Partners of El Conquistador Partnership L.P.

         "At San Juan, Puerto Rico, this 5th of May, 1992.
         (signed) "Eugenio Otero Silva
         "NOTARY PUBLIC"

         I, the Notary, do hereby certify and give faith that the preceding is a
true and faithful  transcription  of the original  mortgage note that I have had
before me.



         FIFTH:  PREAMBLE: The appearing parties state that MORTGAGOR has agreed
to secure the payment of the mortgage note transcribed hereinbefore, hereinafter
referred to as the "Mortgage  Note",  with a mortgage  encumbering the Property,
whereof they freely and voluntarily:


         SIXTH: THE MORTGAGE:  MORTGAGOR does hereby mortgage the Property,  its
fee simple title [pleno  dominio]  thereto and any title or interest that it may
have  therein,  in favor of  MORTGAGEE,  the  present  or future  holders of the
Mortgage Note, in order to secure the full and complete payment of:

         A.       The principal amount of the Mortgage Note, that is, the sum of

         B. A credit of THREE  MILLION  DOLLARS  ($3,000,000),  provided for any
interest  accrued  thereon,  which  credit  does not exceed  five  annuities  of

         C. An additional  credit of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS  ($300,000),
provided for the attorneys' fees, costs and expenses that MORTGAGEE, the present
or future holders of the Mortgage Note may incur in the event they resort to the
courts or initiate mortgage foreclosure  proceedings,  regardless of its nature,
to collect in whole or in part said  principal  amount or any  interest  accrued

         D. An additional  credit of SIX HUNDRED  THOUSAND  DOLLARS  ($600,000),
provided for any disbursements that MORTGAGEE,  the present or future holders of
the Mortgage  Note,  may make, in the use of their sole  discretion,  to pay any
amounts  appertaining  to this Deed,  any deeds of  clarification,  or any other
instruments  related thereto, or their registration in the Registry of Property;
any real estate taxes,  including any  interest,  charges and penalties  related
thereto,  assessed on the Property,  or that may otherwise  affect the same; any
insurance  premiums related to any insurance policies required by or pursuant to
this Deed; any attorneys' fees, costs and expenses in order to



defend  themselves or their mortgage  interest in any action or proceeding  that
may affect the mortgage  constituted  pursuant to this Deed;  any  disbursements
MORTGAGEE may make for MORTGAGOR's account under this Deed and those it may make
by reason of MORTGAGOR's  default in any of its obligations  under the same; and
any interest earned thereby; and

         E. In general,  each of the terms and  conditions  of the Mortgage Note
and of this Deed.

         SEVENTH:  EXTENSION OF THE MORTGAGE:  MORTGAGOR  stipulates  and agrees
that the mortgage constituted pursuant to this Deed shall extend to:

         A. The Property;

         B. Any buildings,  structures and constructions now or hereafter built,
constructed or erected therein, to the fullest extent allowed by law;

         C.  Any  improvements  consisting  of  new  plantings,   irrigation  or
drainage, repairs, safety measures,  alterations,  conveniences,  decorations or
additions of stories, or any other similar  improvements,  now or hereafter made
therein, to the fullest extent allowed by law;

         D. Any natural accessions thereof,  including the annexation of land by
natural accession;

         E. Any indemnities or compensation granted or owed to the owner thereof
either from insurance or by reason of any eminent  domain  proceedings in regard
thereto  or  to  any  buildings,  structures,  improvements,   constructions  or
plantations that are subject to the mortgage  constituted pursuant to this Deed,
to the fullest extent allowed by law;

         F. Any excess area  therein,  even if recorded  after the  execution or
registration of this Deed;

         G. Any easements,  regardless of their nature or origin,  that serve or
benefit  said   property  or  any   buildings,   structures,   improvements   or
constructions thereon;



         H. Any crops,  products, or commodities,  regardless of their status or
condition,   thereof  or  of  any   buildings,   structures,   improvements   or
constructions thereon, to the fullest extent allowed by law;

         I.       Any rental income due and unpaid at the time payment of the
Mortgage Note is demanded in court, and those that may become due thereafter,
appertaining thereto or to any buildings, structures, improvements or
constructions thereon, to the fullest extent allowed by law; and

         J. Any movable objects or things that are or may be permanently  placed
therein or in any buildings, structures,  improvements or constructions thereon,
either for its decoration,  comfort or  development,  or its use, to the fullest
extent allowed by law.

         All of the foregoing is herein referred to as the "Mortgaged Property".

         EIGHTH:  CHATTEL PROPERTIES:  MORTGAGOR does hereby acknowledge,  agree
and covenant that pursuant to the preceding paragraph:

         A.   Any   and  all   materials   intended   for   any   constructions,
reconstructions,  alterations,  repairs and  improvements  within the  Property,
shall be deemed to have become  immovable  property  upon their  delivery at the
Property,  and, thus,  subject to the mortgage  granted  hereby,  to the fullest
extent allowed by law.

         B.  Any and all  fixtures  and  articles  of  movable  property  now or
hereafter  owned by MORTGAGOR  and  attached to or  contained  within or used in
connection  with the Property,  including,  but not limited to, all  partitions,
furniture, furnishings,  apparatus, machinery, motors, transformers,  elevators,
fittings,  radiators, gas ranges, ice boxes, mechanical refrigerators,  awnings,
shades, screens, blinds, drapes, office equipment,  word processors,  computers,
typewriters, telephone and communications equipment and installations,  kitchen,
barroom and restaurant equipment,  plates, forks, knives, napkins,  tablecloths,
tables, glasses, chinaware, cups, cooking equipment and installations,  laundry,
ventilating,  refrigerating,  incinerating,  electrical appliances,  televisions



radios, beds, vanities,  chairs, mirrors, pillows,  curtains,  blankets, sheets,
towels,  bathroom  equipment,  mattresses,  box  springs,  sprinkler  equipment,
carpeting and other furnishings and all plumbing,  heating,  lighting,  cooking,
laundry,  ventilating,   refrigerating,   incinerating,   air  conditioning  and
sprinkler equipment and fixtures and appurtenances  thereto, and all renewals or
replacements thereof, or articles in substitution  therefor,  whether or not the
same are or shall be  attached  thereto  in any  manner,  shall be  deemed to be
immovable  property upon their delivery at the Property,  and, thus,  subject to
the mortgage granted hereby, to the fullest extent allowed by law.


         A.  MORTGAGOR  stipulates  and warrants to MORTGAGEE  that the mortgage
constituted  pursuant to this Deed shall be registered forthwith in the Registry
of Property,  free and clear of any faults,  and that there shall be no liens or
encumbrances with a prior or an equal rank, except those mentioned hereinbefore.

         B. MORTGAGOR agrees and binds itself to comply with each and all of the
terms and conditions of each of the deeds,  notes pledges,  agreements and other
instruments mentioned in paragraph Third hereinbefore.


         The  appearing  parties do hereby agree and covenant  that  MORTGAGOR's
liability for the principal  amount and the interest  accrued under the Mortgage
Note, and, thus, MORTGAGEE's causes of action therefor,  shall be limited to the
Mortgaged  Properties,  with the  clarification  that in the  event  MORTGAGOR's
representations  and warranties are untrue or incorrect in any material  respect
or MORTGAGOR  fails to perform any of its other  obligations  - those aside from
the payment of the principal  and the interest  under the Mortgage Note - it has
expressly  undertaken  under this Deed, such event shall constitute an "event of
default".  The  appearing  parties do hereby  further  agree and  covenant  that
MORTGAGOR's liability for the principal amount and the interest accrued under



the Mortgage Note,  and, thus,  MORTGAGEE's  causes of action  therefor,  do not
extend to MORTGAGOR's partners.

         ELEVENTH:  INDEMNITIES:  MORTGAGOR, subject to the extent of the rights
that the owners or holders of the mortgage  notes  mentioned in paragraph  Third
hereinbefore may have, does hereby:

         A.  Irrevocably  assign  to  MORTGAGEE  any  and  all  indemnification,
compensation,   remuneration,   proceeds,   judgment   and  decree  for  damages
appertaining  to the  Mortgaged  Property,  granted or owed to  MORTGAGOR by any
insurance company, by any expropriation  authority or by any third parties,  and
any title, interest or right thereon, up to the balance of the Mortgage Note and
any  interest  accrued  thereon,  to be credited  thereto,  or, in the event the
Mortgage Note has been  delivered in pledge to secure any  obligations,  to such

         B.  Authorize  MORTGAGEE  to receive any such  amounts and to issue any
receipts,  releases and  acknowledgements of payment in regard thereto as may be
necessary; to credit any such amounts it may receive to any accrued interest and
thereafter to the unpaid  principal of the Mortgage  Note,  or, in the event the
Mortgage Note has been  delivered in pledge to secure any  obligations,  to such

         C.  Authorize  MORTGAGEE to file and prosecute any causes of action for
any such  indemnification,  compensation,  remuneration,  proceeds,  judgment or
decree for damages appertaining to the Mortgaged Property,  any attorneys' fees,
costs and expenses to be for MORTGAGOR's  account,  with the clarification  that
MORTGAGEE  shall not be bound to so proceed and that it shall  notify  MORTGAGOR
with a copy of the first document it presents in any such proceedings if it opts
to do so.

         D.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  at MORTGAGOR's  request,  MORTGAGEE
will make any such amounts,  after deducting any costs,  expenses and reasonable
attorneys' fees it may have incurred in their collection, for the



restoration  of  the  Mortgage  Properties,   as  long  as  the  restoration  is
economically  feasible,  provided that such restoration  shall be made under the
supervision  of an architect or an engineer,  by a contractor or  sub-contractor
that has posted a performance bond, or other assurance or security,  any and all
costs  and  expenses  related  thereto  to  be  chargeable  to  MORTGAGOR,   any
disbursements  to be made pursuant to  certifications  issued by the supervising
architect or engineer, any deficits to be paid by the MORTGAGOR.

         TWELFTH:  TAXES:  MORTGAGOR does hereby agree and bind itself
to pay any and all taxes and impositions, including any interest, charges and
penalties related thereto, that are assessed against the Mortgaged Property, or
MORTGAGOR's interest therein, within the latter of thirty days from the date the
pertinent invoice is issued, or the last day on which such taxes may be paid
without incurring in any penalty.

         Notwithstanding this clause,  MORTGAGOR shall have no obligation to pay
such  taxes or  impositions  as long as it shall be  contesting  by  appropriate
proceedings  sufficient to avoid the  foreclosure  of any lien,  the validity or
amount of any such taxes or impositions,  after  depositing in an escrow account
created  for such  purpose  the  total  amount of the  taxes or  impositions  in
controversy,  unless  MORTGAGEE  waives the  requirement of such escrow account,
which waiver shall not be unreasonably  denied in consideration of the merits of
the grounds of MORTGAGOR's contest.

         In the event  MORTGAGOR  defaults in its  obligation to pay such taxes,
impositions,  interest, charges, or penalties,  MORTGAGEE may, in the use of its
sole  discretion,  pay the same.  Any  amounts  so paid by the  latter  for such
purpose, shall be reimbursed by MORTGAGOR, with interest at the same rate agreed
to in the Mortgage Note,  and shall not cure any defaults  incurred by MORTGAGOR
because of its failure to pay the same.

         THIRTEENTH:  THIRD  PARTY  PROCEEDINGS:  If  any  proceeding  that  may
adversely affect the value of the Mortgaged Property, or the mortgage



granted  pursuant  to this  Deed,  or any  tax  exemptions  appertaining  to its
authorization  or  registration,  except a proceeding  to foreclose the mortgage
constituted pursuant thereto, is initiated in any court, and MORTGAGEE is joined
therein,  or decides to intervene to defend its rights,  MORTGAGOR shall pay all
reasonable  attorneys' fees, costs and expenses,  that the former may incur. Any
amounts disbursed by MORTGAGEE for such purpose shall be reimbursed by MORTGAGOR
with interest at the same rate agreed to in the Mortgage Note.

         FOURTEENTH:  REPRESENTATIONS:   MORTGAGOR  does  hereby  represent  and
warrant to MORTGAGEE that each and all statements  made in this Deed is true and
correct; it is a partnership duly organized and existing as stated hereinbefore;
no person other than itself has any  interest,  right or title to the  Mortgaged
Property,  except for the rights of the first  mortgagees;  it has the necessary
capacity and authority to subscribe,  issue and deliver, in pledge or otherwise,
the Mortgage  Note, to grant the mortgage  which is the object of this Deed, and
to execute this Deed; the interest under the Mortgage Note is not usurious.

         FIFTEENTH:  NOTICES: MORTGAGOR shall give immediate notice to MORTGAGEE
of any  proposed  proceedings  or any  proceedings  that may have been or may be
initiated for the condemnation of the Mortgaged Property or any part thereof; of
any fire,  damage or other  casualty  that may have  affected  the same;  of any
sales,  conveyances,  alienations,  liens,  mortgages or  encumbrances  that may
affect the same; of any proceedings where the title to the Mortgaged Properties,
or the title or the  validity,  extension  or rank of the  mortgage  constituted
pursuant  to this Deed is being  controverted;  of the  payment of any taxes and
insurance  premiums;  of the issuance or cancellation of any insurance  policies
required by or pursuant to this Deed; of any proceedings initiated by the owners
or holders of any of the mortgage notes  mentioned in paragraph  Third hereunder
with  respect  to  the  same  or any  obligations  secured  thereby;  and of any
proceedings  that  may   substantially   affect  its  properties,   business  or



         Any notice, demand or request that is required,  necessary,  convenient
or proper  pursuant to the terms of this Deed shall be in writing,  and shall be
made personally or by mail.

         SIXTEENTH:   VALUATION:  In  compliance  with  the  Mortgage  Law,  the
Mortgaged  Property  is valued in the sum of Six Million  Dollars  ($6,000,000),
which shall be the minimum bidding amount for the first public sale in the event
of foreclosure.


         A.  MORTGAGOR  states  and  acknowledges  that it has  agreed and bound
itself to deliver in pledge the Mortgage  Note to MORTGAGEE,  to secure  certain
obligations  under a Credit  Facility  Agreement  subscribed  by  MORTGAGEE,  as
lender,  and WKA EL CON  ASSOCIATES and KUMAGAI  CARIBBEAN,  INC., in connection
with the project known as "El Conquistador Resort and Country Club".

         B.  MORTGAGOR  agrees and covenants that in the event the Mortgage Note
is pledged or otherwise assigned as collateral security for any obligations, the
pledgee,  pledge  holder or  assignee  of the same shall have all those  rights,
remedies, powers and privileges provided herein or by law to the owner or holder
of a mortgage  note,  or to a  mortgagee,  to the same  extent and with the same
force and  effect as if he were the  owner,  holder  or bearer  thereof,  to the
fullest extent allowed by law.

         C.  MORTGAGOR  further  acknowledges,  agrees  and  covenants  that the
mortgage  granted  hereby shall subsist as long as MORTGAGEE or any other person
holds the  Mortgage  Note in  pledge;  it may not cancel  the same  pursuant  to
Article 145 of the Mortgage and Registry of Property  Act, as it may be amended,
unless it presents the  Mortgage  Note to evidence  that it has been  discharged
from any such pledges;  and shall  execute,  deliver and file in the Registry of
Property,  at its own cost  and  expense,  subject  to any  exemptions  from the
notarial tax and the  registration  tax that may be available,  any  instruments



may be necessary or convenient to continue the effectiveness and  enforceability
of such mortgage until such discharge.

         EIGHTEENTH:  ADDITIONAL  SECURITIES:  MORTGAGEE,  without  notice to or
consent  of  MORTGAGOR,  may take from any other  person or  persons  additional
securities  for the Mortgage  Note, or for the  obligations  secured by a pledge
thereof, without impairing by so doing, the mortgage and rights it has under the
Mortgage Note or this Deed.

         Neither this Deed nor the acceptance of any additional securities shall
prevent MORTGAGEE from resorting first against the Mortgaged Property,  pursuant
to this Deed, and thereafter  against such additional  security,  or vice versa,
without affecting the rights to proceed against the other in either case.

         NINETEENTH:  RECEIVERSHIP: MORTGAGOR does hereby acknowledge, stipulate
and agree that in the event mortgage foreclosure proceedings,  regardless of its
nature, are initiated with respect to the mortgage constituted hereby, MORTGAGEE
shall be entitled, as a matter of right,  regardless of MORTGAGOR's solvency, to
the appointment of a receiver, without such holders or receiver having to post a
bond,  for the purpose of preserving  the Mortgaged  Property and preventing any
waste,  all expenses  incurred in connection  thereto,  or in the  protection or
preservation of the Mortgaged Property, to be paid by MORTGAGOR.

         TWENTIETH:  MORTGAGEE'S  ACCEPTANCE:  MORTGAGEE  does hereby accept the
mortgage constituted herein by MORTGAGOR.


         A. To the fullest  extent it may lawfully do so,  MORTGAGOR does hereby
waive any moratorium  and/or redemption rights it has or may hereafter have, and
agrees  and  covenants  not to  plead,  demand,  claim,  or in any  manner  take
advantage of any such rights.



         B.  Whenever  used in this  Deed,  the term  "MORTGAGEE"  includes  the
Government  Development  Bank for Puerto Rico,  the present or future holders of
the Mortgage Note.

         C. The clauses and covenants included in this Deed shall bind and inure
to the benefit of MORTGAGOR,  its  successors  and assigns,  and all  subsequent
owners of the  Mortgaged  Property,  and shall bind and inure to the  benefit of
MORTGAGEE,  its  successors and assigns and the present or future holders of the
Mortgage Note.

         D. No failure or delay by MORTGAGEE,  its  successors  and assigns,  to
assert  in any or more  instances  any of their  rights,  remedies,  powers  and
privileges  under this Deed shall be or be interpreted to be as a waiver thereof
or as a bar to assert the same at a latter time.

         E. The Mortgage Note and this Deed complement each other.

         F. The  titles of the  paragraphs  of this  Deed  have  been  given for
convenience  only and shall not be attributed any effect in its  interpretation.

         G. If any or more of the  clauses of this Deed is  declared to be void,
such declaration shall not affect the mortgage constituted pursuant to the same,
nor the other clauses contained herein.

         TWENTY SECOND: COSTS AND EXPENSES:  The Government Development Bank for
Puerto Rico states that the  transactions  which are the object of this Deed are
transactions  in the course of its operations  and  activities  and, as such, as
well  as any  deeds  of  clarification,  release  or  cancellation  appertaining
thereto,  are exempt from the  notarial  and the  registration  tax  pursuant to
Article 5 of Law Number  Seventeen  of the Twenty third of  September,  Nineteen
hundred forty eight, as amended;  and that, thus, the original of this Deed, its
first  certified  copy and its  registration  in the Registry of  Property,  are
exempt  from any  internal  revenue  stamps  and  vouchers  appertaining  to its
authorization and  registration.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the appearing
parties clarify, agree and covenant that in the event the Courts of the



Commonwealth of Puerto Rico finally decree that any such internal revenue stamps
or vouchers are payable to the  Commonwealth  of Puerto Rico,  the same shall be
paid by MORTGAGOR.


         The appearing parties expressly  acknowledge that the attesting Notary,
at their request,  has relied on a title report rendered by a company engaged in
such  business  and has advised them of the adverse  consequences  of any errors
therein;  that the attesting  Notary has advised them that the  registration  of
this Deed is dependent upon the registration of various  instruments  pending to
be  considered by the  Honorable  Registrar of the Property,  and of the adverse
consequences of the  non-registration  of any such instruments,  and that he has
not had the  opportunity to study and analyze such other  instruments,  and that
they have  expressly  instructed  him not to do so,  and  released  him from his
obligation  to do so; that the  attesting  Notary has  advised  them that he has
observed certain  irregularities  in the description of the parcel of land which
is the object of the title report and of this Deed that lead him to believe that
there may be faults preventing the registration of such other  instruments,  and
that  they  have  expressly  instructed  him  to  proceed  notwithstanding  such
observations; that the attesting Notary has advised them that he has not had the
opportunity  to fully study and analyze the documents  evidencing  the power and
authority of the general  partners and of the  partnership to execute this Deed,
and of the adverse  consequences if any of them is  insufficient,  and they have
expressly  instructed  him not to do so, and released him from his obligation to
do so; and in general, that they have instructed the attesting Notary to proceed
with the authorization of this Deed  notwithstanding all such advices and others
related thereto.

         The appearing persons do hereby accept,  consent to, ratify and confirm
this  Deed as  drafted  because  it has been  drawn  in  accordance  with  their
instructions and the terms and conditions agreed by them, and acknowledge that



they duly  understand  the  English  language  and the Spanish  words,  phrases,
sentences or paragraphs used in the same.

         I, the Notary, do hereby certify and give faith that I have advised the
appearing  persons of the legal  effects of this Deed;  that I advised them that
this Deed must be  recorded  in the  Registry  of  Property in order to actually
create the  mortgage,  and that the  preferred  legal  mortgage  in favor of the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is reserved;  and that I advised them of their right
to have attesting  witnesses  present in the execution of this Deed, which right
each of them expressly waived.

         I, the Notary,  do hereby  further  certify and give faith that each of
the appearing persons has personally read, and thereupon executes,  this Deed by
initialling  each,  and signing the last,  page of its  original  before me, the
Notary;  of all of which,  under my signature and seal,  flourishing and marking
the same according to law, I, the undersigned Notary, ATTEST.

         I, the attesting  Notary,  do hereby certify and give faith that:

                  The original appears:

                           Hugh A. Andrews
                           Toru Fujita
                           Hiram Melendez Carrucini

                           Eugenio Otero Silva

         The  initials  of each of the  signatories  and the  Notary's  seal and
flourish appear on each of the pages of its original.

         The notarial stamp appears cancelled on its original.

         I, the attesting  Notary, do hereby further certify and give faith that
the foregoing, is a faithful, true and correct copy of its original, which forms
part of my  protocol  of  public  instruments  for  the  current  year,  and has
twenty-one pages.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  after noting its issuance on its original, I issue
this FIRST  CERTIFIED  COPY of the preceding  Deed, at the request of Government
Development Bank for Puerto Rico.



         In the place and on the date of its execution.

         Of all of which,  under my signature and seal,  flourishing and marking
the same according to law, I, the undersigned Notary, ATTEST.

                                            EUGENIO OTERO SILVA
                                            Notary Public
                                            Suite 1900, Popular Center
                                            San Juan, P R  00918-1052
                                            Tel:  (809) 753-7777
